March 9
March 9
Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal WEEKLY AGENDA “GOING FROM GOOD TO GREAT” LINWOOD HOLTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL The Home of The Learning Lions Women History Month David A. Hudson March 9, 2015 Page 1 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Congratulations Dinari Noland 2014-2015 Scholastic Standout Page 2 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal WHY: Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) are important aspects of our students’ education. These fields of study are vital to the continued growth of our students’ critical thinking and problem solving skills. WHAT: A fun night of learning featuring several STEM educational stations. WHO: This event is open to K-12 students. (All students must be accompanied by an adult) WHEN: Thursday, April 2nd from 6:00-8:30pm WHERE: Linwood Holton Elementary School Holton Students who RSVP by the deadline will receive a door prize to take home that will help them to continue in their exploration of STEM! Refreshments will be served. You must RSVP in order to attend this event. ! Cut along the dotted line and return to your classroom teacher by Friday, March 13 th . """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""! ! Student’s Name _____________________________________ Teacher’s Name _____________________________________ Number of adults attending ______________ Will siblings be attending? _____________ If so, how many? ___________ ! Page 3 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal RPS Mobile App RPS has launched a new, free mobile app This app provides a convenient way to connect with the district to access all the information you need – right on your mobile device. Parents can customize the app to receive news and information from their child’s schools. For additional assistance, click here or download our Quick Reference Guide. En Espanol. The app is available at the Google Play Store, the Apple Store or the QR Code above. Page 4 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Linwood Holton Elementary Schools Band & Orchestra & Richmond Concert Band Presents “April Foolishness” Concert March 31, 2015 7:00 p.m. Page 5 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal S.P.M.T. NOTES Wednesday, March 4th, 2015 Persons Present: D. Hudson, F. Lightfoot, E. Vermillion, L. Brockman, A. Mitchell, T. Slachciak, C. Watkins, T. DeVaughn, J. Patterson, R. Gay, V. Ragland Concerns Discussed: Pre-K: no concerns K: Can the staff members who take K students to the bus loop please check to make sure all classes are in line before leaving? Also, can duty begin at 3:25pm? Can we please have a Kindergarten Family Meeting soon? K students are having a very hard time following school and classroom rules. First Grade: no concerns Second Grade: no concerns Third Grade: no concerns Fourth Grade: Boys are consistently coming in late from playing football. Fifth Grade: not present Exp. Ed: not present Second Teachers: Q: Can you clarify the RPS “color codes,” specifically the difference between Code Red and “Code Red Light.”? A: All “color code” information is in the Management Manual, as well in the Weekly Agenda with specific drill dates/times. READ both of these. Humanities: “Read Across America” is today and there will be guest readers in the building, please see Ms. Glover for the schedule. Custodial: no concerns Office/Ms. Hull: not present (Happy Birthday!!) Mr. Lightfoot: no concerns Page 6 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Mr. Hudson: READ THE AGENDA! Movies in the classroom: No movies are allowed to be shown without proper authorization. Teachers need to fill out the form and submit it to Mr. Hudson. Movies do NOT teach children content….they should be used as a “snapshot,” not an entire lesson. Grades 2nd—5th: Please use Interactive Achievement as a “snapshot” in your lessons. Some staff members recently observed this in another school and it was very effective! Teacher’s Lounge: throw paper in the trash can or take back to your class to recycle, as there is no longer a recycle bin in the teacher’s lounge. Professionalism: Make sure that you are on-task at all times and teaching children. If you do not want to work, you need to quit. Duties/Meetings: If your name is listed on a duty assignment or scheduled for a meeting you need to be on time and prepared. Mr. Hudson will not be giving reminders anymore, he will be writing staff up instead. Grade Level Meetings: We will meet in the Computer Lab today for ASPEN training, be on time and grade level chairs need to bring the teaming log filled out to the meeting. Page 7 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal PAYROLL ACCOUNTABILITY ERI TEACHER NAME PLEASE PRINT Social Security Number Reporting Period Please sign in on KeepNTrak – Time Must Match Sheet. Let me know if KeepnTrak is not working Date Time Work - Number of Hours Employee’s Signature Principal’s Signature Page 8 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Reminders Updates - Please Read March 2015 • 9th Girls’ Scout Meeting – Media Center • 11th Open House For 4th Grade Parents– Ms. Lichtman – 4th Grade Teacher – 5:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. • 11th Black History Program 2:00 p.m. • 12th Early Dismissal for Students@12: 30 p.m. – Parent Teacher’s Conference • 13th Central Region Spelling Bee - _ Good Luck Zachary Wenzel • 13th LEGO Robotics Parent’s Night Out Fundraiser • 13th Early Dismissal for Students @12:30 p.m. – Parent Teacher’s Conference • 17th PTA Board Meeting @ 5:30 p.m. PTA General Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. – Minds in Motion Performance • 18th 5th Grade Trip To Albert Hill • 20th Donuts For Dad – 8:00 a.m. • 28th Spring Fling - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. • 24th School Spring Picture Day • 26th Winter After School Enrichment Ends • 27th Unity Dance - 6:00 p.m. • 27 th Holton Safety Day – 1:00 p.m. (3rd – 5th Grade Students) – Richmond Police Sponsor • 31st Richmond Concert Band & Linwood Holton Band & Orchestra Concert – 7:00 p.m. Page 9 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal March Is Women History Month Heroines of Women’s History Rules fall into two major categories: written and unwritten. Written rules have secure homes in documents; unwritten rules are customs and mores, a way of doing things; they dwell in the intangible space of a society’s culture. Unwritten rules don’t even need to be spoken, they’re just things that everybody, just, well, knows. Sometimes-unwritten rules keep us safe and civil: don’t walk through that neighborhood at night; don’t wear those holey jeans out to dinner; and do say please and thank you. But sometimesunwritten rules keep us down: Legos for the boys, dolls for the girls or that’s not feminine (or masculine) behavior. But the most awful unwritten rule, the one that threatens progress and selfactualization, is: You can’t do that because it’s never been done before. The five women below left legacies in their respective fields because they refused to play by this egregiously appalling rule. Instead of asking themselves, “Can I do that?” they asked themselves “How do I do that?” And then they went and did that in writing, aviation, politics, philosophy, and fashion. Here’s to breaking the rules. Aphra Behn When Behn sailed to Antwerp in 1666 to spy for King Charles II of England, he refused to pay her for services rendered, and she landed in debtors’ prison. After her release, she eked out a living the only way she knew how: by writing. Page 1 0 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Aphra Behn. Library of Congress For the next 20 years, Behn wrote and performed in plays on the bawdy English stage. Playwriting afforded Behn (rhymes with Dane) some fortune, some fame, and some infamy. Her plays gained notoriety as being too risqué. She became known as the Restoration’s version of Jackie Collins. Her most famous play, The Rover (1677), is still performed today and has handed posterity such wonderful lines as, “There is no sinner like a young saint.” But Behn gave us more than staged 17th century sexually provocative themes and neat aphorisms; apart from the myriad of poems she wrote, she also produced what some consider being the first English novel. English literature had been comprised of epic poems: Beowulf, Sir Gawain, and The Faerie Queen. Behn produced what some consider the first prose narrative—certainly it is one of the earliest English novels—in her groundbreaking work Oroonoko (1688), the tragic story of a slave in Surinam. She is believed to be the first woman to make a living solely as a writer. Two hundred and fifty years later, Virginia Woolf recognized the debt all women owed Ms. Behn: “All women together ought to let flowers fall upon the tomb of Aphra Behn … for it was she who earned them the right to speak their minds.” Beryl Markham's renowned memoir Beryl Markham Markham’s autobiography, West with the Night (1942), is more than just a story of being the first person to fly non-stop from England to North America. It’s the story of a young British girl growing up in Kenya at the turn of the 20th century, a girl deeply connected to her adopted country. Chapter after mesmerizing chapter, we are delighted with stories of her escaping being mauled by a lion (oh my!), breeding winning racehorses, effortlessly landing her plane in the African bush on medical, postal, and safari expeditions, and eventually flying into the wind across the Atlantic Ocean. Markham writes with such vigor that you can see the beautiful horses she’s training, marvel at the expanse of the African landscape, and fear the dark nights she’s accustomed to flying in. In fact, her writing is so evocative that Papa Hemingway himself wrote of her: “She can write rings around all of us who consider ourselves as writers.” Oh yeah, and she could fly, too. Eleanor of Aquitaine This 12th century queen’s impressive resume reads like this: Page 1 1 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Objective: Politically astute, ambitious, spirited, and intelligent medieval beauty seeks mutually beneficial alliances with feudal lords and emerging European royalty. Education Homeschooled by father William, a duke in southern France. Well-versed in Latin. Enameled stone effigy at Eleanor of Aquitaine's tomb in Abbey of Fontevrand. Click for larger image. Library of Congress. Experience Married Louis VII, King of France Bore two daughters: Marie and Alix Led legion of women to the Second Crusade Conducted inappropriate affair with Uncle Raymond Received annulment of first marriage, retained original lands Married Henry II, Duke of Normandy and Count of Anjou and future King of England • Bore eight children: William, Henry, Matilda, Richard, Geoffrey, Eleanor, Joanna, and John • Patronized arts, particularly love-song-singing troubadours • Led rebellion with sons Henry, Richard, and Geoffrey against second husband • Imprisoned for 16 years by husband King Henry II of England • Raised ransom money to free son Richard (the Lionhearted) from a Viennese prison • Died at ripe young age of 82 Legacy • Marriage to second husband Henry II meant that large swaths of French territory came under English rule. It would take hundreds of years—and the Hundred Years’ War (1337–1453)— to sort out the land disputes between the French and the English. • Youngest son, John, who rose