TandaslMalaYSla Jasinraihgangsa
TandaslMalaYSla Jasinraihgangsa
TandaslMalaYSla Jasinraihgangsa 148 PBT sertai pertandingan peringkat kebangsaan i PST It Anda "Kejayaan amat Oleh Muhammad Zaidee Daut bhnews@bharian;com.my J membanggakan ASIN: MaHis Perbanda- ran Jasin (MfJ)mencipta sejarah mengharum, kan nama Pihak Berkuasa Tempatan (PBT) di negeri . . ini MPJ kerana . . ini apabila berjaya merangkul Anugerah Pingat Gangsa Bagi KategoriTandas Bersih lMalaysia peringkat kebangsaan yang diadakan di Hotel Legend, .KualaLumpur, baru-baru ini. YangDipertuaMPJ,Murad Husin, berkata anugerah yang diterima itu adalah pengiktirafan terbesar kepada MPJ dan Kerajaan Melaka yang sentiasa mengutamakan aspek kebersihan tandas awam di Melaka. Beliau berkatf,l., Tandas IMalaysia Jasin di Taman . . Muhibah berhadapan lbu : '. Pejabat Polis Daerah (IPD) Jasin dan MPJ itu berjaya menarik pethatian juri menerusi beberapa kriteria yang berteraskan kepada Konsep IMalaysia dan mesra pengguna. "Kejayaan illi amat membanggakan MPJ kerana ia satu-satunya tandas berkoIlsepkan IMalaysia yang ada ' iasatusatunya tandas berkonsepkan 1Ma/aysi(J yangada diMe/aka dan paling menggembirakan iaantara tandas yang pa/ingbersih daripada 148 PBTyang turutmenye(tai pertandingan ini" MuradHusin Yang Dipertua MPl dtMelaka dan paling.rnenggembirakf,l.llia alltara tandas yap.g paling bersihdaripaga 148PBTyang turut menyertai pertandingan ini,." katanya ketika ditemui. Katanyf,l., pertandingan Yang diadakan itu juga selaras dengan hasrat Kementerian Perumahan dan Kerajaan Tempatan yangrnal1U semua perkhidmatan awam PBT sentiasa berf,l.dadi tahap terbaik. Majlis penyampaian anugerah KategoriTandas Bersih IMalaysia peringkat kebangsaanitu disempurna.}tanMenteri perumahan dan I{erajf,l.anTempatan, Datuk GMrChee Heung. Allugerah itu tmut menyaksikan Majlis Daerah Kemaman, Terengganu, mendapat Anugerah Pingat Emas, manakala Majlis Daerah Langkawi, Kedah menerima Anugerah Pingat Perak. Murad berkata, kejayaan itu menjadi cabaran kepada MPJ dan PBT yang lain di negeri .ini dalam usaha terus mempertingkatkan tahap kebersihan tandas awam yang ada di kawasan masingmasing. "Ia penting dalam us aha keinellterian memastikan semua PBT di negara ini menjadi agensi yang berkesan dalam memberikan perkhidmatan kepada masyarakat seiring dengan hasrat mencapai status negara maju," katanya. BERITA HARIA' Tarikb..} .!.\.~~~.?........... ~oduktiviti sektor awam tidak banyak berubah KUALA LUMPUR - Penjawat awam perluterus berusaha meningkatkan produktiviti bagi memastikan kejayaan pelaksanaan Program Transformasi Kerajaan (GTP), kata Tlmbalan Perdana Menteri, Tan Sri Mubyiddin Yassin. Beliau berkata, Model Baru Ekonomi mengakui bahawa produktiviti sektor awam tidakbanyak berubah sejak bebe;r':;I,patahun kebelakangaJtirii. "Perubahan dalam produktiviti semua penjawat awam adalah penting kerana hanya ~eI1&a1l ~i sahaja MUHYIDDIN menerimacenderamatadaripadaMohd.Sidek(kiri) penyamparan perkhidmatan ,padcfPersidanganPerkhidmatanAwamdiKualaLumpursemalam. dan output kerajaan dapat diperkukubkan;' katanya Abu Bakar Abdullah dan ses dan prosedur bagi memdalam ucaptama pada Per- Presiden Persatuan Per- bolehkan penyertaan aktif ,sidangan. Perkhidmatan kbidmatan Tadbir dan Dip- sektor swasta dan rakyat dan Awam Ke-15 di sini sema- lomatik, Datuk Seri Dr. Mo- dalam pembangunan lam. hd. Nasir Mohd. Ashraf. pelaksanaan dasar. "Ini akan menginstitusiTurut hadir ialah Ketua ,Mubyiddin berkata, stkan perkorigsian kuasa dan Setiausaha Negara, Tan Sri ruktur institusi perkbidmaMohd. Sidek Hassan; Ketua tan awam juga perlu dire- pembuat dasar secara forPengarah Jabatan Perkhid- kayasa semula dan diting- mal dalam kerajaan atau matan Awam, Datuk Seri katkan; JJlemu'<:l~an J:!fo- institU,Si," katapya. ,/ '" ,-f-.. ~ ~ "" '" ~ ,""";"... .~.> ~ =.~ d. KOSMO , ,\ ~flkh: I \'~ \ \ C) ........................ if\;tt {" ~ . -.