UNDER THE DOME ...your guide to life at Walnut Hills
UNDER THE DOME ...your guide to life at Walnut Hills
5/7/2014 UNDER THE DOME www.walnuthills.org UNDER THE DOME ...your guide to life at Walnut Hills... May 8 - 18, 2014 CLICK HERE TO LIKE THE WHHS ASSOCIATION FB PAGE IN THIS ISSUE... If you are organizing an event or need to get the word out send an email to underthedome@ymail.com MARK YOUR CALENDAR FOR THESE IMPORTANT DATES! CLICK HERE FOR AP TEST SCHEDULE The Legacy of Excellence funds are meant to bridge the gap between what Cincinnati Public Schools provides and the operational funding needed each year to make sure Walnut Hills provides an exceptional educational experience. If you haven't already donated, please consider sending your tax deductable donation to the WHHS Association CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR DONATIONS TODAY. Thank you for supporting Walnut Hills! CLICK HERE FOR SECOND SEMESTER EXAM SCHEDULE & LATE ARRIVAL EARLY DISMISSAL FORM CLICK HERE FOR THE WHHS THURSDAY, MAY 8 OAA - 8TH AP TESTS: AM: ENGLISH LITERATURE AND COMPOSITION PM: AP LATIN 7:30-3:30 10:15-11:15 10:45 2:00 - 4:00 2:30 - 3:30 Writing Center, RM 3301 WalnutFest Principal Lunch with Students 7th Grade Vocabulary Bee Carpe Diem meeting, Teacher Lunchroom Walnut INTERalliance, RM 3104 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 1/9 5/7/2014 SUMMER CLASS BROCHURE UNDER THE DOME 7:30 Jr. High Play, Juvie, SM Theater FRIDAY, MAY 9 AP TESTS AM: ENGLISH LANGUAGE AND COMPOSITION PM: AP STATISTICS AP STUDIO ART - FINAL DAY TO SUBMIT PORTFOLIOS Jr. High Play Juvie SM Theater CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE TICKETS 7:30 - 2:30 10:15-11:15 Writing Center, RM 3301 WalnutFest Principal Lunch with Students 7:30 Jr. High Play, Juvie, SM Theater COME SUPPORT THE Chatterbox's FUNraiser Carnival in the Triangle Courtyard Friday, May 16 2:30 - 5:00 SATURDAY, MAY 10 SEE YEARBOOK DISTRIBUTION DETAILS BELOW... 8:30 - 11:15 Breakthrough Cincinnati 9:00 - 11:00 Saturday Success tutoring 7:30 Jr. High Play, Juvie, SM Theater SUNDAY, MAY 11 MONDAY, MAY 12 SENIOR HIGH SUMMER GYM & HEALTH REGISTRATION FORMS NOW AVAILABLE: CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION FORMSR HIGH HEALTH CLICK HERE FOR REGISTRATION FORM- OAA Make Up Tests AP TESTS: AM: AP BIOLOGY AP MUSIC THEORY PM: AP PHYSICS B AP PHYSICS C: MECHANICS 1st & 3rd LUNCH Lunch Bunch - PSAT PREP 2:45 Faculty Meeting https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 2/9 5/7/2014 UNDER THE DOME SR HIGH GYM 4:00 Cappies of Greater Cincinnati Nominee Reception TUESDAY, MAY 13 VISIT THE SPIRIT SHOP... LOCATED IN THE NEW SPACE IN THE CAFETERIA!! OPEN ALL LUNCHES. (10:15-NOON) 2:00- 4:00 2:30- 3:30 Carpe Diem meeting, Teacher Lunchroom GLEAM Literary Magazine, RM 2311 7:00 7:00 WHHS Association Meeting WHIP meeting WEDNESDAY, MAY 14 ww.walnuthills.org 7:30-3:30 7:30-10:15 Jr High Play Juvie May 8-10, 2014 WHHS Small Theater, 7:30 PM Jr High Instrum ental Concert Beginning Strings & Junior Orchestra May 14, 2014 WHHS Auditorium, 7:00 PM Writing Center, RM 3301 A Midsummer Night's Dream, SM Theater by Cincinnati Shakespeare Co 10:15 9TH Grade Vocabulary bee LUNCH Fusion Sushi, $6. per 10 piece roll, Cafeteria 1st & 3rd LUNCH Lunch Bunch - PSAT PREP 2:00- 4:00 Carpe Diem meeting, Teacher Lunchroom 2:30-3:30 Christian Connections, RM 1311 2:45 - 4:00 Student Congress, Recital Hall 2:45 - 4:00 Debate Team, RM 2604 7:00 Spring Jazz Concert WHHS Jazz Ensembles May 16, 2014 WHHS Schott Recital Hall, 7:00 PM AP Studio Art Show AP Studio Art Students May 16, 2014 WHHS Forum, 6:00 PM Sr. High