July Newsletter, Volume 7, 2013
July Newsletter, Volume 7, 2013
July Newsletter, Volume 7, 2013 President’s Corner By Lori Richards Use it or Lose it: DANCING makes you smarter! You may have heard of the New England Journal of Medicine report on the effects of recreational activities for mental acuity in aging. Here it is in a nutshell. The group discovered that some activities had a significant beneficial effect for mental acuity. The only physical activity to offer protection against dementia was frequent dancing! Reading Bicycling and Swimming Crossword Puzzles (4 days week) Play Golf Dancing Frequently 35% Reduction of Dementia 0% 47% 0% 76% J o u r n e y WOW huh? So why is dancing better than other activities for improving mental capabilities? The best advice when it comes to improving mental acuity is to involve yourself in activities that require splitsecond rapid fire decision making as opposed to retracing the same worn paths. Dancing uses several brain functions at once: kinesthetic, rational, musical, and emotional. While all dancing requires some intelligence, I encourage you to use your full intelligence when dancing in both the lead and follow roles. Try a different pattern; through a little attitude in the step; but try something with a quick decision. The more decision making we bring into our dance the better. And do it now. The sooner the better. http://socialdance.stanford.edu/syllabi/smarter.htm t o That being said, DCDC's Fall FEST is September 27 & 28 at the VFW. The Fall Fest Committee has an awesome line up for you. The bake sale will be available again for all you sweet tooth's. Spot light dancing, dance mixer, and the band "Night Raiders" will be playing for your enjoyment from 9 pm to 1 am. If you participate in the Saturday event, Friday evening and the Saturday night dance will be included in your registration! 2 0 1 4 This is the event to get some friends to come and try dancing. Word of mouth is our best friend to grow this club. Play it forward and pass the fun to others! Remember that the last Saturday of the month at Buck's if it is your birthday, you are welcome to bring treats to share with everyone to celebrate! Happy Dancing! Dancing and Socializing Opportunities Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse is one of the main gathering places for our club members, beginners, and experts alike! Saturdays we enjoy professional country Western line and partner dance lessons taught by Jerry and Kathy Nusz free of charge. Line dance lessons are at 4:00-5:30 PM with partner dance lessons from 5:30-7:00 PM. A partner is recommended but not required so please come! Dancers with out partners please remember that when the instructor invites us to begin the lesson, if you want to dance, let us know it by getting yourself onto the floor! If there is uneven number of partners, we take turns. After classes we keep right on dancing the night away. Borrowed Bucks Roadhouse is featuring an hour and a half of country music from 7-9:30 PM. They'll play some hot country hits as well as great music from the past. Subject to change. Please call Bucks for info 605-331-2448. Thursdays has Country Music and Dancing at Bucks' It is also Ladies Night. You can come out as early as 4:00 PM for music and dancing, with dancing beginning early in the evening around 7:00PM with a DJ! We need a good turn out every week to keep the country music playing. Bring your friends and be sure to say hello to our dance neighbors, helping everyone feel welcome. In Buck's words, "Dust off your boots, get out your hat and come on down to Bucks and do it Country Style!” Country Line Dance Lessons at Sioux Falls VFW. Lessons taught by Lori Williams will be taking a break for summer. Look for start up on 9/3/13. Night Club Two at Dance Ballroom & Studio, 1200 E 57th off Cliff Ave Sioux Falls, SD. Lessons will be on Monday’s taught by Rick Mayko beginning July 8th to July 29th, from 8:30 PM-9:30 PM. Cost is $45 per person for 4 lessons. Night Club two is a romantic couples dance. Call DANCE at 605-759-7864 to register and for more information The Ballroom Dance Club holds the “Big Band Dances” at the El Riad Shrine Building the second Friday of each month at 8:30 PM-12:00 Midnight. Dress code and $10.00 per person. Visit their website at www.sfballroomdance.com July 2013 Members Birthdays and Events. Members please remember that complete & for Impromptu listings will be posted, watch your email and go to : Dakotacountrydanceclub.org Sun for m o re info Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 6 Happy Independence Day! Mary Houska ay! o Lo Country Music and Dancing at Bucks 7 PM w his kt 7 8 9 10 Night Club 2 at Dance 8:30PM 14 15 16 17 Larry Fossum Night Club 2 at 22 23 24 30 31 Terry Schettler Night Club 2 at Dance 8:30PM 28 29 Night Club 2 at Dance 8:30PM 11 12 13 Country Music and Dancing at Bucks 7 PM Ballroom Dancing Big Band Dance at El Riad Free Line Dance 4 PM and Nightclub two lessons at Bucks 5:30PM 18 19 20 Country Music and Dancing at Bucks 7 PM Dance 8:30PM 21 Free Line Dance 4 PM and Nightclub two lessons at Bucks 5:30PM 25 Free Line Dance 4 PM and Nightclub two lessons at Bucks 5:30PM 26 27 The Best of Country This country artist is well known for many reasons and for more than just 10 Albums and 34 singles released: Record Label Executive Up and coming Nashville Songwriter Humanitarian Featured artist at Rib Fest 2013 in Sioux Falls, SD Hubert Neal McCaughey, Jr. was born on July 30, 1958 In Jacksonville, TX. He is known professionally as Neal McCoy (a phonetic spelling of his last name). Neal assumed this stage name after winning a 1981 talent contest hosted by Janie Fricke. The talent contest helped him secure the job as an opening act for Charley Pride. His father was Irish and his mother was Filipino. The variety of music that his parents listen to influenced much of his music background. Like many country stars he started by singing in his church choir before founding Band R & B. He changed his focus to country music and began singing in various bars in Texas. He went to junior college in his home town and found work selling shoes at a shopping mall. In 1980 he married his wife “Melinda” whom he met at a store. In 1981 he won a Janie Frickie talent contest and secured an opening act for seven years for Charley Pride. He is best known for the song that reached the top 10 “Billy Got His Beer Goggles On”. He is a two time Entertainer of the Year with three Platinum Albums and one Gold Album to his credit. He is exciting to see as you never know what he is going to do, not even his band knows. I have seen him as having the best dressed band and always pulling people from the crowd to add to the fun of watching him. He’s traveled to Iraq three times every year, Afghanistan, and where ever the troops need a touch of home. He was awarded the Home Depot Humanitarian of the Year Award for everything he has done. This Best of Country Artist is known for the following Hits: “That’s how much I love you.” 1988 “That’s American” 1988 “At This Moment” “If you Built a Fire” Top 20 in Canada “This Time I Hurt Her More Than She Loves Me” “Where Forever Begins” 1992 Peaking at No. 40 “There Ain’t Nothin’ I Don’t Like About You” 1992 “Now I Pray for Rain” 1992 peaking at No. 26 “No Doubt about it” 1994 No. 1 “Wink” 1994 No.1 for four weeks. “The City Put the Country Back in Me” No. 5 “You Gotta Love That” 1995 No. 3 “For a Change” No. 3 “They’re Playin” Our Song” No. 3 “If I Was a Drinkin’ Man” No. 16 “ Then You Can Tell Me Goodbye” No. 4 “Going, Going, Gone” No. 35 “That Women in Me” No. 35 “The Shake” No. 5 “Be Good at It” 1998 “Where Forever Begins” “If you Can’t Be Good, Be Good at It” No. 22 “Party On” “Love Happens Like That” No.29 “One Heart At A Time” “The Life of The Party” 1999 “I Was” No. 37 “The Girls of Summer” No. 42 “Now That’s Awesome” No. 59 “Forever Works For Me, Every Man For Himself” No 38 “Beatin’ It In” No. 37 “The Luckiest Man In The World” No. 46 “Billy’s Got His Beer Google’s On” 2005 Top 10 Hit “That’s Life” “The Last Dying Breed” No. 36 “Tail On The Tailgate” “Rednecktified” 2008 “For The Troops” “A-OK” 2011 Our “Best Of Country” Artist is Neal McCoy with possibly the best stage show I have ever seen!! You’ve Earned It, You Own It! For the past 30 years, members like you have financially supported DCDC. We have come a long way and technology has been a part of that. We have always promoted country dance and music to the public but now it is your turn. We have a member’s login area in our public website full of material just for you, our members. DCDC has always given back to the community and now, more than ever, give something back to its members. Our Members Area, in the website, is the ultimate return. Right now, we want to make sure every member has received their User Name and Password via DCDC Gmail. That you are able to log in and navigate through the Member’s section. If you did not (receive anything) or could not (log in) or just have questions please call me, Keith Pike at 