wsitorv - The West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
wsitorv - The West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
wsitorv FOR SALEi' iw; HEAL ESTATE, ' i. H. £4! SDAY.MOBNIffff, MAY 13, 1852.. National Agricultural and Seed BKUTHER & CO ; 8S9J}*ttas*T, Sued, Cornet of Ck&T1^ £-<'i Water POT- s r and F«t»r? • -'7- //.-I/ W. E. CASFliO.D. CASFlEi TEJi$['*SRRY#fllG2}M*. O/ ^^itie/fc- , f • r^ «f. -ffv* ^ Ad i-*tf*fyt» «3JBifcL<,v •"< trr:-ur. OF , 2s .1. ^psa*-! IMPORTERS, * : LE AN . h 1 ,, , - ,:*«*!isefc all ;bc Ildi acd . frut-zati 6=«i;cM—in eiteni I -r-,:.«; Pr, ptuy O ur,, x i a j held bv tUfs C-jatJiam: !jfH.!i«inJ, fve.'j'.<n)e c-/ u-iiich fc.mbricii*:,b<,iii 57.V -ICKJSS, iituattu on tbe1 n»carm«Tci.f3fcT| " SIlVrF: W i ? l»lauJ jj \..-jri!.,u- nt-ai ^tfcc-IVtry, Vs. aiK ard best se- lectetl assortments of her n,a le riair^^ dieSlOCaIiaDd gezaenti with a)l the y, casble Mock- stwai: k'-p. guarantee" :•> jx?r may l«or her with their workT qsSS£fcS£j OF PLOUGHS, Se^fSMS^"" °f E °- Yi™»' »<" and i i-r. ir, part, rf , Be3,^*ni<:r Cufict- aa.: T. .-. .S.-L, ; 0-.-a). l <!'« riiiia^ter. ! 101 Ly ib j-f . and No. 2*Co bv 4D fcC!, | er«,, fcun .: !(1 ;.,j | LC?JCS; fj (-, ;s tOis. CdtiC.c: -i ;i.-«- C;i L-i- fisi- --—i:i lio . . . J., • 1 ii ; i>j- C^^j.--- iJcnfo.Mt. tf , a i- tie U •-r rind f ' ' n ; ncr, ;ictt tur Icub'e nptrin'oti; M i h i r t y - « i x i ;• • ".1-ir.fs, •riu: r i 'nv;.- and h^adsa!'ar! •.' L>iarii.^!ro-i:i>. ;•.-••• .<-upc!:.r; C Oj;Me Spei-rier>. Ci 3 IS . . . ,-s— •- 1 vi I.-,, live I xi 10 it.( in-; f a i f i j u i c t f r < rr. I t J;-.).:. tin Ll-;.il»iiil i:.<•!.: ui L. < ' . JC..i,urn .1 Cj. ; l-'all J U >.;, >.'.!-.-. iiUv U. ar.u Pullics of Hio?: • --;,<. , . 1 ••' i:!i '..'.ii.:j.u-i:i.ii, Uvixi's. - - • i-1 'i '. i-js; 1 s«.io|> ; :.i.ii !!:(i. ii Mii'-iiinr ; H.i' -i'K .M.i.::ltiv>; I.a l.j T-.'uli for It'jiii;I-'.L;. <^c . &.>-. Repair *>fiojt-—One u«.-»-12 fwo: iron Tur; i.'ij- i.u^iiie Lailu-. " J i i ~ . n \vappuraiua atucliird. - i i u » tii::^ 11. . .' i. j'-:^: .' •-'•-•air. v. I h i i;J--s, r>n : appr ved !i.:!ik-il w i t h — !!)c . • I-.roe .-! . . , ! • 1. . . i - . u>O2ler, - :'. . I lu tl i : -u.ry IMC'TOiStV— .\o. 3. T w o Sii.ric-.'.L-ai*!! :it.«i u.-.:.;;,^-o f, j- ih .• i.ianu • "• ..•-••. . . . ., V . r . v\ Ci loFikcr improvements are a *»IOMC .Tsi clliitv J»j»on, 50 lij ^U li-rt. :ii oe siorie-. Li;jh i • • :u;ii-V. A * 1 U' Mj'LL !CO I'V «• ; '•<.-. u - i a : u - . i . ..ijj -il, \.-;ili i:uti \ V a l f i \VtiCci. aiii i.: .j-u-.l l.v i n • C o i n j i a i i t . ro*t«r> B&ICX J.l'U.lUXG. occupi.u b; i::i;i;n v ..v ^ .-, ,, ^ ^ Ui.ti-.cs i\v<j ; t'r.-t:i-c \V. - .. • ' i|fe • ; a •; i l l . . '. . . Win '. ••:•': i...'. . i_'li Uic . uJOfl - .: i" . . . . « — :.:: -i:.i . , , ' • . . i v i'aciiir; l.jr ir^;--i >:!. ••-•.t* ' . .uO, a"d l.nlance i;. : . . - : . - • ah '. iv.\-:!r, -.1.111 .- • • ; -,i-:-. A l i t - r • I ' '•- • ..... •: i v > .-. i . j ' •;- : . pul .;. [*, l.nMi • u i- lij.' order bjlhe Prt'sidcntandiJsrec; -. I . .' -• i r u !-,>t> ^...',. Ti!)ni-H;il I\>r Saie. MI: is at tor^ics lei.-M. '.itfer • , : - i i . - t h . i i M'Ltl.M'Ml) I ' . H I M calledI-THI-UN-I • i..u-! ir. thf 'Jt m i l / ;>f K'iL-liliiiJS'.-. t w o . ^ -U'h-'A't-.-t i-t . • .. J- L-'M.jgU'ii. This 1,400 Acres, u •'.<-•::!.• i -i •'• L! i:< \'.iil-'> Junction Platik i:^.-ia C.IIIIH--ting t;;-.- ; > « . . - • ! S;jun.i'r. with ihe .•; j:.i.-,,;.nan. ;:i I: Uoiuiry of Kutctot-i!.— 1 ! . . -. a! lam: i« >•< I I us ••'• ••>: oi:-.-t- f r i> fur... . mi benatT. The MANSION flQpSE I* 'is atu! i-U-^niii ;IIK' ( i iniiiam's a m-!M I'M!_.',;., : , i - v . r . - !. «e i . ."and North M.'titit«i br town ol LexinyI n Wa-LiOgh»n College, i-.iid the Viigiuia Milila :.-.:i'aii-. 'lie i» .-1 ::i • ! .'si i; i . i l i t v nt lime-t M <• and tl,-.- Ia:iJ i> uat!n!.i:i i? wi.ii -Ji t' a: r.n> point vo >te; ]i lor .: ,..! .Mt..i>- th.;-. .;.'•:) l.i,s!.i-l> < I w h e a t \vtif !-JM-|L jurin^' t f i e Is'-i FJ!!. aii'l ih^ 1 S ; ••'•''" ' l u l t ol ;!,(. ,- .. ! i- V i -. I i;. • I . . V I T . Tl.l'H- ^ .1 , . ••.•(• ir ITI:/.'.'.'/» .i'/;.i/>(/!! Hit' A 'Ten to w i i u i i a i.'.rrf a-lili.ifi «t .1 • • • . eo*t. i '.t • - i - •' ^',Jt.\li\. erci-ni \ v n b i n '.!:•• l.v t two years, and the - « i y (ll"r-lSL'21.U:\t.£ are gi-noral'y in • i . -.-s ii is p-.i". i.". «K- MS;-.,,S--; ,-; ty private -.,!•• vr win i.tiV-r ! i > i - « i M « ' - i.a.-i.i! public auction, . .: ! .. p H ' U l i - f - <• • - . / . ' • • r.'C.U. mvcv.<if Ihe entire tr*cl will iramea i . « . i \v .. 1 •- ~ ' - i - : '•'•• ' • e, • . ' ! • • ! ; » • ! - ; .. :•, ; , ; ;., t'.i"'-' I ' - I.. • 1 > i ' > i ' ~ ' ; ' ! I'-UCtl.lM-l^. .'i.-'i j i - WIN', v..-.: •!. :. ,i :• ;'.r-..' ar. 2L-out 1 :_!i:". ' 'J'i... inprovcmi'tit <•>" t!i': ' »i-' i»-^aier u a y i r i i i : . n. . «••-'" ihe Janies River and ir new in progr^s, v.-ill . . . itv tiir frai pportti j ^hc .if the tn't:i to ••' " I'toliuMi- I mat! . . . . fourth oi the ":r; . -,-,>, . .. .. , . , ..-'iiic ; , . v srjpanroa AI.S.--.TA wins i*iew »ty its t;l 1'i.tle. Ucsxil ai,u i ci ai;dFo.2:->, L.^J::?, Suyar'J'oDgs, Butter Gate !J.i-.- :•• !.:a^:or;,ol llim article, wbict; U'iH v car J j: . ..-jr: i- «-ci! a- the puro--! xiirer. ;--'u:i:r!C£riT DiAft-.L'JiO WORK. - , - ;.. . ' ! ' .. :; ! 'i f La'sii-.-c i:. I'i C t-q'.i.-i n::!i'.'-' in-taliis-n:* «'i a ir.t- r.-st from ihe . . •: . :' injst T!.e ;i:'ivi:^::e. This h i.f our btisioe** is not surpassed bv .'iny es:;.| ; >! i; -.,! in i J i e c o u n t r ; — l i a v i u ^ u o ; : rr.-.a '.•iu;»:oyi.\; hi ;i: • L-uilJinj under our uVn v - , p . r -. i son, coasi: :•• aizkin£.tiewslylesolJevteiry,aad i>y (.very ::!•_-'. . •. -,. ; - are sapjHied from the Ku;oI'can f.:i;:ori<?s iviiicti enables u.'. to give- to i^ui ci.stj.-acra tL.- '.. !/« ;/,/?/j and at lots pricn. E-'ancy l« ifxls,' From Ej-elnn.!. F.-arn-c. Getirany, Switzerland, Qbioa and our o«-a roaniry. An cxt-javive asiortuiL-nt ol ii.:h c:i.; i.ia'uiiK-ie". ^Vvt• cainr. in part, ;: elegant TlVritiJig Pesks. Work lioxi-s, Wnnc'asid Centre T.-Me.v. !'i'api-r Mai he, Ebcnv aud K<»e| v.-ood, ir.kiiJ -.-',; -.Silver. G u i d a n d Mother of Pt a; 1; Kenuiiic jj.-p-ti.---i. ln.«n Paris and Prussia, -.oice ot which afeasl^rg-e r.s l i f e ; Cnr/cd !*ury Ches-i;;en, Card Baskets/elcgant Fans liom gl 10 S50 er^c'i; Co!osneBt.tiU!-. llicti Vase«. I.'usli^h S.-ans. Paiian M n i L l e blatin'!- •-. line Oil Paintings, superior Co'••^ne. FreiK-h i'.-riuniery ; Rosewood nnd Leather lirv.s.^i.'i^ (.'.,»>,.- I'ITI Muiiiiaics. En^li.vh Tooth a::t! iiai: hroihc- .k::.ii-:.lia;j Ujtt'.cs, Game Llags.pjTi-- i tier Flask*, ic., ilo. LiJGLISH GUNS ^ \\ e kei-p on i, :j( ,a a (aic as-ortment oi the best English Doiiblf and Single barn-lM Fowling-Pii-ces i —ohd ini!)(/ri U i l : n i o r a n v I; in ! of Gun (it-sifd. /fcrafrinx tuitl otht-r I'isf-vls. Coil's c«He3)inted Rifle Pistols; Ai.'cmf' Trailer's j 1'nii-iit 5i.;-!.ai.-el Kd-ulviu? pj«ii(;|> ; Sinale-bTrrel Kill-- dn ; Sp/..-^uc tf- .\Tj,s!un'x Six-l«rrel Uevolv!ii:f Pistol*; a| .u a larse tluck ol German SiujjkL:H' Double-barrel PiMols SPL-cNDiO M A N T L E CLOCK?. Juronzsd and Gilt Miir.tle Clocks o: dt-cnnt >!o^•i?n> : li!arl,-. vc!!(j«' '.'.F.T!> nnd white MarMe i'o ; K: . i / v , and A!a!.a-tcr do.; French Porcelain i'o.. nlejjamlv iVcuratHd. KXABE, (iiEDLE & CO.j 5! AM l-'ACTLRKRS, J.Vc-j. -1, G, S at;•! 9 .'.'i.-raa1 i.'ra:.'. ajj;)os.Ve i'u.air Iljuic, HORSE POWERS, 8JILL1AERY, Sweep sad Railway, of various sizes from «=•-•-, :o ?130. ; THRESHING MACBIMES, With opr-n and solid Trroujrat iron ar.d cak Cvlinders— p« •« £35 to S60. CORN!0 toAND COB S15 ' CRUSHERS, Irom S to 10 bushels per boi/r. THE SEEI Is supplied with ev-err variety ol Fic:d aad Garden Seed, all ol which are warranted fr:sk and PER UV1A N G UANO. Having; made arrnnjraienis with the Agrntof the Peruvian Government, for tie sale o! -Peruvian Guano, ur supplies, of; this aiticle direct liom the UiinciB Mauds, purchasers may rely upon beinfurnished with a pure No. 1 quality, a: lowest Baltimore rates. Al! gjods delivered in Washington or Geor-elou-n, irce of charge, and oidrrs hy m a i l promptly attended to. FiTZHUGH COYLE " National Asricultisrs.! and Seed War, house.'lron Builainp. sign of the Gulden Pli.ii-h and i1 a s Ji i o n a b 1 c C1 o 131 i u g, WM. WALL, Perm. Avenue, Letueen Vih and IQik Slfcets, ( N e x t to Mr. Shar.kV Iron Building-,) W WasliihgJbn, I>. c,, :.-:>ivt nssoitmt'iit 4. tislanth' on t-ale at their \Vr-roro !iis. Our »•>•ab.i-hirient is now the most extesi-i-.-f Sci'.iili. :nr--bi'! SIIL; over one hundted workmen, wi:h a u-t-ll Pi-lecti'd stock of seasoned !)>ati>ria!«, (rum which, we ar • inanufaL-turinR P I A N O FORTES, combining HIL- most valuable imnrovcmt-i:'.s known. Our Ir-.-.n .'raiae 1'iano Fortes, for .which we have lecfived Fits' i ' r e n i i u m ^ K i r ihreesoccessive ve-ns, (fniin the M a r y l a m l Iititiluio.) over, ihoso nf Northern Make, are particulaTly worthv of alien . ' (.-ins; so nrranpi <1 as to secure croat addit^-nal sirfiii;;h '.viitcir i:i:,-ctiii?!i:L- tone, for which our jr,N!n:m-. i;N li.v.-e bet'ii so hig.'ily rec«ironii.'nded 1-y the Ic-! rixf.i--ors. .: .! A .:..l urs, thmrglwut tl c coo'ntry. A jisiarar.tee f o r A v e rears will be given, xviih -. :i-.1 .'us;: I;M.,-:H .-«>;•.' bv us, of >"jr i: ake. wiih p r i v i l t ' S 1 o. rc-.-ii;)!::••. at any tin-.e wi:i:in MX i«^:;tiis tioni ( i a r o: > n«u ix-r !'.-<•! I v ^asi^t.-n-' i . Oarhait .S^N-'fiii. n's Patent MELODEO.--. constant y IT. .uiiid. :,an article v,-e can rccotn-oierd.) Pi.tiii 1 - ; ' • • - ! ; ! 'i'unii'tr ; Mar-i •:•• So-angep-l » he trardliaj igcat for Doctor Jnlius With a l l d u e . e s p e o t w e hare to t. KiUctnoff'j UniTers«l R«scaeratia£ DcpuratiVc Rrthat they were not pab.'iahed >wr«tiai Sjr^p, irakh I trisi, a> rdrerti** ia rccr " the editors did uot deem t*pcr. [Uite lighu acigtr.cocM hit )<«• oa on the tekk and I the'r with Q.tbcr matter* **iw**w*«tj; I t°* ii i aovi-rtise quack racdicioia at tiis ' i -.1 - i .- -- -ri-— both udc, ot tho question involvedTn M nalcss paid foj-ia «Jvancc. arttcles—sooiethiug about magistrate* *, bm tk« i. M M n f*ri f7 Q «i -J • l. * «• ^ ars. . u,*",^0 r*P"ed to our corrc»ptndenl [Agent uocs not appear ta bs a l,;t taken aback, M U I pubhclv, because we desire the opportunity usual on such occasions, but dra^s his portmoaoiac.] I to correct some great mistakes aboat B***' -t s nh: CjBu'ii.^rjqnTtmiBs'e »it,' . t ;icrtr needs ifce aioottj.ims pale, •N*°t.^cr'- arc'kncmi the croaiog hours. .Spring and Suamaier Fashions. She ini-iies an early call to inspect her Mock jirnatrfiials \vhicii cannot be urpas>ed in stvic, b.'auiv &.C.. any where. Her be-i i-ffurts will te csed to rent-er saii%Jaciion. She tenders thanks for past ors. I-mms up Srairs, in the flou«e occupied hrr la>t vear. April 23. 135-2. No—WF this «-?rM is crcr brigtt Witli «zorc Kfc3;snec all its own ; _ Tl.e stouna tfHwcrcttcd light -flo-nr rtwsd frsm the eternal throne. C RAI ETAS aeain the pl?a?.urj of snnonnci g to Ihe .J-A Ladie- oi Charles: own. anu viciniiv "thaish<> ju.M received :rom Ualiimore ;h<; lats-st S/jy?7.V(7 AXD SV'.fMER M1LLIXERY, to which she invites i!:eir att.-ntton. and to her BOX.VKTS especially. Bieachin? and Ci.lorinpdone B s u s ^ a l , i.: ih-; neatest ar.d best manner. Ctratcfu! to the m a n y kinii friends who have so gpm-rousiy patn-niz?'.! her. she most respectfully sol icitS a ccntinuance of their painmage. It v,-ill afford her pleasure 1 to render ctitiicsatisfaclion to all who will r r a call._ April S2. 1852. Wifc-If, sis o'clock. Aint you ?oing to market. Editor (slightly riled)—Evcrisstisj perdition s.-.ize ; ttes rsarkct. Didn't I tell ycu iait night I had DO sna.j kctmoney? [Editor turns over and tries to continue the dr«m, but j the charm ;s broken, the spell is ijonc, and aJi that rc| mains is an casasy Uozo, trhich intcrrnpted b r the junior cf the family bestriding h.Jc for t horse, as'd elatchiag i Jiis hair fjr a bridal rein.] (Scene changes to breakfast table.) \Vite~I should like to know what yon were dressing about this morning? Editor—Why ? ' ; Wife—Because xrhca I awokt- yon, you continued grumbling in unintclligibls language; The only thing I could understand was, "it's aij infernal shame ycu dida't wait until it was a hundred—enough to buy paper. [Editor gives a ghastly grin, seizes his hat, rushes out of U»c hous*. goes to the omce> and works off the outside!] Ia ra:a the phijesophic eye May s-ek to ricTr ih c fair alxxJc, Or find i: in the curtained skyIt is ihe dtreKing place cf God '. A WE L, COM if TO "sl»KX X G. Street Sjiring ; Jiright, l>cantiful Spring; We'll —eJceiafi Ihcc back to our clime, Fcr thou doth jay hearts with tlicc briaj. And bid the co;«i zephyri decline. V>V11 vv:lcomc your brigot, laughing eye : A-'l raciaat and fair as yon look— Thou dcith give a bright smile to the $ty, .Vn-1 joy to toe clear ruaaiag brook . .f *'V T Cr.f 'ittAKiJVG!' MISS ELIZABETH F. R I K I . E Y HpHE undersiirned have foimed a partnership in E i!ie legal profession: The-,- will nitem; the C c i i m i y a - i d Superior Coui Is of Beikelev.Ji-fiVrson Morran, and Frederick, and the Superior Courts o! otter counties in such cases onlv in which thev may be specially retained. CHAS. JAS. FAULKNER, F.RANK'LUN: THOMAS. insbiirg. April g, I >50— I v shaking him.] Tliere f Jimi that cortals may not sec, Too ciaricus for lie eye to trace, A:.d cb-J in pecfrlet? aiijesty, More -K-ith usi!tcrc<i » race. Bt I S S A X S• "\^\r°Vy) respectfully announce to the Ladies ot Chnrlestmvn and vicinity, that she has just rcuirneJ from the Nonh wi'ih the laiest SPRIXG A.\D Sl'MM£R FASHIONS. blip 1= IH.W- prepaied to u.ake Dresses at the -shortest nonce. Deling confident of giving satfelacijun to all u-.-io tn.iy patronize her. She returns ihanks lor past favors, and solicits a comiuuai-ce of the same A pi 11 £0. 1853—4t. Agent-Here's fir«, and fivealc ten, and ten are papers, watch he shares [Sccac snddealy changes ; cditoral room and laak agent ! people, fidcairar; editor finds himself at home ic bed. xrifo ^ ( )nncn of »!,..,, i »» u Tbou dotli laugh at the trorn n-cary king, And bid him depart from your door ; Thou dctlt welcome the jay birds to sing, That hiirc long been avray from oar shore. Bnghtfic.-.vers\ri!l deck thy fair brow, And sweet be tie soft balmy gale, The sanjf cf the fobiu breathe now To tvcl:oiEe :hee back to our rale. Then haste tlicc, fair Qaeen of the rear _ We'll j-ivc tho-; a warm welcome hand ; For tliou coth iu picador appear, To cheer on iho hearts of cur land. MISCELLAiNY. " T!iUS I>T TiiE SAXCTU.H. A day or two ay>, while seated in the editorial department cf our esi.,l;l;3iiment, posting books, pomkrin;; crcr dents duo us I.JT delinquents, and iUovrcring leftJKFPBSSO.V COCXTV, V I R G I N I A , 'lAC i'lL'liS iFi handed Wcssings en tte credit system, our rev.-.-rics irerc ties, and will attend promptly to all business suddcal,- broken in noon bv lie entrance cj a subscriber th.-i! may Le entrusted to his care. who hs;: taken the !ic^r=papcr for seven years, during OS -e the on^ recentlv occanied by Wai Luca«! which tJtnc he had juk? on ieconat 03 dollars, ditto ctil __March IS. 1852. " Halloo'." thought tre, " here's a promise to per one of these &njs." A us istdkc, as tlie followic? coarcrr'ation proves : ". *nr:?Tir i «-» < <• t w u Tnoi _Subicribcr—Mr. Printer, I believe I have, taken Tour BOUNTY LAND WARRA3 how you have lived ! ;iloa't know, but precious little cf at the OSce of the Virginia Free Press. niy ftoncy have you isagcrcd. However, inal:c me ou; W. NV..B. GALLAUETI. a receipt now, and h.;rt*s your money. Charlesiown. March C5 I?52 [Subscriber deposit^ §5^1 on tlie tab!e, which the editor grrasps nervously fjr fear the subscriber's mind will EXITED STATES HOTEL. clitjijjc, and fills out a receipt.—Exit subscriber.] Corntr of King St. and lite Public Square, As mirht naturally be supposed, the thcrmonctcr of IMC&RTSfl^BUAa, VA. the editor's foolinjs vent up iato sunshine 11 per cent. HE undersigned tenders her cordial thanks to Another rap at the door— her friends and the public, for iheir past libe" Come in !'* ral encouragement, and respeciful'y solicits a ecui[Tall ioaatrymaR pnters.] 'inuance ofthe same. Her house is about to unCountiymau—Woi!,;.Mr. Newspaperman, how d'ye dergo a thorough repair, and she pledges herself ihai n o t h i n g .-hall be watiting to make the United do? Bten taken yoyr paper a dingiiation -while, and it's States Hotel a pleasant and agreeable home to the a long time since ! ; ..i! anytbing. Wouldn't be withtraveller and guest. MARY ODEN. out it na how—as y-jur li.t of market prices caves me A p t i l S , 1S5-2— U. fifty dollars a year. .Really too bad that I haven't atREADY MASH3 €LOTHi.\(x tended to it sooner. II^w much is it ? Editor (running his ot-e over the ledger—Oh, here it F superior q u a l i t y and most fXshfonable st\-ies i is—two aad one's three; aud two arc five—ten dollars. can aivvavs be found at [Countryman deposits half a sa7i--horsc, tafcos his receipt, 211A R Tl NS BURG, VA. bids editor an aiTecliaoate good bye, and vamoses.] CI.OTHIXG WAREIIOrAnother rap ! YVhaj, not another customer? As I street f M H E tth'lcrsipned b?ys If ave respectfully to inPennst/lrttnia Arcmic, 10 doors izcst c i form the community and travelling publiclive it is ! SUCH AS (Enter Irish subscriber frcm the mountain.) that he i;as taken the Hotel formerly hiiown as the Fine Dress, Sack ami OverCoati=; Plain. PiIrialin:an—How arc yeos ? Bad luck to meesclf bnt ••Berkeley Houie." The House has recently unS'iired.and Embroidered Sillr. Satin. ;ind Cloth dergone a thorough renuvation ; it is now beikn-ed it's owing thi> paper a Ijcg time 1 am, and sure u good Vests; Fine Black and Fancy Cassimere to be in every respect adapted to the wants o;' the one it is—sor-a a be ther, ban-in' thim from the old counPants; A So. a large and superior Stocii ol traveller and sojourner. try. Fjr what am I endue yees? Gentlemen's Under Wear, of all dualities; A lavje and commodious Stable is attached to (Editor n-fers to tht; book.) White ami Colored Ki>i and ether Gloves; ihe p:emises. The l u x u r i e s of the TABLE willbe Editor—Two years and six months—five dollars. (IHandkerchiefs. Scar's, Cravats. !lu*iery, &c. surpass.?;! by none, and the BAR is at all times supM.arch Id, lao'J. plied wiih a choice selection of superior wines and rishman deposits a yellow coin beariii;: the impression of the .American "eagle," pockets ihe " rayiait" be liqniirs. BAGGAGE taken torrid from the Depot1 free of i calls 10!', and is off.] charse. and in bad \vg?i!ier a Carriage wil run to i Sa:ic:um bcconu-^ pleasant, everything in it wears a ihe Depot l»: the accotntnodaiion of travellers wiih- brilliant hue—even lh-3 rattling cf the sleet against the ou! anv additional ex;:er.f-o. window j cin -a has a cu&nnin!r musical souul. Uy Jove ! JOS. C. UAWLINS. another taock ! " Walk in!" May I be ehol if it isn't Mnrch 11. l>52—ly. Propiic'or. G., another dollar debtor. Oh, it cannot be possible that he •$ goi:ig to pay. Yes he is!—by the beard oi'ibc prcphet, lie jcilscd his calfskin ! CORNER Or WALL <f- 3-/.-1/.V STREETS, G.— tVelJ, old fi.-lli-iw, you have duuncd inc pretty ofRICHMOND, VIRGINIA. OULD invite particular attorn.on lo hi« as- rrUIE nearest Ilutel in the City to the Depots of tca, but (.f course I c;u!tU't begin to blame you for it.— I detenuned to put ii cat cf your power to dun me again sonim-nt of superior PIANOS, maniilac urt!u- Central & Danriile Raid Road and the ed by the most celebrated makers in the United Janus for a wiiile, whcu Capt. West made River Steamers. ~LAIVD W A R R A N T S . T Fashionable Clothing, O U L D rvspv'.fuHy invite public atiention. (aud particu!;i ly those in want o! a SuperiW tir P I A N O FOilTli at moderate price.) to the ci- O r . ceived from Baltimore the latest Bam!ioroti?h's. Grants' an>i Si*- lai-'s FA NNING MIL LS. * Corn ^Liellcrs. Single and double Spou: (price £10 ;o SIC ) also Lie large Cylimirii-al atS'SO and $50 and la;ter xvarramcd to s-hell from bUO u. 1000 bu-lials a ilav. OULD respcctlnlly say lo the citizens, of Jefferion and the Valley trenerallv, ihra he l a * enlaced aud extended I-is Clothing E>tab!i.-.lj!ijeiit, making it one ot the l.:r^est and mo>! rxieusive Clothing D^•po^^ in this pan ol ihe couMry. »VATJ;II T(u»j.» AM?'MATERIALS, Ilstfitentisturofloors, r u n n i i . g 150feetdeep-and ft, tAeoestftutli/y si".-!; as Glasses Springs, VeiETc*^, employing irotu 7J to 100 hands, iheiebr \ ici-M. ll.i.junt-!-;. Plvers CtiMins Nippers. Screws, employment lonurown Blowpipes. D'.iiv Lathes; in (set, every ar;ii-!c and ulkr lo'.v as, they can Le bought at ,1-..; by \V\i-r:- N:.-.!:ers «•:• ln?ep en hand. Tin's the X'.-i ,.f i : i.-:>.ii ? ,«ss i> in cfcarjje of jiracn'.-al I am prepared to ma!;:.- to order, the must fashionu'ork-nen. v-lm i-i.-e t!ie:r ben atteijiiiin in Cliing able ;iad eiV'gur.t a*>.oit:neiil of • .•;.!• /s :,.; p.-iiti.'s \\-\.o mav not visit ihe ciiy. For luccpnveni .ii'.v o: ( u.xtouifi-s. we haveercct- CLOTHS. CASSJMEJIL'S A\D J'XS'rjX'GS. tliis city, .at prices as lu.v as those eci .1 lurjte ami >p.;t-ious Store, jtivfii" purchasers j to lic^ftiund^in at cheapest r-.-ady-niade stun; in 1 t^ycK'J:' - i i i l v ! ' i ip-.n'.'o!ii:^_«iiil t-xicrsivc Mock pf j lii!:.-d »u a 'roiim o-«r 100 text in depth for ;::c ; any Mnrchant Tailors in the District, n n d a! m u c h ,•'. . St.-.'; ."..--Jjiti nf,Mr Irstlc. less cost, a- iiiy desire is to do a permanent t-ustom /.'r-i.-v <:r:ic'. in .mri establishment is icarra-nleiiio trade. I am dtterinin-?d r-o s;ive entire satisjaction, be'a*goo .•;•• i--p-c'S' n;''d. or tiie innney retunu-d. and all goods purchased, il IK-I found in be as repAnd purciiasers mar rely upon Imyittssfods at t n t rcsenicd. a liberal Jeduc ion will be made. eery fairest yf'if--f. \\'e -illicit a call from all VirAll Cliiihiiii; m:ule to order, v/itl be chwrAiily taken back if ftfond i-ot to suit. Oru, rs from ;he fjjntry faithfully and Constantly on hand a larsje. eeneral a;id complete assortment of Ready-made Clothing a: prices to CANPIELD, BROTHER & CO.. suit the times. 220 RiUiiiii -i^trret. corner of Charles, Also at niy Establishment three doors East of tbe j .- 3. 1S51- - l > Sicn i.f ll.e n.>!<!fx En-J National Hotel. The citizens of JeCVrson .ind the Valley, visiting i \V.M. K N * I H , l l i N . i v OAEIILE, EDW. BET-IS. "vVashinston. an? respectfnii*," invited to give me a. i FIRST J'S/J.Vj;'.1/ GRAM) .i.VD SQL-ARE c a l l , as 1 feel confident they will be an.plv repaid. ! March IS. 1352—ly. ' j h -\-i vrr. » .1! l>e reserve- to '!:.e pnichasi-r c• • piir..iinine ih-. t»:ie-ilii:\i 1 1' tin; .-i lire ,,.,, . • i -. ; .nev c.i-.i i; C the t. m u r a l lite t.: Mrs. ..j r> 'wyi-r. on c.. :Ji::.: i ot' paying interest ... . li-.sia-ii.iu:::. 1 i - medial r*'^---**'" ••.•ii ; • • A •• i-: ; : ; r i . - ia r--:ervi!Cf :,• this estate m a y b e aJ.. e-.-.r-.-'eiih-r of lii • s i'" criwrs at shtir .\s- c ; vv p!sc"$ JIEM'.V M. iiOWYEU. ' J. \V. .'. p: SI J , 1 530-31 i»JJ of D:.iijijtitl iJia-.-rleN. F.-r CrJssJes,f'inirerRjijgr^.Necklac b, Machines* I!JfH JKUfll.HV. '.'i I->J:J^^, 37 'ji ivu c ;.;c .U- in op'.TaiioJl, lor ' •' • . u i i i ta i/. UM.. now lYuu ' l u i L i n • • . 'a 15Tt \ I2!::c, &c.. &c. A • -.'• - . ' >• • - \Vait- .;: r «i-dij!i:S /ifis. alwars 0:1 han-i. •} D cssir.g f?- ri- O pper Strain I-'.1:. I r<- • G Cradle war «er*. • . -' ^ it --. i'j' and price. Cultivators, Marines. Can Iron F i&T2I> Sjcaaaice.-, »ar cirairtiss Ia this vi«ni!y; ai»d, ia aort.I faotr wcit. Editor—Oocxi. Tearfc21u #3. j their voiunte« contributors: f Lcccfoco pro, !,«& SFTLT i :iew adTcrtwaaeBt, sad ICtTCI.J A geatlemaa irritca to inow W!»T Another knock! j aruclcs signed "Fair P^," ^S (Eater z leaa, loaj. | tbe offices, have not sr-pe^d" thj . c^rcrcc, locki Mcer newspaper. -Tier* beio? Bl ol, cr. kow, deiirea- »»«trt in his arliciet, Le cannot a-«rs A p:t;iare cf Siat worid anfbld. Jt is all hb!>- M3 serene ; ^'rbe ianc cf gJcry toa repcse ! >"o darkncai jj-jgj tkc rjiam j,.,..,^ -S'or sarrow't tew teithin it flcw». '"• 22: -.».'c;u ;:.'i. i;;» aiiui^nan unlimited amount iYH. WALL'S Corner of Queen aud Burk Streets, Pianos! Pianos!! TlTYllOTELT W NEWTON leaalo and Hetail BOOKSSLLSR. STATIONER. DEALER IN PAPER, ud Bla»k Accoiint S:ate"s, Me>sr?. Nuiins &Cla:lc. N--\v York, to whom wn< awarded the highest Prcminai zi ihe Wi-rUi's I'lJir, for ihsir:-cperior and l.rilliai:. toned Pianos. The above instruments can be had of the suhscriber at manufacturers prices, and \varra;ited second ;o none in the United States. March IS. 1652. Lr.rinst'-n. »'<;. 4 KK. T. M. B ROY, Proprietor. ASSISTANTS "WM, J*ca. T.ivt.o.t. WM. WII.LUJISON. Ani il 20 iiHo'2. subscriber is opening in Mr. Rav lins' T HEStiTe-IJouse. oc. Main stieet, A nert Dry (roods and (ieadr-Made PKESS, The Tiere it * weSJ u-e lui* not *eeo. Aai dnje c*k rwler tlcn work! dettrey, ViTiepc mcrt*l-;JjcUfay« hftth not brtn. ^o r^r hufc sicgii!. it* jooadj of joy. Tlicre ;a • rcfrfca loieher fcr That sages Zttsown or poets IJDJT— Bs-igbtrr Jiao jfcsaiasa- V-intict arc. Aad lifter 0,ac tfc,.- tint* cf Spring. * Fiicre h. a worM mti Ucssicjs blest, proEti ere foretold ; :tfE sta«HK.ft!fi?S!StefetS;s f W4s^£^*^ ^'T Ml*- tV;ite. Power, if prop, T iv ( -.-.-dop?d. ' -X WORL1>. If" ' ""'•'' '° r- DEALS2S IN I Iti: t V A T I I K S , R I C H JEWELKV, S1D Tfac !n:pu,'.-rrn*fiis cor. sdrc-isicg. r>a,i lie tbe principle, ysc *ITObat 1 TTttjid ja« 11 sooa do boiin-ss with «w party , EETAI a*& er aoi Plated Mare, Military & Fancy Goods. - . Let me .ce-fwrtccu dollar; I believe you said it was, - ' " " ™ ^heTj be thua express**: «I ? U PP OSed tbe Pre3S »" f". to all." is a comiuon idea, but it ia a mistake. Th« press is on!} free to its editors, and to th«8* whom its editors believe to har-3 guod gr«uad for addressing the public, and something to say which th« publwhas an interest in bearleg. We T*ould recommend thoSe who la oor under this mistake to conside..- tBe following fact: that newspapers are made fer tlie large class wbo want to read, aad Qol for tho small class which want to write. Our correspondent continued : "A pr*M sustained by the citizens ought to be free t» tLetn." \ V e d o n o t t h i n k s o . The sentence quoted docs not express the true rclatioa between the "press and the citizen*" wao subscribe to it. \Ve will just stele thai relation : it is tbe relation of buyer and seller no more nor less. When a man sebscribee 'o a newspaper, we simply conceive that he A3f INTERE5TIXG tiUSBAXD. wants to read and possess it. He buja U f One of tne go-a-head ladies of this progressive I as Lc OUJ3 meal, oats, shoes, candles, er » age, thua writes ot her husband! to the Boston Olive j coat i ac d when he ao lotigcr wants it, to Branch. It does not seem to be a pily that such a i cesses to take it, though not until he'hae woman should have been caught in the same net ! Pa^ ^ it, unless he u w be «/v a t* thief k & i 4 V 4 and aiiu a •* diaU13* vriih suc-h a man as !his iariy describes her husband honorable [•? scoundrel, aa we are sorry to sty to ba—bnt such accident do h;ippen occa«loca!lv. wo ^ avc ddiscovered a good many individual* We should like to have " S-.