berita UAC BERHAD news


berita UAC BERHAD news
No. 63
August 2009
Message from Chief Executive Officer/Managing Director
Dear Friends
It is always a pleasure to write a few
words for Berita UAC to keep our
friends and stakeholders informed of
events in the Company.
The Company recently announced its
financial performance for the half year
ended June 2009. Operating conditions
and business sentiments during the
first half of the year were challenging
as demand for the company’s core
building products was sluggish. Group
sales revenue for the half year was 9.5%
lower than that for the same period of
2008. Profit from core business was flat
but income from rental revenue and
investments in equities had helped to
bolster the group profit before tax for
the half year to RM11.252 million. The
near term outlook remains uncertain
and much depends on the state of the
economies of the different countries in
which our products are sold and used.
The full announcement on the Group’s
performance is available on the company’s
website at as well as
on the website of Bursa Malaysia.
environment, the Group continues
to invest in enhancing production
efficiencies and capabilities. A new
finishing machine was commissioned in
May. This new machine has enhanced
the finishing quality of our products at
higher output rates. We also continued
to invest in human capital through
staff training and recruiting new staff
to strengthen key departments in the
Group. A group wide Annual Family
Day was held in June in Ipoh. It was a
day which brought together employees
and their family members for a morning
of games for all ages with plenty of
food for all. Blood donation was one
of the activities in conjunction with the
Family Day.
As part of the company’s corporate
social responsibility programme, we
recently concluded the last in the series
of the UAC Architectural Students
Design Award Competition (‘UAC
ASDAC’) with different institutions of
higher learning. The primary objective
of UAC ASDAC is to prepare final year
architectural students for the market
place through impacting knowledge on
product attributes, usage and installation
knowhow on the range of UAC’s
products and Boustead Sissons Paints
Sdn. Bhd. and Johan Ceramics Berhad,
related companies in the LTAT/Boustead
Group of Companies who were also cosponsors of UAC ASDAC.
I thank all our stakeholders including
our business partners for their continued
support. I thank also all our dedicated
staff who collectively have made sacrifices
and pulled together as a cohesive team
during these difficult times.
I wish all our Muslim friends and
colleagues ‘Selamat Berpuasa’ during
Koo Hock Fee
Chief Executive Officer/
Managing Director
August 2009
Utusan daripada Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif/Pengarah Urusan
Rakan-rakan sekalian,
Sesungguhnya saya berasa gembira
kerana dapat menulis sepatah dua kata
untuk Berita UAC agar rakan-rakan
dan para pemegang kepentingan kita
dapat dimaklumkan mengenai aktivitiaktiviti Syarikat.
mengumumkan prestasi kewangan
untuk separuh tahun pertamanya yang
berakhir pada Jun 2009. Keadaan
operasi dan sentimen perniagaan
pada separuh tahun pertama adalah
mencabar kerana permintaan terhadap
produk-produk binaan utama Syarikat
Kumpulan untuk separuh tahun
pertama menurun sebanyak 9.5%,
berbanding tempoh yang sama pada
tahun 2008. Keuntungan daripada
perniagaan teras adalah mendatar
tetapi perolehan dari hasil sewaan dan
pelaburan ekuiti berjaya meningkatkan
keuntungan sebelum cukai Kumpulan
bagi separuh tahun pertama kepada
RM11.252 juta. Jangkaan untuk masa
terdekat masih tidak menentu dan
banyak bergantung kepada keadaan
ekonomi negara-negara lain di mana
produk Syarikat kita ada dijual atau
digunakan. Pengumuman lengkap
prestasi Kumpulan boleh didapati di
laman web dan juga
di laman web Bursa Malaysia.
Walaupun keadaan peniagaan adalah
sukar, Kumpulan terus melabur untuk
mempertingkatkan kecekapan dan
keupayaan pengeluaran. Sebuah
mesin baru telah mula digunakan
pada bulan Mei. Mesin baru ini telah
meningkatkan kualiti kemasan produk
pada kadar pengeluaran yang tinggi.
