April 2009 Update


April 2009 Update
Foxcreek is located in the Municipal district of Rocky
View (MDRV) near Highway 8 along Range Road 34 within
the Highway 8 planning area. To date, MDRV policies for
development within the Highway 8 plan area have aimed
to create clustered communities with a variety of housing,
commercial, institutional, and recreational opportunities
with large connected open spaces. The Highway 8 Area
Structure Plan (ASP), which had received first reading of
Council, envisioned a total population of 58,000 people
within the plan area.
In October 2008, the MDRV Council decided to halt the
Highway 8 ASP planning process due to concerns over
water and wastewater servicing, traffic, and the general pattern of the proposed development. In February 2009, with
input from various area landowners, MDRV Council opted to
re-launch the Highway 8 planning process in a different format by approving the terms of reference for a Highway 8
Community Development Strategy. The Community Development Strategy (CDS) will replace the ASP as the highlevel policy framework that guides long-term land use and
policy directions for Highway 8.
To provide input into the planning process, developers
within the Plan Area have formed the Highway 8 Developers’ Group. Their goal is to address concerns brought forward during the former ASP process and work with the
Municipal district of Rocky View to continue the planning
process for the area. One key goal of the group is to establish a stand-alone water and wastewater servicing plan
for the Highway 8 area and prove its feasibility. WLC has
joined the developers’ group and is working with Brown &
Associates Planning Group to ensure WLC interests are
represented throughout the planning process.
The MDRV planners are currently consulting with their
internal agencies to finalize a CDS work plan. This is the
first step in revising the work of the Highway 8 ASP and
transforming it into the new Highway 8 CDS. This process
will also be guided by the outcome of two important regional planning initiatives currently underway: the MDRV
Growth Management Strategy and the Calgary Regional
Partnership. Both initiatives are expected to be released
by early to mid-2009. Under the Calgary Regional Partnership, certain areas within the MDRV will be asked to become “growth nodes” for the efficient provision of
infrastructure and servicing and the protection of environmental and agricultural corridors. The future role of Highway 8 as a development node within the region will be
established within these documents. Highway 8 may become the focus for regional servicing allocations for water
and wastewater servicing capacity or developers may be
required to continue establishing their own sub-regional
system in order to facilitate
Given the work of the Highway 8 Developers’ Group,
WLC has redesigned its Foxcreek Plan to ensure it dovetails with the work of the
Group. This plan provides a
mix of single family and multifamily sites with commercial
development that works with
adjacent proposed developments to the benefit of the
Highway 8 area. The concept
plan will also be used to represent WLC interests during
Highway 8 ASP consultation
sessions with the MD of
Rocky View.
Avion Business Park is a proposed business park
development located immediately adjacent to the
Springbank Airport and the future community of
Harmony. Initially, however, the proposed land use
for Avion was country residential neighbourhood.
Since a preliminary concept plan was developed,
WLC has worked with Brown & Associates Planning Group to ensure the amended concept plan
recognizes and responds to the needs of the
MDRV, surrounding neighbours, and other key
stakeholders. Under the current concept plan,
Avion Business Park is designed to include light industrial uses such as warehousing and distribution,
commercial uses, private storage facilities, and office development on 4-acre lots.
Given the strategic location of Avion adjacent to the
Springbank Airport, a business park development will
be an appropriate fit when considering future growth
trends in the area. Future trends will be guided by the
outcome of two important regional planning initiatives
currently underway: the MDRV Growth Management
Strategy and the Calgary Regional Partnership,
whose recommendations will become part of the Alberta Land Use Framework. Both initiatives are expected to be released by mid-2009.
Specifically, the business park land use was chosen
for several reasons:
1. The designation is in keeping with the MDRV
Municipal Development Plan to designate appro-
priate and compatible land uses around airports.
2. As a comprehensively planned development,
Avion Business Park can offer transitions between the proposed and adjacent light industrial
airport operations uses, as shown in the Springbank Airport Draft Master Plan, and existing residential developments.
