Jan. 15 - West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
Jan. 15 - West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
LJEt •STfTimmiltT. ,i»u»r altcriMiuiveoJ ife* proems iueU; a*ai» r r«!^ral head, b> ft* lens V.irtf'e States 3hel\-deralhettd,or»iieilMr theFedcM head wuwieLoe devoureVCbj % v *BCT THIS I WJU. AVOW, »IIAT I BAYC fcCORVP, A1TD STILL CO SCOBB, «* BIDS fct SKJfSE OF WRONG. tiie Stiief *n|o»t proliably the latter; MR one of thVrn Inevitably, and the result would be sfu-'satf e to our present frame of Governia^'U, be ft winch it might. We T01UL WEDKKDAY, JAMTARY 15, 18-i'O. NO* XXXIX- have cncoun-eul and »tir.neu:ited ma: y dangers;, we liave gone through many perils which Is red the strength of pn^letT'•apM a* A dwaUjiMfDy James Rpreparing it for the contest which soon same result Sir, this whole Such are the injunctions of the Constitu- thing is constitutionally impossible. It evativc system; :bat ,o{ all the dangers we •ssB-.Tor farther" information 'apply » began, and which seven long years have dividing the public land tevi tion ia relation to the levy of money; such was uoijir. thought of by the ftittners of hive .surmounteM, 'of all the trials we have. FIRST SESSION. hardly seen terminated. %o of thkas- the States is an indirect assfabpiMW of its care to provide for the uniformity and our Constitution. Tney nevergone through, there arc. none, in my opinRICHARD D. DORA!f. siioigtioa, disguised a* it •may be with a their debts. It is disguised assavptioa; equality <bf the Uvy. • But where is the of such a thing. There is not a word in soe, which can qpuiparc with the perilous EXTRACTS FROM A JsWpeia-T«iij! Sepi 10—3-t proposition, to divide the land revenue and it is only another move on the chess- rule foYiNstributiqn i Aud what becomes their work to warrant it, aud the expe.rintent of snpj1yr»g the States out of •PBECH OF M*. BEKTOBT, r board of that distribution policy which among the States. Immediate discussion, of the equality of t^e3e«y, "if that which idea of it is uttealy repugnant aud offenthe Feiferal TreasaiY. „ . Or MIIIOCRI, qoantitj of LAsTOIU—Weaavss) • • » • • • direct issue*, and prompt action, a what has haunted our councils for many years, is equally levied is unequally partitioned sive, to the objects and purposes for which ifealk •leister, which sAjris! - *• - *• WA0EM* Co. we want. The assumption party will not in such a variety of forms, and' which out? There is no .rule given for the parthe Fedejal Union was framed. Ifis not tiie Constitution oqTy, but the In Senate, fan. tt> 1840—On Mr. BCKjMtato.tf Sir, I rej>eat it: The Federal Consti- whole early history uT 'our Government Tu*'t resolutions against the eonnitu- bring oa die question, except at a time, found its first success hi the passage of titioners to go by; and that is a proof, uosjality, and expediency of -assuming and, under a form, to favor their own the act to deposite the surplus revenue, as among the many others, that no partitions tution grew out of the want of money for which is full of this jealousy andnrecathor providing for the payment of the wishes. They will not move here nntil it was called, with the State* of uW Unt- of revenue—no partitions of any kind, the uses of the Federal Government. It lion against foreign influence. -. Our Go-\ ._._ .^ Baltimore a fresfc money, land, or other froptrly—was ever grew out ot that want, and nothing else; vernment ventjnto opcralTch wjtn a conf Stale debts, or diverting ihebnd reve- they have first acted elsewhere. The om. ofBrnyV€&'«f varkMM, which State Legislatures will be selected; ttietintended to be io>de. The framers of onr and it contains no grant of power in rela- teat upon this point, and with a division of The scheme fruch now occafMi the nue t?» that object. 'e*-lbe most reasonable Rrnw. oT their operations, and anticipated Constitatiosi were not bunglers; but skil- tion to the collection or The application of political parties upon iu The Federalisui capitalists, bankers," and stockjobbers of Mr. Burro* *fie -and amid: _J>J .L- Vk-J * .- J ? _ . J - J ^J-±ti Hi* tM~ R. D. DOHAN. judgements Avifi"be the object of their pol- London, Paris, ful workmen?—they wer^npt pt apprentices, money, except for 'the uses and 'purposes aifd the Democracy divided opo£ i\c; MR. PBESIDEHT: 1 am an enetey to ab6, 1 8 3 — 4(. icy. Ttiis will be their course, ours t>f ths Federal Government itself. but master workmen. They * did not close and New York, to obMttn from t] former headed by Geiftmt fl'juAUlofc, Uw» stract resolutions, and if those, which-1 >rk npon«qne si'de, and leive k Utter by Mr. Jefferson. To impose upon prf*em were of thfil character I should should be the reverse. What we need i* Lral GoveromeuMhe public discussion, prompt action, established the constitutional us the funding system, the paper system^ sother. They did not ««m, _, «s»ai!fv1«*o~a4Sr r 5 not have offered tliem to the Senate.— and a fode of to asumption, naked or disgiii- the banking syste:n, ihe credit system oT They appear to be abstract, but they are reference, before decision, to the judge- is the natural offspring of ihe distribution nfrt tne~5Gsarti and'egfegfoea folly of per- .j«! Core. not They appear to 1-e mere declara- ment of the people. The adoption of the policy which infested this chamber for milling that to be unequally divided which »ed, anu shown that there was no 8ifler- England, was the aiva of «oe bf the parties;' resolutions which I have brought in will fourteen years, and finally succeeded, in had been equally collected. If they had ence between diverting land revenue and to prevent these impositions wns the aim WELL regulated and •proportionate tions of mprinciples; but rthey are, in reality A A M 4 « ^ _ 1 _ A _ I _>-*_*_ r _ -— * m * f ~ * ~ ~* give us these a J vantages; they will give us the form of a deposite of surplus revenue contemplated divisions of<• money or pro- any other Federal revenue to State pur- of the other. One party pushed all these quantity of bile upon the stomach is, so many issues presented on great quesalways requisite for the promotion of, HOPS now occupying the public mind, the advantage* which we secured by pre- with the . Suites. In company with a perty, th'ey would have given the ride to poses, and having especially exploded the &ysfe*t»#vw1i_h a tintioimidcblanda nationr louad health/— it stimulates digestion, and defined soon to occupy the legislative cipitating the contest with the Bank of small minority of half a dozen Senators, regulate them; not having done so. is clear three vulgar errors, that the lauds were al bank for their basis; the .other labored I made head agaiiist distribution in the proof that the f liejver con template ti such donations from the Stiles, that they have to preserve the hard money. Governmeii' keeps the intestinal canal free from all ob- halls, and the prompt decision of which the IT. States. disguise of a deposite, and delivered the a thing; and we all know that and Constr- fulfilled their d stination n payng the which had been made by hard money inert •tnutions. On the inferior surface of the is necessary to onr successful actroi. on When the-same object was afterwards histoiy of the transaction, on the postage {tution providing for such an event would public debt, and that the power of Con- and to prevent that imitation of the BrfV •fiver is a peculiar bladder, in which the other subject*. 'bile is first preserved, being formed by the The asenirfption of the State debts con- proposed in the 'shape of a iand revenue cf the act, as accurately as it can be writ- have been scouicd and scorned by every gress is absolute and arbitrary oxer them; ish systems,and that connection with these Stale in illc Union. one this, I proceed to the secon- .systems, aud dependence upon them, which liver from the blood. Thence it passes tracted for State purposes has been for a distribution bill, it made its way through ten now. I then said: both' Houses of Congress, and was only dary class of objections; camcly, the evils j must end in subjecting us to tha pecunia-*olo the stomach and intestines, and regu- long time a measure disguisedly, and now "At the end of some years, the nominal I have gone over these details to estab- of the measure. These evils are in Vneni- ry as weli as political influence oC*ha lates the indigestion. Thus we see when is a measure openly, pressed upon the arrested by the firm hand of President transaction will be rescinded; the certifithere is a deficiency of bile, the body is public mind. The movement in favor of Jackson. Finally, when the self-same cates will all be cancelled by one general lish a fact, and which fact is vital to the selves so great, so hostile to the general finglisli. , The Federalists. pwhiM — 'esjsjstantly costive. On the othrr hand, it lias been long going on; opposing mea- scheme made its appearance in the garb harmonious, unanimous vote in Congress. argument, that the whole of the lands good, cud so big- with destruction to the The genius of Hamilton, aud hjs position aa overabundance of bile, canst:* frequent sures have not yet commenced. The as- of a deposite bill, it not only passed both The disguise of a dcpooite, like the mask owned by the United States are puichases, Federal Union, that even if there was no at the head of the Treasury, gave him the •Misea in the stomach, and often promotes sumption party have the start, .and the. Houses, but passed the President's hand after a play, will be thrown aside, aud the not donations; that they represent money constitutional impediment in the way, thU victory. The British systems were all "very severe attacks of disease, which advantage of conducting the case; and also, and became the law of the laud.— delivery of ihe money will turn out to be, drawn from the Treasury and invested in measure of assumption, or provision for imposed tip on us, and the re3uljt has, l'e%i etime* end in death. they have been conducting it for a long Thus elusion and circumvention are the what it is now intended to be, a gift from land, and now wearing the. shape of lands State debts, should be utterly rejected -for] precisely what was forsecn by the DrmoFevers are always proceeded by symp- time,-and in a way to avoid the name of most common, and the meat successful, the beginning. This will be the end of in the woods instead of dollars in ;!IP its baneful consequences alone. Aad cracy forty-live and fifty years ago. We Treasury. This ia a lact now established. fie re 'it is proper to pause, to reflect to have become the victims of those whose of a disordered stomach; as are also assumption while accomplishing the mode of'getting rid of constitutional in- first -chapter." Here, then, are hundred and twelve mil- look back upon the page of our own hishibitions. "They ' " feme, besides, iar the most scrofulous disorder*, and all sympathetic thing itself. Atl tire bilhi for distributing This is what-I said on Friday, the 18th lions of dollars laid out for land, and now tory, and to consult the experience of our Institutions we copied: and thirty years* ancient As far back -«s history goes—as convulsion of o«r moneyed system attests fractional, organic or febrile diseases.— the public land revenue—ail tJfe proposiday of June, JS3G, the day on which the Front the same cause, the natural and tions for dividing surplus revenue—all long as fundamental laws and cons titutions deposiu act passed—dies in fausluz, as represented by land. Here are one hun- own ancestors in relation to paying State the miserable subjection to which we have healthy action of the heart, and the whole the refusals to abolish unnecessary taxes havefceeh known—just ~fco'long the prac- the Romans would call it—unhappy day dred and twelve millions of dollars con- debts, before we rush into the same busi- been reduced. The infamous and traitorvascular system is impaired and 'reduced —all the refusals to go on with the ne- tice of evading them has been familiar and which witnessed the immolation of the verted into land; and this brings us to the ness. We have had cue assumption in ous sentiment that our first duty is to forbelow its natutal standard; -as exhibited™ cessary defences of the country—were so notorious. Majorities have been foirnd Constitution, and the consummation of a great constitutional error on this point.— j our country, and that in a case which was eigners, has become t!,ie . sentiment of palpitations, lane^rid pulse, torpors of the many steps taken in the road to assump- in all ages and ia all countries to elude; policy big with the fate of this federative Before it w'jw so converted, every one ad- I small in amount, and free from the impe- enough to nta'cc it the action of'tiie cfounof a constitutional objection; but try, and to moke the Federal Government, limbs, syncope, -and even death itself, in tion. I know vrnv well that many who what they could not attack, and to cir- ITUOII. I then said the nominal transac- mits that i: could 1161 have been divided' consequence of an overabundance of a pe- supported this measure had no idea of -as- cumvent what they cfuild not surmount. tion of a deposite would be rescinded; among the States. Every one admits that. which was attended by such evils as the State Governments, and the people, the culiar offensive substance to the digestive sumption, and would oppose it as soon as Of this the history of the Athenians fur- the month pf September, 1837, saw it re- Now, ihe question is, can we divide the should defer posterity from imitating the vie tun of its treasonous consequence*.