Summer 2016 - Naples Woman`s Club


Summer 2016 - Naples Woman`s Club
Summer Newsletter 2016
The Hibiscus
President’s Letter
Dear Naples Woman’s Club Members,
Beginning my year as your new president is a privilege and honor. I applaud our
terrific Past President, Lee Kraus, and look forward to working with her and the 20162018 Board of Directors. I want to especially thank them for being willing to help lead
our fantastic organization.
In June, Lee Kraus and Jackie Pierce attended the GFWC Annual Convention in
Baltimore, Maryland. The keynote speaker, Suzy Toronto, is one of todays’ most
sought after artists and authors. She created images and stories to inspire and
empower the women attending. We can be proud of the nationally recognized awards
we received. Thank you Jackie and Lee for representing us!
Over the summer, think about how you can best serve the community through the
Naples Woman’s Club. Each of our committee chairs will welcome your participation.
In addition, increased volunteer opportunities will be available through the leadership
of Wendy Taylor, Membership Chair. One of our goals is to provide additional volunteer
opportunities to members. Feel free to contact Wendy for ideas and suggestions.
Ginger Hitt and Jackie Ortiz, our new PR chairs, will inform local media sources,
providing additional exposure of the “good works” of the NWC.
Suzanne Harris, our outstanding Office Manager, will
be working on the new directory, to be available by the
November meeting. Be sure to let her know if you have
email, address or phone number changes.
Pat Jolly, Communications Coordinator, will continue
to email you with NWC updates. She has our utmost
respect for doing so.
Enjoy your summer and I look forward to seeing
everyone in the fall.
With sincere best wishes,
Jalna MacLaren
2016-2018 NWC President
In this Issue:
• Board of Directors 2016-2018
• Scholarship Reception 2016
• Naples Juniorettes - Keep Collier Beautiful
• Presidents' Luncheon
• GFWC Florida Convention - Orlando
• President's Project - Hacienda Girls Ranch
• GFWC Annual Convention - Baltimore
Your 2016 Board of Directors
The Executive Committee
Jalna MacLaren
Suzanne Morley
Wendy Taylor
Josie Guenther
1st Vice-President Programs
2nd Vice-President -
Co-3rd Vice-President Fundraising
Hina Sanghvi
Anne Palmer
Barbara DeFrancis
Millie Savarese
Membership /
Volunteer Coordination
Co-3rd Vice-President Treasurer
Recording Secretary
Assistant Treasurer
Fundraising Nancy Collins
Jacquelyn Pierce, RP
Lee Kraus
Corresponding Secretary
Past President
Scholarship Reception 2016
April 3, 2016 - Scholarship Awards are
funded annually by GFWC
Naples Woman’s Club philanthropies
to encourage the pursuit of higher
education with a financial reward.
Award recipients are chosen for their
academic excellence combined with
exemplary community service and a
high level of involvement in school
activities. GFWC Naples Woman’s
Club and GFWC Naples Junior
Woman’s Club were honored to
award $55, 900 in scholarships to
outstanding students, so they can
continue learning and pursue their
dreams. We recognize the hard work
and applaud the perseverance of each
award winner and thank them for
their continued service in the
community. The recipients, who
attended a reception with their
families here at the Woman's Club,
received roses, certificates, and a check
in the mail once they signed up for
their college courses. Onstage, they
received lots of applause. The Mayor
attended, as did a very large donor
and Member, Blanche Hawkins. In
2015, Blanche Hawkins proposed a
new scholarship fundraising initiative.
Blanche and her husband, Thane,
generously contributed $50,000 from
the Hawkins Foundation in a
matching campaign, which raised
$110,000 to establish this scholarship
fund for deserving young people who
need our financial support to continue
their education. Congratulations to the
2016 Scholarship and Award
The Naples Juniorettes & "Keep Collier Beautiful"
The Naples Juniorettes
The Naples Juniorettes combined some community
service in working with “Keep Collier Beautiful,” by
cleaning up the beach at the Naples Pier on
Saturday April 9th, along with Naples Woman's
Club members, Ann Cox, Pat Perrelli, Jackie Carroll
and leader Gail Klein. After the beach cleanup,
two Windstar Fishing Club members, Jerry Becker
and Tom Watts, and avid angler Terry King, taught
the Juniorettes how to prepare their poles, bait their
hooks and learn how to fish. The first thing
caught was a pelican, by Jasmine Osorto. It was
a good lesson on what to do in this case, as it does
happen frequently on the pier.
A game warden came by and taught her what it
means on the Naples Pier to, “get the net."
