V - Treasure Island
V - Treasure Island
CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD - CITY HALL AUDITORIUM 120 108th AVENUE, TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 AT 2:00 PM 1. 2. 3. 4. MEETING CALLED TO ORDER BY PRESIDING OFFICER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CELL PHONE ANNOUNCEMENT ROLL CALL DENNIS FAGAN JOHN LAYNE SALEENE PARTRIDGE MITCHELL SHENKMAN RICHARD HARRIS (CHAIRPERSON) LARRY LUNN GUY PETIX STEVE YOST (VICE-CHAIRPERSON) 5. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: JUNE 18, 2015 JULY 16, 2015 AUGUST 20, 2015 SEPTEMBER 17, 2015 6. 7. 8. EX PARTE COMMUNICATION DISCLOSURE ADMINISTRATION OF WITNESS OATH PRESENTATION OF ITEMS: 9. 10. 11. RIC KREBS DARRELL MEACHUM BRUCE POPPER DAN YOUNKMAN ST CASE PZ 2015-34VAC: A REQUEST TO VACATE THE 1 STREET, EAST TH TH A PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY BETWEEN 116 AVENUE AND 117 AVENUE REPORTS AND COMMENTS OF CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF, AND BOARD MEMBERS NEXT PLANNING & ZONING BOARD MTG. – THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 2015 AT 2 P.M. ADJOURNMENT Ex parte communication - The substance of any ex parte communication with a board member which relates to quasi-judicial action pending before the Board is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group, or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and part of the record before final action on the matter. The board member may read a written communication from any person. However, a written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before a board member shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action, and such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Board members may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before them. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinio n is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication. (For more information see Florida Statutes 286.0115) Any person desiring to file an appeal to any action taken by the Board at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may be required to insure that a verbatim transcript is made. Said transcript shall be made by the appellant at his or her expense. The City maintains a tape recording of all public hearings. In the event that you wish to appeal a decision, the tape may or may not adequately insure a verbatim record of the proceedings. Therefore, you may wish to provide a court reporter at your expense. Any person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding is entitled to assistance at no cost. Please contact the office of the City Clerk in writing at 120 108th Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida 33706, or by phone at 727-547-4575, at least two working days prior to the meeting to advise what assistance is needed. CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES Thursday, June 18, 2015 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL Tim Butler Dennis Fagan (Chairperson) Richard Harris Kevin Johnson John Layne Jim Lorenz (Vice-Chair) Larry Lunn Frank McConnell Darrell Meachum Saleene Partridge Guy Petix Mitchell Shenkman Steve Yost Dan Younkman Present Absent Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Absent Absent Absent Absent The Vice-Chairperson called the meeting to order at 2:04 pm. Present were the City Attorney, Maura Kiefer, the CI Director, Paula Cohen and the City Planner, Michelle Orton. It was noted that Mr. Fagan, Mr. Layne, Mr. Petix, Mr. Shenkman, Mr. Yost and Mr. Younkman have reported their absence. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion was made by Mr. Butler and seconded by Mr. Lunn to approve the minutes of the meeting of April 16, 2015 as printed. Upon a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously. Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Butler to approve the minutes of the meeting of May 21, 2015 as printed. Upon a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously. 1 P & Z minutes 06/18/2015 4. EX PARTE COMMUNICATION: There was no Ex Parte communication reported. 5. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH: All applicants, witnesses, members of staff and other persons wishing to address any item before the Board of quasi-judicial nature were duly sworn. 6. PRESENTATION OF ITEMS: A. [PZ-2015-23-V - Variance ]- Sherri Wiggins and Hassan Salami, Lot 31 on 80th Ave, are requesting a variance to encroach into the front yard setback two and a half (2.5) feet for two 2nd living level cantilevered shallow porches. Residential Medium (RM-15) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. The applicant, Hassan Salami, Lot #31 80th Avenue, addressed the Board and noted his intent to comply with code regarding the construction of his residence. The applicant, Sherri Wiggins, Lot #31 80th Avenue, addressed the Board and requested information regarding the utility platform. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Butler and seconded by Ms. Partridge to approve case PZ-2015-23V as presented based on staff findings and recommendations. Upon roll the vote to approve was unanimous. B. [PZ-2015-24-SR – Site Plan Review ]- for a new 7 unit motel with restaurant at 9650 Gulf Blvd. Commercial General (CG) Postponed to July 16, 2015 at the request of the applicant C. [PZ-2015-25-V – Variance ]- Anita Ford, 12175 5th Street East, is requesting a variance to increase the combined maximum width of a marine structure from 35 feet to 38 feet-10 inches for a residential dock with 2 boat lifts. Residential Urban (RU-75) The CI Director offered a presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. 2 P & Z minutes 06/18/2015 The applicant, Ms. Anita Ford, 12175 5th Street East, addressed the Board, explained her need for the boat lift in lieu of the large wet slip and distributed an aerial picture of the old boat lift that was present before the wet slip. The applicant’s agent, Mr. James Pruitt, addressed the Board to further clarify the variance request. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Butler and seconded by Mr. Lunn to approve case PZ2015-25V variance request as presented based on the evidence presented and the fact that it lessens the impact of congestion and the condition that the old pilings be removed prior to construction. Upon roll call the vote to approve was 4 ayes and 4 nays (Mr. Harris, Mr. Meachum, Mr. McConnell and Mr. Lorenz the dissenting votes). Upon a question from the CI Director of whether the case could be postponed or tabled to a future meeting due to the stalemate in the vote to approve; the City Attorney stated that the Board is required to make a decision. Ms. Kiefer noted that it is the applicant’s hearing and there is a quorum so the Board has an obligation to reach a decision. Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Meachum to deny case PZ-2015-25V as presented. Upon roll call the vote to deny was 5 ayes and 3 nays (Mr. Butler, Mr. Lunn and Ms. Partridge the dissenting votes). 7. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF AND BOARD MEMBERS: The CI Director offered a brief review of the procedures presently followed by staff to meet the requirement that an applicant must be notified of the Board’s decision five days after the decision is reached. The CI Director noted that in a recent case that is presently in dispute there was a request for the signed order regarding the determination of the Board. Ms. Cohen presented several questions pertaining to accommodating a signed order along with some concerns with the timing of producing a signed order. The City Attorney strongly urged the Board and staff to adhere to the code and produce a signed order of the Board action and complete the order immediately following adjournment of the meeting. Ms. Partridge left the meeting at 3:05 pm. 3 P & Z minutes 06/18/2015 8. NEXT MEETING: The next regularly scheduled P & Z meeting will be July 16, 2015 at 2:00 pm. 9. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:05 pm due to lack of a quorum. Vice-Chair cancelled the scheduled LPA meeting due to lack of a quorum. A. J. Sarko Recording Secretary Jim Lorenz Vice-Chairperson 4 P & Z minutes 06/18/2015 CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES Thursday, July 16, 2015 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL Tim Butler Dennis Fagan (Chairperson) Richard Harris Ric Krebs Kevin Johnson John Layne Larry Lunn Frank McConnell Darrell Meachum Saleene Partridge Guy Petix Bruce Popper Mitchell Shenkman Steve Yost Dan Younkman Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Present Absent Present Present The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 2:04 pm. Present were the City Attorney, Maura Kiefer and the CI Director, Paula Cohen. It was noted that Mr. Harris, Mr. Shenkman and Ms. Partridge have reported their absence. New members Ric Krebs and Bruce Popper were duly sworn in by the City Attorney. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: There are no minutes for approval 4. ELECT AN INTERIM VICE-CHAIRPERSON The Chair informed the Board of the resignation of Vice-Chair Jim Lorenz resulting in the need for an election for an interim Vice-Chairperson. Mr. Lunn nominated Mr. Butler for the position of Vice-Chairperson. Mr. Yost nominated Mr. Meachum for the position of Vice-Chairperson. 1 P & Z minutes 07/16/2015 Mr. Meachum declined the nomination. Upon a voice vote the Board unanimously elected Mr. Butler to the position of interim Vice-Chairperson. 5. EX PARTE COMMUNICATION: There was no Ex Parte communication reported. 6. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH: All applicants, witnesses, members of staff and other persons wishing to address any item before the Board of quasi-judicial nature were duly sworn. 7. PRESENTATION OF ITEMS: A. [PZ-2015-24-SR – Site Plan Review ]- Bakrac, Inc., 9650 Gulf Boulevard is requesting a Site Plan Review for a new 7 unit motel with restaurant at 9650 Gulf Blvd. Commercial General (CG) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. Discussion ensued regarding the last condition of approval which ensures that there will be no encroachment to which the Board chose to add the words at any height. Hani Matta, the applicant’s architect, addressed the Board and offered a video presentation of the proposed structure. Mr. Matta answered questions of the Board. Mr. Butler requested clarification from the applicant’s architect regarding the computation of the floor area ratio. The CI Director requested a fifteen minute break to allow the recalculation of the floor area ratio. The Board recessed at 3:35 The Board reconvened at 3:50 The CI Director offered a new calculation for the floor area ratio, as requested by Mr. Butler. Ms. Cohen and Mr. Matta suggested that 250.5 sq. ft. be removed from the restaurant and part of the lobby by agreement with the owner to meet the required floor area ratio. 