Cheap Smokes! - Here`s the Scoop
‘Twas the Night of Thanksgiving - With apologies to Clement C. Moore, author of A Visit From St. Nicholas (‘Twas the Night Before Christmas) ‘Twas the night of Thanksgiving, But I just couldn’t sleep. I tried counting backwards, I tried counting sheep The leftovers beckoned --- The dark meat and white, But I fought the temptation with all of my might. Tossing and turning with anticipation The thought of a snack became infatuation. So I raced to the kitchen, Flung open the door, And gazed at the fridge full of goodies galore. I gobbled up turkey and buttered potatoes, Pickles and carrots, beans and tomatoes. OCTOBER SPECIAL RECEIVE 15% OFF Laser Hair Removal Esthetics ::: Massage Therapy ::: Laser Hair Removal I felt myself swelling so plump and so round, Till all of a sudden, I rose off the ground !! BOTOX & FILLERS NOW AVAILABLE Don't forget visit our website for more information 403.980.ANNA (2662) ST3TREET.7!IRDRIEsWWWANNASPACA I crashed through the ceiling. Floating into the sky.... With a mouthful of pudding and a handful of pie, But I managed to yell as I soared past the trees ... “So once in every year we throng Upon a day apart, To praise the Lord with feast and song In thankfulness of heart.” - Arthur Guiterman, The First Thanksgiving HAPPY EATING TO ALL !! PASS THE CRANBERRIES PLEASE !! Cheap Smokes! We have it all here! Cigars! Cigars! Cigars! Cuban, Dominican, Panama, Nicaraguan, USA, Guatemalan, Canadian, Honduran & more! Check us out today! We also have lots of: Smokes ~ Humidors ~ Blunts & Papers 115A, 400 Main Street. Airdrie, AB Phone: 403-912-5024 Open Saturdays too! Page 9 A turkey is a funny bird, Its head goes wobble, wobble, All it knows is just one word, “Gobble, gobble, gobble.” Z O N E Barney Bentall & the Grand Cariboo Opry Friday, October 30, 7:30pm Sponsored by Tickets: Advance $25; Door $28 Kid’s Kartoon Korner This week’s pick for Kid’s Kartoon Korner from R.J. Hawkey School is Chanace! Phone: 403-948-8824 K I D Subject: Fire Safety Week Page 10 Contact me today and begin your Calgary & Airdrie real estate experience. I look forward to serving you. At the Bookstore For some reason, the bookstore clerk couldn’t get the computer to recognize my preferred customer card. Peering over her shoulder at the screen, I said, “There’s part of the problem. It shows my birth date as 12/30/1899.” “That’s right,” my husband chimed in. “She was born in June, not December.” Fall calendar now available Raj Nijjar Are your photos still in a box? Let Leslie bring those memories to life! Call for your FREE consultation Closed Sept. 5th for long weekend Tue - Fri - 10 - 5 Sat - 10 - 3 117 Main Street Lower level of Sully’s 403-948-0222 Email: Penny’s Tip I’m way too tired to workout after work and I’m not a morning person. Any suggestions as to when I should workout? Submitted by: John Currently living in Kings Heights. Cell 403.671.0740 Office 403.291.4440 Email Dundee Private Investors Inc THE BEST GIC RATES IN TOWN! Term Average Bank Rate* Broker Rates 1 year 2 year 3 Year 4 Year 5 Year 0.54% 1.37% 1.66% 1.81% 2.17% 1.40% 2.05% 2.83% 3.25% 3.50% All rates subject to change at any time (as of Sept. 23/09). CDIC eligible. *Average Bank Rates referes to average posted rates taken from BMO, Scotiabank, CIBC, Concentra Financial, Laurentian Bank, Naional Bank, Royal Bank, Sun Life Trust and TD Bank. Bryan Muir is a Certified Financial Planner® helping families with Investment and Retirement Planning Bryan Muir, CFP Try lunchtime. If that isn’t feasible, workout after work. I know it’s hard to wrap your head around working out when you feel tired. You probably think a workout will zap the rest of your energy; however, being active will actually give you more energy and you will have a more productive and enjoyable evening. Try it for a week - see what happens. Email your question for Penny to: For your complete fitness centre, check out Big Bear’s. Call Penny at 912-9300 for a consultation. Budget: a mathematical confirmation of your suspicions. ~ A.A. Latimer Page 11 128 Main Street North, Airdrie, AB 403-945-8237 10th Anniversary Special 3 MONTHS FOR JUST $99 Priced like it’s 1999! 