Retired Police Officers Picnic


Retired Police Officers Picnic
Carl Craft, Bill Knobel, and Steve Minnis
at the Annual Police Retirees Picnic
Dallas Police and Fire Pension System
Volume 2005.10, October 2005
Plan Amendment Election
to be Held in November
Retired Police Officers Picnic
was an Enjoyable Reunion
By Richard Wachsman, Fire Pensioner Trustee
By John Mays, Police Pensioner Trustee
The Board has called an election to
be held November 7 – 16, 2005, for
Active Members to vote on seven
amendments to the Plan. Two of the
amendments could have immediate
impact on current Pensioners.
If you did not elect the 100% Joint & Survivor (J&S)
pension when you retired, Amendment #2 would
permit you to elect the 100% J&S pension now or at
any time in the future. If you choose the 100% J&S
pension, your benefit would be reduced, but your
surviving Spouse would receive a lifetime monthly
benefit after your death equal to your benefit instead
of one half of your benefit.
If you have a minor child who was born or adopted by
you after you left Active Service, that child currently is
not eligible to receive survivor benefits when you die.
Amendment #4 would permit you to take a reduced
benefit in exchange for making such child eligible for
a survivor benefit under the rules of the plan.
More detail on these provisions will be provided after
the election, if passed. If you are interested in these
Plan changes, contact Active Members you know and
urge them to support Amendments # 2 and #4.
Richard Wachsman, Fire Pensioner Trustee
On October 1, 2005, the annual picnic
was held at Hogg Park Picnic grounds
in Quitman, Texas. Bobby Joe Dale and
Ray Hawkins did an outstanding job
of organizing the picnic. Kline Wright
started the Retired Police Officers’ Picnic
in 1986, and it has gotten better every
year. Bobby Joe estimated we had over 300 retirees and
spouses in the park.
Again this year, it was good to see how each retiree is
doing. We discussed what had happened years ago and
what fun we had. I saw Bob Coffee and reminded him
of a call on a woman hallucinating, that we answered
35 years ago. Here are a few of the people that were at
the picnic: Don Whitten, Lonnie Watson, Tom Wafer,
Al Holland, George Parker, Earl Sawyer, Raymond
Ross, Bobby Pope, Mona and John Neil.
Gale Paul was unable to attend this year. She says
we should soon receive the City’s 2006 Benefits &
Enrollment Guide. Health and Prescription insurance
premiums will remain the same in 2006, except for
HMO Plans (21% increase).
Maureen Johns, representing the City Employee
Credit Union, provided information to retirees. She
also gave away a gift basket to Carolyn Mullins and a
$50 gift card from Walmart to John Marshall.
See “Police Picnic” on page 2
Retired Firefighters to meet
at Fire Museum for Cookout
Retired Firefighters and Spouses are invited to
the annual cookout at the Dallas Firefighters
Museum on Tuesday, November 8, at 11:00. A
representative from the City of Dallas will be
speaking on Health Insurance issues at 10:15, for
those who would like to come early for this useful
The Dallas Firefighters Museum is located at 3801
Parry Avenue in the 1907 Old No. 5 Hook and
Ladder Company Station across from the main
entrance to Fair Park. Motorists should take the 1st
Avenue exit from Interstate 30 and travel 2 blocks
east to Parry Avenue, then turn north 2 blocks to
the intersection of Parry and Commerce.
“Police Picnic” (continued from page 1)
Billy Combest read out the names of the 29
officers who had died since the last picnic. Billy
led everyone in a prayer remembering our family
and friends who had passed away.
We all enjoyed a barbecue dinner with brisket,
sausage, beans, cold slaw, potato salad, and
peach or apple cobbler. It was very good.
Murphy Stockton got too hot and an ambulance
transported him to the hospital. The doctors
couldn’t find anything wrong with him except
he got hot. (This was $600 later.)
Be sure to mark your calendar for our next
picnic. It will be the first Saturday in October at
Hogg Park in Quitman, Texas.
John Mays, Police Pensioner Trustee
The Dallas Firefighters Museum
Pension System Calendar
Nov. 3 - Pensioner Financial Seminar
Nov. 6 - Retired Police and Firefighter
Association Meeting
Nov. 10 - Regular Board Meeting
Sam Breitling suggested some may want to bring
their motorcycle to next year’s picnic, like he did
this year.
Nov. 24, 25 - Thanksgiving Holiday
(Pension System office closed)
Concealed Carry Certification
for Retired Officers
Chief Emerson Remembered
Chief Ernest A. Emerson died September 10 of
pancreatic cancer at his Austin home, at age 81.
Chief Emerson served as a Dallas firefighter for 30
years, including service as chief arson investigator
and fire marshal. He served on the Board of Trustees
of the Pension System from 1966 to 1970, and as
president of the Dallas Firefighters Association.
In 1971, he was appointed to the Texas State
Commission on Fire Protection Personnel and
Safety Standards and Education.
