Pages 1-4 - Cumberland County Historical Society


Pages 1-4 - Cumberland County Historical Society
caulked and repaired his ship, and taken state of the Essex enabled her adversary to captain Reid set fire to and deserted &
FY advantage of Dcsiticn and frus- The loss which the enemy's commerce
the necessary stores, he sniied fix the coast
of Cliill, in the ino~ithof December, 1813, trated Porter's intention of boarding. An mstained $iring the. war by their a?tivity9
off tlie coast of which he cruized for some itteppt was macle to run her on shore, but nany captures having beeu made in the:
titlie \+itbout'Iiearitlg of his expected he. .I!?wind shifted suddenly froin the land :hannel anci on the enemy's shores, was
While lying a t linciror in the port of Vid- Ind drove Bei. immediately upon the Cneiny tffrnensz. Eili!een ,hundred prizFs were
pamiso, commodore Iiillyar arrived, hav- -The Cherub was so severely liandlcd a9 :agtured and.brought into port or-destroy- irig beeti long searching in vain for the o haul &and the Phehe being much crip- !d; besides many rvhich were re-cgptured: . I
The President frigate3 one of'tbe best iL
Essex. Contrary to Porter's espctations, )led, he then bent a hawzer to the sheet
he brought with liiria the h r u b sloop of itidlor and cut it from the bows so as tu he navy, after having trnverseii the ocean,
war, mounting 9s guns, and iiirtnrnecl cvitll )ring her head round; this brought his inder the coniinand of commodoi-e Rt)gers,
180 men, whilst tlie forcc of the Pimebe: madside to bear and lie hoped the enemy or tliree successive cruizes,:..ia w e of'
conitnodore Hillyars' ship, was 53 guns, night drift out of gun shot before he disco- sliich she touched a t Norway, ard ih ahick
inct 520 men, their united force amounting :overed that he had anchored; but the hau- ,he \vas often exposed to a superior force
to S l guns and 500 men. 'Hie Essex carri- Ler unfortuaately parted and this last hope if the enemy and once might have becn
ed but 46guns; all of cvliicli, excepting six ,vas frustrated. H i s crem being now SO mugtit to action by a 74, was as f ~ g t k
long twelves, w6re carronades, only ser- nreakened that fiirther resisrance was in :spturetl O R the 15th of January, 1815, h y
viceable in close dction; and her crew lia- ?aiu, but one division oEcer remaining i squadron, consistirig of one ram2 x:d
virig been niurli reduced by nianiiincr iri- ~ b l eto fight, ]:is guns dismounted, the ship hree frigates. Commodore De.catur who
zes, amounted to b u t 255 meti. The &!sex
In fire both ljrwqrd and aft, the cockpit, low coininanded the President, c . c d .
Junior, being only intended as ~tstoreship, ;teerage a i i c ~ ~ i u - t i w o / nfiiieri wit11 tlie !very expedieiit which consurnnlate skill,
rnountetf ten 18 pouiid carronades, and ten mmded, wl;o ivere sonie of them killed ind undaunted braverJ c o d d suggest tb
siscs, wit,!! a coinplement of only sixty men. xliile under ilie hands of the sargeon, tie scape, without success. His ship hatri~ig
'i'itc? eiieiiiy%ships, having been serlt out itruck ]:is cotours at 20 minutes past G P. 11.1 itruck on the bar, i n going out, of N ~ w
1815 and 1814, cap- e s p r e d y to seek f'or the ESSQX,
were in ifter an unexampled engagement of near York, aiid received considerable illjury, SO
ses frigate of 32 gutis, prinx otder and equipment, yith picked wo Iiours iind a half. The loss o f the EsSex IS to retard: her saiiing? was brouglit fa a&
in the Pacific ocenu! ci-ews, and Iioiste'ifflags, {ieariiik the motto s a su%<ent testimony oft!ie bravery with ion first by the,@ndym~on
frigate,' of abou?
orclt> ot'tlie iucide1:ts i* God an& C;vmtry, British S ~ O T S ' beSt wliich she. was defended. Out df 855 men iis oyn force, with whori~lie maintaiiiecl a
portance of the injury rights: traitors o$end
'l'his \:'as in- diicli comprised hcr crew, s"S were killed; wining Gght for three hours, arid succee
m y , aiid the closing teudecl i i g it reply to Porter's motto, '' .Frze ;9 wounded severely; 27 slightly and 31 !d-i n coii3pletely throwing her out uF the
surere:! if;e :ass cjft;is Y m d e ~mclSciiluys?Xiglrts," under tlie er- nibsing, niakiiig i n all 154. T h e enenties :ombat, but two fresh ships getting within
roneous imi>ression,rea! or pretciidetl, that oss in killed and woutidecl was not ascer- p n shot, and no hope of escapy, he pulled
tile A~nericaii'ship were manned chiefly ained?but must have been severe; the firsf !own his flag, surrendering hls sword to
with ~Es:glish~net~,
or to counteract its in- ieutenant of t!ie Phcebe was killeci atid lie commander of the squdron.
~ !!?eCher!!b,
Y ~ V F F ~ ! ~
The war however, was not closed till%?e
iluerice on tbeir own si+.
in repiy t o :ai;ta:R . I: : c ! c z ~f
t h e i r motto, Porter wrote at 11;s iiliken, ,vountled. I t was with difficultythe Phahe ?i:nerican navy had an opportunity of
C?od, ozw Cozmtry, mad %ibert?y;t!grct&s ind Esses, could be "ept aflozt till thcy :vincing it9 superiority, by two other
stretched his course f)r die ilacilic oceau. $eiid tlre112.:' On entering the I1ar'hour, tlie Liicliored nest moriii~gir.a the port of Val- rncountei-s, in both of irliiclt success crown-'
!d its efforts. After the ratificatioii of the
-4fter sufkring greatly liwn ;vant of gro- I'keite fell f h l of the Essex in such inan- >S!.SiSO.
7.hions end heavy gales ofi'cape Horn, Iic iter as to p u t !ier entirely at fIie mercy of
'I'his battle emit no laurels for theEng- reaty of paqce, but hcfore the .fiwe hail
:trt*ivcdat JTi1lparaisoor1 the coast of Chili9 captain Porter, who, out of respect to the ish, whose supericrity of force and choice spired, when captures were to Tense on
ilie 14th of %larch, 1813. Having victual- neutrality of thc port, did not take advan- bf p;kiion should have sootie~-decided the .lie ocean; tlie Constitution frigate, now
:onflict. On the coiitrary it added 1u.sti.e 1n d er the coiriiiiand of captain 6t e wart
k t 1 his ship, he crnized for several months rage of her exposed situation.
in the Pacific, iuf1icti:ig iin t:icnse in,jrrrj 0 1 1 gettifig his provisions on board, EIiII- .o the already distinguished navy of the hll in trritli t w o ships of war, mounting to&
the British commerce, and particularly p r went off the py-t with the two sliips, jnitecl, and will ever he an honour- ;ether 55 guns, and captured t t w m , ht13
on t!ie shipping employed in the sperniace- where they cruized for six weeks fur ttle ible distinction to every American officer Ifter an action of forty minutes. They were
ti whale fishery. -4 great number with m - purpose d blockading -the &sex; during mi sailor who was engaged i n it. Long .he sloop of war, Levant, caw! in2 91 guns,
luabie cargoes were captcred; some of wiiicli t h e Porter entierrvoured t? provoke ,vifI tile inliabitants of Valparaiso reinem- trid the Cgane a frigate huiit t esscE
which were given u p to the prisoners,.some a c h a l h g e , and frequently b u t iileffkctual- )er with encreased admiration the unflag- -ying 54 guns. The Levant was s
sent to Valpar(?iso, and suiiie to America; ly to bring the -Phebe alone t o close LC- tiyg .spirit and persevering brzvery with ifter retaken, ihree frigates iiaviiiq
one he retaiued as a store-ship, atid ano- tion. Finding that hc had the aclvantqe fvilidil iiliggaifaijt :it;:e $;gate iqas tiefend- ;he frigate ax! her prizes, but the C w s t L
ther he equipped as a cruizer, naming her uver his-adversary in point of sailing, b u t :d; and long will the stars and stripes of ;ution and C y m e escaped, a d . arrived
that it \vould be impracticable to bring him :he American republic, command the ad- ;afe in the United States. 'P'hig vas thethe Esscs Junior.
. Having now a little squadron under his to action on equal terms;on account of his niration and respect of the inhabitants of ihipcl action in which the Constitution had
ieen successfully eaga:;ed, since tjre way.
tiinland, comuiodore Porter becaine a extretne prudence in keepi!~ghis t w o ships ;he shores of the Pacific.
