The English School Magazine - Wirtschaftsschule Alpenland


The English School Magazine - Wirtschaftsschule Alpenland
Price: 1.00 €
Issue: 2
The English School Magazine ~
ofthe WSAlp
• Mr Wiedemann: "We'II miss you!"
• Hello newcomers...
• Our" chief": Mr Rutz
• Famous musician: Here comes Alex...
After we had sold the first issue of "crazy chilIin'" very
successfully, we decided to make a new issue this year.
We keep on trying to find new editors for the school
magazine, so get in touch with Mr Lehrer, if you are
The teamwork was much fun and we are honoured that
we founded the school magazine. We hope that you'll
like the new issue.
Kathi, Vroni, Abi
... and the girls - as you can see - have done a great
job. Thank you very much!
Martin Lehrer
Page 1
Editorials' Note
Page 3
Interview with Mr Rutz
Page 4
Interview with Mr Bromirski
Page 5
Interview with Mr Meyer
Page 6
Interview with Mr Wiedemann
Page 7-8
Interview with Alex (Nirwana)
Page 9-12
Fashion: Hairstyle
Page 13-14
Snowboarding or skiing? - A survey.
Page 15
Australia - some facts about Victoria
Page 16-19
Student Exchange (PI2-WSAlp): Welcome to Bad
Aibling - A student's report.
Page 20-21
Excerpts from the P12 College Yearbook 2005:
Principal's RepOli
Page 22
Puzzle: Can you find these words
Page 23-25
Excerpts from the P12 College Yearbook 2005:
RepOli about "A German Trip"
Page 26-29
Student Exchange (WSAlp-PI2): Offto Bright­ A student' s repoli.
Page 30-32
A Presentation about VictoriaJ Australia
Page 33
Puzzles, quizzes, etc. - Solutions
Page 34
Page 2
His fuH name is Günther Rutz. He was
born on 26 August 1946. He is married
and he has 3 children. In winter his
hobbies are playing ice hockey, playing
cards, working in the wood. In summer
his hobby is working in the garden. He
has been at our school since 1991 and he
has been our headmaster since 2.5 years.
Crazy-Chillin': How did you become our
Mr Rutz: It just happened by chance.
Crazy-Chillin': Do you enjoy being our
Mr Rutz: I enjoy it very much. I think it's very challenging.
Crazy-Chillin': Where did you study?
Mr Rutz: At the University ofMunich.
Crazy-Chillin': Do you have a lot to do?
Mr Rutz: I cannot complain that something is too boring. The scope ofwork is ok. You must
know it ifyou become a headmaster that you maybe have different working hours. I cannot
complain about the work.
Crazy-Chillin': What kind 01' work do you have to do the most?
Mr Rutz: It depends on the time 01' the year. There is a lot 01' work to do when the new school
year begins. Then you have to check how many classes you have and how you organize the
teachers and the classes. Mrs Marx takes half ofthe work. The day-to-day work is e.g. speaking
to colleagues or students.
Crazy-Chillin': How good were you at school?
Mr Rutz: At first I was at a secondary modem school. Then I was in a commercial school in
Passau für 4 years where I was a good student. After this I changed to a secondary-commercial­
school in Regensburg where I was only a moderate student because I had to leam a lot what I
Crazy-Chillin': What's the most fun?
Mr Rutz: 11' everything's alright and the students and teachers are healthy I enjoy school.
Crazy-Chillin': What gets on your nerves the most?
Mr Rutz: 11' there 's too much work to do simultaneously.
Page 3
Crazy ChilIin':
What's your business curriculum vitae?
Mr Bromirski:
I did a training oS a specialist subject teacher in Word Processing and I came to the WS this
year. I worked simultaneously ot the vocotional school in Rosenheim and at the secondory school in
Feldkirchen- Westerham and tought the subject Word Processing there, too, but they called it
IT. Which includes programming, like our "DV: I would like to teach DVat this school, too.
Crazy Chiliin':
How did you come to the WS?
Mr Bromirski:
I applied for a vacancy ot the WSAIp.
Crazy ChilIin':
What's nice or not nice about being
Gregor Bromirski
* 23/041 ...
married; has 2 children
Subject: Ward Processing
Mr Bromirski:
to teach somebody
to stand up early
to work with people
no silence in class
Music: Metallica, Appocalyptica
Film: Star Trek Voyager, the
Simpsons, Mash
it's nice and important work
Hobbies: IT, motorbiking
Page 4
1. What's ymu fuH name?
Michael Franz Meyer
2. When's your birthday?
3.'s your business curriculum vitae?
secondary school
Training as an industrial manager
1 year alternative service (in heu of military service) as a paramedic
studies in Nuremberg
What subjects do you teach.?
Business Studis, Economics
Data Processing
Social Studies
4. How did you come to the WSAlp?
Because of my studies in Nuremberg and because I've grown up in this area 1 wanted to come
back here. Last year I've been at a commercial school, too. 1 liked the school very much.
Because of that 1 looked around in the area of my horne town if there is a commercial school
and I found one. The WSAlp.
5. What's nice 01' not nice about being teacher?
Hmm, I don't know, work in the morning and in the aftemoon free, but that doesn't go together
weIl. ©
6. What's your favourite meal ami drink?
Liver loaf sandwich and beer
7. What's your favourite band. and TV
Children's music
TV series:
Irgendwie und sowieso
8. Are you manied? An<! have you got children?
Yes, l'm married and 1 have got a son and a daughter.
9. What are your hobbies?
At the moment l' m very busy with my children and in my free time 1 do sports.
10. Why are you a teacher?
... just pure chance.
Page 5
tI\' Wiede
Mr Wiedemann was born in Traunstein in
1942. At first he was at an elementary school in
Traunstein. After that he was at a secondary
school in Traunstein and then at the Max
Grammar School in Munich. When he was 19
years old he passed the exams at the Max
Grammar School. At the age 01' 22 he studied
German, History, Social Studies, Math and Art.
He was a teacher trainee at a technical school
in Munich. Then he was at the secondary
school in Rosenheim for one year. After that he
was employed as a teacher at OUf commercial
1. Wh v did vou choose ibis sehool?
On the one hand because he knew the commercial school trom Munich, on the other hand it
was a good location because his parents lived in Traunstein and he in Munich.