This is a special net, to pull up the pelicans and free
them from the hooks and lines. The pelican,
however, freed itself, before she needed to use the
net. It was a windy day, so there was more fishing
than catching going on. The girls had a great time,
and were very patient. Some girls had never fished
before. Special thanks to AJ and Mike Meehan from
the Windstar Fishing Club, for donating the funds
to buy the Juniorettes some rods and tackle.
-Gail Klein
Naples Sailing & Yacht Club
Naples Sailing & Yacht Club
Presidents' Luncheon
Presidents' Luncheon
Our Presidents' Luncheon and Installation was a wonderful event, which was
attended in April by over 100 ladies, and held at the Naples Sailing and Yacht
Club. Our GFWC Florida President, Carole Weaver, presided over the
installation of our new officers on our Executive Committee. Sharon Oliphant,
our GFWC Vice President, presented the history of our organization.
There was a standing ovation given to both of our Volunteers of the Year, Pat
Jolly and Anne Palmer, who stayed the course for 4 years with me, as I
continued on into my second term as President.
As you view some of the wonderful pictures shown here, for those of you
who were in attendance, you can relive the moment ... for those of you who
were not ... it's a moment of meaning and memories. Flowers of both the
outgoing President, an Iris, and the incoming President, a Gardenia, graced
the tables as lovely centerpieces (thank you Nancy Quinter). They were also
featured on the beautiful program that our Office Manager Suzanne Harris,
designed and produced, which was just beautiful. There will be a copy in the
office for you to look at, upon your return in the fall.
Lee Kraus, President and Tim Kraus, her husband
Some of your new Executive Committee, from left to right ...
Jalna MacLaren, Suzanne Morley, Wendy Taylor, Josie Guenther,
Barbara De Francis, Nancy Collins, Hina Sanghvi, Anne Palmer
and Jackie Pierce. Missing are Millie Savarese and Lee Kraus.
Lastly, Tim Kraus, my darling husband, presented to a me a SURPRISE
Honorarium, a $3,000 scholarship to be given to a student of her choice for the
next 5 years!! That really caused a few tears.
Carole Weaver, GFWC FL President, swearing
in our new GFWC Naples President, Jalna MacLaren.
As I finished these 4 years it's been an amazing journey and one I'm ever so
grateful to have taken. You ALL have made this into the BEST club in the
GFWC organization. I may be prejudiced, but I'm entitled.
Thank you for the lovely parting gift of the necklace, designed by Stacy
Vermylen. God Bless, and see you in the Fall.
-Lee Kraus
Hina Sanghvi, Treasurer-Elect, and Anne Palmer,
Treasurer & Assistant Treasurer-Elect
Lee Kraus, GFWC Naples Past President and Jackie
Pierce, Parliamentarian & International Past President
Lee Kraus, GFWC Naples President and
Jalna MacLaren, GFWC President-Elect
Co-Volunteers of the Year 2016, Pat Jolly and
Anne Palmer, with President Lee Kraus
From left to right ... Charlotte Arcadia, GFWC District Director, Kathy
Canzano, GFWC Naples Member & GFWC New York Past President, Lee
Kraus, GFWC Naples President, Carole Weaver, GFWC FL President and
Sharon Oliphant, GFWC FL Vice-President
- Orlando, FL
GFWC Florida Convention
Hacienda Girls Ranch - President's Project
Dear Ladies,
Our new GFWC Florida President, Mary Powell, selected the Hacienda Girls’ Ranch as
her President’s Project for the next 2 years. She chose this based upon the fact that our
Florida GFWC was directly responsible for the start of this wonderful Ranch many years
ago, helping to fund and build the first cottage. Recently, the Ranch has required more
funding and loving care.
May, 2016
During the month of May, I attended the GFWC
Florida Convention in Orlando, where our club won
First Place in Fundraising!! That meant that in our
catagory of one of the 5 largest clubs in all of
Florida, we were the very BEST! We also received
several State Art awards. It was attended this year
by myself, Anne Palmer, Pam Zbierajewski, Donna
Porter and Kathy Canzano.
The winners of our GFWC State Art Awards are:
2nd Place: Jean Nadeau for her ceramic Ballet Tutu
A big congratulations to the following club members
who received awards at the GFWC State Convention,
Hacienda Girls Ranch is a hopeful place for homeless girls whose life looks hopeless to
many. Neglected, abused, abandoned due to alcohol and drugs, death or trauma, these
girls are in need of love and understanding, given by trained professionals with master’s
degrees, and facilitators of increased problem-solving skills and motivation. The Ranch
is here to educate, tutor, supply individual, group and family counseling, as well as offer
remedial education and vocational training, and a foster care group home to girls 12-17.
