Annual Community Report 2012-2013
Annual Community Report 2012-2013
. e r a c l a n o i t p e c Ex RE PORT TO OUR COMMUNITY M ess ag e fro m Ch airs & Lead ers hip A N E XC E P T I O N A L Y E A R - A N E XC E P T I O N A L S T O RY Recently, you may have heard one of us speak excitedly about our new hospital, proudly describing how we have moved from the planning phase to the beginning of construction. It’s for real now and from this point forward, our accountability is to keep you informed as part of our team. A team that will build the best hospital and provide exceptional health care services for our community. A team comprising the Cambridge Memorial Hospital (CMH) Foundation and the CMH Volunteer Association, and CMH, your hospital. We did a lot this past year. Virtual reality was used to ‘walk’ through and ‘see’ the new building as it is intended. This is the first Canadian Angelo Loberto Hospital Board Chair Patrick Gaskin example of applying this technology to a hospital’s design. We also reached out to the community to ensure the design reflects our rich heritage. Replica patient rooms were built to scale for clinicians to move around in and provide crucial design feedback. We did all of this to ensure the new hospital’s healing environment will be the best for our patients. It is important for us to get this right for you and our community. Our fundraising journey has started in earnest. Our year began with our own CMH Volunteer Association contributing a remarkable $1.25 Million gift to our Foundation. Two of our leadership donors, the Lyle S. Hallman Foundation and Toyota Hospital President & CEO Susan Brown Foundation Chair Motor Manufacturing Canada, were celebrated and thanked with rooms named in their honour. As excited as we are to speak about a modern, new hospital, the real story is with our people. They are the source of our strength, tackling amazing new initiatives and showing exceptional dedication to providing high quality care. Programs were expanded and we welcomed more medical staff. Our hospital ended the year in a strong financial position. We believe our future is bright and hope you enjoy these stories in our very first combined report to our community. Thank you for your continued support. Jennifer White Foundation Executive Director Chuck Snider Volunteer Association President OUR VISION: TO PROVIDE EXCEPTIONAL HEALTHCARE BY EXCEPTIONAL PEOPLE Thank You Although we greatly value every donor to the hospital, space allows us only to acknowledge a select few in this publication. The following are those who have given gifts of $250 or more this past fiscal year: 1837990 Ontario Ltd o/a VR Management 2092647 Ontario Inc 2293437 Ontario Inc A.F. “Sandy” Forbes, Insurance Broker Abolit, Denine Abraham, Isabella Abrams, Dr. Mitchell Achtymichuk, Dr. Gerald Acores Socidade De Santo Imperio Advanced Tent Rental Limited Partnership Aecon Group Inc African Lion Safari Ainsworth, Keith & Sheila Air Power Products Ltd All Through the House Alton’s Equipment Inc Amigas Dinner Anderson, Dr. David & Bonnie Antcliffe, Allan & Margot Armenian Prelacy of Canada Inc Armstrong, Glen Armstrong, Paul Arrow Custom Machining Ltd Arya, Vinod & Neeru Ash, Helen Ashton, Douglas & Lisa Astins, Helen Atkins, John & Dr. Susan Atkinson, Frank & Carol Atlantic Industries Ltd Atum Financial Services Inc Ayr Farmers Mutual Insurance Co Babcock & Wilcox Canada Ltd Bailey, Louise Baird, James & Karen Bairos, Antonio Baker, Hugh & Susan Bald, Kenneth Balsillie, Heidi Banks, Lara Barger, Lynne Barlow, William Barr, Stacy & Leanne Barranca, Giuseppe Barrday Inc Barrie, George & Gwen Bartholomew-Saunders, Douglas Bartlett, Antonia Bartolloni, Anna Battram, Shelly Bauman, Charles & Carol BDO Canada LLP Beaton, Mary Bechtel, Linda Bell, Jennifer Bennett Chevrolet Cadillac Ltd Bennett, David & Lori Bennett, William Berg, David & Bonnie Best Western Plus Kitchener Hotel Bevan, Michael & Lynn Bevan, Raymond Beynon, Tom Biswas, Dr. Iqbal & Firdouse Blackmore, Robert & Frances Blain, Joseph Blair, Jim Blake, Bernice Blanchard, Paul & Julie Blasman, John & Anne Bloomfield, Rob & Diane BMO Bank of Montreal BMO Bank of Montreal Ontario Regional Division Bodnar, Terry & Denise Boland, Hugh & Betty Report to our Community | 3 e g d i r b m a C r a De , l a it p s o H l a i Me mor nk the want to tha d n a H M C at ich made a ceived care nd care, wh erience. re a r y e tl n n n e a c m re I eir exp eople for th therwise unpleasant following p o n a in e c raphy eren t e mammog th positive diff , n so her job nd efficien ry B Sonya ionalism a ur. She did k o ss n a m fe . u th ro h re p f a to o c n e w ld lik rofessional same sense always sho First I wou shared the calm and p re and has I r e fo e h m b o r news h e fo w , m h h d c ke my bad und te as teste li tech, wit h so lt a ra fe y lt n I u . o e S y . m to d, m d well and spoke elissa Woo quickly an k you to M later, you recognized n a th t, x e care. N ion. What few days me back a ith compass lming w . s e w e m n st When I ca d ju rwhe my ba more than . It was ove delivering w r o ll fo , o e h e mattered to a L nie ou up. It ht in s holding y ist, Dr. Win it felt like I was caug a g w lo I io e d k li ra l ered my at