April 2010 - Buicktown Chapter
April 2010 - Buicktown Chapter
Page 1 Page 2 BHA Mission Statement The Buick Heritage Alliance is organized for the acquisition, restoration, preservation, and display to the public of Buick automobiles and related items. The BHA promotes historical research and the dissemination of information concerning the origin and development of the Buick automobile and the individuals who contributed to it. History of the Buick Heritage Alliance The Buick Heritage Alliance, Inc. (BHA) was incorporated in the State of Ohio in 2005 as a 501 (c) 3 not-forprofit corporation and has received its recognition from the IRS as a charitable institution. It is therefore eligible to receive donations of money, automobiles, literature, memorabilia or artwork, which are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Filling a need for those who have an interest in preserving Buick history, heritage, and the automobiles produced and sold by the Buick Motor Company since its inception in 1903, is an active goal of the BHA. The BHA regularly works to promote Buick related displays at various museums around the country. The Buick Heritage Alliance also maintains an online research archive and a physical research archive located at the AACA Library & Research Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania. Buick Heritage Alliance – Winter 2010 Report to the BCA Board 2009 was a great year for the Buick Heritage Alliance. While we have had many donations from our Board members in the past, we had three folks reach out to us, as you may have seen in our Buick Bugle ad, and make a substantial donation to our work. Paul Meyer, BCA Board member and Past President , donated a fabulous literature collection as did Anthony Gatta, and Richard Stout donated a 1995 Buick Roadmaster Estate Wagon. All were welcome donations as we continue to grow. Much scanning on pre-war literature has been done by Past President Terry Dunham and Terry also continues to handle all of the literature copying and Sales from our web site. Angie Ash, in Columbus, Ohio, has begun scanning post war literature with an initial focus on Buick’s 50th Anniversary in 1953. (As a side note, these items will be on display at the AACA Museum in Hershey when JB digs out of the winter snows!). We get many calls regarding Buick restoration and where to go for “help” so we have placed a “Preferred Vendor Link” on our Web Site. Our thanks to Mike and Nancy Book, from the Buick Club National Office, for their help in this endeavor. In 2010, we expect to have a major presence at the 28th Annual Arthritis Foundation Classic Auto Show and Cruise In which will be held on July 9 & 10, in Columbus, Ohio; the Buick National annual meet in Ames, Iowa; and the Buick Great Lakes Regional meet in Hilliard, Ohio, at the end of August. Bill Anderson is working with the host of the Danvers meet for 2011 on a potential Collector Car Auction. This event would be open to the Public; held during the 2011 National Meet; and proceeds would benefit the work of the Buick Heritage Alliance. If you have noticed our fabulous ads, they spring from the Marketing genius of one of our new Board members, David Landow. David has guided the Arthritis Foundation Classic Auto Show Marketing Campaign for a number of years and is now lending his talent to the Buick Heritage Alliance. In closing, I would like to thank the Board of the Buick Club of America for their continued support and cooperation and the BCA members for their donation of artifacts and their financial support. Respectfully submitted, Jeffrey R. Brashares President Buick Heritage Alliance Page 3 Page 4 2010 Officers & Chairpersons Director ROBERTA VASILOW buickracer@comcast.net 810-655-8277 Assistant Director MARGIE MCQUIGG emquigg@juno.com 810-655-4824 Secretary SUZANNE SHERMAN lnssherman@sbcglobal.net 810-695-4026 Treasurer DAN EMERTON Inside This Issue DEL AND BOBBIR CUTTER’S 1955 ROADMASTER 1 BUICK HERITAGE ALLIANCE 2 OFFICERS & CHAIRPERSONS 4 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE 5 COMING EVENTS 6-11 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR’S NOTE 11 COVER STORY 1955 ROADMASTER 12-13 THE EDITOR SAYS 14 MAY BIRTHDAYS 16 MAY ANNIVERSARIES 17 ALL MICHIGAN CHAPTERS MEETING 18 SOCIAL COMMITTEE 19 THE ORIGINAL HOT RODDER 20 BUICK, FACTORY WHISTLE & ME 20 DAVID BUICK BOOK 20 MANUSCRIPTS / WILLIAM C. DURANT 20 ASS’T EDITOR’S SPARE PARTS 21 ALERT—HISTORIC PLATES 22-23 FEBRUARY MEETING 24-25 NEW U-M STUDENT INTERN 27 RSVP 28 WELCOME NEW MEMBER 29 ECHOES / WHEEL ROOM 31 PUZZLE 32 SLOAN MUSEUM AUTO FAIR 34 BURMA SHAVE 35 MEMBERSHIP UPDATE 37 CLASSIFIED 38 BACK TO THE BRICKS / AUTORAMA 40-41 ADVERTISER AL SERRA BUICK 44 BUICK NEWS 47 BUICK DEALERS 47 BUICK CLUB OF AMERICA www.buickclub.org danemert@aol.com 810-732-0565 Member-at-Large JERRY WALKER jercwalk44@sbcglobal.net 248-634-2755 Past Directors BRIAN E KITCHEN ROGER TYYSKA brainekit@aol.com 810-732-5011 RTyys@aol.com 810-636-8450 Membership JIM MACLEAN maclean5672@aol.com 810-736-1578 Activities and Awards DAVID BOTHAMLY dbinmich@netzero.net 810-513-0377 HOWARD ZIMMERMAN 810-732-7806 Editor BOB GORSKI rjgorski@msn.com 810-239-9324 Assistant Editor BOB GARDNER rfg8@comcast.net 810-659-8557 Social GARY & DEBBIE MINCH dminchrdh@charter.net 810-653-1967 Historian To be determined / looking for volunteers Sloan Auto Fair Representatives JOHN DAILY BRIAN E KITCHEN DAVE LANGDON esyrdr7@aol,com 810-658-0126 brainekit@aol.com 810-732-5011 davesmail@centurytel.net 810-636-2676 Student Program Liaison Mott Community College LARRY SHERMAN lnssherman@sbcglobal.net JIM BEAL jamestwojays@aol.com 810-695-4026 810-695-3063 U M - Flint SUZANNE SHERMAN lnssherman@sbcglobal.net 810-695-4026 50 / 50 Sales JIM AND JACKIE BEAL jamestwojays@aol.com 810-695-3063 Swap Meet JAMES DRURY 989-770-4541 CHARLIE JONES 810-845-4779 cell 810-266-4833 Technical Advisor JOE TAUBITZ BuickJOET@comcast.net 810-655-8988 Photographer ROBERTA VASILOW NORB BURWELL KEN MCCLELLAN buickracer@comcast.net nrbrwll@sbcglobal.net KCBuicks@aol.com 810-655-8277 810-659-3682 810-875-4606 Web Master ROBERTA VASILOW buickracer@comcast.net 810-655-8277 Page 5 DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Hi Buicktown Folks, The end of winter is here, and we have some great things in the works for spring!! First is an Open house at the Mott Community College, Auto Body Program at Southern Lakes Branch Campus on April 10th at 10AM, we will review the tools and equipment the Buicktown Chapter provided for the new metalworking classes. The site is on Thompson Rd, just east of Torrey Rd, on the north side of the road. We will travel to a luncheon location at the end of the tour. Our second monthly meeting for 2010 was held in March at Fenton