It - Pernec Corporation Berhad
It - Pernec Corporation Berhad
Contents APRIL 2009 Editor’s Message ISSUE 36 Repositioning Pernec with image building, awareness & higher valuation MD’s MESSAGE 03 s!CCOMMODATING#HALLENGES IN PERNEC IT 04 s#HANGESINTHE)4'ROUP s4OWN(ALL 05 s0ERNEC4OASTMASTERS#LUB 06 s/FlCEOFTHE/MBUDSMAN s)"-3 07 s3TEPS/F&)3)MPLEMENTATION PERNEC PAYPOINT 08 s#HANGESINTHE0AY0OINT'ROUP s(ELO-23-*OM(EBOH 3EKOLAH INFO & ACTIVITY 010 s0AY0OINT,AUNCHES0ERNECS&IRST 7IRELESS)NTERNET!CCESS 012 s#HANGESINTHE4%,#/'ROUP s(IGH3PEED"ROADBAND Pernec has outlined a few strategies to reposition itself so the company can better face the challenges of stiff competition during the current economic downturn. The Pernec team is now in the development stage of a long-range strategic plan to meet the company’s multiple needs that include repositioning the company, introducing and gaining positive recognition for its new business, rebuilding relationships with business partners, generating new interest in the ICT industry, building awareness and credibility for its growing management team and building long term media relationships. The first step towards this goal is the lauching of the ‘new Pernec’, a publication of the company’s newsletter called Nada Pernec. Next will be the announcement of the company’s new logo complete with its total application. This will be followed by a series of advertorials and interviews with the media complemented by Corporate Social Responsibility programmes that will be identified. The main goal is to reposition Pernec within the region utilising key positioning language that will be built into each story to support the overall exercise. Editor Che Wan Esah Advisor Shaharom Md. Shariff HAPPENINGS/EVENTS /LAUNCHES 014 s(ARI1-ENJADIKAN+UALITI3EBAGAI "UDAYA+ERJA 015 s0ROGRAM31% 0ERNEC#ORPORATION"ERHAD 016 s,IVINGTHE6ALUESOF3 s0ERNECAT%KSPO+ERJAYA 0ENDIDIKAN53-%+30%. ASPIRATION 017 Editorial Team Marina Ramli Kamsheila Kamarudin Wan Zulhazran Wan Zulkifli Junaidah Jupri Suhaimi Yahman Diba Jamalluddin Zalina Abd Razak Norbaiti Ismail Che Mah Ismail s0%2.%#2EACHES/UTTO4HOSE IN'AZA0ALESTINE CSR 018 s2EACHING/UTTO/NEINTHE&AMILY PERNEC CAFE BEST RECIPE 018 s"IHUN#ILI0ADI GALLERY 019 s-AJLIS"ERSAMA2AKAN-3!- 02 NADA PERNEC APRIL 2009 MD’s MESSAGE Accommodating Challenges in 2009 All Praise is due to Allah for His Blessings and Bounties. t was more than 10 years ago that we I demand unless they succeed in selling their teamwork and understanding core values. The were burdened with the Asian financial products to other markets. main objective was to create a new spirit and crisis. During those testing years, our vigour so as to be able to accept the new chal- currency was traded with no control. To overcome this impact, the government However, the bold measure taken by the Malay- needs to inject some economic activities that sian government in imposing currency control will reduce the probability of these companies The other aspect of the transformation was had immediately created stability for business closing down. Some solutions may be in the to provide an automated workflow process to activities. Likewise, our business activities for form of generating economic activity in infra- enhance the present one. The objectives are the export market and the purchasing of raw structure projects. PERNEC sincerely hopes to improve efficiency and create knowledge materials stabilised and thrived. This enabled that the High Speed Broadband (HSBB) project management facilities for information sharing. suppliers to provide better prices to customers will continue as scheduled. This project will Presently information is isolated as different hence businesses continued as usual. Despite have a significant bearing on its Telco group business units store their information separate- being heavily criticised by many developed activities. Since it is uncertain as to when the ly. With this programme, information is easily countries, the move garnered praise from many meltdown will end, capital injection by the Ma- shared and the relevant staff can easily access economic experts as being the most appropri- laysian government on infrastructure activities the information. ate measure taken. will hopefully be sustained long enough until the recovery. As a company, PERNEC suffered some con- lenges that the company will face. PERNEC’s landscape has changed recently with the new structure. Although our contract sequences during this period of uncertainty. As staff of PERNEC, each one of us has a part business is still ongoing, the new direction is to- The problem surfaced in the form of settling to play in ensuring the company remains afloat. wards a service-based business. Providing serv- its outstanding invoices from creditors that Alhamdulillah, PERNEC was able to ride the ices requires a different mindset. We should be were earlier traded in US dollars. The signifi- rough tide in the 1997 crisis due to the coopera- ready to extend our services when our custom- cant