ank I fee me as I gath I want to th out that moment is th t for one minute did to d rl o w e o ab nt meant th ged that. N I tell people that mome acknowled t u u o b y y, d n sa a e for me y thing to ou made m like a funn test! But, y t a th u o d may sound y te k a n h oughts. st too! Tha edicine – I whirling th Nuclear M nd work fa a the little t in ll n a ry sa r o a o g le F re . p y care athy G ou are m K Y s. in to d d u n e o a y lv h o k an inv ood y do. Another th le and that I was in g e who was ticed…the n o o n t ry e e g v e r o d r n rtab esn’t matte dgar Jan, a renda feel comfo ht think do rams, Dr. E nk you to B b a ig A m Th h . u c g o it y in s M d p n to Dr. at perha y anxiety and outsta guys do th r surgery. M y were passionate fo m o d c e s it a a things you w w I re ca ile at da to lie in wh ing staff th my and my d rs to e u c e b e n a st ll a e A . m m e g m ple call to mak din I had a sim helped calm ext day I received a Care for fin u y o a y d D o d l o n a g a ic e t n rg in e . Keep up th rushed. Th e at that po Michi in Su ith patients at smiles, calmness, e best of m I never felt w . th t le a g b a th in rt g tt e fo in g o was me com embered th ng. Keep d and made ry reassuri r team rem e u v o s y a se w wonderful u t a a c e okay and th ence was positive b e. sure I was Sincerely, onal experi a differenc e rs e k a p y m o M . d work s, really little thing and all the C e le st e Gut e Bolohan, Janice Boost, Mark Booth, William & Helen Bosdale Farms Inc Bourgeois, Dr. Jacqueline Bowry and Associates Inc Brewers Car Parts Brinks Canada Limited Brokenshire, Larry & Rosanne Brown, Chris Brown, Frances Brown, Jim Brown, Lillian Brown, Louise Brown, Susan & Terry Brunsden, Elizabeth Brunton, Bernice Bulla, Paul & Colleen Bulmer, Lorna Burchell, Dr. Robert & Brenda Butler, Ann Butler, Maria Butt, Nazir & Nasreen Byrne, Mary Louise Cabral, Emilio Cabral, Maria & Fernando Callaghan, Dr. Siobhan Cambridge & North Dumfries Community Foundation Cambridge & North Dumfries Hydro Inc Cambridge Brass Cambridge Cares Cambridge Chamber of Commerce Cambridge Drywall Services Inc Cambridge Eye Care Cambridge Heat Treating Inc Cambridge Highlands Lions Club Cambridge Memorial Hospital Volunteer Association Cambridge Mill Cambridge Muslim Association Cambridge Provincial Progressive Conservative Riding Association Cambridge Shrine Club Cambridge Times Cambridge Towel Corporation (Oxford Mills) Cambridge Toyota Inc Cambridge Transmission Limited Cambridge Volkswagen Inc Canada Motor Car (CMC) Cambridge Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce Canadian Tire Corp, Ltd Cardoso, Larry Carson, David & Jeanne Carvalho, Antonio & Maria Caswell, Roy CBRE Ltd Cestnik-Vucko, Mary CGL Manufacturing Chan, Dr. Edward Chaplin, R. Gordon & Celia Charlebois, Michel Charrette, Dennis Chaves, Alicia & Albert Chaves, David Chouinard, Dr. Edmond Ciavarro, Dr. Cesare & Renella Clail, Peggy Clark, Jennifer Clark, Robert Clarkson, Colin Clarkson, Hilda Cleary, Darin & Barb Clemens, C. Cliff Rego - RE/MAX Cline, Suzanne Cole, Marlaine Collaborative Structures Limited Collins, Antoinette Collins-Wright, Robert & Lavonne Colson Casters Ltd Colter, Lonnie & Roxanne COM DEV Ltd Comfort Plus Heating & Air Conditioning Conestoga College Institute of Tech. & Advanced Learning Connell, Patricia Coobs, Henry Cook, Robert & Donnalee Coronation Dental Specialty Group Corporation of the City of Cambridge 4 | Sm all Patho log y Tea m = Big Re su lts FOR CANCER CARE IN CAMBRIDGE We are always looking for ways to improve our services, including shorter wait times for cancer diagnoses. Quick timing is critical, and can mean the difference between life and death. CCO set a standard for all Ontario hospital pathology labs to provide 80% of their colorectal cancer diagnoses within 10 days. In 2010, over 8,300 Ontarians were diagnosed with colorectal cancer. In 2012, 3,400 people died from the disease. CMH not only met that goal, but surpassed it. CMH’s pathology team was named one of the best in the province, and is only one of six Ontario hospitals to help diagnose colorectal cancer in less than 10 days for 100% of patients. Examining over 10,000 specimens every year, many of which are for cancer, Dr. Pamela Cyr, Chief of Pathology, and her team recognize the sooner they get a diagnosis to surgeons and oncologists, the earlier the patient can receive treatment. Receiving a timely and accurate diagnosis means that the oncology team has all of the information they need to plan the best possible treatment for the patient. When Dr. Cyr was asked what she thought contributed to their success, she responded: “I am grateful to work in a small, tight knit group. Our patients are important to us and we do what we can to coordinate ourselves to provide the best possible care.” With only four other pathologists, her team is three times smaller than most other hospitals proving innovation and collaboration go a long way to supporting exceptional care for patients. By Tracey White, Communications Intern Costin, Dr. Ioana Cowan Insurance Brokers Ltd Cowan, Maureen & Matthew Sheedy Cumbo, Josie Cunningham, Patricia Cunningham, Robert Cybalski, Liz Cyr, Dr. Pamela & Dr. Michael