unit 14 gartlea road
unit 14 gartlea road
UNIT 14 G A RTL E A R O AD TO LET HIGHLY VISIBLE UNIT ON GARTLEA ROAD RETAIL PARK ADJACENT TO MAJOR HEALTH CENTRE GENERATING 4,500 DAILY CUSTOMERS NEW 18,000 SQ FT HOMEBARGAINS STORE, NEW 5,000 SQ FT STORE TWENTY ONE AND AIRDRIE DENTAL CARE CLINIC NOW OPEN ON SITE CAR PARKING LANE LIES BAIL AD GARTLEA RO NLC T CENTRE ENTERTAINMEN MARKET ) Y VEHICLES ONLY PEACOCKS ENT & EMERGENC (PEDESTRIANS BARCLAYS A SERVICE ARE ICELAND DOLLOND N & AITCHISO OF FURGUSON AIRDRIE BUTCHER WILLIAM HILL MIRACLES SALON HAIR POSTAL SO NTY ONE STORE TWE UNIT 2 AIRDRIE DENTAL CARE PHONES 4 U Ground 4,077 378.8 Unit 14 Gartlea Road was previously let for gym use. It is capable of sub-division to create units of approximately 2,000 sq ft. RATING Interested parties are encouraged to make investigations of North Lanarkshire Assessors department. Y CARD FACTOR GREGGS VAT BRIGHTHOUSE All prices, rents etc are quoted exclusive of VAT which will be charged at the prevailing rate. O2 SUPERDRUG PULSE NITE CLUB 14 Gartlea Road (SQ M) HEALTH CENTRE ENTRANCE VACANT BUCHANAN STREET POST OFFICE YARD PIZZA HUT AREAS (SQ FT) WH SMITH BOOTS STAIRS G UNIT 1 UNIT 66 S ST ANDREW HOSPICE POST OFFICE UNIT 14 INDIGO SUN ARMY SALVATION WOTHERSPOON FISHMONGER ODS DESCRIPTION N & CO MARTI AGENT TE ESTA AIRDRIE S FRESH FOOD GGRO SPECSAVERS BOOTS MILANO PIZZA T/A FURTHER VIEWING & INFORMATION SE PUBLIC HOU CONF & BIS R BS POUNDLAND Airdrie is a town of approximately 36,000 people situated some 12 miles east of Glasgow and draws extensively from the wider North Lanarkshire population of approximately 321,000 people. The landlord is able to offer a highly visible retail warehouse on Gartlea Road Retail Park. AWG Property’s major health centre development is now well established and generates an estimated 4,500 customers daily. The ground floor of that development has been let to HomeBargains. Other nearby retailers include Indigo Sun, Pizza Hut, Morrisons, Airdrie Dental Care and Store 21. Further information is available from the joint letting agents who can arrange viewings: 0141 229 5 4 9 4 Frank Montgomery 07920 450274 frank.montgomery@bnpparibas.com Alan Stewart 0141 229 5494 alan@breckproperty.com Misrepresentation Act 1967: BNP Paribas Real Estate Advisory & Property Management UK Limited/Breck Property Consultants for themselves and for the vendor(s) or lessor(s) of this property whose agents they are, give notice that: 1. These particulars do not constitute, nor constitute any part of, an offer or contract. 2. None of the statements contained in these particulars as to the property are to be relied on as statements or representations of fact. 3. Any intending purchaser or lessee must satisfy himself by inspection or otherwise as to the correctness of each of the statements contained in these particulars. 4. The vendor(s) or lessor(s) do not make or give and neither BNP Paribas Real Estate Advisory & Property Management UK Limited/Breck Property Consultants nor any person in their employment has any authority to make or give any representation or warranty whatever in relation to this property. Finance Act 1989: Unless otherwise stated all prices and rents are quote exclusive of VAT. Property Misdescriptions Act 1991: These details are believed to be correct at the time of compilation but may be subject to subsequent amendment. Date of Preparation: March 2016.