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EDITORIAL STAFF Editor: John A. Shuler, Documents Librarian,UniversityLibrary, 801S. Morgan St., M/C 234, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL 60607- 7041; (312) 996-2738; fax: (312) 4130424; e-mail: alfred@uic.edu Associate Editor:Ben Amata,Social Science/Government Documents Librarian, Social Science, Library, CSU Sacramento, 2000 E. State University Dr., Sacramento, CA 95819-6039; (916) 278-5672; fax: (916) 278-7089; e-mail: bamata@csus.edu EDITORIALBOARD Debora Cheney, PennsylvaniaState University; e-mail:dlc@psulias.psu.edu Andrea M. Morrison, Indiana University; e-mail: amorriso@indiana.edu Ann Miller, Duke University; e-mail: aemiller@duke.edu Aimee C. Quinn,University of Illinois at Chicago; e-mail: aquinn@uic.edu Maggie Farrell, MontanaState University; e-mail: farrell@montana.edu Daniel C. Barkley, University of New Mexico; e-mail: barkley@unm.edu COLUMN EDITORS Internet Waves: Brian Rossmann, MontanaState University NewPublications: Susan Anthes, University of ColoradoBoulder;Marcia Meister, University of California-Davis International Documents Roundup: Lynne M. Stuart, Johns Hopkins University Tech Watch: Megan Dreger,editor, University DttP:A Quarterly Journal of Government Information Practice and Perspective is the official publication of the Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) of the American Library Association (ALA). DttP provides current infomation on government public technical reports, and maps at the local, state, national, foreign, and international levels; on related government activities;and on documents librarianship, DttP is published quarterly in spring, summer, fall, and winter. The opinions expressed by its contributors are their own and do not necessarily representthose of GODORT.Acceptance of an advertisement does not imply endorsement by ALA/GODORT of the products or services offered. SUBSCRIPTIONS: DttP is sent free to ALA/GODORT members on a per volume (annual) basis.For subscriptions, prepayment is required in the amount of $30 in North America, $40 elsewhere.Checks or moneyorders should made payable to "ALA/GODORT" and sent to the Editor. Changes of address and claims six months of the date ofissue should be sentto the Editor. To purchase back issues, write to: UMI,300 North Zeeb Rd., Ann Arbor, MI48106. ADVERTISING:Inquiries about rates and specifications for regular and classified advertising should be sent to the Editor. Classified advertising is accepted for Positions Open, Positions Wanted, and for services, sales, products, personals, and general announcements that are related to government documents. news items, letters, and other information intended for publication in DttP should be submitted to the Editor. All submittedmaterial is subject to editorial review. Contributions must be submitted ona 3V_ floppy disk using anunformatted ASCIIfile. The nameof the file and the word processing software that is used shouldbe indicated on the file label. Each floppy disk should be accompanied by a printedcopy, double-spaced, for reference. Contributions should include the names of all authors, the titles, CONTRIBUTIONS: Articles, " and their organizations. The deadline for submissionof material is: January 15 (spring issue); April 1 (summer issue), July 15 (fall issue), and October 15 (winter issue). INDEXING: DttPis indexed in LibraryLiteraturebeginning with volume 19, number 1 (March 1991). Linker, D. EDITORIAL PRODUCTION: ALA Production Services— Troy McKulski, Kevin Heubusch; Ellie Barta-Moran, Angela Hanshaw, Kristen Karen Sheets. requisite for joining GODORT MEMBERSHIP: Membership in ALA is a$48 begins at for first-year memGODORT.Basic personal membership in ALA ALA are invited to select memberbers Personal and institutionalmembers of$15 per year. For information about of additional fee for an ship in GODORT Services, Huron St., Chicago, ALA membershipcontact: ALA San DiegoState and Membership 50E. 4298; e-mail: membership@ala.org. IL 60611-2729; 1-800-545-2433, ext. 30(1): 1-40 ISSN: 0091-2085 Copyright© 2002 ALA/GODORT " I i From the Chair By Cindi Wolff sI write this, Iam stillrecovering from the successful ALA AMidwinter Conference in New Orleans. By the time you read this, depending on the mail, you may be preparing for or returning from, the ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. The GODORT meetings in New Orleans primarily dealt with the "business" of ALA and GODORT, and part of that business included preparation for GODORT's Thirtieth Anniversary celebration. Ihave been fortunate to be a member of GODORT for fifteen years. Before, during and certainly after my time, GODORT has and will continue to deal with the invigorating world of federal, international, state, and local government information. InNew Orleans, the opening of session formerly known as the FDTF/GPO Update was changed to become the GODORT/GPO Update. Through the efforts of Sherry DeDecker, Coordinatorof the Federal Documents Task Force; David Griffiths, Coordinator of the International Documents Task Force; andNan Myers, Coordinator of the State and Local Documents Task Force, we had an excellent program on the accessibility to government information. Patrice McDermott, ALA Washington Office, gave an update on issues related to the "take down" of federal government information in the post September 11th world and the new legislation that has been passed by Congress. Suzanne Edam, Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, provided information on new resources available via OECD. Judith Condit Fagan, Southern Illinois University, showed her analysis of accessibility of state government web sites. And, last, and certainly not least, the Government Printing Office panel of Frances Buckley, Gil Baldwin, and TC. Evans madebrief presentations and answered questions from the audience. In this issue of DTTP, Ann Miller, Past-Chair, will be providing a summary of meetings and other activities in New Orleans for those who may not have attendedall the GODORT meetings or even the Midwinter Conference in New Orleans. Membership approved the exclusion of full meeting minutes in DTTP; however, full minutes of each committee and task force meeting are availablevia the GODORT home page<http://sun- site.berkeley.edu/GODORT/>. improper use of data such as diagrams of dams, power plants and pipelines, details of hazardous waste sites and transport routes and safety plans for chemical plants. However, as information professionals we are deeply concerned about the access that is being restricted to the public as wellas the long-termavailability of electronic information goes. For example, is it deletedandlost forever? Or, is it being held in a secure location until the times change? The removals are not just on the federal level. As of January 2002, the states of Florida, Idaho, Missouri, and Washington are considering proposals to close previously open records or meetings. Some states already have removed some information and others have anti-terrorismtask forces proposed to shield law enforcement and local emergency preparedness plans.1 One of my major concerns is the "lawof unintendedconseinformation via the Internet from all levels of government andinternational organizations has allowed for an informed world citizenry. The "take down" of the Department of Interior web site due to a court order and not September 11th is one example. As of December 6, 2001, ThomasA. Downing,Chief GPOCatalogingBranch, announced, "At present, most, if not all, Department of Interiorrelated publications links are down."2 If these publications weredistributed in "electroniconly" format, theinformationis no longer available via FDLP or any libraries.This is an unintended consequence. The tourist planning a vacation no longer has access to the NationalPark Service guides.The student doing research can no longer access the Fish and Wildlife Service or Bureau of Land Management web pages. The businessperson needing information can no longer get it via his/her office computer, and not even in a local library. Ido not question the merit of the court order (this lawsuit has been going on much longer than the explosion of the Internet), but it is an excellentexample of the lawof unintendedconsequences. Iencourage all GODORT members to be aware ofthe issues surrounding access to and the provision of government information. An excellent resource to follow current activities is the GODORT Legislation Committee Web page <http://sunsite. berkeley.edu/GODORT/legislation/>. Also, the GovernmentInformation Technology Committee (GITCO) is working to provide directiononimprovinglibrarians own "E-competencies" via their webpage <www.library.ucsb.edu/ala/gitco/>. — And,Ilook forward to seeing all GODORT members past, present, and future— at the ALA GODORT 30th Anniversary Reception at the ALA Annual Conference in Atlanta. W quences." The access to One concern for the advocates of open government and free access to government information is the recent wave of federal and state laws that are beingproposed that may limit access to References Public records.In the weeksfollowing the September11attacks, federal agencies removeddocumentsfromInternet sites, depart- 1. "Post-9/11 laws may put public records, info under wraps," USA Today (January 29, 2002), p. 3A. ment reading rooms and, in some cases, public libraries. The closed its websites," withdrawal of a U.S. GeologicalSurvey CD-ROM from Federal 2. "U.S. Department of Interiorhas (December 9, 2001) <http://listsl.cac. GOVDOC-L Archives Depository Libraries in October 2001 is one action that has psu.edu/cgi-bin/wa?A2=indoll2b&L=govdocd&F=&S=&P attracted attentionof not only depository libraries, but also the =68>. media. The federal government does have valid concerns for Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 5 International Documents Roundup .ynne M. Stuart HIV/AIDS in the Developing World since the mid-nineteen eighties, HIV has infected millions of people around the world, and the epidemic continues to spread, rhe World Health Organization(WHO) estimates that by the Deginning of the year 2000, 34.3 million people had been nfected, and 95 percent of them live in the developing world. Countries in Africa havebeenthe hardesthit butother countries, mch as India and China, have a growingHIV epidemic which means that millions more willbe infected.No longer just a health problem,HIV/AIDS threatens the economic and social growth of developingcountries. Because HIV/AIDS infects peoplein the prime of their lives, all aspects of urban and rural societies are affected. In Africa, millions of agricultural workers have died, threatening people's food supply. In urban areas, professionals and workers are dying negatively affecting a country's economic development. As these countries' economies suffer, they also incur the burden of the rising costs of HIV/AIDS patient care. There is a vast amount of published materialon the impact of HIV/AIDS in the developing world. This column explores recent materials published by the World Health Organization (WHO), the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), and the World Bank. WHO The World HealthOrganizationdeals primarilywith the medical issues related to HIV/AIDS, ranging from surveillance to treatment. The organization's Communicable Disease Surveillance and Response Department(CSR) is an excellentsource of statistics about HIV/AIDS. Two recent issues of its Weekly Epidemiological Record (WER) contain the article, "Global Situation of the HIV/AIDS Pandemic, End 2001," parts 1and 2 (no. 49, 2001, 76, 381-388 and no. 50, 2001, 76, 389-440; online at www.who.int/wer/index.html).Part one presents statistics on the totalnumber ofofficially reported AIDS cases from the beginning of the epidemicby country. The second part is an analysis of the distributionof reported cases by age, sex, and assumed mode of transmission. To understand the importance of disease monitoring there is "Programme for the Surveillance of HIV/AIDS/ and Sexually Transmitted Infections" at www.who.int/emc/diseases/hiv/hiv-surveillance.pdf. It explains WHO's role in the development of guidelines and surveillance tools. A joint publiDttP cation with UNAIDS, Second Generation Surveillancefor HIV: the data can help target preNext Decade, explains how surveillance to reduce planning the impact of HIV help in vention activities, of country's monitorthe success a help response. and AIDS, and (www.who.int/emc-documents/aids_hiv/docs/whocdscsredc2oos.PDF) WHO's CSR Department also produces epidemiological fact sheets for over 150 countries from Afghanistan (www.who.int/emc-hiv/fact_sheets/index.html) to Zimbabwe. (These are also available on the UNAID web site.) These EPI fact sheets contain the most recent country-specific data on HIV/AIDS and Sexually Transmitted Infection (STI) prevalence and incidence, a short assessment of the country's epidemiological situation, and information on knowledge and behaviors that can spur or stem the transmission ofHIV.These data are necessary for a betterunderstanding of the status and trends of the epidemic,and areessential for informed decision-making and planning at national, regionaland global levels. WHO also publishes handbooks and guides on preventing HIV/AIDS and caring for those who are infected. Examples of these are AIDS Home Care Handbook (1993) andHIV Prevention and Care: Teaching Modules for Nurses and Midwives (1993). ThirteenWHO fact sheets on HIV/AIDS for nurses are located at www.who.int/HIVAIDS/Nursesmidwivesfs/index.html. Topics covered by these fact sheets include "Nursing care of adults with HIV-related illness," "HIV/AIDS: fear, stigma and isolation," and "Counseling and HIV/AIDS." UNAIDS For ten years from 1986 to 1996, the World HealthOrganization had lead responsibilityon AIDS in the United Nations, helping countries set up much-needed national AIDS programmes. However, by the mid-19905, it became clear that the relentless spread of HIV and the epidemic's devastating impact on all aspects of human lives, including social and economic development, were creating an emergency requiring a greatly expanded UnitedNations effort. In 1996, the UnitedNations created The Joint UnitedNationsProgramme onHIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), as an advocate for global action against HIV/AIDS. UNAIDS drew together six organization1 into a cosponsored programme. As the main advocate for globalaction onHIV/AIDS, UNAIDS leads ar expandedresponse aimed at preventing the transmission of HIV providingcare and support, reducing the vulnerability of individuals andcommunities to HIV/AIDS, and alleviating the impact o: the epidemic on developingcountries. The UNAIDS series, "UNAIDS BestPractice Collection,' demonstratesthe advocacy role of UNAIDS. This is a growinj collectionof materials on specific topics. Each topic will contan a booklet on data for journalists and community leaders, a teen nicalupdate for managers of projects, case studies from countne or regions, key materials that represent up-to-date authontativi thinking on the topic, and a best practice summary booklet to those working in the fields. A listof the topics and onlinemate rials can be locatedat www.unaids.org/bestpractice/digest/. ials can be located www.unaids.org/bestpractice/digest/. Two publications, Report on the GlobalHIV/AIDS Epidemic— June 2000 (www.unaids.org/epidemic_update/report/index.html) and AIDS Epidemic Update— December2001(www.unaids.org/epidemic_update/report_decol/index.html), present an excellent global overview of the epidemic. Covering the demographic, social,and economic impacts of the epidemic, the reports discuss prevention and its challengesand the care and support for people living with HIV/AIDS. The 2001 report contains nine common principles of effective response used by differentnations. at On its web site UNAID lists publicationsby subject. One subject titled "response by different sectors," contains titles on agriculture, military, prison, religion, and business sectors. One such publication is Sustainable Agricultural-RuralDevelopmentand Vulnerabilityto the AIDS Epidemic(1999) at www.unaids.org/publications/documents/sectors/agriculture/Jc-fao-e.pdf. The authors of this joint publication of UNAIDS and the Food and Agriculture Organizationof the UnitedNations (FAO) use seven case studies to show howagricultural andrural developmentprojects can reduce the risk to HIV. The case study countries are Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand, Haiti, Honduras, Guyana, and parts of India andChina. World Bank extensive bibliography. On a more specific level, Intensifying Action against HIV/AIDS in Africa: Responding to a Development Crisis (2000) presents the World Bank's strategic plan to fight HIV/AIDS in Africa. This publicationprovidesa useful summary of the impact of HIV/AID on various parts of African societies as wellas the Bank's own strategic plan. The World Bank Web Site provides access to full-text versions of working papers and reports covering many HIV/AIDS issues.Issue briefs are located in the "DevelopmentNews" section ranging from general to country specific information. For example, there is a general HIV/AIDS update at www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/pb/pbaids.htm and a regional update for South Asia at www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/pb/pbaids_sar.htm from which thereis access to individual country briefs.The brief for India (www.worldbank.org/html/extdr/pb/pbaids_sar_india. htm) provides facts such as how many peopleare estimatedto be infected, a section on future risk, and then a finalsection on the response to the epidemic fromthe Indian government, the World Bank, UNAIDS, and involved NGOS. To see what the World Bank is doing, one can explore "World Bank HIV/AIDS Activities," a selection under the "development topics" subcategory AIDS. This is a list of all World Bank HIV/AIDS projects that are active, closed, or in the pipeline. Each project entry contains a summary of the project, project documents, and a sidebar that includes informationsuch as project cost, project status, and name ofthe bank team leader. These publicationsprovidea window to understanding the complexity of issuesrelated to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. Besides the informationand statistics, they provide a wealth of information about the effort that governments, IGOS, and others are expending to help millions of people combat the health, social, and economicdestruction that HIV/AIDS causes, m In addition to its sponsorship of UNAIDS, the World Bank publishesuseful material about HIV/AIDS and its affect on country development. A valuable report is Confronting AIDS; Public Priorities in a GlobalEpidemic(1999). The material in this report covers basic aspects of the disease to discuss how governments can confront the epidemic.One section covers the epidemiology of the disease and the key principles for an effective response. Another sectiondiscusses how governments can helppeoplewho Reference have the disease. A third sectionconsiders the need for partnerships among country governments, Inter-governmental 1. The six original cosponsors are UNICEF, UNDP, UNFPA, UNESCO, WHO and the WorldBank. In 1999 UNDCP Organizations (IGOS), Non-governmental Organizations joined. (NGOS), anddonors. The report contains statistical tablesand an Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 7 Internet Waves Brian W. Rossmann Survey Indicates e-Government a Success As GPO and virtually every government agency continues to make the transition from tangible document distribution to disseminating information electronically, those of us working in depositorylibrariesare askingourselves what effectthis allhas on the ability for the averageperson to access the governmentinformation that they need. Daily we watchour statistics at our reference desks decline and our collections receive less andless use. — — It is easy from our vantage pomt to worry that our clientele (the citizens of this county) are not getting what they need. On the other hand, Iam always amazedwhen IattendGPO Updates at eitherGODORT meetings or DepositoryLibrary Conferences to hear the litany of statistics on the number of hits the GPO servers are receiving. Apparently, many people are getting through; but who are they? Moreover, is this the whole story? The Center for e-Service at the RobertH. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, set about attempting to answer these questions through a survey it recently completed.1 The Center for e-Service's mission is to be the "world's leading eservice strategy andresearchcenter."Its strategic rationaleis that the two most important long-term trends in the business world are the shiftingof the economy from goods to services, and the rapid expansion of the information economy and electronic networks. The Center operates as a partnership between the business worldand academia. Annually, the Center co-sponsors a survey called the National Technology Readiness Survey (NTRS) with Rockbridge Associates, Inc, a market research and consulting firmlocated in GreatFalls, VA, that focuses on technologyissues for Fortune 500 services companies.2 Themain objective of the NTRS is to try to gather some data about how consumers feel about new technologies,to gaugetheir use of these technologies, and determine how they view the impact of technology on everyday life. It embraces a widerange of products and services from cellular phones to e-commerce. The NTRS surveyed 1001 randomly selected households across the U.S. and specifically asked consumers about their use of government web sites along with other e-commerce web sites.Governmentinformationadvocates willprobably find the results somewhat heartening. The Center discovered that more than half of American adults with Internet access visited some sort of government web site last year (55 percent). State and local web sites fared better than federal with 50 percent of respondents claiming to have accessed a state or local government site; 33 percent of respondents repliedthat they had visited a federalgovernment web site. Particularly noteworthy is that 21 percent of the respondents indicatedthat they conductedsome sort ofbusiness with the gov— ernment on theInternet "ahigher percentage of users thanhad 8 conducted bank transactions online (20 percent), paid a credit card bill online (15 percent), or traded stocks online (10 percent)." This would seem to suggest that not only are government websites gaining acceptance with the public, but that the public knows about them; perhaps it is even more aware of them (and the benefits they offer) than it is awareof many commercial web sites. Given the amount of marketing,advertising,and hypeleveled at the public by commercial organizationsregarding their web sites, it is downright amazing that government web sites, which marketthemselveslittle incomparison, are so successful. The percentage of people using the Internet to obtain government information, pay taxes, apply for permits, and conduct other business is surprisingly high, especially at the state and local levels," said Roland Rust, director of the Center for cService andholderof the David Bruce SmithChair in Marketing at the Smith School. "This research suggests that e-government — is in many ways even more prevalent than e-commerce eservice appears to be an increasingly attractive alternative to standing in line at a government office," said Rust.3 AlreadyIcan hear the naysayers in the audience: "But, this survey reports on the number of adults with Internetaccessl What about the folks whoaren't online?" Indeed,according to a Harris — Poll releasedlast November, only127 millionadults are online about 64%. Of these, 52 percent have Internet access from the home while 28 percent are online at work (these figures are essentiallyunchanged fromthe previous year's survey).4 These people are not able to take advantage of the government information on the Internet as easily as the rest of us. Moreover, it is disheartening to learn that under the Bush Administration's 2003 budget proposal, programs such as the "Digital Divide" plan are likely to be discontinued: programs which have a goal of teaching the technologically disenfranchised, such as the elderly poor, how to use technologyand bring themup to speed with the rest of us.5 Perhaps government information librarians ought to be making a concertedeffort to reach the citizens who do not have easyaccess to theInternet or do not knowhow to use it? If wecan offer them Internet access in our libraries and assistance in getting to government information, these people would be no worse off than if that information were still in paper (meaning they would still have to visit the library anyway). Moreover, as more and more of our patrons try get to government information on their own withoutvisiting a depository,wemay need to reach out to these people virtually, through virtual reference services, email, and telephone.We are still the experts when it comes to finding andkeeping track information— evenif the majority of it is not actually housed physicallyin our buildings. What is clear, however, is that the public appears to be embracing the concept of e-government evenmore readily than it is embracing the concept of e-commerce (and more than itever appearedto embrace the depositorylibrary).Our role must be to facilitate andaid citizens in their search for governmentinformationin an online world. 1-T References 1 Robert H.Smith School of Business, Center for e-Service, University of Maryland. "National Technology Readiness Survey." [Online];available at <www.rhsmith.umd.edu/ ces/Nationalpercent2oTechnologypercent2oßeadinessperc ent2oSurvey.htm>,accessed 1February 2002. Associates, Inc. "NationalSurvey Assesses 2. Rockbridge Acceptance of Technology;E-Commerce Faces Consumer [Online]; available at <www.rockreSkepticism." Strong Tech Watch Tim Berners-Lee, Guest Columnist Web Accessibility "The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyoneregardless of disability is an essential aspect." The above quote sums up the issue well: the Web is indeed a powerful communication tool available to everyone, at leastin theory. Yet millions of people have disabilities that affect how they access information over the Web. For example,people with vision disabilities using JAWS or other softwaredon't always get all the information conveyed on the web page because the software can't read information relayed only with color or graphics that have no text description. The Web has become a key source of information.In the past few years the amount of government information available online has grown tremendously.TheFederalDepositoryLibrary Program (FDLP) has steadily increased the amount of information available electronically;the "New Electronic Titles" listing fromGPOaccess includes morePURL's each month.In addition, more and more foreign, state, and local government information is also becoming available on the Web. To make this information accessible, web designers need guidelines. Two important resources are the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and the Section 508 standards, both created expressly to address this issue. W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) is an international body that creates standardsandother toolsfor web development. One W3C project, the Web Accessibility Initiative(WAI), focuses on web accessibility and has published accessibility guidelines for web developers. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (www.w3.org/TR/ search.com/Articles/press_release3/press_release3.html>, accessed 12 February 2002. 3. "National Technology Readiness Survey". Ibid. 4. Harris Interactive. "Internet Penetration Has Leveled Out Over The Last 12 Months." [Online]; availableat <www. harrisinteractive.com/harris_poll/index.asp?PlD=266>, accessed 14 February 2002. 5. '"Digital Divide' Plan inPeril; Two Tech Programs For Poor Would Die." WashingtonPost, 5 February 2002, sec E, 1. accessible. Three priority levels have been created; the most important,Priority I, are the steps web developersmust take to maketheirpages accessible.For example,a Priority1checkpoint is: "Ensure that allinformation conveyed with coloris also available withoutcolor, for example from context or markup." These guidelinesare well-knownand veryuseful. Butthe W3C has only an advisory role: the use of the guidelines is not required. Section 508 In 1998, PresidentClinton signed the Workforce InvestmentAct (Pub. L. 105-220), whichamendedthe RehabilitationAct, specifically extending the requirements outlined in Section 508. The amended Section 508 (29 U.S.C. 794d) mandates that disabled people have access to the electronic and informationtechnology of federal agencies. The law applies to agencies when developing, procuring, maintaining, or using electronic and information technology, unless this provision would impose an undue burden. The task of creating standards was assigned to the Architectural and TransportationBarriers ComplianceBoard (the 'Access Board'). The standards that deal with web access (36 CFR 1194.22) are a listofsixteen things to do when designing(or redesigning) a web site. For example, "A text equivalent for every non-text element shall be provided (e.g., via 'alt', iongdesc', or in element content)." Many agencies now have Section 508 web pages with background information and a description of their compliance efforts (e.g. USDA's Section 508 Accessibility (www.ocio.usda.gov/irm/508/secsoB.html). These standards have been incorporated into the federal acquisition regulations(66 FR 20894, April 25, 2001), thus possibly affecting private companies seeking government contracts. In addition, other laws have included Section 508 compliance.One such law is the Assistive Technology Act of 1998, which requires that states receivingcertain funds comply with Section 508. Tim Berners-Lee, Senior Research Staff, MITLaboratory for Computer Science, timbl@w3.org WCAGIO/) is a prioritizedlistof things to do to make a web site Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 The Future It remains to be seen how widespread the results of Section 508 and W3C's guidelines will be, particularly for web sites not required to meet any standards. In a recent study examining online access to state legislative documents, the authors wrote that "[p]erhaps the most worrisomefinding of this study is the failure to design so that assistive technology can interpret the web pages."1 The web may never be entirely accessible, but as the authorsof the study observed, "publicinformation websites should lead the way in providing equal access."2 As more and more governmentinformationis availableonly online,it iscritical that these issues are addressed. More information The Access Board's Section 508 page: www.access-board. gov/508.htm Includes links to the-law and regulations as well as background material. Bobby: www.cast.org/bobby/ The Center for Applied Special Technology (CAST) created Bobby to help web designers test their pages for accessibility under Section 508 and W3C's Web Content Accessibility Guidelines. 10 DttP Information Technology Technical Assistance and Trainin Center: www.ittatc.org Includes background information about Section 508 an training material, such as an online Web Accessibility course Section 508.g0v: http://sectionsoB.gov Recently redesigned, this site has background information aboutsection508 as wellas training materialand other informa tion. Usability.gov:www.usability.gov/ This site from the NationalCancer Institute is a guide tc designingaccessible web pages. W3C's Web Accessibility Initiative: www.w3.org/WAI/ Includes links to WAI guidelines as well as the very hand\ WAI Quick Tips Reference Card www.w3.org/WAI/References QuickTips/ andlinks to sources of information, ik References 1. Fagan,Jody Condit andBryanD.Fagan. "Citizens' Access to On-Line State LegislativeDocuments" Government Information Quarterly, 18 no. 2 (summer 2001): 111. 2. Ibid. Some Thoughts on the "FDLP Electronic Transition" Charles D. Bernholz office of its secretary, Charles Thomson;" The five volumes of The Debates in the Several State Conventions on the Adoption of the FederalConstitution, or Elliot's Debates. These are "the best source for materials for the period between the closing of the Constitutional Convention inSeptember1787 and the openingof the first FederalCongress in March 1789;" and The Records the of FederalConvention of 1787 or Farrand'sRecords, in three volumes, declaration by the Superintendent of Documents, thatoffer "the materialsnecessary for a study of the workings of Francis J. Buckley, Jr., that there will be a substantial the Constitutional Convention." migration to electronic distribution of Government — Printing Office materials the so called "FDLP electronic transi" has stimulated considerablediscussion in the library com- The Journals of Congress tjon munity.In his letterof 25 August 2000 to Directors of institutions 1 that are part of the Federal Depository Library Program, the These include the followingtitles: Superintendent noted that "due to the proposed congressional appropriation for the FDLP, the shift to a primarily electronic ft The full run of the Journalof the House, from1789 to 1873, The — program willaccelerate." Iam delightedto see thatmaterialsthatmany library patrons cannot access today will become more available through the Internet. Ialso consider the impliedstandardizationof files2 destined for Internet distribution to be a far better approach than that employed for the various CD-ROM and software products available in the past from sundry government agencies.3 The followingshort note illustrates a veryfocused investigationinto anarea of UnitedStates history.It is a way to showcase the availabilityof relevanthistorical materials, and it is a demonstrationthat wemay beable to livecomfortablyand productively with sustainedelectronicaccess to government publications.Iam using this example because it is a very American question, yet one that relatively few patrons might examineto this depth. As a government documents librarian, Ihave developedan interest in treaties between the United States and the Indian Nations. Librariansknow thatCharles J. Kappler, theClerk to the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs, assembled a collectionof these instruments.4 Today, though, we have the ability to access electronically several of these volumes— and in particular the second, or "Treaties, 1778-1883" one— through the digitization project of the Documents Department at the Oklahoma State University Library.5 An accompanying search engine means that all I,ooo+pages of the treaty texts maybe searched for selected targets, like "annuity" or "cession." Bluntly, this project at Stillwater has reopened to all the forgotten world of American Indian treaties. In the same vein, the Library of Congress has increased its digitized collection of historical assets. The Century ofLawmaking for a New Nation web page6 supports selected documents from four special groupings:7 The Continental Congress and Constitutional Convention The entire, thirty-four volume run over the years 1774 through 1789 of the Journals the ContinentalCongress that furnishes the of that "should be seen as the minutes of floor action"and that illustrates "matters considered by the House and the votes and otheractions taken" during this time period; ft The correspondingJournalofthe Senate, supplying the equivalentSenate informationover the same interval; ft The specialized Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate that revealsthe "executiveproceedings. .relatingto its functions of confirming presidential nominees and consenting to the making of treaties;" and ft The Journal of WilliamMaclay or Maclays Journal, pennedby the Pennsylvania Senator from 1789 to 1791, that affords a glimpse into the Senate proceedings that were not open to the public before1795. . The Debates of Congress The Annals of Congress, officially known as The Debates and Proceedingsinthe Congress ofthe UnitedStates, from the IstCongress in 1789 through the 18th Congress, Ist Session in 1824, deliversa more complete, though non-verbatim paraphrased, account of speeches that surpasses the material available in either the Journal of theHouse or the Journalof the Senate. ft The succeeding fourteen volumes of the Register of Debates that subtends the congressional debates from the 2nd Session of the 18th Congress through the Ist Session of the 25th Congress, i.e., from 1824 until 1837; and CharlesD. Bernholz, MemorialLibrary, State University of New York College at Cortland, POBox 2000.charlesb@em.cortland.edu Editor's note: The authorhighlights a number of digitalprojects that arenot supporteddirectlyby the current electronicinitiatives managedby theGovernment Printing Office. Inthe spirit ofcooperadevelopment, readers are remindedofhow much "digitization and " sources can tion and electronicarchivingof significant historical be included andthese need to projects, state andlocal happen through in the greater GPO effort. "records of the daily proceedings of the Congress as keptby the Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 11 Bernholz ft the subsequent Congressional Globe that "contains the debates of Congress from the 23rd Congress, Ist Session through the end of the 42nd Congress ( 1833-1873 )," in forty-six volumes. As can be seen, there is a five volume overlap between the Globeand the Registerof Debates for the 23rd Congress, Ist Session in 1833 through the 25th Congress, Ist Session in 1837. The Globe format changed from a "condensed report" or abstract approach to a nearly verbatim one beginning with the 32nd Congress in 1851. Although not in this collection, the familiar Congressional Record, in 1873, began to report the proceedingsof following Congresses, and replaced the Globe. Statutes and Documents The United States Statutes at Large, in a seventeen volume ensemble, present the laws of the first forty-two Congresses, — betweenthe years 1789 and 1873. Note that volumenumber 7—7 entitled "Treaties Between the United States and the Indian — Tribes" is particularlyuseful in this inquiry because it contains a backfile of treaty texts from the interval 1789 to 1842; and Volumesof the UnitedStatesCongressionalSerialSet, selected from the 23rd ( 1834-1835 ), 56th ( 1899 ), and 58th ( 1904-1905 ) Congresses, to whichattentionmust be paid to one especially relevant volume. Serial Set volume number 4015, "Indian Land Cessions in the United States," is the secondpart of the two-part Eighteenth Annual Reportof theBureau of American Ethnology to the Secretary of the SmithsonianInstitution, 1896-97. It contains sixtysevencession maps and two data tables, compiled byCharles C. Royce,where the tablespresent a "Schedule ofTreaties and Acts of Congress AuthorizingAllotments of Lands in Severalty," and a "Schedule of IndianLand Cessions." The latter table "indicates the number and location of each cession by or reservation for the Indian tribes from the organization of the Federal Government to and including 1894, together with descriptions of the tracts so cededor reserved,the date ofthe treaty, law or executive order governingthe same, the name of the tribe or tribes affected thereby, and historical data and references bearing thereon."Browsing by tribe name, state or territory,or date is an option with this resource. To round out the main Century of Lawmaking web page, a general search engine facilitates interrogating all twelve titles in this group, or only