2 P & Z minutes 07/16/2015 The Chair stated that a new condition of approval will be that the square footage will be reduced by 250.5 square feet by reducing the size of the restaurant and lobby and replacing the area with landscaping. The CI Director noted that another condition to be added is that three new signed and sealed site plans depicting the 250.5 reduction be provided to staff. Public Comments: Ms. Mel Lenehan, 8251 Bayshore Dr. addressed the Board and supports the newly proposed structure. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Meachum and seconded by Mr. McConnell to approve the site plan review for a new seven unit motel with restaurant subject to staff proposed conditions plus the three conditions articulated today by the Chair and staff. No encroachment into the setbacks at any height. Reduce 250.5 square feet from restaurant and lobby to ensure the FAR is .55. New site plan signed and sealed be submitted to staff showing the specific items prior to staff stamping final approval of record copy. Upon roll call the motion to approve the site plan review was unanimous. 8. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF AND BOARD MEMBERS: The City Attorney requested an agenda item be added for the next meeting regarding the format of final approvals by having the conditions hand written on the staff report and having the Chairperson sign them at the end of the meeting. The CI Director stated that she does not wish to see hand written conditions but prefers the Chairperson sign after the conditions, if any, are confirmed and typed. Board discussion ensued regarding responding to e-mails from residents. 9. NEXT MEETING: There will be no LPA meeting on August 13, 2015 The next regularly scheduled P & Z meeting will be August 20, 2015 at 2:00 pm. 3 P & Z minutes 07/16/2015 10. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm. A. J. Sarko Recording Secretary Dennis Fagan Chairperson 4 P & Z minutes 07/16/2015 CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES Thursday, August 20, 2015 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL Dennis Fagan (Chairperson) Richard Harris Ric Krebs John Layne Larry Lunn Frank McConnell Darrell Meachum Saleene Partridge Guy Petix Bruce Popper Mitchell Shenkman Steve Yost Dan Younkman Present Present Absent Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Present were the City Attorney, Maura Kiefer, the CI Director, Paula Cohen and the City Planner, Michelle Orton. It was noted that Mr. Krebs reported his absence. The Chair stated that Item 6 of the Agenda will move to become Item 10 and also that under Item 9 Presentation of Items, Item E, The Tulip, will be added. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Ms. Partridge to approve the minutes of the meeting of June 18, 2015 as printed. Upon a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously. Motion was made by Mr. Petix and seconded by Mr. Layne to approve the minutes of the meeting of July 16, 2015 as printed. Upon a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously. 1 P & Z minutes 08/20/2015 4. EX PARTE COMMUNICATION: There was no Ex Parte communication reported. 5. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH: All applicants, witnesses, members of staff and other persons wishing to address any item before the Board of quasi-judicial nature were duly sworn. 6. PRESENTATION OF ITEMS: A. [PZ-2015-26 V–Variance ] - Raymond and Johnna Lee Chewning, 11205 3rdStreet, are requesting a variance to reduce the front yard setback from 20 feet to 16 feet to replace the existing flat roof with a sloped roof and roof overhang at the front of the home and establish a new front entry porch with two columns. Residential Medium (RM-15) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. The applicant, Mr. Raymond Chewning, addressed the Board and answered questions of Board. Upon a request for clarification from Mr. Meachum regarding the rules pertaining to criteria for determining a hardship when reviewing a variance request, the City Attorney read from the City code for the purpose of the Board understanding their responsibility when reviewing a variance request. Public Comments: Ms. Mel Lehenan, 8251 Bayshore, addressed the Board and stated her support of the variance. Board discussion ensued regarding the need to consider an alternate policy to allow simple variance requests to be reviewed more efficiently. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Shenkman and seconded by Mr. Harris to approve the variance request as presented with staff conditions included in the staff report and also the condition that the porch area will not be enclosed. Upon roll call the vote to approve the motion was unanimous. 2 P & Z minutes 08/20/2015 B. [PZ-2015-27 V – Variance] –SJS 19143 LLC, 10080 Gulf Blvd., is requesting a variance to reduce the north side yard setback from 7.5 feet to 5.5 feet to provide for a Duke Energy meter platform and access stairs for a new house. Resort Facilities High (RFH-50) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. The applicant’s contractor, Mr. Tisdale, addressed the Board and answered questions of the Board. Public Comments: Ms. Mel Lehehan, 825l Bayshore Dr., addressed the Board and stated that policy needs to be changed to find better solutions for the utility platforms. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. McConnell to approve the variance request as presented. Upon roll call the motion was approved unanimously. C. [PZ-2015-28 SR – Site Plan Review] –SJS 19143 LLC, 10080 Gulf Blvd., is requesting a site plan review for a new house and private swimming pool at 10080 Gulf Blvd. adjacent to public beach and Gulf of Mexico. Resort Facilities High (RFH-50) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. The applicant’s contractor, Mr. Tisdale, addressed the Board. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Ms. Partridge to approve the site plan review as presented and in accordance with attached site plan, with staff conditions in staff report including the condition that a 10 foot utility easement be recorded and provided to the City prior to the Certificate of Occupancy and that the lot coverage is less than 50%. Upon roll call the vote to approve the motion was unanimous. The Board recessed at 3:10 pm. The Board reconvened at 3:20 pm. 3 P & Z minutes 08/20/2015 D. [PZ-2015-29 SR–M - Site Plan Modification] – SFMB Treasure Island Property LLC, 9000 West Gulf Boulevard, is requesting to modify the existing site plan of Caddy’s complex at 9000 West Gulf Blvd. according to the cover page of the submittal (addition of 1606.6 sq. ft.) according to page A-O.1 of the submittal. Commercial General (CG) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. The applicant’s architect and agent, Mr. Jack Bodziak, addressed the Board offering an explanation of several of the comparisons listed in the staff report and noted possible solutions. The CI Director explained the walk-up study and described its purpose. The City Attorney addressed the issue of the mean high water line. Board discussion ensued regarding the discrepancies in the comparisons of the site plan from 2012 to the present site plan particularly the parking issues. Public Comments: Mr. Chuck Odell, 106 89th Ave., addressed the Board and objected to the proposed site plan modification. Ms. Mel Lehehan, 8251 Bayshore Dr addressed the Board and supported the proposed site plan modification. The applicant’s architect, Mr. Bodziak, again addressed the Board to rebut assumptions he considered incorrect. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Mr. Layne to continue Case PZ2015-29SRM to the September meeting. Upon roll call the vote to approve the motion was unanimous. E. The Tulip The City Planner offered a verbal presentation of her memo dated August 18, 2015 pertaining to the correction of the plans of the Tulip as a condition of approval agreed to by the Board and the applicant. 4 P & Z minutes 08/20/2015 Ms. Orton requested a decision from the Board to approve the new plan with the reduction of more than 250.5 square feet utilized on three floors versus the restaurant area on the first floor or require a new site plan. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. McConnell and seconded by Ms. Partridge to amend approval of the site plan. Upon roll call the vote to approve the motion was unanimous. 7. CITY ATTORNEY DISCUSSION OF FORMAT OF MOTIONS AND ACTIONS ON PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CASES The City Attorney clarified for the Board her suggestion that the conditions of approval be included on the last page of the staff report and then signed and dated the day of the meeting. 8. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF AND BOARD MEMBERS: The Chair informed the Board that the City Planner has accepted a new position and will be leaving employment with the City of Treasure Island. The CI Director requested a decision from the Board regarding the style of two new homes that were previously approved by the site plan review process to be ultramodern and now wish to change to Key West style. The architect, Mr. Bodziak, stated that he will provide the Board with a new rendering of the Key West style building. Upon a question from Mr. Shenkman regarding the next LPA meeting, the CI Director noted that there will not be an LPA meeting scheduled for September due to the loss of staff. Mr. McConnell informed the Board and staff that he is resigning from the Board as of today and in the near future will be moving out of town. 9. NEXT MEETING: The next regularly scheduled P & Z meeting will be Thursday, September 17, 2015 at 2:00 pm. 5 P & Z minutes 08/20/2015 10. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made by Mr. Harris and seconded by Ms. Partridge to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 pm. A. J. Sarko Recording Secretary Dennis Fagan Chairperson 6 P & Z minutes 08/20/2015 CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MINUTES Thursday, September 17, 2015 1. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 2. ROLL CALL Dennis Fagan Richard Harris (Chairperson) Ric Krebs John Layne Larry Lunn Darrell Meachum Saleene Partridge Guy Petix Bruce Popper Mitchell Shenkman Steve Yost (Vice-Chairperson) Dan Younkman Present Present Present Present Present Absent Present Absent Present Present Present Absent The Chairperson called the meeting to order at 2:00 pm. Present were the Interim City Attorney, Brian Durham and the CI Director, Paula Cohen. It was noted that Mr. Petix, Mr. Meachum and Mr. Younkman reported their absence. 3. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: No minutes for approval 4. ELECTION OF CHAIRPERSON AND VICE-CHAIRPERSON Mr. Shenkman made a motion to nominate Mr. Fagan for the Chairperson position. Mr. Fagan declined the nomination. Mr. Shenkman made a motion and Mr. Layne seconded to nominate Mr. Harris for the Chairperson position. Upon a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously. Mr. Fagan made a motion and Ms. Partridge seconded to nominate Mr. Yost for the Vice-Chair position. Upon a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously. 1 P & Z minutes 09/17/2015 5. EX PARTE COMMUNICATION: There was no Ex Parte communication reported. 6. ADMINISTRATION OF OATH: All applicants, witnesses, members of staff and other persons wishing to address any item before the Board of quasi-judicial nature were duly sworn. 7. PRESENTATION OF ITEMS: A. [PZ-2015-29- SM - Site Plan Modification] (Tabled from 8-20-15) –SFMB Treasure Island Property LLC, 9000 West Gulf Boulevard, is requesting to modify the existing site plan of Caddy’s complex at 9000 West Gulf Blvd. to enlarge the 1st floor of a restaurant to remodel the existing restrooms, build additional restrooms, provide for a new storage area, walk-in freezer and walk-in cooler and install a 675 Sq. Ft. covered deck on the 2 nd floor. Commercial General (CG) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. Mr. Jack Bodziak, the applicant’s architect and agent, addressed the Board and answered questions of the Board. Board discussion ensued regarding the property parking situation and also a request to remove a parking encroachment on 3rd Street. No public comments ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Fagan and seconded by Mr. Shenkman to approve the site plan modification as presented with staff conditions along with the condition that future expansion would require a parking study and that the parking encroachment on 3rd Street will be removed. Upon roll call the vote to approve the motion was unanimous B. [PZ-2015-30-V–Variance] - Gail Ellis-Young and Bruce Young, 9548 West Gulf Boulevard are requesting a variance to reduce the north side yard setback from 7.5 feet to 3.5 feet to install a spiral staircase. Approval of this variance request will reduce the total side yard setback from 15 feet to 11 feet. Commercial General (CG) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. 2 P & Z minutes 09/17/2015 Mr. Don Hatch, the applicant’s builder, addressed the Board and answered questions of the Board. Public Comments: Ms. Noel Johnson, 9920 Gulf Blvd., addressed the Board stating that she objects to the variance request. ACTION: Motion was made by Ms. Partridge and seconded by Mr. Shenkman to deny the variance request. Upon roll call the vote to approve the motion to deny was unanimous. C. [PZ-2015-30-SM-Site Plan Modification]- Gail Ellis-Young and Bruce Young, 9548 West Gulf Boulevard are requesting a site plan modification to a new single family structure along the Gulf of Mexico to accommodate the installation of a new spiral staircase as described in Case PZ-2015-30V. Commercial General (CG) Site Plan Modification is not necessary due to the denial of the variance request. D. [PZ-2015-31SM – Site Plan Modification] – Ladd Holdings, LLC 12418 1st Street West is requesting a site plan modification for a single family home to remove the existing wood and concrete rear yard stairs and decking and install a swimming pool, spa, concrete deck and build a new 2nd story covered deck. Resort Facilities High (RFH-50) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. Robert Reid Wedding Architects & Planners, the applicant’s agent, addressed the Board and answered questions of the Board. There were no public comments. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Shenkman and seconded by Mr. Krebs to approve the site plan modification, as presented with staff recommendations. Upon roll call the vote to approve the motion was unanimous. 3 P & Z minutes 09/17/2015 E. [PZ-2015-32SM – Site Plan Modification] – Glenn Vaughn and Mildred Farmer, 8410 West Gulf Boulevard are requesting a site plan modification for a single family home to provide for a 266 sq. ft. garage on the ground floor and 204 sq. ft. of additional living area on the 2nd floor. Residential Medium (RM-15) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. Mr. Tim Roney of Roney Design Group, the applicant’s agent, addressed the Board and answered questions of the Board ACTION: Motion was made by Ms. Partridge and seconded by Mr. Shenkman to approve the site plan modification as presented with staff conditions. Upon a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously. F. [PZ-2015-33SM - Site Plan Modification] –T I. Beach 9900 LLC, 9900 Gulf Boulevard, is requesting a site plan modification for a new single family structure along the Gulf of Mexico. Resort Facilities High (RFH-50) The CI Director offered a verbal presentation of the staff report and answered questions of the Board. Mr. Jack Bodziak, the applicant’s architect and agent, addressed the Board and answered questions of the Board. Public Comments: Ms. Noel Johnson, 9920 Gulf Blvd. addressed the Board and expressed her concerns. ACTION: Motion was made by Mr. Fagan and seconded by Ms. Partridge to approve the site plan modification as presented with staff conditions and include the addition of staff’s request to adjust sealed plans to indicate 35 feet above 2 foot freeboard. Upon a voice vote the motion was approved unanimously. 4 P & Z minutes 09/17/2015 8. REPORTS AND COMMENTS FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY, STAFF AND BOARD MEMBERS: The CI Director suggested the possibility of streamlining procedures by allowing staff to approve site plan modifications that meet code which in turn would save a property owner the fee and also 5 weeks waiting time to begin construction. 9. NEXT MEETING: The next regularly scheduled P & Z meeting will be Thursday, October 15, 2015 at 2:00 pm. 10. ADJOURNMENT: Motion was made to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 3:40 pm. A. J. Sarko Recording Secretary Richard Harris Chairperson 5 P & Z minutes 09/17/2015 CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD 120 - 108th Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida 33706 Telephone (727) 547-4575; Fax (727) 547-4584 CASE NO. PZ-2015 34 - VACATION STAFF REPORT October 15, 2015; 2:00 p.m.; Planning and Zoning Board 120 108th Avenue – City Hall Auditorium PROPERTY OWNER: The right-of-way of 1st Street, E between 116th Ave and 117th Ave was dedicated by subdivision plat. APPLICANTS: Crystal Palms Beach Resort at Treasure Island Condominium Association, Inc. 11605 Gulf Blvd. Treasure Island, FL 33706 Devildog Properties I, LLC 150 2nd Avenue Suite 1600 St. Petersburg, FL 33701-3343 Devildog Properties I, LLC 11380 Prosperity Farms Rd, Suite 221E Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410-3465 21st Century Venture Capital, LLC 6090 Central Ave St. Petersburg, FL 33707-1622 AGENTS: Susan Reiter, Project Manager - The Edwards Group Jonathan Gotwald, P.E. - George F. Young, Inc. REQUEST: A request to vacate 1st Street, East, a public right-of-way, between 116th Ave. and 117th Ave. GENERAL INFORMATION: Location: 1st Street East, between 116th Ave. and 117th Ave. Land Use: Resort Facilities Medium Zoning: RFM-30 Parcel #: None 1 Adjacent Property (Use): North: 11705 Gulf Blvd. Cheri-Lyn Inc (24 units) South: 11555 Gulf Blvd. Entrada Condominium Association, Inc. (16 dwelling units) East: 135 117th Ave. (4 units) owned by Devildog Properties I, LLC 11605 1st St, E (vacant) owned by Devildog Properties I, LLC West: 11605 Gulf Blvd. (condo-hotel) Crystal Palms Beach Resort at Treasure Island Condo Assoc., Inc. Site Area: 60 foot wide x 250 foot long 15,000 sq. ft. or 0.344 acres Flood Zone: AE 11, Flood Insurance Rate Map Community Panel No. 12103C0194G, September 3, 2003. Legal Description of Right-of-Way: From the Northerly most corner of Lot 4, Block E, CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND – BLOCKS D, E, F, G, H, as recorded in Plat Book 27, Page 71, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida as the Point of Beginning; thence along the Southwest right of way of said 1st Street East said right of way also being the Northeast line of said Block E, S45°54'47"E, 250.00 feet to the Easterly most corner of Lot 3, of said Block E; thence N44°05'13"E, 60.00 feet to the Southerly most corner of Lot 2, Block H of said plat of CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND - BLOCKS D, E, F, G, H; thence along the Northeast right of way of said 1st Street East said right of way also being the Southwest line of said Block H, N45°54'47"W, 250.00 feet to the Westerly most corner of Lot 1, of said Block H; thence S44°05'13"W, 60.