Kita juga terus melabur dalam modal
insan melalui latihan penjawat dan
pengambilan penjawat baru untuk
mengukuhkan lagi jabatan-jabatan
utama dalam Kumpulan. Hari Keluarga
Tahunan Kumpulan telah diadakan
di Ipoh pada bulan Jun. Pada hari
tersebut, semua penjawat dan ahli
keluarga mereka telah berkumpul untuk
menikmati pelbagai acara permainan
dan menjamu selera. Antara aktiviti
yang diadakan bersempena dengan
Hari Keluarga tersebut ialah aktiviti
menderma darah.
Sebagai sebahagian daripada program
tanggungjawab sosial korporat Syarikat,
baru-baru ini kami telah berjaya
menamatkan siri terakhir pertandingan
‘UAC Architechtural Students Design
Award Competition’ (‘UAC ASDAC’)
dengan beberapa institusi-institusi
pengajian tinggi. Objektif utama ‘UAC
ASDAC’ ini adalah untuk menyediakan
pelajar tahun akhir jurusan senibina
dengan maklumat mengenai ciriciri produk, pengetahuan mengenai
penggunaan dan pemasangan pelbagai
produk UAC dan Boustead Sissions Paints
Sdn. Bhd. dan Johan Ceramics Berhad,
syarikat-syarikat berkaitan dengan LTAT/
Kumpulan Syarikat Boustead yang juga
penaja bersama ‘UAC ASDAC.’
Saya ingin mengucapkan terima kasih
kepada semua pemegang kepentingan
kita termasuk rakan bersekutu di atas
sokongan berterusan mereka. Terima
kasih juga kepada semua penjawat yang
berdedikasi yang telah bersama-sama
berkorban dan berganding bahu sebagai
satu pasukan padu semasa menghadapi
kegawatan ini.
Sempena bulan Ramadan ini, saya juga
ingin mengucapkan ‘Selamat Berpuasa’
kepada para sahabat serta rakan-rakan
sekerja yang beragama Islam.
Koo Hock Fee
Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif/
Pengarah Urusan
Ogos 2009
UAC Joint Champion Contributor 2008 Award
r. Ooi Kay Eng, QA/R&D Manager and Mr. Eddie Choo Choong
Siong, Product Development Manager were adjudged joint winners
of the UAC’s Champion Contributor 2008 Award.
This year, the award presentation ceremony was held during the Board of
Directors luncheon on 11 August 2009 at The Royale Bintang Damansara
hotel. The ceremony was attended by Y. Bhg. Gen. Tan Sri Dato’ Mohd
Ghazali Hj. Che Mat (R), Chairman of UAC Berhad, Y. Bhg. Tan Sri Dato’
Lodin Wok Kamaruddin, Group Managing Director of Boustead Holding
Berhad, Members of the Board of UAC Berhad and senior managers of
the Company.
Each winner received a citation, an award trophy and the Challenge
Trophy. During the award ceremony, citations were read for both
recipients by their respective superiors.
Tan Sri Chairman
Joint Champion Contributorpresenting the
2008 Award to
Dr. Ooi
The citation for Dr. Ooi was read by Mr. Chan Mun Chew, General
Manager Factory Operations whilst Mr. James Tang, General Manager
Marketing read the citation for Eddie Choo.
The progress and growth of a company is dependent on the people who
work in the organisation. Sales and marketing professionals, engineers,
accountants, technicians and all employees are part of an integral
system that work together for the success of a company. Thanks to the
professionalism of these people, the company has achieved further
growth. Of these men and women in UAC Berhad, Dr. Ooi and Eddie
Choo stood out in 2008 for their major contributions in introducing a
new market segment for the company. Dr. Ooi and Eddie Choo were
primarily responsible for the successful development and acceptance of
the UCO SolidWall System by the industry. Their technical knowledge
and practical experience in the industry have helped to accelerate the
development of the UCO SolidWall System.
the award from Tan Sri
Eddie Choo receiving
Both Dr. Ooi and Eddie Choo were also mainly responsible for liaising
with SIRIM for the fire resistance test, BOMBA approval for the 2 and 4
hours fire rating, 21 tests conducted by PSB Corporation, Singapore and
the sound insulation test by University Technology Malaysia.