Farms, plans are in place for most of the rest of the year. We need to remember to confirm your attendance, by signing up at the meetings or by calling Marge by the Friday, preceding the meeting. This is imperative, so that there are no club incurred expenses due to over reserving. Our next meeting is on April 28 at Weekdays at the Genesee County Skill Center on Torrey Rd, just south of Maple. The Michigan Chapters of the Buick Club of America meeting on Saturday, March 13, and was very well received by all. See synopsis in this newsletter. Attendees were sent minutes via snail / email, if you would like a copy, please let me know and I will send to you. A spring tour will be held on Saturday, May 8, hosted by Marge, Ed McQuigg, and I. More information is in this Crier. There a few other things we are working on Meadowbrook Theatre, Neil Sedaka’s “Breaking Up is Hard to Do” Fridays April 23, 30 and May 7, 14. They want the old cars from 6:30-7:30 PM, and then you get to see the musical for free. We will go as a group on April 23, if that is not convenient and you would like to go one of the other Fridays, please find some friends and let Marge know. We need names, address, phone and email for confirmation from Meadowbrook by April 13th. Ladies night on May 26, at Holy Redeemer, will be $17 each, more info coming soon! See calendar for additional events. For now, please be safe and have fun with your Buicks, see you soon! Roberta Page 6 Coming Events April 10 18 23 28 MCC SLBC body shop open house AACA Swap Meet, Suski Buick Meadowbrook Theatre Classic Car Show Buicktown Monthly Meeting, GASC Weekdays May 6 Buick Salaried Retirees Luncheon Gateway Center Doc Watson “50 years and still shifting gears” 8 Spring Tour hosted by Ed & Marge McQuigg 9 Mother’s Day 21-23 20th Annual Buick Race Day at Norwalk 26 Buicktown Monthly Meeting, Ladies Night, TBD 30 Emannuel B C Memorial Day Hot Dog Car Show June 19 20 23 26-27 Jim Heiser Cancer Benefit Durand Eagles Father’s Day Buicktown Potluck Meeting Swartz Creek Park Sloan Museum Auto Fair, Flint Cultural Center July 4 9-10 Independence Day 28th Annual Arthritis Foundation Auto Show Dublin, OH 11 United Way Cruise and Car Show 28 Buicktown Potluck Meeting Vintner’s Winery 27-31 2010 BCA National Meet Ames, IA 30-1 Buick Performance Group National Meet, Hebron, OH August 17-21 Back to the Bricks, Flint, MI 25 Buicktown Potluck Meeting, TBD 26-28 The 2010 Great Lakes Regional Meet hosted by Central Ohio Chapter in Dublin, OH 28 Abbey Park Car Show September 5 11 22 Emannuel B C Labor Day Pancake Car Show Michigan Buick Bash Turkeyville Buicktown Monthly Meeting, TBD 3 27 15th Annual Swap Meet, Patsy Lou Buick-GMC Buicktown Monthly Meeting, TBD 17 25 Buicktown Monthly Meeting, TBD Thanksgiving October November December 5 25 Buicktown Monthly Meeting, Fenton Farms, Merry Christmas Page 7 REGULAR MONTHLY MEETING MAY 26, 2010 LADIES NIGHT Holy Redeemer Family Life Center 1227 Bristol Rd Burton, MI 6:00 pm Social Hour 7:00 pm Dinner $17 Catered by Italia Gardens 8:00 pm Meeting / Entertainment Please RSVP call Marge at (810) 655-4824 Page 8 SPRING TOUR PLANS Buicktown has been invited by the Millington-Abela Historical Society to visit their new museum and quaint town. Mel and Pam Conway along with Clayton and Linda Betzing will be our hosts in the village. They promise us fun, shopping and a few surprises! And a great lunch (order off the menu)! Our first stop will be at the museum with coffee and donuts. They will give us a map of the village. The stores include a florist, homemade candy shop, quilt shop and a number of antique shops. There is also a discount store with a dollar corner. If the guys get bored, the Millington Inn (this is where we will have lunch) has a pool table and refreshments. This promises to be a fun day with a finish at the “Curly Cone” for ice cream. The date is May 8th starting out at Flag City Diner. Be there early if you want breakfast (8:00AM). Be sure to look around the restaurant. We will leave at 9:00 AM sharp! So, please join Roberta, Ed and I for the touring part, and we will try not to get you lost! Don’t forget the CB radios!!!!! Please contact Roberta (810-655-8277) or Marge or Ed at (810-655-4824) or sign up at the next meeting. Jerry Whitney Auto Body Repair & Painting Technology, Mott Community College I teach in the Auto Body & Painting program at Mott Community College. I also have developed two restoration-customizing courses that are currently offered at the Southern Lakes Branch Campus. Your Buicktown Chapter has been very generous in supporting the Auto Body # 215, Body Restoration (metal forming) course. The course is offered for the first time this semester and is filled to maximum capacity. We recently assembled a box-finger brake and a slip roll machine purchased by the Buicktown Chapter donation. I placed plaques (Buicktown logo) on both machines this week acknowledging donation by the Chapter. Mott is currently taking bids for several other pieces of metal forming equipment to be used in the class. I hope to have a Fournier Enterprises Mark II Workstation on the floor in the near future. The unit contains English Wheel, shrinker-stretcher, lead shot hammer forming, and shaping head stations. I have another Buicktown Chapter plaque that I will attach to the machine when it arrives. I have printed the Instruction Manual for each piece of equipment for distribution to the students. I have added to the front page that the equipment is a donation from the Buicktown Chapter, Buick Club of America. The financial assistance from the Buicktown Chapter has been critical in getting the course off the ground and running. The Buicktown Chapter has also donated funding to sponsor student interns at the Buick Gallery Restoration shop at the Sloan Museum. Each auto body-automotive student intern will work with Greg Keller, shop supervisor, eight hours each week during our fifteen week semester. Students must be advanced level students and full-time, majoring in the automotive field. Greg Keller is very pleased for the additional help with the 53 Skylark Convertible. The Buicktown funding will sponsor one intern each semester (no repeats) for a total of six semesters. A solid long term commitment. I received a report today from Greg that he is very pleased with the Mott intern this semester, Brandon Bisbey. A visit for Buicktown members has been arranged for April 10. The Auto Body Program is located at the Southern Lakes Branch on Thompson Rd, east of US-23. I will gladly give a tour of our facilities and give you the opportunity to examine the metal forming equipment that the Chapter has provided. I plan to have students in the labs during the visit. A quiet lab is not nearly as interesting as seeing and