-loioc^'s opinion of Lia ' t j ^eThis is tbe only i-datlon between the newi« MR. EDITOR: — If you cojuld only sas my paper and its subscribers. There is „ a* husband. Solomon Stiliwetther! "it is ruy ' ground for anv demand oa tbe subscriber'^ firm conviction he will be the death of me. j part, tare that the newspaper b* a I am naturally a h*ppy, b'riglit, energetic, • ucw.spapcr. r.nd in accordance with the warm-hearted, cliaiii-liglitnit'p. impulsive wo- i pies wliich induced him to take it. Tbe man— born after stages we; e exploded, and i idea tliat when a man subscribes to a oewsin the days of railroads au»'l steaai engines. paper he lays its proprietors under floras anI've the most capacinus capacious Veart Ueart tiiat that ever ! Definable obligation or that he has a right U his composition therein witi ta» thumped against a silken l-odice; can hate like Lucifer, and love ia proportion, and be single proviso that they shall be inofiensir*, eternally*grateful to ony onb who is'kiud to U :i popular fancy and most ridiculous misme. Now S-o 1-o-tn-o n is a perpetual calm. take, which ought to be corrected. Net has he no such right, Lut the editor Nothing ruQcs bha, iiothinj disturbs hi:c. ^ Mount Vesuvius coaldn : t cjalte him hurry : who permits him to pat Cnlntercsting.aiuJ.1^. he does everything, i::e?C3nti!e and matri- ter in his columns,? infringes upon the HehfBV -^tgft fif fVnlr nr 4?<r« i - . . - . , , .J ~*J ~ . •" * monial, by rula. square a:id jcomp;us. or five t'ious:u;d other Wbpi* t» n v jirtf-> in/j ii'i(^ i; t! T"nr^- f^rr i3<)i'frt«w torV.' were tnc t'ousu ou uic. uc «-uu'.-^ .-v.-j. to talcs the lint off his coat, and brush his luierestnig to tlie public, or :s not tneuwSF ance of sotne public sentiment, or the narrateeth before starting. It I ^sk him a quest i v e of private injury which o u g h t to b* tion at breakfast. I never gtt an answer till made public, tbo editor generalij thr«wt U after tea ; he walks r ouad :he house with a in tbe fire: and this is the fate of tiino out noiseless velvety treac^ like :i superannuated of every teu articles wri t tea for the Examiner. pussy cat. Should the children in their play kuock over the tea-table and its conCUURtlf fcOlNC. tents, he looks quietly up fram his book and "Well. Laura, give me a sketch of tbes*r» says: c: a i-n-t y-o-u v-a-t-U-e-r r-tt-d-e c-h-t-1mou—Where was the text 1" d r c-n. "Oh, I don't know. I hare, forgattca ii One summer evening in tbe country, as he sat on the grass goioking a cigar, it oc- But—would you believe it!—31r». V. voi* curred to me whether anything short of an that horrid hounet of hers i I couldn't keep earthquake would start him up, so I placed my eyes off it all tbe t i m e ; and Mi» T. a long string of crackers directly behind woro a new shawl that must bavs cost Sftj him, and touched them o£', and as I'm a dollars, I wonder folks do not see the folly living woman he never so much as wicked. cf such extravagance . and there vca Mb* You should see hifn getting ready for church, S. with her pclise—it ia astonishing what as he pairs and polishes bis finger nails, lays want of taste pome folks hare." "Well, if you have forgotten the scrrooa every hair on his head over its appropriate you have not the audience ; but »Lic!» bump, sprinkles a. drop of eclogue on the preacher did you prefer—thia one cr Mr. north-west corner of his pocket handkerchief, and ties the bow cf that cravat for the for- A. ?" "Oh, Mr. A. ho is so handsome and grtc*tiiifi time. I never saw S-it-^-o-m-o-Ji excited. ful, what an eye, and what & fine set of :t-i?!» I never heard him laugh ; he don't know ;> ha has. the luxury of tears. Now if I coii!d only THE UILL. OF JOII N^MCUOS O UGK. get up a domestic squabble ! (thunderclouds clear the atmosphere, you kaow.) but ti'a uo Tho suit brought by the collateral r*l«< use. I've tried to sii: him upon politics, but lives of John McDonough to annul his will, he's " on tic fence, had as lief j u m p one was on trial befora the U. S. District Court way as another," and ia quite indifferent as at New Orleans, at ihe last advices. Th» to - glutton." I've put on t'ue sulks, and been distant aud digtiifiec'. I tell you he suit instituted by tho States of Loaia':»o» likes it: besides, you couldn't freeze him and Maryland, against the cities of N. Orcolder than he is ; I've been loving, and leans and"Baltimore, also to annul lla will, patted him : it's a waste o;.' ammunition, he was to have come up in tba Supreme Coarl can't bo thawed r ut. It's my solemn belief nf Louisiana, on the 20th instant. Tlie New he was originaily intended for an eld azaiJ. Orleans Delta meaticns a rumor tbat a fe| but by some horrid mistake—he's tny bus- i male is now living in that city, to whom Mr. I McDonoagh was legally married, ant br | band. I could double Cape Horn while ho ! whom she had two children. It is aaid that says " M y d-c-a-r." 0. oa. when the coroprevious to his death he gave them §50.000.. ; ner's jury sits on u;e won't the vurdict be— If the collateral relatives succeed in bwakin^ " died, of excess of sail weather 1" the will, the widow and children, if auctt j there le, will come in for the property. LIFE oi-f A paisiTEP. ch? Editcr (rubbhsg his hiidswiliglee)—Exactly, which pays u; to llie loili cf next April. G.—Here's fii'tecu dollars—just credit me a collar in (Exit subscriber.) (solus)—A weight transferred Crom ycr-a- coa- ] TUA'EN Li N C~M ACUI JfJE. The following strange, eventful record of scicnec to oar pcclcct. j [Editor proceeds to c.-itcr a credit, aad sings, " Oh tiros ! a journeyman printer's life is taken from an The fio.-ton Traveller iays that ia fix may it ever— :I o-LcJi the song is cat short by the en- exchange, which paper assorts it correct to weeks a trial of this new jnachiau can b*' trance ot" a Gcnana patroa.] the letter. It deyelopes what a man can do made. In case of a failure, talf the los» Gerrian subscriber—Veil, wcgates, Mr. Brintcr, hek? if he likes, and whit queer, enterprising, falls on the contractors for supplying U, acd Oweyjufti.- ter ptjvcrs, heh, how much? Can't real and unselSsh fellows, Vao majority cf priahalf on tho inventor. If it is succectfvi modi raiasolf, tut luino children say ter mnsht haf ter auothor trill be btiitiTamediatelj. The coil, bapcr, and I g-. •:- i!' -ey mo$ht haf him, ter olt man ters are: "The life of a printer is, to say tuo least, of tbe ni^caine with : t > steam engine and t>musht bay, hcl; ? (German sabscriber, who is sometbsr a{iptirtenances, is £20.000. Should i» thing cf a wag, ciicckk-d and gi-rca the editor s dig in one of variety. I left bonie at the age of nine, and was apprenticed to the printing . - , succeed, we Lope to see one procured *• •Jie ribs.) '. business at thirteen ; since thea I have vis- j ia Coring the 13'no F.idga. Editor—Squire, yoar bill is only five dollars. Gerjisa SubsciJbtr—Fh-e toller; tat ish ror behind, ited Exrope, been ia Ecgland, Ireland, Foley, •alias Coas«rf and fire 1 bay? ycu aheaJ—vich makes den. Scotland, Wales ia Canada, ncouauu, '• »•*••> atd ••».— France, -—• —Joanna .„ i j JoanD* i [German s .L-sc. .1. r ;.uii.; oat and eld stocking, and counts N'ova Scotia, Labrodor, South America : alias O'Conner, cotvtctcd al tho prtM&i »II/»WKJ j . . . . . . r*. . . f l < . _ _ ^ il. - f l — I « . • « M 1 f ^»t»f fkV JO-IT a uns cf it tircaty bright half dollars. Editcr'a West Indies, and all the Atlantic States of term of the Criminal Court of thta cyc:^ dilute, iic JKXOQOS eieecdinglr ncrrom,- and the Union, from Maine to Louisiana—have ind sentenced to two years' Jmprisonsiett »* shoirs jyatcnu cf SVJQJ odf tho handle! Exit patron.} Ir-ei in twenty-seven cities and towns of labor in the penitentiary, was yestardaj p«fTic SiVj- is clcftidcd, bat it ncrcr looked better—the I havfi bcca a 10 doac-3 by the President, in aocorilanea with ii-»ht Tras nsver strcojar. The horrors of a long winter the United States the recommendation of the jury, aaii fbrtiare forgo-.U-n aid siju&iac reigns in the heart. Even the mTohaat service, and have sailed in oil liberty. We understand thai the ac»rdtOa in tic t-wk store underneath -n-hich a few wore attached to tbe pv nsoaicits ago nia^c au cifcrabic noise, is nowsiakin; cou;tnactcated-to her passullc cusic. U tha cxaberancc of his spiriu, he could Lave shzkca taaci with his bitterest enemy. (A in tlie l e . _• rt-JO is lieird ot tiic stairs ! What! cat !-' pasi- tbe ministry, one jsar ior an M- T, hnz«lAn Iri.-hman aavrng r.pD?»d to « .- ,. . xr States. bruker to get a nr.t;; ihared. the latter said ' Ti.c stKik bsa b«z; - good tbat this istut bo a he thought lo cou'd cot disccnrit it, u it j call «a tl»s otter j (Doori cjc!i«, catur J;Js c had too many days to run. "Thak may b* j Jc -ura'enj' if he i'-'>y ' ^^ mflleniiBtt is at hand, anil lv with little tlse than a .-rass ru.fc in nsy j truo," replied Piit, "but then «ou ahovld the test sound T--UJ i-: tUe iilasi £rou» tb« Caa! trumpet! 1 have bcou the piibliaher ot_two t •;on::\d.'r how ebort the days are at ibis UBM£ T -\Vcll, civ li.-irv.-, I have just sacccedctl ia col- pocket. ! of tbe vear '" . one in Boston, one in ers in j Jreti:i5 *.«BO c4i accarr-u, " as I owe vo^ csisidcrable one ic Maia«. At cne time I donoUcUcr tlun let yea have rv. Mas;.. t1 efabin. I thought I i^uld u« — —•— ••• — j ~ — ; L.-UII* --—-—: T , ^_^ _^. down eutit militia captain, oa « I^ETORT, having i2is- j continued the SniHile and Harness Making CLOTHING STORE* b'.i^iiiess in Charlestuwrt, rrspecttullv request that j IncluJine Fancy Go-.-di, Jewelry, and Varieties. ail persons indebted tc ihetn »obldcall immediate- [ He w i l l sell at the very lowest price lor Cafk T!ie Bri;k SIEU, i)cpat and Sundrj !v upon C. G. BRAOO. who ,ias their accounts, and ; or Country Produce, and. respectfully requests La.-eitle the same. J. Vincir helier. siill carries on ! Dwelling Heaves and Shops. dies and Gentlemen lo call and examine his goods. Ihe above named business- in all i;s brsmches in j ISAAC ROSE. Martinsbnrs. where he will be happy to fill all or- | Charit-?to<rn. April 2-2. 1352. rpHE entire proxity C i i > : a i u s nearly 10 acres ders from JetfersonaniUdjomin2 counties. Orders j i of Lsr-ii, situated :.t HaiUown, Jsaer>s'ti r.'.. left with I. N. Carter, iv,Charlestown, sha'.'.receive j TLe Bank of the Union, V.t. It is scarcely m-ce->ur, to go into a deUU--«i O YOU VTANT B A R G A I N S ! THEN GO prompt attention. HS ut^l as all others. dtr~cr;pt:j'.j ..f thi's very ralnaMe property, »o cun(B'-Jtsr.'f Marble Stiiidinz, Wmhingttm, D. C.) TO G. S. GfilfFiTH. No. 77 BAI.TIMW.E January 15. 1S5'3.—IT. i .-•jiiu.-ly situated and to v t-ii knowu U' the pubbctwcea G-iv -treet and Tripoieit's allev. ti.-. Few'who nave tra.'e'li u tbs srcai tbon>;is,bTiISCOU>"TS and COLLECTS DRAFTS on To Holders of Land \Yarranls. isre ihr-jugi. the Valiev of Virginia, wh^-sc a'.t<-n- Ele has jus: received :iy iinporsatioa and from A \J ihe GOVERNMENT; buys and sells Stocks li -i; bas not bn n am^ted bv '.his well coas-.rue'ed merican maaufactarci^ as well as froin^an.tum on C-'CTOTiisu-n; deals in all kin<lsof TJrcurrent ythich subscriber wiil jiv.- the bisbest cash prices Money, and sells DRAFTS and CHECKS en the J-!LL. li'-c n.-d in ;!ie c c n t t c o f one of the finest sale?, a splendid as,<or unent jf CARPETS, he i* preparvd to sr!! at very luw prices. His stcx t Bounty Lend U'rt.-'cn/s.and Land Patents. principal cities of the IJnioa at rm>derate rate 5 . A v ! regio:< in the Atianti'- Stales. is>aed under any of the Acts ot Cor gre?s. Ftrms commission of only one-fiiurtk per cent, charged for The Wiv-chester tad PoJeeoac UaiirostJ p;is-ts consists in part oi — TTelirgl Tapestry, Brussels dc>; Brussels of assisnment and transfer farsisho'l gran's. all collections, and returns marie promptly. t'-.rotigli tb; property a:«l -ni:!!i!i 1OT yards ot" the Ply; super Ingrains: extra do. All "Corcmunira;io,is pastagepai I. adiirrssed to R. H. GALLAH'ER. President. v-!t : aid his a Dec it carrotried jri* il, "wtich ' the sul'^riber, Washirgto.s City, D. C., will meet K v*e> it a ivady acc«^> --3 i!..1 Bi':imort'. GeorgfS. "W. MASSU, Cashier. [March 11. rif fill Floor 0!L CLOTHS an3 wiih prompt attention. ---tf-n tsd A!;xani'.riE. Mark.:-. Th* Mill is four Mat-s Talle JOH-S S. GALLAHER, JR. « bJs'ii «i'eil Ter.silated, .ind coc*:tuc!C'l in ,be xriuths,, and cvtrv r;i iely of Ru — ^ » f « rrriit THE !, 0. 0, F. vers Driicgets. v>iiir Rods and Linen. r«'«e.>^ «««"• l! ^ S =«^sbU,u-foot ittpersnns, tvh( -A i, 1 <;»!: and purchase, Washington. D. C.. .tar i an8.'1555.—6m. V;.1! fail to rv-cci.-e TO THE PUBLIC. pa stem arid prices. VIRGINIA LODGE, No. 1. L O. O. 'F., wi;l ~ ~ ' Celebrate their approaching suniven-a.-y the N connexion with my business as Constable. 1 'offer mv services as" AUCTION EIT.R in thi* 18th f>f May, by a public Procession snd Oration, pait of the County—those disposed to patronise me A!l LooiiesiQ regular standiagare cordijliy inviii-i that jay. ia frt«t o: the i)^ pot, at can leave word with >he editor, or write to tne at ted to be pn->ent. Addresses will be. delivet cd by pal-'-ic sale-, at 1 c-'clsck P.M. Chorlestcnvn, Jefferson count}', Vu. AH business several members of the O«ier. The itric • iben iaz£<: know.i, vri i^h vr:i! be acW. H. CHAPMAN, will be prompt'vattenred to. c.-rnmvJati:^. t'ossesricn gireb '.he IE: of July 13«> i., E &., ttt to Clipper Office^ RALPH. CLEVELAND (',. G. BRAGG. CnstoNe. JAMES A. MERRICS, Comm. 7 H F HATS & CAPS, April 18, 1551. . For farther parti(m':.=rs n.ate applicatina u; the x poK^Jsing. They .rra deJACOB BELL, fuule ou accost. | had 87,550 in my packet of my own, I Dave xauii::a;ion rrilersi'-ne- livin- !i'-ar wbatle*5o-*-a. Jefferson DANIEL CHAMBERS. Jijr C v Stf 9- °-n reasonable ^pressed• T»hh " the ' same opiniua) iniua}— j been married twica, aa'} am notr nearly ceiviug a note from a hdy, reqaestia^ iio term me-.i Notice to Teachers. 34)in^v"Va' GEO. B. BEALL. Eiiitcr Harpers-Ferry, April 29. 1852. tertr.s so ;i;vSi? who-My toscll. i«->-s of Doauny twenty sis .vears oii !! I have been a teai- 'pleasure of LU couipany,' uuderttoitt U *• cireaastaw.-cs, the WISH to employ .a Xiacber -o lake charge Ma't ch 4. 1552. Err of M* Yoto.Ar'd. 13of Coat try Mercha.v-s and Hatterr, wiil^ .:iiw«..» aa District Free School ^n Charleston. s* ^ ! Medicinal Wines, ; pepcce lecturer. an-J ropj-tetor of a tceaper- a compliment to those under his oomannA find O\J S HATS c: the La test Style. "Vv J are fcJ, .. and marched the whole of them to th* biffe 00 per annum. ICnne need aiply'aho cannot 6 t—aai always fcappj" to URE Old Port, (?kisi-Js) Maderia aad Scupj $300 per ss-,««:lysettlec : ! *o manafnettiria? Hats in tae Rough, to wt;icu v*' "urnish «^jod and rofiMeni recc.miaendations, as to ance ifieatre." ^I^ pernisip Wines, OW Sarerac and Old London ! , inviiethe sf.ention of Country Hatters. Dock Brandies, real HoHand Gin, and London March 4. }.fl53. Shawls ite- an;: every descripuon of %$• Tbe noblest quality wherewith nature j 3d» We once kiier a boy wh» Mid Browusunu Porter. Tha-tbove Liquors a re put up MrJine. Gewle men's Qarments reno2Qtl -c*»*^**j • - «• - •.- - - i. " ". . ic qaart (sealed) bottles, aad -were purchased at the has andowed woman for ths good of the world j be liked :!a good rai~ j. ^aj : too Cash Por ,\«'^roe-«. Eaitor bas reached i slate of psrfoet VLas, ud whtsvateJ Bad ndved, aad ^.e warrants to pwe satieftcreqaest of a physician, for Mrfvciaal pnrpi:i! HOSE persoa- biiviag Nssroe^ for sale, «nn to ucboci. and jraA &t*ini*j c As? wtkte «t t to ihe care ot Mr. Jacob tles Dolly Bar- wi'Js rarisiioos, when tie saccuaa 4»x ia satems! I?YO—Aa» lore *KcS seeks ro | ghS -he highest ?ric« b-/ calling oa Use t.abscri. i l l r e M i v e prc-r-pt »ReBtroa. ^5 Bosbeb £:ea Potatoes. f« ace they may be r?liffd ijpca as beiagpurc » ttrontin«it LCFCEBOCO eater*. jjpjji OpCCSr | Ixjr at Cuarlcstowa. Application "in poraGa o; by retira ies wil! S: :ar- Icl to hEW tlse;r f iSSs:'^ ''T'.^AVtiCfR 5: ' letter icii. J:c prors^;'- o'.'msc to. IB51. C. G B * B TICSE1.L. FOE S A L E , Carpets, D 9 I I P m T , ._*... % f» AR1EES' REPOSITORY. USE S. cdfeRESPONDESCJE. r , .4,S?» pfusrAicxt.-l'oa THE C.UJVASS* SMITHFIELD MEETING. COCRT Of J ition of the eltiaens irre- j At a meeting o er.tit'cd ''an act concerting c The ;vf YOSK, Maf 7, 1S52. Middiew»y District, No. j, ^5- XVc ars huthcrrr»-«l l« » .T* ! Tbc objection is made by scute at the North W BROrKF.>:8RurGH. ?• H»vtniit-" having passed -.vth tl-.'ases ' ?p*crive of party it *->-*• ! TU-.»>»-; tW^<it,:«r Xc-B-YjrkBTc.'s^b" , in said t o w n - f n the date lor U.« Judgohh. cf ta*- Coin U ApjreaU (says ibe Baltimore American,) agaiasi the inn • r-.Hi:, aud being GJW the * law tif ihe i -J, held at Sc|_ ;.;:-.::ii C Con-=..:=— j r _.,.,, hi •wsK^.jtioai a dcfc-jatci to the Kiucoa* just l»ruV we~*v.c^!ii- suc-U portfons of it K« wiil prove j Sth day of May, 1352 v.-ith dM view of selecting tcctiodk r r: nrebeen duetiod of the Compromise test into the "Wlr tedjjtin winter and rm ,..;.-„ Ia ii,vr.-wr-*.-«.i»ti-«_Seost"wettk* **' t Hf W est-e -a Couaties, Sco3 to tx- fonod iau!t.*iia. af. The act pr.•scribes that ! ;lte l-jst,; the Comr-rosnise measures being Jn .-he Cm- aztd other *™ -* "" C-TiTTtpi : Thr Southcrc Izvs already, :no official endorsement of them is «!*K^--,tes base been toanycjun- ; them as that :her shsli be conrcn.ent to JbeertH North and Wot called tor at tlie ban-is uf the Whig party. Bni aad , 'sa&ai 113, only 30 £ro=a bury- i T<>n< thereof On motion, IT. »• t this, it seem> to us, is wide of the purpose. To *>;Il!s ap?a- S'eS to the Chair ind N. SECV.W *PP««»lmaintain a priacipie as incorporated iii a law is able iarunibii t—the *>:str«ni3 wb-sc official < iarv. trce . of bis polit;c; i,:u 'ileacfdlj! qti^te as proper and may be just as liecesisarr as to TIIC EI.UCTORAL, VO1 SZ. iheoi , ^ tic hnn«Mr. John •proclaim and adtc< it with a rit'W ic sf cure its uf the oieetinSfcS'jd, on W3 croucds. ; cf .Hat name, H written a iKf t: ic r,ci? ptci'v •*••-! ascertained that she Etect-*adoption. More lot J'--. ar:K;rai;!sar. i I'umiiute'of the Univeisily ot : Proideruial K'^-.T i - . i i es-are-a ppa retiti::irbi:i]rcp«' n Vi-gir.ij. of th • Military lns:iinte, and the ins-titn- ; IOKesrfrft4, That the nams o! eac!: rtcrsan proUJ-MU mn» k-.. — r - , - ion fcr ••; e etiiicaiion of the deaf and darab aud ; cent bo written on a siip of paper and P ; f eu '" conierreu tion, we; reqnrs* yo'i. Mr. F.ditor. to announce him d the Cor-'prcm-^c." He »tbc e-J- gainst the mAsare, and wh Yar.kee, who has ;-. :/ ar ,1 ol the Eas;ern and \Vcsiera lunat- j a bar. and the firs' twenty drawn out by I ar whja he is as a eatfoiAite lor :l:ejpilicL» of Juds:e of the Tlnrtion that he caih a -raiU-te. aad bekjn- • to the " So-ith- cation is threatened. •c -.- -•.Jr::s ar.i all property owned by orphan aVy- : chairman should consti>ute a committee to no?. C-viii of Virginia. M»vi Vtiiias. If a protective <ystt». -suell £5.;,(C m-g pany -' about to apply ,*or,37_a ;f^V This genius claims '-ins. \\'e cjui.te tareer ilircc cf hisidca;, from the several Iocs is: = ctUtoral cf the WashJ»gtoa Tclc- would Ilk", to «- ? established couid have been A!' jir. L :erlr. waeiber real or personal; bc'-.-nging | ofa'lih-.JEtfKEKSOS broogh' '_jj!c, rjrce yjj^gj. j^, Fju.5iOR~F.'a a'iaainisr-y ; W^ are atr-.h^rizr.l <fc-*DIS.^^f.,|i,5 it tj l*c hi* ci-sri ietKkar c iMjanly cf < /4<&«i/i wa-'OKw<.< <nf-'!e Cewjjrw- .-faHon, TTCTiM i' not I? regarded, as, right, ext xfSnX. E,q., a»a^*/«l^»25E Ceriiefijcut* eloctk-a an>icr ;h-' < onsra*. and Jit. urff^ fr, \ proper, an! ss a thing of course, fi:r the Whig ConHW. ot'Jt-riersu: county, a t ' * erfi-wiia 2 ~ Orlawai MTr«"lh^e Frenchmen sre ! How use-.! o.ccUisivqly for :he sate keopiatj M;m-h J!, up the nc-m:naiions fro:n for :-.r ir.?ciiri:;s ot art companies, wheihertelong•tjpi :.< thea u£tuiui ./rcm . -,-eniion at its nomiaatiD^ meeting, uextsoocth, in votes ire re 'gtrra f-.f flew Con-'UiUon, r wtre.ia u^re in u" this count:y, The follcv, in? i.-. vsrv siliv we all ,.^-,nw ;imimagine ^^i,- ins :o ;-.ry tov, u or city, or to any iite cooipacy orha oi.e and vote thereon, dropping -- „ j^^'e «*WiiMr-^l aiiu this city, 10 express approval oi thai system and de- that anythih-g raro.-able to rep_ab, ii-. c-.'.icr wcrd': gat:iz-;c ih'.jrtii. ^ • M i " , Yufcts." "^ :>»iu.«n:e THDMAb '{rra to; f uare i;s-pwrposc ta n aiutnin i t ' w i t h all their ^XLJr.aTa-ca^aui^f.rthenet! ^ 1;' :.'.'h likens :J keeper of ?,n ordinary or house i f MK I'c-i-jyU: ~\ ;^ t: tliat s-.rengi/i 1 Would wch approval V« refused on the cf( O en;; "'••i"-^ctt ^lia!! be e;ui;leJui hold, eieiap! from : n: :'.. .irsUkct omin>!t r r '.Sew Coc»iiiut:i.>n. «;'atcj.«3P '.c ;,,. ^^ Sent -:;--.. la:: ;:i-.;:i. -.til n's hi'iiiehc-'.d r.nd kitctea turrtiture, ground the measure was alte;uiy in existence ] the Di.-ttiCt as -.1 S: a.s;J ;-:>--.-^r ft-rsi-a icr lhat <i diimplioH </ the ; 'i* I:jn,C3jtic( , t/"' ac/ 1.75'" . ^ any olhcr ! i;< : ii i;: ]:<-. or ur house of eater:aintwsr.'. Vawa *it.y*li;: of-Gepj Soil's f.K.^ g ^ .-l th-, Ji«3- it* the form of £ law t 1'. would be a sunrje reason ana waarge ^I.H^---iocali'.y. '*. l^tt^'ayaiie r "fvin ?*t HaaH sc i n 1 ( ..V! KX-KS, riciprcSa'ntlstainary, aud the wearing i':""\!anv i"ncad», Mi. JAMES Alcff^NlEL a^ i - cand^latcs to ai'iege fv-rsachi-tran^eaience—if silence \vasto that is as »J \^g; a n ieniettt tosvards persons «a-a ac' - ohi-x ^ >-.:- s<iciu-JB to ti« . j foia-resBUrw;ltb<'tIi^-*le«ti pf the 4}h iUe lo'-fj'oinix tPTOialioH caa think oi. ^ e ^ ^^ tbose ,o u.hi,h we our. i i'evi r}-. perjor. and tamily. except wau-hos. a c?inc!id«^' ^i" ' iitxt Sherifialty of Jeffervm ] fcr^il* •son present w»sd'j>!-driu in be observed oa ihe sahj.-ct. whose crimes or .i',1 is;: i.Hi' iSiilprodactlocs^-arid p'ronsicuswool the name of esr \^* f ' i our tecancir.,i tv. t^iiy tt&mcs rlr^! t)t^%va LV.untv. ,are an honzwj to snrsruncc Dr. GF.O. ot whiih ve ut'-Aiif S|S| y. ir's dip and all mineul pruductions- a !iai and the foii&Viiw >lat- J o£rti,a««auu,:rv -w.U-nci te very Kradr dbtnsscd i The Boston Ojuy.A-Jctrix*,™ a j jJicious ar1 t!ieroi;o!ii ro-nnfjc t!'.- ivmnMnRV;.'.: in '..'.' l:;-!:.!^ •[ ihp producer or miner. H.^STEPITENSON, as a candidate furSherirtnl'.y ... .-,..-, „,._,. . " i tide relating lo ilia Gompromi.-e measures and'.he iTT, - IQ approve andi AH it-'lcd irtv>i and litn'r-w: all plantations of A. J. JpKrrsau, .>I>'M;I XV. GmBtham. Jam^s la ds,in- I . u«e - •** •***• j**t*»*^- -• and . i necessity. •in.tke-pan .i.- -.-,-< -el' *,( iKa. \ui.,,r^ of Jefferson Coming Dec. 1 virtues. ov'-;i-r> •'.-heries..1 M c r c h a n f , richest NiM^i. Jivir. M ( ( " . > y . .>'•>?. *".. -%j '»V CO'JUT. A!x4iucu vcie wi r« driven rtT.-'ar.d «hcre snstaia ihemjss^fca b ' A\\ t'.-ivl a;:J animals of ev-;ry dt^tripnor except ; Dell, Or.Saranc: Sco:t-,-y, D i v i d Hi-UJ-- U-i-.u*»| j," \\'e nre ant':,'- i/c»! to .itnvvirn-c WILLIAM r. our people «svc The quesiion is noiliing. more oor less, than ] i. : -i- . iRiiU-.1-, as^cs anil jennc's. ccat cai'.Ie. hogs burg, -lo'in A. Tiu>'i..;o;i. \Vm. \. Uycr. M. ORAVniAM. E-'< , a« a r.indulate fur Shf ritf of !>• :r. tac Xor:a. . the.^-^- -lH»trirt'T«/irt' commenced iu IS successes, rev -••| sheep. foronuclTO. ve hare ^ raea tha. , - % . . • • ^JJ~^ ,bc ,, jniSai:t. .^^ „,.« only ,wo wheiher the Whigs of :hVUaioa approve or disapHunsiCKer, J. S. Geanljitm, J-iLri^^XVare, Jerter*on conntv, undes the new Constitution. prove the measures of tae atltuiuistraiioj of Presi- m Anarchy in Europe, &c., &c., until within a tfa^tarry.Oliia. The comp-intons os oidJ'"^ ^ ] S-iiiiticl Lewi.«, Tiios. j. Young. <.i-^imifeCurt\i~. ond or so back, when they began to cool down a dent FillMore:-rtnd-especially the spirit in which * :/" Wcnre an:hori/."i! to announce RORERT at pres>-ot prefer aav i-ort oi'a Coalition, 1 Geo. Nicely. J. F. Smi'ii and lViv''.frry. \\ho he has treated every : lhiri^ rtrlatinglo 'he subject cf uSTon riulini he;* coolly the I-'rench submitted LUCAS .';j.. a> a canoMa'.e tbr SheritFa'.tv ft .?•-;; vote f -r a National Waig; aad therefor s Lo-he™,, a'i'.i/of-Louis Napoleon.. Araencans reiircil for a :e\v »r* rnit-'s HHI! rcpfirtrd d> ihe - arraign.^ slaveiy. If ttey apprave Lbej-e wea--4ires. they .to..y w<Jn> , np". from neat cattle, hoss ard sheep fersi-n County. Die. 11. 1^1. «inc-!s,' aim nVIft^'rfn;'t«ar'E drrrprra'* rwtrfapVBgV: :Drmocr»ey with sj < IJ?O!»'AH local'ty the namfs of v>«oij ;,foj J y \Ve nrr nnt'uiri^'if t.,> announce JOSEPH __ -l.bsf.-eof. an eqaal anioirri i(iV&ny-"'y)Cfieiia"i ^Vo'rll rr^flrte^t^ffe^^StiSafrrrea"ediy1 Jacob mailer of course,do the same. But they were uis., n \Y.:,;hi rc . , sn d U. U. M "'BROWN as i r.tmiidate :or Sherirtaltv of eriy c i ah. :-\vite exempieil from ;axatiou. *c. The Soaiiujrn ;l iyhts portion Tbcter:ii i "lusaiijiros-jnuientlortin-offeiireeliipgrd in clared Be regarded as a final"sei:letnM|jot' the agi- appointed. and '.he'consequences of their disappointaSaslin — fur the Midfdeu .»y !nrai:ty tUo tumns JeiiVrvon County. Dec. I I . IS.M. Atoli'.ioa jxiru^n wi',1 ^odecidedly tlii-countcai r';iiclihe\rasfoouil«njniy. ialjutthri-emontli--. tating qufstuins.\vhicL placed Lie cflp&ry in such menl will be fatal to those who disapp°ia^a them. t All innnir!".implements, actually used lor fp.nn- of John \V. Ciraniliani. J'jhn F, Shiiull. J.>hn i'. \V We »re»nirtorized t.> announce JOSEPH txvo years apii. If ndt, ihey are 1 thiuk it would be very difficult to get us. as a pecSnsiUi, Henry Svvimly. ami Dr. \V. O Mucmtsh- C R A N E as a cand'.iravi lot 8hrrirTahv ot Jetrprspi' declaration lor tbi Com promise- and TU'-- govcrnau «t failed in iu proof-, 1to sustain thc srrave»t jeopardy AH -iH'ch-iiiic's loots used on any farm or bv any not in fact friends of ihe present administration, pie, a tier this 4r>*».» revolution in F.'anc<?, to put any C.«:u:tv. Pec. U. )85I. heir liaitiinorc Piailbrra will be j'atdad orcr wiih coa:it'jf Ilia j;idietDi£ nt, and hene«. the iciidaet-s of l . i > and by thai u-st cannot be Te5;u-'!ect~a's lelonging to confidence in :t future attempt, or tn aid it in any porspr. 1 actr,r:Ily engaged in any trade, occupation. try—»nd t o r ' h i ; Siunmil Huint l.-ict.!iry \ A. Tiiom.-on, David Fry. Jos. S?n":'l>,Poier lli.v.v5,^'" We n o nti'iiori/od tuannonncp K D W A U I ~ > ihe vasu-j asd unrueaning rt^oluiion of 1833, the* Whig parly, or complain or" being neld lo the way. The French character is be-low par in ihis nr.'pri.:es&icn, and the prorluction and ihe products ers, and Robt. W. U n y i o r ; from wnom n-:is seM. A I S U r i T t l , as a tMndiJate for the SherillaUv H:- a repr. >i-ntcJ a-> hein^ a -rrcat sobuinlj-el—liavin' test now i'.ropQseti. l! they aatuse ihe tesi they de- city. Many of the v i o l e n t republimns of a y f a r oi'anv mechanic's labor kept by him tor sal2. _ (agniiikt (.IvDgrc>s meddling « i i h Slavery in the ;!The 1-iil then j;oes on to prescribe who shall list lected, in conformity w i t h th? resolofion, i>>r the i>l JelTfrsun the f r > l «-!t-ciion tinder the rf-prcjcnttd ^ ! cnaadoah <-o:i;iiy for 5 yearj ia the Pcui- ny themselves to be "Whigs" in thejiatioaal setse of back are now tlelenders of the pc-iicy ofLouis !