3. The Springbank Airport will likely be considered
an area of non-residential growth in the near future, especially noting its location along a major
transportation corridor as represented by Highway 1 and Range Road 33.
4. The business park designation acknowledges
the need to protect lands around the airport to
ensure the safe functioning of the Springbank
Airport and respects the known offsite impacts of
airport operations.
5. The Avion Business Park plan capitalizes on the
future planned major road infrastructure proposed within both the Harmony plan and the
Springbank Airport Draft Master Plan.
Although the business park land use does not meet
with the existing land use policy direction contained
within the North Springbank Area Structure Plan,
which guides land use allocations in the North Springbank Area around Avion, these policies will be revisited beginning in fall 2009.
It is expected that the Avion lands will be designated as an area of transition between light industrial
uses and country residential development within the new Springbank Community Development
Strategy which will replace the
North Springbank Area Structure
Plan. As such, Avion Business
Park is designed to ensure appropriate transitions between
Springbank Airport operations
and existing residential neighborhoods. In addition, a number of
community benefits have been
built into the plan for the enjoyment of the local residents.
These include a large specialuse area for community gathering as well as pathway
connections to the future regional
park planning within Harmony.
On September 8, 2008 a pre-
liminary redesignation application was submitted to the MDRV
to obtain business park zoning
for the lands surrounding the
Springbank Airport. Further documents for the application were
required and submitted December 23, 2008. Currently under
review is the complete application to amend the North Springbank Area Structure Plan. In
support of the request submitted
to the MDRV, a preliminary technical review has been undertaken to ensure the feasibility of
the current concept plan. WLC
has engaged BSEI Municipal
Consulting Engineers to conduct
a number of technical and engineering studies which will be-
come a part of the planning approvals process.
WLC is also currently working
closely with MDRV staff and
Councilors to ensure the Avion
concept plan meet the needs of
both the MDRV and the local
community to expedite the planning and public consultation
process. In addition, WLC is currently beginning preliminary discussions with surrounding
neighbours and other key stakeholders as part of a larger consultation process. Planning for
an open house to introduce
Avion Business Park to the community is underway and is expected to be held before the end
of April, 2009.
In October, the City of Airdrie released its 2008 Growth Management Strategy. The Strategy
examines current land use trends
and predicts future land use requirements for the City. The strategy also contains
recommendations regarding which
lands are required for future Airdrie
growth corridors. Within the strategy, Airdrie’s planning consultants
evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of various land use scenarios and delivered several
recommendations for the future
growth directions of Airdrie.
WLC, together with Brown & Associates Planning Group, participated in the development of the
Growth Management Strategy and
provided early input into the process.
With the Growth Management
Strategy’s release, Airdrie and the
Municipal District of Rocky View
are working together to create an
Intermunicipal Development Plan
(IDP). The IDP outlines how Airdrie
and the MDRV will coordinate the
type, form, and timing of development on Airdrie’s edge. It has been
confirmed that this IDP will contain
recommendations for which lands
will be annexed into the City of Airdrie. The release of the draft IDP
has been slightly delayed, but is
expected to be contained within
the upcoming annexation recommendation.
Airdrie recently welcomed
Mattamy Homes and their Windsong
development, slated to open for
sales February 28, 2009. The Windsong in Airdrie will comprise a
planned 3,000 residential units and
represents Mattamy’s inaugural development in the province of Alberta.
With this new master-planned community breathing new life into Airdrie’s residential expansion,
Mattamy’s arrival further substantiates the continued need for growth
in the area.
Eastridge Phase I and II
Eastridge Phase I and II are adjacent to northeast Airdrie. Based on
current planning initiatives by the MDRV and the City of Airdrie, these
parcels are strategically located within future industrial growth corridors
for both municipalities.
The City of Airdrie’s October 2008 Growth Management Strategy included recommendations for lands required for future Airdrie growth corridors. Happily, East Ridge Phase I and II are denoted as part of a high
priority industrial growth corridor for Airdrie.