increase from RM2.5 to RM3.8 for 1 US tion of and contribution from every staff. Only ers need our services most. The service provid- dollar caused a tremendous strain on its finan- those who are resilient can survive these tough ed should be available at the time most conven- cial situation. However, PERNEC’s project in times. All staff must be willing to sacrifice and ad- ient to the customer for accessing our service. Ghana was a blessing for it was able to com- here to cost cutting and cost saving measures. Staff may need to sacrifice their holidays when pensate the loss since the cost of the project was paid in US currency. customers want to utilise the services. The reOur restructuring programme is complete placement holiday may need to be allocated in but there are still a few gaps to be filled - name- a fair manner for everyone to enjoy working Today, the situation differs. Western coun- ly the Heads of Departments. Nevertheless the in this environment. New products that we in- tries are currently facing a major financial melt- transformation has been in place and a renewed troduce into the market will be very much de- down. The global financial landscape has creat- working culture has emerged. This was particu- pendant on the services associated with it. Very ed instability among numerous companies. The larly seen when PERNEC consolidated and dis- soon Helo will become a brand product related collapse of the US capital market has impacted solved a few units in the IT and Telco business to payphones and prepaid services. the Malaysian market as well. This is most sig- groups. Already there are changes and on the nificant to those in the export businesses since whole, there have been positive responses to demand from the West will be very much less. the transformation. As employees, our commit- ibadah for the sake of our ummah and also for These exporters will immediately feel the cut- ment to succeed must be translated in the form those who are ready to sacrifice their comfort back. As PERNEC is not involved in the export of high quality output and high productivity. for others. We pray that all our efforts are considered as business at the moment except for its engineering services to NEC for the submarine cable In regards to transformation, the programme project, we may not feel the impact immediate- has shown progress with the introduction of ly. However companies that export goods to the eLeave and eClaim. All executives in the com- Shaharom Md. Shariff West will experience a reduction in production pany have undergone training on excellent Managing Director, PERNEC Best regards, APRIL 2009 NADA PERNEC 03 PERNEC IT Changes in the IT Group I n Pernec IT, the new matrix of functions and business coverage provides a bigger pool of ready resources for both Fitos and Pernec Technologies. The common base support for project implementation and professional services will provide the necessary requirements for the vertical markets. In this way, the IT group will extract the pool of resources required by any project. Once completed, the employee will return into the pool. Among the major benefits 1. To focus on major and strategic accounts and serve their needs in terms of total business solutions. A single window provider would serve customers better. 2. To enhance our relationship with i-Perintis by widening into other areas. Providing nationwide support for i-Perintis is strategic since it ensures a long-term business engagement with Petronas and its related subsidiaries. 3. To focus on the telecommunication operations support system as well as the agriculture and education series. 4. To enhance strategic alliances with new business partners in providing total business solutions for our major customers. Pernec IT is undergoing their second term in formulating its long term strategy. Horizon 2 will pave the way for Pernec IT in doing business in the future. Zalman Yaacob Zulkifli Town Hall T he first ever Town Hall meeting for Pernec IT associates was held on 23 January 2009 at the Pernec canteen. An informal gathering, the Town Hall meetings are a means to foster communications and build relationships with all staff of Pernec IT. Town Hall meetings also provide an opportunity for associates to come together as one to share business updates, success stories and business challenges as well as to give recognition to individuals who 04 NADA PERNEC APRIL 2009 have made big contributions towards the company. The CEO of Pernec IT, Zalman Zulkifli, opened the first meeting with a speech on the overall performance of Pernec IT in regards to Pernec Technologies (PTech) and Fitos in the third quarter of 2008. He also talked about the many new business approaches being adopted by Pernec IT. Later, Pernec’s Managing Director, Encik Shaharom Md. Shariff was invited to present the Pernec IT CEO Award to Mohammad Ariffin bin Nizar for his successful management and completion of the critical User Acceptance Test for the Financial Distribution System