M,PSJ: I,aral}! ~ il41 una ,p'l~astl:k Kerajaan SelangoF mahuse[llq'fPBTgOna bahan', bol'ehdikitarsemula .. FOTOI .. Aswadi »OIeh MaiamalinaMohamed Amin maiam~lina@ hrnetro;COi1].my . S ,. ,. UBANG JAYA: Majlis Perband a ra.~n. Suban g Ja-' " ya (MPSn . rang . mula.mela- . penggunaan. . . plas"..,, tik dalam kawasan pentadbirannya bermul~awal bulail lalu - dalam usaha mehgurangkan;penggunaaan bahan, itm.. Ia didapului kafeteriaMESJ yang ditegah daripad<l,menggunal<.ansebarang bekas ber.;" asaskan plastik ternrasuk,polisterin, sebaliknya diganti d,enganbegkertas, bek~s dan beg plastik yang boleh dikitar semula. . Yang Dipertuanya,~Adnan Md Ikhsan,berkata pellguat ->, kuasaan dasar itu selaras ara'.. han kerajaan negeri yang DEDIKASh..Aclnan berucap clipefl'lim~ohan'biJlanijnl5al5itanganMPSJ,bafli~baruini. ." ,.. " ',. ,. , . mahu semua pihak berkuasa . ,~'Kamimenerima- arahan beg..kert~satau'.bekasyang tempatan(PBT) wilayah Sesertai ;24 ahli majlis MPSJ ,selain langorbebas daripada menglni daripada kerajaanll~geri bolehdikitarsemula ya~$ barudilantik, sebelum awal JUn lalu; dan ia se- ,kakitangan mefub'awa b~kas . merekadiperkena'lkan gunakan plastik terutama sedalam 'penyediaan mak~- patutnya dilaksana"L:~Ogos makanan, sendiri dari .ruorang demi'seorang kepada nan. , depan serentak di semua mah. kira~kira. 900 kakitangan Katanya, })1engikut peranPBT selurul} Selahgor, ,lla:- "Saya percaya pematuhan yang'berkumpw. cangan arahan berkenaan sec' mUn diawalkan untuk tu- ke atasdasardni mungkin Mengenaipenentuari ahli patutnya dila:ksanaserent~ Juan mendiaik kakitangan ambil plasa; tetapikaIll,i ak~ jawatankuasa, Adnan berkadan penduduk di bawah usahakan supayai<l,dipatuhi di semua PBT, Ogosdepan ta pihaknya akan menguMPSJ. . namun pihaknya mengambil s~mua pihak," k~tanya se- mumkan senarai.penuh pekeputusan untuk mengada. "Buat permwaan,kita sU" lepas Perhimpunan I}\.danan megang 10 jawatankuasa kannya lebih awal bagi tudah, rri~ngarahkall kafeteriil BersalliaKakitangan MPSJ dL berkenaan selepasmesyuarat Juan mendidik kakitarigan agar tidak1.agiI1lenggPnakan ~()mP1eks .SukanMPSJ, Ai mengenainya selesai di samsillibaru-barwini. ",,' '",'. MPSJ seka'li gus menggahikbel<.as, plastiksebaliknya phlg J,elIlbahagian ahli majkan penduduk. menggantikannya q~ngan 'P7rhimpunan itu~urut. Qie lismengikut 24 zon. " ' HARlAN METRO Tarikh: ..L~..~~~..mQP...... Pelbagai carapromosipinjaman wqng SUBANGJAVA-Pelbagai cara d,an taictik san Puchong dan sekitarnya masih banyak iklan digunakan kumpulan pemberi pinjaman wang yang dipercayai haram digantungsepanjangjadi sini, bagi 'menarik perhatian mereka yang Ian ke taman perumahan. . memerhikan kemudahan'itu. , "Bagi mereka yang terdesak mungkin akan Terbaru, Sinar Harian menerima laporan menyangka ia ada keha mengena dengan iklan l ol1ll,lgramai bahawa ada peminjam,wang me- k(:menterianterbabit danmengambil keputusan memjnjam tanpa berfIkir panjang. Lagipun ayat letakkan pos.ter ,mengiklankan.: perkhidmatan mereka dengan tulisan mirip 'sebuahiklan kec d!gunak~~~a iaitu 'kami bukan along, kami ;~menterian xang 'ditayangkan di media massa - CUIDamiktoloIig', elektrdnik.~'" ' - "Mimgkin ada yang t!lllU,tetapi tidakmengambil iktibardengan kisah ugutan serta 3ffcam- Seorang pendq4uk yang J11ahudikenali sean olehpem~pwjaman wang sekiranya gacbagai Ahmad; 45,~erkata, syarikatterbabit meng, ~akan ayat itu'diRercayai; ',' gal melangs~ikwihutang/,katanya. SeJlqbungariitu,Ahri1'itdmenggesa pihakter"<'9rang ramai supaya}akin dehgan skim'merekil. 'sediakan. babit mem@tau perkara itU!teterusnya.menurunKatanya,dia kesal ke,ranakebanyakankawa- kan ~a,y. yang digantung tanpa kebenaran. -" ,'." . : \ I 'j I I j I , I \ \ SINAR HARlAN Tarikh: ::1..