-"'-- - ,--- - -- - ~ I uf p f' .J I Councillors voting for legal action be taken. Licences to bevalidfor 3 year~ SUBANG JAYA:Business owners here can renew their business and advertising (signboard)licencesfor a period ofthree years,beginning next year. Owners of businesses that are not risky or sensitive in nature can applyforrenewals at Subang Jaya Municipal Council's (MPSJ) main counter and its branches in Bandar Puteri, Puchong, and Serdang Jaya until the end of the year. Renewalscan also be done online at MY@MPSJ (www.mpsj.gov.my)and payments can be made via VISa and MasterCardcredit cards. The announcement was made by MPSJ president DatukAdnanMdIkshan at the council's headquarters .recently. He said approvalscould be given for telecommunication structures to be built together with advertising poles, under the state government's Construction Guidelines for Telecommunication Towers 2007. He said this was aimed at reducing the practice of building the structures in an ad hoc and disorganised way. He said this when asked to comment on the construction of telecommunication structures at petrol stations within the municipality. Adnan said the council aimed to streamline the applications based on the guidelines when he was asked about delays in approvals. He said the permit for the pylon advertising poles at the Petronas station in USJ 6 was issued in April while the outdoor advertising licence for the premises was approved in May. The application for the con- struction of the telecommunication towers was made in Ju1y'after the prerequisites had been met. The go-ahead was given in September. The owner of the premises was tined when it was discovered that he had allowed the towers to be built before the approval was given on Nov 2. He said: "There were many complaints lodged by the public who were concerned about the levels of radiation emitted by the telecommunication structures, which can cause health problems." Based on studies conducted by the Ministry of Health and the National Nuclear Agency, the level of radiation emitted by the telecommunication structures was safe, being within the same spectrum of those emitted by radios and televisions. Harinderan - By K. NEW ST~AITS TIMES P 1\0 Tari' h:\ .,. "'''''" ............. .\ ,~ . Hand-in-glove solutionto pestproblem By Dawn Chao streets@nstp.com.my SUBANGJAYA:Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) recentlyheld a gotongroyongexercise to eradicate pests in the commercialarea ofSS15. Over 200 people from the 5S15 Business Association, Zone 1 residents' associations and pest control company Rentokil Initial took part in the threehour event. Armed with gloves and garbage bags, participants scoured SS15 to remove rubbish piled in the back alleys and clogging the drains. Rentokil Initial employees placed poison baits at rat infested areas. . MPSJ deputy president Abdullab Marjunid said the exercise was part of a three-month pilot project that started in October. "The project is to make SS15, one of the busiest areas in Subang Jaya, clean, comfortable and conducive. ] «A clean and comfortable commercial area will attract more customers. It is also better for the residents' health and pre~ vent illnesses such as leptospirosis, which can be fatal," he said after launching the project. Under the project, the council will carry out pest control activities such as cover holes in drains, remove rubbish and issue notices to restaurant owners to clean their premises. Rat infestation, especially at the food outlets, has become a public concern in SS15. limAhBoon, who owns a mini market in SS15/8A, ,hoped the exercise could be carried 01.l.t every three months. "One of the problems is the way restaurant operatotS dispose of their waste. Most of the eateries here are manned by foreign workers who don'tlmow the proper way to do it," said limo i;\t Particpants get their hands dirty for a cleaner 5515. t.'-~'rY . Tarikh: - Pictureby Chon Woi Yew ~Ld~ J \ I\~ \ \ 0 "'--- - - .iiviE3 ................-