The age-range for the girls accepted at the transitional home is 12-23.
held in May in Orlando:
1st Place: Christa Kaufman for her quilt titled "Blue
2nd Place: Bonnie Slobodien for her glass Mosaic
The cottages – Perkins, Pratt and King-Harris – were designated after the GFWC F
lorida President in office at the time each was built. The Hacienda Ranch has a
compelling history. In the early 1970’s and 80’s, GFWC Florida Clubs from all over the
state endowed funds to build three homes for abused and neglected girls on the 25-acre
Ranch. The Ranch is funded by the GFWC Florida Federation of Women's Clubs, a
member of the General Federation of Women's Clubs, as well as by other donation funds,
and foster care payments are apportioned on a monthly basis from DCF, the Department
of Children and Families.
Honorable Mention: Mary Lou Yost for her
photograph of Sea Turtles
Honorable Mention: Christa Kaufman for her
needlepoint and petit point rendering of a Gypsy
-Bonnie Slobodien
The Hacienda Girls Ranch flourishes today, more than 45 years later, with the continued
support of GFWC Florida, and it remains the only statewide project for GFWC Florida.
The 25-acre ranch, encompassing a swimming pool and basketball court on its beautiful
grounds, gives the girls acceptance, hope, opportunity, good outcomes and ultimately,
prospects for their future lives.
We, as a club, belong to District 12. I have been asked by Mary to chair her project in
our District. There will opportunities to help these girls just like we do at our Shelter or
Youth Haven. The girls, with our help, will have hope, and a bright future.
"At the end of life we will not be judged by how many diplomas we have received how
much money we have made, how many great things we have done.
We will be judged by, "I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat, I was naked and
you clothed me. I was homeless, and you took me in."
Lee Kraus, Past President, Mary Powell, GFWC FL President,
and Helen Fillion, GFWC Florida Recording Secretary.
Kathy Canzano, Anne Palmer, Pam
Zbierajewski, Lee Kraus and Donna Porter
Mary Powell, GFWC Florida President
— Mother Teresa
-Lee Kraus, President’s Project Chair and Suzanne Harris
GFWC Annual Convention
GFWC Annual Convention
Baltimore, Maryland
Baltimore, Maryland
Dear Ladies,
I just finished attending the International Convention
of GFWC this June, in Baltimore, Md. This was the
first time I've attended that type of convention ... there
were 840 women in attendance from every state and as
far away as Brazil. As a total organization, we raised:
$11, 576, 600, which was given to many organizations to
help those in need. As the state of Florida, we also won
many awards, but the one I think you'll be most excited
about is Fundraising!!
Florida is grouped in a Catagory 1 ... which means that
we have over 4,000 members in the state of Florida. The
other states are: California, New Jersey, Illinois and
Virginia. Florida won First Place in Fundraising!! I
know we helped to accomplish that. I learned a
tremendous amount about the GFWC organization, and
I'd like to suggest that you take a minute, and go online
and see what we do on a monthly basis,
You would have been very proud of our own Jackie
Pierce, who was mentioned numerous times, and
honored for her role as an International President.
Hope your summer is going well.
From Left to Right ... New Director of GFWC Junior Clubs, Jolie
Frankfort, Cheryl Benton, GFWC FL Past Corresponding Secretary,
Carole Weaver, GFWC FL Past President, Mary Powell, GFWC FL
President, and Lee Kraus, GFWC Naples Past President
Lee Kraus, GFWC Naples Past President and Jackie
Pierce, Past International President & Parliamentarian
Candy Jackson, Florida Federation Fundraising Chairperson for
2014-2016 and 1st place winner at GFWC convention nationwide, and
Lee Kraus, GFWC Naples Past President, who won 1st place in
Fundraising for Florida
Theme of the Convention
Kathy Canzano, GFWC New York Past President &
GFWC Naples Member, with Lee Kraus, GFWC
Naples Past President
God bless,
Have a Healthy Summer!
Eye on Lyme Disease
Take the Lyme Disease Challenge
The “Take a Bite Out of Lyme Disease” Challenge
aims to raise awareness and funding for Lyme
Disease treatment. GFWC challenges clubs and
individuals to participate! All you have to do is:
1. Take a Bite: Take a photo or film yourself taking a
bite out of a lime!
Copyright © 2016 Lyme Disease Challenge.
2. Share a fact: Share a brief fact about Lyme Disease
to help raise awareness. Go here: for a list of facts that you can
share on social media.
3. Pass it on: Challenge your friends, family, and
fellow clubwomen to participate in the challenge!
Post your photos to your Facebook page using the
hashtag #LymeDiseaseChallenge, and send photos to with the subject “Lyme Disease
-Brought to you by GFWC's
News & Notes
You can find more info about Lyme
Disease at:
Newsletter by Suzanne Harris