After retiring from the Dallas Fire Department
in 1978, Chief Emerson became the State Fire
Marshal in Austin, serving in that capacity until
1995. The Ernest A. Emerson Fire Protection
Resource Library in Austin is named in his honor.
He was described as quiet, dignified, courageous,
civic-minded, and very talented at connecting
people in order to advance firefighter-related
Chief Emerson was born near Canton, the son of
rural schoolteachers. He graduated from Crozier
Tech High School in Dallas, and served in the
Army Air Forces during World War II.
After the war, he joined the Dallas Fire Department
working in fire suppression for 18 months before
becoming an inspector. He was then named an
investigator and assumed command of the Fire
Marshal’s investigation unit in 1964. He was
named Fire Marshal in 1973 and retired from the
department on Jan. 17, 1978.
Chief Emerson is survived by his wife, Ina Lee
Emerson of Austin; a daughter, Donna Emerson
Furr, of Dallas, a son, E. Allen Emerson of Austin,
and one grandchild.
In September of 2003, the Texas Legislature
passed a law allowing honorably retired peace
officers or federal criminal investigators to carry a
concealed weapon.
A certificate of proficiency, or weapons
qualification, must be obtained annually. This can
be done at the Dallas Police Department Firearms
Training Center. Since 2003, 375 retired officers
have qualified at the DPD Range.
Sergeant Paul Stanford is the Range master of
the Firearms Training Center. He outlined the
following guidelines for those wishing to qualify
at the range:
• Call the Firearms Training Center at
214.670.1902 at least 72 hours prior to the date
that you plan to qualify with your weapon.
The Center must complete a Criminal History
Check before you are allowed to shoot at the
facility. This Criminal History Check must be
done each year prior to qualification.
• You must obtain and bring your photo ID card
(stating that you are honorably retired), and a
holster that attaches to your belt or waistband
and fits the weapon that you will be shooting.
• You are restricted to shooting only DPD
authorized weapons at this facility. This
includes Sig Sauer, Beretta, Glock, Walther,
Smith and Wesson, and Browning. You may
call the center if you have any questions about
a particular model. Caliber is restricted to
.380, 9 mm, .38, and .357.
• You must have at least two speed loaders or
two magazines, as appropriate, and 50 rounds
of ammunition.
Sgt. Stanford advises: clean and lubricate your
weapon before arriving at the range and practice
before attempting to qualify.
All safety rules will be enforced. You will be
given two attempts to qualify, and if you fail to
qualify, you must wait 3 months before you can
try again.
Congratulations Retirees!
William E. Birdwell
James R. Gammill
David N. Garmany
Stephen A. Pitz
Steve E. Abraira
Richard H. Parker
Hugh B. Wesson
Gerald Brown,
Steven G. Shaw,
Gary W. Edge,
Deputy Vice-Chairman
Donald W. Hill
John M. Mays
Rector C. McCollum
Maxine Thornton-Reese
George J. Tomasovic
Steven H. Umlor
Richard H. Wachsman
2005 Pension Increases
Plan A and Plan B Pensioners and Beneficiaries received the 4% annual
adjustment effective October 1, 2005. This increase is determined by your
base benefit and is included in the October 31, 2005 benefit payment.
Pensioners and Benficiaries receiving an Old Plan benefit did not receive a
benefit increase because the City did not approve a pay increase for active
police officers and firefighters this year.
Retired Police and Fire Fighters Association
Sixty members and spouses of the Retired Police and Fire
Fighters Association enjoyed food, fellowship, and door
prizes at our October 2nd meeting. Retired firefighter Robert
Cason was a visitor along with Pete and Kimberly Craig.
Pete and Kimberly are the grandchildren of Fay McKown.
We are in the process of updating our membership list by
including member’s e-mail addresses. Please forward your e-mail address
to me at
All retirees and visitors please come and have lunch with us at our next
meeting on November 6, 2005.
Dick Langran, President
Richard L. Tettamant,
Brian F. Blake,
Assistant Administrator
Donald C. Rohan,
Assistant Administrator
Published by
Dallas Police and Fire
Pension System
2301 North Akard Street, Suite 200
Dallas, Texas 75201
Call us at 214.638.3863
or 1.800.638.3861
Visit our Website at
e-mail us at
In Memoriam:
Thomas H. Armstrong
Police - Retired
Billy W. Rickman
Police - Retired
Phillip H. Barker
Police - Retired
Robert E. Riley
Police - Retired
Jackie P. Doyal
Police - Retired
Daryl R. Stauffer
Fire - Retired
Bette Gray
Wife of T.G. “Tom” Gray
Fire - Retired
Kenneth J. Toney
Fire - Retired
Jo May
Widow of William J. May
Police - Retired
Thomas O. Trotman
Police- Retired
Support Our Troops on
Veteran’s Day 
Some Fun Stuff with
the Grandkids:
For the last eight years, the Dallas Veterans Day event
has been one of the nation’s largest tributes to show
appreciation to the thousands of men and women who
fought and died to preserve our country’s freedom. This
event has been an educational and family oriented event
to honor our nation’s veterans of the Armed Services.