~..J.'1k..!t[~...... .. Ratepayer.s .welfare theobjectr&1 FINALLY,after more than three months of uncertainty, the 12 local councils in selangorhave 'their councillors. Almost all the new councillors _have never served before. Tllis isnot totally a bad thing as many former councillors-acquired some bad habits, such as turning a'blind eye to the proliferation Qf billboards and o<;cupation of open spacesby politicalparties. ~ . Councillors play important roles. They pass bylawS,policies and annual budgets,includingfor dev~ elopmentprojects. They highlight problems faced by ratepayers and often playa direct role in ~olving these. Those app6inted to committees like the One Stop Centre (OSC)committee that approves applications for development proJects, also'play important executive roles. ~. Of interest inthe new line-up is the presenceof non-governmentalorganisati.on(NGO)nominees. Although six out of 24.councillQrs in each Couf1cil is far short of the much touted 8-8-8 formula to represent political parties, NGOs and professional bodies, it is still better than the past practice of appointingoply ruling party members. Appointees such as petaling Jaya city councillor Richard Yeoh of Transparency International Malaysia and Subang'Jaya municipal councillor Chang Kim Loong of the House Buyers Association are examples of a new and progressive step in the selection of people to serve in local councils. IndeedJ the appointment of chagg to the powerful OSC committee is also commendable. '~i(HoWev~r,the decision to allow state assembly~ mefi' and'members of parliament to participate in touncilmeetings, including, is wrong even though they have no yoting rights. local councils are local governments. . Just,as MPscannotpartiCipatein state li~ ingfor recurrent e2<penditLJres; Utile isle{t for, !: developmef1tprojects. " Raising assessment ,1; rates is unthinkabl~for the timebein g.ln deed, . . ratepayers are already. I . . disappointedthatthe' , ~ promised 20% rate cut LoealCounsel by Goh Ban is out. " Further,almost all ~I the officersare the II ''Same persons. While 'I.. some may share the \1 new enthusiasm for II change, it is unlikelythat all have had a sudden transformation and become more productive, selangoLeanS too have not suddenly become " .civic-minded. They still discard rubbi$h indiscriminately,park vehicles anywhere they like, operate' illegalfactories a!!dbuild illegalexten~jons., I . ~. \ .As rfile,coM(1~iltors,Alu~:refraiQJr9111,.,:\ ,nterfenng In enf9rce_ment'{Vh~!1:a,PPrpaShe.p.bX,j~IJ the law-breakers for help. NOrJo:corpphancewith' municipalregulationsisone of the rW,ncauses of haphazard, dirty Cindinefficient towrsarid cities. Besides, interfering'in enforcement is ~orruption. '- Ne.w councillors must quickly learn'their roles and responsibilities. An understandjogJof the local Governmept'Act,Town and copntfy"Planning Act; StreefBuilding and Drainage..4.Ct and important by-laws is a must. They shourd;Cilso be aware of c6ncepts,like good urban governance, -sustainable development and livable cities. Workshops and seminars are useful. Unfortunately, while rpostlecturers'tlave theoretical knowledge of certain topics, they have little idea of the real world in which councillors operate - party politics, administrative procedures and ratepayers'needsanq expectations., Despite what is'Stated a60ve aboufbad habits, a'rich source ofknowl~dge is former . councillors:Many na\{e~g,rveddiligeiltly.Even in assemolies, tl'1ereis also no provision forthem, areas wheretheY'~reperceiv~dJo have failed, there are lessonstc)'belearnt. and assemblymen to partiCipate in local governNew'councillors, especiallY poiitical appointment meetings; Onlytl1ose sworn in as.coilnC;I" ees, should be humble enough to approach former lors and presidents or mayors can do s6. ~There is no doubt that assemblymen, and councillors to exchange id,eas over teh tarfk. The MPS wffo attend council meetings. want only. latter should accept !hat the people have made to cP!1tributR tl°wever,.besides the qUestion of- ',. their choice and extend a helping hand. The election is, over. Besides,'most council legality, their participation also goes against good ..issues are non-ideological. There is also no polgovernance becauseJt blurs accountability. The 1tica( divide in issuesHke cleanliness, pedestrian fact that MPs were allowedcto participate in the past does not make it acceptable. walRway~ flpod mitigation and safe cities. The only agenda for councillofs, both present and The newCQUnCiliors.already face formidable challenges without having MPs and assemblyrilen past,is the ~atepayer'~W~lfare. . , interferin~r Councillors are only oDe component Dr Goh Ban'Lee is a retired academic interested in the lAIorkingsof local councils. . The laws and by-laws are still the same. Many in urpan governance, housing and urban planning. Comments: . .local councils alSOhave limited funds. After provid~ . ..