Orchestra Concert Chamber & Senior Orchestras May 20, 2014 WHHS Auditorium, 7:00 PM Jr/Sr High Choir Concert All Choirs May 21, 2014 WHHS Auditorium, 7:00 PM Jr High Instrumental Concert, AUD Beginning Strings & Jr. Orchestra THURSDAY, MAY 15 7:30-3:30 3rd LUNCH 2:00- 4:00 2:30 - 3:30 Writing Center, RM 3301 LUNCH BUNCH - SAT PREP, RM 2301 Carpe Diem meeting, Teacher Lunchroom Walnut INTERalliance, RM 3104 FRIDAY, MAY 16 7:30 - 2:30 Writing Center, RM 3301 11:15 National French Exam Awards Ceremony, AUD 2:30 - 5:00 Chatterbox's FUNraiser Carnival, Triangle Courtyard ww.walnuthills.org IF YOUR CHILD IS ABSENT 6:00 AP Studio Art Show, Forum AP Studio Art Students https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 3/9 5/7/2014 UNDER THE DOME FROM SCHOOL: please contact the appropriate grade level office by 9:30 a.m. 7:00 Spring Jazz Concert, AUD WHHS Jazz Ensembles Grades 7-8 Mrs Theobald 363-8641, Room 2209 Grades 9-10 Ms Otten 363-8423, Room 2207 Grades 11-12 Mrs. Helbig 363-8445, Room 2207 Please leave your child's name, grade level, and reason for absence. If your child is late to school, before 8:00 a.m. they report directly to first bell. After 8:00 a.m, they must report to their grade level office upon arrival, even if they arrive between classes or during their lunch time. If your child must leave during the school day, they must present a note to the grade level office from the parent stating the reason for dismissal and time of dismissal with a parent contact number. Any absence from school, full or partial day, requires a written note. If your child is attending a doctor or dentist appointment, please obtain a note at the appointment for verification. ww.walnuthills.org IT IS VERY IMPORTANT TO HAVE ALL MEDICAL FORMS ON FILE IN THE EVENT YOUR STUDENT NEEDS TO VISIT THE NURSE. PLEASE COMPLETE AND RETURN THESE FORMS SATURDAY, MAY 17 8:30 - 11:15 Breakthrough Cincinnati 9:00 - 11:00 Saturday Success tutoring 8:00 - 5:00 District Band Contest Music Lyceum all rooms and Auditorium SUNDAY, MAY 18 COUNSELING CORNER Brought to you by the College Information Center COUNSELING CORNER This is the place for concise, up-to-date information and reminders to help you guide your students to academic success and through the college process. For timely communications, including college and scholarship opportunities, it is very important for ALL PARENTS to have an active email account in Naviance. If you need to register an email, go to Family Connection, click on Manage My Account, click on Manage My Profile, and click on the pencil icon to enter your email. 12th Grade Students need to update their Naviance account with admissions decisions; they can record their outcomes by editing their "Results" under "Colleges That I'm Applying To." https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 4/9 5/7/2014 UNDER THE DOME ASAP... Health History Update Emergency Medical Form Please complete and return your student's school FEES. School FEES Letter and Payment Info ww.walnuthills.org 2012-13 WHHS Association Executive Committee President Susan Shelton susan.shelton@fuse.net Recording Secretary B. Gordon bgordon@cinci.rr.com Treasurer Jennifer Rodes jrodes@fuse.net Legal Advisor Sybil B. Mullin SMullin@drew law .com Directors: College Inform ation Center Randi Chaiken rchaiken@cinci.rr.com ILT Gretchen Carroll pcarroll1@cinci.rr.com LSDMC Adrienne Brandicourt* brandicourt@netzero.net Tracy Mason* tracymason@fuse.net Amy Kappers* aekap11@gmail.com Legacy of Excellence B. Gordon bgordon@cinci.rr.com Abram Gordon agordon@cinci.rr.com Lisa Pennekamp lpennekamp@fuse.net Alex Stillpass astillpass@rsanet.com Kathy French kathy.french@nielsen.com Walnut Fest Co-Chair Jan Michele Kearney jan@seshnow .com Co-Chair Janet Huston jrhuston@cinci.rr.com Walnut24 Co-Chair Nicole Dyehouse ndyehouse@ejmjets.com Co-Chair Lauren Lacerda llacerd@aol.com 7th/8th Grade Liaison Continue to apply for scholarships! Scholarship opportunities are posted on Naviance as soon as they are received in the Guidance Office. 