Tile Anierican navy, instead of being 4 short time afterwards the s h o p o f war ,
terror in those seas. As his nu- const?t~tIywithin hail, tic defermined to
upplied him abundantly put tn sea the first opportunity. On the t n n i I) i la t ed by t 11 e overgrown est ah 1i 3- h ment Hornet, captain Riddle, m o u i i t i n ~ . 2giins
clothiug, medicine, and 28th of Sjarch, 1514, t h e day after the de- :o which it was opposed, continued graclu- rfter an action of twenty-two minutes, o&
was enabled for a long tertxination was formed, the wind blowing illy to incrmse and every engagement i n the islaiid of 'Z'ristan de Cunha9 ca!iturqd
sea without sickness or f i w h f'roiii the south y a kd, t h e Essex parted ,vhich it had a share, added new honour t o Fhe sloop of war Penguin, of equal frirce:
one of hercables, and dragged the other ts country. So inanifest had its superiority I'he Penguin was reduced to a pe!*feci
siichor out to sea. Captain Porter, seeing ieconie, that the British admiralty ordered wreck, and was soon scuttled; hut thtt
heir frigates not to engyge an American Hornet was in a short tinrc able to proceed.
;1 prospect of passing to windward of the
enemy, imriielliately got sail on his ship; %gate it' it could be possibly aroided; and 3n lier cruise.
[To be Continued.].
b u t on rounding tlicgoint, a heavy squall :very effort was made, by means of strong
struck h i - , and carried away her main-top- squadrons to blockade our vessels in the
'rhe London papers of the 9th ult. anmast. Both ships then gave chase, and the )arbors; 'Xlis however succeeded in no
Ltisahlcd statc of the Esses tlii1de it neces- nstance, except a t New London, where nounce that government had just received
sary to regaiu the port; but finding lie could ;w?fripntes'and a sloop, were finally oblig- m i i ' o K ~ r A N T despatches from Pari+. cont
tainiiig an account of Lord .Cla~tlere,~ghTs
iiot recover the coininon anchorage, captain 3d 'io dismantie.
On tlie 29th of April, off Carolina, the receiving, on the 5th, a kick from a !ju!*se$
Porter ran close into a small bay about 3
quarters of a mile froin the battery, Peacock, a new sloop of war,comrnanded by while walking in the, Cltan~psBly:w:.-sild anchored within pistol shot of the :aptain Warrington, eagaged and captured His tleath, tlieD, would have beei\ a hemen:
shore, intending to rcpair his damages as with scarceiy any loss the British brig h~ occurrence.
Epcrvier., of I 8 guns, and brought her safesuon as possible.
But the eiiemy continued to approach, ly into port. The Fvasp anothev new s?oop,
Tt is with pleasure we l e p that sever&
and showed iin evident intcntion of attack- xmrnanded by captain Blalrely on the 28th
by boarding the slocp of Of the non acceding banks t o the secretary
iiig, regartlless of the neutrality of the port; 3 f J u l ~ captured
antl approached the crippled Esscs with war Rei~ideer,of 18 guns, after a severe o f the treasury of the United States' pi.?z-eceivetl intelligwice of tlie expected i w i - both his ships in the most cautious manner. engagepent of 19 minutes. The enemy3
~ a ofl commodore Hilljar, ill the Phoebe While Portcr was endcavouring to get a vessel was literally cut t o pieces, and after position, relative to the receipt atid issue
irigate, rating 56 guns, accoinpariied by a spring on his cable, a little befwe 4 o'clock the reinoval of the prisoners was set fire to of treasury notes,.as current money, have)
the Plicebe placed herself under his stern, and blown up; she lost her commander and upon more mature reflection, acceded
-sloop (if war.
Glutted with spoiI aud havoc, and sated and the Cherub under his starbaarci bow, 2s inen killed; and 42 wounded. ,The the proposition. T h e banks areCherub Wasp lost 5 killed; and 21 wounded. After
with the easy and inglorious captures of arid camneticed the action.
The Bank of Hudson.
merchantmen, Porter now felt eager for soon finding her situation too hot, bore up! refitting in France, captain Blakely again
TheUtica Bank. .
and ran under his stern ;also; where both put to sea, and on the evening of the first
' an opportunity to meet the enemy on equal
?'he Orange c0unt.Y bank.
'terms, and to signalize his cruize by sonie
brilliant achievement. Having been neirlp succeeded in getting springs on his cable British sloop of war Avon, of 18 guns,
The State Rank, Morristown.
o year at sea, he found that his ship would three different times, but tlie fire of' t h e after. a short engagement. Other vcsszls
The Bank' of tlie &orthern 'Liberties>
require some repairs; he, therefore, ac- enemy was so .excessive, that bcfore he approaching t.o her assistance he was ob.
coinpanied by several of his prihes, pro- could get his broadside to bear, they were ligecl to leave his' prize; the surviving crew
T h e Farmers and Mecha~iics' Ban19
ceeded to the island of Nooaheevah, one shot away, and he was ohliaed to rely on of which was saved." Even tlie privateers
af tlic Washington Groupe, discovered by three long 12 pounders, which were fired of the United States exhibited many in. (Ci ncinna ti .)-Nut. J v o c n t ~ ..
?captain Ingraham of Boston. Here he land- ont ofthe stern ports with so much braver! stances of the most gallant fighting. 'I'he
took fvrmat possession of the island in and skill, that in Iialf an Iiour the enemy's desperate attack cvtiich the general ArmMajor Keed, aid de catnp to general.
the tiaine of ttieUnited .States, and gave it ships were so much disabled as to be o b b strong sustained, in the port of Fayal de- J A C K S O N , is preparing to write a Iiistury
the ~iaineof Madison's Islarid., He found e:! to haul S K and repair c!arnagesa T!& wrves particular. mention. She was large, populous, and fertile, abounding being soon accoinplished, he returned t o tacked by boats from t h e e British ships, [ I f the life of thai 11er0,c " 1 n p 1 - ka~ ~ u~ i :
with the iiecessaries of life. The natives, the attack, and having the Essex at his which she succeeded in beating off, inflict- sccount of 'the late war in tile south, with
in the vicinity of the harbour, received iiiercy, tteterniinetl to risk nothing in the ing on them a loss of 120 officers and men the CREEKS, Or their allies the Btitish, 1'9
. J
h h i n the most friendly manner. During contest, and therefore placed both his ships killed antl mortally wounded, and as maiig make an 8vo. volume of about 400 pages.
h i s stay, lie endeavoured, bp all the mcans on her starboard quarter out of the reach wounded. The Americans lost only twu
The late Dr. Ramsay's great historical
in his power, to put an end io the wars of -her carronades, nnd where her stern killed and seven sliglitlp wounded. Tlie
.rvliic!i raged among the different tribes of guns could not be brought to bear. Porter, enemy afterwards succeeding in getting work is in forwvariiness for publication?lese islanders, and to give them a favour. seeing no prospect of injuring him witliou~ one of his ships to bear on the privateer, and Gill prolably be one of the best. if not
Qble idea of the power and disposition ol becoining the assailant, cut his cable, bois.
the best, of 2s kind, eyer ~Kerecl to ti;?
*fie Americans. I n accomp'tishing these tetl t~isotlly remaining sail, and rill1 do&$I
* T h e \V:nsp is still at sea, supposed tu l)e ir world. Rarely has CL nian lirctl iuorc cpmobjects, he had several encounters with on both sbips with the intention of Iiiyillg
Pacific. Qcenn, she has not becn hezrd froir Detent to the tad< tbm our lake venei;J#
:j\Jrnehostile tribes, whoin he however suc- the Phcebe on hoard.- A tremendous fire o r
, , .
?$:$ad i ~
to snbjection. Having both siclcs n o n ~ensued, but the cripple( this long time.
. ..
p r o m the ~ n a i e t t i c>ragazine.3' .
f()[cc9 anti in crcctiiig sucli f'rtiGcatiJns
s we siiall directly enurnerate, we si,~ould
n a few ears be able to niaintnin the t\.eei
Om of t le westerri ww!d of waters, evm
gainst Euglantl arid her thousanid ships."
