A Welcome Message from Tom Allen NEW! Keira Knightley Gets


A Welcome Message from Tom Allen NEW! Keira Knightley Gets
The Official Newsletter of the Association of American Publishers' Get Caught Reading Campaign, November 2012
A Welcome Message from Tom Allen
Dear Get Caught Reading Supporter,
We are excited to share this newsletter with you,
featuring some of the creative reading initiatives that
have taken place across the country this fall. We
continue to be thrilled by the enthusiasm of the teachers,
librarians, booksellers, and local leaders who are using
Get Caught Reading to promote a love of reading in their
NEW! Keira Knightley
Gets Caught Reading!
Get Caught Reading has been very busy. In this issue,
you will see that we have had a presence at several large
events since our last newsletter, distributing hundreds of
free posters at the Brooklyn Book Festival, East Harlem
Children’s Book Festival, and more. We have added a
new celebrity supporter to the campaign this month—
Oscar nominated actress Keira Knightley.
In addition, in this newsletter we are honoring Jefferson
Junior High School as GCR’s 2012 School of the Year,
and you will find updates on Get Caught Listening and
Aja Leyendo! as well as ideas for everything from how
you can support Books for Asia and Banned Books Week
each year to your colleagues’ Halloween Literacy
Festivals and Reading Among the Trees celebrations.
Also new to the campaign, download free animal
bookmarks (designed for Get Caught Reading) for your
own literacy-themed events, and keep us posted on ways
that we can continue to improve our campaign to support
you in your efforts.
As always, let us know about the programs you are
running in your area so that we can spread the word. We
would love to hear from you.
Keep reading,
Tom Allen, President and CEO
Association of American Publishers
Terrific news! Thanks to the support of Focus Features,
we are thrilled to announce our latest Get Caught Reading
An Academy Award-nominated actress and model best
known for her roles in such films as Pride and Prejudice,
Atonement, and The Pirates of the Caribbean movies,
Keira was caught here reading the book of her latest film
adaptation, Anna Karenina. “I’ve always loved history ––
reading about it, playing it out on-screen –– because I feel
it takes me out of the present; I fall into a fantasy, which I
love doing,” she says. Anna Karenina is her third book-tofilm collaboration with director Joe Wright, once again
bringing to the screen a literary masterpiece from the past.
Thanks, Keira, for supporting Get Caught Reading! Order
her poster at www.getcaughtreading.org today.
Congratulations to Jefferson Junior High School:
GCR 2012 School of the Year!
For several years running, Anna Osborn, 9 grade Reading Teacher at Jefferson Junior High in Columbia, MO, has led a Get
Caught Reading program for her reading intervention students to discuss reasons and places to “get caught reading.” As an
end of the year project, students generate posters that advertize the reasons and places they get caught reading. They begin
by visiting www.getcaughtreading.org and discussing the posters on display in the classroom, and they collectively hang
posters around the school to motivate others to get caught reading over the summer.
The presentation includes helping her students identify their own motivations for reading, recognize and list a variety of
places and reasons to Get Caught Reading (to avoid boredom, for education, to make more money, to meet a deadline, to
hide from people, to not feel uncomfortable, etc.), and challenges them to create a poster that includes a creative reason and
place to get caught reading. Here are some of the (many) student creations from last year’s program:
GCR at the bus stop because my best friend is sick and I need something to do.
GCR in the hallway to be successful
GCR before school so you can get your brain ready to learn
GCR after track practice when my dad is late
Two years ago, Anna incorporated a technology element into the project by creating an Animoto video on www.animoto.com
with the “get caught reading” slogans that her students had written. She has since used the video to share with other
teachers in her technology group how technology can be incorporated to engage students as readers. Her students even
expressed how the celebrity posters made them feel as they reading could make them a celebrity, too.
This upcoming year, Anna will be incorporating iPad technology into her lessons, encouraging her students to use the Pic
Collage App to make their posters, and working with them on a book trailer project. “I cannot thank you enough for your
campaign and its impact on my classroom,” she said in her last email. “My students are not always happy about being placed
in a reading class. Your campaign helps me to teach the fun of reading, and I appreciate it.”