—• land ? or, reconvert it into money, and di- example. It was in the first year of the it was disooucred; but that does not al- nishes the finest example that I have any scinded. The deposite has become in vide the dollars ? Can we cheat the Con- Federal Government; and although the From this sentiment .It-results that 'dor banks aie to be broken just as often as it The approach "f bilious diseases m at ter the nature of the measure* they sup- where seen. That irigenious people were ft<rm what it was trom the beginning in all times attended by decided symptoms of ported, and which were so many steps in able to excel in manv things, and, among Substance—a gift of the money; and this stitution by this transmutation? Can \ve assumed debts were only twenty millions, is necessary to break them, io save the an rjisiinir diseased state of the stomach the road to that assumption, then shroud- the rest, in the art of trampling'under foot conclusion is what I called in my speech cheat ourselves, and the country, by such and were alleged to have been contracted banks ia England; that our gold and silver end bowels; i. e. with those signs which ed into mystery and futurity, now ripen- their most sacml laws, while professing against it; the snd of the firTst chapter.— specimens of legislative alchymy and po- for general purposes, yet the assumption mttsi be exported, and our Government •re known to point out their contents to ed into strength, and emboldened into a towards them a deriory fidelity and a ] Assumption is thebeginning of the second litical juggling ? If so, we have discover- was Kttended by circumstances of intrigue and our citizens deprived of specie for be of a morbid irritating nature; biriwheft-j public disclosure 'of itself. Already the mock respect. The instance to which I one: tuid here I am, standing on my old ed a very facile way of helping ourselves and corruption, which led to the most vi- marketing, for postages, for traVettihg el> to all that the Treasury contains. We olent dissension in Congress, suspended penses, or for taxes, just as often and just •linientary canal happens to be | Sla-e Legislatures are occupied with-this refer is that of the admission of Demetri- ground, to toake head against the offspring may begin with the one hundred and twelve the business 6f both Houses, drove some us, the son of Antigonus, into all the de'loaded with irri la ting matter, some derange- subject, while we sit here, waiting its appi the measure which I opposed, in its millions at once, and then proceed, con- of the States to the verge of secession, and as long as the English require our hard •grees of the Eleusynian mysteries in a awiii of siui heuiihy operation, either of proach. seining principle, fourteen years ago, and erting end reconverting, buying land and menaced the Union with instant disso- morcy to be sent to thent; tftat att ijnT moneyed operations must be made to dctiingle day, when the law required a whole the general system, or of some particular ft is -tfrne for the enemies of assumption have coaiinued opposing U ever since In pcnd on the news which the next English • x>rgan of the hody is the certain result;'] to take the field, s>td to act. It is a case year for the consummation of"the admis- ail its successive stages, and ^n all its selling land, until we have bought and lution. * • • • . .» -v divided that billion'of acres, estimated at steamer may bring .out; 'and thai the •ud when this his slate happens to be united j i,, which they should give, and not re- sion. Demetrius demanded to be admit- modifications of form, billion and a quarter of dollars, which What can be mote demoralising, more price of property, labor, and proaiice; Vith otlicr symptoms of disease, its | ceive, the attack. The President has led ted in a day; the laws prescribed a year; I come at occe to the point, and say figured so largely in the debates on the ruinous, and more destructive, not only must DC rnndc to rise 'and fall, AH oVe'r effects are always therebymuch aggravated. the way; he lias shown his opinions.— so that here was a great difficulty. To that disguised assumption, ia the shape land bills when they werefirstintroduced, to our Federal political system, but to the the United States precisely $s ordered and. The progress of organic obstruction is of-; lie has nobly done his duty. He has satisfy the Prince, then all powerful in of land revenue distribution is' the form and when the national domain was pre- social 'and moral system itself, than to al- directed by the moneyed power ia Londo::. so rapid as scarcely 10 admit of time ne j shown the evils cf diverting the general ' Greece, and to comply with the sacred in which we shall have to meet iJje dan- sented as a bail to national cupidity. low the States to create debts for their —Our President hss faithfully depicted the application offc'ch of sr.cii aid an! as is to be j funds from their proper objects—-the mis- I laws which they were sworn to ofoserre, ger; rind I meet it at once in that disguise.. for the own ptirpbses, and then club together and this jtate of degradation, subjection and This would seem to be enough; a billion ^offered by art, yet, in general, llie prcmon- chief* of our present connection with the J seemed to be impossible; but, by ail ingeI say there is no authority in the Constithrow the payment of these debts on sd a quarter would seem to be enough; ttorv *vs loaJ are .jxircepti• • • ' •. 'piper system of England —and thedangers nious conception, the difficulty was eva- tution to raise money from any branch of but it is only the beginning of what may the Federal Government? Wiiat more injury, in that pait of his message in which he says that our money system has its t>le for a day or two previous to the fe- of f'jreiorii iafluence from any further con- ded, sacrilege avoided, and Demetrius the revenue for distribution among the fatal than this? The restraint upon the .be done under this new process of concentre hi London; that all onr Banks are gratified. The invantion was simply to verish paroxism, a period, when the most nection with it. In this he has dischargefficacious assistance may be given, bv ed a constitutional and a patriotic duty change the na-ne of the month at each States, or to distribute that which had been verting, aud reconverting, the Federal re- creation of debt is the obligation to pay linked together by a chain of dependence the which ends there; that not only the great unloading tho sJoomchatui alimentary ca- £k*t tiv consiitulcd authorities, each in successive degree of the initiation. This raised for other purposes. The power of venues, and then diviuing them. It is the it. Remove that restraint—separate ; Congress to raise money is ^ot unlimited characters of contractor and payer—^and beginning only of what may be do.ne in cities, but the remote villages pf the inten%l of it-* irritating crtnterHs, hnd thus re- their sphere, follow l:is example, and de- was done. Twelve months were comand arbitrary, but restricted, anu directed this new school of alchymy, with our all the barriers of economy, iftoderation rior, arc linked to this chiin; that the espressed into a few hours; the admission '•ducinsr'ihc'susceptiSiKlV of disease. clare their 'opinions n'lso. Let tke Senate to the national objects named in the Con- Constitution in its crucible. The trans- and safely are broken down. The States > tablishment of a new bank in the ... most especially, as part of the legislative pow- became legal; and the' happy inventor of stitution. The means, the amount, ana I.i.e medicines jn jUitiou "lay be made to reach all other are stimulated into debts which the (Jj distant village of our Union immediately the expedient received from the poets of army's '!»e taken in ihe early sta- er—as the peculiar representative of the «v owned, or to be owned, by the nion is to pay; and the precedent once set places the business of that village within tha day the significant title of Chronos- the application, are all limited. The Kr* of bilious complaints; and if pereever States iu their sovereign capacity— let porthetcs, which signifies, I believe, time means are direct taxes—duties on imports United ;>:a'^; for the same clause which must be rapidly followad tip by new debts the influence of the money power of Ei'ivd in slrirlly according to the directions, this body declare i:s sentiments, and, by Plutarch, in his life of Demef- —and the public lands; the objects are £ives Congress a'nthosity to dispose of all oil the part of the States, p.nd new assump- glarAI; and that the result of the whale is its resolves iind discussions, arrest the will positively efTect a c:irc. the support of Government—the- common other property, Longing to the United tions on the part of the Union. We be- the periodical convulsions and bank, susrius, thus describes the operation: The mineral medicfrtesoheu prescribed progress of the measures here, and awadefence—and the payment of the debts pf States. Here then is J ».%<JW and boundless gin with providing for internal improve- pensions to which we are snbjc'cf, and'rW Demetrius was preparing; to return Sn these dtseases, altho uh they uia'y ef- ken -attention to it elsewhere. As one of to "When the Union; the amount to be raised of field for obtaining money for distribution. ment debts; quickly those incurred for establishment of a dangerous influence in Athen?, he wrote to the Republic that, on Ircl a temporary cure, at the same time the earliest opposers of this measure—as his arrival, he intended to be initiated, and to course limited to the nmcunt required for , Forts, arsenals, armories, magK?in"sJarnis5 Banks are added. Then follow all those our bosom. Vreatc an ffuheallhy state of the blood, in fact, the very earliest opposer of the be admitted immediately not only to the le&« the accomplishment of these objects.— and • * • • • •* coa'tracfed for "other purposes," even the mansions of war; fieetsTships, dorks, •«nd consequently (end to promote a return whole family of measures of \vhich it is mysteries, but even to those called intuitive. — Consonant to the words and the spirit of navy yard?, and nnval st ?res; barracks auu security debts incurred by loans of credit To make head against all these. c^-iV, was unlawful and unprecedented; for the 'of the disease which they art- employed to the natural offspring—as having denouc- _ This less mysteries were celebrated in the month the Constitution, is the tide, the preamble hospitals; public edidces of all kinds, in- & rompanieK. torporations, and individ- while we.are able to do so; to stifle l/?rY«re. It is then by the use of purgatives, ed the assumption in disguise in a letter j Anthesterion, aod the greater in the month Bo- and the tenor of all the early statues for cluding the Capital in which we sit, light- uals. 3-° matter how wisely incurred, how eign interference in its cradle; to .rep'ttlsa exclusively formed of vegetable 'c<*m- to my constiteems long before the Lon- edromior; and none were admitted to the intui- raising money; they all declare the object houses; bank stock, canal stock, road extravag^'-17 applied^ End how wasleful- tlie insidions approach of assumption in ; ^poiinds, uhich, possessing wuhiti ihnn- don bankers' letter revealed it to ihe tive till a year at least after they had attended for which ihe money is wanted; they de- stock; every thing, in fact, which comes li squandered*' the disguise of a land revenue distributhe greater mysteries. When th« letters were public; a? sucli early, steadfast, ant! first *elves no deleterious agencies, which ileclare the object, at the head of ihe act.— under the name of property, and which we Touch these State debts in 4ny w|y, tion; to enable ourselves to go on with read, Pythodofus, the tdrchbearer. was the only ' composition, combination, for alteration , denouncer of this measure,! now "Come person who ventured to oppose the dcmttnd'; Whether it be a loan, a direct tax, or a now possess, or may choose to acquire : no matter how—pin yo!?r iiah'd kb the the appropriate buaiaeas of Congress, I to oppose it in form, andV»'s«ib- aod his opposition was entirely iueficctual.— duty on imports, ihe object of the loan, "*fin deve'lope or bring into action; and all tnis may be thrown into the legisla- work in~any form that yon p.'«»-se—-and thhik it right to tnltey.i*(» tiie attack, and ihcrtforp capable of producing no effect, I "ul the resolves which may nrffst it here Stratoc.ies procurrcd a decree that the month the tax, or the duty, is stated in the pre- tive crucible; transmuted fro"n ah nricon- from that moment you are hi for the to put an end to hope, and fature efforts, ," its discussion *o the forum of MunychicTj, which they were then in, should amble to the aci; Cougrasf excusing and •ave that which is desired—tint a safe and stitutidnal to a constitutional subject of whoIe'j'Trom that moment you assume the by adopting the resolution:; of the tenor be caiied Atithe?tcrion; after which Munychion i the peopfr. , y is f o u n d . was cl.anjrvc again into Boedromion. By these justifying themselves for the demand in distribution, and forthwith pardoned out ultimate payment. Thus it was with the and character which J have had the honor ,s^, v j The resolve which I offer.six in iVfcn- moans DeitetriHS was admitted to the greater the Very act of making it, and telling the THE 1JFE PILLS AND among the Statej. Bills to divide the pro- •debt of this District, incurred for the to offer. ~v i her, are not the decrees of a party, or even mysteries, -arid tofeefwwiSafeinspection.'' people plainly what they wanted with the ceeds of the sales o£~o!he.r property" may ] 'Chesapeake and Ohio Canal. We pasBUTTERS have proved to be the iuo*i 31 r. F. evident, in conclusion, f^rmit me | the result of a council, but the opinions It was thus, Mr. President, that Athe- money- This was the way in all the ear- then become as familiar to our legislation sed an act in 1S28, to enable the District Vappy in dieir eflecis in casrs of to turn one word to wards .myself t'o'f the •Of an individual Senator, i speak for my- nian ingenuity, some two thousand yean ly statues; the books are full of examples; diseases, of any purely Vegetable a* bills to divide the proceeds of the pub- to borrow the money. The sagacious sake of doing justice to other*, ^m^'ng self in these r%sotations. They contain ago, by a transposition of named, dk em- aud it was only after money began to be lic lands now are; aud instead of limiting men of this body—Mr. Macon, Air. Van fion fVor '-offirred to tiie public, If the thoss events of my life for which i iia-.e •tomach is foul, they bYAnsr a by exciting the declaration of my sentiments on the barrassed a «acred college of its constitu- levied for objects not known to the Con- our distributions to the States, whal is to Buren, and others—approved the act, upon reason to be thankful, was the circum•it 'to thioXr off its* contents; if not, they momentous points to which they refer; tional diffictil ies; but it required Atheni- stitution, that this laudable %ad ancient prevent us from extending the favor to the ground thai the agent of the District stances of bein£ admitted into t!