hisam`s barber shop
Escape the Hotel! Fully Furnished accommodations Long or Short term stays All you need is your suitcase! Always Home Call: 403-614-7633 or 403-945-2010 When two people cannot see too much of each other nor too little of other people, they’re in love. - Unknown HISAM’S BARBER SHOP (OURS-ONDAY&RIDAYAMTOPM 3ATURDAYAMTOPM 0RODUCT!VAILABLE!MERICAN#REW(AIR2ECOVERY#ONCENTRATE s,UXSTONE0LAZA.EXTTO 0LEASECALLFORAFTERHOURSAPPOINTMENTS How Do I Love Thee? How Do I Love Thee? Let me count the ways. I love thee to the depth and breadth and height My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight For the ends of Being an ideal Grace. I love thee to the level of everyday’s Most quiet need, by sun and candlelight. I love thee freely, as men strive for Right; I love thee purely, as they turn from Praise. I love thee with the passion put to use In my old griefs, and with my childhood’s faith. I love thee with a love I seemed to lose With my lost saints,-I love thee with the Breath, Smiles, tears, of all my life!-and, if God choose, I shall but love thee better after death. ~ Elizabeth Barret Browning Part Time Account Representative The Range 106.1FM Airdrie & 95.3FM Cochrane Tiessen Media Inc. Radio Division is in need of a Part Time Account Representative. Our goal is to find a highly motivated individual to join our sales team on The Range 106.1 FM, the only radio station dedicated to servicing the communities of Airdrie, Cochrane and the County of Rocky View in the Calgary Region. We are looking for a self-starter who thrives on working in a high-energy, dynamic environment, is solutions oriented, possesses strong initiative and adapts quickly to fast-changing situations. Essential Duties and Responsibilities: s0RIMARYFOCUSOFDEVELOPINGRELATIONSHIPSANDWORKINGWITHRETAILCLIENTS in our service area. s#ONTRIBUTETODEVELOPINGANDEXECUTINGEFFECTIVEANDCOMPREHENSIVE advertising strategies for your clients using the resources of our radio station. s7ORKINCONCERTWITHTHE-ANAGEMENT3TAFFTOACHIEVESALESTARGETSAND goals. %SSENTIAL+NOWLEDGEAND3KILLS -USTHAVEACLEARUNDERSTANDINGOF-ICROSOFT7ORD%XCEL/UTLOOK0OWER0OINT HAVEEXCELLENTORALANDWRITTENCOMMUNICATIONSKILLSASWELLASDEPENDABLESOURCE of transportation. Additional Assets: ¬s#OREBELIEFINTHECOMMUNITY ¬s%STABLISHEDCLIENTRELATIONSHIPS ¬s%XPERIENCEINSALES If you believe that it is through helping our local clients achieve their goals, that the radio station and you will be successful, then this position could be for you. Apply in confidence by emailing your resume to jobs@tiessenmedia.com Only those selected for an interview will be contacted. Tiessen Media Inc. is an equal opportunity employer. Page 25 Valentine Trivia http://www.kidsturncentral.com/games/trivia/vtrivia.htm 1. What does the word Valentine mean? ( )Heart ( )Sweetheart ( )Love 2. How did sailors send messages to their loved ones while at sea in the old days? ( )Bottle ( )Sea Post ( )Carrier Pigeon Country Garden Crystals Just a stones throw away ... NOW OPEN Our cozy little cabin offers a wide variety of New Age Treasures... Crystals, Gems, Blown Glass, Salt Lamps, Intriguing Gemstone Jewelry Sign up for our Open: Thurs - Mon Crystal Workshop Class 10am - 5pm Feb. 10/10 6:30 - 9:30 or by appointment *** Level 1 Reiki (403) 946-5802 Feb. 22 & Mar. 1/10 (403) 540-3076 Call for details 6:30 - 9:30 Follow Hwy. 574 West of Crossfield. Turn Left on RR20 and follow signs Fancy Stitches Custom Sewing & Alterations (30 years experience) #6 Big Springs Rise, Airdrie AB Call Brenda (403) 948-9922 3. What fruit is also known as the “love apple”? ( )Tomato ( )Grape ( )Apple 4. What is the winged child shooting arrows at unsuspecting Valentines called? ( )Cupid ( )Cherub ( )Claude 5. What part of the body must Cupid’s arrows hit to be effective? ( )Head ( )Heart ( )Rearend 6. What is the Greek word for Cupid, God of Love? ( )Eros ( )Venus ( )Zeus 7. Who are Shakesphere’s “Star-crossed Lovers”? ( )King Tut and Cleopatra ( )Romeo and Juliet ( )Fred and Wilma 8. What type of bird symbolizes Valentine’s Day? ( )Robin ( )Dove ( )Swan 9. What happens to someone struck by Cupid’s arrow? ( )Lovesick ( )Headache ( )Measles 10. Do doves mate for life? ( )Yes ( )No Pat Bishop Master Craftsman Call 403-860-6720 s+ITCHENSs"ATH2OOMSs(OME/FFICESs&AMILY2OOMS 3PECIALIZINGIN#USTOM#ABINETRY #!,,4/$!9 &/29/52&2%%#/.35,4!4)/. 777")3(/0+)4#(%.3#! -ANUFACTUREDRIGHTHEREIN!IRDRIE!LBERTA ( )Maybe 11. According to English tradition - what happens “to the first man a woman sees on Valentine’s Day? ( )Dies ( )Marry Him ( )Kiss Him 12. What color is the symbol of warmth and feeling? ( )Red ( )Orange ( )Yellow 13. What color is the symbol of purity and faith? ( )Blue ( )White ( )Pink Answers on page 27 Page 26 Thinking Real Estate, think “RON ROBERTS - Realtor” 2400 sf bay in the Kingsview Industrial Park. Main floor consists of front office/reception/showroom and back shop space with a 12’ x 12’ overhead door. The upper level is framed with two offices, board room and two framed washrooms. Priced at $432,000. The Local Experts Castlewood Agencies 3000± sq ft condo bay in Kingsview Crossing complex. Modern design with excellent store front exposure. Large showroom area, reception area, one office, a barrier free washroom, and a large shop area with two overhead (10’x12’) doors. The 1000± sq. ft. mezzanine is open concept. Priced at $619,900. 403.650.0523 www.RonRobertsRealtor.com Baseball Quote Siding ~ Soffit ~ Fascia ~ Eavestrough ~ Window Capping At the shipping company where I worked, a woman called and said, “I need a baseball quote.” “You asked me for a baseball quote, and that was the first thing that came into my head.” “Oh ... my husband told me to call and get a baseball quote.” “Does he want to ship something?” PH: 403.999.3315 P.O.Box 117, Irricana, AB T0M1B0 7. Romeo and Juliet 8. Dove 9. Lovesick 10. Yes 11. Marry Him 12. Red 13. White There was a brief moment of silence before the woman asked, “What was that?” Husband & Wife Team 25 years experience Fax: 403.935.4110 Trivia Answers: 1. Sweetheart 2. Bottle 3. Tomato 4. Cupid 5. Heart 6. Eros I immediately answered with Yogi Berra’s famous “It ain’t over ‘til it’s over!” Kurt & Tannis Temple W&B Automotive Repair Custom Wheels, Tires, Lift Kits & Accessories Dan Laplante “Yes.” 403-948-7247 Phone 403-870-7480 Cell 403-948-3119 Fax laplantedan@hotmail.com “Maybe he meant a ballpark figure?” What did one pickle say to the other? You mean a great dill to me. Page 27 MJEC ing g PlumbGasfittin Marc Dubé Owner/Operator Airdrie,AB FOR ALL YOUR PLUMBING NEEDS w Basement Developments w Renovations w Light Commercial w Service mjec@live.ca Free Estimates Call 403-540-8916 JOB MARKET AND THIS & THAT View ONLINE at www.heresthescoop.com Karen Wilson Accounts Manager sales@heresthescoop.com Brent Lovstad Print & Advertising Sales brent@heresthescoop.com Deadline for ad placement is Wednesday at 5pm for the following week’s issue. Jason Trudeau, Graphic Designer Trudy Lovstad, Production graphics@heresthescoop.com Phyllis McCallum-Hunter Office Manager thisandthat@telus.net BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES BUSINESS SERVICES Al & Lois Jones, Owners al@heresthescoop.com lois@heresthescoop.com VISIT US: MON. – FRI. 9AM – 5 PM BAY 402, 2903 KINGSVIEW BLVD., SE AIRDRIE, AB OR ONLINE AT: WWW.HERESTHESCOOP.COM TELEPHONE: 403-948-5529 Beginner guitar lessons being taught in my home on East Airdrie. 