Dr. Ooi is a well-respected scientist and is an authority in the science
of fibre cement. With his knowledge and as Head of the Research &
Development (R&D) Department, he spearheaded the development of
the UCO SolidWall System. He continues to do R&D work to
create numerous variations of the UCO SolidWall System to
meet the requirements of different climatic conditions around
the world.
Mr. Chan reading the citation for
Dr. Ooi
Dr. Ooi has also been appointed by SIRIM to be a committee
member of Malaysian Standard for fibre cement. He is also
working with a consultant for UAC to be accredited with an
ISO 14025 ECO Label Certification.
Eddie Choo is our Product Development Manager who works
closely with key players in the building and construction
Group photo of award recipients and senior colleagues
fraternity which include architects, engineers, developers and
contractors. He is also a technical resource person who assists
his colleagues in resolving technical issues and site problems.
Due to his early training in engineering draftsmanship, he is able to provide solutions to many of the construction problems
encountered by his colleagues especially on applications and installation processes. With his expertise in the UCO SolidWall
System, Eddie Choo has helped accelerate market acceptance in the industry. As a result, several prestigious projects have
used the UCO SolidWall System, namely Royale Chulan Hotel, YTL Wimax Centre and Sepang Gold Coast Resort.
We congratulate both Dr. Ooi and Eddie Choo for being awarded the prestigious UAC Champion Contributor 2008 Award.
Mr. Alex Chan, Area Manager for Sabah (left)
with two guests
Guests registration
Mr. Koo briefing the media on the UCO SolidWall System
UAC holds presentation on UCO SolidWall System
AC Berhad held successful
product presentations on
UCO SolidWall System in
Kota Kinabalu and Kuching, East
The presentation in Kota Kinabalu
was held at Sutera Harbour Hotel on
19 May 2009. It was well-attended
by 210 participants comprising
architects, engineers, contractors,
dealers, distributors, quantity
Guests taking a closer look at
surveyors and developers as well
the UCO SolidWall System
as representatives from Sabah
Housing and Real Estate Developers
Association (SHAREDA), Jabatan Kerja Raya (JKR) and Syarikat
Perumahan Negara Berhad (SPNB).
A press briefing session
The presentation in Kuching was held at Four Points, Sheraton on 12
June 2009 and attended by 120 participants.
The day’s programme started off with a briefing for local and regional
media representatives by our Chief Executive Officer / Managing
Director, Mr. Koo Hock Fee.
Panel of speakers from UAC
This was followed by a product presentation, Q & A
session and showcase of UCO SolidWall System to
our invited guests. During Q & A session, our panel of
speakers comprising Mr. Koo, Mr. Tey Long Puang, Chief
Operating Officer; Mr. James Tang, General Manager,
Marketing; Mr. Eddie Choo, Product Development
Manager and Mr. Alvin Chong, Sales Engineer fielded
questions from the participants and offered further
clarifications on the benefits and further elaborated
on the technical aspects of our new UCO SolidWall
UAC team
Attendance was good and the response in both cities
was encouraging. There were several potential project
enquiries received from the participants immediately
following these two presentations.
UAC Architectural Students Design Award
Competition 2009
he UAC Architectural Students Design Award Competition
2009 (UAC ASDAC) is part of the corporate social responsibility
of UAC Berhad. UAC ASDAC is open to final year degree and
diploma architectural students in local universities and university
University Putra Malaysia had 38 students who
participated and the top three winners were Muhamad
Razaki b. Jusoh, Mohamad Akmal b. Mohamed Abdul
Halim and Nor Hasni b. Ahmad.
The primary objective of UAC ASDAC is to prepare final year
architectural students for the market place through imparting
knowledge on product attributes, usage and installation knowhow
on the range of products from UAC Group, Boustead Sissons Paints
Sdn. Bhd. and Johan Ceramics Berhad, the latter two companies are
related companies in the LTAT / Boustead Group of Companies who
were also co-sponsors of UAC ASDAC. As part of the competition
participating students were given a product presentation by the
sponsors and a one-day consultation on the usage and application
of sponsors’ products before the competition starts.
