78 pelajarsekolahserta`iPertandinganKaligrafiSeniKhat
78 pelajarsekolahserta`iPertandinganKaligrafiSeniKhat
- -- --~ ~-- S1t-J4t<. :>-/3 78 pelajarsekolahserta'iPertandinganKaligrafiSeniKhat - PUCHONGPERDANA Seramai 78 peserta daripada sekolah menengah dan sekolah rendah di kawasan pentadbiranMajIis Perbandaran Subang Jaya (MPSJ) menyertai Pertandingan Kaligrafi Seni Khat yang dianjurkan di Masjid As-Salam di sini, semalam. Ketua Program Penganjur Pertandingan, Sadzliawaty Mohd Dom berkata, pertandingan anjuran Perpustakaan Hiperrnedia MPSJ bertujuan mencurigkil bakat peserta mengenai kemahiran menulis kaligrafi khat. . Katanya, selain itu, program selama dua jam itu diadakan bagi memperkenalkan perpustakaan yang ditubuhkan MPSJYaIlg terletak di USJ9 dan Plaza Serdang Raya di sini kepada peserta. "Seni kaligrafi khat semakin dilupakan masyarakat kini, justeru kami merancang untuk mengadakan program khusus kepada peserta berumur antara tujuh hingga 17tahun. "Melalui programini, kami berharap supa.yaia dapat meningkatkankemahiranpenulisankaligratikhatdi kalangan kanak-kanak, selainwarisan kesenian Islam ini tidak dilupakan kelak," jelasnya. Menurut Sadzliawaty,seramai 54peserta berdaftar terdiri daripada pelajar sekolah menengah, manakala Z4lagi daripada sekolah rendah di sekitar Serdang, Subang Jaya dan Puchong. "Pada mulanya kami hanya menyasarkan 50peserta yang akan menyertai program pada hari ini (semalam), namun temyata sambutan yang diberikan sangat menggalakkan. "Kami berhasrat untuk menjadikan program ini berterusan dalam usaha memberi penambahan ilmu kepada masyarakat," ujarnya. Sementara itu, Ahli MajlisMPSJ, Ainon Imbi ber- kata, proses globalisasi menyebabkan penekanan terhadap tulisan Jawi berkurangan, malah ada antaranya yang tidak b9leh memhaca tulisan berkenaan. "Pembelajaran khatini memerlukan usaha yang gigih, malah pengajarannya adalah suatu aktiviti yang mencabar dan memerlukan kesabaran yang tinggi. "Justeru, satu program perlu dilaksanakan bagi mernperkasakan semula usaha memantapkan seni khat di Malaysia dan memperluaskannya kepada seluruh khalayak, khususnya di peringkat sekolah," jelasnya sebelummenyampaikan hadiah kepada pemenang pertandingan. Pemenang pertama bagi kategorisekolah rendah membawa pulang hadiah bemilai RMZSO,manakala tempat kedua dan ketiga masing-masing membawa pulang hadiah bernilai RMzooserta RM100. Pemenang bagi kategori sekolah menengah membawa pulang hadiah bemilai RM300 (pertama), RM Z50 (kedua) dan RMzoo (ketiga). Bagi 10hadiah sagu hati, pemenang ~mbawa pulang hadiah bemiiaiRM60 dan kt!semua mereka menerima sijil penghargaan. Sebahagian peserta bersama hadiah yang dimenangi dalam pertandingan Kaligrafi Seni Khat. SWA~ ~At-1 ... 2 MAR 2008 &1~ 74.' MasjidbarusiapMacdepan Masjid yangdibinaitu adalah pindahan tapak masjid lamayang terletak di Jalan Lama Batu 12,berdekatan persimpanganLebuh RayaDamansara Puchong (LDP). . NUR FARHANA ABDUL MANAN TAMAN'SRI PUCHONG Lebih 10,000 pendudukcli sini bakal menerima sebuah lagikemudahan masjid apabila ia dijangka disiapkan pada Mac tahun depan. NORIZANMUSTAFA "Justeru, tapak masjid yang barn' ini akan memberi kemudahan yan.glebih Nazir Masjid .Batu 12, baik kepada pendlJdtik,seNorizanMustafa berkata, talain menjamin keselamatan pak masjid itu akan dibina di anak-anak yang ingin meJalan Utama Sri Puchong di nunaikan solat kerana mas'.