TAMU at Galveston-I-.bra% TAMU at G aV°n'L! ra For Reference Do Not Take From the Library REFERENCF NEFERENCE The Voyager 1990-91 Texas A&M University at Galveston SENIORS What's best about being Celebrating graduation! 2 a senior? ADAMCIK, MERRILLYN ANN ADAMS, CHRISTI LEE ALA51RI, MOHAMMAD A. COOPER, MICHELLE MARIE COWARD, JERRIT MORRIS CROTWELL, PATRICIA LYNN DALE, DAVID NATHAN AMDREA50N,5HERYL RENEE ASBILL, 5HAUNNA LYNN ATKIMS, HIEP NGUYEN BARCAK, RONNIE GENE BAYLOR, AMY MICHELE BEAUCHAMP, KRI5TEN L. BELL, SHEILA DORETTE BENEDICT, RAE TABITHA BLAKEMORE, FRANK PORTER DAVI5, JEFFREY EUGENE DICKINSON, RICHARD WADE DUBO5E, PAMELA DEMISE DUCLON, SUSAN MARIE Bill Orange When you get to be a senior, it's like seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. Then you have to decide whether the light is red or green Maritime Administration Class of '91. - BRETON, DAVID LEE BRINING, DOUGLAS LYLE BRISBAY, SHAWN MCNEIL BURKE, CYNTHIA R. BU55CMER, KEVIN DALE BUTZEN, RICHARD J. CANNON, ANDREA CARON CNAI, KIM WAN 5 4 GAULD, R055 GODFREY GI55ON, PATRICK LEE GIDEL, JEFF T. GOLDEN, MICHAEL GREGORY Georg brings new meaning to school involvement. Since coming to TAMUG in 1986 he has been a member of H55A, Voyager and Nautilus staff, University Judicial Board, the Human Powered Submarine design team and Engineers Joint Council Engineering Mentor Program. Also, he is president of the Surf Club and Operations Chairman for 5NAME. And to the sea Aggies he would like to say: "Savor the pursuit of your education. As you seek the light at the end of the tunnel, strive to retain the memory of the murky darkness of your own beginnings. In preserving that image, you will carry a torch to light the path for those that HORHEY. Maritime Systems follow" Engineering-Hydromechanics Class of'92. - - 000DWIN, THOMAS CLINTON GOULD, MELI55A ELIZABETH GRAHAM, MARK ANDREW GREEN, CHERIE LOU15E GUERRA, HOMERO HORACIO HALL, KECIA LYNNE HALL, TERE5A FAE HAMM, 5TEVEN MICHAEL EHARDT, J05EPH 5. ELLIFF, NEIL 5. EMMERT, MICHAEL LYNN ENGELMANN-ROGER5, GEORG EVERMON, CAROLYN LOU15E FABIAN, 50NDRA JOY FORE5T, ANNA MARIE GARCIA, ROMEO E. 6 HANI5CO, J05EPH GERARD, JR. HA5KIN5, LIND5EY GUY HAYDEN, DUANE DOUGLA5 HELD, HAROLD J. HEMMELGARN, MATTHEW THOMAS HILL, THERESA RENEE HOLLENBECK, STEVEN JAMES HOOD, EDA MARIA 7 MUSE, STEVEN PAUL J0MN50N, WILLIAM DALE JONES, KYMBERLY DAWN JONES, VICTORIA LLY KIECKBUSCH, DAVID KEITH KIOLBA55A, BRENDA LOUISE LAKEY, 5TEVEN DARYL LEHOTSKY, WALTER DAVID LEWI5, MARC GRAY50N LIGMTFOOT, KELLY MARIE LIVESAY, JAMES EARL MANN, CATHERINE R05E MAR5h, LESLIE ANN MARTIN, CHRI5TOPHER MANFRED MA50N, ROBERT EDMOND MCCEIG, MICHAEL DARRIN MCDAMIEL, WESLEY CLINTEN MCGOWEN, EDWARD NIChOLAS MCINTYRE, PATRICIA ANN MCLAURY, 5TEPhANIE MCMAHON, DONALD MARK MENZEL, TERRI ANN MOORE, RANDALL SEAN MORALE5, ANIBAL MUSGRAVE, DONNA LYNN NEVILLE, ERIN E. MOO, HAI THE NUTT, LETA K. Maria Hood Maria is one of our most outstanding students, through her academic achievements she has received many scholarships and awards. She plans to pursue a Ph.D. in Chemical Oceanography at Massachusetts Institute of Technology/Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute Joint Program. To the students she would like to say: "It got better every year but it never really got good. B.O.h.I.C.A.!" Marine Sciences Class of '91 - PETTIT, ROBERT DALE POLIKOFF, BRUCE DAVID PRATT, JAME5 RICHARD RAMON, J05E GUILLERMO Joe Tyus Joe hopes to continue his education at University of Miami to study coral reef ecology. After finishing a graduate program he wants to work in the field of fisheries Sciences. His best memory of T.A.M.U.G. was the Toga Party in '88. And his worst memory was "Both times!" In his Invert infinite wisdom, Joe says "What is more logical than the truth." - RATCHFORD,5TEPHEN - GREGORY REHLING, MARK J. ROBINS, HAZEL IRENE ROBIN50M, JANET ELAINE W.C.M. MARE Class of '91 ROWE, JANET,CHRI5TINE ROZNOV5KY, MICHAEL WAYNE 5AMMON, MICHAEL THOMAS SCANIO,5TEVENJ05EPH O'HEAL, CURTI5 LEE ODELL, ANDREW LAWRENCE ORANGE, WILLIAM ROBERT, JR. 05BORN, KENDALL ALAN 5CHMID, ROLAND BENHARD SCHMITT, LIZA E. SCHOLZ, CHRISTINA INGE SCHULTZ, ALICIA KRI5TINA OUTTER5IDE, REGINA LYNN PATTER50N, BRADLEY SCOTT PEREZ, MARSHALL LEWIS, JR. PEROHNET,5U5ANNE RENEE SETTER, MICHELE KATHLEEN SMITH, NATATLIE FAY SMITH, RONALD ALAN 5PIRKO, BARBARA ANNE 10 t 11 1990-91 SENIORS 5PIVAK, JAY 5. 5T JOHN, KAREN ELAINE 5TANDLEE, DEON TINETTE 5TEVEN5, JOHN DOUGLA5 5TEWART, DEE ANN TAYLOR, ELIZABETH M. TYU5, J05EPH EDWARD VAN, MICHAEL PRONG WATER5,JEAN-MARC WEHDE, ANNE F. WHEELER, TAMMY SUE YEARGAN, CATHERINE ANN ZEMBROD, MARK ALLEN BOYD, JOHN DAVID DEGENOVA II, GERALD HENRY GEORGE, GERALD GEOFFREY GREGORY, 50NYA 12 ADAMCIK, MERRILLYN ANN BROWN, RICKY SHAWN DAVIS, JEFFREY EUGENE ADAM5, CHRISTI LEE BULERA, CHRI5TOPHER JOHN DE MA51, MICHAEL JAME5 AL-A5IRI, MOHAMMAD A. BURKE, CYNTHIA R. DEGENOVA, GERARD HENRY, ALBERT50N, ANDREA KAI BU55CHER, KEVIN DALE DICKINSON, RICHARD WADE ANDREA5ON, 5HERYL RENEE BUTZEN, RICHARD J. DICOCCO, JENNIFER LYNNE ANTHONY5Z, NOEL EDWARD CANNON, ANDREA CARON DRUMMOND, ChR15TOPHER KEVIN A5BILL, 5HAUNNA LYNN CANTU, JOANNE DUB05E, PAMELA DEN15E ATKIN5, HIEP NGUYEN CARRUTH, MICHAEL WAYNE DUCLON, SUSAN MARIE BARCAK, RONNIE GENE CA5TLEBERRY, STACEY ELIZA DUNCAN, MICHAEL ERIC BAYLOR, AMY MICHELE CHAT,KIM WAH EHARDT, JOSEPH 5. BEAUCHAMP, KRI5TEN L. CHILDRE55, KAREN RO5E ELLIFF, NEIL S. BELL, 5HEILA DORETTE CHRI5TEN5EN, JOHN DAVID BENEDICT, RAE TABITHA CHRISTOPHER; TERRY EVAN5 ENGELMANN-ROGER5, GEORG BEZECNY, DARRELL GERA D CLARK, ELIZABETH KAYE EVANS, DUSTY WAYNE BIRCH, JOEL RAY, JR. CLARK, RANDALL DEAN EVERMON, CAROLYIN LOUISE BLAKEMORE, FRANK PORTER COOPER, MICHELLE MARIE FABIAN, 50NDRA JOY BIANKEN5HIP, KAREN MICHEL CORNELL, CRAIG BLUM, MARTIN WILLIAM COWARD, JERRIT MORRIS FELTS, WILLIAM EDWARD, III BLYLER, EARL R055, III CO?, WALTER DUNHAM FITCH, W. HOL BOMBOY, MICHAEL LEONARD CROTWELL, PATRICIA LYNN FITZGERALD, PAUL BONE, CU5ACK, BREIFNI M. FLEMING, ROBERT SETON, JR, BOYD, JOHN DAVID DALE, DAVID NATHAN FORES BRETON, DAVID LEE DANIEL, WILLIAM DENNIS GANA, GARRY LEE KARL PINCU5 P TEIEGRO INING, DOU6LA5 LY DANIELS, MONICA JUNE BRISBAY, SHAWN MCNEIL DAVIS, CHRI5TOPHER D. II MMERT, MICHAEL LYNN FAIRBANKS, KAREN EILEEN 5 ANGE, MICHAEL ANTHONY GARCIA, ROMEO E. 13 1990-91 SENIORS 1990-91 SENIORS GAULD, RO55 GODFREY HILL, THERE5A RENEE MANES; GARY GEORGE, GERALD GEOFFREY HOLLENBECK,5TEVEN JAME5 MANN, CATHERINE RO5E GI55ON, PATRICK LEE HOOD, EDA MARIA MANOU505, LOUIS GEORGE; JR. GIB5ON, PHILIP RANDALL ] MAR5H, LESLIE ANN GIDEL, JEFF T. HU5E, STEVEN PAUL MARTIN, CHRI5TOPHER MANFRED GOLDEN, MICHAEL GREGORY JACK50N, RONNY MARTINEZ, JERRY J05EP'H GONZALEZ, LEONARD 5. JOHNSON, WILLIAM DALE MASON, ROBERT EDMOND GOODMAN, CLAUDIE JUDE JONES, DANA ERCELLE MAXWELL, BRIAN ANDREW GOODWIN, THOMAS CLINTON ' JONES, KYMBERLY DAWN GORDON, RICHARD MARTIN JONES, VICTORIA UNTINGTON, ROBERT VERNON `lJUE5CHKE, COULD, MELI55A ELIZABETH L. LYNN CDANIEL, WESLEY CLINTON LLY TARA LYFIN. IC(3OWEN, EDWARD NICHOLAS NG, KAIPO W. RICH, ALAN JAY 5PIVAK, JAY S. NGO, HAI THE ROADY, JACK DUANE 5T JOHN, KAREN ELAINE STANDLEE, DEON TINETTE OBIN5, HAZEL IRENE LETA K. RO13IN5ON, JANET ELAINE STARK, JAMES ARTHUR, JR. )ELL, ANDREW LAWRENCE ROGEF5, SEAN W. STATLER, GRETCHEN LYNNE 5EN, ROY WARREN RONCHETTO, JULI LYN STEVENS,JOHN DOUGLAS ROUTH, CARL LEE STEVENS, WILLIE ELMER, III ROWE, JANET CHRI5TINE STEWART, DEE ANN OUTTERSIDE, REGINA LYNN ROZNOV5KY, MICHAEL WAYNE 5TOWE, KAREN MARIE PATTER5ON, BRADLEY SCOTT RUCKMAN, PAULUZZI, DANIELA ANDREA 5ALLC PEREZ, MAR5HALL LEWIS, JR. SAMMON, MICHAEL THOMAS fl`NEAL, CURTI5 LEE ti w IAM ROBERT, JR. O5BORN, KENDALL ALAN d -, NN P SWAN, WILLIAM ALBERT SYBRANT, GRANT WILLARD SALEHUDDII TAYLOR, BRIAN SCOTT GRAHAM, MARK ANDREW JUVRUD, PENELOPE MCINTYRE, PATRICIAANN GREEN, CHERIE LOUI5E KIECKBU5CH, DAVID KEITH MCLAURY, 5TEPHANIE GREGORY, 50NYA MARIE KIOLBA55A, BRENDA LOUI5E MCMAHON, DONALD MARK PE1 5CANIO, STEVEN JOSEPH TYU5,JOSEPH EDWARD GUERRA, HOMERO HORACIO KNIGHT, LANNIE VERNON, JR. MCMA5TER5, DONNA LYNN PETTIT, ROBERT DALE 5CHAEFFER, PATRICIA LEIGH URBAN, JULIA IRENE HALL, KECIA LYNNE LAKEY, STEVEN DARYL MCMULLEN, HEATHER IRENE PHIPP5, MELANIE LYNN SCHEEL, HALL, TLRE5A FAE LAMBRECHT, PETER JAME5 HAMM, 5TEVEN MICHAEL IENZEL, TERRI ANN LAMBREMONT, JOHN LEE ERONNET, PLUNKETT, GREGG MATTHEW 5AMUELL, JONATHAN 0 E5A MARIAN` ""SCHMID, ROLAND BENHARD POLIKOFF, BRUCE DAVID SCHMITT, LIZA E. PRATT, JAME5 RICHARD 5CHOLZ, CHRISTINA INGE OR, ELIZABETH M. VAN, MICHAEL PHONG VANZANT, SCOTT STEPHEN VELARDE, REINHARD JOSE ell JEANMARC LEDEAU?S, DAVID HANI5CO, JOSEPH GERARD, JR LEHMAN, RONALD DEAN MONEYMAKER, STEVEN ROBERT QUIGLEY, MATTHEW SAMUEL 5CHUE55LER, CLINTON ARTHUR WEHDE; ANNE F. HA5KIN5, LIND5EY GUY LEHOTSKY, WALTER DAVID MOORE, RANDALL SEAN RACEN, SHARON KAY SCHULTZ, ALICIA KRI5TINA WHEELER, TAMMY SUE MORALES, ANIBAL RAMON, SETTER, MICHELE KATHLEEN WITTY, WILLIAM MARC05 MUELLER, R05EMARY RAMO5, ELOY SHANNON, STEPHEN PAUL YEARGAN, CATHERINE ANN MU5GRAVE, DONNA LYNN RATCHFORD, STEPHEN GREGORY SMITH,NATALIE FAY ZEMBROD, MARK ALLEN NEVILLE, ERIN E. REHLING, MARK J. SMITH, RONALD ALAN RE5PE55, JOHN LOGAN 5PIRKO, BARBARA ANNE HAYDEN, DUANE DOUQLA5 HELD, HAROLD J. EMMELGARN, MATTHEW THOMAS HENG5T, GINA LEE 14 wTER5, HANCE, RICHARD SCOTT ICULKA, TAMARA ANN 5, MARC GRAY5ON LIGHTFOOT, KELLY MARIE LIVE5AY, JAMES EARL a,A .. MAGUIRE, EDWARD COLEMAN J05E GUILLERMO TT EATON 15 Everyone enjoys graduation. Professor Alexey V. Yablokov, an internationally known biologist from the USSR spoke at the Grand 1894 Opera House. Dr. James Kanz received the most effective teacher award and Dr. Donald Harper received the faculty-staff award. Brunch after graduation was at Christi's Beachcomber. 