' 6 The foundation of the plitll we have to
tropose would be, the selecti!ig arid hrtifyrig a proper site for it: naval .rendezvous
:nd depot in the Chesapeake, as contiguous
iirl convenient to the Atlantic Oceau as
iossible: and the fortifying of Newport,
vith the east elid of Idon Island, by tileans
If Gardner's Isltinrf, a n f the islands' thore
mmediately a t the entrance of the Soutd.
fordirig any advantages to coininexei or rhis done, and it would be easily done?
any llieans of communication between the 2 ships of the liiie, 20 good frigates, SO
difrirene parts of our country, they otfkr loops of war, brigs, and schooners, 8 stegm
,att e &s 7* anc! 50 row -gal1ey s, w ou 1If. 'a 11hartotlw and protection t o an enemy,
able liim to..intercept our trade coastwise, ,\Fer every purpose of defence aridwitmyalld give'tizn the means of penetrating into mce. Let not the timid politicians who
very heart of tlie country. With the iold the purse strings of' the people start
aria exceiient navigation of these wa- &, die magnitude of these means; or sugters, froiii the easy access and egress diey lose, for a moment, that their erectiuri by
arord at all seasons of the year, the eneiny yadunl, and if they please, sparing approilis constantly before him a clioiee of fine lriations, will burthen their constituents
$arbors, attended wih . every facility in vith any extraordinary weight (Jftaxation:
pyycuring the supplies of fresh water neces- ,ve have already four sliipa of the Kne,
' s n q for his consumptiop. Nor is this the line or ten stout frigates, very nearly the
worst, His occupation of these important Beyuisite nainber of sloops, brigs k c . and
stationseiiables him to force an intereourse )ne steam frigate. Almost, one. half of the
G t l t an extensive range of count~y, and brce is already created, and we have a rethus furnish himself with fresh provisions renue of farty, fifty, and soriie say, sixty
a n d , air kinds of vegetables essential to xiillions a gear."
6' Prepare in this way, the disposition 04
health and comfort. But there is a consequence stiIl more fatal than a11 these, re- he force above specified, which is recom!' s sulting from the corninand of these waters. nended by the authority we before alluded
an ititercourse so extensive and unre- 0" (naval officers of character and eupes t p i n e d , by practising on the fears or the .ience),.'; on the eve of a mar, is to place
cupidity of human nature, at a time when en ships of the litie, two frigates,one brig,
.wo schooners, two steam vessels,ard two
.C?lernunicipal laws are ernbnrrassed o r pa. r a k e 3 in their esecution, he enjoys bcili- plleys in the Chesapeake; two ships of tlie
ties iji corruptiag our citizehs, obtaining h e , tifteer: frigiites, ten sIoops of 'wai.,
s t nihnte information of the designs wigs and scliooners,. one steam vc'ssel and
government, of the movements and :en galleys a t Kuwpmt. T e n sloops of war,
atioiis of our army and navy, and iin- wigs and schooners, one steam ship. antl
ling! the seeris of disaffection in the h e ga!!eys at New York; one brig, one
ery heart of our country. The alternative ichooiier, one steam ship and five galleys
remaining undisturbed in the enjoyment n the Dela.ivare; one steam ship aiid fire
i#chose daily comforts whieh custom has galleys at New Londoc; one schooiier one
made necesswy, of pursuing the occupa- ;team ship and five galleys at New B e d f d ;
tiions wihich ate eSSekltiiii to tile attainment Lwo brigs, one schooner, one steam ship
of those eornforta, and of preserving OUI md five barges a t the mouth of the h-lis.
roperty, perhaps our lives, on the or;'e jisippi and the remaining force at Boston
and, .and of being plundered and driven in d Portsmouth .''
6 6 Having stated the force w e consider
from home in exile antl beggary, on tlie
other, is embarrassing to the strong.est mind dequrrte to the purposes of protection and
aQd best regulated principles. It IS there. mnoyance, of national lionour and indivi.
fore, natiirally to be inferred, without as. h a 1 security, the nest inquiry naturally is,
wibitig any estraordiriary turpitnde- to a into the expense of building and keeping
peoyie thus circumstanced, that some 01 up such an srinarnent ia time of war. The
diep will yield to the pressure of the times! cost of building, it is computed, will not be
and obtain security, at the price of ttie sa. more than ten riiillions and a half, and thai
the diGle, in t h e ~f i&$z
crifice oP their most sacred duties. W e of maintaining2..
u,Iu Jld and a half millions of dol.
have feltthat the possession of the Chesa.
peake and Long Island sound enables our lars, which is litt!e niore than his majestj
enemy to remain all the year in the centre the king of Great Britairj, receiveslannuaiij
of die=country-to interrupt our coasting to keep up his state and for the iiiainteuand fuireigp t r a d e 4 0 suppty himself with ance and support of his household merely
.frcsli proer.sions and water-to cut OF the It should be remembezed that more thar
intercourse of tlie mutliern and easte'rn one third of the force above required if
states, to phnder and harass our farmers; already in existence, arid that the costs oi
and to corrupt our citizens..Evils like these preserving it i n time of peace is cornpara
are worth remedying, and if the remedy tively nothing to that estimated as neces
tie a little espensive, we should considel sary in time of war. To all these expense!
the number and magnitude of the disorders the-resources of tlie United States are fullj
equal; the computed-revenue of the presen
that call aloud for its application."
year exceeds tlie whole estimated cost o
'6 After B peace with France, on the ab.
d i c a t i ~ nof the Iate emperor, not a.singh building these ships, more than five fold
seaman. was discharged from the BritisE and the expense of maintaining them ir
navy in consequence of that event; and IVC actual service, almost. ten times told. Bu
h ~ o wthat every exertion was niade to cos admitting this were not the case, in legis
erce, hzrass and desolate this country bJ lating for a country like ours, in markin!
means of. that navy. All the ships -tliar out a line of policy becoming her futuri
we should look forward to whzi
j could be spared from the protection of hei destiny,
mmtnerce, menaced a t i t was in every sea she will he in a few years. W e slioiild beai
1 by our public and private armed vessels- in mind that while other countries are de
all that England could man, and that wert clining into the vale of years, ours has no
1' thought capable of coping with those of flit yet reached her meridian, but is marchin:
United States, were sent upon our coast with a pac.e rapid as steady, to wealth
This force, ttien, will enable us to ascer, strength, and importance; and that lie1
%in the means of annoyance which thal pyogress depends not upon inipulses acci
; country? in its highest exultation, in its dental or temporar but on causes arisini
flush of successful vigor, after having tri from, and inseparalfy connected witli, na
uniphed over the object of hei4mtred; 8nc tural and political advantages the opera
1 her few's, could brinvinto opemtion againsi tion of which is enifofm,and inevitable
the United States. ?t consisted of froni 1.1 Among these advantage&'none are mort
t o 13 ships of the h e ; from 1'5 to 18 frigates palpable than the means of creating anc
and fiom 35 to 40 sloops o f war, -brigs supporting a navy. The country furnisher
schooners, and bomb vessels. That thi! the m@erials for ships? and our peoplc
force effected any thing of importance, wa! spread along the oceans, bays and might;
solely i n consequence of the exposed stritc lakes and rivers, washing almost ever!
oE the Ba of Chesapeake, and Long Isianc man's doors, acquire in early life an apti
Sound, o f which they were enabled 'to re tude for the profession of a sailer. It i
tain the wmmand duringnearly the who14 perhaps owing to the eady habit of beinl
wav. I t gained D O permanent advantage accustomed to the periis of the watery ele
'nor did it achkve any splendid conquests ment, that our seamen become the rnos
but, with the esception of one solitary in hady, active, expert, and adventurous a
j stance; never attempted any place of con
I sequence, without m e t i n g with disaste
'Rumours of the failure ofthis most importan
j ssc! disgrace; Itfiattempted to seal our port,
1 a.hermeticaily," but, escept at those twc invention have unaccountably prevailed in man
1 places we have so frequently referred to parts of this country. Biit recent experiments a
the experiment succeeded in no one in New York,have set the question at rest. It is no1
no longer B doubtfd expeziment.
S t a ~ ~ ~ ~a kt ae time
o , when England w a
t1n a late conversation with n distingxishe
buoyed up by the most splendid successe
American diplomatist, Ri: Talleyrand, on bein
in hurope, without an enemy to encounte%
but ourselves, she could do nothing more told that the United Stares wou!d soon have a
we are autliorised to conclude, that wiia least twelve ships of ttie line, replied. gixirel
she could not do then, she wilr never bl 6"l'welve! you. cannot find timber in your who1
1 able to perform; and that by einproyiiig bu country for that niunbw." Such is the gross-igm
1 :la
&ry m a l l portion of the revcnues of 911 rnnce of the mostenligliterreclEuropcan politiciari
cwhtry, iu the g r a d d creation of sucl with respect t o this coimtry.
ny in tile WGrid. Their
nurnher i s increasog every day in proportion to the p o p l a ion of the country, whicli advances irr a
a t b without parallel, and t o the t~xteasion
t' a commerce that is without limit or perpec5i.e. When i n addition to these adantages we talie into coilsideration the
inmeiise revenues arid - governzknt donaius possessed by our government, which
loes not waste its wealth in bribes, penions, sinecures or secret service ruoney,
lut is constituted upon prtnciples of rigid
: c o n m y , what are we not autlmized t o
riiticipilfe, if the people will that such
Iiiiigs shall be done?
he rontimred.
