May 2009 - Coral Gables Woman`s Club
May 2009 - Coral Gables Woman`s Club
District 11 - GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club Established in 1923 Volume 2 Issue 12 BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT— Charo Bolanos 1st VICE PRESIDENT—Linda Hartwell 2nd VICE PRESIDENT– MaryScull Brown TREASURER—Nancy Desmangles REC. SECRETARY— Sandy Schaefer CORRES. SECRETARY— Barbara Lapsley DENTAL CLINIC DIR— Iris Torres-Rivera 1st DIRECTOR— Pam Schaefer 2nd DIRECTOR— Michele Collier 3rd DIRECT - Claire Frances Whitehurst 305-445-2128 NEWSLETTER EDITOR— Pam Schaefer TABLE OF CONTENTS Presidents Message Treasurers, 1st Vice President-Membership, 3rd Director Reports Dental Clinic Director, Arts Reports 1 2 2 2 3 3 86th New Officer Installation 3 Education, Homelife, 4 Int’l Affairs Reports 4 Public Affairs 4 Spring Conv Hi-Lights 5 Spring Conv Photos 6 Mark Your Calendars 7 Federation News 7 May Birthdays 8 Juniorette Installation 8 P M RESIDENT’S May 2009 ESSAGE As I come to the end of my tenure as your president, my heart is filled with joy. No, not just with the excitement of handing over the keys to our wonderful president-elect Pam Schaefer ;-), but with the joy that comes from all the wonderful memories that I will always take with me from these past two years. The past two years have seen our club face some hard times and obstacles, but it never deterred you, the wonderful members of this club, from continuing to do the amazing work and community service that we are committed to doing. The first and most important thing that I want to do, is to express my most deep-felt gratitude to each and every one on the members that served on my boards. It is you, that deserve the accolades for the club's accomplishments these past two years. Thank you for stepping up to the plate each and every time that I asked it of you - but more importantly, thank you for going above and beyond and helping me through some very difficult times. As most of you are aware, we just returned from Spring Convention. The Coral Gables Woman's Club won numerous prizes, including first place in several departments! This recognition belongs to each and every one of you, the members that put forth your time and effort to support our projects. However, I would be re-miss if I did not express special appreciation to the Board Members that made it possible - Debra Adam, Gloria Burns, Mayra Dominguez, Linda Hartwell, Barbara Lapsley, Pam Schaefer, and Debi Wilborn.(I apologize if I forgot anyone, I am doing this from memory - and at my age...). While there is a little sadness in ending my tenure, it is only because I wish that I could have contributed more as your president, because this is certainly not a "goodbye", not by a long shot. First, it is my intention to remain a loyal and active member of this wonderful club and the friendships that I have formed with you wonderful women, will be life-long. I want to thank you all for giving me the honor and privilege of being your president. I know that I am repeating myself, but I can never express enough what an amazing group of women you are. That you gave me the opportunity to serve as a club leader these past two years makes me both very proud and humble... I will close with my favorite all time quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson:To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to earn the appreciation of honest critics and endure the betrayal of false friends; to appreciate beauty; to find the best in others; to leave the world a bit better, whether by a healthy child, a garden patch or a redeemed social condition; to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded. Love you all, and God bless, Charo Page 2 T Nancy Desmangles Treasurer R REASURER EPORT Hello ladies, A new year begins this May for the club. Dues are to be paid. Tenure members pay $45.00. $75.00 for regular and new members and $18.00 for past presidents. I want to thank the 2 past presidents and the tenured member that already paid their dues. A big thank you!!! PLEASE MAIL YOUR CHECKS TO: NANCY DESMANGLES 110 SIDONIA AVE APT 12 CORAL GABLES FL 33134 Treasurer's report for March 2009 Young ,Stovall Money Market $31,990.09 Amtrust Operating Account $16,71.32 Amtrust Money Market $67,614.41 Stay safe and see you at the next meeting !!!! 