*.c nitiVimflie qnodenum without exciting and 1 am cot authorized to say that they an ingenuity to contrive an expedient so practice was chopped. Among the enu- corporate bodies, to individuals, and to the would go abroad with that act in his hand cy and friendsnip or Mr. Mason and Mr. or 'nausea in the stomach; stuu- speak the sentiments of any other Senator delicate and intellectual. Nothing so re- merated objects for which moaey can be children of meritorious parents?- Cuce .id shovr it to foreign capitalists; and al- Randolph ai my .entrance into this body. This declaration I think it proper to make, fined and spiritual can be expected in these raised by Congress, is that of paying the descendedjfrom the safe and elevated mark though it contained no promise on our 1 lived in the same house for many j£an> t tj|ating the neighboring vjrtra, as tiie liver \*nd paw ft*) so as to produce a more co- in order to exclude eroneous conclusions prosaic and money-making times, and in debts of the Union; and is it not a mani- of national objects, where is the limit, part to guaranty the payment, yet UK, U. with these two illu?Uious sages and patri> flow of their secretions into the iu- and to prevent undue iroportatfee from be- this country, where so much of the gen- fest aboiirdity to suppose that, while it where Ihe boundary which is to arrest the States would become Involved.. in the ots, s<*d "o^t them I learnt to abhor tha ies of the age is directed to the literature requires an express grant of powertoena- downward course of the application of the transaction, and ultimately nave,to pay it par^y system of England, fastebfifX Vipou tines stimulating the exhalent capilb- ing attached to my proceeding. Let no one suppose that I am premaofbanking, and to the accurate descriptions ble us to pay the debts of the Union, we national funds ? Once admitted ihst Con- all; and thus it happened. That d*tu y... c/by General Hamilton, and to venerate tenuinating in the inner coast, which ture — that I begin too soon — and should of the alternate "tightness" and "looseness" can pay those of the States by implication gress is free from all constitutional con- terest, and all is now assumed by 'ie Uni- the hard money Government fraarw^ for an increased flow of the useless particles wait till the friends of assumption shall of the money market. We can expect and by indirection? of the body, foreign matters, or retained trol in disposing of the ^territory" and ted States. I was one of the few that op- us by our ancestor?, and uitep .(Voni us bring forward their measure, and show nothing like Athenian wit here. The Sir, our Constitution grew out of a "•other property" of the Union, and what posed it, thanks to my association with by the Federalists of near, fifty years ago. secretions, are completely discharged. • For additional particulars of the above iu the shape and form they intend it to nearest approach that I have seen to it want of money, it grew ont of the want is there to guard ths application of un- Macon and. Randolph, from whom 1 le»«i»t Our Constitution,, was pushed from her Medicines, see Mortal's "Goon 84*1*1- wear. It" any one should so think and was 'in this enlightened chamber, and on of money for genera! and national purpo- bounded means, directed by unbounded my leading principles in e*Momy. I°P" foundations as she went i:uo operation; 1 muet answer aa I did to a simi- a recent occasion, when a division of the ses; and it contains no grant of power in power 1 What is there to prevent largess- posed that act, giving a»*hority t* this Dis- she, was pushed offlhe.aolidfrocE bf bard "" a copy of which accompanies the lar objection tea yean ago. I must an- public money among the States being ad- relation to receipts and sxpendUures, ex- es and benefactors; in the shape of na- trict to borrow n»-«»ey for f&e canal1, bnj ci oney, where onr aneestorg a 'j.rViored her, a copy can also be obtained of as I did when it waa objected mitted lo be unconstitutional under the cept to raise and expend it for such pur- tional gratilude and national munificence, the ground that »l would Involve nsin the and plunged into ihe tem t Agents who have die medithat I had brought in my resoluttaft too word di*tnhtte. that word was gently de- poses. foraale. to warriors, statesmen, poets, sculptors, transaction *nd ultimately make us liable bf paper. It has bee* soon against the renewal of the charter of posed, and the word deposite enthroned I meet the danger in its disguise of dismusicians? What to prevent hereditary foe the whole; and now I oppose any con- years in. «!iat ocean; but is r.«r French, German and Spanish directions the Bank of the U. States. Many Senain its place; after which the division of tribution, and repeat, there is no authority provision for the support of families, in the nection, disguised as it may be, with the back to hor old foundationj?.- .The Adcan can be obtained on application at the ton then thought me premature, and ob- the money took place in the same manner in the Constitution to raise mof-ey for dis- shape of hereditary pensions to succes- State (!ebts,"*n the ground. Touch them, ministrtUons of JACKsox*.anA Vx.s Bvogee, 375 Broadway. jected to entering upon the question un- as if the change of words had not been tribution, or to distribute that which had sive generations, for ancestral services?— and we embrace them; put onr finger to] n^x are. bringing her . back, and 9 I my All poet paid letters will receive imine- til the stockholders should present their made. been raised for other purposes. This re- We touch the confines of an heredisary thte work, and the shoulders follow; giv^ labors now—all my »abors for man y yc. rs viiale attention. memorial and ask for an extension of their I repeat, MrPresident, we are not to sults not only from the plain words of the pension list at this moment; having alrea- them the prroceeds of the public Lands, —have been directed to .that con: ;unm aPrepared and sold by WILL! CM B. privileges. 1 refused to yield to this obexpect Athenian wit in onr attempts to Constitution, and the known purposes of dy an ancestral list which 44,000 names and from that moment ycu hav^gjven the tion, and to the relief of ,gur country from MOFFATT. 375 Broadway. New York. jection. I then said if we waited till the get rid of constitutional difficulties. Comforming the Federal Union, but also from now encumber; and let it be granted to whole revenues and the w'flO]e credit of its degrading, rujnoi*% 13?<J dear oralizingA libewl deduction made to those who Bank presented her application, we should pared to their .-eficed and spirutnal inventhe total silence of the Constitution upon Congress, to do what it pleases, uncoa- *e U. S^tes, Yon ^c given all, iii giv- dependence p'Q ihc destructive, and de!npvrcjhaee to .sen agatttt , watt all we were defeated; that she would tions. our contrivances must appear coarse a rule of distribution. There is a rule in troled by the Constitution, with thejte*- ing any thing: Jorall the rest would folj «ve paper system of Great Bvitah. To fymtn Tin Life Medicine* nay also •ever apply nntil she had organized viclow. Crjsiom-house revenue and Treasu- break the c^ain whicn. now '.iinds us to ttt had of the principal druggiali in every tory; that she would see her majority be- and bungling; and such, in fact, in too ma- the Constitution for raising money—none ritorial domain, and all the ny instances, they have actually been.— for dividing it The Constitution has of the Union, and from «i,al instant a pen- ry notes would scon be called in to sup- fie footstool of the Bftoneyed power <4r toem Ikraaghout the jJniled *»d the Caa- fore she asked for the Vote— and would We have often bungled nost clumsily in provided for die equality and uniformity sion list offortjr^ai. thousand names, and ply the deSciency of the land revenue; London—at all evettis to prevent, be ready to gallop through her bill for our attempts to circumvent oar Constitu- of the levy; there is no prormon for the a half millions of dollars, will and new debts would swaVow up the; chain from being nudje hearier; the recnaiter the day that she presented tion, and we can expect no better, in fu- equalayandumformiry er—is one of "the objects of extended mad increased, and whole resources of the Union. » upon the it This is what I then said; and subse- ture; and, of all the rude attempts o£ this faA -.hese resolution^ and I invoke "•-" * ' * . * ji*--'-••"" d stretched into the ranks of posterity. bottle of brtters or the box t*. events proved its correctness. The kind which I have witnessed, HOD* -^ unuorm throughout the Unif^l States.— •iml Tor what I.ftaVe said in their Who so blind jas not;to see die disasNo, sir, no. There is no constitutional country was saved and barely saved, more awkward the raudid ^oasTderaUon of ihe trous consequences of bringing the S a e» No capitation, or other direct tax, shall be way to assume these State debts, or-to val^hle Medicines fan lale (ran: the dominion of that institution, bj undert»l~, to subsitnte a distri^tion of laid, unless in proportion to ihe census, or pay them, or to endorse them, or to smug- to the footstool of the Federal Govern- an-I &e country. f beginning ths ccatest when we did—by the hatd revenue among the States, for a enumeration herein, before ordered to be gle the money to tiie Slates for that pur- ment, to receive supplies frota ths public Colrmwit striek tit distribution of the revenue generally, or taken. No preference shall be given, by pose, under the pretext ,of dividing land Treasury? Wasteful extravagance in °f w*itiu*F . |a this **""* by carrying the qaestion to the for an assumption of the Stale debts. It «tny regulation of cnmmeice or revenue. revenue, or surplus revenue, iupong iheno. their expense?', wiili flitinuleabjcct depenind sunk at th* mouth e>'V Mfe Rj.c ?Pd raising rh* paWic mind, sn I ia all the sane thing, and all ends in tlw to the parts of one State orer tbe 17th n!t; There i* no waf to.do it The whole dence on A? tW*raJ ftead", wiflt consolilowetl , \> *. con f \ C * A w I - the* Owning of tiia oncers of the &5«h Rejioa Aum JSf?. ir^rrwH to th* tocaiof Virginia Sliliti*—An act to inecron Elections, bvt withdrew it the Clover Hill Co«l mining and tjest of MR. Ifevht of Itidiac*. Jinaftranyy C.«pany—An act to anlhomes>aeperaar election ufO* h*sj»e Afu-r tariof* totwuccessTul &t:en:}.-:s to, oftjreorge Swhetr, ia the county of FredMr. Strange had con» eri*-—An act to amend wnd explain the to recommit the bill to the suspend" tt*e ftfe j for c her matters, the 1act, entitle J an act. establishing die cotmmajority agreed to rsceivt petitions. of Pulaski out of pans of the Counties Tite&stes were called, bcgicakng with use aud going to Massachusetts Mr. of .Montgomery and Wythft. LTNCHBUKG JUDICIAL ttSCUTfc Lincoln drrsenle*1 several memorials from lilr. Wilson offered the following resoMa9**cae*eir». raking for the Abolition of lution, which was agreed to: Slavery^n rhe District of Columbia. Resolecd. That diis House will proceed A debate of much interest is now pendby joint with the Senate on the 17th iosU, ing upon the motion to receive. '-it of JTrw Turk propoet-j, that th« b:il Corrc$pe.-blctx: t^flhe Sail. to elect a Judge of the General Court to *• * rcferm] to the Committee on"i; .DP SENATE. WASEIXGTG.*, Jan. IL supply the vacancy in die 8th Judicial i-ud Canal*.. Ti«« refereae* -A as ej>]> HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Circuit, occasioned by the death of Wuj. l-y .Vr. .V'KtV c-f North Carolmu; wtu 31 r. Wright sjid considering the impor- DacicLEiq. ' PKRSONAL MiTTESS. argvcd. tfan the work having been soixje tance ofih* unfinished business, he*should SJ^ATORIAL ELECTION. Mia? in progress. Bfcordiug to lire prac- 4 zc«ion this tr.crnirg foriflhc first .Vr. Jacnbn, with the view of being «t: loiif rstnl'ltsltCtJ, the Ijiil directing j IvJi an hour was inlereeU.ig and amusing not press the consideration of the Sub1'rcasory Bill at riiis motneat-^but he able if -possible, to get through with, the should do as at an early day—as early as contested election from .Marshall ton!ay> reauiug of to-morrowtnorcirj*. . mored to postpone the order of the day— the genual consent^ jnesentwl tiie aaft»o*-ial j iiou?s briefly i". reference to a speech re- ARMED OCCUPATION OF FLORIDA. the resolution relating to the election of This bill came np as the order of the Senator—until to-oiorrow. nf Amcric&n citizens inCtuRw; which waa J parted iu the Globe bsn>au^ by ilr. Smith . Ridley and Mr. May opposed the ordered lo be priu'.et!, and ri-ferred to ihe i of Maiue. 