POiiiXIGA IX!!ELL~G&hmC'i!3.
Mr. Asheron., the British agent for the
xovince of New-Brunswick, writes thus
:xplicitly on the Fisheries:
(6 Loizcon J2dy I O.--'Fhe
intercourse be;ween the United States atid the King%
:olonies is to be stricily carried on in Britsh built vessels, and ~ i ( ~ iothers.
6' The -4mericsns are excladed from t!ie
ihore Fisheries, and tire not :lillowed to
: m e into ~ u harbor.s,as
fcirmerIj7, to fish;
hey are to p ~ ~ . - xinwthis
~ resp-ect 110 other
sight than the subjects ot' any other foreign
lation; which by the law of nations is limted to three leagues from the coast.yy
Ch:nleston, Uctobep 21.
B y the British schooner afary A m , Cap.ain Barton, arrived at this port yesterday,
n 8 days from Nassau, w e received a file
$the Ballanla Royal Grrzette to the 7th
ndusive. We have made some extraots
'rorn them, which will be found below. It
ippears by a vessel arrived at Nassau fi:om
London, via Madeira, that Bonaparte had
wived at that Island on his voyage to St.
Helena, OP, board Sir Cockburn's ilag ship,
:he squadron in company. ?'he 53d Britsh regiment was on board the squadron,
lestined to act as Napoleon's guard.
By an cxtract of a letter from Cairthagela, so late as the 16th September, that 111)mrtant place had not surrendered to Morlla's Ari!iy--indeed it had not been attack:d, Martial law had been proclaimed,
irid every inhabitant of the city, foreigu:rs as well as natives, were determioed t o
Sesist to the last extremity in defence of
the place, their liberties, and their families.
rhere are not a few enterprising aiid brave
Americans in that country-these will irnitate the defenders of S e w Orleans, and
set exaniples of heroism for their adopted
relJ0.w citizens. ,
Nassau; OctoSer 4:
Extract of a letter from C a r t h a p a , dated the 6th
alld 16th d t .
( 6 It is inconceivable the
with which not only our gcvernment is inspired, byt also the mass of the people.
L6 The foreigners have resolved to perish sooner than abandon the cause; rest assured thst we will defend ourselves to the
last-there aaiinot be a greater proof oi
tliC good dispositions adopted here tiiac
my not sending my amiable wife to you1
island, wIiicli it was in my paver to have
46 This afternoon, at four o'ctock, mar.
tial law was proclaimed : the enth.usiasm
bas became universal; couriers have been
dispatched t u all our important posts, with
proclamations, and. wit!i arms, &c.
Lc The two Lrothei-s cdonels Monti!fas8
who had started for the interior on a \cry
important, mission, have been recalled tc
the capital.
66 I again repeat the entiiusiasm is so
unbounded, that were Gen. Bolivar to present hirnself lie would be received with
open arms, as, well as all those wlio late13
left us All now feel that they are broth.
ers, combating in the srime just cause, and
that united we stand, divided w e fall.
6c Every ir,dividual who was in coniine.
ment, on account of tlie former civil dis.
sension, is now set a t liberty.
'6 Two native merchants have this d a j
arrived from, Mompaz; they! report tliai
attacked brigadier general Pal.
w o completely defeated tiiern
Those merchants gave as rr dollation tc
that army 40,000 dolfhrs.
' 6 'rhe utmost activity prevail&.in corn.
pleting the fortifications of the Popa, wliick
is to have agntrkon of 8000 men.
'(All the horses, cattle, Stc. are daily
entering,from every .part of the
'6 There are no duties or Czistom-Housc
o!iarges t u be .paid, in future, on the hn.
portation of provisions, rum or otler li.
quors, coffee, sugar, &c. Fast sailing ves.
sels can easily elude a Spanish blockade
u u r state vessels, gun boats and laiinclle:
will be stationed opposite to-Santo Domiti.
go, to protect and fmilitatc the enti-?
of foreign vcssels. W W e we have provis.
ions to cxist on, never shalt we capitulatt
011 any terms, and when reduced to the
last extremity, every precaution has been
taken to blcw up thc plaec:'
LQrd Cqt!erea$fi5 .vr.biid walking ?n &!;j
2IranlI,s Elysees at Paris was considerably
rijureci iu both hi+ thighs by the kick o f &
,vdd horse akicli happened to be passing
)y at ttre mement, 'i'he zrjnt~sior,O E one
imb was very' bail-, but it was supij:>seed
:hat he would speedily recwer froiii the
T h e London Pilot of Sept. 9\11 says;'l'he despritclies sent d o a n t o Fnlti:clutl~,
to be so f o ~ - ~ a t ~by
i e ad King's Messertcrer
to America, arc said to relate to tlie ~iiztrr
D f bouudary it, Upper Canada; on the s u b
ject of which there seems to be sume 1iiis.d
conception between the court of Lultdu!.?
and the American government.
The trial o f I ~ l a r s ! ~Ney
l had not cornr
mrnced'tlie 7th September, and from hi3
justification, written by the.7 most celelrad
terl advocates of France, and piibiished i;)
the Gazette de Fraoce it is inferred t h f
Rouche will use d l his influence to s a w
I t is said that Madame Tallegrand stilt
reniains in Englnrid; not deeming the af<
fairs of France sufficiently settled to gieI&
that security which is necessary tt) give
quiet to the mind. As she is p b a b l y gov-.
ernetl in this opinion by liein husband, we
may deem this article of sufficient impor-,
tarice to give some coloring to the repeated reports of insurrectionary movements
in t!ie d e p a r t n ~ r ~ t3s
s , well as of seditious
I he pictures
and .other .vzluable eff:>is
pluiideiwl tlurii;g the \viirs of tltc rewlatiem, are all claimed and are (li~ilytalikg
away from the Museurn at Paris.
Lyons enjoyed the most perfect .tra!:quiiity; her trade has revived; and illI.eady
urders fo:. several inillions ofsilk staffhave
been received from Anierica.
The following is given a3 Ronaparte:s
certificate, on 1eaviq.S the school of Brieiine:
31. de Bonaparte (Tu'a;rnleonj borir
the 15th of August, 1769, four feet eleveu
iricl)es, liaa completed his four p \ t * sCon-r
stitution-excellent health; Character-submissive, mild: polite, 2nd obliging; con>
d act-ext re m e 1y reg u 1aI',h as ai w :~y
s d i stifiguished tiiniself by his appljcation to
the mathematics: He knows his history
and geography wry toterttlily; is very deficient i n the poiiter esercisesj will make
an excellent seaman,. worthy to enter the
Military Schools of Yaris."
7rasL!illgCo?Lcity, Oct. 26.
The new building on tlapitol Hill; prc.
paring for the accommdation of Congresz,.
Is in such il stntc of forwardness, zliat it i..i
expected to be finished early in Novetiiher.
l h e spacious i'oom for the House of Red
presentatives has Ween finished for s e v e r 4
weeks. The Senate room has been pinisterec! for some time, and will rcc1uii.e but a
week or two more to be completely dry a i d
ready tor the receptiofi of that body.Much credit isdue to the spirit and enterprise of those who pave erected this. build:
ing in so short a period. As several new
houses are erecting it1 the neighborhood,
and &i~onesfitting up, Congress will probably be better acaoinnrodated the ensuing
winter,.than they have ever been in tlie city
of Washington.--In
a short period, the
Capitol, President's Kouse, and Executive
Ofhes, will be rebuilt with additiotiat
splendor. Itjs hoped that the Savy Yard3
which has already unciergoue consitlerable repairs, will soon resuine its forme;.
standing. The loss of the extensive and
valuable library, which Congress had with
so niuch care been eo?lecting for many
years, ha5 beer; repaired by the purchase
froiii Mr. Jefierson. T h e bridges that were
burnt have been re-built, and every tracc
of the. fire-brand of a barbarous, fie wiiZ
soon be e~aeecl.-&pats Ijzt.
The Vermont steam boat on I;akeX!hani;
plain was lost on Saturdaj night last (about
1 1 o'clock ) on her frqm St. Johns.