\a•>»;?*,} a 3d an atieinpi willbetaaue w ' caich birds tco'-iry f.T I- i? »tctl:n«r. r.v\v Constitution. (Dec. 11, l-'vil. I^etown locality U. G. M.islin—for Ihe MiiMiothe term. Tbis is the reason, any it U a very good poleon ; and the French daiiv newspaper published tl.y pcrjoiial property^ubjeci to taxation.) I '..*" We nrt- :i :•'.; -.-i;c 1 to aummae" N. W •ll'he5th ,ectio:i presetibes that each peison re. , ] . J f p. Smli'u and Jno. F. Slmulloi iMrery ,!caiber.: wa ocaii v 0 ul one. why '.he Whigs ol the South iIcM-v an explicit here, the Cum <>' t'es E!>Jf L'nis. has just been sold _.'l'he next rase taken up (continin-* MANNING, a ^ a caitdiilati- rbr the SheriifaHv >•! j list property, ThcSoaihero Vv'iiig Delegates to the Na'.itmal was -hut ..-f \Y n. !1. !1 visss, a youth of but IS rears of dec'iaratu n of the principles by which their asso- tor one-half ot" what was paid lo: il a short time T-M . . . ^all xvaihiu ten a r d (pr ,, :< ,- SlJtllln -,t |Vin, K . ca |j, y | ) H V :J F r y . JftiVr-on ei'Miiiv, at tl.e rt!>! e!«?e;i.>n under the nexr Conru'Silix wili acoepi n<; candidaia wlio is .not cf a»:r, tlar son ofthe I'oit Master Hi Haine-iville, Berke- ciates in :he party arn bound, and ifia: the ground ago. Its subscription iis-t has been falling oft" Irr ile\-s aiier l-eiog reqttired t» do so I v tlie eommis Ou mniiotijilieproccediiii;* ot tlie mpoting <-va* Constitutinn. ' (De.-. 11. IjQI. some time, because it opposes lac coup d' ctat of signer, and alter being furnished by him wilh liu ordered lo b» publisliou in the Spirit u! Ji-t'Vrson ;i!;.ccd ufo;i ibe C\iuipf->ini-:e Pletfonn ; ard whilst IrF £!jut<tv—ciiarp'J «'ith rol«l>in;j tlie mail. This was a on which they .stand snould be. clear y Define J. E V M u J A M i r S W. t.'A\UMU-:I.L. is rccouip*per fcini:.-., make out and deliver to hiir, or deThe urianimity with whkh tl;e Whi^s of Mary- thc Prince President. and L'harleslowii Fre? Press. nicnded t\>r the oti..-e if Sheriffal.y, aae will U- supliters may l« a *'ii.t, imiitui ieithaal_ item, there car. niv»t |iainfu} ])rosccuiion. - Tlic-criimnal is a mere boy, The great religious nnni versa i ie-^ commence >n PJSII iu Hie clerk's o;iiee ofthe county, a statement • M. P. NF.LSOX, Chiinnan. poru-d l-y many v.«ters. be m licitt,!* KU.\«ut Ihdr nsart'.i co^i;tcrtt!i(m. To -cf -rc-1'ectal'lo connejaocs, and hi;!u-rto irreproachable land stan'.I forth in suj port ofthe Compromise finds this u.-'i-t£t','ni.'ii!s of all personal property, moneys ar.d city on Sunday next. Crowds will dock to mis N. SEEVEKS. Srcre!<try. ha ?«.- ;i P'.-csiti^at ejected 'by a S<-eiit>.i, xrotiW be a ciiararter. H i < fatli: r, a nierchaiii was Postina<ti-r abundant eoncuirencc among rhe Whigs of every modern Mecca, and as our country fi lends always i- ;'.!;IN which, by the provisions of this aci, such l~jf We are a.ilhc-ri/.t-.l bv : - Marv V,IUT^." lo T in NovciulK-r iast at l!ainc§ri!l<*, and ibis voim:-; man was Southerr. State. It is ijnite manifest that without a like .to kill two birds with one stone, they will have j>#>son isirf.'ijuirecl lo lisi fc-r taxaiioneithe:aso\vu- j ELECTION OF JL DC;E.S. viimal dissolution of liie Uniwn. announce that Mr. JOJiN W. ?i!Ol)RK wiit be n 1 sanction of those measures DO Wh g Southern an opportunity of attending the religious festivals, i-.- or iioitier thereof, or as guarcian, parent. hu>The Whi<^,-£u sc-lf-iiefcuce; iJicrcfyre, must Lave cmploycx: a« hii the ofiief. candidate for the nexi SherirTaliy »f JeflVrsou county. b,-jnd, IrnsltfL-, etc., such statement to In* verified by ' ; A very dec;> sympathy is felt for tlie poor father wbo The Act providing for thc election cf Judges, State can be expected, to vote for a candidate so ami b-coming acquainted with the latest fashions, i' ii.i i'i ;ii:.nnation beiore a justice of the peace, or . atanJidat'; uhoi* !.Hai'~nl<> bcsunnd oa the Adji5»tat the same time. The \vatch-st-.itiers and mockV v '-At.'inv V:>r--r«." t,« w:;s piwnt at the tj'ial, and [titv for lUe bcv, who yielfixes the fourth Thurtdiy ot this month us ihc day avoiding irn lest; ai;d il is equally evident lhat xncnlMeasures,IT conicntilicnj.selvcsi-isvelngpowauction shops \viliglean rich ham-sis, and our peo- b-'!"-)ie the commissioner of the revenue cr clerk. I t h a t J O H N f. V N S K L P will lv a car,of tiieir election, and tne first cf J u l y iit'.xi for tiif ded to i!:e ]><^wcTfnl temptation !o ^rhicli lie •«•»« daily Piovrf the lists thus furni>hed the co'innissioavr . igain j«i^ j>as« ii.tu bands uf ihe If i jjjfp,,^,! iu |iaiidlin» tlic mail. Tlii« youili wa-* foiiml without "Jie voles of theSoathem Wh'g States no ple generally will make money oiitoflhelspjourners. didate for the next Sherirfil'y of Jefferson .-ousiiy. ."'" the ••"- .--..---• -• Democrats. -cc'tpmonccmpnt of their official terms. Jiitlijes found i-i the i-evcuue KT t-ach di?irict s-hall make accurate The arrival iu ihis-city ot"Si.400 000, from San Southern» WJ,U» 'ic.-ert Mr. F.iluic-re Wfc:^ ^.ilty oa - couuls of thc iadictnient ami'wii: beeonsi^i- Whig candii-atg foriUc Presidency can be elected. in the form to be prescribed ninl furuish- I of Circiiita ho'.d otfic'? for cigln yrars a;.ii of ine %•*£?• \V> are nTT'li'-ri/ecl to announce Mr. IIF.NAt the la?t Presidential jclection Gen. TAYLOR re- F'ltiTicisco, ria Aspinwall, Kavy Bay, in the CV«- s-.jitemeiiis at there thtrc >* no fail 1 - in poiiticiP.ns, il «••;! ^ ^th _ p^xntery for 1C year,. pr.ive luat t,i hy ih-.' Audiior of PuMi-.- Accounts, which shall • Court of Appeals twelve year*.. Thc !oliowit-.;j RY"TIMBK.HL.\K!'.. cfnt C'.Vw. the quick trip made,the glowing accounts a-^ a candidate tor Shrrill', i" ceived the^ voies of Maryland. North ^Carolina, vS'licn ihejiiror.tretariu'd. bearin; witlt them the the sad ; vainU U;[ra."t«.|- 10 call upon N a i i o l i d i -\VUigs of die passengers, and the rapid progress of the Pa- truly and dfciinciiy set forth the number of white • table will be found of use. Jeili-i^c".; county, under tin- new t'onstitutioli. Georgia, Florida. Louisiana, Tennessee and Kcni;:,iie i n h a b i t a n t s who have attained the age of 21 ' Tiie countjfi!* ol Frederick, Clark**. Hampshire. ;; Unioa vi'lien dancer is io:pg:iU»n»i'/ th" Uniaa V.'heil danger 13 ifc- ! jdecision them—many of pam.i Railroad, have stirred up many ofouryomi^ ccision t.j-whish t>>-which !hc e\-id<-nee ex-id-enee Ibrti-d t'orcvd'them—many of] y^iirs. specifying those heretolo/eeicmpt Irom ta.xjtr.T-'vY-' n r - p.uili 'ti/i'ii r.i a;in.>!i'i.- • JOSKPII th- - it cheek5 bathed iu tears—thc seer.n was most affect- | Uicky—seven Lquthrrn^ Stales, casting .sixty-sis peop'.e, aud made them tliinlc about going to Cali- es:ou ficcoant of boiiily inlirmity: the number of i Mor«nn, Berkeley, *nd JelK-r.-on, coustttuteilii>. .ftndjug. iho tliirtecnth Circuit. fornia. Pt?;l.aj-?. the fine wea-her has also lia 1 electoral vojcs. . Gen. CASS received but fifty-live MJ.MCRRAN, n- a caudiaaie for th-- Shi-n'-ra':i ,To give u;> th.'ir tried s:ar<!;irJ-bearcr,-uporta in-jr. '11" "VOIIJIL- ma-: wa>' told "to st;iid uj', and then the I slaves \v!io nave attained ihcage cl"21 yfars ; the In addition to the abm-p, =!ie rnunlies of S!iesomething to iio "-ith raising their sj-irits. It is exi ' • . 1 1 , i*ii, Bi'-re «ip;»!-itioa that anuiKer i;urouijcr, would-be clt.*rk,-in ruiirli n;itat.0:i, vead the lerdic't cf the jnrj".— j Southern electoral vo:es. Oi the votes of the Xorth- pected ibat the U. S. Mai! Steamship Cornpar.y lii.'iobf-r ar.d value of horses, mules, asses and jeu- r.andoali.RorkinghaTiAVarrei^PHUP^ViniU'ti'n. i-i J.".l'eraon c>uin:r. V t H - N T V SJ K M C Y O K . ac abandonment if principle, of Jtonor, aud of jus- The prisoner did not ajipcar to be much aiU-ett-d, bnt re- ern Stales ninety-seven were given lo Gen. TAVI.OR will reduce the fare, from here to San FrnncisC", i sis.: I'M ruiotler or nent rattle, hogs and sheep Hi"dland. anci Mafdv",fOi«rtilute*th«'sixth district. " r'-3' W-' nre :uiti-»ri:'eii l» ar.nniir.ce F K K I > I to Gen. CASS. In the. comin" !«ome thirty p-~r cciit. Should they Jo so. t h e i n s h oxvncii by each tax-payer, and the aggregate value Tix- sessions oitlse Courl oi this l)i-i!rict \v-li be • O lice, m.> glaring, ai forever to destroy a P. further re- ceived the intelligence of his ecvpertcd t'ute with ralni j and seven'.v-lwo i L r.'ot <,ver am! ftbove the-sumofS-lOO; iheaKgreN A N I > I F A V S L L V l T r.s a .-nn.:i>!sie nr The siiii.-.firawe^?. fli-; father was there, hovrever, and thc hca- I election one hundreti'and forty-nine votes v ill be for tickets "will he greater than ever: and ihe Comh;.nce npan Uie-u. f s i e vaiiie ot" all household and kitchen furniiure held in this town. of Co:inty S I J M . - V . I I - n'. the liu-J el^i -linn iini'cr |W; \y siphs ibat rpeapid his breast, and the hie; tear drop* | rcijuired lo'eleci—of' which number the ninety- pany will no doubt make money bv the reduction. In addition to t!ic sixth (j's!ri«-!, tho N e w C\ni~ji!.r. .'ii. • We lot-k for a iteaw.y and manly adherence to ihc that roiled profusely dcwn his chcel:?, indicated but t'X) j F«-h. I "2. IsVj. The'v have j«-t declared a dividend of ten per .:cn>, i i tlie hands cf each individual; every plua-ssir*: ,\nsn <>( Ux North wl.o has proved Uiiaself to be na- truly the <Uv-p ;t-jonr cf his soul, a j he st'««l tliere the ; seven Northern "\Vhif votes will fa!! short fifty-two and their profits, it would seen), have made them j can ingf, siagf-coach. jersey-wagon, cacryall r -gi;:, posed of tli«! rouut es uf I'tilprper, Madison. A I A H J ) . lu;;!jy"j g; Id, silver or nu-tallic v.-atch or clucl;. pi- Clreene, Orii^ge, Aibrinit-U' Louisa. Fiiivanr.u, votes. We here assume that every Northern Whig liberal. '., coust-rvaiivv, and line. Tt> /-:;-- I"'1-- 5 ../ J - t f - i f ^ l l*>ua!li: T I > ' - I T . .; iiujiersonrition of >orrow and de?[)air. There was j ;.. i !>;it-'- cir harp ^noi used in schools; and all gold lioochlanil, Kelson, Amherst, Rockliridjre, Auvote lhat was given <o Gen. T>YLOR may be given A novel sci-ne came ofi". the other clay, in the 01, mis:ipprelien<-iin)s rial I learn souse of you ,11,a>-:J M'V -r plate, not iucl'.ulin:; an} of tiicse articles ^cart•cJv- t dry i*yt: in IIIL* Ciurt House, aiid several of to the ik minee of the approaching Whig Convert, fice of the U. S. Commissioner. A couple of John i*i-pt in a sliop or m a n u f a c t o r y Ibr sale. All otber eniia,and Ualh, constitute the lliird spction. CEMilt.VI.I.V.l.i'.'nuring -tine* -r. I i -em ii my <!uiv to ann<-iii>(-the jurors, wept aloud. The Slate i> divided into twenty one circuit?, lion—llis compromise tesl being refused, involving Bulls, ilie ma-ter and first-male of a British ^hip. ^•i;i':li.-f o" personal property not described iu this i?iy»el>" a> a t-;»n»liilate lor the <.'»i!i'-.« >•( )'.mn>.were bronchi up on n charge of resi-^tiris' a pr< cess. Jordan Hatttber. E ufirr.i, was eotivirti-.l, sdtn<^ rnohtli' ^!irv.-v.,i. I .-tnnot forejo this o p p n r i u i i i i y i f MST OF CANDIUATiiS ifOB"<>FFI€E. i the loss of the SouiLern AVhij.; votes. Of cour.--e One ofthe seainr.ii, bavin:; been discharged by tin; cai.- cr -jtiiL-ratiua of the subjects of taxation, nor in the ten districts, anil !i>'e sections. Kicli seriiou s a Ju'Jiie ol tlie t'(.ur! of Ai-pra!?. Ti.e siice, in Uicim-yn.l, of th:; mun'er of Mr. Jactson, a l e n d e t i n ^ to von. sny t h a n k s ti-r the pa'-rnr under such cir.curastances."flie eTccpoji.of ihe uumi- tain, brotisht an action for ihc {.ayinent of his wa^es.— !i.-t of t.'xc.".ip!ed a'-ticles specified in this net, shall Ige of th« circuits cn:»#ti!utiiig 'In'1 section, a;ni 1 asre I have a ! r f « > l v rt'-i-ivcit from von. and I hupbo set fori !• in a sapcrate and distinct column, to«->unj man Mini wa- in major of a tobac'-o factory iii that t'liitrt of Ajfi The writ was ^ivcn to a de^uty-niai.-hal, \t'ho v/i-nt 0:1 nee would be ^nipo.-sibie. i Uie Jiu'sjc nftl-.c ("onrt ot Appeals' for the section • tfe acquaintance so pleasamlj tw-q-in, will.-ontinuc board with it: but the captain was not on board, and the ijcthcr witii the value thereof. .City. H'.-tras to hive lic-ru etecnu-d oil tli»! 23d cf GHICnS 13. SAM The Whigsof'.fi_c North are rpquireulo mdrcrio mate refused to receive it. Tin* marshal, however, I'ln; commissioner is also dire-led to ascertain Uesprt-iliillv. ! of which the district torins a p.irt, iiold a district ! lor m a n v ve:ir-i. Apr'', bvl liuv. Jiihiuon ?avc bun a n-*>rii*vc 'for two JOHN W. BllOflvEXUROfGII. Jan. l". is:.-.*. S. HOWiaJ unworthy coiici-ssions in giving in their adhesion idaced it en the mate's shoulder, aiul said he would have llic number of free male persons"aliovi; Hi years uf i court. KecK», and finally ci uir.iuted hi- •mii't.Uiucnt to bani>htake charge of the ship, which should not leave the ccmnly levies—and male free negroes between t!-'J Circuit Cintrt. to the Compromise. It .stani's in full accordance to The officers of election for the t h i r t e e n t h cir; «.•" \Ve are auihori/eti !•' annnm-.f-e t i K rucnt lieyond tin I'niti-d Slaie«. Th:? is considered no wharf until the claim was settled. aire^ ot :21 ; and 55 years. RH'UAKD PAUKKR. cuit meet in this tcn'.ii, anil tor tlif thisd rer'-on, M ' i r / ' V n - n enmliilM.- K>: li;-' otii.-e t ! . with the Constitution. The Whigs of ihe South \bout tiro hours afterward, thc captain i-ame on bo;'r<! jnuUhnu-nt at all, a> it is a sinijik- irai^fer fruni Vit-g'.nia Ho >!'.r. l ascertain /rom each person residing ia HENIIV UKDINCER. have a right to demand assurance that the settle- anil went to liis cabin, whence, shortlv after, he rushed liis (ti^;ri'-t the amount of interest or profit which :it llarrisortbiirtj. for llic purp.~..-o i.f surnmsit^ up j Sorveyor, at the first eleciion unde» the a<-w C. nt-i l.tiui-i IM.I -a JITOTL-S? which nejrocn generally con?Mcat with the mate, an.l exclaimed : •• Overboard with, _ Ja:s. 15. the polU.— 11 "i '(-••/. "."''-r RepuGH-ran. I'lerJ; t>f Circuit I'onrt, ment it involves sha:l not be disturbed. ^»r«juitc trantfortinf. him ! "What business has he on my s!ii[< •" The oflicrr may have been received by such person, or been i-S A f l O H M .V. KOHF.RT. T. HIMnVX. rcmvei.cti into principal (so as to become an in'.criiulled out a revolver, and coolly said that, it" he laid M»ny of tin; j>e( file L.( Rirhinond rtr.i'idorcd thi« a ADVEISTISINU. OASS. J r''\\\- art- a u i l i ' - i i ' •: ti .ini:.=:.t-- l..\WS-.'»N hands on hi-n. he wo»!.l instantly blow his brains jut.-- c--:t bearing subject,) or otlu-rwise appropi iaiod BKNJA.M1N I.ITAH. terr improjK-r ca<i* i.)r l-Ixenui»o oU-iaenrv. auil v.-ell » — The captain drew back. The officer then aipiin showed viiliin il'f year nexJ preced:n;r the first ot F'eln uaCHAULES H. STS>VART. Here is a striking iiluatratiou cf tho ben- BU 1'TS. l-I>q.. as a cr riiidaic I-T :h.- i-ili-.-t- "l f . - i u xtJculated to <lo inl:iiiie iuis>-hi<-f anii-i:^ the sl;iv»-s, ami Amidst all U;e i:no(sc. and-confusion" which ex- liim the process, but he said that lie did not care for it, ry, arisir.g from bonds or eertilieatesof ueb:s of this monwealili's A i t u r u e y , at ibe tir-: ele.-tii.r. ui»!^r itl 1 • «ocorJin.f»iy held aa indignation meeting, at which many 1 efit of advertismj*, furr;Jsiiet< in the Boston Ibe -Ne\v Co:;»tituiiuu. IK- ''a '"- attention to the laws ofthe United States, ' c any o:!ier stale or country, or ol any public corCounty Cirri., i^s in the Democratic camp, (says die Petersburg that [\Iatchli. ; and tEatiTTKe. officer did not quit thc vessel, lie would i; k«r4 things were said anil rraolvrd in rt-fen-isre to tlie i txcepl such interest or profit as is exempt Journal It is 1'rt in thc cn?h book, of S. , THO.MAS A IVTOORB. intelligencer,) we thir.k that we can discern signs i'orciblv eject hiai. The captain then went back to his '•ovcr:iiT'- conduri—and aft.-r the inct-li:\g was over, a \V*e are amhori/.t.! to ann'.-unc» CHAS. IV llatiffhtou, a u r v cooils dealer in ]>o?tou.— HENRY »ERl;V. cabin."sn.'l the officer weiit on to the gMr,J»^£j'C>.re"..,* •! .c tiitic.i-uui; 10 sucn pers'on alter tied ucl ing j. «x/ire I'tvc. mud •• i , i f - j i j io t s a n u u r v i .. .;...-..! .iii'iu-aie Fi.r tiif omc- uf with a pilot, and toivod the vessel into tiie stream, shevofrom the amount which may oe due to others W uiv fiu/i'ii Comm M \ \ v V.,TKBI 1S5-3, his sales, w i t h o u t advertising, "wore suit, we shall be not a little cririous to see the course •where she anchored, preparatory to jToinir out to «.-a.~ irotn siu'.h person. Mar-l) 11. __ " Sheriffs, it' Ten- decided tcrm< —yet it atlbrdeu an opportunity § 1.0i-i 19. an average of ft 17 a day. At But the officer collected a strong posse of assistants, took 1 which will be taken by certain journals t ;at we wot Abo, t'ic amount of each persons income in money AVM. G&ANTBA5I. for c atjorilv of the House uf Ocleirates to behave a!.r^^V' are amhori/ed to announce JO$N \V. steamboat, boarded the ship, arrested !he captain nud the end of t h a t time lie coiniuenceci adver- KK.N'NEDV, E-(j . as a ramlidare Ibr Ci>ui.'ii!«ii. of in Virginia. Th•: Richmond Enquirer, with the ainat«'. yio«t «s rkliruluUKly »? the boyt }itui (".one. They rcJAMES McDAMEL. and'brought tlie vessel back. The captain was iiuriti^' i.'ie saaie year, (over and above 31UO.) in craft of an old fox, Las taken especial pains to pre- held to bail in the snm of S'^W. and the mate in jji-Vi. : i n-idi ration of ihe discharge of any oflice or etii- tising, and up to the 7th February expended wealth's Attorney, KI i!^ first cledion to be l.elrl -11.»>lved that the (iov«rn.itr'i person «"a» no! safe in such a EDWARD M. AIStjl'lTH. jiiovtiurji in the service of the Stale, (other than $100 in m a k i n g his business k n o w n tlirouch der the New Constitution. M a t c h 1. l.xvj. The attend.iacr at |)la<*c.> of public ainuseinent is besrinlect its position ; i»ce •> fi»--liu_-iKii, aiMi gravely a.>|joiiitcd a committee THOMAS Rl'.'.SIXI.. ;ii.v. us an officer of government receivin? a s-alary the newspapers. At t h a t time his pales had i!inp to be slim. The Hroadway Tlieatre. however, Aiid be tbic to .-ujiport the nominee. *> report u]>o«i {ke.propriety of reniovin-j the scat of JOSEPH M. BROXVN. with Miss Cu-iiman iu a round of characters, is drawing ouLoi the treasury,) or of any corporation created reached S;,000 0;;, an average of 8301 35 , aieaiithor:-/!-: 'o announ-'e R. HI' Ml'. No matter wlio the d—1 he may be. Da t;KORGE ». STEI'IIENSOX. X ,^«TiHii'.-:'.t I . . ; t i i « :: ii ' - -. : i-.- more <]uiet - j ' - ' - The full houses. Wood's rainstrels are alsoiriakinjraoriey Liy iii id Siaic, ('.'Uier t h a n lire associa'ious,) or ia i BUTCHKK a< ;i catitiiJaie l'->r ih.- office iifCi>ni. It only asks to know who gets the nomination, anil a day. fa»f, on an ex.-eller.t horiesquc cf" Marbcth." I.-OHKRT Lrcvp.'jn. trntte, more cuol, .ni>l the refoluliou on :lic table. ihe service o f n - . y company, firm or person escipt . monwealii. s Artorney, .1! the fir»t election U:I.'.T llw The tide cf emigration has a^iiiu couimenced, and, j il will go him like a thousand of briclc either with COXHAD R. STARRY. Another jnwtin^ -f \he ]>e»|>lp wa« nUied ou Monday a'hei'e the servic-j is that of a mic ister of the gospel, I . Jnr, K j, ,. ' DISCOVERY OF A WILD MAN.—A short v the pa^t five days, the arrivals have been nmneri a platform, or witLcut a platform. Ic is ready to during t i n r u 1 1- t-6tf JOSEPH CRANE. rvcning, at which resolutions of the t.'uiwuou Cuujcil cus. Sinc<: .Saturday, tliere have arrived at this pert fir i ' cue of labor in some mechanic an, iradt;. ' time since, one of the surveyors engaged on N. W. MANMNl'. \rn«e nesJL, 4eclarii-g the ri-ht of the'ptojdc peace ably swallow Cass with his internal improvement affini- G,S33|passengers. The total number of imciigrauts that iiaiviicrafi or manulaclure. : '.I.- shall ascertain the practicing attorneys at the I'atiama Water Works, discovered someJ.'.MES AV. CAMPHELL. tr- «s»c*uMeJ v; csxpmv-tlii'ir opinion of an Kxerutive ar'. ' ties and with hi.'- ow<» interpolation of the Nichui- hare already lan.ied, this year, v.-hlch is yet only four law, (lii-signaiin^ such as practice iu !he Cuuit til thing in the shape of :i ::;an. .sittinfr on the : months old, i* 71.031. JOHN \V. MOORE. l<«t cnndrnii.iv,^ in \-ery ileeiiled tenus ttu£babdttn.ofthc j.son letter, whicu he said ihe Democracy o f t h e The labourer* of thU city coiunw-nced a strike, vestor\rp•-•:ii>.i physicians, stirgtous and dcn'isls rcsi- j batik C'f a stream, a low mile.*; from 1'atiatiia. :I JOSEPH Mc-MTRKAN. a---> m i l s . cf Friday nvrht. The. mectiiHjcoutlay, for higher wages. They now set >;1, and some uf Iitla in his distrirt. i Sou:h were too suirji i to understand, or -'Old BucI; : and had very long 1 !••; 1,1--.'cts., Ii day. They demand S'U--' ft.-., in proctt-dio;—and we »up;.ioi>e the LejjviaIJ<- shall ascertain r,H loll briars and f-erries in . lie was cnrirely naked with hischigh tJiriff.'olions and all his old letierpl them H which. Heaven knows, is little i:nci:irh for them, in a black hair. The p;ir v adilresseil him botti ,?O!1N C. I'XSELU. i i 3 . ;*.- w kJ fall 'LI.-!. -:r.,.-- v i ! : .- iuio ,'..<•., . - a - 'i'.ii* '!!•.•:• Jet.• tho yearly rout cr vahic whereof,.ex' • ! sins, or-the you.",.? ei-int of th« West who is engaged place like this, where rents and all s;irt.- of provisions cuerinil-: !iundn-il dollars. This section shall not.•n«, un£.cuii^;dor J.c.r august ;M :-.-..:_- ;. •:;' ; ' l y sifc IK iu Spanish and English, but lie appeared to : i'ovnly fstirrti;?-. I in a scheme to nltin-Jerthe Old States o f t h e Public arc 50 high. Nearly every article necessary to a fami. • • ' y lo any bridge or ferry held by a company understand neither, and refusing anv interliving hns gonr up in price, during the pa.-t year. -*.<bm*wl' F l . R D I N A N D HAV.S1.ETT. | Domain, and^uintis ready to commit the country, ly's wiiaso works and jirofits are by its charier exempt j course with them cfcaped into the r,"oods, from 20 to"50 per cent. It is bat jusl, that the pay of lafrom taxation, or L-y a conipaoy. thj dividends on | I at the bidding of t h j adventurer Kos>'uth, to the boring men should be correspondingly* :ulvauoed. <COSIMjLTATJOJf «K 1JEAT1I S*EXALTY. Constitution. 5JEORGE MAUZY. wh-v-e profits are subject tolas, auder chapter thlr- \vhcre they were unable rr» pursue h'.ru. Have you seen thc Democratic A'fi-inr, since it h:iwars, strifes and intrigues ofthe old'world. iS'eithcr changed hands? I should say,perhaps, since il ha.- beei-. ty-iii-ic; of theCc-dcot Virginia.. i f t ; vry t I.KI:K. Jordan Ilatoher 4-*lai-e, who Uilkv \V:-i. t'. J A C K (', T'lj.-.mtu'Wt/lA'a Al'arnty , .of theseWil! con-e an.issto ihe Enquirer. But some '• born E^ain," for, until within a ll-w month.-, it had ;-. TO T I I K liDITOK. !!t'" ;-hall ascerisin all the incorporated joint sir'k i \~~f~ We are a ' t i i n i i y •<! n. ;ii,i!' ij-.ce Crpt J . N t » . SON, aa overseer i i a-liitacco lacdwy ij: Richmond,' Va., I..VWSOX BOTTS. of ihc Enquirer'^ ccr.iemporari?s have not imitated sort of-fabnloas existence svliich 113 on L- could swear to. ccispar.ies locrJei! or transacting business w i t h i n (I Kt-.D lor ill*.Ottice of Cierk of ihe C»;MI'V '""'sit •.n.;F«hruary last, uai alia was to k*\e been Lung oa the :« CHARLES U. HARDING. its wariness, an;l will be-in a sad pickle if Cass but no one couid positively contradict. Hut Mr. O ALL \nr.r. : I am informed lliat it i^ rrjmrti' o:'Ji-fltTfon coiir.ty, a' Hie fiist eierlion i i m l f r .io tut there then- is is;» hisfdistrict, which are authorized by their charters ~.!3d of April, lias jmd hit punisl ii:-nt commuttul into mistake about the " democracy" of the Itccicw >r-,i-rat part:of ihr Ccuuty. that t have IMTII taking an JOilX W. KENNEDY. ci-icw, new. :,, j,. ] dividends of profits amongst the sto>:lic llre should be the As sorue of these gentle- It goes thc whole figure, and cuts ri.jht an ^e\v Ccnstiluli^n. Mar>-h 25. '•••."'rrauiportafton, -i\ Governor ZoitDMo. T\i.~- .•»••! of the 4 left, net thc , ;, ',i . ( exce pt companies exempt b y ' h e i r char- active part in ih-.- eanv;is- in favor of one of thecantliaatrd R. HfME BUTCHER. J^*We are iiithi<ri.:<-d :» announre IH-.NliY IJITI, in the disiaicre-..ied kindness of ihoir bensvo- wliigs, particularly, miud j-ot!, but the lead'ters cf its own j 0 ( rs _..!,:-.-. \ -_ i i _ , i . . ..' -. • •• far the Slicritfalty. Tliiis utterly untrue : the ni<>•\iovrit-or has CT-.-B ed much cxc:leu»,*nt, and aa "indif.iinlers frC'ii' public tax.) and shall rcinrn to the Auili- nient ! lu-eanic a rai'diila'e I considered it mdciicfttc and HtlltRY, Ev<[, I >r the (.'ilk*o of Clerk nf ;he Counwho do ucl '• keep U]> with tile a^e." I ivould of the leui hearts,.hav.a.espressed great concern a.« to our party :ion nrectinj;'' w;-.! 'icld on Friday last,-at whirfi the toi-of Pi:li!ic Accounts a list thereof, setting lonh improper rathi.-r imder-ro the lingering death of having ray throat ty Court of Jefierson (.fumy, at the fust elec*i»n i«n* to ii-eddle in the can»a>* fur anv ramliSAMUEL STONE. ; future course in the event of certain results, we cut with a razor-strop, than to i'ie such a poliiicai in ;-nrb li>t the names of the principal ofticcrs or a- tlatc, for tor .;Wl*wriiii; reiolatK-.i vai adojrtcd : Feb. i9. any ofthe other oSier*. I hav.- taken part in under the new ( onsiitiridi. :-(iHN H. STRIDE!!. Retolzrti, That Governor JOHNSON, in ecnmmiine (be hope we do not intrude, when we beg to know what death, or ratlit-r to bo so morally aj;tl intellectuallv mur- gciits i-t'( nch companv. the dividends declared by favor of no one ol" the candidates lor 'he Slu-riUUItv, inr as Cass has been in a lute number of the JKCfino. c.-iirh tl:::ing thc year ne.x: preceding the first of j >hall I do so ; I a;n on terms ot'friemUliiji \vith all of JOHN G. RIDENOUIJ. *entcace of the sln-e Jordan Hctchir. ronvsctcd of tlio p&" Wf irpfititijori/'ii toanntiunce WILLIAM ihey propose douii, if Cass isihe nominee 1 "Where dered, and, to be nibbled to death by maniac ducks ivotild hi nutrtleT of WiflUri 3*. J.iek'.-'n. has a!*a!ed the tru>t r^nFebruary, together with the par and market value them, but no man iiviug Xnovva for whom 1 will vote on T. W A S H I N G T O N . X-q , lor i|,e OtTire of C><-»!< s \m~EL c. YOUNG. \vi ihey go?" Will they bolt right but cf the preferable to the awful cricifision of Mairy and Butler o( Hie stock per share. tidcd to him i*r ii? t'anstitution. lias oulra-*ytl the tlie da}- of election. NATHANIEL MYERS. of the Counly t-niirt o] Iciier'-oa Counly. ni thr fir--t organ o; " Younj America." foelinsi. of dn- roKwumin-, and has piveu an encour.ii--.-Ilavinsr s«v>n. sonic time since, the r-nhlicalion of n?r- election under :he aew Consliluiion. ranks, and raise t!;e standard of rebellion'? "Will bv"this IU- ~h;.ll ascertain all the capita! (oilier <hnn i Feb. IU. The aborc list ronipvi<i's the nr.ines of the candidates When rogues fall out. honest men get their dues,'" mcut to insub-.M- liiu u<i-;i &»d crime \vi>irh i-..lis for the 111tai in iiue^tioii.-, to the <-,ii»liilate;. fur tluC'lerk.