WorldSmart - Caster Dialer for Salesforce -Admin Guide-


WorldSmart - Caster Dialer for Salesforce -Admin Guide-
WorldSmart - Caster Dialer for Salesforce
-Admin GuideINTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................................................. 3 SETTING UP WORLDSMART ‐ CASTER ................................................................................................................. 4 PURCHASING / MANAGING SEATS IN WORLDSMART ......................................................................................... 4 CREATING WORLDSMART USERS ........................................................................................................................ 5 PURCHASING PHONE NUMBERS ......................................................................................................................... 6 SETTING UP WORLDSMART ‐ CASTER FOR EXISTING WORLDSMART ACCOUNTS ................................................. 7 PURCHASING WORLDSMART ‐ CASTER LICENSES ................................................................................................ 8 MANAGE WORLDSMART ‐ CASTER DIALER LICENSE ............................................................................................ 9 INSTALLING THE APPEXCHANGE INSTALLER FOR WORLDSMART ‐ CASTER ......................................................... 10 ENABLING THE CAMPAIGNS TAB ....................................................................................................................... 12 CUSTOMIZING CAMPAIGNS PAGE LAYOUT ........................................................................................................ 13 CUSTOM S‐CONTROL ................................................................................................................................................... 16 CREATING CUSTOM FIELDS ............................................................................................................................................ 16 CREATING DISPOSITION FIELD ........................................................................................................................................ 17 ADDING LEADS TO CAMPAIGNS ........................................................................................................................ 18 MARKETING USERS ........................................................................................................................................... 18 CREATING CAMPAIGNS ..................................................................................................................................... 19 RUNNING A CAMPAIGN .................................................................................................................................... 20 WORLDSMART ‐ CASTER CONNECT .................................................................................................................... 20 IP CONNECT ............................................................................................................................................................... 20 LOCAL CONNECT ......................................................................................................................................................... 20 TOLL‐FREE CONNECT.................................................................................................................................................... 21 ACTIVATING CAMPAIGN FROM WORLDSMART ‐ CASTER DIALER (SALESFORCE DASHBOARD) ............................ 21 SOME FUNCTIONS DURING A CAMPAIGN .......................................................................................................... 23 CALL TRANSFER OPTIONS DURING A CAMPAIGN ................................................................................................................ 23 CALL ENDING OPTIONS ................................................................................................................................................. 23 PAUSING A CAMPAIGN ................................................................................................................................................. 23 CAMPAIGN ENDING OPTIONS ......................................................................................................................................... 23 VIEW WORLDSMART ‐ CASTER AGENTS FROM THE DASHBOARD ....................................................................... 24 SUPERVISOR STATUS: ................................................................................................................................................... 24 HOW TO SUPERVISE A CAMPAIGN ................................................................................................................................... 25 REPORTS ........................................................................................................................................................... 25 INBOUND REPORTS ...................................................................................................................................................... 25 OUTBOUND REPORTS ................................................................................................................................................... 26 SUPPORT INFORMATION................................................................................................................................... 26 Introduction
For sales and marketing oriented businesses or for businesses that undertake significant sales projects, the
ability to call large volumes of phone numbers conveniently is very important.
Typically, running a telephone based sales campaign involves preparing a list of people to call, distributing
the numbers thus selected to a number of sales / marketing teams, and collecting independent reports
from all marketing users / teams, and putting them together. Further complications arise with the prospect
of some potential clients scheduling a call for another day or even month, the risk of such people being
called by more than one sales person (resulting in the waste of a valuable resource—time—as well as adding
to the overall cost of the campaign and possibly annoying the potential customer). With such manually
administered campaigns, generating accurate reports that keep track of the overall cost of the campaign, of
cost per sale / cost per agent also becomes impossibly complicated, as it involves putting a lot scattered
data in a single place, and then spending time to make sense of it.
For sales oriented businesses, this is not a very efficient way of functioning. Even for businesses that are not
sales oriented, but take short term sales projects as necessary, the effort required to set up, run, and track
a campaign is often too daunting to be worth the expenditure in terms of time and resources.
The WorldSmart - Caster application by WorldSmart solves all telephone campaign related difficulties for
businesses of any size, at the same time making much more possible.