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. BACKGROUND: The subdivision plat “City of Treasure Island – Blocks D, E, F, G, H,” as recorded in Plat Book 27, Page 71 on May 27, 1952 dedicated to the public, the right-of-way of 1st Street E. This is a 60-foot wide right-of-way with approximately 22 feet wide asphalt surface for vehicles. There are no sidewalks along this road. There is a 2-foot wide curb on the east and west side of the street. The applicants are seeking the vacation of right-of-way to further develop the lots adjacent to 1st St, East. RIGHT-OF-WAY VACATION PROCESS: A request for vacation is reviewed by the Planning and Zoning Board. The recommendation of the Planning and Zoning Board is forwarded to the City Commission. The City Commission will consider an Ordinance to approve the vacation of 1st Street East, between 116th Ave and 117th Ave. The City Commission will determine if: o there is a present necessity for this right-of-way; 2 o there is a foreseeable necessity for the retention of 1st Street East as a right-of-way or as an easement; and o if the right to convenient access of adjoining property owners will be affected by this vacation of right-of-way. Consistency with Comprehensive Plan: The City’s Comprehensive Plan does not list a policy specifically addressing the vacation of rights-of-way. The land for utilities is discussed in the Comprehensive Plan policies. Future Land Use Element Objective 1.9: Utilities The City shall continue to ensure, through site plan review, the availability of suitable land for utility facilities necessary to support proposed development. Policy 1.9.1: The City shall assure that adequate land is available for the maintenance of those public utility facilities provided by the city necessary to support proposed development. Policy 1.9.2: The City will cooperate with those public utilities providing service to the community to assure that adequate land is available for those facilities. Policy 1.9.3: The City shall coordinate with utility companies to develop a plan that will call for the burial of utility lines. Land Development Regulations: Sec. 74-103. - Utility easements. To provide for public service poles, conduits, storm drains, and surface swales, sewer or gas mains (but not both), an easement not less than ten feet in width, five feet on each side of the common rear lot line and in other locations where necessary, shall be provided. If both sewer and gas lines are to be located in such easements, a width of at least 15 feet, 7½ feet on each side, shall be provided. No building or other obstruction shall be erected and no trees or shrubbery shall be planted on any easement required under this chapter other than fences and hedges of a type approved by the city, and such fences and hedges shall be cleared away by the property owner whenever necessary in the opinion of the city. Utilities: The applicants contacted the utility companies to determine which services existed in the 1st Street E. right-of-way and whether the utility companies had any objections or conditions to the vacation. BrightHouse Networks – No objection provided easement for our facilities are retained / granted or Bright House has no objections provided the applicant bears the expense for relocation of any Bright House facilities to maintain service to customers affected by the proposed vacate. 3 Verizon – Verizon has existing facilities within the proposed vacate area and will require an acceptable easement granted in favor of Verizon Florida LLC over the area being vacated and/or relocation of said facilities at the requestor’s expense. TECO / Peoples Gas - No objection. Florida Dept of Transportation – No objection. Pinellas County Public Works – No objection Pinellas County Engineering and Technical Support – Pinellas County maintains both potable and reclaimed water mains along with service connections within the limits. In order for Pinellas County to have no objection to this vacation a utility easement for this infrastructure will be required. Duke Energy – No objection. City of Treasure Island Public Works - There are 3 City storm inlets located along 3 of the curb lines of First Street, E. In order for the City of Treasure Island to maintain these storm inlets, a 5-foot utility easement surrounding all 4 sides of each storm inlet is required. There is also a storm-water line that connects the 2 storm inlets located on 1st St. E., closest to 116th Ave. This City of Treasure Island requires a 10-foot utility easement, 5 feet on either side of this storm-water line. If the property owner is unable to maintain these storm-water utilities and easements within the proposed development; the property owner shall pay all expenses for the survey, design, engineering, permitting, and construction of a replacement storm drainage system for the basin or sub-basin these storm-water facilities currently serve. Any replacement storm drainage system shall be inspected and must be accepted by the City to ensure the installation is satisfactory. The new replacement facilities shall be placed in the right-of-way, a utility easement, or a parcel must be acquired by the property owner and dedicated to the City of Treasure island at no cost ensure these facilities are on public property or in a utility easement. There is a sanitary sewer line located close to the flair of First Street E. and 116th Avenue. The sanitary sewer line appears to be in the 116th Avenue right-of-way; however the City must have at 5-feet of easement on either side of this sanitary sewer line. If the proposed vacation of right-of-way encroaches within 5-feet of this sanitary sewer line, a utility easement must be provided to ensure 5-feet of easement for this line. There are individual service lines and taps, as well as a City gravity sanitary sewer line in the 1st St. E right-of-way. Any and all expenses to cut and cap and / or remove these individual service lines shall be at the expense of the property owner. Any existing utility easements on Lots 1 and 2 (134 116th Ave., 11655 -11605 1st St. E, and 135 117th Ave.) shall be maintained. 4 Traffic Study Prepared by Applicant’s Traffic Consultant: At the request of the City staff, the applicants hired a Traffic Consultant to analyze the impact of the proposed right-of-way vacation on traffic circulation. The consultant performed field work on 2 days. The study describes two changes that will result from the proposed vacation: Drivers wanting to travel South on 1st St. East to turn East onto 116th Ave, towards the Isle of Capri, will have to enter onto Gulf Blvd. to make this maneuver. The driver’s time of 18 seconds will increase to 34 seconds (if the signal light is green) or 77 seconds (if the signal light is red). Drivers wanting to travel North from 116th Ave. on 1st St., East will have to travel east along 116th Ave. and make a u-turn onto 117th Ave. towards Gulf Blvd. The driver’s time of 18 seconds will increase to 34 seconds. During the busiest day/one hour time of the study, there were only eleven (11) vehicles that turned South on 1st St. then East on 116th Ave., left turn movement. During the busiest day/one hour time of the study, there were twenty (20) vehicles that made the North turn onto 1st St., E. then North or West on 1st St, E. or 117th Ave. movement. Access to Private Property: The vacant lot at 11605 1st St., E will not have access to a public right-of-way as a result of the requested vacation. It is owned by Devildog Properties I, LLC. Staff is requesting that a utility of title be placed over the 3 lots on the east side of 1st St, East. Crystal Palms Beach Resort will not have direct access to a public right-of-way if the proposed right-of-way vacation is approved. The two driveways that lead to the parking of the condo-hotel access 1st St East. Site plan modification will be required for the driveway reconfiguration. Review by City of Treasure Island - Public Safety / Emergency Services: Treasure Island Police Department – No objection Treasure Island Fire Department – No objection Findings of Fact: This segment of road has very little vehicle traffic. Pedestrian access should not be impacted; as this road does not have a sidewalk. The proposed vacation of right-of-way is not in conflict with the City’s Comprehensive Plan provided easements for the utilities are provided or any costs for the relocation of utilities and the needed easements are borne entirely by the applicant. 11605 1st St, E. will be without public road access as a result of the vacation. The owner of that property is one of the applicants of this vacation request. 5 1st St., East between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue provides the only means of vehicular access to the parking facilities of the Crystal Palms Condo-Hotel. The Treasure Island Police and Fire Depts. do not object to the proposed vacation and do not find that it will result in a loss of access by emergency vehicles or impact public safety. The Treasure Island Sanitation Services will not be impacted by the proposed vacation. The traffic study described the changes in the traffic circulation pattern and a delay of only 16 to 59 seconds to a driver who will not have the use of that road. The Treasure Island Public Works Dept. requires utility easements or the costs of relocation of the sanitary sewer and storm-water facilities be borne by the applicants to ensure continued service and maintenance of these utility systems. BrightHouse Networks, Verizon, City of Treasure Island Public Works Department, and Pinellas County Engineering/Technical Support each identified the need for an easement or the responsibility of the applicants to bear the expense to move / relocate the utility and provide an easement for the utility company to maintain its service. STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Staff recommends APPROVAL of the vacation of the 1st Street, East, between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue subject to the following conditions: 1. Prior to recording the vacation ordinance in the Pinellas County Clerk of the Court, the applicants shall address the location of utilities and services. The applicant can either provide a public utility easement covering the entire 60 foot wide x 250 foot long area to be vacated or opt to relocate public and private utilities at the owner’s sole expense. The relocation shall include the cost of survey, design, engineering, construction and the recorded easement(s) for the utilities. In either case, a written letter of no objection from all of the utility providers is required stating that the easement(s) is sufficient for their interest or that the facilities have been relocated. 2. If the applicant opts to retain the entire vacated right-of-way as public utility easement, access to the potable water, reclaimed water, sanitary sewer and storm-water facilities shall be maintained at all times and no structures shall be constructed within or above that public easement area in compliance with Section 74-103. - Utility easements, Treasure Island Land Development Regulations. 