11?. wished Jo know of the day, and Mr. Benton again addressed tht motion to* postpone. Sentient length,tnd in examination of the •Committee »;u Foreign AfS-.ii-. \ member frctu Maine wither in terlaring f Mr. Crutchtield was indifferent on the made bv those opposed to the " The onlrr of the t!uy t.-ja ths tper.ch J tha! what bt; had said of Gsnl. Jackson objections ..j • *r subject lie wished to save the time of from J/r. Bolt* of Virginia, who vsa ca- was fu!-e, he mead to impute any pcrso- b;u. House, and if by taking up ihe resolution litled lo the floor, i may million in this nal motives to him. Mr. Smith was unYJtftCJMJL LE«IKS^VTBHE. would do thai—he hoped, it would be i'lare, that lie v.as interacted for a n»o- vliiiiig lo ausv. cr. A pereictory dera&r.d dour. nicul l;v «Wr% iJJifiaisu; whcse report 0:1 hat! L?rn iLiule upon Lzia, aisd lefore h2 s. 6, 1840. sou said, he thought there could &ui?uuR<caVs to U:e rules and ordtrs ha-J' replied '." it, lie wished to be informed by A petition tvas- presented by Mr. Han' iportant matter befort this , *n«ue the order for to-day al one o" the S;;f ak»r whether or not he should be '. »f citizens of Bot'elourt, piaying for elejhiinalion of who arc It v.a*. liowcvt-r, resolved, that pernihuvj to rcpiy to any rempiks truAe* formation of a new County out of parts entitled to seals in this House. Under the rules of the last House: be continued uy the gentleman frc:n Virginia. of Botetourt, Monroe, Giles, that impression; he had desired to dispatch ia force utlrl next Thursday; and that * The Speaker eaitl, certainly, to any re- 'i!oa:goiucry and Roanokc. the contested elections before any other tljc report cc:ncup for consideration nest j marks nM'je ia oreur, aad lo none mcde &IARSHALL ELECTION. business. But finding he could not aciav h. one o'clock. *\fr. Bntis then • oulof or.!-.-r. Tc-usda complish his object, he withdrew his moOn motion of Mr. Soothal], the House Mr. Sii'i'.li then said he had a favor to Tjioeeedtd ia the i!./liven- of n spitch, orproceeded with the report of th» Committion to postpone. ask, and, lilt: from hi.5 collesgue, who-vas thr prepa:aiir.n of which, much libor iiaii tee of Elections on the Marshall election. The resolution was then taken up. ont::lod to ihr floor. Le«i evidently e.«:jH".M!«i'. .Vr. .Vay moved to strike out U12th" i he resolutions from the 10th to the .Vr. BoUs-'-accurdinir p tlis r il? norv Mr. Clifford raid, most certainly h» would jSSih inclu-ive, \rcrc agreed lo by the and insert "23d" inst. Areed to—aes established—wan foihiwcti by ar Whig— yit-id the !!oor to his colleague. Spca—sicftioris being made, inei!eeti:ally, 72, noes not Mr. Smith tli?n dial hi tieclari forniide'jk- .Vr. Hauiiolpa of New Jerb Mr Tiie resolution as amended, fixing the charge tl it Gei:l. Jackson ^as a ivreat. 1 )' - Cltapman to reverse the 21st rci'c reau hooks, phar.iphlcts and 23d inst. for the'election of U. S. Senator, was then adopted. n ewe* froxuig <.*( «> the «?.J nith the II S. Coorte. Mr. stria-* «f ! vam.ih day die llth he would call up lite report tion had bioke out ia the city cf tb* COSBBUUM (A the tootts^c elec- co, iu the midst at vtue tion frcsa M deposed. The agftdat* t raised dsroaffaoat «%« fllatw of xva» 9tbv M Ameriem*. Fa die Senate, Mr. Ftntkner oftred A fiie broke out IB FhfladdplkSa on the following resointioa, which was adopted: 9th instant, which destroyed die extcoaire Rtsolrcd, That the Second Auditor be hay press of Mr. W. F. Harrison, in Penn requested to furnish this body, with a street near Shockaawxou street. Kensingstatement, showing the amount * of bonus which has been received by Ihe State of ton. It destroyed also 130 too* hay, the Virginia, from the several Banks now in- joiner's sh*p of Messrs. James, Jacob, corporated by law—how the said bonus and Keen, the lumber yard of Laadell has been invested "and disposed of—xvhax and Son' and ike larye ica hoove of Hr. amount of stock ia owned by the State in firewater. IMO. thte several banks and how that stuck has The dwelling house of Col. Samuel W. been paid for—what amount of dividends THOMAS H. REXTONt hats been received by the State upon its Davies, Mayor ot the eily of C5"— •* Ohio, was burnt to the ground a few days have devoted that port o* of *v stock in the several Banks of the Commonwealth, and how the same has been ago. (t» distance from the heart of the nroally occupied by •uKelbaeon town, and situated some hundred yards the publication of extract* from the applied. up the steep hill at the east, prevented the this Senator, upon Ae prepeeftioa. tat ti On motion of Mr. Woodhouse the engines from reaching the scene in time to ere] Gevenunent to assume th* debts of ate adjourned. be of any particular service. States, end devote the proceed* of ta* lOih. 5 Land* to their liquid»tion. Mr. Bonduraut moved to take up the The subject 6f forming a edaneeUoa by Among the variety of projects devised hy Aa resolution fixing the 17th instant for the rail road between York and some suitable Federalists to engraft their measures aad pit*, election of a Judge, in place of Wm. Dan- point on the Cumberland Valley Rail iel, Esq., dec'd, and after much conversa- Road, continues to engage the attention ciples ujion oar institutions, MM that hae beta tion, in which Messrs. Tod, Baptist, Foa- of a large portion of the people of Cum- heretofore offered, !* in effect, so < tairc, McMullen, Cocke, and Atkinson, berland aud York Couuties A large this new pet of the speculative anstocney ; well calculated to accomplish the end so I parficipated. and respectable meeting of citizens was so Mr. Bondurant proposed the 2Gth inst.. held at the town of Lisburn, in the former aimed at, of bringing the National instead of the 17th. which was decided in county, on the 30th ult. at which resolu- to the footstool of the moneyed power. Bot the afllciative. • tions were adopted expre*tve of the ly of.uu* 0001107, but of Euro**. On motion of Mr. Dyer, the Senate ad- wishes of those present in favor of die • Every men who lores hb coafetiy, wh* BPT<^ journed. . enterprise. The road in question would gard* the independence of her institotibasas ta* NORTH EASTERN BOUNDARY. be, in fac", an extension of the Susqufi- greate»t national blessing, must feel alarmed at The Message of Uov. Fan-held to tiie hanna Rail Road, and would open a con- the bare suggestion, of the Government becomLegislature of JVfaine, delivered on the tinuous and direct line of Rail Roads from ing responsible for two hundrtd Million of dol3d inst. has not been received. We find the capital of Pennsylvania lo the city of lars, due to the speculators and stock jobbers «f England, France and Germany. Money borhowever some extracts from this docu- Washington; rowed for purposes having no national chane^ ment in the New York papers, relative to the boundary question, by which it ap- . The Raleigh Register is counting with- ter, and much of it expended withrut accompears that one or more companies of Brit- out his host—in favor of Gen. Harrison. plishing any good, except the advancement of ish troops are stationed at Tcimscoiuu The following is the supurb logic it a- the private interests of political partisans,whoas Luke, within tbe disputed territory. The dopts in relation to the vote of Virginia: influence had procured the enactment of th* published correspondence between Gov. ull is now confidently believed that Rives laws under which it was borrowed. Fairfield aad Sir John Harvey, consisting will be re-elected to the U. Suites Senate To bind our government to foreign capital* of an enquity oa the part of tha fonnea from Virginia, by the united exertions of isti by the Assumption of this debt, b the object MARSHALL CONTESTED ELECTION. concerning the fact of such occupation, the Whigs and Conservatives. If tbis of the present project To bring it within th* The House resumed the consideration and of the reply of Gov. Harvey in return, should be the case, the Electoral vote of control of the Bank of England, that it may b* tiilser fiztxres of! irar.i^ii the motives of any member, and j "^ referred to two votes which, had bee« Ot-rks. r^>o.tcrs i« (!:e palleries I certainly i:i;endeii to brin'g no charge of j given to Mr. Scott, (ihe sittiu» member,} of the report on the contested election shows that the movement of troops to the that State may be set down as certain for effected by all the fluctuations of affair* in thai the IlotJsc-, the i -above named point was directed by the Harrison and Tyler."—The Register is country, and uo longer be an obstacle to the unsooii i-iratcd t!:cir scats — and k-ft the faicehcod a<raiust ti;e jrentleman from Vir- but set aside by the Cowniitlee for want from Jlfarshallt He only intended to say ths I the of evidence. Mr. C. stated tfcat evidence British authorities in Canada. This is re- mistaken, both hi its premises and its con- holy system of speculation adopted in this land, The 40th resolution, declaring the rote en the iloor al«ne Iu their [had bsea since received to aabstuniiate ofThos. Burroughs illegal, was further garded by the Executive of Maine as a clusion. Mr. Rives will riot be elected—' it what is wished fcrby those to who *;Chem*» clear violation of the agreement entered and if the Legislature should so far mis- for aggrandisement the hard money policy of discussed. Jr/r. Stephenson read a decision in the into last Spring through the mediation of represent the public sentiment, it dors hot this Administration b such a barrier; Thiafs •istant,) at once evidence now ex- case of the contested election between (ieu. Scott. Tiie following letter has been follow that II.uTtson will get the vole of would suit them exactly if the Government wa* prcpogf d Bolts and'Whiting, directly opposed to addressed by Gov. Fairfield to the Presi- Virginia, ft is certain, on the other hand, so involved iy the vortex of paper money, stock, any '.vay persona!, he should have cal- hibited, ilie votes were good. further opposed by .Vr. Criltenden and the resolution of the committee. That de- dent of the United States :—Ball. Amer- that be will not. On Mr. Stephenson's motion, the report jobbing and all its phariphrenalU, tbat the see-, .Vr. Prc*lon,and advocated by Mr. Pierce. led him to outer. cision was made by a vote of 100 to 14— jcoit. was then laid upon the table. Rick. Enquirer. Mr. Smith said that lie thought the On motion of .Vr. Stningp, (the suhjcci rotary of tho Treasury, would be obliged to a» EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT, A motion Jbr aujonninient being made, the member from Jifonroe, and many whole House understood him as lie hail rtill being up.) the i-emlc ti'joursied. wait the arrival of the next British steamy Augusta, Dec. 23, 1S39 3Ir. Stephenson requested it to be with- others, now member*, voting to affirm the The Reader will perceive, tliat the II. before he eouid more on any subject, ia relaexplained himself. His Excellency, M. VAN BUSES', drawn, (which was done.) to give him an legality of the vote. of Delegates yesterday set the 23d inst. tion jo the finances of ihe nation; Mr. Belts declared htmself ealisfieH; jAJtvArv 10. President, of the United States: •Vr. Chapman replied, and adduced » opportunity to submit the resolution reas the day for electing a Senator of the But Col. Benton has met this project at th* Jtfir. Randolph of Nf \v Jersey, having NEW JERSEY QUESTION. SIR :—It having been reported to me Lr. States. specting the President of the Bank of Vir- case from the contested election from yiv«sn v.'av vcs!cr'.!ay lo the motion of a-'.door of the capito!; and in the able speech from The Speaker tl;cn recognised the right ginia, (published in our last) PowhaUn, in support of the decision of that a large number of British troops had jt>njTautnt, v.as of course eniiiled to the of Mr. Cliilurd to the floor in contiuuation which we have made extracts, and which »• been stationed at Temiscouta Lake in the committee. Mr. Cratchn'eld moved that the resoluThe pistol and tiiebowic knife it will only regret the want of room for its entire pubfloor tc-dsiy. Tlic portion of his spcecii of his speech. .Vr. Scott of F. said the question in con- disputed territory, and seeing extracts be seen by the annexed paragraphs from lication, bas clerely demonstrated tb* evil ta tion be l&id on the table. d to-day, was a continuity of decMr. Clifford yielded a moment to Mr. troversy had befln decided both ways at from the Provincial papers confirmatory the IHst Southern papers, are still resortrti grow out of its adoption. We hope this speech The ayes and noes upon the motion tiulike tiie mosaic — EpfKrlilri] Duucaa of Ohio, who stated to the House former sessions—tmct in favor of the re- of these reports, deemed it proper to ap- to in that quarter without hesitation and were called by Mr. Scott of F., and suslaryol>' %rtth tarnished document*— of its that since he had made the last installment be extensively read. There b no pubiia solution, as in the case in the Pawhatan ply d:'rertly to the Lieut. Gov. of the Pro- \vitli fearful results, in the settlement of mail whose otforts ilsscrv* more atteatssa firttia tained. Thc question was then put and commewcm«::'.t. He v;&* merciful io the of his speech, he had received a paper fnetinsj* of liis auditors, and did not per- from the galleries. It had tamed some decided iu the ainrmative—ayes 90, noes contested elei tion, when party spirit ran vince of JJew Brunswick, which 1 did by of personal difference*: the Dbmocrary than C6l. Behta*. Ii* ha» high here, and once in opposition to the letter of the I2th instant, to ascertain SHOCKING OCCURRENCE.