schertler on board guide
schertler on board guide
TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS : Frequency response : 20 Hz - 20 kHz Max output : 10 dBu Max gain : 25 dB SNR : 95 dB THD+N : <0.06; -10 dBu Input impedance : 40 kohm Power : battery 9V Controls : Bass, Treble Resonance (220 Hz) PAD (3 levels) Volume Battery check BLUESTICK 5,0mm and 6,5mm : Rs RESISTANCE Rs MOUNTED ! Rs Overview 9V battery ONBOARD CONTROL - volume - bass / treble - resonance - PAD - battery check UNDERSADDLE TRANSDUCER END-PIN JACK ø12mm (1/2") Diagram A RESISTANCE Rs BLUESTICK 2,5mm and 3,0mm : RESISTANCE Rs NOT MOUNTED ! Rs = 3,9 kohm All SCHERTLER® products are covered by a limited two-year warranty (from the date of purchase) against manufacturers. Details can be obtained from your local dealer/representative. Schertler SA strongly believes in "common sense" and thus, misuse of our products are not covered under rights obtained through our warranty policy or that of internationally recognized terms and conditions. Schertler SA is constantly aiming to improve its range of products therefore, Schertler SA reserves the right to amend product specifications without notice. The SCHERTLER® name/logo and ONBOARD name are registered trademarks/tradenames of Schertler SA, Switzerland. All SCHERTLER® products are of proprietary technology and covered by one of more worldwide patents. ® SCHERTLER SA Via Beroldingen 18, 6850 Mendrisio Switzerland Tel. +41 - 91 - 630 07 10 Fax +41 - 91- 630 07 11 web-page: e-mail: G U I T A R T R A N S D U C E R SWISS MADE Distributor or dealer : Blues tic k ONBOARD ™ saddle : ca 0,5 mm saddle slot : free of all sawdust perfectly planed Diagram B IMPORTANT POINTS TO KEEP IN MIND FOR A BALANCED AND FAITHFUL REPRODUCTION OF THE GUITAR SOUND free fitting 7 mm perfectly planed free space no splinters Bluestick : free fitting push with a piece of wood WRONG ! RIGHT ! Diagram C POSITION OF THE SADDLE BY REPLACING OF THE STRINGS PUSH 4 REMOVE T EMPORARY ST ICKER FIRST : ø 2mm every one T HEN : follow the diameter shown on the stick DRILL OF T HE HOLES 6 MARK ALL HOL ES WIT H CENT ER PUNCH 3 PL AN SECT ION see Diagram A RED WHIT E BLACK SHIEL D WHIT E SHIEL D drill : 2 x ø2mm Bluestick 5,0mm and 6,5mm : BL UEST ICK a nd SADDLE FREELY in to the slot see : Diagram B see Diagram A IMPORTANT : SOL DER T HE WIRES FOR A BET T ER CONT ACT ! Bluestick 2,5mm and 3,0mm : CONNECTION OF THE BLUESTICK 5mm 8mm BLUESTICK CL ASSIC : 5mm ACOUST IC GUIT AR : INST AL LAT ION OF T HE BLUEST ICK 5 PL ACE T HE T EMPORARY ST ICKER THE RIGHT SPOT 1 2 BLUESTICK INSTALLATION PRE-AMP POSITION 8 PL ACING OF T HE BAT T ERY HOLDER 12 mm T HEN DRILL : 5 mm FIRST DRILL : MOUNT ING OF T HE ONBOARD 9 7 INST AL LAT ION OF T HE END- PIN- J ACK FINAL MOUNTING END-PIN JACK & BATTERY HOLDER TEL. +41-91-630 07 FA X + 4 1 - 9 1 - 6 3 0 0 7 s a l e s @ s c h e r t l e r. c w w w . s c h e r t l e r . c 10 11 o m o m ® S C H E R T L E R VIA 6 8 5 0 ONBOARD OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS 9V battery TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS : ONBOARD CONTROL - volume - bass / treble - resonance - PAD - battery check Frequency response : Max output : Max gain : SNR : THD+N : Input impedance : Power : Controls : UNDERSADDLE TRANSDUCER END-PIN JACK ø12mm (1/2") S S A BEROLDINGEN W I 18 M E N D R I S I O T Z E R L A N D 20 Hz - 20 kHz 10 dBu 25 dB 95 dB <0.06; -10 dBu 40 kohm battery 9V Bass, Treble Resonance/Notch (220 Hz) PAD/Gain (3 levels) Volume Battery check FINAL MOUNTING BATTERY CHECK - SWITCH BATTERY CHECK - LED GAIN: 0 position=0dB; - position=-6dB; + position=+6dB FEMALE 1/2” JACK CONNECTOR 9V - BATTERY HOLDER EQ - BASS (50Hz -15dB to +15dB) BLUESTiCK® EQ - HIGH (15000Hz -15dB to +15dB) EQ - NOTCH FILTER (High Q - 220Hz) Left flat - right -30dB VOLUME All SCHERTLER® products are covered by a limited two-year warranty (from the date of purchase) against manufacturers. Details can be obtained from your local dealer/representative. Schertler SA strongly believes in "common sense" and thus, misuse of our products are not covered under rights obtained through our warranty policy or that of internationally recognized terms and conditions. Schertler SA is constantly aiming to improve its range of products therefore, Schertler SA reserves the right to amend product specifications without notice. The SCHERTLER® name/logo and ONBOARD name are registered trademarks/tradenames of Schertler SA, Switzerland. All SCHERTLER® products are of proprietary technology and covered by one of more worldwide patents. SCHERTLER SA Via Beroldingen 18, 6850 Mendrisio Switzerland Tel. +41 - 91 - 630 07 10 Fax +41 - 91- 630 07 11 web-page: e-mail:
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