- ~UN II' Tarikh ".",,,..,,,,.,,.,,. 5 JUl 2008 ...- , . Indiscriminate parking near hospital 1t\t 5~R t1"'" /;rUb'J'" l AM a resident of SS12/1C Subang Jaya. In order to get to my house, I usually pass by the Subang Jaya Medical Centre's (SJMC) emergency entrance. It was not a problem until SJMC closed its parking area to facilitate the building- of new parking bays. As a result of the closure, visitprs are now parking their cars haphazardly alongside roads near and around SJMC'ssouth tower. They park their cars on both sides of the road, leaving a small space for cars to go through. Cars have to take turns to go through. that small space. It should be all right when there are no cars or when the drivers are consider:- C ate. .But often than not, drivers- don't seem to care. And that same road leads to SJMC'semergency room. What if an ambulance gets stuck just because drivers do not want to give way? Would they (the drivers) want to be responsible for a person's death? I have complained to the Subang Jaya Municipal Council (MPSJ) several times, by phone and by email, to rectify this matter, either by towing away the cars (there is a 'tow- ing zone' sign)or issuingsummons. . MPSJ did respond via letters dated 12th, 16th and24th June, basically stating they found my complaints to be true and that they will take action. . And the -letter on the 16th .and 24th stated that the area in question is a.'kawasanrondaan harian', that compounds were issued and that the file is now closed. . . My question is: How can the file be closed? It has to be left opened indefinitely. People are still parking their cars alongside the road. And there are no enforcement officers around. And this problem not only exists during the day but also way into the night where it is worse since they know MPSJ officers only work during office hours. I hope MPSJwilltake the necessary action. SUZANNA ABDUL HADI SubangJayil. STAR Tarikh; . 1 ......,~'!!..""~.5 JUL 2008 I PADApendapat saya,rasanyawajardirobohatau dipind(jhkan ka,binkontenadi sekitarPuchongyangte.!ahsekianlama mencacatkan pemandangandi kawasan inLKepada penduduk Puchong, jangan khuatir ker<masayapercaya pihak berkuasa tempatal)serta kerajaannegeriakanrhelaklJkanyangterb.aik bagi menangani masalah kabin-kabin ini.- NAI'TO,B~IT SENTOSA.. , . t,..~ l.f I r SINAR HARIAN . Tarlkh:1 5 JUL 200B , ...... . , ,.' '; . "".,' ",.~~I 11&lesen"peDlaga,1 ,_,I(8'q8h:,lpSUU ,dlUaml 1, ' . , " >':"",',.,." '" .EBA'N.YAI( 1, 118 fes~ri< ;S ..}p~ipiagaarib(U"angaIllu;sjlh. dJbafalkan.dalaIP J~m" ppp Qua tahuIT'lali 'sel~pas pemililpy(l.',dik.esan' meIal)g. garsyarat >lesep antaranya inel,11be.liJ?esi,t(a~g b~i d~n w~yarelektrik.'yan.g disuri\ MenterL >I)a1aJ,11)~~~geri, P~t{1k Sen Syed H~tI11A'j\.1: , bar,.berkata , tindakapitu,bac ~ ' I gi ~§!llastik~<p~r~ia~~aIl:SYEDHAMID.;:tiridakan ,.b.a,,!;<}Ilgi!IlIJl~ul1 dan beslbu- ',' ,',' " r~kdija1aI1kan den&an~baik segera .clansempuJ.'nasupaya tidak tinQakan segera,". katanya ..membawa ancaman keSela-ketika menja~~b soalan ~matan dan menjejaskan tambiihan Ahmad Lai Bujang (BN -Sibuti)" da!) Siti ekonotni.., . Zailah "Mohd~ Yusoff (PAS~RaIltau"~aIJjang)." Syed Hamid berkata, mereka yangdidapati mensuri barang qesi bpl~~ <:lN~wa mehgikut Seksye~ 21:9, Ka,nun Ke$eksaap. iaitu atas kec saIahan mencuri' <itau me~ 7~kes ngiKut Seksyeh 3,1}.0,Kanun Kes~!<s1(l.~Iliaitu ~encuri cialatn bangunaiJ. ~.ert'.l ditahan atau disek§t l,11engikll.t Un- lagimasih dalamperbicaraan; Bagi nieJ.'~ka yang menjalank(;1n ",perniaga~n tC}npa)esen;prel}lis~m~rekC}, , , bpl~h4itutJlPd'a..n " , Beliau berkata,jumlah ke~ seltitul?-ankes keturian kaoel dan besi di seluruh negara yang dicatatkan sehinggakini sebanYak?,946 ~an702 penangkapan sudah3ipuat. "Daripada<~8? kes;397 sudah diselesaikan, manakala: "10'('-'''_'1.",, hI,,,;,,,,,., di'.lJIlbil ,fdanQ'~Vp4an&J>,~nC~Q'"hap; H,t'--. " -,.,tH!J.Rd" ./,>A.,!".<,d.H.'\c5"'ni1.,)Lv,!., HARlAN METRO Tarikh: "'''1'S''j'\tt:'''l608'' . . ~~ .PSD:~aj ~eaveavailable KUAJA ~UMPURi The special leave granted to civil servants to perform the haj has long-exi1';ted aIIdis .still .a,ppli,~ab(e~-;according to the Public Service Departinent. ',' In a statelllent yesterday, the department smd the spe~ ciallea"e with full salary for the hfjJ!jlgrjJn~ge for govermnent "eIfiploy~es, ?