-Iiipof llii-i tliat of such incorporated companies) invested or lorotficr. Every voter ca:> vote for ouc individual lor they go into a state of digniiied neutrality ] Or so there is good reason to believe lhat the recent coursc t rm-'robatii*- df tie people of Virginia; isunden"taji<iin^ in this matter "V\V arc aulliorixed t.> announce will they beg pardon unsay all lhat they have said of the Democratic Review wili contribute to the election ir-eii in nay manufacturing business above the as- i as-fo myself, livtvrccn llii* an<l the dav oi"eleetion, I will T»J-ipj;; ihc subject, the Richmoud Republ:- <-aeh of tin- above oflieo? at .my prruinct in tlic county. — sesseii virlne of the real estate and machinery, but | now say, that 1 voted for tlic Convention, for the M. KIT/.MiLLKil, [•:-!)., for ihe Oiiireo! Clerk «.f ofthe Whiz candidate for the Presidency. If the artij , i end set to work for Cass wiiii the indusiry of bea- cles in the ticsicii" were merely splenetic effusions, or ,!..3 -"-^nual But f>r I ur Masistrate-i. one t%jns-;able. and one Overeaa ?ayf:— personal properly, property, credits credits and and moneys moneys used, used, j| dates on the White Basis, an<l for the New .Wtimtiwi. the County CV urt of JftR*rson C ' l i i u i v , at the fir .-I The MMBinntaliiit-. by Gov. ,1ohu»i.--n cf thc senienee of s«-r of 'He Poor, he cannot vote out cf the District in vers'? These i.uestnns mast be answered ia the roarsclv vituperative, there Tvould be ao reason to !:ope 1 or held in such business, shall not be oih- j Resiwclfiiilv, HENliy liKKKV. election under tiic* new Cjnsiiiution. Jan.:);!'. i Wen tlw? »r»-c, Jordan Halciier, lias cxeitcd nitie-h which li<- reside-. Sheiiheid^luwn, .Alav 11, l^iii. course of some lour i-rfive weeks time, and we look that tliey wcidd couie a schism among the locos; but erwistj assessed or relumed than as sucfi cnpiial. • case was aifajriiTa»;.ted one. Thenes^ro they are scholarly productions, and treat of facets and Ti:•; bi:i! further provides that trfe coaimissioners j For Xuc uann - of catiilnlatcs for Justices, Constables forward, with confidence, lo all sorts of fan. I3f~ AVe are author!-«*i! to announce to the voter* A C.AB1J. loirical inferences from those facts, in a style that comwas a UiAlened ami rvckl-.-ss ^eonmbc-l, -vhosc crime dcS&all enter forthwith on ihe uischarse of iheir olfiofJdSerson County THOM ' S A. MOORK, Iv--,, and Ovt refers of the Poor, we refer to another column. «crvi-d a M\nal pv.t nhmeat. Gov. Johnsun has sec:i lit mands the attention of its victims and their friends. Its 1 THE IUDGESHII'. hitiiig cn'/i"</twj of leading democrats are attributed to i-'ia! liatie?, and return on or l>efare the 15th of May to tfiai'sr tire ^^;^.tl-l!cc o: death to the .nominal punishPt-rcciviii; that an in:pres>ion exist? in the niiinls of a* a cantjidate for ihe Cleik>hip of 'he C- un / IfXKPJBRS-FJBBRar. nest, a summary of their lists d u l y authenticated.— •a»s| -v>rt*t-cn. ^Vc are no:: di-po>ed to mdulsrc Mr. Sanders—George Sanders, I believe it is—who is Cuurt, uuJer ihe new <-i)nsii;u'.i..n. [Jan. *2U.» ?ome of the voters of Ihc county, that 1 ha.! »ote.l asuin-t ia«Dt rfttlBU|i' rtcc f !* Rt ' —* -t^ H, N, .HLLAHER&CG, - • ' I "- l^ia-^SS^ m- — ia factions frUM"^'" t^thr'mets of tbo .!. ;niuu.:i power in tbit *:ste. btki- '' .^i"'Nns: to ?$ liist the release of Hat< li<-r (ram Uie,'.>,M i Wli ^ hi-s«time hail provoked is an una4«ausijil'»':'le tsereUe of the (Jovewor's prc- •red fact it t.t be a.«'«r >"''• that, io Ike *of«j u<-n * ««" the clas* to wliMi Hatcliciju>d unif'irm, is abisrj^Ur' ;irui _ co.^rse is l>cr'er. aot ou'j- Ibr lite interests ct' it;aastrW. -*'1 for tbc happiness B,ul morals oJ' thc »!a«. Tliis J» t -uccialrv mrce-sarv m tww cities. Trier*, ae-xrocs are -. «M ' rccHc^-;. unuu.1, nt i£Keft«& thv. in the niral a';« ^- a.h"\^a rood-iuany Jt-tnlna Hax-fcersin Ricb. "<-"•'besuies the ( r.e who isa'jnst "Aoan,--! the hand-- c-f the '«•"• T1'1 °!C co u" m-UauoQ cf 1 is »-Ue we -will cncou-a. "•' . .»---ni to a - w «l«d« of atroiilj . A\ hen the legal -M. •i*l'-"ucl't * «' taoved fr«n cnaiiuik of a^v color, so-ieu can •n-evef . -*«r, «nd mw, vrM b- iuiocrd to take 5li«- ^ -'Q th.-lr •nm-feaMb. V,\ cannot but think thi:sh: Go T^f^r? •Mile ft «rcet mi-ujie iu fix-ctii; Uiis mur,'creJ- Irom , •!. »nd we fe-ir ihr.t ;bc futuiv \vih fumU-h ssn.'e •*••••• aaekoJr comnn-n a •(«.•» uricn bi» raisju-lgred elejiifJK-. • lifter the >ne<- ii :. s aanibcr of youussters catered .':|C 4jatL."»*rc ra-n.ii d :..; tin- trcveraor':- Division, aad Li • t ia much i.oi^o ;m«l Aisor-lorly e5ncuct—»nd »» ll«c vr tl««:r indec",it inf- n-R»i—al.' Whig T . i l k i . . ; tad T b Hi'. I1!T. i t m>y but , -rithour The &ur.cxed Article we copy froi i thc Baltimore Sun'a ^Ya>hinct.on cor.-Cfj>ond<Mit. '-Jlrr.-ury." We i[uestion its er.tirt- aruracy. th<Higb puhHsh i: for what it is wonh. There r.n- soiae .:l>.anfcs nere>sary. which ihe War Di parrn-iCnr -hi-uld -make, ami if d;inc. weald give general satisfueti >.i—we ?uean •>ern)ittin'r r. ieee workers tolirare thc Anurn- trh^n they hare fii.ished tlicir allotted work : !!•!•' thc t^ii-hour system :— "Sjm;- matter of considers!;!;.- iuportaace to thc mechanics •'' ^t>\"cn.iTi'^^t CTO|»IOT- at f-ar|Mprs-Kcm-, are, 1 learn, uuocr coiv-idcratiou iu the >Vnr Department. Il is rcprcr-'-itcd iLsf the workmen at that )»lacc are requii-e\l t,-- Isbor seme thirtwrn or f>Hrteen hours each day: that oa lir-t c.itrrinj: opoa their ti-jtics, th»*se excelleat mechan .-- are rn(uired to si^n a .••iper declaring thsl, «-hil--t v omplov'-l. they trill nut vrrite nny-letters of oorap!ai:r.. o.-hflU publicmeetiar; lo^ct forth srrtevanccs to the v---»ijx*r authorities, at any time, t'itizeus not attached tithe Arsenal rtht-re. .now <.;;uc these things to thc E\-(it>tive. President Filbiscrt> jeelar«l at once his Mirpnsc -si this tille:;»-d ai>i;se cJf irit mail's privilcpv*. and iX'iu iio«..'-!es» have the subject tYiormghly jnvesligaU'd, ai.i! the v-n hoi:r rule substit'ltvd !or thc presc'iit execssivt« iiaotion of laLox thcascat."' f EV. ^ THE IO3IPROMI5E. - ii i , by Uiosc who jtrinenjtb fcn0w. that nn«lcr no '""-' '«'a>taii':i.-s vri'J Gcu. Scott write a letter dct ; JJ,,« i,, ;x>>' "l<<>n on theeoinpcjyni^. or any otht-r quesIL t'-STlti; <!9B$ue3 e/ ! b« it v ho mj^f e<3 in the Indignity ;o • lioa .'"I'ui- - ; '''^ ^ "'•'o <-"ouT««itio»i sJiojJJ 6r>t oflcr him •.W« t'*i«-f.Misi- r. I-' jf ii'« St*te, uurut \ot U> bf tolcr^- i l!K- OOlBiiirtV. '°°S*d Uv the well LU uluie purlieu of the litbciis of Ri'lir AV<- fiiiii lin.' S"^"* >Tasra|>h §c-in»- the rooixls of tUc ,mo*J, 33 we fix-t »-»"i!r«l it will uo< IH-. It Ac liov.-rpapers. "»Vtr v«. "tu.-c So j»mii« t!:a: no \ationnl Whi;; t-i ex. sor, vklding to ui = aUolitioa af^altj Cwveu.1..::, fill o\ " >e-ea$tor takeany wan upon trust. else the right 'e>>v-i hiu: 1-y »'»•• •"oa it iu-«-»'cj •: i >! ii.- _ :i.-, with tiag-fiinishjocat.'th«- r*.?|X»sib3ilr >*>tend In mike tkemselvcs olIf S»ou;trrn ia> a a We noccimlili caa ict Maor gi^ca t-vc;; to -r auj _ ! r«rev{«wJi irt of. the Xctr Y^-rk JK-ri. l»cxe« ieisc.- vxy.w ufi ^ext week. — Mr. Wi*r, wU I as f««i arrrt'ed heee Irtou WaaKingto-M a, reported to t it •? a?aotnt«A that -far v t- pchnittcd :o jUiscc tt iti co. t-'-iti. Il wiik «ou i«. ct, htr loolotc • •: She Virjioia i. .rl.r*. V^vbaaan a»d Fillraorc ajt ::..> :it» the n Hi-- lc«dBrscf . UGttT S IN O R?M>f T'i'' to >!••«-• whole wwM. they jiv»" <«" --ora iiil w HI uV- -are t-i .-' * the I MM ES^j TL-* NOT Yo.k IfcraW ?i»c?ai> .-ux:«nt of th<- arrival^ by sea nt Xcir T jrk ricrw;- tftt j..™t rwti. Slost of lijrman-frtjoi 1-arcf*. Tcral arriveJ, 12,455—depart oi, 1*011. i-Jca^ ci'arrrrafc.. 10,fc.r.3. Ofthe ni- ivc. says tic Herald, nearly £i«W landed on oar shon-i in d<e »h«srt space cf i-1 h-Dtus. Tbis Jargc and sodiic; <ocr<abe to onr popukUMja. it renuirks, \ras scarcely jx-jccptil.-. If wai oolv a -Irop ij the ocean, j It will bo seen, by rL-ii-rener to the eohmm of candidates, that the If on. JOHN W. BilOCKEXBUOUGH, of Uockbridjre, at prcs-sit a judsr of the Federal Court, is umounccd for the Ju-ireship of thc Court of Appeals for this sectiou. The Hon. HENRY KEDIN'GER i* announced in the Spirit as a cand:c!i!e fti- Jud^c of thc Circuit Court by "Many Voters'" •.••PHaBipshire county. "Many Voters" say— '• We were not amoac the supportc7i of Mr. BCDINGER in ihe latn, btn ii.c-.ut v -v••>»•= mil I<r.t4ly ft)r opjio>itinn. :u:J th-.- voters of-Hajnpsairc wili ghx- that opposition a stronir. r O R pf> R . r,,, n « CORPOKA11O3I pp »r F «>> F FIC t. 5,TiARPERS- . At an eleclioE he!i fcr Corporation Officers of Harper s-Ferry, on Jlouday Rfefc, Ihfe- following gentlemen wrre se JOHN C. U.N'SELD. R -rcoRDE:;, ISRAEL RLY-SKLL. Cc uscir.ii£.v, e A!ex..Bioun, . I A. H. HPrr, i T\A.Roed-:-r, j._.lessee SchofieU, Alex. Keller, j - G. :\V. Cntshaw, .Saini. M. WUIistis, | . ttegh Giileece, - jl'^ Ccons. _ ~ln the House of Delegates, on Saturday, the petition of sundry citizens of this connty. praying a ho.nesTeaaiaw, received its -jatetas—the committee reponing- adverseJv. We notice a bin reportedj amending the act concerning district iree school'? in ibe county cl Jefferson. £5- A juajorify of lie Dcmo.a7it* committee of the &eaaA Con-rejsional liistrirt of Vermont have called another Conrenxion at SJcUows Falls, to choose a delegate to Bartimon*: thc first Convention having cho*en Mr. Thfwiaj, a free-sofler, vrio ha.-, not acted with fie Democratic party shyc 1849 83- Thc RCT. W.»_a.rtEjj B, Dirrros, thc estimable Pastor of thc Pr^bt^i ran, Ghwo?{ of tl»ii town, has IHSTOKV. Been sejcctc-i as one of the Deletes Irran Virjini*, ta * prcst** •* «*- KWxKiqg of the Geoaral Assc-Eblr of We arc sndi-bs&l to the fciodot-ss of Mr. D£ H*S5, : the Chiavh of the 7".. S., to be held is of Washington Ciiy, f« his aev work entkled a • r • 3- C-.j tie prctcat sea. aosamg ucck known here to have been ii-.lunateforyears,with Bailer, Cass, and all the others whom he cms up. He was a lone time a neighbor of Gen. Butler, if I it-Make not. Yours Truly, JEFFERSON. U is prcibihle tha: a supplemental act. will be pas;;- , liiu New Uon-titntinn : with ihe view (.1 leni'n ins -u'-Ii eu ;o allcu- furtlu-r time for the rc'urn cf said sum- | iinpre~-it>n, I hereby .;totr, that, in the lir>t in-tancr, I n;ariL-s. voted-Jfir tin- call of fhe ('o:i\entiotv,-an(f. ?iili?cq^ THE LEGISLATUKE. EXCIT1XG TKIAL. In fne Circuit Court x-f Alrpjany connty. M.!., ihe irial ot Robert Swan, for ihe innnler of William O. Sprigg, was commenced al Cumberland on Thursday last. . The trial exciitd the deepest interest, snd ;he raosM eminent aDdftisiin.Tufeheil men o!" the State have been employed as counsel. The bench was vaca;<\l by Judge" Perry, who is disq'inlified by his relaiionship to the prisoner, at whose side he appeared as a personal friend in court.— The Hon. Joseph l.Mcrrick.of Washington county, se-lecteil by the Cnmberlacd bar. according la the re.qoirem.Tits of the Constitution, presided"on the : bench, ^'oi being able to procnre a jury, the case has been rcranved io Washington county. Prexnis io Mr. Clay.—lfo Washington Telegraph states that Mr. Slater; of Ales- andria, on Saturday presented Mr. Clay with '. a rness of fine strawberries Tbe beautiful couch recently seat to him from Philadel- j phis, was the gift of some Whigs of Rap-pa- ' hannock coniiiy, Va. It is an ingeniously- i contrived affair, with joints by which it can be made to assume any desired shape. .Uij-t rhclan^uajre ofthe Petcrsiur:: Intelligencer, -;-Win-never the Legislature .-hall do any tiling i-ntitieci lo notice we Trill ajipri-e our readers of it. To insert U:e barren and >7>cagrc iietails which now make •ip tU -ir ill-ily"j»roeeci!:ns-, would be toexciuJe from our pape> usei'i 1 and Krtcrcsting-'lnattcr to Make room fur the '•c.-i<-t tra-h lhat c-t-nM l>c colUi.-tecl."' Oa Siitiir-day, thc Lesrislaturc was mainlr occupied in liist».3JUg !he que.-!tiou coiinected witli the indignity offeres.1 the (^ovcrncsr ou Friday ni»ht, «TC'Wia» ont of ihc CNon -sc </j the Executive's clemency in ccimuutin: ihe pmiiishjn(|a;C of Joiitau Haichcr, .->. nrjro, who had bet-n -e,.K-;iC''t; 10 be executed, for the* raanler of a Mr. Jack<; n-.. Various resolutions were offered—amnnir tl.-em one fir ihc removj.l of the Capital of the Commonwealth Irons llic C'ly oi Richmond. ['i he iiifi-rnal •• n>g§er'r <j«e«tian ha« cost thc Stile r.:-,.| ,hc United States mor* money lli;<r would have all thc acgraci. is the land. But this will ic be the case so lonj as abolitionists— bv {he [kjrty discipiiii—are iiuforcd to v.-onn :atd of••illll .-:;! CON CRESS. I; j,Vmc-- ihe only new business of the past vreek." , r :!.: "xarional Inieliigencer of Monday, "Las _: • iu- •-oposiMou. in one House, !oadjourn fora ^ 53" The joint resolution authorizing the i'-ev.-j ;iny^ to allow the adaption c^ih-' Lcgfslaiive Common (,'ouncil of this place to loan ihe Cii-i^ibei o thesnuinier heat, L-efcre ;he raaia buChesapeake and Ohio Canal Company ttdr j vi::..]-4; o/i.-.t session begin?; ar.d even the ccnbonds for §f 0.000, i-os passed both Louses ic-j. yC- such a ipaticr as that ine interest cf of the General Assembly cf Virginia,—and. Frpridential question found its way, aod preas 810,000 Hare been furnished by'two of rirnjti-' n Jecision upon if." the banks of this town—the Farmers' and igre; s, it u ill be noted, is BOW ia ihe sixth Old Dominion, tbe sum of twenty thousand :; o r. of its session, an-1 it is jast preparicg, it h&s been made up in this place." We hope ;<•-'.•••.••} s*t::n, for begioning ihe Eaaiit btuioess of:he that -vigorous measures will be taken for the speedy repair of the CanaL—_4£x. Gazelle. ELECTION OF -U, S, SB>-ATO».—The elcetioa for a U. S. Senator for Conocctkci took place oa Tuc.*-.':ay, and resulted in tie eiesiion cf Isaac Toocer, Jteoerat, fonacriy Goveracr of the Stsie, aad trbst was also, a* oac tiaii, anarney gmerai of the liqited Ssates,. , i .-:!<-• <i't the full iransactioc ef i;. "We know not | ar>r. i«le of three sdeioate to tb.s soluiioa of ihis : prt-l-.-;*4iiHto "Waea the business of making Presi- ••ieh*.i-i 1 csndKIatesfrhaii be finished ihe country may son- ofihsEarljSsuleeK^tendlndiaa'Wars : i EsfiiezziJB3i£?rrs.—Tie Si^tc Tiesti.5-3 r-i-'rhaps expect some attentioa to itsuwn. • JD .4ir&Bj£iTa,.3.i:^Jicw<i(et.siT'ely cr- i-ofWestt-a Vugiria; ensbracins :n account of ;ie Arrest of an Abolitionist.—GbsFlesTerry, j ,.. 8.-J trfBciaDj".reported to tjic Lcr. ^^aaUsatntn^R^.niaipr,, j varies E.n.diuW ,V U,e-W«t, £ «y iBM i*\*&^l^^^^jg^ffjfft Tpi.Naw SENATOB-—The-sewiy appointed Senator •*%», w. i ceruinlj upon tm v -:rr Ip *««??"«. : >^-." The b-ici is'in,intcr«.iing ono; and ^op! J j who-toe."hi ibc/^r^' J^rS Suic of-ci said to be ^-citizen of Term«jut.4a^.bcca f>9rj!*oaih Carolina, Mr. De San«snre, ii a distin,-rui-h?" arrsstcd at-Jecesyilla. Va., charged with ad"••aJroupjc ( ia !Jit lil-rnry ^ rtrrt tnif7«.« tfVefcirV* !•.{ ur mbrr'of th: bar, aa^i aa ic-.iv;Etrni?KT ef th? sc- vising several slarcs to abseoud. ;;r-: .3 '. n^rtv. To the f'llitnr <;/" Ihe ftgi- Prrts : when the NeK- Ci}!i^litiiti(jn wa->!jnl>:ui'tf'{ lo Uif for rulifieaiin:! or rejection, i yotuil in: il-> r.'lojition—to which fsiets !;ic-Po!l Bocis -Jejiosited irs"ilu- (JltrL's Office ofthecounlyi-'purt, T.-iU aJmndiintlv te'-tifi-. ROBEKl'T. UKOVVN. Sin : PlefL-<-:inno«ne<.* J.*,rou W. WATZLV -in-J R-I-*. W. HAVLOR. EMJ=.. ;i- r:tuili<tatrs for the office of Ma-^i-trai-v in I.'i-lric; .S,-. 2. MAXT Vorr.Eif. May 13, !-•?.«. ux* We are refjue-U'd to ai»noun'-e IIUf.H N. DLETON, E--I;., a-% a (.-andiOate -who will Iw "i for JIasis'.rate in tin- Sinithlield Di-lriet No. -. DISTRICT -Vo. S. Mr.afr. N. G .itL-tiiET- -ATr.-- A r» J..-M-I i< l)cini circulated nwt l.votrd a»ao:sl the add-Kimi cj'tlii- \.«n"n<!vd C'or.stftntiou or-trili-d lo tote at all. IJitXi- thl^ orca.-ion to -ay'liiat I M F vote will b« lou-id rccordi-d injr:i\ci- cf ratifyimf.tli* >pw (.'oustitutiim, a; \&:tt s.* :i: liforcftho call of tirfejJtine May 13, HS& "We hare in-en re'|ue-»i*>l to ^ay, 1-y their rcspoclire frit-uds. thai Ihe follow-in? gentlemeu«3 l>: vr.teil jut as Majbtrati*-: in the Charlr-town District, N". 3 : COL. IIRAXTOX DA VENPOKT. JOHN J. UX'K. E--Q., W. REYES, Ec«... )>US lilTK, H. N. f J A L I . A l l K R , E=Q., JAMr-S I). IMBSON, t.a.. JAMES B V R R , H.^.. JOHN R. FI.A(;(;, Esa., JAMES W. BELLER, Elsu. tin* trell knor.-ji cajncjtv and Ion? erporiencc" cf CAPT. t - . W. SAl'PIMiTO.V, in thc ha5mf*> of the County, he ^ ill be tmanim6usly 'iipjortwl at tbo en^uinj cK-ction in ihe Nurtheni District for Cliarle*to-irn, a-- a candidate for thc Magistracy cf JefferiKM Cotmtr. Having nndcrstocd that a report is ia circalatioa that I have withdrawn as a candidate for the office of Comn;i .--iosier of the Rcrcnu*-, I wc-jld take this occa-ion to nforni thc piililic that I am still a candidate and desijjj to remain such. Than!»fiii for the m-uiy nataSeHataaM cf !ii:i.' • = , I respectfully solicit die vott-a w' OXE and AIL. Mar 6, liil^. JOI1N G. R1DEXOUR. To the Fottrv of Jefferson tVtmfj .- A rt-j*ort lia-i been put in eiiaUation that I rated aDISTRICT .To. t. cainst the Coovcbtitoi. asiti anir.-t the C-iastitutioa. — lli-re is all I have lo say iu r«:ai4 to thc report. ! Orj- LEWIS \V. WASHINGTON, ZUq.. triil l*c?upC. R. STARRY. , j-orted « a candidate fur justice of ihe Peace for district No. 4. hv a number oj" VOTtRS. At ihe ref|enst of C. R. STAEEV, I Oa hrrcbj- certify May 13, l that his vote it recorded for tlic Conveutio/i, and fur the Wi: a-c r ;o say Oiat SAMTEL W. LACK adoption of ite Constitution. LAND, E* will be suppbrti-d as a candidate for MagTcste, r T. A. MOORE. i=«rate ia District No. 1, May t}. May 6, 13. '2. Clerk of Jeff. County Court. {X5-F. M. Etcrist&st.GE.i. JOHJT Avis, jr., J^o. T. To the I"o/.-r.t of Jefferson £*»«/•/ -• HKXKLE, and Col. FBAVCI-- YATE?, will IK Hariog be<rn :nfornu-d that a repoil has I^en circulated for M^agistrttes ia the 4ifc District, at the coming i that i voted asai,»>t thc adoption cf the present Cc*t«5t!tu- tion, by MA.NV VorEM, ticn. or that 3 did not -»\;te on the (jucstion of its ratificaDISTRICT -Vo. S. tion or rejection, I bcrehy invite any cn>: wlio wishes to Mr. G.iLl.Ansa : You K-i!l state, ia yoer pap-T. tin* be iufonncd en the ?ubjec?, »o exaiaine the poll book*, J^aEMTAu l-"c=s. J. E. I'. I»ANGEaFu:iij, ISAAC KLti-where it wi!l be found that my vote is recorded for tt<r .'XG and GZOBGE W. Jj-ms, will he- supncrU-d '^y nacall of the Conation, and for tLe adoption of tl.t. j,rc. ny voters, tor the Majris'-rary, in District No. ?. scot Cou-titotion. :.iay i>, ISM. THOMAS A. MOORE. ALLAHEB—Dear Sir: I set- mv name amon~ . . and I wi^htosar that I decline Iwo? a c-u-didate, kw-w. son county isjore jiuiitc in m^kinj ihetr curric^» tixan J^TItcHAan HsNDi:nsos anti SAMCEL RIDESOV* • who are universally acknowledged to he "spaest, capable and faithful t o the Coustimtion," wilf »* s-jpporled for the Magistracy iu the Southeasteru , District cf CDarlestowa by Many Vqjers. r»"Ple.ise announce that Messrs. JOH.S C. R. TlrLoc, CUAW.ES H. LEWIS, ROGBR CHBVT and , LOGAS OsroL-K.s-, w'il be vjpi-orted for t^e Magi* i tra«"y bv many voters in the Kabk'.own in assisuagin theaJmiaistrjUooof tiieir laws. Very respeetfidJr, W. J. HAWKS. May 13,1;.<32. {£7^ We htive bc«n lecpicsteii to -sitbilraw thc names of Maj. Thonua Briscce/ Ceonrc B. Bcsll, Tiios. H, "Wfliis and Bobert "Wortiu»gtoa,Esqs., from the list of cacdida:<-i to be Toted for aa Magistrates at tha cuaintelection. {CJ- "We hi«vebeca r<*qtje-t«i to wrtMrair the naoac of ill AHEIS, a- a randi-latc for t'9ajip!5-?i«n-r of April2D 1S53. L«?-We are authorized to annonuce candi for the Magistracy, af , fl ' ' .»r ihs New Constitution. Jo.' March <%, 18J4. I Wl - —ft* J/ . I | are CHAMBERS: as a candidate lor the nntler lh-n?<v Constitution, fur. <n ,U>'rict. -. ii 1 f A FREE PRESS AM) FAKMKS^REPOSITOEY^ •_• are atiihorit-x! :o amtn.ncr '1 0OMAS K. S f A K R V asa esmtkir^e for the cSk- ft' C.;nmlii-- ia Ute-JVonhvntern CUirl"Mo«!- District, ' •atifhorii-ad na!H<*iix*n CHARD AKU RIS a« a candidate ii.r the office o! Constable ta thi >'onh*-~i!em CharleMowa Distri- . Xu. 3. apr.nnr.rc OA'XJEL i . i tnc Soo!hea-:ern Di-'i-ct. April i:>. IsfrJ. L r"t • -£T myself tc lie voter* ol s! ; Senility e -i, or Court-Unas. ,>;, a-; a cac< 'idate jbr iar ..fiiec that I now- hoi,!. ofCsasuibfe. 1 fit shoe?-' pl«wtrreto elm me if thz- office 1 u-j'l e-"•• • ', I l^'^.'j! J^oUnrsfi I)-.?:/ atttl Hwsl Bc-.'f.— T«e St. Anthony Fulls J'xpress urges :!io*r opt of employment in the seacard Blairs• t-j go to MiasesfKa. I; says that eraIjraiits can reach &ere from X«r Tort for about 820: and t?;at wivfc at high prices, rsngir g-frorn §15 to 20 per day a-yaiis tLetn iriimi-'tliatcly-on their arrival. Forty a^res of fieri!!'! hnd can be made to yield aa armn• ianc. for a fi-mity of sis or c-!<rht persons.— This laiiu.tbc editor say:-, will be worth from •••-•> to £'i9 per acre iu a rear or two. Baltimore Harked Kaiidclph :V L - n / i H - i ' - . Should the vm?rs taror I, • e!c<M biui, he , C.BCJ.;. 15 i.T Pai<:?:s I\ TH/: B-U.1l.MORf: J Vr r.w x-tck cn4"i? May Ii!, !-.">-. EffiirteU erpressly foi- the t-'re* Ho .-;•!.—Is very scarce ail qualities ar; in aci. ie«. -.itiifi. Sai'e Gf'tilaJ'-b at 'JO to 31 e!»—City 1. eke tt Is lutiO as—L'om;aou Western 2.1 l-'j to Mn wrr*"r 3re aalb ° rizU^ '•- annoanr*JAMES F. , 1", cts. U ;be ffl!!rCti >% 'KLL a* a candidate ° lur Consrai,!-.- fw- KabJr- t» Bcr -I .is.—Gooddenand lor shipment, and sales c - riKi at IS io i!6 cts. I , _T n . !|a; i 1 t.-» l-'i ci~. T! i O.MAS ,l,f r ^e, OH^ON 3 candMare for t b > office of ConMah!..', in the Charlestowti Df-trici Lv Mfr-:h ^ 1^2 M , s - v V , -. GBS . are aa l!ori are >-^ t« t« announce announce Gi.OUGE Gi.OU n x r ' l!hori>-^ KOO.NT/. as ;. candidate for Coastal,!,; jc, the Ilarjvvv-Ferry D|«rl«,at the first elccti-.a under t h r S e v Ci.nMit'ition. jj ar . :iir : "'' 2c' 10 snnonnce LSWIS a can.lidatc f..r CunsiaMe, in the haUIeiovn District. ;; : tho f r-t eJcctio- under tne n«v Constitution. [March I I 1852 [."t7"Hre arc aaihorize-l mannoarco J A M ES V J I A U R I S a<a eairdtdate fprCpnstabte in the kablei-m-n 0 <tri -t, at the fir.t clectii.n r-n-fer I-,;- n-iv S . i , > i i l , | t!,.; voter-; favor |,i /.•«•:•! i,.—300 head were nffertd at the scales on cif vrinVh •-!!>> '•'•' ' r '' - '''j to City Butchers, '•' 1* - :•••- at ^'.', •'.') rn £ I 7."> on lf;e hoof, equal to sJ ,j(l .; ~* -J.") net.. ;:ud the nai.icct wtr.- dri - .t.'. to I -.,'ai • ;>f ij. ' -'.T.- -OIK.,-: .'--inand^ani: siles at "iS iu GO cts for '.'r.o-.-i HSKKD—Sales nt si ii ! .r>Sl -30. T-ini i> FUCIT—Sales of Apples at *!,-25to Sl.jO *J> :e; SKI.VS.— Prime s'dns nil! brfng !£ ct*. l-i.ui n.—Prices are i::r,'Jing upwards. Sales of Sowar i sr.. and City Mills at"* j 5(1. J"-.i: = K:I.—Sales at j?l,«-2} to i' i-1 -TV —Sale* of Altisici.i't Jt 7 in t- cis—Corai at •JO to i;: -Grt-v For ai li?i 'u IS—lied Foi at 75 to !-25. i i'i-:s \-,; —In demand ct 13 to 13 cts. H ' i i i - — S a l e s at $7 to £7.75. L*ni> — S.-,|«s in Kegs ai'lOj to 11 cts—Db's at •-.•£-.*.,tin SEED.—Sales of nrin:e article at S « heir iL'.-s,Tnl el-:ct liin!. ||..- pk-.i^c-s I; fc ttf: to • xnti. i-targc: of th'e cloties. Feb. £3 I «-> •--•'.-->"{ v.- arc- bringing: ^J io 36 ct?. good doin: i I. Mr W I L L I A M \VK.ST. c,:,c ir.oft •-• --.'>rt iu ii-.-i5sar:J::!i!i u til bring 70 to7J' ct--. M rollectdn. an-l eflici'eht ti ol "in coun-. 11 i.%.—Sales at 7.') to 71 cts. y under the Old 'JonMatuii n u-iir!i/t? MI;);C. :• J at"* TII.I i.-..—Sale.sat C io 7; els. i lie first elect ion *D rider ihr- >,>•*•. Tor 'lie i i ",-e of (J.uiMa i e for the IvableUitt-n DiMrici Lv V. MI -,T.—HO to I)j cis. in- inferior to ?oot': ?o.'J Jar'y-JK, IKW. Ovr./v prinjL-ar.95 dcmr white at 100 to .Ox r AMI A i - . . . t« i/i". ,.^ .•_. to 100 i . cts; family , : "ifinand. Sales of unwashed 16 to 20 : v.-a>hfd at i OK TUl i ::-•" We ar- aiitho.;/.- ! i,, TKIDLIU ;,- a candiJau- f.,r Icv.-i.ii.-, at the t i i V cl-rii,,,-, uiulcr r r,n- anihorizrd t,» •, g we TilAMEL M ;.,r County ii.i''i .-inM;n J. 1> ; I-.VJ. K.\; A f>;i>'( ! ii! iiic l';;st Ofii.-e at rinrner?R t\ '.i ••:. Jrtu-:....:in couniv, Va.. on the I3iticay (,l Ai .v. l-.'-J. r V Pv J!i--.-. n: M Ma<,-l, \V'.- : e il" 'i iri/. -..! S COM- ;;s ;, r.T:i!id fl.-v-ui r fcir Jclf;r>-(i;i ro-ir;!,-, al lii" lir-; itii-.lcr Ihc .Xi-..v C.Hi.-'i iri'.i:. Pi-!,, -j:;. i-;._".-•; V. ,- «t.- rcqucsk,] t .' : ,•:,i:..,: i ,-*',i 1 . I1 (- A "'. <;;co. ( » t < T M - < - r nf ll.i Pour i'i l)i-ir,'.-t Xu. 3. < i-u t;r; rurvrv. '_, T.-'" Vt'e ar<; .nn'l.'iii-pd to announce E T. i T A X cut'i\;.~ :i i a : n ! i i - i i i i - f . i f ilic iijiice ill She; ill'lbi C l a i u e t ' l ' i i i i ! - - ' t t i i i l i - r l1!-: N..-IV n u n , .in. • • T H O M A S \V. BUSSKLL.'asacaniJi• • '• !••! ponniy < 'It-: !>• o! i'i.--ike cuutiiy, uadcr t e !| f.'" 'A'c ar«- aiiih'.i i/c.! i > nnnmince Mr. J O E I N % • . I.UPTO.X, as ;t .-ai:,!:.;;,!.- fm <'r'.ii:!y Clei!;, t..r ClaiUc C'.'nntv, u t d ^ r l h , X.-'iv Ci':.-tii;;tion .-.-. -jr -T " A.--U.'.\' n— AV/n E;:.'.!es Mrs Mary ' !' 'iroi.'^ii.i;. M, . Lyi;:a A Bulls. C— -N 'U (.' .;i.|. ,;, Mrs ,\! Cloii'e. MrsLiu-'jida Copeland. i '— .Miss {'/.(• i«v Do.-sey. Mis-s llanict D»rMi.-::,!,-! IJ Hairy. Nancy Daugherty. Juhn 'r.-. 'vlithl--.ii Oriiii-u- Upnry' J)oi?e«. John D..'tK— John l'\u«-:c.'ui -I Fowler. G— :Mic.'::i ''.;-!-;y. 82:11 t N UrtiLib. Mrs Susan 11 -i. .\!i--« Mar,- tj!'-r:n. Ulhvr (iarrc-tt. M.irv H tr.. j II— l.'.iiicrt fcfHr;>.?r. A!>iu-r H<vd. Thos lio^li /. I'-;-!.--;- H:.!,.:T;. ,•;,..• Siej-hen tltl.ierhiand, U n t i l . I 11 r.shall. M a r t i n 1 rue. JT—J*6s?eph /dhnM«II. K— J,.hn Kcro'.-, Clns Kid-.reil, Chri-iir.n K : n - , i Wiu .•'.-; • • y Jvlis; Llixa Kt-licr, '/.. Ri-:wcli. '!'!.., , ii,-;i •..; i. I — M.c.'iail L-'.imev, Chri>ti..;i Lincsk. M— Elizabeth ."-Jclvin, D;ivi-i Alans! Jd Ww Marr. Ii McU-.-w.-li, Maj J W McCue, A ary N Molor. Jns M n n i n , Ti.jt.riv McCanhv, J.,m -..\!,:c, i. aenrj- Medler. :>— M: s Lcah'J Q'B.innr;: P-^ Sydney Pili.-hrr. K — .'.luiira V 1! 'Pi' •'• - .*!!•••> ;.^':/:i S-niili, Win Snii-.h, L;nv»oii Sliaei; •!!• id, !.-r.a.- II Siridcr: ^!is- Melvina Scot' Win S;i;).-. J;is N S:-aiTi--.v, M::ria Sheets. PI.-IM Siiuiif r, ".dwd Si'vcrs T- Mary T u m l i n . Mrs ^;.^!'• T;u-'or. I ohcrl T!:i.'Ui[)«i.n, Mis Sarah Tilolt, '.l.,!.;i T Til m ran. ^V- Juhr, N Wliittin<'!on, Ji;cjl, \V:- -C-M. M.l.-s V/L-IPC-. C H A I t L E S W. CL'TTOX, /'. -V. M .-••.- i::- !>'•;. K {lEipl'IVJV .\OTa CE. \* ,-!»,>• \V1ST.\1 'S F!A1.- '- V OK XVII. I) C H K i i K V . Wiis in;; ;:,'.!,:• -il in :h=- y.-;ir I -.; '. • ..•I IMS l.iM-ii \v« 11 ti-st--i! in :.ll i. tt- rjiupla ul- for whic]i K i- r.-r )iuii.c:n!t.'4l. Vnr tt-n \t-:tr. it li:i- jirov*1*! more • •ilirafinii- as :>'v fur <',!;•.•):. t Y l l - . Influriiza, i^. AMlmin aliil (' I;KUHI ; . • ; • : it- iiicipiciit -t;i;dl\ otliiT iiii-.lrrijir. U ! r o W L K , Dm.-'- . No- I" , W;-.»'.iinjtoii ' uj r«-i'i':|il fr.r tin- iiiaiiutarfni .- if llir ;.<-piiiini' jo-.-iii<-in<-, an.i su|«-» i.oil! at xckolcJalc ri.ui .vtuii, a:;J i f tflifiin a-.;: !!:•!.