2. Did VOll eniov the dimaie at ihis sehool?
He has been at our school for 36 years and he has been longer at this school than a11 the other
teachers. A lot 01' things have changed, but he has always enjoyed teaching. In this year he has
to retire, but he would like to stay at the Commercial School Alpenland.
3. Wh v did vou become a teacher?
At first he wasn't a teacher but a policeman. Then he feIt that he'd better become a teacher
because he enjoyed teaching young people.
4. Which subjects have been teaching?
History, German, Art
5. "ave VOll been a form teacher?
"I have my own dass, the 7 av. And I teach some Year lOs and 2 Year 9 dasses and one year
6. Whai will vou do after vOll've retired?
He is always on the road. At the moment he has a grandchild in Augsburg. There he is very
often and sometimes he is in Munich and goes to the theatre, to concerts and visits museums.
He also has a little house in Lenggries.
7. Wbich hobbies <10 vOu have?
Hi likes mountaineering, going to theatre plays and painting.
8. Whai would VOll like say to the pupils for their future?
He guesses that it is important that the pupils know that they have duties and they think about
their future.
Page 6
Interview with Alex from Nirwana!
Crazy ChilIin' : When were you
Alex: On 11/05/1981
Crazy ChilIin' : In which schools
were you?
Alex: At first I was at the
secondary school in Bad Aibling.
After the class 8 I was at the
secondary modern school (Real­
schule) in Bad Aibling. For year
11 and 12 I went to the FOS in
Crazy ChilIin' : What job did you learn?
Alex: I am a musician. And I am a certified music teacher at
the secondary modern school in Rosenheim.
Crazy ChilIin' : Do you have brothers and sisters?
Alex: No
Crazy ChilIin' : Were you good at school?
Alex: It was O.K. Music has always been my favourite subject.
Crazy ChilIin' : Are you at your parents' on Christmas Eve?
Alex: Every year.
Crazy ChilIin' : How was your time at school?
Alex: I got on weIl with the teachers. As musician at the
school, it wasn't hard.
Crazy ChilIin' : What's your favorite band?
Alex: My favorite band is TOTO.
Crazy ChilIin' : What's the band's music style?
Alex: Our band is a rock pop cover band.
Crazy ChilIin' : Do you have a driver's license?
Alex: Yes, I have a car and a motorcycle driver's license.
Crazy ChilIin' : What are your hobbies?
Page 7
Alex: There's no time for hobbies. My hobby is music. My hobby
is my profession. Sometimes I do snowboarding.
Crazy ChilIin' : Who was the band's founder?
Alex: The band is 27 years old. The band was founded in 1978.
The band's floater was Willi Stangl. He had been with the band
for 24 years. When he left the band I filled in for him.
Crazy ChilIin' : How did you get into the band?
Alex: The band came up to me and asked me.
Crazy ChilIin' : Where did you perform?
Alex: From Traunstein till Weilheim-Schongau,
Bayerischer Wald, München and Kufstein.
Crazy ChilIin' : How large are your gigs?
Alex: At an inn there're 500 till 600 people and at a town
festival there're 5000 ti 11 8000.
Crazy ChilIin' : How often do you have gigs in one year?
Alex: In one year we have 40 gigs.
Crazy ChilIin' : How long have you been with the band?
Alex: I've been with the band for over 3.5 years. Since
Crazy ChilIin' : How many members do you have?
Alex: We have 7 musicians. There're one drummer, three singers,
one guitarist and one bassist. I play the keyboards the and the
And we have a crew. They build up and take down everything.
One person is at the sound mixer.
We are around 12 people at each gig.
Crazy Chillin': How do you transport your instruments?
Alex: We transport our instruments with a 16 metres long truck.
Page 8
The hairstylist Garhammer was so kind as to show us some
hairstyles for various occasions.
The first hairstyle can be used for "ceremonious" occasions.
The hair is curled.
The front.
The back.
Page 9
The second hairstyle is for "crazyU occasions. The hair is put
up on the head.
The front.
The back.
Page 10
And with the third hairstyle you can see how long your hair is
in reality if they are normally curly. Attention: -It's the same
hair as in hairstyle 1 and 2.
The front.
The back.
Page 11
We are very grateful that the hairstylist Garhammer was so kind
to show us different hairstyles.
The team.
Can YOll find the way out?
Page 12
ur survey "snowboarding or skiin9"
What's more chilling: snowboarding er skiing?
We asked some pupils about their opinions. Here are the
58 % of our pupils think that snowboarding
than skiing. Only 42 % prefer skiing.
more chilling
What's more chillig: snowboarding or skiing?
What do yeu do?
41 (45.55 %)
of our pupils go snowboarding and 49 (54.44 %) go
Wha! do you do?
Page 13
Where do you go snowboarding or skiing?
In our survey 27 pupils said that they liked snowboarding or
skiing at Sudelfeld. 9 students like to go snowboarding or
skiing in Austria. 9 students prefer to go snowboarding in or
skiing in Oberaudorf and 8 pupils in Zillertal. Last but not
least 6 students go snowboarding or skiing in Hocheck.
Where do you Snowboarding or Skiing?
EI Sudelfeld
IJ Österreich
EI Oberaudorf
II!II Hocheck
Aussie-style Math Square
Try to fill in the missing numbers.
Use the numbers 1 through 9 to eomplete the equations.
Each number is only used onee.
Each row is a math equation. Each eolumn is a math equation.
Remember that multiplication and division are pertormed before addition and subtraction.
Page 14
In Victoria you can find the
Great Ocean Road and one
of the most beautiful coasts
of the world. And there is
Phillip Island and
Australia's second biggest
city, Melboume. It is one
of the rather small states but
it also ofters a lot. Not only
the 12 apostles and the
other famous places at the
coast, but there are
..... ....
wonderful national parks in
the North and Northeast. The Australian Alps start about 100 km from Melbourne. They stretch
to Canberra and in the middle of the mountains you can find old goId-digger settlements, some
of them are still active, and a completely lively history.
Since its setting up in the 18 th century Melbourne "has been living" in direct competition with
Sydney. Both regularly try to
become Australian' s capital.