This year, the event is on Friday, November 11 , and
includes the 11th hour ceremony, the massing of
colors with hundreds of flags, Jet, Vintage Aircraft and
Helicopter Flyovers at Dallas City Hall, a parade down
Main Street, military hardware, and displays from all
branches of service. Admission is free.
Saturdays, 11/5 & 12/3/05 FREE ADMISSION 10
a.m. – Noon. Nasher Sculpture Center. 2001 Flora
Street, Dallas. Children’s art activities, storytelling,
yoga, musical entertainment, and more.
Saturday, 11/26 All tickets $10 each. 1:30 p.m.
production of Kathy Burks Theatre of Puppetry Arts
The Nutcracker, Baker Theater, Dallas Children’s
Theater/Rosewood Center for Family Arts, 5938
Skillman Ave. at NW Hwy, Dallas. For tickets, visit or call 214.740.0051
For display and parade applications or additional
information, go to
Police Retiree Assistance
Program from the DPA
Do you need help repairing a fence,
painting a porch, trimming hedges,
cleaning out a flowerbed, or any other
project? The Dallas Police Association
and its volunteers are here to lend a helping hand. You
may have retired, but we do want to keep in touch with
you. Please contact the DPA at 214.747.6839 or Senior
Corporal P.J. Allen at 214.801.0284.
Saturday 12/10 All tickets $10 each. 1:30 p.m.
production of Laura Ingalls Wilder Christmas, El
Centro College Theater, El Centro College, Main &
Market, Dallas. For tickets, visit or call
At the Annual Police Picnic...
Photos by John Mays
Let’s Get Together...
Dallas Retired Police and Fire Fighters Association
Monthly Meeting and Pot Luck Dinner
Sunday, November 6, 1:00- 2:30 p.m.
Salesmanship Club, 106 E. 10th Street, Oak Cliff
George Parker, Bobby Joe Dale
Retired Firefighters Lunch Group
Tuesday, November 8, 11:00 am
(10:15 for an insurance informational meeting)
The Dallas Firefighters Museum
3801 Parry Avenue, Dallas
(Across from Fair Park)
The Retired & Active Police Officers Monthly Breakfast
group and the “Young at Heart” Monthly Lunch Group
(for Police & Fire Widows & Widowers) will not be
meeting for the months of November and December.
Al McAllister, Gary Lisman, Dicky Hickman, and Pat Cheshier
Community Calendar of Events
Provided by Your
Pensioner Advocate Gale Paul
Call 214.382.4422 or 1.800.638.3861
November 2005
From the City of Dallas BENEFACTS: “This year’s Annual Enrollment will start on November 7th and end on
November 18,2005. The Correction Period for any benefits elections made during Annual Enrollment will be from
November 21st to December 2, 2005. All Confirmation Statements will be mailed the week of December 5, 2005.”
NO CHANGES? Keeping your insurance coverage just like it is? No calls to make!
Add, change, or terminate Medical, Medicare Supplemental, or Prescription insurance, contact the Benefits Service
Center, 1.888.873.7692
Add, change, or terminate Dental or Vision insurance, contact Marsh@WorkSolutions, 1.800.557.1046
Upcoming Enrollment Workshops. Several workshops for retirees have been scheduled by Human Resources. Topics
of discussion will be: plan changes and Medicare Part D for retirees age 65 and over. A representative from AARP
will be present to assist those wanting the City sponsored Medicare Supplemental Plan. Questions? Please contact
Rick Sundstrom with Human Resources at 214.670-1217 or
Monday, October 31, 2005
10 AM – Noon
Fretz Park Library
2 PM – 4 PM
Jaycee Zaragoza Rec Ctr
6990 Belt Line Rd
3114 Clymer
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
10 AM – Noon
Skyline Library
2 PM – 4 PM
Mountain Creek Library
6006 Everglade
6102 Mountain Creek Pkwy
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
10 AM – Noon
Samuel-Grand Rec Ctr
6200 E. Grand
Friday, November 4, 2005
10 AM – Noon
City Hall, L1/F/N Auditorium
2 PM – 4 PM
City Hall, L1/F/N Auditorium
1500 Marilla
1500 Marilla
2006 MAIL ORDER PRESCRIPTION SERVICE will be with Medco. Completion of a Medco registration form and
new 90 day prescriptions will be required. Effective November 7th, registration forms are available upon request by
calling UnitedHealthcare 1.866.873.3903. (Most doctors will mail you new prescriptions if you call and explain your
insurance has changed.)
The 2006 Social Security cost-of-living percentage increase will be 4.1%. This increase will first apply to December
2005 benefits payable in January 2006. (The 2005 increase was 2.7%) Medicare Part B premiums will increase
effective January 2006 from $78.20 to $88.50