June 2007 - Lidlington community website


June 2007 - Lidlington community website
June 2007
£1.25 where sold
Masterchef finalist's
local connection
Sue Miles of Whitehall, Lidlington recently appeared on BBC2's Masterchef
when her daughter Hannah was one of the finalists. Here’s what Hannah
had to say about her time on the programme.
see ‘that’ clip any more!) I am so proud of what I
achieved - I learnt so much from John and Gregg
and the amazing Giancarlo Caldesi of Café Caldesi
who was there for me at my lowest point and
Parish Council
Local interest
Village memories
was seeking. I was lucky enough to have been
Shawn Haddaway
taught by some monumental chefs - particularly
Jess Williams
Helene Darosse in Paris whose silent kitchen was
Proofreading Gill Haddaway
truly inspirational - I have never worked anywhere
Jean Peall
cooking for Tony Blair and Bertie Ahern at 10
My Masterchef journey was one of the most
Downing Street - not somewhere I would ever
amazing experiences in my life and although
have imagined that I would visit, let alone cook in.
The kitchen itself was very small even with only
going to change their lives’ really has come true.
three of us. There was no equipment so we had
The winner, Steven Wallis, is an amazing cook
to bring everything we needed from the studio.
and has a palette unlike anyone I have ever
There was no-one to wash up and although we
known. I couldn’t have lost to a better person and
tried to stay tidy, the kitchen soon descended
am very happy for him.
into chaos. Luckily John and Gregg stepped in
and helped us to get the food out almost on time.
with only 24 hours notice (hence the rather
There can’t be many people who can say they
rushed decision to make blueberry duck and
have kept Tony Blair waiting for five minutes!
...continued on page 3
saffron mash - thank goodness I won’t have to
The highlight of the competition had to be cooking for Tony Blair and Bertie
Ahern at 10 Downing Street - not somewhere I would ever have imagined that
I would visit, let alone cook in!
Professional friendly service with
over 20 years experience
The highlight of the competition had to be
As a last minute stand in I came to the heats
taught me how to give a dish the wow factor I
more calm and relaxed.
I didn’t win, the show’s catchphrase ‘This is
Editor's letter
Information file
Local activities
Tel 01234 840 125
Next issue
07 SEPTeMBER 2007
copy deadline
24 august
We need your support to
keep going. Please consider
advertising your business
with us - The Advertiser
goes to around 600 homes
so is a great opportunity to
reach potential customers
locally. To advertise call
01525 405515 or email
Call now for an appointment
01525 403022
Hair Salon
33 Church Street, Lidlington
Senior Citizen rates Tuesday - Friday
Hair care products at realistic prices • Gents welcome
Tuesday 9-5pm, Wednesday 9-2, Thursday 9-7, Friday 9-6, Saturday 9-2, Sunday, Monday - closed
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Editor’s Note
As always, I enthusiastically watched every episode of this year’s Masterchef, in awe of
the competitors’ skill, imagination and dedication… and looking for ideas, of course!
So when I arrived to set up my stall at Brown’s of Stagsden shortly after the final had
been televised I was both surprised and excited to learn that finalist Hannah Miles
would be making a guest appearance! I was even more surprised when allotment
manager Mike Phillips and partner Sue Miles turned up at my stall and I found out
that Hannah is her daughter. Evidently I was the only person in Lidlington who hadn’t
known about the connection! Thanks, folks! We are still working to perfect the design of The Lidlington Advertiser. Please let us
know what you think (good or bad) to help us tailor the publication to your needs.
We are still hoping to start the proposed ‘Letters’ page - see opposite for our very first one! Please submit your letters to me.
We would also like to start a Classified
Ads section - just £2 for up to 20 words.
If you would like to make use of this
Ambulance, Fire, Police (Emergency) 999
Bedfordshire Police (non-emergency number)
please get in touch.
01234 841212
If you would like to advertise your
Leigh Iddon (Police Community
Support Officer 3660)
01234 842622
business with us or know of anyone that
might, please call Shawn on 01525 405515
Nick Saward (Police Constable 383) 01234 842614
or email TLA@Haddaway.co.uk. We have
0800 1111
an audience of approximately 600 homes
01582 480884
01234 270977
who use the newletter as a reference. The
01832 276000
copy deadline is 24th August 2007 for the
Mid-Beds DC, Ampthill
01525 402051
Beds County Council: County Hall,
7th edition.
Cauldwell St, Bedford, MK42 9AP 01234 363222
Bedfordshire Police HQ: Woburn Rd,
Wishing you all a fantastic summer,
Information File
Kempston, Bedford, MK43 9AX
01234 841212
Bedfordshire Police, Woburn St,
01525 404422
Bedford Hospital (South Wing)
01234 355122
Milton Keynes General Hospital
01908 660033
Ridgeway Veterinary Centre,
01525 714892
Dr Lockley & Hague, Oliver St,
01525 631395/6
Dr Aylward & Partners,
Houghton Close, Ampthill
01525 841210
Flitwick Clinic, High St, Flitwick
01525 717771
Drs. Reddy & Thomas, Cranfield
01234 750234
St Margaret’s C of E Church Wardens:
Linda Bulled
01525 402647
Siân Hiscocks
01525 405952
Methodist Chapel:
Rev Gordon Sollis
01234 751886
Debbie Galliford
01525 402667
Jonathan Peall
01525 405730
Bedford to Bletchley Rail Users
Association: 23 Hatfield Crescent,
Bedford, MK41 9RA
01234 351771
National Rail Enquiries
08457 484950
Thomas Johnson Lower School,
01525 402377
Marston Vale Middle School,
01234 768224
Wootton Upper School, Wootton 01234 767123
Ampthill Tidy Tip, Abbey Lane,
01525 403611
Bottle Bank: Opposite Royal Oak pub,
Church St, Lidlington.
Citizens’ Advice Bureau, Ampthill 01525 404511
The Samaritans (24-Hour)
01234 211211
Methodist Hall Bookings:
Tess Mason
01525 404938
Village Hall Bookings:
Maureen or Dave
01525 403378
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Dear Shaun
What an excellent Lidlington Advertiser,
so very well supported and what a great
variety of articles – long may it continue.
On another note to all the fund raisers in
the village – we went to an excellent ‘Night at
the Races’ that took place at Wilden Village
Hall to raise funds for the playgroup at
Colmworth. After expenses had been taken
out they came out raising the sum of £1,050. If
anyone would like further details in respect of
this please do not hesitate to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Linda Cray
email: l.s.cray@cranfield.ac.uk
Shawn Haddaway, Editor
Lidlington Activities
+ Run by Lidlington Churches
Toddler Group
Shell Club+ Dog training 9.30 - 11.30 am Village Hall
(0 to pre-school) Cathy 01234 767456 Term time only
6.45 - 8pm
Methodist Hall (9-12 years)
Jackie 01525 280478 Term time only
Village Hall
All welcome
ARAS 01525 840508
Coffee morning Line dancing
Army Cadets 10 - 12 noon
7.30 - 9.30pm
Methodist Hall All welcome
Village Hall
All welcome
TA Hut
Girls/boys 12-18 01234 353291
Line dancing
7 - 10pm
Village Hall
All welcome
Thursday 9.15 - 11am
Youth club 7 - 8.30pm Line dancing
10.30 - 2pm
Table Tennis 8.30 - 9.30pm
Village Hall (winter),
(School year 4+)
Sports Pavillion (summer)
Village Hall
All welcome
Methodist Hall All welcome
Barry 01525 404810
Brownies Guides Karate
Methodist Hall
Sports Pavilion
Village Hall
Village Hall
4.30 - 5.30pm 6 - 7.30pm
7.45 - 9.15pm
Methodist Hall
Girls 5 - 6 years
Girls 7 - 10 yrs Girls 10 - 14 yrs
6+ yrs
Jean 01525 405730
Term time only
Alternate weeks
Linda 01525 402647 Term time only
Tina 01525 405527 Term time only
Tina 01525 405527 Term time only
11 - 12 noon Methodist Hall All welcome
Held during most Sunday services
4th Sundays
(Christian Youth 7.15 - 8.45pm Methodist Hall 12 yrs+
Sian 01525 405952
and Proud of It) Monthly
Lunch Club Ladies’ Club 12.30 - 2.30pm Methodist Hall All welcome
8 - 10.30pm
Methodist Hall All welcome
Burning Devotions
at various venues
Jackie 01525 280478 1st Wednesday Linda 01525 402647 2nd Tuesday
...from page 1
I also loved cooking for the Michelin Starred
chefs at the Savoy. We cooked for 11 hours
non stop, just to make eight plates of food.
Each course had over 30 cooking processes
but I felt a real sense of achievement when I
saw the result. I had been so busy that I had
not had time to think about who we were
cooking for. It came as quite a shock to see
Raymond Blanc, Marcus Wearing, Pierre
Gagnier and Michel Roux (amongst others)
eating my dessert! I can’t believe the praise
I was given by these amazing chefs and am
very proud of what I achieved that day.
Since the programme ended I have
cooked a charity dinner for 86 and a lunch
for members of The Worshipful Company
of Gardeners where my mum stepped in to
help at the 11th hour! I have joined Country
Kitchen magazine and am also working on
a cook book. I have given demonstrations
and made appearances at farmers’ markets
and the Food and Craft Fayre at Stagsden
(where I met Shawn from the Advertiser).
I was lucky enough to be invited to the
World’s 50 Best Restaurant Awards (the
foodie equivalent of the Oscars) and am
now going to Cambridge to learn from an
80 year-old patissiere. It really has ‘changed
my life!’ - for more check out my blog at
Standing for Local Democracy
May 3rd 2007 was probably the last ever election for the Mid Beds District Council.
Given the apathy towards such events I felt it would be a good time to ‘have a go’ at
being a candidate.
While requesting my Parish Council candidate forms I also asked for a set for
the District election. A quick sprint round the village gave me the signed support
of 10 citizens who were on the electoral roll. Next step, a visit to Stephen Cooke at
Chicksands who informed me that my nomination form had been accepted. He
advised me not to spend more than £700 on election expenses – I’d had a LOT less
than that in mind given the low turnouts and solid Tory support in the ward.
I set about making a leaflet that might tempt people to vote for me. I thought
people would be voting for the man not political dogma, so a big photo on the front
seemed to make sense. My son Michael managed to capture me without too many of
my blemishes – black and white really does have its pluses! Some references to the things I’ve done plus the issues I care about and my draft leaflet was ready to be
scrutinised by my highly unpaid PR consultant Miranda. Printing was next with the
help of a local newspaper magnate and his laser printer.
Faced with the enormity of folding and delivering thousands of pieces of paper,
you appreciate the help offered by your children. Caroline is now probably the fastest
paper folder in Lidlington and the most adept at fighting letterboxes!
Knowing you are not going to win makes attending the count much easier. Friday
morning meant the last trip to Chicksands with my wife Sophia at my side. For a
short while I had the satisfaction of beating the Lib Dem into last place - well that is
what I was told. I’m guessing that there was further deliberation over spoilt ballots as
the final result saw him just ahead of me. Meeting the new Conservative councillor
Mike Gibson was a pleasure and I think he will do a good job of representing us at
the district level. With only one person in three bothering to vote, I hope the ‘other
two’ think what it would be like never being able to vote.
I would like to thank my family and friends for all their efforts and everyone who
voted - especially if it was for me!
Iain Clapham
Hannah miles
M&M Quality Foods
Fresh bread daily, cakes, milk, free range eggs, pork pies
and sliced meats, newspapers, cigarettes, groceries and
much more!
PLUS! Great selection of
cut flowers, planted
baskets, plants and gifts
Church Street, Lidlington Tel 01525 402923
Opening hours:7am - 5pm Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri
8am - midday Wed/Sat/Sun
Your local deli & general store
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Lidlington Parish Council
The Council
Chairman - Councillor Adele Moore, 9 Bye Road
Vice Chairman - Councillor Anita Eames, 19 Hurst Grove
Councillor Carol Burrows, 2 Hudson Close
Councillor Iain Clapham, 9 Hudson Close
Councillor Rob Fletcher, 5 Whitehall
Councillor Shawn Haddaway, 8 Hudson Close
Councillor John Ludford, 38 Whitehall
Councillor Tim Mason, 10 Bye Road
Councillor Len Welsh, 26 Whitehall
Clerk - Colin West, 17 Lombard Street
There are two new faces on the Parish Council as a result of the
recent election and they are Councillors Mrs Carol Burrows and Tim
Mason. At the recent Annual Parish Council Meeting, Councillor Mrs
Adele Moore was elected Chairman, the first female Chairman of
Lidlington Parish Council ever and Councillor Mrs Anita Eames was
elected Vice Chairman.
Planning Applications
Recent applications that have been considered by the Parish
Council having been consulted by Mid Beds District Council are:
• Detached Chalet Bungalow, adjacent 17 Hurst Grove.
• Erection of One Lighting Column and Retention of Existing ground has yet to be awarded, whilst Trevor Hart continues to cut
Column, Westmead Farm, Sheep Tick End.
the grass on an ad hoc basis in order to keep them in a reasonable
• Advertisement Consent: Replacement Signage, Fired Earth,
state. The Parish Council receives a modest annual contribution
Vale Farm, Woburn Road.
from Bedfordshire County Council for this work.
• Conversion of Existing Garage into Living Accommodation,
The Parish Council agreed to maintain All Saints graveyard this
32 Whitehall.
coming season and has awarded the grass cutting contract to Joe
• Stable Block, Peacock Cottage, Boughton End Lane.
Cray Garden Services.
Allotments - Green Piece
Millbrook Proving Ground
The number of allotments let to local people continues to rise
During the Easter weekend some youngsters thought to be from
under the watchful eye of the Allotments Manager, Mike Phillips of
Lidlington were spotted on the Proving Ground site. Concern was
Whitehall. This is a relatively new post for Mike previously held by
expressed for their safety as drivers who are not expecting anyone
Ron Potts for a vast number of years.
The allotments are situated off Station Road in Sheep Tick End
and anybody wishing to take up a tenancy should contact Mike on
01525 404452 or 07740 511333 (mobile).
The newly formed Lidlington Gardeners’ Association is to provide
a water supply to the allotments, a project which the Parish Council
to be in the area drive vehicles at speed on and off roads with
sometimes limited visibility.
Anyone in the area of the Proving Ground places himself or
herself at substantial risk and parishioners are requested to ensure
that youngsters are warned about accessing the site. A thoughtless
prank could cost somebody his or her life!
Thrupp End Farm House
Temporary Closure of Lidlington, Marston and
Millbrook Crossings
Efforts are currently being made to restore this listed building
During the recent closure of the crossings for essential repairs
despite partial demolition of the outbuildings. Mid Beds District
there was originally to be total closure with no crossing including
Council officers are pursuing the case with the owners.
pedestrian movement for the entire five days. The Parish Council
Grass Cutting
assurances that there will be a better alternative service between
The grass cutting contract for the village verges and the recreation
stations along the line to Bletchley and Bedford.
was successful in obtaining escorted crossing for pedestrians and
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
No Cold Calling Zones
The Parish Council is pursuing the possibility of introducing a
‘No Cold Calling Zone’ for the parish and eventually each household
will receive a leaflet and sticker.
Donations to Organisations and Committees
The Parish Council gives a variety of donations to a number of clubs
and societies as a result of a request from that body and subject to
the request being bona fide.
Recent donations have been made to Mid Beds Link a Ride
Community Transport towards the running costs of this valuable
service to the community.
The Council is still waiting to hear from Bedfordshire Highways
regarding the project for the 2007/2008 partnership scheme, which
should include maintenance to a number of footways in the parish.
Residents of the parish are reminded that if there are particular
problems with highways maintenance issues there is a Helpline
where they may telephone County Hall. All calls are logged and
appropriate action is taken. The number is 01234 228661
Best Kept Garden Competition
The Council holds this competition each year and during the
months of July and August an independent judge from outside the
village looks at every garden in the village. As the name implies it is
not necessarily the most colourful or the best landscaped, although
these features add to the final outcome, it is the best kept garden.
Lidlington Parish Plan
So let’s try and make Lidlington a more attractive village by
The Questionnaire is now its final stages of preparation and will
dead-heading those blooms, weeding and trimming those borders
be with you soon. We need to know YOUR opinions in order to
and cutting those lawns.
shape the future of the village. We are interested in the opin-
The winner gets to hold the Budden Memorial Rose Bowl for a
year and there is a small monetary prize, plus an inscribed plaque
ions of all members of your household so you may need to ask
for more than one copy when we deliver to you.
If you are able to help with distribution or analysing the
the recipient is able to keep.
questionnaires, please call Jean on 01525 405730.
Royal Mail Letter Boxes
Attempts are being made by the Parish Council to secure an
additional posting box in the village, particularly in the centre and
The Lidlington Website is still being updated but some
skills are needed to give it a facelift and make it more
user-friendly. If you can offer some technical help or would
like to help keep the site up to date, please call
Mark on 01525 403158.
now that the development in The Lane is well under way.
Parish Council Meetings are open to the public and press, and
parishioners are given the opportunity at the beginning of the
Meeting to address the Council. They are not able to question the
Council but may be present during proceedings whilst the Council is
conducting its business.
The next full Meeting of the Council is scheduled for Tuesday,
26th June and details of this will be publicised on the Parish Council
notice boards. There will be an additional Meeting on Tuesday,
5th June to complete unfinished business from the Annual Parish
Council Meeting.
Colin West, Clerk to the Council
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Sheds and gardens
ARAS Dog Training Club
Classes are held in the village hall every Monday from 6.30
– 9.30pm, except Bank Holidays. All dogs are welcome,
even the most badly behaved - just bring your owner and
have an hour of fun. Though we treat the training seriously we also want our owners to feel relaxed and enjoy
what they are doing so don’t worry that your dog may be a
terror, we’ve been there, done that and got the t-shirt.
If you are interested in coming to training classes or
want more information on the shows please call Lesley
on 840508. Remember whatever activity you support, all
money raised goes straight to the dog rescue. You can also
check out our website: www.arasrescue.org.uk.
The usual pattern of crime for this time of year is an increase
in thefts from sheds and gardens and although this message
may seem repetitive you can be sure some people will get
caught out by not taking the necessary precautions. Don’t leave
garden equipment out to tempt the thieves. There is also the
added danger that some implements can be used to break into
the home, ladders and garden spades being prime examples.
Sheds should have locks and alarms appropriate to the value of
what is stored in them - valuable equipment is often secured
with only a small padlock or in some cases no lock at all!
Anyone with information about burglary can contact
Bedfordshire Police in confidence on 01234 841212 or
Crimestoppers, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.
Police issue burglary warning
A guide to making calls to the police
Bedfordshire Police are again reminding householders to
ensure UPVC doors are properly locked at night following a
series of burglaries or attempted burglaries in Mid and South
Beds. Police say over the last few days they have dealt with
incidents at locations including Shefford, Meppershall, Upper
Gravenhurst, Harlington, Studham Dunstable and Flitwick.
Stolen have been items that are easily to hand such as
handbags, laptops, wallets and mobile phones.
Police stress UPVC doors are safe, but householders must
ensure they are double locked at night or when they go out. To
do the handle should be lifted and the key turned and removed
which ensures the top and bottom bolts are in place and the
whole unit is properly deadlocked. The bolts protrude into the
frame much further than the central catch and are particularly
important on doors adjacent to a glazed side panel.
Any person wishing to make a report to the police whether it be as a victim of crime or to pass on suspicions should in the first instance contact the Call Handling Unit on Mid Beds 01234 841212 or South Beds 01582 401212. In the event of threat to life, or property, (as in a crime is in progress) - then calls should be made by dialling 999.
The Call Handling Unit is manned 24hrs a day 7 days a week and the operators are trained in grading all calls and directing suitable responses. They are also able to forward
messages to Police Staff with particular responsibilities i.e. Beat Managers, etc.
A Street co-ordinator should not be asked by his or her
watch group to make telephone calls on behalf of others, as
questions will be required from the caller which in the case
of an incident, can only be answered by the Injured Party.
Marston Vale Forest Centre Events June 2007
Wildlife Walk
Big Bikeathon 2007
bring lunch. Meet at the Forest Centre - finishes
Saturday 9 June 2007 - 8am to 11am
Sunday 10th June 11am-1pm
about 4.15pm. For further details contact
alexis.pym@marstonvale.org or 01234 762614.
Adults £3, children/concessions £2.
Sponsored cycle ride for children in aid of
(including Forest Volunteers & Members).
Leukaemia Research. For more details contact
Please book in advance and pay the leader
01234 740782.
on the day. Call 01234 767037 to book.
Forest 5K
Friday 22 June 2007 at 7.30pm
A late spring walk to discover some of the
Conservation Task
Stretch your legs and then join us for a beer
wildlife that abounds in the country park -
Saturday 16th June at 10.15am
afterwards. This 5K race is fast, flat and
completely traffic free. For further details
flowers, trees, dragonflies and, of course, birds,
Join our volunteer team to do something for
in the company of expert Forest Volunteers.
the environment, get some exercise and have
email stephen.hartley@hse.gsi.gov.uk or check
Walk lasts 3 hours and cross some rough,
fun. We carry out a variety of practical projects
out the race website www.MarstonForest5K.
uneven ground. Distance varies.
throughout the Vale. Wear old clothes and
org.uk. Postal entries close on 15 June.
Lidlington Ladies
A small friendly group of ladies who enjoy each other's company and listening to speakers. We meet at the Methodist Hall
on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, from 8 to 10pm. Everyone is welcome. For more details Linda on 01525 402647.
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Tantalise your tastebuds
with a range of chilli
and wholefood
products from
Lidlington Welcome Pack
If you are new to the village, or know of a new neighbour,
we offer a useful Welcome Pack with local information. Call
402647 or email newsletter@lidlingtonchurch.org.uk
Darn Spice
Thomas Johnson Lower School
Parents, Teachers and Friends Association
May 2nd saw our third Bags2School collection. Our helpers toured
the village collecting bags that had been kindly left out for us.
Hopefully we did not cause too many traffic jams or look too
suspicious! Thank you to everyone you contributed to the total of
1592kg of clothing etc that we collected. The total amount raised
was £398, so well worth the strange looks we received! We will be
collecting again on November 8th, so please save any clothing,
bedding, soft toys, bags, belts or shoes until then and hopefully we
will be able to go through the £400 barrier.
Despite the rain on Hill Race day, our stalls were well supported.
A big thank you goes to the Royal Oak who allowed us again to
use their car park and to all of you who contributed to the £62 we
raised. Another thank you goes to those who sponsored runners of
the Hill Race from school. Money is still being collected so we don’t
yet know how much was raised in total.
View our online catalogue
at www.darnspice.com
Rice, Pasta and Grains
or call Shawn on
01525 406763
Sauces and
Chutneys and
Gifts sets available
Ideal for any special
We are still collecting for the Fones4School scheme and are half
way to reaching our 200 phones target. If you have any old mobile
Lidlington Helping Hands
phones lying around or know anyone who would otherwise throw
An initiative run by villagers for villagers offering voluntary
them away, please contact the school and help us raise £300.
help to all who need a ‘Good Neighbour’. For more details call
We would like to thank Lidlington Church for their recent kind
donation which will be put towards the school’s shading project.
07817 258279. Help offered includes transport, errands, dog
walking, shopping, form filling and minor household repairs.
The need for sun protection for the children has never been greater
and we are hoping to provide a permanent shaded area - at the
moment we rely on gazebos which have to be dismantled every
evening. The PTFA is raising funds towards this and suggestions of
suppliers who could offer a competitive price or a substantial
discount in return for advertising, would be gratefully appreciated.
If you need any further information, please contact me through
the school on 01525 402377.
Thomas Johnson’s Lidlington Charity
Education Foundation
Applications are invited in respect of students living in the
Parish of Lidlington for grants towards the cost of further
education or apprenticeships. Please write to the Colin
West, Clerk to the Trustees, Thomas Johnson’s Lidlington
Charity, 17 Lombard Street, Lidlington MK43 0RP.
Gabriella Ramsden, PTFA secretary
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Tales From The Brown Hut
I would like to introduce Lidlington Army Cadet Force, a
MOD-sponsored youth organisation for girls and boys aged
between 12 and 18 years. We would like to keep you informed
about what we get up to with a view to encouraging new members and building links to the community.
Lidlington detachment has a lot of history and is one of the
oldest in the country - we are a small unit with a big friendly
team spirit. We parade on Tuesday evenings and there is always something happening at weekends, giving parents a wellearned rest… We have both senior and junior cadets, with the
older and more experienced taking an active role in teaching
the younger ones. Valuable life skills are learned and also some
military subjects, for example map reading, first aid, team
building as well as shooting, competitive skills and involvement
in community activities. The atmosphere is friendly and laid
back and no-one is trained in order to join up.
This is what L/Cpl Shepherd thought of one of our team’s
recent training weekends:
‘Recently myself and Cdt Hampton went on an NCO (Non
Commissioned Officers) cadre for senior cadets looking for
promotion, the purpose of which is to teach cadets about
leadership and build their confidence. The cadre lasted four nights
(to our parents relief!) We travelled up to West Tofts camp to use
the brilliant training area at Stanta, near Thetford and had an
action packed weekend full of command tasks, ambushes, rifle
drill and a bit of physical training. In the evenings we got to relax,
and watch a film. On the final evening we went out in the field
and did some patrolling and ended the cadre with a fantastic
firefight. We fired loads of blank ammunition, with flares going
off all around, it was a bit like a firework display. The cadre was
fantastic, we really enjoyed it and made loads of new friends.’
Upper School bus service
Thank you to all those who signed the petition asking for a bus
service for those students attending after-school activities at
Wootton Upper School. It seems very probable that a trial
service will be provided from late September until October
half-term. Watch this space! If you would like to know more
about the proposals, please contact Tess Mason 01525 404938
Coffee Mornings and Lunch Club
Coffee Mornings are held on Tuesdays from 10am - midday
in the Methodist Hall. On the third Tuesday of the month we
serve breakfasts with proceeds going to charity. It’s just £2 for
a full English breakfast and we also offer other options. Lunch
Club is on the first Wednesday of the month (except Jan and
Aug) at 12.30pm in the Methodist Hall. We charge just £3 per
person for a two course meal (vegetarian option available)
with tea or coffee. To book call Jackie on 280478.
Help needed
Youth Club
The Youth Club will definitely close at the end of the summer
term unless there is sufficient help and support to keep it open.
Up to 40 children attend the club which needs at least three adults
to run it each week. It runs on Thursday evenings term time from
6.30 – 8pm. If you could offer some help and support, please
contact Ailish on 01525 841323.
Lidlington Village Hall
Can you share ideas, enthusiasm and a little time to help run and
improve the village hall? We meet once a month (usually a Monday
evening) Please contact Maureen or Dave on 01525 403378.
If L/Cpl Shepherd’s experience stimulated your interest why
not come and see what happens in the old brown hut behind
the village hall on Tuesday evenings from 19.30 -21.30. Our
Open Day is on Saturday 21st July at 10:00am in the Amy
Cadet Force Hut, behind the Village Hall. All welcome for tea
and biscuits, plus a display of what we do. Looking forward to seeing you soon.
Sgt Sharratt, lidlington acf
Women’s Walks
RT Photography
For all your photographic needs at sensible prices
Pet studies
We would like to invite other women to join us for short walks
along footpaths around Lidlington. Fridays at 9.20 am (term
time only). Leaving from the corner of Bye Road next to the
Level Crossing. Any enquiries please contact Tess Mason on
01525 404938. We hope to see you!
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Call Rolf on 01525 840508
Online portfolio at www.clikpic.com/rolftaggart
local interest
Lidlington Gardeners’
Something to get your teeth into
Vegetables are beginning to grow on the
allotments and with people still taking
on new plots we are expecting a real
bumper harvest this year. Since our last
meeting we have been given funding to
get mains water onto the allotments,
thanks to Mid-Beds Community Liaison
Forum and the Parish Council. This will
be one of the major items on the agenda
at our next meeting at 8pm on Tuesday
26th June in the Methodist Church Hall,
so please do make an effort to come,
particularly if you have an allotment.
satisfy you at one of the Farmers’ Markets which are held regularly across Bedfordshire.
No matter what your taste in food or drink is you will be bound to find something to
Local producers will have a range of goods for sale from fruit, vegetables, pies, cakes,
wine, plants and much, much more.‘Tastes of Bedfordshire’ stallholders sell products
they have grown, reared, baked, brewed or processed and their business must be
based within 30 miles of the market site. This means that you are getting fresh food
and supporting our local economy at the same time.
Visiting a Farmers’ Market is a great day out for all the family. Markets are being held
in June and July at the following venues. Opening times vary - to find out more visit
www.tastesofbedfordshire.co.uk or call 01234 276063
Sunday 10 June
Marston Moretaine
Thursday 14 June
Saturday 16 June Leighton Buzzard
Wednesday 20 June Biggleswade
Saturday 30 JuneAmpthill
Sunday 8 July
Over 80 percent of us don’t do it often enough!
We all know that exercise is good for us and nothing could be simpler than joining a few friends on a walk through the Bedfordshire
countryside. The Bedfordshire County Council Countryside Access Team has produced a number of leaflets containing information on some
stunning walks in the county. County Councillor Bob King Cabinet Member for Community Services, said ‘The great thing about keeping
fit through walking is that you can do it at your own pace and so those 30 minutes a day that we should all spend walking can also be split
up into short 10 minute pieces while you build up your fitness. There are also ways that people can keep fit and help the community at
the same time - why not offer your services to one of the teams who work throughout the county on conservation projects, they will be
pleased to hear from you.’ Visit the website at www.walk4health. or telephone Liz Millbank - Healthy Walks manager on 01234 762605.
For further information please contact: John Pilgrim on 01234 228888 or email: john.pilgrim@bedscc.gov.uk
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
local interest
Brogborough Lake
in the British Isles (two on the Isle of
We live in a landscape permanently
Wight and one in Wiltshire). It is listed
altered by the local brick making
in the British Red Data Book for Plants
industry. Around us are a number of
(which means it is extremely rare, and lakes which were once clay pits. Over
is a threatened species) and is protected
time they have begun to naturalise and
by the Wildlife and Countryside Act
become home to numerous species. The
1981. Last year the plant was not found,
lakes host fish and other aquatic life, as
but let’s hope it appears again in this
well as supporting a multitude of birdlife. year’s survey.
The surrounding land is home to insects,
Because Brogborough Lake is an mammals and plant life.
open site with little vegetation, you will
Due to the large size of Brogborough
find the Black-tailed Skimmer dragonfly
Lake, the wind creates waves on the
at the site in good numbers in the water. This means that aquatic plants
summer. These conditions are ideal for
find it hard to establish on the margins,
this species, which likes to rest on the
and the lake’s sides are eroding rapidly.
open bank, especially on light coloured
On walking around the lake you can
surfaces. The male, with his powder blue
clearly see areas of land that have slipped, body and black tip, is conspicuous as he
patrols the water, hunting or looking for
especially on the south shore.
a mate. There are also literally hundreds
The lake is a very important site for a
rare plant called Field Cow-Wheat, which of Common Blue Damselflies living on
produces yellow and purple flower spikes the grassy banks on a summer day. A
few more species can be found at the
from June to September. It is a native Marston Pit due to the differing habitat,
species at this and only three other sites
but some of the best places to visit for
dragonflies locally are Wrest Park and
Priory Country Park which have both
recorded over 15 species.
The clay dug out of the lake to make
bricks is known as Oxford clay and
a large band of this sweeps through
Bedfordshire and Cambridgeshire, and
up the east coast towards Yorkshire. In
the Jurassic period, around 165 million
years ago, the Lidlington area was part of
a warm, shallow sea. The clay dug up for
bricks was the sea bed, created over time
by layers of muddy sediment which built
up and was then compressed.
An amazing variety of creatures once
swam here, and when they died, their
remains broke down to become sediment
or were often preserved on the sea bed,
becoming fossilized over time. Smaller
creatures included molluscs, ammonites
and belemnites.
You can walk along the shore of the
lake today and find the bullet-shape fossilized remains of belemnites. These
creatures were like a squid or cuttlefish
and about 40cm long with an internal
shell, covered in soft tissue. The ‘bullet’ is
a cast of the sediment that built up in the
shell after the belemnite died.
Much larger were the Ichthyosaurs
and Plesiosaurs - not dinosaurs, but
marine reptiles. Ichthyosaurs were typically two metres long, and looked
like a large dolphin with a long snout.
The Plesiosaurs (four metres long) had
long necks and resembled what I imagine
as an evil looking Loch Ness monster!
Over the years, excellent fossilized
specimens have been found during clay
extraction, but many were destroyed
by the machinery. Along the southern
bank of Brogborough Lake, I have been
lucky to find a fossilized limb bone, and
a section of 12 vertebrae, both from
Ichthyosaurs, as well as many belemnites.
Bedford Museum has a good selection of
local fossils on display.
A summer’s day walk at the lake is a
great way to discover local wildlife, be it
dragonflies, or the numerous wildfowl,
gulls and other birds who all inhabit it.
And you never know, you might also discover some very old fossilized wildlife!
Anita Strutt
v Field Cow-Wheat is found in only three other sites in the British isles
Marston Appliance Repairs
Washing machines, Tumble dryers, dishwashers, fridges,
freezers and other small appliances repaired
Second hand washing machines sold • Spares supplied for DIY
No callout charge
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The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Local memories
Following the previous edition of the Advertiser, here are some new memories and some corrections.
The flag on Flag Pole Hill was
surgery. Dr Van Langenburg,
mounted by the MoD as a
from Ampthill held a surgery
warning for the Rifle Range
there once a week. Until just a
which was roughly between
few years ago, Dr Street would
Lidlington and Millbrook
come from Cranfield every week
stations on the test track side.
to hold a surgery in the Parish
The bricks for the new Village Hallwere supplied
‘gratis’ from London Brick Co. Ltd, honouring a
promise by the Marston Valley Brick Company.
On the sides of the Hall are two dated bricks which
were specially engraved before they were fired.
The Army, the Beds and Herts
Room and at 5 Hurst Grove.
M&M’s shop has had several
afterwards for leftover corn
regiment, would march from
More recently, doctors came
services. In the 1940’s, the lower
which was taken for chicken
feed. Farmers without the right
Kempston to use the Range for
weekly from the Ampthill and
section was a butcher’s shop.
target practice as the hill was a
Cranfield practices until the new
The upper section has been used machinery for the job could
good background for stray
surgery was built at Marston.
as a carpentry shop and a bicycle borrow from the War Agricultural
bullets. In between times, the
The Red Lion, the third pub
repair shop. Albert Churchill,
Deptartment. Mr. Ping from
Army Cadets and the Air Force
in the village was situated in
who did the cycle repairs, also
Cranfield loaned the equipment
also used it.
the High Street just up from the
used to cut gents’ hair. Besides
for a small fee; a percentage of
Green Man and on the other
this job, he worked for the Duke
the cost to be paid to the War
side. One longstanding landlord
of Bedford doing hedging and
Ag. During the war, children
Until the late 1950’s, with the
exception of Whitehall, all the
village water had to be fetched
of the Red Lion was ‘Nodder’
ditches, hence he his nickname
would get a week off school
from standpipes. The water
Watson who also used to deliver
‘Slasher’ Churchill.
in October to help harvest the
came from a reservoir supplied
milk as well as running the pub
Mr Bennett, the baker, was
mainly by springs in land where
– a long day’s work! Mrs Watson
one of the first to own a motor
potato crop.
the test track is now, owned by
was a skilled musician who gave
vehicle in the village and would
gleaning was for the coal that
the Duke of Bedford and farmed
piano and choral classes. The
regularly give lifts to people
fell off the trucks as they went
round the bend in the railway
Another kind of unofficial
by Great Farm at the top end of
property was later converted
for a small fee. Mr Bennett was
Lombard Street. The standpipes
into two cottages but is now a
known to sing his favourite song, line. People would take their
were situated at the end of The
single dwelling.
Grove, in Church Street opposite
Behind the Red Lion was the
‘Any Old Iron’. His property in
buckets along but if they got
Lombard Street also housed the
caught could be fined £10 for
the Chapel, in the Royal Oak car
old village ‘lock up’ which was
Post Office at one time. The door, trespassing on the railway line.
park area, outside the Parish
destroyed many years ago. The
now blocked off, led down a
Room (where the village hall
more recent ‘lock up’ was built
passage to a grill at the end.
Correction: Pinky Evans’ name
now stands), Miller’s Lane off the
adjoining the Police House in
After this the Post Office moved
was Ernest, (Ernie), not Tom.
High Street (so called because
Church Street although no-one
to the tiny cottage opposite the
His slaughter house was at the
there was a mill at the top of the
remembers it being used.
current shops.
lower end of Lombard Street.
hill) and in Station Road. Sewage
pipes were placed in the village
Inside The Green Man is a
raised area on the left hand side.
During harvest villagers would
help with gathering the crops.
Many thanks to Jim Welch and
Jim Trayling for this information.
in the mid 60s although some
This was a completely separate
There was payment in kind for
If you have any memories to
outlaying properties still do not
room used as a Cobbler’s shop.
this work, gleaning the field
share please call Jean on 01525
have mains sewerage. Many of
The doorway is still used but the
the 1930s properties in the
inner wall has been taken away.
x Looking up Church Street
be viewed at www.lidlington.org
village were built with wells
to collect surface water which
The Old Parish Room, which
stood next to the Green Man,
would have been used for non-
was burnt down in 1968 by a
drinking use. Many have now
stray firework landing on the
been filled in.
No 44 Lombard Street, at that
405730. The last Advertiser can
thatch. Before it was destroyed a
box of documents was rescued
time owned by Mr Gurney, was
from within which are now held
used as a part-time Doctor’s
at the County Archives.
To ensure ‘hours’ were kept, village bobby,
Mr Stoughton, would listen at the window to ensure
the bar wasn’t serving customers after hours.
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
Hill Race
May Day Bank holiday saw the
Annual Hill Race which was
well supported despite adverse
weather conditions. The first
man over the finishing line
was Edward Wheelhouse in an
impressive 4.46 minutes, just
7 seconds off the fastest time,
recorded in 1992. Our thanks
go to everyone who helped
and supported us and to The
Royal Oak for kindly allowing
us to use their premises.
Lidlington Hill Race 2007 Results
scorer for Lidlington, finishing as second highest goal scorer in the
1st Male
Edward Wheelhouse
division. The Reserves finished bottom of Division Three having won
1st Female
Hannah Taylor
just three games, drawn two and lost quite a large number! The First
1st Male Veteran
Nick Stone
Team Manager, Bill Barlett, has decided to step down and we would
1st Female Veteran
Sarah Thompson
like to thank him for all his hard work. We are therefore looking for
1st Guest Thomas Borrett
a new manager for the 2007/08 season. If you are interested please
contact Club Secretary Brian Shepherd on 01525 403616.
Boys Reception, Yr1, Yr2
1st Sam Creamer
2nd Ryan Kirby
2nd Ella Steele 9.18
had been extensive damage to the wire netting and the wooden
2nd Jack Forster
over the last few weeks bringing the decoration back up to
2nd Lauren Bates
work, vertri-draining, seeding and fertilising will have been
2nd Oliver Scholten
by the Parish Council
2nd Francesca Cleverley
Dates for the Diary
Girls Reception, Yr1, Yr2
1st Ella Lancaster
Last month damage to the Floodlit hard court was repaired. There
Boys Yr3 – Yr6
1st Harry Murray
kicker-boards. The interior of the Pavilion has also been repainted
Girls Yr3 – Yr6
1st Bethany Taylor
standard and, by the time the Advertiser is published, considerable
Boys Yr7 – Yr10
1st Paul Garrett
Improvements to the Pavilion and Field
completed on the playing field. All the above work has been funded
Girls Yr7 – Yr10
1st Hannah Taylor
Annual General Meeting The AGM of the Sports Club will take
Male Adult
1st Edward Wheelhouse 4.46
2nd Thomas Wheelhouse 5.11
Female Adult
1st Sarah Johnson
Over the past few years our committee numbers have dwindled
2nd Kerrianne Wilson 10.25
2nd Mark Symonds
2nd Andrea Rowlands
Male Veteran
1st Nick Stone
and as some members have stated that they will not be continuing
the future of the Sports Club is a concern. We would therefore urge
Female Veteran
1st Sarah Thompson
place at 8.00pm on Thursday 28th June, in the Sports Club Pavilion.
people to attend the AGM and see if they might consider joining the
committee to keep the Sports Club going.
Quiz Night Saturday 13th October, 7.30pm Lidlington Village Hall.
Christmas Dinner Dance Saturday 8th December, 7.30pm,
Lidlington Village Hall.
The raffle, which was drawn after the trophy presentations, was
again well supported both in donations towards the prizes and the
A view from the boundary
number of tickets bought. A list of the winners is available in M&M’s
Lidlington Cricket Club began the season on May 5th on a cold
shop. We would like to thank Debbie Turner for yet again organising
and breezy Saturday with a win over newly promoted Roxton. The
and running the raffle, which raised over £700 towards club funds.
following week was just as cold with a pitch quite soggy after all the
rain, but this time we lost by 27 runs. We play in the Bedford and
Football Teams
District 2nd Division and our next home games will be on June 9th,
The First Team finished ninth in League Division Two of the
July 7th and July 21st. We start at 2.30 so if it’s a nice afternoon why
Bedfordshire Football League. Gary Whitbread is the leading goal
not come down to the sports field to give us your support.
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007
The Lidlington Advertiser June 2007