16 17 May 1991 Commencement at the 1894 Grand Opera House. 18 19 SENIORS Amy and Marshall are chefs extraordinare. Georg Amy shoves food into or onto Bob's face. 20 - great surfing form. Students working hard in the lab we think. 21 The Vice Presidents FACULTY AND Dr. James M. McCloy STAFF President Dr. William J. Merrell Mr. John B. Hendricks 22 Mr. William C. Hearn 23 The Deans Bill Alley directs the Personnel Office. Pat, Linda and Linda keep everything running in Student Services. Watch out for Chiefl Herbie makes sure our mail gets delivered. food Services is run by Charles Lee. 27 Faculty and Staff Activities The faculty and staff will do almost anything to help raise money for the United Way. birthday. Drs. Curley and Blozinski about ready to enjoy some cake. Glenda, Pennye and Anita clowning around. Dr. 5chlemmer caught with his mouth open. A celebration for Anita's half Dr. Benoit sucks a crawfish head at the Hydrographic Society Crawfish Boil. 28 29 Engineering Open House Stroke - Stroke Students show what they know. Frank and Dr. Chang greet visitors at the engineering open house. Aggie shows Kelly and Larry a new program. Jim and James explain the fundamentals of their submarine. Everyone enjoys the Engineering Open House held each spring semester. 30 31 Ii. WHAT TO DO? - The campus is full of activities for students to participate in whether its swimming, playing volleyball or basketball, studying, sleeping, or just vegging out in front of a TV somewhere. No matter what they're doing, students find something to do and usually enjoy doing it. - are you enjoying the Jeanie and Kim mosquitoes and fire ants. A skateboarder enjoys Skate on dude! skating his day away. Monica Peterson and Kari Dixy enjoying the Dickens atmosphere on the Strand. John Witlow, what is that suspicious-looking smile for? Diana and James remind themselves how much they really love watching the costume contest. Miles Manns isn't admitting to anything! Hi there Judy! Patty Kinne and Donna Callenius are ready for the Christmas holidays. No, we didn't exactly catch anything except mosquitoes! - Mike Jewell and Dario Christopherson eat at Jack in the Box after the Crewe of Brewe Parade during Mardi Gras. 32 1 33 LIFE AT SEA For some reason this scene reminds me of The 5impson's family! Cadets help volunteers to take the Elissa to Houston for drydocking. Kitty Reed and David fazioli take a rest after their foredeck watch. here's a platoon standing by to stand by! John and Tiffany are looking sharp. Butch, how did you get your nickname? - 5ean really misses Texas when he catches the ship? what will he do JoAnne and Elizabeth make sure that the Clipper doesn't hit anything, okay? Waiting for the last batch of letters for the mail bout'. 34 35 r Texas A&M University at Galveston Outstanding students at Texas A&M University at Galveston were honored at an awards ceremony to recognize outstanding service, scholarship, and leadership on March 21. The James R. Young Memorial Scholarship was presented to Myra Hamilton. An award for Freshman Chemistry Achievement was presented to Laura Draper and Freshman Essay contest winners were Christopher Lowe, first; James 5teen, second; and Eric Sheen, third. The National Sojourners Outstanding Cadet award went to Kevin Duzan and the Retired Officer's Association Medal was awarded to Thomas Goodwin. The Marine Services Association of Texas awards went to Jonathan Samuell and Tricia Emrick, The University Women's Club Scholarship was presented to Ashanti Johnson. The American Society of Mechanical Engineers scholarships went to Frank Blakemore, Hollis Fitch,and Mats Holmquist. Hollis Fitch was also the recipient of an Achievement Rewards for College Scientists scholarship, and the National Academy for Nuclear Training scholarship. frank Blakemore was awarded the Office of Naval Research Fellowship for graduate study which pays for graduate school tuition and annual salaries of $15,000, $16,000, and $17,000 while in graduate school. The Propeller Club of the United States, Port of Galveston #10 honored outstanding students Barbara 5pirko, Brooks Tolman, Richard Butzen, Hollis Fitch, William Stacy, and Tricia Emrick. The Women's Propeller Club of the Port of Galveston presented scholarships to Cadets Kathleen Costello and William Swan. The Student Chapter of the Port of Texas Maritime College Propeller Club presented its annual service award to Bill 36 Orange. The Women's Propeller Club, Sabine District presented annual scholarships to John Forsythe and Melanie Phipps. Robert A. Welch Foundation Undergraduate scholarships were presented to Andrew Couch, Dale Hubbard, Ashanti Johnson, Sara Oktay, Jon Samuell, Carolina Soto, Michelle 5upernaught, Mike 5nyder, Bent Warnken, and Sheila Hoefling. Andrew Couch was also awarded the American Society of Naval Engineers, Inc. scholarship. Academic scholarships were awarded to Andrew Couch, Tracy Holton, Stephanie Jones, Leta Nutt, Daniela Pauluzzi, Alicia Schultz, hamille 5harpless, Barbara Spirko, Leslie Whaylen and Andrew Willhoite, Minority student scholarships were awarded to Fred Barerra, Dale Girod, and Ashanti Johnson. The William Paul Ricker awards were presented to Kristine Groth, Corps Commander; Memorial Scholarships to Hilton dolman, Jean 5teininger, Lori Spangler, Mona 5chweighofer; and the Leadership Award to Daniela Pauluzzi. The Troy Swetnam Memorial Yachtsman of the Year award was presented to Beau Radloff. The Robert Troy Swetnam Memorial Scholarship was presented to Michael 5nyder. Students named to the 1991 edition of Who's Who Among Students in American Universities and Colleges were Bob Aley, Fred Barrera, Kristen Beauchamp, Meaghan Chapman, Gerry Degenova, Joseph Ehardt, Hollis Fitch, Brian Gates, Geoffrey George, Melissa Gould, Kristine troth, homero Guerra, Joseph Hanisco, Duane Hayden, Theresa Hill, Maria Hood, Mats Holmquist, Dale Hubbard, Tori Jones, Michael Kinsky, Michael Kobeck, Wesley McDaniel, Stephanie McLaury, Steven Moneymaker, Kaipo Ng, Daniela Pauluzzi, Matt Quigley, Stephen Ratchford, Tracey Row, Jonathan Samuell, Alicia 5chultz, Barbara Spirko, Michelle Supernaught, Leslie Whaylen, Andrew Willhoite, Andrea Cannon, and Andrew Odell. 37 Awards Day Outstanding students in all majors at TAMUG are honored every April at the annual Award Day program. 38 39 UNDERGRADUATES BAILEY, 5HAWN THOMAS BAILLY, WILLIAM TRENT BALDWIN, BARBARA LYNN BALEY, CHARLES JAMES BANDER, LISA MICHELLE James and Walter shoot a game of pool between classes. Brady and Jimmy play ping pang in the game room. BARCELLONA, CHAD DAMON BARNARD, JOHN DAVID BARNHART, VANCE JUSTIN BARRERA, ALFREDO ARTHUR, III BARWICK, KELLY ROCHELLE BEATY, ANGELA DEANE BENGOECHEA, ADOLFO BENNETT, KELLY MARIE BERMAN, NAVA ANN BERRI05, JOAQUIN ADAM5, J05EPH WINDAL ADLER, 5EAN PATRICK ALEXANDER, LAURA JANETTE ALEY, WILLIAM ROBERT ALLI50N, JOHN KENNETH, JR. BERTOLOZZI, RICHARD MATTHEW BE5IKOF, MARK RAYMOND BIEBER, ELIZABETH ANNE BILLING5LEY, MARY JANE BIRKHOL2, WILLIAM 5COTT ALLMAN, WINDI LOUISE ALMRUD, JEFFREY JAME5 ANDER50N, KIMBERLY DAWN ANDER50N, 5U5AN J. ANG5T, BARRET F. BLE5ENER, DIANE JOYCE BOGG5, TERESA MARIE LAUGHLIN BOL, BILLY ALAN BOLLINGER, MARI5A BOOHER, MICHELE RENAE ANGULO, ARTHUR A. ANNABLE, JANE ELIZABETH ARCHIE, AMELIA E. ARNOLD,JAMES RYAN ARNT50N, KRI5TINA MARIE BOONE, JAY BRADLEY B05WELL, DUANA JENI5E B05WELL, JULIANN HOLLY BOWERS, 5TEPHANIE BOWMAN, CHRI5TOPHER MURK ATKIN50N, TODD LEE ATNIP, CHRI5TA LEANN A2AR, TIFFANIE MARIE BACHMEIER, KIMBERLY DIANNE BADER, BRIAN J05EPH 42 J05E 43 1 BRADY, HEATHER ANN BREI5H, DAVID JOHN BRIDGEMAN, TODD ALLEN BROCKWAY, KR15TI BRODE, JAMES WALLACE BROOK5, KATHERINE MARIE BROOK5, RACHAEL LYNN BROWN, JA50N KEITH BROWN, KAREN ANN BRUCE, BARBARA LOU15E BRUDNICKI, JENNIFER LYNN BRUNKOW, JONI ELLEN BRYANT, NORA ELI5ABETH BURDETT, DIANE BURN5IDE, GIDEON A. BUR21N5KI, LAURA LYNN BUTLER, BRYAN CHRI5TOPHER BYNUM, JONATHAN ROY CALPAKIS, MICHAEL E. CARL5ON, TERRI LEE CARRIERS, JOHN J05EPH CARTER, DAVID JOEL, JR. CARVALHO,ROBERTA ANNE CAWTHRON, JOHN RICHARD, JR. CHAPMAN, MEAGHAN JANE With Yank as anchor how could they lose? Pull harder, we're losing! 