The machinery hceante derangid and beat
o u t her bottom; she went down in twenty
minutes after the accifient. The- pilot hati
the presence of mind to head her directly
i n shore, and the impetus then on the boat
carried her into such shallow water, that
her quarter-deck was left above water. Tile
passengers were taken ofFnext day by the
new boat Phoenix. She wa?i. one o f the
first hoats that was builh, and we are in..
&hied, that by the improvemerits i n tllc
machinery of the: modem boats, -they art:
not liable to the iccident whici~occasioljctl
the loss of tho Verinent.
We are glad to learn, that the M a c e .
tlonian9, capt. IHnketnan, bound to Irldia,
which sailed from this port wit11 tile P;e-.
siden t frigate, 2nd others, weathered the
gale which occurred soor! after. Captain
Blakeman,, i t seems, had been at New
Amsterdam, where he wrote a letter tot
capt. Warrington, of the. Peacock, wII(,
mentions this pleasing fact.-A. 1'; G ~ z ~ :
The British military peace establishment is q ,
be kept up at 205,OO.e men, '' to prcimse the br,
ancz of power in khropt-."
btw>thstznding nll the egorts made t~
We understand the British are employve the ma;st:al, it is probable, that he
rN the river l)eialv;ire, iiear Philadelphia: abni~l
ed in stren tlicning theit position at P+e L
I1 be sacrificed.
the 19th ult. a sood Batteutm, with twd
ilux Noix. beavy ordnance, &c. have re- earts
painted red on her stern.
been brought up for that purpose,
The owner may tmehet. by proving property
The United States sloop of war Peacock, cently
ERID CEY%lVA; JYOJ‘E3fBEH 6, 1815.
60 pieces-of Cannon have not long sincs nd paying charges, by applying to captain‘Quickptain \Varrington, arrived at .New Pork, been taken up the St. Lawrence. A &en- il, on board the Two Brothers, or to Robert ,410
e r m i , Bridgetown.
I the last of October, after a cruise of 9 tleinan residing in Montreal, informs u s
NOV.6, 1815.-Zt..
12’0 Sttbscriliers. ‘
ontbs and 6 days. She has on board a that eight regiments are expected to arrive
Such of our subscribers as have not yet
iantity of opium, and a few thousand delthese preparations, not as indlcations of
complied with the terms of subscriptlon,
PS in wrought gold, captured on the 14th
are designed, no doubt, for
hre requested to forward the ainount to tlie
June, in the Union, a rjch country ves- a peace establishment. But we ought to
cditor a t Bridgetowti, or to either of the 1, bound from Calcutta to Batavia. After be(adm0nished of the necessity of meeting
l’oIlowing gentleinen, who are zuthorizecl
e crsw and part of the cargo of this ves- these exertions by a corresponding preparation. Lest the British government!
to receive the same, snd to give rcceipts
1 were taken out, she was burnt. On the finding us offour guard, should renew its
ABLY t . the
~ last wi!! and testament of
Amos Westcott, Gsq. late oE*Cedarville,iir
!d of June, she captured the ship Venus, determi:ration, as expressed by Gov. Prehe county of Cumberlaud, dec. will. be sold at
‘ Faili.tnn.--DinieI
L, 13urt.
mi the Isle of France, and gave her up vost fast autumn, ofdriving ow, Chief Ma- bublic vendlie, on the premises on Thursday the
Cednrdk.--l) r,
raiin Battxnan,
5 t h of Novem’ber next, all that l?LA?ITATIGN
2 czrtel to tI;e priscners. Or. the SOth, gistrate from the Presidential Chair.
RicIiarcI Mu1ford.
low in the tenure of Ezekiel Rose, near the pres.
cif Fairi!IO~cme.-IVn~. Chard, Esq. Major NenT R U L Y rATRIoTIc.-In
the iegisiature byterim m c t k p h o u s e in t ! tdwnship
as captured by her and burnt. T!ie last of Tennessee, a bill has been introduced’ ielcl, containing one hklred and thirty acres*
iiereo ri
re captured was the Nautilus; of 14 guns, making +provisionfor the education of tht ibbiit 30 of which is timbered land. Likewise 200
Ziiltz*ille.-David G . Parris.
icres of snlt marsh, situate in ’Sayre’s neck. Tine
;(I 130’men, off ’rangier point, 011 the orphan children of those wlio died in tht xhole will be divided into iots of from five io sixT h e iegislature of this state have, ad- it of July, after’an exchange of c single seyice of their country; a measure worthj :y acres..Vendue will begin at the house i;f EzeRose, ori the premises, at one o’clock, P. M.
jtiuriied t o mcet, we understsad, early in
moadside. ‘I’he Nautilus commenced the of a state wliich has acted SO nobly in othei Gel
where attendmce yill be given, and oonditions
tlie riiontli of 33nanq.
made known by
ring and had 7 inen killed and 14 woundOctober 30, 181S.-2t.
Amos Westcott Executor,
.Kists*ess-of t?~eOcean.- The Unite(
\V’E understand, t ~ i a tthe coiiianittee, ta
ounded.--During her wtiole cruise, she States brig Eriser arrived at Cadiz, A U ~ U S
‘ w l m n wns referred the petition for a Bank
lost but one man, who fell from the the 24th. ~g a letter from one of her offi
at Bridgctown, reported favonrably, and
’cers it appears that on the 2 ~ they
that a bill for that purpose will be brouglii ,re top giE!ant p ? i .
of Blacksmith’s To
before .the legislature a t an eariy day 01
apply to Daniel Burt :it Cedarvifle, or to the
Augusta, (Geo.) October 23.
the adjourned session. We have also beer
W e understand, by information recently hich t h e other refused, called all hand subscriber at Fairton. DAKIEL L. BURT,
inforrncd, that application will probably bt
aceived from the Greek Nation, that in ) quarters, gave her a shot, run out thei
October 30tli,:1815--Bt
made fur ;L siniiiai- establishment a t Por,
onsequence of the ill health of Col. Haw- Ins, and prepared to give her a broadside
81izabetIi in this county. In which case
ins, one of thg Commissioners, the ruti- le then hoisted English coIotirs, and apo
tlicrc is littie doubt but that one, if no
both ol’ tlicse appiicalions will fail; as it i! iog of the boundary fine will be suspend- tgized. This vessel showed 22 ports, 1( I b all may ~ m ~ e i ~ t .
generally ad:nitted by gentlemen best qua d for a few days and that tlie troops ‘in n a side, and 2 chasers.:’
Y O U are hereby notified, that the I)irect &C
dvance will fall back as far as Fort MitRfiud to judge, on the subject, that it i
of the United States, for .1815, has becon’e
hell, on the Chataliochy; the Indians arc
Blessings of the Restowitio:z.--Thous
due and payable, a i d that attendime wjll be
impossible, at present t o support two iiisti
and places,
to receive
viz. the same a t the foll
iecitledly opposed to running the line, ar!d nds of Protestants, in the soutl! of Franc given
:i:tiinis of the kind in this !)art of the COUD
w e been slaughtered by the Catholics
kt~rrninedto make every exertiqn to op
nder the authority of tli: bigoted ani
l i z the Cou92ty of Sa
lose it, their movements indicate the rnos losd-thirsty duke of An,ar,iclec>!‘?e.
the township of Sdein, od
letermined hostility, ‘out as yet they haw
to the late war, many person
Wednesday, the 8th of Noyember inst.
particularly among those attachcd to tli
31or.e iegitimates.-There is now i n the i t Henry Fries’ for the township of Upper All&
Way‘sXwek, oh Thursday, 9th Nov. inst.
Democratic party, viewed any increase a eported fruni a source t k t we believe en
tate prison in this city, says the National
Pittstown, for tlie township of Pittsgrove, OA
the tiavy with jealousy, if not with hostilit. itled tot credit, that tlie Big Warrior ha! Ldviocate of New York, a grand daughtei 11Friday,
10th inst.
-They saw the almost insupportable evil narle application to the Choctaws for as f George 111. a niece of his mujesty tlzc fohn
11th Nov. inst.
Pole Tavern, for do. on Saturistance in a war against the whites to pse
produced by thc overgrown establishinen
rgent; daughter of prince Edward, dukt William Haccock’s, in Woodstom for the
of Great Britain, and deprecated th iept them from taking away (as he saps,
If Kent; the 4th son of George 111. who
township of Pilesgove, 011 Monday, 13th inst.
smallest increase of our’s, as tlie sure pre i part of his country-so iiiuck fw, Indial t appears?has all tlie virtues of her ances hdam Cook’s, in Sharptown, for do. on Taesd.dy,
14th Nov. inst.
lonesty. .
cursor of national debt, of aristocracy, an
ry. If any doubts should arise as regard: James M‘C-dlister‘s, for Upper Pennsneck, a
of the destriiction of our republican insti
Ivednesday, 15th Nov. inst. he above, o r if any of the relatives of thc
, . .
