WHHS Celebrates Student Success!
WHHS Celebrates Student Success!
WEST HAVEN HIGH SCHOOL NEWSLETTER Home of the Blue Devils & Westie Pride Spring 2014 www.whschools.org WHHS Celebrates Student Success! A new batch of West Haven High School students enrolled in classes at the University of New Haven this semester, becoming the second group to participate in the Charging Ahead program and jumpstart their college careers. The 21 WHHS juniors and seniors will each take one class at UNH at no charge and will still take a full or nearly full course load at the high school. The program started in the fall with 21 Westies and offers a chance to take a more rigorous class, as well as sample the academic resources and student activities of a college campus. The students are Katelyn Card, Toni Chambers, Sarah Flynn, Maria Garcia, Eliseah Jacobs, Jamie Kelley, Stephanie-Lynn Latella, Andrea Lavado, Amanda Lopez, Victoria Martinez, Maria Nahuatlato, Alaa Osman, Julia Patterson, Alexia Perez, Olivia Qualiana, Kaussar Rahman, Matthew Ruzicka, Raul Sanchez, Momal Sumra, Jessica Vasco and Fikri Anuar. Governor’s Scholars Award Winner Announced Junior Alice Obas was nominated for the 18th annual Governor’s Scholars Award Program. The purpose of this program is to recognize and to honor academically talented high school students throughout Connecticut. CAS Arts Awards Recipients Chosen Seniors Michael Kiaunis and Ying Guo were selected as outstanding Connecticut Association of Schools Fine Arts Awards recipients. Guo is the marching band field leader, and Kiaunis is the assistant field leader, as well as an active video production student. Both will be honored at a banquet in April. Ridgway Headed to CCSU After being recruited by Coach Pete Rossomando, senior football player Jesse Ridgway will be attending and playing football for Central Connecticut State University next year. Ridgway plans to major in nursing and especially became motivated to work in the medical industry after his sister, Casey Ridgway, battled cancer for two years. Jesse Ridgway and his parents pose for a photo with Athletic Director Jon Capone and WHHS football He hopes to eventually work with Coach Ed McCarthy. children who are chemo patients. Philips Commits to Syracuse Senior football player Ervin Philips has officially committed to attending and playing football at Syracuse University next year after being recruited by top coaches. He participated in National Signing Day in February, announcing the news at a press conference. He will head to campus this summer to begin training with the team and get acclimated to college life. 1 Ervin Philips and his parents and brothers pose with Athletic Director Jon Capone and WHHS football Coach Ed McCarthy. SCHOOL INFORMATION Message from the Principal Principal, D122 Mrs. Gardner (203) 937-4360 x7109 pamela.gardner@whschools.org Dear members of the WHHS community, Assistant Principal, E105 With summer break and graduation inching closer, Ms. Martinez (203) 937-4360 x7110 West Haven High School students and teachers have dana.martinez@whschools.org a jam-packed schedule of year-end projects, senior celebrations, fundraisers, concerts, final exams and Assistant Principal, A-F, Grades 10-12, D115 Mr. DellaCamera (203) 937-4360 x7139 award ceremonies. Remember to stay on top of John.dellacamera@whschools.org homework and studying so we can all end this year Assistant Principal, G-N, Grades 10-12, D127 on a strong note. Mr. Shand (203) 937-4360 x7107 scott.shand@whschools.org But also take this time to appreciate your classmates and teachers, as well as WHHS staff members, and Assistant Principal, O-Z, Grades 10-12 the community we’ve all built here together. As we Mrs. Robles (203) 937-4360 x7103 were reminded by the incident at Jonathan Law High Patricia.robles@whschools.org School in Milford, we must take care of and look out for each other. I’m very proud of the support you all Final Exam Reminders offered Milford and Law in their time of need and the *All students must take exams when scheduled. assistance you never hesitate to provide to any local *Any student who has a conflict with their scheduled family or organization that needs a helping hand. exam must see their administrator. *Students who do not have a scheduled exam do not — Pamela Gardner, need to come to school. pamela.gardner@whschools.org *Make-up exams will only be given with administraWhhs.whschools.org tive approval. Final Exam Schedule For All Grades Seniors Friday, June 13 Monday, June 16 Tuesday, June 17 Wednesday, June 18 Exams: Exams: Exams: Exams: Period 8 7:30 - 9:35 & Period 7 9:45-11:50 Period 6 7:30 - 9:35 & Period 5 9:45-11:50 Period 4 7:30 - 9:35 & Period 3 9:45-11:50 Period 2 7:30 - 9:35 & Period 1 9:45-11:50 Exams: Exams: Exams: Exams: Period 6 7:30 - 9:35 & Period 5 9:45-11:50 Period 4 7:30 - 9:35 & Period 3 9:45-11:50 Period 2 7:30 - 9:35 & Period 1 9:45-11:50 Period 8 7:30 - 9:35 & Period 7 9:45-11:50 Make-ups 11:50-1:45 Make-ups 11:50-1:45 Make-ups 11:50-1:45 Make-ups 11:50-1:45 Regular Grades 9, 10, 11 Full School Day 2 Thursday, June 19 Friday, June 20 Monday, June 23 Graduation Graduation Graduation Rehearsal Rehearsal Rehearsal 8:30am(aud.) 8:30am(aud.) 8:30am(aud.) Sr. Makeups 7:30 - 9:35 9:45-11:50 Makeups 7:30 - 9:35 Makeups 9:45-11:50 Makeups 7:30 - 9:35 ACADEMIC UPDATES Additional students who participated were sophomore Tristan Thompson with 29 digits, freshman Doneifa Thompson with 24 digits, freshman Josiphina Irizarry with 22 digits, and junior Michael Tran with 15 digits. They ALL got to pie Mr. Jackson and Ms. Arboleda. The department hopes to make the contest an annual Pi Day tradition. WHHS Celebrates Pi Day With Contest In celebration of Pi Day, which is March 14, the math department had a contest for students who could recite the most digits of Pi beyond the decimal point. (Pi is the ratio of a circle's circumference to its diameter, approximately equal to 3.14159...) The winners got to "pie" a teacher in the face. First place went to Kara Walker (grade 9) with 101 digits memorized. She pied math teacher Mrs. Moore and received a sweet potato pie to take home. Other winners were: Stephen Osei (grade 10), 46 digits, pied health teacher Mr. Knight. Mia Talamelli (grade 9), 41 digits, pied math teacher Ms. Amato. Amber Prion (grade 11), 34 digits, pied math teacher Mr. Golinski. Forensics Students Are on the Case CAPT Scholars Announced Students were huddled around, whispering, reading, intensely analyzing evidence and debating who should be arrested. There’s a lot of crime, theft, murder and mayhem to be seen here at WHHS. The state Board of Education recently announced that five WHHS students achieved an advanced level on mathematics, reading, writing and science subtests of the 2013 Connecticut Academic Performance Test and are CAPT Scholars. The students are: Kayley Carr, Salvatore Delcollo, Julia Paterson, Kharl Reynado and