talking with students and checking out their projects. I will also arrange that your Buicktown Sloan intern, Brandon Bisbey, be available for a "meet and greet" that day Please feel free to email me with any concerns or questions regarding our program, internships, equipment, etc. Thank you again for your continuing support of our automotive programs and students. Jerry Whitney jerry.whitney@mcc.edu Page 9 Attention Buicktowners!! An invitation to visit MCC’s Autobody Laboratory ٠Spend a Saturday Morning at the SLBC shop facility ٠See students, classrooms and lab equipment in action ٠Learn about the technology applied in modern body repair ٠Hear how Buicktown’s funds are making a difference ٠Learn of future plans for customization and restoration Our Hosts: Jerry Whitney, Instructor, Autobody Technology Brandon Bisbey, Buicktown Intern Larry Sherman and Jim Beal, Buicktown Student Liaison Saturday, April 10, 2010 10:00 AM to 12:00 noon MCC’s Southern Lakes Branch Campus 2100 West Thompson Rd. Fenton, MI RSVP? Not mandatory as no food will be served. Jerry will have coffee and donuts to start the tour. As a courtesy, call Larry or Jim for a headcount. If we have a large turnout, some parking assistance is prudent. It is important if you want to eat afterward as a group. Safety: Bring safety glasses if you have them. Remember, students will be working on their projects. Eye protection is required. The Mott College SLBC facility is easy to find. Take US23 to Thompson Rd. Exit and go East. Cross Torrey Rd and continue about a mile or so. The facility is located on the North side of the road. Go into the parking lot and continue straight back. Drive through the chain link gates. Parking is straight ahead or to the right and along the fence. Our meeting will start in the large brick administration / classroom building on your right, the back entrance is easily seen. (The building on the left is the laboratory, don't go in there without an escort.) Go into the back entrance of the administration building and take the first door to the left, enter a large room with tables, chairs and vending machines. This room is where we will begin and end the visit. If the group would like to find a restaurant, after the tour, we suggest you do call in and we'll tally for a rough headcount. We can check out some nearby restaurants in advance to see if they can handle our group. It is time to put that ole Buick back on the highway. Remember, this is about the training for our future restoration personnel. See you there. Page 10 Page 11 Assistant Director’s Note Spring has sprung, finally, we can get the Buicks out and enjoy some fun times 55 members enjoyed a great meal at Fenton Farms for our meeting in March. Our April meeting is on the 28th, at Weekdays at the Skill Center on Torrey Road in Flint. Terry Dunham of the Buick Heritage Alliance will be our guest speaker. The meal will consist of baked chicken and roast beef for $15.50. Please call me to confirm your attendance by April 23rd. My telephone number is 810-655-4824, and cell phone is 810-938-9494, if I don’t answer, please leave a message. On May 26th, Ladies Night will be at Holy Redeemer Family Life Center, on Bristol Rd, will be catered by Italia Gardens. The cost will be $17 person. Please let me know by May 21st if you will be attending. Thanks. Let’s have fun, driving, eating and enjoying our Friendships! Your Assistant Director, Marge McQuigg #9 Fall Cruise to Hell. Page 12 Del and Bobbie Cutter’s 1955 Roadmaster 4 door sedan One of the most familiar Buicks on the Buicktown Chapter tours and events is Del and Bobbie Cutter’s 1955 Roadmaster. Del acquired this North Dakota 4 door sedan from former club member Jerry McNabb in 1984. Born and raised in Durand, Del married high school sweetheart Bobbie. Worthington in 1952. Del worked at Buick as a skillful tool designer until he retired in 1988 after 31 years of service Besides being a talented musician, Del had an uncanny knack to learn and then utilize his knowledge. He was proficient on his home computer long before most us had any idea of what a “Mac” or a “PC” was. His main passions were family first, Buick automobiles (Buick Roadmasters were favored), golf, and wood working especially carving. He had so many irons in the fire it was a wonder he had time to eat and sleep. Del rebuilt the powerful Buick V8 engine and had Bob Bonk, a fellow chapter member that recently moved from Millington to Florida, paint the body Nile Green and the top Spruce Green. Del replaced the “Chrysler” interior to original 1955 Buick factory standards. The seating in this beautiful automobile rivals the most exquisite parlor furniture. W i t h safety and ride quality his prime priority Del outfitted the Roadmaster with wide whitewall radial tires. He has been quoted as saying, “I can let go of the steering wheel and it goes straight down the highway”. Page 13 Del and Bobbie have driven their Roadmaster all over the Country and Canada with the Buick Driving Enthusiasts, BCA National Meets, after tours and chapter cruises. He recalled checking out a 1927 two door sedan on a trailer in the swap meet area at the 1997 BCA Nationals in St. Louis Missouri. The seller thought he had a hot prospect but Del just wanted to verify the accuracy of a wood model he had carved. Del has carved several model cars for his Buick Club friends using photographs and personal measurements. One of his favorite creations was the famous Flintstone car. It would take about three months to complete one of his projects. He has won many awards and ribbons for his artistically carved wooden models. Del loved being on the golf course with family and friends several times each week during the season. He gladly shared his affection for the pastime giving tips and advise. (But not while playing on the course.) Del and Bobbie have been special members of the Buicktown family since joining in 1979. They were some of the most active members of the Buicktown Chapter. Del served as editor and in many appointed positions over the years and elected Director for 1985 and 1996. Del was honored for his outstanding service to the chapter with the Joe Taubitz Award in 1991. Bobbie one of the best salespersons in the chapter probably sold more Buick and club stuff than most of the other members combined. Bobbie was elected Member at Large for 2001 and 2002. Del recently lost his long battle with cancer. The chapter will long remember and miss him. Page 14 the editor says I hope you enjoy this issue of the Crier. Your suggestions for improvement are always appreciated. Be sure to read the important words of your Officers and Chairpersons. They are making plans to help you enjoy your Buick throughout the cruising season. Have fun driving safe Editor, Bob Gorski #8 Emmanuel Baptist Church Memorial Day Cruise Page 15 Based out of Grand Blanc, MI Certified stated value insurance appraisals Numbers matching and date coding service Former sub-contract adjuster For Hagerty and JC Taylor Jason Phillips, owner (810) 694-2008 Page 16 1. 