a single selected title. We may now postulate a patron's inquiry to demonstrate the leverage that might be derived from this Internet tool. Our patron is interested in the treaties to which the Navajo were a party, and in information of any land cession(s) by, and/or reservation^) for, the Navajo Nation. The Senate's Executive proceedings regarding treaties with the Navajo, and any other supporting documentation, wouldbe welcomed. This Library of Congress web tool can answer these requests in four passes: An initialsearch of the Journalof the Executive Proceedings of 12 DttP the Senate, with the target "NavajoIndians," yields thirteen items. Six contain the exact words, or word variants of, "Navajo Indians." In total, three of them link to the Journal indexes while the remaining ten point to Senate discussions between 1850 and 1872. Eight possible links are derived from a review under the Navajo tribe name in Royce's Serial Set cession assembly. The first two of these denote the treaties consummatedbetween the United States and the Navajo on 9 September 1849 ( 9 Stat. 974 ) and on 1June 1868 ( 15 Stat. 667 ). The remaining six present adjustments to land specifications, between the years 1878 and 1892, by Executive Order.For allbut the first item, a link to one or more of the accompanying Royce maps is given so that the appropriate geographicallocation may be studied. — — Each of these citations 9 Stat. 974 and 15 Stat. 667 may be used to directly access the relevant text from the Statutes at Large web link. The images of the exact Statutespages of each treaty may be printedand/or downloaded. As a final examination, searching for "NavajoIndians" in the Century ofLawmaking's full, twelve titlesuite returns one hundred eighteen items.Ninety-two elementscontain the exact words,or word variants of, "Navajo Indians." The thirteen items found through the previous Journal of the Executive Proceedings of the Senate search are part of this array. The texts of the treaties may also be obtained with the OklahomaState Universitydigitizedversion ofKappler's compilation.The "Navajo" indexpage of the second or treatiesvolume displays links to the two treaties that were found through the Library of Congress searches.Note immediatelythat our inquis— itive patron after a relatively small amount of bibliographic — instructionto access and maneuveraroundthese websites may be able to accomplish this entire research sequence without librarianintervention.This surely was part of the thought behind Superintendent Buckley's suggestion that the proposed plan should be used "as an opportunity to expand public access to electronicGovernment information products." We will have the ability to substantially empower our patrons with these FDLP access proposals, and this means that everyone wins. This example asked questions about the history of the United States. It wasan inquiry that can and must be supported by federal documents, but itis clear fromthe Library of Congress title suite that most libraries, let alone public ones, just do not have these materials onhand.8 It is also indisputable that federal depositoriesmay have difficulty supplying these wares with this promptness and this minimalcost. Indeed, the stated goal of the Library of Congress NationalDigitalLibraryProgram "is to offer broad public access to a wide range of historical and cultural doc"9 uments as a contribution to education and lifelong learning. This mandateshould diminish the numberof lost opportunities to address our patrons' questions. Such a reduction willin turn bolster our efforts to further empower our patrons. Finally,Iused to be a public librarianin northwesternNew Mexico, just outside the eastern boundaryof the Navajo Nation. The inquiries that Ioffered in this demonstrationare not hypo- ■ Some Thoughts on the "FDLP Electronic Transition- and Iam sure thetical ones, inquiry that each of us may generate an librarypatron population.Nor is from our own equivalent for reliableand sustained access to this country's the requirement history— -past, present, and future— a theoretical desideratum. for, and work toward, this electronic We must be prepared is our responsibility to provide all our it because endeavor 10 patrons with access to this information. The Century of Lawmakingfor aNew Nationpage from the Library of Congress; non-FDLP digitization projects like Oklahoma State University's Kapplerpresentation; standardizedelectronic GPO products; and the "systems for permanent accessibility" that the Superintendent pledged in his letter are early examples of the leverage we will have as a result of this transition. This is just another evolutionary step in librarianship. i% References 1. The Superintendent'sletter was also publishedin Administrative Notes on 15 September 2000, and it is available at www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/ ado9lsoo.html. 2. The Electronic TransitionCommittee's "Report on GPO's Transition to a More Electronic FDLP" discussed aspects of standardizationrequired for a successful migration(www. access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fdlp/pubs/adnotes/adosoloo.html#7). 3. AlthoughI was never able to find it in Title 44, lamsure that someone once told me thateach agency was federally mandated to create their own software development language and instruction package syntax so thateach and every itemwould be an unique contribution to the FDLP collection. Or maybe it just seemed that way when Itried to help my patrons with some of those products.... 4. The GPO, between1904 and 1941, originally published Kappler's five-volume ensemble, but reprintings by AMS Press in 1971 and by the GPO in 1975 have beenthe recent sources of these materials. The second or treaties volume was also producedby Interland Publishingin 1972 as a stand-alone monograph entitledIndian Treaties, 17781883. 5. The Kappler compilationmay be accessed at http://digital. hbrary.okstate.edu/kappler. 6. See http://lcweb2.loc.gov/ammem/amlaw/lawhome.html for the main webpage. An additional access point is available from the "CongressionalDocuments and Debates, 17741873" link on the THOMAS page at http://thomas.loc.gov. 7. Cited document descriptions in the followingparagraphs are taken from the main web pageof each specific title. 8. Timothy L. Coggins identifies a concern for obtainingprimary legalmaterials ( "Print NoMore: U.S. Code,Code of FederalRegulations, and the FederalRegister," VirginiaLawyer 49 ( 2000 ): 53-55 ), but surely these questions havearisen andbeen solved beforethe Internet era. On amore general note, wemay each assess whether our library has the title suite from the Library of Congress Century of Lawmakingfor a NewNation page, and whether electronicaccess may expand our individual collections in a meaningful manner. 9. See the Program's mission statement at the bottomof the mainCentury ofLawmakingfor aNewNation page. 10. The recent webusage data gathered by Media Metrixhave shown thatlowerincome households are the fastest growingsegment of Internet users. Although stillsmall in terms of absolute numbers, this growth means that those whohave traditionallybeen shut out of information — — access regardless of the format will have greater opportunities in the future. As Media Metrix stated: "The Internet, whilesmaller in size than the generalU.S. population, clearlylooks more like the mainstreampopulation than everbefore." Exposure to, and skills obtained through,the Internet willmean that more users will feel less apprehensive to use web basedmaterials.This will certainlyinclude FDLP commodities.See the Media Metrix report at www.mediametrix.com/press/releases/ 20000821.j5p. Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 13 Staying Digital Recommendations on Preserving New Jersey Government Information in the Digital Age Report of State Documents Interest Group of the "Report oftheState Documents Interest Group of the Documents Association of New Jersey, Ad-Hoc Committee for the Preservation ofDocuments in ElectronicForm. Adopted by the Documents Association of New Jersey, June 1, 2001 Executive Summary Key Points: ft The State of New Jersey now produces large amounts of information in digital form. A policy to protect and preserve that information is needed to ensure permanent public access to this information.Developinga plan for permanent public access will safeguard the State's investment in information and save New Jersey taxpayers money in the long run. ft Digital informationis fragile.Topreserve digitalinformation over time, the information must be periodically copied or "refreshed." After a period ofthree to five years digital information must be "migrated" to work withnewer softwareand hardware or the information will beinaccessible. ft Digital documentsmaybe less expensive than analogdocuments to create, but are more expensive to maintain over time, given the costs of refreshing and migrating data. ft Creators of digital information can enhance longevity through the use of metadata that will make migration or emulationof data easierand less expensive. ft Documents that have enduring legal, historical or cultural value are best protected by distributing them in both tangible and electronicformats.The Internet may offer greater initial public access, but paper and microform are the only media proven to last for periods of 50 to 100 years and beyond. Key Recommendations ft The State should develop a plan to preserve government information from the point of its creation and throughout its life cycle. We recommend that digital documents include descriptive metadata(e.g., XML) to facilitate migration of data to new softwareand hardwareenvironments. ft Government documents are created by many state and municipal entities. A central repository is needed to ensure permanent access to these documents.The State Library has 14 DttP taken a leadership role in providingInternet access to documents created by many state agencies. Additional funding and staffing are necessary for the Library to properly store and safeguard valuable government information created in both electronic and tangible formats. ft Documents with enduringlegal, historical or cultural value should continue to be distributedin both tangibleand electronic formats. Our current system of state depository libraries provides the best method of preserving valuable government informationfor long-term use. Introduction This report is the product of discussion among librarians who oversee New Jersey state government document depositories. Like many state governments, New Jersey now publishes many government documents directly on the Internet. As librarians we applaud these efforts to provide citizens with greater access to government information.We are also concerned forthe long-term viability of such documents. Without careful planning, much of the digital informationcreated today will be gone tomorrow. The major concern of this report is governmentpublications, that is, substantive reports and monographs that have traditionallybeen distributed to state depository libraries, as opposed to intra-agencyrecords, press releases and memorandathat are the concern of the State Archives. But the Internet has blurred that traditional distinction as agencies post both publications and records on their Web sites. From the perspective of library patrons, an electronicpublication is anything they can find on the Internet. Internet postings of agency memoranda and press releases are frequently cited in newspapers and scholarly publications. As librarians are called upon to locate and verify these citations, our concernmust embraceallelectronic documentsthat have continuinglong-term value. It is hoped that the recommendations made in this report will be of use to all state officials responsible for the creation, dissemination, and preservation of state government information, as well as the State Library and State Archives. Though the digital age has barely begun, we have already lost tremendous quantities of data. Digital documents created and stored in legacy software such as COBOL, C/PM, D-Base, Wordstar, and evenMS-DOS, are now inaccessible to most computer users. The hardware necessary to view information stored on 8" and 5 lA" floppies, 8-track and betamax tapes, and other legacy formats has largely disappeared. Government information is not immune from the threat of technologicalobsolescence.The originalraw data from the 1960 decennial census was stored on a then state-of-the-artUNIVAC computer. When the Census Bureau turned the data over to the National Archives in the mid-1970s UNIVAC computers were long obsolete. Heroic and costly rescue efforts recovered most, but not all, of the data.Other items lost to the digitalblack hole include much of the data from the Viking mission to Mars and pre-1979 Landsat images of the earth. In neighboringNew York, all of the computerized data from a comprehensive1960's study . - land use and environmental data throughout the that mapped was lost. The study had employedcustomized comentire state no longer existed when the computer tapes that puter software over to the New York State Archives.1 were turned imagine digital documents to be indestrucpeople Many crumble or fade like paper and they can be tible. They don't inexpensively. Inreality,digital media are far copied quickly and microform. All digital documents are more fragile than paper or on magnetic or magneto-opticalmedia stored as computer files such as computer disks or tapes. Computer files maybe erasedby accidental exposure to a magnetic field or a surge in electric current. Exposure to oxidationand humidity can cause the substrate material ofthe disk to degrade.Even withproper storage, digital media degrade over time. According to National Archives, a CD will last from five to fifty years, depending on the quality of its manufacture.2 The lifespan of magnetic tape, under the best of conditions, is measured in decades3 Unless the data is periodically "refreshed" by copyingit from one tape or disk to another, it will become unreadable. And when digital data fails, it fails completely.In contrast, archival qualitypaper andmicroform can last up to 500 years.4 An even greater problem is that digital data is created to work withina particular software and hardwareenvironment. As the software and hardwarebecome obsolete, the data becomes less accessible, and finally, inaccessible. Two possible solutions existto rescue olderdocuments from a premature digital demise: migration andemulation.Thesemethods are discussed in detail in the section on digital preservationbelow. For paper documents, decisions about preservation areusually made years after the document'screation when an archivist or records manager appraisesits long-term value. If the document is deemed worthy of preservation,steps are taken to ensure its continued existence. Digital preservation requires a more proactive approach.Unless planning is done at a much earlierpoint, ideally at the time the document is created, it will be costly and perhaps impossible to preserve the document years later. This reportrecommends steps the StateofNewJersey can take to preserve vital government information for generationsto come. A final considerationin moving government information to the Internet is the problem of the "digital divide."The digital divide is a term used to refer to the differences, based on race, gender, geography, economic status, and physical ability, in access to information, the Internet, and other information technologies.s This term also includes differences in the knowledge and ability to use informationand the technologicalskills needed to access digital or electronic information.The difficulties experienced by users and potentialusers of digitalinformation complicate access andconfound their efforts to keep informed. Areas affected by the digital divide include individuals who rely on to make decisions and improve their quality of life; businesses and economies that rely on informed customers and employees; government agencies that seek to communicate current information to citizens; and the democratic process that tehes on informed participants. . Staying Digital By disseminating information via the Internet, the State of New Jersey has reached a greater audience and providedcitizens with quick and easy access to basic information about state government. The Internet, however, does not reach everyone. Providing alternateaccess through depositorylibraries serves two purposes: it makes government information accessible to those who cannot or willnot use the Internet, and it provides a reliable means of preserving that information for generations to come. New Jersey Government Documents NewJersey has a vital andeffective depositoryprogram that dis- tributes government documents to fifty-one libraries in every corner of the state. This system ensures that New Jersey taxpayers can find importantgovernment informationclose to home. In the past several years, most New Jersey governmental bodies have undertaken efforts to publish documents directly on the Internet.This allows some New Jerseyans to download government information directly to their computers at home or work. Depository libraries offer additional access by providing the publicwith computers and bycatalogingdigitaldocuments to aid patrons in locatingspecific documents. While computer savvy researchers may turn to the Internet as the first stop, the life of a digitaldocument can be frustratingly brief. The URL that workedlastweek turns up anerror message today.Agencies mayredesign their Websites and removecontent withoutnotice.Some agencies may leave reports on their servers for years, others for only a few months. To combatthe problem of shifting URLs and brokenlinks, the State Library of New Jersey has established a web site entitledNJ Gov'tPublications on the Web, located at www.njstatelib. org/cyberdesk/gbgday2.htm.This sitehas proved to be a reliable and comprehensiveresource forNew Jersey librarians searching for elusive state electronic documents. Despite the excellent workof the State Library inmaintaining this site, it is not a longterm solution to the problem of disappearing documents.The source files for the various government documents remain (or do not remain) on the agency servers. The links or the file names may be changed at any time. Older documents may be overwritten by newer documents with the same file name. There does not appear to be any systematic policy for how long docuwill ments will remain available on the agency servers and what become of the documents when the agency decides to remove them. As state agencies move toward posting documents on the Internet, depository libraries receive fewer documents in tan- gible format. The number of documents shipped in 2000 dropped fifteen percent over 1998.6 This decrease is concentratedin a few state agencies.Documents shipped to depositories by the Environmental Protection Agency dropped twenty seven one percent in the same period, legislative documents by forty declined Treasury Department percent and documents from the by thirty eight percent.7 Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 15 State Documents Interest Group This shift, towardelectronic formats and away from tangible documents, raises serious concerns for the long-term survival of New Jersey government information. Without a comprehensive plan to preserve electronic information, theState risks the loss of vast amounts of information by the end of the decade.The next section examines the topic of digital preservation and recommends specific actions theState can take to preserve government information for the long-term. Electronic Preservation Digital documents are coded documents that consist of, at the most basic level, zeroes and ones. These digital bits convey information about the content