to the English throne in 1199, signed the Magna Carta in 1215, which restricted the powers of the monarchy and laid the groundwork for English common law and the Constitution of the United States. • • • • • • Mary Wollstonecraft. Library of Congress. Mary Wollstonecraft Had she just been the wife of the British political philosopher William Godwin, Wollstonecraft’s Wikipedia entry would be a mere few lines. Had she just been the mother of Mary Shelley, the author of the Gothic novel Frankenstein, her entry might double. The entry gets even longer if we include Wollstonecraft’s travelogue Letters Written in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark (1796), which details her journey through Scandinavia with the Page 1 2 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal child of the man who rejected her. In Letters, her writing is so stark one can smell the effluvia of the salted herring, breathe in the clean, cool sea air, and sink into the homey chairs at the local inns. One can also feel her emotional pain. But Wollstonecraft’s Wikipedia entry is extensive because she advocated for equal rights for women and equal access to education. She wrote these crazy ideas down in the seminal feminist work, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman (1792). She is the reason women’s activists descend like locusts on the Augusta Golf Club every year demanding to know when women are going to be admitted as members. She posited that everyone wins with a more educated populace. Her daughter’s classic, Frankenstein, is proof of that. Amelia Bloomer If you’re female and wearing pants right now, you can thank Amelia Bloomer. The eponymous Bloomer was not the first to wear the balloon-like trousers that cinched at the ankles, but she advocated wearing them, wrote about wearing them, and wore them herself. The press assigned these ridiculous firsts of the female pant world the name Bloomers. Bloomerism - fashion not only changes lives, it changes history. Library of Congress. Bloomers became popular because Bloomer and her friends (whom she had met at the Women’s Rights Convention in Seneca Falls, New York, in 1848) started wearing them. Bloomers were more practical than the fashion of the time: heavy skirts, petticoats and whalebone corsets. Also, it’s much easier to ride a bicycle and keep your modesty with pants underneath your multiple skirts. Bloomer became known as an advocate for rational dress reform and is proof that fashion not only changes lives, it also changes history. These women are a mere quintet who, by refusing to play by the rules that society handed to them, forever altered the course of history. Page 1 3 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal “Roaring Lions Chorus” WE NEED YOU!! Dear Holton Parents, We need your help promoting physical fitness and health to our youth and community with our biggest fundraiser the Holton Hustle 5k Fest. Currently we need volunteers to serve on our pre-planning committee to help us make our 2015 event successful. Due to the loss of several integral committee members and the fact that many current members will be leaving after this current school year, it is imperative we fill these leadership positions now to provide continuity. On the back of this flyer there is a snap shot of the different subcommittee duties for you to review. If you can devote your time to serving on this committee we will greatly appreciate it. Complete the form below and return it to the PTA mailbox OR send an email to indicating, which positions you, can fill. Our next meeting will be at Holton on Thursday, November 6, 2014 at 5:30pm. Blessings, Kantrese Smith Priscilla Wright Chairperson Co-Chairperson POSITIONS OPEN: Race Course Chair Events/Games Chair Food Chair Sponsorship/Donations Chair Secretary Prizes Chair In-School Publicity Chair Out-of-School Publicity Chair Vendor Chair Treasurer *Positions need both a Chairperson and 1-2 volunteers to assist the Chair Hustle 5k Fest Committee Sign Up Name: _______________________________________ Best Phone:_____________ Best Email: _________________________________________________________ Selected Position(s): _______________________________________________ ****PUT COMPLETED FORM IN PTA BOX PLEASE**** Page 1 4 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Race Course Committee Duties: • • • • • • Assist Chair with any pre-planning duties Set-Up water stop stations on race day Have first aid kits available Set up and pick up cones Organize runners to line up by start times Assist with 1 Mile Run day of and Kid’s Dash (day prior to) Registration Committee Duties: • • • • • Assist Chair with any pre-planning duties Enter in offline registrations into online platform (race-it) Prepare race packets for Package Pick Up Man package pick-up tables on Package Pick Up Days Man registrations tables on Race Day Sponsors/ Donations Committee Duties: • • • • • Assist Chair with pre-planning • Make sure information goes out to students and parents up until race day • Coordinate “Spirit Week” before race day Prepare letter to ASK for sponsorship/donations Provide business with sponsorship packages Find Race/Festival prizes (work with Prizes Committee) Follow up • • • • Brainstorm ideas on games/ events for 5k Festival • • Set-up games & events on Event Day Decide on games/events for 5k festival Find affordable entertainment Work with Prize Committee & Sponsorship/Donations Committee Man games and events on Event Day Prizes Committee Duties: • • • • Assist Chair with pre-planning • • Set-up prize structure for games/events Come up with prizes for festival and contests Decide on prizes Work with Sponsorship/Donations & Events/Games Committees Man prize booth on Event Day Vendor Committee Duties: Assist Chair with pre-planning Solicit to businesses/ organizations to be vendors Ask for health & child based organizations to attend Provide businesses/organizations with vendor packet Follow-up Work with Sponsorship/Donations Committee Make flyers/ posters to promote event around school Conduct contests (i.e. commercial, t-shirt design, most registrations, etc) for grade levels Out of School Publicity Committee Duties: • Coordinate logo contests (if any) with In-School Publicity Committee • • • • • Work on posters, postcards, flyers, yard signs Generate list of potential business/organization sponsors Events/ Games Committee Duties: • • • • • • • • • Price & Order t-shirts (work with Registration Chair) Write up and send out information for media coverage Coordinate distribution of flyers, posters, postcards, yard signs Invite schools for our School Share Program and invite major figures (i.e. Linwood Holton, the Mayor, etc.) Food Committee Duties: • • Decide on Food • Coordinate water bottles, fruit and foods for runners—work with Sponsors/Donation Committee • • Set-up and coordinate all food tents/booths and race food needs Coordinate any ingredients, food needed for food booth(s)work with Sponsors/Donation Committee Man all booths/tables & clean up on Event Day Treasurer Committee Duties: • • • • Work with Treasurer for duties as Money Bag Volunteer Hold & Secure money aprons on day of Work with Treasurer for “cashing out” Count for all monies received for race/festival Secretary Duties: • • • Take minutes at every meeting Send out meeting reminders Send out sponsorship/donation thank-yous Kid’s Dash Committee Duties: • • • Work with Chair for any pre-planning duties • • Coordinate awards ceremony with Chair Set-up Kid’s Dash Course night before Help man the course on day of Kid’s Dash (normally 1 day before Hustle 5k Fest) Help take-down course Volunteer Duties: • • Fill in on any committee that needs help Work at any station on day of event In-School Publicity Committee Duties: Page 1 5 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Linwood Holton Elementary School - 02901 Dear Parents: Welcome to the start of a new school year and a year of A+ School Rewards. Beginning February, 2015 through March 27, 2015 Linwood Holton Elementary School – 02901 will have the opportunity to earn cash through the MARTIN’S A+ School Rewards Program. All you have to do is: ●Log on to to designate our school online using your MARTIN’S OR Return this form to school with your child and include your MARTIN’S BonusCard Number, Last Name and telephone number________________________(11-digit BONUSCARD) _________________________ Last Name ________________________ Telephone After you register your card, each shopping trip at MARTIN’S using your BonusCard earns CASH for our school! Each month, the amount of CASH awarded will be updated on the MARTIN’S website. You can track the amount of points you earn for our school by checking your grocery receipt and online when you create an account at Our school will receive a check at the end of the program and the money can be used for any of our school’s educational needs. Remember, even if you registered your card last year, you must re-register this year for our school to receive credit. Registration is easy and makes a HUGE difference to our school. We need your support. Please be sure to register your card to benefit Linwood Holton Elementary School using ID # - 02901) also, don’t forget to encourage your friends and relatives to do the same. It could mean more Cash for our school! Page 1 6 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal TO: FROM: RE: DATE: Parents David Hudson Kroger Plus March 9, 2015 We are participating in the Kroger Plus Card for Education School Program. This program provides much needed educational equipment for our school. Please take this to a local Kroger store. Have the cashier scan the bar code along with your Kroger Plus Card. This will register your card for our school. You only have to scan this bar code one time from 3/2/15 - 4/21/2015, every time you shop at Kroger and use your Kroger Plus Card, our school will electronically earn credit toward free educational equipment. There is no cost to participate and this will not interfere with credits you are earning for any other shopping promotions at Kroger. Once you have scanned our bar code, please pass this notice along to friends, neighbors or co-workers so they can help us earn educational equipment also. If you do not have a Kroger Plus Card, please get one at any Kroger store, take this with you, and you can start earning credit for our school. Thank you for your support. PLEASE ASK FAMILY AND FRIENDS TO ASSIST US WITH THIS ENDEAVOR TO RECEIVE ITEMS FOR OUR SCHOOL. EVERY LITTLE HELPS! Page 1 7 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal TO: Staff FROM: David A. Hudson RE: Safety Duties DATE March 9, 2015 PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU REPORT TO DUTY FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR STUDENTS FRONT CIRCLE March 9, 2015 – March 13, 2015 March 16, 2015 – March 20, 2015 March 23, 2015 – March 27, 2015 March 30, 2015 – April 3, 2015 April 13, 2015 – April 17, 2015 April 20, 2015 – April 24, 2015 April 27, 2015 – April 17, 2015 March 30, 2015 – May 1, 2015 May 4, 2015 – May 8, 2015 May 11, 2015 – May 15, 2015 May 18, 2015 – May 22, 2015 June 1, 2015 – June 5, 2015 June 8, 2015 – June 12, 2015 June 15, 2015 – June 19, 2015 June 22, 2015 – June 26, 2015 Mr. Clark, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Bjornes, , Ms. Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Glover, Ms. Bjornes, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey, Ms. Bjornes, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Holloman, Mr. Volley, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Hughes, Ms. Woodberry,Ms. Bjnores, Ms. Holloman, Mr. Gay, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Mr. Clark, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Bjornes, , Ms. Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Glover, Ms. Bjornes, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey, Ms. Bjornes, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Holloman, Mr. Volley, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Hughes, Ms. Woodberry,Ms. Bjnores, Ms. Holloman, Mr. Gay, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Mr. Clark, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Bjornes, , Ms. Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Glover, Ms. Bjornes, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey, Ms. Bjornes, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Holloman, Mr. Volley, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Hughes, Ms. Woodberry,Ms. Bjnores, Ms. Holloman, Mr. Gay, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Mr. Clark, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Bjornes, , Ms. Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Glover, Ms. Bjornes, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey, Ms. Bjornes, Ms. Woodberry, Ms. Holloman, Mr. Volley, Ms. Goldsberg –(Bus Area Sub) For safety reasons, non-homeroom teachers will stand in front of the building from 8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Please make sure cars are not parked in the fire lane. It is ok for parents to drop students off in circle, but they cannot park their cars. Please make sure you arrive to duty post on time. For safety reasons, non-homeroom teachers will stand in front of the building from 8:45 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Please make sure cars are not parked in the fire lane. It is ok for parents to drop students off in circle, but they cannot park their cars. Please make sure you arrive to duty post on time. Front Hall (September 2014-June 2015) Center Hall Second Floor Ms.Eddings -Safety Patrol (Please Close Back Door When You Complete Your Duty) Safety Patrol Morning/Afternoon Bus Duty (September 2014-June 2015) Bus Loop F. Lightfoot (Mr. Gay will be the sub if Mr. Lightfoot/Ms. Goldberg) MORNING DUTIES (ROTATION) March 9, 2015 – March 13, 2015 Back Door Cafeteria Duty (a.m.) Gym March 16, 2015 – March 20, 2015 Back Door Cafeteria Duty (a.m.) Gym March 23, 2015 – March 27, 2015 Back Door Cafeteria Duty (a.m.) Gym Mr. Rebman, Mr. McCray (Please Close Back Door When You Complete Your Duty) Ms. Tunstall, Ms. Kirven Mr. Watkins, Ms. Dodson, Ms. Eddings Mr. Rebmann, Mr. McCray- (Please Close Back Door When You Complete Your Duty) Ms. Dodson, Ms. Kirven, Ms. Eddings Ms. Tunstall, Mr. Watkins, Ms. Glover, Mr. Volley Mr. Rebmann, Ms. Bjornes - (Please Close Back Door When You Complete Your Duty) Ms. Tunstall, Mr. Clarke, Mr. Volley Mr. Watkins, Ms. Dodson, Ms. Kirven Page 1 8 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Cafeteria Duty (September 2014-June 2015) Monday Mr. Watkins – Extended Day Gym Tuesday Mr. Clark Wednesday Ms. Glover Thursday Mr. Martinez Friday Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey Afternoon Duty March 9, 2015 – March 13, 2015 Kindergarten Area Daycare Kindergarten Escort First Grade Students Second Grade Area Third Grade Fourth Grade Area Fifth Grade Teacher Bus Duty Ms. Ragland*, McCray, Ms. Tunstall, Ms. Eddings Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey Mr. McCray, Mrs. Holloman Ms. Hughes & Ms. Dodson, Mr. Gay – Extended Day Gym Ms. Kirven, (Stairs Area) Brockman Mr. Volley Sub., 4th Grade Teacher Ms. Oliver Ms. Sweatt, Ms. Brannon, Ms. Hundley, Ms. Harr Mr. Lightfoot (Outside), Ms. Goldberg (Hallway By East Door – Loading area) Mr. Gay Will Sub in absent of assistant principal Extended Day Mr. Gay & Mr. Watkins - Gym March 16, 2015 – March 20, 2015 Kindergarten Area Daycare Kindergarten Escort First Grade Students Second Grade Area Third Grade Fourth Grade Area Fifth Grade Teacher Bus Duty Ms. Mitchell*, Ms. Tunstall, Ms. Eddings Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey Ms. Holloman, Mr. McCray Ms. Hughes & Ms. Dodson, Mr. Gay – Extended Day Gym Ms. Kirven, (Stairs Area) Durrette Mr. Volley, 4th Grade Teacher Mr. Jones Ms. Sweatt, Ms. Brannon, Ms. Hundley, Ms. Harr Mr. Lightfoot (Outside), Ms. Goldberg (Hallway By East Door – Loading area) Mr. Gay Will Sub in absent of assistant principal Extended Day Mr. Gay & Mr. Watkins – Gym March 23, 2015 – March 27, 2015 Kindergarten Area Daycare Kindergarten Escort First Grade Students Second Grade Area Third Grade Fourth Grade Area Fifth Grade Teacher Bus Duty Ms. Duncan*, Ms. Tunstall, Ms. Eddings Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey Mr. McCray, Mrs. Holloman Ms. Hughes & Ms. Dodson, Mr. Gay – Extended Day Gym Ms. Kirven, (Stairs Area) Owenby Mr. Volley – 4th Grade Teacher Ms. Martin Ms. Sweatt, Ms. Brannon, Ms. Hundley, Ms. Harr Mr. Lightfoot (Outside), Ms. Goldberg (Hallway By East Door – Loading area) Mr. Gay Will Sub in absent of assistant principal Extended Day Mr. Gay & Mr. Watkins - Gym Page 1 9 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal HOLTON ELEMENTARY SCHOOL READING EXTRAVAGANZA 2015 A LITERACY FAIR Sponsored by the Holton Library/Media Program Students, You are cordially invited to participate in the first Annual Holton Literacy Fair. What is a literacy fair? It is a school wide reading motivational activity. At Holton, we want you to display a report or presentation of your favorite book that you have read this school year. WHEN: WHERE: WHO: April 21, 2015 Holton ES Holton ES students (K-5) HOW: On a display board you will write a book report. There are many different ways to do this. There are samples to help get your creative juices flowing. Just see Ms. Glover. ACTIVITIES: Throughout the day, there will be various activities. Signing, miming, storytelling, academic BINGO, and lots of raffles. CULMINATING ACTIVITY: Presentations from a Suitcase – After the PTA meeting on April 21, 2015 DON’T WAIT UNTIL THE LAST MINUTE. GET STARTED EARLY. HAVE POSTERS OR PRESENTATIONS READY BY APRIL 17, 2015 Page 2 0 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Linwood Holton PTA Calendar of Dates (as of 2/16/2015, subject to change) March 2015 • 9th Girls’ Scout Meeting – Media Center • 11th Open House For 4th Grade Parents– Ms. Lichtman – 4th Grade Teacher – 5:00 p.m – 6:00 p.m. • 11th Black History Program 2:00 p.m. • 12th Early Dismissal for Students@12:30 p.m. – Parent Teacher’s Conference • 13th Central Region Spelling Bee - _ Good Luck Zachary Wenzel • 13th LEGO Robotics Parent’s Night Out Fundraiser • 13th Early Dismissal for Students @12:30 p.m. – Parent Teacher’s Conference • th 17 PTA Board Meeting @ 5:30 p.m. PTA General Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. – Minds in Motion Performance • 18th 5th Grade Trip To Albert Hill • 20th Donut For Dad – 8:00 a.m. • 28 th Spring Fling - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. 24 th School Spring Picture Day • 26 th Winter After School Enrichment Ends • 27th Unity Dance - 6:00 p.m. • 27th Holton Safety Day – 1:00 p.m. (3rd – 5th Grade Students) – Richmond Police Sponsor • 31st Richmond Concert Band & Linwood Holton Band & Orchestra Concert – 7:00 p.m. • April 2015 • 3rd • 6th – 10th • 16th • • 17th 21st • • 23rd 24th • • 25th 26th Early Dismissal for Students – 12:30 p.m. Spring Break Kindergarten Registration Theatre IV @ 1:30 p.m. (tentative) SCA Open Gym 6:15– 7:30 p.m. Holton Literacy Fair (Celebration of Reading Month – all day) PTA Board Meeting @ 5:30 p.m. PTA General Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. – SCA Open Mic Night Flying Squirrels Reading Night @ The Diamond Spring Play @6:30 p.m. – “The Lion King” Spring Book Fair Begins Spring Play @6:30 p.m. 5th Anniversary of the Holton Garden Groundbreaking Page 2 1 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal May 2015 • 1st • 4th • 5th • 6th • 8th • 11th – 15th • 15th • 16th • 19th • • • 25th 28th 29th June 2015 • 8th • 9th • 12th Spring Book Fair Ends Before School Jumpstart Begins Jump Rope for Heart Bike to School Day Electric Light Show @ 1:30 p.m. Teacher Appreciation Week & Holton Spirit Week Holton Hustle Kids’ Dash Holton Hustle 5K 9 am – 1 p.m. PTA Board Meeting @5:30 p.m. PTA General Meeting @ 6:30 p.m. – 2015 PTA Board Election & Science Fair Night Memorial Day Holiday – no school for students Jumpstart Ends End of Year Picnic for Students and Staff @ Holton Playground 5:30-7:30 p.m. PTA Board Meeting & Spring Concert (Time TBA) Holton Field Day Early Dismissal – Last Day for Students 5th Grade Moving On Ceremony (Time TBA) Page 2 2 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Math & Science Center In School and Center Schedule In School Activities Math/Physical Science K-2 Biology, Earth & Environmental May 4, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. 12:05 p.m. – 1:05 p.m. 1:20 p.m. – 2:200 p.m. Ms.Vermillion Ms. Kelley Mr. Garber Ms Euting K-2 Biology, Earth & Environmental May 5, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. 12:40 p.m. – 1:40 p.m. Mr. Mitchell Ms. Williams Ms. Motley K-2 Biology, Earth & Environmental May 6, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 p.m. Ms. Green Ms. Martin K-2 Biology, Earth & Environmental May 7, 2015 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. 10:15 a.m. – 11:15 a.m. 12:05 p.m. – 1:05 p.m. 2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. 12:05 p.m. – 1:05 p.m. Mr. DeVaughn Ms. Ms. Appleton Ms. Hanly Ms. Fleming Ms. Motley Page 2 3 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Department of Finance To log into the CIMS Portal, access from an RPS computer within RPS (not from home) – 1. Choose the Online Systems tab located at the top right corner of the page 2. Choose the CIMS Portal link ( ) a. Note – if the following screen appears, click the continue to website option: b. Access from home and smartphones coming soon… Page 2 4 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Character Education Schedule - Ms. Goldberg For next week: Monday Vermillion - 1:00 p.m. DeVaughn 2:00 p.m. Wednesday Kelley - 1:00 p.m. Appleton - 2:00 p.m. Thursday K-1 12:15 p.m. Garber 1:00 p.m. Broomhull 2:00 p.m. Friday Euting - 1:00 p.m. Haney - 2:00 p.m. Page 2 5 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal LINWOOD HOLTON ELEMENTARY PLEASE MAKE SURE DATA IS TURNED IN ON TIME Schedule Subject To Change 2014-2015 March 2 – March 14 Data Due March 16 Parent – Teacher Conference March 12– 13, 2015 March 24-April 3 Data Due April 17 Nine weeks data Spring Break April 6-10, 2014 May 11 – May 15 Data Due May 19 AMO: Annual Measurable Objectives for Reading and Language Arts This table shows Virginia’s annual measurable objectives for reading and language arts. For a school or school division to have made AYP during 2004-2005 at least 65 percent of students overall and students in each subgroup must have demonstrated proficiency on Standards of Learning (SOL) tests and other approved assessments in reading and language arts. Lesson Plans Dates: March 19, 2015 April 13, 2015 - 45 day Plan Page 2 6 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal TO: FROM: RE: Date: Staff David A. Hudson Instructional Day March 9, 2015 Lead Teachers Meetings Tuesday, April 21 4:00 -5:30 p.m. Linwood Holton Elementary Tuesday, May 5 4:00 -5:30 p.m. Broad Rock Elementary Wilson Reading Schedule Please Do Not Use Room 116 During Wilson Reading Even days/ dates 11:20 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Odd days/ dates 10:45 a.m.