2. 2. 3. 4. 5. 9. 10. 11. 14. 16. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 24. 25. 26. 29. 30. 31. Don Young Karin Cloutier Kathi Waite Clare Barcome Leonard Callard Nancy Briggs Jackie Peterman Jerry Beaty LaVerne Johnson Melvin Conway Vickie Gale Deborah O’Hara-Welby Al LaBrecque Chris Evert Robert Leets Brian Kitchen Donald Gale Richard Martin Christine Heil Deianna Bower Dodie Barcome Roberta Vasilow Jenny Dutrizac Susan Hilgris Lawrence Gustin Dan Bower Vera Halka John Root Ronald Eason Page 17 #7 Spring Cruise to StoneGate 3. 6. 11. 12. 17. 21. 25. 26. 27. James & Delores Rolfe Ronald & Susan Specht Robert & Nancy Gorski Ron & Gail Woods Gary & Debbie Minch Robert & Mary Ann Hadley James & Carole Baliko Duane & Jo Ann Hilliker Wayne Walters Larry & Joyce Schramm Page 18 All Michigan BCA Chapters Meeting On Saturday March13, 2010 the BuickTown chapter of the BCA hosted a meeting of the Michigan BCA chapters at the Buick Gallery. Members from BuickTown, Central Michigan, Southeast Michigan, West Michigan and the Reatta Division were represented. Unfortunately the Great Lakes Division representative was unable to attend. Many subjects were reviewed such as the Buick Bash, membership, judging, newsletters, the IRS reporting situation and the recent increase in the BCA annual dues were discussed. It was apparent that the Michigan chapters preferred non judged events and there was disappointment in the BCA because of their lack of support in providing leadership in the IRS situa- tion. The negative impact on recruiting when a chapter has annual dues of only $10.00 or $20.00 but there is a $50.00 BCA requirement was also discussed. It was agreed that the all Michigan BCA chapter meetings were beneficial and an attempt would be made to continue them on a quarterly basis. Bob and Bentley Page 19 SOCIAL COMMITTEE B&B BOAT COMPANY Get Well Cards were sent to Bob Bonk, Carol Fitchett Sympathy cards, Get well cards, Glad you’re well cards, etc. are sent to members and families for the well being of the Chapter. 3472 N. GENESEE RD. FLINT, MI 48506 1/4 MILE N. OF RICHFIELD RD. 810 736-4110 OPEN 6 DAYS Please notify the Social Committee if you are aware of any situation needing our consideration. ARCTIC CAT Gary and Debbie Minch MerCruiser MON-FRI 9:30 - 5:30 EVINRUDE SAT 9:30 - 12:30 (810) 653 1967 SALES SERVICE PARTS PS Any appropriate unused cards would be POWER BOATS appreciated by this committee. Please bring to any chapter meeting or event. HEATED SHOWROOM MARINE ACCESSORIES Social Committee Chairpersons RINKER #6 All three summer pot lucks. June meeting hosted by Larry and Suzanne Sherman July meeting hosted by Jim and Diana Heiser August meeting hosted by Ken and Charlene Ferguson Page 20 Bill Lamb Veteran broadcaster DJ spins story of Flint, Buick and factory workers Bill Lamb hosted a radio show dedicated to Buick factory workers called "The Factory Whistle" for 26 years. His children convinced him to share the stories he collected during his career in a book. His book "Buick, The Factory Whistle & Me!" is available at area Buick dealers, the book store at the Sloan Museum, or by calling Bill at (810) 694-1421 for an autographed copy. The Original Hot Rodder written by Kathy A. Ridley 250-page soft cover book about Bill Waddill and the Genesee Gear Grinders with over 550 photographs in black and white and color of vintage and early hot rodding in Michigan and the Flint area A signed copy of the book is available from the author by emailing krandart@comcast.net or calling 810-635-3168. The book is also available from Art Ridley at the Patsy Lou Buick-GMC 5111 Corunna Road Flint. The book may also be purchased at the Sloan Museum book store. The cost of the book is only $29 if purchased directly or $34 if purchased by mail. David Buick’s Marvelous Motor Car written by Lawrence R. Gustin published by the Buick Gallery and Research Center Alfred P. Sloan Museum The book is available from the Sloan Museum (810) 237-3450 www.sloanmuseum.org (regular edition $30, leather bound $55 Incl. postage & handling) manuscripts of William C. Durant Richard P. Scharchburg was instrumental in the establishment of The Kettering/GMI Alumni Foundation Collection of Industrial History in 1974. Upon his death in 2000, the collection was renamed in his honor. Scharchburg dedicated his life's work to automotive history. In recognition of General Motor's 100th Anniversary the Scharchurg Archives has published the previously unpublished and unedited manuscripts of William C. Durant, founder of General Motors from our collection. These writings cover Durant's experiences in the vehicle industry starting with the Flint Road Cart Company in 1886 and includes photos from the Durant Collection. The book may be obtained at the Archives with a donation of $20.00 during normal business hours. It may be obtained through the mail by sending a check for $22.00 which includes shipping and handling ( payable to Kettering University ) to: Kettering University Archives, 1700 W. Third Ave, Flint, MI 48504. Page 21 Spare Parts Wow what a year 2010 is turning out to be. Earthquakes, tsunamis, snow storms, wind, torrential rains, floods, tornadoes and cold weather to name just a few. The car auctions in Scottsdale, Arizona were hit with strong winds that blew down some of the tents and damaged over 100 cars as well as injuring some people. How would you like to put all the time, money and effort to bring a car to Scottsdale and have it damaged when a tent blew down? Agnes and I were in Florida in March and the temperature was 20 degrees below normal. We didn't get much beach time but the Florida strawberries were just getting ripe (two months late) and they were delicious. I can't wait for summer to see what that will bring. Over the years I have developed a hypotheses that there is only a finite amount of intelligence available in the world and as the population increases the IQ of the citizenry decreases because there is less intelligence to go around. I recently read two articles that add credence to my hypothesis. The first was from Miami where devotees of a man who claims to practice a traditional African religion became violently ill, lost weight and developed strange lumps in their stomachs after consuming snail mucus that was used in healing ceremonies. What would you expect to happen after drinking snail mucus? The second article I found is from New Zealand where someone paid $1,983 for two glass vials that