~-"'-~'-" ~sini berdekatan dengan pe- jid lama terletak berhadapDr Mohamad Satim Diman (tengah) mencu.baalat menentLlkan arah kiblat. rumahan penduduk. an jalan besar yang sibuk," Menurutbeliau lagi,masjid ujamya. ke tapakyangbarn. menjalankanpelbagaiaktiviti anmasjidkeranajumlahzakat yang dibina itu adalah pindahNorizan berkata, pen"Selain itu,. Jabatan bermanfaat. . yang dikeluarkanmeningkat an tapak masjid lama yang duduk di kawasan sekitar Pengairan dan Saliran (JPS) Sementara itu, Ketua daritahunke tahun. terletak di Jalan Lama Batu Taman Sri Puchong,Taman juga metnaklumkantapak UMNOBahagianPuchong, "Gunakanlahmasjidde12, berdekatan persimpang- Mutiara Puchong dan Pusat masjidlamaterletakdiatasta- Datuk Dr Mohamad Satim ngan sebaiknyauntukaktiviti an Lebuh Raya Damansara BandarPuchongsebelumini nah rizab mereka dan meng- DimanyanghOOirsamadalam bermanfaatdan untuk mengPuchong (LDP). menunggu hampir tujuh tahun ganggusistemperparitanyang programpenentuanarahkiblat ajar anak-anak kita perkara "Tapak masjid lama sudah untuk mendapatkemudahan menimbulkanmasalahbanjir," di tapak masjid itu semalam, kebaikan. tidak lagi sesuaikerana ia terjelasnya. berkata,lebih banyakmasjid "Mendirikanmasjidadalah masjid. letakjauh daripada perumahan "Namun, setelah menJusteru,menurutnyalagi, akandibinadi Selangor. perkarayangbalk,malahnabi penduduk, selain tidak mtimdapati kedudukan masjid lama tapakbarn itu bakalmendiriKatanya,peruntukanyang membinamasjidketikabeliau punyai kemudahan letak kereta yang tidak lagi sesuai, kami sekanmasjidyanglebihdekatdan diperolehmelaluizakatmem- mula-mulaberhijrahke satu yang cukup. memudahkanpendudukuntuk bantukerajaandalampembina- tempat,"ujarnya. pakat imtuk memindahkannya ' . ~11"ML UA~AtJ - 2 MAR 2008 ~ 19] "ECIVllSERVICE AND THE PUBLIC DELIVERYSYSTEM Mampu enables 'One Service, One Delivery' Dealing with government departments and their agencies is increasingly becoming a breeze, thanks, in no small measure, to the unseen hands facilitating the ICT-driven public delivery system. P. SELVARANItalks to Datuk Normah Md Yusof, the direCtor-general of the Malaysian Administrative Modernisation and Management Planning Unit (Mampu) on what is happening behind the scenes - What does Mampu do? We are an organisation within the Prime Minister's Department entrusted with the task of introducing Idministrative reforms in the public sector. The aim is to continuously upgrade the quality. emciency and e!Tectiveness of th" delivery system of government department" and agencies. How is Mampu involved in helping to improve Ule delivery system of government departments and agendes? We prmide advisory and consultaney services to public sector agencies in improving management practices so they are better equipped to manage their services for the people. We also provide t)Jchnical and management expertise in the appliration of information and communiration technology (lCT!so that the agencies ran provide more customer-centric services as weD as improve their internal operations in supporting these services. This is what will ease doing busin('ssul Malaysia.We look intoreducu." the number of processes. forms. '\, also ensure there is uniformity i,j implementingmodernisation ini's across IIi" departments and ." Ju lU"h circulars and olin 0 in s 'ral arcas that are lorallO ,ervire deliverv. abo m(IUI:tauarencssand 111 'n rr 'mnmcstoen.1' m 'Sl odingofadminII( u " "" linitiatives IH ,d to 1('''''' on servic. de- Q . -,--- - . p t ' l' t\~"I\''' {.,..1 .L,~"l., ' . .-- ._~--_.._- Q: What initiatives has Mampu undertaken to date to enhance ilie quality of services rend)Jredbygov- ernment departments and agen' des? A: One of the major initiatives is the. implementation of eKL. which is to provide a wide range ofin~grated and comlected services for citizens and businesses in the highly W"banised Klang VaDeyarea. This is also part of the Public Service Conunitlnent 2008 (pSC 2008) that was announced hy the ChiefSecretary to the Government on Jan 16 which is premised on the "One Service. One Delivery. No Wrong Door" concept. "No Wrong Door" can be interpreted in many ways. For example. we have the MyGovernment portal through which the public can access aD the government websites via a single gateway. The one-day renewal of passports. the ease of registering a business and even the renewal of YoW"driving licence. insW"ance and payment of bills at post omces are just some of the many initiatives. Payments at