3. Prior to recording the vacation ordinance in the Pinellas County Clerk of the Court, the property owners of: 135 117th Avenue 11605 1st St, East and 134 116th Avenue 6 shall record a unity of title with the Pinellas County Clerk of the Court over these 3 lots to ensure no one lot is sold or transferred individually. 4. Prior to recording the right-of-way vacation ordinance in the Pinellas County Clerk of the Court, the Crystal Palms Beach Resort shall submit a request for a site plan modification to reconfigure the driveways in order to access the public right-of-way. 5. For any future development or redevelopment on the subject block (inclusive of Crystal Palms Beach Resort, 135 117th Avenue, 11605 1st St, East and 134 116th Avenue), there shall be no more than 2 additional curb cuts onto 116th Avenue and onto 117th Avenue. 6. This vacation of right-of-way shall be valid for 18 months. To remain in effect after 18 months, all of the following must occur: (1) The unity of title shall be placed over the following 3 lots: 135 117th Ave., 11605 1st St, E. and 134 116th Ave and recorded with the Pinellas County Clerk of the Court; (2) The Crystal Palms Beach Resort site plan modification for the driveway reconfiguration must approved by the planning and zoning board; and (3) The applicant shall record a public utility easement covering the entire 60 foot wide x 250 foot long area to be vacated or opt to relocate public and private utilities at the applicant’s sole expense. The relocation shall include the cost of survey, design, engineering, construction and the recorded easement(s) for the utilities. In either case, a written letter of no objection from all of the utility providers is required stating that the easement(s) is sufficient for their interest or that the facilities have been relocated. Any replacement of the storm drainage system shall be inspected and must be accepted by the City of Treasure Island to ensure the installation is satisfactory. The new replacement facilities shall be placed in the right-of-way, a utility easement, or a parcel must be acquired by the property owner and dedicated to the City of Treasure island at no cost ensure these facilities are on public property or in a utility easement. Any request for an extension of time relating to this vacation of right-of-way must be in writing and received by the city manager or specified designee at least seven weeks prior to its expiration date in order for the request to be placed on the City Commission’s workshop and regular agendas. 7 CASE PZ 2015-34 VACATION REQUEST: A request to vacate 1st Street East, a public right-of-way, between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue. Planning and Zoning Board Recommendation to City Commission: [ ] Approved [ ] Denied [ ] Deferred 8 [ ] Approved with Conditions P2? Case Number: ~ "3H 4-GC> City of Treasure Island Development Review Application Please use blue or black ink only. Failure to complete this form in its entirety will result in this application being returned without review. Note: A separate application is required for each request. Applicant gee |_jst Attached (Exhibit A) Agent Address Address Fax Email 727-851-9500 Phone 727-575-7952 Fax sreiter@edwardsgp.com List all Legal Owner(s) of Property: 150 2nd Ave N Ste 1600 / 299 Dr. MLK Jr St N St. Petersburg, FL 33701 150 2nd Ave N St 1600, St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Phone Susan Reiter/ Jonathan Gotwald Email 727-851-9500 / 727-822-4317 727-575-7952 / 727-822-2919 sreiter@edwardsgp.com / gotwald@georgefyoung.com City of Treasure Island, a public street dedicated by subdivision plat "City of Treasure Island, Blocks D, E, F, G, H" Plat Book 27 Page 71 Complete legal description (may be placed on attached separate page): See Attached Exhibit B . Crystal Palms (possible expansion) Development Name: Site Location/Address: 1st Street E - Between 116th Ave & 117th Ave Area of Development (Acreage or Square Feet) Parcel Identification Number (list all): Application Request N/A Street Vacation request of 1st Street E between 116th Ave and 117th Ave Future Land Use Designation Current Zoning 60x250ft = 15,000 sqft / 0.344 acres No Change RFM-30 Resort Facilities Medium Proposed Future Land Use Proposed Zoning No Change No Chanqe I certify that I have reviewed the Land Development Regulations and that my submission meets all requirements. The only exceptions are those items to which I am requesting variances to or waivers from certain sections of the code and understand that they must be listed on the plans individually and on the atta£^ed transmittal. I understand that if an item does need a variance, it will be necessary to file through the appropriate review entity. Signature myst-be-original (No copies, scans, faxes or e-mails) Owner/Agent J- Date Exhibit A Applicant List Entity Name Parcel #(s) Crystal Palms Resort at Tresaure Island Condominium Association, Inc. In Common Devildog Properties 1 LLC 23-31-15-91908-008-001 23-31-15-91908-008-0010 21st Century Venture Capital LLC 23-31-15-91908-008-0021 Exhibit B Legal Description The First Street East right of way lying between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue being described as follows: From the Northerly most corner of Lot 4, Block E, CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND - BLOCKS D, E, F, G, H, as recorded in Plat Book 27, Page 71, Public Records of Pinellas County, Florida as the Point of Beginning; thence along the Southwest right of way of said 1st Street East said right of way also being the Northeast line of said Block E, S45°54'47"E, 250.00 feet to the Easterly most corner of Lot 3, of said Block E; thence N44°05'13"E, 60.00 feet to the Southerly most corner of Lot 2, Block H of said plat of CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND - BLOCKS D, E, F, G, H; thence along the Northeast right of way of said 1 st Street East said right of way also being the Southwest line of said Block H, N45°54'47"W, 250.00 feet to the Westerly most corner of Lot 1, of said Block H; thence S44°05'13"W, 60.00 feet to the Point of Beginning. Treasure Island, Florida bright house Q] NETWORKS Date: June 26, 2015 Re: Vacate of 1 Street East right of way in Treasure Island that lies between North west right of way of 116th Avenue and the Southeast right of way line of 117th Avenue Bright House Networks has no objections. XXX Bright House Networks has no objections provided easements for our facilities are Retained / granted or XXX Bright House has no objections provided applicant bears the expense for relocation of any Bright House facilities to maintain service to customers affected by the proposed Vacate. In order to properly evaluate this request, Bright House will need detailed plans of facilities proposed for subject areas. Bright House has facilities within this area, which may conflict with subject project Please call one call locating. SEE NOTES Bright House requires 30 days written notice prior to construction start date to relocate their facilities. NOTES: Sincere. Ted Bingham Bright House Networks Field Engineer Pinellas County 727-329-2847 Bosco, Catherine Lantz, Bryan L (BRYAN) [bryan.lantz@verizon.com] Tuesday, May 12, 2015 2:27 PM Bosco, Catherine RE: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation From: Sent: To: Subject: Cathy, Verizon has existing facilities within the proposed vacate area and will require an acceptable easement granted in favor of Verizon Florida LLC over the area being vacated and/or relocation of said facilities at the requestors expense. Sincerely, Bryan Lantz Verizon Florida LLC Rights of way & Municipal Affairs Mgr. - Network Field Ops Tel:813-740-1231 Verizon Global Network Service Delivery & Assurance brvan, lantz (5>verizon.com NETWORK S, TECHNOLOGY SERVICE DELIVERY SL ASSURANCE From: Bosco, Catherine Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:54 PM To: Lantz, Bryan L (BRYAN) Subject: RE: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation Hi Brian, I have highlighted the area to be vacated on the attached copy of the survey. I hope this helps. Cathy Catherine Bosco, PSM Project Surveyor V George F. Young, Inc. 299 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Phone:(727) 822-4317 ext 206 Fax: (727) 822-2919 Cell:(727) 643-1833 www.seorgefvounz.com . PRIVACY/CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message contains private, confidential, or legally privileged information and is intended for the recipient ONLY. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this e-mail in error, please notify postmaster(®qeorqefvouna.com immediately by return e-mail or phone and delete all copies of this e-mail, including all attachments without reading them or saving to any storage device. If you are the intended reciplent(s) you will need to secure the contents conforming to all applicable state and/or federal requirements relating to the privacy and confidentiality of such information. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-free as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender and George F. Young, Inc. therefore do not accept liability for any errors or omissions In the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version. From: Lantz, Bryan L (BRYAN) rmailto:bryan.lantz(o)verizon.coml Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2015 1:18 PM l To: Bosco, Catherine Subject: FW: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation Catherine, What are you trying to vacate? I don't see it noted on the survey. Bryan Lantz Verizon Florida LLC Rights of way & Municipal Affairs Mgr. - Network Field Ops Tel:813-740-1231 Verizon Global Network Service Deliveiy & Assurance brvan. lantz (S)verizon.com - NC1 v'.'onK G TEC|-'HOLQCV SERVICE DELIVERY S. ASSURANCE hich arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version. 