6 & up. Please call 403 945 8774 ask for Stephen. 24/ Stained Glass Classes Fused Glass Classes Mosaics, Glass Painting, Wire Whimsy Spaces still available! Call 403-948-0691 for details. Muk Luk Magpies Stained Glass Emporium Legacy Photography Inc. Student Photographer offering FREE Wedding Service to expand portfolio Trained at Mount Royal University Call Sarah for more details 403.835.3061 Page 28 COMMUNITY EVENTS Olds Model Railroad & Hobby Show The Olds Legion 5241 46th Street Olds, AB Saturday Feb 20th 10am - 5pm Sunday Feb 21st 10am - 4pm Admission $5.00 (Children under 5 are FREE) Sponsored by www.funtimeshobby.com COMMUNITY EVENTS Budget help is coming! – Please join us on Thursday, February 18 to learn the basics of budgeting and create a budget that works for you. Childcare is also available at a small cost. Call Community Links at (403) 945-3900, 1-866-945-3905 (toll free) or e-mail laurie@nrvcl.ab.ca to pre-register or for more information. Pre-registration is required by Friday, February 12. /11 COMMUNITY EVENTS 4on4 Spring Hockey The 2010 4on4 Spring program will begin the first week of April and continue until the last week of June. 1 hour once a week (10 Games) in Airdrie. The first 1/2 hour will be skill development: Power Skating, Passing Shooting & Finish, along with High Intensity drills. The last 1/2 hour will be a refereed non-stop game of 4on4 that develops the player’s skills and game sense. There will be 2 Teams (Red & Black) in each division: Novice, Atom, Pee wee/Bantam, 18 Players including 2 Goalies Space is VERY LIMITED. The cost of $265.00 includes tax,ice Jersey,Tshirt & drinks & snacks after each game Register online @ www.elitehockey.tk **Note there is NO Body contact with the 4on4 Program **Note Peewee/Bantam is a combined Group Airdrie Elite AAA Hockey Club Pancake Supper at Balzac United Church on Wed., February 17th from 5:30 to 6:30. Ash Wednesday service to follow at 7 pm. Church phone is 2265844. 4/11 Vegetarian Dinner Club, Sunday, Feb 14 Event. Join the “Heart Healthy” potluck dinner, at 6:00 pm in the Over 50 club at the T&C Center. Door Prizes, Motivational speaker! Call Aroline at 403-9450664, or Ida at 403-948-5067. Page 29 COMMUNITY EVENTS Manna House is held February 22nd at 6 p.m. We serve our community with an evening of friendship, live entertainment and homemade food at the Airdrie Alliance Church (1604 Summerfield Blvd.). No reservations needed. Come on out! Laura 948-8781. RECYCLE DAYHOME Drop in / part time dayhome Is your child’s regular care giver unavailable? Do you need some me time? Or are you looking for a home part time to send your child to for a day of fun! I love children and have ran a dayhome for 10+ years and truly enjoy it. I have a background in nursing, a police security clearance and my first aid and CPR are current. Please call Denise 403 948 0408. 4/25 Miss Michele’s Day Home is accepting 3 full time positions in Luxstone. 16 years experience, 1st aid, & CPR, level 1 certificate, police clearance & intervention check. Healthy meals & snacks and lots of toys & crafts. Call 403 615 5799. 4/11 FOR RENT Condo for rent in Crossfield. 2 bdrm, 1 bath, 3 kitchen appliances, heat, water, electricity included, 1 parking stall, N/S, N/P. Available immediately. $900/mnth. + D.D. Ph: 403-542-7711. 