September/October - Gateway Chapter of the American Needlepoint
September/October - Gateway Chapter of the American Needlepoint
Volume 21, Issue #6 September-October 2012 Official Publication for Gateway Chapter of American Needlepoint Guild Needlenotes CHAPTER MEETINGS Monthly meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month from September through May in the South Fellowship Hall at the Ladue Chapel. Morning monthly meetings begin at 9:30 am. Evening monthly meetings begin at 6:30 pm. Summer meetings are informal stitch-ins and are held on a Saturday each month from June through August. CALENDAR OF EVENTS Thursday, September 20 monthly meeting Thursday, October 18 monthly meeting Sunday, October 21 Fall Retreat Fellow Stitchers: It’s hard for me to believe that the summer of 2012 is already over. Maybe it’s because so much of the summer was over 100 degrees and way too hot to do anything out-of-doors, but it sure felt like it was only a few weeks ago that we had our May meeting. The summer was filled with lots of fun things – three stitch-ins, a luncheon, and our pilot class. I was lucky enough to be able to attend all of these and had a great time at each of them. I want to thank each of the people who hosted a stitch-in – Judy Lewis, Janice Marsh, and Kathryn Nagy. I also want to thank Barb Smith for once again opening up her home for our spring luncheon, and Threads and Stitches for hosting the pilot class. Look for an article about the pilot class inside the newsletter. September has always felt like a new beginning for me, just like a new school year. Every year, I set all kinds of goals about how many projects I’m going to finish during the next year, and every year, I fall short. In fact, I end up starting a lot more projects than I finish. But I am going to bring a couple of UFO’s to the September meeting for the rest of you to vote on, so maybe I’ll get at least one thing completed. I’m also looking forward to all of the new and exciting things that our Program Chair, Regina Mohan, has in store for us this year. Make sure you attend one of the meetings on September 20 so you don’t miss out on anything. You’ll find information about what to bring to the meeting inside. We had several new members join during the summer, so if you see a new face at one of the meetings, please introduce yourself. I’m looking forward to seeing each and every one of you this year. Donna Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 1 OFFICER NEWS SUMMER STITCH-INS 2012 Chapter fundraising Thank you so much to our summer Stitch-in hosts. We all had so much fun at Janice Marsh’s and Kathryn Nagy’s homes this summer with our fellow stitchers. Both of these were beautiful summer days and we even got a cool afternoon to sit out on Kathryn’s deck. We can’t thank you enough for opening your homes to us. It was also a pleasure to meet some of our new members at these gatherings. Dry Erase Boards Or Name Tags I am sorry to say but this editor lost the pictures from Janice’s house but below are a few snapshots of the afternoon on Kathryn’s deck. (I am so sorry about that but I am working on my computer skills!) Still available If you still would like to order additional tags for your bags, we can still order them anytime for you with your name or initials on them. They make great small gift items for friends or family. Also the dry erase boards we did this past year are also still available. Name Tags $5 each Dry Erase Boards $20 If you would like to order, please call: Judy Lewis at 314.997.6674 ********************************* Dawna Freeland came back to visit Labor Day weekend to stich and catch up with old friends. Don’t forget to come back and visit us again! Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 2 MEMBER ACTIVITIES MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION MEMBERSHIP INFORMATION The following members owe LOCAL DUES of $22.00 on October 1st: Lisa Balbes Joan Cahill Maureen Clever Julie Cook Louise Franks Ellen Ippolito Mickey Knutson Linda Lesh Janine Webb Nancy Feldman Susan Lucco Please mail your checks to me – Debbie Trowbridge, 2791 Riebold Dr., Arnold, MO 63010 – by October 1st. Checks should be made payable to Gateway Chapter-ANG. If you give your check to another board member please let me know. It saves a lot of confusion. Also, please make sure your National ANG membership is current. You cannot be a member of the Gateway Chapter if you do not belong to the National ANG organization. Except for your initial membership payment, National ANG dues are paid directly to National Headquarters. You should receive a notice from them shortly before that payment is due. If you need assistance with any membership matters please feel free to contact me at 314/607-9867. Debbie Trowbridge Membership Director Programs “The Kiss” This year's theme will be "THE KISS". All the sordid details will be revealed at our September meeting. The first project will certainly be something to write home about. It will be introduced at the September meeting. The cost of this project will be $16.00. It will include everything you need to stitch and finish the project, other