~d.- beeninforcesince1984. . LllSt ~ongaY-'.Mu1Y' lllem- ber of parliaIllent Razali Ibrallinl suggested in the Dewan Rakyat that tbe governm(jnt, allocate special leave 'for Muslims who would like ..tdperform the hilj,especiaJly' those, who areperforining thepilgrinlage for .the first tiine. . . Hesmd currently, Muslifils, except for civil,ser- yants, had t~llSe their arinu . .'. 'al .or sick leav~.'toperform, the haj. c BernaIlla NEW ST~~1J~ 1OD~ES .................. Tal ikh: HARIA~ 5~1ETRO JUL 2008 Tarikh: ............... I I .- , ~I . Absorbcpsthike, develo'pers told c. . . ByBrendaLlin The miniSter said while he had the powerto terminate sale and "purchase agreements.IPOH:Itousingdevelopershll,ye such a movecouldonlylie tak" to honour sale .lIJld..purchase en ifboth parties, the develpper agreements signed with house and fuebuyer, agreed '. bUYers,includingthoseforpro" Onthe increa.sein the price of jects )hat ate under construc- building materials by between. tion. . . tObe abandoned, we will deftnitelywant to intervene, and to -do so'at an.earlystage." 'On the steps being consid:' ,ered to.",reduce construction costs, th~ .mfuister Raid tp.(}li.e includedloweririgimporttaxes and stamp duties and request- 28and34percent,Ongsaidtpe ing s.tategovernmentsto offer ." Housing and Local Govern"' ministry would.check to. see if lanq at a cheap~rpremit.qp: ment Minister DatukSeri Ong. "housing developeJ.;swer~.gen- - ". On another matte~, Qngsaid Ka Chuw said yesterday that Uinely struggling to. complete- . it special cabinetconlltiittee on developers could not use tp.e their projects. . minimisingthe e.ffects~of gloyal higher prices ofbuildingmate,Hesaidthe.price hikewas npt warming wouldbeset up intwo ' rials as ail excuse to increase expected to cause many pro~ or three months~time.'the price of their tWits jects to be abaIJ:doned,adding" To be chan-ed)iythe prime" . halfway. . - . that "pevelopers should have c°!l8idered factors of uncer- tamty and bear some of the risks,"he said after launchinga meeting of senior town and countryplanningofficershere. housing'-';'}Jrojects were .ministei"IJr his qel),uty, Yie ~om- abandoned during the 1998 ft- " mi~ewillconsfderissues"such nancilll cJjsis"becallse develop- . ers had mcurred .losses from th~ir involvemeiitin the share market and other buSmesses. "If at all a h?using-projectis - NEW STKAITS rIMES . 1 5 JUL Tarlkh: ...-........................... ~ ,reducing f}1elconsumption Ii and encouragmg~euse ofenvironment-friendly vehicles and publictransportation, said Ong. Advertiserswantlocal councilsto be consistent' '. By Azira Shaharuddin ,' SHAH AIAM: Adver,tisers are concerned over recent decisions on banner and bunting advertising made by Selangor local councils. , Selangor and, Federal Territories Advertisillg Association president Goh Leng Angsays the problem is confounded by a lack of standardisation in decisions, made by the 12 'local councils in the state. c', "For lllstance, 'each council . Goh calls for a uniform has different procedures to method by local councils in apply for perIirlts to put up ,Selangor. banners. And the association is questioning, tb.e Selayang !erfering with the associaMUnicipal council's recent de- J;\oIl'sjob. ' cisionto impose processing The aSsociationis alsoques-fees and fees to put them up. tiOning Kajang Municipal . sociation and the state eXeCUtive councillor in charge of 10~al government and research at thes,tate secretariat build- I ing recently. "We suggest the state government impose a uniform process for all the local councilS.We also feei that advertiSing responsibilities should not be given to single third parI ties,"he said. , State execuQve Councillor in charge pf Local Government 'and'Research Ronnie Uu said the state will not allow any monopolising ofbU:Siness activities ,which it considers contrary~to .free market prin.. ciples,ad~g ~t he will inv!'Jstigatei' < ," KajangMunicipal,Council , \ (MPKj) 'Corporate, Plapning Gohsays the councilhaSbe- Council's decision to engage and PublicRelati.ons Unit head gun imposing a RMIO pro- the servicesofa singlecompa- 'SharimanMoh~Norsaid Aevi "I cessing f~e aMRM20 for tb.e ny to map.agethe cOUncms Biz Sdn...Bhd'"'Y~ appointed installation of each 'balJller bunting aild banner permits. 