-11:45 a.m. BULLETIN BOARD SCHEDULE September PTA (Keep Board Up) November Media Specialist December Guidance Counselor January Mr. Clark February SPACE March Watkins – 5K April Art May Assistant Principal June Media Specialist Page 2 7 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal PRIVATE MUSIC LESSONS LINWOOD HOLTON (1600 West Laburnum Ave, Richmond, Va 23227) Mentor Mentee Instrument Day Time Classroom Margaret Graham Chester Huynh Chester Huynh Lizzie Gillette Coly Elhai Coly Elhai Dharaa Rathi Dharaa Rathi Foster Grubbs Samarth Kishor Samarth Kishor Charles Yang Sage Parker Kishanti Barmoh Kyndal DeMena Nayla Turpin Eloise Davis Kyra Lynn Williams Sydney Wright Ellona Macmillan Jakobie Cummings Trent Hendrick Inayah O'neil Zahrya Coleman Violin Flute Flute Violin Viola Violin Violin Violin Trombone Sax Sax Flute Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday Thursday 3:40 3:40 4:15 3:40 3:40 4:15 3:40 4:15 4:50 3:40 4:15 3:40 Charles Yang Sophie Harrison Sarah E. Keller Sarah E. Keller Michael Darr Mara Guyer Eva Hufnell Aiden Thompson Isabell Arnone Nathaniel Newsom Sterling DeMascio Monet Cook Flute Trumpet Flute Flute Trumpet Violin Thursday Thursday Friday Friday Friday Friday 4:15 4:15 3:40 4:15 3:40 3:40 Mara Guyer Allie Bailey Violin Friday 4:15 Zachary King Zachary King Michael Dickinson Jacob Kearney Kenyonna Riddick Will Shepard Clarinet Clarinet Trombone Friday Friday Friday 3:40 4:15 4:15 Michael Dickinson Jullian Raffenot Trombone Friday 4:50 Room 116 Room 206 Title I Suite Room 116 Title I Suite Room 206 Title I Suite Room 116 Room 206 Title I Suite Room 111 Room 206 SPACE Room Room 206 Room 111 Room 116 Room 206 Room 116 Title I Room SPACE Room Room 118 Room 110 SPACE Room Page 2 8 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 3rd Grade Extended day list Sims Jernynia Barber Kyliah Cha Desi Smith- Mosbly Durrette Charlee Terril Danzelle Bullock-Coles Michael Bailey (Tiege) *updated* Brockman Madisyn Williams Sarohn Turner Owenby James Moore Ryder Bray These may still be a possibility because I called, but did not hear back from Jada and Jazmine Cheek's mom, John Brooks (phone # not receiving calls, Nehemiah Bibbs (l/m on cell), and last Llyold Grevios (l/m). Page 2 9 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 4th Grade Extended day list and instructors MONDAY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX X TUESDAY Daveisha Shannon (bus) Simone Wilkins (PU) Robert Smith (B) Javion Peroune (PU) THURSDAY XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX MARTIN (SS) Tanner Archer (YMCA) Willette Ellis (PU) Alexander Rizzi (PU) Jahmari Jones (PU) Janaya Reinhardt (PU) Tyisha Curtis(PU) Kenyonna Riddick (PU) Aisha Althahad (Bus) Tyisha Curtis (B) Jayden Cook (bus) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX McCRAY (SS) Royce Jimenez (PU) Javion Peroune (PU) Timayahs Bracey (PU) Robert Smith (PU) Simone Wilkins (PU) Devon Harris (PU) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX Timayahs Bracey (PU) Devon Harris (PU) Kenyonna Riddick (PU) David Sognikin (PU) SLACHCIA K (Math) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX Janaya Reinhardt (PU) Madisyn Willis (PU) Sydney Wright (PU) Austin Rose (PU) OLIVER (LA) XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XX Willette Ellis (PU) Jahmari Jones (PU) Johnisha Holmes (bus) Eloise Robinson (PU) Jazz Miles (PU) Timayahs Bracey (PU) Devon Harris (B) Tanner Archer (YMCA) Janaya Reinhardt (PU) VOLLEY (SS) Willette Ellis (PU) Jamari Jones (PU) Javion Peroune (PU) Robert Smith (PU) Simone Wilkins (PU) Tyisha Curtis (PU) Rotating students – TUESDAY ONLY LANGUAGE MATH SOCIAL SCIENCE Week 1 Raekwon Robinson Millena Brown Faith Grupee Makel Linton Saniya Smith Dante Smith Mehki Bowden Tavares Martin Donasia Daniels Jokobie Cummins Week 2 Dante Smith Jokobie Cummings Week 3 Raekwon Robinson Tavares Martin Donasia Dabiels Tavares Martin Millena Brown Donasia Daniels Faith Grupee Raekwon Robinson Makel Linton Saniya Smith Make-l Linton Jokobie Cummings Saniya Smith Mekhi Bowden Millena Brown Faith Grupee Page 3 0 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 5th Grade Extended day list Tuesdays (Bus Transportation) Jason Richmond Nachay Briggs Amiyah Perkins Anaaya Monroe Kellan Sutherlin Jay Crockett Shamia Thomas Thomas Brown Noah Inocencio Liam Genier Raquan Lee-Bryson Thursdays (Parent Transportation) Makye Tyler (Reading and Math) Tino Urgelles (Reading and Math) Ale Alverez (Reading and Math) Elijah Rogers (Reading and Math) Aniyah Ward (Reading and Math) Shanae Torain (Reading and Math) Ryan DeVaughn Colin Greene Page 3 1 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Virginia Commonwealth University VCU TEDU 101 @ Holton Placements Service Learning Class TEDU 101 M/W class section: TEACHER Ms. Vermillion- STUDENT(S) Kelly Bennett, Kara Ingram, Callie Grunstad Ms. Kelly Chelsea Davis, Sabrina Evans, Ericka Coleman Ms. Euting Chelsea Chavis, Brianna Deiss, Megan Small Mr. Garber Connor Folz, Kelly Galloway, Savannah Richards Ms. Scambos Christal Butts, Christina Cornejo Ms. Haney Brenna Ruh Ms. Appleton Katherine Tedder, Emily Powers Ms. Mitchell Seneca King, Nizama Dersisenc Ms. Martin Silvinita Alvarado, Raven Brady Ms. Williams Tammy Chau, Alex Starnes TEDU 101 T/TR class section: TEACHER Ms. Sweatt Ms. Simms Ms. Slachiak Ms. Oliver Ms. Turnage Mr. Owenby Ms. Brockman Ms. York STUDENT(S) Tazmine Beggs, Kaleigh Rosengarten Sarah Wills, Annalise Keightly Ashley Sivek, Natalia Arauza Courtney Greer, Franchesca Toledo Spetz, Jennifer Pitero, Hannah Isaacs, Molly Birenkott Maragaret Olander Victoria Sibley, Tiffany Beatty Marissa Lynch, Aricka Fowler, Teshell Bledsoe Skinner-Kayla Butts, Jin Kim Aubri Curtis and Hannah Isaacs Purpose of the Practicum The practicum for early elementary education covers two semesters, with placement each semester in a different school. The practice are referred to as A and B, each two-credits. Planned observations and tasks are identified for the twosemester sequence. Students spend a minimum of 40 hours in a designated school. Practicum a students are placed in a K-2 classroom and their time should be spent during language arts. Practicum B students have two placements, one K-2 classroom and one 3-5 classroom, and their time should be spent during math, science, and social studies The in-school experience is an opportunity to observe how learning experiences are developed and structured and to examine how teachers make decisions in elementary school classrooms. The practicum is intended to be a time for observation and interaction. While a few tasks require teaching formal lessons, the practicum is not intended to provide extensive instructional experience. To provide focus to the experience, tasks for the practicum students in early elementary education have been identified. Page 3 2 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Timeframe of the Practicum Each practicum student will spend a minimum of four hours a week for ten+ weeks in their assigned school. Days and times will vary for each student because of individual class schedules. Moreover, days and times must be agreed upon by the cooperating teacher and the student. Students will begin and end their practicum experience according to semester guidelines established by the university instructors. Professional Roles • • Role of the Cooperating Teacher: The preparation of new teachers is an important task that could not be done adequately without the professional and unselfish assistance of effective teachers willing to share their classroom. Cooperating teachers have two major responsibilities during the practicum experience. First, and foremost, they should provide opportunities for practicum students to work with students in a variety of capacities. Students are to work closely with the teacher, and should never assume responsibility for the entire class alone. Second, teachers need to provide opportunities for students to complete assigned tasks and verify completion of hours by signing the timesheet. Teachers are encouraged to give feedback to students, but are not asked to sign grades. An evaluation will be completed at the end of the practicum experience to provide more extensive feedback to the students. Role of the Student: During the practicum experience, the student is a learner. The student is to eagerly seek to learn about the policies and procedures of the school as well as the dynamics of teaching and learning that occurs in the classroom. The practicum students are provided the opportunity to observe and learn in a classroom environment and should act responsibly at all times. Informal participation is encouraged when directed by the cooperating teacher. Students should complete practicum tasks after discussion with cooperating teacher and should listen to feedback to improve their teaching. Professional Expectations of the Student Practicum students represent VCU and the School of Education. They are guests in the school and classrooms. What students do while in the public schools reflects on the institution and influences the thinking of professionals regarding the quality of the teacher preparation program and the students. It is expected that each student will represent VCU well. Students’ performance during their practicum will also become part of their “legacy” and how others view them as potential applicants for a position in the school division. Consequently, students should pay close attention to such things as punctuality, reliability, appropriate dress, neatness, scholarship, and willingness to work with the cooperating teacher. Essentially, students should demonstrate enthusiasm for relating to children and be committed to working with teachers and performing designated tasks of the practicum. Student Responsibilities Students are expected to fulfill the following responsibilities during the semester: • In-school assignment for minimum required time of 4 hours each week. • Spend a minimum of ten weeks in assigned school during the semester. • Complete all required tasks which may vary by instructor. • Write an evaluation of the practicum experience. • If extenuating circumstances occur, notify the school and cooperating teacher prior to absence(s) or immediately thereafter. • Arrangements must be made with cooperating teacher to make up absences. Page 3 3 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Dos and DON’Ts: DOs • • • • • • • • Expect them to be on time and professional during each visit Introduce the practicum student to the children Help the practicum student become engaged with students- sometimes it is hard to know when to step in Be open and honest about your expectations Share your wonderful ideas and fabulous strengths as a seasoned teacher Give ongoing feedback, redirect when necessary Meet to discuss lessons Enjoy their enthusiasm and fresh ideas DON’Ts • • • • • • Leave the Practicum B student alone with the class Use him/ her as a clerical assistant Ask them to grade papers, other than ones from their own lesson Give them all the answers – let them think it out and try some ideas on