2 TECO/ Peoples Gas 1920 9th Avenue North St Petersburg, Fl 33713-7117 Tel (727) 826-3258 Fax (727) 826-3344 FAX TRANSMITTAL To; Catherine Bosco Fax# (727)822-2919 From: Ray Zwissler Date 6/23/2015 Pages 3, including this cover sheet TECO/Peoplea Gas 1800 9th Ave north St Petersburg Office (813) 275-3731 Fax (813) 275-3706 June 23,2015 George F Young 299 Dr Martin Luther King St St Petersburg Fl 33701 RE: 1st St & 116th Ave Treasure Island X_ TECO Peoples Gas has no existing facilities in project listed above There is no objection. _ TECO Peoples Gas has the facilities in the above referenced area. Remarks: (Please see Attached Map) In order to allow TECO Peoples Gas to operate and maintain these facilities, easements Will have to remain in the above referenced area, If it becomes necessary to relocate any gas facility, it will be at the expense of the Applicant, ' Thank you for your continued close cooperation in these matters. Please feel free to call At (727) 826-3258 if we can be of further service. Sincerely, Ray Zwissler Engineering Technician TECO/Peoples Gas 19209* Avenue N. Saint Petereburg, FL. 33713 Si». i Office (727) 826-3258 Fax (727) 826-3344 sprez@tecoetiergy.oom Monday Jun 22,2015 03:30 PM Bosco, Catherine From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Whitley, Roger [Roger.Whitley@dot.state.fl.us] Tuesday, May 05, 2015 1:21 PM Bosco, Catherine Cocking, Mike; Long, Jerold; Scott, Bill; Hernandez, Martin RE: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation Catherine: I forwarded the information you provided regarding the proposed vacation of 1st street by the City of Treasure Island. Based on review from Legal, Right of Way, and Pinellas Maintenance, there is no objection to this vacation. If you have any questions please let us know. Thank you. Roger P. Whitley, PLS Florida Department of Transportation District Seven, Surveying & Mapping, MS 7-940 11201 North McKinley Dr. Tampa, Florida 33612-6456 Phone: (813) 975-6785 Fax(813)975-6635 FDOT Email: RW759RW Internet Email: roRer.whitlev(o)dot.state.fl..us From: Hernandez, Martin Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 8:59 AM To: Whitley, Roger Cc: Cocking, Mike; Long, Jerold; Scott, Bill Subject: FW: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation Roger, See email from Brian Bennett below. No objection from right of way or legal either. Since Ms. Bosco's email was addressed to you, I suggest you respond directly to her based on review from Legal, ROW and Pinellas Maintenance. Thanks. Martin D. Hernandez Assistant General Counsel Office of the General Counsel Florida Department of Transportation 11201 N. McKinley Drive Tampa, Florida 33612 Phone: (813) 975-6483 Fax: (813) 975-6481 This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender, delete this message, and do not use, disseminate, or copy its contents. Thank you. l The OGC would appreciate FDOT employees completing our Quality Assurance Legal Services Survey by pressing the control button while clicking here. Thank you. From: Bennett, Brian Sent: Thursday, April 30, 2015 6:54 AM To: Hernandez, Martin Cc: Scott, Bill; Gregory, Chris; Nazmurreza, Abu M.; Pickard, Brian Subject: RE: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation We have a 36" outfall pipe running down 116th Avenue (and may have a drainage easement), but we do not have any impact from vacation of 1st Street. Brian A. Bennett, P.E. Pinellas Maintenance Engineer 5211 Ulmerton Road Clearwater, FL 33760 2 727-575-8300 E brian.bennett@dot.state.fl.us From: Hernandez, Martin Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 4:41 PM To: Scott, Bill; Bennett, Brian; Gregory, Chris; Nazmurreza, Abu M. Subject: FW: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation From the information provided, it appears that a "no comment" or "no objection" would be appropriate. Please call me regarding an appropriate response to the George F. Young surveyor. Martin D. Hernandez Assistant General Counsel Office of the General Counsel Florida Department of Transportation 11201 N. McKinley Drive Tampa, Florida 33612 Phone: (813) 975-6483 Fax: (813) 975-6481 This message is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is privileged, confidential and exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you are not the intended recipient, please notify the sender, delete this message, and do not use, disseminate, or copy its contents. Thank you. The OGC would appreciate FDOT employees completing our Quality Assurance Legal Services Survey by pressing the control button while clicking here. Thank you. From: Whitley, Roger Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 3:15 PM To: Hernandez, Martin Cc: Scott, Bill Subject: FW: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation 2 Martin, As we discussed with Mike Cocking earlier today, I received this email and the two attachments (a letter and a survey of the proposed vacation. I added the copy of sheet 5 of our right of way map of S.R. 699 (Gulf Boulevard) and a clip from the plat of City of Treasure Island-Blocks D,E,F,G,H. As you can see, First Avenue East is parallel! with and approximately 200 feet northeasterly of Gulf Blvd. If you need anything else from me please let me know. Thanks Roger P. Whitley, PLS Florida Department of Transportation District Seven, Surveying & Mapping, MS 7-940 11201 North McKinley Dr. Tampa, Florida 33612-6456 Phone: (813) 975-6785 Fax (813) 975-6635 FDOT Email: RW759RW Internet Email: roger.whitley@dot.state.fi..us From: Bosco, Catherine fmailto:cbosco(5>georgefvoung.com1 Sent: Wednesday, April 29, 2015 10:26 AM To: Whitley, Roger Subject: 1st Street East, Treasure Island, proposed vacation Good morning Mr. Whitley, We are in the process of requesting that the City of Treasure Island vacate the 1st Street East right of way that lies between the northwest right of way line of 116th Avenue and the southeast right of way line of 117lh Avenue (please see the attached letter and survey of lands to be vacated) and need to acquire a letter of no objection from FDOT. Our research indicates that you are the contact for this letter we need to acquire. Will you please review the attached and forward to me a letter of no objection? If you are not the contact person for this task, will you please let me know? Thank you so much for your help and I look forward to hearing from you soon! Sincerely, Catherine Bosco, PSM Project Surveyor V George F. Young, Inc. 299 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. N. St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Phone:(727) 822-4317 ext 206 Fax: (727) 822-2919 Cell:(727) 643-1833 www, zeoreefvoi ins.com PRIVACY/CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE: This message contains private, confidential, or legally privileged information and is intended for the recipient ONLY. If you are not the intended recipient or have received this e-mail in error, please notify oostmaster&.aeoraefvouna.com immediately by return e-mail or phone and delete all copies of this e-mail, including all 3 attachments without reading them or saving to any storage device. If you are the Intended reclpient(s) you will need to secure the contents conforming to all .applicable state and/or federal requirements relating to the privacy and confidentiality of such information. E-mail transmission cannot be guaranteed to be secure or error-freo as information could be intercepted, corrupted, lost, destroyed, arrive late or incomplete, or contain viruses. The sender and George F. Young, Inc. therefore do not accept liability for any errors or omissions in the contents of this message, which arise as a result of e-mail transmission. If verification is required please request a hard-copy version. 4 P.W. ADMINISTRATION HIGHWAY ENGINEERING TRANSPORTATION FINANCIAL SERVICES GEOGRAPHIC SERVICES FACILITY DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION Pinellas, County PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM TO: Catherine Bosco 299 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. St. North St. Petersburg FL 33701 FROM: Cynthia M. Harris, Real Estate Specialist, Senior SUBJECT: Request is for a no objection letter to provide to the City of Treasure Island for vacation of 1st Street East rght of way.. DATE: May 20,2015 OBJECTION, DO NOT VACATE FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON: _2L.NO OBJECTION: DATE: SIGNATURE: ADDRESS 509 East Avenue. Clearwater. F1 33756 SIGNATURE: 7 Tom Farrand, Project Mgrat Spec 1 ADDRESS ^0/ 22211 US Highway 19 N DATE: 5/15/2015 5 I BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Pinellas| County Dave Eggers Pat Gerard Charlie Justice JanetC. Long John Morroni Karen Williams Seel Kenneth T. Welch AND V ENGINEERING AND TECHNICAL iCHNICAL SUPPORT f July 20, 2015 Catherine A. Bosco, PSM George F. Young, Inc. 299 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Street No. St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 SUBJECT: Vacation of right of way request. 1st St. E. between 117th Ave and 116"' Ave. Treasure Island , Florida Dear Ms. Bosco: Thank you for providing us with notification on the above subject. Having reviewed the information provided it appears that Pinellas County maintains both potable and reclaim water mains along with service connections within the limits you have indicated. In order for Pinellas County to have no objection to this vacation a utility easement for this infrastructure will be required. 1 have attached a snapshot from our GIS system reflecting these mains. Please note that the information is schematic and requires filed verification as to exact location. If you should have any questions please call me at (727) 464-3536, FAX (727) 464-8905 or email me at iperkins@pinellascountv.ore. Please address any reply to: Jay Perkins, Engineering Supervisor, Office of Engineering and Technical Support, CIP Planning, Survey and Mapping Division, 22211 U.S. Highway North, Building # 1, Clearwater, Florida 33765-2328. Sincerely, Jay T. Perkins, Engineering Specialist III Office of Engineering & Technical Support CIP Planning, Survey & Mapping Division Encl Pinellas County Engineering and Technical Support 14 S. Fort Harrison Ave. • 6th floor Clearwater, FL 33756 Main Office: (727) 464-3588 FAX: (727) 464-3595 V/TDD: (727) 464-4062 www.pinellascounty.org h:\users\utlen24\wpdocs\development lettersNgfy st vacation 1 st st e btw 117th and 116th ave.docx V J* V& & \ / / \ X N * ,<v s^ r' / • 4" RCWM N <s\•> \> \ 2" WM Ns Treasure Island CITY OF W3 FLORIDA 33706 120 - 108th AVENUE INCORPORATED J955 PHONE (727) 547-4575 FAX (727) 547-4582 July 29, 2015 Catherine A. Bosco, PSM Project Surveyor 299 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Street St. Petersburg, FL 33701 Subject: Letter of No Objection to Proposed Right of Way Vacation for Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Drainage Utilities Proposed Right-Of-Way Vacation of 1st Street East between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue Dear Ms. Bosco: The City of