44 CHAVEZ, JAVIER VINCENT CHENEVERT, KEVIN RU55ELL CHERRYINGTON, CHARLE5 EDWARD, JR. CHO, 5AE CHIN CHRI5TINE, CHARLE55TEPHEN CHRI5TOPHER50N, DARIO KENT CHUEY, CLARK, CLARK, CL051f, CHRI5TY ANN JAY DONALD ROBERT LAMAR CHRI5TOPHER ROBERT COCKRILL, BARRY CLAY CODON, 5COTT MAR5HALL COFFEY, ROBERT WILLIAM COFFMAN,JASON ROBERT COHENOUR, LISA MARY COLLINS, COURTNEY HARDWICK COLLINS, DELBERT LEE, II CON5TANCE,TAMARA DAWN COOK, DAPHNE DENI5E COOK, FRANKLIN RUDOLPH COREY, SHANA R. CORNELL, LAURA BROOKE CORNETT, ANNA COLLEEN C05TELLO,KATHLEEN MARIE COUCH, ANDREW TRAVI5 A tug-of-war team of sexy guys. Kitty - laughing at a man while he is down? 45 DIMUGIIO, RONALD FRANK DION, TRINA LYNN DIM, KARRI L. DIXON, WALTER MARION DOAK, 5ANDI LYNN January's birthday boys and girls show their support for the troops in the Gulf, Nappy Birthday to everyone. DODSON, BRETT WAYNE DOLFI, MIKE J05EPN DOOLITTLE, WILLIAM E., IV DOORS, MARIANNE M51ANGH51ANG DORSETT, CHRI5TOPHER JAME5 DOVE, LELA IRENE COU51N5, BETH ANN CREE5E, CARLA MARIE CRONINGER, CARINA HEATHER CROWDER, RONALD LEE, JR. CSAKY, MARIANNE M. DOWNS, EMIL CADE DRABIK, ROBIN RENEE DRAPER, LARA DIANE DUDLEY, KATHARINE E. DUNCAN, TROY HAROLD CUMBERLAND, JENNIFER LEE CUNICO, CAREN VICTORIA CURNUTT, JAME5 DAVID, JR. CUTLER, JENNY L. D'ANNA, GEROME JOSEPH, JR. DUNCOMBE, LARRY H05EA DURHAM, JENNIFER DAWN DUTTON, JOHN WILLIAM, III DUVALL, LOUI5A MARIE DUZAN, KEVIN EAGLFSON, MARY EASLEY, BRADLEY KING EDELMON, LOUIE COLE ELFERT,J05EPH DANIEL DALE, DAWN CNENOA DAVID50N, MATTHEW WAYNE DAVIS, JACQUELYN MICHELLE DAVIS, JEFFERY PAUL DAVIS, TALMAGE DWAIN ELLIS, TRAVI5 TODD EMBE51, JOHN ANTHONY ENGELHARDT, JOHN ERIC DAW50N, JANET ANN DE LEON, GABRIELA ANNE DEAN, GREGORY WALTER DEMERITT, HEATHER C. DHRUV, MARK ENGELHARDT, THEODORE LOUI5, V EXLEY, WILLIAM THOMAS, JR. EYMAN, MICHAEL DAVID I. A 46 _ 1 47 FABER, KEVIN SCOTT FALLIN, CHAD WAYNE FARAHBAKH5H,5HAHRAM SEAN FARGAR50N, MICHAEL ALEXANDER FAZIOLI, DAVID ANTHONY FRIDAY, CAMALA ANNETTE FROELICH, CORY DANIEL FULKER50N,KARA KATHERINE GAGE, 5ARAH ELIZABETH GAMMAGE, KURT ALLEN FAZIOLI, MARC ANDREW FELDMAN, ANDREW SAUL FERRAN-BENJAMIN, KIMBERLY GAYE FETHER5, MARGARET QUINN FIGUEROA, ANTONIA L. GARCIA, RAFAEL LEE GARDINER, WALTER JOHN, JR. GARDNER, JONARA ADRIAN GARLICK, VALERIE DAWN GARRETT, COLIN LOUIS 1`I51-1, DAVID WALTER FI5HER, ZACHARY SCOTT FLETCHER, CHRISTINE GAYLE FLUHARTY, JA50N RAY FLYNN, CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL FORBES, ASHLEY ALLISON FORD, SHANNON FORKNER, GARRETT MICHAEL FORSYTH, JOHN PHILIP FOSTER, CHRI5 DIXON F05TER, DANIEL RAY FOSTER, JA50N LEE FOX, SUSAN G. FREE, RICKEY DON FRENCH, STEPHEN WADE Voyager staff and friends cheer on runners at the Pelican trot. Daphne tries out an orange before the runners take over the refreshments. 48 GARRETT, JUSTIN KARL GARSKE, CARRIE DAWN GATES, JEFFREY W. GATHRIGHT, KENNETH BLAIR GAUDETTE, DAVID S. GAUGLER, DAVID E. GAUTHIER, KATHLEEN ANN GERMANN, BYRON JA50N GHOL5ON, CORY WADE GIBBONS, TONY FRANKLIN GIBSON, AMY CHRI5TINE GILBERT, ROBERT SAMUEL GILBERT, SARAH KATHERINE GILBREATH, STEVE ALEXANDER GOBER, NATALIE CAROL Daphne and Lisa in their castaway costumes. Sea Aggies cheer for Pelican Trot runners. 49 GULA, JENNIFER LYNN GUNKEL, ALVIN DENNIS, JR. HAASE, LISA JEAN HADLER, MARC CHRISTOPHER HAFEN, CRISTINE MARIE Blind contestants get ready to feed their blind partners. HAI5T, CHRISTOPHER FREDERICK HALL, JAMES MICHAEL HAMBERG, ANTHONY EDWARD HAMMONS, CRAIG ALAN HANISCO, 5HERRI JEAN GOLDEN, TIGER L. DOLES, MATTHEW TIMOTHY DOMES, SCOTT JAMES GOMEZ, CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN GOMEZ, PATRICIA ANN HAPP, BRIANT WILLIAM HARDIE, BONNIE COLLEEN HARKIN5, THEODORE ANDREW NARREL50N, MICHAEL RAY NAR5TAD, BRIAN DALE GONZALEZ, SUSAN ALICIA HA5TING5, DARLENE ANGELA HATTON, MARK R. HAWKER, MICHELLE LYNN HEARD, DANA LYNN HEGEMIER, DAVID MATTHEW 000DWIN, FLOYD TURNER GORAM-WELCH, 5EAN MICHAEL CHRIS GORDON, RICHARD MARTIN GOULD, L015 CATHERINE HEILMAN, DANIEL JON HEISE, RYAN JEFFREY HELD, HAROLD J. IENDERSON, RODERICK 5ANFORD GRAHAM, ELISABETH WRIGLEY GREENLEE, JA50N BA51L GREENSHIELD, AIMEE CHR15TIHE GREVE, KURT WILHELM DRIBBLE, GEOFFREY STEVEN HEN50N,HEATHER RENEE GRIFFIN, JOHN DAVID GRIFFITH, JULIA LYNNE GR055, MICHELLE DENISE GROTH, KRI5TINE MICHELLE HERMAN, ERIC LAWRENCE HERNANDEZ, LEONARD HILBURN, CHARITY EVE HILL, KATHERINE MATNEY HILL, ROY DENNIS GRUBB5, JA50N M. 50 1 51 HILLS, PAUL IAN HINDS, BARBARA ERIN HOBAN, MICHAEL A. HOLLAWAY, KEITH AARON HOLLOWAY, MAGEN HOLMAN, HILTON MATTHEW HOLMQVIST, MATSJORGEN HORAN, SEAN MICHAEL HOUCHEN5, TABITHA LYNN HOWLEY, MARY ANN HUBBARD, FRANKLIN ROBERT HUDNALL, KEVIN JACOB HUFFAKER,JONATHAN JARAD HULL, LORI JANINE HUSTON, HEIDI LYN HYMEL, 5ABRINA KAY INGER50LL, JASON GARIC INTERRANTE, 51NDY MARIE ISACC5ON, CHERYL ANN ISMAIL, ZAIMI JACK50N, JE55E LYNN JACK50N, POLLY JACOB5, JAME5 DAVID JANNERETH, KAREN RENEE JENNEN5, LORALEE JOHANNINGMEIER, ALAN DAVID JOHN50N, ADAM ZACHARY JOHN5ON, A5HANTI JOHN50N, CHRI5TOPHER LEE JOHN50N, FREDDIE L. JOHNSTON, JEANNA MARIE JONE5, CRAIG ALEXANDER JONE5, DEBBIE KAY JONE5, MELI55A M. JONES, RICHARD l`RANC15, III JONES, STEPHANIE LYNN JUNEDI, KARYADI JURANEK, SANDY JO KAHL, JAME5 JOHN KAY, DENI5 MCDONALD KAYDA, HEATHER SUE KENDRICK, KARINE ANNE KENNELLY, MICHAEL J. KENNEY, KELTON DAVID KERR, KATHLEEN MICHELLE KER5HAW, MARK DAVID KINNE, PATRICIA N. KIN5KY, MICHAEL PATRICK KIRKLAND, HEATHER VANE55A KIRKPATRICK, ROBERT WAYNE, JR. Looks like this dive may have a painful landing. Cramming for Willett's test under the sun. Students crowd around the pool for the belly flop contest. "Save me Heather, save me!" 52 53 Sun goddesses or bookworm - take your pick. Jeff accepts his prize from Rita for the Belly Flop Contest. LEMMA, KRI5TI KAY LEONE, ANGELA TERISA LEONHARDT, CHRISTOPHER SEAN LEPORTE, JACK LAWRENCE LEPRI, TRI5HA MARIE LEVENGOOD, AMANDA MARIE LEWIS, STACY ANN LINDQUI5T, MATTHEW JOHN LISTI, ANTHONY MICHAEL LITTLEJOHN, BRANDY JEAN KITE, ROBERT DAVID, II KLINGLER, KIMBERLY ANN KOBECK, MICHAEL WILLIAM KOHL, KATHERINE ELIZABETH KONIETZKO, PAUL ANDRE LI) EY, SHAWN MICHAEL KOVACEVICH, JOHN WILLIAM KUHN, KRISTEN L. MABE, MICHAEL JOHN MACULAE, MICHAEL DENNIS MADSEN,HEATHER ALENE MAHADY, MARK F. MAKI, AUDREY ANN KUNZ, JA50N C. LA CRO55E, JEANNIE ELAINE LACKEY, MARK DAVID LANCA5TER, CARA INE5 LAND, FREDERICK J05EPH LANDRUM, GLENN EDWARD LANKFORD, KEVIN CHRISTOPHER LATHROP, 51MON PETER LATROBE, JOHN HOWARD LAUREL, REBEKA ALERI5 LEAGUE, JANJ05EPH LEE, ADRIAN MICHAEL LEIMER, MICHAEL FRANK, JR. 54 LOECHEL, JEFF REY WATT LORING, JON EDWIN, JR. LOWE, CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM LUNA, DAVID RAUL, JR. MALORZO, CRAIG THOMAS MANLEY, ROBERT WILLIAM MANNEY, DAVID BRIAN MANNS, MYLE5 NELSON MARK5, DANIEL CLAY MAR5H, JUDITH ALI50N MARTIN, TODD ANDREWS MATNEY, DAVID CHARLES MATTHEWS, PATRICK CONNOR MAYO, SHAWN LEA 55 MCALLISTER, DANIEL GERALD MCCLENAN, DAVID MICHAEL MCCOY, JENNIFER LEE MCDONALD,THOMAS CHRI5TOPHER MCINDOE, CRAIG MCLEOD, GERALD ELLIS, JR. MCMURREY, GREGORY ALAN MEISETSCHLAEGER, MARK COLLIN MEIT2EN, TAMMI LEA MELVIN, KATHY J. MENTZER, PATRICIA ANN MESSENGER, RICHIE L. METTEE, NANCY METZ, PAUL 5CHAEFER MEYER, CHRI5TOPHER DAVID MICHAUD, MICHAEL ROBERT MICK, DOLLY KATHLEEN MILLER, BRIAN HOWARD MILLER, BRYCE THORNTON MILLER, JENNIFER L. MOORE, WESLEY PAUL MORGAN, RACHAL ANDRI55E MORIN, PATRICIA DENISE MORRIS, JAMES H., V M05LEY, DANYALE MONAY MULLIN5, KELLY L. MUMFORD, PATRICIA LYN MUMMERT, PATRICK NEIL MUNOZ, KEITH ALFRED MURPHY, STEPHEN TRUITT MURRAY, DAVID HUGH, III MURRAY, JEFFREY LYNCH MUSGROVE, DAVID GRANVILLE NATALI, KEVIN WAYNE NAWARA, CHANCE WAYNE MILLER, RU55ELL DEAN MILLER, SCOTT KEITH MILLER, 5UZANNE ELIZABETH MILNE, ALI50N C. MITCHELL, AIMEE ELIZABETH NEITSCH, JA50N DANIEL NEMETZ, RANDOLPH J05EPH NEUBAUER, BENJAMIN CLAY NEUWILLER, STEPHANIE ANNE NICHOLS, J. SCOTT A typical view of the tennis courts on Monday and Friday mornings. Kristine gets caught up on the latest gossip with her friend Munch after summer cruise. Silver Taps Trumpeters Maureen Schrantz and Tonya Dunn. Trisha and Kristine ready for class. - 56 MOFFETT, RONNIE LYNNE MONEY, JOHN PAUL MONSHAUGEN,MORGAN EDWARD MONTANO-LAWRENCE, JAMES DAVID MOORE, RANDALL ANTHONY 57 Dave and Monica - don't they look a little too happy? PAPILLION, DIANE