their own Expect perfection, or accept anything less than their BEST work Hesitate to call or email if you have a question or concern that I can help with (Laura Domalik, 5271776, ) Page 3 4 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: All Staff Members David A. Hudson, Principal March 8, 2015 Tornado Drill March is Tornado Preparedness Month, On Tuesday, March 17, 2015, the Richmond Public Schools’ Department of Safety and Security, the Virginia Department of Emergency Services and the National Weather Service will cosponsor Tornado Preparedness Day. On that day they will conduct a statewide tornado drill. The drill is designed to get schools prepared and knowledgeable about how to protect students and staff if a tornado warning is issued. Participation in this drill is expected from all staff. The signal will be Code Orange (Report to shelter in place) via intercom. Teachers must take their roll book or attendance cards with them. The drill may last for 30 minutes so you may want students to carry a book or two with them to READ. Code Green will mean that you return to normal operations. No one is to be on the second floor. No students are to be across from their classrooms because of the glass beside the classroom doors. If there are questions, please be sure to ask them before the drill. Students are to quietly sit Indian Style, facing the wall during the drill. Locations for shelter in place are as follows: Rooms 101,102, 103, 105, 106 on solid walls on both sides, both ends Rooms 104, 107, 108, 109 on long hallways between art corner and K Rooms 110, 111, Teachers’ Lounge In corner across from Art room Rooms 112, 113, 114, 115 on solid walls of long hallway near 1 grade Rooms 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 207 On solid walls on both sides, both ends Rooms 208, 209, 210 on the stage Room’s 201, 202 in cafeteria long solid walls cafeteria staff 203, 204, 205, 206 in hallway outside principal’s office Rooms 211, 212, 213, 214, 215 in cafeteria long solid walls cafeteria Media Center persons 1st Grade Pod Area are no windows. Office Staff In hallway outside principal’s office OT/PT On long hallway between art corner and area (Other) Cafeteria along solid walls Kindergarten - 3rd Grades PALS Instructor Cafeteria along solid walls Fought Kindergarten grade area, on solid walls on both sides, both ends SPACE Cafeteria along solid walls Title I Cafeteria along solid walls Band/Orchestra/Choir st Page 3 5 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal USEFUL LOCKDOWN DRILL INFORMATION What is a lockdown? A school lockdown confines all staff and students to the classroom due to a perceived or real threat; isolation of staff and students inside the school limits exposure to risk to outside contaminants: people, exposures or situations. When should a school go into “lockdown” and who makes the decision? There are several reasons for a school to determine that a lockdown status is most protective of its staff and students. There may be an unwelcomed person or persons on the campus grounds; local law enforcement has notified administration of a situation (i.e., chemical accident) or person of concern in the vicinity; or a menacing animal has been seen on the grounds. In short, there is some sort of event occurring, or threatening to occur; limiting access to staff and students can mitigate that the school believes. For actual incidents requiring lockdowns, building principals can initiate lockdown status or by the prompting/guidance of local law enforcement. • • • • • • • DIRECT all students from hallways into classroom. Notify appropriate staff of primary classroom/location if/as possible that student is safe. Do not exit classroom for ANY reason. Inform students that they are not allowed to use their cell phones for calls or for text messaging during a lockdown drill or situation. Hundreds of calls being made simultaneously will not only jam the system, but will result in parents arriving at the school, which only increases the danger to everyone. LOCK all exterior doors. If there is no lock on the door – move heaviest object in front if possible. CLOSE windows and blinds. STAY AWAY from all doors and windows, move students towards walls away from door. SHUT OFF LIGHTS. DO NOT OPEN exterior doors for any reason until an “all clear” is received. DO NOT USE the telephone system to request information. Follow building protocol to communicate room status. Page 3 6 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal • • • BE QUIET! Wait for further instructions. CALM and reassure upset students. RESUME NORMAL OPERATIONS as soon as possible. Location Considerations Gymnasium: Students should be moved into the locker room, lock all doors and seek shelter in pre-‐‑identified safe areas. Lunchroom: Students should be moved to the far side of the most open areas, turn tables on side if necessary. Outside: Students should stop, drop and remain still or huddle around playground equipment p.m.ent; if/as possible, depending upon situation, attempt to move into building. Bathrooms: Students/staff should move into a stall, lock the staff door and crouch on the toilet so feet, hands and head are hidden from view Hallway: Students should move into closest classroom immediately Library: Students should seek shelter under tables, or in aisles. Lock the door, turn out the lights. What to Tell Students As appropriate, encourage staff to review the importance of emergency drills with students, as well as their role during drills. Provide students with specific instructions about each drill and include the drill objectives. Allow student feedback concerning lockdown drills. Provide drill information to all new students. Plan accordingly for students with disabilities. Page 3 7 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal What to Tell Parents Parents should be informed of the requirement for all drills to ensure safe practices during emergencies in the school building. Schools need to inform parents, either before or after a lockdown drill; if after, commend student behavior and add any suggestions or changes for future drills. During a lockdown drill or situation, parents must not attempt to enter the building until the area has been secured by local law enforcement or cleared by administration. Page 3 8 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal EXTENDED DAY Class 103 106 107 108 109 112 Student Monday JR Catrow Tuck Humphries Kiel Kimbler Oliver Saval Kai James Iris Parker Margot Nunnally Micah Six Campbell Nabors Audrey Horne Kamryn Barnes Phoenix Gibson Finley Hull LaNae Mitchell Henry Currence –McVeigh Joshua Lampley John Sognkin Isabel Weaver Lotus Rain Sage Khodabandeh Leslie Scott Matthew Sienbentritt Charles Landis Williams Sproule Gabrielle Mackey Jace Miles Clarke Koziol Wells Davis Carmella Webb Ella Seward Jacob Jones Layla Fritz D’korion Jones-Patterson Frances Coats Joshua Bennardo Evan Berry Indie Shriver Delilah Bruning Sam Lumsden-Cook June Robertson Jude Shelton-Eide Allison Terranova Kenlee Reynolds King Carter Reese Kay Sydney Bourne ??? Gabriel Allen Tuesday Wednesday Nature Explorers Lego Lego Nature Explorers Nature Explorers Soccer Bike Riding Tennis Thursday Crafty Cooks Crafty Cooks Soccer Tennis Kidspiration Kidspiration Crafty Cooks Lego Bike Riding Bike Riding Soccer Soccer Soccer Zumba Basketball Zumba Basketball Basketball Soccer Lego Zumba Crafty Cooks Lego Lego Lego Lego Crafty Cooks Kidspiration Crafty Cooks Crafty Cooks Lego Nature Explorers Nature Explorers Soccer Nature Explorers Soccer Soccer Tennis Basketball Basketball Soccer Zumba Basketball Tennis Nature Explorers Tennis Bike Riding Kidspiration Lego Crafty Cooks Kidspiration Crafty Cooks Kidspiration Crafty Cooks Kidspiration Soccer Soccer Nature Explorers Bike Riding Basketball Zumba Zumba Zumba Basketball Yoga Lego Tennis Tennis Soccer Page 3 9 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Gryffin Jones Beck Sullivan Jacqueline Meade Winn Carlton Kush Phillip El 113 114 115 117 118 119 Emerson Pelletier Duke Friske Abigail Lesher Essa Freeman Mae Hufnell Miracle Jackson The Sarvay Avery Meredith Becca Chamberlain Riley Allam Brennan Barner Couther Ruby McAdams Harper Lewis Joseph Rhoades Lillian Davis Shariah Al-Hal Roman Knight Alexis Belton-Brown Nichayla Marshall Nadia/Sophia Mills Camryn Williams Caitlin Wenzel Moses McClendon Saba Jana Worku Alina Bailey Logan Walker Tanner Sulanke Lola Humes Sojo Higgins Evelyn Chapman Chris Naoroz Julian Bessinger-Vose Mchale Lancaster Ben Arnone Eve Ullman Ella Holloway Landon Davis Kinsley Varn Lea Myssyk Rozelle Person Lily Brock Jake Bruning Lilah Field Justin Murphy Ben Heiberger Laiyla Joseph Lego Nature Explorers Kidspiration Crafty Cooks Crafty Cooks Bike Riding Lego Crafty Cooks Nature Explorers Lego Yoga Basketball Basketball Tennis Tennis Basketball Soccer Tennis Tennis Crafty Cooks Yoga Nature Explorers Crafty Cooks Nature Explorers Soccer Tennis Crafty Cooks Kidspiration Crafty Cooks Crafty Cooks Crafty Cooks Girls Basketball Tennis Tennis Yoga Lego Yoga Bike Riding Lego Yoga Tennis Soccer Bike Riding Lego Soccer Smart Girls Zumba Basketball Zumba Zumba Crafty Cooks Crafty Cooks Basketball Sparkles & Crafts Girls Basketball Nature Explorers Yoga Lego Lego Lego Smart Girls Smart Girls Soccer Tennis Sparkles & Crafts Basketball Tennis *Football *Lego Robo Girls Basketball Crafty Cooks Track Nature Explorers Sparkles & Crafts Sparkles & Crafts Lego Track Bike Riding Yoga Lego Lego Lego Lego Yoga Basketball Soccer Basketball Zumba Page 4 0 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Alex Moya Amidah Jones 120 Immanuel Williams Adrian Ayers Antoine Minor Sanaa Moore Phoenix Gibson Emma Harrison Olivia Booker Daijot Picot Ashley Booker Deon Wright Cole Severns 211 William Riley 212 Ryder Bray Jada Cheek Noah DeVaughn Loudon Arthur Alexandria Louis Madison McLemore Lillian Claiborne Madisyn Williams Madilyn Carlton 213 214 215 Ruby Johnson Nichiya Green ???? Claire Siebentritt Meredith Nunnally Benjamin Curtis Campbell Best Emerald Rutherford Stephon Woodson Calli Vea Jaedyn Cook???? 207 Isaiah Butcher 208 Braden Lesher Royce Jimenez Diana Bedden Milo McAdams Will Shepard Ethan Williams Jackson Drumheller Nature Explorers Yoga Tennis Sparkles & Crafts Sparkles & Crafts Lego Lego Soccer Girls Basketball Girls Basketball Lego Nature Explorers Smart Girls Kidspiration Lego Lego Lego Sparkles & Crafts Zumba Sparkles & Crafts Tennis Basketball Lego Robo Soccer Yoga Soccer Movie Making Sparkle & Crafts Archery Archery Kidspiration Smart Girls Movie Making Track Movie Making Girls Basketball Girls Basketball Movie Making Archery Int’l Cooking Piano Girls Basketball Yoga Leo Coogan Tiege Bailey Carter Nabors Charlie Terrill Drew Chamberlain John Brooks 204 209 Crafty Cooks Track Sparkles & Crafts Int’l Cooking Sparkles & Crafts Archery Archery Int’l Cooking Soccer Archery Soccer Lego Robo Archery Lego Robo Lego Robo Int’l Cooking Football Basketball Lego Robo Archery Track Soccer Archery Archery Football Football Football Basketball Movie Making Soccer Lego Robo Piano Lego Robo Sparkles & Crafts Archery Archery Movie Making Page 4 1 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Nathan Holloway Sage Parker Julian Raffenot Eva Hufnell 210 201 202 203 Thomson Meyre Jazz Miles Selah Higgins Allie Bailey Devin Naoroz Janiya Reinhardt Aidan Thompson Ryan DeVaughn Janiyah Trent Colin Green Claire Sulanke Evan/Mason