than your choice of thread. Also at this meeting we will kick off our UFO challenge. For those of you who are unfamiliar with this project, it consists of you bringing 2 of your unfinished projects, that for whatever reason you have put them aside. The ANG group will then vote on which project you should finish. You will sign a contract stating that if you don't finish the project in the allotted time, you will graciously and happily donate $10.00 to ANG (this contract will hold up in no court!). The best part of this project is watching the progress of the projects either being completed or ignored during the year. This is all done in the spirit of fun. It is not mandatory to participate. Unfortunately, the stitch or technique of the month project has not proved feasible. However, there is a possibility of a philanthropy project that will also require a blank canvas. So please bring an approximated 8" by 8" (or whatever size you have available) canvas mounted on stretcher bars to the September 20 meeting. Also, if you have any nice over-dyed threads left over from another project, please bring those. Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 3 MEMBER ACTIVITIES FALL RETREAT You don't want to fall behind by not signing up for the fall retreat! The retreat will be Sunday, October 21st, 2012, 9:00-4:30. It will be at the Needlepoint Clubhouse. Join us for a fun filled day of stitching and getting together to socialize with our fellow members. There will be plenty of snacks available, but lunch will be on your own. There are many varieties of food choice eateries available for your pleasure in the neighborhood. The cost of this delightful day will be $15.00. If you choose to register with a check, please make the check-out to the Gateway Chapter-ANG. Cash is also welcome. No debit cards accepted. Please see or call Regina Mohan to register for this event (314-991-5741). Show and Tell September’s meeting is always so much fun. We get to catch up with our friends, which is great, but of course the passion that brings us all together is Needlepoint. Please make sure to bring to this meeting all of your projects that you finished this summer or that you are working on. Everyone would love to see what you are doing and get new ideas from their amazing needlepoint friends. Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 4 SHOP NEWS Pilot Class with Susan Hoeskstra ANG 2012 SEMINAR PILOT CLASS An ANG 2012 Seminar Pilot Class was held here in St. Louis on Sunday, July 15, at the Threads and Stitches needlepoint shop. The class is “Ben’s Kites” and it was designed and taught by Susan Hoekstra, who also taught it at the National Seminar in Philadelphia. It was designed to honor Ben Franklin. The class was attended by a number of Gateway Chapter members, including one from out-of-state and several ghost stitchers. Susan was a great teacher and the piece is interesting and lots of fun to stitch. The picture of the piece did not do it justice – the colors are gorgeous. All who attended were very glad that they decided to take the class; it was more than worth the price of the kit. When asked if our feedback was of any assistance, Susan replied: “I can truly tell you that the help your group gave to me was invaluable.” Susan also said that she would like to return to St. Louis to teach more classes. Donna Beaman Hello Ladies: I have finally returned to NJ from my Midwest teaching excursions. It certainly was a great time in St. Louis! Thank you so much for allowing me to hold Ben’s Kites pilot class in St. Louis. It was a pleasure and an honor to work with the Gateway Chapter. I am hopeful to return to your group in the not too distant future. Please keep me in mind if you are ever looking for a teacher to bring in to your area. In the meantime, stay safe, healthy and keep stitching! Susan Hoekstra Foxview Needlepoint & Rug Hooking Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 5 SHOP NEWS Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 6 SHOP NEWS Sign of the Arrow Shop News We hope everyone has been stitching a lot in this very hot weather since there has not been much else to do. If you are looking for new things to stitch we are loaded with new canvases that have poured in, and we have continued to add to our markdown canvases as well. Be sure to stop by and take a peek. Fall Trunk Shows We have some great trunk shows coming this fall. First, is Kangaroo Paw Designs in September, which is a line of sorority ornaments, pillows, glass cases and other items. These designs are easy to stitch and are great for sorority gifts. We will also have Jean Smith and her beautiful botanical canvases that everyone loves. Show dates are Sept.19-Oct.15. Associated Talents will be coming from October 13 – November 3rd, and will be sending ornaments, pillows, belts and a full range of great canvases. As usual, please enjoy 20% off all trunk show purchases and special orders from these vendors. Limited Edition Ornaments are available and can still be finished in time as a great gift for Christmas. This is a charted ornament and kit with the fibers included. It does come in a painted version