In t!!e Jfontreal H e ~ a t dof the 21st inst
Samuel Armstrong%, for Lower Pennsneck, O R
tutions.--“l“ne contesi, however from whic
;Ye observe “‘rhe frame of a Frigate” ad
Thursday, 16th Nov. inst.
they hiive just retired with so kueh glorj rertiscd to be sold there by public auctio~ nformation, they may receive it by a p For Lower Allornay’s Creek, on Friday, 17111inst.
And that correct copies of the tak lists remain
has opened their eyes to the truth, a M h a in the 26th instawt.-B*ess.
,lying at the office of the National Ad
ivith the principal assessor of this collecfm dis.
, proved to demonstration, that a JV’avy prc
trict, open l o the inspection of aoy person who
Cntiiolic J$’airs-At tlie late Aggregat
portioned to the resources of the countr
may apply t o inspect the same.
Meeting held in Dublin, resolutions wer
YOU are further notified that the
‘rhe lxig Viper, Eldridge 453 days from
is not only the most efficient, b u t the cheal mssed which fully coincide with those pre
Ifousehold Fzmiture and on Go2d and Silver
est and the safest riiode of defence again! iiousl agreed to’by the Prelates; and
veek.--.Mr. Martin the supercargo of t h J)Gtrhes,haye also become due, and that attendany riiaritirne foe-and a foe of that dc Lay deputation, consistiFg of Sir Thoma tiper inform3 that the U. S. brig Enter ance will be given at the foregoing times and
places to receive the same,
scription is the only one from shich ti Zsmontl, and Owen O’Chnnor, Esq. aide wise, Kearney, having been dismasted i
Satnuel 1 James,
Rev. Mr. Hayes as secretary, wi’ .lie gut \vas refitting a t Gibraltar, fro;
Vnitcd States have any thing to fear. It
proceed to Rome,, with a remonstrance t ,vhence she would proceed to join t h Collector far the sixth CbUection clistrict in the s t a b
of New-Jersej.
not pretended that this opinion conceri his Holiness on the letter of Cardin:
;qwdr on at Malaga.
N.B. Payment must be made ingold andsilv r,
ing the Navy was universal even amor Litta. ‘I’his will bring the question to is
treasury notes, or the notes of Philadelphia ban&s,the Dethcratic party-it was however, I sue, and we hope some adjustment, like1
The directors of the banks of New Tor or bmks to the enstward thereof, (esclh4ye of
one time, s~fficientlygeneral to form or to satisfy all parties, will shortly reliev lave come t o a resolution not to increas thcnores of such banks as the secretar?- of the
[reland from the ferment which now ag
treasury has advertised not to be, receivable &er
of the characteristics of that party. L e t
h t e s the pubiic mind. The question i :he ainount of their loans; that they wi’ the 1st of October last.
aot be thought, that this will afford an now brought t o issue, betyeen tip Pop hrnish weekly a statement of their opera
friurnph t o the opposite party-the alacril znd the Government, and the Catlioli .ions, so fiir as regards thc loans, to a con- 1 3 1 the County of Cicnzbedhnd:
people of Ireland; it is a serious and irr nittee from the different banks; and thti At Philip Souder’s Inn, in the township of HoF&
and cheerfulness with which these ere0
well, on Tuesday, 7th Nov. inst.
were seen and disavowed, prove them 1 portanit crisis, and it will require. the ag
f any one of them falls in debt to t h Thomas
;regate widom of each to reconcile opii
Harris’, Fairfield, on Wednesday, 8th
liave been holiest errors.
Nov. inst. from 9 o’clock, A, M. till noon.
ions, which a century of prejudice and prt
Richard Mulford’s, Fairfield, on Wednesday, 8th.
?’he opposite party too, have had the scription have so widely estranged.
Nov. inst. from 2 till 7 o%lock, P. M.
Sake1 E. Godfrey, who was under sentence
cmors; an3 iri many ia~tances,have nl
leath for the mulder of Mr. Thonius Hmett, an Joseph Clark’s, in the township of Downe, ob
Lad the candour to retract them, after thc
Thursday, 9th Nov. inst. fioin 9 till noon.
aho v a s to have been executed, has rewived
contains the fnllowing article: qwievc from the legislature until Friday, t h Ellis I-Iand’s, in the township of Downe, OB
had discovered their fallacy.--We have September,
We learn €rom the respectable corre: 10th cf Nov. nest-Vet.. .Tow.
Thursday, 9th Nov. k s t . from 2 till 7 r. x.
,made these remarks, chiefly with a view pondents of the Morning Chronicle, i
Josiah Yarvin’s, in the tomllship of Deerfield, op
Friday, 10th Nov. inst.
to d ~ a w
the attention of our readers to at well as from other sources, that there exisi
cc Madrid August 5.
The system of persecution continue Robert Alderman’s in the township of Deerfield,
extract from an article in the Analectic in France a bigotted party, which expec‘
on Saturday, 11th Nov. inst.
Magazine, on the subject of the Apiwy that the two assemblies, through the exei the same; Don Alvarez Guerra, ex-minis Charles
13th in
township of Greenwich, 01%
tions that have been made by the emigrar ter ,of war, haslbeen condenined to banisl
which we 9ubIish in this week’s paper, anc Noblesse, will declare for the ancient 1
ment, and to pay: the expences of proces! Mason Mulford’s, Roadstown, on Tuesday, 14th
which we recommend to the attentive pe gime, and that the rigour which has bee Several imprisoned dkputies, who had bee
Nov. inst.
displayed in the south, when made the o permitted to enjoy the liberty ofconversin Nathaniel Foster’s, in the township of“Millville,
rusd-o’f oa’r readers.
on Wednesday, 15th Nov. inst.
with their friends, have been again shut u
der of tlie day, will mon reduce the wlio
Joseph Turner’s, in the township of Naurice ri.
in, fiecret.
WITHrespec1 to the choke of secretarj mass of people to obedience;
ver, on Tharsday, 16th Nov. inst.
“ A priest of the order called des agow
It is reported in the cliploniatic circli
James Nolan’s, in the township oftMaurice river,
of state by the legislature of New Jersey
xniztes whose crime, it would appear, wa
on Friday, 17th Nov. inst.
it niay bc proper to observe, that JABIE: moning of Cambray, in the name of tl merely that of. having held some convei
l i a the County ojpCcipe dhy:
was the republican candi king, and even offered to protect the prc
sation respecti3g the restoration of t h
date, selected i.n the usual manner, by thc visonal government in the settlement I constitution, was hanged here a few day At Imla 3ohnson’s, in the upper town&p, on
Monday, 20th Nov. inst.
vepublican members of the legislature an internal power, without any considerl ago. Neithe+ the prayers nor intercession George
Hand’s, in the Middle township, on ,
Tuesday, 21st. Nov. inst.
but that the ’federalists, for the pur
Fouche that the kine is indebted for tl
pose of obtaining a particular end, unite( dissolution of the p r c h i o n a l government. and this unhappy‘wn fell a yictim to w h a Edward Barnett, in the Lower township, on Wednes?ay, 32d Nov. i n b l .
xvith a niinority of the republicans i1 The duke of We?lin.gton has uniformly a t the palace, is called severity, but whic
Lucius Q. 0.Elmer,
supporting Mr. Linn, who is also a repub declared for the constitutional party. This to give it no harder name, may more prc
being the fact, it is not likely that Fouche perlp be caiied infatuation.”
3ican, and succeeded.
has tendered his resignation according to
KEY’Sadvocate has published a lonj the assertion of the Courier, imless he has
Justification of the conduct of the marshal done so to show that he is invited by the
be absent for several month9
the public, tlazt ir? addition t
king himself, to continue his office,
during the ensuing winter and cpring9 J
etilitled, c L Exposure Jiisti;ficatif pour 1
his newspaper establishment, he has open !*;ill esteem
i t a particular fiivour, if those who
wrtl*eclzal JV’ky.” It occupies twenty quart(
of Philadelphia, has arrived ccl an office for the execution of Yrintin have unsettled accounts with me, ,wjU c 1itbr;;ce
pagcs. We have seen, in some of the new at New York in the Ship Anna Maria from of every description, such as Pamphlet: 311opportunity t o call and settle the sanifw-’
H an rl b i 1Is, Carrl s, A d ve r ti sein en t Y, an violis to tlie 20th of November nc‘st.
.papet’s, a summary of its contents; but Liverpool.--His Iieoltii, it is believed, is Blanks, at the shortest notice, and on t h
wcn that wc cannot tinct room to insert completely restored.
most reasocable t c r ~ s .