Forness Malachi Dark Lego Robo Lego Robo Lego Robo Archery Football Movie Making Track Track Soccer Movie Making Int’l Cooking Piano Lego Robo Int’l Cooking Football Track Basketball Movie Making Soccer Lego Robo Kyndal DeMena Dinari Noland Eloise Davis Will Harrison Aniyah Rajab Kellan Sutherlin Amira Campbell Austin Hancock Josiah Hargrove Justin Johnson Lego Robo Lego Robo Lego Robo Int’l Cooking Sparkles & Crafts Int’l Cooking Basketball JR Editors Soccer Movie Making Girls Basketball Soccer Football Football Basketball JR Editors Lego Robo Sparkles & Crafts Archery JR Editors Archery Int’l Cooking Page 4 2 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal March, 2015 Dear Parents: Parent-Teacher Conferences will be held on the following dates: March 12, 2015 (Early Release Day) Parent Teacher Conference - 12:45 p.m. – 3:40 p.m. March 13, 2015 (Early Release Day) Parent Teacher Conference - 12:45 p.m. – 3:40 p.m. We hope that this schedule will enable each parent to attend. Richmond Public Schools will be having two early release days on Thursday and Friday due to conferences. Students will be release from school at 12:30 p.m. for conferences on Thursday and Friday. The conferences will be scheduled for (15) minutes each so teachers can accommodate as many parents as possible. You are requested to indicate your choice for a conference time on the form below and return it promptly to school by your child. The teacher will send you a Conference Confirmation with your appointment time included. We urge you to put forth special effort to attend. We would like 100% participation. Plan to take time off from your busy schedule to attend the conference. There is important information available for you. Sincerely, David A. Hudson, Principal ---------------------------RETURN THE BOTTOM PORTION--------------------------------Parent-Teacher Conferences March 12 & 13, 2015 Please select 1st, 2nd, 3rd choice Thursday evening Friday Morning 12:45 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 12:45 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. 1:00 p.m. – 1:15 p.m. 1:20 p.m. – 1:25 p.m. 1:20 p.m. – 1:25 p.m. 1:35 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. 1:35 p.m. – 1:50 p.m. 2:05 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. 2:05 p.m. – 2:20 p.m. 2:35 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. 2:35 p.m. – 2:50 p.m. 3:05 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. 3:05 p.m. – 3:20 p.m. 3:20 p.m. – 3:35 p.m. 3:20 p.m. – 3:35 p.m. Parent’s Name__________________________________________ Child’s Name____________________________________________ Page 4 3 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal MARCH 2015 Parent-Teacher Appointment Confirmation Date:____________________ To the parent(s) of:__________________________________________________ Room no._______________________. Your parent-teacher conference has been scheduled for ________________________________ at ______________________. Date Time Sincerely, _______________________ Teacher Parent-Teacher Appointment Confirmation Date:____________________ To the parent(s) of:__________________________________________________ Room no._______________________. Your parent-teacher conference has been scheduled for ________________________________ at ______________________. Date Time Sincerely, _______________________ Teacher Page 4 4 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal SIGN IN SHEET HOMEROOM DATE/TIME NAME Page 4 5 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal The word for the week for March 9, 2015 is Amusing Amusing means to think something is fun or funny Example: Megan thinks that Dr. Seuss is an amusing author. Linwood Holton’s Safety Patrol has two teams: The” A team” serves on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. The “B team” serves on Tuesdays and Thursdays and the teams are selected by homerooms. Please see below: TEAM A (Post on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays) TEAM B (Post on Tuesdays and Thursdays) Ms. Sims Ms. Durrette Ms. Mark Ms. Oliver Ms. Slachciak Ms. Sweatt Ms. Turnage Mr. Owenby Ms. Brockman Ms. York Ms. Hundley Ms. Harr Ms. Brannon EXCEPTION: Bryce Mortimer will be responsible for Tuesday and Thursday duty (Turnage homeroom) Should you have additional questions, please feel free to contact Ms. Olive Team Planning Faculty Meeting Leadership Team Meeting School Planning and Management Team Day Time 2nd & 4th THURSDAYS MONDAY 1ST WEDNESDAY OF THE MONTH 4:00 p.m. 1:00 P.M. 8:00 A.M. Page 4 6 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Child Study Team Grade Level Planning TUESDAY WEDNESDAY ALL DAY ALL DAY LESSON PLANS DUE MARCH 16, 2015 – LESSON PLANS CHECK OFF SHEETS DUE BACK TO TEACHERS ON FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 2015 SCA & Safety Patrol These are our tentative dates, which presently do not conflict with any other activities: March 20 April 17 May 1 June 5 Monday, March 9, 2015 • Lunch Duty Schedule - Monday - 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. Goldberg, 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lightfoot • Nurse On Duty – VACANT • Character Education Monday - Vermillion - 1:00 p.m. , DeVaughn - 2:00 p.m. • Please have journals, writing portfolios and lesson plans on desk. I will be conducting unannounced evaluations for mid year. • Custodian Meeting – Lightfoot/hudson 10:00 a.m. • Girls’ Scout 4:00 p.m. – Media Center • Happy Belated Birthday Ms. Brannon – March 8, 2015 • Band Teachers Meeting (see me) • Place Interim Online Extended Day Schedule Crafty Cooks Girls Track Girls Basketball Kidspiration K-2 2 Only 2 Only K-2 Football Girls Track Girls Basketball 3-5 3-5 3-5 Page 4 7 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Tuesday, March 10, 2015 • Nurse On Duty – Nurse Verse • Lunch Duty Tuesday - 11:00 - 1:00 p.m. Lightfoot (Goldberg in Child study) • Swimming – 10:00 a.m. -10:45 a.m. - Ms. Martin's Class, 11:00 a.m.-11:45 a.m. Ms. Motley's Class • Please have journals, writing portfolios and lesson plans on desk. I will be conducting unannounced evaluations for mid year. • ACADEMIC EXTENDED DAY • Child Study – Conference Room – Mr. Lightfoot • SCA Meeting – 2:30 p.m. • Flying Squirrels Reading Kickoff Assembly – Not Mandatory – 2:30 pm. • CHILD STUDY AND ELIGIBILTY MEETINGS • Tour – Ms. Goldberg • Place Interim Online • Red Cross Meeting 2:15 p.m. – Room 201 Extended Day Schedule Yoga & Mediation Lego Architecture & Design Nature Explorers Bike Riding 1-2 K-2 K-2 K-2 Yoga & Mediation Movie Making Boys Basketball Soccer 3-5 3-5 3-5 3-5 Wednesday, March 11, 2015 • Nurse On Duty Nurse Verse • Teachers bring copy(ies) of lesson plan checklist • Grade Level meeting: 5th Grade -9:12 a.m. – 9:50 a.m. Ms. Brannon, Ms. Sweatt, Ms. • Lunch Duty Wednesday - 11:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. , Lightfoot 12:00 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Goldberg Harr, Ms. Turnage, 4th Grade – 10:00 a.m. – 10:37 a.m. Ms. York, Ms Oliver, Ms. Hundley, Ms. Slachciak, 2nd Grade – 10:42 a.m. – 11:20 a.m. Mr. Mitchell, Ms. Prentiss, Ms. William, Ms. Martin, Ms. Motley, 1st Grade 12:25 p.m. – 1:00 p.m. Mr. DeVaughn, Ms. Fleming, Ms. Appleton, Ms. Hanly, 3rd Grade Ms. Brockman, Ms.Durrette, Ms.Simms, Ms. Mark, Mr. Owenby, Kindergarten 1:56 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. Ms. Vermillion, Mr. Cosby, Ms. Euting , Ms. Green, Ms. Kelley, Mr. Garber, 2:40 p.m. (Humanities – Mr. Watkins, Ms. Glover, Mr. Clark, Ms. Fought/Ms. Carey, Mr. Martinez Page 4 8 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal • Wednesday - Character Education - Kelley - 1:00 p.m., Appleton - 2:00 p.m. • TUTORING EXTENDED DAY -5th GRADE – MR. HUDSON TUTORING • Ms. Litchman Meeting with parents 6:00 p.m. • Ms. Vermillion Meeting 4:00 p.m. Media Center • Black History Program (Date May Change Due To Weather) • Interim Report Cards Printed For Review EXTENDED DAY SCHEDULE K-2 K-2 2 Only Tennis Soccer Smart Girls JR Editors Lego Robotics Smart Girls Piano 3-5 3-5 3 Only 3-5 Thursday, March 12, 2015 • Nurse On Duty – Ms. Verse • Swimming : Thursdays: 10:00 a.m.-10:45 a.m. - Ms. William's Class, 11:00 a.m. -11:45 a.m. - Mr. Mitchell's Class • Please have journals, writing portfolios and lesson plans on desk. I will be conducting unannounced evaluations for mid year. • ATTENDANCE MEETING • Early Dismissal For Students - 12:30 p.m. – Parent Conference - • Mr. Watkins & Mr. Amos Meeting with professor Virginia Tech • Tennis Event - Gym • Lego Robotics – PTA Event • December 1 Count - Mr. Lightfoot EXTENDED DAY SCHEDULE Zumba Sparkles & Crafts Boys Basketball K-2 2 Only K-2 Archery Sparkles & Crafts International Cooking 3-5 3-5 3-5 Friday, March 13, 2015 • Character Education – Friday - 11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Goldberg Page 4 9 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal • Please have journals, writing portfolios and lesson plans on desk. I will be conducting unannounced evaluations for mid year. • 2015 Central Virginia Regional Spelling Bee – University of Richmond – Zachary Wenzel – 6:00 p.m. - Modlin Center Page 5 0 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Custodian Rotation Schedule 2014-2015 Daily Duties Mr. Patterson: First floor lounge, office area, gym (dust and mop), vacuum/dust cafeteria, vacuum media center, adult bathrooms in main hallway, front entry, area and hallway, main entrance hallway to from front to back door (near Thirteen Acres) Mr. Dickerson: K-2 areas, Guidance Office. Speech office, Room 101, first grade bathrooms (mop and wax daily), second grade bathrooms (mop and wax daily) Sub: All steps and landings, elevator, second floor classrooms, bathrooms, book room In/Out Mr. Patterson 7:00-4:00 VACANT 11:00-8:00 Mr. Dickerson 9:00-5:00 Custodian Breaks/Lunch Schedule Break 1 Lunch Break 2 9:30 a.m.