supposedly contained the ghosts of two dead people. The seller said there was no problem because the stoppered vials were dipped in holy water which deadens the energy of the spirits. Somebody has been watching way too many Harry Potter movies. Progress is being made on the 1953 Skylark at the Buick Gallery. If you get a chance stop by on a Wednesday and view the progress and talk to the guys who have been donating their time to make this dream come true. The chassis is done and the body is fast moving towards completion. Will it be done by the June Sloan Summer Car fair? Probably not, but it is amazing how much work has been accomplished and how much is left to do. That' all for now. Bob and Bentley Assistant Editors Page 22 Michigan Bill Would Increase Fees for Historic Vehicles Legislation (H.B. 5897) introduced in the Michigan legislature threatens to change the $30 registration fee for historic motor vehicles (renewable every fifteen years) to an annual fee. Under current Michigan law, the owner of an historic vehicle may also choose to use restored authentic Michigan plates from the same year as the vehicle’s model year for a one-time fee of $35. H.B. 5897 would increase that one-time fee as well, to an annual registration fee of $30. Under the bill, each of the registrations would come up for renewal every year on the vehicle owner’s birthday. We Urge You to Contact Members of the Michigan House Transportation Committee (List Below) Immediately to Request Their Opposition to H.B. 5897 Currently, the owner of an historic vehicle applying for an historic registration pays a $30 fee which is valid for fifteen (15) years. Currently, the owner of an historic vehicle applying to use an authentic restored Michigan registration plate pays a “onetime” $35 fee which is valid until the owner sells, transfers, or scraps the vehicle or modifies the vehicle in a manner that requires the issuance of a new title. H.B. 5897 ignores the fact that these older cars are infrequently driven (about one-third the miles each year as a new vehicle) second or third vehicles and deserving of reduced registration fees. H.B. 5897 ignores the fact that many historic vehicles are owned and maintained by low and fixed income Americans who are less able to afford a higher, annual fee. DON’T DELAY! Please contact members of the Michigan House Transportation Committee immediately by e-mail to request their opposition to H.B. 5897. Please e-mail a copy of your letter to Steve McDonald atstevem@sema.org. Thank you for your assistance. Michigan House Transportation Committee Representative Pam Byrnes - Chair Phone: 517/373-0828 Email: pambyrnes@house.mi.gov Representative Harold Haugh Phone: 517-373-0854 Email: HaroldHaugh@house.mi.gov Representative Andrew Kandrevas - Majority Vice Chair Phone: 517/373-0845 Email: AndrewKandrevas@house.mi.gov Representative Gabe Leland Phone: 517-373-6990 Email: gabeleland@house.mi.gov Representative Paul Opsommer - Minority Vice Chair Phone: 517/373-1778 Email: paulopsommer@house.mi.gov Representative Judy Nerat Phone: 517-373-0156 Email: JudyNerat@house.mi.gov Representative Marie Donigan Phone: 517/373-3818 Email: mariedonigan@house.mi.gov Representative Roy Schmidt Phone: 517-373-0822 Email: RoySchmidt@house.mi.gov Representative Douglas Geiss Phone: 517-373-0852 Email: DouglasGeiss@house.mi.gov Representative Coleman Young II Phone: 517-373-1008 Email: colemanayoungii@house.mi.gov Representative Martin Griffin Phone: 517-373-1795 Email: martingriffin@house.mi.gov Representative James Bolger Phone: 517-373-1787 Email: JamesBolger@house.mi.gov Page 23 Representative Larry DeShazor Phone: 517-373-1774 Email: LarryDeShazor@house.mi.gov Representative Marty Knollenberg Phone: 517-373-1783 Email: martyknollenberg@house.mi.gov Representative Tom Pearce Phone: 517-373-0218 Email: tompearce@house.mi.gov Representative Wayne Schmidt Phone: 517-373-1766 Email: WayneSchmidt@house.mi.gov Representative Paul Scott Phone: 517-373-1780 Email: PaulScott@house.mi.gov Page 24 FEBRUARY BUICKTOWN CHAPTER MEETING ELPOTRERO MEXICAN RESTAURANT After the usual social hour and dining on authentic Mexican cuisine Director Roberta Vasilow called the meeting to order at 7:45 pm. Member at Large, Jerry Walker announced three members forgot their name tags. Jerry read the February birthdays and Jim Beal led us in singing “Happy Birthday”. Secretary, Suzanne Sherman, read a concise version of November and December 2009 minutes. Roberta Vasilow read the Treasurers report for Dan Emerton. Assistant Director, Marge McQuigg reported next meetings: March, Fenton Farms, $15 per person, April, Skill Center, $15.50 per person, May, Ladies Night at Holy Redeemer Family Center, $17 per person, catered by Italian Garden.(bring your own bottle) Sign up sheets: Marge circula ted sign-u p sheets for March, April, and May meetings for the purpose of ordering food. If you sign up and later cannot attend, please call Marge. Summer Picnic for June hosted by Howard and Carol Zimmerman at Swartz Creek Park pavilion, a quarter mile north of Miller on Elms. (Public park so no alcohol) July potluck hosted by Larry and Suzanne Sherman at Vintner’s Winery, off Bristol Road at I-475. The August picnic will be hosted by Roberta Vasilow. The September meeting will be a box lunch at the Gallery. The last three months are still being planned. Social Committee, Debbie and Gary Minch, announced that there were fifty-two (52) members present. Sixteen get-well and “concerned” cards were sent, as well as six (6) sympathy cards, including members Del Cutter and Judy Rousseau. Reports on M-Flint and MCC Interns were presented by Larry and Suzanne Sherman. Larry reported that Brandon Bisbey, the Mott Intern, is very enthusiastic and has experience in car restoration. Suzanne said the new M-Flint intern is Rachel McNinch. She is a senior in the History Department at the University of Michigan-Flint. The staff at the gallery was amazed at how fast she was working and how much she had accomplished already. Both interns will attend our March meeting. Page 25 OLD BUSINESS: Roger Tyyska, updating the Tax Issue, reported that he, Roberta and Dan had met with a CPA from the firm of Lewis and Knopf. Of main concern was our income from swap meets and advertising in the Crier. Subsequently, the Chapter has received a letter of do’s and don’ts. We continue as a 501©7, as a subsidiary of our parent group, the BCA. Dan and Roberta must file a short form tax report. Concerns: We may pool our monies to have a good time. On outside funds, we must pay taxes, if the amount is over 35% of our gross assets. Bob Gorski must monitor income from the advertising. NEW BUSINESS: Roger Tyyska announced Buicktown will host a Michigan BCA Chapters Meeting at the Gallery, Saturday, March 13, Noon tour, meeting at 1:30. Cookies and coffee will be served. To be discussed: publications, coordination of calendars, BCA. OPEN MIKE: Bob Neumann stated that he is retired from Genesee County and arranged for Roger Tyyska to speak at one of their retiree meetings. He praised Roger’s speaking ability and encouraged anyone who needs a speaker to call Roger. Roger said that he has been contacted by Ron Stebbins, coordinator of Great Lakes Region in Cleveland, who wants to attend one of our meetings. It was suggested that he be invited to the March 13 meeting at the Gallery. 