post omces means yon go to one door and you get many services. "999" is also another example of "No Wrong Door" where you dial a single number to access various services. Mampu di~ecto~-general Datuk No~mah Md Yusof says various studies show the Malaysian civil service is In compliance with many of the best in class practices adopted by high-performing civil services in the world. We also set service standards and ensure quality assW"ance of delivery processes through the implementationofMS ISO 9001:2000 quality management standard. The "Star Rating System" is also being introduced to ra.nk the peIiormance of ministries and departments and SpW"healthy competition among them. We also assist them to re-engineer their business processes and review their licensing requirements. We have to make sW"ePublic Service Commitment 2008 is fulf'illed and we are one of the agencies which has been asked to do the foDow-up. We have to make sW"ewe foDow through the commitment that has been pledged. Q: Do you engage ilie private sector in implementing these initiatives? A: Yes. we work with the private sector and ensure that their views are considered when the agencies draft ne.w policies or introdnce rules and regulations that will affect the private sector. Back in the early 19905. Mampu issued specific guidelines to government agencies to establish consultativepanels with the chanmers of commerce and private sector associations to obtain feedback and input so that action can be taken to remove obstaclesthat hinder the growth of business activities. Issues on service delivery had been IMPROVEMENTSMADE FORTHE HOTELINDUSTRY(PRE-OPERATION) i Previous Co-estabtishment 12 Hotel construction 40 Hotel operation 20 TOTAL 72 ,.~ . 'I\!~, (urrent : 96 i 405 : 45 t-- . 12 28 4 : 546 44 " 37 97 9 I : 143 ' ' ' :'9tcJti:- _~' i ""'-;;~f~-DoY~-N;-;;F~ ! approvals token approvals roken Stage .. . " 'ft" ~ raised and deliberated through this channel in the spirit of Malaysia Incorporated. Dialogues and meetings are the main mechanisms we use to get the involvement of the private sector and non-governmental organisations in desigrLing effective delivery mechanisms. Today. we have Pemudah. the Special Task Force to Facilitate Business. which has taken puhlic-private sector partnership to a higher level. Pemudah.whichisledbythe Cruef Secretary to the Government and cochaired by the president of the Federation ofMaJaysian MannfaclW"ers. has heads of departments and cap- NEW STRAITS TIMES . - 2 MAR2008 Tatlkh: ............ .'~~'~ ;oi t' ~ . "' . ~.. . . ". ; f... A,. . ....-.. 1/1 tains of indnstry sitting as members and deliberating on issnes to facilitate the ease of doingbusiness. Mampu is a member ofPemudah and I have witnessed fIrst hand how efIectively both sectors have functioned In addressing various service delivery issues afIecting the business community. The government has also instructed aD agencies to ensure efIective communication channels with their customers. whether from the private sector or the public at large. Thesemclude input and suggestions through websites. emails and other chromels. AUfeedback and complaints gathered must be ac- from No 8 in 2000, we are now No 6. This shows we have,made a lot of improvement. Our tatget is to keep on improving. knowledged within three days if they are received through ordinary mall or inunediatelyifthey are received through email or SMS. They are then to be informed of the status of their complaint or re(;eive feedback within seven days. Q: CIUl you give some examples how things have been simplified the business community? Q: Whatis'~alaysia's antongthe world's A: I have not corne across any international rankittg of the world's civil service in a single category. However, we ClUluse rankings that relate to ~rtain aspects of civil service performanceas a guide. of for A: Let's take the hotel industry. If you want to set up a hotel, you have to deal with several agencies such as the land ollice, the local authority, the fire department, the departnient of machinery, etc. What we do now is sit with th!