2 V P ND Debi Wilborn 2nd Vice President MEMBERSHIP RESIDENT R EPORT HAPPY SPRING! Springtime is a wonderful time of year for new beginnings. For our club, the month of May means the beginning of a new year club. We will be welcoming in the new board members and the new department chairs at our Wednesday night, May 6th installation meeting. I hope you will plan to attend. The new club year brings lots of excitement for me as you have elected me to serve as your 2nd vice president. This position is one of emphasis on club membership. I'll be kicking off our club membership drive in June. Please plan to invite your family and friends to our clubhouse for a June event. I will send out invites soon with all the details. Thank you members for your wonderful club support. T Claire Frances Whitehurst Third Director 305-445-2128 ICE HIRD D IRECTOR R EPORT Congratulations and 3 cheers! One honor and award after the other was announced at convention. You see members how keeping track of your hours, financial gifts, volunteer time, and travel, truly pays great dividends for our clubs legacy? As a member of the Florida Federation and the GFWC, how proud we were of our Volunteer of the Year and LEAD representatives. Debra Adam and Linda Hartwell stood tall among all of the candidates. Thank you, ladies, for serving in our behalf! DEBRA ADAM District 11 Volunteer Of the Year! LINDA HARTWELL District 11 LEADS Candidate! Page 3 Volume 2 Issue 12 D ENTAL C LINIC D IRECTOR R EPORT Dental Clinic Report 3/1/09 through 3/31/09 Patients Seen…………………..58 New Patients…………………..10 Dental Procedures…………….188 Dental Treatment Rendered…………………$19,207.00 Iris Torres-Rivera Dental Clinic Director Please bring toys for the Dental Clinic Toy Chest!!! Thank You!!! A RTS R EPORT Spring Convention as usual was a wonderful time spent by all. The Arts and Crafts Show had a wonderful display of entries from all over the state. Six of our members had entries and I am pleased and proud to announce one of the entries received a 2nd place, Debra Adam for “A Home in the Mountains, Village of Malealea, Lesotho”. Congratulations Debra! Linda Hartwell 1st Vice President Acting Arts Chairman Please Come to Our Wednesday, May 6th, 2009 6:30 P.M. Social 7:00 P.M Dinner $15.00 per person Please come to find out who our Outstanding Recipients will be for the “Barbara Lapsley New Member Award” & the Barbara Rosenthal/Sherry Wheeler Leadership Award and to also say Thank you to Charo and WELCOME to our NEW 2009-2010 BOARD! RSVP to Barbara Lapsley at: or call 305-446-5445 by Sunday, May 3rd. Bring a guest also!!! Barbara Lapsley 305-446-5445 Page 4 H Debi Wilborn Home Life Chairman L R IFE EPORT Please join me for our May Home Life event! I recently sent members an e-mail invite to sign up to participate in the ACS Relay for Life cancer awareness walk. The walking event is on May 30-31, 2009. Located at the Coral Gables Youth Center/War Memorial (same location as last year). The event starts at 4pm. Members will take turns walking the relay and selling fundraising items. This fun event is a wonderful way to raise awareness and funds for cancer. Please visit to join our team, Coral Gables Woman’s Club, or to make a donation to our team. If you do not have access to a computer and would like to participate or make a donation please call me at 305-595-9195. We all have unfortunately had cancer touch our lives, whether it's been a personal battle, a family member or dear friend. With your support of Relay for Life we can make a difference! I Mayra Dominguez International Affairs Chairman OME NTERNATIONAL A FFAIRS R EPORT Namaste my beautiful, great ladies, As you know during the last week of March and for the FIRST time, Florida participated in the TAP Project Week. On behalf of the Club, I recruited and trained 3 restaurants in the Miami area: Shibui in Sunset; Sushi Samba in South Beach, and Indigo at Intercontinental Hotel by Bayside (remember my emails talking about them?). It was exciting to be part of the project, to inform Miami about this worthwhile cause, and to have another venue to promote our club! I will be letting you know the final figures collected during that week to benefit UNICEF. ON ANOTHER NOTE… Our club won 4 awards in the International Department: 1st place for Heifer’s Project (our Hope Chairman-Barbara Lapsley was literally glowing); 1st place in the Overall area, the Reaching out Internationally and working with the UN programs. P UBLIC A FFAIRS R EPORT CRIMEWATCH REPORT Claire Frances Whitehurst Third Director 305-445-2128 According to statistics home invasions and driveway burglaries have risen across the tri-county. It is vital that each member passes on the information about how important it is to be careful about your surroundings! Look before you open your door! Before you go anywhere, look before you get in your car, and please do not leave valuables in your car (i.e.: cell phones, purse, camera). Love to All– Claire Frances Whitehurst. Page 5 Volume 2 Issue 12 S PRING C H ONVENTION I-LIGHTS Ten of our members attended Spring 2009 Convention in Orlando. Debra Adam was our first time attendee. We arrived Friday afternoon wearing our CGWC t-shirts, checked in, registered, then scurried off to our assigned workshops which started at 4 pm. We quickly cleaned up, changed, went to dinner, then off to “The Spirit of Hope” Dessert Buffet/Coffee meeting for the Volunteer of the Year Award presentation. Our own Debra Adam was a candidate from District 11. We waited with great anticipation for the announcement, but the award went to the very well deserved Dr. Mel Jurado of GFWC Temple Terrace Woman’s Club-District 8. We then applauded and gave a standing ovation to the remaining outstanding VOY candidates. Then we listened to guest speaker Jan Schrock of Heifer