and format of the document and also about the software environment necessary to resurrect the bits and bytes into a meaningful representation of the original document. To view the coded document it must be viewed within the software and hardware environment in which it was created, or a good emulationof the original environment.Otherwise we are left with a meaningless string of zeroes and ones. The codedbits and bytes of a digitaldocument are stored on magnetic media such as floppydisks, hard disks, tape, zip drives, CD-ROMs and DVDs. The average shelf life of a floppy disk is two to three years. The average shelf life of a standardCD-ROM is five to fifty years, although some highqualityopticaldisks may last for up to 100 years.8 A document stored on a floppy disk can be preservedby copyingit or "refreshing" it to a new disk. The solution to digital preservation, however, is not as simple as storing documents on high quality optical disks, or faithfully refreshingthe data.In one hundred years (or even in ten years) the software and hardwarenecessary to decode a digital document created today will no longer exist.To preserve the document for periodsbeyond a decade, additionalsteps are necessary. The method most widely used to keep digital documents accessible is migration. Migration is defined as "the periodic transfer of digital materials from one hardware/software configuration to another, or from one generation of computer technology to a subsequent generation."9 Migration is a more costly and labor intensive method of preservation of data than simply refreshing the data, but it is necessary if the document is to remainusable beyondthe shortlifecycleof the softwarein which it is embedded. A simple example of migration is movinga document created in one version of word processing software to a newer version. Most word processing software programs will read the last few generations of the same program withoutproblems or any loss of content of formatting.Converting a document created in Wordstar on a CP/M operating system twenty years ago is a far greater challenge. It is possible(assuming that the datahas been periodicallyrefreshed) to retrieve most of the content, ifnot the formatting, if one is willing to invest time and money in the recovery, but heroic recoveryis not the idealdocument management plan. 16 DttP Documents that are createdinsimpler, standardized formats are usually easier to migrate than documentsembedded incomplex formats of word processing software. Two widely used coding standards are the American Standard Code for Information Interchange or ASCII, and Unicode, a standard that embraces a much larger character set than ASCII. Most word processors willsave a documentin ASCII format whenthe author selects the "txt" file extension. A universal format for graphic images, Tagged Image File Format or TIFF was developed in the 1980s. Many documents, however, are createdin proprietary software formats thatbecomeobsoleteafter a few years. Savinga master copy of an electronic document in open standardformats such as ASCII, Unicode and TIFF will increase a document's longevity andmake migration to newer formats easier. Another migration strategy is to move the information from less stable to more stable media.The simplest expressionof this is copyingless stable digital files to paperor microform.Archival quality paper and microform can last up to 500 years.The analog copies are also not dependent on hardware or software for interpretation. This strategy may be acceptable for straight text documents, but more complex datais often lost through this method. For example, a digital spreadsheet may contain embeddedformulas and have the functionality to manipulate the data in various ways. A printout ofthe spreadsheetpreserves only one static view of the data. Through the use of basic file formats andcareful refreshing and migratingof data, text documents can be preservedfor many years. More complex Internet documents, which combine text with graphic images, sound files and videos, or contain embeddedprograms(e.g.Java applets), are more difficult to preserve. In migrating multi-mediadigital documents, crucial elements of the formattingmay belost. To maintaincomplex digital files, some researchers advocate another preservation method known as emulation. Emulation seeks to recreate a digital document's original functionality, look, and feel.10 Emulation would create software that would mimic the functionality of older software and hardware,allowinglegacydigital documents createdin obsolete software and hardware environments to be viewed on current computer systems. Some researchers have been critical of this strategy, arguing that there is no "magic bullet solution" to the problem of digital preservation and that migration remains the only proven method for preserving digital documents. Emulationoffers the promise of preservingcomplex digital files, but finding a practical method of emulation will require much more research. To facilitate bothmigration andemulation strategies,digital archivists advocate applyingdescriptivemetadatato a document at or near the time of its creation. Traditionally, librarians have used metadatato describe the intellectualcontent of documents, both analogand digital,in their librarycatalogs. An exampleof a metadata standard used by most libraries is US MARC. Other metadatastandards include Dublin Core, SGML and XML. For preservationpurposes, metadatacan beused to describe the soft- „ ware and hardware environment in which a document was created, as well as information about its appearance and functionality. Metadata can also be used to embed a "digital signature" that can serve to verify a document's provenance and authenticity. While much research is being done to develop universal standards, as of the writing of this report, there is no universally accepted standard for descriptivemetadata. Research to develop a uniform standard for preservationmetadatais being conducted by OCLC and the Research Libraries Group12 and the National Archives.13 Digital preservation is a labor-intensive effort, and therefore Staying Digital , documents, the work of the federal Government Printing Office offers a good model for cataloging electronic government documents. ft Cooperation among all state agencies and officials responsible for the creation and dissemination of electronic documents is essential. State agencies should work closely with the State Library andState Archives to developpreservation strategies for digital information. ft The State should developa master plan to preserve its evergrowing store of digital information. Unless planning and resources are directed at preserving the state's digitalinformationbase, the state faces a catastrophic loss of vital information in the next decade. costly. A report done for the British Library in 1998 enumerates some of the costs of creating, managing and preserving digital information. 14 The report argues that the costs of digital preservation can be minimizedby careful planning from the point of creation of the data and throughout its life cycle. The next sec- Conclusion tion offers recommendations for the State that will reduce the costs of preservation efforts to the taxpayers while ensuringper- The State of New Jersey has entered the digital age and now provides both information and services to many of its citizens manent public access to vital government information. directly over the Internet. For the State to remaindigitalit must take immediate steps to preserve its digitalheritage.New Jersey Recommendations is fortunate to have a pro-active State Library that has already enduringlegal, Documents that have historical ft or cultural taken steps to provide greater access through a central web site value should be preserved to ensure permanent public with links to many agency documents, but more is needed. access. Preservationof state government information over the long-term ephemeral ft Some government documents are and do not will require careful planning, clear policies and standards for long-term preservation.By merit identifying those docu- those who create information and resources. These efforts, if preserved ments that must be and those that may be deleted undertaken now, will not only save money for New Jersey taxperiod after a of time, the State can maximize its preserva- payers, they will preserve the heritage of vital state information tion resources. for generations to come. ft State digital documentsof enduring value should be stored in a central repository.Placingsource files on the servers of the State Library or State Archives would protect informa- Contributors to the Report tion from deletionandallow for the assignment of a permaSusan Kadezabek nent uniform resource locator or PURL. — ft Documents that must be preserved for periods of greater Susan Lyons Report Editor than a decade shouldbe distributedintangible format to the Shelley Myer State's depository libraries. Paper and microform are stable Susan Sabatino media that willensure cost-effectivepreservation and access Dorothy Warner to the intellectual content of valuableState documents. ft Where possible, master copies of documents should be Participants stored in open standard formats, such as ASCII, Unicode, Committee HTML,XML or TIFF. ft The State should explore embedding digital documents GeetaliBasu, County College of Morris with descriptive metadatathat willenhance the chances for Carole Bruce, Seton Hall University Rutgers University successful migration of the documents to new software and Mary Alice Cicerale, University Rutgers Mary Fetzer, hardware environments. Public Library Grice, East Brunswick The State Library should catalog digital documents of Ann University Kadezabek, Monmouth enduring value. This will increase the likelihood that Susan School-Newark (Chair, Ad-Hoc Law Rutgers Lyons, libraries willinclude state documentsin their online catalogs Susan Committee) and increase public access to these resources. This comMyer, Rutgers SCILS GraduateStudent Shelley mittee recognizes that additional staff resources will be necMurtha, RowanUniversity Peggy essary to catalog state electronic documents. While there is Public Library Saurs, Laura Newark still debate about the best methods of cataloging electronic Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 17 State Documents Interest Group Susan Sabatino, William Paterson University (Chair, State Documents InterestGroup) Ella Strattis, Rowan University Dorothy Warner, Rider University 4. Puglia,Steven, CreatingPermanentandDurable Information: PhysicalMedia andStorageStandards, CulturalResource Management, No. 2-1999, 25. Availableonline at [www.cr, nps.gov/crm/] and [http://purl.access.gpo.gov/GPO/ Documents Association of New Jersey 2001 Executive Committee 5. WhatIs the DigitalDivide? Washington, D.C.: American Library Association, Office for Information Technology Policy.Availableat [www.ala.org/oitp/digitaldivided.what. — A. Hays Butler President — Susan Lyons Vice-President/President-Elect — Ann B.Grice Secretary — Wen-Hua Ren Treasurer/Web Page Editor/Past-President — Mary Alice Cicerale Member-at-Large — Laura Saurs Chair, Federal Documents Interest Group/ Archivist — Susan Sabatino Chair, State Documents InterestGroup — Mary Fetzer Chair, InternationalDocuments InterestGroup — GeetaliBasu MembershipCommitteeChair — Ellen Boncarti NewsletterEditor — Jan Wanggard Liaison to Rutgers SCILS m References Waters, Donaldand John Garret, PreservingDigital Information: Report of the TaskForce on ArchivingofDigital Information, 1996, 2-3. [www.rlg.org/ArchTF/]_ 2. NationalArchives andRecords Administration,http://web1. LPSI447] html] 6. Myer, Shelley, Availabilityof New Jersey State Government Documents Online. Graduate research paper,Rutgers UniversitySchool of Communication, Information and Library Studies, 2000, 3. 7. Ibid., 4. 8. NationalArchives and Records Administration, http://webgopher.nara.gov/O/managers/archival/papers/optical/critiss.txt 9. Waters and Garret, PreservingDigital Information, 6. 10. Rothenberg,Jeff, AvoidingTechnologicalQuicksand:Findinga Viable TechnicalFoundationfor DigitalPreservation.The Council on Library and InformationResources, 1999, 17. 11. Bearman, David, "Reality andChimeras in the Preservationof Electronic Records," D-Lib Magazine,April 1999. [www.dlib.org/dlib/april99/bearman/04bearman.html] 12. OCLC/RLG Working Group on PreservationMetadata. PreservationMetadatafor DigitalObjects: A Review of theState of the Art. January 31, 2001. [www.oclc.org/digitalpreservation/presmeta_wp.pdf] gopher.nara.gov/O/managers/archival/papers/optical/critiss.txt. 13. Thibodeau,Kenneth, "Buildingthe Archives of the Future," D-LibMagazine,February 2001. See also the Stanford ConservationOnline (CoOL) Web site on electronic storage media for additionalreports and [www.dlib.org/februaryol/thibodeau/02thibodeau.html] links on the longevity of electronicmedia at: 14. Hendley, Tony.Comparison ofMethods &Costs of Digital http://palimpset.Stanford.edu/electronic-records/electronicPreservation.British Library Innovation Report No. 106, storage-media. 1998. [www.ukoln.ac.uk/services/elib/papers/tavistock/ 3. Van Bogart,John WC, Magnetic TapeStorageandHandling, hendley/hendley.html]. CommissiononPreservationand Access and the National MediaLaboratory,7995. [www.clir.org/pubs/ reports/pubs4/] 18 DttP Get 'Em While They're Young Outreach Ideas for K-12 Tammy Stewart federal depositorylibrarians, weknow the importanceof promoting our documents collections to various audiences.One such audience is the K-12 schools. The library literatureis full of articlesabout what goodsources of information As documents can be for K-12 school assignments, but we need to do more. We need to reach out to the teachers and library media specialists that can bestlead students to this material.Here are a few ideas that have helped me to promote the Government Documents Collection at Southwest Missouri State University (SMSU). AlthoughIknew that there were lots of materials in our collection that would be helpful to students, teachers, and library media specialists in the K-12 environment, Icould not pinpoint what would be more helpful for 6th graders or 10th graders. SMSU has a strong teachereducation program and works closely with area schools, plus our LIS department certifies School Library Media Specialists, so Iknew Ihad some good connections to consult. Cherri Jones, our Education Librarian, and I were talkingone day about this subject and werealizedthat our skills were complementary.We began to meet to discuss project ideas for reaching out to teachers and school library media specialists. Our first effort resulted in a PowerPoint presentation,entitled "Cheap and Easy: Using Government Information to Enhance the K-12 Library", which we presentedat theMissouri Association of School Librarians (MASL) Annual Conference. The first part of the presentationconsisted of a generaloverview of the Federal Depository Library Program, and directions for how to locate a depositorylibrary nearby. We then introduced a number of federally-producedcurriculum kits. These items are housed inMeyer Library's Curriculum Resource Center rather than in the Government Documents Department,so thateducation students canaccess andbrowse them more easily.Before the workshop Cherri had taken several of these kits and divided them into parts, identifying each part with a colored shape; we placed these on the chairs in the room. Participants were then asked to bring their booklets, brochures, posters, CD-ROMS, etc., to the section of the room marked with a "red square" or "green circle" and to spend a few minutes discussing with their group the contents of the kit. Then each group talked about the total contents of their kit with others in the workshop.After this, 1 introduced them to "Ben's Guide to U.S. Government for Kids". Cherri and Ieach selected and showed two or three different U.S. government Web sites for children. Iwrappedup the Presentation with information on how to contact me. This presentation wasvery wellreceived andthe evaluations wereexcellent. Next, we submitted an article entitled "Cheap and Easy: Enhancing your Collection with government documents" to Library Talk: the Magazine for Elementary SchoolLibraryMedia & Technology Specialists. Our article was accepted for publication in the November/ December 2000 issue. This article was a written version of the presentation discussed above, covering the basic information about how to access government information onlineand in traditionalformats. We included a brief bibliography on various topics that might be of interest in planning a curriculum unit, such as space and nutrition. These sources were in a variety of formats. In April 2001, Cherri and I joined with two other colleagues, J.B. Petty, SMSU Library Science Coordinator and Dea Borneman, Library Media Specialist for GreenwoodLaboratory School, to present a workshopdealingwith civil andhuman rights materials for theMASL annual conference. Since SMSU's Meyer Library was recently appointed as a United Nations depositorylibrary, Iincluded a brief mention of international issues, although the program mostly dealt withhuman/civil rights issues in the United States. Ialso showed conference attendeeshow to access the Library of Congress's "American Memories" Website and the Justice Department Website, along with some paper materials on the again subject. Most recently,Ipresented a three and a half hour workshop for the Southwest Missouri Center for Educational Excellence. Attendees served in various positions within the K-12 field, including administrators, classroom teachers and library media specialists. This presentation was similar to the one given at MASL, but a lab was available so that Icould provide the attenhad the luxury of dees with some hands-on training. Also, since I two to three hours, Iwas able to show them more Web sites and in more detail.Iwas also able to show them several sources that Iwould recommend for school library collections. Later in the morning, Iseparated the participants into groups and had them look at curriculum kits.Each group was to elect a spokesperson who presented to the group a "creative" way to use the kit they were given. We also played a brief game of "Stump the Librarian". They came up withtopics and, ifIcouldnot come up with a site orsource to referthem to, they won aposter. (Ihad two free posters from ALA conference thatserved as the prizes.) One thing Ihave learned through working with my colleagues in the education field is thatcollaborative teaching is an important issue in the K-12 community, particularlythe concept of collaboration between the school library media specialist and the classroom teacher. Cherri and Iplan to write a series of short articles on specific curriculum topics, such as rocks or drug and alcohol abuse. We also hope to take an updated version of our presentation to the AASL (American Association of School Librarians) Conference in the next year or two. This wouldreach librarians, who could then carry the a nationwide audience of colleagues with whom message back to the administrators and Tammy Stewart, GovernmentDocuments Librarian, Southwest Missouri State University, Duane G. Meyer Library Soring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 19 ____ , Stewart need to be educated regardingthe availabilityof this information they work. Ialso would like to bring a PowerPoint presentation Partnering with those who work in the education form of grant at an early age. to the rural schools in our district through some making your promotionalefforts sucfunding to field may be just the key to funding,since these educators often may nothave the teach, "v cessful. Teamup and attend conferences and workshops. to One of the best ways to promote your collection may be Citizens education. reach out to those who work with children's "Help, my govdocs are a MESSI!" Need to streamline your government documents processing? Want to automate your government documents collection? !