Vol 8 Issue 10
Vol 8 Issue 10
Volume 8, Issue 10 Director’s Message The weather has finally dipped below 100 degrees, which can only mean one thing... It's time for a whole slew of new Buick outings!!! This Saturday, October 8th, Leroy will be hosting a license plate show at the Voyager RV park. It will feature a small car show, so just let him know if you can make it! The next day, Sunday, October 9th, will feature our annual outing to Flight Safety. We will meet at 9 am at Jerry Bob's on Valencia, then proceed to Flight Safety at 10 am. Flight Safety is located at 1071 E Aeropark Rd, just off Old Nogales Highway. For those of you who have not attended this event in the past, Howard allows the club to play on his company's multi-million dollar Learjet simulators. The realism is simply incredible! My goal is to fly underneath the Golden Gate Bridge without crashing. Or with crashing... This Tuesday's general meeting will feature Tucson's own transmission guru, Dave Sharp. Many thanks to Bob Gietl for making this presentation a reality. We will also feature pizza, so don't miss it! On a more self-centered note, my 69 Skylark finally made it's first major magazine debut! It landed a centerfold pose in the international design magazine Wallpaper, complete with a Versace clad model leaning on the trunk. I'll bring a copy to the meeting. I must say, the model's legs really bring out the curves in my Buick's design... I'll see everybody at the meeting! "Cheers" -Alex "Drinking Pabst with a glass" Volume 8 Issue 8 – August ‘05 October 2005 Editor’s Comments Hello all. Hope all is going well with you and your family. Lets get to the meat of the newsletter. We have less then a month to finish activities for the car show. Everyone needs to turn in a registration form. I want to ensure it is all set up for a smooth event this year. I am expecting to have over 75 cars this year. Make sure you hand out flyers when you see any stray Buick around town. Outings: 1) Leroy’s AZ Plate Collectors show. It is this Saturday, Oct. 8 th. We need to show our support and bring our cars to this event. Leroy even said he would buy lunch if we bring a car. I will have to bring my wife’s AHOTMOM license plate. 2) Flight Safety on Sunday, Oct. 9 th. We will be meeting at Jerry Bob’s on Valencia just east of Tucson Blvd. at 09:00 for breakfast. We will make it to Flight Safety at 10:00. Call Howard for sign up and directions 520.625.5396. 3) Valley of the Sun All Buick car show on Saturday, Oct. 29 th. We will be meeting at 07:15 to caravan to the show. See attached map. Show: We should get the dealership shop opened on Friday night if you wanted to bring your car down early. Meet there about 6:30 PM. The final layout will be performed that night. Show up if you wanted to help with it. Everything else seems to be going according to plan. The DJ, food, Polo shirts, etc have all been arranged. We just need you to show up to the show. I wanted to get 75 cars this year. Please help us attain this goal. Please show up between 7:30 and 8:00 the day of the show. This will allow us to help get the cars arranged and organized before the masses show up. -Pete "Going Fast with Class!!" FIREBALL 1 C A L E N D A R O F EV E N T S LEROY ’S AZ LICENSE PLATE COLLECTORS SHOW TIME: SATURDAY, O CTOBER 8 TH 0800-1500 PLACE: Rincon Country Mobile Home Park 3411 South Camino Seco INFO: Leroy 722-4923 CLUB MEMBER LEROY TIEDEMANN REQUESTED TO HAVE SOME OF OUR CARS SHOW UP AT THE MEET. PLEASE SHOW YOUR SUPPORT TO LEROY . 18 TH A NNUAL CARS IN THE PARK TIME: SATURDAY, O CTOBER 8 TH PLACE: SIERRA VISTA VETERANS MEMORIAL PARK INFO: Leo 520-227-8318 ** FIRST OCTOBER OUTING ** TIME: SUNDAY , O CTOBER 9TH PLACE: FLIGHT SAFETY (MEET AT JERRY BOB’ S ON VALENCIA) INFO: Howard 520.625.5396 OCTOBER CHAPTER GENERAL MEETING PLACE: ROYAL BUICK DEALERSHIP 2005 BOARD OF DIRECTORS DIRECTOR Alex Chavez -Nailhead55@hotmail.com 465-2539 ASSISTANT DIRECTOR James Freund – jhfreund@dakotacom.net 882-8617 SCRIBE /NEWSLETTER EDITOR Pete Rodriguez – sacbca05@comcast.net 579-1679 TREASURER/ADVERTISERS Charlie Murtagh 325-3274 ACTIVITIES/MEMBERSHIP Leroy Tiedemann 722-4923 BOARD MEMBERS Jim Bremner Bob Gietl- rgietl@gsitucson.com Alex Jacome 751-4186 743-0574 648-1931 TIME: O CTOBER 11 TH – 6 PM FOR SALE AND WANTED FOR SALE: 2001 Buick Regal LS. All options except moonroof. Concert Sound II, Grand Touring Suspension, Leather, CD, etc. 59K miles. Excellent condition and got 33 MPG to Texas and back during the national in Plano. Pete Rodriguez. 