Benjamin Yocom. The test is given to grade 10 students and used to measure student progress in meeting state performance standards. But it’s nothing to be alarmed about—it’s all contained within forensics students’ intriguing, graphic and horrifying miniature crime scenes as part of a class project. “I like what Erik and Alex did, it’s really interesting, it makes you think,” said Matthew Maio about Giovanni Fronte and Alejandro Soto’s project. Scholar Athletes Are Named SCC Scholar Athletes for February are Alyssa Woosley and Devin Hickman. Both are top students and four-year members of their teams. Students tried to solve the different mysteries made by their classmates and offered suggestions about the “Crime in A Box” project assigned to them. Students learned techniques used to collect and analyze crime scenes before issuing an arrest warrant. CIAC Scholar Athletes for the year are Pablo Perez and Sierra Santana. Pablo is a four-year member of the soccer team and was also named to the AllLeague, All-Area, All-State and All-New England teams. “This is hard to figure out,” said Statrell Miller, but she knows how important it is to get the facts correct. Sierra is a four-year member and captain of the softball team. She was an All-Quinnipiac Division selection in her junior season. Both are highachieving members of the senior class. No one wants to charge an innocent person with a crime. They took their investigations seriously and made sure the evidence led to the guilty suspect. 3 ACADEMIC UPDATES UConn Undergrads Conduct Workshops at WHHS Engineering undergrads from the University of Connecticut visited West Haven High School chemistry and engineering students recently to conduct workshops about alternative energy and opportunities in the industry. The engineering school “ambassadors” spent Feb. 11 at WHHS as part of a budding partnership between WHHS and UConn. This is the second year in a row UConn students have come to West Haven speak with the high-schoolers. Engineering teacher Eric Rice says he hopes the partnership expands and that the ambassadors come to WHHS again. Freshman English Students Working Hard Freshman English students have just completed a round of exams. The exams covered Units 1 – 3 and vocabulary. In addition, students were required to compose two essays. Presently, students are beginning Unit 4, which includes the reading of Night, a memoir by Elie Wiesel, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize and Auschwitz and Buchenwald concentration camp survivor. Wiesel’s memoir serves as a testimony to what happened in those camps. Interfaced with Unit 4 is the Freshman Global Studies examination of WWII. Lastly, all freshman English teachers encourage their students to read every night. Statistics show reading every day increases one’s vocabulary substantially. It serves as brain exercise! The Freshman Academy owns an assortment of wonderful, outside reading books that are available for students to borrow. These books are housed in the Freshman English classrooms. Please encourage your children to read for pleasure. Nursing Students Care for Local Patients Nursing Assistant students have been caring for patients at the Apple Rehabilitation Center in West Haven since January, developing skills necessary to care for geriatric patients. Providing skillful and compassionate care has earned the students recognition from the facility's administration. They take a state certification exam at the end of May. Students Spread Springtime Cheer Ms. Herrmann's Child Development 2 classes designed greeting cards as an intergenerational caregiving project for the older adult community at the Apple Rehabilitation Center. Patients and residents received "Welcome Spring" cards to brighten their day. Mrs. Cosenza's CNA students distributed the cards in April. Peer Tutoring Program Peer tutoring provides tutoring by fellow students to those who are struggling in a class, preparing for a test or quiz, or need homework help. Students who would like a tutor or who need help can see Ms. Palmer in F105. She introduces students and tutors and follows up with meetings in the library. Students Attend Perry Outreach Program at Yale On February 8, WHHS junior Sarah Flynn and senior Kaussar Rahman (pictured) attended the Perry Outreach program at the Yale School of Medicine. The initiative partners with medical centers, universities and high schools to host Perry Outreach Programs for young women in high school, college and medical school. Participants practiced mock orthopedic surgeries and conducted biomechanical engineering experiments, while also hearing from prominent women engineers and surgeons. Photo provided by The Perry Initiative. 4 ACADEMIC UPDATES technical colleges and are excited to continue their technical education. Tech Ed Busy With Year-End Projects Construction and metals/manufacturing students toured the Ward-Heitmann House, receiving information about early residential construction methods. The property’s forge provided hands-on Some manufacturlearning opportunities to students, who provided fire- ing students have created a patriotic wood for fireplaces and kindling for the forge. mural to brighten Metals/manufacturing students have been workup the metals shop. ing diligently on a variety of projects. Seniors are students preparing for post-secondary technical education Graphics have been working non-stop in screen-printing and and/or placement in the workforce. We also are working with area manufacturers on an appren- creating stationary. Along with routine work, students have been screening-printing shirts and other ticeship program for future students. garments for organizations and student groups. Construction students have been asked to build an Their reputation for professional-quality products open shelter for the dog park located next to the ten- have kept them busy all year, and they are feeling the nis court. Students also earned their O.S.H.A. 10 end-of-the-year crunch as they complete their final Certification, a requirement for employment on a orders and other projects. construction site. They are very busy with a large order of picnic tables they are mass-producing for Over 40 students toured Lincoln Technical InstiCamp Cedarcrest, and are constructing four more tute. Students were enthralled with its programs, and some plan to attend after graduation. WHHS modular backyard buildings before school closes. alumni are currently enrolled in Lincoln Tech’s Auto shop students have been working on a range of automotive program. brakes, including ABS diagnostics and repair. They have replaced multiple suspension components and Marine tech students visited the Hartford Boat worked on electrical lighting circuits and charging Show and were hosted by the Connecticut Marine systems diagnostics. Several starters have been re- Trades Association. They saw and boarded the placed on SUVs and light-duty