DC CONNECTION July 2012 - Dakota Country Dance Club
DC CONNECTION July 2012 - Dakota Country Dance Club
DC CONNECTION July 2012 DCDC Board By Lori Richards Mike Anderson President Lori Richards Vice President Vickie Koski Secretary Honky Tonk Central, Music City, or home to Country Fan Fair, call this city what you like, but it all points to the city of Nashville, Tennessee. The Country Music Festival was a country music fans dream. There were 6 stages rockin all day. The Riverfront Stage had the back drop of the Cumberland River and the LP Football Field. The line up included some old talent like Tracy Lawrence, Alan Jackson and Lorie Morgan . The new talent included Lady Antebellum, (who comes highly recommended), Zac Brown, Eric Church, and Little Big Town. If you ask who we saw, the best answer ZRXOGEH´:KRGLGQ·WZHVHH"´ Nashville is full of old history and filled with honky tonks! Our favorite was Tootsies on Broadway. This bars walls were filled with old photos of tal- ented country artists from the beginning of country music. The majority of bars were too small for a dance floor, so we just drank and hooted and hol- OHUHG´$KROOHUDQGDVZDOOHUµZDVWKHQHZFKHHUIRUWKHZHHN7KHUHZDVD base player that drifted from bar to bar and played for the new talent. Our nickname for him was Popcorn, as he looked like Popcorn Sutton, one of the original moonshiners from the area. His face was full of character and we had great fun watching him play. The Stage was another favorite honky tonk with a huge mural on the wall of Waylon, Willie, Merle and Hank. The Steel Fiddle Bar was situated in Printers Alley and was the starting point of star Toby Keith and claimed to be the home of Rascal Flatts. The majority of new talent played at the LP Field in the evening. 65,000 country fans hooted and sang to a vast line up of stars. The weather was fabulous all week and we had a blast. We hope to JHWEDFNWR&0$)HVWDJDLQ«7KLVWLPH, will bring a load of bling to sell, as there ZDVQ·W DQ\ GRZQ WKHUH IRU WKLV FRZJLUO to buy. I think Nashville needs a little bling with their Neon! Yeehaw!!! Jane Johnson Treasurer Jill Engelhart Board Member Shanon Lupica Board Member Barb Hanson Board Member Sandy Pike Board Member Mike Gacke Board Member <RX·UH,QYLWHG Country Scene By Vickie Koski June 22-24 Motongator Joe Festival was held at Prairie Village in Madison, SD. Country music lovers en- joyed a weekend of camping and great country music. Daryle Singletary was scheduled to appear as the headliner this year, but unfortunately they had to cancel his appearance due to economic reasons. Many of our local bands performed including Slackwater Jack, Clay Creek Deaf Cowboy, and Full Gallop. Crowds were also entertained by the Motongator Joe Band and Buck Neck-ed.. Hopefully this fun-filled weekend will continue to be an annual event. Grand Falls Casino showcases a variety of music in their free show lounge. Country bands scheduled to appear in July include Slackwater Jack 7/8, Locked N Loaded 7/20-7/21, Howie Gamber 7/22 and Break Even 7/29. They have a dance floor to kick up your heels, but I would advise waxing your boots a bit just from my experience. Also Big and Rich will be performing an outdoor concert at the casino on 7/20. For more infor- mation you can check out their website: www.grandfallscasinoresort.com Do you have photos of our members at Dance events you want to share? We can post those photos on our web site. Attach them to an email and email them to: dakotacountrydanceclub@gmail.com Give us a brief description of who is in the photos and when and where they were taken. Dakota Country Dance Club Membership Form To become a member of Dakota Country Dance Club ( or to renew your membership), please fill out the following informa-‐ tion and send it, along with your annual dues. Annual Membership dues are $25.00 for the year starting every April 1st. Mail To: Dakota Country Dance Club PO Box 634 Sioux Falls, South Dakota 57101 When you join the Dakota Country Dance Club your dues go towards supporting many club functions. These include the monthly newsletter, our website, enjoying a discount at DCDC dances and the annual donations made to a positive cause in our name. DCDC membership is a great way to support our community and promote country dancing in the greater Sioux Falls Region. Name Street Address City, St ,Zip Email Phone Birthday (Day/ Month) New Member Renewal Date Join Birthday are shared unless indicated by a check next to do not share Share Birthday Do Not Share Birthday DdIiDd YyOoUu KkNnOoWw You can contact your DCDC Officers by sending an email to: dakotacountrydanceclub@gmail.com Include to whom you would like to get in touch. An email will be forwarded to the correct board mem- ber. They will in return