605-496-5256. I will be glad to set you up and answer all your questions. A lot has changed with your website! I would like to point out these key “memberships only” benefits. Let’s start with your Login. Your website is still open to the public but on any page, in the upper right hand corner, you can log in, set up your public profile, and interact with members. Yes, DCDC now has social media within the club. The Membership tab will change to Members to show you are signed in and receiving the full benefits of your website. Click on Members tab to bring you back to these members’ only pages. In the Members tab the first thing that jumps out at you is DCDC Top Ten posts on the left hand side of this page. You won't have to hunt or miss anything new added. Click on the post and it will take you there. You will also find your Weekly Communications below or click on the post on the left and go just to that posting, clearing up some clutter. Your Upcoming Events from the Events Calendar are still listed there on the left as well. Tired of losing the latest copy of your newsletter? Go to the Newsletters tab and you will find the current last 3 newsletters available for viewing and printing. The remaining three are setup for the public to learn more about the club's recent past activities. Every time the Newsletter or Dakota Country Happenings is posted to the website. You will receive an email message sent to you through your account at: http:// www.dakotacountrydanceclub.org/ Open up your member’s area to read them. (Make sure to include this sender into your contact list to avoid it being sent into your junk folder). Tired of losing the latest copy of your newsletter? Go to the Newsletters tab and you will find the current last 3 newsletters available for viewing and printing. The remaining three are setup for the public to learn more about the club's recent past activities. Every time the Newsletter or Dakota Country Happenings is posted to the website. Continued next page. You will receive an email message sent to you through your account at: http://www.dakotacountrydanceclub.org/ Open up your member’s area to read them. (Make sure to include this sender into your contact list to avoid it being sent into your junk folder). Now let’s get into the fun stuff, Dancing! We are creating a line dance library of videos and step sheets exclusive for you to really strut your stuff out on the dance floor. We are breaking them down by instructors, events etc. Go to the Gallery tab and open up the page to Photos and Videos. In the videos tab you will find the Members Only and a breakdown of the sections. The library of videos is ongoing processes of line dances the members have been taught. We can also use your help in updating our line dances from YouTube etc. Let us know when you find one. We have moved the Constitution and By-Laws and Summary and Policy Statement to the members section. I would recommend reading them once to understanding the club better and its position the board follows. The S&P statement gives you the descriptions of tasks the club does. Volunteer please if you are interested in helping out in any position in any way. Next Month we will go into more details on the DCDC Social Media. We will also start to introduce our Administrative (4), editors (4) and their position/s and their DCDC bios. Sioux Valley Energy Event Sioux Valley Energy hosted their annual meeting at the Hartford High School on June 4, 2013. Dakota Country Dance Club was contacted to teach and demonstrate dance to their customers. 15 DCDC members came, danced and helped Jerry teach to the participants ranging in age from 14 to 80 plus. It was a great event to show off the club to the community. They appreciated the entertainment and the lessons! The group was fed a great meal, we handed out numerous pamphlets and business cards for the club! Thank you to all who helped with this event, especially Jerry who led the instruction! Continued next page. Continued next page. Continued next page. End of story Dakota Country Dance Club Board Member Minutes, May 30, 2013 Casa Del Rey Present: Jill, Vickie, Linda, Mary, Duane, Pat, Lori and Tom Absent: Sandy Guest: Rick Lori called meeting to order at 7:15pm. Secretary minutes- read by Vickie. Duane motioned to accept minutes. Linda seconded. Motion carried. Treasurer’s Report- read by Duane. Vickie motioned to accept. Tom seconded. Motion carried. Sunshine Committee- get well cards will be sent to Dale O, Kevin E, Dick M and a thank you note will be