Treasure Island received your letter dated April 29, 2015 Request for Letter of no objection to proposed right of way vacation. The Public Works Department is the provider and operator of the Sanitary Sewer and Stormwater Drainage utility in Treasure Island. The Public Works Department located and identified the City's utilities and is illustrated in the attached Utility Location Map. There are Three (3) City storm inlets located along three (3) of the curb lines of 1st Street, E. In order for the City of Treasure Island to maintain these storm inlets, a five (5) foot utility easement surrounding all four (4) sides of each storm inlet is required. There is also a storm-water line that connects the two (2) storm inlets located on 1st Street E. closest to 116th Ave. The City of Treasure Island requires a ten(10) foot utility easement, five (5) feet on either side of this storm-water line. If the property owner is unable to maintain these storm-water utilities and easements within the proposed development; the property owner shall pay all expenses for the survey, design, engineering, permitting, and construction of a replacement storm drainage system for the basin or sub-basin these storm-water facilities currently serve. Any replacement storm drainage system shall be inspected and must be accepted by the City to ensure the installation is satisfactory. The new replacement facilities shall be placed in the right-of-way, a utility easement, or a parcel must be acquired by the property owner and dedicated to the City of Treasure island at no cost ensure these facilities are on public property or in a utility easement. There is a sanitary sewer line located close to the flair of First Street E. and 116th Avenue. The sanitary sewer line appears to be in the 116th Avenue right-of-way; however the City must have five (5) feet of easement on either side of this sanitary sewer line. If the proposed vacation of right-ofway encroaches within five (5) feet of this sanitary sewer line, a utility easement must be provided to ensure five (5) feet of easement for this line. There are individual service lines and taps, as well as a City gravity sanitary sewer line in the V1 St E right-of-way. Any and ail expenses to cut and cap and / or remove these individual service lines shall be at the expense of the property owner. Any existing utility easements on Lots 1 and 2 (134 116th Avenue, 11655 -11605 1 st Street E, and 135117th Avenue) shall be maintained. Please advise whether the Treasure Island Fire and Police Department have been contacted about the proposed vacation of right of way As previously discussed, the City staff is awaiting the traffic study for 1st Street East. It is important to know both the traffic volumes and from where the vehicles originated. Sincerely, Mr. Michael Helfrich, P.E. Public Works Director cc: Reid Silverboard, City Manager Page 2 of 2 City of Treasure Island Utility Location Map IStormwateT [Sanitary Sewer 2166 Palmetto Street Clearwater, FL. 33765: CW-13 Jason.McDarby@duke-energy.com A DUKE T; ENERGY. o: 727.562.5706 f: 727-562-5753 May 6, 2015 George F. Young, Inc. Attn: Catherine A. Bosco, PSM 299 Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. St N St. Petersburg, Florida 33701 RE: Approval of a vacation of 1st Street East Dear Ms. Bosco, Please be advised that DUKE ENERGY FLORIDA, INC., d/b/a DUKE ENERGY, Distribution Department and Transmission Department has " NO OBIECTIONS" to the vacation of 1st Street East rights-ofway that lies between the Northwest right-of-way line of 116th Avenue and the Southeast right-ofway line of 117th Avenue. See the accompany Exhibit "A" as attached hereto and incorporated herein by this reference. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me. uason McDaroy^,^--^"^ Land Rep Distribution Land Services - Florida EXHIBIT "A" FIR 5/8" (HARNER #2650) KCSTERLY uosr CORNER LOT I. BLOCK STORM WICT •NORTHEAST RIGHT OF WAY OF 1ST STREET EAST. SOUTHWEST LINE OF BLOCK H POINT OF BEGINNING FCM 4"X4" (LB 760) NORIHERIY MOST CORNER 101 ». BLOCK E ASPHALT •O.VXXV METAL SCN WTH 4*X4" METAL POST 0.r CONCRETE CURB- 0.r CONCRETE CURB- SOUTHWEST RIGHT OF WAY OF 1ST STREET EAST. NORTHEAST LINE OF BLOCK E ASPHALT0.1" NEXY •o.y SWXY aT CONCRETE OJR8- •1.«" NELY 0 7" CONCRETE CURB0.9 X3.9' METAL— SON VHTH 4"X4" METAL POST FCM 4"X4" (IB 760) EASTERLY MOST CORNER LOT 3. BLOCK E , A. ^V ^-SOUTHWEST LINE / OF LOT 2, BLOCK E / . . / X# V N <A>, /% x Vv/^ FN&O (LB 710) °e 1 ? 3 4 5 CREW CHIEF CM ORAVSN JLS CHECKEO CAB FIELD 800K FIELD DATE 4/13/15 4/22/15 4/23/15 V'V15 ?99 OR MARTIN THE EOWARDS GROUP IH Since 1919 ARCMlTECfURE'ENONEI CAJN£SWLLE*LAKEWOOO Traffic Memorandum Vacating of 1st Street East 116th Avenue to 117th Avenue Treasure Island, Florida 33706 Prepared By: Jerry Dabkowski, PE; Traffic Engineer George F Young, Inc. St Petersburg, Florida 727.439.1919 August 21, 2015 $•-11-15 Page 1 of 11 TABLE OF CONTENTS: Page: Introduction 3 Existing Roadway Characteristics/Traffic 4 Existing Vehicle Turning Movement Counts 5 Proposed Conditions 6 Findings of the Study 7 Findings of the Study continued 8 Findings of the Study continued 9 Findings of the Study continued 10 Conclusion 11 FIGURES: Page: Figure 1 Existing Street Network 3 Figure 2 Existing Traffic Data 5 Figure 3 Proposed Vacated Street 6 Figure 4 Proposed Travel Patterns 7 Figure 5 Finding of the Study 9 Figure 6 Finding of the Study 10 Appendix Acronyms - (FDOT) - Florida Department of Transportation Additional roadway / traffic data Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st St East August 21, 2015 Page 2 of 11 INTRODUCTION The property owners along 1st Street East between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida, are requesting the vacation of the public right of way, adjacent to their property, 1st Street East, between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue (See Figure 1). Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st St East August 21, 2015 Page 3 of 11 Existing Roadway Characteristics/Traffic: Gulf Boulevard: Posted 35 MPH Gulf Blvd. is a primary State road, four (4) lane divided, that traverses North/South throughout the City of Treasure Island. FDOT states an average 24 hour traffic volumes of 17,000 vehicles per day. Right of way is 80' with 12' lanes and sidewalks on both sides. 116th Avenue: Posted 25 MPH This is a Treasure Island collector secondary road, providing one-way traffic on two (2) lanes undivided, traversing in a "one way" direction, eastbound, adjacent to 1st Street East. GFY estimates an average 24 hour traffic volumes of less than 2,000 vehicles per day. Right of way is 60'. Sidewalks on both sides. 12'lanes. 117th Avenue: Posted 25 MPH This is a Treasure Island collector secondary road, providing one-way traffic on two (2) lanes undivided, traversing in a "one way" direction, westbound, adjacent to 1st Street East. GFY estimates an average 24 hour traffic volumes of less than 2,000 vehicles per day. Right of way is 60'. Sidewalks on north only. 12'Lanes. 1st Street East: Posted 25 MPH This is a Treasure Island local road, providing two-way traffic on two (2) lanes undivided, adjacent to the property owners, between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue. GFY estimates an average 24 hour two way total traffic volumes of less than 300 vehicles per day. Right of way is 60'. Lanes are 11.5' wide, no sidewalks. The vacation of street is 250 feet in length. 1st Street East, North of 117th Avenue: Posted 25 MPH This is also a Treasure Island local road, providing two-way traffic on two (2) lanes undivided, traversing to 119th Avenue and then onto Lagoon lane to 127th Avenue. GFY estimates an average 24 hour traffic volumes of less than 300 vehicles per v day. Right of way is 60'. Lanes are 11.5'wide. No sidewalks. Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st ST East August 21, 2015 Page 4 of 11 Existing Vehicle Turning Movement Counts: The City of Treasure Island requested recent traffic data be collected at the intersections of 116/117th Avenues at 1st Street East. Per City approval, traffic was collected over Thursday, July 16 and Saturday, July 18, 2015. The following represents the busiest day and time for traffic vehicles within the intersections, and along 1st Street East. The appendix demonstrates all data collected. 1st East 15 11 Treasure Island i \ 17 H7th Ave t3 2 239 3 1st East 1 w) 11 K 116th Ave 14 165 v Turning Vehicle Count Figure 2 The yellow section indicates the requested vacation area Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st St East August 21, 2015 11AM-12PM July 16, 2015 Thursday Page 5 of 11 PROPOSED CONDITIONS: Figure 3 demonstrates the requested area. /' Cheri Lyn Apt Crystal Palms jgulfBlvdsa =Requesting properly owners for vacating Figure 3 = Proposed vacating of 1st St E Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st ST East August 21, 2015 Page 6 of 11 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY: Prior to this traffic memorandum being prepared, a scheduled meeting was held with the City of Treasure Island staff and George F. Young (GFY) on May 13, 2015, to discuss the vacating of 1st Street East. During that meeting, the staff of the City were concerned that the vacating of 1st Street East may cause travel issues for those within the area. The following describes the City's two (2) main traffic flow issues: A. With the vacating of 1st Street East, drivers wanting to travel South on 1st Street East to turn East onto 116th Avenue, towards the Isle of Capri, will have to enter onto Gulf Blvd. to make this maneuver. •—«• B. With the vacating of 1st Street East, drivers wanting to travel North from 116th Avenue on 1st Street East will have to travel east along 116th and make a u-turn onto 117th towards Gulf Blvd. Figure 4 V Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st St East August 21, 2015 Page 7 of 11 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY CONTINUED: To determine, if any, these are issues for the residents/City, the following explains the data collected with options/findings for future travel. A. Over the two days of the data collection periods, and during the busiest day/one hour time of the study, there were only eleven (11) vehicles that made the South on 1st Street then East on 116th Avenue, left turn movement. During this particular movement, the traffic counting staff witnessed of those