Visitors like Melbourne more and
more in spite ofthe strange
weather which changes fornl hour
to hour.
Melbourne otfers beside its nice
Malls something else, too. Straight
at the river of the Malls there is
Flinders Station, the old station of
Melbourne. There is also the YalTa
River the Southgate Complex and
other modern theatre buildings.
Further north the real city starts.
Here you find much shopping
passages and a very impressive shop ofMyers and everything else you need.
Something else worth seeing are places like the MCG - Melbourne Cricket Ground - and the
southern part ofthe town St. Kilda. Here you can find many backpackers and hotels, there also
live lots ofyoung people and it's good fun there. For Europeans some parts ofthe town like
Carlton- little Italy ~ and Richmond are very nice to visit. In April you can see the Comedy
Festival in Melbourne. There are wonderful enjoyable areas and certainly the Great Ocean
Road not far away.
Page 15
Welcome to Bad Aibling
© by Franziska Kastner, 9 a
Sunday, September 25 th 2005
In the morning there was the meeting for the German exchange pupils and their families.
We prepared some food and drinks for the arrival.
While we were waiting in the courtyard, the convoy with the cars full of Aussie kids came
with their teachers, Mrs Ciolli & Mr Kusch, and another companion Mr Paterson.
It was a very exciting moment for both the Aussies and the Germans, when we were
introduced to the exchange pupils by our teachers Mrs Kreplin and Mr Lehrer.
In the afternoon we all used our free time to show the guests the houses, the families and
their rooms. And we could get to know each other a little. Some families made a short trip
to see something like the Chiemsee or the view over the district of Rosenheim from the
'view chapel'. In the evening all the Australians were in bed early because they were tired
of the long flight.
Monday, September 26 th , 2005
We had to go to school with the Aussie kids and we had free time in the afternoon which
we used to go shopping, meet friends and so on. That evening we met in the assembly
hall for the 'Get-To-Know-Eve'. First the principals, Mrs Marx and Mr Rutz, welcomed the
Australian guests. Then the Aussies sang their national anthem and all pu pils introduced
themselves. We also had the pleasure to listen to few songs which were sung by three
Australian girls.
We had prepared a big Bavarian buffet and nothing remained.
Page 16
Tuesday, Septernber 27 th , 2005
We had to go to school and at twelve o'elock the bus driver who had been waiting for us
drove us to Aschau. After having arrived we took the gondola to the top of the mountain.
There we had lunch in small alpine pasture. While we were elimbing down, a small group
of people got lost. It was raining all the time so we were soaked to the skin. When we
found another cottage Mr Carell decided to look for the lost pu pils. Mrs Noe-Kanior and Mr
Paterson accompanied the others to the bus. We got to the bus and there the lost ones
were waiting ...
Wednesday, September 28 th , 2005
It was "excursion day". So me elasses were for example in Munich in the "German
Museum" or in Salzburg. In the afternoon we had time for shopping or trips with the
Thursday, September 29 th , 2005
That morning we were in school, we had lessons and so me of the Aussie pupils prepared a
presentation about the P-12-College and about Bright.
After school we had a sport-afternoon. Some of the Australian explained the rules of
typical Australian sports. Then we played Netball, Australian Football and Cricket. It is
great fun to play the Aussie sports.
Friday, September 30 th , 2005
The Aussie kids made a tour of Bad Aibling and visited the mayor.
We met the Australians in the city of Bad Aibling and we went to the brewery 'Maxirain'.
There a guide showed us around and told us how beer is made. We got something to eat
in the tavern of the brewery.
Saturday, October 1st, 2005
Sunday, October 2 nd , 2005
We had time for the family, friends or, for example, a trip to the 'Oktoberfest' in Munich.
Monday, October 3 rd , 2005
Page 17
During the day we had free time because of the German Reunification Day. In the evening
we had an evening at school with the topic "Traditions of Australia & Bavaria".
The Aussies prepared the presentation about P-12-College and Bright again for the host
parents and the girls sang the songs from the first Monday.
Besides we .Iistened to a man who played the Bavarian accordion, we saw a group of
Bavarians who performed traditional dances and the "Auer Goaßlschnoiza", who made
funny sounds with their whips.
Tuesday, October 4 th , 2005
We spent the whole day in Munich. First we made a sightseeing tour through the city and
to the 'Olympic Park' where we had a view over Munich from the top of the 'Olympic
When we came back to the city, we were allowed to go around in Munich and go shopping.
Wednesday, October 5th, 2005
This day the bus took us to Amerang, where we saw the famous Farm-House-Museum.
We got a tour to see the oldest farm houses.
After we had arrived in Prien with the bus, we went by boat to the 'Herreninsel'. We were
lead around in the castle of King Ludwig 11.
At last we walked around on the second island 'Fraueninsel', before we took the bus home.
Page 18
Thursday, October 6 th , 2005
We were at school in the morning, at 12 o'clock we met in the assembly hall to say
goodbye. The teachers who had organized the Exchange gave every pupil a white shirt
with "Student exchange" and both school "coats of arms". Every exchange pupil, the
teachers and also the principals of the commercial school signed on all the shirts. This
afternoon we had time for ourselves, for example, a group of a few pu pils met in town or
played Australian football.
Friday, October 7th , 2005
For now it was the last time to see the Aussies, because they had to take the train to
Berlin in the morning. We said goodbye to each other before the train left the station of
The teachers, Mrs Ciolli and Mr Kusch and the pu pils spend some days in Berlin before
they went home by plane...
Page 19
Excerpt from tile Bright P12 College Yearbook 2005
Three hundred and sixty five days have passed and we have seen studenls graw acactemically. socially and physically. 'Ne have
seen some lantastic achievemenls, some welcome developments end new policy implemented by lhe govemmenl
Ths debats surrourtding pubHc vs privateeducalion also gained some momenlum in 2005. Bright is a govemmenl school
,however, H does hold its own against private schools in a number of areas. The development of faciHties ovar IM past three years
has and will provide students with an educatlonal environment that would rival most schools. Our academic achievements
across mosl year levels, especially VCE, are strong and our sporting achievements in badminton, netball. cricket and, of course,
snowsports are top noteh.