trucks. Students have newest boats. been involved in several projects, including reviving two 1957 Willy’s Jeeps. Students experienced engine Flashback: Construction technology students toured tune-up and cleaning, brake system reworking, minor the Quinnipiac River/Pearl Harbor Veterans Memobodywork and frame repair, and glass repair. rial Bridge during construction in 2012 with teachers They’ve begun learning torch, welding and brazing Garry Grant and Dan Shine and career facilitator work and are working on an axle swap in a mid-80s Rose McDonnell. Walsh Construction hosted 23 stupick-up truck. Side projects include ATV tune-ups, dents, who toured the project. Student Jackie lawn equipment maintenance, moped servicing and Tweedie got to operate a crane. exhaust work. Most are preparing for UTI or other CAPT Science Saturday a Hit STEM Program Gains Certification In preparation for the CAPT Science test, 160 sophomores participated in the science department’s annual CAPT Science Saturday on March 8th. Students attended two classes that reviewed science content to help them feel more comfortable about taking the test. They were also treated to a pizza lunch after the review sessions. Project Lead the Way has granted certification to the WHHS STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) program. STEM students with at least B average who pass a PLTW End of Course Assessment at a proficient level can now obtain transcripted college credit for engineering coursework through the University of New Haven. 5 ACADEMIC UPDATES Algebra 2 students: Try OdysseyWare! OdysseyWare is available for Algebra 2 students: visit westhavensd.owschools.com Student User Name: your last name (capitalize 1st letter) and the first three letters of your first name (no spaces) Password: Student EXAMPLE: Student’s Name: Noah Webster User Name: Websternoa Password: Student Choose the topic and lesson that you would like to review. Need help with math homework? View video lessons on Homework Video Tutor to practice algebra and geometry. Web address: www.PHSchool.com. “Click Here” on Course Content note. Click on “Math.” Under “Student Resources” click on “Textbook Companion Sites.” Click “PH Mathematics 2004.” Click on the picture of the textbook you are using. Click on “Homework Video Tutors.” Choose the appropriate chapter, lesson, then the objective. Students Admitted to WCSU Western Connecticut State University accepted 20 WHHS students during a WHHS School Counseling Department On-Site Admissions Decision Day in December. The students are: Amanda Plaza, Jennifer Wilson, Tashika Milford, Nicole Woosley, Morgan Nelson, Lindsay Bazile, Destiny Thompson, Jake Capelli, Kaussar Rahman, Alaa Osman, Howard Powell, Aliyah Manning, Kiernan Peterson, Shania Birch, Dalimar Irizarry, Michael Morano, Jessica McClure, Hicham Lkhal, Kristen Domek and Nick Price. Forget your book? Access your Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra 2 books online. Do not create your own username and password. Web address: www.PHSchool.com/math/ Click on Successnet Login In username field type: westiestudent In password field type: whhs123 Scroll to the book you need and click Student Center to access it. ***OR*** Click on PH Geometry 2004 to access the geometry text. To access pages in any texts, type the page number in the box under “Geometry Home.” To access practice problems for each lesson click the “Exercises” box. Math Boot Camp Math Boot Camp is a program designed to strengthen skills of students having difficulty in math. For more information, contact: Students participate in: Small group and individualized instruction Hands-on activities Computer-based learning Jennifer Kumnick, Math Department Head Jennifer.Kumnick@whschools.org Mary Ellen Lafo, Math Facilitator Maryellen.lafo@whschools.org The next sessions will be held 2-3:30 p.m.: st Wednesday, May 21 th Wednesday, June 11 Dr. Nicole Danishevsky, District Math Coordinator Nicole.Danishevsky@whschools.org 6 ACADEMIC UPDATES AP Biology Study Showcased at Science Symposim Kevin Dickson’s AP Biology class has continued researching the Cove River and the effect an invasive plant species called phragmites has had on the area. Junior Alice Obas presented her own research, as well as results of studies by her classmates, at the Connecticut Junior Science and Humanities Symposium at the University of Connecticut in March. She was one of 14 students from across the state who presented research projects. She received a $1,000 scholarship to a summer research program, while Dickson won an award for providing student research opportunities and received an invitation to the national Junior Science and Humanities Symposium ceremony in Washington, D.C., in April. AP Biology students-- Sal Delcollo, Elizabeth Fournier, Cindy Li, Ahmad Mohd, Erika Moya, George Oppong, Amanda Plaza, Kaussar Rahman, Tamia Randolph, Kharl Reynaldo and Jesus Yanez-- attended the event to support their classmate and meet other attendees during science activities and workshops. Engineering Students Team Up With Architects Several WHHS engineering students recently completed a session in the ACE (Architecture, Construction and Engineering) mentoring program. The nationwide initiative aims to inspire students to pursue careers in these important fields and is considered one of the top mentoring programs in the country. West Haven had three consistent participates: Georgie Driver, Joe Miller and Jose Chankuk. They met once a week at sponsored architecture firms and partnered with industry professionals to create a real construction project, such as a library, using architectural and engineering design processes. Each student, along with their team, presented the completed project at the University of New Haven in April. Vincent Madar and Catherine DePino were selected as West Haven High School's 2014 Southern Student to Compete With State Math Team Fikri Anuar of the WHHS Math Team has scored a Connecticut Conference Scholar Leaders in March. 