project for Permodalan Nasional Berhad. Awards were also presented to committee members of PRIME (Pernec IT Methodology) in appreciation of their contributions. The event ended with hitea for all staff. PERNEC IT Pernec Toastmasters Club T he Pernec Toastmasters Club (Charter No. 1307184) was set up in January 2009 with membership open to all staff of Pernec IT as well as other subsidiaries of Pernec. With more than 20 chartered members and five meetings conducted with assistance from our neighbour Governor Area, the Pernec Toastmasters Club is now in full swing. The club was set up so that staff could build their confidence in public speaking and develop leadership skills. Histor y of Toastmasters From a humble beginning in 1924 at the YMCA in Santa Ana, California, Toastmasters International has grown to become a world leader in helping one become more competent and comfortable in front of an audience. This non-profit organisation now has nearly 235,000 members in 11,700 clubs in 92 countries, offering a proven and enjoyable way to practice and hone communication and leadership skills. Most Toastmasters meetings are comprised of approximately 20 people who meet weekly for an hour or two. Participants practice and learn skills by filling a meeting role, ranging from giving a prepared speech or an impromptu one to serving as timer, evaluator or grammarian. There is no instructor; instead, each speech and meeting is critiqued by members in a positive manner, focusing on what was done right and what could be improved. The Pernec Toastmasters Club meets every 2nd and 4th Tuesdays of the month. Information on Toastmasters can be obtained at APRIL 2009 NADA PERNEC 05 PERNEC IT Office of the Ombudsman P ernec IT has set up an Office of the Ombudsman (OMO) to suppor t their business objectives. Among the objectives are to enhance customer confidence in their deliver y capabilities and to establish trust while enhancing internal capabilities and creating a highly motivated workforce. Once in place, the OMO would act as a neutral body/mediator when handling internal and external issues as well as act as a point of reference. Apart from handling the Career Development session, OMO will also handle issues regarding PRIME (Pernec IT Methodology) and a host of other functions. The need for the OMO arose after Pernec IT under went a change management process which raised concerns and questions on new processes, products and partnerships. ser vice, products, processes, the Pernec work culture, finance and accounts, projects as well as risk management. While the setting up of the OMO creates good branding, it also establishes Pernec IT’s sensitivity towards customers’ concern. With this in mind, it is hoped that it will fulfill Pernec IT’s business objectives in a profitable manner. Committee members of OMO have expert knowledge in issues on customer IBMS IBMS IBMS or Integrated Building Management System consists of multiple systems being integrated to monitor and control the Operation of Facilities inside and outside a building into a single command centre. APPLICATION LAYER BMS FMS SMS EIMS SUPPORTING LAYER Structured Cabling Network Hardware Network Software Network Security Data Centre PC Notebook Printer STORAGE & DATABASE SAN NAS ORACLE SQL MYSQL DB2 06 APRIL 2009 Benefit of IBMS s s s s s s Improved services quality %NHANCEDVALUEOFASSET 2EDUCEDOPERATIONCOST !CCOUNTABILITY )MPROVEDQUALITYOFSERVICES )NCREASEDBUSINESSPROlTS PERNEC IT FIS Strength s (IGHLYSKILLEDPERSONNELIN)"-3IMPLEMENTATION s #APABLE OF DESIGN IMPLEMENTATION AND MAINTENANCE OF ALL aspects of IBMS s #APABLE OF IMPLEMENTING SMALL SKILLS TO ENTERPRISE )"-3 application s 3KILLEDTRAINERSANDCONSULTANTSIN)"-3 s 3USTAINABLElNANCIALBACKGROUND PERNEC IT Building Management System Facility Management System A Building Management System (BMS) is a computer-based control system installed in buildings that controls and monitors the building’s equipment that consists of software and hardware including mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems, and security systems. Facility management or facilities management is the management of communal buildings such as offices or colleges. The facilities and services provided include air conditioning, cleaning, decoration, electric power, lighting and security. The term facility management is similar to property management but is applied to larger commercial properties where the management and operation of the buildings is more complex. Surveillance/Security Management System It is a broad field of management related to sur veillance, asset, physical security and human resource safety functions. It entails the identification of an organisation’s information assets and the development, documentation and implementation of policies, standards, procedures and guidelines. E-Information Management System It is an electronic component installed as standalone or networked, to distribute the message via display, and it is related to LED technology, plasma, billboard