INe have had individual students who have achieved recognition in a number of aress:
Year 4 student Bella Scott has been recognised for excel1ence in ballet
VCE student Ben Thomson received an award from the Australian Defence Forces lor his work with the Navy cadets.
VCE student Jesse Rose's dedicatlon 10 seiance '.vas rewarded on lwo levels with a trip 10 the national selence forum in
Canberra, followed by selection to lravel 10 South Africa. to represent Australia at a Wortd Science forum
Six year 9 students applied for a posflion at the Alpine School for 2006. Their submjssion was based on a Community Leaming
Project whieh cenlred on tM redevelopmenl of the CourthOUSR II was successful and those students wil! be altending the Alpine
Scheol for 8 weeks in term 2 next year.
These achievemenls should not be sneezed at end clearly show some oHhe opportunities that are open to students at Bnght P12
The development of leadership skillsis an important part of ihe learning process st Bright P12. There are nurnerous ieadership
roles that students take on lhroughoul the college One example is lhe Junior and Senior SRC who are involved in aciivities thai
develop those skills, The Senior SRC spent a day at our Dinner Plain Campus developing a strategy for the year and further
developing their !eadership abilities.. The School Captains. Brent Nixon and Jenna House. Deputy Captains. Jennifer Cox and
Jarrod Poyner, and Junior Caplains Natalie SIeale and Tom McDonagh, carried oul specific roles at P12 assemblies and
represented the college at official functions as leaders. Their skills in this area delleloped as the year progressed.
When the fences went up and (he eart!: was turned on Ihe beginning of the stage 2 building \'lorks, the sigh of relief was almast
audibe across lhe college. After delays and lendering disappoinlments, wod, was finaHy underNay New facililies for P-6 students.
Arts and TechnologyfTextiies wil! be ready for sludents early 2008. A re-vamped administration wjIJ see new siek bays and office
spaces for aur expanding needs. New improved facililies will funher enhance Ihe opportunities on offer lor Brighl P12 College
Inn ovations & Exeellence
The appoinlment of Research & Developmenl Manager Sarb Mason saw the impetus behind the Alpine Cluster Innovations &
Excellence program gain momentum. The program has had a direct impact on Brighl, staft devetopment has been focussed
througl1 the Principles of Leaming & Teaching Program, on areBS of speeific need, and same of these have been collaborative
!eaming, assessment and increased use of technology in the classroom. The focus will be 10 improve teachar effecliveness and
therefore student outcomes.
New Beginnings
After many years of dedicaled teaching service, four of our slaft wil! be looking 10 spend more time on their favouflte pastimes.
Christine McGracken retlres after 5 years as Assistant Prineipal at Brighl and 15 years in teaching, ....'hieh cOvered time al
Myr1!eford SC, and Wangaratta High School Chris has been a tire!ess worker in the building of the English program, the
developrnent of facilities, lhus providing great support to Peler Schwennessen in securing Stage 1 building funding . and the
development of policies. Chris has provided much support to sludents, families and coHeagues, and she will be missed al Bright.
We wish her weil in her retirement.
Marg Brown has a history in teaching spanning 35 years. Some of Ihe parents of Marg's wlren! dass were laught by her Her
dedicaUon to the weil being and acactemic development of students has provided hundred of students vnth asound direcUon in
their lives al school. We wish Marg weil in her retirement
\jisual Communicalion & Design (Graphics) has been a strong area of the college program over recent years. David Inoes has
contribuled significantly 10 the development to this area of the school. Many 01 you will have seen the war!< of students !rom his
classes at lhe College Arts exhibition al the Bnght Art Gallery Oave will now have plenly of time to spend wlth Jennifer. climbing
mountains and riding bikes,
Ann Borschrnann began her career al 8righl P-12 College as the Lab Assistant but ended it using her qualifications as a teacher
Ann has always been a valuable slaft member and has conlribuled in developing the seien ce into e popular curriculum area. Many
students have achieved success under her tule!age, Thanks, Ann.
Elizabeth lernen (nee Osmood) has been wilh us for a semester and will be moving back to NS\N wlth her husband in 20G6.
Elizabeth has made a positive contribution 10 Ihe early Yeers program and has buHt a slfOng relationship with her slUdents Good
luck, Elizabelh,
New Faces
The new year will see several new slaff begin al Bright
luke Hall wm be teaching Maths IScience for Ihe first semester replaclng Linda Hayes who will be taking same weil earned fong
service leave
The PE faculty will welcorne Renee Albiston, who is replaeing Roni,-€' Goebel for terms 1.2 & 3.
Metthew Grey joins aur slaft as a P-5 classroom teacher and has a keen inlerest in the Outdoor Education ama.
Chene Kilpatrick joins the adminislralion team es Assistanl Prlnclpal. Cherie comes 10 us from Trafalgar S.G in Glppsland and
has considerable experience in the curriculum and staft development areas I am sure that Cherie 'Nill provide a valuabJe
contribtJtion to Bright P-12 College.