International, then Charlyne Carruth held a Heads or Tails Auction, the ladies had to either hold their hands on their heads or “tails” when Charlyne threw the coin in the air, and the last one standing, won an “ark”. Then they called out Awards we won 1st places for International Affairs and awards for Education. On Saturday our day started at 8 am for breakfast, then off to more workshops. We attended the luncheon “Hope is a New Beginning” the presentation for the Florida LEADS award was going to be given to a well deserved winner-(our own Linda Hartwell represented District 11). Again we waited on pins and needles, but the award went to another wonderful lady, Beverly Payne of District 13. We listened to guest speaker GFWC International President Rose Ditto speak on Domestic Violence. We then went on to different workshops. Had short award session where we won an award for Leadership and Public Relations, Debra Adam won 2nd Place for her photograph “A Home in the Mountains, Village of Malealea, Lesotho”. Broke for more workshops. Then more awards. We received awards in Fundraising and 1st Place in Newsletters and Yearbooks!!! We quickly got dressed in semi-formal wear for the evening, then went to our District 11 get-together, then on to the dinner of “Hope is a Helping Hand”. Grants were announced and the monies donated to charities: Canine Companions $10,000; ROCK Cancer Scholarships $10,700; CARE $2,887.85; Hacienda $12,500; Heifer International $102,500; HOBY $17,575; Juniorette Special Project-Just 4 Kids $2,000; Operation Smile $1,445; ROCK Camp $5,000; Boggy Creek Camp $5,000; Sew Much Comfort $5,000; Special Olympics Florida $5,000. Total monies donated to charities $179,607.25!!! The finale of the evening was the drawing of the Heifer International “Peru Study Tour” Raffle ticket trip August 2-August 14, 2009. 10 tickets were drawn with 10 alternate tickets. My ticket was the 7th ticket drawn in the first round!!! Can you believe it!!! Barbara Lapsley is now the 3rd alternate to be able to go. So everyone cross your fingers and pray that Barbara will be able to come on this great adventure with me. My husband thinks it was rigged. I told him that God must have a reason for me to keep going on these mission trips. I think so too! Everything happens for a reason. On Sunday everyone packed up their bags and put everything in one room and went to workshops and I had a workshop of my own for Newsletters/ Yearbooks since I am the FFWC Club Communications Newsletter/Yearbook Chairman, thanks for coming girls! We had a great time, learned a lot about each other, won a lot of awards, and Debra caught Federation Fever!!! (photos pg 6) Pam Schaefer President Elect Newsletter Editor Page 6 Page 7 Volume 2 Issue 12 M Y ARK OUR C ALENDARS May National Month For: Physical fitness and Sports, bikes, Mental Health, High Blood Pressure Education, Asthma and allergy Awareness, Melanoma/Skin Cancer Detection and Prevention, Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Osteoporosis Awareness and Prevention, Arthritis, Better Hearing and Speech, Mother's Day to Father's Day National Family Month May 6th 6:30 pm Installation Dinner May 20th Wednesday 6:00 pm Board Meeting (transition from old to new) (The new and old board should be in attendance.) May 27th 7:30 pm Juniorette Installation Wednesday May 30th -31st Relay for Life Saturday-Sunday Debi Wilborn, Chairman June National Safety Month National Children's Awareness Month National Fireworks Safety Month (through July 4) June 3rd Wednesday 6:30 pm Dinner (RSVP to Vicki McGroarty 7:00 pm Meeting, Guest Speaker, Chris Landsea Science and Operations Officer NOAA/NWS/National Hurricane Center June 10th 7:00 pm Juniorette Meeting-Wednesday Plan for JASM th th June 26 – 28 JASM 2009 (Juniorette Annual State Meeting) F EDERATION N EWS Did you know that April 24th was Federation Day? On this 119th anniversary of the founding of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, we hope clubwomen are feeling the special pride and passion that come with belonging to one of the most influential women's service organizations in the world. Community service has never been more vital, and 100,000 members in all 50 states and more than a dozen countries are celebrating the commitment to service and unity in diversity that have created GFWC's proud history and illuminate the bright future for all clubwomen. Linda Hartwell Acting Arts Chairman 1st Vice President Page 8 MAY BIRTHDAYS/ANNIVERSARY May 1-Anniversary May 17 Robin Burr Cathy Blanton May 23 May 11 - Anniversary Ana Maria Rodriguez- Sabrina Perez-King Diaz de la Portilla May 29 Teri Nuin GFWC Coral Gables Woman’s Club 1001-1009 E. Ponce de Leon Blvd. Coral Gables, FL 33134 For learn more in about GFWC Florida or the GFWC Federation... State Website: GFWC website GET WELL CORNER Wishing you good things, restful things, everything that helps you feel better each day Janet/Nat Barone Cathy Blanton Jo Burke Pat Clarke Lou Popp Claire-Frances Whitehurst
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