2013 - Women`s Centre of Calgary


2013 - Women`s Centre of Calgary
welcoming place
no one looks down on you
when you ask for help
“ I found support here, solidarity ”
different perspectives
2013 Annual Report
have more
“I confidence
learn more about
” my community ”
inspired me to
helped me
grow ”
“ I love discussing women’s issues here”
Together, we made a difference!
The Women’s Centre gathers feedback from women who use the Centre, volunteers, board members, and staff to
inform our work. Feedback was collected throughout the year using a variety of tools. In 2013, we collected input
from more than 1,300 women.
Here are some of our indicators of success:
97% of women reported feeling safe at the Women’s Centre
91% of women reported they liked the diversity of people at the Women’s Centre
90% of women reported they received the support they needed when they needed it
86% of women reported feeling at home or a sense of belonging at the Women’s Centre
78% of women reported they knew more about women’s issues
76% of women reported increasing their community involvement by being involved with the Centre
In 2013, we responded to:
61,612 contacts from women: 71% were made in person and 29% by phone and email. Women came into
the Centre to access our services 176 times every day. In addition, women phoned or emailed the Centre
73 times every day.
In 2013, we served a diverse community of women:
28% were Aboriginal, First Nations, Inuit or Métis
18% were immigrants or refugees
9% were visible minorities
8% were lesbian, bisexual, transgender, or queer
Many of us experienced the following challenges:
50% were single mothers
51% had a chronic health issue such as mental health, disability, or chronic disease
62% were, or had been, in a violent relationship
83% were dealing with poverty
Women Supporting Communities,
Communities Supporting Women
At the Women’s Centre
we work within a unique
Community-CapacityBuilding Peer Model (CCBPM).
Within our model, we work
strategically in three areas:
connect with others, get
assistance and work for
change. What makes the
Women’s Centre unique is the
way that we work within the
model and the integration of
our three areas.
In 2013, we focused on our
model, promising practices
and ways of work in order
to be able to strengthen
the work that we do and
to be able to talk about
what makes us unique.
Highlighted below are just
a few of the ways in which
our promising practices
contribute to communitycapacity-building.
2013-2014 Board of Directors: Dolly Ablitt, Kerry-Lynn Okita, Cari Gulbrandsen, Janet Hutchinson,
Nora Habafy, Connie Leclair, Beverly Frizzell, Denise Young, Carolyn Simpson, Florence Omara,
Roseline Carter, Rosemary Moore, Rida Abboud, Henri Giroux
promote dignity. Just one
example of choice is found
within our Thursday food
program. Instead of receiving
Reciprocity: Most of us would a pre-made hamper, women
rather give help than receive who access this food resource
help, and communities
are given the opportunity
require members to both
to select food from a range
give and receive. Therefore,
of choices for a more
reciprocity and creating
personalized hamper that
opportunities for women
suits their needs.
to give back is an essential
promising practice of our
Trust-based practice: The
work. At the Women’s Centre, Women’s Centre recognizes
roles are fluid which means
that asking for support is not
that a woman can volunteer an easy task. We believe that
or contribute in some
if you ask for help, you need
capacity while at the same
time using services.
Active diversity: The Women’s
Choice: One of the Women’s
Centre works at maintaining
Centre’s core beliefs is
a place that is welcoming
that every woman has the
to all women regardless of
ability and right to selfcircumstance or background.
determination and choice.
We believe that diversity
We recognize that providing work requires constant
choice is not always the most learning and ongoing
efficient way to offer a service celebration. Special attention
but it is an effective way to
to is given to diversity
when recruiting staff and
We recognize that some of
our best work occurs when
our three strategic areas
of work overlap. We are
successful in communitycapacity-building when
women are able to connect
with each other, meet their
basic needs and participate
in decisions that affect
their lives while working for
In 2014, the Women’s Centre
will emphasize work on
integration and enhancing
existing programs by further
applying the promising
For more information on the
CCBPM and our promising
practices, please visit www.
Our mission: Every woman’s place for support, connections and community.
2013 Staff
Aimar Bracho
Carolina Dalgleish
Caterina Gut
Filsan Abdi
Leah Kelley
Marie-Eve Lamothe-Gascon
Mei-Yuk Mak
Mickey Ikuta
Sarah Winstanley
Susan Gillies
Susan High
Tiffany Madden
2013 Practicum
Amy Dornian
Jamie Zarn
Katie Mikalauskas
Margaret Yu
Mirella Estupe-Bautista
2013 Temporary &
Relief Staff
Linda Akoakem
Simona Siad
2013 Financials
Statement of Operations
Donation and fundraising dollars raised in the current year are budgeted in the following year.
Full financial statements, audited by CALVISTA LLP, are available from the Women’s Centre upon request.
Our vision: Women supporting communities, communities supporting women.