-> r:in Isr i liliinrd. Dr. \\ i -i. A. Sliaw *.iy~, " 1 v-Mi ]lt nrllly -m<-<--- t.> vunr n.t-.lirinc. I r.on.--:ilrr ovt-i-v c:isr i;f arrc-I (if til*.i ,i:ii syin-tl.'i!!- <jf piilii-omrv (I -i-a^.- :-.- .'i 'iin-rl tril>ut<r 1.1 niiili-riii^ liiioiitti'ir : ami f t liopclcs* arc tlicsc ta«rs jr«'ii.-ral!i' it. at, |.!iv>>::ins ari- ;-j« a;.s jiisiifii-'l in o.-=iirr any r.-i.t - ( ' v w!i>ii li.i-' -i^:i;d!v ln-ii"iit!< : <l ilhi'r-. (Ij.-ill in; i- '-vi taiu : tU:- |'ii!»!.i- alive; ••: Ii ,v <•: a plurality lit '' i> ii.-iii in -iliriii •- >v-!ll s.-iivr.sliv I • Mi-ta n-il inly jn-: s-. 1 i ij a- tii.-v a'-.- wrli :i!v;.'.i!v.! uid cOjUnu.- to rx-lim'o .'i '• in-." Jti . i t M - i i . r. •• -:i!. li-tii-i- I;* <iv -"A« V.'^n-"- li.:l - .in i-f V\" ;.! rlt:-rK i- :lu-r:ii;-;! l. •:•: lii.-ili -:in-1 1 \vliii- i I liav • « » ,-r -_r '» .-ii i;;y pii''!':- nTOpunejulalion, 1 >ii:nl r t !'•• Miv|iit-u-i! l>y >!i<- rni-itii' nl •jivin? r::--!i >T )>rcc.|>.t:i!i- it-.'.ii i-i'iy to v. 'i-i! 1 li.-ivi- -i i-a .-, i.i lli an! i;t il* ci[f-saunir, - > ; i I JU'TTS. •\\frnil--.i: S t . ' I K N T l ! C C-v— Dr. J.S rtf. (iri-)iiroil from RKXSMT, or [b<^ Ktn'HTii STOStAin; r TH K Ox .-il'tci <!irri.:t!ipns ot" HJIOII;r., Hi:-' gteal .-:il Ch--in^t. by •'. S. llofciiTiN. Pliil.-ul-'lI 1:1. T-ii' is ir-ilv ;i voiidcrfnl n-medy lor Judi^csttan, Jti\iv.:';ff, Ijzfr Cinnpiain!, ('u/.-v.';/w.1c)n ami J -iV.'i'v, •>:. ."^ a i t i - r N.-itun-'s ov n mcllnid. by Niitur.. 's A--ir. HIP C A S T R I C Jl-'K'K. ra«r<;:hk-is, crnv:i!uo. furni«!ict! by 1'ie iiicJical ajvcf- 31 a r r i o « i , On TIniMlax- !.tst. in thi- F.jii.-~:ii>al Oi«:rrli. !>y the ISt-v. T. T. l'Vs r , ,;.„ x v. Pr. H. '. JOXAt.'HE ami >iis> V | » ( M M . V UKOOKK. .Uti-rhl;-r • I ilif late R O C E B I .S. !i; »:»!:. K .j.—-all of jMamito.-!. On tin- "nli in-t:mt. I'v tin- Ui-v. J.\MF.-- \. Drvr.i V, M . C i l V K I . K S II. J/VCY ari-1 .Mi^s .M'LIA A N N !•» tlii nmmy, A: a ISM- i i n g u! slic Commissioners-oppointedon the pit; i > : !>•? tr.ivernar. io superintend the Election at slit- Ci."--. t-H(-i -•' 'n ptir'ti: nee with ihe 1 i In-ill v slei , have oppoint'-ii l i e l\'!lowit,g periis ;.> . 'i -;iiiiis--i.';,c: and OJlicertf, to -i.r.duct the cctinri Ii ; tlie several JJistrii- s ( i; tii... i\v,:nty. Kablctmcn li'.si ,-ii\ .Yw. 1. j I J i i - l ".n- I . '. »:-i.\ Jam s W. McCurJy , ,» Joua • Wa : ave n. n" last, at the a^c cf « j- iurn in fVedetWi *V.. Mil., Mr. KK-II ; <tii. T'lil . rainf In tilt* • wnty . i i l^it'. '••-• !.» -•(! auioiis "^ fi-.tu that «;im- miSil !"• J«'J : »ll(1 !'.v 'i:; ki;i.t 3Jf\ ii-it .i-lly ilisjK^iiiun. ln~ imlustrions. f.-i'gai. a:m ^< i..-rou» ha! it* : a-:U bv his tried i itcg.-iu- _in tuo iraiisa - i . j i i o f !.ii-iiu->. In- "s.iiiu-J ami kept s fiif !i jilaoi- in th • ronliil.-a- ••, anil lovt- i f a very iarjo partioi. of hw Hv.zlilx'-^ .«;•• I f.-ll.w rili/.rii-. M.- tr.«s a'-o l.v j.;i!i!ir nrofi-ssiin a frion.s aii'i clisnji.i-f ilu- I.-J-.1 ,!«^ii< Chris!.' H: I'-.-r; -iiu- a StCS*crbl Hw I'r.^liyt-Tiau Cliun-l: in thi.» Tou-n - i the year l-^O". an-.l wjs n;a.>.- nu- of il- olii.-.r> t.. t - i '• As «ar ^ we are Uj-.-uiory o!'tl;eji!St i-. UcSSClt." I Die '." ««i. 4S 21.•• . Oa \V,-tI.!e<:lay, Adcpartctl jtril 1^. i->.v:. in JLiina. Ailains couu y, lllbois. > iiu. RoitrKT SMrTH, «£-•«> -^ .V<-;|" alld. ' »a-will.s K.n.:rrlv u» ihis c,-.:i:itv. if «n;;rrat.M to Uic A\-,-<! i'.-.;jt 'o'voars :^ro. His U! vase wis i-ro;»<r.-11'.- K-ft a wia-JW :i::.l sevt-:i chiWr--:i. Fir him Ueatii hid no Terrors. AVisti a!iri«oonJ";<'.-neein thv merit* < i h-s Sivi.)-. no doa-jt of hi« nesspteie* ck>a<fe<l his laj; K.MI-S, I,.,, ;,.. ,,,,S..M thr^di - the 'lark > alley of th. -. ••[ .U-,nU" v.-:;!;;riu!ni>h«ati'.'V. in |>c-ac. -v-ith m aii \!;:^r. ^Irr-.H'-U the at^.-n>iui-at ct JCSO3, ami i .a':kin-'.. t Ii UijiAcstcr. on tlic CTtii uhimj, Miss JANL IK Nsitfk'EK.iu al>out h«-r 'JOt'u rear. . of \VkiOn ttc U: iu5taut. JUj»u' .JOSJAI1 -M A.^ '* COOSW»Mie>U-r.--in ibc Will. \ ear cl his r>;t . He l-J ir. the teut »r,7i!>ei- cf thi- Ltitl-,i-r;iu Church! aj n.-'suraoc-; ol l'l«r i>i i .... JIOJM-. , Ot. th-~ 9tb ii'n: , .. at th«- rosnicarp of his sen ( JohnI'urr) in Clarke county, Mr. JOHN" FCRR, in the ycxr of liis o^c. !-.» i;rtK?c^ couuty, en the 2^li of April, Mr. JAMES. BKANS. at the - . ! . ; ; - . - , . • . a™e of junetv-one S'JcsJiy mqrninc May 2J, at tie residrree cf her O». -tia-t-.-iNi^ ^Aist^t^c.-tn Alrxantlrta. Va.. M'^. VIKGINI.V CAfiy, relict cf ihe latv Wi;.>ON JtU'Ersox CAEV. ol Virgiaia, ia |jte g7t[j year of hrr «!*«•. ^ rs. Gary n^o the yuutisrat dauzhter of t5»o late THOMAS MANN R.«NI>OLP:I, of Tackahoe. Va..aiid fi.-UTof *ic late THOMAS MASS RAK&OLPH, Oovrrt^jr of Virgi-iis. ^t Ai-buri. on Ti-umisy cvcninc. the 'IflUi uli., Mr? FRAN<«5 J. BF/'Kll.VM, consort of Mr. JAME* A. Local REXJUtOCS NOTICE. By Ilfvln; Pcrrai'sioc, 1hc Rs-v. "\V^. Gsoccr. EcV,LS»TX)<, u 31 ccmmcTT.- a orotraiteii mirctins ia tbc M E. Ch»vhs ia Snnitkfwld, oa Saturday, Slay lElh « U o'clock. ~KELIGIOUS NOTICE: Fi»i Quartoriy Mix-Jinn ot tie M«ttra<tH4 ltwli. ibr"tlM-"Jcflieit<« t'ircait, <-on ! i: on riie2«H«of May. Tho «i-r J=.5 o!l«.-: Mini-lops will !«t in Oi "Wiiliain West. OI-ICFR Jlll;|J rj.MjVrs. Ch-'!r:."r1rtrr.ia.nd Cameron's D •••ut DisL'ict, _'"o. 3 on, ^ \Vm C. V^irthington, t Thomas Jo Won. n. 1 Tlios. r5. M'.ashicgfon. .ir/.•.•.'.J/f.'i find HaUtwn Dif!<<d, \J. -1. Election heidat the dm:, Qwest?— Jos Starry. '.-K.-/' rih'ti-cn Eaflcrn D'ilrid, ,*»'i'. 5. . N'aj. .1. r. EJaouramck, JJ"' ur>"= 4 Orric 1 .? J* F. A. Kni'ler. . "i nnd KearufKfCili-: H«r.-t, Joiin l. .K--.e!t. Sli, benl, I.* HARDT&'COUSTY. VA. j HP**13 ui!ttei«gwl, laieof the nrm oJ WOOD beiisol" JacoteWarden. dec'd. iJo m.'«-^;" r ... * "AKXEfl, IViTC-faester, Virginia, takes iheir really VAGpABI+E FAltM'a.1 \v-.v-:\ opjrcrttmity ;o ejue id t ) you bU heartfelt sa;e. Tbis laid li-es oj:e ai!e irooa U.e^tc wu ;.•£ thanks IL..-yoar"lil>eral pa-rc.Bn<:e vrhilsta resident Waruca.-viile. upon boiii side?-- jftlK-tutapifce. u - u' that plac-', and h»*cs leave iu infuru] wu ;bat be C 3IILLIXER \'. nec!:fi2r TV^nciie^ter iriiii MoorefieML In co>> , hastafc?n the la.-pj Fvjr- >:orr WarehotmS .V.=. 1 Sbe may M fcmad o;" TUKKK nCSDRL'f) A CKJSS, m jre mr a- - . .i-sii IfctrarJ &'«-:<'. wiU a vie«- of Uoinj; a p«-n««•• resiilf-nce opfusite the j Fres," Abon: oce buneired aad sererty-gve acres are •>• J oa' caltirstier: tne balance isBrcj;;>et w i t h t iec.:io:-::-i '^ O^> fiL.'Sf^ESS. His Iitcjuoti is a jjiKKi one aI :if the Sale of FLOUR aad a.l txhcr kiud* K tioiier. A greater [-o'iioa of i he river lost- groups' patronage. are beautifally srr ia yor.-ur it-^>!ar. 1 he Sand i» >.'OUXTUV PRODUCE, if is «cpemn..t? n6u fSlow-c ?.lav 1832. \vsU BTstcredj snd upon :t j? an eiccilen-' sjrefjr ;i *Eowieijgi; of-Business, nr<- stj-ifa as to flatter him i ;.-n you will gire hi'ii yt-ur patronsge. JT<-i-:\,zi<.! aat? Xi/c -1/I/i. tie will 1,'irestrici ai:«;tijn to liie f»n-r.i,Tjr ff Capon Sf»f»Rg^<. a rencnrne? wateriRg place, N fin/r a fi.-v miles di^'ant. and fiflbrJi a jj ie maii-: - t'tArr^ ?*i}t. /•"*£ ^rroiir?-|V;-, ^.*^C7l.'.-, jf*-".. 2|}d his forali ktncfs of proitace iLroi^hout tin suiars r l-:ni>u-ledj;«- of tb& -ivanis of xo;>r cominu.iiiv. arc-IT IULF PRICC. > :!i that he fLtils wanaiiied'iu asMtring xc-u". i}ja: seasou. 3K ucd.'rs-jrnej har,; recently CO-E need oa WiiJj regard tp^isallty of the soii, suiBee-. it ao :: you will favur him with-, aa onier. it vill LK; an extcasi-.rr scale ue erectwa and say it vri=! compare throrau y Tcith the jtv^i j fatuoi < prutapth- fitd tastefully eii.'e.ite't. uon of a M1CE1AEL DA-NNEU. SJuth Branch low gruund*. A inon: dc.iiile.f >:< sei:cri!y agai-^-a Baltinv\-v, April £2, 26;>-J. scriptfon will not beatterBp'.et'. Lan-i buyers, 30a-D E S T R U C T I V E E'lEMEMT ever, wili find this property wrli worthy their ;,r teniion, arid every facility Till be affttdcd fur s;i cxaiaica:ii.'U I v f|~1ElE undersigned hrd a K>t of rery vaiuatnc \\". J. or JACOB 8. WARDEN, X GVKK]?, somewhatdarcareti hv tfie rorent flixxi ^r i\,0 v i - \r-" a ": «fcs'on «'-a*:tBslijeiccr c-n tlie rreinis-«, a:Hatpcrs-Ferry, wbiohthey ;>ii«r at 'osiaiKl manv gh^?!l!-^£^'S! : ^ are ..on- !c,ate<i in 1^3= If this property is not sold privateh" nrtioles a! hait tneir value. Tits IL>ilou-;Dr is a bv Twrtd-iytJu 15,'A ty-juhi, it v.-jil on :hat d n v :"LCom!", a jrrar variotv ; oifeted at pubJic sa!i.\ (.>fay <'••• KVu- r Blinds Patent Thread; Tajies and Stay Hinjings; Far s.-Cotton Susperiders BITS' do.; npHE andersi^ned having enlarged ihcfr'Si-• r C,)t on Hosiery, LadiVs' ;m-J Mir*es; JL R -cm. hare :> .nv on iiaod at "ihei> O.-Mi. r Lisle Thread Gloves, Lai.ies' asiJ ile'i'--i .' . . . . v.-i,l be erectea and comp e'rf at the unprecedented ExipfrriUf*', the supciijr stock of HEAii YAVliite Silk iio do do !..w price of 1-1 CEXT-i ^»ER FOOT. Tho=e 31ADE CLOTIffXG ever offered in Colore 1 aad black Cotton £,!<*•?: •.•.•i-:,n;» lo examine the character of the wo'k wfll Fcnv. (or tbe present Spr:,.f and Sncin:e3rode Silk lluse, a few p.-iir-. find specimens erected or, the Kev.--Maikct rion«e v.'here purchasers can be acconnnodated \vilh i:,e Tooili liriuhes, Windsor So^ps, Whips; :n Chariestoivn, and Sappington's Hotel, as trell as follovriri? asfcirtment of A Jew J alm Fans to.^irf an-ny\ numerous o!her places in the county and S'ate A larse lot Chip Hats, (children, men aud Let'ers addressed to u:;a- Charleston n v.-fli be Coats, Pants. Vests, Shirts, ali qualities; Drawers. boy'-O selling at !-2j rt;-. to the dollar; pror.ip:!y attended lo. DUST & S M I T H r Fancy Vesting, Fancy Drilling; Boots, LEaiS. three ijnalities; kouph and Keniiv Charleston!!. May 13, 1852—:f. Linen -luck, undressed book-fold and checked Hats, Can?, a vo*y larg^e supplv : ail of waich w i i i Line,ns. fancy acd black Ginghams; j be sold on reasonable terms and prices t h a t cannot -; nieachfd.and brown Sbininjj Cottons; ' fail to pfea?e. Also, a superior lot of Silk, esitoii. J.iaen Table Diapers; < and Gins-ham Pocket Tnd Neck Handk-'.-'rchii f;. Cambricks, cheeked and plain ; Cravats. Gloves Socks, Snspe:iders, Uiiibrelhi -. }yt Corded Sirir!s-, grass do., Ilurians' Linens. Canes. Pen Knives. Razor Strops &C.&C. p The above added to our vcrv large assortment 7v?f.vA-s ^'ALICES.f- CA^PJEJ^-BAGS of Dry Go ids, Boots, Shoes, Hats,~&c.. make it £^*" Thi:- being the largest sto.:iv ot RcaJy-Mt-.te pr?atly to tl-.e advantage ofdealers. Will i!-e pubClothing ever offered in Harpers-Ferrv, they ask a !ir call where they can get bargains. They wi'I call from ail purcchasers desirous of "being servt'J sr',1 mast be said. on reas^iable terms, either wholesale or retail. HARRIS & RIDEXOUR. A". B. Persons that cannot l>e!' ,".!*>—A bargain can tx: had in a lot of very with our present stock of Clo'hi^. are infor:-!- d pfi:!ie Brown Sugar. II. & R. that we are prepared to have Cl&hing made to t-rMa- (». I85a. dor al'hort notice and a jaaraoiicij FIT at the- -an: • Jo-.v pi ic,-«. .Yi* U" .I.YJ9 1MPR OVED *** We return our sincere tL.inks to ihe t-riizr.-'.s oi liarp-rs-Ferry and vicinity, for the very ,'il>er;ii PSEMini uKAI.\ patronage ^e have received, end reswioifnlly sjlirii of ihe same, as we-pledjrc PATENTED A P K I L 20tL, ; a\ contin;;ance l i i j . • • " j ' « % . « p . v vourselv. ' M i ^-v i • - •. itiere sh.-iil te nothing wautin<ron : otir p a n t o -erj- r enera S & CO., would most rc*p'?ciftil- j § ' satisfaction,, both in f,»*s and l>rias.' «' . ly c-ali th;- a::en!ijn ..f .'f Farmer ard other? ] „ R- WALTER & B.iO. Iiarp- rs-Ierry. Mav C,. !850. ; lotteirlately Ijnprovtd Grain I-'aii. which they continue to mac afa eta re at t h e i r ^!i"j>s in W:\CIIKSTKK. Ni:w1 M I R K K T .c;!. PftEDKHtCKSKCRo, C'fllcc of .Winchester & Potomac Ruli-oari CV, > VA.. where they in , e :: number linNhed i -r tl'c inApril 21 ."135-J. j sp-:,;!.iun .'i i^-jfinor.- a;i'i otlicrs. This Iir.rr.ived. rj~l HE public are respec!fu!ly informed thai no Heady-Made frothier, M'/.N'.YO •{"/.'/? I'M!.: the Ps'i'infsBi'j over several -§_ tie! ay "either in travel or the transportation ot Kan's at t;.c- Valk-/ A^ricJltiiral Fair. h;-!d at ILU!PERS-FEHR\\ T7/2i '.•••iitia^c will occur on ihis lload front the effects of 'Charle-s'.owi:. Va.. ci lie liiih of Octohcr la-: and J'.'LD resp'..-ctfnl!y malcc kown to his ciis- ills.- late freshet on oilier arise* The !ll0^t prompt arcannot be surpassed in esper.iiiotisly cli-a:.s;: ^ a'l ti.mers ar.u (he ptiblio generally, ihat he N n'uts have been made to meet the demands kindsof G R A I N frooi -,-•,:••'•, -.:</. i.i"^', -\--. l'!:.-y pre; to supply the wants .if ihe outer ma:i. of public. J. G EO. HEIST. arc •-•elebiaie.i Ii.r cleaning C'»rr/-.<rfrf. We might. as regardsare,-! Chlhs, Ca^imcrcs anil Vesting, which he pive thousands of ce.tilica'.es to es-tablish the *iipi-- will make up to orJer, in tae latirst Fa.-hioa ai^i t i o r i i y of this l-'.ui. Ii has ti; -en recertly trice! wiih shortest notice. A call from the ptihlie is requestei:. REGJMEATA1 ORDERS, (lie I'est Fans,' and proved to ihe sa'i.-i'actinn of some ol our nmst ent'-rt > r i>ini' practical l-':nu.-"rs nl MoJcrau- prices and good li:s guarantied tne ct!.-H E Training-of the Officers of tlie Ea^lern and VVt sicu. Virginia, that it v.a- far ?-.i•r>jth Ilegi'.nent wil! commence in Rs'ittly-iJIadc CloHiing. peri'.ir to them. on Wednesday, '.he 19th of A large anil extensive assortment of R^udu-Mui'., Cii.irlcslown. They are built ol" ii.' ! rs! rnatrrials nnd arc far :ind c 'iitiiiue for three days. more durable- ihan il <? ^foi thorn Fans. We < "ukl Cit'l'iia:!. suitable to the season—got up in ihe best May, Commandants of Contpanies will ri.'ime several sfn'iehit'n \i i;o wstilc: nc;t be \vi.iunit inannei . a n d are in perfect or.ler. Call and e .vain in i:- r.. Tl.-• ri :o the Adjutant the .strenjrih of their lliem for.-;j.">0. J-'anii:-r< <ir Mill-Ts desirous of pur- ;ijetn eaily if you desire a good qnaliiy and a well respet'tivc commands on the first clay of chasing a good $E<£*&.R&TOIt; will-.'o well made article. N. B. I hnve also a large anil extensive assorlment ih'- ti.lining. to tall .it ei'hfr of orr iiinrs. arid examisu' for The Re<risne'it will parade on Sainrthemselves. Tlie Fans are warranted, given on of H--a<lij-M.itlc Clothing, in a more or less soiled day, 'he 2-2d of May, at eleven o'clock. slate by bein? flooded bj.' the la;e unpreeeder.'--.! trial, and delivered to order. i»v ord':-r of Col. YATKS. r"";/' For Cenilicat-.'s and References, see hand- high 'vater, which, thougii as to ivaie no actual J. W. ROWAN, A d j u t a n t damage is done them, yet in conseijuence of the Li is. We an.'Jc.-c a fi-w: 55th Ee-iinent V. M. linings bainjf soilej. I will ofii-r the.n to the pubiir, at such reduced prices lor cash, as will make ii .in FINK S.lLEr IVe the HiitU-fsisiietl. certify that we have T. J. o(jeci to the buyer. An earlvr-aii from the public f l A V E tor sale, on very reasonable terms, a POVJ.K i: Co.'sWJieal Fan in c^Cjaiidcau with candor, Wil. J. STEPHENS. Iriiili anil j.lea-nrj recom- -end .-aid \Vheat Fan to general Bar niche !or one or two horses, with tongue and A J a v 0. t^j-1 use Sinnns-st our noijrlilioi s and tin- pnblir ^eneralK . ^ha:ls com;/;cte. as also, a Wason. suitable for one I.'OU. Vr. BAVhOR, ' JOHN F. SHAf'U.. ort-'.-oi!jrscs. ' J."W. McGKVMS. I OAVin FRV, f- nM.AfKLAM). Aprit 20, 185-?. srbscribcr. after retnrningfrom the Ea;[Mr. UAVI.O.I -.ras .Secretary, :-.:ul Mr. FRV JuJ;-- oi" tfi'n ("iiies, is noiv receiving and opening a Fans at the late Agricultural F^ir at C'liark-stL'Wu.J large sjock of Spring and Summer Goods, tt. whi:)i .4 XSW BUGGY, with double Harness, made he resp.-"i;>i,iy invites I!IL- attention of purchaser-;. jE.-FEn.-OK C.- \-.-v. r,-'. ]'. l-<~>.. J\. by Wtl-'s J. Hawks in his best style, will be : tlissto<:ic is heavier and more extsniively a--s-.iaed I'l'.i- -01 r.ifythat \\i . -a-.i .. . .1. DOYLE. &• Co.'.-i oll'erod at public sale on the 3?i .Miim/nifiii May. beF.-in n -;«e ami wo ar, .-atisft'tl I ..'it tin.-} a r - '.he li<st now than it hhs ever, been, and his prices trc K-- fore tlitf Courl House, in Charlesiown. on a credit of 1 duced to m-?et ihe expec:«itioc of a!^ ia pursuit. c<t ''.. .l:'.-i a!'.il ><.-.( ruior.' new in u-?. We ta\e pleasure sixmonilis; ill* pur"liasergiving his negotiable note i:; ii\-."!iii,»em!:».-J ilit-i;: ta the i)i.-.;ic. bargains, which he plecges niiiiself to .c:ve ia MICHAEL WQLE, SOLQMOK FLEMING, Fancy Silks and Popiains, M. c'e Laines. black ,viih a.) approved endorser. J. W. McGINNIS, G . H . PKMJLETON. WAI. H. K1DKH. anii white Lawns, emb. La-,vns, Msn. Ginghams. April 20, l.s.V2. Auctioneer. «;:-:!). D. LANCASTER, iw GEO. H. KIDDLE. In'sii Linen, bro. Linen Elandkirchieis, Parasols. Bonnets, and Triinings tu suit, (J.mps. Fringt'5-. j HARPY Cor -TV. Mc.rc!,, I?j2. Laces and Edgings ; kid. .--ilk and cotton Glovc-sj One Hibdred JVegroes Wauled, We hereby certify that we have used T. J. DOVJ.K cotton, lambsvv-oo!ani.-i!k Hose, bla-.rk Cloth, black y WI:!H to purchase for the New Orleans Mar5c t'o.'» Fans, antl eniiii«l«-r iheni the best machines for : e\|>editiotisly rleasi.sjnir t! 'ain fron ail kinds o:'filrh that and fancy Cassimeres, summer Tweeds. Gamboon, ; ! ket, 0\J : HUNDRED .VEGttOES. Perwe !ia\;e ever useii or seen used. We would n-coiiuuend Cassinets, Kentucky Jeans, drill and domestic Cf-t- | goiis having negroes to se 1 will find it to their adtons, brown an;! bleached Muslins, Shpeiings, 10 4 ;hejii to the Fanners sreaerallv. s tocoiir-ult me, by letter, directed to Fredyards Bed ""eking-and Ba^irin?, Cotton Yarns, &•-.. AI.JA.M HARNESS) A A R O N \V. CLARK. rii.-l"s Md., ex; A. P. Strayer, Martinsbnr.^, Va., as DA vju VAN:METF.K, RQEKPCAHMICHAKL. Ilats and Caps, latest style and best q u a l i i y : Ln- am dt iermined io nay the highest prices iu cash. ilies' Shoes and Gaiters ; iV.ten"* ca'f and kip Hoots "WILSON W. KOLB. LOCDOC.V (,'OCXTV Shnes fine ;:nd coarse. Apri: ^ IS,?I—2m. Frsdf.rick, Ml. Bacon. Fish. Lard, Cheese. Rice. Sugar, Coffer, Th:.- i~ to oertlly that, li:.\e itsi-of T. J. DOYLE r & <_'c.'~- Fan-, aiid we rtinsidur tiieiu iujx-riur to all Teas, very fine Tobacco, &c. Locks. Hinges, ¥i nntcd to Hire, Otli'/rs wo have see".. Screws. Nails. Shoe Tacks and ul.Cai penier's OR the balance of the year, a whiie Man who JO:.S. L. HUMPHREV. THOMAS OXLEY, Tods, Trowilf, Ctiilt-ry very line. Putty, Windo-.v i-5 accn.sconfed to working on a farm. To one IiJvNJA.»IIN LKSLIK, KZEKIEL POTTS. Gias*. lia and wood Wares, (ir.eensware and Glass- of sober 5nd industrious habits, whocan come well ware. ' "'Communications adt! erjcd to T J. DOVS.E rec(t;n))i;'r.ileij, liberal \.'a™es w i l l 1^- given. EriEvery branch of his extensive stoch will be fotint! qni.HI'll , \\i\\ Ic &. Co.. If". -.."'.••.-;'/• 9f.F,edcriiJcs^\ifg. sit this office, or address A., Harpers-Ferry. pro:np!ly attended lo. Farnit-rs ?.i a distance, to complete, arid persons in want of seasonable poods Jefl-.-rsnn connly, Va. t-n> Jre a Fau, wculd do well tu send ic their orders a't lo-.v prices, will be sure to meet tl cm at his old l H. 1852. stand. eaily. lie cannot but avail himself of th^ occasion to All 7'ans manufactured L_y nsjisve T. J. DOTI.F. & Co.. stamped u oca tL. in.' .r,1?' B< ware nf Impo- return sir cere ihnnk> to his ohi trie! fi tends anii HE subscriber is anxious to purchase a large customers fjr their very liberal and unfailing ensll ;,.-,,. T. J. i)OYLE & CO. nnmber if. Negroes, o-'' both sexes, sound and couragemcvit, as well as to express ih-.' hope that hU May 1.1, lh.V2— lin, ^lfo;!s to merit a continuation of if, mav not be '.in- like|y. Persons having Negroes to dispose of, will find it to their irterest to give him a call before sellavailing. M I C H A E L DORAX. in?, as |.t_> will pay the rcri/ highest casiiprires. Harpers-Ferry. May C', 1S.">-1—Gt A .) f] BOXES v ariotis brands Tobrc 'o Uc 'tan be.'eenatthe Berkeley Court-;, at Martins. I/ C U 120 Ju Scoti h Snuri; in papers bur., on tlie2d Monday, and at'Berryvil.'eon the4th Wotice. •J- ke^.s Garr'Mt's do do. Moiidax in each month; and usiiall}-'at his re.sidence A LL persons indebted to the estate of the latt- inC;:aric-sto\vn. 11 hbls: Sc--..'ch anil Rappee do. • Jl Judge I. R. Doji'lass, are rcqiusteu to come Tidball's M i x t u r e ;-nd Maccuba to order Ail letters olddressed to him will be promptly atlonvard and make payment io the cnJersigncc. a-. tended to. KiO gross Le't.Matches Wil. CROW. a longer indulgence will not besrivcn. Charleston™. Feb. li', ISIS— tf. f»5 baxesof M. & ^,'s best Ink DAVID HO WELL, A'hn'r. 24 Tobacco Cutlers May C, lSj-2.—3t : Advertis€-meiit> 100 dozen assorted Snuff-bcxes i:il reams assorted Cap Paper ANTED'tolc-rrow EIGHT or TEN THOUW.inted K50 clj do L.e"erdo. SAND DOLLARS, for a series «f years.— WISH to erigage in<cnediately a large nnubor Ci cross Bonnet Bc.ards ol Laborers to work upon ihe Chesapeake f>nd The be-«J real estate will be i,.vcn as security. .riOO~ reams Cro\vn and DcaMe-Cro\vn Paper Arnlyto WM. T. DAUGHERTY. Ohio Canal, together with Carts aid Hors-s.— 400 do Cep and 100 do Shoe do. II-jrptrs-Feiry, Va., March 1 1- 1S:>0. Good prices wil! be given. !-JO do Manella and Tea do. WM. f3. ELG1!>". •1-2 bales Couon Tu ine and Wiclcing and Harpers-Ferry. IWav 6. 1SJ2. IfO bo.\es best Pear: Starch TE itivilci tiie attention of the Ln-Jies to our G'2."00 superior Imported Segars v la/ge assortment of Philadelphia made 2") 000 do Prin:."pc do. Gaiters. Shnj.s. Kid and Morocco Slippers and C , 0 ("10 Regalia. Panetula and Ca«iilie do. Ties— Child's; and Misses every variety "at lower DR. .-I 100.COO Cazadore, Ri!le. SpiDi-sh and Half pri<-e? fhan ever ofll-red in thi« tor.-n. All work ILL visit Char'estown Spanish do. LY. earlv in Mav. and remair, thieewcek* sold by i.»s i he Tips are mended free of charge. 10.000 La Flora, Jency LinJ and La Riena do. C L J—' i J V* V/ \~ M * . Aprii J:.'r 185:2. HARRIS & RIDIiNOL-R. ii;», 1S5-2—3r. " ">C bal-.'s'Cuba ebd Havana Tobacco 10 lihiis-. Kcntii'.-K-v do. Philadelphia Leaf Si es-. flow lo .Hake Clover 5M d- z?n papers Snaking r!o. "E bave on hand reaiiv to manufacture CrawO to FOX in Shephercisiown, wnere ther? is 20 bbls. Lynch,r-rtrs -!.j do. jyrd's pre:ninm Morocco Caif and Kip a plenty of Plaster, set some am pay him tile 12 cases Tureisli do jo. cash or some (rind of produce for it. ,>nd ihvn. na ' Ski-:;- '• Tier ti» anv article ever ot!t-r^tl in this 1(10 boxes S hv 10 B ihiraorc Ginss maffcpt. 'HARRIS doubt yiiu will find ii irs art well on vtnr clovet. dij . tin. fit) do 10 b v J-J March I ! , l^.'.i—-^m. Spirit. iT". 1* 3 do H I'V !0 V,*-->-"rn do lit . SO d.i 10 by 1-2 Bools mid Shoes. JVow isr Ihe Tii»e, case* as-on-M Tumblers T ?' • i-'iiif :o t .K public the largeM and IwM scper O bny Clocks, 'A at.-he> and Je\rclry. 1-J C.T:,-* •!• do. - ;ed stoc! of Boots and and Shoes in the cotm\ V l?-:'cd cent, cheaper than Baltimore prices. at th-.ome maniij&ctored rnanniactured boots and shoes «hoes aiwa; always ty--l;4nie Harpvrs-Ferrv Jew-?"rr Store. read-,- ->.lso all orders promptly altemferl to. Mam:, -23. ' J. M. SK KIFF. }<i& boxes S-cross Clay Pipes Aiii\ 29, 185-2HARRIS & RIDE?-~TR. •10 d.) Pi^'-H-'a :s—51*0 in ca:h box Di<'.,i-!. .Y,;. C. Geor-i- I :>. V.cGlincv. J)if!ri':t . Cox MISS:- sWm. Sm'aJ'ff Win. M..-C.J.-, Philip l'X-!f' ge Koc.r.ce, -iji To FarmersTlillirTanTOtliersI K ':'. ;^rf?^I / r^i-<m>i2£A:/^ T T I F Cash for Negroes, S?.S. 'f Isaac Font.-. .lerem:;!ii -; Jaim;.- A. Beckham. 1 Georgi ^ ' lo &«?• { iic • .':iimis>ioners for ttf Disir : ct w i i i b: rt-i7trirc to - --ere the services oi com "it: rt Clerk? ••j tnke i'jw.- the f ->!!. 't>e cornjx fsatirn ct whom is io be n.-) !.! 1 •••• liis Oounu- Court. In <-:»<e any of the Otii-er^ ar-A-i'i^ 'o conduct tlr: Ebciion, .'honld "ail io aiieii'! *'•»« Ctimmisfioners oi the District wiil sunTivi.i:-.'h vfcaney. or one of th ir ninnber ,-rv the"! i\\.' Al! :' c Poll Books necessary for the Count v'jre^hv-.v Ivin.s nrepareJ, anc trill be furnished the C .'t-'itnissioners iu tiiaa for the purpose \r. BELLE R, " PENOUR. '- . AVI « * •il T.»st! At Cost!.' I W G T Irtbbls. i Nortuern Man, w ih Soslhern Principlej* i LAtU" '•' ai d elegant assortmrn; of Watches. A •Clocks, jL'v-t-l.T,~&.c., at oo*t, for the next EING desirous of keeping tl-.ins* COOL. 1 have a v/el! filled ICE 'XffO VSE. from "^u-js ci-.nsist of GoalV.d Silver Watch--V d«criptioa: G.'lc- Cbaits, Pencils, which riersons in tvaiit ef'U:;- luxury, c-an or-ra'n it DAVID UOCKPvELL. :;=r El'Hips and !>** ^S Breast Pins, an reasonable terms. May 13 JS53—3;. . >eHls &e : Goid ami Silver S • -id Hsted Spoons iiac Foi Brick. nwr-v c:::!er rn'cles TOP nuoi-roo- to nienuoc. ffVrs the ahov.<s goals at the >e« r IIA HAVE now a freJi KILN of BRICK ; of scper:or JACKSON McDANIEL. Mav i 1S53. Ha>pc'r--f.TrT. May B I Cioihing. S ~ a 1- - -rite -,no\v bavin? h is ssock completed, .IL res^-t .ully requests a call from those wao tpbujr 'fair Clothes Read)--Mat-e. Tnere ts n ; motive K «« to ,;o ta distant places ;o uuy, wnet Goods o .si. .^rior make and <5U ilitv can be bought i,, verv c ieap. iu t : xn. Boys'clcUiis * ''ISAAC ROSE. -u v . - n . ^ a y *IS. C5icap Goods from the Aoctioast Pofatoe9« bv LOT of Pc.tatoes jcsi received and for f ale by May 13, 1S52. H- L. EBY & SON. A Gold LARGE and elegant ar sortiaent of Gold P^ns sn ?."a«ranJcd, aL the for .«Ue"eheap^erery p A Harness-Ferry Je-welrr Store. *-* r March 25, ?552. T Capes, i: .1 a greal many other articles: at very low prices, CaiUndsee. ISAAC RO5E. Cbash st-rn, M.iy 13, i&*. - Y nr c? r-rrT» J. ?J. S.vli-r. Fieicl Seed*.- CD s.3i! anblesichcl Tablecloths, Irish IL->LK^t'U > an;! !- .-nch Linens, Faw^e acd Muslin de M ines, faroscls, aeedic- worked CerrTV;. C olhurs and Cooking Sloves. '<iu. 3 i>00 Keed Stem?: 1 000 >lior: i!n. lL'0 bb!s. and half-J- )K Jaini>-in's Water. Buti;r. Sugar and S^'.a C racket*. All oJ which we i-fu-r f-->r sal? at rcduetd prices, Dealer? willd.i we!! :o-::;:rine our Stock bv or? going North, as we are deter mined to sell as low as suc!i gai«Js can be_bought el^ewhcr* All orders promptly and careful!?- attended ta. LLOYD LOGA?" &• CO. Winchester, May 13, 15.'»j. ANGEL Wortzel Bed; Kata Bagfa. I'fa" Dotcb, and Norfolk Turnip; yellew ' OVNETS and Ribbons a c,r.apietc stock-. April i'. HABRIS & IUDENOI'l?. >7"E have on hand a sample of Cooking Stoves; " that we can recommend as hein^ the >c ; ever introduced in this place. From o'jrown experience- we have found them the btsi baker, am; roaster, and the roust eccnomiv-al con~umer oi fiifl that we have ever seen. Snd p?rfec:ly simple in consiruction. We c-n forniih them en" the shortest iio'ice Sited up tor Cf-al or wood, and verv chean. Aprii -2-3, !85i T. RAWLSN.3 &' SON!' H Advertisement, AVING jnst rercrncd iVorn Bah/more. -sv# are now re-iieiyins our Spring Stiiek of HE.- ' \rare, Cutlerr. Saddlery, Woorf Wa-v, Grc-rerif-s. anc' anct&er supply of Garden and I'iower Seed*., to which we invite ihe attention of ps'-chr-sTR, April 52, 1S3-Z T. RAT7LD. S & SON. ClolisS; Oag$itncres& Testing^. .-r A Trace or Land -iri side oi'rhe Shr nanduat tircr «r • ' i;. prntMlij in o*n Ji a<f;»xra "be ja.i^* iV as liie -Wi.'