▼ I^llo^^ Depository Express Check-in Kit Folland Software's Shelflist file service allows you to maintain your depository shelflist in electronic format. This means you can reduce processing time and maintenance expenses, while providing piece-level bibliographic control for govdocs! With records in electronic format, you can do keyword searches on the title, as well as searches on the SuDoc classification and item number. /fcsr^ CreatorS of IftC (Data /c^h J^L^ tC> MaqiciaU \ 22 ■> At DttP { CJ FollandSoftware Services Inc. (519) 836-9682, FAX: (519) 836-3436 Toll Free: !-877 folland (365-5263) deck@folland.com http://www.folland.com/deck " - "The Wizards ofBibliographic Data Conversion , f r Contact US TOr all your data Conversion nPPds' Iiccuo. 'Round the Table ALA Midwinter 2002 GODORT Highlights, New Orleans, LA Ann E. Miller, PaSt-Qair/ mittee on the issue of removal of government information, inviting liaisons from rr.nr.DT OUUUKI other ALA groups. State and Local Documents Task Midwinter is considered ALA's working Force continued its discussion of state legmeeting.And GODORT membership did islator web sites with Jody Fagan. The indeed accomplish much in New Orleans. task force also discussed upcoming proFortunately, there seemed to be timefor gram in Atlanta "Innovations in State beignets, gumbo and walking in the Government Information Sources" including proposed speakers and direcFrench Quarter as well. On Saturday morning GODORT tions for the program. In addition the task Chair Cindi Wolff unveiled a new forcereviewedthe continuing work on the GODORT update. Each task force con- State and Local Documents cataloging tributed a speaker ona topic of interest in toolbox, and the completion of the federal, international, and state and local housingagreement at UCLS of the docudocuments. Patricia McDermott of the ments on documents collection. ALA Washington Office led off the In its meeting, International Documorning with a presentation on agency ments Task Force formedwork groups for restrictions on access to federal govern- three projects. One will work in conjuncment information, implications for the tion with the Cataloging Committee and general public, and possible responses. Stateand LocalDocuments Task Force to Suzanne Edam of OECD spoke on "The integrate the IDTF Toolbox for ProcesOECD:The Shape of Its Digital Future." sing and Cataloging International and Her presentation reviewed publication Foreign Government Documents with programs both in print andelectronic for- those of the Cataloging Committee and mats. Jody Fagan of Southern Illinois SLDTF. The second will provide a University at Carbondalegave a presenta- detailed report on IDTF's development tion based on her article assessing state of a comprehensive database covering legislature web sites as the State and IGOs and NGOs in Sub-Saharan Africa. Local Documents Task Force contribu- The databaseis intended as an alternative tion to the morning. Finally, Francis to commercial products to which very few Buckley, Superintendent of Documents institutions, particularly those in Africa, and Gil Baldwin of the Government can subscribe. The final work group will Printing Office provided a short update to assist IFLA in the development and the activities of the Federal Depository implementation of an online directory of Library Program and answered questions international document specialists. Ofthe from the floor. many updates, one was very encouraging. In the afternoon task forces met for Gunda Trumkalne of the United Nations their individual meetings. The Federal Publications reported that in response to Documents Task Force continued its pro- objections by institutions and orgamzagram with speakers from the National tions, including GODORT, a revised Technical Information Service, the Public license will soon be issued for the UN Document Room of the Nuclear Regu- Treaty Database. The new license will htory Commission and the Department of acknowledge that libraries cannot be held Energy's Office of Scientific and accountable for theactions of databaseusers. Technical Information. During the busiCommittees were also busy in New *ess meeting FDTF discussed a number Orleans. Rare and Endangered Governof key issues. The FDTF sent forward a ment Publications discussed theSerial Set the recommendation recommending that the Inventory that Donna Koepp otOnly has initiated. Kansas GODORT Chair establish an ad hoc com- University of two groups have turned in their inventory and others are encourage to complete the inventory, or begin one if one is not underway. August Imholtz was not present to discuss his Pre-Serial Set Inventory though he sent a summary to the chair. The committeediscussed how the work could be continued without August as he has access to collections not readilyavailable to others.The committee recommended that the chair of the committee write a letter to August Imholtz thanking him for all the work he has contributed over the years. The Cataloging Committee discussed the implementation of an integrated library system at the Government Printing Office with GilBaldwin of GPO. Pat Woodof Firstgov and John Kavaliunas of the Census Bureauboth gave presentations to the Government Information Technology Committee on products from theirindividualagencies. GITCO also discussed the e-competencies idea with Charlene Cain of the Depository Library Council, as wellas plans for a Census 2000 toolbox, and updates and enhancements to the Web Page Template. As a result of suggestions from the FDTF discussion groups on removal of materials from federal web pages the Education Committee was asked to develop a press packet to help librarians explain to the public and the press regarding the issues involved. The committeediscussed the content ofthe packet include an event chronology, annotated list of available materials, listing of applicable laws, presentations on security issues andlinks to "best practices" in the event of a removal directive or law enforcement visit. The committee also discussed the value and intent of evaluation tools in bibliographic instruction as well as suggestions for a mini-program at the annual meeting. The Ad Hoc Committee on Digitization of Government Information reviewed their draft report. Comments need to be sent to CathyHartman by April Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 23 'Round the Table 1, 2002. In addition, the committee dis- cussed the digitization program planned forthe ALA meetingin Toronto.This program will be designed so that it can be taken on theroad to state groupsandother associationmeetings. As always the LegislationCommittee met multiple times with a full agenda. Among the issues discussed were House Committee on Government Reform action requesting that Executive Order 13233 regarding presidential records be withdrawn, implications of the USA Patriot Act and Attorney General Ashcroft's FOIA Amendment, the status of 5.803 the E-Government bill. The committee endorsed three resolutions during conference: A Resolution ConcerningGovernmentInformationand Security, Resolution Concerning Executive Order 13233, Further Implementationof the PresidentialRecords Act and Resolution on the Federal Activities Inventory Reform Act (FAIR Act) PL. 105-270. Legislation and the ALA Committeeon Legislation,Subcommittee on GovernmentInformation(GIS) recom- Among the items mended that thePresident of ALA in conPublications Committeereviewed was a new proposal sultation with the GODORT Chair and Chair of GIS appoint an Ad Hoc for an electronic occasional paper series, Committee to gather information, and The plan was well received and the cornsuggest policy, regarding a government mittee will form working groups to review information issues inlight of current secu- policy issues and plan a pilot project. rity concerns. The committeeshouldhave They also reviewed the status of DttP, broad representation from within ALA. publications in process and considered Finally Legislation voted with GIS to additionalrevenuegeneratingpublications. In addition to hosting the New endorse in principle the draft "Principles Members Luncheon, Membership disfor the NetworkedWorld". Looking forward to 2003 in Toronto, cussed the Mentoring program that has Program Committeerecommended a pre- paired 21 individuals with GODORT conference on "Digitalizationof Govern- mentors. The committee also noted that GODORT membership is down 2.4 perment Information" sponsored by GICO and the Ad Hoc Committee on cent and that strategies for increasing Digitalization and a program on the membership are needed.The committee "NationalLibraries" sponsoredbyFDTF. has reserved the Margaret Mitchell house The Nomination Committee forwarded and museum for the 30th anniversary five names on behalfof GODORT to the receptionin Atlanta. Public Printer to serve on Depository It is a challenging time to be in govLibrary Council and brought forward a ernment information and GODORT slate of candidates for the 2002 election. members are working hard to bring netBylaws considered and recommended a working and educational opportunities, bylaw change to the membership that discussion sessions and leadershipduring moves the Past-Chair from the this time.We look forward to seeing youin PublicationsCommittee. Atlanta. 2002 GODORT Award Winners James Bennett Childs Award In addition to working at the library, Ridley taught the Public Documents course at theSchool ofLibrary Science for 14 years and has advised over 50 masters The 2002 recipient of the James Bennett papers As his nomination letter stateds addsAwardis RidleyR.Kessler, Jr., curRidleyKessler casts a large shadowb rently the AssistantHead of Reference at field of government documents librarianthe University of North Carolina (UNC), ship Not only is he devoted tQ his profes. ChapelHill.The Childs awardis a tribute sion, but he has inspired „ others tQ ente „ to an individual who has made a lifetime the field as wdL andsignificant contribution to the field of Ridley has served as a wonderful government documents hbrananship. advisor to his students whde they Ridley began his 30-plus-year career library school, and he continues the menin government documents at UNC as the torineLUUII& dna and aa advisinosft^r most mnCf ot this tv;, stuvising alter Assistant Documents Librarian in 1970. dents enter the profession. It is not This position was followed by a2 Vz year uncommonfor Ridley to check up on "his stmt as the International Documents babies-encouraging them to attend Libranam after which he became the meetings of the Depository Library FederalDocuments/RegmnalLibrarian in Council,activelyparticipateinGODORT, 1973. Twenty years later he moved into and by all means, to ask questions. his current position as Assistant Head of As the Regional Librarian for North ReferenCe Carolina, Ridleyhas gone wellbeyond the - . . - 24 DttP norm to support and counsel his selectives. Ridley has taken a lead in projects directedtoward operationalissues, such as the several attempts to tackle problems associated with Regionals and superseding documents Most recently Ridley has co-spearheaded efforts to define seryice expectations in deposi Ub electronicenvironment. , Ridley s contribudons t0 the professif)n many Just to name a few Depository he w Qf Library Council from 1987-1990. During " " , r^ v- term naao his as Chair ofr the Council-i (198 1990), he brought a new level of excellenceand commitmentto the Council and fostered new communicationand cooperation between GPO and the depository community. Ridley was a member of the __ _ - __ GODORT Legislation Committee in 1992-1993 and 1994-1995 and Chair of the Committee in 1994. Even when he . — — ■ on the Legislation he would attend the Committee meetings and offer assistance numerous Ridley has testified for the advice. and Library Associationbefore American — congressional committees three times twice in favor of GPO's budget and onceon the subject of "Government Information as a Public Asset." He has been on the GODORT AdHocCommitteeonGODORT Organization and chaired the GODORT Ad Hoc Committee on GPO/2001 Vision. Ridley was part of an informal group (Dupont Circle Group) that initiated discussion on reshaping the Federal Depository LibraryProgram (FDLP). He was instrumental in helping to organize the "Chicago Congerence on the Future of Federal Government Information", held in October 1993. And he was a member of the Coalition of Many Organizations (COMA)/ARL, ALAGODORT, ALA, SLA, AALL— a groupof membersfromthe four major library associations to discuss and come up with a general statement concerning mutual agreement on what must constitute the Federal Depository Library Program in any future Congressional legislation. In addition to being awarded the CIS/GODORT/ALA Documents to the People Awardin 1992, Ridleyreceivedthe Distinguished Alumni Award from the UNC-CH School of Library and Information Science in 1996 and was the third ever recipient of the University of North Carolina Mentor Award for Lifetime Achievement in 2000. What better way to honor someone who has devoted his career to providing access to government information, who has shared his enthusiasm and love for government information with colleagues, students, faculty, staff, members of Congress, congressional staff, and "anyone else who will listen"then by awarding them the James Bennet Childs Award? wasn't officially CIS/GODORT/ALA "Documents to the People" Award The 2002 recipient of the CIS/ GODORT/ALA "Documents to the People" Award is Andrea Sevetson This 'Round the Table award is presented to the individual library, institution, or other noncommercial group that has most effectively Andrea has for many years worked tirelessly to promote timely access to government information advocated for no-fee encouraged the use of government docu- access to government information. She ments in support of library service. The served as an at-large representative to the award includes a cash stipend and has Inter-Association Working Group on been sponsored Congressional InforGovernment Information Policy which mationService, Inc., since 1977. worked on reforming Title 44 during This awardis being given in recogni- 1997-98. Andrea was appointed to the tion of Andrea's impact on the ability of Depository Library Council of the Public GODORT to effectively serve the inter- Printer to thePublic Printer in 1999 andis ests and needs of government documents currently serving as its chair. librarians, her work on the GODORT web site, andfor her organization efforts for the round table. Her leadership, collegiality and ability to articulate issues have con- Catharine J. Reynolds Research tributed greatly to the cohesion and suc- Grant Award cess of the round table. She has This research award which is supported demonstrated long-term dedication by by a $2000 grant from Readex, a Division undertaking many positionsinGODORT of Newsßank, Inc. for the purpose of A sampling her GODORT positions encouragingresearchthat will make a coninclude International Documents Task tribution to the field of documents librariForce Coordinator, GODORT Chair anship. Two projects have been awarded (1996-97), and Chair Bylaws and funding for 2002. OrganizationCommittee. The DepositoryLibrary Community, In 1994 Andrea worked with several Members of Congress, the American of GODORT committees to create a public and all users of government inforGopher site for GODORT. This effort mationare fortunate to have in theirmidst grew into the sophisticated GODORTweb professional librarians who continuously site (http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/GODORT) have important, innovative ideas and act Andrea served as the GODORT Web upon them. The need for permanent, free Administrator until 2001 and during her access to CongressionalResearch Service/ tenure the web site developed into a CRS Reports has been a cause for concern major resource for GODORT members for decades among government informaand those interested in government infor- tion specialists and others who support mation policy. Andrea enhanced the site open access to U.S. Government docufor content, she added a search engineand ments and information. Cathy Hartman createdstandards for metadatafor the site and Valeric Glenn have been selected to and for all GODORT committee sites or receive one of the 2002 Readex/ pages. She worked with committeechairs GODORT/ALA Catharine J. Reynolds or Web administrators to accomplish this Research Grant Awards. Their award-winwork. GODORT members have become ning study revolvesaround capturing elecdependent on the currency and accuracy tronic copies of CRS Reports and making of the information contained on the site these permanently available without fee As and recognizeit as a major resource in the to the public. part of this investigation a database storage strucwill build they librarianship. practice of documents searchandretrievalof ture to facilitate the knowlskills, Andrea's organizational The award will be used to cover reports. policy edge of government information costs of additional staff and also and familiarity with the structure of ALA the training in support of this appliedresearch has also assisted the numerous committee project. Cathy and Valeric anticipate this and task force chairs. One ofthe most sigwork willserve as a model for similar projnificant organizational contribution was ects, and contribute to the growing body Andrea's reorganization of the GODORT of technical information regarding the Policies and Procedures manual. Readex/GODORT/ALA Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 25 'Round the Table organization, and mechanisms for accessing and archiving substantial digital collections. The success of this project is a foregoneconclusion. The CRS Reports collection will becomepart of the Cybercemetary. The Cybercemetary is the Government Documents Department, University of North Texas Libraries', content partnership with the U.S. Government Printing Office. Cathy Hartman is currently Head of the UNT Libraries' Government Documents Department, and Valeric Glenn is the Documents Librarian at UNT, and also its Electronic Resources Coordinator and Texas Documents Librarian. Cathy Hartman led the way in the formation of the Cybercemetary site, and continues to have primary responsibility for this unique resource. In addition, she is responsible for the establishment of related digital partnerships at both Federal and State levels, including that with the Texas Secretaryof State's Office to electronicallyhouse the back issues of the Texas Register. Cathy has been a member of the Depository Library Councilsince 2000, and will becomechair in fall, 2002. She has contributed greatly to ALA GODORT. At present she is chair of its Ad Hoc Committee on the Digitizationof Government Publications, and a member of the roundtable's Nominating Committee.Cathy has previously served as GODORT's Awards Committee chair, and was recently a member of the American Library Association's Government Information Subcommittee of the Committee on Legislation. She has also been extremely active within the Texas Library Association, including TLA's GODORT organization.Cathy is generous in sharing her knowledge and expertise with other professionals;she has compiled an extensivelistof publications and presentations, and given numerous guest lectures at UNT's School of Library and Information Sciences, during the past dozen years. Cathy Hartman is an alumnus of UNT's SLIS. Valeric Glenn is a May 2000MSLS graduate of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill's Information and 26 DttP Library