Mr. Koo giving a short speech
to a
and guests at Univeristy Techngroup of students
ology Mara
University Technology Malaysia’s 3rd prize winner, Hadzeeq (left) and
1st prize winner, Sireesak (right) with Mr. Koo (centre)
prize winner,
University Malaya’s 2nd to the audience
James presenting his desig
The selection of winners was by lecturers from the university and a
senior representative from UAC Berhad and the other co-sponsors.
Judging criteria is based on four major aspects – i.e. originality of
design, creativity of design, design in line with the theme chosen by
the university and extent of usage of the sponsors’ products and the
correct application thereof.
University Malaya was the first to complete this competition with 42
students participating. The top three winners were Mohd Zulfadly b.
Abd Majid, James Lim Wei Ban and Tan Wei Lon.
Winners with their cert
University Technology Mara had the most students taking part in
this competition with 56 participants. The top three winners were
Munif b. Abdul Malik, Abdul Aziz b. Morni and Nur Zafira bt. Zainal
32 students from Taylor’s College took part, which was won by Lee
Zee Shake, Justin Khoo Wu Han and Syakirah bt. Mohd Zakaria.
25 students from International Islamic University Malaysia took part
this year. The top three winners were Eddie b. Aziz, Hue Kar Ken and
Muhd Zarrul ‘Aizat b. Za’aba.
University Technology Malaysia had 23 students taking part and the
top three winners were Sireesak Koammapat a/l Samruai, Aliani bt.
Wagiman and Hadzeeq Ekhwan b. Radzali.
Mr. Tey Long Puang, UAC’s Chief Operating Officer presenting a
certificate and cash reward to Taylor’s College’s 1st prize winner, Lee
A Fun-Filled Family Day
for all Employees
AC Berhad recently organised an interactive family day for all its employees and family members. The family day is an annual
event to foster closer ties between employees and their families.
The family day started bright and early on a Saturday morning where more than 1,500 UAC employees and family members came
together for the event. The day’s events began with a simple ceremony of releasing a pair of doves by Chief Executive Officer /
Managing Director, Mr. Koo Hock Fee. This was followed by a half-day programme filled with fun, food and entertainment.
Throughout the day, there were numerous games for fathers, mothers and children. Among the activities that took place were a
colouring contest, lucky draws, telematches and a blood donation campaign.
Mr. Koo releasing a pair of doves
One of the main highlights was a cultural show featuring the essence of Malaysian culture through songs and dances. Families
were treated to a riveting musical performance comprising Malay wooden percussion instruments such as ‘seruling’ and a gong
by a specially invited band. There were also other interesting performances such as a bhangra dance and a tae-kwan-do and ‘silat’
demonstrations. The much anticipated ‘Tug-of-War’ contest attracted six teams competing to be the strongest team.
The children also demonstrated their creativity in the colouring and drawing competition. Screams of excitement could be heard
during a series of challenging games for the children. The adults were also not forgotten as they participated in the games organised
for them. A generous amount of food from KFC and Pizza Hut and drinks were also distributed throughout the entire family day.
Other events included employees and their spouses pairing to participate in the ‘Shampoo Me’ competition and the lucky draws.
Employees walked away with fabulous prizes from the lucky draws which included a fridge, DVD player and a wide range of
electrical appliances.
Overall, it was a
truly unforgettable
family affair as it
and their children a
wonderful avenue to
bond together in a
warm and entertaining
atmosphere. It certainly
ended on a high note as
families left the venue
with not only prizes and
presents but with smiles
on their faces.
Essence of Malaysian culture at UAC Family Day
Blood donation
Colouring contest
Telematches - Faster! Faster!
UAC family members
Tug-of-war competition
“Hurray! I got my priz
“More bubbles please!”
Khazanah ‘Graduates Employability
Management Schemes’
n spite of the challenging economic
environment, UAC Berhad remains
committed towards its Corporate
Social Responsibility (CSR) initiatives
as evidenced by its efforts to provide
training opportunities for graduates in
the employment market by supporting
Khazanah’s Graduate Employability
GEMS is aimed at equipping graduates
preparing to enter the employment
market with commercially useful skills
and valuable experiences that would
boost their employment opportunities.