520.977.5084 $8500.00 FOR SALE: 1986 Chevrolet Suburban. Basically a POS but the body and interior are in good shape. 100% original except for the lift kit and CD/MP3 radio. Needs paint, engine, and transmission. J Great foundation for hunting truck. Pete Rodriguez. 520.977.5084. $1800.00. The Fireball, a publication of the Southern Arizona Buick Club is printed monthly for all members in good standing and correspondents of the Southern Arizona Chapter of the Buick Club of America. Members’ questions, comments, articles and classified advertisements are encouraged and appreciated. Please send to: Fireball PO Box 27242 Tucson, AZ 85726 Or e-mail the editor directly: quick87gn@earthlink.net Deadline for Fireball Articles or Advertisements is the 15th of each month. We reserve the right to edit any material submitted for publication. Thankyou – Fireball Staff Volume 8 Issue 8 – August ‘05 FIREBALL 2 REGISTER TODAY!!!! Saturday, November 5th, 2005 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Southern Arizona Chapter, Royal Buick 4333 E Speedway Tucson, AZ of the Buick Club of America hosts its 8th Annual All Buick Car Show for the benefit of Yes-2-Kids organization, at Royal Buick, 4333 E Speedway Boulevard, Tucson, Arizona (northeast corner of Speedway and Columbus). Open to all Buicks; Restored, Performance, Under Restoration Original, ...etc. Get your th pre-registration in before October 15 . Pre-registration fee is $7.00, no fee for additional cars. Registration fee after October 15th is $10.00. For more info or to register, contact Peter Rodriguez at 520-977-5084 or sacbca05@comcast.net Class Class Class Class Class Class Class A B C D E F G Pre-1930 1930’s 1940’s 1950’s 1960’s 1970’s 1980’s Class Class Class Class Class Class Class H I J K L M N 1990-Present Riviera GN/Turbo-T Modified/Customs Drivers/Unrestored Reatta GranSport ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Southern Arizona Buick Club - All Buick Car Show Entry Form (attach sheet for additional cars) Name: _________________________________________________ Phone: _________________ Address: _______________________________________ City/St/Zip:____________________ Year of car: ________Model: ______________________________________ Class: _______ In consideration of the acceptance of the right to participate, entrants, by the execution of this entry form, release and discharge the Southern AZ Chapter of the Buick Club of America, The Buick Club of America, and Royal Buick from all known and unknown damages, injuries, judgments, and/or claims whatsoever that may be suffered or incurred by any entrant, his/her person, or their property. Signature: ____________________________________________ Date: _________________ Mail entry form and payment to: Southern AZ Chapter, BCA PO Box 27242 Tucson AZ 85726 Volume 8 Issue 8 – August ‘05 Car registration fee: = $ __ _ Check out our Club’s NEW custom embroidered FIREBALL 3 Polo-type shirts on sale day of show. C A L E N D A R O F EV E N T S( C O N T I N U E D) OCTOBER BOARD MEETING PLACE: BOB GIETL’ S O FFICE TIME: O CTOBER 25 TH -- 6:00 PM ** SECOND OCTOBER OUTING ** 19 TH A NNUAL VALLEY OF THE SUN A LL BUICK CAR SHOW TIME: SATURDAY, O CTOBER 29 TH 09:00-15:00 PLACE: Childress Automall (2223 W. Camelback) INFO: Ed 623-856-2392 WE WILL BE MEETING AT CIRCLE-K AT O RANGE GROVE AND THORNYDALE AT 07:15. 19th Annual All Buick Car Show Presented by the Valley of the Sun Buick Club Childress Automall (2223 W. Camelback) 9am-2pm Open to all Buicks Entrance fee $10 per car Goodie bags, gifts 45th year celebration for Childress Buick Phoenix, AZ Info: Ed 623-856-2392 Harvey 480-775-8116 We will be meeting at Circle-K at Thornydale and OrangeGrove at 07:15 to caravan to Phoenix. Basically take I-10 to I-17 North. Then get off on CamelBack and turn right to the automall. CHECK OUT OUR NEW ONLINE CALENDAR AT OUR MAIN WEBSITE : HTTP:// BUICKCLUB.ORG/ TUCSON UNDER THE ACTIVITIES LINK. CHECK OUT OTHER SHOWS AT HTTP://WWW .CRUISINARIZONA .COM License Plate Show: October 8 - Tucson, AZ 08:00-15:00 Rincon Country Mobile Home Park clubhouse 3411 South Camino Seco Volume 8 Issue 8 – August ‘05 FIREBALL 4 Southern Arizona Chapter of the BCA PO Box 27242 Tucson, AZ 85726-7242 ADDRESS CORRECTION REQUESTED Volume 8 Issue 8 – August ‘05 Mailing Address Street Number and Name City, State 98765-4321 FIREBALL 5
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Alex Chavez -Nailhead55@hotmail.com