Page 20
Excerpt from the Bright P12 College Yearbook 2005
Spol1s Plus
Again in 2005 8right P-12 College has achieved some lanlastlc resuns in Ihe sporting arena. The year began with Ihe College
raee leam receiving dual awards Irom Ski & Snowboard Australia lor the Australian and Victorian Snowsport Team of 2005, This
'Nas lollowed by a successful 2005 season culminating in great individual performances at the Vietorian Championships at Mt
Buller and Ihe Nalionals al Falls Creek, and Ihen winning Ihe InterscllOols Challenge Trophy for the lourth year in succession,
Tha college also experienced success in football, natbal!. golf, badminton and athletics, The contribution 01 students has been
gmat and Ihe support from parents and slaff has gone a long way 10 making everything wor'« so weH
Artistic Excellence
The Arts was anolherarea of the college that saw some significanl achievements in 2005, Thealre Studies was offered for the first
time al VCE and, as part of their assessmenl, studenls conducted the play DAGS at the Brighl Art Gallery, It was an entertaining
evening, wah students contributing at all levels to a successful production,
The college ehoir was also in demand across lhe loeal communily singing at a number of loeal events, The culmination of their
year was the pcerformance at the opening of the Pacific School Games, The cho!r certainly represents the college proudly and
pro'lides a great source of self-esteem for many of our studenls
This yeaf we have Md the pleasure of t'NO rather special musical soirees at the 8right Art Gallery, The talents 01 the sludenls were
on display and Ihey all should oe congralulated on their efforts. Weil dane 10 instrumental muslc starr, Jill ehelwell and Howard
Kovesy, wha, alang with music teacher Lyndall Nevin, pul together puo entertaining programs, TOO support of the college arts
program by the 8nghtArt GaHery has bean outstanding arld \Ve thank thern for allowlng us to use such a greal faeihty,
Important pathways
Careers Coordinator RusseH Wheaton has established some '1aluable pathways for students, This has occurred across a
number of areas ineluding eslablishing links wilh laeal employers, registered training organisations, in.cluding TAFEs, and
Ihrough Ihe promolion of schOe! based new apprenticeships, We now have 14 students on SBNA's ineluding one al the college,
Next year we will continue to expand the provision 01 palhways and infonned counselling 10 students about career and course
Overseas experiences
For the first time, students lrom Bright travelled to Germany 10 spend three weeks in Bad Aibling. Students, staif and parents
experienced a taste 01 true German life through Ii'ling 1n a homeslay environment and altending schooL All students and staif
relumed with higher levels of malurity and underslanding ab out our European sister schooL Ws look forward 10 Bad Albling
visiling us in 2006,
For the second year in ara'...., students from Honami and Bright had exchange visits, with Honami sludents spending two weeks
wlth us in May and our students retuming in November.
College Council
College Council has had another chillienging year under the presidency of Atan Poyner. Some 01 their achievements inelude the
beginnjng of stage 2 building works, the preparalion of a submission for the Federal Govemmenrs Investing in Sehools program,
the successful joint service clubs working bee, tne introduetion of the Active After Schools Community Program, a sueC6ssful
submission for the Heallhy Eating Program, the appolnlment of a new Oulslde Hours School Care f VacalJon Care Manager, just
10 name a few. I have enjoyed working with council and look fOI\'/ard to the opportunilies that 2006 may bring,
Parent Volunteers
In any yeaf the contribution of parent volunteers cannot go unnotlced. whether that be in transport, acting as an offieial, listening
to students read, assisting with supervision at camps or on overseas trips, Thelr assistance is invaluable and provldes an
impor\ant link between horne and sehooL Without it, many of our programs would be in jeopardy.
The Blueprint
This year, families may have come across Ihe lerm Essential Leaming
Standards, Thls is a curriculum framework whieh will be roUed out in
the Maths and English areas in 2006. It will be further devetoped in
2007-2008 across a number of different subject areas.
The new year will also see a change in report structure. The
department has provided sorne informatlon 10 ramilies on the new
reporting framework, This ia aversion of the formal whleh wiH shape
reports in Maths and Engliah at the end of semester 1 next year.
I wish everyone an enjoyable Christmas and a safe and relaxll1g New
John Pryor
BrightP12 College, 2005,
Page 21
Can you find these words?
Q u
Here are the missing words ...
Page 22
Excerpt from the Bright P12 College Yearbook 2005
In 200'l the CeHege was host to Pie Gressmann who was a
Gsrmanlanguage assistant. Through extendeti contaclwith
Pie. lhe College begen en emall program wlth a iocal Gemmll
scheel in Bad AibHng. (Bad Aibiing is town of aeoul 12,000
and is renowned as a healih resort that specialis8s in special
mud balhs.) From the email program itwas decided tobegin
an exchange program, and so the adventure began wUh lhe
first leg of Ihe exchange whieh took place from September
24 to Oetaber 11 2005.
A group of 19 students fram Years 8.9,10.11 accompanied
Katrina Ciolli, Frank Kusch and Martyn Palerson on the
exchange. Few were prepared for the bering, long haul and
by lhe time ef thejr arrival on German saH bedn't sJept for
over 36 haurs.
One of the first revela!ions for our parly was the earll' star! of 6am in order 10 gel 10
begin c1asses st school at Bam. At tO.30am the students gathered 111 the student
lounge during the one and on!y recess for the schoel dal' end exdtedly excilanged
experiances of lhair first "Germane cIasses. School finisned> as is cllstomary st I pm
end amazlngly there were no arguments fram any of the studems at such an early
conclusion 10 studies.
ThaI night the group met agaln al Ihe schoel wlth Iheir hast families 10 be fonnail}
introduced to !he school community al a !errific welcorne evening. Our students gci'/e
a briefintroduC!ion about themseives in Germar!. This was weil received and pul Ja rest
any cancerns or reservations the group had.
The next moming sawthe school lake a trip 10 the Kampenwand. a rugged mountain
peak. Unfortunate!y Ihe v/8ather was qufte bleak and ths trip down the mountainside
was not as comforlable as hoped. Although Mr. KUBch could on!y imagine the
experience from the comiort ofhis cable earL g!ven Ine extreme difficullies he would
have had hiking with crutches. It has rK,W become alegendar)' taie as 10 how a group
became djsoriented and was lost for a time in lhe Germen! Auslrian mounrainside.
Ihe nex! moming all students in Ihe school 'Nent on excursions \vith their homegroup
leachers. Two groups of Aussies went to Sallburg, Ihe horne of Sound of Music
others went to Munich the capital of Bavaria.
On Thursday the group visiled variaus English classes and gave presentatjons.aboul Bright In Ihs afterneon lhey jOined
Year 9 Phys Ed classes and took ths opportunity to teach Ihe Germans some "real' sports such as neiba!!. cricket emd
Aussie Rules football
On Friday morning Ine Aussies were given an orienteering assig:1ment 1n the town of Bad Aibling. This culrninaled ','li!h a
meeting with the Town Mayor of Bad Aibting, Herr Felix Sehl,valler. OUf sludent;; asked some ver)' pertinenl questions and
we presented him with a gift frcm our Alpine Shire Mayor
Julis CarroU and a framed dot painting produced by our
students. FfOm Ihere lhe group visited tne Maxirain Brewery
for a lour. the final visil before the commencement cf the
long 'Neekend.