Science program.She is currently member of ALA GODORT's LegislationCommittee.She isalso responsible for the committee's web site. Valeric has also contributed to the Ad Hoc Committee on Digitization of Government Information, and is an active member of one its Working Groups. GODORT members and fans can rest assured that this research project and its results will receive "perpetual care" from these award recipients, and we look forward to having permanent and free access to the CRS Reports digital collection. Congratulations to Cathy and Valeric! They are most deservingof this award The second 2002 research grant recipient is John S. Walters who has been awarded $500 to defray the cost of travel to the National Archives and Records Administration and other libraries in the Washington DC area.John will be continuing his research in the field of U.S. government publications in order to expand the various articlesthathe has writtenand published serially over the last 10 years into a book-lengthmanuscript. John is currently the Regional Depository Librarian at Utah State University(USU). He has writtenten articles on the topicof U.S. government publishing, covering such issues as the Joint Committee on Printing from 1919-1921, the Federal Depository LibraryProgram, fugitive publications, the Monthly Labor Review, and the politics of U.S. government printing and publishing from 19601970. These articles have all been published in Government Publications Review or the Journal of Government a Bernadine Abbott Hoduski Founders Award No award was presented for 2002. W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship The 2002 recipient of the David Rozkuszka scholarship is Laura Sare, who is a library assistant in the Government Documents Department at the Cornette Library of West Texas A&M University. She is responsible for all aspects of recording serials in the librarys online system, includingworking withelectronic serials and cleaning up document serial records after the library ILS transition. She supervises students, tracks depository claims, and works at the mainReference desk.She is active in the universitysStaff Council and is the current webmasterfor theCouncil. While researching her masters thesis history, in Laura became very comfortable at the Cornette Library at West Texas A&M. She describes her documents position as the first job where she really looked forward to going to work, and a place where she really belonged. Laura was motivated to become a librarian in order to become more involved in management, in order to be part of the information loop and to helpdevelop solutions to problems, both in the library and in the larger realmof government informationat the nationallevel. Her long-term goal is to work in an Information. academic library in cataloging of governJohn has been the recipient of four ment documents. She is especially interBernard M. Fry/Journal of Government ested in the archiving of government Information awards for the year's best information through projects such as the article (1993, 1994, 1996, and1998). John's Web Document Digital Archive Project work has alsobeen nominated twice(1991 and the Texas TRAIL project. She would and 1993) for the James Madison Prize also like to do retrospective cataloging to from the Society for History in the incorporate all documents in the online Federal Government for the best article catalogs and to digitize important older on governmenthistory. government documents for their preservaPrior to his current position at Utah tion and long-term access. State University, John held documents Laura is enrolled in the University of positions at University of Central Florida Illinois Graduate School of Library and University of Richmond. Science. 'Round the Table Proposed Bylaws Changes Bylaws changes The followingproposed to, and approved by, the presented were GODORT Steering Committee on They will be voted on at January 22, 2002. Meeting at ALA in Atlanta, the Business f. Publications Committee. This andendorsesthe members theDttPEditorial of committee is composed of eleven nine Board upon recommendation of the DttP members, including a Chair, a Vice- editor. Chair/Chair-Elect elected annuallyr-ehe Rationale:The change in the makethe up and functions of the Publications GODORT Treasurer, the Editor of Committee reflect what the Publications June 17, 2002. language— Documents to the People (DttP) (non- Committeehas moved toward in the past Proposed deleted voting), the GODORT Website Admini- few years. The GODORT Past Chair is sHilmihrnngh — italics strator language who also serves as the editorof the moving to the membership committee Proposed new GODORT Policies and Procedures becauseof the increased continuityon the Manual (non-voting), the Chair of the Publications Committee (less need to for Proposed Changes to Notable Documents Panel, the Chair of theGODORTPastChair on Publications) Standing the EditorialReview Board, and one rep- and the need for the focus on X: resentative from each of the Task Forces Membership that GODORT has seen in Committees, Sections D, F. appointed to staggered two-year terms. recent years. The Publications Committee shall have Section 3. The Round Table shall have the fol- the responsibility of: (1) Coordinating and disseminating Proposed Changes to lowing standing committees: d. Membership Committee. This information by issuing DttP, GODORT Article V: Duties of the committee is composed of nine members Policies and Procedures Manual or other Officers appointed by the GODORT Chair with publicationsor through correspondence to Section 2.Assistant Chair/Chairthe approvalof the SteeringCommittee to memberaffiliates; (2) Elect. staggered two-year terms. This committeeis composed of nine members appointed by the The Assistant Chair/Chair-Elect shall GODORT Chair to staggeredtwo-year terms, serve as a member of the Nominating ijApprovingany and the immediate Past GODORT Chair. Committee, aft4the Budget Committee, Four members shall be appointedin even publications produced under the auspices of the Schedule Committee, and as Chair of the years and five in odd years. The Chair of ALAIGODORT; Program Committee. (3) Compiling information with the this committee shall be appointed from among the committee members by the assistance of the Editorial Review Board GODORT Chair with the approval of the on publication options and procedures, Section 3. Immediate Past Chair. Steering Committee. The Membership reviewing all publications projects and The Immediate Past Chair shall serve as a Committee shall actively promote mem- making recommendations on publishing memberof the Executive Committee, the Committee; bership inALA and the Round Table and to the GODORT Steering Committee, the Budget a Notable Steering Maintaining (4) shall promote participation of Round Committee tH*i the Publication MemberTable membersinALA and Round Table Documents Panel responsible for the ship Committee andthe Schedule Committee an annual activities. The Committee shallalso main- compilation and publication of and shall perform such duties as assigned documents; government significant tain communication with state and local list of by the GODORT Chair. (5) Maintaining rhr Diiccting the affiliates, assisting and/or advising with Rationale: This brings the duties of projects, interests and activities groups. conforthe Immediate Past Chair into changed The Chair of the Committee shall desigin been mance with what has nate one member of the committee as includes in and Article X (Committees), coordinator of these activities. Chair/Chair-Elect the duties of Assistant Rationale: To affirm the emphasis and the Immediate Past Chair the memthat GODORT is placing on recruiting (May 2001) Schedule wch bership on the new ar>d maintaining membership, the (6) Maintaining iln GODORT by the GODORT on DttP, recom- Committee voted publisher as of Functioning eiwMembership. GODORT Past Chair is being moved to the horn the Publications Committee to the mendingandsubmittingfor endorsementeditor, 2/4/02 eh.2 the DttP GODORTSteeringCommittee Membership Article Committee. Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 27 'Round the Table Cartographic Users Advisory Council (CUAC) 2001 Meeting Minutes April 17-18, 2001, LC G&M, Washington, D.C. Reported by Donna Koepp Copyright and Free Access Issues Mark Thomas Copyright The United States has a long traditionof government-fundedbasic research to provide the infrastructure needed for an informed citizenry and to provide the building blocks for academic and private research. It also has a tradition of copyright-free government publications,based on the belief that the property rights of government information resides with the people as a whole.This is something that — sets this country apart from others it's a traditionof which we shouldbe proud and should try to preserve. Free Access Public money has paid for the collection and compilation of the information. A corollary to this is the implicationthat government agencies have the obligation to provide some sort of results or output to the public whofunded it: giving the deliverables to the sponsors, as it were. Dissemination is just the final step; free access should be funded at this point as an integral portion of the government research process. The concept of depository libraries— the idea that government information shouldbe depositedinrepositories forthe — use of the public goes back to the early 19th century. By the late 1850s, the feature of congressional designation of depositories in districts or states had developed. The Printing Act of 1895 moved the Superintendentof Documents to theGovernmentPrinting Office (GPO) and ushered in the modern era of depositories.Title 44, chapters 19 and 13, of the 28 DttP United States Code requires agencies to provide materialto the public through the Federal Depository Library Program Useful References (FDLP). American Library Association (ALA). Government Documents Round Table (GODORT). Principles on Government Benefits to the Agency Freely available data, whether tangible products distributed through libraries or material provided free on the Internet, is good publicity for the agency. In many cases, such as with topographic maps or nauticalcharts, the library acts as a "showroom," since librarians frequently tell patrons how to purchase the products for themselves. Best selling commercial books are held bypublic libraries, often in multiple volumes,butthis doesn't prevent them frombecomingbest sellers.For convenience or to have more control, many users always prefer to acquire material directly for themselves. Even in cases, such as with many electronic products, where the a government agency disseminates material for free, the open access model has benefits for the agency. Besides advertising specific products, it "advertises" the agency; good publicity can never hurt when it's time for funding to be renewed. Familiarizingusers with the products and services of the agency will build and expand the user base for that agency's services and info. The Census Bureau has sold, for instance, CDs of 1990 Census data. Nonetheless, these were also available for free to libraries through the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). They eventually,with the advent of the World Wide Web, put this materialon the Internet.This is a good modelfor all agencies. For allthe reasons listedabove, benefiting the general public and the issuing agency alike, we urge the federal producers of maps and geospatial data to maintain this nation's longstanding tradition of free access to government-funded information. Government Information Information http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/GODORT/ prin_GODOßT.html National Commission on Library and Information Science (NCLIS). NCLIS Principles of PublicInformation http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/GODORT/ prin_nclis.html Federal DepositoryLibraryProgram ALA GODORT The Federal depository Library Program(fact sheet) http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/GODORT/97 04fact.html ALA Washington Office. Federal DepositoryLibraryProgramFact Sheet www.ala.org/washoff/fdlpbackground.html United States Code. Title44. www.access.gpo.gov/congress/congol3. Html United States Government Printing Office (GPO) Snapshots of the Federal Depository Library Program(historical overview) http://wwl.access.gpo.gov/gpoaccess/fdlp/ history/snapshot.html CRADAS and Free Access Janet Collins 1) A trend with your agency? 2) How doyou see it changingwhat you do within your agency? 3) What are the potential impacts to the depositoryprogram? __ 4) 'Round the Table Will we still have free access to the General public information through the depository Information Needs program? For how long? In what Basic geographic information Raw data format? Will the information be copyrighted? Assistance in converting data to inforPotential costs? mation How do werespond to the public that Models of service questions taxpayer-basedinformation Data provider being copyrighted? Assistance in interpretation and use of Summary Christopher Thiry This is a summary ofthe responses CUAC received from the questions asked last year to us by Robin Haun-Mohamed.The 6) "X" signifies the number of times the response was given. In general, the responses came from academic libraries data 7) Can we work together to assure free with information, largemap collections. No single modelworks for all libraries access to government participation in the deposi- Campus-wide GIS support may come Most mentioned concerns: ongoing tory program,and benefit everyone? from other units, but frequently Lack of printing facilities. High costs plotdoesn't ters or oversized printers. Purchase Statewide clearinghouses are not as well of, maintenance of, and lack of positioned to support public data PPA for Cartographic and expertise in computer software and users Spatial Electronic Data Archiving of, or lack hardware. Levelsof expertise thereof, data. Difficulty in finding Within libraries: often home-grown or Donna Koepp many maps on the web. self-trained your doing to archive What is your agency Within public: largely novices products? Will these archives be Within researchers: increasingly more Questions: public and freely available? novices Are snap shots at regular intervals being MetadataandCataloging. A struggle: How What is the impact on librarieswhenmapping is online? takenof products that are continually to best catalog resources (MARC support paper printing because of Can't being updatedin an electronic envicompliance)?How to best make use cost. Xl 3 ronment? of availableFGDC style metadata? equipment Need for better and software. If some of your agencies products are Does the "clearinghouse"model work for — X 6 being produced cooperatively all concerned? Limited expertise in software and hardeither with another federal agency or Who is getting leftout? ware. X 4 with a commercial sector partner Encourage the production and distribuof data and software ties up Complexity (CRADA) are these products being tion of metadata in standardforms computers. X 4 archived in a way that they will con- Consider the distribution of metadata in Archiving of maps? X3 tinue to be freely accessible to the easier to use forms for general public Format stability? public? Industry: Concern over industry-driven Will we be able to ready CD-ROMs 20 Have you considered, when negotiatinga standards in format and software. years from now? X 2 CRADA, fitting into the agreement Support the development of openDifficult to find on-line.X2 enoughcopies of your product to fulstandards. Copyrights should belong Library may by-passed.X be 2 fill the need of the GPO depository to the public whereverit is possible. Requires less time to file and maintelibrary program? Cautions: nance.X 2 The Cartographic/GIS library community Spatialdata tends to have wideruses than Increased map use in general. is an excellent way to advertise the that for which it was orginally ereLose of ability to become aware of new availability of your products and how ated. maps. Easier to keep track of. they can be used. Is there any way We cannot always envision how data prodFinding on-line often takes more you can think of that we might assist ucts will/should be used. time than finding in paper. Raises you inmeeting your goals or mission? Do not mistake delivery of geographic expectations of what is available oninformation for delivery of spatial line. Many patrons only interested in data digital products and forget/don't GIS in Libraries Web-mapping is not the same as spatial know about printed maps. Patrons analysis. not skilled in using them. Cannot Mike Furlough GIS software industry is focused on govuse. Libraries of lesser means cannot constituencles ernment and business, not on educakeep up. Move collection from owntion and the public ership to access. More up-to-date Not just the academic users maps. Older items (15' topos) not onktate and local governmentusers 29 Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 5) I 'Round the Table line. Serious problem.Gettingworse. Plotters/printers do not have acidfree paper or permanent ink. How do weuse online spatial/cartographic data? — Direct patron to web site organizethem on our website. X4 Depends on request. X3 Don't. X 2 Download as needed. X2 Used to supplement collection.X 2 Many thesishave maps in them. X2 Not very useful to most patrons. Do catalog relevant web sites. Used at all levels. Public want very specialized data. Students want Arc-formatted data.Make maps to display topical information. Do we download things, save things, archive them, or do we go back to the original source materialeach time? Go to source each time, but problems with broken links. X 6 region. Save if items coverown X4 Depends. X2 Save sometimes if patrons use it multiple times. X 2 Download especially if large file or popular site. Usually don't. Do we handle electronic map needs in the library or do we send our users someplace else? Do not send elsewherebecause we have expertise.XIO Both. X6 Help when possible, but limited expertise. X 6 Send to GISlab. X3 Let themcheck out CDs. X3 They must go elsewherebecause there is no place to print. X 3 Don't have GIS lab on campus. Patrons want to take data away. Do weuse the airport charts, obstruction charts, approach charts, etc.? Little use. X8 Some use. X8 30 DttP Yes. Haven't received any in years. Use VFR Terminal charts. What willbe the impact if the USGS Open File Reports go online only? (SOD 71) which sets policy for Better than fiche. X4 15, 2001). dissemina- tion and distribution of materials in the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP). Cartographic materials and their use were taken into consideration when these criteria were decidedupon. A list of X No consistent format. 