'duringtl1~ thefilliboard meetfrom June 23. The task was ing in1'fpV$mbiJ~,toprev.eqtthe, and RMIO for everybunti!!g. Tb.e council has lJlso begun previouslyund~rtaken bythe uncoordIDated1nstallation of installing advertiSing bunting Councilitself, with.input from adve~~g "',"parwer-s ,.and J and banners in the district all members of the assoCia- bunting. ,', ' ' , , , , [ , themselves, while still charg- tion. Advertising companies.say ing a-dvertising companies for the service. is unfair as it is crellPng a "Previoilsly we offere~ this monopol~ . , "This is. against the prin~i-' as a complimentary service to our clients," he said, adding pIes of a free market," he said that this is tantamount to in- at a meeting,between the,as- ""j: "lfthere lire parties wllo are ' , ' NEW STRAl TS nMES Tadkh: :_1.~..~.Y.~.J9P'Q........ not satisfiedwitqthis decision~ tpey coUld sUbq1it tl1eir suggestions to MPKj,"he said. , SelayangMunicipalCouncil will comment on the issue later. ',.I .' Pu~I":~tlblo~~CJde A1 ,jAA.a IJ{'", ERIK wonderswhy the slip.road at Jalan PJS 9/26, Bandar Sunway'has been blocked by a barrier. Instead pf connecting to theLDPhighway at KM17:7, the jl1nctiqn h(:ls become a deAd, end. As' a result, residen'i:sin the area,lI3.vetq'.ir1ake a big tur,n to geLto the LDP Highway. ". . . With fuel. .IIlore expensive now, it's not economi" ". /.r-;{ 1- {~,,~ ,L. . caljformot()JiststQjtr~y~1 . Ho~~ver, tlj~closuretiollis furtheIi'witp.qJit:)f~~~q:i\";'1\E$of4be'1a,~e 1~!ldin~f\-olU says. "Thisblocked.jl1nc:'~ ,PJS 9/26to.J;DJ:?,was.Jl0t tion s40uld,be;pp~ne<J., for don.e by Litrak. There,are . the sakeoftheresidents hI' two different setscofbar- sbortcut connecting.,to LDP Highway. It was 'opened four years ago but there hnd been .JJ.1any a,ccidents and ,tbe the area;" decided 1>lo,f~{tbe junctiOll. . '. ' . " ~""'".~.~~ere~ed~tthisjun«;:;"5:resident~ ".,;"; .~,.!;i!' .,,(f, is 'at .tb~;" to LITJlAKHol~ing' Bbd ':firs!", 'a,!f of.~tIie)unction ' "Considering tI1emat:. commu,n.icatio~'! in,.an.-coveriJIgtl1'e ingress. ter is under Litrak, we agerBhavaJ,1i;Kris'bll~ ,..J,\1eanwb:ile~ Subang will write to tbem. on Iyer says,,;Li!rak£losedJ'aYa,. Mu,n.i~ip~l Council tbis matter. We will also the Inneleadingint~,.~JS "a~si~tant public relations monitor the location and, '9/26 sowe,'twoyear~'ago officer;Zamir' Ufubraassist Litrak:iftheyn.eed for safety reasons." Sahimi, says:"'QIe juncbelp from us," be says. MALAY MAIL 2008 r\11l'ikh. 1 5 JUL11'''''' ". . Dirty Puchon~gcoutlets shu,t,downBy T.H. TEOH FANCY having your meal at a restaurants where you're kept company by cockroaches running around and the occasional rat scampering in the kitchen just beside you, while'dry stuff like onions, packets of instant noodles and even uncooked rice are stacked on the dirtYfloor? , That's the sight that greeted' an " by council health officer Dr Roslan workers' general cleanliness was not Mohamed,Husiri, and three councilors taken care' of,".he said. - Norg.esni Ismail, Hamdan Ismail 1\zfarizat said improper disposal of and'Mohd Nasir Yusof. rubbish and leftovers was also another Of 14 premises ~h~cked, three were -, issue. ' ordered to cease business for the night "Many residents have complained of and had their premises-sealed. TWenty rats in Puchong. The source is mainly compounds for various offences were from all these dirty.eateries." issued'in total. ,Unc;lerthe. Food Establishment Council public' nilationsofficer Licenstng Byl,aw (MPSJ) 20~7, AzfarizalAbdul Rashid said the checks' premisxs ..found' tp be dirty can" be were being condu,ctedtokeep tabs sealed. Reopening the outlet would on the level ot cleanliness in eateries ,depend-con how the operator cleans around the municipality.' ,. up the place Within the. stipulated " , enforcement team from the health department of the SubangJaya Municipal Councilafter visiting outlets in Puchong Jaya. "Our raidingpa.rty found 'workers tiine. Compounds of RM1,OOOcan A total of 21 eateries were inspected who had not been vacCinated. Food' , also be issu~d for dirty outlets and for by the 30-strong raiding team led items were left; on the floor and the polluting drains. , ----- - - - ,- MALAY MAIL Tarikh: J 5 JUL.. .........