50/50 Jim and Jackie Beal distributed cash winnings to Dalton Rolfe, Roberta Vasilow, and Bill Smith. Bobbie Cutter won an apron that Jackie had decorated with the Buick shield (upside down). Bill Renico won a Jeff Gordon tin. Mugs were won by Carol Zimmerman, Marge McQuigg, Roger Tyyska, Gil Mervis and Jim Aseltine. A model of a 1953 Cadillac was won by Ed McQuigg. Respectfully submitted, Suzanne Sherman Page 26 Page 27 STUDENT INTERN UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN FLINT Our intern this semester from M-Flint History Department is Rachel McNinch. She is a senior in Secondary Education. Her minor concentration is in Communication, enabling her to be active in the Theater Department. Rachel comes by her interest in History and performance from her Father who is a professional singer/storyteller. She sang with him when she was younger. She particularly remembers a song by Woody Guthrie about a strike in the mines in Calumet, Michigan, that so impressed her that she wrote a lengthy paper about it last year. The staff at the Sloan Gallery is impressed with how quickly she works. Rachel rearranged our Buicktown material in the computer so that it will be easier for us to access. I think she enjoys working in the archives. I heard her say, "Will you look at this!" Suzanne Sherman, Student Program Liaison #5 Sloan Auto Fair Page 28 RESERVATION REMINDERS for MEALS 1. Call the Activities Director by the 2nd week of the month and make your reservation. 2. Cancellations are accepted no later than the 3rd Friday of the month. Sorry, if a reservation was made but not cancelled, you may receive a due bill, as necessary. 3. Members are encouraged to attend all meetings! Purchase of a meal is not a requirement. Depending upon the circumstances, you may be able to purchase a beverage and sit in with the group during dining. 4. Last minute requests for a meal may be possible. Please call the Activities Director ASAP. Unavoidable cancellations of others may be matched to your request and benefit both parties. No guarantees but you may be lucky! ___________________________________________ When Buicktown makes a contract with a food service company / restaurant: Your RSVP is necessary for accurate commitments to the food service company. Timely cancellation avoids needless payment by you. There is no “cushion” in meal pricing to cover errors or losses. A contract made is a contract to be paid! #4 Michigan Buick Bash at the Gilmore Museum Page 29 Looking for Clean, Safe, Secure CLASSIC CAR STORAGE??? 24 hour alarm Accessible to expressways $50 Per Month On site Management by: Terry Hanson BCA #05897 WELCOME NEW MEMBER Gary Rimer Farmington Hills, MI Sponsored by Roberta Vasilow 2540 South Grand Traverse Flint, MI 48503 (810) 767-2500 (Office) (810) 423-3330 (Cell) Mini Storage also available 1965 Electra 4dr HT 1965 LeSabre 2dr HT 1983 Riviera Coupe Page 30 Page 31 ECHOES FROM THE WHEEL · ROOM AT THE HOTEL DURANT Imagination is the true magic carpet. Instead of thinking about the problem, think of an answer. If the opportunity doesn't knock, build a door. If you are not lighting any candles, don't complain about the dark. Photo Courtesy of Kettering University Archives 1702 DAVISON ROAD—FLINT, MI (2 BLKS WEST OF FRANKLIN AVE.) 810-238-9601 ALL WORK GUARANTEED INSURANCE CLAIMS HONORED WINDOW GLO GLASS CLEANER AUTO GLASS REPLACEMENT GLASS CUT TO PATTERNS FOR ANTIQUE CAR -ALSOSTORM WINDOWS, SCREENS REPAIRED MIRRORS—TABLE TOP GLASS LOIS JENSEN, RETIRED MEMBER: BUICKTOWN CHAPTER, B C A, & BUICK DRIVING ENTHUSIASTS BARRY JENSEN OWNER Page 32 EVERY DAY IS SOMETHING SPECIAL AT SHAP’S B U I C K T O W N U I C K T O W N 10% Discount for Buicktown Members with Ad While you are sitting out on your patio enjoying some leisure in the late Summer or early Fall sunshine, try your skill at putting “Buicktown” in each row and each column and each of the nine minisquares. The solution, to getting “Buicktown” to all four corners or everywhere it should be, will in next month’s Crier with another brainteaser. W T O C B B U N C W W B N O O U U C T C N I Page 33 Automotive art in its many forms reflects the interest and passion for the dynamic automotive world. We seek to further this excitement by commissioning original works, offering exclusive products and providing high-quality reproductions. Motorcities Dreamakers presents a dynamic and constantly evolving environment featuring an extensive collection of some of the most creative, innovative, and collectible automotive artists and their works. These works are available in a number of various editions - from limited-edition offset lithography prints to the most current digital process reproductions. Let us fill your corporate boardroom, office, lobby or personal workspace with a custom work that will enhance your prestige for years. Whether you're a racing team member, a shade tree mechanic, or an automotive enthusiast, we have the finest in automotive and racing memorabilia in a convenient and secure online shopping environment. We represent the most creative, innovative and collectible artists and product lines in the automotive art industry and the Motorcities Dreamakers e-commerce website is an important aspect towards our continued efforts. A truly versatile site, www.Motorcities Dreamakers.com allows customers to browse our gallery and features online shopping, membership benefits and special promotions; additionally, each month we highlight an artist or selected works in our collection. The gallery's main hall, an ideal setting for a variety of events and private and select viewings, is located on S. Saginaw St. in Grand Blanc, Michigan. We're here to make your experience enjoyable and effortless; if there is anything we can do to serve you better, please contact us by calling (810) 695-9200. The Motorcities Dreamakers Team Page 34 June 26 & 27, 2010 We are ready for another great Sloan Museum Auto Fair, number 38! The event will be Saturday, June 26 and Sunday, June 27. There are three awards, Best Original Vehicle, Best Original Restored Vehicle and Best Modified Vehicle. Of course, we also will have awards for the Top 75 