712 East Lake Rise N.E. Airdrie CALL TODAY(403) 912-9300 OUTFIT YOUR TEAM WITH US! 1010A Nanton Ave., Crossfield, AB PM Karen Postill / Christina Munz Phone: 403-946-0158 Promotions Fax: 403-946-0157 / E-mail: For All Your Promotional Needs ~ Embroidery, Engraving, Silkscreen The average person in their lifetime will eat 60,000 pounds of food, the weight of approximately six elephants. A Thanksgiving Cookbook by Mrs. Geraghty’s Kindergarten Class Home & Apartment Insurance Fire Insurance Property Estimate Evaluation NOTE: Mrs. Geraghty will not be reponsible for medical bills resulting from the use of her cookbook. Just give us a call! Geremy - Turkey You buy the turkey and take the paper off. Then you put it in the refrigerator and take it back out and cut it with a knife and make sure all the wires are out and take out the neck and heart. Then you put it in a big pan and cook it for half an hour at 80 degrees. Then you invite people over and eat. 403-948-5411 Serving Airdrie,Calgary and Area for over 40 Years! 213 Main Street North West, Airdrie, Alberta T4B 0R6 Email: Website 24 Hour Claim Service Toll Free 1-888-948-5411 * Alberta Only Shelby - Applesauce Best Indian Butter Chicken In Town Go to the store and buy some apples, and then you squish them 2 DELICIOUS MEALS FOR ONLY $15! Gourmet Meals by A Fine Balance Catering Butter Chicken, Rice & Naan Bread Also available our mouth watering Samosa - $1.50 each Extra Naan bread - .75c each Call 403-828-1488 to order Created for you by Calgary’s famous Chef “Nash” Now located in Airdrie, 305 1st Ave N.W up. Then you put them in a jar that says, “Applesauce”. Then you eat it. Meghan H. - Turkey You cut it into 16 pieces and then you leave it in the oven for 15 minutes and 4 degrees. You take it out and let it cool and then after 5 minutes, then you eat it. Christopher - Pumpkin Pie First you buy a pumpkin and smash it. Then it is all done. And you cook it in the oven for 12 minutes and 4 degrees. Then you eat it. Page 12 %AST,AKE"LVD.% !IRDRIE!LBERTA4!' 4EL&AX AIRDRIEUTILITY SHAWCA #!464ELECOMMUNICATIONSs5NDERGROUND)NFRASTRUCTURE %QUIPMENT2ENTALSs$IRECTIONAL$RILLINGs(YDRO6AC 4HEGROUNDWORKFORHIGHSPEEDCOMMUNICATIONS 780 Stonehaven Drive Fully finished under $340K! Call me for details. No one can sincerely try to help another without helping himself. ~ Anonymous Easy Herb Roasted Turkey 628 Luxstone Landing Walk-Out wonder onto greenspace 4 bedrooms plus a M.I.L Suite! Collectors can earn 100 bonus reward miles when you buy or sell! Submitted by: Lisa Ingredients 1 (12 pound) whole turkey 3/4 cup olive oil 2 tablespoons garlic powder 2 teaspoons dried basil 1 teaspoon ground sage 1 teaspoon salt 1/2 teaspoon black pepper 2 cups water Valid until January 2010 TERRI STEPHENS 403.827.4663 Email Directions 1. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C). Clean turkey (discard giblets and organs), and place in a roasting pan with a lid. 2. In a small bowl, combine olive oil, garlic powder, dried basil, ground sage, salt, and black pepper. Using a basting brush, apply the mixture to the outside of the uncooked turkey. Pour water into the bottom of the roasting pan, and cover. 3. Bake for 3 to 3 1/2 hours, or until the internal temperature of the thickest part of the thigh measures 180 degrees F (82 degrees C). Remove bird from oven, and allow to stand for about 30 minutes before carving. W&B Automotive Repair Custom Wheels, Tires, Lift Kits & Accessories Dan Laplante 403-948-7247 Phone 403-870-7480 Cell 403-948-3119 Fax 25% of the bones in your body are in your feet. Also, your ribs move about five million times a year. Page 13 Specializing in corrective work and colours 403-948-5070 • 115, 400 Main Street, Airdrie Robert Meade Owner / Sales Heritage Market, Calgary, Sat - Sun 10AM -5PM WWWHEAVENLYBLADESCA 3WORDSs+NIVESs!XESs"OWS +ITCHENs!RMORs!CCESSORIESs(ELMETS Free shipping within Canada* Brian Muir from Dundee Private Investors Inc. and Here’s the Scoop’s Brent Lovstad