With the coming of the Intermunicipal Development Plan, land use recommendations and annexation remain points of interest that will be constantly updated for our clients. Given the short-term need for industrial
land within Airdrie and the recommendations contained within the Growth
Management Strategy, Eastridge Phase I and II are well positioned for future annexation. WLC is working with both the MDRV and the City of Airdrie to realize industrial development as soon as servicing and market
conditions allow. This process will be expedited should Eastridge Phase I
and II be annexed into the City boundaries.
West Pointe Phase III and IV
West Pointe III and IV are also well placed within future residential
growth corridors for the City of Airdrie.
According to the October 2008 Strategy, West Pointe Phase IV is considered as part of a high priority residential growth corridor for Airdrie.
WLC is currently working to include West Pointe Phase III within the future residential growth corridor along with Phase IV and fully expects the
West Pointe III and IV to be considered as a single development within future planning processes. Current policies for both Airdrie and the MDRV
emphasize the need for integrated and complete communities and West
Pointe Phase III has previously been considered as part of the growth
corridor within Airdrie’s earlier growth management plan. WLC has been
in contact with the heads of planning for the MDRV and the City of Airdrie
to ensure West Pointe Phase III and IV as a single development.
When combined with Airdrie’s growing need for housing, the recommendations contained within the Growth Management Strategy ensure
that West Pointe Phase III and IV are well positioned for future annexation. WLC is working with both the MDRV and the City of Airdrie to realize
residential development as soon as servicing and market conditions
allow. This process will be expedited should West Pointe Phase III and IV
be annexed into the City boundaries.
Tovero Ridge
Tovero Ridge has been designed as a live-work-play community adjacent to a church and
school complex operated by
Christ the Redeemer Catholic
School Division. An initial community concept plan was created for
Tovero that offered a range of
multi-family units, business park
opportunities, and half to one-acre
single-family lots. Since a preliminary concept plan was developed
in August of 2008, WLC has
worked to receive feedback on
that plan and to ensure it recognizes and responds to the needs
of the Municipal District of
Foothills (MDF), surrounding
neighbours, and other key stakeholders.
On January 26th, 2009, representatives of Westside Land Corporation met with Mr. Harry Riva Cambrin, MDF
Municipal Manager, and Ms. Coreena Carr, MDF Municipal Planner, to present
the concept for the Tovero Ridge development.
MDF staff recommended that the concept plan illustrate higher densities closer
to urban standards. This recommendation was made in light of the current regional planning goals likely to be adopted under the Calgary Regional Partnership and the strategic location of the Tovero Ridge lands adjacent to Okotoks.
MDF staff noted that Tovero Ridge has a high potential for future annexation into
the Town of Okotoks should Okotoks remove their population cap.
WLC has engaged BSEI Municipal Consulting Engineers to conduct a number
of technical and engineering studies as part of the planning approvals process.
In support of a future Area Structure Plan planning process, a preliminary technical review has been undertaken to ensure the feasibility of the concept plan.
To accommodate the higher densities within Tovero Ridge, a new servicing
strategy was developed based on MDF recommendations. This strategy, which
includes a community septic field rather than individual wells, would enable the
northern portion of the Tovero site to have significantly higher densities than
originally proposed, while leaving a large open space on the southern portion
of the site. This open space would allow Tovero Ridge to remain an attractive
property for future annexation into the Town of Okotoks.
In recognition of the potential for synergies between the two neighbouring developments, WLC and Brown & Associates Planning Group have also been
working with Christ the Redeemer Catholic Schools. The School Division is currently hoping to expand their existing track and field facilities and looking to acquire a school board office location. WLC is currently working to determine if an
office location could be provided within Tovero Ridge. WLC plans to meet again
with representatives of the School Division in March 2009 to receive feedback
Tovero Ridge Concept Plan
on the most recent plan updates.
In order to move the project towards
the planning approvals process, a
draft Area Structure Plan (ASP) has
been compiled. Once all key stakeholders have been consulted about
the revised concept plan and the draft
ASP, an open house date will be chosen to present the preliminary concept
and key policies from the draft ASP to
the general public. ■
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