—The feelings? been the firm and untie?tit;r.g champion of Lve«*T«re in his hnrr&ngue much longer than of his rcir-arka lo ihyine, and he rose mereresolution, us in the case quoted by the whether these reports were well founded of this community were deeply cxcitcc! And the House adjourned. n half an hour. ly that, he should attach the poetry to his gentlemen from Tyler, in the contest be- or not His answer, under date of Dec. and outraged on Monday last, by an oc- nu.H--r.itic principles since he came into publi* .Vr. Smii'j of .Vain*, flowed iu reply speech and set it to music. tween Bolts and Whiting—a decision con- 19th, I received yesterday, while on my currence which will probably result in the life, and no man bas ('trusted harder to ro »tf TUESDAY. JAWCARV 7. lo eomc imputations on ths consistciicy The Speaker here called Mr. Duncan Oa ?»!r. May's motion, the Committee curred iu by gentlemen of all parties al the way to this place. J?/y letter and the re- death of a young gentleman of extensive uUihhthc doctrines of MessYi; Jen"ersot>t and of his cc:«r«c mad* by .Ifr. !Ioitr» Madison's Administrations, after they w«r« lott to t-rd^r. for Courts of Justice \vere instructed to time. But he would ascribe no especial ply are both herewith enclose.'. It will Ja coiirKui-t-^. t!ie grntlemtii from 3fc. Mr. D. saJd he had a right to the floor, enquire into the expediency of amending virtue to the journal, and would concede be perceived thai two companies of Brit- and highly respectable connections, by .sight of by the policy of .Mr. Kimroe's, and sub* the hands of another, also most respectaniac!c sftue bnct' obscrratiou* on the few as it ]>ac] l/cen yieldet! to iiini by the inemverted by that of John U- Mains. ish troops have actually been marched inthe laws iu relation to Ferric?, eo as more '.hat one connicltng decision neutralized rVs v a l u eed d by L-y i-1-. li.'.u OB me bcr f,.oiu Maine. Scv reii-arVs Ven;u M-. li.'.t; mcniunrs de- effectually to protect the rights of the pro the other, and res: the determination of to the disputed territory, and stationrd at bly connected. There arc various statements current relative to the origin am! In the discernment, fc'piibUcan principles and .-iiofMr. Dur.ca::. Hr.Poltshadas- m.iianded , Rf i ft/1 ,that hat vr r . T) B:M Mr. Duncan have leave to prieters. Tenjisc orta Lake, where it is well k;:o\vn j the question upon its own intrinsic merits. progress of the allair; but it does not be- iron ncrro of Andrew .Irefcson, be saw (b* pow» —but w iihuutjiroc-f — that '.hrspscrli pruccci!. er that was tb stem tLo current of Federal a* extensive barracks have been previouslyOn Mr. Powell's motion, leave was He then proceeded to argue at length i:i of Mr.' Duncan coatairicd mort misropreMitchell of New York. moved i!.a! "riven to withdraw the petition of Stephen i opposition to the resolution of the com- erected. This is clearly a violation of come us, pending the le^al proceedings, to ba>c. which had !ai!T £6 fast d hold upab' Ihe do more than slate that in consequence of erntations nntl absuu!i:ic.;, than he had i as Mr. Duncan had a scng iaa his hni.J his nanfl M> arpi,y, presented to a former House of I raittee. demonstrating that such title to the 5-pi h of the arrangement entered into sonic previous altercation a renrountrer institution!! of the nation—that w as to restot* ••vcr he&nl eithfr i:i '.hif Ilo'.t: c or e\*v- which he intended to set to niusir, Hut Dcicga.P3. ' re&1 lv Mas mav h he enforced in a court between the Lieut. Gov. of New Bruns• u\.^«.-gtn«-a. i reaip propertv mav taok place between Mr. Duncan MarF.se, the Government to the princip!e*of the Rcvolu. wltcrc. tJurh g«.»!!era!ily of asr-ertton saiu t-Housoi g.ve him leave to sing U. J O n 3Ir. Venable's motion, the order of of equity—ihe point ia dispute—gave a wick and myself, in Jlfxrcii lust, though Jr. and Mr. John W. Oehillrer, in whirb tion, and place the obnoxious polky of tbe Fe*J1 Mr. Eiirt -*. is a convenient nioue of c'n:jlr. Ctiflonl rclnse.1 to ield thefloor, .,,„ day fof ,hc elec.Jon of ^^^ o{\ the orders have been issued by the Gov- the latter received a pistol ball in his eral Party, In that oblivion to which they bed di:;g a strength of urgumcnt, wbicli y.-.u any loiiger, ar.d \ves ahout to recommence i ,K K ^ S;8tes pogtpooed on|i, lo_mor. ernor of Lower Canada. Tho discui?:on was continued by RIessrs. head: It is feared that the wound is mor- been consigce'd by the 5>*tem establbhed d«art- unable to*rx'Avc-: il Is like the broad his spi-ccli without anew ing the Ci»rk to i row _ I submit, also, whether the contingenBanks. Cl:api?utn. Scott of 1'.. and Lee. and tal, though Mr. Ochiltree is still living, 1-1113 the republican Adiainiitrationsof th**6UKteal of Nc\v Ji-rstr,:, it can ctsvclopc al! read all of the statement prepared by him Tiie resolution Fubniitted yesterday ; Ui<? House concurred in the^resolution by cy contemplated by the act of (Tuesday afternoon,) and in possession try. weakness of proof. 'vo!;ly a part of it w;i3 read Isst night) of .3/arch 3, 1S36, -has not occurred— of his mental faculties. He is about 24 Tbo flrat act of Gen. Jackson's, that tended W mceriiing the President of the" Bank ofith« foHowinir vote—ayes 52, noes 69. When lie had coRtCmlfd hi* brief re- wnan establish the political character of his AdminisVirginia,) which was under considetati-.rn , Thin vote establishes the principle thai whether the f:»cis do not clearly «ho\v an vnarks, which did not endure mote than ! Perk de:r.nnde«l tiial it all be rend when the House adjourned, wa* resumsd: j one having such title to land as may be invasion of tho Sta f e of .Vaine, which the years of age, and his probable prematiirt tration, was his veto on the Maysvilie road; ami fale is a subject of deep grief to a large fifteen minute*, Mr. S-aftweather of Ohio, j The'lltnwe hat! ii itearu ail the annola- upon which, Mr. Smith of j. of W., with j enforced in equity is a good voter. Executive Government of the United circle of relatives and friend:?. those whose recollection extends to that teriud, nittained ir.e floor. He «vas arresteil in, tjon< nor t j, e tj,j;. pagc. States, under the directions of the Act the consent of the floti.-r. withdrew his j Thc 4Ist,42d.~43d,44ih and 4oth resorciueraber well tbe clamor th«t was then raisMr. MarRea, (who is still younger than tlic outset of his argument I'jy Mr. Pe!!. j Wr Ciitlbrd faid ;hc- staU'msril of the aforesaid, as well as uuder the obligations Ochiltree.,) was arrested having made no ed OR that subject. motion to postpoue the resolution indedj lutions of the commute* were recurred in bo «tati stated. who d. tl:at tliat he hail had bcrn induced to !j Qj er jj .}icm j-ar na j i,ccn rca(?, not i of the Constitution, is bound to repel. uturly. aad then on Mr. Sioplicasoa's mo-^ without opposition, With j giact's stride, tie sjstem of inttrml efiort to avoid arrest, and is now underithdraw his anicr.i!i«eat, not henusr hr j IK:rf.n,pt0ry order of llic House, but as a tion. it was laid upon the tahle. I may add, that, I aci well informed going examination before the Magistrate's improvetnbiit was stalking abroad, under the Mr. Fontaine made a motion to amend louglu it lilogtl or mexpe'Iu-nu tut ^ - j priv.h-e to liim. tho MARSHALL CONTESTED ELECTION. ' the 46th resolntiou, by striking out *»le- that the British Government is also erect- Court.—Fayettctille Obxmr; protection of tbe Federal rulers; and few ther* iuf=r oilers had PU^jresteil—U> wiiosr j ' ^^ nf t|(fl mcm},ers demurred. and rausr ing barracks upon both sides of the St. T;?e Report of the Committee of E!er-| gal" an& insfrtinjf-illegal.^ were, especially in the irwt, who w«re net -sredhe i«ii<l deference—tiint it would the statement was read, and after finishing Johns, near the mou.h of the jtfadiwasions upou die memorial of Elbert ILl Mr. Banks* called for the ayes and noes. ! ATROCIOUS Mi RDF.R.—We haveIrarned ded in interest to some project, lo be executed ronc.uucu concluded ;, Caidwcll, complaining of th- undue clec- i By consent the rote was taken on concur^ ka river, and that troops are concentra- from various indirect sources, aud from with the funds of the Genera] Government, MM! Ui ting a! Grand Fills. Under all these cir- the friends of the parties interented, that from which was to result a golden harvest. of John Scott, U,e Delegate Horn Var- ! "ng «A the coomiuec, and stood-aye, park. . and cjmstancc*, I deem it tj be my duty to our fellow townsman, Richard Hagan, That an act, whi?h at once prostrated all their' call upon the Government of the United has been shot down by a man of ihe gildcu castles, shculd have produced a clam* declare John Allen', States* for that protection of this State from name of Lylc, in the most cowardly aad or, is a matter by no means astonishing, osp*' resolution, declarfn, the invasion, guarranteed to h«*r ia the Con- atlrocious manner. ohn .Voore and twelve others, (?iven ' w»c H cially wheri we reflect upon the disposition of* rlection at i<ws time vas obligalorx-, be- j •-,.. ciiiTonl concluded soon af:fr'i?lirec of John 1 stitution. in. appears ui testimony that the "voter Ibgnnand Lylc had some aifcirs tb portion of our people, to sacrifice the interest* c*u«e it h*d becu dci.rml and (wed for; 0-clocj^ mtu] was jblloxreil l.y Mr. Coop- ioK: If. Caldttdi.) illegal, «m« a»,t ed lo. | f' With the highest respect, I am, Sir, The 31st resolution gave r-se to a gr«t a»a his ^ther-in-hw lived in the same regulate, the latter being indebted to the the country to their own personal agoramii*llif t«nth of tiir month; 4>t:iers assrrnn^ ; er^ t,j- y^,^j-j. w j lo after addrpssinj the Tour most oh't servant. former. On this subject they had pre- of <iral ofdeba'u*. It declared the vote of» house—hisfe'h?r-in-law lived in one part niont. that the su*f en^ion t»f the ru.cs perr.nl- , |joase vcrv 'bricHy. gave way to a motion J nc iathe JOHN FAIRFIELD, Patriots, given to E. II. CaldwciU' *«' °*hcr, they satat the same UWhere was Col. Benton amid this clamour, viously met and quarrelled, and Hagan tin-i the jMfsrnt d^biti.-*. «* Va-am<.uni 10 [ ,0 ai]j,)Urn; Governor oi* .Vaine. gave Lyle, what is commonlv called a bea- when destruction to Andrew Jachsoti, aud all The vot; was taken by ayes and i *>'«% nut each provides bis portioit of the o 1C The Jennie did not sit to-day, having CT ~ry hu«.r;ie.-r. ant! that ?l»ci ••' « " . •/* ,.,_ f.illows: Ayes 56; noes"51. j provisions, and they share equally the ti;>g, which Lylc suffered. Three or foai who adhered to hb policy, was so freely prb<]i:c9Uoii '• adjourned last eveni.^after the Executive on the CAPTI-RE or M ATI MORAS ar THE FE- days ago, they met again, iti a Hotel at The 32d, 33d and 31th resolution were' expenses of house keeping; they farm tooiber bus,phcricd by the political seers of that* day? did. session over to Mondav. to tl,c exclusion c ! r-'-h-T. and divide thr profits of the farm. OBRAUST«.—An arrival at New Orleans Natchez; a certain rufiian fell uuon H&- h« fear hb popularity, and shrink from tn avowadopted. Thc latter vts the dcc.wort ci the ie JAKOATV 13. nf.v/ The 35:h resolution declared the vote He eonsiJem the house as much his as from Matagurda, brings certain intelligence gan and seized him, when Ly le taking ad ment of hb principles and opinions? No, BO! llsr_ HOUSE OF KKPKESLNTATiVES. of James Gaines illegal. On Mr. Chap- j Mr. Bars;o«rs. Their families are ab^ u of the capture of the town of Maiamoras, vantage of his forced incapacity, deliberate- saw that R was1 bnt the onset of a mighty atrvgMr. Pickci)s.ofS. C. imraetiiaufr upon 111111*5 motion, th« tleeuioa of the Com-! ftjual in KCC-, and voters wife docs the by the Federalists and volunteers from ly walked up to Hagaa and shot hitn in gle, that it was but the first gun of th* sentinel, until ^.e fiftee.i ititiM!-. nnwin. .^^^o^. me tbe rrading reading of the Journal of Saturday's mhlee was rcrcTPcd, (in pursuance Mr. C.' chief work of house-keeping. Tliat Jtfr Texas. The siege commenced on the 12, die face, the ball passed through that was to arouse the armies of Federalism, i>Tiie Sj»eecli of Mr. .S. ** ^|y of itf rs> j procetnlinp, rose and ssllcd leave to ad- state*', of the dicision already made by' Bar*tow voted on a freehold interest." December, and lasted three days, during che'k and lodged in tl.e back part of his defence of those principles, which they fondly rharacterizcd l:v tiie p^n-pu .;.„„„,«_ »,,. "dress the ! fua--t: upon a rn:iuer of come in- thr H.-vj.-e.l Mr. Chapman strenooosly mainiainec which there is said to have been grea head. We do not know positively yetj hoped they had rivited upon the nation; b* law liorn:a.iio:i. He read »::> dor. terest to himself He weiit on to say that The 36:h resolution, declaring the vo:e! *hat tiie voter was not a house-keeper.— slaughter on both sides—60 to 90 of the •thai ilagan is dead i but Ly IP is still at liber- this and nerved himself far the contest Th* ,jlC In a pap?r of the city he had seen an arti- ofEliTalbot illegal, was also, on Jtfr. j "r>u appealed to no j-rcccdcn'.*, Lc *-—-*»-'- the •«-. "1 exians. alone, being killed. was but one house-keeper in ty.—JV*. O. Jimcr. storm rolled onward, and towering amidst th* casc argumcn;s on abstract principles an cle relating 10 a public pruUer-Wmeauing Steph?nson*s motion, reversed. —'l ^^^a joint concern, and he was After the place had surrendered, the strife, was to be seen thb champion of DemoI the .Vadtcoman)—which article Mid that officers of the Centralist party were perdoctrines of the consiiution. the father-in-law. The 37th resolution \ras coiifirrocJ. We are happy to learn, from le'ters recratic principles ! The genius of our inttrtnmitted to depart for the interior without Mi. Cltlbrd of Maine iiexi obtained M»« j "ViffGreen had ia-J ccuusel v/iti; theCalMr. 