This guide provides detailed instructions regarding this feature, including:
What is WorldSmart - Caster and how to get it
How to set up campaigns using WorldSmart - Caster
How campaigns are actually run
What reports you can view
The WorldSmart - Caster application by WorldSmart runs large scale telephone campaigns and also allows
you to track them. WorldSmart - Caster has been designed to work with Salesforce, combining the power of
telecom and CRM.
To use WorldSmart - Caster, you need to have an Enterprise account with Salesforce, as well as well as an
account with WorldSmart.
For more information regarding
To learn more about WorldSmart and setting an account with WorldSmart, please see
To start using WorldSmart - Caster you first go to Salesforce to set up a campaign (selecting leads/phone
numbers to call and assigning marketing users to make the calls). Then you use the WorldSmart - Caster
Dialer available from WorldSmart to actually run the campaign i.e. make all calls as specified.
In very simple terms, your CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool Salesforce provides all the data
— people to call, their phone numbers, etc.—while the WorldSmart - Caster Connect from WorldSmart
actually makes the calls, and connects users as specified in quick succession, automatically.
To set up a campaign, you need Salesforce, while to run the campaign by making phone calls, you need
WorldSmart - Caster does not need deployment of any complex VoIP technology: a standard Internet
connection in your office that will allow you to access the Salesforce and WorldSmart dashboards is quite
sufficient. Nevertheless, WorldSmart - Caster also works with VoIP infrastructure such as IP Phones, as well
as with the WorldSmart SoftPhone, to which you get access when you create your WorldSmart account.
Since no proprietary hardware is required (all standard IP Phones work fine with WorldSmart - Caster), no
significant initial investment is required.
From the perspective of the sales / marketing agent too, there are numerous advantages. Putting the
campaign on a sort of “autopilot” eliminates, for instance, the fatigue of entering phone numbers one after
the other, and helps agents focus on the main task: the potential customer at the other end of the line.
The next section describes the procedure for setting up the WorldSmart - Caster application in your
Salesforce account.
Setting up WorldSmart - Caster
Setting up WorldSmart - Caster involves:
Purchasing seats in WorldSmart
Creating users in WorldSmart
Purchasing phone numbers
Purchasing WorldSmart - Caster licenses.
Running installer in Salesforce
Enabling campaign tab view for convenience from manage dashboard in Salesforce.
Purchasing / Managing seats in WorldSmart
To manage seats, click the Manage Seats link under the Users tab. This displays the screen as shown
Depending on your business requirement, you can purchase as many seats as you wish for your account.
These seats can then be assigned to users when you create them.
Select the Purchase Seats option and click Next.
This displays the Purchase Seats screen shown below:
Select a service plan from the Select Service Plan drop-down list
Enter the quantity of seats you wish to purchase
Click Add to purchase the seat(s).
Creating WorldSmart users
To create users, click the Add Users link. This displays the Add Users screen shown below:
Enter details for the new user as described below:
First Name: Enter the first name of the user in this field.
Last Name: Enter the last name of the user in this field.
Email: Specify here an email ID for the new user.
Extension: Enter the extension number you wish to specify to the user. To check if the extension
entered is free, click Check Availability. If you wish to assign an automatically generated
extension to the user, click Auto Assign.
User ID: Enter a unique user ID for the new user.
Password: Enter a password for the new user. The user will need this password to login to
Re-enter Password: Re-enter the password for the new user.
Service Plan: Select a service plan for the user from the drop-down list. The drop-down list shows
available service plans in your account, and in brackets against each, the number of unused seats
you have in each service plan.
Caller ID: Select a Caller ID from the drop-down list. The number selected as Caller ID has two
It is displayed as the number from which the call is being made on phones at the other end,
when the user makes a call using the PBX.
The area code of the Caller ID (the first three digits of the number) is automatically read
and dialed by the WorldSmart Application whenever a user dials a 7 digit number.
Thus, users can enable 7 digit dialing for a particular area by taking a Caller ID number that begins with the
concerned area code. The number used as caller ID can be a real number purchased by the account, or a
custom phone number. In either case, 7 digit dialing is enabled, as the Application automatically
understands the need to ‘dial’ the first three digits.