21/11 FREE Please help, we need to find Molly and Charlie a good home. My daughter got a dog for Christmas and the cats are not taking it well at all. They are both fixed, white with brown spots, short hair and very sweet and affectionate unless there’s a dog around! 403.945.0407 4/11 FUNDRAISER Good Shepherd School & Balzac meats are partnering in this playground fundraiser. Balzac Meats provides a variety of meat packages including beef, chicken, & pork. Order forms can be obtained from the school website: www.cssd. ab.ca/schools/goodshepherd. Deadline to order is February 19th with meat pick up at the school on March 25th,2010 from 3-5:00 pm. 11/18 SCOOP ADS... GET RESULTS! IN MEMORIAM “Many a day his name is spoken, and many an hour he is in our thoughts. A link in our family chain is broken, he has gone from our home, but not from our hearts.” In Loving Memory of William (Billy) Emerson Glover Dec 4th, 1978 - Feb 12th 1995 We miss you Billy, but you are in a better place - no more coughing, and being sick all the time. Love: Dad, Mom & Sis MISC. FOR SALE Piano for sale, $500. 403-912-2761. 4/11 Robot Vacuum cleaner, originally $300, selling for $100 obo. Call 403-9121835. 11/18 REAL ESTATE Real Estate Done Right! Selling Airdrie & Surrounding Area RE/MAX Mountain Aire “The Dad & Daughter Team” What are YOUR New Year’s resolutions??? Buying your first home? Upsizing? or maybe even downsizing? Whatever your plans, we can help! DAN & CHEZ PETERS Phone: 403 802 2020 calgarybuyeragent.com MISC. FOR SALE Recliner – Brown in colour, 1 year old, very clean. Asking $195.00 Call Heather at 403 912 2153. 11/18 48 compartment, plexi-glass bin, 4 ½ ft by 4 ½ ft, each compartment 5 by 8 inches. Great for storing craft material, Lego, etc. $100. Phone 403-948-0505. 11/18 Moving sale: Sofa with storage underneath, love seat, chair, coffee table, like new push mower. $400 for all or will sell individually. Call 403-912-9111. 4/11 Brand new tub sliding doors $150. 403912-3932. 04/11 ANTIQUE - Old Wringer Washing machine for baby clothes. Made by Montreal Fitting Manufacturing Company. Used in the early 1900’s. Asking $300.00 Call 403 945 8774. 11/open. ANTIQUE - Late 1800’s - very early 1900’s Commode. It is said that only the wealthier households and royalty had such a luxury. Makes a great conversation piece. Asking $375.00. Call 403 945 8774. 11/open Woodgrain bunk bed with good clean mattress, built in desk and chest of drawers, and shelving. $400. 403-9480505 ask for Dennis. 4/11 Page 30 BIG SPRINGS $232,000 Fully dev. modular home, 2+2 bdrm, 2 ½ baths, formal dining room, den on main flr. Huge family room, 2 BR and full bath in bsmt. O/S dbl. det. garage, fenced lot, close to schools. All appliances included ! LORI GREEN, REALTY EXECUTIVES PARTNERS Cell: 403-804-3002 FAIRWAYS $389,900 1758 sq. ft home, with 3 spacious BR, Master with ensuite & walk-in closet. Bright bonus room with gas f/p, Great Room concept on main, also with den, laundry, ½ bath, direct entry from dbl garage. Fully landscaped west backyard, fenced, lots of trees for privacy. Hot tub included! Only blocks to elementary schools. LORI GREEN, REALTY EXECUTIVES PARTNERS Cell: 403-804-3002 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE: 4 BF Goodrich All Terrain tires and rims. LT245/75R16. $525.00. Call Rob 403-912-7418 after 6 or cell: 1-403-321-6556. 