2 Pages 5-8 - Here`s the Scoop
2 Pages 5-8 - Here`s the Scoop
WHY ENGLISH CAN BE DIFFICULT AS A SECOND LANGUAGE Take exit 305 North of Airdrie Go 3km East ad 2km North Watch for the signs I take it you already know Of tough and bough and cough and dough? Others may stumble but not you, On hiccough, thorough, lough and through, Well done. And now you wish, perhaps, To learn of less familiar traps. Beware of heard, a dreadful word That looks like beard and sounds like bird. And dead: It's said like bed, not bead For goodness sake don't call it "deed". Watch out for meat and great and threat, (They rhyme with suite and straight and debt). A moth is not a moth in mother, Nor both in bother, broth in brother. And here is not a match for there, Nor dear and fear for bear and pear. And then there's dose and rose and lose Just look them up - and goose and choose; And cork and work and card and ward And font and front and work and sword And do and go and thwart and cart Come, come I've hardly made a start! Popular Brands We Carry *Todd Jeys *Billy Cook *Teskyes *Circle Y *Martin *Cactus *Classic Ropes *Cowperson Tack *Professionals Choice *Weaver Leather *Cowboy Collection *Cinch, Cruel Girl *Wrangler, 20X, Aura *Cowgirl Tuff *Rocky Boots *Impact Gel *Reinsman Southern Classic Stock Trailers *Myler Bits And Much much more! Watch for our new expansion, “All Aluminum” Kid’s Playground and out door arena 20ft $15,900.00 ~Author Unknown~ THE ENVIRONMENTALIST?? My friend Julie and I were eating at a Chinese restaurant. When an elderly waiter set chopsticks at our places, Julie made a point of reaching into her purse and pulling out her own pair. "As an environmentalist," she declared, "I do not approve of destroying bamboo forests for throwaway utensils." The waiter inspected her chopsticks. "Very beautiful," he said politely. "Ivory. 24ft $16,900.00 Scott & Leanne Irvine Crossfield, AB 403-946-4246 1-877-946-9494 www.irvinetackandtrailers.com Page 5 Airdrie Little Theatre Association “BORDERLINE CRAZIES” By Leo W. Sears Thursday, Friday & Saturday, May 17, 18 & 19 at 7:30 p.m. Performing Arts Camps with Theresa Wasden Contact Theresa at 945-9459 Visual Arts Camps with Jane Romanishko Contact Jane at 560-0894 Monday - Thursday, July 23 - 26, 2007 Monday - Thursday, July 30 - Aug 2, 2007 Page 6 Phone: 403-948-4062 Bay 3, 409 - 1st Avenue NW www.airdriemortgage.ca "Your Professional Link to the Financial Markets." The Measure of a Mother Here's The Scoop's Lucky Contest Winner Sidney Poitier’s (the first black actor to win an Academy Award for best actor) memoir has its place on my nightstand these days as I continue through its pages. The reason why I choose to reference his writing is because in it, he explains that the true “measure of a man” is determined by how he provides for his children. Thus, I find this analogy quite fitting for Mother’s Day, and represents “the measure of a mother” in a similar way. Mom has been a working mother since 1984 and has always done her best in providing, loving, and supporting her four kids, including myself. Like most mother’s, Mom is measured by how much she loves me, cares for my well being, is friendly, non-threatening (most of the time!), accepts my aspirations, and so on and so forth. However, this sort of “Why I Love My Mom” list tends to possess generic and repetitive qualities, which is why I must take this opportunity to demonstrate the ways in which Mom is unique, and the reasons why I celebrate her and am thankful not only on Mother’s Day, but every day. I celebrate Mom because… She laughs along with my favourite shows, as she knows I get a kick out of it every time. She is a peacekeeper, often settling any noise within her vicinity, whether it comes from her kids, husband, or dogs barking. She stays up long past her bedtime to edit a university essay I have due the next morning. She values her down time, whether it is spent in solitude or with her kids. She returns home from work every time greeting me with a smile and exclaiming, “Hello!” (She certainly does not see me at the ungodly hour she wakes