and electronic-media. STEPS OF FIS IMPLEMENTATION Pre-Implementation Implementation Post-Implementation s5SER2EQUIREMENT3TUDY s$ESIGN s#ONSULTANCY s2E%NGINEERING s)NSTALLATION s4ESTING s4RAINING s4RANSFEROF4ECHNOLOGY s7ARRANTY3ERVICES s-AINTENANCE s/PERATIONAND-AINTENANCE s/UTSOURCING APRIL 2009 NADA PERNEC 07 PERNEC PAYPOINT “hel !!!! Rahamat Tulla Allah Pitchy Changes in the PayPoint Group PayPoint being a new entrant into the PERNEC family will face many challenges. First, it is a new business direction for the PERNEC Group in terms of the service operation business that does not rely on contracts. Secondly, the financing of this type of business needs a paradigm shift from normal contract-based financing since there is no contractual limit. The first year will be devoted to the setting-up of major operational procedures and systems to operate the business. There are a lot of initial stabilisation to be carried out especially to ensure the right location of the phones. The database of all the phones has to be established. Other activities will include the re-branding of the logo and also the support system required to operate efficiently. The second year will see the increase of the ARPU of the phones. The segmentation has been carried out and low ARPU phones will be relocated. Nonetheless, the monitoring of all the phones has to be religiously followed through. Any discrepancy must be analysed. The payphones provide services for other innovative products that can reach retailers through Payphone. has created a brand and around this brand many innovative products can emerge. It can be a direct or indirect product related to payphones as long as a serverbased product is supported and managed through the payphone. There are a few products under beta test that could be introduced before the official launch at MSAM 2009. The major challenges for PayPoint are: ¤ ¤ ¤ ¤ To ensure high service availability of 95% for the payphones To ensure operational efficiency through the PMS system and also close monitoring To set-up an operations centre so as to ensure fast response for server-based products. This is necessary in providing support in order to locate any phones that are not functioning. Any loss of payphone function is a revenue loss To quickly deploy new innovative products for local and overseas partners The introduction of innovative products this year will help to increase value-added services. Three products are in the pipeline. PERNEC aims at to be a household brand that can reach everyone. 08 NADA PERNEC APRIL 2009 B aru-baru ini Pernec PayPoint Sdn. Bhd. telah menjalinkan kerjasama dengan Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) dan Persatuan Ibu Bapa & Guru-Guru (MUAFAKAT) bagi menyediakan perkhidmatan kemudahan telefon awam dan ” untuk kemudakadfon “ han perhubungan antara pelajar dengan ibu bapa, keluarga serta rakan-rakan. Semenjak pengambilalihan perkhidmatan telefon awam di seluruh Malaysia dari Telekom Malaysia, Pernec PayPoint secara agresif telah melebarkan sayap dan memburu peluangpeluang yang ada dalam mengukuhkan kedudukan di samp” ing menjadikan produk “ yang terunggul di antara pesaing-pesaing sedia ada. Pada Januari 2009 Pernec PayPoint telah mendapat persetujuan daripada MRSM Taiping untuk melancarkan kempen penggunaan kemudahan telefon awam di sekolah-sekolah serta memperkenal” untuk kemudahan pelajar-pelajar khususnya dan kan kadfon “ masyarakat bagi mendapatkan perhubungan komunikasi suara antara satu sama lain. Dalam majlis pelancaran tersebut pihak Pernec PayPoint mendapat kerjasama erat kerana majlis dirasmikan sendiri oleh Pengarah MARA iaitu Datuk Nam Marthinin yang turut disaksikan Pengarah Urusan Pernec Corporation Berhad, Encik Shaharom Md. Shariff. Dalam sebahagian ucapan beliau, Datuk Nam berharap pelajar-pelajar dapat menggunakan kemudahan itu sebaik mungkin dan mengelak dari melakukan perkara-perkara seperti vandalisma. Selain itu beliau juga berharap supaya lebih banyak lagi badan-badan swasta akan tampil menjalinkan kerjasama untuk kebaikan semua serta memperkukuhkan ekonomi negara khususnya dalam merangka serta mencapai hasrat Malaysia menjadi negara maju pada 2020. lo” Selain kerjasama dari MRSM, pihak Pernec PayPoint sedang giat merangka serta menjalankan kegiatan” di mana kegiatan mempromosi jualan kadfon “ jua mengikut kesesuaian serta sasaran tumpuan pengunjung. Sebagai contoh di Karnival Jom Heboh anjuran TV3 baru-baru ini, pihak Pernec PayPoint membuat jualan promosi selain memberitahu pengun” yang sejung-pengunjung tentang kewujudan “ benar. Sasaran Pernec PayPoint tidak terhad kepada remaja-remaja sekolah sahaja malah kepada mereka yang memerlukan perkhidmatan kemudahan telefon ”. awam serta kadfon “ Sambutan yang diberikan oleh masyarakat sekeliling amat menggalakkan terutama pelajar-pelajar sekolah. Rata-rata pelajar harian biasa mengatakan sukar untuk ” di sekolah mereka. mendapatkan bekalan kadfon “ Justeru penglibatan serta pembabitan dalam jualan ” seperti ini kadfon “ memberi