\m to see how we can improve.41,ter~s of timeliness. Previously, it would take 546 days (from registration, construction to pre-operational) and the applicant would have to deal with 22 agfmcies for 72 dilferellt approvals. Now it takes only 143 days and they deal with only 19 agencies for 44 approvals. . Instead offilling up 15 forms like before, they now only have to fill a single composite form~ This has been made possible with the involvement oCthe industry players themselvesthe hoteliers, the employers, the licensing agencies, the local authorities, the land office, For exampllj,J~ye<II:.th~!;Irown University Global e,Governmentreport rankedMaiaysia 25th out 01'198 countriesofor electronic government initiatives. Inthe Doing Business 2008 Reportpublished by the World Bank, Malaysiaranked.No 24 for Ease of Doing Businessin 2007 out of 178 economies. ... etc. We playa facilitative role for them to go through the processes and see how it can be simplified. Q: How do you keep track whether these agencies are following procedure and applying these initiatives? A:. We have an inspectorate division whose members visit all the agencies, especially those which deal with customers, frontliner agencies such as the NRD (National Registration Department), local authorities, JP J (noad Transport Department) and the IIrnnlgralion Department where there are a lot of counter services, to observe the service delivery. Bverymonth, we have a team which goes to.all these agencies to observe whether they adhere to our guidelines. We also do "mystery shopping" such as testing to see if the telephone operators answer within 10 seconds or three rings. We also pretend to be a customer to observe how they serve clients at the counter and what kind offacilities they offer. We also look out for the standards they should comply with such as the queuematic system (digital system of queuing), a suggestion box, facilities for the disabled and senior citizens, and Door managers to control the crowd. So, we look into the facilities they have to make their clients happy. But we are also aware that not every agency has the resources to have all these facilities. Q: What happens do not implement if these agencies these initiatives? A: From the feedback we get, we prepare a report and table it to the Panel on Monitoring Service Delivery which is chaired by the ChiefSecre- tary. The fmdings of this panel is then ranking civil service? years. provide economies. CtIstomer service is lUlother area associated with the civil service. Accenture, a global management consulting, technology services and outsOlJI'cing company, has come out with its report on Leadership in Customer Service: Delivering on the Promise. sent to the head of department. We give them a time frame to make the improvements, after which they are to report back to us the initiatives theyhavetaken. We go back to the agency to check if they have rectified the shortcomings. . We do this spot check41g even for those who have won the annual public sector quality awards in previous Q:DoesMampu l.)1is show~i!Ji imprQvl\j!p.eI,IJ;{rq$' No36 in 2006, The impactbftheCivtlseivice:!:.IUl also be seen fure.r.msoflicensing procedtires that affect biIsiness activity.lnthe.DofugRusiness 2008 Re,port published by the World Bank, Malaysia ranked No 24 forease of doing business last year Qut 01'178 training? A: Yes, we do. WhileIntan(theNational Institute of Public Administration) does most of the training, we assist in other ways like providing consultancyor guiding them on how to get the ISO quality certification or helpdesk training, etc. Q: How mlUlY government departmenls IUld agencies have obtained ISO 9001:2000 certification? A: Until December last year, 720 government