108 on the AMC (American Mathematics Competition). He was one of 20 students from Connecticut who Students Join Underwater ROV Competition made the honor roll (scored 100 or better). He was 9th WHHS engineering students participated in the 2014 on the list. Students who perform exceptionally well on SeaPerch Remote Controlled Underwater Vehicle the AMC12 (a score of 100 or better) are invited to Competition at Plainville High School in February. continue participating in the series of examinations that They were: Geordann Daguplo, MiKayla Hickculminate in participation in the International Mathe- man, Ahmad Mohd, Charlie Sihaphong, India matics Olympiad (IMO), the most prestigious and diffi- Sloane, Jesse Tejero and Jesus Yanez. Students cult secondary mathematics examination in the world. constructed an underwater vehicle capable of He has made the Connecticut State Math Team for the completing an underwater obstacle course and opensecond year in a row. The competition is usually held ing and passing through an underwater gate. They in Pennsylvania the first weekend in June. were even able to drive a $80,000 Navy ROV. 7 SCHOOL NEWS Alumni Day Still Growing West Haven High School’s newest group of alumni doled out countless tips to current WHHS seniors in January during the eighth annual Alumni Day. The event—which has seen a higher number of returning alumni each year— featured 45 recent graduates who were home on winter break from in-state and more distant schools. Different groups of WHHS seniors stopped by the library and media center during each period and rotated between three groups of alumni—in-state freshmen, out-of-state freshman, and alumni who have been in college for a few years. The informal Q&A sessions give alumni a chance to offer guidance and personal stories on important topics of financial aid, scholarships, work ethic, professor interactions and college majors. Crowds Flock to See “Willy Wonka” Theatre Workshop Packs for Europe The WHHS Theatre Workshop put on its production of Roald Dahl's “Willy Wonka” with Music and Lyrics by Leslie Bricusse and Anthony Newley at the end of March. More than 60 current students along with many alums and parents worked for months to bring the show to life under the direction of Margi & Sean Maher, with musical direction by Phyllis Silver. The stage manager was Nicole Woosley with assistance from Kat Mazzacane and Brianna Hackett. Members of the WHHS Theatre Workshop have returned from touring Europe's Mediterranean Coast! Students toured Milan, explored Cinque Terre by train, and saw the Prince's Palace, the Monaco Cathedral and a Monte-Carlo Casino. Day 5 took them to the French Riviera for a walking tour of Nice and visits to the Vielle Ville and Promenade des Anglais. The rest of this adventure took place in Barcelona, Spain. This is Theatre Workshop's fourth tour with "Education First Tours," having travelled to England, Ireland and Italy over the past few years. Tours are open to all members of Theatre Workshop. Children’s Theater Planning “Mommie Goosie” Members of the WHHS Children’s Theatre are currently rehearsing their production of Mommie Goosie! There is an uprising in Fairytale Land. One member is not happy with the way Mommie Goosie is running things and wants change. This comedy will be performed for all West Haven 2nd, 3rd & 4th graders on May 28th and 29th in our auditorium. Governance Council Works On Parent Engagement School Governance Councils (SGC) were created by the recent education reform law to enable parents, staff, students and community leaders to improve student achievement. Guided by the WHHS School Climate Plan, the WHHS SGC has identified a need for parents to get more involved in their child's schooling and is working toward that goal. The SGC needs new members – please consider getting involved. It includes 7 parents, 5 teachers and 2 students. Email Pamela.gardner@whschools.org. Visit whhs.whschools.org for more information. 12th Annual Senior One-Act Plays Senior Howard Powell is kicking things up a notch by directing two episodes of the Twilight Zone! The episodes chosen are “5 Characters in Search of an Exit” and “Eye of the Beholder.” Original music will be provided by Kevin McDaniel, Michael Tran and Rosie Silver. The stage manager is Nicole Woosley and the ASM is Kat Mazzacane. The performance is in the Frank Albright Black Box Theatre June 12 at 6:30 and 8pm. Tickets are $5 for all ages and will be sold on a first-come, first-served basis. SGC Leadership Team - Kevin Dickson SGC Secretary - Janet Morrissey SGC Members - Jim Lafo, Pat Bellmore, Eric Rice, Tammi Paszak, Christine Turcotte, Ronald Quagliani, Wendi Cardamone, Yingxian Guo, Ryan Guzhnay, SGC Community Members - Kathy Giotsas (WH Public Library), Scott Graves (SCSU) 8 SCHOOL NEWS AP Students Attend International Relations Symposium at Yale Students from Mr. Consorte's AP U.S. Government & Politics class attended the International Relations Symposium at Yale University in April. Seniors Momal Sumra and Fikri Anuar and juniors Erin Collins, Sarah Flynn, Mikayla Hickman, Jamie Kelley, Maria Nahuatlato, Julia Paterson, Kharl Reynado, Nurul Sauffian and Jesus Yanez heard from keynote speaker Jasmina Besirevic-Regan, Dean of Trumbull College at Yale University, who discussed her work relating to ethnic cleansing in Bosnia. Students then attended breakout sessions to discuss international security Senior Attends Prestigious concerns and global poverty and economic development problems. StuProgram in Nation’s Capital dents also received training on journalism techniques. Juniors Represent WHHS in Debate Tournament WHHS senior Yingxian Guo spent a week in March in Washington, D.C., after being accepted to the prestigious United States Senate Youth Program, which only selects 104 students from across the country. Juniors Sarah Flynn and Tatiana Gay participated in the esteemed Osterweiss Debate Tournament at Yale University in April. The tournament featured the top debate teams from public and private high schools from throughout Connecticut. The girls debated as a team on the following topics: Should U.S. Supreme Court Justices continue to serve life-long terms?; Should hate speech be criminalized?; Should government funds go towards competitive athletic programs in public schools? The girls repre- Guo, who will be attending Harsented their school very well. vard University next year, got a behind-the-scenes look at the Volunteens and spring sports teams federal government, met the sponsored the annu- President, and spoke with legislators. al WHHS campus clean-up in March. She is the second student from About 75 students, WHHS to be accepted into the coaches and teachSenate Youth program. Abdulers volunteered Razak Zachariah, who graduated their time on a from WHHS last year and now weekend to prepare attends Yale University, served the campus for as a delegate in 2012. spring. TOP Group Teaches Through Service Learning The WHHS TOP (Teen Outreach Program) group participated in variety of community service learning opportunities this year, including a hygiene drive/meal prep for a local teen shelter, spreading awareness on teen dating violence, and spreading autism awareness/participating in a walk for autism. Classroom discussions and activities ranged from defining community, family, healthy relationships, and goal–setting/decision-making. The curriculum provides a series of activities and techniques to help teens identify service opportunities, plan service projects, and reflect on and learn from the service experience. Students are expected to participate in a minimum of 20 hours of structured community service learning. Students plan to finish out the school year raising awareness about teen dating violence and healthy relationships. The program is run by Family Centered Services of CT, a private, nonprofit community-based organization that facilitates evidence-based, positive youth development programs. 