contact you. :KDW·V+DSSHQLQJLQWKH6LRX[)DOOV$UHD Moose-cover charge applies July July July 7 VFW-cover charge applies July Slack Water Jack Howie Gamber July 13 & 14 Clay Creek Deaf Cowboy Mogen Heros July 20 & 21 Gate Cut July 27 & 28 Jade Monkey 13 & 14 Night Raiders 21 6&7 July 27 Norguard Duo July 28 Bullet Proof Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse Every Saturday Lessons by Jerry & Kathy Nusz Buy 1 get 1 free drink ticket and a chance to win door prizes! Country line dancing 4:00 pm til 5:30 pm Partners dance 5:30 pm til 7:00 pm Country Music and Dancing 7:00 til 10 pm BIG & RICH WHEN: July 20 at Grand Falls Casino Resort, Larchwood TICKETS: $30.00 - $50.00 at the Grand Falls Casino box office, charge by phone at 712-777-7777, 877- 511-4386 or on-line at grandfallscasinoresort.com CHRIS YOUNG WHEN: July 28 at Deadwood Mountain Grand, Deadwood TICKETS: $25.00 - $49.00 at the Deadwood Mountain Grand box office, Ticketmaster outlets, charge by phone at 800-745-3000 or on-line at ticketmaster.com Tracy Lawrence When: August 10 at Sioux Empire Fair, Sioux Falls Uncle Kracker When: August 7 at the Sioux Empire Fair, Sioux Falls-The fair runs from August 4-12. Ticket information for the Sioux Empire Fair can be found at www.siouxempirefair.org 7UHDVXUHU·V5HSRUW By Jane Johnson June 2012 Treasurer Report May 2012 Balance $ 3,021.08 Income: 4 Memberships $ 95.00 Advertising in DCDC newsletter $ 30.00 May interest $ 0.11 $ 125.11 $ 43.44 $ 34.83 Total Income Expenses: Dept of Revenuw (March/April Sales tax) Spring Round up decorations $ Fall Fest door prize 25.00 Retain Domain Name $ 9.88 Postage for newsletters (May 2011-2012) $ 40.84 Music $ 10.62 $ 164.61 Total Expenses $ 2,981.58 Ending Balance as of June 21, 2012 Birthday Wishes to Club Members With July Birthdays Mary Houska 7/2 Jeanne Madlener 7/11 Terri Schettler 7/21 Karen Lane 7/24 Claudia Combs 7/30 6HFUHWDU\·V0LQXWHV May 31, 2012 by Vickie Koski Present: Mike A, Lori R, Vickie K, Jane J, Shanon L, Mike G, Jill E and Barb H Absent: Sandy Guest: Linda B Mike A called meeting to order Secretary minutes- read by Vickie. Shanon motioned to accept. Mike G seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer's report- read by Jane. Lori motioned to accept. Shanon seconded. Motion carried. Jane re- ported we currently have 64 paid members. Sunshine Committee- Lori will send card to Vickie O. Fall Fest Committee- Lori and Vickie reported the instructors will include Jerry and Kathy Nusz, Lisa My- hre, and Brian and Lynette Dawley. Discussion was held on sending flyers to churches, colleges, etc to advertise Fall Fest and promote club. They will address board if additional money is needed for budget for postage expense. Mike A will talk to Moose board about Fall Fest lunch. Webmaster report- Barb reported that Drew is making some changes to website. Shanon is doing the weekly happenings email. Old Business: Back Up drive- Discussion was held. Jill motioned to spend $80 plus tax to purchase back up drive. Mike G seconded. Motion carried. Barb will purchase drive. Positive Cause- Tom and Lori received donation for Nick. Tshirts- Lori had a few samples at meeting. Discussion was held about possible logo change. Mike G will talk to daughter about possibly sketching a couple ideas. Tabled until next meeting. New Business: Mike and Nancy Gackes's Lake party will be 7-14-12. See newsletter for further info. Newsletter articles- Lori will do CMA Festival. Vickie will do Motongator Joe Festival. Lori motioned to adjourn meeting. Mike G seconded. Meeting adjourned. Next meeting will be June 28th at Lodge 7pm. July 2012 Sun 1 Mon 2 Tue 3 Wed 4 Thu 5 Fri 6 Sat 7 Happy Birthday Lessons @ Mary H Bucks Line Dance 4:00 Partner Dance 5:30 8 9 10 11 12 Happy Birthday Country Style Thursdays @Bucks Jeanne M 15 16 17 18 19 13 14 Lessons @ Bucks Line Dance 4:00 Partner Dance 5:30 20 Country Style Thursdays @Bucks 21 Lessons @ Bucks Line Dance 4:00 Partner Dance 5:30 Happy Birthday Terri S 22 23 24 25 26 Happy Birthday Board Meeting Karen L 7:00 Moose Lodge 29 30 Happy Birthday Claudia C 27 28 Daktota Country Dance Club PO Box 634 Sioux Falls SD 57101 www.dakotacountrydanceclub.org NEWSLETTER POLICY The policies set forth for the club newsletter are decided by the officers and board of directors. The editor has full authority and is responsible for im- plementing these duties. If you have any comments or concerns about the newsletter, please direct them in writing to the DCDC officers and board. Dakota Country Dance Club shall be a non-profit organization. The sole purpose of this club is to organize, promote, preserve, and enjoy country dancing and music, and to recognize positive causes.
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