organlsations, including district health clinics. We encQurage them to go for ISO certification because it is part of improving delivery IUld good governance. ' Published last year,itra;nked Malaysia 14thoutof22 co,untries. TheseTankings act as.indicators and generally show that we are in compliance with many of the best in class practices adopted by high-perfonning civil services in the world. Public delivery service is an issue that is of utmost concern to the government and especially the Cbief Secretary and there is no doubt that we will be working hard to improve further by benchmarking against the besUn the world. Q:\VI1at other plans dQes Mampu have to further improve the deliverysystem of the civil service? A: We will con.tinue to. improve the delivery processes by enhlUlcing coordination, strengthening mlUlagement practices and ensuring effective deployment ofICT systems IUld applications. At the same time, we will also support the efforts of all agencies inhuman capital development. For this year, Mampuwill focus on efforts to support the Public Service Commitment 2008 of "One .Service, One Delivery, No Wrong Door". There are specific initiatives in the PSC2008 that will be led by Mampu and we need to ensure that these are agency has made a lot of improvement? Yes. We feel we are on the delivered as promised. Mampu will also be responsible for the deployment ofICT systems and applications to enable agencies to respond effectively to rising demands of customers. right track and a lot of effort is being taken. We are quite happy. They are very receptive to all these initiatives. If you look into the rankings we have been given on government efficiency, under theWorId Competitiveness Yearbook ranking by the Institute of Management Development Switzerland, for countries with a popnlation of 20 million and above, This will mean widespread adoption of on-line delivery channels, including e-payments, that will cover a wide aITay of government transactions. ' All these are aimed at supporting the commitment to the people: reliable, predictable, responsive, timely, competent and customer friendly government service. Q: Are you satisfied with the performlUlce of the agencies? A: Satisfied in the sense that the - NEW STiZAITS TIMES 2 tV1AR2008 TaIikh: ......... ~ Puchong:LauYengPeng PUCHONGMP LAU YENGPENGIS SEEKiNGA SECONDTERMAS THE REPRESENTATIVE OFTHIS BOOMINGTOWNSHIPSTANDING AGAINSTHIM is GOBINDSINGHDEOOFT.HEDAp,WHO ISTHE SON OFVETERANOPPOSITIONISTKARPALSINGH, MARIA J. DASS FINDSOUTWHATTHEIRMESSAGESARE Tim Puchong cpnstjtncncy has grown by Icaps and bonnds over the past decade. Traccs ofiL, ~n mining and planlation past an' barely visible. having becn taken over by housing projects and commcrcial developments. With Ihe rapid development comes various issues ~ Ihe main olles being congestion,eonnectivily,public Iran sport access for thc growing population and the lack or toIHree access roads. Incumbcnl Lau Yeng Peng is confident his trade record ovcr the last ronr years will help him sail Ulrongh this time armmd. Ill' had also promised Pm'hong volers more inli'astmelure, qnotinll a RM3 biUionallocatiol1 nndcr thcSubangJiJya Mnnicipal Council (MPS.I) masler plan ror Puchonll which reattlres various infraslructure and physical developn,enl projects over Ihe next 12 ycars, and RMtO million to turn theAyer ltitam forest rcserve intO an international slandard recreation ar'ea for Puch.mll residenls. lIowever, his opponent GohiJ~d Singh.says there is no doubt thai development allocations will continne to be l;hannelled to Puchonll, bUlhow U1Callocations are spent and how these de"el!