Barbara Pietrzykowski
Barbara Thirlwell
Barrie Thesen
Becca McGowan
Beth Tweedale
Bev Lorenz
Beverly Frizzell
Beverly Southwind
Bill Kirk
Brandi Thorne
Brent Scott
Bri Verstraten
Brian Sekiya
Brianne O’Sullivan
Brittany Jaedicke
Brittany Scott
Bruce Winstanley
Byron Frederick
Candy Rotinsky
Carey Erhart
Cari Gulbrandsen
Carla Zuniga
Carol Joscelyne
Carole Trainer
Carolyn Simpson
Caron Vigh
Carrie Ann Baron
Carrie McManus
Carrie Parson
Cat Schick
Cathy Sorge
Chanakya (CJ) Jairath
Chanda Peralta
Chelsi Matkovich
Cheryl Arany
Cheyenne McPherson
Chin Phing Tan
Choudhary Sadat
Chris Ryan
Chris Shymanski
Christie Mach
Christina Bahry
Christy Ridders
Cindy Yu
Cinthia Salicioni
Our mission: Every woman’s place for support, connections and community.
Did You Know?
In 2013...
Our work was done
by more than 520
Aaisha Rahman
Adanna Madu
Adeline Premanand
Agnes Abraham
Aimar Bracho
Aixi He
Alan Boykiw
Alana Felker
Alanna Loftus
Albi Lidguerre
Aleksandar Dmitrovic
Alex O’Rourke
Alex Shrake
Alice Obare
Alina Acosta-Romay
Alison Walker
Alissa Bergsma
Allen Chute
Allen Morgan
Allison Tobias
Aman Kahlon
Amanda Achal
Amelia Buffam
Amrita Dhaliwal
Amy Badry
Amy Dornian
Amy Heidman
Amy Mounkes
Ana Katiuska
Andrea Geeraeut
Andrea Lamy
Andrea Reid
Angela Mitchell
Angie Levesque
Angy Stimson
Annelies Vervondel
Anneliesse Bilic
Annette Dewan
Aown Anwar
April Pawliuk
Asha Siad
Ashfaq Ummara
Ashley Mann
Ashley Stein
Bailee Erickson
Barb Dingwell
Barb Fuller
Barb Katic
Barb McVeigh
Barb Sontag
connections &
We couldn’t have done it without you!
Elspath Kirk
Emily Schmidt
Emily Kozie
Emily Leedham
Emma Beilar
Emma Lynch
Emma Ritchie
Enkela Grami
Eric Rainbow
Erica Welsh
Erin Kuzyk
Erin McQueen
Erin McCuaig
Erika Jahn
Ernie Duffy
Eugenia Alfonso
Eunice Poon
Faith Scanlan
Farooq Fahad
Filsan Abdi
Florence Omara
Friney Labranche
Gabriel McArthur
Gary Stimson
Genedee Malabad
George Beally
Georgina Cooper
Gitta Blackman
Gillian Sinclair
Glo Waters
Grace Heavy Runner
Graeme Kozun
Hadeel Qazzaz
Harry Lew
Harvey Woo
Hazel Orpen
Heather Grant
Heather Jackson
Heather Parsons
Heather Walker
Heidi Hoechstetter
Helen Adams
Helen Williams
Henri Giroux
Hillary Fraser
Holly Heffernan
Holly Luong
Holy Linton
Humairo Hasan
Ijeoma Chuku
Isabel Ostrom
Izzy Jack
Jackie Bohez
Jackie Carrier
Jacklyn Olsen
Jaeline Spowart
Jaime Cameron
Jaime Emond
Jamie Zarn
Every woman’s
place for support,
Thank You to Our
2013 Volunteers
Claire Harper
Claire Shane
Colleen Dann
Colleen McKelvey
Colleene Jack
Connie Leclair
Connie Sharp
Cordellia Harrison
Corinna Dyer
Courtney Sehn
Cresta Snow
Cynthia McKay
D’Arcy Lanovaz
Dago Correa
Dana Farnell
Danielle Dansereau
Darren Woitas
David Bradley
David Lee
Dawn Allen
Dawn Nason
Deb Johnson
Debbie Lee
Debbie Monroe
Debra Campos
Debra Emmett
Del Rath
Della Akkerman
Delores Pilsl
Denine Thinguold
Denise Young
Derek Gray
Desiree (Des) Dupuis
Dharr Chandrakumar
Diane Altwasser
Diane Zilinski
Dianne Harper
Dolly Ablitt
Dolores Herman
Don Jerrard
Don Monroe
Doreen Thesen
Doris Akalue
Dorothy Wong
Eileen Sutcliffe
Elaine Cole
Elaine Wrobel
Elise Lavigne
Elizabeth D’Eramo
Elizabeth Cheung
Elizabeth Chong
Ellen Bolger
Ellen Close
Ellen McGregor
Eleanor Timmins
Elsie Ross
Thank You to Our
2013 Volunteers
We couldn’t have done it without you!