A total of 14 graduates from various
local universities joined UAC under
this programme during which they
will undergo six months of intensive
training in Production, Technical
Support, Quality Assurance/Research
& Development, Property, ICT,
Purchasing Department and in our
subsidary company, UAC Steel.
The trainees will be given on the job
training and perform their respective
duties under the guidance of their
mentors. Essentially, the six-months
programme will provide exposure
to technical operations and prepare
them for the working world in future.
Additionally, trainees will be encouraged
to widen their mindset and learn other
important lessons such as creative
thinking, resource management and
social skills that will mould them to
be responsible and efficient working
Here is what one of our GEMS trainee
has to say about his experience with
“I am very pleased with the exposure
I have received from working at UAC.
Firstly, it has enabled me to pursue
more career aspirations in line with
my major.
Secondly, to include a reputable
name such as UAC in my resume is
certainly a positive aspect. Thirdly,
it is a great place to kick-start my
career, obtain valuable experiences
and to better discover and understand
my job interests. It has also given
me a good perspective on the actual
responsibilities of an engineer. The
projects I have received have taught
me how to manage my time and
resources more effectively.
Fikri Rozaini b. Muhamad,
Bachelor of Mechanical
Engineering, UITM – Shah Alam
Attachment – Production Department
Apart from this, my mentor has
challenged me to think outside my
normal thought process and to stretch
my mental capabilities. Finally, it was
truly interesting to observe the topics
that I have studied in my business
classes being played out in front of me
everyday at work.
Overall, this programme has exceeded
my expectations. Together with the
presence of an incredible mentor,
wonderful peers and a comprehensive
learning experience within a short span
of time, I certainly could not have
asked for more. UAC has equipped
me with valuable skills that I can use
to succeed in the engineering world.”
Our Safety &
Health Main
ection 30 (1) (a) of the
Mohd Puzi H. Ramlan,
and Health Act 1994
stipulates the need to establish
a Safety and Health Committee (SHC) for any workplace with
employees more than 40 people. Section 31 of the same Act
signifies functions of SHC. To ameliorate the establishment of
SHC, the OSH (Safety and Health Committee) Regulations
1996 was made enforceable on 1 January 2007 detailing the
organisation, management, functions and authority of the
At UAC, SHC members are appointed every three years to
meet and discuss issues related to safety and health in the
plant. The recent appointment lasts from January 2009
through December 2011.
According to Regulation 26 of the OSH (Safety and Health
Committee) Regulations 1996, matters relating to safety and
health at the workplace shall be discussed at any meeting of
the committee. Part III of the Regulations specify functions
Mohd Fais,
Accident Investigat
Kelvin Tan,
Safety Programme
of SHC, disclosing the need to inspect the place of work,
investigation into any accident, matters to be considered
by the committee, and the investigation of complaint as
well as rules for safety and health.
SHC oversees the development and implementation of
the Company’s health and safety policy, standards and
procedures and advises the Chief Executive Officer /
Managing Director on all matters concerning workplace
health and safety at UAC.
Incident investigation
Safety inspection
Risks assessment
Hazard management
Safety training
Manage and co-ordinate Emergency Response Teams
Services and facilities management
of Menara UAC
reventive maintenance has become an
important task today in managing a building.
It is necessary to have a strong maintenance
team to undertake and carry out routine inspections
and maintenance works of the building’s services
and facilities for the long-term benefit of the
building and its tenants.
To meet the maintenance and building services
requirements in the most effective manner, the
property department has assembled a team of
competent in-house technicians from various trades
to ensure quality work performance.
