Needlepoint Now Newsletter June 2015
Needlepoint Now Newsletter June 2015
Needlepoint Now News Between the Threads Ta Da! FROM June 2015 ELI ZABETH Ah, Summertime I love summer and being outside working in my garden or riding my bicycle with my husband and friends. But even better, it also seems like there is a stitching opportunity most weekends. And there are few things that I enjoy more than taking needlepoint classes. Two weeks ago I was in Chicago at Designer’s Desk taking a canvas embellishment class with talented Jill Rigoli of Danji Designs and a sweet floral piece from Cassie Prescott and Nandra Hotchkiss of Sundance Designs that will be featured in the September/October issue of Needlepoint Now. This is Susan Rafter from Washington with her finishedChurch Ladies from the May/June 2013 cover The Royal Winner! Pamela Price from Perkasie, PA, is our lucky winner of the beautiful jeweled needle case by Accoutrement Designs! Congratulations, Your Majesty!! This past weekend Janet Casey was teaching a pilot class for her piece “Mum’s the Word” at the Needlepoint Now studio. “Mum’s the Word” is a small purse that Janet designed for the ANG Seminar in Myrtle Beach, North Carolina, that takes place in September. It was a fun class that I thoroughly enjoyed. If you signed up for this or any of Janet’s classes at the ANG Seminar, I can guarantee you will not be disappointed. Janet is an amazing teacher and designer. Tomorrow I drive to Washington State to take my first class with Toni Gerdes and I’m really looking forward to it. Toni will be teaching “The Wright Kimono” to the Olympic Chapter of ANG. Toni’s design has received rave reviews from my friends who have been lucky enough to take the class. Toni will be teaching us how to successfully stitch circle shapes on needlepoint canvas, something all of us have struggled with. I think there are always a plethora of classes in the summer months because the weather makes it much easier to travel. Also school is out and it’s easier to take time off. Regardless of the reason, I take as many classes as I can so I can stay up on the current trends and learn a new thing or two while I’m at it. Yes, even an experienced stitcher like me still has a lot to learn. Needlepoint is always changing and evolving with new stitches and materials. Taking classes is the best way to keep up on what is new. Are you looking for a class to take this summer? Check out the American Needlepoint Guild at <> or the Embroiderer’s Guild of America, <>. If travel isn’t an option, contact your local needlepoint shop. They often have classes and are an invaluable resource for needlepoint instruction. Happy summer! Elizabeth in the July/August Issue Coming up... Finding Agnes by Annie Lane, conjures up sounds of the shore and the feel of sand between your toes as you and your buddy beach comb for treasure! Just look who Amos found for you! The stitch guide by Vicky De Angelis will ensure you have a great time digging into this summer scene. Phoenix Panel Diane Grant did a fabulous job of designing this stunning geometric counted piece for all our readers. Fall in love with the soft colors, fun stitches and interesting finishing technique for which Diane is known. Fish Cleaners Canvas by Julie Pischke has bold, bright stitches that will keep you smiling as you work. The primitive style and vivid colors are pure Gullah culture from the sea islands off the coast of South Carolina. With a brilliant stitch guide by Natasha Higgins we travel down to the docks in the sea air. Peacock Square We love this preening peacock geometric by Stickideen Von Der Wiehenburg. This piece is actually one of her earlier designs and threads have changed or become unavailable in the U.S. You can order a kit from the author or follow our alternate thread list for an American twist. Uncle Sam by Sew Much Fun brings us a bit of the 4th of July with all the fabulous fun, sparkle and glitz dressed up like a turkey. Stitch yourself a party in red, white and blue! Ad Reminder! Reservations for ad space in our Sept/Oct issue are due July 1st with ad materials for custom design due July 8th. Camera-ready ads can be sent in as late as August 3rd. —Thank you! Sutherland Stitch Color Study Kandace Thomas is known for her one-stitch designs and color studies. This charted piece would make a wonderful pillow or box as it uses color to draw your eye in and out of the pattern, creating movement and depth. The Twelve Tribes of Israel, Part 4 We continue our series by Rishfeld Designs with the next two tribes of Judah and Issachar symbolized as a lion and celestial bodies, respectively. Join us on our journey through the 12 tribes with our wonderful stitch guide by Donna Brandeis LaGanga. White Holiday Gift All the threads are white and gold for a fabulous sparkling ornament filled with movement. Susan Portra brings us another great design of pattern and texture to add a bit of the holidays to our homes. Barbara Russell and Her Dogs June Russell-Chamberlin takes us inside the studio for a chat so you can find out why Barbara finally chose to put her wonderful dog portraits on the national market—much to our joy. Barbara has a real talent for capturing the attitude of a breed with style, humor and adoration. Look into her world and see if your best friend is peeking out of a canvas at you. Who doesn’t need a new friend? Subscribers, enter to win one of these Annie Lane Little Amigo Needle Minders! These powerful magnets are “Way Too Fun” and cute-cute-cute! Just email or call us with your subscriber I.D. number—it’s as easy as that. The number is located above your name on the mailing label of the magazine. The drawing takes place on August 10, 2015. email: Phone: (541) 935-0238 PO Box 428, Elmira, OR 97437 • • PH 541.935.0238 • FX 541.935.0267
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