6 titles, which will continue to be essential X archiving. Question of 6 published in paper, has also been develplace. not all in one Difficult to locate— (See oped. AdministrativeNotes January X 5 There have been many personnel Both fiche and digital difficult to print at GPO. Sheila McGarr resigned changes large maps.X 3 September to become the Director of in of onlineOFRs No comprehensive index Library. Robin the National Education (in any format). X 3 Chief of Depository has become the More use? X2 Services. Tad is now wearing two hats: Save space. X2 Acting Chief of Depository AdminiRequires less time to file and mainte Branch and Head of Cataloging stration nance. X 2 Department. Coleen Davis is now Depository Distribution Need forbetter equipment.Depends heading the Branch, and Vicki Barber is on special what's in OFRs. Criteria has changed. Same difficulty to use as fiche. Cannot detail to the Superintendent of Document's office. afford to start if charge. Even with the move to an electronic transition, LPS continues to distribute a Government Printing number of physical products. The numbers, however, continue to decrease. In Office FY2OOO there were 13,660 paper titlesdisRobin Haun-Mohamcd and Tad tributed or 22.3% of all FDLP titles.This Downing number includes USGS maps. Microfiche 14,572 titles, or 23.8% of Robin announced that this would prob- distribution was total distribution. Online titles on GPO ably be her last CUAC meeting, since account for 11,715 titles or 19.2% Access there had been reorganization and reassignments at GPO, and that with the next distributed. Online titles from other meeting Tad Downing would officially agency Web sites account for 20,591 titles The take her place.At this meetingTad would or 33.7% of FDLP titles distributed. or 617 CD-ROM or DVD titles totaled learning be aboutCUAC and commenting just 1% of the total. where he could. Since Robin spoke to us The total number of USGS map last, GPO has experiencedmany changes. It was a very chaotic summer due to pro- sheets distributedin FY2OOO was 357,907. posed budget cuts by Congress. There In 1999 it was 381,282. A title count was was an initial proposed cut by the House not available. of 61%. The library community rallied There is a new FDLP administrative with a letter campaign, testifying to page which is now called the FDLr Congress, newspaper articles, and in the Desktop. This contains cataloging and end the GPO's budget was cut by about locator tools, as well as other useful tools 6%. Throughout the summer, however, in for libraries. For example, Depository this environment of uncertainty, the Shipping Lists are now available here in Library Program Service moved very PDF format.These tools can be used for quickly on some initiativesthat they were claiming as well. The Joint Operation committed to completing. Graphics (1501s) thatJim Lusby promised At the Depository Library Council us last year will need to be surveyed with meetingin October 2000, GPO presented depository libraries to determine distribua Superintendent of Documents directive tion. 'Round the Table New Products electronic has driven manychanges within Library Program Service and this effects everyone. GPO is evaluating, validating, Oregon GAP Analysis. Research Maps (R-Map) from HUD in acquiring and cataloging electronic CD-ROM. resources. Catalogers evaluate web sites, Digital Atlas of Central and South point to URLs and use PURLs. The links America. sometimes take the user to the exact page National Land Cover Data Base on the Web site that they think is appro- (NLCDB) is online only but has been catalogedby GPO. Tide Tables temporarily dropped off the distribution but are now back. 2001 will come out shortly and 2002 will comeas scheduled. National Atlas is coming as depository whenpages can be sent. Some sheets are cooperatively done and are exemptfrom FDLP. Tract maps from Census 2000 will be coming on CD andDVDs when they come out but right now they are 'one offs'. Recommended Specifications priate: a place that is in accordance with the catalogingdescription. The Map catalogers are doing more of this than anyone else on the catalogingstaff. United States Geological Survey Rea Mueller Rea Mueller presented for the USGS. Currently, there are 55,000+ 7.5" quads that cover the entire country. The topo maps are a "national treasure". It took approximately33 million hours to produce the topos and the cost would be $1.6 billion at today'sprices to re-dothe set from scratch. Over the next 10 years USGS, together with its partners, willimplement a revision strategy that provides "truly current information" to customers in a cost effective way. This effort considers political,social, economic policy and technological challenges. Partners and stakeholders are part of the process. Implementation begins in 2002 with a vision that by the year 2010, this arrangement "will provide the nation with current, accurate, and nationally consistent basic spatial data, including digital data and derived topographic maps". The resulting proposal from this study, The National Map, is available on the web at http://nationalmap.usgs.gov. Comments are being requested by June 29, 2001. Geographic Information will be delivered in a digital world. Geospatial data can be accessed at US Geodataonline and electronic publications will include search and access tools.The Web URL is www.usgs.gov.Phone information are at 1888-ASK-USGS. SDTs, DLGs, DEMs and land use/land cover data are available The 2001 Recommended Specifications for Public Access Workstations in Federal Depository Libraries have been issued. Special specs for cartographic data use are noted. During inspections and selfstudies, GPO is looking for written policies concerning computers for use with FDLP material.Computer specifications are checked, as well as any impediments to access to computer or online information. GPO is now taking comments regarding computer specifications that willgo into effect in the fall of 2002. One noteworthy change is that libraries must provide a DVDplayer. Selective FDLP housing sites need to be in compliance with all requirements of the FDLP Instruction and Guidelines for Depository Libraries. A decal on the door of selected housing sitesis a requirement, as well as a written agreement for the selective housingsite on file at GPO. Robin asked for our ideas and participation in the October 2001 Depository rederal Library conference. She would http://edc.usgs.gov/doc/ hke us to present a session on mapping. at no charge at Tad: Electronic transitionnot only in edchrome/ndcdb/ndcbd.html. Web search rDLP, but overall libraries.Transition to and access tools include National Water Stream Gauging Network, National Biological Information Infrastructure, place based scientific projects, and NationalSeismic Data Network. There is a new Web site for current midwest flooding. GLIS will be going away and replaced by Earth Explorer.Over 60 databases will be represented.MAC users will need to use GLIS for the present. The National Atlas will continue to be published mainlyin electronic format. Some printed sheets will still be published. The updated "GeneralReference" sheet will be out on depository soon at larger scale and updated from the 1973 edition. Other new products include the Pennsylvania Shaded Relief map in experimentaleditions, DDS-62A "Global GISDatabase:DigitalAtlas of Centraland South America", the online version of the National Land Cover Dataset and CD" ROM of Status andTrends publications of the Department of the Interior". USGS' goal is to be "seamless". Design goals include web accessible, best available data, most current data, GIS application ready, multi-resolution and full coverage. Base map layers include Elevation (NED), Land Cover (NLCD), Hydrography (NHD), Orthoimagery (DOQ, TM), and Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) along with Geographic Names (GNIS) andreference layer. Other trends include DLG's coming out on DVD. Web mapping will not be under copyright. CRADA's will continue (e.g. Laser Scan, Microsoft, ESRI, Chicago Map Corp, Earth Data, etc.). Seamless maps are available on demand via Map Machines at several sites includingREI stores, USGS Menlo Park, USGS Reston, etc. There will be more sites in the future. Users can center on a place and buy what they want (parts of many topos) at a cost usually less than the cost of purchasing all the topos ($6.00 as opposed to $4.00 for a standard topo sheet). These are color laminate maps. The machines were created through a partnership betweenUSGS and National Geographic, which acquired Wildflower Productions. Users may soon be able to annotate on the map where they want to go- Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 31 'Round the Table Library of Congress Geography and Map Division John Hebert DigitalProgram Three years ago EDR Sanborn and the Library of Congress Geography and Map Division signed a contract to scan all the Sanborn fire insurance maps held by the Library of Congress and EDR Sanborn. The contract has been broken because EDR Sanborn wantednew copyrights for the scanned images. The LC Geography andMapDivision wants to keep the maps produced before 1923 in the public domain. Bell and Howell is placing scans of theirblack and white microfilm on the web.LC G&Mis talking with themabout a contract tocreate colorscans on the web. Pascagoula,Mississippi has been done as a prototype. There have been a few Sanborn maps in the LC G&M scanning program. The division is looking for organizations to help fund the Sanborn scanning that do not have a commercial interest in the scanned images. The LC G&M scanning program is proceeding with maps that are in the cartobibliographiescreated by the Division. These lists include: Panoramic Maps, Civil War, Revolutionary War, and John Hebert's Luso Hispanic Maps. The last cartobibliographycontains over1000 manuscript maps produced between1500 and 1900. Other areas to be scanned include Russian Frontiers, Spanish Frontiers Parallel History, and Brazil. James Billington,the Librarian of Congress,has an interest in scanning maps of Italy and the Vatican, and Japan.High qualityprintouts of the LC G&M scans are available from Museum Archives of Seattle. The Division has an overhead camera worth more than $70,000 and a cradle worth about $25,000 in the Division to scan atlases. The Division is working to set up scanning agreements with outside organizations. A letter of agreement has been approved by LC with the Library of Virginiaand the Virginia HistoricalSociety 32 DttP scan Civil War maps in their collections. It is now being studied in Richmond. LC G&M has begun discussions withHarvard for scanning maps of coastal areas in time of the American Revolution from the American Neptune. There may be some possibility of cooperationwith WAML. to Cataloging The LC Geography and Map Division and the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) are both using Endeavor Voyager for their Integrated Library System.Because of this, they have begun cooperating on a project for the Division to create sheet level records for the set maps. LC will acquire the records from NIMA and create records for retrospective sheets. Barbara Story is working with a Program for Cooperative Cataloging (PCC) committee chaired by Paige Andrew of Perm State to create a Core Level formatfor CartographicMaterials. Recent Acquisitions Dr. Charles B.Peterson, a cataloger at LC G&M, has donated his collection of approximately 15,000 gasoline company maps to LC. The Division has also acquired John Snyder's collection concerning projections and manuscript maps from the National Geographic Society. They have also purchased 1:100,000 scale Soviet maps of the United States. The Division is looking for funding to purchase Soviet maps covering Alaska and Canada. In addition to the cooperative acquisitionsprogram for foreign maps that has existed for years, the Division is working with El Instituto Nacional de Estadistica, Geografia c Informatica (INEGI)to acquire sets of Mexican maps at 1:50,000, 1:100,000 and larger covering different subjects. Summer Project The 50th anniversarySummerProject will be held this summer with 6 participants. The Division has received 300,000 maps from NIMA. Jim Flatness, the Division's Acquisitions Officer had estimated that there would be about a 60% duplication with the Division's collections. However a sample of the maps has shown that the duplicationrate is less. National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA) Jim Lusby Jim Lusby began his presentation by distinguishing between NIMA customers and consumers of NIMA products. NIMA's customers are the National Defense and Intelligence agencies who require cartographicinformation, products and data produced by NIMA. They can also directNIMA to produce certain products or cover specific areas of the world. The civil and law enforcement agencies, along with the generalpublic, are the consumers. The general public consumers may not be able to receive these products because of national security issues or because of cooperative arrangements made with organizationsin other nations. The overall trend in NIMA has been a move to digitalproducts and services, with print products based on those data being produced as needed. He emphasized the political difficulty of arrangingreleaseof sensitivedata produced for military or intelligenceuses. In some cases, especiallyfor emergencyor disaster-reliefsituations, it can be accomplished on a limitedbasis. But it is sometimes less easy for educational and research use. In some cases, users may be able to review data but not duplicateit or receive a permanent copy. There is no plan to take NIMA products entirely out of the FDLP. All publicly available products, including digital products will be placed into the FDLP within budget and cost constraints. Jim attempts to move products into that program where he can and where costs allowit. Jim outlined many initiatives and cooperativeprojects with federal agencies over the past year, including NASA, USGS,FEMA, and theSecret Service. He also acknowledged the difficulty of determining public availability of various NIMA products. A web site is being worked on that willattempt to bring all of 'Round the Table ■ a together in one location. that information Mo release date was given. Jim then outlined the availabilityand schedulefor varDOI 10 (Digital ious data products: 10-meter resoluImagery) Orthorectified is now available for public imagery tion through Geospatial the NIMA download Engine (http://geoengine.nima.mil). DTED (Digital Terraine Elevation Data); DTED-0 (30 arc second/1km resolution) is now available with worldwidecoverage through the NIMA Geospatial Engine; users may download about 50mb worthof data at a time. DETD-1(SRTM) (100 m resolution) will be available for purchase through the EROS Data Center only for the areas in the United States. The projected timeframe of this release isDec 01; Lusby is working to make this data available through FDLP but there is no definite plan for that. DTED-2 (SRTM) (30 meter resolution) willbe availableonly for the United States sometime early 2002 (see comments on SRTM below). SRTM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission) The spring 2000 Space Shuttle mission took radarbased elevationreadings at 30 meter resolutionover the entire world. The data is still being processed, with North America being the highest priority. Only United States data will be made available to the public as DTED-2 (see above), while the rest of the world will be restricted. VMAP (Vector Map) VMAP-0 is now availablewith worldwide coverage through the NIMA Geospatial Engine; users may download about 50mb worth of data at a time. VMAP-0 is also available in 4 CD set for the FDLP members. GPO can survey members and provideNIMA with a quantityrequirement. VMAP-1 is also available on a case by case basis. Certain areas of the world along with the United States are available for public purchase,and as such, available to the FDLP. Again, GPO can survey members for interest. He closed by displaying a list of Printed items that will be made available through FDLP. Many of these were complete sets of 1:50,000 sheets for southeast Asia; others were complete sets of 1:50,000, 1:100,000, and city graphics at scales ranging from 1:12,500-1:25,000 for certainnations. Census Bureau, Geogrpahy Division Tim Trainor Tim began by giving us an overview of American Fact Finder (AFF) at the Census website (www.census.gov), which the agency is using to increase product availability. He demonstrated the layout of the AFF introduction page, which has general user information at the top; access to data fromtheir websiteis from a linkin the lowerleft.The Census Bureau is getting more requests to download spatial data. Users can create thematic maps online using AFF. Tim then talked about some of the major changes in Census geography for the 2000 census (many of these changes were things of which we were previously aware). For instance, Census is no longer using the term Block Numbering Area (BNA), butis only using the term "census tract" for this level of geography. There is no minimum population limit for Census Designated Places (CDPs). Block numbers will consist of four digits withno alpha suffix.Theredistricting TIGER/Line 2000 files currently are available and have an updated feature network. The Zip Code Tabulation Area (ZCTA) is a new level of geography for aggregating data, where each block is assignedone and only one zip code,based on 2000 blocks. Tim asked for feedback on these, especially with how water features are handledby them.TheMarch 28, 2001, Federal Register had a notice regarding new urban and rural area criteria; after public input, there will be a new list of urbanized areas in early 2002. The Office of Management and Budget is working on new MetropolitanAreadefinitions basedon Census 2000 using the concept of Core Based Statistical Areas; these new definitions willlikelybe used in 2003. TIGER will continue to be the spatial data source for the Geography Division. In the summer of 2001 they anticipate the latest version of the 2000 TIGER/Line files, which willinclude the ZCTA boundaries and updated address ranges. These will be available online, on DVD, and on custom CD-ROM. Products available from Geography include paper maps,plotted on demandon 33 by 36-inch sheets, for five dollars per sheet through the customer services branch at 301-4571101. These are also available on the Internet and on CD in Adobe Acrobat format. These include several layers neededfor redistricting purposes: countybased block maps (over 100,000 sheets), voting district outline maps (23,354 sheets, sometimes including state legislative districts), and census tract outline maps (6,514 sheets). One full set of the maps was plotteded for the Library of Congress. Color is an important component of thesemaps.You can Click "maps" at the census web site to go to Geographic Products; this will lead to the appropriate web page. An index map will let you determine which sheets you need. These maps are also available in HewlettPackard Graphics Language (HPGL), for output to plotters,but this is scheduled at present for release only on DVD due to the large file sizes. Specifications for plotter configurations are available at the web site. A CD-ROM with Acrobat files will be indepositories this summer. Tim had a table showing the historical changes in the U.S. center of population, as well as a map depicting the change. These are online, along with a description of the calculations used to determinethis point. The 2000 center of population is in Phelps County, Missouri. Other informationavailable from the web site includes a map of the over 70 Census Information Centers (CICs). The American Community Survey is the proposed replacement for the decennial census long form.If the ACS is approved, the 2010 decennial form will likely be very short- maybe the size of a postcard. At present, the ACS plan involves 250,000 households permonth within the survey. Finally, for geographicproducts, there are relationships files that relate 1990 census geographyto 2000 census geography. More forthcoming products from census will be American Indian Tract Outline maps, a Congressional district atlas for the 106th and 107th Congresses, state-based county subdivision maps, state/county outline map, and state/ county metropolitan area outline maps. Other upcoming products include digital cartographic boundary files, generalized Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 33 'Round the Table from TIGER, available in both low and least 30 days in order for a thorough high-resolution versions. A projected review to take place.Natural features not Census Atlas in printed book form will