11th Grade Took the SAT on May 3? It is not too late to order the Question and Answer service in order to receive a copy of the test booklet and score report. The last date this academic year to take either the SAT or Subject Tests is June 7; registration deadline is May 9. Remember, the best time to take a Subject Test is at the conclusion of a course in which a student has a particular strength. Students cannot take Subject Tests and the regular SAT on the same date. Copies of Subject Tests for practice are available in the College Information Center. The final ACT testing date of this school year is June 14; registration deadline is May 9. Remember to take advantage of the Test Information Release option in order to receive a copy of the test booklet and score report. 10th Grade The last date this school year to take Subject Tests for college admissions is June 7; registration deadline is May 9. Remember, the best time to take a Subject Test is at the conclusion of a course in which a student has a particular strength. Students cannot take Subject Tests and the regular SAT on the same date. Copies of Subject Tests for practice are available in the College Information Center. Lunch time review for the PSAT continues each Monday and Wednesday during 1st and 3rd lunches for the remainder of the school year. Remember that the junior year PSAT is the qualifying test for National Merit and National Achievement Scholarships. 7th and 8th Grades The OAA's are this week. Students in 7th grade test on May 6 and 7; students in 8th grade test on May 6, 7 and 8. Students on the "A" or "B" Honor Roll for 3rd Quarter will be rewarded with two free Reds tickets. Pick up your tickets from Ms. Theobold in office 2209. SENIOR SEND OFF, MAY 22 CLICK HERE TO VOLUNTEER https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 5/9 5/7/2014 Sharon Smith ssmith143@fuse.net Kathy French kathy.french@nielsen.com 9th Grade Liaison Janet Huston jrhuston@cinci.rr.com Debbie Whiteside fivew hitesides@gmail.com 10th Grade Liaison Patty Donnelly p2dna@fuse.net 11th Grade Liaison Patti Heldman pdh@cinci.rr.com Julie Perry 12th Grade Liaison Leslie Young youngl2@mail.uc.edu Kim Frierson klw frierson@fuse.net Hospitality Annique Link alink@cinci.rr.com Janiene Baker jmbaker@zoomtow n.com Karla Bailey w ebebailey@aol.com New Fam ily Welcom e Maureen Meacham meachamfamily@earthlink.net Staff Appreciation Lucie Blanchard cschmalz@zoomtow n.com Meg Dietz megdietz@aol.com New sletter and Website Patti New berry patti@irisavenue.com Database and Directory Renata Scanio rgscanio@hotmail.com PR/Marketing Andrea Chase mchase7@cinci.rr.com Volunteer Coordinator Jenny French jennyfrenchw hhs@yahoo.com UNDER THE DOME HI SENIOR PARENTS, Help Your Senior have the best "last day at Walnut ever!" Senior Send off day is Thursday Mar 22, their last day of school. It is a "beach themed", fun filled, field day for the seniors complete with live music, water games, fabulous food, and a chance for the seniors to say good by! Help us make this a great day by volunteering to help us set up, break down, or chaperone! This event happens rain or shine either on the football field or in the gym. Parents will be receiving