peluang untuk mereka mendapatkan bekalan kadfon dengan potongan harga yang menarik. Dalam merebut peluang ini, pihak Pernec PayPoint juga tidak terlepas dari menerima aduan-aduan pengunjung tentang kerosakan kemudahan telefon awam. Selain itu tempahan juga diterima bagi mendapatkan perkhidmatan di tempat-tempat kediaman dan mendapatkan beka” agar diletakan di premis-premis perlan kadfon “ niagaan. Secara tidak langsung peluang ini digunakan oleh syarikat bagi membetulkan kelemahan serta menguatkan strategi perniagaan untuk merencana peluangpeluang yang ada pada masa hadapan. ”, Bahagian Pembangunan PerniaDalam mempromosi produk “ gaan & Pemasaran mengambil inisiatif menjalankan aktiviti-aktiviti di sekolah-sekolah harian biasa sekitar Lembah Klang dengan membuat jualan percubaan bagi mendapatkan pandangan dan menguji sambutan. Selain itu koperasi sekolah juga dapat memanfaatkan peluang ini untuk menyediakan kemudahan kepada pelajar-pelajar bagi mengelak dari menggunakan telefon mudah alih secara berleluasa ketika berada di kawasan sekolah. Hasrat Kementerian Pelajaran Malaysia untuk membasmi penggunaan telefon mudah alih di sekolah-sekolah telah memberi ruang kepada syarikat untuk mengambil inisiatif membekalkan kadfon di sekolahsekolah. Ia mungkin agak sukar, namun dengan adanya jualan kadfon “ ” ini setidak-tidaknya dapat mengurangkan aktiviti-aktiviti penyalahgunaan tersebut di semua sekolah. Pada masa yang sama pelbagai usaha terpaksa dilaksanakan bagi memberi keyakinan kepada guru-guru tentang kepentingan dan ke”. Sesungguhnya kadfon “ ” tidak boleh baikan kadfon “ diakses melalui telefon mudah alih dan ini secara tidak langsung memberi impak besar kepada Kementerian dalam mencapai matlamat yang telah direncanakan. Terdapat sesetengah sekolah menolaknya secara menyeluruh, dan secara jujur Bahagian Pembangunan Perniagaan & Pemasaran terpaksa meyakinkan guru-guru supaya lebih bersikap positif dan memainkan peranan serta bersama-sama menyahut saranan Kementerian agar menjadi masyarakat yang cemerlang, gemilang dan terbilang. APRIL 2009 NADA PERNEC 09 INFO & ACTIVITY PayPoint Launches Pernec’s First Wireless Internet Access Now employees, visitors & busin partners can enjoy Wireless Inter Access @ the speed of light 2 010 7 February 2009 will go down in Pernec’s history as the day the company’s WiFi product, Pernec APRIL 2009 INFO & ACTIVITY “Straight from the Heart Connecting and Enriching the Community Anytime Anywhere Together With WiFi” APRIL 2009 011 INFO & ACTIVITY High Speed Broadband By Azizul Abdul Aziz Dzulkifli Muhamad Changes in the TELCO Group T ired of snail-speed Internet connections? Need to have connections that match the speed of your imagination? The explosive growth of technology has made the requirement for broadband administration of one CSD manager. This has created connectivity and bandwidth even more imperative. The Internet a bigger pool of resources for both the subsidiaries. has indeed shrunk our planet. Increasing numbers of citizens Nonetheless each subsidiar y still ser ves their around the world are logged onto the connected web, bringing customers through their different principals. MSAN all of us even closer together. and Microwave projects are still the core projects for 2009. The HSBB project will soon be announced. We must all pray that Pernec will have a share in this mega Imagine this. You are ill and you want a second opinion from a doctor in London. Consultation by the prestigious specialist project for it has a tremendous bearing on Pernec’s in London is done in minutes and it takes place while you are future business direction should we fail to secure any sitting comfortably at home. one of the sub systems. Imagine no more. Soon this can be realised via the HSBB. Major challenges for the Telco are: s 4O SECURE THE (3"" PROJECT FOR A LONGTERM commitment to the Telco industry. Presently MSAN, FTTH and IPTV are the forerunners. We believe our strong presence and nationwide support services is the So what is HSBB? The High Speed Broadband or better known as HSBB project is a key national infrastructure initiative with huge economic key to the successful implementation of the project and social impact. Besides contributing to economic growth, s 4O CONTINUE TO PROVIDE COMPETITIVE SOLUTIONS AND HSBB will enhance the nation’s competitiveness in the region; services to our current and future customers. Presently help attract foreign direct investment as well as accelerate the our major principals are NEC and ZTE. There is a need to have a constant dialogue and workshop for exchanging ideas on the best suitable manner to nation’s ICT and high-tech aspirations and agenda through an enhanced knowledge capital workforce. approach our customers. It is important to understand HSBB is a premium broadband service that offers bandwidth our customers’ business requirements that will help delivered at network speeds of 10Mbps and above, when them serve their end customers better compared to normal broadband that delivers