Jan Anderson
Jana Lait
Janet Bliss
Janet Hails
Janet Hutchinson
Janet Klhalis
Jani Krulc
Janice Brodeur
Janice Francey
Janice Morgan
Jasen Parrell
Jasmine Khoo
Javier Vacca
Jeanette Bergen
Jeff Default
Jen Bentley
Jenn Batts
Jenna Stuckey
Jenna Walsh
Jennifer Burgess
Jennifer Coulson
Jennifer Hawthorn
Jennifer Leonard
Jennifer Liddell
Jenny Barker
Jessica Depetro
Jessica Pauletig
Jessie Pepin
Jim Bradley
Joan Buhr
Joan Farkas
Joanne Meehan
Jocelyn Wandler
Jodie McGill
Jodie Moffatt
Jodie O’Connor
John Fahlman
John Harwood
John Larsen
Joslyn Fernandes
Joyce Estes
Judy Hunter
Julie Black
Julie Hrdlicka
Julio Servano
Kaleigh Morgan
Kamini Kharka
Karen Brinklow
Karen Finot
Karissa Gall
Kate Bradley
Kathleen (Katie) Hope
Kathleen Beavis
Kathleen Nickel
Kathleen Ryans
Kathy Shane
Katie Hunt
Katie Jones
Katie Klein
Katie Mikalauskas
Kelley Shinnie
Kelly English
Ken Moore
Ken Stewart
Kerri Parsons
Kerrie Sullivan
Kerry Longpre
Kerry Lynn Okita
Kerry Orchard
Khan Mahum
Kim Jaedicke
Kim Kennedy
Kimberly Dyck
Kimberly McAdams
Kinga Tokan
Kirk BigEagle
Kirsten Summersgill
Kohawar Khan
Krista Denig
Krista Hill
Kristelle Clarke
Krystal Thompson
Kylie Lam
Laura Berg
Laura Castle
Laura Clendening
Laura Coward
Laura Kuhl
Lauren Froese
Lauren MacQuarrie
Lauren Willows
Laurie Anderson
Lawrence Mac
Leah Kelley
Leilani Griffiths
Leo Chow
Lesley King
Lilian Santiago
Lily Woo
Linda Jackson
Lindsey Muir
Lisa Hari
Lisbeth Borjas
Liz Harriman-Crooks
Lori Bean
Lori Beneteau
Lorna Rowsell
Louise Favreau
Louise Ridout
Lucinda Proulx
Lucy Zhao
Lyla Fournier
Lynda Daviau
Lyndon Millar
Lynne Fairhurst
Lynnie Calfrobe
Madison Kitts
Maen Rashead
Malik Khizar
Maliya Yahya
Manuela Reierson
Marcia Dark
Margaret Yu
Marge MacLeod
Margot Leahy
Marian Peterson
Marilou Zaldana
Marion Belke
Marisa Ricci
Marlena Neufeld
Martina Lui
Marvin Henry
Mary Engler
Mary Sheridan
Maureen DeKelver
Mauro D’orazio
Megan Faulkenham
Megan Graham
Melissa Ho
Meredith DeCock
Merna Adly
Mezhgan Mohammad
Michael Bonaparte
Michelle Baillargeon
Michelle Christopher
Michelle Vuong
Mike Miller
Mike Ogsten
Milagros Salazar
Mirella Bautista
Mohini Sharma
Monica Hudj
Morgan Rockney
Mouna Filal
Murray Douglas
Mylene Guerrette
Nancy Mah
Nancy Timmons
Natalie Boyle
Nathalie Caron
Naylle (Marie) Vargas
Neha Saxena
Nele Van Aerde
Nicole Young
Nikhil Ramesh
Nikki Levson
Nina Samson
Nora Habafy
Norm Giroux
Olubunmi Oluwole
Paige Aldred
Pam Ringrose
Pamela Manjarres
Pamela Medland
Pat Lindsay
Pat Martin
Pat Parker
Patrice Nedinis
Patricia Strube
Patrick Denig
Patti Dawkins
Paul Cardiff
Paul Lui
Peg Hofmann
Peggy Walden
Penni Leggett
Peter Isiah
Peter Marsden
Phing Tan
Preeti Parmar
Priya Kumar
Rachel Graham
Rathnakara Merta
Our vision: Women supporting communities, communities supporting women.