Czekaj, Jozefa Czerkaski, Sophie D5D Enterprises Limited Dahmer, Kenneth & Carol Dalton, Doris Daly-Howell, Kelly D’Arcy, Bonnie Darkes, Joseph DaSilva, Carlos & Donna Davis, Kim Davis, Robert & Colleen DeBrusk, Howard & Margaret Dee’s Bakery DeMars, Janice Demmery, Jane Demmery, Mike & Carolyn Dever, Mary DeZURIK Dietrich, Dave Dimplex North America Ltd Dix, Patsy Doctors 4 Cambridge Doerr, Emmanuel Doherty, David & Frances Doherty, Joel & Gloria Doherty, John & Leslie Donkers Millwrighting Services, Inc Donnelly, Patrick & Rosemary Donohue, Evelene Donovan, Peter Doran, Nigel & Sharon Dorrance, Bob & Gail Dowson, Doug & Judy Doyle, Agnes Dr. H.C. Jain - Medicine Professional Corporation Drumbo Transport Ltd Drury, Douglas Duarte, Frank Duarte, Tony Duggan, Michael & Mary Lou Dumfries Mutual Insurance Co Dunbar Family Practice Dunbar, Moira Dunnill, Kelly & Helen DuPont Pioneer Duschenes, Kathy Dusick, Rodney & Susan Duxbury, Paul & Kim Dwyer, Neil Dyer, Robert Dynamic Funds Dynamo Gymnastics Earnshaw, Shannon East Indian Community Walk-A-Thon Easton, Leslie Easton, Nancy Easton, Stewart Elgin Auto Sales & Service Ellis, Doris Elmwood Contracting Inc Emary, Dr. Peter & Colleen Eramosa Physiotherapy Associates-Hespeler Escobar, Maria Eugenio, Dr. Arthur Euler, Joan Evans, Agnes Extend Communications Inc Fadden, Dr. Tracy Fairley, Dr. Robert & Joan Fairview Mennonite Homes FaithLife Financial Falconer, Laurie Farm Mutual Reinsurance Plan Inc Fennell, David & Joan Fil-Trek Corp First Capital Realty Inc / Promed Properties (CA) Inc First United Church Fisk, Joan & Bryan Fleming, Andrew Flying Dog Eatery Forbes Waterloo Toyota Fortner, Barbara Report to our Community Toy ota Na me s Cafet eri a In recent years, Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada (TMMC) has donated over $650,000 to capital equipment at Cambridge Memorial Hospital. Our hospital cafeteria is an inclusive gathering place for staff, patients, and visitors of the hospital. It is a place to rest, to re-energize, to be nutritionally re-fueled, and to share with others. In recognition of their most recent donation, the hospital cafeteria was named in honour of TMMC. In February, Toyota representatives visited CMH to deliver cake and coffee to all of our hard-working hospital staff, and enjoy a nice break together in our cafeteria. “Toyota strongly believes that we have a responsibility to give back to our communities. As a manufacturer, we understand how important it is for a hospital to replace and enhance aging equipment. Our donation to the Hospital Foundation provides our employees and local citizens with peace of mind knowing that our hospital will be able to provide quality care should they require it”, said TMMC Chairman Ray Tanguay. “Toyota strongly believes that we have a responsibility to give back to our communities.” Foster, Matthew & Joyce Frape, Dr. Nori Fraser, Jamie & Marilyn Frazer, Beverley & Garry G. Melo Excavating Ltd Gaetan, Angelo Galt Chrysler Dodge Jeep Ltd Galt Country Club Ltd Garner, Alex Garrett, Nancy Gaskin, Fred Gaskin, Patrick & Fiona Main Gautam, Ashok & Surekha Geddes, Dr. Jay Geddes, Dr. Scott & Valerie Gedja, Martin Genivar Engineering Consulting George Kostiuk Private Family Foundation George, Alan & Carole Gerdau Cambridge Inc GFW Technologies Inc Gibson, Lynn & David Giffen LLP Gillies, Dennis & Marlene Gimbel, Ron & Jean Glavin, Dr. Verne Goddard, Gord & Adrienne Goebel, Gordon & Sarah Goertzen, William Goklara Investments Inc Golden Triangle Sikh Association Golden Triangle Taxi Ltd Golf for a Cure Gonzalez Lejarza, Dr. Rogelio & Christine Goodall, Jeanette Gordon Drake Inc Gore Mutual Insurance Co Gower, Lloyd & Linda Gowlings Graham, John & Amelia Graham, Mathew & Partners LLP Graham, Renee Grand River Malayalee Association Gravity Hair Design Greeley, Kimberley Green Tec Green, Dr. Jeremy Green, Dr. Lawrence Greenhorizons Group of Farms Ltd Gregoroff, Susan Griffith, Neil & Janice Growden, Gail Growden, Glenda Guitar, Tracy Gujarati Cultural Association Gulenchyn, Dr. Karen Gupta, Rajiv Habegger, Erich Hacking, Reta Haddad, Dr. Dimitri Hall, Joanne Hallam, Peter Hankinson, Dr. Keith Harbridge and Cross Ltd Harrison, Barbara Hart, A. Harvey, Dr. J. & Ann Harvey, Dr. Robert & Donna Hastings & Aziz Consulting Engineers Hauser Law Office Hayward, Ruby Heath-Clifton, Brenda Heckford, Kirby & Terry Hercules Custom Fabrication Ltd Hermann, Harry Hicks, Michael Hilborn, Constance Hilker, Kelly & Bruce Himelfarb, Proszanski LLP Hinde, John & Eleanor Hinsperger, Betty Hinton, Sheri Hodgson, Carol Hogg Fuel & Supply Ltd Hollinger, Denise Holy Spirit Catholic School Honeywell Ltd Hoobin, Daniel Hood, J. Mark & Sherie Hood, Perri | 5 6 | Dr. Ha rve y After 50 years, Dr. Miln Harvey continues his commitment to the hospital and community. Dr. La wrie Dr. Michael Lawrie steps down as chief, but continues his care at CMH. In February 2013, Dr. Michael Lawrie announced he would not be seeking another term as Chief of Staff when his contract comes to an end in June. During his four years as Chief, he accomplished a lot: recruited 56 physicians, championed for a strong family physician base in Cambridge and saw the expansion of CMH services like Mental Health