Many of Ihe students and [heil. hosts took the opportunity \0
artend the world famous Oktoberfest in fvJunieh on Ihis
Upper Right: The BrarKlfmbu:ger Tor
Centre taft: Jade in tradiUonat DiffHnkteid
Lower Left: Gedächlnis Kirche
Page 23
Excerpt from the Bright P12 College Yearbook 2005
On Monday Oclabsr 3 the whole German exchange group atlended tne scr1oo1 for a cuitural evening_ This was a cultural
extravaganza as mosl families were decked out in thek traditionsl Lederhosen for Ihe males and t'1a dirndls for the females
Atrip 10 Munich by train took place the following day wnere Ihe group visited !he Olympie Stadium 'lihieh hosted ihe 1972
Garnes and also had some free shopping time. Magnus Makeshln, Rotary exchange studentto Bright in 2003-04_ met the
group to oateh up witn some old friends_
On the Wednesday the group visited a 400 year old farm in Amerang lhat has become a museum_ They Ihan joumeyed 10
Prien and the Chiemsee whkh is a beautifu! large lake wlth a 651\m olroumferenee_ here Ihey vlsited two islands: the
Herrenehiemsee (Ihe blckes island) where lhe infamous "orazy' King LUdwig recreated his version of the Pa!ace ofVersaiiles
and the Fraueninsel (lhe sheilas island) whichconlained a monastery and some quaint hauses
The gfOUp paid a last visil te Ine sohool on the Thursday and an impromptu fare'Ne!! was held in the schoel auditorium
witll everyone being presented wiih commemorat!ve T-shirts_
Friday rnorning the group travelled 10 Berlinand had an early night as Ihey '.vlOre exhausled.
The next morning ihe gmup had a 4 110Uf walking tour of Berlin whid1 look in all of the major highlights and attractions in lhe
eastem seetion_ leading inlo the famed Wall area.
ThaI evening the group travelled through tha famousficodlil Brandenburg gates tc visil the Reichstag which i5 a most
impressive German ParHamenl building_
On lhe final day in Berlin_ lhe group \''1enl inlo lhe city centre and spent lhe day sightseeing_ Most hired bikes for a couple
oi hours 10 explore lhe cily and ol.hers visited the Bertin zoo ThaI. evening lile group \Nenl lc bed early as lhey were \0 risB
at 3am \0 ensure that they wem at the BerHn airport cy Sam ror a 7am fiight
Nexi yearwe will be visited by 24 German siudanls and three starf They will anive on April 2 and leave A_usiralla on Apni
21_ We are looking forNard 10 gi'ling lhern a terrifjc "Aussie" experience_
Partlclpants in the 2005-2006 Brightl8ad Aibling SChODI Exchange:
Themas Gales, Jarrryd Poyner, Danial Kusch, Paul Steiner, Neil Wright, Amy Burrowes, Anna Paterson, Maggie Beth
Webb, Jade Jackson Shuey, Leah Sheppard, Sophie Utschke, Nikki Hall, Charleigh Razeng, Na\alia Texler, LaUfen
Henry, Jessica Poyner_ Sarah Edwards, Matt Britten_ Laura Wright
Page 24
Excerpt from the Bright 1P12 College Yearbook 2005
11 was awesome! I had a blast in 8erlio
and Bad Aibling. It was graat getting
lost in ths rain and also playing guilar
and singing in front of the Germans.. J
had to go to church (torture cell for an
agnostic). Oktoberfest iSI sahr
wunderbar!!! plus I leamt how to
pronounce '8ißchen',.. always a
Iliked the walk in tlle forest and geliing
lost. and the tour in 8erlin, It was so
fascinating. I also made so many new
frlends fram the trip whieh is a bonus.
The bikes in Berlio were really scary
and Martyn nearly goi me ran ovar by a
Mercedes. The Oktoberfest was so big
and the rldes and baertent were huge.
My favourile part was tha 4 hour tour in
Banin! The tour guide was hilarious! But
I hated the icky fizzy water thingy they
Janyd, Thomas & Danlei
The different culture. different food,
different landscape and different people
eH gavs us a graat inslghl into the
German way of life. Our favourile part
of the trip was Oktoberfest! Beer. rides
and lots of people, a teenager's
paradise i And I even managed 10 leam
a fewthings lhroughout the lrip. Oriving
220kmlh+ down the autobahn, on the
wrong side of the road, classlc. The
crowdslcrazy fanatics at lhe soccer are
almost more interesting 10 watch than
Ihe match ilself
Thewhole trip was amazing' My hast
family was really niee and they even
had a eouple of horses! My favourite
parts of the trip were the Oktoberfest
and ßerlin. Berlin's history is jusl so
ioleresting although it I!las hard 10
believe there once was a wall dividing
the city. The Oktoberfest was huge with
lots of beer, pit)' I couldn't drink!
Awesome rides and loads of people.
The German's pretzels and thelr
chocolate is the best.
Showing Germans Ihat even when times are taugh,
true aussie spirit shines through. Walking down the
Kampenwand singlng everything and anything
ranging from Jimmy Barnes's Working Class Man
to any cf Ihe AFL F Dotbal! teams anthems we could
remember all while trying to find aboul20 people
1051 somewhere on that godforsaken hilL
Löwenbrau, Hoffbrau, any Brau any how. Ir there
was besr we were tlere!
Cenlr" Left:
Süme of tr:e group aHer u',eir acb-enture
Little Kusch
CooL J
RBmnants of lhe
the r::arr.p,er'Vi2,.nJ:
bric~lin·e cf
IM Beriin Wall
The trip overall was graat! I liked Ihe Oktoberfest
and when we got lost in Ihe forasW, also meeting
the German people and they took us 10 different
spots they were just like usL Trying Bavarian food
was good and I want to go agaln it Was a great
experience. Oh and it was a pily my girl didn't speak
much Englfsh but Ileamt some German!!!! Also
Ihe tour in Berlin was great and we got to see all
the different sites ofBertln wh ich was great lhanks
The highlights of the trip ...., umm ...