Renee Ladoucer
Renee Pede
Richard Scarfe
Richard Weetman
Rick Ratcliff
Rida Abboud
Rikki Desjarlais
Rita Kellow-Taylor
Roberta McKechney
Robynn Morrison
Rohja Lawrence
Rose Lynn Moen
Roseline Carter
Rosemary Moore
Roxanne Cote
Rupesh Razdan
Ruth (Ola) Olusole
Ruth-Ann Osinanuk
Saba Roozbahani
Salaam Daoud
Samantha Botros
Samantha Tolmie
Samira Omer
Sandra Campos
Sandra Ogsten
Sanjay Prabhu
Sara Samson
Sarah Alameri
Sarah Botros
Sarah Winstanley
Sasha Wallis
Seanne Fortier
Serge Beaudry
Shakeelah Hamza
Shannon Alain
Shannon MacKinnon
Shannon Mitchell
Shannon Smith
Sharadhi Ratnakar
Sharon George
Sharon Moore
Shazia Habibgul
Shazia Naseeri
Sheinul Ladak
Shelley Lim
Sheri Verbicki
Sherry Siegler
Sheryl van Otterloo
Shirley Apsassin
Shirley Edwards
Shirley Yule
Shri Ramlu
Siddique Saba
Sidney Courtice
Sofanit Berne
Sofia Lugo
Sophia Dadshani
Sophia Virji
Soraya Rahemtulla
Bianca Bhatti
Bill McNamee
Billy Wu
Bob Mackie
Brenda Ballachey
Brooke Austin
Bruce Winstanley
Bryn Davis-Taylor
Carl Ekengren
Carmen Bearshirt
Carmen Olsen
Carol Hunchak
Carol Markell
Carolyn Phillips
Carolyn Skov
Carolynne BoueyShank
Carrie Blaug
Catherine Elsey
Catherine Moffatt
Catherine Cox
Cathy Cameron
Cathy Howarth
Chadwick Dawes
Charlene Cook
Cheryl Heilman
Chris Kellerman
Chris Perks
Chris Ryan
Chris Shymanski
Christina Disler
Christine Duffey
Christine Dugal & Staff
Christine Mueller
Clarence McFarland
Claudia Shepherd
Colin Grant
Colleen McKelvey
Connie LeClair
Connor Dolan
Cynthia Clark
Dallas Jackson
Dana Farnell
Daniel Russell
Dany Allard
David Germscheid
David Swann
Deanna Latimer
Deanna Smith
Our mission: Every woman’s place for support, connections and community.
Donations in Memory
Betsy Martin
Dr. R.G.Williams
Edna Doerksen
Monica Moreau
My Maternal Grandmother
Tara Curley
Tricia Danielson
W. Roger Angus
Donations in Celebration
Alan Dornian
Alexa Grinevitch
Alma McGauley
Amy Dornian
Courtney Scott
D.J. McLean
Debb Hurlock
Diana Reid
Gillian Ranson
Jim Anderson & Family
Jonathan Cummings
Julie Virtue
Lorne & Cathy Arnholtz
Marg Kelly
Maureen Osis
Mountview School
Naomi Fong
Polly Corbett
Rachel Dornian
Steve, Lori & Zach
Susan Gillies
Adeline Ewaniuk
Aiden Dolan
Aisha Bala
Alexandra MacDonald
Alexandra Espinoza
Amelia Andrews
Amy Heidman
Amy Mounices
Andrea Geeraert
Andrea Giroux
Andrea Reid
Angela Franzon
Angela Rees
Angelika Weaver
Anh Nguyen
Ani Haubner
Anita Cawthorn
Ann Craig
Ann Habafy
Ann McLean
Ann Stofsz
Ann Gray-Elton
Anne Coul
Anne Dawes
Anne Kleffner
Anne Spicer
April Albrecht
April Grosse
Art Danielson
Ashley Bristowe
Ashley Truba
Austin Molnar
Avril Torrence
Barb Burgess
Barb Fanjoy
Barb Rogers
Barbara Biggs
Barbara Birtwistle
Barbara Frizzell
Barbara Mostowich
Barbara Robertson
Barry Moore
Becky Shaw
Benjamin Nachmani
Benny Tan
Betty Sherwood
Betty McNamee
Beverly Frizzell
Beverly Myhr
Bhanumati Sonpal
communities suppotring
You made it all possible!
Thank You to Our
2013 Donors
Deb Wood-Zybutz
Debasis & Sudeshna
Ghosh Dastidar
Debb Hurlock
Debby Scribner
Debra Caza
Debra King
Debra Sears
Debra Smith
Del Peterson
Del Rath
Desiree Belter
Desiree Dupuis
Desiree Gravel
Diana Reid
Diane Trimming
Diane Altwasser
Diane Danielson
Dianne MacCuspic
Dianne MongeonBudhram
Dianne Waldner
Dick Willott
Diptorup Ghosh
D.J. McLean
Don Winn
Donald Boykiw
Donna Caplan
Donna Gray
Edward Downard
Eileen Mak
Eileen SpeightGarriott
Elaine Cole
Elaine Downard
Elaine Haynes
Elaine Morin
Elena Halmaciu
Elise Hetu
Elizabeth Chatten
Elizabeth HarrimanCrooks
Ellen Humphrey
Elora Black
Elsie Ross
Elspeth Kirk
Emily Leedham
Enkela Grami
Erica Welsh
Erika Jahn
Erika Montero
Erin Kuzyk
Faye Lysak
Filsan Abdi
Fiona Nelson
Fran Zaborniak
Frances Wright
Women supporting
Stan Nickel
Stephanie Baruffa
Stephanie Perras
Stephen Halifax
Sue Ehret
Susan Chalmers
Susan Gillies
Susan Ngo
Susannah Tastad
Susanne Maxwell
Suzanne Tetrault
Sylvia Hawkins
Sylvie Lang
Tamarinde Haven
Tamie Bui
Tammy Martin
Tamye Moisan
Tanya Hull
Tanya Trenhaile
Tara Astorga
Tara Barr
Taylor Barrie
Ted George
Tess Villavert
Tiffany Madden
Tiffany Morin
Tim Shewchuk
Tina Gaudet
Tina Wichmann
Tom Cantley
Tony D’Eramo
Tony Bruno
Tove Engebretsen
Tracy Giles
Trina Orchard
Trudy Pavan
Urmie See
Ursula Mendoza
Valerie Rivard
Vanda Booth
Véronique Perks
Vicki Parchamento
Vijay Prakash
Vikes Prakash
Vina Dey
Wayne Marshall
Wayne Smith
Wendi Duncan
Wendy Devisser
Wendy Mitchell
Willa Bender
Yide Ping
Yeonok Sul
Yinka Marcus
Younus Mohammed
Yvonne Schmitz
Zoe Thoms
Zuhal Nasirahamad
Zul Vira
Thank You to Our
2013 Donors
You made it all possible!