vehicles. The Car Cruise will be on Saturday June 26 at 5:00pm from Sloan Museum to The Hot Dog Stand in Grand Blanc. There are no events on Friday night. For more information visit SloanAutoFair.com or call 810.237.3450. Fundraisers like this help to ensure quality programming, and that our history is preserved for, Genesee County residents. Our committee members and volunteers are committed to making the 2010 show the best one yet. Each year we are getting bigger and better thanks to you, show participants, and visitors alike. Things have changed since that first show and we will continue to change to keep the show exciting and fresh. Our Feature Car exhibit, World of Sports Cars, will have some really special cars this year. Among the cars featured are 1948 Allard K-1, Shelby Cobra race car, Pantera Detomaso, Jaguar and more. The goal of the Sloan Museum Auto Fair, our reason for being, is to raise funds to support the restoration and maintenance of the Sloan Museum’s important collection of vehicles and automobile archives. Among the vehicles restored and maintained are the WWII Hellcat Tank Destroyer, the Flint Built circa 1950 Palace Coach, the 1954 Buick Wildcat, and 1955 Chevrolet Bel-Air. All these and more, are on display during the Sloan Museum Auto Fair at NO ADDITIONAL COST to the participants and visitors. If you would like to join our committee, to help plan the 38th Annual Sloan Museum Auto Fair, we meet on the first Wednesday of the month, 6:30 pm, in the Buick Automotive Gallery, located on the corner of Robert T. Longway Blvd. and Walnut Street on the campus of the Flint Cultural Center. If you would like to volunteer three hours or more to help at the show, call 810793-6358 or e-mail Volunteer@SloanAutoFair.com. Page 35 10% Discount for Buicktown Chapter Members with Ad ARROW AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY INC SEALED POWER PLASTICOAT SPRAY PAINT HOURS MON-FRI 8-5:30 SATURDAY 8-5 (810) 239-3108 2931 E. COURT ST FLINT, MI 48506 “Service is Our Aim” NEW & REBUILT PARTS AMERICAN & FOREIGN FILTERS SHOCK ABSORBERS IGNITION PARTS RELINED BRAKE SHOES & PADS CARBURETORS STARTERS - ALTERNATORS FUEL & WATER PUMPS EXHAUST SYSTEMS SIGNAL STAT LIGHTS WIX FILTERS COMPLETE MACHINE SHOP SERVICE ROTORS & DRUMS TURNED “LET US HELP LOCATE PARTS FOR YOUR BUICK” THE CANNONEERS.... WITH HAIRY EARS.... ON WIRY WHISKERS.... USED TIN SHEARS.... UNTIL THEY FOUND.... BURMA SHAVE A SHAVE.... THAT'S REAL.... NO CUTS TO HEAL.... A SOOTHING.... VELVET AFTER-FEEL.... BURMA SHAVE THE TUBE'S... A WHOPPER.... 35 CENTS.... EASY SHAVING.... LOW EXPENSE.... BURMA SHAVE Page 36 #3 Golden Memories Flint Cultural Center Page 37 MEMBERSHIP UPDATE Happy Spring to ALL! Members are still sending in 2010 renewals but is at a slow pace. As I write this (March 30) the total memberships we have are 161 with 295 members. I still have 34 Buicktowners that have yet to send me anything. Things will pick up as we get our cars out again and enjoy our hobby. My 56 Roadmaster is going to Dales Auto Service on Lapeer Road tomorrow to have new Springs and front suspension installed. A few others items need work but I should be good to go by Easter. I'm anxious to experience the difference this will make in the ride. I'll keep you posted on the improvement. Enough for now. Go start your car! Drive Safely, Jim MacLean, Buicktown Membership Chairman Jim MacLean with his first car Thanks for visiting The Hot Dog Stand! Home of the “Original” Red Sauce What is the history of the “Original Red Sauce”? My grandparent’s Ellsworth and Aileen Moore were involved in the A&W business when they came to Flint in 1935 and opened the city’s first A&W. My Grandfather had never cared for the taste of ketchup, so my Grandmother came up with a homemade ketchup recipe better suited to his taste. It has been used ever since in our restaurants. My Grandfather and Father in 1964 built the Hot Dog Stand in Grand Blanc that my family currently operates. Our family also had the A&W in downtown Flint, on Beech Street, that was in our family for over 50 years. The A&W name may be gone, but our restaurant still uses the original recipe that has been in our family businesses for the last 70 years. The “Original Red Sauce” is only available at the Hot Dog Stand in Grand Blanc. - Rhonda Moore The Hot Dog Stand ~ 11338 S. Saginaw St.. Grand Blanc, MI ~ 810.695.7597 Page 38 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Classified Ads are free to members of the Buicktown Chapter and run for 3 consecutive months. Ads must be to the Editor by the 15th of the month prior to the month in which the ad will run. BUICKS FOR SALE 1 9 2 4 Touring excell e n t condit i o n , drives and runs great. $25,000 obo Ted (810)577-8080 2 1930 40 series 2 dr sedan No radiator and in pieces. Dave (248) 379-4233 Holley 2 1941 Sedanett 42k orig cond $20,000 Jim Aseltine (810) 6267706 2 1961 Skylark 2 dr HT 215 4bbl engine automatic trans Bruce Granger (810)869-4876 3 1983 Riviera convertible Firemist / white top, 62k, 307 V8, new parts, all service records, $9500, (810)629-7062 1 1990 Reatta red coupe, nice, everything works, $3500 obo (810)8694148 1 1991 Reatta coupe, black & tan, sun roof, $3500 complete car or part out Bob (810)655-4202 (for your parts needs) 3 1998 Park Avenue 179k $2200/obo loaded, leather int Bryan (810) 610-3286 3 BUICK STUFF FOR SALE Barn full of Buick junk, engine parts, etc Joe (810)655-8988 3 Snow Tires 235/75/15 Buick wheels, 5 on 5, painted Black, Good Tread Jim (810)735-1928 Linden 3 Misc ‘65 401 Riviera parts Ron (810)694-8156 3 1989-90 Reatta parts Marshall (810)513-7004 3 FOR SALE Joiner-planner & band McQuigg (810)655-4824 saw 3 Ed WANTED 1970 TSB TH400 Ron (810)694-8156 3 Used Tow Dolly Brian Heil, BTHLodger@aol.com (810)869-1543 2 Page 39 #2 Ladies Night at Buick Local #599. Page 40 We have a lot to report this month so let’s get with it. If you did not make it to this year’s ‘Autorama’ at Cobo Hall in Detroit, you missed a great show. Like last year, your ‘Back to the Bricks’ committee along with the ‘Bikes on the Bricks’ and the SloanMuseum’s ‘Summer Auto Fair’ joined forces to create a ‘Back to the Bricks’ cruise scene that featured a brick street complete With the Arches, street signs, stop signs, a traffic signal, park benches, the Flint Journal Newspaper boxes and more. The display had four feature cars that consisted of a 1934 Tudor Ford street rod, a 1958 red tri-power Chevorlet convertible, a 1962 resto-mod Corvette and a 1986 ultra rare Buick Century Grand Sport and along with the cars were three customs motorcycles and a 1947 Flint Police three-wheel service motorcycle. As the booth goes, all four cars were entered for competition and one of the custom Motorcycles were entered for judging. We are extremely proud to announce that all five vehicles won either a first place (’62 Vette and custom motorcycle, one second place (’86 Buick) and two third place winners (’34 Ford and ’58 Chevy); but that’s not all, the display won ‘Most Outstanding’ award of the show. Last year our booth brought home five awards and this year we topped that by bringing home six awards! We passed out over 15,000 pieces of literature this year and resulted in running out of Literature early Sunday afternoon of the show. That effort also topped last year’s effort by 1,000 pieces of ‘B2B’ literature. For all who stopped by to say ‘hi’ we thank each of you and for all who volunteered their time and effort, ‘THANK YOU’. Page 41 As it stands right now, we have a waiting list from about ten car clubs who are looking for reserve parking. As you may suspect, reserved club parking is extremely tight. If your car club has a reserved side street or parking lot, you need to make sure that it is fully utilized. After 10AM on Saturday morning, if your area is not filled with your club member’s cars, we will use all unfilled parking spots for general show parking. With that said, make sure your club members don’t decide to sleep in on Saturday morning because if they do, there might be a good chance they may have to park their cars several blocks away from their fellow club members cars. Well that’s it for this month. It’s getting warm out and I suspect all of us are starting to turn our attention to detailing our ‘gems’. To a ‘Great Cruising’ season; we will see you down the road. Cordially, Al Hatch, Chairman Back to the Bricks Cruise and Car Show Page 42 Page 43 *Wine Tasting Daily *Private Wine Tastings, after hours, by appt. *Winery available for wedding and bridal showers *Book your business or club meetings *Call for info, open Monday thru Saturday 810-743-9463 *Located 475 & Bristol Rd. at 4020 Somers Dr. Burton, MI *Winery Where Wine Is Fun! *Back to the Bricks 2010 Sponsor BODY REPAIR CERTIFIED MECHANICAL CUSTOM PAINT REPAIR 2403 FENTON RD FLINT MI 48507 (810)410-4217 Page 44 AL SERRA BUICK RECOGNIZED AS THE #1 BUICK DEALERSHIP IN NORTH CENTRAL REGION FOR 2009 Buick Motor Division announced that Al Serra Buick, which is part of the Al Serra Auto Plaza, was the top selling Buick dealership in the North Central Region for 2009. Buick officials Mark Haener and Brian Erne were in Grand Blanc to present a plaque recognizing the accomplishment. “We commend Al Serra Buick for the tremendous job they did serving our Buick customers in 2009,” said Zone Manager Mark Haener. “After spending time with the Al Serra team, it’s easy to see why they are successful. Their energy and enthusiasm for our product is incredible.” In a tough economy, the Grand Blanc based dealership outsold all other Buick dealerships in the nine-state North Central Region. GM’s North Central Region covers all of Michigan, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Minnesota, North and South Dakota, Ohio and Wisconsin. While pleased with the recognition for the dealership and the award, Al Serra Auto Plaza General Manager Denny Dunfield is excited about the new challenges facing his team this year. “The most important thing to us is to continue to build good relationships with our customers and the community,” says Dunfield. “The results show we are doing a good job, but as everyone knows, there is always room for improvement. Every day we’re working to get a little bit better and serve our customers to the best of our ability. That’s our goal at Al Serra. If we have that mindset, everything else takes care of itself.” Dunfield cites the incredible Buick line up of vehicles as cause for excitement. Both the 2010 Buick LaCrosse and the 2010 Buick Enclave won Consumer Digest Best Buy Awards. And, according to Dunfield, shoppers can expect to find a big selection of both award winning vehicles in-stock at Al Serra and ready for immediate delivery. Al Serra Buick is part of the Al Serra Auto Plaza, which also includes Al Serra Chevrolet, Al Serra GMC, Al Serra Cadillac-Hummer, Honda of Grand Blanc, Kia of Grand Blanc and Nissan of Grand Blanc. All of these franchises are part of the Serra Automotive network, which currently consists of 25 dealerships across the country and employs more than 1,600 people. Contact: Denny Dunfield Al Serra Auto Plaza 810-603-1870 ddunfield@alserra.com Remember to patronize our advertisers Page 45 4068 S. Saginaw, Burton G-3383 Miller Rd., Flint 8540 Miller Rd., Swartz Creek 6939 S. Cedar, Lansing 6219 W. Saginaw Hwy., Lansing 1408 N. Saginaw, Midland 900 E. Broomfield, Mt. Pleasant 2710 Henry St., Muskegon 1090 E. Main St., Owosso 1166 US 31 North, Petoskey 3090 Bay Rd., Saginaw 5585 State Rd., Saginaw 6500 W. Pierson Rd., Flushing 400 W. Vienna, Clio INTER-CITY AUTO PARTS OPEN FOR BUSINESS AFTER DEVASTATING FIRE Working out of a temporary office the staff at “the place to go” for automobile and truck parts will do their best to provide the service you are accustomed to. Page 46 #1 Back to the Bricks. Page 47 5925 STATE ST SAGINAW 989 497-4444 TOLL FREE 1 888 GOGARBER www.gogarber.com BUICK NEWS 2011 Buick LaCrosse drops 3.0L V6, adds four-cylinder S SAGINAW ST GRAND BLANC 810 694 5600 TOLL FREE 1 888 493 8956 www.alserra.com 8700 MAIN ST BIRCH RUN 810 742-7650 TOLL FREE 1 800 856 4400 www.suskiusa.com The all-new Buick LaCrosse hasn't even been on the market for a year, but we're already seeing slight changes to the sedan's lineup. First and foremost, the 3.0-liter V6 (originally offered on CX and CXL models) has been discontinued, meaning customers who want six-pot power will have to make due with the wellreceived 3.6-liter direct-injected mill. However, all-wheel drive, which was initially only offered with the 3.0, can now be had on 3.6 CXL models. I-69 & M-15 DAVISON 810 653-1000 TOLL FREE 1 800 WALDRON www.jimwaldron.com The big update for 2011, though, is the addition of General Motors' 2.4-liter direct-injected inline-four to the LaCrosse. Available only on the base CX, the 2.4-liter mill is good for 182 horsepower and 172 pound-feet of torque, and achieves up to 30 miles per gallon on the highway. While that might sound relatively impressive, keep in mind that GM managed to squeeze 30 mpg out of the larger V6 in the Camaro, and that the Equinox CUV also trumpets a 30 mpg rating out of its four-banger, too. G5511 CORUNNA RD FLINT 810 732 7500 TOLL FREE 1 800 362 5246 www.patsylou.com Will 182 ponies and 172 pound-feet of twist be enough for the relatively large LaCrosse? Buicktown Chapter, B.C.A. Robert John Gorski, Editor 1337 Peachwood Drive Flint, Michigan 48507-5629 USA PRESORTED STANDARD U. S. POSTAGE PAID FLINT MI PERMIT NO. 172
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