bandwidth s 7E WILL UPGRADE HUMAN RESOURCES TO HANDLE CURRENT technologies and also IP-based Technologies through strategic alliances with Technological Partners. Present resources can be easily retrained to upgrade through wired and wireless technologies at network speeds ranging between 256Kbps and 4Mbps. HSBB is a Public-Private Partnership project with TM in their knowledge the driver’s seat. Under the HSBB initiative, TM will roll-out a s 4O PROVIDE MANUFACTURING ACTIVITIES FOR MAJOR last mile access network to homes and businesses to facilitate HSBB projects. Presently, only MPOC and iron poles are involved in these activities. Later manufacturing HSBB services using four main technologies, i.e. fibre-to-the of rectifiers and also other ONU and MSAN home (FTTH), Ethernet-to-the-home (ETTH), Very High Speed local assembly will follow suit. Present entry into Digital Subscriber Line 2 (VDSL2) and Asymmetric Digital manufacturing will require ISO compliance and other Subscriber Line 2+ (ADSL2+). In addition, TM will be rolling SIRIM standard requirements besides the basic investment of manufacturing equipment. Hence a new entrant may not find it viable to invest unless a longer contract term is secured out its Next-Generation Network (NGN) – a core backbone network based on an all-IP Platform as well as growing the nation’s global capacities by building new international gateways for enhanced connectivity and network efficiency. 012 NADA PERNEC APRIL 2009 INFO & ACTIVITY I ts benefits are manifold. Consumers will now be able to enjoy an exciting lifestyle with a variety of services such as high speed Internet access, file sharing, e-commerce, e-government, e-learning, video-conferencing, web browsing, IPTV and high definition TV. HSBB will also make tele-working a realistic choice as transfer of data can be carried out efficiently. In addition, HSBB will enable consumers to use real-time interactive applications such as video conferencing for their discussions without their presence in the actual physical location. This is a reality in developed countries and is fast becoming a much-used tool. This will definitely please those who are concerned about the rising price of fuel and who are environmentally conscious. T o understand the deployment of HSBB, we must first understand the role HSBB plays in the larger world of broadband deployment in Malaysia. Broadband deployment in Malaysia is carried out using two approaches – normal broadband, known as Broadband to the General Population (BBGP) delivered via wired (DSL) and wireless technologies (WiMax, WiFi, 3G/ HSDPA) while the other will be through HSBB. BBGP (via both wired and wireless modes) is deployed nationwide while HSBB (available only through the wired mode) will initially be concentrated in the Klang Valley, Iskandar Malaysia and key industrial zones throughout the country. It is expected that 1.3 million premises will have the ability to access HSBB coverage by end 2012. U nder the HSBB project, new contracts are still under evaluation in areas such as multi-service access (MSAN), fibre-to-the-home (FTTH), SDH/DWM/ OXC and metro ethernet. As one of the key players in providing infrastructure and large system integration projects, Pernec is very honoured with its involvement and contribution in the project. The opportunity given to participate in this exercise has given Pernec the selected platform to foster its efforts towards realising the national aspirations of achieving 50 per cent household broadband penetration targets by 2010. Today, HSBB is almost upon us. The HSBB project will mark a turning point for Pernec and for the nation at large eventually. There is no doubt, that in time to come, HSBB would have helped establish profound changes in the way we live. The journey ahead will indeed be very exciting as we poise ourselves to usher in a new lifestyle change for all Malaysians with the advent of the HSBB era. All of us involved in the project will be part of a team that will be responsible for leaving a legacy behind while being open to all possibilities for future generations to live, explore and experience. APRIL 2009 013 HAPPENINGS/EVENTS/LAUNCHES By: Wan Zulhazran H ari-Q Kumpulan PNB kali ke-4 telah berlangsung pada 28 & 29 Oktober 2008 di Sime Darby Convention Centre, Bukit Kiara dengan tema “Achieving Business Excellence Through Human Capital”. Program ini merupakan inisiatif syarikat-syarikat Kumpulan PNB yang bekerjasama merangka satu agenda bagi mempertingkatkan pencapaian kualiti yang lebih cemerlang dan dirasmikan sendiri oleh Pengerusi PNB, YABhg. Tun Dato’ Seri Ahmad Sarji Abdul Hamid. Objektif utama Hari-Q ini diadakan adalah untuk mewujudkan satu platform perkongsian pengetahuan serta pengalaman berkaitan kualiti di samping melihat kepentingan aspek modal insan dalam mencapai kecemerlangan sesebuah syarikat. Bersesuaian dengan tema program ini, satu pembentangan kertas kerja yang bertajuk “Retaining Talent for Sustainability” telah disampaikan oleh Dr. David