3lay contended Uiat the whole difThe 3Sth. dccbring the vote of Davis ceived here, that the brig Virginia, with tions triumphed; and the internal improvement »or. He thonsht unjast that .he Clerk , molestation—private property, in all cas, upon the subject of clect- M. Paniow illegal, called forth much disfloor. thought it URJ y arose from supposing that there n " U. Slates troops on board, bound from policy was laid in the dust. tavuig been subjected t« ths reiterated J «-"" printer. Mr, Pickens said, cussion, and was finally continued braves | could be but one house-keeper and head ses, being respected—when the governPortsmouth, N. II. to New York, and But another battle was to b* fought viiupeKiiicns of the opposition, should |'"5 ment troops and the inhabitants of the • charges \vero made against and noes—Ayes 70, noes 36. of a family in one house. which sailed from the former place on the piilar of Federalism still reared its head in th*. n*-rcHttve been nllowed the p«x>r courie- j l"al in favor of ihe Federalbe received them inMr. Smith called for the ayes and noes, town, proclaimed Th« 39lh resolution, agreed to. 1 llth oU. and for whose safety some doubts shape of a United States Bank. The principb* sy of roakin? his defence. The Clerk j h*f"«« ists, greeting the raising in tbe city of their iher.'i with that conThe 40th resolution (declaring the vote oa concurring with the resolution, which were entertained, arrived at'Charleston, S. of Alexander Hamilton, still wialded their inflag with long, lond and deafening cheers. l.st! been ftgaiu &nd again vilified on the is •'hey merited.— _ f of Thomas Burroughs illegal) was under were ordered—and. were, ayes 65, noes C. on the 1st instant, after having been fluence over the fiscal arm of oar Government, The following is from the "Colorado floor of Ongw**«^cr bringing aboat e re- tf-n.pt unci scorn *."icu . / discussion, when Jtfr. Gibson moved to sult which would tiavc been produced— Fe rqjRrded them b«i as the .' Oa motion of Mr. Hunter, the House Gazette and Advertiser," ef the 2 Jst De- blown off the coast three times, with loss and were rapidly tending to destroy th* chai* lay the Report on the table, with a view a corrupt and abandoned or.au. of sails, spars, &.e. The ofikers and pas- actrr of our institutions, by operating oaoa> tk* cember: no mailer v.hst course hfcd beeu pursued, of eetmgon his motion to adjourn over adjoarncd to 10 o'clock to morrow. Me. 1*. farOier said tliat he sengers all well. "By the arrival of the schooner Maria, therefore caJed for Use readi«ff «f the pecuniary interests of that class of citizen* deUll 4 o'clock in the evening, in order to Tucker, master, we learn that two gentlenominated Speculators, and who, through the WESSESDAT, JAX. S. soon as possiA rirffian named Skinner,at Tcronto. U. power obtained by the banking system, men arrived in Texaca on the 14th, diBILLS PASSED. failed, snd the disresolntion proceeded, Authorizing two separate elections in rect from the Rio Grande, who state that C. stabbed to' dsath a youth named Ms- controlling the sentiment of so large a- portico was taken, the Loudoun, sod one in Hallifax—[the act to Matamoras has fallen into the hands of Caul, during a dispute, ia a grogery, about of our peopleThe termination of UM charter of tfat nun* Chapman's mo- take effect from and after tha ]8th of Jan- the Federalists, after an action of three wrestling. days, in which a great many were killed tiveti. • „. -. . . . -, ration watrapidlj a$pro*ca«f, aa* tU«y«*of uary, 1840. then read eu |' prss«ni*f to the liarrxlni^rnominaUcn.] tion. Mr. G SHIPWRECK.—We have (says the St. the peopla were anxioiulj tura*4 tewaafc tk* Several other bills were reported, and on both sides, among whom were sixty n^ tiie prifcci- ilc *?* th»llked *e Houscvibr the indulAmericans. From our knowledge of the Joseph Times,} perused a. tetter from "Hero President." Mjag apc» tha pe-utr e:»Hor«'.e laid on the table. KSf STB AT, JASCAKT 8. snd Atocri- gence extsadeti to Lun and restnied his i al authorities--both Oa motion of Mr. Cocke, the Senate ad- state of attain there, we have confidence Capt S. Haley, of the Schooner Hope, and iaflncnc* of la* back, Hi mwttfw* 2D4 A cosimuuicaiion T-"»s leeemu . in the tnith of the report."" e»n. ratpcrtnijj contested eSt»ct?oss.- Shortslating that she was capsized in a squall supporters pnatcd a» apftfieatio* fv * aur • journed. KEW rfTRSEt QUESTION. tbe Senate, to the followic* tJ^S**" Aonlher account slates that Ross (the ly after hr had 'tiuUSsed-^-the Hor.se «t on her passage from Apalachicola to HT. charter, beHewpif M wmevetoai, i»*eeJd a* JAJTUART 9th and 10:h. The Senate have passed the bills, aicr anndusceu the orders of federal commander) sent word to the cit- Orleans. Seven of the crew and three enabled t* prolatetagattwrtlM-mm wh* ka« half past three adjournctl. Tt';:? Hooae of Delegates was otfcupicd izens of Matamoras that the city would be rassengers drowneil-everv thing oa board, Mr. CoApes, «>f Georgia, as lied, 'An act to authorize a separate elecIn Srnatr.r-.i! is velaiivc tc the sixth cea- ihe temerity eaoagh to perform ta* act,, i and advised them to take what lost, among which was «i», the public lands', and a protest in an- cai::lcij to Use Hocr. »¥r. Cooper spoke tion «t MiJioid, in the county of Harrison these $•*« daja wlih tftc inTe^I^licn £>f in specie r»rty that had kd^endenea eowg «wer to a petition for a portion of h»ad in but hrici1y\acd in reference to soiue cJ*:he —An act incorporating' the Dupuy aad tha Marshall contested election, wliicJi valuable? Jh^yjconld and ba off Where- Bftlongiog lo the CaptaiD. The Hope kin. Powlialan Cove .Companies—An act eates v.iiica iad becn>-xaniiaeti. ' upon, a greater pdft of th? inhabitants was formerly used ** a Mail boat, bcOR arhicU to«r»'«rt-fi But dm aaa wfeo Lad1 art fmOeJ kelbsa taa Ciuaigittg the tiuje of holding the Circuit was onatfjr deposed of on Friday even- took the hint aad whea about a rcife or Afitr surac remarks from 3Ir. Lset and rosmorv- of ihe officers and Sfl&c-js of the Charleston and Key West Capf.. nuliUry array of »sanatiinejj fee, .wko T "'' i,: I\.:£>i5cv; both of rennsytvania. ihe Scpsrk>r Cotrt ot* RandolfJi coiiaty—An ing bv deelaring-M?^ E^. H.-CAtDiTHit, so j*. om the town, 'he ealrarsde was sur- H-fey is the only person" «ared from the •-«;Y x«-h.» pcrisisad ivr^, ^ei'c? severally stood un*axkea aaad tkereofict, whea ihs-.whc5e_ act to revise .and arnesd the act jticorpo- tbe contesting- mcir.ber, entitled; to his rounded by the assailants and captured. Quest jo wreck, and wa* Tvicfct-d up by * schr. tag agaiaet tae worlTt bed ehit*frt i introduced. t to th? vSfaaison J A report has- reached JTew Oriean ?, fe r bound for Mpuil?, and put rt^hore a? Peat-fcrr«d ' sent. to thii eont«t, Lo knew that th**aj*S -An art to chain's theway of_GaIve9:«M!, that < Wnwly .rerchi•cw-mrur r.otiff !!i2t OR Sattir— * . I ! . • ' _ - . tsrttoi THE POS1 run U b pr. -I'-j ' »*•* i the -rcla did not .< '.ui . ject oanelvc eouid obiain| ev.cr,i ug the stiltjt eagerly *.'utl ' ai4 coiiri-rUSi] metiea, we 1 brief a wan; SOBM time! •d the the mails at Baltimore i herotofi>rv ts between 1 .-. awt ler of st iu« Soulb : aware ' i te M .1 i 'tact c«'eir- -ni; tb« K-« obliftJ to < tr»c*poit Tbo -ii-taij greater, a'ti: time to a<et !.!._._ thccitj it-alfl private in '•. rj read. \V.;J Mr. Kendall i more to t kel •- i tb: •eager. • view K, •pfiaoce wit! •• I cao to' run opei vond to] bMtofftM Miadc«dt refused toi •nddcclin «oa»tty B« Mat iu \ Wttiaail ,: •* .* M; -' ..i» -< ea «T iOtb IM Oft- r. Jefafl S. Gftihbcr h*s «l'.?j>*ed tt hit interest hi tfec Richmond V- Khj, to M**§rs. Join iavaluaWe i int blow. re of tbe u&st S-'-K H. Ficaujatt aad Aiexatster V- T '•-• y. bj «• t oce .ic^ i&tfe P«rf-€|^cv-. £AcK*r«^V;& f th* Steam Snip Brilimh ml* of party wrath wc« poured tLe Taper Kill ire coadccted in fu'_rs. c-erful care* that have ever beea afrrer, /{orpgrs-f crry. ; *-.f ftbhionibie as«! awottcd All who everoert it for Asihsia, Cot'gh, ak kc*dt »g«Ji his destruction era* prolla-pers-Fcrrr Jan. 1-5, K4Q. Mi-Kenny A ub^crlbtirretornabisgraJef.iS IhMiMi Spitting of Blood, HoopiiK? C'oesb. Cruap MoHoTf Davit! Ailarr.S to hiss frk-nds aud ct»t«va>er*, and the p«>; ? or Hivrs Contraption. Chiut'iic Pleurisy, i W:USa:n Arst* for the ire:y liheral fcucon- \ , iloars^aess, Pun an-:' Soarccs^ of tr.e i ;.\THEn!NE KAYMCB, (UodfrBlybTto h E AVis S;W. MrCo* aiKirt'eJ haii" heretofore, aadj ^.n retreating bclbwt* tetopcst of Federal cmigraljon ^ £ ow j u - inlo Tcsai Avith Breast, difficulty cf Breciliics. and every i B ^f. Miller hopes b strict aiten'ttun to hocncsa to i The ladi£S are especially reqacstod to other disease of the LL^GS and BREAST, > CHN MCOASlVl'S HEIRS, £S, ^ lofbnbcrjaad intu.idatiou a br<wa ^^ The ^^y, ^ lhal Uaihhs B,i::d x>Jichf.el Morirty uacrit and receivs a ccniisuatioit cf the 1 ca«ilor .tJunrwelvea. Amon« to i;s nsefulaess.-- j uhe ^^ naffietl ^ ,sh8u 0. John Brr.nh ^T.Itss McKenuT aad the meat* of a powerful OC2 hundrtd tvourM{i settlers have come can Is fc^id Uio followiug; , I tf-e s=e v.a;ca "fis aulJU aunuaiinstitctkB wai put in requisition, to m(iuring tL, t!1and winler> ^Ui^ucticn,to ihefcighvst M«d«;,*i Mo*- Mary E. Brisroa ^Pctcr McGeehsa J7s woHiJ alao jnvs r.otif? thai !<£ hfttf* viz; sweeping thousands upon or frigbte* tia frieiid* of this military j _ 2^Misa McHcr.^y . . *0™™da \Jaylhc2Mdw of Jca^l^gte Pierce iiyme retumed fri>m the Tasltfrn Jl/aikeis wilh a T Jl to a premature grave, under tne Eusasee , *. , ,, »ien;v jjaihh. in StEithlielo\ John Bnrch $John Marlit tyrant f»» M» ««PporL Tet one there large and splrndit! as«ntimcni of fashion„*• /wwei-iron'i/iv ;„ _.!„-_,,.. f «•»•"•- - *" ••• «ko«lood aide bj aid* amid thetempest,w-^.iJUiu:ison pa?er8 that the long expected' name Of CONSUMPTION", i* always Lewis iiiiu-r ^Dairit-1 Mcloy able WINTER GOODS, abiurg which, THB FA»3S "11 be published in B few ; carc d by it. The usuci svmr-tcms of J. JicPherson BrienxWiliiam M^\ ; was U> be b«ard above to boirl, wfco nei- j <Javg> 7']^. are the follow i si» Irish Liu?vii Henry Bedinger ^.Viargaret ..\z> tber doubted or trembled, but relying upon the Siik Vdve!, CLOTHS: Jaaies Becfe intth of hi* principlea, and the justice of Li* Doul-le-milleu Flatuict. V.'ool-dyed bluo black, j»t blank, deep Henry B'.:cke!s c«OM wai to be Men rallying hU cotintrj aien to Spool CoUoi:, and lisjhi blue, invisible grctn («iifibr{-««Hugh B.-owa ^Ignatious Bfodd the ottet, and procsaimin j a'oud the immutable Brows Mr.sfii;%., shades, ) dahlia, ollr? I;row!\ rifle green,! Wjiliam Brown ^Oat!\crine McFadea principles of Democracy; tt.at man was Ccllight grcea, steel mixod, brbwn; d:.tb, aud i Blanket lU.-hanl Broderick {jSamnel Mitchel Ttof- M. Bcntonother colour?; wish an excellent a«sort- j Tagiion i!o. Mills John Broiloy In all the itru; tfe* attendant upo& thtR Bank oi" New York for t!ie pnasag;: by Congress st-ls, w hioh run though even" part t'f the i > c u ' nient of beaver, tnowhaii null pilot cloths, j \Vooleu Net ««a.' jjtfl. jrordllte Ishall. also, at thesasie time and place, Joshua Brown •omteit, hit .-'j«r»e naa been the hame, underv- of a general Bankrupt law: ,Lat is, a law lungs. This Expectorant in:me','.5a:chDouble do. suitable for over-ccats, cilhcr io'- driJss 05 ^Martin ft Reid Philip Byrr.e ssii ior CASI: .tinj and unflinching. Hfc *pecchec in support for the discharge Cloths, of 0 insolvent debtors suppresses the ________ . _. ---------' i service. , Pain. luSansalion, j MaunG. W. Browa Oasviiuercs, ef the removal of the depoutci, ar.d the intro- j fronj from their obligations, on their tgiving wp Fever and DiCiciihy cf Brealbi:i>r, and | A . W. Mankins F Beckham Auction of tbe expunging resolution*, a measure all their property for the benefit of tfceir produces a free aad easy Epcctorilioa, and | who ie said to be s good Blacksmith, Satthcts, resorted. . Mpshier All of which will ba sold low on acthat ha* chained hi-n in the affection of tbe creditors. Victoria blue, wool-dyed, black, jrt a cure is soon effected. I shall, also, at tho same time aqd place, fl. BrovnC Mullen commodating terras. rxrcpte, a BeMuz* r" whieb th« venom «f disMack, black :!rsh aad purple stripes, plain it always cures Asthma—two or three jsell the interest of John McDanielia Horatio C'oe ' R. D. PORAN. appointed ambitjvu, was made to recoil open druh, brown plaida and other colours. 1-^rge doses will care "lie Croup or H'IVPS hn Niswarner P. A. Cams •3O aflCC9 Harpers-Ferry, Oct. 30. 183ft— 3u the baad of the slanderer, and justice was done of chiloreu, in from lifter n iuinutes to an Near TesfiiB^s and SatiBcUa. It comes into J. W. C&nr.on Iu Frederick City. Md. on Thursday, 'to tbe purest patriut of tbe 19th century-, his boar. lime. It i»mc.I»teiy suMiie. the } ^joinin? S*g£Sti*i Atlalaule G. Cams ^Daniel Nugan : Plain ai:d cut Velvet—plain and Ijgurea uodeTiating opposition to tbe tariff, and bis firm the 2d inst. by thd Rev. J. L. Phis, Sir. violence of IIOUPiXG COUGH, H^d ^VSf^^^^SS^M ^M. Nugtunt Heason Cross Bi.\EERRV BC.VSETT, 10 Mies MARY E. !tOt ,SE jiui lot situated on tht Caltlmaro ,s perhaps 70 years cf age b'atms-^-laucy colored Silks, fancy rnrsri rapport of UM> independent treasury scheme, fects a speedy cure. Hundreds who httvo ! ^John Noouan aud Ohio Rail float)., half a miio below C. C. OJtfuibb! rof Mr. DAXIEL CREAMER ell of snail aUo offer !& ^altfcu no's quilted Silk, togetlier with a variety bs» t cau-i-J him to be looked to as tbe former been given up by tlieir physicians as i:;cu- j lh rppi-s-1 Vrry, with mi!!" an acre of jfptn?* ^c\V. H. Febon of J-flery Giriilb : County. of od-ver gc< c-s suitabb to tbe season.