- NEGARA kam~ negerikami. Sudah lama kami berbakti. Kami tetap di sini. (Our country, our state. We nave long served. We are still here.) So reads the"banner draped on.the fence ofa playground in Bandar Bukit Puchong3. After ahnost rn;-oyears of squatting onpubhc land, the Ba:tldar Bukit Puchong 3 Umno branch finally received an eviction notice from the state government. Its cabin was among about 40 owned by Barisan Nasional component parties occupying playgrounds and playing fields that received eviction notices from the Selangor government dated June 23. The letters among others stated that the state government would be demolishing these structures and advised the operators to vacate them. The notices underscored a promise by Mentri Besar Tan Sri AbqulKhalid Ibrahim in an interview with theSun in April tha,t the illegal cabins would be removed. "They are not our immediate truly believe that a different set of laws applies to them merely because.they are card-carrying members ofctheruIingparty. Thus, iUs incumbent on their leaders to do what they failed to do earlier - rein them in and tell them not to cause al!y proble}lls and let the law tak~ its course. It may be hard for them to"acCeptthat the honeymoon is over, but it is .time for a reality check. As for Abdul KhaJid's adminlsttation, one hopes this is not jiIst h popul&rity stunt. While it must be applauded .for doing what its predecessor refused to do, the Pakatan Rakyat government must also be brave enough to tear down illegal billboards, shut down thriving illegal business operations, review questionable conttacts and do everything necessary to ensure all decisions are by and with the,people's interest atheart. ' Already, it ha&experienced bumps and gone off ttack in the vetting and appointment of local-councillors, The general consensus now is that "it can't . get any worse thim before". For our sake,'let us hope that this is true. ' t~mporaryoccupatiol!aI priority, butwe will be dealing with it,"he had l~t;nces were issued and said. e state government And within a month vetped th'edecision of the bulldozers will "unicipal cotincils to move in to do what the r~inove these structures. ",Protests by residents previousadministtation should have done a o*er the loss' of their field were met with long time ago. For inQrnidation by thugs political inileage and not masquerading as wanting to risk losing cOJrnnunity leaders" grassroots support, the Down2Earth "The police recorded thenleaQ.ership turned byTerente Fernandez sf4;t~J;Ilentsfrom boUt a blind eye to the illegal &ig~s,but no action was occupation. While it went op. a "zero . " taken.t An" 'People's might squatter" and "zero opposition" drive, the leadership allowed prevail eyvoted ina new gove tj(' ch they believed component party branches to set up could bring '!pout the changes they offices on lana meant for the public. so desire~~' , , , With the sttoke:\of ape_n, W'~ , SUN Tarikh ....15 JUL-......... An.dtoday, the long arm of the'1aw has caught up with these privil~ged few who had tlie iuIes .belit in their favour. '!'hey will now lose their offices.which are in fact exclusive clubs disguised as "pusat-perkhidmatan (serviceV centre)". As in the case of BandarBukit Puchong 3, - first the cabins ~e, then the flagpoles, party flags and Jences, followed by a futsal court and barbecue pit! After all that, they can still claim a right to the field by virtue of their "khidmai (service)". On top of this, they now claim that their communal rights have been breached. Trust them to play the race card when checkmated! When on earth did breaking the law become the right of my' cqmmunity or individual? -, Even the-primeminister t ~ ,j f ~.. who is the Umno preSident had reiterated time and again that no one is above the law. So, the sad part now is that while the residentS can rejoice in reclaiilling their field, there is the risk of ugly scenes whep. the bulldozers appear. This is because there are'some who ' , Terence is deputy news editor (special reports & investigations). . He can be reached at terence@ " ' TAKKISAH... " .i : dua'~aksi 'paSangan kekasip memadu asmara di terowong, dekat.sebelah r~us~~. r I:U r~-t~ ~ "..,11 4 't ' 11 'c -" , '.... " .' 1 . ,I:, . . . .... .. . . ~ beliibelah. ~ HARIAN METRO . 