9 SCHOOL NEWS Freshmen Attend ‘Girls in STEM’ Workshop at Gateway A group of 14 WHHS freshmen attended a Girls in STEM Workshop at Gatway Community College in April. West Haven girls won a structural engineering competition and learned a lot about opportunities in the STEM fields. Girls who attended included: Alyza Barbieri, Cheyenne Bermudez, April Bowen, On Ki Cheng, Evelyn Fabian, Amy Loja Marquez, Irvie Mumar, Emma Murray, Brianna Rembert, Paige Sheridan, Rose Silver, Marilyn Tran, Olivia Vining, and Maggie Yeh. Students Recognized for Outstanding Artistic Ability New Mr. Westie Crowned The new WHHS Mr. Westie is Brandon Bush, and the Mr. Westie Pageant People's Choice winner is Angelo Cappetta. All of the contestants of April’s West Haven High School Mr. Westie Pageant put on a great show in April that included dancing, singing, skits and other entertainment. New Haven’s John Slade Ely House gallery displayed artwork from area high schools from April 16-May 4. WHHS students Amal al-Harbi received the Paint and Palette Club Award and $100, and Toni Chambers earned the John Slade Ely House Award and $50. Suidy Jimenez, Carly Reynolds, Kim Hyatt, Howard Powell, Franzel Pena, Natasha Torres, Cheyenne Zinker and Gaudia Setal also participated in the show. WHHS PTSA Looking For More Members The WHHS PTSA has hosted a number of successful fundraisers this year, including Tip A Teacher at Duffy’s Tavern and a book fair at Barnes and Noble. This year’s staff/student basketball game was on May 12. There’s still time to join the PTSA. Email mjmr369@yahoo.com for information. The group is looking to fill a corresponding secretary role. The PTSA meets on the first Wednesday of every month in the conference room by the Little Theater at 6:30 p.m. We’ve begun meeting at 6 p.m. to plan Project Graduation. The May 15 meeting featured a presentation on school security from the WHHS administration and security team. Athletes, Coach Honored WHHS boys hockey Coach Joe Morrell was named SCC Coach of the Year for boys hockey. The following students were recognized as All-League Selections for the SCC Quinnipiac Division for their sports: Ava Gambardella for girls basketball; Mya Berretta for girls hockey; Gary Dudley for boys basketball; and Mike Savino and Alex Scranton for boys hockey. Swimmers Honored for Record-Breaking Performances WHHS swimmers Geordann Daguplo, Daniel Acosta, Max Padro and Gaelen Rhoads were honored at a recent Board of Education meeting for breaking the 200-yard Free Relay record. Padro also broke 3 individual records for the Butterfly, the 200-yard IM and the 500-yard Free. 10 SCHOOL NEWS Hockey Team Commended by CIAC Committee The CIAC Ice Hockey Committee has officially commended the WHHS ice hockey team for not receiving any major penalties during the 2013-14 season. According to a letter from the CIAC, “This demonstration of fine sportsmanship reflects positively on the school administration as well as the coaches and athletes.” WHHS culinary students assisted fourth-graders in March’s Future Chefs Challenge, which asked youngsters to create a sandwich recipe and make the dish during the competition. WHHS culinary students also visited the University of New Haven to meet with members of the National Society of Minorities in Hospitality and talk about their goals for the future. Course Selections School counselors have completed the course selection process with all grades. All students had an opportunity to meet with their counselor individually and select courses to reflect their college/ career pathway. There will be no schedule changes in the fall. Parent Advisory Meeting The last meeting of the year is May 27. The PAC’s goal is to increase communication among parents, school and community regarding secondary school guidance services. Contact Dr. Rose Paolino at x7118 rose.paolino@whschools.org if interested. Rotary Honors Students Rotary Club of West Haven April Students of the Month are Melanie Reiss, Miya Bidon, Mike Kiaunis and Geordann Deguplo. School Counselor Receives Award WHHS counselor Dora Barnes has been named the 2014 Margaret Addis Memorial Scholar from the New England Association for College Admission Counseling. Ms. Barnes strives for all of her students to have access to a college education. Visit us on social media: School District Facebook page: facebook.com/whschools Counseling Department page: facebook.com/whhscounseling School District Twitter page: @whschools or twitter.com/whschools Academic Supports Available Students should check their progress regularly via PowerSchool. Those who are currently failing a class should meet with their teacher during office hours. School Counselors are also available via appointment to discuss grades and interventions. Academic Supports Agenda/Organizer Afterschool Hours Peer Tutoring Tutoring/Homework Help Center Extracurricular Study Hall 11 How? Given to gr. 9 students in English class/ Student IPhone/REMIND 101 *Teacher Office Hours (Tchr. Classroom) *Odysseyware Credit Recovery/D22 Room-F105/ Mrs. Palmer Room D22: All Periods/Ms. Colucci Room B104: 1:55-2:35pm/Mon. & Wed./ Mr. Luneau SCHOOL NEWS WHHS Shows Support for Milford’s Jonathan Law High School Unsung Heroes Honored CNA students held a blood drive May 2 and dedicated the effort to the Jonathan Law High School community and Law student Maren Sanchez. The American Red Cross noted that WHHS surpassed the collection goal, collecting 71 units of blood. A total of 115 students, faculty and staff participated. Over 50 first-time donors signed on to be life-long donors. The ARC collection's coordinator explained the community need for blood is high and that 213 lives will be saved from the WHHS drive. Tech Ed Department Chair Garrett Grant and WHHS Assistant Principal Dana Martinez were recently honored by the PTA Council as Unsung Heroes at the annual Founders Day dinner. Grant was chosen as the PTA CounAdditionally, WHHS students raised $506.85 for the Maren Sanchez Me- cil’s Unsung Hero, while Marmorial Fund by selling paper origami cranes and purple ribbons. tinez was chosen as the WHHS Unsung Hero. Dan Students Visit Yale Science Labs Shine, metals manufacturing teacher at the high school, A group of science students and MC’d Grant’s award and proMrs. Poffenberger visited the Yale duced a video with the stuUniversity Sterling Chemistry Ladents chronicling his contribuboratory in April to learn about curtions to the students of WHHS rent undergraduate and graduateincluding comments by stulevel research in chemistry. dents, alumni, and colleagues. Students visited Professor Nilay Multiple members of the Hazari’s Inorganic Chemistry lab, planations on x-ray crystallography WHHS community spoke hearing about research that will and NMR. In the Physical Chemis- about