PARAMORE, ROBERT JULIUS, JR. PA551CK, JANELL ELIZABETH PATERNOSTRO,CHR15TOPHER LEE PATTER50N,JA50N CHAD PATTERSON, SHALANE LEE PAUL-SIMIT, ROLAND PEAR50N,JEFFREY MICHAEL PELECKY, STEVEN WILLIAM PEREZ, PATRICIA DESIREE NICHOLSON, MARY DAVIS NIEKAMP, MARCIA L. NIELSEN, JENNIFER KAREN NONMACHER, THOMA5 SCOTT PATRICK NORMAN, CYNTHIA STEWARD NOTO, BARBARA ANN NOWORYTA, KELLI LYNE NUNE5, CHAD J05EPH NU55EAR, KEVIN MARK O'SULLIVAN, J05EPH P. ODELL, RAYMOND ROBERT OGDEN, RICHARD MEREDITH OKTAY, 5ARAH DAWN ORMEROD, DAYLE ELIZABETH ORR, LESLIE C. OTERO, EFRAIN OWEN, MICHELLE LEA PACHLHOFER, SHAWN LEIGH PACINI, NATALIE ADELE PALASCIANO, VICTOR A., II 58 PERROCCO, CHR15TOPHER ADRIAN PERRY, LAURA BETH PERRY, MICHAEL CAMERON PERRY, NICOLA LORRAINE PETER, DOUGLAS DUANE PETER5DORF, KELLY ANN PETERSON, MONICA LEIGH PETER50N, THOMAS THOR PHILBRICK, DONELLE F. PLUMMER, COREY DION POIRIER, CHRI5 EDWARD POLIZZI, DAVID POLNICK, CYNTHIA ANNE POSS, JOHNATHON D. POTWIN, LAYLA GAEA POVIO, FELICIA NAOMI PRIDGEON, LAURA ELIZABETH PROCTOR, WILLIAM JOHN PROFFITT, JARED CLAY PRUITT, 5HAWNNA LEE 59 PURCELL, JOHN LARKIN QUIROZ, ERIK WILLIAM RADLOFF, BEAU ULICHEN RAIN5, RENEE LYNN RAKE, DAVID DUANE RANKIN, GLENN RILEY RAPP, CRI5TIN ANN RA5H,JAME5 RANDOLPH REDDING, CRAIG DAVID REED,JA50N THOMAS R05E, MICHAEL BRIAN ROBB, MARCIA KAYE ROTHLANDER, JON GREGORY ROW, TRACEY LEE ROWLAND, FREDRICK J05E A. RU5H, JAME5 WADE RU55ELL, COLTON R. RU55ELL, ERIC CARLYLE RU550, CHRISTOPHER BRIAN RUIZ, I RENSE, JULIE ANN REINKE, WENDY MARIE RICHER50N, SEAN PATRICK RICHMAN, PAUL WATERS RIDDLE, BRADY DAVID RINGR05E, JOHN MICHAEL R105,TERE5A RIVAS, GREGORY PAUL RODRIGUEZ, ALVARO F. RODRIGUEZ, BRADLEY DEAN RODRIGUE2, MARC DAVID ROETHER, JOHN J. ROGERS, CYNTHIA ANN ROONEY, FRANK PATRICK RO5ADO, CHRI5TOPHER JON Student galley slave washes the dishes. Kelton, what is that smirk for? 60 5ADOW5KI, KAREN 5UE 5AMUEL, DAMON TROY 5ANKAR, RICHARD L. SAVAGE, JOHN 5HERIDAN 5CHAFER,NATHAN ANDREW SCHMAEDICK, FELICITY ANN 5CHMIDT, ERIC EDWARD SCHMIDT, JACQUELINE 5CHOPPE, DALE EDWARD 5CHRANTZ,MAUREEN RUTH SCHULTZ, CATHARINE ANNE SCHULTZ, KELLY GRETCHEN SCHUMACHER, KIRK WILLIAM 5CHWANTFS, JON MICHAEL SCHWEIGHOFER, MONA ELIZABETH 5tudents chow down on the frisbee lunches. Come and get it! 61 Ready for the Major Leagues! 5HERMAN, ERIC RICHARD 5HERRILL, ChAD BRADLEY SHIELD, LEON L. 51EIRO, AQUILINO 51LVERMAN, JED RO55 51MPSON, APRIL LEE 51NN, DAVID LOYD 5LAU0NTER, CHR15TI ANN 5MED5TAD, ERIC RANDALL SMITh, ANDREA GAYLE 5CNWEITZER, DAVID MATTHEW 5COTT, CORDON A. SCOTT, MARTIN BERRY 5000LI05, ThOMAS ELIAS 5CULLY, CARL WILHELMU5, JR. 5EABOURNE, JOhN DANIEL 5ELBY, MICHAEL LINDELL 5ELMAN, 5HERRI ANN 5ENDEJA5, WILLIAM 5EPAN5KI, MICHAEL PATRICK 5ERDA,ROBERT 5ERRANO, CHRI5TOPHER MICHAEL SEWELL, JAMES MCCORD 5HAFFER, FAITH ANN 5HAhK, ROBERT FREDERCIK SHAW, CHRI55Y LAJUANA SHAW, JA50N T. SHEA, CHRI5TINf ELIZABETH SHEETS, SHAWN MARIE 5HEPPARD, MORGAN VANDYKE 62 SMITh, SMITh, SMITh, 5MITh, SMITh, BENNIE MARTITA CHRISTINA 5TAUT5 MEREDITH ELAINE MICHELE MARIE 5TEPhANIE CA55ANDRA 5MITh, WENDY C. 5NYDER, MICHAEL SCOTT 50BEY, MATT THOMAS 50MMERFELD, LISA NICOLE SOTO, CAROLINA SOVINE, GWENDOLYN JOY SPANGLER, LORI LYNN STAFFORD, DENNOU HARM STAMBOLI5, TIMOTHY W. 5TEEN,JAME5 ANDREW 5TEININGER, JEAN MAY 5TENGEL,JENNIFER ANNE 5TEPHANOW, RICHARD EUGENE, JR. 5TEPHEN5ON, PATRICIA ANN 5TERNENBERG, ROBERT MATTHEW 63 5TIS5ER, 5TEVEN ERIC STOKER, JOHN ROBERT 5TROH, ROBERT KYLE STUMP, MONICA K. 5UMINTORO, RUBYANTO 5UPERNAUGH, MICHELLE LYNN SWAIN, GILBERT EUGENE, JR. 5YLER, ANTOINETTE 5ZAROWICZ, ADRIAN JOHN TAMNEY, BRIAN ANTHONY TEITEL, KEVIN JAMES TERRY, ADAM SCOTT THIEKEN, CHAD T. THOMAS, ROBERT NEIL ThOMPSON, JON ALLEN, JR. THRONEBERRY, JOHN DAVID TINER, ROBERT JA50N TITTEL, JERAD JAME5 TOLMAN, BROOKS TOWNE, NATHAN HA5TING5 TRAHAN, ROBERT STEPHEN, JR. TUCKEY, SARAH ELIZABETH TURNER, JA50N PHILLIP ULMER, MARYANNE BETH ULMER, SHELLY JEAN Ok, so we do decorate our trees in a traditional way. "FA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA-LA!" Showing our Christmas spirit with B-Dorm lights. 64 VAN DELL, HARVEY GUYTON, IV VANDELINDER, DONALD WRAY VINCENT, DOMINICK ANTONIO WADE, CHERYL L. WAELCHLI, JE551CA LEE WALLER, MANDY KAY WARNER, ROBERT ERIC WARNKEN, KENT WAYNE WATER5, STEPHANIE DAWN WATKIN5, AMANDA JANE WAT50N, WILLIAM CHARLES WEBB, JOHNNY CHILTON, III WEISMAN, BRAM DAVID WELCH, JA50N ANDREW WELL5, KATHERINE A. WERMUTH, GREGORY JOSEPH WEST, LYNETTE COLLEEN WESTERFIELD, PAULA RAE WESTFALL, ERIK KARL WHAYLEN, LESLIE DAWN WHITE, ROBERT LUGAR, II WHITLOW, JOHNATHAN DAVID WHITMEYER, LAURA ANISE WILEY, HEATHER LOUI5E WILK, SERENA NOELLE "Look ma myself." - I did it all by How many Aggies does it take to put up a Christmas tree? 65 Keep smiling ... LEHMAN, RONALD DEAN MALONE, COURTNEY LYNN MOTT, MICHAEL J. OGDEN, RICHARD MEREDITH O'ROURKE, EDWARD LLOYD vacation's almost here! RAHIM, MOHAMMED FADIL RUKE, DAVID DUANE 5MITH, LE5LIE CAROLYN 5UMINTORO,RUBYANTO Tones, ROXANNE V. WILKIN50N, MATTHEW DAVID WILLARD, JOHN WESLEY WILLNITE, MEL155A KAY WILLHOITE, ANDREW ROBERT WILLIAM5, CR15TINA MARIE WENDROCK, MICHELLE WILLIAM5, JOHN DAVID WILLIAM5, LI5A RENE WIL50N, DAWN NICOLE WI5EHART, CR15TINA MARIE WOOLEN, TIFFANY WOOTEN, CARL05 THOMA5 WOOTEN, DEBORAH ANN YELLS, JENNIFER YOUNG, DAVID MARK ZIMMERMAN, 5NERI ANN ZINN, CATHERINE MARIE ZIPF, WILLIAM BYRON, JR. ZUERCNER, CHRI5TOPHER CORRY JULIE ANN FARINEAU COURTNEY HEGMAN 66 1 67 Our instructors probably think this is the way we always look when we are sitting in class but thank goodness, someone is awake for all those interesting lectures. 69 68 Tampa, Florida JoAnne Cantu and Paul Pettibon Working or 5kating? Crew enjoys a scenic view coming into port. Clearwater Beach scenery. Brandy Becker are you cold, hiding or sunburnt? terry DeGenova is set cooler and sand! - towel, sunglasses, liiep Atkins, what are you showing Felix? He probably knows it already in 20 languages. Anna Cornet and 5tephanie Thurston prepettes. Gena Daniels and Flounder soaked to the skin in Bush Gardens. Michelle and liecia play tourist in Bush Gardens' tamed wilderness. Cadets cool off the easy way Just because it was an "accidental port" didn't mean that the 5ea Aggies couldn't have a good time. Several tours were set up by Donna Calenius. Students enjoyed the rides and watersports of Bush Gardens, 5ea World, and Typhoon Lagoon. 5ome also ventured to Orlando to see Epcot Center and Disney World. For a more relaxing day in the sun, cadets loaded up buses to Clearwater Beach. At night, most of our partying people regrouped at a local hang-out, 5toney's. Cadets also spent time phoning home before sailing. - with lots of water. 71 STAVANGER NORWAY Corps Commander and professional bike rider, Steve Moneymaker. Gearing up to see the sites by bike. "how many people on the gangway guys?" Hope it doesn't fall! Sister city to Galveston, this quaint town welcomed The Clipper with open oars. Actually, the Norwegians brought new meaning to hospitality. The 5tavanger A&M Club hosted a bar-b-que for all the cadets. Students were able to see an impressive view of the fjords from Pulpit Rock, one of the highest points. Night life included an "underground" hangout, Check Point Charlie; a real 70's hangout, Waterfall makes a big splash with the boat tour through the magnificent fjords. Mr. Carhart stands in front of a perfect postcard picture. North 5ea makes big waves for our teachers. The Red Barn, and Marco's. Commandant Dillon is presented with an Aggie flag by the 5tavanger A&M Club. Marc Lewis on watch, "dumpster duty." One of the many beautiful streets in Norway. Cadets pose for a group shot at the bar-b-que. Resting or scoping for women? With these guys, who knows? 