11/18 VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE: 2005 Montana 5th wheel. $38,500. Fully loaded 37ft with rear living room. 2 lazy boys, dinette & chairs, oak cabinets w/ corian countertops, laminate flooring, built-in vac w/ dust pan, ws/dr hookups, king bed, shower / skylite, central air, power roof vent, upgraded satellite, one-of-a kind built-in exterior entertainment centre with flat screen & DVD. Desert sunset decor, no pets, no smoking, no kids. Call Rob 403-912-7418 after 6 or cell:1- 403-321-5665. 11/18 WANTED Here’s the Scoop is looking for FREE bookshelves, minimum 12” deep for storage. If you have and want us to get rid of it for you, give us a call at 403 948 5529. The units must be sturdy please for paper storage but they don’t need to be pretty. WANTED Child Care Needed - Part-time Live-Out. Responsible and caring adult needed to care for 2 young children in our Airdrie home 2-3 days per week, 8am – 5pm. Starting April or May. E-mail SaraLC123@hotmail.com or phone 9453760. 4/11 Phone: 403-948-5529 to place your ad in This & That. email: thisandthat@telus.net BUSINESS DIRECTORY AIR CONDITIONING & REFRIGERATION ELECTRICAL SERVICES FLYER DISTRIBUTION FOR ALL YOUR ELECTRICAL NEEDS: • RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL • INDUSTRIAL • FARMS & ACREAGES • RENOVATIONS SERVICE MAINTENANCE CONTRACTING PH: 403-948-3004 FAX: 403-948-4863 #12, 25 EAST LAKE CIRCLE, AIRDRIE IMPACT ELECTRIC (1993) LTD. GLASS REPAIR CARDS & GIFTS Towerlane Centre “For all your electrical needs” Tel: 403.948.5622 | cam@allsourceelectrical.ca www.allsourceelectrical.ca 3FTJEFOUJBMt$PNNFSDJBMt-JHIU*OEVTUSJBM Randy Spritt Certified Master Electrician CARPET CLEANING WWW.AIRDRIECARPETCLEANING.COM 403.912.6892 DRIVER EDUCATION Next Classes Start On: February 16 (403) 948-2120 www.airdriedrivingschool.com 2ENOVATIONSs-AINTENANCEs#ONSTRUCTION 2ESIDENTIALs#OMMERCIALs)NDUSTRIAL (403) 968-1377 Free site visits Fixed Income Discount Proudly serving Airdrie & Area INFORMATION SERVICES the premier business directory for airdrie and surrounding areas SHARE RATE REVIEW What are YOU looking for? Place Your Ad Here! Call 403.948.5529 FINANCIAL SERVICES Derek Lalonde, CFP, CIM, FCSI :: Financial Advisor 400 Main Street North, Unit 108, Airdrie AB 403.948.3292 Page 31 PLUMBING & HEATING SERVICES ACTION JACKSON’S 403-948-0088 JUST LISTED AIRDRIE Condo Top floor Many upgrades 1 bedroom + den, 1 bathroom, Large open style kitchen/Living room, Balcony off with view of the City!Only $208,000 call to view! AIRDRIE Mobile located on a quiet Cul-De-Sac, backs onto a park/Bike Path. 2 bedrooms, 1 Bathroom, deck off the side beautiful yard with trees and fully fenced. Only $159,000 JUST LISTED AIRDRIE 4 Bedroom BUNG 1 bath, 1 car garage. Laminate floors on main! Only $279,900. Call today to book your private viewing. ACTION JACKSON’S Jim, Donna, Brenda Jackson, “YOUR LOCAL FAMILY OF REALTORS” WWW.ACTIONJACKSONS.CA BIG ON SERVICE FREE USE MOVING TRUCK JUST LISTED ACME 2 BD, 1 bath home w/many upgrades NEW windows, vinyl siding, shingles. Fenced back yard. RV parking, single garage (12x20) Call for your private viewing! Only$99,900 Call the ACTION JACKSONS for a FREE Home Evaluation 403-948-0088 * Restrictions Apply “GIVE BIG TO AUTISM” LIST YOUR HOME WITH US AND PREPARE TO MOVE! RESIDENTIAL - COMMERCIAL - FARMS - ACREAGES - LAND SALES - CALGARY, AIRDRIE & OUT OF TOWN For advertising opportunities in this Newsletter, please contact ADvance Distribution, Telephone: 403-948-5529 or email to heresthescoop@shaw.ca. To submit recipes, clean jokes or other interesting material, please e-mail them to heresthescoop@telus.net. Thank you for your involvement in your community! Page 32
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