sent to Don and Judy Smith for $25 ITunes music donation. Wedding card to Jan and James Pickering. Jill will buy more cards. Rick will now head this committee. Fall Fest report - Schedules are done and Mary will be making fliers. Old Business - Duane brought copies of current membership list. CPR update- June 3rd at Ronning Library/ dancers be there by 5:30 and June 6th at Bucks/ dancers be there at 6:30. Disco attire optional. Sioux Valley Energy Demo – June 4th 4:30-6:30 Hartford High School. Jerry will be teaching line dance and two step. Line dance update- VFW is discussing our application at their meeting tonight. Tabled. Business cards- Mary working on revisions and had examples at meeting. Grant update- Rick inquired on specifics for what club wants the grant for and will look into it. Discussion on portable speakers and dance instruction. Tabled. Club night out- Member birthdays will be celebrated the last Sat. of the month at Bucks' Treats optional by birthday people. Speaker storage- currently in Tom and Lori’s basement. Boom box vs. speakers- Discussion. Rick will check on speaker options. New Business - July 6th Hicktown Mafia at Valhalla Ballroom in Slayton, MN. Lori asked for volunteers for events committee. Discussed having holiday party instead of New Year’s Eve party. Lori, Linda and Vickie will be on committee. Vickie suggested celebrating club’s 30th Anniverary at Spring Roundup Dance. Discussion on helping Deb C with website. Lori and Vickie will look at tutorial. Tabled. Email Lori any song requests for laptop. Discussion on buying printer for club use. Pat motioned for Lori to buy ink cartridges and paper for club use. Duane seconded. Motion carried. Pat amended motion to add Mary buying ink and paper as well. Vickie seconded. Motion carried. Board is also encouraged to print their own copy of agenda and bring to monthly meeting. DCDC brochure- Mary brought example to meeting. Discussion held about brochure and also advertising other dance club’s events. Tabled. Web report - per Lori, Keith gave Drew approval to work on members’ area. 10 hours for completion at $200. Discussion on newsletter. Pat motioned that any new member joining DCDC effective 6-1-13 shall be charged and additional $14 per year if they would like black/white copy of newsletter sent to them. Vickie seconded. Motion carried. Lori will have Keith add to membership form on website. Newsletter articles- Fall fest flier-Mary, Linda will do South Sioux City Eagles, and Mary will do CPR wrap-up. Tom motioned to adjourn meeting. Duane seconded. Meeting adjourned 9:35 pm. Next meeting June 27 7 pm at Casa Del Rey. Thank you Don Smith for hosting DCDC board meetings at Casa Del Ray! Newsletter Articles If you would like to submit an idea/article for the newsletter submit it to; dakotacountrydanceclub@gmail.com. Enter newsletter article in the subject title. We need to expand and update our song inventory! If there is a special request for a song to be added, be sure to let us know. You do not need to pay to have one added. You can purchase a song as a dedication to your sweetie! I will post your dedication in the newsletter! If you would be interested in donating to the “music cause” we can accept check or cash or ITUNES gift cards. We can give you a tax deductible receipt for your donation. Please see a board member or send your gift in the mail. Newsletter Policy The policies set forth for the club newsletter are decided by the officers and board of directors. The editor has full authority and is responsible for implementing these duties. If you have any comments or concerns about the newsletter, please direct them in writing to; Dakota Country Dance Club PO Box 634 Sioux Falls, SD 57101 Email: dakotacountrydanceclub@gmail.com Lori Richards President Dakota Country Dance Club Mission: The sole purpose of this club is to organize, promote, preserve, and enjoy country dancing and music and to recognize positive causes. Become a member of Dakota Country Dance Club to be informed of the best of the best country dance opportunities in the Midwest area! Mary Houska Vice-President Vickie Koski Secretary Duane Duerr Treasurer Deb Creegan Website Administrator Dakota Country Happenings & Facebook Page Manager. Keith Pike Website Administrator Linda Breck Board Member Pat Duerr Board Member Jill Engelhart Board Member Sandy Pike Board Member Newsletter Staff Editor: Mary Houska Co-Editor: Rick Mayko DCDC Newsroom Tom Richards Board Member
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