— 4ih of Jamiarv, ISiO, ?' = hope and future pride of tkc republic. rable 'v.iih 'C<insunipuoi:, have been res- j ^Catharine Niswaner Also. b!ui», luacii; urub, cadei mixed, iind an a tin? spring «>» tlie lot. The hotUB Jlcnrv Crout Mr. Isaac N. Carter, Whether he will ever be called to Cll thnt torcvl %) petftct -leal'-h bv it. j. H/Cccke J{fl!r: Sight other colored Satiucils, \vhicli lie warra::ts is iacga a:;d comfortable, and well adopted NOTICE. station to which :.:•> usefulness ar.J talents, so Tl cs fi fo.- a pul-lic iavcm. The property will Jc!m Nott Rev. JONATHAN GOIKG. D. D. I *° *^*« «^ D. E. C^abers r cheap and good. justly eutillc Im.i, in yet in the womb of time; to cu .od on accommodating tcrais, bjr att President of Graavilie College, Ohio, eavs hi Cl.'arlestown, occupied by Mr. iS icholas Abruhacl Crt"?6 II. If is\varm?f Le re. bim itcauciakc. but little difference; the station / application to lhe suUscrUx.-:-, ;i: farl/ aj —•;he«as labonr.^ under a severe cold, s ^rry »nd ?^r. Win. Henson. P Martin Cotter be occupies in the h'story of his country is too C. Pete? 2 r A beautiful assortment of Russia and j HarpersFerry. co-jgh and hc^rrcre?.and thai his diHlculTHF. TEKMS OF SALE, as presr.ril-e*v The citizens of //arpers-Fciry and exalted to r*cc;vc elevation frotri political sta- vicinity are refpectftilly requested to at- j '}' °*' hreathing Avas so great that he felt by the Deciee for the Land and Houses. VVUliam Carrol RICHARD HLTiDLC:. Prince Siik /fats, which he warntr.fe.inforior to tion. To him the purity of his intentions Is & lend ar- adjourned Meeting f«.«r £&> p-j^ in imniirieut danger ol" iiranediate safib- are one third of the purchase money in W. Chyrch iv'ichols fit none at tho place. Also, Fur, Clot!:, j AngtistSUl, 1839. William CJce sufficient rcv.-ard, aud in the conviction that a , . Icat „„.:— but was peifecily cured by this hand, and the balance in two annual pay- T. Copelaad Sealet aud //air Caps, from75ct5. to £10. | Iv. B. ft will be a line retreat for pe Co pose ofr _makin? arrangements to celebrate i°n? be lime will con.c, when envy and detraction n.ust the aproaching sona i-i this villagd to »p«nd»h«-i,xpcctoraiit.-Mis.Diika, ofSale.-n. ments, with inU-rest on the deferred pay- R. J. Creamer of tiie the anniverai res approacinUiT reuir* ot anniveraryv f-xpcctor JBootS, ^ n b« consigned wilh tbcir posse..- ws and uclicis of tlie birthiof WASIJI.VGTO.V, by a MILIure . J. wsis cured of Asthma, of twenty meats from the day of sale of ihe land— K. Grnzen Si^G. W. RoyerJ ' i to the tomb, be find* his solace. to attract them. TARY BALL. The meeting will b" held years standing, by using tv.'o bcttlts of and of the houses, from the 1st day » John Chambers ^John Russell and extensive assortn:en* -o When that da; shall arrive, and Thomas H. at tlie National Z/otcl, on Friday Exes- this medicins." K. If: • Mrs. Ward, also of April, 1840, at which time possession Jjilsrat-1 Russsil J> of readr ^5at'* Clothing, such ss cverBenton shall «,i.J> exist iu ibe history of Lis ing1 next, ut 7 o'clock. Salem, was cured of the same complaint ;heui will be delivered to the purcha G. Kideuour \V. Demory ,, coal?*, dress and froJ^-ccs:s,rour.daboK*.s. Tran*i»oriatieii. couu'.rj, then v. ill his worth Le npprcciat>-.d.— by one bottle. A young ludy also j upon boa<l and security being givn . .Uoyers George Dugari Bv ordor of the Chairman. pants, vests, shirts, drawJ.^ Btoffcs, susl l E subscriber respectfully infonm Upon the bosom of lime'* v-ide ocean, vrill his of Salem, who was believed by her irietids j a deed ui* trust to secure the back pa' n ' Ricketts S. tJ. SOUT!1£RLAND, e R. Delaney penders, bosoms, collars, pou ' haiultho public that his Boats arc works float, an.! in generations yet undreamed JOHN J. HICKf to be far gone with Consumption, vas Sfciolnrv. Ropp Patrick .Baud kerchieft, cravats, gloves, socks, 2 regularly from ;he Old (Kecptrysi) Pur of in 4he w iltiest fancies, the efibrU of his mind Special Comrf perfectly restored by three bottles. Hick? line Catharine Doil -— » i ! li» -» f*r and in short, every:article for dress or ' r»acc, one and a hktf miles West' ofi« a • be referred tu a* the text book of future repubBALTIMORE MARKET. Kov. 26, 1839.—6t. Dr. Hamilton nf Si. James. South Caro, . .. , j ji . • » • — •• J. Daugherly lic*. When as a nation we shall DO longer be lina, was greatly eflbcied a cough, hoarse- j Roach T. C. Dunn iAT-4 JAXCAI>T 10. ness and soreness of die lungs, and on Rsnsilas known, and thr pilgrim cr scholar, shall visit VV. Dison CATTLE.—The supply of B?ef on ihe hoof our «bore«, to moralize upon the frailty of man's ' offered this v.-c< k in market v.-as abundant, and using a bottle of this medicine,foauuperS Margaret Devers boats, "* * per manent relief. is, whikt standiiig amid the moss grown ! . Stricler Sir. Donemead §6 for * C. Starbuck go away dissatisfied. ?4> their proper owners, ehher hy the \Vi«stuin* of the Senate House, bo will wonder ;, '.J.I'('.*„ E 'ESPECTFULLY inform their cusThe following cer.iiicate is from a V L, jS-—There bas been a coo'! supply WILLIAM J. sTEF-irENs. cl^s'-er and Pots mac Hail Road Company, Stevens where a Bcr.ton spoke, and strain bis vUiun, of Live Hogs oOering, and v/e stre ail»:scd o f a practising Physician, and a much respectomers and ths public generally that Philsp Engle //arpers-Ferry, DcreVmier 18, IS'iO. or we^ons, with as little delay RS possihir. ^amuel Strider expecting to ece l.is spirit the presiding gcui- sale o f a lot of !iO head at$t5,GS,and anotbcrof ted Clergyman of the Methodist Society, they have removed their J. Edwards He will t,»»ly say, the boats arc ^ood. on.1 700 of very siijicriur quality al £6,85. ^Joseph Stritier Harmcn Eller '• uiuf tbc place. WAGON PORK, r suita'ole'for faxoily use. sells dated Modest Town, Va. August 27,1838. Boot and Siiac-Making Establishment^ to are manageu i>V sober and practiotil boutsSmawl E JVo. 4, High, Street. Dr. Ja>ne—Dear Sir—I have Usea from -.tore* at ^*>.7. - to S"Y HARPERS-FERRY, VA, urge Saddler • HOWARD STUEET rLOUK.—Vl e have not using your expectorant, cxtenaivehs iu Where they are prcjiared to execute all Ileiirv Fo.rer TKK POSTMASTER GENEiiAL AND THE HE JEFFERSON HOUSE a aa * Application to bs jr^de to Messrs. G. J-. VV. Strider !.tanl of any trenfaotions in the article either my practice, for the last three months, \rork in their line in the most superior JI. Foiey I'HILADCLPiliA RAIL-ROAD CO. yesterday or to-day, t!;e asking rate this nioni- and for all attacks of colds, iiifiamation manner, and with the utmost despatch. James Foley S^Eugene Snllivcn establishment recently fitted up in THOMAS &. Co.. AIcxamliT^ cr lhe subItitproLuMv known crc this to u.uuy of cur t!i£, howcvt r.Pi* ^"',50. Tbe sleek u sms.ll.— of the lungs, consumption, asthma, pain ThcyTwill also, keep, couslautly on hand Catharine I'^oake JkAnthony Siona the genteelest style as a Summer retreat scriber. . near Ilarpers-Feiry, J«lfcr»--^ car and vrngon price ccntinues at >5,i5, r«»il'T>, that a d.iierence has occurred between Tlie fot ladies and gentlemeu visiting Harpers- Coanty, Vu~. ^•.Lee Sampson John Flinch with some litt'c ioiprovemeut in the amount of and weakness of the breast, it is decidedly a large and beautiful assortment of the Pu»Un««tcr Grin-ral and Ihi* rnoropoly in receipts. JflWilliam Stokes Ferry. The elevated position ol the esWILLIAM STRIDIIR. II M. Forman .7? a the best medicine 1 have ever tiied. WHEAT.—The supplies of water borne Oct. 30, lS3^.^-5t. jiitc ll-e tran^jA/rtfetion of the mails. \Vc tablishmelit, rentiers it in the sutatner sea^George Slater Nelson Falcner Very rcspectfiiilv yours, N. B. The subscriber will constantly son one i>f the Uiost desirable places of ^1. Sharpless did ro: iutcjid lo iiavc said any tbi:;£ on tfie sub- wheats iiavccea?ftd entirely since the closing cf G K. \V. WILLIAMS, M. D. the tributaries of the Chescpcake by ice. Some 'ssort imaginah*e. Here ars scenes for !;ccp on hand, at the Old FunV».ce, Pl.iatcr, ^E, A. Streeks jrct uarselvcs, but incrciv U have puMiihcd tl:-.- parv«-!« by wnsfons arc making their appcaraure, P. Gllagker Of the latest fashion and hest quality, Fish, Sp.lU Stone-Coal, and ^Jrtnbtrr r.f he Poet and Painter. *John Small cCiciul do*-unienu iu the cu»e as scon as TVC and have sold at §1 to $1,'J7 for common to Extract of a certificate from the Rev. Dr. ami on tiic most accomodating terms.— Charles Gallagher Bahcock, late President of Waterville every description, which he vriil sell lo;v £W. J. Saively This House is ciaaateJ on" the road eould o'.itaiu room a;:d lij;c. Tindir.g, liow- prime reds. Their establishment has been *o arranged T. sale of vr'.iite Corn from stores at College* Maiuex for CASH, or exclauge for Wheat, leading directly frofti thr principle Hotels ^Solomon Snook rvtr, tis ttl.c course of Mr Kcr.duM wusbci-om- 55CO'tiN.—A Hbry Gas,ker cents, and another of yciiow at 56 cents, "•From intimate personal acquaintance, as to ke«p the matjufacture and sale ef Edx^ftrtl McGuignn ^John Shoals to the ^JEFFERSON ROCK"- MffieBBjp Corn, Oats, Potatoes SinJ Wootf, nf ing the iulij*ct of ar.:madTcniior.,-a.nd h being are th* on!v tr»n«»r.t»ons reported to us. work in separate apaitmeuts. Ladies, witn Dr. D. Jaync; a regulur student of W. S. ly remote from either to form.a pleasant market prices. ^J.Iacob Sherod eagerly upon by certain Whig j.a; titan?, KVE AND OATS.—V, e hear of r,o transactherefore, caa call and examine fortheui- Forence Griiiin the Medical Usivcrsity of Pennsylvania, Il ie!ay to travellers visiting tjiat nottd spot i ^William Stover Elizabeth Gibson a..J coi into *ulijccts tut street dtscla- j °^?; — Sales of hhdr, hare been made and an experienced, successful practition- sdvcs. that bears the impress t>f tf«ut ceiebraied j ^ciWars Steoick II mctiun, He hare thought proper to state in as ii at WHISKEY Grateful to the public for past favors 21 a 20 cents, to-drtv. Pa'.es cf bbls. at 25a er of medicine, I was prepared jo appreLOCOMOTIVE and train of PSM^H &~ ^Dennis Snook Statesmen and patnot. Jeflorson. • llgnry Huttoti Int-f «i ii'.ji.t i r .- poSiihU- li;eft>iioM i:ig fucts : j 58. and liberal support, they hope, by strict Cara will iccrc UJC Htrpc-ra-Forry l>*ps : ciate the nnnserous testimonials in his faS^cF. Shroder Tile situation of this Houac commands for Winchester, Mrs. Ilaydea Some timo siacc a law of CoK-jtx a* establish- | the third Saturday in wvvor of his different medical preparations, attention to business, and thorough know- T. W. I'lali ^Thomas Sprigs one of the finest views in .Virginia, or per- ery inontli —leavicg Harpers-Ferry at i.., »d lh« uiaximura price for UAti^pcriation o' ] GEORGETOWN PHICES. ledge of every branch of their business, : much move highly than tha great majori^William Short haps in the woild . At this print may be A. 3[., returning, leave Winchester ftt.4^ J. Hanagan tho innils atfrSOOj.er milo per sunun>. li.c JAXVAUT 11. ISiO. ty of those which are extensively t-ulo- to merit a share of public patronage. Flo'.ir, r-S.l?.—W],e:tt. nerb.ishel,$0.&5al.C viewed distinctly, for several nsiles, two P. M. Fare for ihe trip 1 $. , . , }L:M. Swigler James lion is lUUimore and Philadelphia rcil-rtk-i's 1-avc been Harpers-Ferry. Jan. S, 1840. jriscd. On trial of them h; ir.y own fainCn: 11, (white ann ;-r'I->\v,) oCn»5 cents.—Core noble rivers—the Pot< ntec ami Sheiian ^Georgc Staler Patrick Henry LorotufiTccuiplo\cd us t!.» curriers • ; " ' ! ( • r..;.;! y.cali 60a<:5 c<M.lsI—lUcYcoaSS.—Oats, (from ! ily, and some of them personally, I have HENRY BROW*. 2^George Spring doah—coursing their way between atupen 3. Ilockensmiih t-etwcen thoac two ciiics, und received for tbcir wagons, i 3-a3" cvnU.—Eaccn, per ib. 9 l-c^ j ja"Ore than realized their favorable autici4^1. n . Sf P. R. If. C* dotis m'onntains that appear to have been ^Cll. Streeks Joseph Hays M'oiii-»ihc full coii)}i< i.^ation aiiowcd I-y Ccii- 10 n.iu.-. Harpera-Eerry, August 17, 183L — 3i palions. They are what they profess to rent asunder to give passage to tho"e noble I 3* T J, R. Hay man E subscriber respectfully informs §re«s, antountiug to h.l,''•''>' per ;r. r,un;. The ( be—not quack nostrums—but skilfully ALEXANDRIA PRICES $W. B. Thomasoa 4 streams. The bold grandeur and sublimiths public that he has removed his K. llagau J'of.mastcrdesired to ci£k>*. so:nc iMing* ii. li.c prepared antidotes for some of the most JAVCART 10. P| ^u'ohn Trenary ty of the whole scene viewed from this Eliza iiartneas uurs of starting in ore cf the lin»i«, to prevent Floar. 35.!2-—TYfceat, per bushel, £0.95.— afiiic live of human diseases. I know thai T A I L O R i N G E S T ^ e i l S H M E N T spot, is one that strikes the mind ?ensi R f l A V K Forty-one head fm« FAT C.V: ^cJohn Thriff Eliza Harding a (iviaj of some five or six hours iu the mail fur Cori:, (x^!.^lc ai:c* yellow,) 'OaSS ccr.Ts. they are highly esteemed, and f?fquen<ly t;> the basement story of his dwelling ^David Taylor hly, and leaves an impression '.hit Tinrc •*- TLF. for silp5 their ftverp'ss.T i* ^'>o» t H. S. Hall ibe S- u'.li aud West in l*hi:ad«iphia. The cumprescribed, by some of tbe most respecta- house, on High Street, and only a few 52-5 ibs, . C KOW> SMtf> cannoi tirase. Taylor John Hands ; in*, oware that thi-y hadLrokonMown the opble of the regular praciiiioners of medi- doors above the Apothecary Store of G. W. Humphrey* ^Eliza Taylor Mill-Creek, EcrLckif tV. Fa. S 22EXT, In the Summer .season the Garden at• .-•>>siU!