enjoying the beautiful fall days of September at the Woodside Golf Course. Page 14 LIVE MUSIC EVERY SATURDAY NIGHT And Now... BabyTooth Bambino’s Presents For All O’ Your * Plus Special Guest Appearances on The Following Weeknights. OCTOBER Listenin’ Pleasures... Fri. Oct. 2 Night Life Sat. Oct. 3 The RoJo’s Sat. Oct. 10 Lou Rye Trio Sat. Oct. 17 Eazy Street Band Sat. Oct. 24 T-4-2 Tues. Oct. 27 Lou Rye Thurs. Oct. 29 The Acoustics Sat. Oct. 31 T-4-2 HALLOWEEN!! Prizes for Best Costume ! SEPTEMBER Fri. Sept. 256 Sat. Sept. 2 29 Tues. Sept. T-4-2 The Thrusters Lou Rye Where GoodTimes are had and GoodFriends are ‘Made’. #6, 2145 Summerfield Blvd. S.E., Airdrie, Alberta Phone: 403-945-9755 “Come join us for ‘Karaoke with Paul’ every Wednesday night 7 pm to 11 pm” New Ownership. New Management. Whole New Attitude. Just ‘Cause We Like Youse – We Got Wing Specials: 6 pm to 7 pm Daily and All Day Wednesdays. EVERGREEN $315,000 LUXSTONE $189,900 Award Winning Realtor Award Winning Results Tammy Forrest 403-464-8688 Email: can Medi ! Unit L IONA PT EXCE !! E VALU UPGRADED & AFFORDABLE! 2 bdrm/2 bath unit on main floor with private patio! Too many details to list! Please call today for more details. BRIDGELAND 40+ Living by Medican! Main floor unit offers 2 bdrms/2 baths in 1076 sf of living space! And the amentities...! Call today for more details. FOREST HEIGHTS $179,900 $199,900 LOCATION! 2 bedroom, 1 bath condo. Perfect for investor or first time home buyer. BARGAIN! 2 bedroom + den, new paint, new carpet, dev. basement. Don’t miss out on this one! LUXSTONE $239,900 THE CANALS $395,900 END ! UNIT T GREA ! E VALU END UNIT! Almost 1200 sf of living space, in this large 3 bedroom, 2 bath, 2 storey. Please call today for more details. FULLY finished, 1500 sf., 6 bedroom, 2 bath home with double garage! HUGE yard! Please call today for more details. CONNAUGHT $224,900 LUXSTONE SAGEWOOD $249,900 $349,900 ! ! ! SOLD SOLD! SOLD SOLD! SOLD Centurion Team 2006-2007 Individual 2008 Bus. (403) 948-2121 PRICE & OPPORTUNITY! In the heart of downtown Calgary! 2 bdrm with large south balcony! END UNIT! 3 bedroom, 2.5 bath, 2 storey townhouse with prof. developed basement. Century 21 Castlewood Agencies Fax 403-948-4405 Website: Page 15 LARGE 1437 sf., 3 bdrm, 2 storey home with double front garage in great location! Recycle Your DEAD BATTERIES DID YOU KNOW? MHc ,*#%/* We also recycle: Copper Aluminum Catalytic Converters ),.)**# Call: Brian 403.618.4288 or Greg: 403.690.9943 The youngest pope was 11 years old. CHELSEY’S CORNER September 26 & 27 Hey! COOPERS CROSSING - 3 bedrooms - 2 1/2 baths -Walkout basement - Pie-shaped lot - Better than new (2007) - Lots of upgrades $527,900 EDITH SHAW 403-816-5149 Maxwell Westview Realty This past weekend was the final weekend of the kart racing season for myself. It was a double header at the Varsity Chrysler Speedpark in Calgary, AB. Saturday started out good with a solid practice and pole position in qualifying. In the prefinal I managed to hold on to first from green to checkered. The final was bascially a repeat of the previous race! On Sunday, things were definitely chilly but practice still went well. Again, I qualified in the top spot and was ready for the prefinal! My start wasn’t the greatest in the prefinal and I had to work my way through the pack, but with two laps to go I got lead. Finishing the prefinal in first gave me a great starting position for the final. Unfortunately, with 5 laps to go I had a mechanical failure and was forced to retire. Thanks again to all of my supporters this year, can’t wait for 2010! building centre Handy Man’s Corner Chelsey Wilson Team Alpha #13 For all your Home Improvement and Repair needs! Catering to the Do-it-yourselfers’ Beauti-Tone paint is available We have EVERYTHING you need for fences, decks, landscaping, plumbing, heating, home repair and more! 211 East Lake Cres. Airdrie 403.948.5535 | There can be no friendship without confidence, and no confidence without integrity. - Samuel Johnson Page 16
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