Oktoberfest was 50000 much tun... an
thepeople., alltherides... allthebeer..
no, not really.. I liked Ihe walk down
the mountain but getting lost and
hypolhermia wasn't so good, I sme!t
like Neil Wrlght. Ummmm.»" I Jiked
the family and especially the WJ beatle
car soft top convertible. 5000000 much
fun!!! The famil)' was really nlca and
Katrina Ciolli
Vllhat a greal experlence for all involved. The WirtschafischuleAlpenland was
so welcoming to our graup and we have all made some new friends. rar life. All
students were excellent ambassadars for their SChODI aod country. One of my
favourile experiences was seeing the German studenls (mainly boys) take to
AFL footy so quickly. There was aiways a footy being kicked or hand-balled at
recess and on walks together. I also goI 10 drive, (on the wrang side of the road,
scaryl) - not on the Autobahn though, thank god. I also got to see my hast
family from 10 years ago when I was on exchange in Hamburg, They came to
Berfln 10 visil and we had a great, bUI short, calch up.
Page 25
Off to Bright and Sydney
© by Franziska Kastner, 9 a
Saturday, April 1s t, 2006
Australia we're coming!
Finally, the day came tür which we had been waiting for at least 1 year! I am sure that on this
Saturday moming there were a few 01' our group, who did not know if they should go or stay at
home. But when they closed their suitcases that day, they knew it was time to go to Australia.
We met at the airport, in Munich at about 7pm. When everyone had arrived we said goodbye to
our families, which was not very easy for everyone.
After the check-in and boarding, we went to Oubai which was a six-hour-flight on an Emirates
Airlines plane. Our airplane was very well equipped, you could do many things like watching
movies, listening to music and playing games, so you could hardly get bored.
Sunday, April2 11d , 2006
Flying, flying ami fhing!
In Oubai we had a stopover tür two hours which we used to stretch our legs because we knew
that our next flight would be about tifteen hours straight to Melboume.
Monday, April3 rd , 2006
G'day mates!
6am, great! We arrived in Melboume, Australia. We just hat to go through the passport and the
luggage control, and then to the arrivals hall where Mr Kusch had been waiting tür uso We left
the airport area and got on the bus, which gave us a four-hour-lift to Bright. We could see some
parts 01' the countryside and we could relax a bit. The weather was very nice and you could feel
that it was really "a better climate" than in Germany. At last we saw the town sign 01' Bright.
We all survived the longjoumey. When we arrived at the sports stadium ofthe Bright P-12
College, we took our baggage out 01' the bus into a small room, and we had a short walk
through the town park. When we retumed to school we met our exchange brothers and sisters
and we got to know our host parents. After a snack we had an opportunity to see a little
wombat which is a typical Australian animal. Afterwards most 01' us went to the hast families'
houses and spent the aftemoon with the families.
Tuesday, April4 t \ 2006
Good Morning! School day!
We went to schoo1, which started at 9am. All pupils 01' the secondary years had to meet in the
gym, in period one, because we were allowed to introduce ourselves to them. Then our teachers
thanked the principal 01' the P-12 College, lohn Pryor, and gave him and the school some
presents, like the Bavarian coat 01' arms and an otlicial football 01' the Football World Cup in
Germany 2006.
Ouring the second lesson when the Aussies had to go to classes, we Germans were shown
around the school by younger pupils. After a short brake, about half an hour, we were allowed
to go to two lessons with the Aussies. When the lessons were finished we all walked up a hill
Page 26
which is called Huggings Lookout. From the top you had a great view over Bright, and its
suburbs. The Australian forest was very similar to a bush forest, and very different to a Gennan
We came back from our walk at the same time when school ended. Most of us went home for
two hours and that evening we met for the 'Welcome Eve', in Wandi Hall, which is in a small
village near Bright called Wandiligong. First we had a BBQ (barbeque) what is very typical tor
Australia. Then we made our presentations, about Gennany, Bavaria, Bad Aibling, oUf school
and so on, which we had prepared in Germany. After this a band was playing folk and rock
music and at the end of this evening Mr Lehrer sang a rock song with the band.
Wednesday, April 5 th , 2006
In the morning we went to school, and after OUf daily horne group meeting, which was
normally a ShOli meeting in the moming we had to go to the first and second lessons with oUf
host pupils. As we had been in this school for some days, we got to know so many pupils.
Sometimes they only came towards you and asked you how you like Australia or Bright.
When we had finished our first break we gave oUf presentations in several classes in the
secondary school. We also had to go to some primary classes where we told the kids something
about Gennany, and we answered thousands of questions, which were asked by the children.
In the fifth and sixth periods we had a chance to cook some good Aussie-food with the cooking
teacher, and Ms Ciolli as weIl as Mrs Kreplin and Mr Lehrer. The Aussies had to go to their
lessons while we did our presentations and we were cooking. Some of our group cooked
'Sausage RoUs' and others made a kind of dessert or sweet which is called "Lamington" which
is a 5x5x5cm big biscuit cube with chocolate and coco flakes on it.
That evening a 'Night walk' with torches was planned, but unfortunately it was canceUed
because of rain.
Thursday, April 6 11., 2006
That day we had a 'Pupil Free Day' when the parents could go to the teachers for interviews.
Most of us did something with the host families, for example, we went shopping in a town
caUed 'Albury' which is one and a halfhoUfs' drive away ±Tom Bright.
Friday, April i\ 2006
In the moming we went to school, fully packed with a bag of "ovemighting" things, sleeping
bags and whatever you would need for the camp that night.
First the Aussie kids had to go to their lessons, but we were introduced to do a 'town
orientation' which was zick-zack through Bright and, we had the opportunity to see some
interesting things in Bright and also got to know the ice-creamery. The town-orientation ended
at Bright's town hall where we met the vice-mayor. The meeting with the mayor was very
interesting because they also told us a lot about Bright and its surroundings.
That aftemoon all of us went to Wandiligong by bus. We first stopped at the camp site to
unload our bags, and then we went down to a stream. We met two men and they explained to
us how to search for gold. After we had finished gold-panning, we could put up OUf tents
before we had our tea. That night we played some games to strengthen the relationships.
Saturday, April 8 t h, 2006 / Sum:lay, April «l\ 2006
We were a11 picked up at camp on Saturday moming. Then we spent a weekend with our
families. Some ofus even went to Melboume to see a Aussie Footy match. That day Mrs Marx
arrived in Australia.