-n line cf boats, seized UJH>U this cpiK>rDec. 11, 1839—31. ^'E well known \Vagon-Makingeno cine in this city and elsewhere^ and I Dr. P. P. W. Stephenson, and the Dry J :jcJ. W. Thomkins tached lo this establishment will be fitted _ '_ _ JfTrt-n Itmity •* a pretext farde£Jkaud&ig|be cxorbiKlacfc-Smilh Shopsi, in the town ot do nut hesitate to commcna them as a' Goods Store of .Messrs. P.reitenbaugh & Jliss Jorcien up as a plea.mrfc Gaiden, with summer ^tC. Thompson *i«at cfiupensation of <4 iO,000 per annum; \\ Ltch Bolivar, will be ibr rent on the lirst day addition to our materia metlica Kirby. He would take this method of Addisor. W. Joues^cJ. Tisball Haunted to Ilirt'j houses neat and spacious for the accomibe Pcft«u»»:&r uot willing to give, was of April next. They are considered among and a 5-ife as well as eminently useful returning his acknowledgements for the K # XV niodation of ladies and gentlemen. OR the balaiice of the J*ear»» iiCidi-obliged to enter intu nucibcr arr.ingeiacal to th« hcst situations in tho county, ami the for th'o diseased. liberal patronage hitherto extended to D. B. Kimberly Whidileiuoh 62 The House v;iii be supplied in ths sninaged SERVANT AVO.\JAt?.J b ts lr»n»port ibe mail to FUilauelpLia by the way further extension of the B. k Ohio P.^il RUFVS BABCOCK, Jr. him and without any new pledges on his Henrv Keller ^Robert Wallace mer season wilh chnrce of my kitchen. I will ^t\e lj!:era: Vf Little York and Columbia. part cf rendering satisfaction, he solicits P. M". Kcclian Ko:u!, which will be in operation E:; soon Winchester 8t Poto- Seed Creams aad Tropical w;igf s for one that can come tinder a {£'*••« Philadelphia, 7th Jure, 1S3S. Tho distance on this i-out behij somewhat as :hc weather \vill pemiit. garraulces to The Rev. C. C. P. Crosby* late Editor of a continuance of the kindness of the pubniac R. R. Coaiacharacter. EDW. LCCAS, Jr. P. Kelly Fruit?, lic. GEORGE W. CUTSHAW. greater, B'tliougis the prir-cij-al nui'.s arrived in ', the eiiterprisin? laechanic as much work the American Babtist thus writes— J. P. Kencdy Harpers-Ftfrr'y, Va- > Uarpc-.s-Fcrry, January 8, 1S40-—ft T. Keiiham tomiet ihe Hncs efrentJct'Eg v/itl» Uicm at j as ho caa dv Together with the choicest "^ySSSlJiS Willams N. YORK, June 15, 1539. Aug. 2S, 1S39. ^ rhi!-^t!e!{h!a. yet tli? paokascs ai.d lellcro for The are .it- present in tlie orcuLaurence Kerwiiti •r I>. Wilson To Dr. Jayue—Dear Sir—I have made and ILEC^uJ^IEiS that can be procured. lb«city iUi'If did net crrivo lucn us soou as! panry of Mr. James F»ra\vn, and Mr. JIM>. uae of y<vur Expectorant, personally aud \Vilkins Thomas Kirgan F58ESM Attached to the establishment is a suiiurr:is.\Uvii! uy way ay cf tho Wiiwiitcioa ; Mockt-nsmiih, who ars Jlrsi raw mechaa- in my family, for the last six years, with ^iJo5m Williams G. Koonce LI-persons indebted to Jeremiah St&vchs, I perior read. \V;;Ii a view tu remedy this <!;£kuhr, j ics, and alv. ay.s Imve constant trr.nlov- great benefit. Indeed, I may consider my (Who have not been garnisheed and not Catherine Kennv ^VV.D. Winters FH^O acco-.nmodate the citizens cf H.-r Mr. Ktr.diill iuslructcd the Fo»ia,a>ter ai Bait;- meni persons desirous of rculisg wiii 11 life prolonged by the use of this valna •**• pers-Ferry, Charlestowu, ^ep>,e«^CA. Wilson W. Rough XJ. B. Wilkins taotr to take frou* the maii lhe packages f*r on til-J aubsciibe:'. .^n3 Martinsbnrg, the srJbicr.'utT hj# L jr.eJicine, under trie hissstugd of God For thost \vlio wish a rational >t .7J >>«V'I V * t «.l . •./*!(. J-/...S U^Li .>>"»»l'VC.' Philadelphia, aau Kcw Yo:L, a^J »«MiU ti^rs on j P. Wigginton Tnauean arrangpm«nt withE, lI.-CAnr.sfci -^ Lukins St. Gallaiier several years.—I may say almost »as j stc«btns to Messrs.'-Jameft A. Sangston *&. Co. ment or delightful exercise. ._,, t . * * _ « __*^+ Karpets-reny, January lo, 1SIO.—St. p.uich v. the case of my wife, and• - -also of Harpers-Ferrj-, who will for\t«:i JT'« merchants of Bahimere a^d as-e ia ray hands for P. W. Lowry h Wigginton by * *j«?m' tnt^-^njer—he puyir.g M* passugc j G. W. TOPLIFFB, &. CO. persons interested in this notice, Richard Lindsay orders left with him. Persona ^tfii'h..: as another -passenger, and convoying no more i of the Rev. Sir. Tinsonj of the Island of collection, Dec. 11, 1S39.— Gt. wii! please call at my oEice at as early day as pood Oysters^ will besnppJletl^ft.»!StviftT1». 2;j:Adani Whip Jamaica. For all cases of cougtyuflama- uofsible and liquidate the same^—those failing James La:»g baggag« than was allotvcd l>y law to each pusWinhart by the rekirn cars, with the. \tesi C»7.-;U-iiGeorge Loy •enj»r. The Vice tresident cf the. road, with In the rear cf th? Superlnlcr.dan'.'s Res- tion of Ihe chest, lungs, ar.d throat, 1 do to <!•:> so v.'Ulbe dealt with according to ia\r. in market, end at moderate IS.V.C FOUKE jSifj T Peter Little'* most unhesitatingly recomiBeud this as o. view to coAcc the Gov«rcnier.t into a com'HE subscriber has just reeeited from Paxidence, near ihe UnUfd States Armory. the best medicine I have ever tried. My far 7tK. .7. St-?~slf:i & Co. J. B. Young Samuel Lover ton's celebrr^ied Caledonia Foundry, tbe fViar.cc with itscXorhitsuidcinandii, refused lo subscriber respectfully informs earnest wish is. that others afilicted as I Harpers-Ferry, Jan. 8, 1840,—St j^_ jfcJacob Yeity choicest asso.tc- ent of Bollingsieortk 5*-c«/, T H. LiKlejthn }<«nnU tli« »g«nt, so aj-jxrtnvcd, lo go on •with N. B. All persons who were garnwhced in the public that Le has recovered Oct. 30, 1839.—tT% Z J. LilUejdhn have been, may experience the same rethe attachments against Jeremiah Ste»ens, and his truuk—-thus violating the right cf the citizca from his late ilae«s, and has ag-iiu comZorcr have not answered, are hereby informed that T. K. Laley lief, which 1 am persuade they will, hy crer offered ia this market. Among them may and assuming a power dar.gerou'i in itself, acd . B. To the ci Stevens' books are at my office, and tlicr are menced the be found ths Nine Plate, and the Frcmiun* M $ r.sing vour Expectorant. e&lcuiatcd to injure the communitj. requested to call and cxaxniae their accounts, J. McFeridrick Cooking Storo, &c. &c/, all of -which tirill be >'jT^, <'Tt": ^ ^C . C. C. P. CR05B7; Yei this u su{T:^ic:it lo cause she \\~Lig partiso tbat they may acs-wer st the next County sold on such terms as exmnot fail to gire er.tire can-he left wwa^:ia»wa -- EnUer, ^'..ophprilsto*- • -, JOHN G. WILSON, P. M. Court oa the 3rd Monday of this month. san tc espouse the cause of the Kail-road, aud satisfaction, lie soHeits a)i who are in wan andW.^i Extiact ofa certificate from th Rer. U January S, 1833. in thai e^-« ISAAC FOUKE. heretofore occupied At the to call an j examine di«m. * . bv - him-! *'. t run open-mouth about tbc country declaiming *hcrc the will deliver 'jie he will be happv to wait Ucon his | Bradtord. R. B. BAWLINS. against Amos Kendall, because he h^s cndea- former cuitomers, aud'the public ^euerml*>• Jayne—Dear Sir—My child, owCharlcstown, 3roi». IS£h, 18^s—St* JVotice. lo Torcd Iu perform the duties cf kis office tc 'be lv. received. Iiai n£? lo exposure, Iv. Thankful for the patronage rcceivr-d. «posnre, whan whan recently A, NOTICE having appeared in the Constij ESPECTFULLY informs the public — .ur\i. wns.- attacked -Hacked by by that that iiornble ^Cm.tution3lbt, best of his ability* Tire principle of opposition wheu iu business heretofore, he respect- i up for \lw verj- liberal patronage staling that the "Cw-partnerU^e Ohio, that he intends keeping on hand, al cxt jneied to him- ?i-nce his comuience^ucnt &f beg? leave to ihP.- : I >• indeed the prmipio of the »\ hig«, whea they fullv solicits areiiurn of the same, and malady, CROLP. »U laiiUod in the ship heretofore advertised between G. W. business in fhis place, he hopes by assi his friends and patrons of !?hrj-«; - •re wiiling to hug in their arms all who will try pledges himself that no effort on his part night at Beavet Point, and when our fears Cutshciv, aud R. Ward, no longer existed," his resilience opposite the Post-Office; tobtisincss, ac<Ta desire to piease, thathn Fi-and its vicinity, OrSt hi? Ydrv1''1* to ••barrass the Administration. It is iLe saae shall be wanting to oblige those who fa- were alanceJ. lea: t the hoarse, £Cpulchiai ( take this method of informing the pubcontinue to merit if. He will .still keca. have terminate J on jll&Kd&t Ik" 'c* '> hand, or raannfacture to order, at th* stctte?4' principle ioat called together the Hartford rorhiiuwkh tlieir custom. He- iuiends cough v. as the forerunner of 4drath, vre lic, that it nerer did exist. notice^everv variety ef -••'/ of Seplembcr, at which time h:» srl.-. I gave him » teaspoonful of the EspectoE. Pv. WARD. 5 {invention, kindled blue lights oa our ccasU, keeping every description of . T&? AND SHEET ?HON 1VORK. >" vilt commence. And iiaving siirSriesr « ranu' (a bottle of which you presented Harpere-Feny, August 17,1S39.—3t. Which lie will sell low for crjh, ncd refused to vote supplies to our starving scldierj, SPOUTING done ia the best aaau*Mr ' BREAD & CASiES. me with vrheu in Philadelphia) and apsistance,he hopes i>y attention ansl iar-:,. . •ud declined to vote for a bitt i»» defend the CASH f-ulv. Persons purchasing any of onthtmostreesonablcteraK B • D. of'n *•» Persons from Uts tountry can &t all plied some liniment to the threat a:id try towards the improvement of his pnr •?-, Mi's. J. O. JOSEXSOIV, the above articles of him can Lave them cotmtrj "if the French enenv were battering times be supplied with Bread, &r. n breast; ami before many minutes the to give general satisfaction to It5s pqtp.r . free of charge. cou a uhc trails of the Capito! ! A MERICAMIYDKAlW . ^~wle», FASHIQKABLE FRENCH MILUNEBY delivered hoarseness was gone, tlie child RISK FOR EYKM51G TEA. His charges fcflf Tuition will 1-9 rs hfrrf"He will also keep for hire, two good ATF.NEI> by TNomW ! ^S^S^ AND freclv end slept s\vec:5y. Owing to Baltimore^TU* p- "' Co*,c Esq. cf fore, viz: TEKXS— CASH. Saddle Horses, Sleighs, Wagon, Carts; FAHCY ARTICLES, ate H3-Mr. White of Tennessee k«s rctigcec formed, that the suhser ce^ ^^ t1^ jor Orthography. Reedijig, Wrhipfr. ••• • circumslaBces it canno! be wondered at B. SWEETMAN, Baggy, S«.c. which he will hire to careful h ri-ht of th. abore e; • « "« purchased ttie , VJL kis«at iu the I". S. Senate. why I have so liigh ail- opinion of Dr. Arithmetic, per quarter. - ^i t. , Harpt-rs-Ferry, Jan. lo, 1S40.— tf. and responsible persons. None others of Virgliria; «H! •'/ ^ent> ^ ** w^°'e. ^ June 26,1839. Jayne's medicine, and why I advise every For Ueo*raphy, English G^uirnar, ih» P«1»i «f «^ ' -aev have erected a Factory at need apply. !££lSjf ^cbs -,'oa the Casai anii Railroad, family lo keep it on han.I. ready for any &c^ per qt-arter, 'J •' '* tj"- Our thinks are doe to oar «bk aad ef. Harpers-Ferry, Jan. 8,1810. COSVEYAKC1M3 AND COUSCTING who ia»' - are now •rca^J" *° aceoniuiodat; all emergency. Ilespecifnllv. vour? A quitter will consist" of twelvev. ri' } fc ier,t teprecentetiTe ia Congress, itbe Hon. E subscriper respectfully annoaaces * ^ ' j Trant tho article. Individuals, or ComSITUATION as CterK, Practienl Laad ARTHUR B BRADFORD. without any deduction of lyi..? lost o:; .' i Lucas, to: valuable public documents , wanting large quantities, may be. acUMEKOUS. late, high/j imporlaat, and co»to the public ;hat he is prepared tc J^L Surveyor, Teacher of Reading, Writing, Pastor of the Presbiteriaa Church, ^tmodated with kettles, likewise, we willa!part of the pupil, excejn in r;i=r's «' . f ril' unque3£enab?e testimoriiais, frem t: 5 first f Aritlimetic^BookeepiagjEnglish Grammar, execute ali business in the above line, and snen in tbe cou-try. proving beyosd & doubt, > sell the rights uf Counties, Cities, Towns n«ft, or a special contract or barjjarr. i-1!» Bariington Pa. . McEI wee of the Pftwinnia tu give ample security for any amount or Overseer of Works; in all its .depart- tbat tLo much. UtlkeU of Districts, Farms,"cr Buildings. June 9&? 1339. of telegeteLhas introduced a bill to repeal Application to be made to the subscribers, Ii v- the p'areni or guardia::. Any fifiolir •• "•» that mar be consigned to him for collec•aeaU>. either in Husbandry or Public. : z scJiool, wiil be coosicf• <nl_ ti! othar ceniCcaiCs m elu be Point of Rocks, Frederick co. >.! J. Chart* of fte U. S. Bank. tiun or ad,,usunent. His experience he Application to be made, if by leaer, post JOHN HANN, for a quarter, wilii tlie ekcf-p;: \H is indeed "a provW«»ti«iaiscQvery foy't flatters binisell' will enable him lo render j added, but the above are considered sulE- j paid, to ^ Mr. P. F. f IIlLii? McC.lEC:iIA>. cr »vi»o above aihuSrd tr*. fit of the huajsn Euni?y," may br cisnt evidence of its great usefuliJess. ^ Lc(gisl>tnre nf -«2!isfc:tion to ciuzeas of TirEnrpers-Ferr$. General Dcpteitorv, Boston, o»\VILHAMGf^\KK, RICH.\RD A. RICH \KP?r f;- 1 Prepared orfy by Dr. D. Jayne, dccidrt thitMawn OcL 0, an; of the tuny thousand £ I J w *Jj , .. 20 South Thtrd Wreei, 15, 1839 onicationB tatd acooants left «itt a majority of r«* vote*. N- .—Agent* viUyeaMs b-*T» the above Mr" Martin at die Tolt-Ga'x in Washing- Price one dollar. •~Y To I^AMILY ri^oim^-nxiiavit a alto may be bad Jayne," Carmiinserted in art the pr^cza of their "^ \71 Maryland, near Harpers-Ferry, JL rcti of •aceikht flour, inspecteu " in t\ia for the cure of Bo we! Ctunr AM m «Jueh of a GOOD HOUSEnative *r tow fur Chester, irbiehi we will v!l totr for lit I hottofB, ai*T f&^ tv the KEEPER' J. G, K piaints, t^. %; omic'Tennifiip^for the reJiMT, diM-«. br WAGKR ti. ' llarppt* -Ferry. Nov. 6, 1839. tarn al of Worms, kr. Sansure Dee: 22N1) FEBRUARY! ut>- i-y of , li ct* •* and • powl »th* LADIES AND BOOTS & SHOES, KemcvaL kail <!•- «i; IL J | urn* I rr th* ICUlOtl clam,«•}*> of »• F r hi) prodid a. ia '•aw Th* Ibr p uBLicf B A K E R Y , R: I Tfeu. liu Ibu the I C»f ltk» - ' - ' . . _. f>^^..™. 1>A.*.I b.v,«] ..-kAII .-* FLOUE, BACON, COBS, COMMEAL, OATS, RYE, &c. I F