• Click the Class Type field and, from the drop-down list displayed, select the class type to which the
user is to be assigned.
• Additional Privileges: Check these boxes if you would like the user to have access to the voicemail,
ACD Live Monitor, Operator Console and Third Party IM through the WorldSmart Messenger or
uncheck them to deny the user access to these features.
Purchasing Phone numbers
Click Manage Phone Numbers under the Users tab. This displays the Manage Phone Numbers screen
shown below:
Select the Purchase Phone Numbers option and click Next.
This displays the Add Phone Numbers screen shown below:
Select the state from the Select State drop-down list in which you wish to book your phone
Select the area code from the Select Code drop-down list.
Click in the Quantity field and specify how many phone numbers you wish to add.
Click Add to add the new list of phone numbers to your account.
A confirmation message is displayed on the screen. Click Yes to complete the operation.
Setting up WorldSmart - Caster for existing WorldSmart
If you already have a WorldSmart account, you may not need to purchase seats or phone numbers. You
may also be able to skip the step for creating users in your account. However, you will need to enable the
WorldSmart - Caster feature for your users as necessary.
To enable the WorldSmart - Caster feature for existing users, go to the Edit User page and check the
WorldSmart - Caster option as shown below:
Click Save. The user will now be able to access WorldSmart - Caster.
Purchasing WorldSmart - Caster Licenses
Once the account(s) are created:
Configure WorldSmart - Caster from WorldSmart
Configure WorldSmart - Caster from Salesforce
Using the account name and password, log in to the WorldSmart administrator dashboard. This page
displays the screen shown below:
Click the link Buy WorldSmart - Caster Licenses
An email will be sent to the address provided by you at the time of opening your WorldSmart account.
Once you reply to the email, the feature will be enabled for you. A new tab WorldSmart - Caster will be
added to your WorldSmart dashboard.
You can perform four basic operations from the dashboard for WorldSmart - Caster.
Manage WorldSmart - Caster dialer license
Get WorldSmart - Caster license for users (depending on how many users you intend to create)
You need to purchase the WorldSmart - Caster Connect phone numbers from the WorldSmart Admin
Dashboard. Click the WorldSmart - Caster tab and click Manage WorldSmart - Caster Phones link.
Click Assign Phone Number link.
Select the State, Code and the Phone Number and click Get Phone Number.
Installing the Appexchange installer for WorldSmart - Caster
To set up a campaign, you need to install the Appexchange installer for WorldSmart - Caster. For more
information about this, contact WorldSmart support at:
When you get the link, click on it. This will launch the default web browser on your system, and display the
screen shown below:
Click Get it Now. The following screen is displayed:
Select your Salesforce status. The page extends with the following information:
Enter your username and password.
Check the terms and conditions check box.
Click Continue.
This displays the page shown below:
Enter the password sent to you by email.
Click Next. This completes the installation of the WorldSmart - Caster Dialer. Although you can start using
this tool immediately, it is recommended that you follow the next few steps to customize your view of the
Salesforce dashboard to use the WorldSmart - Caster Dialer more conveniently.
Enabling the Campaigns tab
When you first log in to your Salesforce dashboard, you may not see the campaigns tab by default. In such
an instance, click the arrow link highlighted below:
This opens the All Tabs page:
Click the Customize My Tabs link.
Select Campaigns.
Click the Add arrow key.
Click Save. The Campaign tab is now available on your Salesforce dashboard.
Customizing campaigns page layout
For efficiency and convenience, it is important that you customize the campaigns layout. This involves
customizing the following fields:
Reusability of Phone Numbers: To specify how often a number/lead should be called.
Wrap-up Time: To specify wrap-up time between calls.
Need Pop up: To allow a pop up window with detailed information of the lead when the number is
Disposition: Updating a contact in the course of a campaign. Includes the option for Do Not call
To do this, from the home page click Setup as shown below:
This displays the personal setup page:
From the App Setup section, click Customize> Campaigns> Page Layouts.
Click Create New Section. A pop up window is displayed.
Enter a name for the campaign.
Select single column from the Columns drop down menu.
Check Show Section heading on Detail Page.
Click OK.
A new section is created with WorldSmart - Caster Dialer as the name.
When the new section is created, it is placed at the bottom of the page by default. You can drag and place it
at the top below the main layout.