-10:15 a.m. 11:45-12:00 1:30-2:00 No Break 1:30-2:00 7:00-715 1:30-2:00 2:00 – 2:15 *Custodians will check bathrooms and run halls when not on lunch duty. Custodian will check bathrooms hourly in assigned areas. All custodians will sweep and mop cafeteria at 1:00 daily. March 9-13 March 16-20 March 23-27 March 30-April 3 April 13-17 April 20-24 April 27-May 1 May 4-8 May 11-15 May 18-22 May 26-29 June 1-5 June 8-12 Lunch Duty VACANT Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson VACANT Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson VACANT Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson VACANT Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson VACANT *Custodian Area *Outside Cans Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson Mr. Patterson VACANT VACANT Mr. Dickerson Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson Mr. Patterson VACANT VACANT Mr. Dickerson Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson Mr. Patterson VACANT VACANT Mr. Dickerson Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson Mr. Patterson VACANT VACANT Mr. Dickerson Mr. Dickerson Mr. Patterson Page 5 1 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Due to time lost due to weather, please make sure the following are review: Virginia Preschool Initiative HM HM HM HM HM HM Oral Language Writing Phonological Awareness Math Social Emotional Dev. Social Studies Describes similarities and differences Contributes to shared writing Matches words with same beginning sound Makes size and length comparisons Cooperates with other in group activities Builds awareness of the kinds of work people do Kindergarten Kindergarten Oral Language K.2 The student will expand understanding and use of word meanings. a) Increase listening and speaking vocabularies. b) Use number words. c) Use words to describe/name people, places, and things. d) Use words to describe/name location, size, color, and shape. e) Use words to describe/name actions. f) Ask about words not understood. g) Use vocabulary from other content areas. K.3 The student will build oral communication skills. a) Express ideas in complete sentences and express needs through direct requests. b) Begin to initiate conversations. c) Begin to follow implicit rules for conversation, including taking turns and staying on topic. d) Listen and speak in informal conversations with peers and adults. e) Participate in group and partner discussions about various texts and topics. f) Begin to use voice level, phrasing, and intonation appropriate for various language Page 5 2 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal situations. g) Follow one- and two-step directions. h) Begin to ask how and why questions. K.4 The student will identify, say, segment, and blend various units of speech sounds. a) b) c) d) Begin to discriminate between spoken sentences, words, and syllables. Identify and produce words that rhyme. Blend and segment multisyllabic words at the syllable level. Segment one-syllable words into speech sound units including beginning phoneme(s) (onset) and ending (rimes). e) Identify words according to shared beginning and/or ending sounds. Reading K.5 The student will understand how print is organized and read. a) b) c) d) e) Hold print materials in the correct position. Identify the front cover, back cover, and title page of a book. Distinguish between print and pictures. Follow words from left to right and from top to bottom on a printed page. Match voice with print. (concept of word). K.6 The student will demonstrate an understanding that print conveys meaning. a) b) c) d) Identify common signs and logos. Explain that printed materials provide information. Read and explain own writing and drawings. Read his/her name and read fifteen meaningful, concrete words. • K.7 The student will develop an understanding of basic phonetic principles. a) b) c) Identify and name the uppercase and lowercase letters of the alphabet. Match consonant, short vowel, and initial consonant digraph sounds to appropriate letters. Demonstrate a speech-to-print match through accurate finger-point reading in familiar text that includes words with more than one syllable. d) Identify beginning consonant sounds in single-syllable words. • K.9 The student will demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. Identify what an author does and what an illustrator does. a) Relate previous experiences to what is read. Page 5 3 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal b) c) d) e) f) Use pictures to make predictions. Begin to ask and answer questions about what is read. Use story language in discussions and retellings. Retell familiar stories, using beginning, middle, and end. Discuss characters, setting, and events. K.12 The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes. a) a) Differentiate pictures from writing. Draw pictures and/or use letters and phonetically spelled words to write about experiences. b) Use letters and beginning consonant sounds to spell phonetically words to describe pictures or write about experiences. c) Write left to right and top to bottom. Mathematics Computation and Estimation Focus: Whole Number Operations K.6 The student will model adding and subtracting whole numbers, using up to 10 concrete objects. Science Scientific Investigation, Reasoning, and Logic K.1 The student will conduct investigations in which a) basic properties of objects are identified by direct observation; b) observations are made from multiple positions to achieve different perspectives; c) objects are described both pictorially and verbally; d) a set of objects is sequenced according to size; e) a set of objects is separated into two groups based on a single physical attribute; f) nonstandard units are used to measure common objects; g) a question is developed from one or more observations; h) picture graphs are constructed using 10 or fewer units; i) an unseen member in a sequence of objects is predicted; and j) unusual or unexpected results in an activity are recognized. Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems K.8 The student will investigate and understand that shadows occur when light is blocked by an object. Key concepts include a) shadows occur in nature when sunlight is blocked by an object; and b) shadows can be produced by blocking artificial light sources. Social Science Page 5 4 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal K.1 K.2 The student will recognize that history describes events and people of other times and places by a) identifying examples of past events in legends, stories, and historical accounts of Powhatan, Pocahontas, George Washington, Betsy Ross, and Abraham Lincoln; b) identifying the people and events honored by the holidays of Thanksgiving Day; Martin Luther King, Jr., Day; Presidents’ Day; and Independence Day (Fourth of July). The student will describe everyday life in the present and in the past and begin to recognize that things change over time. Page 5 5 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 1st Grade Oral Language 1.1 The student will continue to demonstrate growth in the use of oral language. a) b) c) Listen and respond to a variety of electronic media and other age-appropriate materials. Tell and retell stories and events in logical order. Participate in a variety of oral language activities, including choral speaking and reciting short poems, rhymes, songs, and stories with repeated patterns. d) Participate in creative dramatics. e) Express ideas orally in complete sentences. Reading 1.5 The student will apply knowledge of how print is organized and read. a) b) c) d) Read from left to right and from top to bottom. Match spoken words with print. Identify letters, words, sentences, and ending punctuation. Read his/her own writing. 1.6 The student will apply phonetic principles to read and spell. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Use beginning and ending consonants to decode and spell single-syllable words. Use two-letter consonant blends to decode and spell single-syllable words. Use beginning consonant digraphs to decode and spell single-syllable words. Use short vowel sounds to decode and spell single-syllable words. Blend beginning, middle, and ending sounds to recognize and read words. Use word patterns to decode unfamiliar words. Read and spell simple two-syllable compound words. Read and spell commonly used sight words. 1.9 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of a variety of fictional texts. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) Preview the selection. Set a purpose for reading. Relate previous experiences to what is read. Make and confirm predictions. Ask and answer who, what, when, where, why, and how questions about what is read. Identify characters, setting, and important events. Retell stories and events, using beginning, middle, and end. Identify the main idea or theme. Read and reread familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression. Page 5 6 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 1.13 The student will write to communicate ideas for a variety of purposes. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) Generate ideas. Focus on one topic. Revise by adding descriptive words when writing about people, places, things, and events. Use complete sentences in final copies. Begin each sentence with a capital letter and use ending punctuation in final copies. Use correct spelling for commonly used sight words and phonetically regular words in final copies. Share writing with others. Mathematics Focus: Time and Nonstandard Measurement 1.7 The student will a) identify the number of pennies equivalent to a nickel, a dime, and a quarter; and b) determine the value of a collection of pennies, nickels, and dimes whose total value is 100 cents or less. Social Science 1.2 The student will describe the stories of American leaders and their contributions to our country, with emphasis on George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Abraham Lincoln, George Washington Carver, and Eleanor Roosevelt. Science Earth Resources 1.8 The student will investigate and understand that natural resources are limited. Key concepts include a) identification of natural resources; b) factors that affect air and water quality; and c) recycling, reusing, and reducing consumption of natural resources. Page 5 7 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 2nd Grade Language Arts 2.7 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. a) b) c) d) Use knowledge of homophones. Use knowledge of prefixes and suffixes. Use knowledge of antonyms and synonyms. Discuss meanings of words and develop vocabulary by listening and reading a variety of texts. e) Use vocabulary from other content areas. 2.8 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Make and confirm predictions. Relate previous experiences to the main idea. Ask and answer questions about what is read. Locate information to answer questions. Describe characters, setting, and important events in fiction and poetry. Identify the problem and solution. Identify the main idea. Summarize stories and events with beginning, middle, and end in the correct sequence. Draw conclusions based on the text. Read and reread familiar stories, poems, and passages with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression. 2.9 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) Preview the selection using text features. Make and confirm predictions about the main idea. Use prior and background knowledge as context for new learning. Set purpose for reading. Ask and answer questions about what is read. Locate information to answer questions. Identify the main idea. Read and reread familiar passages with fluency, accuracy, and meaningful expression. 2.10 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information in reference materials. a) b) c) d) Use table of contents. Use pictures, captions, and charts. Use dictionaries, glossaries, and indices. Use online resources. Page 5 8 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Math 2.10 The student will a) count and compare a collection of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters whose total value is $2.00 or less; and b) correctly use the cent symbol (¢), dollar symbol ($), and decimal point (.). Science Scientific Investigation, Reasoning, and Logic 2.