Martinez’s history with lead to more energy-efficient and try Lab of Professor Vaccaro, stu- WHHS and work with stucost-effective industrial processes. dents saw simulations of thunder dents and staff members. Students also met Professor Bruand lightning , along with a demondvig in his Biophysical Chemistry Fine Arts Celebration stration of how lasers are used in Lab, which is developing new proVaccaro’s research. The 3rd Annual Fine Arts cesses for converting solar energy. Students were intrigued with the Students ended the visit with a Celebration is set for May 29, study of how natural organisms glass-blowing demonstration by 5-7 pm. The event features art process solar energy and how Bru- Daryl Smith, who makes intricate by West Haven High School dvig is trying to imitate that process glassware needed for specialized seniors. WHHS and Bailey experiments in chemistry laborato- Middle School art students artificially in the lab. ries. Smith wowed students by will also create chalk art When they toured instrumentation making a beautiful multicolored drawings and sand art. labs with Drs. Mercado and Paulglass marble in only minutes. PACE Volunteers at son, students received in-depth ex- Band Offers Teachers Musical ‘Thank You’ WHHS band seniors decided to celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week in May by playing the theme song from "Rocky" and giving teachers a chance to burst through a “finish line” as they entered the school. 12 Ward-Heitmann House PACE students recently took their annual trip to the WardHeitmann House and raked leaves and pulled weeds to help clean the area. They also took a tour of the house and watched one of the women restore an old dress and give a history lesson of the house. CLUB NEWS Girl Up Club Continues Advocacy Work VolunTeens visited the VA Hospital in West Haven January 11th to deliver cards to patients. WHHS Mock Trial Team Sees Success in Competition The WHHS Mock Trial Team competed in the state-wide Civics First Mock Trial high school competition this winter, presenting a fictitious court case about a train and car collision. The WHHS team advanced by defeating Choate Rosemary Hall on the first day of regionals at New Haven Superior Court. Then the team beat Northeast Catholic, but lost a very close competition to Ridgefield High School. The score was 97 – 95. Brian Clifford and Catherine DePino served as co-captains, and team members included Sierra Santana, Alexis Severino, Kharl Reynaldo, Susie Beyl, Jamie Kelly and Jesus Yanez. Santana had a perfect score on her opening statement and DePino had a perfect score on her closing statement. The WHHS Girl Up Club, a member of the United Nations Girl Up Program, focuses on improving lives of girls around the world though education, awareness campaigns and fundraising. In March, members showed the movie “Girl Rising.” Members also developed a partnership with the SCSU Women’s Studies department. Working with SCSU mentors will enable members to attend educational conferences and fundraise on the college campus to support local and international programs that help struggling girls and women. Stop by F-105 anytime to learn more. In April, three members served on an SCSU panel to educate college students on girls and activism. DECA Events Deemed A Success DECA members Leah Morrissey, Adriana Yanez and Diana Yanez participated in the Rotary Club Speech contest March 26. Morrissey placed second. DECA events over the past few months have been successful. A fundraiser was held at Walmart to save for important events coming up. The Frozen Fantasy Formal on Jan. 17th was one of the most successful in recent years, drew 230 students, and raised over $5,000. On Feb. 26, the DECA state competition was held at the Aqua Turf with more than 50 events to enter and more than 49 other schools competing. In other news, Sydney Mursko, Olsen Briceno, Alex Scranton, Austin Kozak, Amber Prion, Julia Patterson, Nina Casalaina and Adriana Yanez attended the DECA Conference in Atlanta in May. Prion, Casailna, Yanez, and Patterson competed while others attended leadership programs. This year’s state competition started with 75 schools, with West Haven’s being one of the final eight teams. Mock trial helps students prepare for the rigors of college in the area of collaboration, research and public speaking. The team is coached by Ron Conlan, Pam Lyons, Jeff Newlby, and Sherri Shore. Newlby and Shore were state “Mock Trial Champions” while they were students at WHHS. 13 CLUB NEWS DTP Gains New Members Developing Tomorrow’s Professionals helps young men develop skill-sets and personal principles necessary to graduate from a four-year college. Its new members are: Claudio Geovanny Quezada, Marquis Davon Joseph Lockhart, Stephen Yeu Osei, Andres Pacheco, Kevin Arthur Armstrong, Adrian Jordan Jaynes, Thomas Brim, Lorenzo Anthony Davis, Franny Rafel Pena and Kevin Mercado. They will attend ten sessions at Southern Connecticut State University this summer and receive new laptops as a tool to help with their education. The Unified Sports team participated in the SCC Basketball Tournament January 27th at the New Haven Athletic Center and also the Bowling Tournament February 12 at Woodlawn Bowling Alley in West Haven. FBLA Visits Stew Leonard’s The Future Business Leaders of America had an interesting trip to Stew Leonard’s grocery store in Norwalk this winter. Learning and seeing the unique business strategies and how Stew Leonard’s became one of the most successful Connecticut businesses was a valuable experience. Stew has such varied product choices. The traffic pattern they devised ensures the customer sees many products they produce right at the store. We will never forget their store policy: Rule 1: “The customer is always right.” Rule 2:“If the customer is ever wrong, read rule 1.” Debate Team Succeeds at Tournament The WHHS Debate Team performed very well recently in a Yale Urban Debate League tournament at Yale University. Members competed against Hillhouse High School, the Sound School, CoOp High School, and Career High School. WHHS junior Tatiana Gay won 3rd in the novice speakers category. WHHS senior Yingxian Guo won 3rd in the experienced speakers category. WHHS junior Jamie Kelley also performed very well. Academic Integrity Committee Holds Essay Contest The WHHS Academic Integrity Committee has announced essay contest winners. Junior Kharl Reynado won the $50 first place prize for writing about how people who cheat and plagiarize can’t take satisfaction from a job well done and diminish their own character. Sophomore Christina Chao won the $30 second prize for writing about those who cheat because of the YOLO mindset (You Only Live Once) hurt their own future. Junior Angela Riehl and Sophomore Jeremy Borelli both won the $20 third place prize. Riehl wrote about how a person with integrity consistently demonstrates honesty and truthfulness. Borelli discussed how Abraham Lincoln demonstrated integrity in fighting slavery and preserving the Union. Reynado’s essay will now be submitted to the statewide Laws of Life Essay Contest run by the School for Ethical Education. Charter Members Inducted Into Leo Club Nearly 20 WHHS students were inducted as charter members of the new West Haven Leo Club, which is sponsored by the local chapter of the Lions Club. The students will organize and participate in community service projects and hope to help some Bailey Middle School students join as well (the Leos are for ages 12-18). The charter members of the new Leo Club are: President Samantha D’Amico, Vice President Sarah Flynn, Secretary Alice Li, Treasurer Maggie Yeh, Alyza Barbieri, Michaela Caprio, Amy Loja, John Mongillo, Emma Murray, Olivia Nicolelli, Kharl Reynado, Nurul Sauffian, Paige Sheridan, Heather Tingley, Matthew Tingley and Aaron Vaughn. 