every morning!) She calls me long distance just to “check in” and see how things are going while I am at school. She appreciates the little things like teddy bears, flowers, or a card from a loved one. She holds off all of her other ongoing projects to make me yet another afghan. She is my personal advisor, assistant, and consultant all in one. She is always there for me when I need her, or simply when I want to surround myself with her presence. A new widow requested the epitaph Rest in Peace for her husband's tombstone. When she later found he had left his fortune to his mistress, she attempted to get the engraver to change the carving. This was impossible; the words were chiseled and could not be changed. Happy Mother’s Day, Mom! (And Happy 25th Anniversary!) Love, Tryphena "In that case," she said, "please add Until We Meet Again." Your business just missed a advertising opportunity! Hurry and reserve your spot in Airdrie's favourite newsletter! GREAT Call René at 815.3161. “A true friend loves you enough to support you and confront you.” Anonymous Page 7 Featuring Van Houtte's Coffee, Cappuccinos, Lattes and Espressos, as well as THE MOST RECENT BEST SELLERS! Yankee Valley Crossing #208, 960 Yankee Valley Road (Beside Extra Foods) Phone: (403) 945-2508 Email: bickrngs@telus.net Past ~ Present ~ Future Tarots ~ Palm ~ Crystal Ball Channeling ~ Chakra Cleansing House Clearing ~ HEX Removal and more! ANGEL WORKSHOPS Every Saturday 10am ~ Noon. Call for details. Call today to book your reading, home party or class. ON PARENTING A couple with three children waited in line at San Francisco's Pier 41 to purchase tickets for a boat trip to Alcatraz. Others watched with varying degrees of sympathy and irritation as the young children fidgeted, whined, and punched one another. The frazzled parents reprimanded them to no avail. Finally they reached the ticket window. "Five tickets, please," the father said. "Two round trip, three one way." EXCESS WEIGHT "Now, what are you planning to do about that excess weight you're carrying around?" the doctor asked the patient. "I just can't seem to lose the weight," the patient said. "Must be an overactive thyroid." "The tests show your thyroid is perfectly normal," the doctor said. "If anything is overactive, it's your fork." EXCUSES FOR NOT GOING TO WORK ~I just found out that I was switched at birth. Legally, I shouldn't come to work knowing my employee records may now contain false information. ~I refuse to travel to my job until there is a commuter tax. I insist on paying my fair share. A big, heartfelt “thank-you” to the three Airdrie businesses (Curves for Women, Cater Tot Consignment, and Style Plus Hair Design) who saw the importance in the “Stop Animal Cruelty….In memory of Daisy Duke” bracelets. These businesses agreed to have the bracelets available for purchase in their businesses during the month of April. This was, and continues to be, an issue very near and dear to many of us. The sale of the bracelets has been a great way to bring even more awareness to the issue of animal cruelty. It is also a way for people to come to peace with what happened to Daisy Duke in Didsbury, by showing support and trying to make a difference for other animals. A huge “thank-you” also to My Pahss (My Pet and House Sitting Service) for having the bracelets available at their booth at the Airdrie Home and Garden Fair. Of course, a huge “thank-you” to all of you who purchased bracelets or made donations for such an important cause – we will make an impact on protecting animals! For anyone still wanting a bracelet or to make a donation (proceeds go to local Alberta No Kill Animal Agencies) they will be available for purchase at Curves for Women (on Main street) or at Cater Tot Consignment (in Luxstone) until the end of May. ● Complete Interior, Exterior Detailing ● Auto & RV Protection Packages ● Bumps & Bruises Welcome ● Fleet & Commercial Pricing ● Power Polish / Scratch Removal ● Accessories ● Pickup and Delivery in Airdrie ● Gift Certificates Available Page 8
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