Custom S-control
From the View drop down list, select Custom S control.
Select SDS control, drag and drop to the WorldSmart - Caster Dialer section you have created.
Creating Custom fields
From the view menu, select Campaign fields.
Drag and drop the fields: Reusability of Phone Number, Wrap-up Time and Need Popup to the
Campaign Information section.
Creating Disposition field
From the view menu, select Lead fields.
Drag and drop the fields: Disposition and Do Not Call.
This will be displayed on the Edit Lead page. When a lead does not want to receive calls you can set the
disposition to DNC (Do Not Call) from the Edit Lead page.
The agent will be notified an Error in the interface against that phone number. If the dialer detects any AM /
Fax it would terminate the call. It will not connect to the agent. The errors statistics are appropriately set in
the disposition custom field provided under contact / Lead. The user has an option to set DNC option in the
disposition field when Customer does not want any calls from the user. The contacts/Leads with disposition
set as following:
DNC=Do Not Call
Request timeout=408
Not Found=404
The application will not dial this number when you run the campaign again.
Click Save. The WorldSmart - Caster Dialer is ready to use.
Adding leads to Campaigns
To add leads to the contacts, click Campaign tab.
Select a campaign from the list of campaigns you have created.
From the page displayed click Manage Members.
This displays the screen shown below:
From the list, select what type of contact you want to add.
In the next page, after performing the required action according to the option you select, click Add
Marketing Users
Marketing users are the actual sales agents in your organization, the people who will run the campaign you
create, and speak to potential customers and leads.
From the home page of your Salesforce dashboard, click Setup.
From the Administrator Setup page, click Manage Users > Users
Click Edit against the user whom you wish to assign the Marketing User status, and check the Marketing
User option as shown below:
Click Save. The user is now a marketing user and is eligible to run campaigns.
Creating campaigns
Go to the Campaigns tab
Click New. This displays the page shown below:
Note: The fields marked in red are mandatory.
Enter information in the fields as necessary.
Once the campaign is created, users as specified by you can log in to Salesforce and start campaigns.
Note: Multiple users can run a campaign at the same time.
Running a Campaign
Running a campaign involves two steps:
Logging into WorldSmart - Caster Connect from a phone
Starting the campaign from your Salesforce dashboard (WorldSmart - Caster Dialer)
WorldSmart - Caster Connect
You can log in to the WorldSmart - Caster Connect application from any phone available to you. This can be
a WorldSmart registered IP Phone or the WorldSmart Soft Phone; any VoIP phone, or a PSTN phone, such
as your land line or cell phone. However, depending on what type of phone you are using, the method of
logging in is different.
There are three options:
IP Connect
If you are using an IP phone or WorldSmart Soft Phone:
Dial 9994 from your IP Phone or your Soft Phone.
Press 1
Enter your WorldSmart user extension and password.
Local Connect
Call the DID / local number assigned to your campaign.
When you connect, press 1.
Enter your WorldSmart user extension and password.
This method will work only if a WorldSmart phone number has been assigned to your campaign.
Note: By default your password is the same as your extension. However, it is possible to reset your password.
When using WorldSmart - Caster Local Connect, even though the calls take place on your PSTN phone, the
campaign must be started from your Salesforce dashboard. Therefore, when using WorldSmart - Caster Local
Connect, although you will not need a high-bandwidth VoIP ready Internet connection, you will still need an
Internet connection to enable you to access your Salesforce dashboard.
Calling from PSTN, and dialing your WorldSmart PBX no, and then dialing 9994 and pressing 1
Toll-Free Connect
If you are using a PSTN phone, and dialing a Toll-Free number:
Press 1
Enter your WorldSmart user extension and password.
This method will work only if a Toll-free WorldSmart phone number has been assigned to your campaign.
Important: When using WorldSmart - Caster Toll-Free Connect, even though the calls take place on your
PSTN phone, the campaign must be started from Salesforce dashboard. Therefore, when using WorldSmart Caster Toll-Free Connect, although you will not need high bandwidth VoIP ready Internet connection, you will
still need an Internet connection to enable you to access your Salesforce dashboard.