14 CLUB NEWS Writers Wanted The Rostrum, the WHHS newspaper, is looking for writers. Please see newspaper advisers Mrs. Brackenbury in F108 or Mrs. Lynch, LMC. Remember that writing is the primary basis upon which your work, your learning, and your intellect will be judged—in college, in the workplace, and in the community. Theatre Workshop Announces New Season Auditions will take place September 10 and 11 in the evening for “The Laramie Project.” There will be an informational meeting on September 8 after school in the Little Theatre. “The Laramie Project” is about reaction to the 1998 murder of University of Wyoming student Matthew Shepard, who was gay, in Laramie, Wyoming. Excerpts used at auditions will be available online over the summer at www.whhstw.org. The spring musical will be “The Droswy Chaperone,” with book by Bob Martin and Don McKellar and music and lyrics by Lisa Lambert and Greg Morrison. It is a madcap parody of the American musical comedies of the 1920s. Audition dates as well as show dates will be announced soon. Check our web page for updates. SADD Club Activities Promote Safety Among Peers The SADD Club (Students Against Destructive Decisions) sponsored the Grim Reaper activity on May 8, in which over 50 staff and students were considered “dead” during the school day. The initiative was intended to make the school community aware of dangers of texting and driving as well as drinking and driving. On May 13, the rain clouds cleared, allowing the SADD Club, West Haven Fire Department, Police Department and community businesses to perform the Mock Car Crash for the junior and senior classes. The mock crash served as a realistic depiction of what could happen when texting while driving or driving under the influence. Luncheon, Movie on Tap for French Students French students, including members of the new French club, have two exciting events planned. The first is a luncheon at New Haven’s Union League Cafe on May 22, when a variety of the best authentic French cuisine in the area will be consumed. The second is a movie night on June 13 from 5:308:30pm in the faculty lounge. Students will enjoy a dinner of quiche and salad while watching the movie "La Vie en Rose," the story of French singer Edith Piaf for $2. Please see Mrs. Reichert or a member of the French club if you are interested in attending. Scavenger Hunt Helps Grads The Student Government sponsored a scavenger hunt with six teams in May to raise money for Project Graduation. Teams performed various tasks across campus and ended with a pizza party at Full Circle. Teams raised over $250 for Project Graduation. The winners are: 1st place: the boys tennis team 2nd place: Catherine DePino’s team 3rd place: Vicki Williams’ team 15 COLLEGE REMINDERS Portfolio sessions/Student Success Plans By the end of May, all juniors should have met with their counselor for their individual portfolio session (parents are welcome) and completed course selection for senior year. If you did not, please make an appointment to see your school counselor. Remember, your official rank for college will be based upon completion of your junior year. Naviance Reminders The School Counseling Department held Parent College/Career Pathways Night in May to offer presentations on the PSAT and what it means for SAT preparation and college planning. In March, counselors held College Planning Night, with college representatives giving an inside look at the admissions process. Common App Workshop College-bound juniors, check your email and Naviance Home Page this summer for Common App Workshop information. It will be held the end of August. Seats will be limited. Remember to utilize Naviance, not only for your college/career search but also for special events/programs taking place specifically for your grade and during the summer months. Check your email and Naviance Home Page at least once a week. Juniors, begin to develop your college list and visit campuses this summer. Use Naviance’s College Search for help and www.cappex.com for resources and checklists. Visit Naviance at https:// connection.naviance.com/westhaven. “It’s Part of Their Digital Footprint” 1 in 10 admissions officers from the top 500 colleges check out applicants’ social networking profiles during their decision-making process. In addition, approximately half of employers screen applicants’ social media presences. (2011 ASCD) Campus Connection Visit a Success The School Counseling Department offered an overnight excursion to sophomore and junior students at the end of April. Nearly 50 students explored colleges in Southern New Jersey and Philadelphia. Juniors considering attending a 4-year college should take the SAT Tests this spring. Students interested in highly competitive schools should consider taking SAT II subject tests. Check with your college of interest as to what SAT II tests are required. Testing Accommodations: Any student eligible for testing accommodations for the ACT or SAT need to see their school counselor for an application. The application needs to be filed at least 4-6 weeks before the test date. Register: www.collegeboard.com SAT Test Dates (2014) June 1 Registration Deadlines Late Registration Deadlines May 2 May 17 SENIORS/ACT: The ACT has become another option for most college admissions. Many students take the ACT to see if they score at a higher level than the SAT. The ACT is more of an academically orientated test compared to the SAT. The ACT is given at nearby schools. Register: www.act.org ACT Test Dates (2014) June 8 Registration Deadlines May 3 Late Registration Deadlines May 4-17 16 SCHOOL NEWS Sandy Hook Fundraiser Runs through May 23 Bracelets are being sold at WHHS to benefit the Sandy Hook playground being built at the beach in West Haven. They will be on sale for $3 through May 23. Students Add Their Voice to Global Movement Students in two Women's Changing Roles classes at WHHS organized an event May 15 to support the girls who were kidnapped from their school in Nigeria. The students