Cedarpille, Se$ Utb, l.&i,+
c _ _
S ~ C the
E i n teiitio:i of establishing a
Bible Society in this county was announced, an idea lias I),eecn started, that it was
intended, at least ia part, for a political
the accusation is confined to this particular society? or whether
it exteiids to others, we cannot say- Certain it is,' however, that several persons
h v e beel: induced, by this circumstance'
t o witliltold their aid from an instituti.011,
! ~ h k hthey would otherwise he friendly.
-We do not believe there is the smallest
Foulidation for t t e suspiciotl; Elor do w
see how it couId possibly operate in that
ch were its intention. IC IWJ~,
ve arisen, in some oyer jealous
Sirice I wrote
op last, this port has
ecn shnt against $16 importation offfour,
pef,y)yk, candles, soap, and at1 other a r cles from America, that can he supplied
y France, and the exportations of sugar
nrl cogee. 'l'his act I think will be f o r b
ate for our merchants, &s it is impossibls
D make any voyage here and coming in
rrily, will keep the price itfsugar and :of:e up, and depress that of every a r t d e
vhicli tlie island can possibiy want.
A Lot of Woodlaud,
; h a t e in the township of Stow Creek, adjointig land of James Loper, jui. and otiiers, said
o contain tireiity acres, more or less; tcgctber
vitli all other lards of said d8endant, in the
:ouiity of Cumberlaiid .
Seized as the property of John Gibbons, and
Colonel Johnson and major &gadison, nkcn
in Esecwtioi) at- the suit ot Thoinas It
0th well known heroes of tlie north-west; jheppard and Mark Slieppard , Richard Wood
entlkmen of fin,e talents and high minds, tid George Bacon--zncl to be soid by
rdcntly devoted to the repubZiic, are canlidates for the office of pvernor of the
tate of Kentucky. It is unfortunate that
inen so highly esteemed by the patriots
3C the PIiilatIelphin Bible Soeietyv, the Bri3itu2'~in the. township of 3Gl!ville, adjoininglnnc'
If that state should be opposed. W e wish
tis11 arid Foreign Bible society made tlietn
)f IVdIiam Watson and otliers; s:iid to contair
deidlfal?acre, moye or less; together with :ill otlie:
a consitlerable donation. I t shoul-d be ,reerve.-LNat. Advocate.
aiitls of s:iid defencl:unt, in thc coiiiity of Ciiniber
t11nt tile British and
Seized as the property of Joseph Acldey
Foreign Bible-Society is not acting under
und tnlren in Kszcntioni at the suit of 1Sxekie
Foster a!id Il&ert Jordoii, and td be sold by
thr directiolt and influence of the British
I ~ ~
@vertiment; and that it is not composed
Y virtue of sevcral writs of Fieri Facias, to
& the same time and plaw, .
me directed, will be esposed to sale, at Pubt w h h d y of members of the estabiisheti
Noveinchurch. Suspicious as we are of the Britis! )er iie:it, between ttie hours of 12 and 5 o'clock
-governrnent-mnch as we deprecate a na n the afteiiioon of sai6 dxy, at Divicling Creek,
r@al church establishment, we can sef 11tlie county of Cumberlaiid, st t h e in:i of Ellis Situate in the ton-nsiiip of €lopemell, :djoinini
lands of John Elwell, and otl'iers; said to con
nritl:ing in the circulation OF the pure wn
tain sixty acres, more or !as. Also, 'I'wo Third
3f a lot of land, joining lantl of Anna I-iusted an(
adulterated word of God, that woulcl; !mvc
Dthers, said to col1t:iin thirty : p e s , more or less
the siiiallest tendency to advance the in
;i:uate in the township of Downe, adjoining land together with all other laiicls of said defendant il
tered of either. On the contrary, we a 1 ~ )f Jonathan Hand, and others, said to contnin one the county of Cumberlarid. Seized as the propel"
fully pe;wmled, that if ever the miserah14 Lcrcand three quarters: Qne house and lot of land of Enoch Brcoks, nnd taken in Exececution at th
;aid to contain half an acre more or less: One suit cif Josjali Seeley, assignee of E12och Boon
slaves et=Europe are to be freed froa, thc Dtlier lot of Lam1 joining land of Samuel. Mull and-to be sold by
shackies of despotism and superstition ididhers, said to contain ten acres more or less:
that e i e n t will be accompanied, if not prk Also tlie oiic half of three acres of Cedar svamp,
lying in tlie Yprk-\valk tract, together with all
J t the sctnze t i n u and place,
ceded by a R1bt-s general (liftision and i ,tlier lands of said defenctmt in t$e Col1fitv oj
raetical acquaintance with thc hnberland, sekecl as the property of sisa DOLI. A House :md Tract of Land,
$ass, and taken in erccution at the suits or" Joht;
s of the sacred vcliinie than the; :dcC:illa, .Jacob Cliement, and Joseph and Collit. Situate in iiie towiisbip of €Iope\vell, scljoininl
Coopery:uxi to be sold bp
land of ltobert ~ a r r i hand others; said to cor
jsave hitherto enjoyeck.
3 6 1 1 SIBLEY~
tain one Iiundred acres, more or less; toge
September 23d 1815.(Cct. 30-lm)
j??~-crnthe Easton 3
. Stew. Three me]
ilom Kent Island were lately fishing fo
d~uni,off Love point, in about 25 feet wa
ter, atid havi:ig been there a considerahl
time without success, at length (Haycock
one of the party felt something incve hi:
h e , and upon drawing it in, fi)un:l he had
. brna$it up a Targe earthen jug, aiid hi5
hook, wit11 the bait within it; which being
rPnal:le to extract,he hrnke the jug in pieces
when to his utter surprize rind astonish,
p e n t , h e discovered a large catfish, four
'?eel: inellas i n let3gth9 which had heen en
veioped in thejug, a n d sivallwed his hod
witit the bait. It is supposed the jug wa!
lost from some vessel, and having settlec
at tSe bottom in a perpendicular sitaation
the fish entered it ,when small, and being
attiacted by something in it, or not bein4
able .to-find its way out, continued then
till grown too large to get out at the mouth
and the bait having accidentally fallen infc
it, was seized with avidity by the fish. Thf
@g must have been a long time at the bot
tom, as there was very long grass acd se
vera1 h r g e oysters adhering to it.
Attested by
tlier with all other lands of snid.defenc!ants, i
the county of Cumberlaid. Seized as the propei
t y of Dorcns Long and Malachi LOR^, devisee
of &I. Long, deccnsecl, and t:tktn in' Execution 3
the suit of William Jkoolis, and William hliiit:
all&t o be sold by
,301IN SI13LElT, Shed?
sJ6~t,1815. (S. 25.)-1~1
N apprentice io the BLACKSMITH busi
ness, about 15 or 16 years of age. Any per
son baving such a lad that they wish to 1c:cl.n thc
trade, will apply to the subscriber in Bridgetown
Laurel Hill.
October 2Gtl1,1815.-2t
L Q U ~ U S ~
LL Persons indebted to the 'Estate of EROC
BIjnGIa, Esclaire, late of Bridgetown, 111 tk
County of Cumberland, decensed, are reqiieste
to make payment: And all those having nay dc
m a d s against snid Estate, will please presei
them for examination, to
JANiES GI'LES, Executor.
Bridgetown, September 22,1315.-9~~.
the counties of Cumberland and Cape 3hy. Re
taileTs, manufxture. s, and others concerned, ii
said ,owties, will for the future mzkc applica
tion t$ k& at his office in Bridgetown. Stamp
of all 'descriptions will be fuiiiislied on applica
October 30th,1815.
AN away from the subscriber, living near
Port Elizabeth, in the tomnshlp of fifmrke
Rlver, County of Cumberland, and State of New
Jersey, on the night of tlie 18th inst. an indented
boy, named Reuben Cliard, about 17 years of age,
five feet high, light hair, blue eyes. Had on when
h-e went away ablue str;peu cotton sailor jacket,
and 110 waistcoat; stole and took away fi-om his
master six pair woolen hose, and seventekii dollars in cash. Any person who will secure the said
apprentice in any jail in this State, or retum him
to his maste-, shall receive tlie above remaril, and
all reasonable charges paid.
Port Elizabeth, Oct. 19th 1515. (St)
Jfd. June,20.
THE sale of
64,000 acres of Gennesse
is hereby given, that a writ of ntiNOTICE
tachinent.' issued out
Tiiferior Court
of the
ills most opulent landltolders in that
part of the.state, as well as by many ca- I
patalists +n this city. We understand, that
some of these lands sold as high as 35 1-2
dollars an acre, and none lower than two
d o k i r s . 4 P. Gaz. Oct. 26.