and the MRI. A man of many faces, you may have seen him walking through the hallways in a white lab coat, some days a suit, and once a year in a kilt on Robby Burns day. Once in training to play for the Chicago Blackhawks, he opted to change paths and try his hand in medicine. Following his passion for people, he has proven to be a fantastic leader and an exceptional physician, which he will continue to pursue. Thank you, Dr. Lawrie. Things you may not know about Dr. Lawrie: •First job: Gas attendant •Favorite movie: ‘Trains, Planes and Automobiles’ •Favorite hobby: Skiing and Golf •Biggest fear: Having no one show up at his own surprise party •Describe yourself in three words: Fair, Reliable, Persistent Hookey, Cecil & Patricia Hoot, Fred Hope, Douglas & Shirley Houston, Brian & Dianne Howard, Paul & Sharon Howey, Ronald & Rae Howlett, Robert & Muriel Hoyes, Doug HSBC Bank Canada Huddleston, Ed Humphrey, Barry Hunter, Karen Hurst, Veronica Hussey, Sharon Hyde, Sherrill Hynes, Todd & Denise India Canada Association International Machinery Intrinsik Environmental Sciences Inc Investors Group Irwin Foster Inc J.D. Melo Haulage Jackson, Arlene James, Robert & Ruth Jamieson Whetham Electric Inc Jan, Dr. Edgar Jermyn, Bruce & Joyce Jerry Van Dyke Travel Service Ltd John Posthumus Memorial Golf Tournament Johnson, David & Susan Johnson, Robert Johnston, Jim & Sheila Jonas, Barbara Jones Deslauriers Ins. Mgmt. Inc Jones, Garvin & Janet Jones, Patricia Jyoti, Chaitanya Kavanagh, Dr. James & Barbara Kawalez, Mike & Vula Kelly, Joe & Heather Kempthorne, Harry & Kathleen Kendall, Mark & Monique Kennedy, Barry & Gill Kennedy, Iain & Eilish Kennedy, Patrick Kevin J. McCann Dentistry Professional Corp Kidziun, Jordan & Holly King, Douglas & Jean Dr. Miln Harvey was born to work. On January 1st, 1963, little did Cambridge’s only Obstetrician know he was at the start of a 50-year career. As Chief of Obstetrics during most of his tenure at CMH, he witnessed many changes. He was the first to do minimally invasive surgery using laparoscopic techniques and saw hospital stays go down from over a week to just a day in most cases. It wasn’t only about medicine for Dr. Harvey, “It is important to not just have a commitment to your hospital, but to your community too.” He sat on the School Board and was involved with the original District Health Council. He is still active with the CMH Foundation. The word ‘retirement’ seems to have a different meaning for Dr. Harvey. He is on the third step of a four-step retirement plan. After accumulating more than 25,000 patient charts, he stepped back from Obstetrics in 2000 to focus solely on surgery. He retired from that in 2009, but wanted to continue keeping in touch with patients and staying current within his field. To this day, he is part of CMH’s medical staff, assisting in surgeries. What is the fourth step? “I have yet to figure that out”, says Harvey, with a quiet smile. By Kayleigh Klajnscek, Communications Intern King, Phil & Anne Kitsemetry, Katharine Klaassen, David & Colleen Klager, Charles & Janice Knights of Columbus - Council 4916 Knowles, Janice Knox Preston Presbyterian Church Koho Food Services Inc Kolic, Terry Kolyn Klahsen Medicine Professional Corporation Kolyn, Dr. Donna Komar, Antonia Koth, Alissa Kowalewski, Peter & Beth KPMG Enterprise Krebsz, John & Marlene Kristensen, Paul & Nedra Krupa, Kathy Kulinska, Halina Kurz, Katharina K-W Parents of Multiple Births Kwik Kopy Design & Print Centre Laalo, Allan & Joanne Labreche Patterson & Associates Inc Ladies Greek Society of Cambridge LaFontaine, Joyce Langdown, Bill & Sheila Lanno, Denis Lantheus Medical Imaging Canada Inc Larke, Dr. David Laurentian Bank of Canada Lawrie, Dr. Michael & Louise Lawrie, Robert & Judy Layzell, George Le Brun, Tom & Barbara Leadbetter, Ethel LeBourdais, Linda LeClerc, Paul Lee, Dr. Winnie & Dr. Augustin Nguyen Lee, Lorrie Legati, Renato & Cheryl Leggett, Karen Leipscher, Marianne LEO Pharma Inc (1983) Leone, Dr. Karen Report to our Community | HE LP Prog ra m It is known that patients who are elderly are more prone to mental and physical decline when they are in the hospital. When this happens, it can result in longer hospital stays with more complications. To lessen these effects, CMH launched the region’s first Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) in 2012. HELP volunteers are the backbone of the program, making a real difference in the lives of elderly patients. While in hospital, geriatric patients receive specially designed interventions, performed by volunteers who have gone through extensive training. In collaboration with CMH staff, they keep patients engaged through communication, socialization, mental stimulation, exercise, and companionship in efforts to preserve their cognitive, physical, and emotional well-being. Since it began, over 135 patients were enrolled in the program and our volunteers performed over 5,200 interventions. Last year, CMH’s HELP was supported by 30 volunteers providing more than 2,200 volunteer hours. It is the largest HELP program in the Waterloo Wellington region. HELP volunteers are the backbone of the program, making a real difference in the lives of elderly patients. Leone, Rob