We appreciate your efforts as well, Anna! Keep up the good work at Jefferson Junior High School!
Books for Asia Gets Caught Reading
Books for Asia (a donation program run by The Asia Foundation) launched a campaign in August 2012 called Storytime in
Asia, a month-long campaign that celebrates the role quality children’s books in developing reading habits and literacy.
Through behind-the-scenes photos and videos, they showed the impact of beautifully crafted storybooks on students whose
schools and families cannot afford high-quality reading material. In addition, during the week of International Literacy Day –
from August 31 to September 8 – Books for Asia organized special literacy-promoting events throughout Asia. Four
children’s book publishers – Scholastic, Penguin Young Readers Group, Little, Brown Books for Young Readers, and
Abrams – donated over 120,000 books to the campaign. Get Caught Reading and its parent company, the Association of
American Publishers (AAP) were proud partners and supporters of Storytime in Asia. Check out www.booksforasia.org for
more information.
Prospect Elementary
Gets Caught Reading
Chicago Middle School
“Rose” to the Occasion
Leila Rogers, Media Specialist at Prospect Elementary School
in Seymour, TN, led her students in a school-wide Get Caught
Reading campaign that included a celebrity poster giveaway,
the creation of posters of students Getting Caught Reading, and
laminated paper necklaces with this logo (designed by her
graphic designer husband specifically for the campaign) given
out to all students who “get caught reading.” The “P” is for
Prospect Elementary School. Thanks for kicking off a great
GCR campaign, Leila!
Thanks to a special request from Caitlin McMahon, a
7th Grade Reading Teacher at Prairie Hills Junior High
School in Markham, IL (on the south side of Chicago),
the entire 7 grade received their own posters of NBA
Chicago Bulls player Derrick Rose as a donation from
Get Caught Reading. In the shipment, GCR also
included several other free posters of our NBA and
WNBA supporters.
GCR at the Brooklyn Book Festival
Get Caught Reading was thrilled to have a table at the Brooklyn Book Festival again this year, courtesy of the AAP. Weather
was beautiful for our volunteers on Sunday, September 23 , 2012, and from 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., we gave away
hundreds of GCR posters to children and parents in attendance, as well as stickers and postcards. In fact, the booth was so
popular that we ran out of posters entirely, and we spent the rest of the day coloring bookmarks with the children and
drawing pictures for a “What Are You Reading?” wall. Overall a great success!
Aja Leyendo!
East Harlem Children’s Book Festival Gets Caught Reading Again
For the second year in a row, the East Harlem Children’s Book Festival Got Caught Reading! Produced by La Casa Azul
Bookstore, this one-day celebration of literacy took place on Saturday, June 16 , 2012 from 2:00pm – 6:00pm at PS
72/Lexington Academy in New York City and featured storytellers, musicians, readings by participating authors, craft
projects, and literacy-themed giveaways. The Association of American Publishers hosted a booth providing hundreds of free
Get Caught Reading posters, postcards, bookmarks, and stickers supporting Aja Leyendo! (the Latino branch of Get Caught
Reading) for participating children, parents, teachers, librarians, and PTA leaders.
“The festival is part of my commitment to promote literacy in El Barrio and to get culturally relevant books in the hands of
young readers,” said Aurora Anaya-Cerda, owner of La Casa Azul Bookstore and festival coordinator. “My goal is to foster a
love for books at a young age—to bring authors, families, and the community together in celebration of the written word.” We
at Get Caught Reading and Aja Leyendo share that goal! Thanks for everything you do to promote literacy.
South Miami Children’s Clinic Hosts
Halloween Literacy Event
Get Caught Reading is not just for schools and libraries! Not only has South Miami Children’s Clinic in Miami, FL, placed
posters in their waiting room area and exam rooms, but they hosted a Halloween Literacy event in October.
The event was a huge success, with between 150-200 children in attendance to receive Get Caught Reading posters. The
clinic organized youth volunteers from a local school to read to the kids from books that they donated. After each child
completed a book, they were given a red wristband that said "I AM A READER!" on one side and the clinic's name on the
other side. The children then participated in face painting or arts and crafts. There was food, beverages and goodie bags for
everyone who participated, and the clinic reported that it was a wonderful event to promote literacy in a fun and entertaining
“The Get Caught Reading posters really helped to hone our message, by showing celebrities having fun reading,” said Dr.