eleven (11) vehicles the following: • 1 vehicle was a realtor • 1 vehicle was the post office delivery vehicle • 1 vehicle was the City's public works truck • 1 vehicle was a home improvement truck • 1 vehicle was private • 6 vehicles exited from the Crystal Palms and parking area properties within the requested vacated street B. Over the two days of the data collection periods, and during the busiest day/one hour time of the study, there were twenty (20) vehicles that made the North on 1st Street then North or West on 1st or 117th Avenue movements. During this particular movement, the traffic counting staff witnessed of those twenty (20) vehicles the following: • 2 vehicles were pest control SUV trucks (Left toward Gulf Blvd) • 1 vehicle was the post office delivery vehicle (Northbound) • 2 private vehicles (Northbound) • 15 vehicles exited from the Crystal Palms and parking area properties within the requested vacated street Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st St East August 21, 2015 Page 8 of 11 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY CONTINUED: Existing Southbound • When a driver travels South along 1st Street East, heading towards 116th, and wishes to travel left towards the Isle of Capri, point "A" to point "B", it takes 18 seconds using the opened 1st Street East. Proposed Southbound • When a driver travels South along 1st Street East and no longer can use the vacated stretch of 1st Street East, the driver now will utilize 117th to Gulf Blvd. to 116th to travel towards the Isle of Capri from point "A" to point "B". This movement takes 32 seconds when approaching the green arrow traffic signal. When the signal is red, this movement may take up to 77 seconds due to extended timing. There exists today a traffic signal at Gulf Blvd. at 117th Street. There is not a traffic signal at Gulf Blvd. at 116th Street. There is adequate southbound left turn lane storage for traffic to turn left onto 116th from Gulf Blvd southbound. v Figure 5 Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st St East August 21, 2015 Page 9 of 11 FINDINGS OF THE STUDY CONTINUED: Existing Northbound • When a driver travels North along 1st Street East, heading towards 117th, and wishes to travel left towards Gulf Blvd. or North on 1st Street East, point "B" to point "A", it takes 18 seconds using the opened 1st Street East. Proposed Northbound • When a driver wishes to travel North along 1st Street East from 116th Avenue and no longer can with the vacated stretch of 1st Street East, the driver now will utilize 116th East and make a free flow u-turn at 117th Avenue and travel towards Gulf Blvd., point "B" to point "A". This movement takes 34 seconds. Due to a safe distance of 390' and safe driver views, there will not be an issue for drivers merging to 1st Street N. Figure 6 Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st St East August 21, 2015 Page 10 of 11 CONCLUSION: Based upon current recorded traffic data, as requested by the City of Treasure Island, and projection of new traffic flows with the vacating of 1st Street East, the following conclusions are reached: 1. There will be very minimal disruption to traffic flows via new circulation patterns with the vacating of 1st Street East between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue. The new travel movements if the street is vacated will go from 18 seconds with 1st Street open, to a minimum of 34 seconds or a maximum of 77 seconds of travel time, based on direction taken, with 1st Street vacated. 2. There are no roadway capacity issues or safety issues with this vacation of this right of way section. Traffic Memorandum - Vacating of 1st St East August 21, 2015 Page 11 of 11 APPENDIX 1" East 9 3 J I Treasure Island 117th 3 207 1 15 t1 Crystal Palms I 116th I 4 65 v mm v 1" East 6 5 1^1 I !Z Treasure island ] j 117th j 3 I 1 Crystal Palms 7 2 4I 116th 14 98 V M V 1" East 15 11 JI Treasure Island j 117th 2 _L 3 Crystal Palms ^17 t3 11 I 14 165 1^1 | 116th _J_ v • v 1" East 12 7 I Treasure Island | 117th 8 204 3 I <1 t Crystal Palms A 16 6 7 I 116th j [Z 13 185 V V 1" East 7 7 JI | Treasure [slnrul ] P117th 1 3 130 1 I t Crystal Palms A 8 6 5 u [116th 12 236 V V East i!fki 6 7 4 I [ Treasure Island 117th 4 152 2 ZL ^ t Ciystal Palms 9 1 10 116th 8245 " V V 1" East 5 3 i Tivasuiv I: li.i 1 I i 117th 0 90 2 <1 t Crystal Palms 5 1 2 t 116th 4 32 v tarn v East 9 2 JI j Trcusufc Island 117th 1 138 0 1t ft 7 5 Crystal Palms I 116th I 11 74 V Hi V 11 6 4* 1 East Treasure 1aland I 117th t_ 3 __L 4- 210 ^ t 6 4 Crystal Palms 1 r I 8 I | 116th ] 14 170 11am 12pm July 18, 2015 East 10 7 1 Treasure Island L 117th 6 195 1 ^ t Crystal Palms 6 6 8 I 116th JL_ 16 184 ||gjg| 12-1 PM July 18, 2(115 ^ 1" Bast 12 7 J I Treasure Island 117th 2 180 1 t Crystal Palms 1^1 14 5 8 I 116th 17 188 4-5 PM July 18, 2015 Bast 8 6 J I 1 Treasure Island ~1 117th 4 153 5 Crystal Palms ^17 6t HZ | 1 8 I I V |116th i 30 168 - V 5-6 PM July 18, 2015 V Google earth =S 500 V BOOK 157 PAGE 65 CRYSTAL PALMS BEACH RESORT AT TREASURE BLAND, A CONDCMNIUM LYING IN THE NORTH 1/2 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 31 SOUTH, RANGE 15 EAST, CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND. PINELLAS COUNTY, FLORIDA r j rear Mtmcn unjir USWNIS MC WCIID AS on cr ntbsun«aw oMVtmcc >o o»•« nccno n amm. arenas SOCK 14949. pitas jott-jcu OATO Vj*/vt ?* <E~nRST~STREET~EAST SMrtrwno (nts/reCMH »ux ure) | IT ASMHT. V CU»8 S45*54 47 E i «oor vturr UUOIT atmun x* KAT 25Q.Q0(P4S) KM >Vu|ia - (nvrw oent nar^ 40'41 >42 43<44 LOT 4 MK& OS9 LOT 3 p«e»aooi rnRMCI MMCMM neat, maant riuis nxr CL co to in CM MO rux* •. on if] lO MM CM CN iMW mtt ruse* 3X STORY MASONRY CONDOMINIUM BUILDING #11605 H (rut 4 u> isrwjr uttm CASCKOIT (0* «DO( DM >CS W11-J015) loots tea MMC wua) rnAsne LOT 1 LOT 2 H-j ran tmto uajrr 1 CA3107 COUMS H» » , V C9APWC SCALE 10' 20' SCALE, v 20" 'J "JM par. «utn «• «*jnr uotoi AS aoaaHB * «« 0CO( DMt. MCB MI4-WL *ac «om cr MCUAI «»". one* ' ~ ~~ ~~~~~ PLAT NORTH N45*54*47"W 250.00'(PAS) A. M ,, ni.nrt Q GULF BOULEVARD *fer— asp^i, -r eu» */» «OIM vjecs SITE PIAN W WM««* UStfkl •M» «<»• CUDOII tar mar? JOHN C. BRENDLA AND ASSOCIATES. INC. Consulting Engineers ond Lond Surveyors JCB® - 4015 82nd Av«nw« North ftntfoa Perk, Florldo 33781 Tdaphcn* (727) 576-7946 Foe«tmS« (727) 577-W32 SHEET 2 OF tO 11701 175 1111 77TT HH AAV EE E SST TT 1SS 111166 TH H AA VVEE 165 145 164 220 135 11655 210 144 HH 77T 1111 EE AAVV 11605 200 11SS TT SSTT EE 134 190 145 180 11605 11490 1111 66TT HH G UU LLFF BBLL VVDD AAVV EE 11655 APPLICANTS OWN PROPERTIES NOTED AS ALL OTHER LOTS SHOWN HAVE ACCESS TO 117th AVE AND 116th AVE CASE PZ 2015-34 VACATION NORTH CITY OF TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA PUBLIC NOTICE - PUBLIC HEARING TREASURE ISLAND PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD CASE # PZ 2015-34 VACATION OF STREET DATE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15, 2015 at 2:00 P.M. TREASURE ISLAND CITY HALL AUDITORIUM LOCATED AT 120 108TH AVENUE APPLICANTS: CRYSTAL PALMS BEACH RESORT AT TREASURE ISLAND CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION, INC. DEVILDOG PROPERTIES I, LLC 21ST CENTURY VENTURE CAPITAL, LLC AGENTS: SUSAN REITER, PROJECT MANAGER - THE EDWARDS GROUP JONATHAN GOTWALD, P.E. - GEORGE F. YOUNG, INC. LOCATION: 1ST STREET EAST: BETWEEN 116TH AVENUE AND 117TH AVENUE The Planning and Zoning Board will review: PZ 2015-34VAC A request to vacate the 1st Street, East public right-of-way between 116th Avenue and 117th Avenue PLANS FOR THE APPLICATION MAY BE REVIEWED AT THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT th DEPARTMENT, 120 108 AVENUE, TREASURE ISLAND, FLORIDA, BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 8:00 AM AND 4:30 PM, MONDAY TO FRIDAY. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CALL THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT AT 547-4575 EXT. 239. Ex parte communication - The substance of any ex parte communication with a board member which relates to quasijudicial action pending before the Board is not presumed prejudicial to the action if the subject of the communication and the identity of the person, group, or entity with whom the communication took place is disclosed and part of the record before final action on the matter. The board member may read a written communication from any person. However, a written communication that relates to quasi-judicial action pending before a board member shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action, and such written communication shall be made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Board members may conduct investigations and site visits and may receive expert opinions regarding quasi-judicial action pending before them. Such activities shall not be presumed prejudicial to the action if the existence of the investigation, site visit or expert opinion is made a part of the record before final action on the matter. Disclosure must be made before or during the public meeting at which a vote is taken on such matters, so that persons who have opinions contrary to those expressed in the ex parte communication are given a reasonable opportunity to refute or respond to the communication. (For more information see Florida Statutes 286.0115) Any person desiring to file an appeal to any action taken by the Board at this meeting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may be required to insure that a verbatim transcript is made. Said transcript shall be made by the appellant at his or her expense. The City maintains a tape recording of all public hearings. In the event that you wish to appeal a decision, the tape may or may not adequately insure a verbatim record of the proceedings. Therefore, you may wish to provide a court reporter at your expense. Any person with a disability who needs any accommodation in order to participate in this proceeding is entitled to assistance th at no cost. Please contact the office of the City Clerk in writing at 120 108 Avenue, Treasure Island, Florida 33706, or by phone at 727-547-4575, at least two working days prior to the meeting to advise what assistance is needed. NOTE: THE STAFF COMMENTS AND OTHER CORRESPONDENCE MAY ALSO BE VIEWED AT THE COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT OFFICE. _______________________________________________ Paulette E. Cohen, Community Improvement Director