wrote speeches, made flyers and posters, and collected a group of over 300 students to wear blue and take a group photo to put on a Twitter account they have created. They hoped to connect classroom lessons to real-world situations and take a stand on an important issue. The message in the photo, #bringbackourgirls, is one that's being used across the Internet. “I am so excited by their dedication to this cause and the maturity they have shown in planning this event,” said Women’s Changing Roles teacher Jeanne Palmer. “These students mobilized quickly and went to work researching the issue and brainstorming ways they could take action.” New Teacher Web Pages Online WHHS teachers have been creating or updating their teacher web pages on the WHHS website, whhs.whschools.org. Find them under the “School Staff” tab and then click “teacher web pages.” Junior Prom King and Queen Thomas Nelson and Erin Collins were named the king and queen of the WHHS junior prom. Student Snags Prize in Open Government Essay Contest Energy Expert Speaks to Science Classes WHHS junior Hailey Dias won $50 for Honorable Mention in the Connecticut Foundation for Open Government 2014 essay contest. Robert Poulson, the president of the National Foundation for Energy Education, spoke to environmental science students and engineering students on May 1. Dias wrote about the idea of school administrators requiring students to provide their social media passwords if investigating bullying allegations. Student to Attend DECA Marketing Academy CFOG, a nonprofit educational organization, sponsors the essay contest each year to encourage thought and debate among students on public and freedom of information issues and to increase student knowledge of the value of open government in a democratic society. 17 Madly Lima will attend the Summer Leadership Academy (Dobbs Ferry Campus) in June. There will be corporate visits on campus while she attends various classes: Marketing Careers, Matching Personalities to Careers, Entrepreneurship Ecosystem, Finance & Accounting, and Leadership & Personal Branding. SCHOOL NEWS New Online Payment System for Meals 2013-2014 Dates to Remember May 21-23 May 21 May 21 May 27 May 28, 29 May 29 May 30, June 6 May 30 June 3 June 4 June 5 June 7 June 10 June 11 June 11 June 12 June 13-15 June 13-18 June 16 June 16-19 June 17 June 21 June 23 June 23 June 23-24 AP Testing Rotary Scholar-Athlete Luncheon Choral Concert Academic Awards Ceremony, Auditorium 8:20am Children’s Theater Production Fine Arts Festival, Savin Rock Conference Center GRAC May Madness Basketball Tourney National Honor Society Sleepout Solar Cooker Contest (June 5 raindate) WHHS Honors Awards Ceremony, Westwoods, 9am Senior Band Concert Senior Prom, Villa Bianca “Fashion Fusion” Fashion Show Top Twenty Luncheon Sr. Scholarship Night, Westwoods, 69pm Senior Directed Play Charlotte Bacon Playground Events Senior Final Exams Senior Night Underclass Final Exams Chamber of Commerce Scholarship Luncheon Alumni Band Concert (tentative) Last Day of School Graduation, 6pm Project Graduation – Jewish Community Center New WHHS Website Launches Visit the new WHHS website at whhs.whschools.org. Find an easy-to-use calendar, school news, announcements, videos and more. EdgePrep Program a Success The SAT/ACT Prep Course EdgePrep program, which started March 29, drew 18 students. Participants continued working on the program through April to prepare for the May 3 SAT and June 14 ACT. The program will be offered again this summer or fall to seniors. Check Naviance and your e-mail for registration information. 18 My School Bucks is the new online payment system for parents to apply money to their students meal account. We no longer use PaySchool. Visit https://www.myschoolbucks.com to register. You will need your student's ID number. Money remaining on your PaySchool account should have automatically transferred over to your My School Bucks account. Once you’ve signed up, fund your student’s account via the mySchoolBucks website or mobile app, which is for iPhone and Android. WHHS Athletic Director Honored WHHS Athletic Director Jonathan Capone was recognized with the Robert Duncanson “Meritorious Service Award” by the Connecticut Association of Athletic Directors for his contributions to sports at WHHS and at the state level. WHHS Athletes Recognized in Newspaper WHHS freshman hockey player Mya Berretta was named Saturday's Star for the New Haven Register in January. She scored all six goals in the Westies' 6-5 win over Hand and scored 60 goals this season during 18 games. WHHS basketball player Gary Dudley was also recognized by the New Haven Register in January. He was named the male New Haven County Athlete of the Week by the newspaper. WHHS Students Celebrated at Black Heritage Celebration Ten students were honored at City Hall Feb. 26 at the 19th Annual Black Heritage Celebration, which was presented by the West Haven Black Heritage Committee and the Office of Mayor Edward M. O’Brien. The students are: Academic Excellence/Most Improved: Jaisha Gore, grade 9, and Mark Beavers, grade 10. Leadership/Positive Attitude: Lauren Lewis, grade 9, Cailynn Joyner, grade 10. Perfect Attendance: Jacques Stockton, grade 9, Stephen Osei, grade 10. Essay “My Life’s Vision and Goals”: Alice Obas, Jesus Yanez, Cindy Li and Toni Chambers, all grade 11. “Blue & White . . . Up All Night!” WEST HAVEN HIGH SCHOOL CLASS OF 2014 PROJECT GRADUATION * A SUBSTANCE-FREE * ALL NIGHT * * POST-GRADUATION * CELEBRATION * Monday, June 23, 2014 – Tuesday, June 24, 2014 Jewish Community Center, Woodbridge Cash Cube Time Capsule DJ/Karaoke Yoga Zumba Buddy Photos Extreme Obstacle Course Wallyball Racquetball Swimming 3 on 3 Basketball Card Readings Hair Braiding Game Show Mania Salad & Deli Bar Rita’s Italian Ice Pizza Party Chinese Food Hour Hypnotist Soccer Dodgeball Volleyball Floor Hockey Tai Chi Temporary Tattoo’s Breakfast bar And Spectacular Prizes BECOME A SPONSOR OR VOLUNTEER TODAY!!! Your donation may be in goods, services, time, or cash/check (Payable to: Project Graduation) Platinum ($500); Gold ($350); Silver ($200); Bronze ($100); Patron ($50); SAY YES - and volunteer at the Jewish Community Center on June 23, 2014. To volunteer or for questions/comments: Call 937-4360 ext. 7109 or email pamela.gardner@whschools.org 19 NONPROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #545 NEW HAVEN, CT West Haven Board of Education 1 McDonough Plaza West Haven, CT 06516-5257 Mission Statement We at West Haven High School Commit to an education that promotes critical thinking, communication and problem solving. Advocate the development of student talent, as well as collaboration with parents and the local community. Reinforce the values of mutual respect, courtesy and diversity. Encourage students to develop responsibility, accountability and self-discipline. 20
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