Tina Carroll-Scott MD, FAAP, Medical Director of the Clinic. “Thanks for giving us a great resource that we will continue to
use for future events.”
FREE Animal Bookmarks for Your GCR Campaign!
Joanne Kakaty, Library Media Specialist at
Ramsey High School in Ramsey, NJ, is just
one of many librarians this year who have
decided to use our new animal bookmarks to
enhance her school-wide Get Caught Reading
Designed especially for Get Caught Reading’s
literacy initiatives by talented young artist,
illustrator, and designer Annie Ericsson
(www.anniebethericsson.com), these lion, frog,
zebra, parrot, and elephant bookmarks are
available for you to use with your students and
children in your classrooms, libraries, or at
Email Becca at bworthington@publishers.org to
request a FREE .pdf with all five designs.
Read Among the Trees at DeLeon Springs State Park!
DeLeon Springs State Park held a “Read Among the Trees” Literacy Day on September 15, 2012 from 10:00am-2:00pm
with a book swap, free book giveaway, children’s book readings by Park Rangers and volunteers, readers’ theater, and
scavenger hunt for all ages.
The Friends of DeLeon Springs State Park Recording Secretary Renee Weber reported that they successfully gave away
reading materials to children, youth, and adults throughout the day. The visitor center historical display scavenger hunt was
very popular and, she reported, “It was hard to tell who enjoyed the story reading more: the park rangers who were reading
or the children listening!” There were dozens of Get Caught Reading posters being given away in support of the event, as
well as posters hung on the pillars of the building, and GCR postcards were sprinkled along the pillars, walls and even on
the mirrors in the restrooms. GCR was thrilled to be part of “Read Among the Trees” Literacy Day and looks forward to
more events in the future.
Get Caught Listening’s
Second Annual Viral Video Contest
June is Audiobook Month. In preparation for that, the Audio Publishers
Association (APA) held their second Get Caught Listening Viral Video
Building on the success of the previous year’s competition, APA once
again put out a call for submissions, looking for Get Caught Listening
supporters to spread the word about the power of audiobooks. Open
public voting allowed selection of favorite video submissions for a cash
prize reward of $5,000 for the grand prize winner, $2,000 for second
place, and $1,000 for third place. View this year’s winners and finalists
(as well as last year’s submissions) on the GCL YouTube channel:
Banned Books Week
Get Caught Reading is a nationwide
campaign to remind people of all ages how
much fun it is to read. May is Get Caught
Reading month, but the campaign is
promoted throughout the year. Get Caught
Reading is supported by the Association of
American Publishers (AAP). Launched in
1999, "Get Caught Reading" is the
brainchild of former Congresswoman Pat
Schroeder, President and Chief Executive
Officer of AAP, the industry association
representing book publishers. She saw the
opportunity to spread the word about the
joys of reading through an industrysupported literacy campaign.
Banned Books Week is the national book community’s annual celebration
of the freedom to read. Hundreds of libraries and bookstores around the
country draw attention to the problem of censorship by mounting displays
of challenged books and hosting a variety of events. The 2012
celebration of Banned Books Week took place on September 30 th
October 6 and included a virtual read-out, viral videos, and events
across the United States in schools and libraries. Get Caught Reading
and its social media outlet What Are You Reading? are proud to be
supporters of Banned Books Week and its celebration of the freedom to
read. Visit www.bannedbooksweek.org for more information.
An offshoot of GCR, Get Caught
Listening is a nationwide public service
campaign intended to promote the joys of
audiobook reading. The campaign was
produced by the Association of American
Publishers and launched in June 2008. A
brand extension of the nationwide public
service Get Caught Reading campaign,
Get Caught Listening communicates the
pleasures of audio book listening in all
audio formats, and promotes the value of
the medium as a beneficial learning tool
supporting literacy and education.
If you’d like to share your ideas with
other GCR Supporters, please email
a brief summary and a digital photo, if
possible, to Becca Worthington at