as well for those who do not like to count from a chart. Sudberry Wooden Boxes and Trays are in stock. We have everything from brass handled trays to mini boxes and music boxes. These make great holiday and wedding gifts. We are looking forward to the fall and seeing all of you again. Best, Julie and Randi Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 7 SHOP NEWS A Happy Place to Stitch Private Lessons with Judy Harper, Master Teacher Debbie Jacobson Beginning Needlepoint and Stitch Collection 2012 offering new designs, $20 per hour stitches and threads. Call for times and prices 717 N. New Ballas just south of Olive, east of I-270 314-432-2555 The Needlepoint Clubhouse The kids are back in school It’s time for Mom’s to rule You miss them but don’t be blue The Clubhouse is the place for you Autumn at The Clubhouse Trunk Shows The Artist’s Collection Rebecca Wood The Point of It All Finishing Promotion - The holiday finishing deadline is September 24 Belts are week to week until we are notified. Not done by 9/24 - call us to see if we have received any extensions. Receive an extra punch on your Clubhouse Card with your finishing order of $50.00 or more through September 15. Pre-Market Sale Selected merchandise marked 30 – 70% off – New items added often! Off to Market We will be back on September 12 and will be working diligently to get the treasures we find on the floor ASAP. Classes The Susan Portra Class was a sell out and the feedback from all who participated has been enthusiastic. We are working on a booking with her in 2014. Julia Snyder October 12 – 14 - Canvas Enhancement Julia’s days are filling up, call the Clubhouse for details and to reserve your seats soon. ANG Members: Don’t forget to identify yourselves to receive your 10% ANG discount with every in stock, full priced item purchased at The Clubhouse. epoint Clubhouse Shop News Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 8 ADDITIONAL ADVERTISERS Needlepoint, Etc., Inc. has been around for over thirty years. We have extensive hand painted canvases, great fibers, and wonderful finishing. We provide a unique opportunity for you to customize a canvas. Custom designing is our specialty (shoes, purses, belts, wall hangings, picture frames, etc). Shop our Advertisers Be sure and tell them that you saw their ad in the Needlenotes newsletter Hints How do I choose the right needles to use? In order to stitch needlepoint, you will need a tapestry needle. This type of needle has a blunt point and a large eye so that it is fairly easy to thread. Needles are inexpensive, so consider buying a small package containing assorted sizes, as you may need them if your projects have been painted on varying sizes of mesh. The general guide we've provided below will help you determine the correct size to use for your project: Size Size Size Size 16 18 20 22 needles needles needles needles / / / / 8 mesh canvas 10 mesh canvas 12, 13 or 14 mesh canvas 16 or 18 mesh canvas The higher the size number, the smaller the needle. As a general rule, if the needle slips through the hole fairly easily and does not distort the mesh, it is probably the right size. Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild, September- October 2012, Page 9 GATEWAY CHAPTER OFFICERS BOARD President Donna Beaman (314) 878-4149 Secretary Nancy Feldman (314) 579-0865 Treasurer Carol Bosche (636) 532-1712 Newsletter Judy Lewis (314) 997-6674 1st Vice President-Programs Regina Mohan (314) 991-5741 2nd Vice President-Membership Debbie Trowbridge (636) 287-1220 Fundraising Nancy Kinker (636) 227-5709 Public Relations Sally Ross (636) 225-0987 GATEWAY CHAPTER OFFICERS COMMITTEE Workshops Ellen Ippolito (636)561-0132 workshops@ Webmaster Janice Marsh (636) 394-1134 webmaster@ Sunshine Linda Aboussie (314) 842-6260 sunshine @ Historian Kathryn Nagy (314) 434-8499 historian@ Philanthropy philanthropy@ MEMBERSHIP Gateway Chapter of the American Needlepoint Guild is open to all needlepointers, from beginner to experts. Prospective members may attend two (2) membership meetings and receive two (2) complimentary copies of the Needlenotes newsletter before being asked to pay dues. If you want to join now, contact Debbie Trowbridge, Membership. (See phone number and email address above.) If you have an address change, contact Debbie Trowbridge, Membership. (See phone number and email address above.) NEWSLETTER Needlenotes is published six (6) times a year September, November, January, March, May, and July. The deadline for copy submission is the third Wednesday of the preceding month of the publication. Submit copy to Judy Lewis, Newsletter. (See phone number and email address above.) ADVERTISING RATES Advertising rates apply to one year of Needlenotes publication of six (6) issues. Rates are $30 for business card, $60 for ¼ page, and $80 for a ½ page. Submit camera-ready art to the same email address as the newsletter copy listed above. ©2012 Gateway Chapter American Needlepoint Guild. ANG chapters may reproduce for guild use only, others require written permission. Needlenotes Gateway Chapter ANG Judy Lewis, Editor
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