72 73 Prep Cadets enthusiastically ROTTERDAM perform their duties. "So Rose, how are you going to use your employee of the month parking space for July?" Amanda Becker struts her in the bathing suit competition. stuff Aggie artwork displayed by Robb Mason, Bosun' Bob, and Jed Silverman. Rotterdam presented the cadets with a multitude of European delights. First, the Clipper had to travel through Europort, the largest port in the world. Two tours were arranged including a countryside tour of a fishing village from the cheese factory to the windmills, and a canal boat tour of Amsterdam. Otherwise, students were able to travel on the Eurosail to see Amsterdam or The Hague, the Dutch government capital. In Amsterdam, cadets could visit the Rijks Museum featuring works of Rembrandt and Van Gogh or be further immersed in the local culture. Many students enjoyed dancing at the futuristic discotheque, Tomorrowland. Cadets wait in the Rotterdam train station to go see the sights in Amsterdam. Cadets work hard to paint the ship while rocking and rolling in the north Sea. Shopping "in mass" through the streets of Amsterdam, some cadets decide to go sight-seeing in the infamous "Red Light" district. Relaxing on a local "artwork" in Rotterdam Park. Super engineer Freddie sweats away in the cool confines of the engine room. 74 1 75 MADEIRA, SPAIN Madeira, Spain, was a beautiful port from the rocky coastline to the flowered mountain-sides. One tour was made of the Island's volcano, scenic waterfalls and abundant flora and fauna. In addition, many cadets visited the wicker factories where they could see and purchase various items made by the locals. Although wooden sleds were used at one time to transport goods to the market, now tourists can be propelled through the streets by gravity alone. At night many cadets could be found either at "socks" or "Formula 1." The last night in port, Prop Club threw a party that no cadet could ever forget (especially since it is all on videotape). Kitty Reed up and ready to man the rails. Mike, Jody, and JoAnn rock climbing off the Madeira cliffside. Kelly and Matt enjoy the scenic countryside of a small village, Ann Beber - Ain't she sexy? Monica Peterson poses in a wicker hat. 76 - Time to strap on the feedbags Students put all the fixings and trimmings on their food at the parent cookout. Multi-talented food service manager, (telly Kay[, can flip four hamburgers and cook some at the same time. Marshall Perez, Mike ttinsky, and Jon Schwantes load up to chow down! "So how do you enforce the curfew here?" An Aggie mom voices her concern for her daughter to resident advisor, Anne Whede. - NEW STUDENTS AND PARENTS COOKOUT August 23, 1990, was a big day for students and parents alike. New students were trying to meet new people and trying to get over the "new school" jitters. Returning students were hurriedly scampering all over the campus to find friends they hadn't seen since May and catch up on all the summer gossip. But maybe the people with the biggest "worry wrinkles" were the parents. It was the parents who had to say goodbye to their children and leave them in a new and unknown environment. To help all of the parents and students, whether new or returning, make the adjustment, TAMUG held a student/parent cookout. The school provided bar-b-qued hotdogs and hamburgers with all the fixings French fries, beans, and a available variety of sodas. The cookout provided all with the opportunity to eat, relax, and enjoy themselves. If people weren't eating there was a variety of entertainment taking place. There were people swimming, laying out in the sun, and playing volleyball or frisbee. - - An Overview Students and parents wait in line for hamburgers at the parents' cookout during fall registration. Jay and Scott cringe as they get their first whiff of the food here at TAMUG. happy helpers serve the hungry students, Joe hanasco fixes a special order hamburger for himself. 78 When asked how much fun she had, new student heather Madsen said, "I had a great time. met a lot of people and got free food at the same time!" Everyone seemed to agree with heather's statement and look forward to next year's cookout. I Students wait in line for "home cooked" hamburgers at the new student/parent cookout in August. 79 IO L L E G I S - Am I having fun yet? on an incoming Aggie. Don't ask me, I'm just supervising Mr. Merritt watches his co-workers help students register. - Dr. Cravey and Ramona Ready, willing, and able help Dave Musgrove and others to register for their fall classes. After summer vacation how do these things work? Pat Erwin has a hard time remembering how to work the computer. - Georg EngelmannDid get my classes, huh, huh? Rogers waits for Dr. Cooper to enter students' classes so he can give them their printout. I - Standing in line takes its toll - Waiting is the hardest part Teachers and student workers wait for more students to register for their prospective fall classes. - Are you sure abut that? A TAMUG police officer questions whether he is hearing the truth or not. - Sign your name on the dotted line 5tudents wait in line to pay their fall registration fees. T 1 IO T 0 n 80 81 \r - Football or soccer anyone? Football and soccer club members have a great time recruiting new members for their next season during club night. - Georg Englemann-Rogers recruits for the Surf Club at Activities Night. 5MAME members, Bob Aley and Frank Two buddies, Amy and Amy, represent the Dive Club. Look, you're on candid camera Jennie LaCrosse tells liim Anderson to smile at the camera, but Monica Peterson chooses to ignore her comment. No surfing is done in the water Blakemore, look for people to go down under in their new sub building project. - "Don't you know the latest fashion?" Dr. Willett and the Historical Society show everyone how to make a coat for a Dickens on the Strand costume. - Shawna Pruett and Iecia Hall Promote the Hydrographic Society with good humor and smiles. First TAMUG. What's next, the White House? Wes McDaniels promotes the Student Senate. Cole Edmund, Deon Standlee and Amanada Levengood from the Emergency Medical Care Team and Rev. Tom Modd encourage people to Come one, come all 5tephine, Barbara, and Trish "flag down" new students for 5AMA at club night. - join their "happy family" with cookies, chips and crackers at Activities Night. You got a problem? They'll be there, TAMUG's Emergency Medical Service is ready to assist on a moment's notice. 82 0 83 DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS AGGIES - Pick up time Keith Holloway and others bring their trash to a local site for pick-up at the beach clean up. September 22, 1990, at 8 a.m., thirty Aggies dragged themselves to the Galveston beachfront to help in the beach cleanup. The Historical Society sponsored this environmental event, and documented all the trash collected from the beach. Typically, our beachcombers found plastic rope, six-pack holders, tar balls, light sticks, and tires. On the more unusual side, a propane tank, a Chinese carved wooden pipe, an old throw net, and a picnic basket were found. By walking in the water, students were able to gain relief from the heat. Unfortunately, the blood-sucking mosquitos showed no sympathy to our good Samaritans. This year's beach cleanup was successful, but hopefully next year's cleanup will find less trash on the beach. - After a tong morning Chow time of picking up trash, TAMUG students patiently wait for the food and drinks to arrive so they can eat. - Karen Jannereth and Good view Lisa Cohenour have an interesting way of taking inventory of trash. Lisa Cohenour was in charge of documenting the trash picked up on the Galveston beach on September 22, 1990. I'm sure Teresa Boggs is having a great time in the sun while picking up trash off the beach. - Beach cleanup helpers show how clean the beach is Ajax was here once they've been given the chance to lend a hand to cleaning it up. - Dr. willett poses with his new-found household Look at that tan!! items: hanger, cup, and trash bag. 84 a 85 UNITED WAY The 1991 United Way Fund Raiser at TAMUG was a great success. The set goal was exceeded. TAMUG raised $3,144 this year with the help of volunteers participating in the activities. Rita Stanley organized the dunking booth and yard sale. EMC contributed baked goods. The Sail Club sold candied apples. The yearbook staff sold drinks provided by the Coca-Cola Company. Thanks to everyone who helped. Rita Stanley waits for her next dunking at the United Way Fund Raiser. Dr. Cooper waits to be dunked and hopes his cowboy hat doesn't get too wet. The dunker becomes the dunkee, or so Grant hopes. Grant stays calm, cool, and collected and hopes he won't get dunked too many times. 86 Or. 5lotta basks in the sun before being dunked. Bill Alley entertains the spectators. Diehard shoppers browse through a variety of sale items. 87 UNITED WAY CAMPAIGN DRAWING PRIZES Bill Alley asks everyone if they have a list for the The Pagan Ritual strikes again. 5cavenger hunt. hey, Good Lookin'I Chris Perrocco dressed In drag at the Party. This is where you bring all the items on your list, "Actually, we're angels. Would these faces lie?" All these eager beavers can't wait for the Scavenger hunt to begin. understand? Aye, mates! Chris Cichon shows off his tattoo. 88 1 89 HAMLET II The fall production of hamlet II: Better than the Original, was a raging success. This Shakespearean farce full of puns and outrageous slapstick humor kept the audience rolling with laughter. In the play, Prince hamlet must decide whether to avenge his dead father (Dario Christopherson) by killing his stepfather and king (Troy Duncan), have an incestuous relationship with his mother (Katy Kerr), or marry his sex-kitten sweetheart (Angela Leone). Although almost the whole cast was killed off by some means, the jokes didn't stop until the lights went out. CHARACTERS .......... Anton Angulo ........ Kathleen Kerr ......... Troy Duncan .... Dario Christopherson ....... Damon Samuel Polonius ..... John David Griffin Laertes ........ Keith rollaway Ophelia ......... Angela Leone Rosencrantz ......... Kecia Hall Andrew Dunseith Guildenstern Francisco ....... Chris Zuercher Bernardo ....... Cole Edelmon Gravedigger ... Christopher Lowe Towns people ........ Meaghan hamlet Gertrude Cladius Ghost horatio . . Chapman 5herri haniosco Deanna Cann Kelly Mullins DICKENS Students had a taste of the Victorian era during Dickens on the Strand, December 1-2, 1990. Some of the clubs helped celebrate the spirit of the season with a variety of activities. A turkey leg cookout was held by the Surf Club on the 5trand. On Friday, the Historical Society held a costume contest for the students and faculty. Prized included limited edition posters and dinner for two at a Houston restaurant. Dickens on the Strand gave students and faculty the chance to celebrate the holiday season Victorian style. 5abrina Nymel looks elegant as she prepares silverware at the Turkey Booth. I LOVE these clothes Dickens. - Workers help support Dickens by helping in the booth on the Strand. Two Dickens go-getters step out with style for "Oh Captain, my Captain!" nautical idea for Dickens. - Jed Silverman and Carrie Gretzckie have Chimney sweeps? Maybe men? Not all ... Three Members of the Surf Club cook up some turkey legs at Dickens on the 5trand. a Dickens supporters dress up Yum! The Surf club cooks turkey legs for people to "gobble up!" Faculty joins in at the costume contest held in the TAMUG auditorium. in costumes for the costume contest. 92 93 T Christmas Luncheon Faculty and Staff The Faculty and Staff Christmas luncheon was held on 14 December 1990. This event was the results of hard work by Diana Taylor, Dr. G. Bite, Dr. T. Johnson, Vicki Barker, JoAnne Michael, and John Merritt and was a great success. The luncheon was held in the campus dining room and was overseen by Charles Lee and Kelly Kayl with the assistance of all the Food Services personnel. The luncheon was made extra special by all of those who spent time in their own kitchens preparing a little something for the meal. All in all, a very special meal for a very special occasion. During the luncheon, prizes were awarded for the Christmas door decorations. Best Christmas Theme ... Student Services Most Original Door ... Fiscal Services Most Comical Door ... Library Most Beautiful Door ... Marine Biology 94 95 1 MARDI GRAS Mardi Gras Galveston style was full of fun for the Aggies. Many of the faculty and staff participated in the liou Dah Parade by dressing as gangsters and hoodlums or as the scholars they are. Many Aggies went to the Galveston Rugby Tournament; however, a few players were hurt. In the truck parade, Aggie grads dressed as Batman characters and rode in their Batmobile and patriotic students paid tribute to American soldiers. - Dr. Willett 'strolls along singin' his song' in the Hou Dah Parade. Mike Eyman proudly displays his helmet Kathy "comforts" John's rugby boo-boo. Aggles show their spirit while catching beads from the floats. "Be a patriot, not a scud." Kathleen and Monica are sideline sweeties for the Galveston rugby team. These guys would make lousy cheerleaders for rugby! Come on, show some pep! Donna and Dr. Curley strut their stuff in the Hou Dah Parade. Aggie grads in their Batman float in the truck parade. 96 1 97 Contestants from everywhere come to Galveston to enjoy the annual surfing contest. 98 99 Aggies enjoy the annual spring break surfing activities. 5ome Aggies participate, some Aggies watch, and some work at the surfing contest. 100 1 101 - she JoNell doesn't feel sorry for Dr. Landry came prepared with a towel and plastic cover. Pie Throwing Contest participants Dr. Iliffe, Dr. Webb, Dr. Cooper, Jon 5chwantes, JoNell Matthews, and Dr. Landry. PELICAN TROT Participants of all ages showed up to run at the 2nd Annual 515 Pelican Trot, March 23, 1991. Friends and TAMUG clubs rooted the runners on. The "Traveling Band of Idiots" won first place for cheering, $75. The Voyager staff won second place, $50. Coming in third was the LaCrosse Team, winning $25. T-shirts, trophies, and ribbons were handed out to the top runners. The race proved to be enjoyable for all who watched and participated in it. No one can wait for the 3rd Annual Pelican Trot! PIE THROWING CONTEST The Pie Throwing Contest took place during the United Way Campaign. This gave students the perfect opportunity to get back at staff and faculty. Everyone involved had a - with the possible exception of great time with the pies with pie on their face took it all Everyone receivers! the pie can't wait for their moment of but fun, and spirits in good revenge! 102 The real reason everyone got up early to run Dr. Landry asks Kerry Stanley, - Where's the starting line? to get a - A view of the pre-run scenario. prize! "How could you do this to me, and even after I passed you?" Dr. Cooper and Kerry laugh while Dr. Landry tries to fling the pie from his face. 103 CORPS - --- -- -- --- - CHANGE OF COMMAND 1990-1991 Corps Staff Steve Moneymaker Corps Commander Erin Neville Corps KO Craig Cornell Corps Adjuant Robb Mason Master of Arms Marshall Perez A Company Commander Andy Odell B Company Commander Anne Whede C Company Commander Geoff George E Company Commander 1991-1992 Corps Staff F ristine troth Corps Commander Gerry DeGenova Corps KO Michel 5ammon Corps Adjutant Mats Holmquist Master at Arms Trisha Emrick A Company Commander Jon Samuell B Company Commander Jeff Gidel Commander Company C Alan Rich E Company Commander Robert Coffey Drill Team Commander Lambremont John Officer Logistics -1991.1992 Captain Bourgeois accepting MCM5 from Dr. Evans. 5teve, listen to Commander Byrne and stop watching the photographer! Commander Byrne, Kristine troth, Mike 5ammon, Mats holmquist, and John Lambremont. Kristine troth ready to be installed as the new Corps commander. Kristine troth in command of the Corps. The Corps are looking sharp in dress blues. 104 105 CCOMPANY ACOM PAHY C-1 A-1 Wehde, Sammon, Tunnell, Nunes, Scott, smith M., Doolitle, Fletcher, Mamich, Miller, Povio, Weinrich, and Zipf. Perez, Atkins, Goldberg, Sieiro, Easley, Phipps, Scully, Bieber, Dix, Hancock, Moore, 5obey, and Wolf. A-2 5chuesiler, Flint, Urban, Costello, Gibbs, Shield, Vreeland, Bowman, Green, Gunkel, Rodrigues, Whitlow, and Reed. A-3 Degenova, Burtschell, Elfert, C-2 Cox, Coffey, Perrocco, Archie, Pfaendther, Savage, Scherer, Allen, Smith 5., Manns, Metz, Mitchell, and Murray. li, C-3 Lambremont, Bridgeman, gardner, Hawker, Philbrick, Azar, Fazioli D., Hall J., McAllister, Medina, and Otero. Mason, Hall Petersdorf, gorman, Hemetz, Silverman, Stambolis, Butler, Cichon, Grubbs, Zeitzman, and Zuercher. A-4 Cornell, Groth, 5amuell, Forsyth, Munoz, Staples, Swan, Calpakis, League, Hichols, 5chrantz, 5otirelis, and Surbaugh. C-4 Moneymaker, Allsion, Gidel, Clapp, Gauld, Hill, Pettibon, Barwick, Fazioli M., Gilbert, McConnell, Mclndoe, and Stark. ECOM PAHY BCOM PAMY B-1 Odell, Bulera, Held, Dowler, Peltzer, Strength, Cawthron, Demeritt, goodwin, Latrobe, Owen, Schnos, and Zinn. 8-2 Bach, Hayden, Lacrosse, Manney,'r+ Stacy, Boostrom, Dale, kerr, Peterson, Roal5on, 5a550, and Thurston. B-3 Cordon, Lewis, Vandelinder, liuykendall, Lorimer, Tamney, West, Eagleson, Germann, Kay, Murphy, Sepanski, and Serrano. E-1 Neville, Holmquist, Rich, Duzan, Johnson, Chuey, harkins, Moore RA, Russell M., Shank, Stump, and Teitel. E-2 George, Butzen, Fitch, Duncombe, Ellis, Golden, Dvorak, Happ, Hahl, Lee, Littlejohn, and 5medstad. B-4 Rogers, Emrick, Huse, Russo, Lowe, Ridgway, Wermuth, Crowder, Gauthier, Hinds, Hubbard, Ruiz, and Vincent. 106 107 CaDenius Valerie Garlick and Chris Russo enjoying the good food and good times in good company Bow heads or Corps Women? Take your pick! Anne Whede and Itecia hall proudly display their fashionable bows. Donna and her date look pleasantly surprised at what? Who knows! Floyd Goodwin, Lee Crowder, and their lovely ladies pose for this shot. Sexy women Beiber. - Lori West and Beth Grant seems to be having a good time. Chad Nunes and his sexy sweetheart wait for the tunes to resume. - W. Corps graduating seniors Cox, R. Gordan, M. Perez, E. Neville, R. Mason, A. Whede, and G. George. Todd Bridgeman and Sarah 5chere cool down with refreshments after some hot dancing. Matt Quigley and his date dance the night away. Antony, Courtney, Cristopher, and Don socialize in style. Moody Gardens, April 6, 1991, was the place and date of the Maritime Ball and a guaranteed night of fun. The food was catered by a private catering service and a DJ and a band were present to provide the music. Girls and guys, or should we say, the "ladies and gentlemen" were able to dress up in the formal wear they never thought they would have the opportunity to wear again. needless to say everyone looked smashing. All who went to the Maritime Ball had a great time and are looking forward to next year. 108 109 Everyone enjoys the Maritime Ball. It was an opportunity to enjoy good food, good music, and share with family and friends. 