S.Cohen, Pengetua Kumpulan Tindakan Strategik, Kanada. Memberi fokus kepada kepentingan kualiti serta usaha-usaha yang berkesan ke arah Q Hari-Q: Menjadikan Kualiti Sebagai Budaya Kerja kecemerlangan operasi dan perkhidmatan secara berterusan, Hari-Q Kumpulan PNB 2008 telah diisi dengan aktiviti-aktiviti yang memberi peluang penyertaan kepada semua rakan sekerja kumpulan PNB. Antara program-program yang dijalankan adalah seperti Pameran-Q, Kuiz-Q, Taklimat-Q dan Konvensyen QIT. Hari-Q Kumpulan PNB 2008 telah diakhiri dengan majlis penutup serta penyampaian cenderamata kepada semua syarikat kumpulan PNB yang terlibat dalam menjayakan program ini. Inisiatif seperti ini diharap dapat menjadi pemangkin kepada kecemerlangan kualiti kepada semua syarikat kumpulan PNB khususnya Pernec Corporation Berhad, dalam usaha menjadikan kualiti sebagai budaya kerja untuk memastikan produk dan perkhidmatan yang dihasilkan mampu berdaya saing di peringkat global. Ribuan terima kasih diucapkan kepada semua yang terlibat dalam menjayakan Hari-Q Kumpulan PNB 2008. 014 NADA PERNEC APRIL 2009 arah kecemerlangan operasi dan perkhidmatan secara berterusan, Hari-Q Kumpulan PNB 2008 telah diisi dengan aktiviti-aktiviti yang memberi peluang penyertaan kepada semua rakan sekerja kumpulan PNB. “Kualiti Teras Kecemerlangan” HAPPENINGS/EVENTS/LAUNCHES K ualiti Persekitaran / 5S mer upakan aspek yang amat dititikberatkan oleh pihak Pernec bagi menjamin keselesaan dan kehidupan produktif untuk semua staf. Hal ini adalah perkara asas bagi sesuatu proses peningkatan produktiviti yang perlu diberi perhatian serius untuk menjamin pembangunan sesebuah syarikat. Program 5S/QE 2008, Pernec Corporation Berhad Justeru itu pihak Quality Management System Department (QMSD) telah menjalankan audit 5S/QE berkaitan Kualiti Persekitaran tempat kerja yang terdapat di Pernec bermula dari tahun 2007. Audit 5S/QE dijalankan sebanyak empat kali pada tahun 2008. Berdasarkan pemerhatian sepanjang audit dijalankan, tahap kualiti persekitaran bagi tempat-tempat yang telah diaudit berada dalam keadaan yang memuaskan. Namun demikian, masih banyak lagi perkara-perkara yang perlu dipertingkatkan demi menjamin kualiti persekitaran yang benar-benar bersih di Pernec. Komitmen dari semua staf amat memberangsangkan terutamanya ketika audit dijalankan. Bagi menghargai komitmen semua staf dalam menjalankan kempen 5S/QE ini, pihak QMSD dengan kerjasama Jabatan Komunikasi Korporat menganjurkan Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah untuk pemenangpemenang yang telah mendapat markah tertinggi bagi keseluruhan audit. Majlis diadakan pada 3 Mac 2009. Majlis Penyampaian Hadiah juga telah diadakan serentak dengan Perhimpunan Bulanan bersama Pengarah Urusan bagi bulan Mac. Hadiah diberikan mengikut lima kategori yang dipertandingkan iaitu kategori Jabatan kurang 10 staf, kategori Jabatan lebih 10 staf, kategori Ketua Jabatan, kategori ‘store’ dan kategori ‘production line’. Akhir kata, diharapkan dengan adanya program 5S/QE ini, staf Pernec akan lebih peka berkaitan aspek kebersihan serta keselesaan di tempat kerja. Berikut adalah senarai pemenang-pemenang bagi kategori yang telah dipertandingkan : Jabatan Kurang 10 Staf Tempat Pertama Tempat Kedua Tempat Ketiga : PCB (Pernec Customer Care Centre) : PTX (Project Management Office 2 – MPD) : PTX (Project Management Office 1) Jabatan Lebih 10 Staf Tempat Pertama Tempat Kedua Tempat Ketiga : PTX (Accounts & Finance) : PCB (Group Commercial & Logistic) : PAN (Quality Control & Customer Support) Kategori ‘Store’ Tempat Pertama : PCB – GCL Kedah (Store 1 – Level 1) Kategori ‘Production Line’ Tempat Pertama : PAN (Repair Package) Kategori Ketua Jabatan Tempat Pertama Tempat Kedua Tempat Ketiga : Halimah Kamal (PCCC, PCB) : Mazlan Desa (Planning, PAN) Wan Kamaruddin Wan Mustaffa (Sales & Marketing, PTX) Hasbullah Mohd Abas (Quality Control & CS, PAN) : Rusni Mohd Yunus (Accounts & Finance, PCB) APRIL 2009 NADA PERNEC 015 HAPPENINGS/EVENTS/LAUNCHES Living the Values of 5S 5 S is no longer a new word. In simplified terms, 5s is a methodology for organising, cleaning, developing and sustaining a productive work environment. The 5S awareness programme was introduced as early as July 2002 by the Quality Management System (QMS) department in order to instil the values of achieving business excellence among Pernec-ians. Halimah Kamal (PCCC, PCB), our first runner-up for two years since 2006 has collected three awards so far followed by second runner-up Mazlan Desa (Planning, PAN), Wan Kamaruddin Wan Mustafa (Sales & Marketing, PTX) & and Hasbullah Mohd Abas (Quality Control & CS, PAN). “This isn’t about winning. It’s about a continuous effort towards building a culture in Pernec in doing efficient and quality work in a clean and tidy environment using safe and disciplined values,” said Halimah Kamal confidently. According to Halimah, the 5S programme has developed an open sense of willingness to work as a team besides encouraging cooperation among colleagues. It has also