Frank Lai
Gabriela Ostendorfer
Gail Dahl
Gail More
Gail Armitage
Geoffrey Beech
Geoffrey Yung
George McLeod
George Kurian
Gerald Roberts
Gertrud Klaus
Gillian Ranson
Glen Altwasser
Glenn Kelley
Gloria Seaver
Gordon Fleming
Gordon Fountain
Grace Chiu
Grant Gilchrist
Greg Meneth
Greg Petti
Greta Back
Hafida Aderkaoui
Hala Dehais
Hao Xu
Hazel MacLeod
Hazel Sangster
Hilda Tobin
Holly Heffernan
Irene Virtue
Isabel Ostrom
J. Ashley Anderson
Jack Lightfoot
Jackie Carrier
Jacqueline Ferguson
Jaimee Larson
James Fanjoy
James Stanford
Jamilah Joseph
Jana Lait
Jane Cawthorne
Jane Oxenbury
Jane Virtue
Janet Hutchinson
Janet Lavoie
Janet Maaten
Janet Pringle
Janet Yao
Janice Brodeur
Janice Paskey
Janine Martin
Jason Roth
Jason Mehmel
Jean Gillies
Jen Arko
Jennie Brade
Jennifer Burgess
Jennifer Dyck
Jeremy Hebert
Jeremy Willmek
Jessica Ayala
Jessica Williams
Jessie Moscovitz
Jill Wyatt
Joan Altwasser
Joan Buhr
Joan Ekengren
Joan Farkas
Joan Jenkins
Joan Karlowsky
Joan Liland
Joanne Meehan
Joelle Robichaud
Joelyn Lawrence
John Borgford
John Fanjoy
John Martin
John Pohl
John Wakoluk
John de Graaf
John George
Jonathon Pemberton
Jonny Faratro
Joy Halvorson
Joyce Budd
Joyce Hildebrand
Judy Hunter
Julia Melnyk
Julie Black
Julie Deans
Jun Ren
Justin Domshy
Kandace Sam
Kara Schneider
Karen Anderson
Karen Anthony
Karen Hardy
Karen King
Karen Orser
Kate Bradley
Kate Kelly
Kathie McGann
Kathleen Biersdorff
Kathleen McKay
Kathy Dahl
Kathy Vooys
Katie Hunt
Katie Mikalauskas
Katie MacKenzie
Keiko Hatch
Kelly Hill
Kelly Senn
Kelly-Ann Dunleavy
Ken Kerwin
Ken Skingle
Kevin Bailey
Kevin Moody
Kim Dyck
Kim Kennedy
Kristy Hysert
Kylie McKendrick
L.C. McNaughton
Laura Brescia
Laura Castle
Laura Cummings
Laura Moore
Laureen Swann
Laurie Engel
Leah Kelley
Leah Turner
Lee AnnCathcart
Lesley King
Leslie Coronia
Leslie Myers
Leslie Parsons
Linda Akoakim
Linda Drinnan
Linda Grandinetti
Linda McFarlane
Linda Jackson
Linda-Rae Treliving
Lindsay McConnell
Lindsay Storm
Lindsey Muir
Lisa Bishop
Lisa Dorozio
Lisa Gill
Lisa Lamb
Lisa Stevenson
Lloyd Hakl
Lori Egger
Lori Rigby
Lori White
Lorna Morishita
Lorna Rowsell Petti
Lorne Jaques
Lou Fraser
Louise Forsyth
Lynn Brandt
Lynn Gaudet
Lynn Squance
Macey MacLeod
Marco Barile
Mame Goehner
Mare Bryden
Margaret Yu
Maria Anderson
Maria Ciudad
Maria Sarmiente
Marian Williams
Marie Buchinski
Marilyn Atkinson
Marilyn Douglas
Marilyn Harrison
Marilyn Hennessey
Marilyn Maheux
Marilyn Segall
Marlene Boykiw
Marnie Schaetti
Martha Bailey
Martha Fanjoy
Mary Anderson
Mary McQuitty
Mary Morin
Mary Valentich
Mary Anne Robeson
Maureen Osis
Melody Horudko
Michael Danielson
Michael Jackson
Michelle Danielson
Michelle Field
Milagros Salazar
Millie Atkinson
Our vision: Women supporting communities, communities supporting women.