The team led by En. Nor Azary Othaman, Property
Manager is made up of Marzaini, Building
Supervisor; Lim Chin Ming, Chargeman; Muhamad
Razman, who is in charge of carpark; Muhamad
Najib (Wireman); Muhamad Faizal (Handyman);
with Alias Tan and Norhasimah in property
Daily briefing by En. Nor Azary Othaman
on operation matters
Alias and Norhasimah
e matters
discussing administrativ
Chargeman Lim taking readings
at the HT room
Daily inspection by
Lim and Najib to
collect data and mo
nitor the chiller ope
rating system
The primary objectives of the maintenance team are
to meet management’s requirements and tenants’
needs by having proper house-keeping and to
maintain the building to the required standards of
cleanliness and efficiency. Additionally, the team is
responsible for improving all building services and
facilities to meet legislative, quality, environmental,
security and safety standards.
Apart from being responsible in upkeeping common
property, the maintenance team is responsive and
sensitive to all building services equipment and
tenants’ needs especially where high standards and
efficiency are concerned.
Daily checking of car parking tickets
in the ticket dispenser
Razman reloading coins/float into
the autopay machine
electrical services of Menara UAC and to maintain the same in
good working order.
To this end, our in-house Property Department
and maintenance team have good relationship
and communication with tenants, local authorities,
service contractors etc.
2. To manage the maintenance of Menara UAC’s building structures,
plumbing system, finishes, fixtures and fitting; and
Service provided by maintenance team
In short, the duties and responsibilities of the
maintenance team can be summarised as follows:1. To operate efficiently the mechanical and
3. To provide general building management services, monitoring and
supervising outsourced service contractors for cleaning services,
waste disposal, landscaping, pest control, security, fire fighting, airconditioning system etc.
Maintenance crew demonstrating glass
cleaning work for facade cleaning
Painting work at
car park in progre
the toilets
accessories inside
Some fittings and
ed and rectified
need to be tighten
Tenants mix at Menara UAC
ith the occupancy rate of 83%, Menara UAC currently has a total of 14 tenants from diverse business industries.
In this issue of Berita UAC, we feature a few of our tenants. We will feature a selection in all our future issues.
Asia Pacific Business
(space occupied : 11,800 square feet)
straZeneca is a large Anglo-Swedish pharmaceutical
company formed on 6 April 1999 by the merger of Swedish
Astra AB and British Zeneca Group Plc. The Company is
listed on the London Stock Exchange. AstraZeneca develops,
manufactures, and sells pharmaceuticals to treat disorders in
the gastrointestinal, cardiac and vascular, neurological and
psychiatric, infection, respiratory, pathological inflammation
and oncology areas.
Avnet Technology
(space occupied : 9,600 square feet)
vnet Technology Solutions is an operating group of Avnet
Inc.; a leading distributor of information technology in
more than thirty countries. Avnet enables solution
providers to grow faster with less investment by helping these
solution providers understand customers’ unique business
requirements and industry-specific needs. Avnet, a Fortune
500 company, is one of the world’s largest franchised
distributors of electronic components and subsystems.
Boustead Engineering
Sdn. Bhd.
(space occupied : 4,600 square feet)
oustead Engineering Sdn. Bhd. is a specialist in mechanical
handling and conveying systems and participates actively
in turnkey airports/seaports projects. The company also
distributes a range of engineering products such as wheel loaders,
conveyor/elevator chain, transmission chain, pvc/rubber belting,
weighbridges and weighing equipment, hydraulic dock levellers,
diesel powered generating sets and other materials handling
equipment and raw food and industrial chemicals.
Training & Development
‘Perkara Asas Bagi Jawatankuasa Keselamatan Dan Kesihatan’
ada 9, 10 dan 11 Jun 2009, satu latihan dalaman
bertajuk ‘Perkara Asas Bagi Jawatankuasa Keselamatan
dan Kesihatan’ telah diadakan di Hotel Impiana
Casuarina, Ipoh selama tiga hari. Latihan dalaman ini telah
diberikan kepada 24 orang Ahli Jawatankuasa Keselamatan
dan Kesihatan yang dikendalikan oleh Neville Clarke.
Objektif latihan ini adalah untuk menyampaikan maklumat
kepada para peserta mengenai perkara-perkara berikut:
• Pengetahuan tentang maklumat yang berkaitan dengan
Kesihatan dan Keselamatan (OHS) yang diperlukan oleh
semua Ahli Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan.