found in publications are given to state include about 70 thematic maps. It willbe and local governments for a 45-day exam distributed through the depository pro- period. Problematic or commemorative gram and will probably eventually be names take at least four months. Thereis available in Acrobat format. Tim wel- currently a moratorium on naming physcomes feedback using the email address: icalfeatures inwildernessareas,except for safety and education reasons. geography@geo.census.gov. Some of the issues that BGN deals with include requests byor laws passed by Board on Geographic Congress, commemorativenames, wilderNames ness areas, and derogatory names. A current controversy surrounds the name Roger L. Payne "squaw";it is consideredby many to be a derogatory name for a female. Five state Roger Payne from the Board on GeographicNames (BGN) gave an enthu- governments are requiring that the word siastic overview of its history, functions, "squaw" appearing in a placename be are taking the initiative, and products. The Board was created in changed. They not BGN, butBGN is working in cooper1890 in response to the confusion caused by the variety of names given to physical ation with the state naming boards to (lowa and features in the United States by scientific make the changes official boards). Indianalack such expeditions. The BGN's mission is to Names are rarely changed by the standardize names, establish principles BGN. Exceptions do occur. Some of the and policies, and promulgate their decisions. It was established by law and its reasons names are changed include the decisions are legallybinding to agencies of addition of diacritic marks (as is hapthe Federal Government. Althoughlegal peningextensivelyin Hawaii), the elimiauthority extends to all feature types, by nation of duplicates and variants, and the its own decision, the decisions only apply shortening of lengthy ones. The GNIS is the only official list of names recognized to physical features, not man-made feaby the BGN, and hence the US tures such as roads, parks, schools, etc. The names established by the BGN Government. All updates and additions cannot be copyrighted. are made on this web site by authorized BGN uses the following rules to personnel. The site receives 30 to 35,000 makedecisions: the names must be in the hits a day. Printed versions were dropped Romanized alphabet,and used locally, or in 1991. The CD-ROM version is still established by Congress or executive available, but this text version will be order or other authorities (such as local replaced by a spatially enabled version in governments). Of these, "local use" takes 2002. Since the last edition, more than priority. The names may be in any lan- 350,000 entries have been added to the guage. The BGNdoes not approvenames database. The gazetteers can still be whimsically; much thought and research downloaded. go into each decision. The process begins The GNIS database was developed with the submission of a new name to in several phases. During the first phase, BGN via their Geographic Names the Bureau meldedallof the names found Information System (GNIS) (http://geon- on US Geological Survey maps, National ames.usgs.gov/) Web site/database or by Forest Service maps, National Oceanoother means. After submission, if the graphic Survey charts, and National Park name is published elsewhere in "official" Service maps. This yielded only 20% of sources or established by historical the known names in the US. Phase II resources, and non-controversial, it will be beganin 1982. It used data from all fedadded to GNIS within 30 days. Cultural eral, local governments, as well as histor(man-made) features must be held for at ical and BGN "approved" documents. 34 DttP Most of Phase IIis complete; only Alaska Kentucky,Michigan, and New York have yet to be finished. The database now includes references to a name's origin if that name was the subject of a controversy since 1982. The names in GNIS do not have to be current; in fact, the database includes over 100,000 entries of places that are nomore. Phase 111will beginin 5 years and will be more in depth. Federal Agencies must use the names found in GNIS; they cannot make up new ones. They may choose to leave out names. If the wrong name is used, there are serious repercussions. The least may be embarrassment; the worst could lead to problems with safety and accidents. GNIS has been incorporated into many government databases including "Gateway to Earth" by USGS, Terraserver, the National Atlas, and Landview. Landview 4 was last updated in July 2000, and contains approximately 90% of the names found on GNIS. Since 1987, BGN has operated an electronic maintenance program. Recently, Florida and Delaware have entered in an agreement to aid with this process by keeping their respective names up to date, and more importantly, adding delineated boundaries to each name. Ultimately, the latter will allow people to spatiallysearch GNIS. To that end, the U.S. Geological Survey is developing a new version of GNIS, and it is planned for release in October 2001. It is geographicalenabled. The new version also includes the source of the names, and the name of everymap name at every scale that the place name occurred. National Park Service (NPS) Nancy Haack Nancy indicated that there are many changes underway at the National Park Service. Many parks have geographic information systems (GIS) in place, and there are national coordinators in regional offices. The Park Service is using digital line graphs (DLG) and GIS to generate their maps. Nancy stated that Harpers 'Round the Table Center is located in West Virginia (www.nps.gov/carto) whichincludes inforinterpretive service center for mation on data nd is an sources and accuracy. New The center creates maps are being made the entire park system. with digital line publications, exhibits, wayside exhibits, graphs from USGS. Shaded relief maps and films. Waysides are "up and coming" are created using digital elevation models as a mapping unit in Harpers Ferry (DEM) from USGS. An example of a Center, creating maps for outdoor shaded relief map is the national parklands map of Alaska. exhibits. Technical Information Center is The NPS also works closely with the Denver Service Center in NPS's Board on Geographic Names and the U.S. located drawings, for internal library various is the State Boards on Geographic and Names. The use of diacritical marks on plans and the like. The National Park Map and Guide maps by the NPS arenow included for the (map of all units of the NPS) is revised parks in Hawaii. and current on the NPS Web site, ParkNet, at www.nps.gov. The web site includes information on programs and National Resources projects. The web sitealso includes entry Conservation Service to Web sites of affiliatedunits.Nancy also (NRCS) mentioned another web site: www.recreation.gov. According to the web site, Christine Clarke "Recreation.Gov is a partnership among The Natural Resources Conservation federal land management agencies aimed Service presentation was given by at providing a single, easy-to-use web site Christine Clarke, NRCS GeodataCoordiwith information about all federal recrenator. Formerly the Soil Conservation ation areas. The site allows you to search Service, the NRCS's missionis to provide for recreation areas by state, by recre- leadership in a partnership effort to help ational activity, by agency, or by people conserve, improve, and sustain our map"."The message project" is a recent natural resources and environment. They initiative of the NPS. The goal of the ini- oversee conservationprograms mandated tiativeis to bringall units together under a in farm bills and help put conservation NPS arrowhead to create a corporate iden- practices on the ground. The Service has tity. Another initiative has involved the 10,000 employees in 2,400 field offices individual parks recreating maps (in- located in almost all counties in the house) from existingvisitor use map dig- country, in addition to state, regional and ital files and reproducing them as stripped nationaloffices. They also maintain a vast down versions in their park newspapers. network of partners including conservaAn example was a transportation "shuttle tion districts, state and federal agencies, map" for Zion National Park. Adobe is Earth Team volunteers, agricultural and used to create the in-house maps. environmental groups and professional Printed examples provided were: societies. These employees help farmers Volunteers in Parks, the National Park and ranchers develop conservation plans System Map and Guide, National Park suited to theirlocal situation. Index, Civil War at a Glance, Hawaii The Service began digitizingsoil surVolcanoes, Grand Canyon, and a veys about 20 years ago. Today they proRevolutionary War at a Glance (for the vide information at the statelevel through 225th anniversary), which is currently the State Soil Geographic Database being printed.Most derived products are (STATSGO) and the county level through Printed through Park Associations, not the Soil Survey Geographic (SSURGO) Data Government Printing Office (GPO), and Base. Both are available on the web and geographic informaafe not available through the depository designed for use in Program.By law, theParks have to provide tion systems. Online soil survey manuPark brochures. The NPS digital visitor scripts, generally PDF versions of the are available for some Use maps are posted on a Web site printed soil surveys, Ferry counties. In addition they produce a CD with "soil explorer", a graphical interface that allows easy map generation and the raw data files for the more GIS proficient to assist their field operations. The Service is developing an internet access tool allowingmap generation on the web. This product is called the Soil Data Viewer. Other NRCS products include the National Resources Inventory (NRI) which is a statistically based sample of 800,000 points surveyedat 5 year intervals of land use and natural resource conditions and trends on U.S. nonfederallands. The National Soil Information System (NASIS) is the core component of the National CooperativeSoil Survey's vision of providing a dynamic resource of soils information for a wide range of needs and is designed to manage and maintain soil data from collectionto dissemination.The PLANTS Database is a single source of standardized information about plants. The National Water and Climate Center provides water and climate information and technology which support natural resource conservation. Many of these products have dataavailable for download and can be found fromthe NRCS website at www.nrcs.usda.gov/. The Service is concerned with both data access and archiving. They are a node on the FGDC National Geospatial Data Clearinghouse and develop metadata for their datasets. They are actively archiving soils data, the traditional focus of the NRCS. Otherdatasets generatedonan asneed local basis are not as actively archived or centralized for national use and applications. Fish and Wildlife Service (F&VVS) Doug Vandegraft Doug introduced himself as the Chief Cartographer, F&WS. He noted that he had been a F&WS cartographer in Alaska before accepting the job as Chief Cartographer in D.C. one year ago. His presentation focused on the maps of the National Wildlife Refuges through the Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 35 'Round the Table ,ears. He began the discussion with a Drief history of U.S. Wildlife Refuges. for a The first was establishedin 1903_ and „r,_.._. number of years, the maps or Wildlite ak,u n d t Land Refuges by the Generalii^ weremade -»*r -ru v- v and a xviAVt e-"~. Dffice. The Fish Wildlife Service _ , „ became a unit of the Department ot , . . mAn TT recently,most,maps Interiorin 1940.Until „ " _ ,.._ ri D vi t- and Refuges aff Wildlife were in black & -L white. , ,,., ftf att refuges Mapping of wildlife F&WS has been revolutionized with the introduction of GIS. Among other advantages, this has increased the accuracy of boundaries and land ownership data. Examples of the different types of maps produced through the years were shown. These maps are becoming more valuable as a source of information and to document changes in land ownership and refuge boundaries. A question was raised concerning the distribution of wildlife refuge maps to library depositories. This issue willbe investigated. CUAC representatives: Janet J Collins, Western ' . .. . „"«___¥ (MAGERT v *-„-,_.__ University of Kansas Donna Koepp, r*l (GODORT) " _ . _ . „ ,. University ,a a McLeod, Washington Clara (GIS) . Bruce Obenhaus, Virginia Tech (SLA TT "„, . G&M) Celia Pratt, University of North Carolina (SLA G&M) Dan Seldin, Indiana University(NACIS) Richard Spohn, University of Cincinnati (GIS) Paul Stout, BallState University (NACIS) Christopher JJ Thiry, Colorado School of Mines (WAML) Duke Umvcr.it. Presenters: Attendees: ur__u;«««.«n Washington \ University WAML) , 7 * University off Virginia Mike Furlough, T * Ma " w ■ . TI Robin Haun-Mohamed GPO) Vi , Moorhead (GPO Cataloging) & . ,___, Tad Downing GPO Chip Woodward , " « GPO Cataloging „„_?,«„-, Rea Mueller (USGS) Wilford Daniels (LC v ■" . . . Cataloging) John Hebert (LC G&M) Patricia (NOAA) Jim Lusby (NIMA) Sharon Banks Kemp (NOAA) Tim Trainor (Census) RogerPayne (US BGN) Nancy Haack (NPS) Christine Clarke (NRCS) Doug Vandegraft (F&WS) Help GODORT Increase the Rozkuszka Endowment Send your check to: Tim Byrne, The W. David Rozkuszka Scholarship created an endowmentfund that partially Treasurer, Government scholarship awardedeachyear. GODORT provides financial assistance to an mdi- covers the vidual who is currently working with gov- GODORT has worked to increase the Publications Library, University of ernment documents in a library and is amount in the endowmentand has held a Colorado, Boulder,CO 80309-0184 trying to complete a masters degree in Silent Auction at the Annual Conferences More information about the library science. This award, establishedin for the past two years. Scholarship and past recipients is at the Rozkuszka, 1994, is namedafter W David If you wouldlike assist in raising the GODORT Awards Committee web site: former Documents Librarian at Stanford amount of moneyin the endowmentfund, http://sunsite.berkeley.edu/GODORT/ University. The award winner receives please make out your check to awards/ $3,000. ALA/GODORT, in the memo field please died, legacy When David note: Rozkuszka Endowment, part of his 36 DttP Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 37 ALA GODORT 2001-2002 Directory Steering Committee Elected Officers GODORT Chair Cindi Wolff Washington Information Network 4801 Oxbow Road Rockville, MD 20852 work phone: 202-693-6633 cell phone: 225-802-9821 fax: 202-693-6644 e-mail: wolff-cindi@dol.gov or docwonk@yahoo.com GODORTAssistant Chair/Chair-Elect William (Bill) Sudduth Head,Documents and Microforms University ofSouthCarolina Thomas Cooper Library Columbia, SC 29208 phone: (803) 777-1775 fax: (803) 777-9503 e-mail: sudduthw@gwm.sc.edu GODORT Secretary Mary Horton Gov't Info. & Microtext Dept., Access Services Team, Z. Smith Reynolds Library, Wake Forest University(Dep.O44SAVFUN) P.O. Box 7777 Winston-Salem, NC 27109 phone: (336) 758-5829 fax: (336) 758-8831 e-mail: hortonm@wfu.edu GODORT Treasurer (2003) Tim Byrne Government Publications Library University of Colorado Boulder, CO 80309-0184 phone: (303) 492-8834 fax: (303) 492-1881 e-mail: Byrnet@spot.colorado.edu phone: (Bl2) Bss-6924 fax: (812) 855-3460 email: amorriso@indiana.edu Elected Officers Task Force Coordinators FederalDocuments TaskForce Coordinator Sherry DeDecker Reference Services Davidson Library University of California Santa Barbara, CA 93106-9010 phone: (805) 893-3713 fax: (805) 893-4676 e-mail: dedecker@library.ucsb.edu InternationalDocuments TaskForce Coordinator David N. Griffiths Assistant Government Documents Librarian Government Documents Library University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Library 200D 1408 W Gregory Dr. Urbana, IL61801 ph0ne: (217) 333-6696 fax:(217)333-2214 e-mail: dngriffi@uiuc.edu Publications CommitteeChair Andrea Morrison Documents Librarian Government Publications Dept. 264 Main Library 1320 E. 10th St Indiana University Libraries Bloomington, IN47405-3907 38 DttP Bylaws CommitteeChair Andrea Sevetson 218 Doe Library University ofCalifornia Berkeley, CA 94720-6000 phone:(510) 643-9346 fax:(510)642-6830 e-mail: asevetso@library.berkeley.edu Cataloging CommitteeChair John Stevenson Coordinator, Government Documents and Maps University ofDelaware Library 181 S. College Aye, Newark, DE 19717-5267 phone:(302) 831-8671 fax:(302)831-1046 e-mail: varken@UDel.edu EducationCommittee Chair Karrie Peterson University of California, San Diego Geisel Library - SSHL 0175R 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla,CA 92093-0175 phone:(858) 534-2024 State & LocalDocumentsTaskForce Coordinator Nan Myers Assistant Professor Librarian for Government Documents, Patents and Trademarks Ablah Library 1845 Fairmount Wichita State University Wichita, KS, 67260-0068 phone:(316) 978-5130 fax: (316) 978-3048 e-mail: nan.myers@wichita.edu GODORTCouncilor Bernadine Abbott Hoduski, (2004) 100 N.Lamborn Helena, MT 59601 phone: (406) 449-9974 fax: (telephone so she can turn on fax) e-mail: ber@initco.net Budget CommitteeChair Tim Byrne See GODORT Treasurer for contact information. Standing Committee Chairs Awards Committee Chair Judy Horn GovernmentInformation Dept Main Library University of California PO Box 19557 Irvine, CA 92623-9557 phone:(949) 824-4344 fax: (949) 824-3644 e-mail: jkhorn@uci.edu fax: (858) 534-7548 e-mail: kapeterson@ucsd.edu GovernmentInformation Technology Committee (GITCO) Chair Eric Forte Social Sciences Librarian Davidson Library University ofCalifornia Santa Barbara, CA 93106 phone:(805) 893-2074 fax: (805) 893-4676 e-mail: forte@library.ucsb.edu Legislation CommitteeChair Laura Dickson Michigan State University U.S. Documents Librarian Michigan State University 100 Main Library East Lansing, MI48824 phone:(517) 432-8045 fax:(517)432-1191 e-mail: dicksols@mail.lib.msu.edu membership Committee Chair Karen Russ Documents Librarian/Assistant Professor Library Ottenheimer of Arkansas at Little Rock Rare andEndangered Publications Committee Chair John B. Phillips Head, Documents Dept. University University Avenue 28oi South Rock, AR 72204-1099 Little phone (501) 569-8444 fax (501) 569-3017 e-mail: kmruss@ualr.edu EdmonLaw Library Oklahoma State University Stillwater,OK 74078-0375 phone: (405) 744-6546 fax: (405) 744-5183 Nominating CommitteeChair Louise Treff-Gangler Head, Government Publications Schedule Committee Chair/Immediate Auraria Library Federal Documents Librarian PublicDocuments and Maps Perkins Library Duke University Durham, NC 27708-0177 University ofColorado at Denver 1100 Lawrence St. Denver, CO 80204-2095 phone: (303)556-3532 fax:(303)556-2178 e-mail: ltreff@carbon.cudenver.edu e-mail: bart@okstate.edu _"_._. _i i .* , GODORT PastChair Ann E. Miller phone (919) 660-5855 fax:(919)684-2855 e-mail: aemiller@duke.edu Program CommitteeChair Bill Sudduth See GODORT Assistant Chair for contact information. Special Officers Archivist Vicki L. Tate, Archivist Head, Documents/Serials University Library University of South Alabama Mobile, AL 36688-0002 phone:(334) 460-7024 fax: (334) 461-1628 e-mail: vtate@jaguarl.usouthal.edu Parliamentarian Beth Clausen Federal Documents Librarian Northwestern University Libraries Evanston, IL 60208 phone:(847) 467-3679 fax: (847) 491-8306 e-mail: b-clausen@northwestern.edu Website Administrator Christof Galli (2004) Data Services Coordinator Public Documents — 6k Maps Perkins Library Duke University Box 90177 Durham, NC 27708-0177 phone: (919) 660-5850 fax: (919) 684-2855 e-mail: galli@duke.edu ik Spring 2002 Volume 30, Number 1 39