< Lea-t?. Mes.>f9. Lucas, T. B , P. CCORS, Wir . Wn». f ami Veins ar.d twnjr in <iid county, on the Maio •Valley Sw^e Rratf, iritbi'a c-ne mile ar,,ila balf . from O»|m<Hre's boiling oa th? James River & Kannwha Canal, and one mile and R baif !rom ihe j Plan!; Road leading I'rt-ia Stauatou to ' This trart '.-cataic;, aboiu Great Bargains in Wet Goods', T PUBLIC SALE, . r ftow stforcW ,ue of ~ r.jonooncrvl br ih ^ 6»- • * RARE opportunity I* Y I vij virue ot aadede-ree. . on fa'th sidrs JjL ,tOLt coit Coanof Rookbriu^e oa tbf (4th t>f A.'tf'I. ;• »iii> niav wish I'1 obtain Wr<if Lot.* •> l.^Si in sewta! ca5i*?s ibercTn peciin?, hetwev'3 thf IB v»ib raiit- t-xiiiiiit.^ roascria!, tre. "i«ad Join Ptmsr*? & Co. aad o'iers. Plaintiffs, a t j Jo!m WasJcty's Ueii?: I>etVudanls. I shaJ! proctcii, J will sell !«•> the hiirhc*: bidder, *a (i<o« rV 16^ ri*y ff Jut* «(•„-;. i u sci! at public ancf, beKTC Uw (.'out ii'tioa, npon Jbs pftmisQS, shairaJuabie tract of laad called the Just Received and ia Store, ) John LI. S.i-,;ili. A. Fho nson, ) Lewi- Lii Step. -<: Died »•:. Mr. - r s ; j i ! r\- "with the vir— ."'•- ; ;,.--.- i iii. x Ibr ihe election. i;::s!itip.. "'i-i.-i. iluiies ;;;i.i (.-ompciisaliiil) ofOouuly an-l Di-iri;;! Oiiij' , as iiNo i!:ii [iruvMing fi-r I'IP c ! i - - - t : - .1 1 1- .Ti:.!rc-. n v l i r c is l.-'.;v!.v g veil tiioi isn Lln-sic.-' ••• :1 iK-heldatiheCourt-House, and in.ihe lilft" IV; 1 1 l'-':i-!!ii!. Pi-iri-.-t- '.!' lijc CoutUy.0.f:Jt:ffers •:-, . ,;,- TsfL'ltSlJA Y, th? '~~i '•': "f M-.'ir. puiximo, (t!i.- p : 's i i be iTpoii'-.i a; f* ii'i-)iH.-l;. A. .M..) lor .lm>',' a, ' l::" t'i :rl nf A ;•>}•< :;!;. t'jr tin- 3d srciioii ; J.i'l-,; n/'.-.'cf I'ircuit Court, io." iiu- I-'ith Jo. ; <',',in- 1-/ i .(.-'//r.< .-((tartu-if. for the Ccunty ; C'-:rli r>f ,'V' t'oitntt/ t'<mri ; I'lfr!; nf tlte-Oircwt Cv.'rt ; > ifrt -•/.•/- .il' the C'ou:;!u; .SV':.- : { '•.'•'i;.i;'.«»('.i;i/r nf tiif l\cr-n'jf : O/n ' ' i'. •i.-'i'.f li>r i-arli l)istr:i-t : /'IIKJ- ,lnt.-irrs .tor each l>i<trictOne (':•<•/ -tcr i>f t/if J'>wr fur each Ph-irirt. Coilr-PSSONKtlB. Jnhr. M.I!- ii!l. Millinery and °r ]L«»<' in j Flour and Comicissioii Business. aad Suimner Clothiag. under the NevCoasthatidB. < f i : i-rs: eUctior tinder the Netr Cci&Mitmio the district in u-iiicb he resides-. Mat: b £j Valuable Farm for Sale, FASHIONABLE cont:ii:is aN>at 7l on i is a u. t» will >.iow i ti> eac and i< imc-1" a»iapte«l ;o th>" culiure »-f w!i.-at and all kinds ni'^rasB. AbC'iii 50 acres o*"ihe irat; aic finely set fu" CJ-.M at. About ba'foi' Ihe tract rs c.'enTx'J and nuiier^o<H5 cuiiivaiiooj, ttie resii'tif ;s well limbered, and a large portion of the tract is rtct mulatto soJl. The improvement* are a uc*.MERC II AX T MILL, in i.ticcesslul op-.'ration, with-s«-:s of B^rr* ar..: one >(.--of Country Stones, a!1 lately put in complete repair: also "a SAW-MILL in cocsiaiu oprratinu, and a iarsv Brti-lc and Ste.ic -. .Aff. C. Scar I t who rcui'rs k > rj-.-n \\ i.-i : - . r.; tl-.-.o same 'jmc s. f A LOT OF fho hr.ds of T. P.. W^fcinj:ton. Ueo. Tf . .^o., it bcins tbe luwpr ba.'f pf Ihe " 65 acij. i- ijnite^esirabfr. Mr. G. W*. L>«le vri!l5k lul to ar.r one \»-i*hirj;to jee i\ Tie third and last tratt BOW w £« «tft*r»t F,r;-' Setveen the Furnar? -racl aHv' Mr-. >»r,^ \>a>hfncioR's tract - 'f >fO acres a^4 Cx'v (ids fn-m ihe I.oau'oun }in; to :h» Shsnandosh. msi.?o'' if ?;ii D W K f, 1,1 itiIG , with all neeessaj-y out-bui!>i;n^s. TJii* ttai-t ad- tin- rirer lit) po!es. e out ire treci con'aiV. 37 joins the lands of* Wm. Morten. Tlwiuas Wilson inro Jo» of varfon* ^ anJ others,- and is well watered in every field hy The first lot 1 incfing off fte river w?H en.brccC«!ar Creek and several firj-t rale spritifis. Purcba->t-r;- are invited io examine ihe premises, which all tlie cieart-.l land and a sufficient juaniiir oi «-il! bo shown to auv person by John W.-ukey. Jr.. >V«v>lland to.-nj-port if— together M-ntlnt -»acie.«.. living tbt-reon. Tliis tract will be soli! r.ninctim- The residue wil. be iatd off in lot.* fjntainin beretf by Dower rights, beir.g sold for part men a- 15 to 50 acres. ?s circumstances nia^ irrfie The sale of this tract n-ii! tak* place ,>» Tn*,-s,f..ry, morgst the patties interested. TERMS:—Cash in hand sufficient to pay the April !5-'.at ihehopseon the premise*, CPHS»*BP:S^ expends of the sale, and fur ihe residue ou a credit ai 1 1 o'clock— a plai will N«" rxhiH^-j a: »be »a!^. Teiisis.— Onf-third oi ilie parcbas* mtuie >• to b«of erne, two, and three years, in equal payment*, the purchaser exceutiajj bonUs. with sufficient se- pai.t in hand— ike balance in iwo equal annual iacuritv, and the legul title leiained n n t i i the pnr- s-talm^nts ivith interest ficia the Jay of <-a!r Tbe> deierrfi! payments to be soured by dcots &i i»»>: rha*i: money is paid. .*.t liie same time ami plac*, will be ?oM. on a or bonds with approT-ft? prrwnfri >rcut!ly at JOHN A. erw it of (i months-, an undivided one-eleventh part optior . of an adjoining tract, containing 376 acres, called the Hamilton Trr.ct, and now in the possession of the wiclow of the said John Waskev, decM., to whom it has been assigned for her Dower in her j Poslponemenf. husbands real estate?. This one-eleventh urdivi- ! Tho above sale i.- postponed until TUurxM- R ded pan. is the portion ol the Defendant. Wm. ! of Ap-il. whtn ifce three tracks will Waski-v, and will be M'ld subject to the said Dow- lartrc r'arm .v slated above " J er estate of his mother; the purchaser px»i.-'iting March IS, 1?5J. bon«J wiih «ccnriry for !he purchase moaer, and ;'•"> Ipgal title retained u n t i l it is paid. I'o^lponemcnt. TlLFpHD WASKEY, C-s;'.-. to the inclemency of tiie \vi-atLcr !?•« sale is po*ip«,jii~.! r,n'ii Thur.v.'»v 'h<» -J 'u-^JAMES M. BROW.V. Aptil t*, IS'.e. Lands JD Rockbridge for Sale, X the lOih day cf June next, the vvili «ell at pcbHc auction, at Bath furnace in O the Pastures of Rockbridge cotintv, a valuable j has pith above . pi)Mpoc»iiu3iii Tt;ir JL day. the I3;h day ui Mav IxVj J A M ES .M". BROWS. tract of land, lyic^ on the Bi:: Calf Pasture River | _j-V'' — I ^"'-. iu th-_- PaKiures i-f Rockbridge, adjoint;;:: 1'a'h NOTICE. Furjr? and Furnace, and known ns the "JIITK To FbjsinaQs soil LiA5i D." It contains nlxsiu S I am doirous of removing :o a Southern ;t o « A c n n s clime, I will sell, privately, tav P.'orcrtr iu —about one half of vrhicli is fine river bottom.— town c! Wardensville, Uarily cGuatv, Va. « The tract is rich and productive; has a fine spring- the upon it. and ordinary improvements. The Central large and conimcKiious Railroad as projected w.'.'l near it. Uotisf, TERMS:—One third in ca*h, or at C months : ironting 10 ieet on Main Mteet. and a win,; tiea-'r credit, with ioier»st flora day ct sale, and she resi- j as iarge, with Ajeci-cnl Office, Kitchen SerTac-'. dne a 1 and - yeais tiotn day or"sale, wiih inti-res- house. Stabling. Carriage-house, and all nercsMir frum date. Th-:- purchaser cxecuiiny bonds with , boildiBgs. The amount of iaod atiached :!:tref'- !• good secnrify. Should the purchaser doirc an ex- |: J-Mh o; an Acre, the size of all the town !.j:s. Tiiw tension of time, upon at least one half of the pur- town is si:naied ccntral.'v between Winche*r?r. chase jnc.ney. il can be bad np.m the payment of Mcxirefiold. Koninry and Woodstock. Thf-Ha-t!y thi: interest. The sale 'A'ill be with gcn'.-ra! wai ranty acd Wijirht-.-ier graded road pacing ibroush cu westward. The town is eleven n>ilrs fr-. BI Capon of title. WILLIAM \VKAVKR, Springs, now the most rrnowntj wa'erir? i:ac« SAM L F. JORDAN, in_ihe United States, ond 30 miles fnnii ihe IJardv Alar C W. W. DAVIS. AT the same time anil place, wil? also be sold at ; While Sulphur, anotht-r watering place of con*i(tpublic auction, on accommodating terms, sevcial erable coiuriety. The situation is. quite r>« tracts adjoining the Bith Furge lands, to w i t : ihe ' and as line a sjtua;ior> for a Physician or Lawj tr Cohenhoiir tract, cnniaining a l x j u i - J I 3 acres—the ; as any in tho State. J dcetu it uoncces>ary :o »a» more, a.-, persons wishing to buy will call' and ••iChir' l 'er s tract i,-;0 acres—the Skeen t r a c t 540 a- { amine Kir iheniselw?. cres—the Temple tract, 200 acres and ihe Lair • I will self also a Lot of 17 Acres, acjuinin* K?wn. tract about 100 acres. part ol which is cleared and in wheat and timctbr, erms made known on dav of sale. ihe balance in v.-ood, and a lot of 05 Acre", h . ,-» SAM'L'F. JCRDAX Jth ot a miN> from town, ali of which u h'*arilj May (5. V. W. DAVIS. timbered. Terms apr-'mmodatin 0 AT the same time and place, will also be sold at ; JOSEPH R. EARLY, M. D. public auction,on mostaeeonimeUatia5 terms.sevt-rWardonsvillc. Va.. April 15, lt-52— Sm. al tracts t-f land belonging to the Bath Forge pro- | perty, ami amongst them, a valuable Farm called the "CiAY I'-AK-M" t c t w e e n ' H a t h Forge & Fur- j S Executor of Mrs. SLS.»\ MYKRS, dci'd. J w i i i nace on the Bi£ Calf Fas-lure River, containinijuj-- j offer at Public Sale, on Th'uruiay t.\e 13t.\ »/ wards cf 700 acres, about 200 of which are river | u, ali the Persona! Property, of said bottom, with a fine Tan Y.ird upon it. of WILLIAM WEAVER. Plats and surveys ot the furegt-ins: lands, will be • and exhibited : in telation io all of which, address the I fust and Side, Tublcs ; panics nr Tthe r agent J. D. DAVIDSON, Secretary and Best: ; May 0. 3i—is—Prs fee 57. Lexington. Va. Jjottuntand Windsor C/uiL'S f ! A A SALE OF VALUABLE LAM) t'ldjoining Ingrain andfiguredCarpeting; Striped and We/ion, do. ;' High and Low Post Bedsteads f <ls and Y virtue of a decree of the Circuit Court of | Rockbridge, proncan:-ed i n the 17th day of j B April, 1852, in a cause tlierem pending, between j • 1 Eight D-.nj Cluck , Stocest China, Qucfan-arc, Glautcun, ,Vc ; j Rolert J. Tajk.-:, guar.iian of the infant heirs ot | Susan P.Taylor, dtc'd., plainiiti, and James Me- j Doweil Taylor and others, defendants, I shall proceed, im liie Sth day of JUQ-: next, to .--ell at public | auction, on the premise;!, Ami al! such Furniture as is usually f in a. well furnished Also Crockery, Tin II '<irg, and PurnihtiC. 1 Horse Barouche a>ul Jlarneu. A TRA CT OF L A X t) CONTAINING 292 ACRES, adjoining the upper end of the town of Lexington, in said county. This is the same tract of land occupied by William Taylor in his life time, the property o;" his wife Susnn P. Taylor, dec'd It is not probable that a tract of land so desirably situated as this is, with reference to the convsnience of > a location near Lexington, lor the education of a j family, and so fertile and productive, will be aijain | offered for.?ale. The Junction Valley Plank Hoad I connecting Staur.ton and Buchanan,"runs through j it. The land ;ies v/ell-'-souihern exposure—is ; rich—anduntlerafinestateofcultivaiiim. Wood's I creek runs through it—giving to ihe place the finest meadow in Rockbridge. Shon:d ihe purchaser desire to reduce the s-ze of the /arm. he may do so at any time, by selling ofl", at high prices, town iots adjoining To;vn. This tract is a b n n d a n i i v limbered—with a gcod DWELLING HOUSE, out-houses, and a very One Barn thereon and several fine Springs. The tract beir.j sold for pariition. will be sold uoincumbered by~Dowei or other rights. Purchasers are invited to auem! as a tract containing so many advantages is seldom in market. TERMS:—Cash ir. hand sufficient to pav the expenses of the sale, and for the residue a credit of one. two and three years—in,erju;il ann-ial instnlnlents, ih.; purchaser es*-caiin? bonds wiih sufficient security, and the lesai title retained until '.he purchase money is paid." A plat aud survey will be exhibited on the day of**\e. J D. DAVIDSON, ' May G. 5-2.—ts—Prs. fe? ST. Commissioner. __ _ Sale f Land in Rockb idgc and Botetoiirti Executor's Sale. Also an excellent tico Aors<: Carriagy atitt Jfcrncss. TEHMS.— Cash for all amounts lifcdec fire dt ilar? ; over that amount a credit uciil the Ut o« Ja iuary next — by giving bond and approved wuriir. SAMUEL RIDENOUa, Execa or April 29 1H5-A oi ' Susa» Myers, dtc'J. A LL Persons having- claims against the abo -. ? estate w i l l present thf-m in proper form f.-r settlement. ti. RIDEWOUR, Executor ), 185^. Public Sale or A I Bouse and Lot in Smith/fold* N pursuance of a deed of trost, exccatni so tie undersigned by David Pultz, dated Fefcrear••<, 1851, they n-i)l oiler, at public sale, hefoj-e liie Court Hoa«e door in Charlettown. on Monday tie lltA of May. (being Ccnrt-dayJ .f Home and JLef, fa the said, town ol Smithfield. The lots a.i;.-in» t^at. upon vh-'ch the Union Church s'.act , and it 45 by 180 f«-et in size. The Louse is a comfort'iht tico-ftory BRICK. UOi'SK, but recent y ercr!,~(!. The sale -i'ili be made subject to the" contingent right of dower of the wj'ie of the said Dar-id l*uli>, should she survive her husband. TERMS —One-third in Cash ; ihe balance in <!rfcrred payments of bis and twcive months' =eeure-l by a bond ar.d a lien upon the nrimiges. with u.!«est ou 3a.;ii Loads Jrom da'e of sa.'e. EDMUNDP. Ki: April 2i), 1853". ~FOiTSALE,~ >r5te^nnr Farm* T) Y Vi.-tn-? of n decree of the Ciiciiit Conrt of j April. JS52, in a cattse th.-rein peeking between 1 £IE_>u!..s<;/Jber o/iers for sale the Fa-»i or. John T. L. Pre.-tfn. p-iiardian of Su^qn S. P. M^c- : \v hi«:h U^ i.ow iu J.iowell a/.d Sail-,- C. 1'. .Mc-Dowtli. guardian of E- j Iizabe;ii P. McDou-el^ riairitiiiV anJ James Me- I bridge, ci'^tainin 170 ACRES. DoweH's reprcsenlutiyes, defeadants, «-e r-hall proceed OT. lire 7ib daj cf June nest, ;a sell at public This place ba^ i»»r.y sirperior auction, upon th'e'premises, a tract of land in Rook- ; whi-ih caauct be /oily set forth in art ati-.crfUebridjre. lyin'; on the Jenction Valley Plank Road • meiit. He -vouid invite persons desirous cf po»about 9 inilf-s beiow Leiin^on. cor.tainrnj ebasiog land to corue and see for ibeea^e-lrr*. it is Stationary, Blank Books, &c. ,1OO OR BOC» ACRES, UST received the largest assortn?nt of Blank the property o! the late Got. McDowell, heios his 1 iXo[,-~ -ver brkiagtit to iTiis market: They em- pvrtiim of the '-Cberfr Gro re" E>!aie. About half j has A MOST COMFORTABLE brace 1 JO. S. ft. -I. and two quire Ledgers. Day '-' ' tract is i j.*re<l land, of ?oo.l soil, -R-ell set in thtseonnirv. Hf)(,'SK, and other wcessarr1 cutBookslfand E" k-Books,.of ;he very l.-eit ma^reri- <r ra ss—»eit enclosed, and the re^idne is hearilah. ns-Ji verv moderate price. Also, a veiy I irge timbered. A nerrr failing stream, furnishing a- j houses. Jt ; well watered by 6ae sprirVgi. ami whole {.race. 'This Farm i.-:sitaamount cf Cap. I1^-* .and Ba;h Pap^r, Pens, Fen- biindant water power, runs through the laaJ. Th;s • ssredms over holderfc 1,'ik. Bijiuo^done at the shortest notice, tract adjo'tis John Layman and oihers. The sale.! aTec^ about fpt>r ^:U'-S J"ro'ra ieJJns'oa. OK.the main n r ! ..:Wlera-e par ' . ^. M. SSIITff. vi-illtake place at &the house and barn !h«To>n, about ' road fesifin:; to Lynchl-urg-, bv the ! M*>ith of ihe North Iliver. I; is\ eig&ni. es<ftte}A.MEfi Apr:}. 21', 1 j niifes iior:hwe. t of Tt/hn La) man's Tavern. '.IVE.R CANAL, at a *o;t imp^taot Jep, >{ J.. And by virtue of the sami; decree, we shall pr .r-eed co the 17th dsy of June nest, to sell =>r piblfc j ^f.3'-6 st".' trar.s.porta?i.-.n jaci!!-:ie*. the Mw:ih o { r > hare ri an-' Tjction, upm the tiremiscs that raltrable trac! of ! ."/jjl ' i<P - «Jn<j fourthin/icoj.» ^-fo//^NOiftTR -iSUIS fe R1DEN tnd lyiojr OT> Cata-.vba cr«-f v in Bmetc-nrt. late the • itF v'HiJ CANAL, nn\r under •:ui.-stru':' ion. IE ed•' »«- f-" !y of fi»pr;nt. aim sc-'fcir.-v. iri;}i roach -care, propertv of Gov. Me Dowel-, dec'd.. r-oatainin^- a- ilifioh fo'ihe fine market faoflitic»,ofilu)»elB»fiwrfi 'iesfrabk: fifotjse? in BaUimcre bo'm ll(X> acres, and known as bis "Balawii^ '^. ' mtnt-c, are those Inrni-heO hy ih-j luwia.*-! Lfi5n». 's rH'.i.miL This place-Jw* »isn tat-:." Ab-Du: GOO acres are clearer! !?.n4—soil ri-.-h ; :* uT' :,-tir.^ i:i a lins n*f;;hb<»fa'iid productive—-u'^'horn exposure ana Jeve'. a- ; the great r. -^ «._•!' .7. ,-.i!.! La-, ir^ C Lurch's at^i boon 200 °irc? are rich bottom, ac;i about ifiO a- hood, -i-itli rjs.i-eoicr.t rtisiaBCts. Paints. Oil;i. cres are fine aeadovv. The residue is heavily tim- : School hoi The terins be rea«-.r.!»W?-. »ii»t bereil, lerd and fine soil. There ate twu pcfod f r-rcsh'et* and in store a lar-re and general T.-5T r-rcs s as«i'-.tnent as. i'"-tne t-/ Drugs. Linseed Oil, 3perm Oil, dwellinss -arith oct-houseson liie phice. Tfe^ farm i! n;n?ofr>ij'! a<Wres», a Lexington^ ••erasi". Oil, Oi Paints ofa'.l kinds, and every variety is well watered—-well eiif-losed—in first rale concli?'. coucjf. Vi.^iuiaPaint Brnshf. Whire^rJsh ;jwn—well.set in grass, and is cce of ih;; iines-t Mock j M oil ;atd»it Msc-iciras. WM. iarros in.ihat country. sjle bv L. M. SMITH. ZfA M?': COTERMS.—Both tracts will 6e scfa for cash in ll^^-l hand sufnefeaJ to pay :hs expenses of sales, and ! & L«i in Ilarpers-l for the resitlne, ca credi s D(' one. Itvo and Uircc Ir Pwrftisneries, f - tMX-t-T A>", 2 \ "t'icnch. and oiher "Cofngrres, io rears in equal instaiinenJs, tlie purchaser exer olia^ 1 For Sale. sd f-ints ; Dollard's- Heir Tonic , - bonds with ?ood security, a nq the le«al jjiies K. AM ar.:5:n hrf i>y ihe owner,- R. Ii. Wri3brs ditto: Bear 3 Grease: Ox rained tiDiil the purchase mon.ey is pr;^. to oj&r, at private sale, tfoe.- J - Palma Pa! ma Chr':?ti Chr':?ti do.: do.: Lcbin's Lcbin's I B«ing Being sold for portion portiort amongst amonsst ;ttt beJp* belps af M nrro* Ponamade; a* )aw Ttvtt Sfcory ISrifk Eiirnc^: Wright'•» do.; St C'vrNynipt Soap, and ' of Gov. Janaea.McDowell. ?hey w»*J hesdlu unra- siiuated on tiie J«!and, ftf-n^s the AY. & P.fSail. 1 • . _ _ * * _ _ _ - , ^ . > 4* _ * . . T V . . » "L*. ~ -*-i.l ™ J . . » ' .*.i r-« V rtw^*^ Ii •* r^rttlf O'f A*. > I. ^. . 5 _', . . of eitract for toHet, For y Dower, or other i-Fsbr*. rosd. The bniwbavji jjfwst G,irden nr.d^>a!iai)l» L. M. afl respects a eomJtffaL-l--- T J i»riiif? F j&*& ^•::-L ARRIS & RIDENOUR calls the attention H of the gentlemen cf oarconnty far acd near J to tbeir larss assortinent of Cloths. Cas'iimeres, Vestings. &c. Ths- purchasing- piiTtncr flatters himself that they can show some o! lije roo-t ser.'-'t Mens' Goods, to be fonncl in auy Ctrjntr? Store — will the gentlemen call — prices and terms will b- ih be made ?asy. April 22. 1832. Sprrng and Summer Goods, ABRXS & RIDENOUK,have: Deceived atA H readr for Saje their supply of Spring- ?.i d Sntnnter Merchandise selected wish mach care.aud. from the most desirable Hoase i» HaJtijae;^ Philadelphia. H I n . ' /"•'. 1 Ware* Siindrie.u Keceived lbi» /^1AR13£N Hoes, Losy: Shorels. besJiPrwia' \JT Fotks, Toy Rakes. Wagon- Bases, Naiis and BKK'S, Sh«; Taei», &v.%:.n$, Chisels sets, Cheel Maadles, .best Cast and: Spring Stfet Hand S:rars, BaitHinsre*, "Wh«.elrit.'his-lyratfin"Jlfl! Saw Files. &c. " T. R^.WLI.ArS* Stt£f.' Mav 6, ISW A , will be «4-«im L h« of Bohemian Gi.TM Toilet a a T j r r a Coua Vases, ssrfte&l«;ler A-,;., j.vsaie-by L. M. _ '" '"oACCO A^ SN'UFF.—A fice lot of. the A g!-4)v articf??:. en Irand ami few •<*!•; by ' . T 1 r l«r naae. HORSE l&or-TS y«arfrcf ase,peffectly gen-tla and *Cg«o4 sti'Ae.-sttk-m anr'^prt-son fo ririre. HARRfS & RfDEISOUR. 1852. =* COUNTY APPORTIONMENT. ..... jTrcc press N-^^^- ^ ., ; the Marfee* to s |*3nt era tlic Pf -iialc rtvcr ko«w« -&:•.-;.'; "flit las ;n-p " ::rri ». *r Two Dollar* and Fifty Cents ps^n A N .** u%»i r«3f iv b"t Tiv D'ii.t..iae *ri',' !x-ra!!. if | Mttirrfv :T adFJ'vce vinent s deferred iicvun-.i the rtnn-r.,Mi.n«--i! «i, jJSJ, sprj<-;t!,i 2 i : .-<- Vtr_'i-^a,r«i^rdKf.ri laU; i j ilj .• '"-/jar;.- Cwt-ts the p;t-,c? of K-UTW.V. i jj--i t. IX- '->'•• the piarci!f7 b:,kfc" r-!ccV. :^iJ SL.ia-u.-.-.-.'.ss-.-ut t')-;:a:j =<:« pa»cd XpriJ.iJOth, l?oJ, r,-c, JK- t:..:-r g-acii, CDdiai'-sioc'-n aj'po sleii a:>d*.T raid act. Sav-jij nrrt st the Cc^.t ilous : CL: the County, ia utjcCi:^--.- 5:- a i-rtic*- f."^a tire Ckrk cf the rr or ire. *I lor tire* fnscrtioos— larger «s» in :ne samntMtnrriCT. Each cirtitintiatic*- 2-"> cavs-per «*3nare. *•»•• A!!; dvertisenjerttsn.n ordered fcr a sp-o:ik i,««T «-H! be nafii forbid and fJ*rg*i atli,«« i »»•_ is tbe «)5ij- »uti»t>r ./M ar«-n! fnr Ilit* piper ,1: »l»e«:it;«i»f Boston. Ni»' Vo.k_iio4 P-h!!*V.'l|>:» .a.fc.d i< duly cini>(r*:et'rftf>tak«'adTen(»»B>*.iit*'ifl4Bid*tf5/. « *j- Hi* *ffii:« arr— HOSVOY. Shirr's Ro-titir.-. v.EW TORK. Fributi* Da;". 35 P ilLADELl'IJIA, • ;> W.ceracr«? Thir*'. and Cannot *ts. B A L T I M O R E AOEXCY. lAr. WILW>M THOMSON . .No. 0 Carrol; Hail. llaltiaiorr. M a r y l a n d , is a a fnUuinzed As'-nt in «be ciiy of Baltimore, to r*! eive Subscriptions. Ad?-jty*r«nvi*, «kc., !'or the "Free Press," and i copy a;" the pa«r, terms, <fcc.,cat, be found cm file at his nice. VARIETY. THE CIIIMi) ANI> THE FLOWER*. OB UK relvt t I'j uk of » s- rcua I saw A b.-»ir;i ji rU-IA ii }••+'. YvTjo wu a|w>rlj!i» ID hip >y ciildbooJ'f glee The m<ii iiur '.lounf iw; y ; The j-entlt zi-j-fcyrs play<d spoitjaj iriifc Tb-- coreii of hi:r i mny hair, And the ir-sbconis ft-ll wii-ti holy ligtt On the l.jipliDL' *Lrcaju so fair. • i OB the edf.i- cf the bank that i.-K-ect chjcl ilrsvcd, Prelected by imiccn pctverf, Aad in lie; hai.'d a carlaad she held— A parlicd oi" l-jvolf flo-rcrs. With »caralc» lauih »h- htcdlcnly t' Tha«c flt.wcrs upon th< tide, /,*d 3» iht-y- faded away fr'jra her «igjt «'O, bring them to me, ' she cried. Bat on thev sped, (lisrepardfcJ cf Her tender hcart'i. cnic-tion, frntil theyr wen- lew: mid-.t the- briny vare* Of tic 1< mpcatunis ocean. Ir vjun. in vain, were lu" beauteous z'.Tta Strcichcj out to the foaminir sea ; Ja »ain, in r*ir., was her ;on»ta:it err, "Bring back tijose Hewers to me." T<- who an- lonely may I'^rn »ron' &'& '^Id That ti<r« weivtiiado to scrcr; Th*t like tii>»c flower: tbe jo;.* of cartk Ifiukt an- tost forever; And that we mail raise ccir eyes to IIc.n-en, To seek Tor ctr treasures tlu-rc, Where the sunbeams foil with a holy light And God and hi« a:ipi-h are. TIIE LAZIEST MAN. The laziest m;tn we ercr knew b a farmer who row resides in thu county. Many instances going -o prove that he is an extremely lazy Euan, have cotac under our observation, but the folk win 5 occurrence proves tliat if there is such a thing as ''getting too lazy to lire,7' b j caunot bo -long for tlii.s world."— A neighbor of bis having noticed a large nurobtir of cattle iu the only field of corn of waich he could boast, made all possible basic to inform him ihat the cattle h i d wade a breach in the fttace, and wore fast destroying lii-s entire crop of corn. He found our lazy farmer, sitting in the dnor of the house, vbioh overlooked the corn field, ond lost uo time ia warniai; him of the lo.?s which he WB.S fststaitiing; Judge of hi:; surprise. when the firm-.-r urollingly replied : "Yes ; I have boon sitting here ever since morning, frying to think where it was they got in : but I luu't thit'k where it can be " Sac-ar DjtAMA is T\VO Set;.-.!:?—FisH S^K£- — Millionare seated in an ca-M- cliai;-. I!T hiu; stauds a poor utuu in a supplicating attitude. Mil'tonare—" Ahctu : —Very sorry, my T^ung friend, that I can do nothing for y^u Bat I can give you a word of gocd advice— = William J-. iVjer :ind V !-e-jrsr= «'. Turner, OP uic Turci..kc rcae. i.radm- I oia Ecrrj^ilte to v-h;u'-s: t&wo, icari-og ^Via F. Tuner's Uiid ic D.itr:c! >:j J J '1, tlicacc. triih the Turt-i:kr aud Coo. W . Tfiniscr '. and John J L'ck'« 1-iae to «JH ir tenuiiMti-in twar Baarj-': i Mill: cout.-ioinp tut lw * the K^i'.iiln rwa : :v> ^, \ down «aid rue, '.:. a pcaut at;r? inch the Iiac bet* isI Roper's st'^e hn-j^- f-»rto ii«i the f^rm o/Thoriso UavI liss' hfirs, et'rndcd wm-Wi intersect thi s-iid rnn: l thence with the *id LUK 11 the White Oa«; tn-c at the i comrrof H'xdfBhv.rsiud J irec* Roper: tlienc<- with the • ruad the »3id liiiJ intcrwc-i, to the road l-.-aJiag f.-oui i Charlestowii to :'l»i- Shonn indale Springs; liicuct- irith 1 slid road tn the r:jrnc:- cf /.julrcw Konnt-dj's and Mrs. Rebecca H jatc- rartn-, I'IL-CCC from said jtol'it to the intcr?«:tior of Kv-.-tt's rt-.n. with James L. Hoofl'? and Samuel Etx zenbau»i»'s liat ; thtncu witli said run until it :plLT^ect-Hf!i;:ui»in llaicrick's liof, icavii,g A. Isxr'a hcusn a;»d Mrs. D«.s's h^uso ia No. 1 : tlie:icc -vith ^a:d iicr, i:id M:-5 Dat i?': Ii -e, anJ H. KU;.-C--'» lii;e to i lie SU-.-na.-i .ioali river ; thcisce up the river, !.-rt:i.«:Ej tho ••am; !:• tii' 1 c;:::.vr i;f Mr-. Jan« C. "VTa.~liij^tca aud Thciua; B. Waijiia^lon, atithc bcai! of Turtcy Bc'.iom: thea:c. wi'.h l!r-.r f i n . s t; I.V.- I.oadoun lin--; thence witli tin.- I. adoca liae to jhe Clarke line : thence -vitb the <Uurke line • i tin.- bc;ri jiuiii?. Tlie [llano fjr o])eniiij a:poil ic this District is <-?:tablishi;J at tli'j b'v._: of S.-kn.-ooHeflcbowcriaKablctovrn. MlDLLLll'aY 'OISTJilCT, A"O. a. C<inaien--J!» ai tin: Clarie line in the Bc-ryvillc and Siuuiuit P<;:at ii-^ii; tlii.-iic? «Itii said road to tlic iiiteriection of t-ie ro^a leadingItO Uiuiei' Mill; '.hcace wiili the said rc;.d until it intersect!) the corner of TUoiris H. \ViUii and 'V^r.i-.-r V\ . '1 iir.;ckajorton's fjrai.i; thenc; TVith tlieir 1 liav u:,t:l it i:;h?recets the lin-.-s c-J" Gecrgc Zombr j an ! Tii u^as 1C \<<"ii!:s'=; tlicnc.-with Wi!li?s liae to its inters -.tion v'.nl 'I i:onias (;. Lacl,laj,<r.- .and: thcufc vritii saitj line KortjliiMt of said Lackla:i'l's i-ouse to its term aat.o;i : them--.- in j liue from taul point i:ros£1115 si-d L:ck!j .d'a laid i. > tLc- ialerML-ction ot ;iie \Viachester aa<! Pet : niac lit;! JUicl with TliouiiLS O. Lacklnn-3''5 ind R o l ' . V»". lljjilcr'a laada; tiieiuv -.i.ili .-ii.', Rail Ujad to if iater^^ctlon witli Uic Cer.-yv^Jo an d Leetowii rod . t!-ene?«;i!i the fa:d Road tv ihe Siaithlield aud liarp;-!--. Fcrr} Tjirupike ; ;hencc \vltlitlii-oaid Turcpikc road t- :'.:c iiiti-r-cc-Vso.-i cf the Lectanu nxul at \Vm. Brcv.-a's; ilieiicj tyi ji sa:d road ta its :at:r»f!lioii witli tlic C i;ar.j .:\vi a:al L-.i-town road; tln-iiec fri;iii said iioint with tlie liue lietiveeu i-ehool District No. 7 and ."S'c. S lo tii- intivit• :tion cf the road lea<-ii)°r troni Elk llrancl? to I. rto'.vn -.. ith iNnithfield a:id Sheiihf.Tl<town Turnpike ;1 i hence with Minor HuritN ::isd R M. T. Ha:iter'-i Ism , and th:: line of Hurst and I:-aac Slrider's heir?, co:!t!:iuin^ w . i l l Hurst and Str.-di.-i to J.icob MoriUB^btar's ct-n er iu said hnc ; thence with .Moru.iigstar asi.I Hurs; t j their c-.irn'-T \rilii Joseph Gorivll's heirs, arm ('apt. Jno. Qu:<riey's heii's ; thenc..' ivith llicir line to the Bcrk'-ley lint-: tliem:-- with the Uerk«.;ey, Pi-cdenck an-1 Ciarkc 1 n.cs to the heginning:. Tlie placi- for •. iiening .1 poil in this DistKei is c;.rablisheii at the Publ.e Schoj! house in Middleivai. CHARLLSTOU'X A.'SD CAMERON S DEPOT niSTltl'JT, -VO. 3. Cojumcncinp at the int rrsection cf the road Icadire to JCik liruach C&ttreh ivith the Sheplicrdstor/n andSuuthficld Turapiko : theiice M-iUi the iiues of School Duuict Xc. S and 7, b:-in.r the Ii ies oi District No. 2, to the intcrseitiou r-l'the Ceetown and Berry ville road aad .Lcctoirn aud Chai'leftown rtaj ; thence with the Lectown and Eerryville r. nl to its intersection with the HarpersFcrrj' anil S:u;!lila-!d Tur.:; at \Via. BrownS ; with the TiirnjJike to it* iuterscction wiUi the Berryv-lle .uid L.otcu :i mad ; thence willl said ro;-.d to it: 111terseciiu:! v.