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which a) observations and predictions are made and questions are formed; b) observations are differentiated from personal interpretation; c) observations are repeated to ensure accuracy; d) two or more characteristics or properties are used to classify items; e) length, volume, mass, and temperature are measured in metric units and standard English units using the proper tools; f) time is measured using the proper tools; g) conditions that influence a change are identified and inferences are made; h) data are collected and recorded, and bar graphs are constructed using numbered axes; i) data are analyzed, and unexpected or unusual quantitative data are recognized; j) conclusions are drawn; k) observations and data are communicated; l) simple physical models are designed and constructed to clarify explanations and show relationships; and Living Systems 2.5 The student will investigate and understand that living things are part of a system. Key concepts include a) living organisms are interdependent with their living and nonliving surroundings; b) an animal’s habitat includes adequate food, water, shelter or cover, and space; c) habitats change over time due to many influences; and d) fossils provide information about living systems that were on Earth years ago. Social Science 2.11 The student will identify George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Susan B. Anthony, Helen Keller, Jackie Robinson, and Martin Luther King, Jr., as Americans whose contributions improved the lives of other Americans. Page 5 9 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 3rd Grade Language Arts 3.1 The student will use effective communication skills in group activities. a) b) c) d) e) Listen attentively by making eye contact, facing the speaker, asking questions, and summarizing what is said. Ask and respond to questions from teachers and other group members. Explain what has been learned. Use language appropriate for context. Increase listening and speaking vocabularies. 3.2 The student will present brief oral reports using visual media. a) b) c) d) e) Speak clearly. Use appropriate volume and pitch. Speak at an understandable rate. Organize ideas sequentially or around major points of information. Use contextually appropriate language and specific vocabulary to communicate ideas. 3.7 The student will demonstrate comprehension of information from a variety of print and electronic resources. a) b) Use encyclopedias and other reference books, including online reference materials. Use table of contents, indices, and charts. Writing 3.10 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) Use complete sentences. Use transition words to vary sentence structure. Use the word I in compound subjects. Use past and present verb tense. Use singular possessives. Use commas in a simple series. Use simple abbreviations. Use apostrophes in contractions with pronouns and in possessives. Use the articles a, an, and the correctly. Use correct spelling for frequently used sight words, including irregular plurals. 3.11 The student will write a short report. a) b) c) Construct questions about the topic. Identify appropriate resources. Collect and organize information about the topic into a short report. Page 6 0 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal d) Understand the difference between plagiarism and using own words. 3.12 The student will use available technology for reading and writing. Mathematics 3.9 The student will write for a variety of purposes. a) b) c) d) e) Identify the intended audience. Use a variety of prewriting strategies. Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea. Write a paragraph on the same topic. Use strategies for organization of information and elaboration according to the type of writing. f) Include details that elaborate the main idea. g) Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information. Social Science 3.1 Civics 3.10 The student will explain how the contributions of ancient Greece and Rome have influenced the present world in terms of architecture, government (direct and representative democracy), and sports. The student will recognize the importance of government in the community, Virginia, and the United States of America by a) explaining the purpose of rules and laws; b) explaining that the basic purposes of government are to make laws, carry out laws, and decide if laws have been broken; c) explaining that government protects the rights and property of individuals. Science Interrelationships in Earth/Space Systems 3.7 The student will investigate and understand the major components of soil, its origin, and its importance to plants and animals including humans. Key concepts include a) soil provides the support and nutrients necessary for plant growth; b) topsoil is a natural product of subsoil and bedrock; c) rock, clay, silt, sand, and humus are components of soils; and d) soil is a natural resource and should be conserved. d) the human role in conserving limited resources. Page 6 1 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 4th Grade Reading Reading 4.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. a) b) c) d) e) Use context to clarify meanings of unfamiliar words. Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. Use word-reference materials, including the glossary, dictionary, and thesaurus. Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts. Use vocabulary from other content areas. 4.7 The student will write cohesively for a variety of purposes. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) Identify intended audience. Focus on one aspect of a topic. Use a variety of pre-writing strategies. Organize writing to convey a central idea. Recognize different modes of writing have different patterns of organization. Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea. Write two or more related paragraphs on the same topic. Use transition words for sentence variety. Utilize elements of style, including word choice and sentence variation. Revise writing for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information. Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea. Mathematics 4.5 d) The student will a) determine common multiples and factors, including least common multiple and greatest common factor; b) add and subtract fractions having like and unlike denominators that are limited to 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, and 12, and simplify the resulting fractions, using common multiples and factors; c) add and subtract with decimals; and solve single-step and multistep practical problems involving addition and Science 4.1 The student will demonstrate an understanding of scientific reasoning, logic, and the nature of science by planning and conducting investigations in which a) distinctions are made among observations, conclusions, inferences, and predictions; b) objects or events are classified and arranged according to characteristics or properties; c) appropriate instruments are selected and used to measure length, mass, volume, and temperature in metric units; Page 6 2 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal d) appropriate instruments are selected and used to measure elapsed time; e) predictions and inferences are made, and conclusions are drawn based on data from a variety of sources; f) independent and dependent variables are identified; g) constants in an experimental situation are identified; h) hypotheses are developed as cause and effect relationships; i) data are collected, recorded, analyzed, and displayed using bar and basic line graphs; j) numerical data that are contradictory or unusual in experimental results are recognized; k) data are communicated with simple graphs, pictures, written statements, and numbers; l) models are constructed to clarify explanations, demonstrate relationships, and solve needs; and m) current applications are used to reinforce science concepts. 4.2 The student will a) compare and order fractions and mixed numbers; b) represent equivalent fractions; and c) identify the division statement that represents a fraction. Social Science Civil War and Postwar Eras VS.7 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the issues that divided our nation and led to the Civil War by a) identifying the events and differences between northern and southern states that divided Virginians and led to secession, war, and the creation of West Virginia; b) describing Virginia’s role in the war, including identifying major battles that took place in Virginia; c) describing the roles played by whites, enslaved African Americans, free African Americans, and American Indians. Page 6 3 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal Civil War and Postwar Eras VS.7 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the issues that divided our nation and led to the Civil War by a) identifying the events and differences between northern and southern states that divided Virginians and led to secession, war, and the creation of West Virginia; b) describing Virginia’s role in the war, including identifying major battles that took place in Virginia; c) describing the roles played by whites, enslaved African Americans, free African Americans, and American Indians. Page 6 4 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal 5th Grade Language Arts 5.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) k) l) m) Describe the relationship between text and previously read materials. Describe character develo p.m.ent. Describe the develo p.m.ent of plot and explain the resolution of conflict(s). Describe the characteristics of free verse, rhymed, and patterned poetry. Describe how an author’s choice of vocabulary contributes to the author’s style. Identify and ask questions that clarify various points of view. Identify main idea. Summarize supporting details from text. Draw conclusions and make inferences from text. Identify cause and effect relationships. Make, confirm, or revise predictions. Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension. Read with fluency and accuracy. Mathematics Measurement Focus: Perimeter, Area, Volume, and Equivalent Measures 5.8 The student will a) find perimeter, area, and volume in standard units of measure; b) differentiate among perimeter, area, and volume and identify whether the application of the concept of perimeter, area, or volume is appropriate for a given situation; c) identify equivalent measurements within the metric system; d) estimate and then measure to solve problems, using U.S. Customary and metric units; and e) choose an appropriate unit of measure for a given situation involving measurement using U.S. Customary and metric units. Science Earth Patterns, Cycles, and Change 5.7 The student will investigate and understand how Earth’s surface is constantly changing. Key concepts include a) identification of rock types; b) the rock cycle and how transformations between rocks occur; c) Earth history and fossil evidence; d) the basic structure of Earth’s interior; e) changes in Earth’s crust due to plate tectonics; f) weathering, erosion, and deposition; and Page 6 5 Linwood Holton Elementary School 1600 West Laburnum Avenue Richmond, Virginia 23227-4416 Telephone (804) 228-5310 Office of The Principal g) human impact. Social Science USI.5 The student will demonstrate knowledge of the factors that shaped colonial America by a) describing the religious and economic events and conditions that led to the colonization of America; b) describing life in the New England, Mid-Atlantic, and Southern colonies, with emphasis on how people interacted with their environment to produce goods and services, including examples of specialization and interdependence; c) describing colonial life in America from the perspectives of large landowners, farmers, artisans, women, free African Americans, indentured servants, and enslaved African Americans; d) identifying the political and economic relationships between the colonies and Great Britain. Page 6 6
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