Activating campaign from WorldSmart - Caster Dialer
(Salesforce Dashboard)
To start campaigns go to the campaigns page on your Salesforce dashboard.
Select the campaign you wish to start. The page that now appears displays the WorldSmart - Caster Dialer
login interface as shown below:
Enter your WorldSmart username and password.
Click Login. This displays the screen shown below:
There are three ways to treat calls that are not reachable.
Hot Campaign
If you select the Hot Campaign option, even if a call reaches an answering machine, it will be
connected to you. You can then leave a message or disconnect the call.
AM/Fax Disconnect
If you select this option, the application will not connect you in case a call reaches a Fax number, an
answering machine, or voicemail. It will instead disconnect the active call and dial the next number.
Select Recording
If you do not select any of the above options, this option is enabled. You can specify a pre recorded
message to be played when calls reach a voicemail or an answering machine. If no file is available
from the drop down, you can upload a file by clicking the upload icon as indicated below:
Be sure to select one of the options, as a campaign cannot be started unless you specify what type it should
Click Start.
The application starts dialing the numbers one after the other.
It is important that you do not hang up in a campaign. That will stop the campaign, and you will be logged
out of WorldSmart - Caster. If you wish to end an active call without stopping the campaign, press * on your
phone. The WorldSmart - Caster Connect application will disconnect the active call and will put on music on
hold, WorldSmart - Caster Dialer after a pause as specified in wrap up time, will call the next number on the
Some functions during a campaign
Call Transfer options during a campaign
You can transfer active calls to other agents if they are also logged in to WorldSmart - Caster Connect. This
can be done in the following ways:
Press # + Extension followed by the # key
Press # + PSTN followed by the # key
If you are transferring your active call to a WorldSmart user extension, the user to whom you are transferring
the call should be connected to WorldSmart - Caster connect as an agent.
Call ending options
You can end an active call by pressing *.
Pausing a campaign
You can pause a campaign by clicking the pause button available on the WorldSmart - Caster Dialer screen.
The pause button becomes only after you have started a campaign. You can resume the campaign by
clicking the resume button available on the same screen.
Campaign ending options
You can end a campaign by using the hang-up key or by clicking the Stop button available on the
WorldSmart - Caster Dialer screen on your Salesforce dashboard.
Total Phone Numbers: The total phone numbers in your campaign.
Total Dialed Numbers: The total phone numbers which have been dialed in this campaign so far in other or
earlier sessions.
My Dialed Numbers: The total number of calls that have been dialed after starting this session.
View WorldSmart - Caster agents from the dashboard
You can view all WorldSmart - Caster agents from your WorldSmart administrator dashboard. Click
WorldSmart - Caster Agents. This displays the screen shown below:
User ID: All WorldSmart - Caster agents are displayed in alphabetical order. The green dot against an agent
indicates that this agent is logged into WorldSmart - Caster Connect. The red radio button indicates that an
agent not logged in.
Supervisor Status:
It is often necessary to let some senior members of your organization take charge of some responsibilities.
For instance, you could assign some users to supervise an ongoing campaign. These users, as specified by
you, will then be able to monitor the calls of other agents in real time, from their own phones, listening to
both ends of the telephonic conversation.
To make an agent a supervisor, click WorldSmart - Caster Agents. This displays the page shown below:
By default the supervisor status will be disabled. Click Activate. The agent is now a supervisor entitled to
supervise live campaigns.
To make a supervisor agent into a regular agent, click Disable.
How to supervise a campaign
You can monitor each campaign separately. To do this:
Log in to WorldSmart - Caster Connect as usual, whether from IP phone or PSTN phone.
Press 2 to supervise.
Enter your WorldSmart extension and password.
Enter the extension of the user whose campaign you wish to listen.
WorldSmart WorldSmart - Caster has a dynamic, real time intelligence. It remembers numbers called, and
does quick real time reporting, etc.
The application logs both Inbound and Outbound calls. To check inbound report, click Inbound Call
Reports link. This displays the screen shown below:
Inbound Reports
You can view call reports by different categories:
IP Connect
Local Connect
Toll-Free Connect
Outbound Reports
To view Outbound Reports, click Outbound Call Reports link.
This can be viewed by two different categories:
Support information
For any queries related to the use of WorldSmart - Caster, contact