WOW Lands of Mystery
WOW Lands of Mystery
Uncover Warcraft’s Secrets Battle across the unexplored continent of Kalimdor. Unearth dead civilizations in chilling Northrend. Duel pirates across the tropical South Seas. A world of adventure awaits! Hope You Survive the Discovery m ple file This campaign setting sourcebook explores the regions of Kalimdor, Northrend and the South Seas, from inhabitants to geography to key individuals. Discover mysterious civilizations and devious organizations. New adventures, feats, prestige classes and other mechanics immerse you in the setting. Descriptions of the major regions of Kalimdor, Northrend and the South Seas. Sa Three adventures set in the lands of mystery to ignite your World of Warcraft RPG game.. New prestige classes (the buccaneer, holy strider and techno mage), new feats, new magic items, and new civilizations steeped in the flavor of Warcraft’s unexplored regions. Provides a wealth of lore and material for Warcraft fans. Immerses the players into Blizzard’s best-selling Warcraft computer game franchise, with over 19 million copies sold. Designed with extensive input from the creative minds behind Blizzard’s best-selling Warcraft computer game series. Narrated by famed dwarven explorer Brann Bronzebeard. ISBN 1-58846-784-8 WW17206 $29.99 U.S. w w w . s w o r d s o r c e r y . c o m INTRODUCTION LANDS OF MYSTERY CREDITS Authors: Managing Editor: Developer: Luke Johnson Editor: Ellen P. Kiley matt milberger Layout and Typesetting: ple Chris Metzen and Bob Fitch Art Director: Dan Oh w/ Mike Chaney & matt milberger Cover Artist: Sa m Creative and Rules Design Assistance and Additional Material: Stewart Wieck file Scott Bernie (nerubians), Bruce Graw (Chapter 3, “Off to the Races,” new rules), Luke Johnson (Chapter 4, “Ghost Ship,” Bloodsail Buccaneers, new rules), Mur Lafferty (organizations, prestige classes), Aaron Rosenberg (Chapter 5, murlocs, “Troll Meat,” new rules), Andrew Rowe (Chapter 1 and 2, blue dragonflight, magnataur, new rules). Samwise Didier Interior Artists: Hannah Spute, Nicole Cardiff, Saytr, James Stowe, Jay Epperson, Patrick McEvoy Front & Back Cover Design: Mike Chaney Special Thanks — Luke Johnson To Dave Arneson and Gary Gygax, for making D&D. To Chris Metzen and Blizzard, for making Warcraft. To Del Close, for making comedy improv. To Mom and Dad (again; they deserve it) for making me. Check out upcoming Sword and Sorcery Studio products online at: Distributed for Sword and Sorcery Studio by White Wolf Publishing, Inc. This printing of Lands of Mystery is published in accordance with the Open Game License. See the Open Game License Appendix of this book for more information. Arthaus, the Arthaus logo, Sword and Sorcery, Sword and Sorcery Studios, the Sword and Sorcery logo, Manual of Monsters, Magic & Mayhem, Shadows & Light and More Magic & Mayhem are trademarks of White Wolf Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved. © 2005 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. Lands of Mystery is a trademark, and Warcraft, World of Warcraft and Blizzard Entertainment are trademarks or registered trademarks of Blizzard Entertainment, Inc., in the U.S. and/or other countries., and is used with permission. All rights reserved. The mention of or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the trademark or copyright concerned. 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Termination: This License will terminate automatically if You fail to comply with all terms herein and fail to cure such breach within 30 days of becoming aware of the breach. All sublicenses shall survive the termination of this License. 14. Reformation: If any provision of this License is held to be unenforceable, such provision shall be reformed only to the extent necessary to make it enforceable. 15. COPYRIGHT NOTICE Open Game License v 1.0a Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc. System Reference Document Copyright 2000, Wizards of the Coast, Inc.; Authors Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams, based on original material by E. Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson. Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2003, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Manual of Monsters Copyright 2003, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Alliance & Horde Compendium Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Lands of Conflict Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment Warcraft Roleplaying Game: Shadows & Light Copyright 2004, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: The Roleplaying Game Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: More Magic & Mayhem Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment World of Warcraft: Lands of Mystery Copyright 2005, Blizzard Entertainment 2 TABLE OF CONTENTS OF Credits Legal Information 1 2 Introduction Chapter 1: Northern Kalimdor 4 6 The Barrens Desolace Durotar Dustwallow Marsh Mulgore Orgrimmar Stonetalon Mountains Thunder Bluff Chapter 3: Southern Kalimdor Feralus Silithus Tanaris Thousand Needles Un’Goro Crater Chapter 4: The South Seas The Broken Isles The Eye Isle of Kezan Plunder Isle Zandalar Chapter 5: Northrend Azjol-Nerub The Borean Tundra Chapter 6: Civilizations The Blue Dragonflight Magnataur Murlocs Nerubians Chapter 7: Adventures Off to the Races Ghost Ship Troll Meat 27 27 31 34 37 39 41 44 46 Chapter 8: Organizations file Chapter 2: Central Kalimdor 7 9 11 13 17 18 20 23 Coldarra Crystalsong Forest The Dragonblight Grizzly Hills Howling Fjord Icecrown Glacier The Stormpeaks Zul’Drak The Bloodsail Buccaneers The Burning Blade Druids of the Fang The Scourge Chapter 9: New Rules Sa m Ashenvale Azshara Darkshore Felwood Hyjal Summit Moonglade Teldrassil Winterspring C ONTENTS ple T ABLE 49 50 53 56 60 63 66 67 70 74 79 80 84 88 92 Prestige Classes Buccaneer Holy Strider Techno Mage Feats Magic Items Steam Armor and Equipment Special Material Spells 95 97 99 101 104 106 109 111 114 114 125 132 141 150 150 160 170 179 179 182 184 186 192 192 192 195 198 202 205 206 207 207 Tables Table 6–1: The Blue Wyrmkin Table 6–2: The Murloc Table 9–1: The Buccaneer (Buc) Table 9–2: The Holy Strider (Hst) Table 9–3: The Techno Mage (Tmg) 120 138 194 197 201 3 LANDS OF MYSTERY I NTRODUCTION strong dwarves to stand against