>pment, are implemenledare vilul. II" says eh' 'eks'and balanec hecd ',0be in pia",,, and feels' Um! is why an opp.osition NIP is' needed - to ensUl'e that the funds channelled to the,cOlishlnency "I vsGobindSingh .".,' pnl to lIood use. Mcl al his ollice along 141h mile Jalan Puehoug, Gobind said his main fillhl will be allainstthe tollmtes in Puehong "hid, alTeet each rcsidentdaily, and U,e absenec of' alternalhe loll-r",'e access mnles. "The VCal',or silence Ihlln Ihe I"'esenl ,'q)!'ese,itatives havc resulled ill loll ",ill's being hiked I'Ve!, now and Ihen ill Puchollll'S <'iIse Ihe LDP loll rule vvas ruised fro III RMlio R~I1.60," he said, addillg thai 1<",Ihe IOllg IeI'm, Ihen' was also a necd for' an em'dive plall 1<,,'a ellkient publie lransportsyslem [01' Puehon!", . "j\I'n'nll)' Ihe,'.. havl' also been a spate of lalld grabs ilnd hiim'king oropen spaees. plaYlI,'ounds,lJlIlTer' >\<)"",and road ,'eM"',""S h)' politidans and dev'elopers, a",1 Uw".. ,U'I'i"ln's Ihal onl)' iln opposition MP can lli'al wilh dkdi, elv ilS r,~ ~1I's '"',' hound b)' pa"l)' ,'uk,." said (;obind, Th,'"" is ill".llw slid.v silualion ill'Ound Ihe stale c", ,'('nnwllt', i,I' ol"'IIl,:nl in Ihe apprm al of project' in "I'en 'l'iI('"" I('a,inll Ihe I al authorilies with uo eh"ie.. but to eOllll'ly ami these prohlellls thel'el"l'e Ii to 1)('hl'oughl up to a higlwr leve\- Ihal is i, 11.'nl. IJ,. ,;lid. 'or Ihe llillional issues Ihal he is passiollale ">I>lltGobinll I"" 1'11'111,\: "Tlwse wlluld he ahuse of ':, I. saH, illld ,,'cnl'iI)'. dean-up oflhe - 'IIC HOI\' 5 I ~ ,,'a.ln,~ I WU~ ,I: :hine,",: 36.4" ;, Intlians:16%» \)thefs: 0.8% judiciary, taxes and price increases, the p,ivatisalion of healUleare and access 10 high quality education 1'01' all Malaysians." "There is also a ueed for a government hospital in PudlOng as there are now only private hospitals serving Ihe people here," he said, addi"g that Ihe nonresl allernalive was Ule Putrajaya aud Serdang governmeul hospitals which are quitI' far away. . Asked what his strength 0"1'1'his oppoDe,,1 was, Gobind said: "As an opposition MP, I have the ability 10 voice tlle needs ofUle eommnnily wilhoul fear or favour, because a governmenl MP is, bouud by' pa,'!y cOllYentions and restrictions and slands 10 lose oul polilically when ehampiouiug cerlain isslles." However, one lerm MP Lau dispules Ihis elaim. "There is no gag order as such - we can speak ou an)'Uling as long as iI docs uol tonch on race or I'eligioll," he said, » Lall, w.ho melllw81111jusl Age 35 aileI' addressillg aboul 50 lallegaladVisorybureal! people al a BN ccramah in PusalBandal' Puehong, said marlY plans in Puchollg are campaigning, indudinll tlle " lawyer still being implemented. hijacking of playgrounds and On Ihe issues thai he plans open spaces hy polilic.al parties, 10 raise in parliament, he said Ihese inelude ednealion and hills lope developmenl, Lan said: "I know thCSIIlI loves lllese issnes, but so far I have nol reccived any 1,,1'all Malaysians imd wa)'s lo reduce the dropoul rail' ofsludenls, especially Ihose in Ihe rural areas, TIlen cnnlplainls aboulthem from residenls myself," Ihere is Ihe need t"inc,'case UlI' number of po !ice Speaking of his opponenl Gobind, he said: "Ilhink my personnel and 10 addrl'ss II", safet)' issues in Puehong, [!'ad, "ceoI'd over the past four years should spcal, for 11nOlhe.' eOIu'em is the need for more infraslruclul'e ilself." devdopmenl "'I' Puehong, including Ille lransporl "I wonder how he plans 10serve his consliluent, syslem and LRT lines. which come under U'" pur'view when he operates a Imsincss from Johor Bal'u," Lau onhe rederal government. asked. However, Gobind dismissed Ihis as malicious lies. "I also plan to debate on issnes perlaining 10 saying Ulal his ollice in .lohol' Barn is a branch of his inflation and ways 10 reduce Ille eosl 01'living and how main office in Kuala Lumpur which he opel.ates f",m, 10 improve the workings or the nalional price council," "I live and work in Kuala Lumpur and Lan should gel he said. his facts righl befofC making Ihese accusations," he said when eontaeled. About the varions issnes being raised during GOBIND $INGH DEO - SUN Tarikh... - "2.,MAR ........... 2008 .i