110 111 THE FOREIGNER What happens when a foreign man pretending not to speak English overhears secrets and confessions in a Georgia fishing lodge? Why, he befriends an old lady, an exdebutante, and her dense brother and outwits the Ku Klux Klan, of course! The TAMUG Drama Club found out for itself when they performed "The Foreigner," a dramatic comedy by Larry 5hue, also author of "The Nerd." The play ran April 11, 12, 13, and 14, and was well received by all the audiences. CHARACTERS ............ Andy Dunseith Charlie .............. Brady Riddle Betty .................. Katy Kerr Rev. David ............. Adrian Lee Catherine ............ Deanna Cann Owen ........ Dario Christopherson Ellerd ............ Michael McCeig Froggy Townspeople ...... John David Griffin Robert Kirkpatrick Damon 5amuel Kitti Gauthier hobbs "You're pregnant?! It's a miracle!" "Yeah, right." Owen, the town scum, wishes everyone would stop pickin' on him! Ain't he adorable?! Good 'ole Betty: "Dooley, Dooley!" 112 Welcoming The foreigner with open arms, skepticism, and distaste. Where's he from? A long way away! 113 SPRIMGFEST LACROSSE TEAM The Lacrosse Team sponsored this interesting event. All semester students were able to see the Lacrosse Team practicing for an up and coming match. This event gave them the chance to try their luck. All who tried this found it a challenge to put a little ball into a big net. EXPLORE DIVING Jeremy Richie gave an informative demonstration on scuba diving. As you can see he had a very attentive audience. Don't these girls make you want to take up diving? Afterwards, the Dive Club allowed interested participants to experience life below the surface of the water. 114 115 I BLIND FEEDING THE BLIND hydrographic Society sponsored this hilarious and messy event where competitors fed their partners apples, bananas, and grapefruit covered in honey, chocolate, syrup or both! 116 PENDULUM PANTYHOSE - the pictures of the most unusual event here they are at 5pringfest. We always knew the Caving Club was different and here is the proof. We think that it may be all of the bat guano that they play with. 117 Surf-N-Skate Belly-Flop Sail Club sponsored this painful Surf Club sponsored this event that required competitors to use their skill on a skateboard and paddling ability to event that was judged for style, splash and redness. Best flopper was Dave win. Manney. 118 119 Gong Show Good Eats Drama Club (SOAP) sponsored this event that featured lip synchers, magicians, talented musicians and even the Energizer Bunny. The final winners were the B-52's for the second year in a row! Faculty and Staff breakfast and outdoor cookout Good food, great service! The faculty served breakfast to the students. Some good natured servers even serenaded the students. ("I'm a little teapot" was enough to ruin any appetite!) 120 - 121 5pirit of Aggieland Aggie Muster 1991 Some may boast of prowess bold Of the school they think so grand But there's a spirit can ne'er be told It's the spirit of Aggieland We are the Aggies old fight That good old Aggie spirit thrills us And makes us yell and yell and yell 5o let's fight for dear old Texas A&M After they've boosted all the rest Then they will come and join the best For we are the Aggies the Aggies so true We're from Texas AMU - We're goin' to beat you all to Chig-gar-roo-gar-rem Chig-gar-roo-gar-rem Rough Tough! Real 5tuff! Texas A&M Erin fieville talking to another Aggie. hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck! hullabaloo, Caneck! Caneck! practicing for life at sea or they had a rough night. Dr. and Mrs. Merrell with one of their guests for Aggie Muster. 5o long to the Orange and the White Farmers fight! Farmers fight! Farmers, farmers, fight! Good luck to the dear old Texas Aggies They are the boys that show the real old fight "The eyes of Texas are upon you That is the song they sing so well So goodbye to Texas University We're goin' to beat you all to Chig-gar-roo-gar-rem Chig-gar-roo-gar-rem Rough Tough! Real 5tuff! Texas A&M 122 - Right Dress" T-E-x-A-5 A-G-G-I-E Fight! Fight! Fight-fight-fight fight Maroon! White-white-white A-G-G-I-E Texas! Texas! A-M-C Gig 'em Aggies! 1! 2! 3! Goodby to Texas University "Dress - the Aggies are we True to each other as Aggies can be We've got to FIGHT boys We've got to fight! We've got to fight for Maroon and White All hail to dear old Texas A&M Rally around Maroon and White Good luck to dear old Texas Aggies They are the boys who show the real Aogie Moms display Aggie goods. Drill Team Commander - Bob Coffey Dean Gage of TAMU - Iv Students enjoy the cookies supplied by the cafeteria. College station shaking hands with an Aggie at Muster. Gig 'em Aggies!!! 123 V for victory? Talk about mug The shots. Voyager Yearbook staff works hard? Hardly works? Match up those pictures with the names!!! Why do I have vertical pictures for' horizontal layouts? I i',XAS A&M UNIVERSITY JALVESTON 124 125 DIG, SET, SPIKE A team member digs the ball up for a teammate to spike. Don't just stand there - Sand, sun, tanned bodies - go get the ball! - yep, volleyball. Many TAMUG students participated in volleyball activities this year. The sunny weather made volleyball the perfect sport to play. Games and tournaments were held throughout the season. Digs, sets, and spikes were all there was to be seen during the games. Everyone who played this year had a great time and look forward to next year. you guessed it Some serious volleyball players spike and block the ball as it goes over the net. Steve, April, and Zane play a "rigorous" game of volleyball. Stretch 126 - Keith reaches for the ball to get a point. Wait 1 - something's missing - yeah, that's it, the ball's missing. 127 Jody drops Joanne on his way to the basket. OK guys, what's going on? Are we winning or losing? Two points! 128 129 SEASPRAY Aggies who are creative like to work on "5easpray," our campus literary magazine. It is produced annually with the best articles, essays, drawings and poetry that our students produce. 130 131 To: From: Message: To: From: Message: To: From: Message: To: From: Message: To: From: Message: SPONSORS To: From: Message: To: and ADS From: Message: Chris Alvarez 5alvador and Marcia Alvarez Chris, Go for it! We're behind you 100%. Love, Mom and Dad Trent Bailly Mom, Dad and Kim Trent, all of us are very proud of you. Fred Barrera Mom and Dad (Mr. and Mrs. A. Barrera) "Let's go Fred, let's go. One more year to go!" (Cheer by Laura) The best is yet to come! Kelly Barwick Mom and Dad Being best doesn't mean being better than anyone else; it means being the best you can be. As far as we're concerned, you already are! Bill A. Bol Larry and Fern Bol When God gave out sons, we got the best. We love you and are proud of you. Give your best, that's all we ask, Rich Cawthron Mom, Dad, Murf and Alaska Good luck. We love you. Mom, Dad, Murf & Alaska - Charles Cherrington, Jr. Charles & Bonnie Cherrington Mom & Dad Charlie, may your bridges in life be easier to cross than the one to TAMUG. Love, Mom and Dad To: Daphne Cook From: Message: To: Parents Congratulations on competing your first year. Kathleen Costello From: Mom & Dad Message: We hope the seas are kind to you. Dad Love, & Mom To: Marianne M. Csaky From: Dad, Mom, Laci, Brenda, Dan and Michelle Message: Your Yankee Family's so proud of you! hold onto your dream hon. It will be a reality soon. Good luck, we love you To: Dawn Chenoa Dale From: Message: 132 Your Loving Family and Rob The ocean had a look of mystery, intrigue and quiet beauty. Now you, My Love, you wrote with the same qualities, and the ocean are united forever. -- 133 To: To: From: Message: To: From: Message: To: From: Message: Monica June Daniels Ann E. Daniels I knew you could do it! Your future should be exciting and rewarding and we are very proud and happy for you. Mom Jeff Davis Connie, Ron & Mike Congratulations, graduate. Best fishes for a happy life. Love you. Mom, Dad and Mike From: Message: To: Neil Shannon Flliff From: Mess Ron & Virginia Elliff a ee, Success and happiness in We're both very proud of you obtaining your goal of a c your endeavors after graduation. P.S Thanks for the raise, Mom & Dad To: Derik M. Flint From: Message: Capt. & Mrs. Mason TAMUG! Keep up the good work! Mats Jorgen holmgvist Barbro & Bo holmgvist ,'Lycklig Resa" Mom, Dad, and Marie To: Marc Lewis From; Message: Your Three Brothers Marcus Dirigus, with goals in stone; Love to call but no phone; You're a winner, can tell at a glance; Keep spirits high, as-we!i-as the seat of your pants, Love, Your Three brothers To: Christopher Martin Manfred & Chr!stel Martin In recognition of all your hard work and your achievements, your family would like to congratulate you and wish you all the best for the future: From: Message: U Message: "last" year at Message: From: om and Dad Theresa Hill and Ronnie Barcak Mom, Dad, Billy and Bobby To our two favorite Sea Aggies: have a great Cadet John Lee Lambremont The Gang at Twin Oaks Ranch All our love and God be with you on this, the "Grand Clipper Cruise To: won erful future for you, good luck Aggie Love, PaulineFarineau Best of luck, Julie. ove, Mom, Dad, and Derek From: To: From: Message: Pam DuBose Mom, Dad, Travis, and Charlie Congratulations, Pam! We are very proud of you. I To: From: Message: Joseph 5.Ehardt Mr, & Mrs. Joseph W. Ehardt Graduation opens the doors to To: From: Message: Patricia Harris Mr. & Mrs. Richard A. Harris & Thomas "Ralph," we are very proud of all you've accomplished. Go get'um next year. Love you. Dad, Mom, and Thomas To: Stephanie L. Flint Almost there! Three down the Critters one to go - McLaury From: keep up the good work. Love, Papa, Mama, Marin and Message: From: Message: Mark Graham Mom & Dad Mark: Your family is very proud of you. Good luck and God Bless! Mom and Dad To: Aimee Elizabeth Mitchell To: To: From: Message: Cory D. Froelich rs. John R. Mills) Mom and Dad (Mr. E Just a note to say tha we are proud of you. Keep up the good To: From: Shawn Gibbs Mom and Dad (Capt. & Mrs. A. J. Message: "Keep up the good job. Nothing can stop you now.' G ork! From: Mother & bbs) Dad Message: From: Message: Tiger Golden Granny & harry Study hard. Be good. God loves you and so do we. You are always in our prayers, Miss you. To: Kecia Hall From: Message: tier family We treasure you more than the wealth of King Tut Butt." Mommy, Daddy and Kimi To: Charles & Cathy McLaury Congratulations! You did great! Love, Mom and Dad . And we will always love you "Bubble Gum May this 20th birthday celebration on the Island of Guadeloupe be the first of many exciting future ones in exotic places! To: Keith A. Munoz From: Message: To: From: Message: Alfred & Aileen Munoz May your sails always be filled by the winds of happiness and good fortune. Chad J. Nunes Mom & Dad have a great cruise. Luv ya, Mom and Dad 135 To: From: Message: Joseph P. O'5ullivan Mom (Roberta O'5ullivan) Remember, all hard work is rewarded. We're proud of you!!! Love, Mom From: Message: Regina Outterside Mom & Dad (Charles & Patricia Outterside) To our daughter, Regina, we extend our everlasting love and pride, and prayers that her future will bring happiness and fulfillment of all her aspirations. To: Brad Patterson From: Message: Your Parents Wishing you future success in your scholastic endeavors and you. To: To: From: Message: To: From: Message: To: From: Message: Donelle Philbrick Mom & Dad You are the light of our life we enjoy sha ing your path to proud of you. Keep working hard, - Jaime, Adelina and Barbra Pina One long year behind you and three short years to go. To: From: Message: a bright and happy future. the future. From: Mom & Dad (Pat & Jack Quigley) Your day-by-day journey is taking you where the way. Love, Mom & Dad E. Diligence and perseverance will always prevail The feeble at heart most surely will fail Thank Cod for the weather, you might be at Yale, To: From: Message: Danielle R. Rondeau E, E. Rondeau 5r. (Dad) Keep up the good work. I'm proud of you .. "5weet pea . " Karen Sue Sadowski Dad, Mom and Family Hope you had a great year. We love and support you. We are looking forward to your homecoming. Love, Dad, Mom and Family Steve Scanio Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Scanio Congratulations from Melrose Park, Ill. We love you, Mom, Dad, Frank, Cinnamon, Gram and BoBo From: Message: Smooth sailing! And we love you Mike! Mom & Dad To: Morgan Sheppard Mom, Dad and 5usannah (Mr. & Mrs. Donald 5heppard) You may never sail the seven seas, but we know wherev r you go you'll make beautiful uric! Love, Mom, Dad, Susannah andthe Bros. From: Message: From: Message: Eric 5herman Richard and Yvonne Sherman We're proud of you, You can do anything you set your mind May the waters be calm and the beer be cool as you sail tr Dave Sinn om r Sea Aggie, Sur n' Ilinois salutes it's eep going for the gold!! The Sinns To: Eric 5medstad From: Mom, Dad, Ryan & Jenny 5medstad not so hard, but enjoy then Work hard, study hard, play Message: To: From: - Christos Sotirelis Message: Mom, Dad, Debra & Dina Sotirelis Christo: We are all sending you our very Aggie," Kalo Taxidi!! To: Jon Allen Thompson, Jr. From: Mom and Dad Hey Duke, work hard and hurry home! We miss you! Message: o Jed Silverman Dr. & Mrs. Louis Silverman, Norm, Sam & Jenny To: you're supposed to go. We wish you joy along Rankin Mike Rose Mom & Dad Hang in there, it takes a long time and a lot of hard work but the rewards will be worth it even tho sometimes it may not seem so from your end of the tunnel, Michael P. 5epanski Jean & Larry Frie To: Message: from: Message: 136 To: From. James Rash Mom We love you and are ve y proud of you! Keep up the hard work and show us what you can do! To: From: Message: To: Matt Quigley Glenn Rankin Mr. & Mrs. Glenn To: To. From: Message: From: Message: Message: Tom Thor Peterson Mom, Dad, & Grandpa lledgren Carry on like a real Viking. The God of Thunder & Lightning will guide your path and bring good luck. Gloria A. Pina To: From: life of happiness, Our love to 5usanne Peronnet John & Linda Peronnet 5usanne, congratulations on a job well done and best wishes for God bless you! Love, Mom and Dad To: Message: a To: best wishes for happiness and success as a "sea 137 To: From: Message: To: From: Message: To: From: Message: Elizabeth Bough Towle Mom & Dad Liz, you can only imagine how proud we are of our Aggie kid! We know you'll enjoy next year even more. Keep it up! Mandy Kay Waller 5hirley & John Waller Congratulations Mandy! May our love and his continue to guide you through your future college days and all the years of your life. Mom, Dad, Trapper & Muffy John Whitlow Mom, Grandpa and Aunt E. May you have smooth waters, knowledge gained and adventure, and mayyou not be seasick. Good luck! From: Rob hubbard Mr. & Mrs. F. Robert Hubbard To: From: Chris Mahendran Alice Mahendran To: 5FW Company, Inc., Gatesville, Texas Dominick A. Vincent The Peppermint Lady sends greetings to all 5ea Aggies. The VOYAGER Staff wishes to thank the Coca-Cola Company of houston, Texas for donating their products for the United Way Tent Sale held at TAMUG in October 1991. IJWC[ S[CIl?ITY I)CSTA[ FIRE CAIIEF? AITAI?F[ We specialize in group orders 140 Bill Winston Phone: 963.3351 Owner Gaheston. Texas 2401 Market St. 141 THE MARTINEZ FAMLY'S 43rd STREET MOODY C W COMPRESS N N 42nd ST. H U R C N "TC6Y" HOME CUT 41st STREET The Cowes Best Ibgurt 763-9815 Home Style Mexican Food RICHARD & CAROL SCHULTHEIS JCCR Associates, Inc. 6195 Central City Blvd. and 61st Street Galveston, Texas 77551 H E 614-42nd Street Hours 6:30 A.M. to 2:00 P.M. Weekdays Sat. & Sun. 6:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Galveston, Texas 77550 DONUTS Open 24 HOURS Every Day HOTELS, MOTELS, CHURCHES, RESTAURANTS, PASTIES 409-744-2595 68744.8887` 'Gre at 07 Stewart Coffee!" Galveston 765-9403 Houston ouston 488-6467 710R, V"' Supplies . EQUIPMENT ince 1946 Furniture Office Machines 6300 Seawall Boulevard . Galveston Island, Texas 77551 Houston 7 3/480-04 36 . Texas Wats 800/392-1215 U.S. Wats 800/231-6363 Galveston 409/740-3555 1 4124 Broadway Galveston, Texas 77550 GATELY PAPER COMPANY cRubye 9oodwrn 1510 TREMONT PHONE 763-2449 GALVESTON,TEXAS 142 DISTRIBUTORS OF PAPER & PLASTICS FOOD SUPPLIES ROBERT GATELY 762-1239 3304 Market Galveslon, TX 77550 143 In Memory Of Dawn Chenoa Dale 1971-91 Your family wrote miss you too, a message for you which we would like to repeat here and add that we The ocean had a look of mystery, intrigue and quiet beauty. Now you, with the same qualities, and the ocean are united forever. 144 TEXAS 7111111111 3 AMID at Galvesto Nzpll'lllfl'I!YzNI'R 9bFarY. AMU at Galveston-LibrarT, For Reference Do Not Take From the Library REFERENCE IflUtNet