Leppard, Bill & Edith Libjak, Milan Lindhorst, Shirley Linton, Joan Lions Club of Galt Cambridge Inc Littlejohn, Joan Live Nation Ontario Concerts GP, Inc Loberto, Angelo & Monica Logikor Inc Looby, Kevin & Karen LoRaso, Jo Anne Lutheran Church Women Lyle, Donna Lywood, Rosemary MacDonald, Helen MacDougall, Kim Machnicki, Janina Macie, Dr. Christine MacInnes, Cheryl & Miles MacKay, Lucy MacLean, Candace MacMillan, Donald & Renate Madill, Robert Madlin Inc Maidment, Grace & Alan Maidment, Karen Malik, Altaf Mandel, Alois & Anna Markle, Harold & Lynn Markow, Larry & Cheryl Marshall, Robert & Barbara Martin, Alexander & Kathryn Martin, Dr. Glenn & Pauline Martin, Hugh & Judy Martin, Keith & Jackie Hatherly-Martin Martin, Lynda Mathai, Dr. George Mathew, Dr. Paul & Dr. Jasmine Matyas, Dr. Jeffrey McAnsh, Clifford & Hazel McCardle, Mark McClurkin, Bob McCowan, Martha McCoy, Doreen McCue, George & Gail McDonald, Grant McGlinchey, Dwayne & Cheryl McGrath, Ann McIntyre, Don McIntyre, Norm & Martha McIsaac, Donald & J. Barry McKay, S. Allan McKey, May McKinley, Ruth McLaren, Patricia McLean, Joan McMurray, Josephine & David McNeil, Russell & Jean Medbuy Corporation Medeiros, John & Lucille Melady, Patrick & Doris Mercer, Edith Millar, Peter Miller, Margaret Miller, Robert & Ann Millington, Andrew & Leonora Mitchell, William & Bonnie Mitten, Doug MNP LLP Modern HVAC Niagara Moore, Christine & Donald Moore, Neil & Lois Mortley-Wood, Douglas & Johanna Mossey, David Moura, Celso & Maria Joana Moura, Marlene Mowbray, Michael Moyes, Anne MTE Consultants Inc Mulder, Joseph Murdock, Ross Murphy Family Foundation Murphy, Norm & Catherine Murray, Jean Myska, Marty Nahrgang, Stan & Donna Nairn, Phyllis Nemcor Inc Nestlè Waters Canada Neubert, Monique Newton, Adele Nicholls, Bill & Kay Nickling, Dr. William & Jean Nikolaou, Peter & Alexandra Nixon, Robert & Dorothy Norwich, Ed Novak, Ralph & Louise Nykamp, Dr. Hank & Bev 7 8 | Ou r Mile sto ne s 1. 2. 6. 3. Our team of 1. CMH staff donated a whopping 3.5 tons of food to the Cambridge SelfHelp Food Bank this past year. CMH enjoyed a little friendly competition in the name of helping those in need in our community. 2. Members of the RCL Ladies Auxiliary Branch 272 enjoy the program at the Trees of Caring Kick-Off. The Auxiliary sponsors our Bronze Star for our holiday campaign each year. radiologists are thrilled to have a brand new MRI to provide faster diagnosis for patients. The Lyle S. Hallman Foundation was instrumental in our MRI Fundraising campaign and are now recognized in our MRI Waiting Area. 4. University of Waterloo architecture students participated in a ‘charrette’, or brainstorming session, led by CMH’s architects. Students sketched out innovative ideas for the hospital and presented them – all in one afternoon. 3. Report For Our Community 4. 7. 5. CMH President & CEO, Patrick Gaskin, shares a 3D model of our hospital expansion project with patrons of Langdon Hall. Guests were enjoying a pre-event reception at our Concert Fundraiser last June, featuring the Canadian band Great Big Sea. 6. In April 2012, our maintenance crew built a beautiful frame for a painting donated by Peter Etril Snider in memory of his relatives, Dr. Ron Gingrich and his wife Lois. 7. Roger Leavitt drops off toys on behalf of Rockwell Automation. Patient Brandon has first pick, and his eye on the skateboard! 8. BMO Bank of Montreal presents a proceeds cheque to the Executive Directors of our region’s hospitals. This speaker's event raised over $215,000 for our hospitals in just four years. | 9 10 | Bu ilding Diverse Pa rtn ers hip s Cambridge Memorial Hospital is part of a diverse community made up of groups with many different backgrounds. As an organization committed to learning more about our community and engaging it into our activities and fundraising, we invited cultural and religious leaders to have dinner with us. In April 2012, several community-based organizations and CMH met over an inspired menu, representing our diversity at the Galt Country Club. President and CEO, Patrick Gaskin, provided leaders with a hospital update, shared our vision for the future, and answered questions. Feedback from this initial meeting suggested it was a good use of time and an excellent way for everyone to learn about our community's cultural heritage. It was also a lot of fun! A second meeting was held in October at the Armenian Community Centre, which provided the Armenian Community a perfect opportunity to present their fundraising proceeds from their annual golf tournament. We plan to continue this partnership in 2013, with an event hosted by our friends from the Islamic Centre of Cambridge. We are growing this unique model of engagement, with TD Bank Financial Group joining us as a sponsor of our Diverse Partnerships initiative. We believe our hospital needs to reflect our community and this is an excellent opportunity to live our values of caring, collaboration and respect. It is an invitation for our neighbours to participate in our vision: To provide exceptional healthcare by exceptional people. Photos by Lisa Morris Oberlander, Helmut & Margaret Oberlerchner, Marlene O’Brien, John O’Connor, Dale & Jim O’Donovan, Sheila Oldfield, Dr. Lorne & Marjorie