September 2014 Newsletter


September 2014 Newsletter
A Newsletter of the National Conference
of Puerto Rican Women
Issue 3 - September 2014
Editor: Carmen Delgado Votaw
Asst. Editor: Bequi Ortiz
1220 L Street NW, Ste. 100-177, Washington, D.C. 20005
Message from the National President,
Lourdes Hernandez
Dear NACOPRW sisters and members,
I trust that you have had a pleasant summer and that this Fall will renew your efforts and activities geared to
fulfilling NACOPRW’s mission.
During Hispanic Heritage Month, let’s take time to reflect on the contributions of our fellow Latinos, celebrate our
own accomplishments and preserve and share the richness of our culture.
I am pleased to announce that our Program Committee has been very busy planning many activities and events
for our Annual National Conference:
At our Leadership luncheon, Vision 2020 will share with us a message about the importance of shared leadership
and promote our understanding of the value of gender equality and civic engagement and help us to mobilize and
get us involved in Vision 2020 state initiatives.
We will hear from key leaders in a discussion of the ongoing economic crisis in Puerto Rico and the impact of
recent migrations to inner cities in the U.S.
The National Hispanic Leadership Agenda and local women leaders will provide a Latina perspective on key
issues such as civil rights, economic empowerment, education and health as well as discuss the importance of
promoting women in the private and public sectors.
The Philadelphia Host Committee is culling a list of cultural and social activities to provide a great experience in
A Board development seminar is also in the planning stages.
Now, we need you to encourage your members to participate, bring friends and register soon We also need
Chapter ads and the purchase of our Jewels program support.
You have information below on how to register for the conference and with the hotel Le Meridien.
Share this newsletter with all your friends. See you in Philadelphia on October 31…
41 Annual National Leadership Conference, October 31-November 2, 2014
For Conference Registration:
Visit WWW. NACOPRW.ORG and follow directions to Pay Pal.
For Hotel Reservations:
Le Meridien Hotel, 1421 Arch Street, Philadelphia
Go to or call 215-422-8200.
NACOPRW discount rate of $149 available until October 15, 2014.
Hispanic Heritage Month is celebrated from September 15 to October 15
The Congressional Hispanic Institute will be celebrating its annual conference and Gala from September 29 to
October 2 at the Ronald Reagan Building and the Washington Convention Center.
This year there will be a continuation of the outstanding plenary with the diversity caucuses coming back to
continue their deliberations of last year. The Black Caucus, the Hispanic Caucus, the Asia-Pacific Caucus and
the Women’s Caucus members talk about collaborative activities where they can demonstrate their clout and
legislative acumen in the Congress.
Rally for the Equal Rights Amendment and Voting Rights on September 13
On that Saturday at the West Lawn of the Capitol supporters of ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment and
organizations concerned about voting rights will rally after a lobbying day on Friday when congressional office
visits will highlight the importance of ratifying the ERA as soon as possible. NACOPRW is sponsoring the March.
Everyone is urged to sign the We Are Woman Pledge to Vote. Signatures will be presented on September 12th
Day of Action. Contact Wendy Cartwright at We Are Woman ( The organization is selling
a limited-edition pewter/silver ERA solidarity bracelet also to help fund the organizing work.
The Advocacy Corner
The National Conference of Puerto Rican Women, Inc. sent a letter to the Congress supporting the
passage of legislation on behalf of the National Women’s History Museum to be created in the Nation’s
Capital. The letters from many women’s organizations were hand delivered to the Congress to ensure
passage of the legislation that has been pending for some time. The new language in the legislation
restates the fact that all the funding needed for the founding of the Museum will be provided by nongovernmental sources.
Minimum Wage Efforts
The Coalition on Human Needs has been highlighting the need for Congress to raise the federal minimum
wage which has remained static for five years and is not keeping pace with the current cost of living.
Working full time to support a family on $7.25 an hour is tantamount to living below the poverty line.
The Campaign encourages people to take the Live the Wage Challenge by budgeting what someone who
works full time on the minimum wage would have--$77 a week—if they made $290 a week after taking into
account average housing costs and taxes.
The Challenge demonstrates that incomes have not kept up with the cost of living and that the minimum
wage needs to be raised so Americans can make ends meet. For more information, visit
Congress Failed to Pass Funding for Humanitarian Crisis
Congress left for its August recess without reaching agreement on an emergency supplemental spending
bill to provide additional funds to deal with the child refugee crisis along the U.S. Border.