^tli the ^Vmiliester and Pot-Jiuac lta-1 Road ; thcnc-: with =aiJ itai! Uoad lo the intersection v.-ith Kobi-.-t AV. Baylor'.- :rid Thoiiia> G. Lackland's U u t l ; thence from slid puiut crossing tlic land cf Thomau G. Lacklaud tu tlr- t-iid J-arkland's a:id Thomas H. AV:Ilis' corner northea t n'.-Mid's house ; thence witi; the lilies ;.f s-a:<l WiJI.s and olhers to the cor.ier cf \Varoir W. Thriickmort-511 aud Willis ; tlieace with their lines to thjir iatersi-ot.-.-n "ith the Urines' Mill road; the.icc with : aid r;iad to its interM-cUou with the Uetryvilleand Suaiinit Point ro^l near VVaraer W. Throckiaortou'o : thence with Uie tuid Berryi ille road to the Clarke line, sa:d hues b . i n r 1 :tween No. "J and No. 3 ; t!u-:icc with the Clarke liav IT tlu corner of No. 1, at the intersection of Uie old B-trryi ille aud (.'harlestoivu road ; lAii:ncc ivith aaid road Ir.-tn ce.i Mrs. Davis aad Col. Lame and around the f^ra; cf Ja:nes Gruathini 13 the White CUK Taicrn, placing saTd house iu District No. 3; tlu-iiix- f.-om said paiut to the corner cf til? fanii-5 of ^Via. F. a:ul Geo U*. Turner, on the Turaj>.ke l-.-adtug from Berryville to Chaik-stow.i, U-aviiiy YVm. F. Turner's lane M D;:tr.'r.t. No. 1; th.-j-;,- v.-.tli «'• • !T-.TI'VV."O Ciiarlcstoira Turnpike rwJ. !,' Livtt'j run: thence n ith the ni:i to Congress itreet id Charlv-i'towu ; tlie:icf w;lh .-.aid Confrress street to V-Vst Mrci-t; tlie.-:ce witli said strciri to Main street at D^» d llu.iiphri-y's eor.ier: thenec with Uio Main street ta George street at tlie ccraer of the Ja:!, Market House and Oourl House; thence with .-a.d lieor-.;-i ?:r--et tu tlie \Vuielu-alei and I'.i-.oman Rail Uoad we»i cf Fli-iry L. Eby's ; then-c with sa'd Hail j Uoad to the intersection of Mrs. Kaiuon au:l Francis Yale*' lino.-, with said lines of Uanson and Yates, Yt.tes a:id Jaii^ G. Hurst to lii^ir cnruer ; with the | iinci of \\~iu. Hurst mid \Vm. T. Li-avcl! tck'.he ccraer of Charles Yates and Wus. T. Leavell in \Vm. Hurst's line ; Uiencv croiiing Charles Yates' land to a corner cf James L. Hanson and YaU-s, near Charles Yates' jratc; thence with the lines of Charles Yates and I'aiisoii.Kan- • • ; , . . . . ' . . ! i AV. Moore. Hauson and SjariMa-l Moore's heir's to the ii:tersi-ctiou of the Warui ^.Tliig; thence with ;a:J Wa«- Spring rtad to its intersec^vn with the road iead:.,^ j'roni Eik Brandi to Lecton-n ; *.l,enc-e with s:».i roatl to Uie Turnpike n-j;ir Janic- V. ^loon-'s at tho bcgmninsr. Tho piarc for ul>euin» a poll in th> District is cstubj lishcil at the Public School Houie in District No. 20. : l'if c: riser u Hai«;-:sh ^^^ Wusiiartaa M A*z iisd Epik-rt 2 6 O A C n E S U F L A XJJ, children ^ould be delighted w'r.h tbetrs. ^C3^ Wby is Kossuth a great glutton 1— 3)ccvas; efter Invia^ plocty of «joo-i Turkey, an< an iuvuation to Fa! mere., kb cry is. »^ Why does a dag wag tsil %rhcn Le fees hi :aast-:r cotiihig ?—UCCMISQ Lo Las |*jt oa< to wag. 5C3r" Wlay is a haunch of vetison like a dandy 'i—Because it's a bit of a buck, |Ej^'Wb.y docs modestij resemble a miss * — ti n r* • ***•»• " ^ » i iirt^ t^ a<« if » — V. _ ^ . ' _, — IrisbniiE, in speckicg of a relathre wio w*s haag, sajs he 4ied during a performance. _„ we i««ds wb«n sow a lilca gnteTb'ey &re planted b the e.irtl, (o * _ *_ ^ *_ \ r mcr ut tiic road Ieadia; ci™ " h totfcf£ ,V a nl"1 ^: ^"5* OHFuraaco-thc forcgoioij c : x Riv r to atid coreer ^e*"/.» - T ' ^ >»% WMec-Wlft sa!i ro»d tothp ia i is ^he fiizae for EargainSi undersigned intending to discontinue the JL Boot and Shoe Makins Business in Cbarls-town, ofiers for sale at COST, a lai •:<• and general assortment of Gentlemen's SOOTS, SHOES PUMPS A.\l> SLfPPERS, a>- a!st», a large and fashionable assortment of Ladies' Wear. The supply of Servant: Shous on hand is veil wortbr tbt ;i;i-?nt!on of larmers. as £reat bargr-irs may be cipeoted. It is d-?sir;ib*e to close ont -oi* s'ock ar ar: earlv iiay, and Srstlcalling shall be : : iu fir«t servw!. f;.j^*A!l pert 3ns 'indebted, by Ncse or B-->o!,' account, are iespicct!iill~ roc'.-.ested ii-corns forward ;md pav the sssie, as I desire to ck^e up nty bas;tiess. Those \'h= rr,iy wiik ;o sarr- ecsr, will co •veil to heed this cotice. THOMAS .OttN'SON. March 18.1S53—tf. ; " Cask for Negre< s. from , DYSPEPSIA! cf I AM desirous to purchase a Ur^re natnber oNEGROES for the Southern rj«:rfcets, meu, •rcmen, boys, girls and families, for ICC WIt tte 6aid i{ .—-n-ith ...^, j which I will give the highest cash pr" *£?%' ? "^««-_ s atci»..«i«i the leetotm road at tee the Elk Elk Bfaach Bfaa,.>, CS..^* ij.].^! ! Persons baring slaves to"sell • ChwA;- thence with ^aid r.»-i ! tafifc*tarf»t*«Kg^l^fSHj!^? J'Jease inforta ^e^rsonally.orbylil goins ?S? ^Sa^SSiSS^SlSL « Wi«d«ster.«.rhiri.^JHwceiwpitapt e : wlUl l11 •aid r»d ta «>-.<. «5^^k. ^ J±_^f-, =.^^ ,H S. J Rttcatioa; or B. M. & W. L. C amp: No. 212, "West Pratt street, Eal:imor . to 1U said • ^. f ~mf ' "tetaectioe with -ire Street Ji^r.ntJ&r jJ-B f . yiJ. ff• 1JT n . St. TV eW. Sure K VTiachester, 3ep»ml?cr'4, ISjjL ELUAH MCDOWELL. r SAMUEL c VAN on R. VTKNT, Pastor of the U:i)iti>t ChtrcJi. Prepared ai)J sold br J A M K S C. AV1CR, Pr-iciical Chemist. Lo\voil, Mass. Alio, sold bv L. M- S M I T H . Charlestpwn DOIISKV !.- I1O\VI,Y. \«5ter T." UALTU.V H A M M O N D , II. Ferry, -And bv Druggists throughout the Slate. February U, li.JC—4ir:. J Ne^r Style Curtain Goods, UST n-ceived a very extensive assortment of new styles ol C u i t a i u and various oilier UphoMerv goods for the fall and winter seasons, consisting in part as follows: Satin Delanes, new >tv!es snd brigh! colors; I'liioit Damasks, all colors and qualities; AVos. do. do. * do; do. Moreens do. do; Tin key R-ds. plain and figured; Wos. Gim. s a l l six< s; Silk •'(>; Kmli'd M u s l i n Ciirtains, wh; .-andcol'd; P l a i n and fig'd Wos. plush aud all colors; Uniss Cornices, newest styles; do. Ornaments, do ; di>. C u r t a i n Bands nrd P i n s ; •. G i l t Roils, Rings and O r n a m e n t s ; • V/os. Luiip< and Tassels; Silk do. i A!si\ keep on hand and manufacttirc to order. Feaiht-r Beds. Hair, IIu;k and Moss Mattras^es Pew Cushions. &c.. together w i t h e v e r y t h i n g app e i t a i t i i n g to Ibis line of business, n^ v l-.e had at G S. GRIFFITH'S, Unholstety Warehouse. 1-2-1 Bslt. sf., A p r i l '20, lSj'2. next to the ?ur:ot Oliice. m DR. J. S. HGUCHTON'S ERRY PEC I T CREv'T CORE FO? m A \VELL DIMOVED M'o-.a fs*-i LI:-. m, ANSEL & CO., HE sreatcsi Piize Sellers ia the Uai:cd 3iat«a take p!ea>ure in pre>en!ir.:j to the \ iisjia?*^ puWic a >ci:eUuieot trie Lotte:iesia be drawn in Se Cay of Bahiiaoie. during &e Month ot May, and trJui thesuccei-s *hich na> aiu-ntied our Other. duMU" the last morub, thera is no dontrt '.bat many Q{ ihe~Capita» Frizes- will b-.- sold by us. Ws there(ore aari.v; «rveiy i-ne !c> send their ord^r S-H-JD. We s«nf., d u r i r . j tlie-month of April—S'.SOQK* Another Scientific "Wonder 1 ,£-\ place jV -iyeiiini; a Poll Ha this Dlstri-t is estib•tiFSr ILrbeJ at the Mi-'tet Hixsr in Siicvacnl-tow... f\ SHEJ'HERDSTOVN AND KEtlXErSTiLI. riSTR-CT. NC». <i. CoriMcncir it Oic Bciiek-y !iae—Crroer :.c District !fo. 2—rcrjai , 'A-ilh tic stul Bcrkek-y liatr :o the Pct-Taac r r.«-..-r; "iLtracc T>-ith die Pcttaaac to the "Plat For t!«e Cure of Rcct ' a |»>iat -:>ppaih'; the Strcx!' in Shf" hcrd-itonra r l>y VTi-bli's Slot* house : theno; in :• dirccticn (OrGHS. COLDS. EOlRSEMiSs. with said Streci West of the MX ket-House until BROXCHJTIS. WliOOPiXG-COUiG it icti.Tsecti VBKXI A!t;j': ihciscc witi said ally ta its intcrscctioc witi. the Sbcijhcrditown and Saiithfield eBCU', ASTH?IA, iXD Tamjiikc ; t'aeai:? with the Turnpike tci its intersection wiUi the ridse njad at Aioxaader H. B-iteler's; tiaeuce witli ;he sakl Ridre Eoidioits intcrsectijuTrithlhe road This snTaloairle remedy lor all diseases of tibc ihroa Itxdin-i from ElkT3ranch to Le^town, 1 *h»g a comer of DUtrct No. 3 ; theace with *aid road tu :ts"intetscction &s.! taaes, L -.taineU s celebrity from itsresisrljable iriiii the Tnrupihe near James T. Moore's, bcjn? also tuus, rieTer ccailled by ai-.y ether medicine r.efnre — the liae of No. S ; theac* -with Miaor I«ur»t ar,-j R. M. T. Hunter's liae lad th« 1'tv cf Hurst an-i Issue Strsdt-Ts Olhsr Preparations have shows th-era'-elves jKiaiatives. Heirs, Coat!nai3<r irhfc Harst acd Striitcr f") Moniicf- and sometimes eifectetl nota'ble cures, but ;:one hs.s star's conicr 1in siiil iicc: tArenL-c trith Morlayftar a?-<! ever so fully wou tb« cond-leacc of ,-rery cc;nmunity Har«t to thci' C-Mr~r witli Joseph Gc-reil's hr:rs and trfctre it is known. Attt-r years of trHl >R every cl:Capt. Jchn Quigley s heirs, bein«r also t';jc Rue of No. 'i!, (natf. the results have ir.aisputabiy shown :; I'" po>S'-ss anfi Tith the lure'of Jt-v^jih Go'rrell's heirs and Cap!. a mastery over this dangerotu class of diseases, which Jelin Qaiglcy's heirs to lie Berkeley liue at the Bcjrm- i.-ou;j not fail to attract tbe attention ot Physicians, nifiz. Patients and tt.e public at large. The place for opening a Poll in this District is estabSee the statrmenis, not of obscure individuals and lished ai the public School Housein Schoi 1 Dt-lrict No. ti. from tar disian: places, hut of men who are ki:own r.nd BOLIVAR DISTR1C1', NO. 7. respected throughout the country. Commencing at the Potoiuac Rivrr at ;> Culvert cf the Baltimore and Ohio Rail Road at the mouth cf a larcc | The widely celebra'.^«J Suigeou, Poet. VJ;LESTU«E ravine ; thence u;i tlie ravine lo the public read near the MoTT.of New York City, sa.vs : Lutheran Church Uicncs witli the Corporation line be- | " It gives me pleasure to certify the vakt- E.:i«J eilicatweca Harpers-Ferrj- and Bolivar; thince with said I i-y of • ATERV CHEBKV PECTOKAI,' which I consider liae to the Shenandoah River: thence up the Shenandoah i p-culiariy adapted to cure d-scases ct" the iliroataud river to the Corner of I-?aac N. Carter aaJ Francis Gard- j lunis." or', the Vorncr, thence with the lines of Carter a^.d Ga^ior a::d | £ia- PERKI.'CS. the- venr-iab> President Carti r and Isaac Chapliiie to their corner in Wm. Ui- | mnut Mfilical Coiiese, (--iie "f l'I? prii'ientlj. learned der's I;ne : taence ia a straight line pasting ihroui'h the j (iliy^ic an* ot'lhis L-oui!ir\. writes, tiif CIIEBKT PECTOlines cf Wm. Rider and WTO. Lucas K iht corner of i RAL is esvenMYt-Jv u>eo. in thi? section, whe'-e ii has Wm. Lucas and John. II. Alstadt: thcucc -.v;th the lines ! ibcw3 Bnra^sratao!cevidence cfits happy oC.;tls upon of Lucas aad Ahtath, Lucas and Russeli, auJ Lucai and I pulrnon-aty diseases John Moler, ca=t cf tie School House in District No. IT ; | The Rev. JNO. P. C O C I I R A X K , n dist ; ng'i:>hod thence with MnJi-r aud Jonathan Kt-arsh~y to the Ii:ie of j Citt^yman of ibe English Ciurch, writes tr the ProDaniel Moler; thence with tuM Moler and Kean-leys I ^ii -t-"r Horn jMoitlrrnl, that •• ue has been ' . u r e d - > f a line, a;id the line cf Kearsloy and Jesse.-r Moore's heirs, j .-ererc asthmaiic afleciion, by CiitRr.v PECTORAL.''— until the same atcneds JacobJ Stride! s liie: thonce ' ^i^ letter at full li'tigtli. "»>" be lV-ui:d ia OUT Circular wilb Kearsleys aai! J. s line iintil Kear.-liyS : to !». Irul of Ihe Agent, arid is wi-rtli the at::cu::o2 of liae intersects Jehu T. and Iiarl>ari Hcnkle's ;inc: >'-ifj<-..•iS'liiii-ilIo parents. Henkle's and Jacob Stricler's |:-.-.e un;;i said S^:This letter is troin th.- veil k'imvn D^l|gc;i^.t at Hills ders'line intersect* Saaiuelj S'j-iuer'i line ; tU-.-nco with ' dale. Michigan, one oi'thel.-uiesl dealeisiu l;be State , Jacob and Samuel Stridei s line uadl th. saaiir iuter- tiuil ibis case is from tii? ov-iiobsrivaMoii. s-cti Philip :iad John En^!?*! corner; thence with John i HIU.SDALE, MICH., Dec. ;0, 1S49 E.ifcie'-i and $3ii>>ie! Str-ilcr's Hn--- until it hitcrscct* the Dear Sir: Immediately on receipt ofjv-i>r CHTIIRY public roail, atd ivi'i Uic public read to ihe ccraer of • PECTOHAL. I cifri«l a bottle to an aci]Ma!ntance ot" Fuujle nnd SJerrcl—bcins lie road leading fro:u the OM i mine \vho was thought to b" n?at eiu! sviih ijuick Furnace to Duiii-.-lds Depot; theiice wuh this road to i ton- iirnp'.Um. He was llirn unable to rise fro;n his bs-d. the i:,iersectio:i of the road leadics to Zion Church, a I wj> estrt'iiiely feeble. His friends brlieved he eorm-r to No. 5—the sn'd foregoin? lines f-rom the Shen- j nrist soon i'J<>. unless relief couli'. b • obtaincU for him, andoah llii er to the said c-jrner of No. 5, beinj the lines j ai--d I indiierd them ti> ^ive your p.tedleiit ifiedicine a of No.-l—>henec ivi:Ji the line cf No. 5 u- follows : with j irial. 1 i mine J'mlely left IOVMI for it tee v.-eclis, and the Zioii Ci-urch road until it intersects the corner of ! v>u may judge ot" n^y snr;iri>? on my retnn-., to meet Henry Miller a;>d Wa^hiasttan aiid Meier's ) li:in iii the slreet o ; i mv way home Irom tin- e.irs. and land; thence with ihe line of said Meier's and Miller ! liini lie Iiad oiitirciv recovered, l-'nur weel;s: from tinuntil the land cf fait! Meier's intersrcis the land of I d iy lie rprnmenced lakin; your medirinc. he was at Robert Puke's heirs; thence pas^ius; I-oni said earner i wor'.i at h's ard-ious trade of a blacksmith. through the land of Uu: said Duke's heirs tothcciruer j There nre other ^as-es u-itlnn my kiu.v.-lcdje, where of the said l>uk.-'s hcire wiUi Washhi!:;ou and llali-iirh l the CIIF.KRV PECTORAL has been sibgulafly s'j;! Moler's and Robert Gibnore's land ; thence with G;lVery inily y<'»rs. mor's line aad Washington and Rale-gli Meier's to tbe but none so inirked as ihi-. Potoiuac rii-rr, bein.; the cr-.'ncr of No. 5 J theiice with HEATl T H K P A T I K N T . the Potomac River to the beginning;. Dr. J. C. AVF.H. Lowell—Dear Sir: Feeling tin-.!er Th.- place for opciiin:; a Pol! in this District is estab- i blin-jtioiis to you for the restoration of my health. I lished at the Public School House in Bolivar. ;-cnd yoi, a report of my rnsc, which you are at liberty HARPERS-FERRY DISTRICT. NO. S. ;o publish for the benefit ot" otheis. Last autumn 1 Cpmmenein; at thi top of the. Mountain, at the inter- loot a Ind cold, aceompauied by a severe cough, and section cf the I.oudcnn Line with the li:i? cf TliDinas B. made u--e of mnny nn-dicines \viihou! obt:iir.iiv.j lelief. and Mrs. Jane- C. Washiaptou's land ; thence with their ! was obliged to gi''C up business, frequently raised lines to the Shcraudoah Uivt-r at the head of Turkey blood, and could gel nn sleep a; night. A friend '"ave Bottom ; thcnc? with the river and ero.-oinir the same to me a bottle of your (TIIECRY PECTOIIAL. ihe u>e of th.e corner of the C'orporuti in line between Harpers-Fcr- which I imaiediately commenced -iccnrdi:^ to ilircc Ti-• and Bolivar ; Uu-.icewith said Corporation line lo lions. I have just |jarchased the lii'th b-nvle, and am thec Main Read leading- from Bolivar to Harpers-Ferry, nearly recovered. I now sleep well, my cough has near •ar the Lutheran Chnreh ; Uience with a large Ravine ccatcd, and all bv the i:se of your v:i!n-ib!e nifd'ii- : jito a Culvert of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad 0:1 the K. S. STONK, A. M., Potomac River : thence with the Pcto:nac rivi-r to the Principal Mt. Hope Seminary. L .ii'l- u.i line ; Uienc-j with U:e Loudoua line to the beH A S O V E R . Oi::o, April 3. ] 5.">t). ginning. D-?ar Sir : I wirh I could tell all tbat s-utTer a The place for opcr-in? a Poll in this Oist'ict is estab- couijb. wiiat y«nir CiiERr.v Pi:cror.ALl:as dou» fcr me. lished at the Mavor's Ollice in Harpers-Fern-. 11 does- SCI-IP they might be t-enoriitrd by the inlprmaJOHN MOLER,' lioii. 1 had a "111115 fevi-r wl.ic'n lef' my lui!t;s werJc and ALEX. R. UOTELER, inflain-d. IU ing \ e r y feeble ai:d unable to piin JOHN H. STRlDElt, Mri'iijili at all, my fiioi:ds t!:niight I must soon siiili in DAVID FRY. coiiMi:uption. I had no appetite, and a dreadful coii'jh GEO. B. BSALL, was t"a>t weavin:; me away. 1 hrgan to l:t!;t>yotir beauJAS. D. GIBSON, tiful iP.edicinr, by ll-e advice of a cler:;y.:iail, who hat! JAMES BCKR, f e c n its effects hi'l'cre. H e:srd my cr.ugh at lir>t, ;nnl : JAS. LAAV. 11OOFF. givp HIP r"st aMvght. ln!i>f-5 thau.i fortnight 1 could JOHN C. 1!. TAYLOR, eat v,-i'll :iiid my coii^h Irul c--asod to be troublesome JOSEPH SM1T1L mv appeiite reti:nn t t!.a > nl my loodnouriyhpilmeiwhich May 4, ]Sf'2. soon resteredin'y strength. N-)-r. al'tcr live weeks. 1 am well and strong, w i i h no other help thr:M vour Cherry Pectoral, Yours, wiili respect,* J U L I A OKAX. 1 hereby certify that the above i-t.iteiiipni of mv v.itV is in conformity with mv own views of her taie OFFER nt private sale i h e l - M U M upon v.hicli and her cure by AyeVs Cherry Pectoral I reside, Mtii.vrd .nlinut four niik.* iMiiiIiwi^t cl JOSKPll D'C.\y Cli^i'!e>uiwn. Ji'ffersoD county, Vn.,'ac'j:.ii;iri}: the Tho above namrd Jnreiih Doan and Julia, h s witV, lands'.-!'V.'. T. \Va-hinzion. U. V v o i t h i i i g t o n . Geo are per-.on-illy known in nvj. and imjiliclt coiifidcnct L. Washington i,nn xitlicrs. and c o n t a i n i n g about may be plac-.'d in t!>'ir sta'.^mi'iit. BOOTS AND SHOES AT COST, >aiil r jad to the intersection of t3»e ro;i.i leading to Zioa Olrarch, a corner cf No. 5 ; theisce v.-ith the road IcadiivrlVoia t'ie Old i'arnace to Dcffietd's Depot to its iuter».-oiioi. with Uic Charlestown aiid Slu-:»hcrdnowa road.;.! Dugk-U ., Doi»ci: ihcncc with sao road to its mterssftion n ;th the Lcetbwa aad Old rur;-.aj>: at Elk Draach ; theirs -n-itli s-Jd read to its interjection \vitl» tt« r,3£c r ud corner ;o Xo. c, in a Iiac cf No. f, ihence ivitli :he ri-ijc r.-i-l t3 iu mlersectioa tritli iLc Sj:ria; roa;!. Iskj the ca-ncrcf No. 3 and No. 6. Th • place fir qjc-u;^ a pill ia Uik Pstriu is csl th; l -cart HoaV^. 'X EASTERN DISTJEUCT. XO. 5. P?-:::?eiicin.J '•* e c-jraer of Wishicgtor- sad Raw1«!5£ .-isJ-j.-'s Line ri-.fa Rsbcrt Gilmor im the Potomac ica to their cc.Tierin the r C V« "ntx"rriUl Uuccf Resell Duke's heirs; Jicaco from Siid p^iat a. . cross sic .'ia.j of »id Uutc's heir* to Use corner of W.«sUtn-tca . ^a Rawlctgfc aWor and DuUe's hcrrs, in rr aad -f^:. :,1€r"'i !ite; Ul-aw witJJ *c line a 'A s &.. Let all the world say f-hat Uiey caa. 1 -r jelling Prizes M. Ansei SiCo. ire tlic men. ntt-iw! w-nrlto: ;••> Art of CVva;rri=s in the t «i Ifcil. hw ..'. :-..;; 'V.JI'.TOX, XL D.. h»UM«bf*M •.liicv >:' •.'••* : :-:r.t Cc-i:ri i- •: U-.c Ki.-;a-a l£jv?r-..'v of PtttXjv* IV^UKJ. iOi Rtek'-iJM-; r:d titles road Tcmwit- at.ct-Stntr * feetui t'.'irtv ot w h i c h are In liuilc". the ir. a r a U e land.iliviiieci i n t o n i n e i i i ' U K . a!! utidtrgocd fcueitig. m i » t l v post and cap-fence; Tne improvements consist of a large, convenient and newly b u i l t D w e l l i n g , c o n t a i n i n g j seven ro-jius, with cellars under the wliole j —«muke housf. ice Tiouse. servants'lions- j 'es.siabli: g,corn house,and a 'argegranary divided into garners, capable of holding 2000 j Poor Mm—"But \vhcn a nnu lias nothbu>hcls ot wheat. All the building* necessary {•.•- . the comfort ;md convenience of a l'a'.:r',y have been ing to" iTei:;ed w i t h i n a few yrars past and aie'iti ^oi'fl reMillionaro—'-Nonsense '—Under certain pair. There i< upon the tar.Vi a variety of choice '., circutn^acocb a mau muit know bow to iruii selected ;>om the best nurseries .ind most of MTC." iuirn now t'carin?, v i z : apples, peaches, cherries, Stccnd Seen;—The rnilHonarc drawing apricot*, plums. &c. The land has been exclusively w i i h a view to its improvenietit. ciin-cr in & f-ond. the poor uiau calmly regarding and plaster has been freely used, an-.l ic is now in a '.: -.01 frutn the shore. fine state of c u l t i v a t i o n . The \Viin hes-ier and Po- ' Toor Man—'-Sorry my friend that I can torcac Railroad 1J miles disiant, and the Baltimore fi i nothing for you. liut 1 can give you a anil Ohio Uailroai- 4 miles d i s t a n t , oiler great facilitie^ for the uai;sp mation of the produce of the ; «-*rd of good advice—Sicim!" TlllCT, -YO. 4. Coaitneasiug ;<t the mterscction of the road leading farm cither to the Ilaliitnore or Disti-iet markets.— i Millionare— (choking)—" Hub bub-bub ! from lilk Uraicii to Lei-town with the \Va-m Sprius The Harpers-Ferry and Smiaifield T u r n p i k e afwb-when a. ma man can'I swim !'' j road, beinci a c Tiicr of No. 3 ap.d No. (j; ihence with fi>rils a good and safe route to CharJcstown nl allPoor 2'lau—"Nonsense !—Under certain j said load lu its intersection with James L. Run-on's line sen>on< of theyear. lis location will compare fnvoral.Iy with i h n t o f circumstances a man must ktow how to I aud corner of Samuel M.iore's heirs; them:e with the I1 line of Hanson aad Samuel Moore's heirs : thence with any t'ar:n in the c o u n t y of JelTtirsnii. as regards : fevriiu."—Union Magazine. l.'.i:- . . Jno. W. Mt»rc, and Ran-->n and Charles health, society, f e r t i l i t y ofsoii. or facilities to marj Yates. to llieiri-iTiu-r ni-ar Charles Yates' cat--: thence ket. Persons w i s h i n g to purchase land, well imJl^- \Vo heard lately repeated, says the ! Cliarle- Yatcs' land to the corner of Charles proved, with every t h i n g to hand, are requeued to Yale? anil \\i\i. T. Leavell in Willia;!! !lurst'= line; Brookville American, the grounds of a il thence with the !:nes ol L.-avi-l! and ^Via. llnrst to their tall and view the premises. ->*trone and deTOted attachtneut A young ] comer with For te'roiR.apptv ID ihe subscriber, l i v i n g upon Jas. G. Hurst and Francs Yates; Ui.-nce and beautiful, but poor widow, %vas al.'out to ! with the I.lies i-f G. llui>t and Fraurjs Yates the premises, or if by letter, addressed '<> Charlesthe linesof Francis Yates and .Mrs. E. Hanson, to.lhcir town: R. G. McPk'£RSOX. tr&rry an old, rich widower. Her iVietius ji and iuter.-cctioii witli the AVinchi^ter a:ui P-'toiuac Hail ] wished lo k u c w v,-hat she ivas rJinut to mar- | Uoad : thci.ce « ith tlie Uuil road to a point in said road i October-2,'i, 1851.-tf. . ry liiu> for. She feelingly replied. •• I'urc : west of H. L. T.l'v's dwelling in Cliarle.sti.ivvn: tlu-nce | with the centre i"f Ge:;rse street to the ee.-itre of Main i '. lore—I love the ground (mc.ining farm. ! -tree! : tln-.u-; » ith the Main street to West street, ! f~rMIE undersigned will sell, on accommodating ]>robablj-.} on wliicl. he walks. r;nd the very near D j v i l Humphreys' co.-.iei-; iheucc -.vith \Yest j X terms, one of the most dcs-iral. !e FARMS in jheuce with Coai^rcss street j the Valley ol Virginia, Mtuated tbrce milis ^.ouse in which he lives." Thero isplatonie street lo On-rr. ss stri.vt; r . , . . . , _ . .. ,, ' • » » ' i suuth-^ast o Siienherisimvn. Jetferfati cotiniv. a.ilove for you. There is Dutie of jour schoolj o i n i n g the land^'of Dr. I. II. Ta\ lor, Geonre Lii-1;girl foolisbneis in that. liiler, Conrad Sliindlcr and others, and is w i t h i n of Goo. W. Tjr-u-r ar\,t Jc4m J. Lock to tbirir tunniua- three miles of t h ; Daltimore & O h i o Ilailroadand JTU" " • is v;rv seldom that bard-working :i \i .. -ar K.iui-y'.- Mill, continuing said Hue to the Uull- the Chesapeake & Ohio C<;na!. Ti.ii Farm conpeople commit suicide—suicides being one skin ma ; them:*- doivu s.iiil run to 2 point ;it which UIL- tains line bi.-twi-.-a Ja^. Hopcr'; staac lumsc firm a iii tlif farm of tho a::ompin'.iuents of sift hands and in- cfT. 193 Acres, ll.iyli-i' heirs «artcDded would ictorsrirt the run : dolcaca The best thing a girl can take for thcnc;- wit:-, the aid l:;.e to the White Oak tree at tliir •25 of which are in thrifty .imber: ire balance in TIB oppressed m'.nd, is u husband. An old corner of lioclp;. heirs and James Kopcr: thence with arable land. It is d i v i d e d into eight fields, incluthe roaJ—Ihe sa.J line sntc-rsc-ts to the road i-.-adias from d i n g two meadows ol about fifteen acres. There maid w i t h u nothii)2 to worry her," will be Charli-stown to the Shannomialc .Siiriujr?: thcAoe with is a str-.-am of watei r u n n i n g through the centre oi at mohucholy as dyspepsia—marry her said road f the comer cf A;ulrew Konuody V and Mrs. the Farm, to which there is access from each fi^ld. sad make her the mother of four romping Rebecca H-!nu-r> f. rm^; thence from said ;>oint to the There is also a Spsing of water near '.he D w e l l i n g intersection cf EI ett's run with Jatccs L. !iljorl''s and house. bovs. tied she will be cheerful as sunshine. S. RDckcnbaligh's i:ac; theace with said run until it iiiThe imnrovemerts, all recently built, consiM of tersccis 1J. Kjxlcrick's liae, leaving- A. Islcr's hoi'so ami two s'ury House, ( u n f i n i s h e d ) containing ;i.x A Sxite at tk* Post Qfict—One of our 3Irs. Davit's Lou;-.- in District No. 1 : them--- witli said arooms. out-buildings consist ol a Stable. Ci'rn line aad Mrs. !>avis"s liue c.ud H. Keyos" line to the Irish daraes the other day called at the post- SlieaaadoaK R.vor ; thence down the Shea ludoali river Crib andThe Wagon-shed. Tl-ere is upon t h i s F t i m .-iflR.^n »ud in-.mired far Lcr letter. After to the corn-..-r tf I.-aac N. Carter1* auJ Fraac.r (Jardner's art Orchard oi Choice fruit. A muie inisiiite i c..iiLing the nntue, tne clerK procecaea to IOOK iuau ; inen--e -.71:3 the lines ol farter ana liit-Jaer, car- scription is cemmea t;nnec?5sary, ;i> n >s jircsuniru ami Isa;; Ct.iiiiliiio to their corner in AVin. Rider's persons wishing to purchase will examine the for a Tetter, but not being successful in fiad- ter : thence in a itra-jlit line jiassing throiifh Uie lands property far iht msel re*. 105 it, isked if the name was on the list — ot"VYm. Rider a:ul \Vm. I,u-:as ID the corii-r of \Vm. It the alxive Trad of Lind is not sold privatelv ^No, in faith," answered she,-but I know Luoa; and Joha H. AHrtadt; thence with the lines of before SAT^RDA V/ic'23.'.4 <!cvi r,j Aii.ziift. it w i l l Lucas and Allstr-ttt, Lucas s-id Russell. Lucas and John it's her.% for I put it in more than u week Molei, east <-f the scUocl house in District No. 17; en that day be offered at public sale, in front of Mr. For furajo, an.l E.CIW I want to take it out to add them*- wk!i J.ibn *»«**-• Moler and the i Daniel Entler's Hote" in Shepherdstown. »*^»A Jonathan .' i ;i.: .: .1 i Ken?-U-y a^v-*t. lavij to \.\j tuw i . 1 • c»i_ line <n"Daniel Mok-r, with Daniel i.Iol.-r ami Kearney's j '.her particulars, apply to the undersigned in Ssbepffoiufltkiug to it, sure !"—Luc.-l! I> line, ike liue cf Kcarsley aad Jesio Moore's brirs until j herdstown, Jeflt.-rson '-otl!!ty. Va. same suinc intersects iat.T*eels Jacob S:rider's line, tiienre -.vith with | . EDWARD C. WILLIAMS. La Oaio papers relates that r. mem- the Kcarsley's and Jacob S:rider's line until Ketrslt-y's 1line Aprils, 1R52 ber of the legislature of that State went to iutersecis Join T. and Birbora Henkle's line;'the , thence s party the other eveuiug. and was so ir.uch | with llenk'e ami Jacob Strider's line : theaoc with JaSsruler's li;.e to i:itcrsei-t Samuel Strider's line; rlcas!1 J with the su«-;r plumbs that ht; asked cob tl»sac-.