1 5 JUl 2008 Tarlkh: ............... :Terowongberah tump~uan ..remaja, I 1 Pasangan kekasihpilihlaluanpejalank9kibuat'projek' '. »Oleh MohdJamilulAnbia. pengunjung pusat beli-be~ lah berkenaan.. MdDenindanSyarifah Dayana SyedBakri Lebihmenjijikkanapabila am@hmetro,co! ada pasangan remaja terbabit tiqak segan silu berERDANG:.Mengaibkan pelUkan dan berkucupan S apabila laluan pejalan dalam terowong 'terbabit kaki berhampiransebuah yang bersebelahan terusan pusat beli-belah terkemuair menuju sebuahtasik. ka di sini, menqapat joSeorang pengunjung pulokan, 'terowong berahi' sat beli-belah, MoJ:lamed apabila ia menjadi lokasi FaizalMohd Noor, j8, bergolongan remaja 'berasmakata kegiatan yang diangra sambil melakukan iide- gap tidak senonoh itu digan 'ringan-ringan' me::.. kesan ketika dia menaiki lampau. sebuah bot. rekreasi yang disediakan khusus untuk Terowong yang ,dianggarkan sepanjang lebih 100 meter itudigemari pasangan kekasih untuk melakukan 'projek' berikutan . suasananya suram selain jauh daripada Ilan9anga,n mendakwa teruja menyusuri kawasan tasik di selatan pusat beli-.b~lah itu. "Sebaik bot berkenaan bergerak'memasuki terowong terbabit, anak perempuan saya yang berusia Jujuh tahun tiba-tiba berkata 'ada orang tengah ciurn multit kat situ'. . "Saya dan isteri lantas memandang ke arah laluan pe-' jalan kaki di tepi terowong berkenaan dan melihatbeberapa pasangan kekasih sedangduduk bercengkerama tanpa menghiraukan pepelancong. . rlinnpang bot yang memanDia yang menaiki bot dang," katanya. berkenaan bersama isteri .Menurutnya, ada pasa~ dan dua anak berusia lima ngan memangku kepala dan tujuh tahun pada jam kekasihnya di riba selain 6.39 petang Ahad lalu, ada pula asyik memeluk pinggang pasangan. , Menurutnya, .ketika itu dia dapat melihat dengan jelas. seorang lelaki berusia 20-al1 mendakap erat. kekasihnya sambi! membelai rambut gadis yang longlai dalam pelukan. "Aksi tidak senonoh itu amat memalukanberikutan beberapa pelancong warga Arab dalam bot turut menonton perlakuan tidak senonoh anak tempatan yang secara berani menunjukkan aksi panas. "Saya yang berasakan perbtiatan golongan remaja itu keterlaluan dan sempat inerakamkan beberapa aksi menggtinakan kamera telefon bimbit," katanya ketika ditemui, semalam. Housing,. savingepensp'ace onnewc,euncillo~s'.taskli8t -- ' ' r" ' c' , '. j . By Halim Said i, worsenfp.gtrafficcongestioIl'" at hand: severallinkroads to the m,ain 'The pressingissue he plans highways "shouJd" ,be de- 'to address isthe delaysin the veloped.,, " "forma,tionof the Joint Man"There, should_be a ljnk agementBody(JMB~. goverrnnent toset up a fund t6 aid in the revivlll of abandoned housingprojects.. " SUBANG JAYA:Though fuex"It wn defInitely help,the pedenced, three of the 'residents who have been pay,ne\Vly-appomtedcounCillors' ingyears ofint~restand loan of the Subang Jaya MunicipaL chargesbutstill}lonot have a _Cooocil(MPSJ)have aIfeady house to'call their°WIl;"said identified the pre~§jngii,issues., "Chang,whOisal§()'theSecret$a,t need their i:n:!Wediateat" '>ary-general (jf-'the National " , , " road fromSeriIS-erpbanganto , - ,.,He said the JMBshmildbe highways ',like./K!/SE)remban formed inuIiediately,uponthe andI$L-Pllu;ajaya;"hesaid. j; -.,completi()I<of 'housing He urged th~resideij.ts!o,l;i'e: schemes'bythe developer, ,i, patient.!! s~f:Jthe'~i,', ' ,"In"s - Mes, ,the"JMB tention., ' ' , pictureiirthestate's'em~ '~w¥ for"threeto.fIve IIousebuyers Association., For 49-year-' cillor- "The Illenteri bes,ar has: solve'thepI;Qble!p',, '.,; <..,X~NS oj~ct's,com-, "We a;re stilliIi'the mi(lsl ,fpletio s,ersh~v(Jto suggested<thaLinJi!.ture, Chang Kim"[9 ,owa,s 'e ofM the selecte<!,Jrom'qf the housesaie to,,b1;J SO'?~to'buy- finding the .solution for the ,wait traffic situationin,Subang invivi l!Js])y~the ers only after they are, COI!)non-gov~l'~e rg~§aJaya.Some of these solution!1 l!tndo e"e s, pleted. 