• Untuk membolehkan para peserta memahami fungsi Ahli
Jawatankuasa Keselamatan dan Kesihatan dan bagaimana
untuk menjadi lebih efektif.
• Untuk membolehkan para peserta mengenalpasti tindakan
dan keadaan yang tidak selamat dan bagaimana untuk
• Untuk memberi pengetahuan kepada para peserta
mengenai cara-cara mengendali dan menyiasat
kemalangan untuk mencegahnya daripada berulang.
• Untuk membolehkan para peserta memantapkan lagi
senarai semak untuk pemeriksaan di tempat kerja.
Audit Penilaian
Kualiti Dalaman
Hari Pertama (Sabtu, 4 Julai 2009)
Tn. Hj. Zubair Abdullah selaku Ahli Jawatankuasa
Pengurusan Kualiti, dalam ucapan pembukaan
menyatakan penghargaan pihak pengurusan
kepada semua Juruaudit Kualiti Dalaman dalam
mendorong mengekalkan QMS UAC melalui
proses mengaudit.
Sesi diteruskan dengan taklimat yang disampaikan
oleh Mr. Soh Sing Ping mengenai pencapaian
audit bagi tahun 2007, 2008 dan 2009. Ia diikuti
dengan pengedaran borang soal selidik dan
Hari Kedua (Ahad, 5 Julai 2009)
Pada pukul 8.30 pagi, pelatih luar, Mr. Chan
Tak Kit memulakan sesi dengan menekankan
perubahan-perubahan dalam MS ISO 9001:2008
Standard dan juga memberikan panduan berguna
dalam mengendalikan audit dengan betul dan
Hari Ketiga (Isnin, 6 Julai 2009)
Hari dimulakan pada pukul 8.30 pagi dengan
sesi fotografi kumpulan. Kemudiannya, ketua
kumpulan mengambil giliran masing-masing
untuk menyampaikan hasil audit mereka, diikuti
dengan komen daripada para penasihat. Sesi itu
diakhiri kira-kira pada pukul 12.30 tengah hari.
Sebelum para peserta pulang, mereka berkumpul
untuk jamuan makan tengah hari.
Staff Updates & Movements (1/4/2009 - 12/8/2009)
New Appointments
Mohd Afdhal b. Azmi (2727) – Forklift Driver Gd I
Zakaria b. Mohd Yusop (2039)
– Factory Leading Hand Gd 1
Khairul Anuar b. Mokhtar (2562)
– Special Grade – Sheet Mc Driver
Mohd Syahrizan b. Md Yusop (2608)
– Fitter’s Assistant
Khairul Azha b. Mohd Nayan (2647)
– Fitter’s Assistant
Asrul Nizamri b. Abdullah (2649) – Electrician
Yogesvaren a/l Narayanan (2713) – Fitter’s Assistant
Iskandar Zulkarnaien b. Ramza (2753)
– Fitter’s Assistant
Noor Shafiq b. Daud (2770) – Fitter’s Assistant
Nurul Hafiz b. Lamli (2798) – Fitter’s Assistant
Agilan a/l Vasudavan (2366)
– Rec/Sheet Finishing Operator Gd I
Saravana Kumar a/l Nagarajah (2685)
– Rec/Sheet Finishing Operator Gd I
Mohd Zubir b. Jab (2549)
– Rec/Sheet Finishing Operator Gd I
Norazmir b. Tinggal (2707) – QC Examiner
Mohamad b. Jaapar (2804) – Fitter’s Assistant
Kamarulnizam b. Kamaruddin (2635)
– Stacker/Exit Conveyor Hand Gd I
Mohd Hafizul b. Harudin (2759)
– Machine Relief/Cleaner Gd II
Navinder Singh a/l Sarjit Singh (2750)
– Machine Relief/Cleaner Gd II
Mohamad Sahir b. Romainoor (2787)
– Stacker Operator Gd II