them. These are dark times, my friends. At least they’re interesting times, too. I suppose I should summarize the contents of this volume. That way you can zip right to the most interesting bits (though obviously, since I wrote it, it’s all interesting). Summary of Contents In Chapters 1 through 5, I recount my travels through northern, central and southern Kalimdor, then through the South Seas and finally up into Northrend. I provide estimates (which range from wild guesses to accurate statements backed by official records) of the populations in each of the regions within these areas, as well as the region’s resources, rulers, settlements and the like. I should point out that the Language section of each region entry lists the region’s most prominent language first, and the others follow in alphabetical order. Scattered throughout these chapters are scraps of information that I picked up from some of the denizens in the region. These are journal excerpts, transcripts of conversations, and the like; so if you don’t believe me, believe the natives. Speaking of natives, also scattered throughout these chapters are descriptions of some especially interesting denizens. Cultures and civilizations fascinate me, so Chapter 6 explores four of the most intriguing civilizations in the western lands: the blue dragonflight, magnataur, murlocs and nerubians. I heard all sorts of adventurous tales in my travels; I describe three of the most exciting in Chapter 7. If any young bucks would care to test the truth of these rumors, be my guest; I may even do so myself some day. Chapter 8 describes some of the organizations I encountered on my travels: the Bloodsail Buccaneers, the Burning Blade, the Druids of the Fang, and the damnable Scourge. Know thy enemy. Finally, Chapter 9 includes various miscellanies that I thought would interest you. What does it take to be a techno mage? How do people survive in the north? If you challenge a goblin in XK-77 steam armor to a duel, what are you up against? The answers are here. Sa m ple file To His Highness, King Magni Bronzebeard, Rightful Sovereign of Ironforge and Dun Morogh, and Grand Explorer of the Guild; To High Explorer Tomli Magellas and all august members of the Excursion Council: Well, I’m done. After months of slogging through swamps, plodding across deserts, slinking through forests, swimming through (and beneath) seas, and trudging across icy wastelands, I finished the task you set before me back in the Weary Boots. (I had had a few, as you might recall, and so wasn’t in the clearest state of mind when you asked if I would undertake this journey. Especially considering I had just returned from my travels in the eastern lands that very day. Ah, we dwarves are crafty.) The western lands are interesting — perhaps more so than the lands of the east, for I knew very little about the west before striking out on this expedition. Kalimdor, the islands of the South Seas, and Northrend were realms of mystery to me; and despite the secrets I uncovered, these regions retain a good many puzzles yet. Thus, I have entitled this volume Lands of Mystery, which accurately captures the feel of these western lands. What I found is ferociously interesting but disconcerting for our plans. The orcs, tauren and trolls of the Horde are firmly established on Kalimdor and (boil my beard) they could be staunch allies against the Scourge and the Burning Legion. They certainly have every reason to hate the demons and the undead. Yet instead of working with them, the Alliance forces on Kalimdor (and the rest of the world, for that matter) squabble with the Horde over petty conflicts, mostly for tradition’s sake. I say “squabble,” but the situation is escalating toward outright war again, my friends. I can’t think of anything the Scourge and the Legion would like better than to watch the mortal races chop each other to bits so they can inherit whatever’s left when we’re done. We need diplomacy and handshakes, Magni, not swords and guns. The western lands hold other potential allies as well — the most obvious are the night elves. However, they face their own problems, both internal and external. Other forces also exist, but instinct (and the fact that they tried to kill me) tells me they’ll prove hostile to our cause. Centaur, trolls, naga — the world is full of people who want to eat your liver, and I fear we don’t have enough 4 INTRODUCTION A Closing Thought Maps I can hear the complaints on the message boards ( now: “Why didn’t they include maps for each of the regions?! They could have just taken them from the World of Warcraft computer game!” The answer is: We have only so much room in the book, and it seems silly to fill that room with maps that people can find online. We figured readers would prefer some new and original content instead. Web Bonuses! ple file People apparently like writing about Warcraft, because I had to cut huge chunks out of this book to make everything fit. Hopefully, we’ll make the choppedout sections available for free at www., so check it out. —Luke Johnson, Developer Sa m I have now traveled the whole of the world. I’m possibly the only (and certainly the handsomest) individual who has done so in all of history. One might imagine, then, that the thought of continuing my career as an explorer (and archeologist, and adventurer, and anthropologist…) suddenly holds little interest. What can I see, a hypothetical questioner might wonder, that I haven’t seen before? What else is there? Won’t the rest of my life be a disappointment, as I have already accomplished this greatest of exploratory feats? To this I say: Well, hypothetical questioner, why don’t you go off and squirt some lemon juice up your kilt? Trying to make me feel bad like that. If there’s one thing I learned in my travels through the lands of mystery, it’s that the world holds innumerable wonders. My expedition turned up at least as many questions as it answered, and I am eager to return to the wilds to seek more answers — and the best part about the questions I’ll answer is that they’ll lead to more questions. The world brims with possibilities and with the unknown, and I will always be there to partake. And that’s just Azeroth. There are other worlds than this… what’s next for me, Magni? — Brann Bronzebeard 5
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