Mireille Perron
Mirella Bautista
Morny Joy
Mrs. A. Essel-Ampah
Muhammad Armagan
Murray Douglas
Myra Dionne
Nadege Toguila
Nadia Taylor
Nancy Grange-Praderas
Nancy Hall
Nancy Janovicek
Nancy Mah
Nancy Skingle
Neran Persaud
Nicole Boisvert
Nicole Markotic
Nilima Sonpal-Valias
Nimish Rathod
Nora Habafy
Nora Stewart
Norma Westcott
Pam Corbett
Pam Krause
Pastor Zauch
Patricia Carruthers
Patricia Roome
Patricia Martin
Patti Proud
Paul Cardiff
Paul Knoll
Peggy Walden
Penni Leggett
Penni Mitchell
Penny Young
Peter Meehan
Phillip Taylor
Phyllis Kyle
R. T. Frizzell
Rachel Giesbrecht
Rafi Abboud
Thank You to Our
2013 Business &
Community Donors
You made it all possible!
Our mission: Every woman’s place for support, connections and community.
Did You Know?
In 2013...
More than 5,950
individual women
connected with the
Women’s Centre!
Advantage Management Inc.
Alberta Law Foundation
Alberta Views Magazine
Amalgamated Transit Union Local 583
Bartle & Gibson Co. Ltd.
Bartlett Knechtel Family Fund at
The Calgary Foundation
Bennett Jones LLP
Beta Sigma Phi
Laureate Beta Chapter - Calgary
Black Betty Burger & Winebar
Black Squad Entertainment
Bobby McConnell Contracting
Bodhi Tree Yoga Center
Bow Valley Massage Clinic
BW Technologies by Honeywell
Cabinet Solutions
Calgary Academy of Karate
Calgary & District Labour Council
Calgary Buddhist Temple
Calgary Girls School
Calgary Home and Design Show
Calgary Home and Garden Show
Calgary Scope Society
Calgary Secular Church
Canada Revenue Agency - Diversity Committee
Canada Revenue Agency - Women’s Committee
Canadian Mental Health Association
Canadian Pacific Railway Company
Canadian Property Stars
Canadian Union of Public Employees Local 1846
Canadian Women in Energy
Canyon Plumbing & Heating
Castle Appliances
Catherine Donnelly Foundation
CBC News Radio
Canadian Federation of University Women
Calgary North
Cenovus Employee Foundation
Chevron Women’s Network
Children’s Services Staff
CIBC World Markets
City of Calgary Family and Community Support Services
COBS Bakery - Country Hills
Community Natural Foods
CUPE - Calgary District Council
connections &
Shirley Bibo
Shirley Burton
Shirley Langan
Shivali Rathod
Sho Sengupta
Sita Chui
Sophia Ajaz
Stacey Pirelli
Stacey Sudlow
Stefanie Honrie
Steve Fish
Steve Laut
Susan Gillies
Susan Harris
Susan High
Susan KapetanovicMarr
Susan Lightfoot
Susan Sagert
Susan Singh
Susan Sutcliffe
Susan Walker
Susannah Kurian
Sydney Craig Cortice
Sylvia LeGeyt
Tamara Nedinis
Tammy Martin
Tammy Sawatzky
Tara Hohol
Teresa Learning
Terry Burch
Tiffany Madden
Tracy Giles
Trish Lund
Urmie See
Véronique Perks
Vicki Reid
Vicki Vandermeer
Vicky Viraphanh
Viola Anderson
Virgie McIntyre
Wanda Danielson
Wendy Charlton
Wendy Herrler
Wendy Medley
Wendy Mitchell
Wilfred Kimball
Wilfreda Thurston
William Austin
Willow Walker
Yader Espinoza
Yvonne Schmitz
Yvonne Stanford
Yvonne Germscheid
Zach Bishop
Zen Lee
Zoe Agashae
Every woman’s
place for support,
Rh’ena Oake
Richard Hogan
Rick March
Rob Chiu
Robert Fleming
Robert Froese
Robert Hawkesworth
Robert Romaniuk
Robert Lightfoot
Robyn Benson
Rochelle Stirk
Rodger Tourigny
Roger Jackson
Roland George
Ron Westcott
Ronan Byrne
Ronnie Joy Leah
Rose Moylan
Rose Taylor
Roselynn Moen
Rosemary Brown
Rosemary Moore
Rosetta Bilodeau
Rosita Thorpe
Ross Swann
Russell Reimer
Saadia Kendall
Safiyah Mahamud
Sandeep Lail
Sandra Campos
Sandra Harper-Jaques
Sandra Jarvie
Sandy McFarlane
Sandy Willott
Sarah Bryden
Sarah Lyons
Sarah Vouronikas
Saxena Akshay
Scott Schroeder
Scott Wildeman
Sean Loyns & daughter
Sean McMaster
Selina Seed
Shannon Brooker
Sharon Anderson-Marr
Sharon George
Sharon Peter
Sharon Thompson
Sharon Woodhouse
Sharon Gray
Sharon Kurtz
Shawn Christensen
Sheila Good
Sheila Johnston
Sheila McCarthy
Shelley Herman
Sherri Olsen
Sherri Rau
Sherry Neis
Spa Lady Canyon Meadows
Trans Canada Mall
Westbrook Mall
Spence Productions
Springbank Book Club
Stanley Jones School
Stat Oil Canada
St. George’s Anglican Council of Women
Leela Eco Spa & Studio
St. Isabella School
Luke’s Drug Store Ltd.