a letter describing the day in further detail. Thank you so much for all you do! If you have any questions, email B. Gordon, bgordon@cinci.rr.com. DID YOU KNOW...... Yearbook Distribution Information: SENIORS! The Senior Yearbook Distribution and Signing Party will take place on Friday, May 16 at the Chatterbox Fun-raiser Carnival beginning at 2:30 PM in the triangle courtyard. Seniors ONLY can pick up pre-ordered books or purchase extra books. Come and enjoy food, fun, and friends, and get signatures in your yearbook. UNDERCLASSMEN and STAFF may pick up/purchase yearbooks at all three lunches May 19-22. Note: Extra yearbooks will be available on a first-come, first-served basis. Advance reservations will not be accepted for extras. Extras are open to seniors first on May 16, and to all students and staff beginning May 19. Extras are limited in number, and we expect to run out, so arrive early. Cost is $75 cash, money order, or check made out to WHHS. https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 6/9 5/7/2014 UNDER THE DOME Walnut Hills Fun Run/Walk 2014 Sponsored by the Walnut Soccer Program What: Walnut Hills Fun Run/Walk Where: Walnut Hills High School 3250 Victory Pkwy Cincinnati, OH 45238. When: Friday June 13st Registration: 5:30pm - 7:00 PM Race: 7:00 PM Cookout: 7:30-9:00 Marx Stadium Cost: $25 if Registered by May 30th $30 if Walk up * Tee-shirts only guaranteed if signed up by May 30th. This fun run is the perfect training to get ready for the fall season. Started by the Soccer Programs it has grown to be a fun event for Cross Country, Football, Basketball, Tennis and Lacrosse. Build stamina and community. All are welcome, students, parents, athletes, faculty and fans, both men and women. Sign up on line: CLICK HERE TO REGISTER CLICK HERE FOR PRINTABLE - DAAP SUMMER CAMP DETAILS https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 7/9 5/7/2014 UNDER THE DOME Want to give your family the world? AFS is looking for host families for high school exchange students coming to Greater Cincinnati communities for the 2014-15 school year, both half and full year students. Since the 1960s, WHHS families have hosted AFS students! If you are interested in learning more, information is available at www.afsusa.org, or contact Georgia Moore, volunteer hosting coordinator, at damoores3@fuse.net or (513) 961-2592. THE WRITING CENTER - bring your class assignments and/or senior essays in for expert writing and editing instruction! The Writing Center is open every Wednesday & Thursday 7:30 - 3:30 & Friday 7:30 - 2:30. To MAKE AN APPOINTMENT at fordcin@cps-k12.org. Don't forget to share your WHHS events and news with the https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 8/9 5/7/2014 UNDER THE DOME UNDER THE DOME newsletter. UNDER THE DOME can help you get the word out! EMAIL: underthedome@ymail.com Under the Dome is brought to you by the WHHS Association... CAN'T GET ENOUGH OF WHHS SPORTS? DAILY games are posted on the WHHS homepage go to www.walnuthills.org . For WEEKLY or MONTHLY schedules, Click on SPORTS then click on WEEKLY or MONTHLY SCHEDULE Sports schedules are subject to change. Is the game still on? Hotline 363-8604. Forward email This email was sent to rgscanio@hotmail.com by underthedome@ymail.com | Update Profile/Email Address | Instant removal with SafeUnsubscribeâ„¢ | Privacy Policy. Walnut Hills High School Association | 3250 Victory Parkway | Cincinnati | OH | 45207 https://ui.constantcontact.com/visualeditor/visual_editor_preview.jsp?agent.uid=1117245716411&format=html&print=true 9/9
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