-with Jac.-baad Samuel Strider's liiu-i until the fjr it fc v to take hotna to plant He said it sx«' intcrieebi I'Lilip a;iJ John Eagle's comer J thence IP** t.ho bost f; utt he ever tasted, and Lis w:th John En;;!i- s and Saaiuel Striiler'.s lite until it in- *Yc]; arc at tbe very bottom of tbe hill,'1 taia tlio physician to & sick patient, "bu* I sfaaU cudeavcr to get you up iijjain." '•I fear I sball AJ out -.fbr;cH befort I reach »he tjp."was the reply. REPOSITORY. .S AND V K f !&. J& L-e^b-ir" ;•*•-, 100. auU tne Prize ol'bOO to |^oadouri; sl'tWO to Cb.nic*sown; 1 of 3« 600:o_Pr«Jerick ct)untv; 3!:Slt:' tu Moiuuigalia; b«':i!':* a g;eat many'of s,:aiiler denu:ninatior.$, and ia»c wha have boi beeu M> fortunate may re»: as;;ai^d t h a t Pa mo Fortune n-.-ver forgets those ?rba J ever lorg^t her. nsshe >avs— " Who cSoi't Riii Jon't Win "' LOTTERIES TO B£ D R A W N IN MAY. *- ,AS -'••- ;X3t3K:" THE TUt'E DICmSTIVS FLUID, GASTRIC JVICS. ix Q.U.ART BOTTLES. 17 5 of 12 000 60CO •JOtXX) 10.000 OR HABIT OF THE SYSTEM. 10 The vilue ct this Medicine is uir.v widely koovru, I ~5000 and every day the field of its usefulne:-* is euendcd d) 0<X> 5 J :-»75 It is approved. an- highly recornmcifcicd by Physi- Ql 3J, 1-50 cians and uiluuttCii ti> be the ta-js-t poweiiul and s ^ 7i searchiag preparatiua from the ruut. ihat has ever i been employed in int\i:oal praotice. Ts operation 10 33 #> 37500 e.x:«nds to "the remotest parts of the sysu-iis, and St *2i 875 8 2450 consists in remov-tis; dis« a^ctl action in the ab»oib2:» 000 375 in^ ac.! secret ins; <• rt-ati*. >ln man. Nature seldom :; 073 i HaL'a li'€i>r.v;ii .1! of Pr.r-^ix, infused in v.-ater, effects, ui!a»i?i«;d the euro of at:y v : riiSeBt disease, 5 2-.) OflO 1720 : ~i:l digest IT ii^'J .ve. Fivs 1'canils of Roast Beet bai require* the aid of a M i u v j i a n t . aiierative, or 5 CD 9 <MK) in n l u i u t two hot;rs out of the stomach. o! •.'.'.antiscpiio ivedioiuc. In-ci^caats of the ikin rsud 5 i'M-'SIN is th- - chiet element.orGreat Digesting flesh, a cotuhinaii.'-n cl t h - s j !;ircec!assc>o: sv.edic37:, I 4,000 Principle of the O t ^ t r i c Juice—the S'.>lven: uf the inal a^ciils is lii^hly iie>iral-k4. All the>e proper5 17 :'.i) 1 s Foul, the P t i i i i v i n - r , Proscrvinpr, and Stirtaiatirg ti-. -- r.r-.' oo' in i'.i pivjKiraiii.n; a'.iJ instead 2S o 7.^)0 GT5 .Agent for f.h;- J-:jni;ch :ir.d Itiiestiucs. u is t x of operatTng'sricccsstTelj ui-K.-u the 12(H) UvCOO 4 'Digestive Stomach of the < <.\, thus must nt-'.-e.>sa:-ily c?-' wi.<.n ;nkcn st-; they 23 1 4.5dV) a fonainsr aii i ' ; .nreci,c:,v_i:ice i C rate simiilta-.Jou-iv. ar.d i n , 00 L:i-u:ijn) when CO IWO 1 tljc natural Gnst.-i-j Juice in its Chemical p.nvc -*. aduiif.i>'.c:i:d in this I'-Tin. 31 700 Ii !o::io pioperu ar.i.1 l u t i n - l K : . <; . .: *•.!>; ;uid r-crlfd i:;f!;!.-U fcr it. I 10 33 000 30 50 63 the niJ i ; Iftfe iieparation, the pains IMIU evils j is a l t e r a t i v e ter.ili-i-cv tan ;.>.:: .!..- .v:. i-r.. nl :it ions | £"<?" A'.i iirizes paid ia 2:i.'d or ban'.-able money a'. of 7',f'ivv -iii.'. l)'j;:>fp;'ia. are removed. j u > t as j oi" morbid matter,---."".•- its nnii-rp:!-: iatiaetice ncu- sigtit. All oi'deis coufiiieutial, aao tho th>'v v.'uuk! • .-by a healthy Sttmiach. It is doing j tVaTi; .-s'the v i i u - I v vl.ieh :'n; i.';-.-.-a»e l.jslered. drawing will be sent as soon as the Lattery U MVii.iiTs iV.r IV,^pi'jv.ies, coring easrs of Debi!ity : Its u a i i i - i i n success in c u i i n ^ r.:nl ic'.ieving the va- dravru. Ei-ir.c ; .atiL'!'. rservvats Decline, and Dyspeptic Con- rious riisenses K>r w h i o i i i: wretjonr^uemlud, i?esFor a good Pr;»e acii prompt attention, su u p l i o n . - . |\ - lo be uji the ver;re of tl.._• grave. tabli--hn.! I'V a r.ui'.liin.:. 1 of attested facts. Aa.' M. ANSEL &. Co.. Tl-.t; Scici".i!:i- ir.v:.!ence u.?..rts wWcfc it is J'a^eJ, is C U U K Ol^ B R O N C H I T I S . OR MINISTER'S C. of Halt , aad Light sis , Calit. ia the J.isi •••' ilvx-^.'ecu-rii'tis ant! mnari-ab's. A p r i l -Ja. JS.VJ. SORE-THROAT. SOinNTIFIC SVIDSHC73, . r.u:s l!iv:::c. M;is«., Aug. 22.J KS50. HA11ON LlEyii! iu hi;* celebrated wo: . on An- j Messrs. S.INDS.—I regard it ni:! !ii>:i;-;. '...iy«-i!riinri! O h t u i i - u y . jays: ' A n Artificial L»i«i'itivtr i sclvcs, and ' h u m a n i t y to all s i m i l a r l y ntilicie.t. tu CREGROR 1\V MA L'R Y. i\I.OJ*GEE3. Fliiid.'anaii-4i)i.-T to t'ue Ga>tric Juice, may be read- . b.iy, 'hat your S.irsa^irilla has cured me of t;:-.ilv [>n parv-.i iri'C! '.he miH'J>us membrane of the >:o- | Chronic Laryngitis. in;ii'li if thf Cali ii> waich x'arious articles of food. ' It would be difficult for RIP !o describe the alarmas iiieat anJ eggj:, wilt bu soltcned, changed, and ing condition ol my tliroat an:! vocal organs p r e v i disrfsied.jiiit in il-esatne nia:iner as they \\-ould be ous to the use of your i n v a l u a b l e n-mcdv. D u r i n g Tj OTTCUY. t.«r the U-in-f;t oi the St.ite of D«-ia. iu ihe huina:i stc'm^ch." w«i!«.. C^a>s 7. tor IS3-. to be t l s n w c at Wilnearly three years I was forced lo de>i*t tu-m the Dr. P E U 1 - I R A i i his famous treatise on :'Food g;nn. Del . on S a t n i d i s y , l.'nh ut Mjy. Iijj5 public d u t i e s cf i;iy profession; and c a v i n g ma e and Diet,'' |Hiblj>;irii l>y Flowers i. Wells, New IS .V:.wJ-r L-!!cnr—\\ D^^r L'.•.VV.'i. YIT'C, page j5, 4:'"tes the same great iact and de- u s e o f a st'eat variety uf prof.'>»cd specifies, lu sides submitting to mure t h a n t h i i s y estremelv p a i n f u l SPLENDID SCHEMC. scribes the raeiho.! "f preparation. There are lew caustic npplicatir-nr, 1 had abandons-it all hope n) I Pri/eof C-3.*> 000 hiiiher atitli > r i ! i < > nan Dr. Pereira. 1 da 15000 'Dr. CO.M13B. ir. his valuable wriiings on the relief when, as a (iei tiier lesvtt, 1 was led lo the tri1 do 10 OHO " Pliy.Moii';: 1 .- o^Digestion," ^'i.-crves tliat a '•diini- al of your Sarssp.iriila. Mv disease was of so long stan ling, and had so Prizes of ;" UOu nmio;i of'.i:^ i!t:e . u i a n t i t y ot the Gastric Juice is a dj 4 «t'0 prominent and ^ l i - p r e v a i . ' i n g cause of Dyspt'psia;' : obstinately resisted the best 1 inctlien! skill, t h a t I am 3 WO 2 do and l.e t'.aies that "a distinguished pro:c>sor o! conscious it cannot 'n:!v b said, mv " faith haih o -.-' 3 do m e d i c i n e in London, ivho was severely airlifted saved me,'' for 1 had none ; but 1 tru^: I fee! in 5 t!o \vi;h this cii;;>pilimt. findinu; everything else to f a i l , some appropriate decree grateful for the favorable l.OCu 10 do ha.l recouisy ti> the Gastfic Juice, obtained fn>ui result above named. 1 have inixv 1-ten r,Me in at4110 40 ib the stomach of l i v i n g animals, which paved com- tend to the duties of the pastorate lor more than a year, and having proved from a - ' i n a l exp'-iimont &C. &.C. &'C. plete I v Sl!'.-'..VS>l'lll." Dr. Gil A H A.M. author of the fnraous workson ihe thoroHshness ol ihe cure. 1 co".!d not U-cl i u ^ t i TicUvts S!0-IIalv.-s SJ—Cir.artL.-s 6-'. fieil in longer w i t h h o l d i n g t h i > s t a t e m o n t . '•Veg'-'iab!'.' Di.el,:I says: ; -lt is a remarkaMe fact in rtifieate ot pacirages i;i •_':!• \V h-ies Ce I am accustomed to keep a botfe of voar 5?arsaphvsii.Uigv. thatthe-stoniachsof animals,macerated Do do u't - j H.iU'tj tJ! UO parilla at hand, and whenever exposed tu euK's. or in water, i n t p a i l to the lluid the properly of i!Nextra labor, still use it as a prtrralu-c. soiviiisi va: ••"'.'•- nnk-les of loud, and of i [feeling a Verv grak-fullv yours. kind of ar:i:i'.-iai digestion of t h e m in no wise lii!1 S. C. BROWN. I'ar-tor ol Cent re st. M.E Church. fcrcnt ft'Oiii the n:it'.ira! dig-'stive process.' FUOM THE STATE OF M A I N E . 2 P H I K K S OF 8-20..000. | Pn-'essur Di^ni.iso.v, of ihe Jefferson College Pl.ilailelpl.ia. ia iiis jrreat -.vork on H u m a n PhvsiThf attention of the render is c:.l!-!.i to :I;e fi'llowOTTKUV, I'^r ih-.- lon.-fit of iho Stateof O«!r.-; ology, devotes toorc i h n n fi:ty pages loan e x a m i n a - ing ceni/icase ol a remarkable cure effected by using ware. Clats A, li.-r ^3-. ID l-«r drav.'n at V"ii-j tion oi t!:i.> stij.jcct. His t-xpL'riments v.-ith Dr. • only live buitles of Sands' Sar?apuri!!a. mtugtt Del , on Sa:u: J P V , M.-y 2 Il< att:iioni. on die Gastric Juice obtained from the Sinsr.v, (M:r:.-:L-.) A.i!:i 13, 1350. 1G L',^.-.: i,'.:.'.'---f5 n..' «/ 7& .\<-s., l i v i n g ht)ina:i stomacli. and from r.nimals. are well j Messrs. A. B. & D. 5>.».NUU. i-. :.: ; i:. •:.!•;.• ;>•- i;;.";.v ;•:::--? r :i blanks. kn-,nv:i. ''hi :tM cases," he says, '•di!:e^tilln oeeurG.'tiilemen.—Tin's is U> i-e-rMfv '.liat I have Iipt-n rt'i! a^ rcrl'i-ctij" i:. tiie a r t i f i c i a l as in tiu- nalaral | aSlicted more or less ev. r si,-. ••• my !:-iri!', w i t h digestions.:> 1 Sp'.endi.J capital c Si-fci', which cor.iiiiiied to increase until last -JO 00<J Dr JOHN- W; Diurnrt. Professor of Ch^mi.-try in | Febrnnry. In Ja:itriry. mv L-g< were .-.i .-\vollen.l '_'0 Oiru i 'do tin.- Medical C.->lli'«e of the University ol N. Yolk, c-^ulJ not get on 3 bout or s:y.-kini. end I '.-ad sevi iio in ; I ex; IJ.-.M'U uf Chemistry,' page ?•*?•'>, says: eral large sorrs (.;; me all tiie time. F:i ihis s i t u a 10^75 1 Jo '•I', hr.sbeon a ij'ic^tion whsMher aniti-jia! digestion tion. I wa? alwit i'i aivc up in do-pair. wh<Ti I wns r> r z;s oi" c o u l d! be be pcrfowneil—but it is now universally ad- ! advised to try Sands'Sareapaiilia. 1 had no; m a < h minedd t h a t it tqay tanv he." jn; " 1.5CO CO ~ j""Ca!l us; jlliL- Agent, and set a f't-scripiive M anil procnreil «" tio'tli... \vj. ; i-':i did me .--r inii'.h 1.2CO do C i r c u l a r , g r a t i s , e i v i n g a !:nge ;anonr-t »(siirntijic 'jood, t h a t I sent an-.! sot another. ;m ! mn;ii tu-d un1) 1 UiO ci\'Jcvst. siiniiar to the abovel'togetherwith Ri'piirts til I h'ui taken five bullies. 1 ;mj :::'\v pi! i". .-, '-.uf -i-cnaiLiib'.: c.';.vt-;--, Ironi ^11 pans uf tiie Uuited W--1I. I f n n v ;)-'r~n[! whn m t v re,-.'! !.i- I j i h - i i- n i 13 do o. •IL'J States. flioied x-. it!; T.'IV di^.-.-^e nf Scrofula. { xroiiM m a t &c. A'3 A t>YS?2P3TA CCTRHJR, sincerclv rccomineOil hr.d advJM- ll:e;n U mnuv us.; O — II l D/. ll.ii'.i'rui''-, PI:PSI.\ lias produced tin.' most of Sand-.' S.;rsap~ril!n. Jf any psrson n-i>!i -s fn vi'trtd'i-iis rt'rttii in c n r i i t g cnsis fit' O't.i'it-,1. Kma- therinforihaimn jibont mv er. '•'. bv «.- i l i t n ^ t i p i i R me. ciii!ion. .V .-<•««.< '.)<:••line, an i Dijsptplic Consumption. I can Convince them ••!' UIH lie?:in? p-"".'r uf this Certificates aiA;. • - • Wliult It is iinpus-i!;!(.' to yive the details ol' cr^cs i" ;hl" m.-,!ieine. 131003 S T E P H E N C. H A Y - \ V O O P da ' o; e; Halves Do U'UO* P. S.—We are pt-rsonallv .-irijnaii.ted w i i h Mr. liinii;- -; ;his advertisement; but authenticated cerDJ i!o cl ~> Lli^hthr. -0 CH tificates h a v e Vxi) given of more t h a n I.;-.) .i./ -uli-cii Havwooi and hr-lifiv lii< <tnT,-i>ier:t above in be D I L L I N G H A M & TITCOMIJ. remarkul''- ci r:..:, in Pliitaiielphia. New Vork and true. Order; I'jr Ticices am! Sl.arvs anti Certificates i ^ Bostcti aluiie. • These were near!) al. doperatc Prepared and sold wholesale .-inJ. t e t a i l . by A. 15. 1'ackaires in the ai'ove Spiftui-i Lotterier. wil! rtcases, aii'.l ihe cures were not onl\' raj'ic: and woa- & D. SANDS, Dru^ists and Clvmi.-ts, 100 Ful- ci-'ivi.- ti.-.- most pi'L-tupi atteniion, and sn v!iii.-iiil 3e- , d e r f u l , but peniiai.vnt. ton si., corner of William. Sew Vi.-rk. Sold also count ttl' each d r a w i n g seat imiacdiatcly al'.ei i. i--»; J It 1'-* a great ncrrmis nntidulc. and particularly •r,- Dr-.i^^i.sls generaiiv ihrou^hiiiil tiie United over to all who order li»m me. tiseitii lor iLT.dcncy to Bilionsdisorder. Liver Com- States.-mil Caaadas. Pi ice 31 pc-r bottle; sis butAJd:--.-.^— C. i: OT.IilK.V, Ami, plaini. Fever ai;it A<jiif>, or badly treated Fever and lies for S'5. (Succe«or to J. i C. M*titv,) Ague*, and tha e v i l effects of Q.niuine, Mercury, . Foi Sale by L. M. SMITH. and other drtijs upon 'he Digestive O.'gans, after a April 20. 1552. loitir sickne>s. Also, for excess iu eating, and the L P. HARTRTAN; too fr..'e use ofard.-nt spirits. It almost reconciles Winchester. Aprii lL*iil:h with Intemperance. P IULP.ARF.D ;-.ora RKXNET. or the tVurth S T O M A C H OF TilS OX, after di"ectiuns o f B t u i t N L:.:D; ; the great Physiolae;»cal Cherai:t by J.l?. HOL'GaTON. M. D., Philadelphia, Pa. Tbi» U a u u ' v ^^-iderfu! remedy for Indigestion. Dyspepsia, Jaaindipe; Liver Cooplaint,Con>tipaiion aikl Dt'biliry. Cs'.rinsaiici N a t u r e ' s o«'u oiethud, by iJa'.nrs's own Asen' .'i_ ^-»_-«_-L '•..' sooo . Briiliaut Lotteries, for 31aj L •jod Gardner & Kohr's Uht'at Drill, WATER, F Entire Klew Stock of Carpetings, G Two Hundred I£ea»i»s Paper. B New Style Paper Hangings* G I S M P E 8937 i FOR THE REMOVAL AND P E R M A N E N T ; 53 C U R E OF ALL DISEASES A R i S i X G FROM i AN IMPURE STATE OF T H E BLOOD 19 Tfi'.-re i^ no foi iu of old s!:>incc/i complaints v.'hifh EW subjects deserve mure .^tension thai, tie it does not scqiTi to reach and remove at once. Xn necessity «il oL'taiuing a copious supply ol w a in tiler how bail shey may le, l! fives insfant relief! 1 A singleil.-tse Removes all th : unpleasant-;ymptoras; ter, but in lucking tu quaintly i-f supjil' , quality and it only nee-.N to be rcpiated for a short time to has been thought yl less i i u p i u t a n c e ; there cou'd make these gopU effects permanent P;intu(>f!)l»o<l, j not be a more gross error or oni- more fatal iu j dud rizui'i'f fc'J'i follow at once. It is p a r t i c u l a r l y I Riestic cumfort and ecotiomy. We propose to exescc-lleni iii citse-i of Natis.-a Vomiting, Cramps, plain some of ibti seiious inconveniences w h i c h reSk.-rcr.css of tlji; pit of the Stomach, dir-tress after s u l t from an i n j u d i c i o u s selection of hard water far ea'.ii:^. K)'-v, f"' 1 ! slate of the Blood, Heaviness, di'ciestic purposes. The wat«rr found in springs, Li.vuv-'ss ot :Sj'iri!s, Despondency, Eiiaciati-ju. &c., has its p r i m a r y origin in rain, which l a i l i n g on the soil percolait- itirougli it. and the porous Wtr.Iinpss. [••n-li-iicv to Insanity, Suicid:-. &c. Dr. tli't•--;>•!:''-• s PEPSI.-; is prepared in Pow-Jer beds i)i.r.eaih and gushes out in Hi.' ;'or:n o;' springs anJ in Flniii "i'": isi—and i:i jircscriptiot; vials for whenever it tueets an impervious btrd which re!;;tc> ii a passage: p i t s s n u k lio-^a to the latter, dctvCt ii the use ul'Phv;si'.-ians. Pricatc Cir,-i.'ii'.' for t h r use of Physii-ians, may there, and !on:i '.veils, lu its p;is.>age through the t be obtained ci" J ) i . Hongl :cn or his .\gents, de- pervious rucks, it takes up .-oiujle :uipt!:iiiea v a r y scribing ill* 1 «'h' ic p'ocess if preparation, and giv- ing in ihair amour,', and characte:- w i t h the : S. GRIFFITH. No. 77 Baltimore street, has ing t h e a i . ; h . i fed upon which the claims of !his ical formations; ihesi i i n j i i u i!h'> being principally . Jus! received and is now prepar-'d to e x h i b i t new pjmi'iiy a,H' i:.i>ed. A;-- i-. is no! a «v/r/ rcatt'lif. tninerai ingredient*, may be Ji:iie. c!iul.c "v;itu;n, uuc of ibe mostspler.diii assortment i:f Carpeting no objection cat; L>e raised against its i; -e by Phy- salt and different oilier compound*, w h i c: h impress ever ohcrcd in this market: among \vhich may sic ian-- in r f - p ! <;:'.Me stand :ng and regular practice. peculiar qualities on the water. The salts o: be found, Piic.- O.V/; DOLLAR p> r fx>Ule. and magnesia communicate to water a Tapearv Velvet Garpeiings ^T^~ Oc.s"nv>: T!II>!—Every bottle o f ; he g e n u i n e termed hard:tc:,s, a properly ditlicuiitodesctib^, but do ' Bru^els do PKPSIN bf.n's etc- \ v i i t t e n s i g n a t u r e of J. S. Hocoir- ! which all uritieisii.nd; the must common giver ot do all new patterns Super do T.-IV, M. I!).. --.:•!•-• profiriftoi. .Philadelphia, Penn.— hardness is ^arbuniie -.-t'liine. A n v eartiiy s;ik '.'•_-do ; nnd do three ply Copy-right an ! Trade Ma:k secured. composes soap anJ prevents i-s action as a cleansi-r. do Lrijht colors. do Ingrain Sul.l bv all Dir.ggists an I Dealers in Medicines. Sa^p coiiiisis of ai. oily ac"! combined, generally, do Extra Fine do with soda, when added to water containing !i«:j, AGENTS. <1o D a m n > k Venitian L. M. SMITH & CO., Charleston. that earth ur.ites w i i h tiie oily acid forming an inDruggets, l.'ugs ai:d Siair Rod?. Wholew'i- & ReMil a^pnts for the Val! ; y of Va. sohible soap of no use as a deter^n:; this insoluFloor and Furuiture Oil Cloths, all widths and ble litne soap is the c u t d v.-'t;:c!i appears in bard waqualities. ter d u r i n g washing w i i h <oap. ilan! w a t e r is of A" M. pRTDEE^ JH^jKrs-^Vyi Ta. Piano and Table'Covers in every variety. Dec. IS. I8M.—TV. no use as a cleanser u n t i l a.l the lime has been rjAll the ahcve stock has been selected with the inovei! by uniiii.g w i t h the oil v z< iJ of soap. Evgreatest care from tlu; largest establishments in the ery 10(1 gallons of water of ihi> kind usually dec o u n t r y Purchasers will find it grestlv to their A T H Po-;:. t r n i l t edge and plain ; Letter, Cap. strovs iUi ounces of soap—this is an enormous advantage to give us a call beiore purchasing, as Post Otiu-e Envelope and Wrapping Paper of waste. If persons observe !heir habits in wa>hing, we are enabled to sell lower t h a n anythouse \\\ the city and on most ai-commodaUng terms. Don't all descriptions; Uon'.iet Boards. &c.. just received they v/i!l p-MCeive t h a t the p l i n c i p a ! q f t a n i i t y of iliiwater is used by them not as a cleanser, htit inerelv and for sale .•Ijean by G R. CCFFROTH. mistake the name an>1 number. lor the purpose of rinsing n;F lus vtry sparing aApril '2-2. ' Opposite the Cpurl-Hoase. G. S. GRIFFITH. 77 Bait, st., motini employed /or c'eierijent pu.'piut-s. We do between Tripolett's Alley and Gav street. I rsrsie Ol' cot wash ourselves in but out ul ineba^in—iSr pro^'J^ 1201 " ^galia, Plantation: La cess ot washing vi h soft water is quite different, the \vhole quan! iiy ix; ng then ap.ilieit as a clcanvr, ."Ximna and Princif>ee Sugars; 45 (100 O':! Havanna, Rifle and Cassabure Segars; ! 'he value o! soli \va'er lor s-ashir.g wiil, by experi S. GRIFFITH begs leave to c.ill the atien- 10.000 J f i : n v Li.'id ; a so Spanish Siies and a va- ' meet, be- at once rec«-gnizej. Aoa-. ahhougii»the . lion ('f his customers aud the public generall i e t y uf o'-her fine b r a n d s ; soap may be ejoar.mi^d in personal ablution by ly ;o his Papt-ihanging Warehouse, and examine 2-1COO Spr-i:5sh do., 43000 Half Spanii i do. the nncpmfbrtalJe rxiethod described, it is impossible his- well se!ec:ed aisjnment, as it embraces all the to obtain tbe economy in the washing of clothing, All o'' whJclj will be sole' verr !<>w. ueivest patterns. &c. The labor required lo wash in hard water i* G. R."COFFROTH, Fine French Gilt Paper?, for Parlb.?; very ur.uch greater ihan when it is solt, and the adAp r il i-7. Oppi'sitc the Coir t-Htiuse. do Gothic. Panel and Column Paper, cf every ditional tear and wear is a very important considedescription;. ration. We nuw draw attention to th<r inconveniGlazed a n d C o m m c n Papersof ererv description O ^f LOXl^S Tobacco, various snd superb ence of hard water in cooking; ii i.s well kno'.vn 1 French aad American Bird Board IVints; ^5t^» i'-'ar-vl -. Prime articles fnr retailing.— that greens peas, beans and other green vegetal!-'.*, do dt^ Borders; Just received scd for sale ,-ery lo* by loose much of their delicate color, become jellour] Landscape Views. &c. G. R. COFFROTH. A^o.may be found. Venitiar. Blinds, both wide and W i nch !•;••':-;..ipri 12-2. PppoatielfceCoiirt-Hotise. narrowslats; Patent Blinds; Transpaient Window Shades. &c.; all of which we are now spl!in» at re- O/"\ BOXES half pound lump Tobacco, jnstreO U c - . v c . : r.i;J ibr sale low, and re- and Tea 'ihe*vfi-»*till tco.-eobviocs; it Ls extremeduced prices. G. S. GRIFFITH. ly difficuH to oatairi a good infusion of either with tail. 3. R. COFFflOTEI. Paperbansin? Warehouse, 1:J2 Bait st hard water however m u c h may be Treated in the April '-"2, 183-2. April a), 1852. " " next to fie Pa; not Office! attempt. The es";ct of hard watc-r on the he-!:h of NUFFS.—(iO BoiesScvtcbSnufT'in 2 a n d - l o z . tbe lower animals is very ol-vioas ; hor;es; eattle : pap. rs; v> t.r-z. Garrotis, 3d q u a l i t v do., in Bottles. Ai-o, n;;ppiieT Maccaboy and Congress rsiHE undersigned, thankful to tie citizen* of Snogs. n-:Tfz\, : -y G. R. COFFuOTH, : • 5"r^°n l?J*tiibeI?J Patronage extended :o Ic-rmc.r. In a"! of them it eholic, aa.i someApril -^3 Oppt ^ite the Court-House. Lhira in his (toe of business, ropectfai! .• gives notice r times more se-.'ioas Giseasts, the roa:s cf horses : that be ja^ made special arrangeisei'.ii to esec:a'.e EX V E"L O P E s T M a y n a r d and drinkir-.g hard 'vaifi' becorae ro_ngh, stare, and they I \ H A every tieseupiicn of !r;lr, Snuff Bc:tcs, Segar soon la!! cut ofcr-n-lition. It is no: known that it ! 'J\J\} N Case?, Tuv.r.r;:'' Pcocl es, Porienvnr.ies, Blank exer:s similar iaduences up.3n man, although anal PAPERIXG. AZ'D PAI1T13-G, Books, &.1-... f^r sale at reiiuecd prices, by c^r woe Id lead us toes peel that a beverage ui:suitc--j Apr-1-3-2. ^ G . R COFFROTH. to'the tower animals, cannot befarorahleto the hu;: the shortest notke and on tlie mc-s: reasc.nah'° man constitution. Persons with tender s-ki:is caniTCliE5~AND BLACKING.—150 Or*,* ! Jerms. la quali:y o- style of his wofi:nansh:i> hiSlatches. srond ana paper boxes; 10 sross ] cot wash in ha-if irater, becanse the insoluble salts is w i l l i n g that his vark itself shall le his recooileft bv evaporatioii, cause a:i inferable irr tation. Blacking rut! saall boxes, for ss !e bv, and therefore refers to the vork esecur.ed Having notr eiplsined IrfcCy some of the inconveApril 'J:;. G. R. COFFROTH. at the residences of niences of hard uater we propos- the r?tredy.— Da. G. F. Misosr, V. W. MOORE. IPES.—"if Bo.tes Chnlk Pipes; '2(KJO Clay Emp!ov llobart to hnild a pair cf PATE.\THYI. IN. CAETEH and J. Vf. B xLEri, Pines c.^d Reed stems; German Pitws. for DRAULfC CONCRETE FILTERING CISfl. R. COFFROTH. TERNS, which an; made cf imperishable materiCharlcstoTvs^ aqd :he Graining a: th,- residence of sale hy ' April 2-2. :' Mr. Lewis W. Washington. al, and -rarraated n«?t to leak. With ihese, z ffooU His lerm-s are most reasonable, aid bv promptLD pi.aRtsiion S-gars, and other popular scpply of pure soft water, is at hand, and may. if desirable, be introd'j::>:d into any room in the house ness and fidelity to those who patrcai:' him 'he brands, GO hand and for sale by for batbins: purposes, &c. PLAIX CIST£Jf\S bones to receive a liberal share of encouragement Apr»S^. : G. R. C'OFFROTH. suitable for washing purposes, or stahles; 3)30 He jrflTeiecme any description ol Work in his r liae when desired., ic aay part of this or the nei°bAG3 H ANTED.—Ar- qnan'.ity purchased, built ia :be uiast perraaneDt manner. Having superior fixtures for the purpose, order* meet prompt boring counties. WILLIAM KIMES^ aosi this Jsi^Lnst price rivn. CBarleaown, April 52t 3S52—fim. April S-J. : G. R. COFFROTH. attention, aad are respecting solicited. F,:-r reference to persons who have had above cisterns in SSENCE OF COFFEE, by widdi yoa can OOKS' -BOOKS H—A -arell selected lot of use for rears, or farher information, address save: more than csehah the Ccffae; for sale br .'-- . iivi: rr«:»irud, tnd for sale by BILLINGS HOBiKT April 23, T. RAWUSH ft SON. ' w " L- M SMITH , Marci !8,1S53,—6a: PAPERING 1XD ': O R B Tobaccol Tobacco I ! SEEO PLANTER. 1 l u a n u i u c i u i c and sc-Il this unequalled Drill in T tiie ci.i:mies ul L .tijoui:. Claike, anil the suiilhein 1C uuJcr-ig:)cJ h a v i n g purchased the iigi:i :•> hall o! JtlK-rsuii, are r.un- tuily prt-pait-d :-t tts.».establisiimelu in C h u i l ^ s t o w a to i u i u i s h to ordt-r any number o!' Dulls, iu th-j ioo»tsuU-t;.:.a.i; A l l unScrs pr.imptly c'.td.di'd li>. Thij> V.'iieat D i i i ! pertoruis the l i i j ' l t v,..ik Dritlir.g. tio\vir,g and Covering by the same ujui ui-iit t ! ; ; i u i i > - s a v i n g ni'jfh tiiin-::iid labor. I t ' plant JK ih! iov.-i. ara! all irregular sliapt'd acld.». w i t h a s a v i n ^ o f from l O t o 15 j:.-i cenr, in lab->r. It: will, w i t h ease fcr f.vo horses, pbuil Ifi'iii H to I t i j acres per day u.', I5ai!•:>•, ar.-.i uth-.-r .sr:ia!ll grains. This M a c h i n e har> been in tt-etv/o v a--. ;.- 1 ,1.1.: w h ' i e v i - r it has been inUud-.iced ii2s^ : .v v ! i iu-| lire satisfaction* *. Tiii- Drill took-the arM preoiiiiin at :hc Va?'.v v *shiiii;i;'ii in O--!«t>.T last. Al u. ;be at the Agricultural EshHwlitm i. r f r.A.N.,0?:, HL?.r:o_v i HUNT. .\L\'.\ l, i-Jl, WeL.ivc -i) "rr p.. *essi ;. a l.irgc uuoi]> .' »•< h a v i n g ue. siipciior. A o u n g t h : n-jriiberthe fol-j lowing: 1 have rs.-u on my 'arm and am ^:il! u«iu,T *;:.••: t of ths Wh.'at Drill.*, lat.'i.t.-d i-y Oervis S. UarU-4 :icr anJ G - ^ i g e lluhi. an-,1 now sold by Mess:.- I li:.r.M>n. O'uatinon ana H u n t . I do not BappMel any intelligent farmer would now dis;mt«; the ad-1 vantage of d r i l l i n g over broadcast *owin;r; i al.-i.>» consider tiie abovi Drill altog-.-ihcr equal to any "' J r i l l now in ase, and ih» advantage ol applying a; compost box to it, makes it very desirable. The compost part of ihe -Jr.'I acts well in every p rticit-; iar and i> or •: of the greatest inventions of the davt for the fara._r; it inicl'i "el! tw c;i!l«l the farmer's* friend, as it sare« '«j;h tiinf? am! l.ihur. ; MARTIN EICKELBERGER. \ March 10, Ipj-2. 1 We hare (or sale a fine :ot of Vonld Hoard.« ar.J, Wagon Boxes. O'BAXNON & CO. April I. l-'.Vi. ; EXTltA FiOlR. T HE undersigned hallways en hand F;.OUR. No. 1, fbr .-ale and io eirhaage far a; good i.tiele of AVheat. The a rove Flour i* kept' v,-ti ha i.'.! in Charlesiown, by John K. Vfnuas- & Cu. and Eby & Soa; and by different Uiercaaats at Harpers-Ferry. s A ir / .Y a. I hare aiso my Savv-MiJI in goc*l repair, ani". lii:u will be furnished at the shortest notice. MARTIN EICHELBERGT\ 1. Rork Spring Milli, May D. 1850.—ts. B EI>G desirous to remove freca this Statv 5 will dispose of my .-ntire Stock of Gixnis apcat very accommodating terms—to any person desi;ca-l of entering ir>!o the Mercantile Bnsiaess. A greaS bargam will be given,—iLe Stand is a good one and! bas"a fin. .„.. i particular a p p l y at Tuts QTTICI,.. January 15. 1999 G S|»oons. ERMAN Silver. Plated. Abata.Sriitania, and iron, Table and Tea spoon'* of the rerr besi quaJiiv fr>r sale low by T. RAWLUSS & SON. ~TRISH GLUE.—Genuine, and very cieap jast 1 received by T. RA.WL1NS & SON. April -22. 1852. Tf 1SSERD Oil,—Pare White Lea* in Oil i i J and Paint* of ail kinds jn -t reeetved br—— April 2-2.1S52. T. RAWLJNS & SON. W OODEN WARE.—Barrel Covers. Box and common Butter prints. Tubs, of all sizes; Brass Bound Cans, Tub Chums. Wash Boards, &.C., inst received by T. RAWLIN9 & SON. Ap'ril 23, 1552. ONNETS asd Ribbocs a com-ilele «ocJr. Apr-''29 HARRIS * F!DE!"TOTJR- B -1
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