St. Matthew Lutheran Church
Lush Cosmetics - Sunridge Mall
Subway - Bridgeland
Luxfer Canada Limited
Summit Kids
Maria K. Eriksen and Harold Hanen Fund at
Suncor Energy Inc.
The Calgary Foundation
Sykotik Mas
Mary Child Legacy Fund at
Taqa North
The Calgary Foundation
Teachers of the Calgary Girls School
Mary Kay - Kathie McGann
Telus Spark
Matkovic Allan LLP -Staff & Lawyers
Community Connections Program
MountView School Parent Council
The Calgary Minerva
M.S. Private Ltd
Fundraising Foundation
National Bank
The Calgary Foundation
National Neon Displays Limited
The Canadian Union of Public Employees
NDP Women’s Caucus
Local 4731
Nickle Family Foundation
The Children’s Place
Old Navy Chinook
The Downtown Sports Clinics
Oxfam Canada Ottawa
The Greene Family Charitable Foundation
Parkdale United Church
The Lighting Centre
Phoenix Contact Ltd.
The Wentworth Wives
Pinnacle Dental
Tops AB328
Post Partum Community Services East
Transformations Hair Designs Inc
Proctor & Gamble Inc
UFCW Local 401 North Office
Project Warmth
United Food & Commercial Workers
Public Service Alliance of Canada
United Nurses of Alberta
Public Service Alliance of Canada United Steel Workers of America
Local 7226
Pumpkin Patch Day Care Centre
United Way of Calgary & Area
Pure Creations
United Way of Calgary
Pure Potentials Wellness Inc.
Donor Choice Program
Quota Club of Barrie
Universal Surveys
Quota International
University of Calgary, Faculty of Medicine
Quota International of Owen Sound
Veresen Inc.
RE/MAX Realty Professionals
Vita Fitness - Bridgeland
Royal Canadian Legion Branch 52
WCCAC Bethany Fellowship
RSA Group
Westwinds Ladies Curling Club
Rup Consultants Plus Inc.
Wise Walden Barkauskas
SAIT, School of ICT
Women Together Ending Poverty
Servus Credit Union Ltd.
Women’s Leadership Council Shaganappi Denistry
United Way of Calgary
Shaw Communications Inc.
Woods Homes - Exit Outreach
Sheraton Cavalier Hotel Social Club
World Health
Sirocco Golf Club Ltd.
SNC-Lavalin ATP Inc.
Social Work Student’s Association
Soma Advanced Skin & Body Therapy
North Hill
Soroptimist International
of Calgary Society
Wu Yi Association of Calgary
South Calgary Health Centre
Xerox Services in Partnership with the
South Health Campus
University of Calgary
Respiratory Therapy Dept.
Thank You to Our 2013
Business & Community Donors
You made it all possible!
CUPE Local 38
Delta West Academy Society
Drum & Monkey Pub
Dunphy Best Blocksom
Dupont Canada
EECOL Electric Corp.
EFW Radiology
Encana Corporation
Enterprise Rent A Car Canada Company
Evans Consoles
Fluor Canada
Foothills Hospital Infection Prevention Control
Fort Calgary Community Garden
German Ladies Choir
Glasswaters Foundation
GLB-Tech Design Ltd.
Glenmore Christian Academy Intermediate School
Guyana Canada Cultural Association
HAB Family Foundation
Herizons Magazine
Home Depot
HSBC Bank Canada
Imperial Oil Kearl Operations Employees
Indo-Chinese Buddhist Association
Intact Foundation
John G. Diefenbaker High School
Joycee’s Caribbean Foods
Kao Canada
Kermode Counselling Services
Kids Up Front
Kinette Club of Stampede City
Our vision: Women supporting communities, communities supporting women.
Make One Change 2013
In June 2013, the Women’s
Centre hosted Make One
Change: A Women’s Gathering
- an incredibly unique and
successful event that brought
women together for a day
of discussion on women’s
issues and policy change.
211 women attended to hear
from 19 grassroots groups/
organizations and 5 “soapbox”
Each group facilitated a
session on an issue most
impacting their lives as well as
presented a policy or change
recommendation to move
forward on the issue.
Participants attended
sessions such as, “No Where
Safe to Go” facilitated
by Women of Servants
Anonymous – survivors of
sexual exploitation, “Women
and Social Isolation” by
the Vietnamese Women’s
Association, “Devaluing
Immigrant Women’s
Educational Skills and
Economic Contributions”
by the Alberta Network for
Immigrant Women, “Equality
and Transwomen” by the Trans
Hub and “Childcare: It Impacts
All” by Women from United
Nurses of Alberta, just to
name a few.
Groups and attendees filled
out evaluation forms to assess
our impact on key outcomes:
100% learned about the
issues of women from
backgrounds different
from their own.
99% of respondents
were able to discuss
experiences or stories
regarding an issue
affecting themselves and/
or other women.
All presenting groups were
invited to come back to the
• 99% met women from
Women’s Centre and facilitate
backgrounds different
their sessions a second
than their own.
time as part of our regular
workshop series. Additionally,
• 98% increased their
we collected the actions that
knowledge about
attendees and presenters
women’s issues.
committed to and have
followed up with reminder
• 95% stated that due to
connections made at the e-mails and requests for
gathering, they will find it updates.
easier to get involved in
Finally, the Social Issues
the community.
Committee of our Board of
• 90% learned more about Directors took a look at all of
the change recommendations
public policies affecting
and based on our current
women or related to
connections and resources
women’s issues.
plans were formed to
• 88% learned more about address some of the change
how to be involved to
change public policies
Overwhelmingly, responses
that negatively affect
from participants indicated
how incredibly exciting and
The impact of Make One
impactful Make One Change
Change has carried on long
had been for them. It is a
past the original event. Many rare opportunity to have so
groups have continued to
many women in one place
work on the issues impacting focused on creating change.
their lives: Women Together
Conference organizer, Leah
Ending Poverty have reached Kelley, stated, “I paused for a
out to their new and prior
moment at lunch hour to scan
community connections
the room and take it all in. At
to work on a coalition and
each and every table I saw an
public education campaign
array of diversity. Women from
regarding Alberta’s flat tax.
different cultures, abilities,
The Canadian Federation
identities, backgrounds and
of University Women
socioeconomic statuses were
connected with the Human
connecting with one another,
Services Ministry in Alberta
sharing stories, experiences
regarding their child care
and wisdom. I was in awe.”
recommendations. The Trans
Thank you to all of the women
Hub has launched a website
who shared this very special
with information and
day with us and to everyone
links to services, resources
who helped make Make One
and support for Calgary’s
Change possible. We couldn’t
transgender community.
have done it with you!
Our mission: Every woman’s place for support, connections and community.
Thank you to our
Make One Change
Action Coalition on
Human Trafficking
Albi Lidguerre
Alberta Network of
Immigrant Women
Ladies Network
Calgary Sexual Health Centre
Calgary Vietnamese
Women’s Association
Canadian Federation of
University Women Calgary North
Disability Action Hall
Idle No More
Inside Out Action
Research Team
Jane Oxenbury
Margot Van Sluytman
Monica Connoway
Oxfam Calgary
Sisters from Another Mother
Suza Singh
Take Back the Night
The Raging Grannies
The Trans Hub
Women’s Development
Portfolio -Ismaili
Council for Canada
Women & Housing
Women, Creativity and
Political Voice
Women from
United Nurses of Alberta
Women in Politics:
Gael MacLeod,
Rachel Notley
Melanee Thomas
Vi An Diep
Women’s Art Collective:
People Inchoate
Women of Servants
Women Together
Ending Poverty
2013 at a Glance
All of our work is done within our unique Community-Capacity-Building Peer Model. It provides the
framework for how we operate. What we do fits within our three strategic areas:
Get Assistance
Connect With Others
Work For Change
We provided women with
food, personal supplies or bus
tickets 8,289 times.
We provided 102 workshops
for 773 women.
We held 33 workshops on
diversity, women’s issues and
public policy.
We completed 4,457 basic
needs referrals to other
community programs.
Women dropped in to the
Centre to connect with
others and build community
10,869 times.
Women came to the Centre
to use computers, office
equipment and phones
9,873 times.
629 women attended various
groups at the Centre such
as Community Kitchen and
Practice English.
Women received services
such as legal advice, tax
preparation, and ID clinics
744 times.
We made 23,505 peer
support, information and
follow-up contacts.
We hosted Make One Change:
A Women’s Gathering
attended by 211 women,
19 groups and 5 individual
We participated in 4 social
advocacy groups and 8
community events including
co-hosting mini-fairs in
celebration of International
Women’s Day.
Women’s Centre of Calgary, 39-4 St NE, Calgary, AB T2E 3R6
Ph: 403-264-1155 E-mail: info@womenscentrecalgary.org
Fax: 403-264-1203 Web: www.womenscentrecalgary.org