Domestic. -4:ttachnient.
a6d tenements ofEdeii$. Seeley,m absconi
ng debtor, at the suit of Jacob Richer,'in
of the. sbufk..Fendleton district
?D Immediate possession given, A STORE
IIOUSE and LANDING, that will hold ur
rards of one thoiisand cords of wood; situate i
he Township of' Downe, aiid 011 Antuset Creel
the sindl Village of New Port, also a two stoi
h m e l-bise and Kitchen, adjoining the Sam
'or terms apply to
Octobr 2d 1815.-(4t)
At the Office of the WliiG
Y Virtue of an older of the Orphnns' Cou
-of Cumberland, will be sold, at Public Ve
due, on the premises, on Satnr&ay, the 10th
Novembcr next, betu-em the hours of 12 and
P. &I. A quantity of n-ell timbered Wood Lan
[late the property of Uaiiiel h v i s deceased,)
h t s to suit prchasers. Conditions of sa!e will t
iaade kno\vn, and attendance +ell by
October Stli, 1815.
A and
BOUT a month siiicc, siear the Pea 1'3tch,
the river Delaware, a market 133AT, wi
sail-Said boat 11-as seen to be taken 1
y a shallop, and supposed t o bc caxied in
:ohansey creek-It had in i t a dcmijolin cc
aining four gallons of vinegar--Whoever w
leliver tlie same to Bradway and Dunlap, at 5
em Bridge, shall recrke teii dollars rewaid frc
he subscriber, and for. infor1iiation so that
nay get his boat again, five dollars. '
Oct. 15t11, 1815.--Qt
Ilea of debt for two hundred dollars, rZtuni
ble to the Term of September last, h;ith beei
luly served and returned tj the Sheriff of saic
October 991, 1815.-2m
3;C. furnished, during the late war,
ward&of 1000 militia and 400 regulars for&e actual service of the United States.
This district is in the interior, '6 immediately under the Big Mountains," says cz
letter to the editor, cL and in 1790, the only
place of public resort was the master
ground of the county, at whir ! I the little
erective Mockasin force F V ~ gollected.'5
This letter, writtea several months ago,
adds--" we are far renisved from the the.
atre of war, but always rcady to share it500 men, assemb!ed at PendIeton Court.
Mouse on the 1st uf February (1815) or
a ca!l from general Pinckney, in four day(
afte; the orders were received at that place
60 march to the seaboard ."--JVi'Zes' l k g .
Sepemter Y'ei*n?,1825.
1 IIARLES CLhliK, administrator of S A 3 E X k
ELJVVELL deceasccl, h : t v q eshlbilecl %ic &
liirt, duly sttested a jiist and trae UXQYJX d
e estate of said dccc3(tstdYa:id skxl an
coim t OF thc driits SIJ f:ir 2s t!:ey c:m 1 ~ red, by wliid: :iccoiint it :qqiears t h t :i
inal est:ite c f ~ i i d(iecC:iscd, is ii?si:f5ch+to
x snid dcLts, i1ic:efo'ol.eoq applicaiim cf ? h e
id Chsrlcs Clark, setting forth t j u t tlie SXC
mucl Elwvrll dicd s c i d of !:mls, teiieaicnzs,
mlilltnwtis :d1.4
ebt::tC, in the ~ O N I I ut'
~ . ~
:inbcrl:l:id :ifirexiid, an3 pm~4ngtile aid ~ f ' ~ ' h c
11r1in the premises.
w X ~ qa,! tire Yki.:ii c!lcD.t.esrtifE-l.=T~~.~~
iwdi:rii to D.-LVIUCAMPBELL :mi % E P i : 3
ihH 0 CAJII'I!ELL,, cliiliiren crf
IMPINLL d e c e a d . 'l'he said E L I ~ x I ~
ig forth that the said c-artis Iiarc 110
tate, and praying thc court to orilcr z
e sale of the. wiicill: of tlia ~.a~lcst:~te,
e: !I:<: &s;
II'L~S,for their sitpprt ;;tit1 m;iinteii:inc;.
It is <J,:.clerecl that :I1 p x ~ " illt<~icatcd
ids, te:ienicnts, Iici*editaiiiciits:dr e d c' :;it:5,
' the said decessed, and of' rhe said 111ii10i*b, & z
q:e:ir befbro the ,iutlgez ofthis coiirt2 on t1.e 1 s t
.v of K;ovember 'i'erm liest, :wd ~ho:v cm!,:: $
ly t h e j h ~ e \ ,~ h the
v w!iole (jT tI:<-v:iI P C ' * ~ ; ?.T1'said deccasxl sliould not be SO!^, fiw tix ,uyent of debts idiich rclnaiii u;qi;iid, and 1cliy t i e
hole of the real estxttc. of said m i i ~ o ~sllouid
,t be sold for niaintcnance :tnd sripport.
lly t h Co1tl.t.
Sept. 26th l815--(2 m)
Cumberlm d (drplnnus' Court,
S heyeby givea, that the subscriber has beel
appointed deputy collector of the reveniie fo
;um berla11d 0rph 311s 9
BE yearly comrnlmication of the Grand Lodg
of free and accepted Masons of the State o
New Jersey, \vi11 be held at their Lodge room i
the city of Trcntoii, on 'rueschy tllc 14th day c
November next, h t 10 o'&cli A. 31. 'l'he sever:
L,dges unc!w t1.e jurisdiction of tlie said Gran
Lodge, are requcsted to take notice accoi.clin@!
Grand Secretary.
bel. 'Ii.rm, 1815.
-TPOY applcition of C h ~ r k sClark, eXecutai*
of Anroii Shints, the smie admiiiistraux.
mriel Elwcll, Cliarles Clark a n d .Joliii 6. MCd,administrators de bonis non of huley 31C:tiia
le same the like of I-lnnnah Al'Calltl aiid Elizzp t l i Wood, adiniiiistr~trisciim tcstamenLo 3232x0 ofJoe1 n'ood, decea-ed, io h i t :L tihis
ithin which the creditors of said deccdc-ni.i
la11 hying ili theii' debts, cl:iims, and dcnianc!s
Tiinst the estates of the said &cedents, or LC
)r ever barred from an action :igainst said adnit
istrators, executor, and esccutris.
It is omlwed, that the said administrators, es-.cutor, and executrix give l'ifilic Nstice to the
reclitors of said decedents to bring in .their
1:iims within one yea^ froin the date liereof;
ztting up a copy ofthis order in jive ofthe 1;:~s:
iiblic places in this county for the space of' ;vas
qoiiths, and by publisi;ing the sameii: one ,:; the
p,u-spapers in this state, for. the like >'i>ace02'
me, and any creditor neglecting to e: hibit hk
einand within the time s o liniitcl?, :iC!,*r . = , ; c b
ublic notice given, shall be forever 'ixi:wd his
:tion therefbr, agaimt said atlmiiiistrator~,esq,
utor, or executrix.-By r h CotcTr,
Sept. 2St11, 1815.-(0. 2)-21n
6)nzuberl;znd Orphans' Cotwt,
Septeder Tern, 1815.
AMES DPVERTY Administrator of THECsDURE WIGGINS, 1:ite of the county of' C a w
:lay decensed, having exllibitcrt to the O1yI1an~~
;ourt, of the county of Cyie May, ciuly attested,
,just and true account of the p,rsond Eatxte d
aid deceased, and also an accoli1it of the debts a>
Lr as they can be discovered by which acccoiint it
ippears that the personal estate of said ~CCC:LS.P&
s insitfficient to pay said debts and the snid ac:ount having been transmitted to the judges ol'
tlie Orphans' Court of the comty of CuinbdmC
-Therefore, on application of the said Jnnieu
Diverty, setting forth that the sxid 'Fheodwc
Wiggins died szised of lands, tenerncnts, heredit:rmerits, and real estate, in the county of Cuinle~.
land, and prayiug the aid of the Court in tltk
It k8 Ordeveci, That all persons interested in tllw
latids, tenements, hereditaments, and rc:il eat:i*e
of' s:ud dece:~ed, - do appe:ir bcfore t3:=
Judges of this Court, on the first day of h'osei~:ber Term next, to show canse, if anv tliey h.,vc-,
why the whole of the real c>tate of tlie snid cl;Cceased, sitwte in the County of Ct11dd:tlld
u f o r c s d slioulil not be sold, for tile 1~qmc11$
the debts which remain uiipaid;
3 y the C'owt.
Sept. 27, 1815.-6t