bombsight - buick club los angeles
bombsight - buick club los angeles
July 12, 2010 issue BOMBSIGHT The Bombsight is published by the Los Angeles Chapter of The Buick Club of America. The Los Angeles Chapter Logo reflects who we are and what we do. Our members’ cars are used in motion picture and TV productions. D edicated to the pre servat ion and rest orat ion of the automobiles built by The Buic k Mot o r Division Steve’s Corner In past years, at this time, I have always told you about how great the annual All GM Car Show was. This year, with our editor’s help, I am going to show you the smiling faces of all the movers and shakers who helped put the show together. Don’t forget - July is the month in which we elect chapter officers. So come forth if you have political ambitions. July is also the time to renew your membership. You are supplied a membership application with this issue. Please fill it in and enclose your check. Don’t miss a Bombsight! No picture yet for our new member Mike Nelson Preston Meyer and his wife Diane have compiled the following statistics from the All GM Car Show registration. There were 367 vehicles registered including: 80 Buicks, 54 Oldsmobiles, 50 Pontiacs, 37 Cadillacs, 2 GMC trucks and 144 Chevrolets and Corvettes. In the middle of the 1960s General Motors increased the horsepower on their standard engines to appeal to a vast, new market of performance-oriented individuals. This popular “0-to-60” performance group of automobiles was represented at the show by the following: 28 Factory Muscles, 18 Hot Rods, 30 Customs. There were 19 Trucks and 15 cars categorized as Work in Progress. 2nd Place 1939 Buick Roadmaster Model 81 / Owner Erik Unthank Best of Show Buick 1929 Buick Model 44 / Owner Kevin Johnson Photo by Paula Mochel 1st place Sean Fallowfield 1953 Skylark 1st Place Richard Nomlands 1965 Riviera GS 3rd Place - Mizrrahim Morales 1936 Roadmaster 2nd Place 1st Place Jim Anderson Steven Kleinjan 1953 Skylark 1938 Estate Wagon 3rd Place - Gary Goltz 1955 Century - below 1st Place R. Unthank 1965 DeVille 1st Place Mike Terry 1959 Eldorado 2nd Place F. Burns 1961 DeVille 1st Place M. Woodward 1938 60 Special Best of Show Cadillac - below Morgan Woodward 1951 Series 62 2nd Place 1931 Town Sedan Joel Shapiro Left, above 1955 Series 62 Coupe DeVille 1966 DeVille Convertible 1931 4dr Sedan Right, above 3rd Place 1972 Eldo Wagon Terry Stiles 1949 Series 62 Sedanet 3rd Place - Steve Rostam 1959 Series 62 Convertible- below Guess who came to our All GM Car Show and brought his EcoJet?
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