motivated staff to increase their work productivity. It is equally important to have a dedicated ‘5S Corner’ to constantly remind staff of the objectives of having a cleaner work area, conducive environment and a work place that is orderly. For a business to succeed in an increasingly competitive market, that business must attain a certain standard of customer service. In short, exceptional service must be extended to our customers. The delivery of consistently high quality customer service continues to be a challenge for all organisations. Having the 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seiso, Seiketsu, Shitsuke) work ethics is part of delivering quality customer service. The staff adopting these principles will realise that they have been motivated to be self-disciplined and to work in an orderly and efficient manner with a systematic approach and structured process. These are part of the criteria that will certainly contribute to delivering quality customer service. “Sustaining the 5S effort needs continuous commitment and involvement by everyone, a culture to be consistently practised at all times,” added Halimah. As one of Pernec’ s senior officers, Halimah finds this programme a success in improving Pernec’s image since its implementation and hopes this programme will be sustained at all levels. It will require the involvement of all employees and she strongly believes Pernec’s new generation will still work by these principles so everyone can enjoy working in a clean, safe and conducive environment with a set of high quality work standards. “Everyone loves cleanliness, comfort and order,” she ended with the comment, “You can do it!” Pernec at kspo Kerjaya k Pendidikan P didik U USM (EKSPEN) By: Junaidah Jupri Human Capital Management Department R ecently Pernec through the Human Capital Management department participated in a career and education fair in Penang organised by Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM), Jabatan Tenaga Kerja (JTK) and the Human Resource Ministry. This three-day event was officiated by the Deputy Minister of Human Resource, YB Dato’ Noraini Ahmad on 27 February 2009. The event was held at Dewan Utama Pelajar, USM with 53 government agencies and companies participating including the Securities Commission Malaysia, JTK, PUNB, Panasonic, CCM, Schlumberger, Prudential etc. 016 NADA PERNEC APRIL 2009 ASPIRATION PERNEC Reaches Out to Those in Gaza & Palestine P ERNEC Group pooled together funds to help ease the burden of the people of Palestine and Gaza. Currently living in squalid conditions and caught in the midst of a horrific war, the donations will be used to purchase much needed medical supplies, food and clothing. To all victims of the on-going war, the PERNEC Group offers its solemn prayers for an end to their needless suffering. “Ya Allah, muliakanlah Islam dan kaum Muslimin. Ya Allah, tolonglah kaum Muslimin dan Mujahidin di Palestin. Ya Allah, teguhkanlah Iman mereka dan turunkanlah ketenteraman di dalam hati mereka dan satukanlah barisan mereka. Ya Allah, hancurkanlah kaum kuffar dan kaum musyrikin. Ya Allah, binasakanlah kaum Yahudi dan pasukan Israel dan ceraiberaikanlah kesatuan mereka. Ya Allah, menangkanlah kaum Mujahidin atas musuh kami musuh agama dengan RahmatMu, Wahai Yang Maha Pengasih. Dan sampaikanlah Selawat kami kepada Nabi Muhammad.” APRIL 2009 017 PERNEC CAFE BEST RECIPE CSR Reaching Out to One in the Family BIHUN CILI PADI Bahan A (mesin halus) Bawang Putih Bawang Merah Cili Padi A fire is horrific no matter where or when it happens. Many would not expect a fire to occur in your home. However when it does, it can be life threatening and residents can be engulfed in flames in a matter of minutes. Recently, Pernec staff paid a visit to Nur Adibah Othman and her family after receiving news that a fire had destroyed their home in Taiping, Perak on 27 February 2009. Nur Adibah was a former Pernec staff (E-BIZ Sdn Bhd). The devastation brought on by the fire has had a tremendous effect on Adibah and her family, including her parents aged between 75-80 years old, sister-in-law and eight schoolgoing nieces and nephews. By the grace of 018 APRIL 2009 god, no one was injured. Pernec staff are now working together to lend a helping hand, giving freely their time and money so that Nur Adibah and her family can better cope with this tragedy. We are proud of you, Pernec-ians! Bahan B Lobak Merah Sawi Udang Ayam Bebola Ikan Bihun yang telah direbus 2 biji telur Cara-Cara :. 1) Tumis Bahan A hingga naik bau Masukkan air, kacau dengan telur. an. 2) Masukkan Bahan B dan hidangk However as a reminder to all, it is best for everyone to be cautious in the event their house is on fire. Preventing the needless loss of life should be everyone’s priority. Nur Adibah Othman and family are in our prayers. May they get relief from the pain of losing their home and overcome this adversity by virtue of Allah’s name. InsyaAllah. Gallery Majlis Bersama Rakan MSAM APRIL 2009 NADA PERNEC 019