Children Health Insurance Program Extension Act
CHIP funding will expire next year if Congress does not pass this extension bill through 2019.
CHIP has been successful in the last 17 years reducing the number of uninsured children by 50%. It has
earned the support of 83% of Americans so the Congress should act on this bill.
Chapter News
Chicago Chapter
Deborah Lopez, Chapter President, reports that since 1973 their work has been deeply rooted in the heart of
Chicago’s Puerto Rican community. “This summer we advanced our collaborative relationship with other civic
leaders to improve the educational environment of students. Our vision is to harness the social capital of the
community to provide a seamless academic pipeline linking pre-schools and elementary schools to a high school
hub and higher education institutions. This vision is informed by a community-driven educational agenda that
aims to ensure all schools share resources, coordinate programming, collaborate with community and most
importantly align curricula and school cultures so that students are able to progress seamlessly from one school
to the next.
“We are also proud to have awarded the Luisa Capetillo Scholarship to four Latinas studying at an independent,
dual language institution of higher education. The scholarships allow them to work less, devote more time to
study and get involved in activities that develop their leadership skills. In addition, Veronica Garcia, our mentee
at the University of Chicago received her Masters of Arts degree from the School of Social Service
Administration. We are now supporting her efforts to become bilingual and this summer she will be studying
Spanish in San Jose, Costa Rica.”
The incoming Executive Committee hosted a luncheon to recognize its members work and present the new
annual calendar of activities that begins September 1, 2014 through September 30, 2015.
DC Metro Chapter
The DC Metro Chapter approved a Conflict of Interest Policy to govern its Board of Directors on August 18,
2014. It appointed a Nominating Committee and is scheduling its elections on October 10.
Hispanic Link Publishes Article about Carmen Delgado Votaw electronically
On August 6, 2014, Dima Vitanov of Hispanic Link published a biographical article about Carmen Delgado Votaw
under the title: From an Outstanding Young Latina to an Outspoken Women’s Rights Advocate.
To read the article go to
Miami Chapter
The Miami Chapter will be hosting its 2014 family picnic and elections in October, announced Nora Smith,
chairperson of the program committee, at its September 6 Program Committee meeting in Coral Gables.
New York Chapter
With great sadness, the New York Chapterannounced the passing of a former President of the Chapter Maria
Teresa Centeno on Friday, July 18. Her son, Derick Centeno and her goddaughter, Cristal Rivera, will let us know
when a funeral Mass will be scheduled. The NY Chapter will sponsor the funeral mass. Maria Teresa will be
greatly missed by the New York Chapter.
Congratulations to Chapter member, Betty Lugo, Esq. who was elected President of the New York City Puerto
Rican Bar Association and sworn in as President-elect on June 5, 2014.
Latinas Represent
Latinas Represent says that more than 10,000 members have served in Congress since its
inception—only 10 have been Latinas.
Latinas are mobilizing for change. State Senator Leticia Van de Putte (TX),
Assemblywoman Lucy Flores (NV) and Annette Taddeo-Goldstein (FL) are running for Lt.
Running for U.S. Congress are Suzanna Aguilera-Marrero (CA), Marilinda Garcia (NH),
Rocky Lara (NM), Susan Narvaiz (TX), Amanda Renteria (CA), Luz Robles (UT),
AnnetteTeijeiro (NV) and Norma Torres (CA).
Susana Martinez is bidding to be re-elected as NM Governor and Nellie Gorbea is running
for RI Secretary of State.
Go Latinas, Go…
De Aqui Y de Alla
National Women’s Hall of Fame
The National Women’s Hall of Fame on May 7, 2-14 started a renovation of the historic Seneca Knitting Mill which
will become the new home of the National Women’s Hall of Fame and the Center for Great Women in New York,
overlooking the waters of the Erie Canal System. The Hall of Fame was founded in 1969 and has inducted 247
women. The renovation is estimated to be completed by 2017 to celebrate the 100 anniversary of women in New
York State winning the right to vote.