Page 27
Monday, April 10t h, 2006
That day we went on a trip to Mount Buffalo. We went by bus, up to the Cresta where we had a
walk up to have a nice 'view over some villages around Bright. After that we had a further bus
drive, and walked from a lake called Lake Catani, to the Chalet, where a ranger told us many
things about the mountain. It was a very sunny day and at the Chalet, we were able to see some
panots which had very nice colours. That evening we had a free evening which most of us
spent with the families.
Tuesday, April 11 t h, 2006
That day we only went to school and in the evening we enjoyed ourselves and relaxed at home.
Wednesday, April 12 t h, 2006
As weIl as almost every morning we were at school and spent the first four periods in classes
with our host students. That afternoon the German girls and boys were taken to primary schools
in Wandiligong, Porepunkah and HarrietviIle, where we also told the kinds about us, Germany
and the small children asked us a lot of questions.
In the evening we met in Harrietville to have a BBQ together.
Thursday, April 13t h, 2006
That was the last time ever we went to school in Bright so we had a very strong feeling and
were also sad. The first four lessons we were given several lectures about drugs, craving and
alcohol. In the long break we were invited to a secondary school BBQ organized by the SRC (=
SMV) pupils. And during the last two lessons we had time to take some last photographs of the
school and to say 'bye' to all the other pupils we would not see again.
Friday, April 14t h, 2006
Good Friday with families!!!!
Saturday, April1S t \ 2006
We spend the Easter Saturday with the families. We had the chance to watch an Aussie Footy
match in Bright. Two of our German guys, Anselm and Flo, also played in the youth team. YOll
also could go to astreet market in Bright or some also used the long Easter weekend to visit
Sunday, April 16t h, 2006
Easter-Sunday! We met in Bright's park to have a pancake-breakfast with the school exchange
group as weIl as the parents. We also had a Easter Egg Hunt through the park.
Monday, 17 t h, 2006
Goodbve, don't crv!
It was the last time we had our breakfast with our hosts. And it was the day we had to dose our
suitcases and leave Bright for some time or for ever. This morning the families took us to
Albury's station where we were to leave at 11.30am. All the families were present to take
leave. We had to wait at this station about an hour because the train didn't work and we had to
go by coach for apart ofthe way. It was a very sad 'goodbye' because we knew that we
Page 28
probably won't see the Aussies again. At least half of the Germans were crying. Also a few
Australians and even some parents did. We couldn't believe that we were sitting on the coach a
few minutes later and waving to them.
Our bus joumey ended three hours later at a train station where we got on a train and went 5
hours turther on to Sydney. We arrived in Sydney at about 9pm. It was a nice evening and it
was very warm end even a bit sultry. We immediately went to our youth hostel which was
situated actua11y next to the train station. We arrived there and first we had our dinner.
Afterwards the rooms were assigned to pupils and we went to our rooms. In total the youth
hostel was very good so you could live there easily for some days.
Tuesday, 18th, 2006
Sydney is great!
After our first night in the ~outh hostel we had our breakfast together and we left the YHA at 9
am tor our town and sightseeing tour by bus. We saw an the famous buildings like the Sydney
Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge. At midday we arrived at Bondi Beach which is
one of the famous beaches in the city where we spend some time. Then the bus took us to the
youth hosteI. Afterwards we went to Sydney Harbour where a boat was waiting for us to take
us on a harbour sightseeing tour. It was a great 2-hours-tour where we were able to see an the
things from another view which was so great. After that we went to the Sydney Tower where
we had an OZ-track-tour where we heard something about a11 the naturallandmarks of
Australia e.g. the Great Barrier Reef and so on. Then we were lifted up to the top where we had
a view over the whole city at night.
Wednesday, 19 t h, 2006
After we had our breakfast we had a bus ride up to the Blue Mountains. On OUf way we
stopped at a wildlife resort of Aussie animals where we had the opportunity to touch kangaroos
and koalas and to see even a white kangaroo and also crocodiles and so on. We continued our
bus drive to the Blue Mountains where we also had a view around. We spent the whole
afternoon at Bondi Beach to swim, have fun and relax, which was great.
Thursday, 20 t h, 2006
The last day we were in Australia. In the morning we had a visit to the Sydney Aquarium
where you can see various animals of the sea and we also could touch some tor example a
stadish and a mini shark. Then we had a short ride on the Monorail and we went shopping by
ourselves. Later we met at the YHA where a bus took us to the airport.
Our first flight was about 9 hours and brought us to Bangkok where we had a short stopover
before we had our next 6-hours-tlight to Dubai. In Dubai we relaxed a bit and also bought some
last things für the finaljourney.
Friday, 21 st, 2006
The last 6 hours to Munich seemed to be very short and fina11y we arrived at Munich's airport.
It was great to get off the plane. First we had OUf passport control and we were waiting for OUf
luggage. Then we a11 thanked each other and said goodbye.
We a11 wanted to say :
Page 29
to a11 of you who organized the
exchange and supported uso
A presentation about Australia
Bright - a little village in Victoria
The flag ofthe Federal State Victoria
The state "Victoria" was named after Queen Victoria:
Page 30
Some more pictures about Australia, Victoria and Bright:
Captial of Victoria: Melboume
The Great Ocean Road
Page 31
The Twelve Apostels
The Grampians
Page 32
Aussie-style Math Square - Solution
0 EJ G
Can YOll find these words? - Solution
+ + + +
+ + + +
+ + + +
K + + +
A + + +
N + + +
G + + +
0 N A L S
A R + +
L 0 + +
+ 0 + +
+ + + + + H + E
]\J +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
I +
+ v
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ +
+ + + + + + E +
+ + + + + + + v
A + + + + T
U I + + + R
s + R + U E
s + + 0 + p
I + B + T +
E L + + + c
E E U Q + +
+ T + + + +
+ + I + + +
+ + + M + +
S Y 0 N E Y
+ + + + + G
(Over r Down r Direction)
AUSSIE (7 ,2, S)
SYDNEY (7 , 12, E)
Page 33
Chief editor:
Martin Lehrer
Katharina Kessens
Veronika Wiedemann
Abelina Herzig
Other authors:
Cloudia Ellmayer
Franziska Kastner
Wirtschaftsschule Alpenland
Westendstr. 6c
83043 Bad Aibling
Tel: 080611906860
And now have niee holidoys...
· se h00 I days a90In...
. 111 d nlee