Prakash a/l Karunakaran (2754)
– Machine Relief/Cleaner Gd II
Mohd Faizal b. Yusoff (2758)
– Asbestos Treatment Plant Operator Gd III
Muhamad Latif b. Ismail (2806) – Gfh Gd IV
Norizal b. Rahim (2690) – Water Process Hand Gd I
Ahmad Fadzli b. Mat Yeop (2772)
– Asbestos Treatment Plant Operator Gd III
Mohd Faizal b. Yusoff (2758)
– Asbestos Treatment Plant Operator Gd III
Norizal b. Abdul Rahim (2690)
– Water Process Hand Gd I
Ahmad Fadzli b. Mat Yeop (2772)
– Asbestos Treatment Plant Operator Gd III
Koh Yee Siang – Senior Sales Executive
Chandran a/l Pothraju
– Engineering Services Supervisor
Raja Atan b. Raja Zailon – Maintenance Foreman
Gopalsamy a/l Subramaniam
– Engineering Services Foreman
Muhamad Latif b. Ismail (2806) – Gfh Gd IV
Anbalagan a/l Ramachandran (2087) – Gfh Gd IV
Anuar Azrin b. Saringgat (2808) – Gfh Gd IV
Hasbullah b. Haris (2809)
Kamarul Faizal b. Kamaruddin (2811) – Gfh Gd IV
Mohd Razwan Huzzairi b. Zakaria (2812) – Gfh Gd IV
Mohd Hazlan b. Abd Kassim (2813) – Gfh Gd IV
Mohd Azwan b. Abd Razak (2814) – Gfh Gd IV
Muhamad Faizal b. Jamaluddin (2815) – Gfh Gd IV
Mohammad Hafiz b. Khairul Anuar (2816)
– Gfh Gd IV
Mohammad Nazir b. Mohammad Saari (2817)
– Gfh Gd IV
Mohamad Norhaizad b. Zainuddin (2818)
– Gfh Gd IV
Mohamad Zahidi b. Mohd Kurmain (2819)
– Gfh Gd IV
Muhammad Iqram b. Zainuddin (2820) – Gfh Gd IV
Muhammad Hanafi b. Abdul Rahman (2822)
– Gfh Gd IV
Mohamad Hanif b. Mat Yeop (2821) – Gfh Gd IV
Muhammad Faizal b. Jamaludin (2823) – Gfh Gd IV
Mohamad Azlan b. Mat Sarip (2824) – Gfh Gd IV
Mccleen Sagayam s/o Luyes (2825) – Gfh Gd IV
Nazrul Nizam b. Mohd Ali (2826) – Gfh Gd IV
Razali b. Ahmad Mahmud (2827) – Gfh Gd IV
Raizuwanandika b. Rashid (2828) – Gfh Gd IV
Sollehudin b. Hairudin (2829) – Gfh Gd IV
Selamparasan a/l Kalimuthoo (2831) – Gfh Gd IV
S Sri Teepan a/l Sitharai (2832) – Gfh Gd IV
Viswa Nathan a/l Conberan Valo (2833) – Gfh Gd IV
Azman Hasdi Ismail – Confidential Technician (R&D)
Chong Kean Leong – System Programmer
Helen Chan Sze Wei – Sales Executive
Amber Kwan Su Lea – Sales Coordinator
Loo Yat Min – Marketing Services Manager
Yeong Kai Jun – Engineer (R&D)
Zainul Azhar b. Zakaria – Engineer (R&D)
Ann Yip Yuet Meng – Confidential Secretary
Andrew Ng Chee Wah – Engineer (R&D)
Retirees / Year of Service
Published by: UAC Berhad, 36 Jalan Portland, Tasek Industrial Estate, Ipoh.
Fong Yoon Keong (1512) / 30 Years 4 Months
Cheow Chan Weng (2062) / 28 Years 9 Months
Yap Sau Yoong (1295) / 31 Years 3 Months
Nazari b. Mohd Amin (1343) / 31 Years 3 Months
Ali b. Kamarudin (1738) / 29 Years 10 Months
Jean Yong Choy Sun / 28 Years 9.5 Months
Roseli b. Osman / 18 Years 1 Month
Printed by: Pencetakan Weng Fatt Sdn Bhd (19847-W)

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