Women Who Make America
WETA TV26 produced a story of how women have helped shape America over the last 50 years through one of
the most sweeping social revolutions in U.S. history. The documentary features interviews with a host of leaders
from all fields including Hillary Clinton, Gloria Steinem, Ellen DeGeneres, Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Oprah
Winning the Vote: The Triumph of the American Suffrage Movement
This book presents the suffrage movement clearly and chronologically emphasizing the remarkable personalities
and turbulent political campaigns of the early 20 Century. The book can be purchased from the National
Women’s History Project at
The National Women’s History Project announced that the theme of its 2015 Women’s History celebrations is
“Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives”.
Isabel de Castilla, UnaPsicobiografiapor Carmen Alicia Morales
Puerto Rican author, Carmen Alicia Morales, adapted the theory of psyschosocial development of Erik Erikson in
this first psychosocial biography of a Hispanic medieval subject, as reported by Vocero on June 23, 2014.
Mari Carmen Aponte nominated as the US Government Representative to the Organization of American
States by President Obama.
On August 3, President Barack Obama announced her appointment to the OAS post. If confirmed by the Senate,
she would be returning from her current post as Ambassador to El Salvador. Congratulations, Mari Carmen.
Ancient Settlement Unearthed in Puerto Rico
When the Army Corps of Engineers began to construct a new dam in Puerto Rico, the possibility that there is an
archeological massive site with bodies, structures and rock art from an indigenous pre-
Columbian culture and a Taino settlement became a certainty. A large plaza of about 130 to 160 feet is a
significant site with petroglyphs that might have been a court for ceremonial rituals or ball games.
Full excavations and studies of funerary objects must await to confirm that this complex could be the most
significant of its kind in the Caribbean. Aida Belen Rivera-Ruiz is the Director of the P.R. State Office of Historic
Rita Moreno at the National Portrait Gallery
On July 9, Rita Moreno was honored at the National Portrait Gallery and had a program called “A Living Self
Portrait” and signing her book”Rita Moreno: A Memoir”.
Carmen Delgado Votaw and Myrna Hernandez, members of the DC Chapter celebrated with Rita her 82
and cherished Rita’s recollections about her upbringing in Juncos.
Rita has won the grand slam of prestigious awards being awarded the Oscar, the Emmy, the Tony and the
Grammy and to top it she received the National Medal of Arts by PresidentBarackObama and the Presidential
Medal of Freedom by President George W. Bush.
NACOPRW Board of Directors
Executive Committee
Lourdes Hernandez, National President
Xinomara Velazquez, First Vice President
Raquel Castro, Second Vice President
Bequi Ortiz, Treasurer
Vivian Ortiz, Assistant Treasurer
Melissa del Valle, Secretary
Iris Corchado, Assistant Secretary
Deborah Lopez, President, Chicago
Wanda Gordils, Delegate,Chicago
Ada Lopez, Delegate, Chicago
Milagros McGuire, President, D.C. Metro
Anna Rosario, Delegate, D.C. Metro
Carmen Delgado Votaw, Delegate, D.C. Metro
Raquel Castro, President, Indiana
Bequi Ortiz, Delegate, Indiana
Carmen Gloria Gonzalez, Delegate, Indiana
ZoraidaSeguinot , President, Miami
BetzaidaFerrer , Delegate, Miami
Iris Corchado, Delegate, Miami
Vilma Colom, President, Northern Illinois
MariaelisaLaracuente, Delegate, Northern IL
Katherine Ast, Delegate, Northern Illinois
Michelle Centeno, President, NY Manhattan
Maria Roman. Delegate, NY
Aisha Ahmed, Delegate, NY
Adamaris Hernandez, President, Philadelphia
Iris Violeta Colon Torres, Delegate, Philadelphia
Vivian Ortiz, Delegate, Philadelphia
Luz Minerva Machado, SoCal President
Darma Castro-Paden, Delegate, SoCal
Become a Member of the National Conference of Puerto Rican Women
If there is no chapter in your jurisdiction, you can become a National Member of NACOPRW by paying dues to the
national organization. Please fill out and send us your dues with the attached membership form. Be part of a national
sisterhood of savvy, successful Puerto Rican Women, an incredible network of professional and cultural support for YOU.
Send Carmen Delgado Votaw information about what your NACOPRW chapter is doing to help
advance women’s causes so that we can share it in EcosNacionales. Deadlines are 2 weeks before
March 1, June 1, September 1 and December 1.
Editor:Carmen Delgado Votaw,
Assistant Editor, Bequi Ortiz,
NACOPRW website: