dc connection - Dakota Country Dance Club
dc connection - Dakota Country Dance Club
DC CONNECTION Feb 2012 By Mike Anderson It looks as though winter has found the Sioux Empire with the snow and cold the last couple of weeks. I need to address the club on a few topics. Mike Anderson President First, as some of you may know, Barb Hanson is officially the clubs new webmaster. Thank you Barb for taking on this task. Second, a big thank you to our club members for volunteering to help spruce Lori Richards Vice President up the Moose Lodge entry way. During the week between Christmas and New Years, Mike and Nancy G. Jane J., Shanon L., Vickie K., Jill E., Mike A., along with non club member Lori Frankman, logged approx. 100 man hours, stripping wall paper, cleaning, prepping the walls and trim and applying two coats Vickie Koski Secretary of paint. A nice project to have behind us. Thank you again! During the month of January, several club members have volunteered to help at the lodge on Friday nights, when a country band is playing, taking admissions at the door. Our club has been asked by the Lodge if we would continue Jane Johnson Treasurer doing this. I have a list of names but can use some more help! If you can help on occasion, give me a call (351-5518) and I will add your name to the list, Thank you. Now, your club is in need of volunteers. Election of officers/board members is Jill Engelhart Board Member just around the corner. Give some consideration on serving. Also, if anyone is interested being the Fall Fest Coordinator for 2012, get in touch with a board member. Thank you again! Shanon Lupica Board Member Barb Hanson Board Member Sandy Pike Board Member Darwin Leis Joan Elms Mike Gacke Board Member Club News New Years Eve 2012 By Lori Richards New Year’s Eve isn’t an excuse to drink; it’s a great time to experience traditions like kissing your loved one at midnight, creating New Year’s resolutions or eating food that symbolizes good fortune. Who doesn’t want some good fortune for 2012? The club was invited to Kathy and Jerry’s to celebrate the New Year. It was a night with friends, food, games, red solo cups and champagne. Jerry Van Beek even drove up for the event. Rumor has it that Jill won the Farkle table. Yet, no one made it to the hot tub. (Even with swimsuits on!) Darn, may be the next party right Jerry? Kathy has an upper story that looks like a bed and breakfast. There was a yellow room, lavender room and green room. I guess if you bring the right color of pajamas, you can stay for free! Heck, Kathy can someone stay in the pink bathroom too? Fortunately, we all could drive home by our own means and no one stayed the night due to too much drink. HAPPY 2012 to All! The Moose is looking for some help at the front Door taking money for the Friday Night Dances. If you are interested contact Mike Anderson by sending an email to dakotacountrydanceclub@gmail.com or you can call the Moose Lodge phone number 332-4041. Country Night Out! Karaoke and Dancing! By Shanon Lupica Well first off I just wanted to thank everyone that volunteer on Friday for the dance Thank you to Vicki, Carolyn, Kenny, and Mike A. We had a lot of great dancers and singers. Giddy Up did a great job with Karaoke too! He now has a huge selection of music to choose to sing. Overall I hope everyone had a great time so that we can try this again. I thought we had a great turn out and it seemed everyone was enjoying themselves. So if we choose to do this again I hope you all would come out and see for yourselves what a great time it is for those of you that missed it. Calling all wanna be Line Dancers By Mike Anderson Learn how to line dance or brush up on the oldies. Dakota Country Dance Club is sponsoring line dance lessons at the Moose Lodge. Annie Hendricks will be teaching beginners as well as bringing back some the old popular dances. Wednesday evenings, 7:15-9:00, starting February 1. Cost is $3.00 a person per week. Lessons will only run approx. 1012 weeks. Pass the word and lets shake it! What’s Happening in the Sioux Falls Area VFW-cover charge applies Feb 3&4 Feb Feb Moose-cover charge applies Night Raiders Feb 3&4 10 Highway 50 Feb 11 Howard & Sonja 11 Outback Band Feb 18 Clay Creek Deaf Cowboys Feb 24 Norgaard Country Duo Feb 25 Shirley Brandt Feb 26 Dakota Opry 2 pm-5 pm Feb 17 & 18 Slack Water Feb 24 & 25 Howie Gamber Slack Water Jack Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse Every Saturday Lessons by Jerry & Kathy Nusz Buy 1 get 1 free drink ticket and a chance to win door prizes! Country line dancing 4:00 pm til 5:30 pm Partners dance 5:30 pm til 7:00 pm (Texas Two Step ) Country Music and Dancing 7:00 til 10 pm Dance 1200 East 57th @ Cliff Ave, Sioux Falls SD Time Mondays Rate includes sales tax-All rates are per person. Swing-Jitterbug 6:30-7:20p Feb 6-27 $45/person~4wk class Fox Trot Bronze (Intermediate) 7:30-8:20p Feb 6 & 13 $25/2wk; or $45/4wk Brz Waltz Bronze (Intermediate) 7:30-8:20p Feb 20 & 27 $25/2wk; or $45/4wk Brz Swing-Jitterbug Basics 8:30-9:20p Feb 6-27 $45/person~4wk class Swing-Jitterbug Intermediate 8:30-9:20p Feb 6-27 $45/person~4wk class Tuesdays Nightclub Two (slow dance) 6:30-7:20p Feb 7-28 $45/person~4wk class West Coast Swing Beginner 7:30-8:00p Feb 7-28 $16/2wks; $30/4wks-Dance Party included! West Coast Swing Intermediate 7:30-8:30p Feb 7-28 $40/person~4wks; Dance Party included! West Coast Dance Party! $35/ if enrolled in other classes 8:30-9:30p 7,14,21,28 $3 for Dance Party only Wednesdays Salsa/Latin Basics Latin Bronze (Intermediate): 7:30-8:20p Feb 1-22 8:30-9:20p Feb 1,8,15,22 Salsa, Samba, Tango, Rumba $45/person~ 4wk class $45/4wks Brz; $25/2wks Brz; or $13/class Thursdays Swing-Jitterbug Basics 6:30-7:20p Feb 2-23 $45/person~ 4wk class Fridays 1st Friday Lesson/Dance Party 8-10:00p Fri, Feb 3 $10/person; discounts 4th Friday Lesson/Dance Party 8-10:00p Fri, Feb 24 $10/person; discounts ! Treasurer’s Report By Jane Johnson Dakota Country Dance Club January 2012 Treasurer Report $ 2,027.96 December 2011 Balance Income: Money returned from positive cause $ 39.25 50/50 - January club $ 40.00 Membership (2 new $ 55.00 December interest $ 0.08 $ 134.33 $ 50.00 $ 50.00 Total Income Expenses: Black Hat EntertainJanuary club dance - karaoke expense Total Expenses $ 2,112.29 Ending Balance as of January 23, 2012 Birthday Wishes to Club Members With February Birthdays Mark Johnson Jerry Van Beek 2/2 2/12 Mary Lou Steib 2/13 Deb 2/25 Creegan Secretary’s Minutes Dec 29, 2011 by Vickie Koski Present : Mike A, Jane J, Shanon L, Vickie K, Mike G, Jill E, Lori R, and Sandy P Absent: Barb H Guests: Carolyn M, Tom R Mike A called meeting to order at 7:06pm. Secretary minutes- read by Vickie. Correction to minutes...on behalf of Sunshine committee, Lori R sent wedding card to Mike and Vicki Ormseth. Shanon motioned to accept minutes. Mike G seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer's report- read by Jane. Vickie motioned to accept report. Lori seconded. Motion carried. Sunshine committee- nothing to report. Holiday giving committee- Carolyn reported that $97.75 was the total spent on food and presents. anonymous DCDC member also donated $50 for a HyVee gift card. An Old BusinessKaraoke/Country Night Out will be January 20th at Moose. Tentative schedule is dance from 8-9 with karaoke from 9-1. Jill switched months with Shanon for OTM. Mike A reported that the Lodge approved a cost share for the karaoke- $200 Lodge- $50 DCDC Discussion on where to set up karaoke and tables. Spring Round Up date was discussed. Jane motioned to have the dance April 28 at Moose. Slackwater Jack will be band that weekend. Jill seconded. Motion carried. Mike A will take proposal of a 50/50 cost share and expenses for that night to the next Moose meeting. Positive Cause suggestions- Mike would like everyone to start thinking of ideas. New Year's Eve Party Kathy Nusz called Lori regarding New Year's Eve Party. They will email DCDC members the invitation. New BusinessFall Fest coordinator Mike A announced we need a new Fall Fest coordinator. Tabled until next meeting Friday night dances at Moose We need volunteers from club to take admission for some of the Friday night dances at Moose. Mike said they would like us to volunteer a couple Friday nights per month. Mike called Barb to put notice in newsletter. Gmail account Carolyn had question on gmail account. She will forward those emails to Mike A or Lori. Carolyn also suggested having line dancing at Moose before Friday night dances. Discussion was heldtabled until next meeting. DCDC t-shirts Lori suggested getting DCDC t-shirts. She will look into prices. Generic poster with our club logo Mike G's proposed having his daughter make a generic poster with our club logo. Maybe a 3x4 poster that we could put in foyer or entrance for our events. Mike A said to have her draft something up. Next Country Night Out is February 17th and Jill will be OTM. Newsletter Articles: Lori will recap New Year's Eve party at Nusz's. Shanon will do wrap up for Country Night Out. Jill will do February's club night out. Next meeting will be 7 p.m. February 23rd at the Moose Lodge. Lori made motion to adjourn meeting. Mike G seconded. Meeting adjourned. Dakota Country Dance Club To become a member of Dakota Country Dance Club ( or to renew your membership), please fill out the following information and send it, along with your annual dues. Annual Membership dues are $25.00 for the year starting every April 1st. Mail To: Dakota Country Dance Club PO Box 634 Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57101 When you join the Dakota Country Dance Club your dues go towards supporting many club functions. These include the monthly newsletter, our website, enjoying a discount at DCDC dances and the annual donations made to a positive cause in our name. DCDC membership is a great way to support our community and promote country dancing in the greater Sioux Falls Region. Name Street Address City, St ,Zip Email Phone Birthday (Day/ Month) New Member Renewal Date Join Birthday are shared unless indicated by a check next to do not share Share Birthday Do Not Share Birthday Spring Round-UP At the Moose Lodge April 28th You can contact your DCDC Officers by sending an email to: dakotacountrydanceclub@gmail.com Include to whom you would like to get in touch. An email will be forwarded to the correct board member. They will in return contact you. February 2012 Sun Mon Tue Wed 1 2 Line Dance Country Style Thursdays @Bucks Lesson’s @ Moose 7:15-9:00 5 6 7 Thu 9 Line Dance Country Style Thursdays @Bucks Moose 3 Sat 4 Lessons @ Bucks Line Dance 4:00 Partner Dance 5:30 Birthday Wishes Mark J 8 Lesson’s @ Fri 10 11 Lessons @ Bucks Line Dance 4:00 Partner Dance 5:30 7:15-9:00 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Birthday Birthday Valentine’s Line Dance Lessons @ Wishes Day Lesson’s @ Dance Bucks Jerry V Mary Lou S Country Style Thursdays @Bucks Sweethearts Wishes @ Moose Lodge 7:30 Line Dance 4:00 Partner Dance 5:30 24 25 Moose 7:15-9:00 19 20 21 22 23 Line Dance Board Lessons @ Lesson’s @ Meeting Bucks Moose 7:00 7:15-9:00 Moose Line Dance 4:00 Partner Dance Lodge 5:30 ************** Birthday Wishes Deb C 26 27 28 29 Line Dance Lesson’s @ Moose 7:15-9:00 Daktota Country Dance Club PO Box 634 Sioux Falls SD 57101 www.dakotacountrydanceclub.org NEWSLETTER POLICY The policies set forth for the club newsletter are decided by the officers and board of directors. The editor has full authority and is responsible for implementing these duties. If you have any comments or concerns about the newsletter, please direct them in writing to the DCDC officers and board. Happy Valentine’s Day Dakota Country Dance Club shall be a non-profit organization. The sole purpose of this club is to organize, promote, preserve, and enjoy country dancing and music, and to recognize positive causes.
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