Olesen, Anne Olney, Larry & Anita Onbelay Capital Inc O’Neill Inc O’Neill, Jeannine Ontario Mutual Insurance Association Ontario Power Generation Employees Charity Trust Opavsky, Jon & Susan OPSEU Local 239 Organizacao do Imperio Mariense Organizacao Terra Dos Bravos Osborn, Charles Oxford Properties Paikatt, Dr. Santosh Palvetzian, Leon Paquette Travers & Deutschmann Parke, Barbara Parkinson-Crump, Marilyn & Edward Crump Parsons, Mary & Wayne Paul Strauss Medicine Professional Corporation Pavey, Law, & Witteveen, LLP Pearson, Dr. Murray & Ida Peeples, James & Sherry Pengelly, Mike & Janice Perreault, Joffre Persaud, Dwarka & Koomarie Peter Hay Knife (1985) Ltd Petersen, Reginald & Carol Petras, William Phillips Healthcare Phillips, Chuck & Sara Nixon Piatek, Brenda Piccinin, Elisabeth Pilkington, Donna Pinheiro, Elaine Pitz, Clifford & Erma Pollice, John & Lori Pollock, John & Joyce Polyak, Terry & Anne Popuri, Dr. Ramu Portuguese Club of Cambridge Post, Lorne & Barb Powerline Logistic Services Poweska, Dr. David Poynter, Andrew & Madeleine Prasad, Dr. Sadhana Precimac Tool Ltd Price, Penelope & Paul Juhasz Pride Bodies Ltd Prno, Deborah President’s Tournament Raffle Prociw, Mike & Carolyn Prokopowicz, Joe PTAG Pucci, Fabio Purdy, Doug Purewall, Mohinder Queens Square Terrace Quinn, Elizabeth Rajguru, Dr. Manjulata Rakkar, Naveen Ramsay, Allan & Beth RBC - Commercial Financial Services RBC Asset Management Inc RBC Dominion Securities Inc RBC Foundation RBC Royal Bank RE/MAX Real Estate Centre Inc Reay, Nancy Redelinghuys, Johannes Reid’s Heritage Homes Ltd Reis, Carlos & Karen Renfran Galt Holdings Respiratory Homecare Solutions Inc Retired Teachers of Ontario District 11 Ribeiro, Pedro & Suzanne Ridgehill Ford Sales (1980) Ltd Ridsdale, Dr. David & Nancy RIM-Corporate Philanthropy Ritchie, C. Patricia & Edgar Ritchie, Michael F. Robbins, Eleanor Roberts, Brian Roberts, Dr. Joy & Douglas Robertson, Darrell & Tonia Rockwell Automation Canada Ltd Roffey, Natalie & Kyle Report to our Community | 11 Tre es of Ca rin g Each year, thousands of community donors honour a loved one by lighting a bulb on our Trees of Caring. This tradition spans several decades and continues to be one of our substantial fundraisers each year. Many local businesses are also involved through our Coronation Banner program, or through Angels of Caring. This past year, our Trees of Caring donations were designated to help expand our Emergency Department. Oth er Great Eve nts Throughout the year we hosted several other special event fundraisers, including Best Bites – A Taste of Las Vegas, the Spring Classic and President’s Invitational Golf events, as well as the Physician’s Community Gala in March. Look for many of these events in 2013, including Best Bites – A Taste of the Derby on September 8. Roll Form Group Romanick, Lila Rosenberg, Leonard Ross and Doris Dixon Charitable Foundation Rotary Club of Cambridge Sunrise Roth, Dr. Kirk Rowles, Marie Roy, Dr. Gilles & Claudia Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 121 Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 126 Royal Canadian Legion - Branch 272 Royal Canadian Legion - Ladies Auxiliary Branch 272 Rozee, Peter Rubinstein, Eva Ruddick, Jean Russell, Doreen Russell, Louise Ryan, Helen Sanders, Robert J. & Alison Sauder, Jim Saunders, Marilyn Schaefer, Floyd & Helen Schenk, John & Christina Schiedel Construction Inc Schiedel, Shirley Schindler Tower (Cambridge) Inc Schmidt, Gerard Schmuck, Wendy Schneider, Don & Junne Schoenfeld, Merle Schuman, John & Anne Scott, Walter & Joanne Seek Solutions Inc Seeley, Bruce & Karen Seiling, Ken & Kathryn Seldentuis, John & Margaret Seoni Dentistry Professional Corporation Sersen, Ernie SG Cunningham (Kitchener) Ltd Shafir, Dr. Mark & Michelle Preyde Sharma, Rakesh & Nisha Sharp, Allison Sharp, Marilyn Shaver O.C., Dr. Donald McQ. Shenker, Dr. Robert Sherwood Audio Inc Sigel, Gordon & Darlene Sigurdson, Russell & Lillian Silver Star Society - Cambridge Chapter Sims, W. & Joan Slee, Donald Sloane, Thomas & Marianne Slotegraaf, John & Pamela Smith, Barry Smith, Barry & Sherry Smith, Brad & Denise Smith, Penelope Snyder, Patricia Souder, Marjorie Source Point Business Group South Waterloo Naval Veterans’ Association Spaenaur Inc Sparling, David Spencer, Kenneth Spring Bank Investments Inc Spurgeon, Albert Squires, Albert & Pamela St. Michael Medical Pharmacy Stacey, David & Lisa Stager, Charles Stantec Consulting Ltd Stapleton, Dr. John Stauffer, Isabelle Steed & Evans Ltd Steinman, Carol Stevenson & Hunt Stevenson & Hunt Insurance Brokers (KWC) Ltd Stewart, Fred Stewart, Gordon Stewart, Irene Stewart, Katherine Stork, Mike & Hennie Stritychuk, Margaret Strubin, Heinrich & Esther Struck, Josephine Stuart, William & Marjorie Subterranean Technologies Inc Suds Express Inc 12 | tem ent of Operatio ns Ho spita l Sta A P R I L 1, 2 0 1 2 – M A R C H 3 1, 2 0 1 3 CMH is proud to announce its revenues exceeded its expenditures in 2012-13. The balance of this money will be used to purchase new medical equipment so that it can continue to be an environment where exceptional healthcare is provided by exceptional people. OPERATING REVENUES (in thousands of dollars) Our Vital Statistics Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care – $99,439 Employees – 1,111 Physicians – 256 Midwives – 13 Nurse Practitioners – 3 Volunteers – 400 Total Patient days – 52,720 Emergency Department visits – 53,788 Diagnostic Imaging (e.g., x-rays) – 100,888 Ontario Breast Screening Program – 3,034 Mammography – 4,022 Nuclear Medicine – 4,421 CT Scans – 13,736 MRI – 4,352 Surgeries – 11,924 Births – 1,405 Billable Patient Services – $13,290 Other Revenues – $10,577 Total Revenues: $123,306 OPERATING EXPENSES (in thousands of dollars) Salaries, wages, remuneration, and benefits – $86,762 Medical, Surgical Supplies – $8,115 Drugs, Medical Gases – $4,682 Other Expenses – $18,280 Total Expenses: $117,839 Revenues in excess of Expenses: $5,467 Full financial statements can be seen at Report to our Community VOLUNTEER ASSOCIATION STATISTICS 43,502 Volunteer Hours Donated a value equivalent to $913,542 5520 Hospital Elder Life Program (HELP) 48 individuals with HELP Interventions serving 135 patients 200+ hours of volunteering this past year – that’s about 5 weeks of work Volunteers assist in the following departments: Ongoing revenue from the following key programs: 23 individuals with 20+ yrs. of service 52 individuals with 10-19 yrs. of service • Surgical Day Care • Medical Day Clinic • Mental Health • Emergency • HELP Program • Diagnostic Imaging • Hospice Program • Greeters • Patient Relations • Central Registration • Information Desk • Pet Therapy • Trinity Village Long Term Care …and 23 other programs! • Tim Hortons • Recovery Room • Red Poppy Gift Shop • HELPP Lottery Ticket Sales FOUNDATION FINANCIALS 2012-2013 Revenue Annual Gifts Major Gifts Planned Gifts Special Events Investment Income Total $507,468 $1,106,213 $464,445 $928,127 $470,879 $3,477,132 Expenses $1,175,749 $2.5 6676 $3.2M disbursed to CMH million in new pledges to Transformation CMH 5000+ volunteer hours 41+ fundraising events Some of the equipment funded in 2012-2013: Diagnostic Imaging • MRI • Ultrasound Surgery • Defibrillator • Endoscope Women & Children's • Infant Scale • Prima Care Recliner donors 4700+ event attendees Emergency • D-Spot Monitor • Stretchers Medical Day Care/ Oncology • Chemotherapy Chairs • Ice Machine Education • Medical Staff Education • Mental Health Program • Diabetes Education | 13 14 | M ent al Healt h On June 11, 2012, CMH opened up its interim Schedule 1 Mental Health program. It marked a significant expansion of acute care services for our community, growing from 10 to 20 beds. Before it opened, patients needing hospitalization without consent, were transferred as far away as St. Thomas, ON – almost a 1 ½ hour drive from Cambridge. Now our patients can be seen and treated close to home, with access to their loved ones and with better coordination of services with our community agencies. CMH’s Mental Health program also added a Day Hospital to provide patients with flexible treatment options. Admission to the Day Hospital makes it possible to avoid hospitalization for some, while for inpatients, they may experience speedier discharges. The Day Hospital provides assessment, support, treatment and discharge planning that enhances a patient’s stability, while facilitating suitable follow-up care. Le ga cy Giv ing A Sh ared Le ga cy These individuals wanted to ensure that the Cambridge Memorial Hospital would always be able to provide exceptional healthcare by exceptional people. Legacy giving is a reflection of how you want to be remembered – in your work, your community and your family. • • • • • • • Kenneth George Banks Vivian Brodhaecker Barbara K. Buchner Robert A. Cowan Rodger Lester Norm and Clarice Moeller Carrie Peck Sun Life Financial Sunlight Heritage Homes Susiwala, Faisal Sutton, Rita Sweeney, Anne Marie T. Little Funeral Home & Cremation Centre Takacs, Steve Takapa Holdings Takmarkhum Properties Ltd Tarina Construction Taylor, Cyril & Doris Taylor, Gordon & Jennifer TD Ameritrade Services Company Inc TD Bank Financial Group • • • • • Helga Anna Payne Doris E. Plumridge Donald Richardson Earl W. Sage Elaine Snider TD Bank Group - Community Relations TD Canada Trust TD Commercial Banking Teed, Donald & Genny Telus Corporation Tennenbaum, Erica Thompson, Donald & Mary Tiegs, Ted Tiercel Technology Corp Tim Hortons Tomkinson, Elizabeth Tondat, Frank Torrance, William & Muriel Toth, Susan Toyota Motor Manufacturing Canada Inc Toyota Tsusho Canada Inc Tremaine, Ken Tromblay, Mark & Michelle Tyrwhitt, Daryl & Christine Uniglobe Donaldson Travel United Way of Cambridge & North Dumfries United Way Ottawa Uppal, Dr. Sanjay Van Domselaar-Frye, Janet VanderValk, Cheryl Vaughn, Annette Veglia, Lina Vero, Shirley Vondrau, Janis Voros, Dr. Gabe If your future plans include a donation to the hospital, we would love to know about your intentions. Nothing is more meaningful than the opportunity to thank you and celebrate your generosity during your lifetime. Planning ahead helps reduce taxes and teaches future generations about the power of philanthropy. Please contact us at (519) 740-4966 if you would like more information about legacy giving. VRM (Vanderwestern Rutherford Mantecon Inc) W. S. Nicholls Construction Inc Waddell, Brian & Angela Wainman, Norman Walls, David & Kathleen Ward, Dr. Kenneth Warren, Marie Wells, Harry & Audrey Welsh, Andrew West, Mary Westbrook, Rita Westgate Dental Whetham, Roger & Audrey Whetham, Scott & Cindy Whistle Bear Golf Club White, Jennifer Wickens-Schiedel, Susan Wilflin, Gertrude Wilk & Wilk Orthodontics Wilkinson, Dr. John Wilkinson, Marilyn Willard, Gordon & Patricia Williamson, Albert & Mary Jane Wills, Christopher Wilson, Chris & Brenda Wispers Inc Witmer, Bruce & Pat Woerner Investments Inc Wohlgemut, Horst & Sharon Wong, Dr. William & Lilllian Wood, Richard & Susan Wood, Wally & Christine Woodside Industrial Wright, Ken & Ruth Wyard, Kenneth Wyatt, Robert & Beverley Wybrow, Scott & Karen Xerox Canada Ltd Yach, Edgar & Rita Yirka Contracting Ltd Young, James Your Neighbourhood Credit Union Yuzek, Matthew & Barbara Z2K Business Solutions Inc o/a ActionCOACH Zabizewski, Patricia Zelazny, Ken & Judi Zycom Technologies Inc Report to our Community | Lette r fro m th e Fou nd ation Dear Friend of CMH, All hospital services provide care in your time of need, yet the one that defines an acute care centre is surgery. Except for a few clinics, full service operating rooms are seldom found in spaces outside of a hospital. CMH has a highly skilled surgical team that is unique to Cambridge and North Dumfries. When surgery is the best option for treatment, saving a life or relieving pain, our teams spring to action. In 2012-13, they performed 12 000 surgeries – that’s 33 times, each and every day! Last year, you supported our purchase of the MRI and generously donated to our Emergency Department to assist us with our increased patient volumes. This year, we are focusing on the next piece of our hospital transformation: Surgery. With your ongoing support, we plan to build more operating rooms that are larger and can hold the latest surgical equipment. We are also completely renovating the outpatient Surgical Day Care Unit and will increase number of beds. It is just a matter of time before the new hospital is built. It is up to our community to furnish and purchase the surgical equipment to help our exceptional people provide exceptional care. 2012-13 FOUNDATION BOARD • • • • • • • • • • • Susan Brown - Chair Ken Zelazny - Vice Chair Jane Adams - Treasurer/Secretary Robert Cunningham Barry Kennedy Surekha Shenoy Mike Takacs Naveen Rakkar Cliff Rego Gerry Walsh Brett Davidson - Hospital Board Rep • Patrick Gaskin - Hospital Pres. & CEO • Dr. Michael Lawrie - Chief of Staff Please consider a gift to help build and equip our new Surgical Suite. Y es! I Wa nt to Help Ca mbridge Me morial Hospital. Here is my gift of: $500 $300 $100 $60 $40 $ other I would like to become a monthly supporter! Here is my first monthly gift of: $20 $30 $50 $ YOUR INFORMATION: Name: ® Address: other PAYMENT OPTIONS: Single Gift Credit Card (Please fill out information on the right) Cheque (Payable to Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation) Monthly Gift Credit Card (Please fill out information on the right) Cheque (*I authorize Cambridge Memorial Hospital Foundation to debit my bank account on the 1st each month.) LEGACY GIVING: I would like more information about legacy giving. I have named CMH Foundation in my will. 700 Coronation Blvd Cambridge, Ontario N1R 3G2 p: 519-740-4966 f: 519-740-4971 City: Province: Postal Code: Email: Tel: ® CREDIT CARD INFORMATION: ® Name on Card: Card #: Expiry: Signature: Charitable Business No. 11882 6288 RR0001 Gifts can be made anytime at 15 Vo luntee r Associat ion Gift Our Volunteers continue to have a huge impact on Patient Care Announced at the Trees of Caring celebration last November, the Cambridge Memorial Hospital Volunteer Association pledged an incredible $1,250,000 for our Transformation CMH Capital Campaign, supporting our new expansion. “This is a generous donation from our CMH Volunteer Association. It reflects how deeply our organizations are connected and the confidence of the Association has in our hospital’s direction. These funds will allow us to transform our hospital and enhance patient care,” says Patrick Gaskin, President and CEO, Cambridge Memorial Hospital. Foundation’s fundraising campaign, because this truly is ‘our hospital.’ We volunteer here, and for many of us, our volunteer journey began with a personal or family experience with the Cambridge Memorial Hospital.” The CMH Volunteer Association comprises 400 members who provide volunteer services to the hospital and fundraise to purchase equipment through their Tim Horton’s location, the Red Poppy Gift Shop, the Recovery Room and with HELPP ticket sales. Success at these retail opportunities over many years, as well as some personal gifts from members, allowed for their leadership donation to the campaign. 700 Coronation Blvd. Cambridge, ON N1R 3G2 519-621-2333 When asked how the VA came to this remarkable decision this year, Chuck Snider, President of the CMH Volunteer Association responded; “We felt that it was so important to show our support of the CMH @CMH_Foundation Facebook LinkedIn Stay connected with CMH on the go, and never miss an event or fundraiser. View photos and share your upcoming fundraisers with us as well!
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