1 think this is a,wise tions,hismam -,< ',iStore"Iamgpmgtqsiiggesttot~e step that.shoJild be taken," he may be trafTic diversions that vive all"the abandoneqihops-, said.' ,'" --,' could cause ID(}toriststo go a board "(of coUhcillprs)tnat mg project~in SubangJaya:Meanwhile ,cooocillor,Chia ).ittte moreollt'oltheirwayjo resiqents shQuld IJEJable to "I hope to beassignE){},.the form",th~, IN[B 31't~r'30p~r zoneswpere'many.aban(ipned Yew Ken, 32" is concerned by ease the bottleneck at Federal bousing projects areJoood,' 1 the depIOJ;abletraffic' ,sitri~ ,lligh""ay," he satd.., " cent,of}!)1e;puilgmg's'. strat!t have identified areas like'Seri ation inSubangJaya. ' , Chia, who OWIls'an engin- . titlesh~ve-;been6btained;';W~ should notWcaituiitil ill the, "Weneed 'to set up a ,task eeringfJrm, .saidhewillJw;Kembangah" an,d ,PuncakJiilil " ' , where there are stillmahy00completed housing projects," he said. ChaI\1g said I;\ouse buyers are burdened with the payments an{}called for the state force to oversee the.:infra~ structure and public amenitiesin Subang Jaya. 1wn.put the proposlll forwar,dat'the cooocilmeeting,"he said. Chia said to redUce the' ther discusstheissue withthf;J ,units have 'been giwn ;the~ c?oocil'sengi:qeeringdepart- strata title,s.,'Thiscould ~e ment.., ,', years/'lxesaid. '" ' , < pAP meir1Qer Chong Kuep. 'Chong,saidby~ettiI1guptPe Yip is new cooocillor'JMB;,in~tQe'very,JJrstyear' of eager to 'get dbWIlto ~etask 'occuIfatiOJ:I,i . problems ~ NEW STRAITS TIMES Tarikh: ~..t~~.~9.~t..... between the residents and the developer wOuJ.dbe preven,ted. . '. . "JMBsshoulq,be. 'formed quickly so ,that r,esidentscan regulate' thepmnlJ,gement- of ,their'hQusjng)$chemes and ensure 'that.,lheservice they. receive, is ;,}yortbthe ~harges theypax,",'hesaid., 'y: . Chong also vpiced his'coh-, cern' over "the,ogerispac~$'jn Subang JaYJl.;th,atiare:;being rapidly deplet~(i> . ':Many' qf,the'qpenspaces" have been take:q!lPfor d~'yelopment purpose;,l,will raise this issue afthehoard meetfug'and' finq out which au;thority had approved th,e de' vylop.ment of these open spaces:,"he\said., ' 'ChoIlgsaid ~,recent check" with th~ PetaliilgLandOffite revealed that ';'a one-acre pieceLOfland'in UEPSubang, Jaya ineant to,b~,an open , spase has been converteMor developmentpurposes. , I ~"~ ~ '--~--- <,..vJ..IV ,(uti bersalin 90 haritetapdilaksanakan: Hodziab SHAHALAM~,Pemberian C4tibersalin melaksanakannyabagi'menepati janjl selama 90hari olehPakatanRakyatCPR) niereka qalatn manifesto pilihan raya < Terdahulu ketika ,,' Majli'S- berkata dalamt~1npoh cuti tersebut,bayi Perhimpunan Pekerja,ZoOSganWa~an.a, yang.baru labir akan,mula'menyesuai-, kepada wanita yang bekerja,dalam sek- - umum lalu., ,', ,.'= ,,'Kegan,gsaan ke-3'ijai1g.5erlangsungdi torkerajaandinegeninitetapdilaksana- : ?"v¥~I!1Il11tRodziah, pendeKataninidi- smlrlima, bu;Y1pegeri yaggditadbir kan berdasarkansokonganfaktabebera- lakukan.bukan sekadar untuk memberi P,akatan'I{akyat pada dasaniya berpa kajian yang telah dilakukan terlebih 'pelmfug'kep~dag()longanwanita saha- sefuju unt\jk melanjutkan temp()h cuti dahulu, kata Pengerusi Jawatanl.aiasa 'ja bagikembali prodriktifbekeda,tetabers(l.linbagi pekerja wanita di negeri kan diri denganplengenali ibu bapanya dan kearlaaD.sekeIilingnya. Beliau berkata adal~ wajar.jika si ibu Wrada dirumah menjaga kebajikan anak:nya berbanding menghantar bayitersebut ke pusatpenjagaan bayi Tefap Kebajikan, Hal Ehwal Wanita; :ptolehbeberapasebabangryuna'silgab, masmg-masing: . " . - . Sains Teknologi danInovasi,R9dziali"dan.ierbl1Jcti;k~p~rlmiill!ya, '", ,,;,: Perkara-ifu bagaimanapun hanya: ,mahupun berada.di bawah penjagaan Ismail. "~r~ara hiiti~~ ak~q'di(itkukanse-:~' akan'di.laksanakan apabilapemimpinne- or,anglain. . "Walaupun tempoh tersebutmungMenolakpandangan sinis dan ke-' caras!Jka:sukaseiia tanpasebap yang igeriberkenaan i~ituSelangor,Kelantan, raguan BarisanNasional (BN)yang me- kUkuh,'KamiCPRJterIebihdahulu telah Perak;,Pulau-Pinang daqKedah duduk kin tidak memadai bagi seorang,b_ayiunngatakan perkara inihanyaakan mem- mene~litifill$yangada cllininel~an'~~m~jil dan niemp<irh;Ihi~iperkarat~r- tuk menyesuaikan diri sepenuhnyadengan keadaan. sekeliling tetapi'tindakiin bawa kepada penuIimaqproduktiviti beberapakajianjang'di~akanperluHasebut'", , . ',', ,," 'pekerja dan kerugian kepada keraja- lammembuktikaqkeperIuanper,~;lrall.Jp,+.R.°dziah 'yiffig jpg~:'f\hli Dewan PR ini setidak-tidakJ!yam:t;:mbarituk~an negeri, belia~ berkataPR akan'tetap dil$tkan, '~katany~:;" .~." Wn4angan'N~geriJADUNI' BatuTiga' .,l~arga dari segi'ps~<?I?gi;II~~fanya. «, ,;' \, ""., aLl! .,J; ,.,.;,: " 1~' " ;;. ,) , ~J '" RODZIAH1SMAIL t~') SIN4\~ ,.,.......... Tarikh: