1 - Bacon Library
1 - Bacon Library
^A^j^^a •^BSfcaftMljIb^^^ mHQiiiwpm*$ft*mfR!y) ^wp^ijyro fl^S**^WOV|Sfi^-^p FTP ~% FTtF^fTf^^'f ^ ^ J 1 -N.t^« i A*y*-^ r'^iitu, j " 1* v'-k -- Mi m «£'s u. •ri & "rfJ L» WYANDOTTE, MICH., FRIDAY, NOyEMjBER 15,1923 BY J. D. H A W VOL. LI A II fi The wiflUTjfersrtyitc* M #< ^ fy, | school 'iUicf jjixnil J«MJ ¢1 j;t WM M A1 i jte. conn v\ i l l III' i i ui Inatlon ftiei than ijhii h w a s ^ 0 ACCOUNT NOkCCOt^rT" TOO L&RGE. TO I HANDLE \\ hlle \1J p'tro'it falls consldei ably belid Its tH ,10(11, for the annual coiunuitj fllllll| W.Vandotte, us is i w f hdblt, M llOols, IK'S ovei'IJfJUJi I«11». exceeding I ts in'n>tn nt—th<> w MXH >' h.vl SLOW). The amojint rai*' - in the 14 411 fhl^.i'ly will approxlm! ite $30.>. an inHie Herald Icives a litjtflf suh| J M - Ptfitr tui;"U>VtiM-i olnuKidalioti . ut > * factory llfl0W| fcecelved • through i'^ H TII.»U j<-tn'iius,j;itrt^ irt«?i?ji ipj.irand by'" subscription of ilitioijfs t e r o f «V r e n t u r j <}' l u t w n i l t t M r t a « l ' i n d i v i d u a l s : livnsser $3<I44.0TJ \ J . i ' i o elm! i»,vIL ! t 6 » ^M/IHJ-P-". ' v~ 4 lrhigau ins and Ijvikall Co. employes ;~ T h 4 " jttu.ud. or'-<fi»nniif jriV ft«p« M*.utyandotti 1 Terminal It. K, Co. "fm J.lTIolis t» ' t-iic i following Officials (iS.OO Oiiiploye-j tu l»e p r e s e n t aiuPg(ive et-lat Hostile oe> y-audnttc Transportation Co. j «• r.o ( .IsiolK* ' ' . ^ '-*, v |tkuiplfijle> n>j3ystP*«i»i:in Karl C. \IlcheiUM«. w h o ••ti'oit S<HIa Products Co., flrui uoO.oo - will Btf^the chief j-jn-echwa key,-1» ,tho li'troit Roila t'nxhKts C o , e m | d»p»i-fill-event that Jtii-4 dutle^ a t \Vii% 075 00 i»b»jes. in-'oiuwiH-IienuIMJirii t o l f t i v e at that lover l»-Contriliiftors of $r>.tMj a n d tim^" '„ • • , » ',21 l ' , , ' ; , Killed in Jilunt' t o t a l : l"VX SViutovs Ci|uzen.A jinil'Viiuden Is. and Mrs. Don M. Harrisoij-$500 0il IKMV. ^ta'te hr»utoif A i i J I WomlritV ' '- - • • I 1 - i K00 UI 1.-.0 llm M. (ikiffith " T - .St.iii' Kt'piesenUtive Frank* I* Harm. _ 120.00 U. Browne _— I'n-.'iiiSi'^tev J,uin>s k e l l o u g of l>otrolt. _ JoO.OO inuiel Bajrkley ^ vrr eet Hghtafj.l I'.)*'* iJosriHJxtii't of all ii«*isbl>o¥ui!jj - When Wyaifdotte 75«» IPO. B. Pjtlmer * liltl Vineto\- -i- a - fnr disVaiJt a s Ailriun. \\nfi s.\stenrfoit|lHddle a \ c J 4- ortoiJ next f^w fephen T. Orr —<L - Tlio board has iJNo ImlteU t{|e M- ^ootT'N turned, on n i t h l n :• IT. 0 0 i fittingly hm ' 4 living i-\ l i i - t m l - t f i v of_ W \ , ; i a w the imt'.rfrVeiuent vv illliim T. Orr •>'> (M# end hav- I'JUicis U|C,rlffith . audi tie to he pre-eiit- JeieniiaffMUtfu^ j-elehrsited^UetU> toward ^— 25 do nincil at nan. Will mm II 1 Milium of Itt^lH-Tyr.^i,^, |, w > l l takeiLbJ [the <• C. (iuriels _, '.'a 00 - vv ^ •N .¾ , l l c n r j K«M>I rite, Fred S. J o t i n ^ j t * ssession TtiAilajl night BL'O J Gentleman —,_. es 20 00 p»v lights ^ son 't Lansing I' t X clmfc of l.os poles for tij' ttnley Sicken .'.I. Oinameutal 15.00 »« ~ A » ^ l i > s . Calif., an l] John F.j .Mi•lner- on Unlille :ivenue lire all and the . M. An|*piich w—.'\ v s 12# m»y. 'Present P o s t m a s t e r Arthur K. jjlohes are J>eing jilaced Bias. J. W. Btjiice r' L ]K>sition HMW Itai-Iej will of couike lie on band. Work on' Vin?wood Is i [ohert W, Smith — . xig.» well adThe, following committees have been valued. S. M^cClenahen + „ J - ^10.011 tit, named • i l x w t i f j a ) the Ho.-im iff Commerce to ffiy H. Orcutt _ Mayor K,rei?er, Twesilay Bud Le<, *• h a v e charge of t h e ceremonies f eorge McTaggart $ 'moo t'onncilinen Joseph* A. Sitjl j o 00 l William B. Nellis A—f ^-^Program and Arrangement—A. C. tew. Conrad P. Kjreger 10.00 arrange a1—L\ Milne. Fred S / V a n Ajl-tyne. F. Engfehr >aaj a committi e o-*. ' wMnhalak . Moore a:_^i^_^i_MO00 • Hospitality and Invitation—Frank for a suitably celebratii hen the erbert A. Browne II. EU>r&. H. S. Talcott. new-^ lights art' turned on IOJDO ifralter H. Brigham Re<epHon—General chairmen. Mayor humorous There was .sjoinethlnif Sffr'w. Eiigiand 1 1 1 . : 1 ^ 1 - ^ - - 1^,00' Ira .1. Kroner and John l \ Melnertiey nature concealed in the juintof a ills E. Partch XH Hubert >S Aiulot. [Frank Armstrong, citizen that tlie city was {ijatlng its 8. Johnson — i 1— Arthur F.. Balsleyl John, C. Cahalan, owti smoke ordinance allowing ,«oo I* Baxter > , — ^ - ^ • Frank II. EberK ^hurle* Gartner smoke of an ' objectionutj Character 5)00 A. Marsh ^-i.J^i Richard .1. Lvneh. lolm T. MeWhirter to Issue from it he fhimii ,1( the city J. GrllTith — 1 - ^ : - - * ; «4P Stephen T. Orr, A. jW. ^»nfdo. Harry tpirage On Miller street. (| Engineer L. Sawyer _„'r L$ •5.00'j Tucker. ?'i . . C<mway wan apked4 to hav ^trouble A. Smock - _ — _ « . * - * ! . '500 While derilcatlffl i wcercioe/* will tte remedietl. C. Halstead „ Y „ — ' ^ «.00 held at the new P< Htofflce next Tlinrtntractor. Frank E. I^oselle, pavl 5,00 >hn Bennett T—*., day. the transfer from the pre«ent was allowed^! estimates (6,S13.21 5.00 C. McCormick —^ nWarters in the D H e k e r hulldine will «4,00» and $3J02fl.l7 on jobs, 500 Rowland __! i—-not l»e made nntlll several days later is grant The Tuesday Study cluj 500, >uis W. Behni -i. , The^. office will probably be moved on ed ihe use of] two (rooms he munl'5.00 dward I?nak — _*.—. fenue and clpal building at Blddle! -November 24^ 500 homas Allman (Cirl's (ioddard street, for u.se 500 orge B.. White ., Rental club nud n (welfare wo 15.00 hn Pllst'on « . . . _ j . „ * , . which was placed at $2Q per King Gettleman - 1 "5.00 'e ordered includes heat. The|roonj« •500 rnest Tfops . a , hew occureimintwl before upe by It ,5 00 illtani A, Yop's_ — J r "I , pants, t 5.00 '•« 4*i ward Thon - J l , New street I lights werj»j ijderod at 5 00 ex. Purdie ~-~%^~, ._.„ h,ues( and Antolne and lilndliergh 500 Ifias. I*. Plei>er .^, —, t. at Antolne and Eighth 5.00 rank Flood > \ —' r safety In order toj promote 5.00* eo. W. Perry, r—_-!— for'traffic, 6lty Engineerj ifjwny was 5.00* C. Genthe L, -.hasked to mak* a survey 5.00 -1 T57 afflc and Dow ' - L „ / - — * . _ ! . , . — , 4 ' - . . 1 - 4 ' 15.M lighting' conditions on E i 500 Gateway H^hronlcle S. Roberts j. U.JL i n venue, 15.00 from Seventeenth |sfreet| 5.00 Mf. aBd^li*. R; B. ^½rrel'; R. Stark " — , „—t ' 15.00 I t to the' railroad rladijct 5 00 Dr. R ; M . ' A s h l e y ;_' ester L,v!e j_i j, 15*00 ttolierts* rvule^ of irder, 5.00 Dr. F. J. Owen .„..J.. sed. were L Beal 1.4—t-j-' i__i.' 15.00 5 adopted'ftjr n|ie by the-cpi rfOQ CMMrs. Bessie iSoilittell, who hud confohn A. iWo'lcott — 1 - 1 . - . - " 15.00 Camper ,5.00* ^klr. and ilts. /Frank a sewer (luc-ted a photograph studio on* Biddlo • Hearing, oni the- plans A. Be^tttJL^-i-—13.00 ,on Ninth stre«t wa< set ft Covemlwr 5.0ft Elennof Hinc &jJ^-f—• aveuue. \va* fatally lnjuced a t 8 oVl«H»k E. Flelmlijg 15.40 5.00. F, W..Frostic * _ - - - , Mondnv" evening; (She fiatL sJtisrted -to »<?• '/ *, , » * . J. Hoerscnf ,„lr,—,—+ 1 fdl that he \ W. BrlghtWH 1 $5 00 Rnle Plnney '_*__1. „ A ^ - ~ A ' 15.00 Engineer runway rejw oro& Blddle nvenije, benveeir Kim and ,i15.00 5.00, Grate Duffey had been in <• wrespondeji with rail 1. Maple streets, whtjn ^ht'jwax struck by |V. E. Biarkei- a 12.0(1 5.00 Rev. H. N. Jackson an automobile driven} by lion Ewers Of road official*. I concerning) Her condi Ienry Sh'a'rlow — — I 12.0d • r 5.00- C, I'. Pike — n dugs. On Nihj'^Ohio. A fpllo^lug car ran^ver tioiw at the (j)ak"\vstreet L. Gnjves < _ . .. L1000 s 5 00 his Migcjeatinn i It Was tld to seek Stewart ^Baxter her; h«l>\. Mrs, Mmhell' tta4 tnkeiv to 10.00 Mias. F. BegojnJUi t , ! — , U officials, Dr. peirfeif —. thejfej'iualol^* (3e^ei{al hospita^.where a conference with railtji ano 10.00 IVlllIam h a r k r \ „ _ : 1, tfreger' ^named nmcilmen Dr. K^stler .—-ishe-tfieil lo~iiiHnttift iftler the accJikMit Mijor 10.00 tuCord Hadiiitor Mfo Co + i$2,T»)oo £ .» Sfie" bad •siiffei'Wl (a Ifravtiuv' of,, >rjie Oeorgfr K^ M^Unol Comb l' Kreger |!mpIo>'ek IPennsylvapta SaltCjo 235 oft H.' II. Allen — — — 10.00 md Joseph Ai Smith asijBportimittee JB, E. Stieler - 1 10.00 Employes Detiolr Brass ^ Mail- ' roHowlns lu*r ilehth. the 'reitfalrts to arrange H (late 10.00 leable H'orks *__"_i ^ i - 217.00 Anmt « . Christian _. Five) Fifteen Shoppo 1ft Oft -^t%eif taktfli to thff Mifayjie coititty'ntoriliuployes v McCord k I t a i i i a i w '« J / JR. Murphy. ' 10.00 Ktn." ui Hetroit. * \^ Mnnuf,iMnrln« Cp -' + i.-'2o«7". 1004 Kwefe was detai itvt.ln the^Vjanilott'ii talph A. Wood Co - . , ^ - ^ . - „ i - 200 (H) Fountain & Flood _ ,— l»ili'i> "tation'ovei niijhf amj was tak? S h e l l s 1 P. os Cb, , „ r 4 . - 1 2 5 011 «tfs<;-Gee J io.oo en tu th«s Wayne" county precentor's Ifohiison (. reamen- t . i — . HJOon Cititis!,& Scliartz -^- Bank em F., Tin n & (To: — - u . offici-'iBJ Detroit 0.1 Tuesday by Oeteo10B.0O Wynndofte Savings 10 00 'ployes _-.—_—— ' t i \ e rtare^ce Pelrnsfca'. Btttrs. 'says erbert Ii Stilllyan ^ . - - , - ^ - - Kf*"" 10.00 '1 '__ 100.(^ %$ th ilrown 1 nlph A AVot'id ' tlnr i "tfrs. ?fiHiri»e 1 'stei>pc^ li-om he 10.0(1 >own Uiwer Chevrolet' — r lOlOdii Mrs. Erha .Bauer ""_ t»een fmrkeif^nr-l liVt'l'H |l!|llvril l u i - l lftto m i l ' tht^path «..^,,-v.... of his lOtoo s fit. J. Nikon _ — ^ „ 75.011 Lucille Brown Automobile... ),,i \. Afttoniobije.^ ' 1~ \ ^ T 10JOO pVyandotte Theaters Corp. — 7 5 0II Anna T Patterson _ ' While the'lMOjS; was liehigh'f ransfer10.00 H*s."J»* T : H u r | t j . red into a, eaiHJpi ini| by Joseph Ostrow ( jlght and Water Plafits \ C7 <»0 10.00 , home unknown thief j. JS it-, , , v /»•.!-^.f'lio o a k jilKaof" sty/etTA.i-wn<» u n k n o w i Mrs. Mary Ginzel — — flftOii Arthur, Baisley _._Lf— t lft.Aft taConrse & Son' Minn bed J i e r pnr$e ifrom a man who, War BottjHlte Wks . . . 5ooi> 10.00 1. »<i pk-keil It np7»in the street and was; nJartncr Hardware Co. '50 00 ftlady.V'Mercer 10:00 , A Small atkttlence g)|i *j(l at tho •ifeo Bnrnosky J alioiir to leare^lt in Ostrow'a c«r. ^s j. 50100 it. A, (French - ^ , 10.00 Roos<i\^l^ liigf"-schoolM George Brohl — dy evening \\Y*. SoniheJl,. formerly Bessie MurMelody rjros. , ^ 1 . - 4 - . . 60.0<» 10.00 commem- 'Rlrs. Geo4»p A. Johnson phy, was 15 years of age. and was born to tak0 part in the exercj 50.00 lir. Jz'lw. Naglp 10.00 armistlce livtrs. H . »: Weltan WjHapdrttte Flbiral Shoh L in, T. en-ton Mn't^-i. She came, to Wyan- oratlnj; the signing of 50 0ft 10.00 J—ff-— r In the Wwfld;war. J Prior • meeting dot to when a hftM). Jn 1J>1* she married irthnr m <Edwards 50,«» J. Friedman — 10.00 memberii Archie ^Sfiles : .Titthv SomheH^fhe leaves a sjster. there was a [parade by J—i 5( ».(«* Trills Reistmari . JO 00 I I Mr-. Tiydfa MelflCh of tliiOlt*, arid; six uf Edward C.IIIeadman pi % [ American /dffholterlRros. Co. - 1 - ^ Harry iPaskovIt* '4r..Oft! 10.00 '^Woris „L Legion, and Pittlhger p o l l b f Detroit brotherA Edwafd^prnest ^Illfoti.. Bobpr. A. P. ,Selinl« 4ft oft Green t n l i e l BottJIpg TJ^-^ id.oo err. Frrtnk and \\fUHam Slnrpfiy/All le«I by the Roosevelt hlgli ;Knool band^ f. W. Wji^hrorth Francis J . , C o n w a y _ . - i - - #5 0ft' aye reSjdents of ^ his ^t-lty. Also a 10,00 The" program at the i ml0f»l' opeii«i [ra J. Kreger >-, *_^ 80,(M) W. D. fjeBar — v — riephetv;Jln)|ih RonheiK who was as« with an invocjtttloh 'by Re m warren E, IV. T. Heck' — - ( I 10.00 r . . — T - J 80,00 Tf. A . i D a r l s , Rocla't&l with Mrs, Sbmhell In the con- Hall. lfo.00 I ", I ^ Rmployesl Recent Stove C o . ' - , 27.'.00 ( 1 / H . ;Royer dtti-t of th« Ktndlfl, ; ^ ," \ <• Mayor Ira J. Kreger h Be{ the prln "Jydo Moxfifoli'-u — — i „ 25.'Oft Tfelson Chrropractlc Health S e i 10,00 Funeral nervlces t^ere held at H, F. clpal address.^ H e spok<|Hdelinffly of if. J. Lyncli - - - U — a 25.00 Pr. G.' m. Mccpit ' 10.00 10.00 Thon &".Co>» nftrliirii yesterday after- the sacrifices of the men Bvho fought Jiimes C. Headman . - . , ^tfary. t,l SniArt 25.0ft f. K 10.00 noon. * conducted ifyI Rey. ! Warren FJ. in | h e war, and told of enormous Lynch & Sullivan - ^ . J - , „ 25.00 r*>\tt,f!MW --" 10.00 Hall. t«?t'jr of tbi> First Presbyterian casualty list, and' what meant tpjj Ilenry Haag ^ 25.0Q AHcel^L Johnson 10.00 chnrchl. of which Itlie deceoVd was a the homes of Ithe nations rVplvod E. Van Alstyile _ _ , . .*,—.-.,. .25/10 Hess^<CHntlo:Col A H . (|ansser of B » City, who Woodruff & Woodruff . io.00 member. , i , >j |25(»0 rf was exp>ctedi was unabiT c. J . whifiiey ^ - - - - ^ 10.00 ^ - -, u. A, »1111^ l!° ? T i i A « M'" K n u l o y " ! . „ , „ 10.00 25.(10 Minnie Wclppwt WARRANT IS RrtCOMMENnEP Bnlllnger ONOFFAVERS FORD hronlcle employes io.00 25.00 Ulrty BBltOIt 1 devtited His remarkis to s' iljig the pot jChnrlcs H. Block 10.00 \ 25.00 Elfcfthefh W ' t * * - r n oh mil. The prosecuting! attorney's office, nf eiitlon eff tlie American I{ 14,00 fPeter1 Haubrlch1 — 25.00 J e a n e t t s Horton — rmament. First National Bank t«T hearing fhe testimony of witnesses Itftrlsm. paclflsm. and B.00 25 00 Mhrlon 'Johnson ^charted Labndie Bros.1 Co. of the; accident, diclded, to^reeonimend j He* said* that the I-eglon| B.00 : : : : : : : 25()6 M w . A e x . [McLaren the ts«nlnjr ot, a warrant cttartrftuTEw- a middle course., | 5.00 W. Iieo' Cahalan **25.00 Mike' tchwftrta ers Wltli nesflirent MomlHde ^ ^ | Purine the evening. A limber ofjj Iless Dnflfey 5.00 . 25.00 Ed. ko narske —*—• Haas1 — Into Ed- M. P . Steam Mrfr'B. F . ' f l e o f f r o y anrP Mike new members were inltla Mr, Gin?™** a|n<f ^ . — Edward 5.00 -i-—I 25.00 Al 'nger postf Employes Affholter Bros. •jiehwai&t- ^ho wltfiesse*! the accident, ward P. Hejidman post, [ A^ P . Qlmsteail -,— 5.00 2SJW finld'ftfrft iM*«.'Snfflliel!; was crossing condnctine the jlnltlatlonl 5.00 it. C. Peck' —J J 2000 Pr. Cameron U - 1 — rononncet} Mat Kohler , tfrom the Vest" fide of [ Riddle, and Re*. W. B. Crothers] ^ t*.0fl 2000 [<Tart B i f e ' - x l — MJOOO flchwartx said'that Ewetrs was driving the benediction^ [ - < SL Hanjibley '.• 15.00 Cnas. A , Brethen i. 2O.0u between 30 and Xi miles an honr. I Danclnir In the 'school ndltorinnTt! 0.1 L. Edwards _ „ 20.00 Contlnded on Page Flvb of the Jt. K. Perrfy Eweri* was,arraigned before Justice fol^tfwed the otper exei „ 15.00 Roy Coomer yesterday afternoon. evening. .- State, county, »* I . J MALL TO^> TO S RVE % # m. m *f •«i Mi S'm Aitiorifi! *$*\ M#Mrflftk h >i r I'JJ f *y » cl ide a bank account for a loving child, or is;1*"* ^ * I 1 ^ iA -J , - '» •> > ^ ^ , u * SAFEH ^-¾ ^ 4 ^ Sf1! ^ ^<-/t^ •t\ . J jT.i-^Y '1^# And you'll find this a good time to start the fa nd Vc^i'neel 1« ij&^sSfe^cWiif*?*1^, « « 8 ^ ^ ^ / ¥ nw for mother. r,> i ) %S.I fqr daughter's music lessons, or the older lad'n in college, or the beginning of a travel m 1J K^f f-i! i^ -v w , Wyand tte, Michigan Wished 1871 ;^j j Assets ver $8,000,000.00 tal, Sufplus and Undivided Profits: Over $900,000.00 mnS. SI IHIHE. ?% vT"^s ^ ^ « 1 A \ Mgt* 'V^WA I \ f j J j ,S '- finilftlS'tej?-^^'^ Fly,nK S y-i ) >r 11 ^rvl^ # T" > •-t> K' V.*s>) f f w! ^thf-- mm d" (¾ H gfyf \1' ^ yJ •* Vv. -^1¾¾ iVW1-* •^SvWfi MjC; ^/1 ^ W P W l I W i l H i ^ t j ! i^ ^ y . « j ^ f . HfJ Spffi^Tsgfy'ww kt -$B*1 WMM u }.. (GIVES BIG "PARTY" IN FRENCH PRISON "DEAD" MAN AS FUNER/.L OPSTS ?1r*fl <, (Locksmith Inmate.*' Makes , -.Social/ Event Possible. - ^ ^ . 1 - ^ Lawyer-Magician Problem to Sjolv< -4 .-& CITI6AS SPECIAL Detroit, Mich,—\Ynlt*r Lluiopes, ^France.—A pleasant time zalski, a.Detroit atbu-noy a (•was bad by-the men and women In- glclan of no little 'nb llltj, hit! inates of, the p'ri«on hero recently lem t'hat will requln; all ofj When attljr*part> was -giten. 'A reg- ning as a >a\\^er ard U s ular partjv, fuo, for It Occiirred-nf mid- sleight of hand artist tt toll .-^3. / night without tire guards knowing union As a member of a mairicia of a anything about it." , > , ' who can pull white ]rub >its eggs \ ' This was perliaps, the way pf Li-' hat and create oranges wl est ii timoges Jail of brvuHing •into the lien's were before, Mr., poiJizaliikl l| nsel f. ID opp4iMtlon to certain Aiuerlcao pen- Ilsbed q'irite R re'putiltlojj fo: issinn, itentiaries recently" prominent on the SNOW,' according to his ov n ' ^ front pages, but ft. Iook4 us If It «111 the has-a feat ofj legal leperi] lain to „ i' i mean klt-ft* rut her than coiigrutulu* Wrform. -1#* He triust p'r(>v<f ,that his c ttonSJor^ the midnight host. , ,, •f r, Joe 1 v|lio is In ttihVrole.-l'uul Uregolre figured. 'Slomln-KI of, Jo«t>phut's iille much Paul is a locksmith gifted with a ilegally d e a j findibured^ s > pf his tense of humor. Sent to prison <<>r 'alive and entitled to the tijsiil $<VK). u E I :VEKE*b A N D INST A i LEO a theft of a few initits, nc behmed jo win es I a to of upi ro.\ ft }a t' well, was ghon pri\ ilexes which al- 'Most Of the-i M p lus'b'enD, |<[d up All-en.i.-nel Citigas Special, dc : u l . •enses lowed hiuOro' nm\e about the Jit it and long ago to pay the funeral -no Jo 1 cf thp,.fairi6,u5 Cjtigas line of the was generally popular. Hu^ soon time and administrate t i e e'tat r,;r,cfi, O'/CII size — 1 6 K 13 ( \1 inskl. UR Citigas Ranges are, .d began to hang hea\tly and he turned other man burled as Jo • ' bis rt\ouglits to kej*.. , i according* to Mr. Dimizal-ki! to make your cooking easier SIOJ Here's r the story: Back In , j Keys—and Keys. <'ds in and more ecoioiWical. Enormous He madi' kej"» fur the locks of^ the niinskV who lived [with fi >\ here Jocephut's alley, which is *>' cells, It depressed liiirt to set* his fel improvements ih the past few years tings low num.nu cuired behind the bars near j^a,nfleld avenue, ard jjhtualstreet, did some drinking a »tl have m«d^jj|a» ran^e perform, nee more satisfac tory than any pthe while be, walkeil more or less free. ment • So* each noontime when the guards ly found himself undergoing known method pf jeooking. |f you are trying to g^tfirs^dafrs result li were nt lunch he opened the cell'doors In the comity hospital at El from, an old fashioned !stove, vith out-of-date fuels, a new Citigasi September 29.1027. Joe v ai ported and the con\lcts came, out to wander police quietly around, for a time, according missing. A ffc'W days latei Range will b|*'^ revelation to YO,u, tyUh i1t9 easb of operation, and *0,u, wii jperati ering notified Me'i'ds that a mar i to the story told in court. 1 by a .perfect rejhi ts. i But there were otber d>>ors to the Joe's description had been A> kA the place, i'aul turned h)s thoughts to Street car. The f'-toj^'s id ' keys again. He recalled that the Jail dead man as! Joe Sle-nlrsk " ^ - 11 ^ Cit^as Range inge is is biti t to be| the greatest valtje-giver in the field/: Ik the A Chene street nmlertakjft was used for women as well as men. the regardless of| price. Coistruction and materials < re of the finest, and ; So he considered that he" might en- body to Joe's] former hoin There 'alley for the funeral sen- c liven - things In the prison. > many years |ol trouble-free seivice is assured tlie happy purchaser. said: When Paul appeared before the Joe's more intimate fi-hif "Why, that's dot Slopdnskl Is mab You can givt your/family'trie finest Thanksgivir g dinner they have, court tor. answer for hh) misdeeds. It , was stated that he had jmanufactured Is too big to] be Joe." ' ever had, if rou come to our rearest show-roon, choose the Citigai But frienas' who accompf d the „• the necessary keys fpiv the doors1 of ^Joe!*' undertaker fald: "flure tin 1 Range that b est suits you, and have it installed i »ow—today. A n d , .the women's section of the prison and sld for The funeral | services wei e the male convicts passed along and like all Detr >il City G|ss Company appliances, Citigas Ranges may Joe Slomlnsljt." [, ' ma|de {acquaintances. The funeral cost S3 25. In be purchased on a most conveuientdeferred payment plan. Just ask ' AftfrNvthat Paul again let his 1 f the thoughts, dwell on keys. The result two years, tb at followed m i t f i onearly our salesman to explain this cpr^Venience to y b t . was dlstrjl >B<id ac-was'.unfortunate this time. A notori- rest of the $000 1 Ikl bad ous-prisoner, Augusts Bro, .made his cording to a will that Slon * < '. » escape from the Jail, inquiries began made. If Mr. Domz^Iskl brings thit [Ory op and Paul was blamed. Oven S i n 14 x to date. ' I ' l l t Major Inquiry Possible*. 18 a 12 inches qdered' Recently Jqe Sloininski It may be mentioned that Paul's He career In the prison has added a link from Eloise|'ind wint flsli HOT WATER k© an already sufficiently long chain caught six fine carp and soj " m to , the , of unusual Incidents which have a passing motorist for 2!$ IS IMPORTANT! since Radiant heat and good healthy|o hand in hand. Science has found , passed behind the high Walls and may first money ^ he bad obtai Plenty of clean, hot water, 1927. dead to a major Inquiry.' whenever, you need it, is a'' thajtmankindpannot liv< without the,health-givin< infra-ied and ultraThe 25 ceijts Inspired Joellj tjnke a ' , The other affairs. Were more grim. most necessary l i d to family, [Where - however, snch as the sequel to the street can add come to Detr |i health and happiness. One' violet rays, that cdme to u{^ originally frbm the sun^and a Radi'antfire [ephat's of our Sancp, storage water Will/give thenjl to yourihorhe in winter, when the sun is tejdom seen! condemnation 'of Charley Parataud, be went Immediately to e surheaters will provide your millionaire murderer. All kinds qf alley to surprise his friends horte with en abundance of Stories; were told about the privileges prise worked—both ways. this necessity. No need to There's no happier Sfaniily circle than the one that sits around Charley enjoyed in Limoges while wait longer*-pick out your . await jnc trial. When Charley escaped Engineer [Invents Col Radiantfire ofj a chill November evening, and the e's rio other heating Sancol with a life Sentence for Ids two crimes i Ladio f\ A SANCO device that, Willi so quickly, turn i damp, cold roor i into a warm, che'er—-he shot two men without nny dePictures for the Kerlin 5 cided reason—the mob stormed the i ^ ^ S T O R A G E ^ cine. Jn Bedrooms, living r>oms, or any par of, the home where\ Berlin.—lierr Ahronhelm rocess 5 prison demanding his head for the engineer, hat discovered a n< WATER P r e s c n t heat! is not quit< satisfa< lory—install a R idiantni e. W e hjave •' •guillotine. ' People were killed, cav- by which colored films am i^tures 4 procairy was called out, smd hundreds of may be sent over the radio, HEATER many strikingly beautiful mod< Is to1 choose from, with i wide range or in arret"ts mndir before peace was. re- ess, which 1» the simplest FOR Y O U R °^ P riccs - ^ e y ""V D e purchased on deferred p lyments, too./Come entor. Wd. '~ - - . * the world, according to the!,,, con MOMF ^ today and see the Radiantfir|es—sunshine's wjnter he persl - One of the inmates of Limoges-Jail, consists In (he amplication i n - been HOME »t pretty Helphine Texler, has" irinde-oth- struction 'ele nent, which hufj>\i 'HrtIt will •r dlsclosutes of goings on;' In" the used for telegraphy1 before exit>tprison. Delphlne berwff was-'clinrged hardly ftmke more e\pen»i\e "I ' with killing her njrw brfrn bahr Ih^licr- ItiR'appftrattis how, In use, !ier,' ito • c e l l . Following iiefv disclosures | de* ' The1 Invert i,or refuses, holvj ill the FRANK S. I UGATE " mandff have" been made for a thorough C^Ive the, secret away j'et, Cherry S500 Clifford at^siley f ;' . Sales Manager • v firstly, investigation^ ; '!'*-" new process One will be ab Wyandotte—3013 BiddkAvc. BRANCHES: BouKrard-GeneralMoti Motors Bldg. r, and to transfer i»b)ects In one Dcarbom~-t05 West Michigan 1 ^ Hamt.amck-9707 Joi.ph Ca npeu ^er is reproduce litem on,( the ri Mail Order Wives Must vision ground glass, which means Nation Bo Kept, Judge Rules of single cafiVti;"secondly, tli y the Jndlnnanolia^r-Matl order wives are of ,this color. On paper, and t aturul 1 aot like most 'malt order, goods and transferring' of- pictures li imi m Mini* i Bibles in Common Us* • i i M i l l i n i M H l»mi I cannot be sent bacfc Just because they colors. - -^^/ be' pible chietly used In Protestani do not suit the customer, Judge Joseph •While the. first pud secon1 tart of ch||c^es Is the ^ing James Bible, so lENTIST M. Mtlner of Superior court rule* when the process play - a great m fW in- c«|B£dj because the translation was ce, the ALAN BLDU. - 1 b e denied- the petition for a divorce dustry, "trade and criminal m BUILDING CONTRACTOR] at his Instance between the years PftlCfj tunlverfiled by Straud D. Arbogast against third part Is iii^nt inore^fi and 1611. The Catholic Bible In, i ^1 , inai. bo.1236 King's Highway, ^ Wyandotte ' >\ \ i Lucy Arbogast. r ' -sal use] ' "* - \ iish Is [the "t)ouay Version or Dbuay \ ijupled Arbogast testified thai. be/nTrvertlsed Herr * Ahf<?nheim ; Is now | l> • u s i i i i s a ¢).80 called, becausf Jt was trans« i l l l l l l H l l l l l l ' » > * < M i < » » * « f nhopes for "a good Christian;J woman" and In perfeetliiathe^nventlon ) In France and Its Old Testament JU that Mrs. Arbogast answered the ad to construct -, \.tv$ color telet i] ii|wlj;hpublished In, the t»wn of Douay F. Jp; S ^ f AGUH, M. D. vertlsement. They 'were ynatrteil thg^ in a short ilmef ' •MIIIIIIIII1I>»»» [>ouai, in ,1009. ' Both have underIIIIIH w- second tltne they were; 'together, he Office Practice Only \ number of revisions. ' I r aald. Makes 600-Yarder i Offices WyakdCjtte fiaTlm* B i t Iildf, ( The wife failed to live' up to the Famous Violin Maker Honii 2 U» fijp. mi 7 to $:80 i i ; Blows Up, Loses • 4 h qualifications he had., set, Arbogast1 Snnaaysi "byl appointojent only tpnlo Stradivarius was born' at 1 A GHroy, Calpf.—Gather all Jd ] latch •aid. He has three children by a forResid< nee lona in 1644. He Is recognized as Telephcnea—Office, 159 mer marriage and she 'had seven. and list to i the tale of ti eldouble oilers. 861. | • | I ie24i-J Notary ft [greatest violin maker. His first rthdneki-J Public Asked by Judge Mlljner whether he eagle—a GOOuyard hole madi: 3! ilepbone S5C laments were made between ltfTO 44 BLM ST., CAHkiaAti BEDG.. »».«I»H»» only received the one response to his \ Hugh Hersman, who in a( Ion to * * 1685. About 1685 he began, deI I I i i I I l l H11il 1 1 I I • 11M111» advertisement Arbogast said: •being prominent in the ran" Of the l i n g bis own original type, later "No, sir, not by a long shot, There California prune, and aprl< growDR.Q. k.GRCkFF so much Its a model by other was a lot of answers but I jdst era, has time to be a proni |nt Elk 181, ft Jmakers. His best rpriginal work ajiiiinniiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMtiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiib and then a gplfer, too, is creqi' d with jdeked her o u t . ^ IIIIIIIIIUII | a to have been'accomplished bethe perforinilnce, jb 1600 and 1737. He died In 1737 <28i|l B ddle Aveii But the double eagle so linUffilersremona. ' ffcisy Visitors Cause = SB irian, his frWnds say, that hjj 1 1 ished Phone 6(0 Pbooe !& S A Town to Get Marshal the nine holes in ^0. 'whilef f A copi' Always oa'-jthe Jdb^ B ' \vS»co, N^b.—The peaceful little vil- panlon, Rowfey Thomas, wo^fHtli ,58. lage of Wajco, annexed by the rowdyRALPH W. R1LX3E, M. ThoughUeis Marrfago ism of visitors from'jhearby towns, has 1 Angler Hooks a Dee|| ' i I i \ SI e (during spat)—1 wtsh Td ,, EI^JrfeABl'N^SEANO THROAT estabilsheda law enforcement departtwice before marryinflf 3^ou. While Casting fol Fish th' ight .mentj' For many years the village; was 144^rALN#T ST. | No Job too larger-po jot too •maJUt :30 e-pl'd be satisfied If I'd really ' O^WHOUJPS: p{ to 12, L;30 to'4J ' without a marshal and police magis- ''," Redding, Calif. >- WhJU ! ping, 7:00 to 8:30, except Tjhnrsday;, after' Tele^honfelT^; | My pent nal attsnti<o givm | o all, trate but these have been made necea- Charles Gratkt hooked a de(j Instead th Ight Jufit once. I • * , 1 . . - noon and eveiinglafld T^es d)»y e*ei la,?. Becrte Floor turtuiig my f ' sary. U WHB decided,'by the numerofls of a^trout. Oil an overcni into a Dletlker Bldk., 8100 31 Idle Annie h ^ Spedalty. The Test to Come* law violation's of visitors. pool he found a-yeanling bug i n his fra-*-Doe<} that rich young man' of Citizens ofj the" village were of n line, hooked • fh the ear. little law-abiding; class and needed no offi- buck was it the brush be I him. yo Sjwrlte convl^lng lettersT ' *rA—I can't say. The cose hasn't cers. Tourists -also-caused no trouble, The frlghtoted animal was (ljeased . toot the fact that fhe town had no law by Grant ard his .compani General Contrictor ' gl«r, Bo ' fo the Jury yet enforcers attracted visitors from and went sciimperlng away. Catimatee tnramhed on all eiaeeDR. N.: G. BQWBB^B iked apples staffed with chopped towns nearby who came, here to "make •VBfeXTHINO BLBOTBIOAL whoopee,'* much--to the annoyance of and nuts a>e delicious for desGBNBRAL 1N8UPANC1 _, 1 WIBUIO, nXTCltBB, BEJPAIRf U M resident*, It was for" the curbing for luncheon.! , Pbooe 7 » | : 818 Bycamore it W o r t Vf •Old MedaHat « f tbla element that the new deport8S Blm Btj -\ . WySndotte, * ^ J * W * i * * Farms tjaitd SO Ye -4* •sent was installed. rued beef fill be Improved If _ Phone p&, i ^ . , AV4NTJ* O P T I C * 11« Canft Prove If fd In Water containing one onion, QFTICB HOtlWi f a, nt to «.p. mf t of ginger, s, few clones and one C J. Wannbier, Jr. t L 11 DWIGHT L STRONG Maryvllle, Mo, — J a m ! Pruoe Juice Is Used t WYA>DOTTB. MIOB. lelaf. Stephenson t o r SO years Teacber of Piano ami TJMor] Attbrney and Counsellor ! ' ' «*» - •- • , l a 40-acre tract near hen ! '( to Christen a Boat "ProgreasiTe Series Gnwtajr • I jtLaw \ tablespoonful of cooked tapioca fie ennno: show that hi — L i p o i d Godoi^k St. jPnul, Minn;—When a riven boat ed In the soup plate, before filling the farm. The* orijriijulj ' Omjilefir jpbstotnss artl All Grades—Beginners, tntenn* , CHARLES H. MARK .built [for Dr. Walt ham Walters, of 1th hot consomtne makes a pleac- dkie, Norma Gradnate. ficate wan lost and Stepj \ti [ "Cftpao ytrealaaji . Rochester, was launched here the i Attorn<y-at-Law and lnichanga • /;V,f \ . Is now so 5kto.g to bave t tie other iday, it was christened by Miss "Special rates tf Befc-inne:» and 1 cleared t w t he may si '•l i • ; H « r Solicitcr in Chancery , on Mary JBalfqnr, of Rochester, his niece. *.TP" "paper" tint the tract ii LOANS 1 m* COLUgSTlOtlB Sbe broke a bottle of common prone w • ' < • \ If-PH I / "V /' A .'' ?\U * CHEE HEALTHFUL HEAT LIKE S U M M E R ; SUlKSHWE, i I 9 '%) $3022 i $8022 «52 TY G A S COMPANy DETROIT 4 M. C. CONNORS, NtS. Di.s FRED W. CLAssOft #+^ m&V. m R t- iAL »BJgp 4 H P h T bfip , McINfiEl?I!Y S R • | B THEJOHNE.YOUDAGENCY I T 1'*' '" • Fire Insurance | I v.* : Wf Building Contractor ?*> ) ^ fc B 'I 1 ^.PEC ^ *- w:% WtLioH 't\' M M ELiECiltRIC c o : «i;Hf!»T S11 fnrtta'Ue! juice: over the bow. Phone 84-R. Pupils may enter an *#fmtfA. Over Wyandotte Sav. Bank ininAmiIfflEfAH '"^TAR x' a / i - ' + , r r.<S S»r a l u t u **£*, H M •Al IV h/ v 4" *r\" , t "M:.cfil'nm ' yJL 1 " " v ( Ct-i'rtaLv "i'U Aj- 'A Yf ," fi • .w f &*. # # • • W '1 1¾¾ ^ si it emsm ' J' ywfRST? 'j. y < _ - h *7-'t % iT* \\ tef t „ v, • V' ' / - : 'r I f f * ! ' ?>»'<.$ 1 *• - 1 , '.J-* ' ) £P «f/?*t > ^ r / ' Right' Here I * nctqtt^, At Y;pur ConVjq^pctf ^ 1 % \ i 1 ,>» P\/~ ; -'N V, ^ ^ ^r:r v < , ', N is ! Pf ^1 >t2: 1 1 ytW «\ V '* w i f.n ^ i\,V CENT A' WEE ' w r Far An Entire Fapiifa Waskh ---' > P- * * , ' * Conipare this , cost with the backbreaking -toil bending oyer A steaming tuh&ilf day-r-and you Choose riji* electric washer at~onc|e. I n less than ^oa/v-with,'jin electric washer, your :lothes~ar£ wn! and clean and ready for the line. W i t h t h i k up-to-date rriethodi there is|no rubbing pulling \ o stretch fine pieces* An ^iedtric was t/i^li'et the dirt. T h e wringer'is^ motor-driven,—rj| simply guide the'clothlng through the rqllsi ) V l 1 \ ( K I ,f \ I i^1- ^ ' vn , f •\ iSSEft siii feftCQATS 350 t ^^"^ ^^^ ^ ^ ^ M' I j VI ^ t .U r \ if \ i / - "*,5 ^ •i*- Pl^ne»tCoi«.r%a >i tnergvoiprea «i - t ^>v ^ * • I o u r 8 n o w WYANDOTTE COAL li -RED MOT COLES V.' DEPENDABLE BUILDER S SUPPLIES OFFICE 1 - YARC 21¾ DAN S T . AT SHORE LIML Tt. . H . • fiiiiiiitimiiiiiiiiitjiiiiifiiiiiiuiiiiiiiMiiiaiiiiiui * ' - '•' '' ' . -r )ij\ | U l- v I ' " t . - -*lr -Cement Contractor Cinders, Sidewalks, Base- /M'/ * 1 •* ' ^ PH^NE' 787 J / ' / ^tANDOTTf SOCa If ,, * ,t^ /Vc p I S37 Cbesraat Street V%L^ <J>G. BBB^BLlbfa-COMPANt ;i t" ^Dept.^OW \._: Bloomlngtoit, III. ^'fUn,-, ^ / ^ \* y . ^ you fdrf r 'as shrf under big Ionly , way t jglttin' It. jjget away, It to hide, la* Isald,"' j , - \ ' • ' ' ...11..,1^--H ' • • ' r The Auto Owners Insuiance Company $1,350,000 , i BJ/ W- Sli4im -, ^t- , X ,A 'i ! I x JT f v ' *• -1 .i H- J W ! tfi * p i. ' G « ( <* r K ;v, i\ 1 H^re'arereal savings, 'Th9 su'i& ai*erieW ;n abrfc, ^ style. aelectiojis inc ude two-buttoL thr^ejbitton, c o\Mt breasted nibd! elsi all With' two pair of trousers.' ^h6 new HollywQod Tan?l ' »f ' T . ( ] ' ' I > dopper BrowiJS, GreiwdidrW^lprifj^. Ox1o|rds/ Sizes for evervone, regulars, shcrtfk, and stout^ • ^ , r^r»»/>) k o^ of nf erera Ixrami «1i»aoinnfinti''.'fi r e a t TJlsteraf.fit.rim OhAsfprfiAlHsiri,'Rnii^lA.<5 firta-'IAI^A in ,B6t cles, fine Tjlsterstci trim Ohesternelds ,:^/ Overcoats description fWn ( Treat te0ce v an'i^otlier.fabiics. Be surd to, |tten<3 Aearly and take, advslntag^y the best cUos%. ^ > '" -', , -i' , A\ ] .V Xhfs is a great ssal6, iyewis]i ever^he coul4^eebhise,vjaluest J ' J { >^ ^ \ \ , ffl^'^ i : /. ^ ( -, J w' '•! - 4-. i , • >!e^ ' » mSURANCE ,, x /' • V " ^ " "T ^ DEALER WANTED ," ; IllJfcfABWMJBL^LteR WANTED TO (i ' >^^_ 'Iwodle Hebertlng'Products In Wayne ^ Coupty.* ISxcelieut opportunity for ^ _ ' 'rheAright'/man. Earnings of $$0 , - . v - w ^ y not unusual. Wrt^TfofHree ; < ^ f M•jmi r JAMES C HEADMAN Fir* f ormmdo •«** Plit* GlSf* ' ^¾ I H I i-rV *i <! fe;cau<e of,^he hlsrh cffl-Pf Install Ing telephone )(nes theTOwner pt a .large'ranch/lh' NeMidaMfi tralnln; farrier pigeons |o dellvej^essages ti foremen h{ sciitt'ered she Hcamps am other places.'*. lie has 11 s now bi Ing tAught to tnke mesi and roll turn wltlt repMesAPopuj Mechanic^ Magazine. < > ' TT Ye., Your Toi matter Doetorj—Tl(ore Is ootid' he Just need ^frtaerVa always a )trlck Ini I t 7¾^^ With you binVtlredness— »el I. you a can or a phonograph on • rest, plenty'df rest. credit, and |then demand cash lor gas dctor, my; e Patient ^ady*t—But, young man,nighty. #hq dance records! / ] ' , r< tongue— v Doctor -rYejf. madam, »8t rest.— Stat music has been Introduced Into ji Wn t there some possible wa r to to Colognet Luatlge. Kolner !»Ug. i Japan, and here' we thought all the ' vii V t »,no|se)e8s jaas ofchestral i Full co/erage on j our aufemo- / 1 *t tithe that Jazz dancing was Juat a Holds One of the serious tosses Iiyotyod 1 , bile, including F ree Road ^ : variation of Jiti Jltsut / J *EnfUnd mpest nonstop |B|ln ;run In' *•„ --1 In stock speculation li loss of deep. i at the present|j|lne H made A. > Service thenifr world A Thirty Years Ago aSoday column between London Canada derives mush of he' wntot t and Puraouth, Bng^ Iptaks of a forest are ,in Rhods Island, by the T«:30 llmli """ " power from snow, l o t first t must laid. But wouldn't a forest fire sufntea ove r a djstanee of melt , • focate—In ^hode Islhnd* ' •i r I 4 ' I ^ . . \— Tjbe ftps and dowui ojt Wall 3treet : Erudite J, J] > . > '/ ' ^ ' • Wouldn't be so ba<jl li) so manjr didn't *^!an you'spell cat?"| asked of |» None: of 4he success , story ttfaga-' LANgINd' -MlOHIQA^ v , [ ''Vtf; go down and, o|it the little Boston boy. tels us of the everyday , cnap J 'TeS, sir, I canffi|conic see* ijltties ASSETS, j ! ,..'r^i;i;F frho starts out In life on a shoestring . Anfodern eipyhoolc would hav« a •j-? U tlens." iind 'ends up with a palfc ' - mudm o | "crdssing your *'" kn< es 'and A, ,I blacking your eyes^ We hope, that whoever; makes op a , Minatory 3 "Did ijei threaten you itt he kissed It&lonaiir of "kmeriean" language tosses Promptly Paid—Lowest 1 remium At times > e thbl that rlubirb's 4' rill exclude at least two mongrel you?*» \ \ >\ N ;N/| ' : .i IUt« et*s; "Intrigue" and '"suicide."' <* ' mistake was In «5*«! *&*** *l4 ** "Yes; he said; 'If scream,^ v (l 5 « pharliaceuflciil cJasf will nev>r kiss you agaii \ < J After a youthful aviator has been »"*rrr*i** 1 k^Pppljir $ti contemporary An arttcie to^k WA Id the buhllc eye a month; or two v . Firht POUOB wii ilioir, 4. hut hafs ichigan tai how jtd^keep /Ph^»fe2^ / wiJ suppose lie fodks up thit war* Oregoi ; A Q , farmers ar eliminating wh>tfepldr to t see if>\x is all right, , tlie use w«h\iil this race solst ^filturfitinr f r * "^.';' " -.4¾ ,, v .^ weeds by spraying tth' polsoc > " ^ v. J\: <TTST f j - * . when toe sap flows -> ( -:'2^«3355, ''= Van • ''**#**> $*"«* Alstyne Boulevard *-_t > \ 'iSJoi toelep *ir Qet W'o4ay ' \H. A. F r e n c h .- >.• • 1 , <T ns a . ' , ^ I' * ' I ' *U -1 , >j if Carrier! Pigeon« 'onjJKanch BUILDER'S SUPPLY C O . OF ^ ' . *i' v ><, 1 TH£ HUMl i t * ^ i .< > ( 6 H 4 - ±d / Bobby*. D e f e r j -'I've |t not ion i to spl that," sukl r»obl>j's m<f watched him Irtish a wi foot. f "Well, mother,- tlirtfs i could I:eep4JuiJ b^rd f| I pine ttie'viOTru a chanc| but it w in^l^rt no. I out It wojldnT Hsren'to n|| was Bobby's defense. -i i c I' J*, 4 r4 , „ jrd. I u y ,r ' ( - V 4' ir.- brilliant iefihpntn^e$ ^litli itli'ds hav«! c?>p>r8""an[d, mjij'krjtig' i'maJj'krngs of t! bpgnri tojtttiike their nppi ince. Th^ strlktiig <jolv>r~"ronjl»lnati i of ] wln^ and b<»tHi^ TwWlheatselv easy rpj prfij^tfcifi n pii Uie corre^J||(]lUg por,' -ilrtns of j)]ai\os, <jrhile tliGWll feathers cap be rrproiiiK^d in tlie|wvntor and, ^rtidd^rjiud Iwrl^itatfstaJHuzers. The "bird-plan* idea, oi-i^tnlttw^by Berry br'otliws of Detroit, wasfflfrpt applfipdi 'to a_Stia«on "Dc'fmlter^M^ainted H resemble the ,rp<Tst/irt.HHp,ular Mfr chaulcs iUlapir^n^. ' " ' Our.quality fuel is safe • coal to _ buy for the ' 'home. There's real heat ^ tthM brings Warmth a«4 c ^sMppiness^ in our full ^ weight tons. Order. r- X- ,\ > •V^ ;)' V .- * JCOMPANY ! "V* ' ^i_ ,-rr^ rp RUullMIIIUnitlllllillUIIIIIIIIIIIICllllllllllllltltll, i" ' } j> EDISOi JH 1 Mm. nm& TMIWED )AWENT&! \NWICH |?ORMERty THE l >>l ,1 >\ ft* OTHER MAKES X N P MODELSi UP TQ $155 D^ifBCHT L ,f; i efficient machine— The Prinfft Junior, thoum abpre% is a dependable nvu o'hrtd at a new low price. For a linuUd time only, you may purcbi.it ibis uaskiffor J8?.?0, or mi conttiii* it terms at a slight aii<l:!.t»Utrl charge. The capacity of the tub is identically the same ! as higher priced machine>;plated witbbrigbt ct romollte. the smooth tuierjorof the tuh%Ssno unnecessary pant to ca, ch or tear clothes. Only thefinestjaaterials are useJ in the manuj lcltife o/tbt Prima Junior. Eacg wSi&tr it put fa a rigid test it f»ri leaving (be factory, ami yours will com* to yon ready/or lb* hardest bind of tong service, '1 ^ 4*' 7 'r I, \ i Hjere isMvhat we wn5i^o^jg«3ate|jt i\rid most impjartaat s$\p\n year$,\ We havepidl^e^fecfmojir best makers a •i. ^ leition of 350,feuits and pv^rijq^jth^ w^-e' itiad0 £tf sell at 1 4 ^ ' $4^and evjen ?5d. This ^ ill Wi.^ali whiqh We believi wil a new'recorri f4»r valu>| givirig • '-X' 4 )t t? ^ An electric wanner is one of the most economi appliances,you can own. Saving hours of time a. labor, it does the washing for an entire family at a q of oily one cent a week! ' i ^ i* i L j* \ ar^ • n . . l i ^ riiSj, miK.' wAA « >% 'J t'"M i m w\ u ,.r* t-v 'U -r- i '2; li < V I J .' 1 ' TWL! > > ; < l ?, , i 0\ Li j - : / . . ^' J^ * : < <) -, t ' ^ V'. i ; m \> \ - v • 1, V 'X > i ' " ' I ' ft ', \ 1 \ i ' ) * < > i fi ' I \ - ni M'p\\ l~!\A .:,)1. n i\ 'dmMmmsmm^ki^h l^f - * K w ^ S u S w i P A i V l i s eVr-j. Vi-f > > *£ /i"f-> t> • fe/K .^m *•-A, . v%,i!*«.<' si ^ », ' t - i"-?, ! s> t M i , *,^ .rM ,^> ^'vi^f ' 'Itn r5 s >' "*4< f" ^ '>/%\' —y sical Com?dy t r the 'Boat;,Club :: •very Friday *t Wyandotte. Mich. ESTABLISHED 117» * f, y/ s ' Jabtcriptlon Price, S1.B0 Per Year < , . _L rt *Stoj*retf It «• thesecond Wyandotte. Mtcb., po»toffice class natter. ^Sfssf5«?> '" comedy. ' wjilj pe presented in tlte OiUU an)|| r felliS . temple next Monday ami fuesei|lngs. November IB and 1 It unday*] aiiM^ces 1 of the ;W>vatidotte, der. Boil priuK, the club presentel the, I play, "Betty \yho," anil the inn tine was easily tkt£ bit cf the ridge, I * 'with y e i , » and 1 1¾ 6 I"'-'' 11 ' ntiderjakliig ht,*»4 was' 1 thef|as«; last >pring. being direct;-d by ( J 1 limited ' M011- liro&««' >nal entertainevx/juid tbeRliow 1 and promises' ro be as good as the preced-' », j, * I the ing,! >i.w i' not liefter lit tyln|g .1 tic Let will not be,.} WHter^ World the .puranasert ^,,, " ' L 'becaU«e "•'? or t' ytlaiithropy, receive full value-in the'peiwriU; ipcned wllj t n ollow- aiuti ' tof He given next , Monday' (ajwd .. ' '•' • Itued : Tu^dajf- CITY NEWS IN BRIEF ither "parties In full blast. .i3»8.st d.iy f*>r paying your light hill. ' Martha Washington temple, Pythian -SlsttTi*, will hold au Initiation on Mou- The new Ambassador uatona connecting Detroit and Wlndfj /*d».y evening. November25. ilII(l<>tU• was largely represented the longest s tan A\\ the toon » Harvurd-U. of M. footbull gaioc costing S&MfMMHH), was. «1 with appropriate ceremonies i n Ann Arbor last Saturday. '* A dancing party 'w'iu/be given in day. Bridge ifficiols, Michlil Ontario liotal le>>, memliers -/-Arbeiteir hall on- Sajurda-y evening, American Legion and Canadi| ''^November -S. by the young people's war veterans took part. "society" Of,the P«rt«*'brltts bund/ The bridge will be formaU| \'-*T4rs, It, J. Nixon -left Wednesday for traffic the; afternoon T i l morning f<ir1I'etoskeyVMi<ii./-t<) attend iug tentative tolls are anl the funeral t'o* hejr/.-uncUy-'VlforW Passenger' au oniohilc with d| Paige, who, died Suddenly Monday cents; each additional p.iH looming. - ' - ' •• *- . cents: pedrst,i ian^. ."i'cints, l< Mnriofi ftuKter Rebeknh lortgt* cn>. for SH: motoi Int-e*. si"." to tertaincd ,- the southwestern^ Wayne, "~t cents .Tttdit tunil for e.nli 1 district-association sit, a meeting Tp-41ie t F , u ,,Mt )**• * A^iilfS1i'r poun OdfellowV letilpU; yesterday1 7iVu"r-j -.. . •[ Aioton ,vcj«'s> ;.'.*,'u«ii'>; ai noon and e\eitln^130 , «'""- : b.ihj ran hiue. 10 ' While fMiilrte- Spceltt was d r i v i n g * Into hr>. g.ir.ige at ':«(."» Maple ttfeet i.vclo otid^ lidir, '1\\ ii-nt> Ljid /tiler. 'M ^t ' Saturday afternoon, his car was h?l rcents: b.oi»e HooJi^of7 5,1 t^cKets fnaby, ano,th<-v <-ai thit dlll*iitft Moji to ahloinobiles, foot) for one j Inie-tkg.tte tliij damage. t " *i ~ jli» tlfUet^goi d fur out; immtl M, The 1». T, f 1- " l sshed'near Oak- "th^kets. gftort fyr ^ne ihonih. Street w..s bitikenjynty In'tweeu rfatui , AdeiiOatfr.j to^jsjop Ifiis- IK | Oay and Mondaj'Tpijl live sl^nt^i' bat- for eilstotUK'jftr^p^ctinii on h terie-. two imxe- of linemen's tools ami of th«< biidgcL -and the Aiuer five gall, HK nf oi,! stolen. 'atteints to Mjijr^sfit. jn u nn,\ As>e->-nifiit» rolls- '-ftijr ;'"<' V'.^nS « ' i« due-for a iiMliu^iirtimeur. Tw<>ntieth street, for tu\- ci'i.j.structbnt of a~ s».««.r lii Honrtit; street, ami for the paving of Twenty-iiist r-tVi-ot, will ronie m» U>r review In the city council next Tuextay* evening. Tlie Cnlumblan Squires are-Hlioiieorlng a' ^1^1 p«rty to be glvt'11 on -Friday ev«,»ulng; November -22." .¾ " The riirted States Civil Serirlce (vommixsion , nnonnnces exainitiation^ Clt>\Attorjiey Charles H, ^jl'r, for ifor a«»l->taiif iKlltnr, genetlclxt, and the city", on Moijday tiled a | in the pboto-enKraver. I'lirticulaj^ at jioHt- circuit court, riaijilng about lowucrfc . ofllce^^- »• " > . ' / * ' ' -f ^ , of laud on tjhe north Hide ( Ifaureka ^ ^ P a t r o h i ^ n ' ^ J i r P|shor<of the Wy- avenue ^M defenidanut. The 111 asks fo va•ndottevfyiJW force lost his i>ig»kth that,'the defendants be ordei ils for • gloves while walking' hU heat; TneS- cotO such laVd as the city adr dajf. Pretty hard for a polIceman tof be" the • widening,- at Eureka, and Without gloves thi« weather: another judicata thej'defendants* le oi -thing, jit wan a real "stood paJc-JnKeaf*e titles, also the;fixthe noriljp avenue ,, i; , , anyone finding the gloven. call tin^pol- the^ l •lc<? departtneht,- "'. . "- - On Aiignst 6, the necessi ,t notice asking the defendantB to vacn by September 10 wan given, but was t acted uponv;8yt;hel defendants, ¾ Ifi ii! Suit Stjrlsd foi , Eureka Wid t',ng Postman's CM ?•;.': H&r-tlnisiiy Marfted TcacK< * 1.' I'* / Largs CrowJ af . J-Qcifler Opening Tm' openlngfof the rebuilt and ei^ larged A.ti-oeffler & Co. store, Tast Frfday. «;•>?! ajteudetl by largo t crowd.s. , VWtor* liou'nd their favorite store ~Cj>rlght w$th new-nWoratio'ns. and en"largwl b>> the addition of- newC'-llnes of "-^nerchiinnlLse. Niuiierous k*bwjuets of -flowers lent untied .charm to the, disk % ;playof J ffood^. ' i ; „ s ident E. N. Clark, of the Buslhejij Men's association, declined t > call it rieeting of the board to consider' UJI teler lume va.p juiciition Jtjr a second sy| |eni franchise. With good common sei |e4-«omethilng that Wyandotti- and ot|er jcomnlufiities had to-learn l y ' e x iHJfienVc later—he declared tluit a sec ^1¾ ' y ^ 0 " 1 w'°ul<l simply tinean added' sl&'nsc fin" u*ers of imo'nes', without LIH| accompanying bejueftts, t i |||etroit (i.is XAizlit. and Coke Co. lieigJli laying pipes through ltiyer H0uge.« ''3f> " e ""^ ^° 1 ^ 4 t 0 ""PPly Wyandotte wffih g«is from irs Delni,v l&iht. -Drunken M Ort TnCMhiy, W/HiM'kow i f e l T Cen tral avenue was tried bef | ||Ju-stiw SaJiuiel 1,. Vrceland of Klvej | »w„on a charge of driving While di i k kow, Was'cojjVicted, jnftl paii { i fine of $10(1/In preference to spend Hfsx) day> iiKthe house v«i'correctiou "H1 /r Ay 'I" ' " •le Jg.-ive one^jli November, 11104 I'nyne comity's allotment of prim school money a quarter century was J270.S77.80. Now it mn|s Into millions.' , _ •> — ^» I 1 " ust 2.1 years ago. C h a w s E. paisley, 'Ppted a position with the Great; es Engineering jWorlcs a t , River nge. H e made good from the *tart, has for years been KI periptendent iA ^flie big plant Ei V E: R Y F O Heal Pasto 'f - t .1 H E S M A * » MAN tinINTl (ito MAM Owing tojthe expii'Lion (of th» Detroit Diocesian Uhioi of Holy STame soiletles, lRikht'RcvtteiAl'Miehiel J. (JallaKher' ijtoman ciljholic hi^hnp of Detroit, hasj creafed( Bvo inew d strict organizations, One W the new districtk which centers a|; Wyandotti. will 4iave as spiritual director, !Rev, Fran cis .J. Halfck. pastoij of St. Joseph's church in <j:h»s etty, 'Die pnrifjhes incl<|tled In the new Wyaildjotte |'district" are Dearborn JEcorhej ^ro-fsei l)e, Lfiicolh Park Mel vindale, New Boston Northvitl€r Ply 'taotttn', RiVer tloug^ei. Irent)(m, W irren5 ilale; Wayne, WyHndttffe'and Yp^ llantli - . 1 1V 1 will soon be here With his SNOW a n d SLUSH . NOW, while our stock of RUBBEFLSand GALOSHES is complete, is the best time to buy. V*ou will have them when headed and your selection of styles is muc bettijr. i „ Joseph -Knxiik, fJ8, of Fifth street, Kcorve,'struck by an oiuobile at rllgh'and^Uoddejll s t r e e t Ec<irse. at ^o'clock Mjuulay night, shortly after lielug fa ken lo the antlotte W:AE<:E;S: (Jeneral hospital" HW fu 111 took IMTi LUTHERAN -The K e t W e e club will give a dance place from1 i h e ^ o n i e ^ of '1 brother -M the Oddlfellows* temple oh Tuesday Fred Kusiik, JJ04 UiverB* CHI KCH PROGRAM E avenue, .^•ewing, J{6v v li6.. Tommy Glllon and this 'city yesterday nfterno ! « e v , C r ".siiNO^sr TillEFTS :l« »—German. U s Lee-plazs? orchestra have been en- J. Krahnke of Trinity Lutln diurch :?J0—Sunday school, g a g e d to .snppiy the nrtislc. ' ' officiating, with interment erndale Daniel Efbla of tlW Board pf Com| 0 ;45-~EngliHh. Topic for boih serr.^5? ^ ' .• '- V-~ r cemetery, l i e jivas u single and Is merce hotel reports' that his Clrysler M "The Law," sujprlyetl -by six brothers J sisters 130 p|, m.-~English, lopic, "Blessed coupe, was Stolen N 0 t . k ( N o . 241-782, ii kn'Poland, also l»y two,hi brothers, , The home of F n ^ k l l h Honcrnnt o t * the iMerclfUl, For afhey Shijill Ob ^Matthew of thU city and O M' e Ivusch t|J|| Mercy." , \ «55 Plum sjreet was ifroken, Intu NOvl of Waterutan avenue, Det|j Icmday—7130 p. m w congregation emlier 7 and a Suvi gte autdmat c gun •^ . ' . . V, • i li stolen. • " ' ? ' " . tlrig. . j ' ( ' Harold Raush.df 2111 Eleventh street llARTOiVS REMAINS iVedne»day< 7:30 p m Bible study " — k ?-/• |ur. Topic, "Paul a | 'ftptlve Under stefls the police t h a t l l p F*iifh 1 •*,<• yd^ , ^ SHIPPED TO CI ELAND The;Knights of Columbus Hhv^'ia- " was stolen fromJn ijrnnt of his hohie, li*.*' ' , •? < sue<], InvitaHons for,)a dancing party; > I' Tuesday. The w ^ame «ame Itleyele ltdeyele '^as \4as 1-eporti fo be held in the Kf'of 0. auditorium r, , The ; roJU(aIn*'.p'f Robert •T Bartow. ed'' stolen' Frothv the1} RooKevelt • schoOji 1VERNMENT LOOKING FOR fft'j^ftrs.oid. wlfo died of v ©h Bldrtte avenue. 'Tuesday evening/ itroke of NEW PCSTCFFICE. HELP on Novehib>n 5, ^he r«port, s'tntes, Novemlier 2«. Hay Buck's Aces will apoplexy'lilt the home of li aughter, Mrs. De yoy of 4S07 El furnish music for the party.' li street. were ship|Ud from the Jfl |The U. Si government wants a charfuneral home ,to Cleveland. Mondu hiitn for the nj?w Wyandotte postDWIGHT L S T NO, Attorney iternoon for burial.[lie is survived Ice, at n falaryTM MSO per annum, ^ 1555^ iL his wife. and one son. ioltn. of Dug ipllcattonfi' for the. jo:> will close on STATEi 0 F mC GA^. County 0^ ! IVille, pa. comber 0. L ' " Wayne—sa, At a >i don of t h p p r o * 1 A man to> fill the jqb Of firemanbate Court for said 1, ntjf'of H a y n ^ AVCUST :ESCHINDIES OUR CONSTANT ^THOUGHT, YOUR'FEET l^mrer for the new off ee, f nt a salary held at, the Probnti jCOurt r^om^in 1.AT R'ifE OF 8» $1,200 per atinum, is^ also being the C l t J ^ - D e t ^ J in the six h day 'M ' ' ' tight. | Applicants must have |ha^d at of November in^thefcjsar"one thbusand a resl- The Uoosevelt high school .hatuU August Xe&tit$ 83 yertn st six months' experience firing a nine hdndredand twft nty-h>ne. Present under th6 direction of C. B. Andrew^, dent of Wyandotte fov f th ^past 50 •am boiler, and must be under 65.(> Ejrriiik « . Painters Judge of Probate. In Eureka will give a concert in Roosevelt audi- years, diejl at bis' home. : £*< tbfrraatltftf of A e r a t e of ALBERT heral wfls torium on Friday evening, November nvenu^l-^temhet "ft The lilOT BOSMAN N L P T U L S REAUME, deceasedi On readltg'and Q 22. A nominal admission charge pf 25 fronifl the home, Tuesday Jiftemoon. filing tne petition, o I Edith Reaume TAKE PLACE MOVEMBER 25 cents for adult or student vwlff be RetPG^S. Krahnke of Tripl J ULutheran praising that, administration df said Church ojllciafing, "Burial nk nla^e Soade. " .' ' s , - / - »3\ estate be granted: tot! Jwigbt L. Strong SeiL Amiot,' son ofMr. and Mrs. In" Fernda e cemetery. Mr e>c?*hlHs ijtert S. Amiot, and^ Miss Gertrude ojS some otner snitiHe person! I t is survived l y seyeral childr \< IEHEARSING PLAY 4 man, daughter of j Mr. anjd Mrs. ordered* thaf t h e f o t r t h day f D * f ) J. ' ' ember, next it. ten tl'jlock i n ,tm forf arles Bosmnn of 530 Superior boulFOB DECEMBER 4-6 Petition i equestUng that the clicuit A man 55 years >f age who was not ECORSE RESIDENT Dl ard, will| be married on ', Monday, noon a t ; s a l d C o i i r t ^ 30m be appointed court at Mt nroe issii e a decree of difor hearing said iifeilt^on, A n i it fe immedhtely ,ldenti led was h i t l a D e 1 The Young People> societ^-'Of' the AFTER I.ON( ' ,.' UUBBH vemher 25. further ordered; t h f ; 'a copy \>t this vorce to Ralph A. W<^d by default was troit Wednesday'night by an atttomoCongregational churchr .whose Thesj rr,.. j *^ ^ • •• \ order by publlshedj three sm cessiVe filed on We Inesday. The petition fileel pian efforts have been viewed with , .Mrs. '&i -ah Harford of bile»drven by Steren F, Bodpslak; 31, ; Pepper 'JiRTY,' LEFT YESTERDAY ) weeks previous ff> said time of 1 earihg, by Wood's sttorney asserts that as" the much pleasure in the past, are.prepttrj rortd. Ecorse, died at tt yandotte of 55TJ »ine street, this, city. The stra|- , required 15 dayi -hive elapsed since in the Wyandotte H ii aid, a ne\ spaper FOR HUNTING TR1F NORTH Ing to present the play, "Just Lite Oeneratl ihospital last Fi y noon. prihted and; clrcuiai It g in said Qounty — i _ an appearaice was? flted by the de- gfer was? takea to, q ie Detroit Receiving , 1 -Judy," in the church house on Wedn«!fc following i long illness "of Mr. ] and Mrs D. C. Conway and oer. Her r of ^ a y n e . i' •> 'f fendant, Mia. Grace'M. Wood, and an hospital, suffering from t a fractaie* \ day and Friday < evenings, December funeral ti>ok place from w Nixon 'rsi. Mary Martin and sons Donald -i ^ N tERVjp' :*. PALMfiR, . answer to he plain Iffs'bill of comskuif. li w a s e x p e c * a thait his Injuries , < 4 and 6, ; , i. < , C A -funeral heme Monday*aft id Joseph, Mr. and. Mr*., Clifford n. Rev. J plaint h a s Mlt been submitted, the » Hi I , G.VH.'Severance of St Sti >\\ r ' V l^dgeof Prtjbate. at nes and ,Eari Ne)Us h?ft, yesterday would terminate In death. J 'S kEpiSr plaintiff is srititled b a decree by de. ROOMS TO RENT \~, copiil chnich officiating,; •< * oVnlng Of a bunting trip to Bols ! (A W n e ^ o p y ) . \ was In Bodzia* W s . i j ^ased after fns£ r J fault yWootl filed his suit hist July THREE LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING Fernda le (emetery. She is THEODORE J. BROWN, jlajic Island,, in the Straits! of Mackvlved by after establ shlng residence in Monroe. ing a statement io jthfe polhiej , , , , rooms. 248 Bennett St. r tT. 45w3 one son, ^'illiani. 4Cw3 ' Deputy FrofeH;e I agister. a< •! "if ••i* i. SHE THE NEWEST T H E S e WELL KNO^ YLEiS d F v MILLER'S SHUGLOV GOODRICH ZIPPERS i BALL BAN CAMCO RAYNSHU $TJyilES FOR EVERYONE 1^ T ^ E FAMILY AT L 0 W E S T FRlltfeS , > 1 K E E H N BROS 3456 Biddle Ave., [ , j 22 Cohcsrt Nov. ± > .H- 'i'/ *\ I*-- LQ0KAH E Hsadl Plstfict Seeki L T ;f i. Rossevelr BahJ IV ) 1 . II \l ~i i 111 It 11111'tJ 11 ill 11111 111 % IfitH »«•*« h**f • • • » • » I | i | I I I I 1 1 1 H U M I U M f ! • ! 1111 I I I 11 Dahcing PaJ-ly lir f iiii O! O D C h 0 Mjt » Vlf 1 \ * Ri>e@tig iRros, - -i <> • ^UPPENB^EIMI^H Other GAod Ove^oa^ an'C^uits, $2j5—$30—^35 »1« •• i w e tWiilar i'iitliit<i!i-Jii. But how about liumjlkhi1 pie stwhtl? The Woodmen ,, $40f'K ^ioo • Ifioine of the thmtrs of the go^d old K. of C. ts Givh «K " Fihed^iOOif Ke? We?](pii6 Dairc^Nov. 26 V: v ,f Att&XVtotify Fl"NER.^ ij . ' D Hi U • v, / WAS HKL1) KKDA\ -rn v< Mis held at the ihitney. iturflay Slrs. Uurirtij ito siend lal-weltititj. UAWTY ree 'delivery of mail was extended lie newly annexed territory! that wife formerly South Detroit. r, .! 4 — ' . -i .- At the last big game oi the J ea*on, or Uround the fettii e table, how much greater your enjoyment of Thanksgiving <lny will be in new clothes. Our stocks are replete right my with ,<? : varieties of patterns—in all sizes and shape*, We can fit n -1 yout—quickly and accurately. St 25 years ago, then City Clerk ry O. Maloch decided io keep his e >pen during the hoon hour, for convenience of citizens who could h the office at no other .hour. The e had-been closed during the dinIbour. #4v H«ld Bridge - In. Years Ago} \n Wyan4otte Ball / £ * ! ' ,.^Tlie i i x r ^ aftmjar ball of the ,\Vyanilotte letfet-j-ncriers will lie held in the ^Oddfellow*" iemple next Thttrsday evv t «nliig. yovjejulK't' at.,The advance sale A brl<jge p|arty*'for member ''^t'tickcK* already Ijidlcate^ft large atteihdaui e iH ^this popular social function by the Married ^Teachers' c I f yon have mjt already seen red-a tick- .home of Mii iind >irs. ,C, J et, get one from your postnnin.Superior bbijlevai-d; last - The muoiu fur the dance will be ex- eveiiiog. Prizes ijwere* won ceptionally goot^." ^ Jvmiuy • Birdsall's Fred "iV. Fr©*tk%<Mr(s\«Patri| ^nine-piece dance l>an<l haying IteeJi e#; .and Mrs.^Minter; >J < gaged f«»r'the'jBcehsion. Tjiri !tnin«: ijiveo^nt<i tluS to, tiic The club''decided ye: I r '" fare t^rganixiition! t'or .jlislrl effort h.^vthc 'JCwHfon' 'Mn4ft Co, to of Hieii- ijitijeys into. was 1«M this week. . ' V,\vw\iV.• <Ji|lesjde,'in Hjniift .../l|onthic,"wlm Wid granted li illpg ot itllet transit ^ u p u n y ' s dcj'idcd v\ hiU* * .sifting in the, lit' circuit court 'a few Veeks ago. e Jlhdge hpheld the fight of^tju* of,'Detroit to prohibit by oV^int l e transportation by fltneys of •tit ers outside to iKilnts Within the limits. | is is probably • good law, but. its ieallon places a Considerable bur* {Upi in jtlie hundreds of suburbanites e business take^i them to Detroit i ay. t »?-•-- • '•V ">* c M = A-r -j/,.. - • < * . ( 'Pl'i Ma ^AI 4u •>{£ ^>^Jh.'/-.-; LiN]_ 1" •iwiftiM^ mL&21A 0(>tain L'cfaull: Divorce W^y^ndjgtt i nw* Strikes I)ltito»«r il p n L ^ #%«**&< A(?w.ii'i.%,.i«.»*J,.^r»--J "w »mtfmr"fTm'T^"'r^ 1 ' ^rmi-^m ;{^K'Wl y • / Sf. - • Vi ' - ^ A |, H f \ v 'f *I ^f'M. ti i,4> , 1$ t ri ie' City Cjouricil «_?\ ( ' / -S*«iWli|t»\i^.-tr0;u Page-One/,^ «_ii!i» ^ , . I »jji*i iiiij.nii/l . > l , , OfficLl Proceeding* I (p iVkaiidotCMieU, Nov. 1¾ 1$2&.' -jgiilar bessioo of the City Coumsii if lihe' City of, Wyandotte, Mjcblgrtu; .^i#Mondrabl( Mayor Jra J'. K)reg«-ri - ^ ^irfficiing.1 " m t Call. , , , J » „ ^ . ^^entr-Coiintilnien ^lemeiitSi E n g 1 y v t f " j " l>* " • w ;Rg»ff Bdei«W, ^ . . ^ 4 - . - - 4 - f r ^ ' ' ^ l e g e Ion ,.,^^4-^----^-1^.00 /rwroit C^HWA . ^ - 1 . . ^ - 4 - ¾ oo rGejtHMVIlrtw' fcjjjikMin; C - ^ - c x H 00 ^Ji°%i.fc R i v H ? r t ^ — £ - ^ - - - ^ — " 5.WI * 4 % ^. tfcdttet,il|-f—i:— ient-r-None. / {;; nutes. ; •Ea. by Councilman M o # o ^ supbyi Councilman Lefrew that the ng of1 the'winuteSjOf the- a-*t regi o n be d l W ^ n f P ' w l t b [ a n d xm ^>nk^^mMwWf^' B*m^il&>i % IftL* ' \—^ 3.w I 'ltot.erQKnnVa.v. -, — C- 1} ABtfH-w^*'._... , .{Uittfr T I ^ l ' i u»f -.,: — - ,/'<«' n.i/*-i( t>. i'»uitiv> . .^,i— 7 1 T - -" -tttu\ X^Utt\hr>k \i-y|ti(-A.iplJw r r ^-^ •"'•W ,5.-,-1 »>«» injiito MvhtytZimm <<f M«ft'fll«fit^ , l r t { W t V Wty ^tiginw ;|f1,ir^VetS tigfknif , t \ , / | / f; <p;>fK tarn #tf OtffetoK ffjbft ^ t\ a.ldotU^i/K Sfyl2 ert.'*- -' }I(§ £VIay<yr JiiHl't'^^fi *'ii (^WSairdomij" " /«r<i«'4i^ . Hiui«-v — *4-->- 30th * THlJilFAl-IlitU^ - U ' - 3 "> ,Mt 1 * & £ . IIiu.k.<rfU-<—fX—^Z-M tl}it\i ta-iu-v. — — - — ^ - - # - 1 1 3 0 o «a^«?3ilJ I P^l .s v r; J •Kt -rs«i co -j-S- T I i l •>- Aub>s and G ic 4tsi 5 5 |»jw a $25 W„ R. S rong, speeding, 5 finf or; $0 Jays before Ju Goomer on Wednesday. B Thotiias Pas, reckless dr before -¾ tW^arne,, justice* the sam iy, d>-ew lays. He - ?rv4 -Carney %fe',Co-— - T - —-i 4 l-i 5 8ie option of a-$50 fine ? r Ralph M>halak ?C 1 1 ' r I'. ~Mrst, Oeorge Herma — 2 # " * • > paid. R Daniels,-—_'—V-^? Frank S[»mkowskl, befo Hie sabie , 1 Mrs. J o h n ^ a y m n n 94..,— llsorderly justlcejv< <„y "Donald 'u^ed .^-i-fe.>i 1 {days in ma-'' "* ^erve ^ * -Miss EmrflfRlttorf „ , - - - V - - -- - - . « » « it-h^.-i « of cor• ^ ' S T A I W Stored-,-, J^J <M *m*J. TPm^Kfy^f' f Tc.:: -, J '! ^ r -&« JcMf :^rM4 y *c ^¾^¾1 •v : s r - t " ^ n "M . It iri T • V J< # ^ \t* .¾^ ) 4 }[ \ Ik , ^ 1 - < T * Vr< <>~l i I? i«i-»A i " ' l1 ^ C • r *V - \ v - x •-? ' ' H x , Uu* a- > tm *. J »/V?, U 'ff ' *-|i<K T s d i I, f i t rt •< ^ 8 ' '-1 V^ M1 > ^H U-ff^ v vi, J«si ' ' 1 -.<£ '•^ ¾>/ J / J . ' V / ^ HmilRYBEPf. '-V ' J/f- v Jr ' i i ITB'II J'ash: ofted ttbse,B.Qd W p a f r , alj $lfci^hi& is the pbr >;/ d a r ^ j i e Knitted Krai:d':An^ewsha{!4V * ^ ^J^' ]Mnte<f/Heel flose at^0o,*\veH knownfltay^er make Jti (MY- popular shades. i ^ ? J, \ > ( j> M^^ \ M\ / , v . i ^-. • .'/ r* 1 vi^J^ 4,A toDm';> f^>v^* <x~ hif- I , — ^ 4½ 0- :Mil "^ i' 1 \ • ? v^ # : * \ h-' 1 ,f, i ^ <" J 'l' v ' t' _>" *C: 1J t Pi w V , ( ! -J *' mi N^O f> -A I ' ; • ^ r'iw ' > "ife **>!# i ^ /^ \ ^ » WP" • I1 ' ! r, * V 11 1 K t ' ( i V > < < \ f-i « V - ' i * 1 "1: ' ^¾ VfrA^tl ti,- , V* (^stmeis Vi (H I "- 0JTC . .,^--1 „ r * ^ T; ? .!. I t 1 ^ K ^ "SM-viH I'M rfr-j.M A * H 4 M ^ ^^^••^•3»M*^»^«*M^^««5*>»H~J '> t' > * + * 4 s * * * i +W'.H,,!,,},;!,^,. «» ,^ 1 ,1 , ... r , , ' . M J. 5.^^^^^^4^¾^^ ^^ I J M J M ^ ^ M J M '/ V - i .1>\ irahcy H o s e , ^ 9 c , 3 j k i f c i p r ^ t O f o , ! ^ 5t)einVfanc^patteds.;i 1 } ' .2./Men's'Pajamas,at $l&J9f c,flha - A - frt tv.aAi/*««ii «w^ik^«U J •"">r"/*. »*npes.', *' i K, i (<r '. \jV .top'4 Drjff ^nfrts; at^l 4,4 to ifr] J *' /\\{ - \X ?»\ :; x '.>: i i ! \ f - i I - 1 <\ i >*-•?< UW.Xs r^J , n; / I ^.»1 *5 * , \ tj. J ) • r 1w K ^1.,^¾ J C \V j ''A A1 ^ , -•f M "f > i i1 % V "M \ * 3 kh^ A' ,1 i *v J , It ' i Vr1 { i '4'1 *v ••tf •: v : ' > A: > ^ . . \ 'fc 'J \ «f w I K, ^•V v ,5 < f» It's j u t too bad i 1 if any tmojter betaite »f,mil i 1,. inforOMtiottf' denies bimielf ^=-1--^1 or of (UMELS, herself die jrfeaiure ') */ I \ f I J M\ % V Mii 1 | * 1 ?l ^ ( , New smokers are not always in a position to have a real prejfeience J» cigarettes, But'^i^en they acquaiit themselves with Camejls they ?" %» develop that sense of discrimination that leads to real smoking p eamre. Mrf k 1 ""If" "aiid ^f so gpoji a blend of choicest I " 'i Camels a^e made so carefully cigarette tobaccos that even those with inexperienced stioking ^ . . y-K, k l v r e ' O d n i z e t h f e t i ' l s i i n e r l n r l t v ' %h6&e$+& fn** f-finnA w l i n - ^1 . $as|:e quicjMy rebogtiize theiij %ttpei*iprity.; T^hjfey a^te for tholse who n appreciate the taste of choice^ toba;cos, the fragrance of a perfect y^pf blend anld the swthing mellcwness of a really satisfying ci^aiette. ,f ^i^i \ J ii - t,i -4, t> when they le^iriij the^ dif fereWco /«'»'i ° i • , n * i .¥ flock, to Mf 1 *' .Ar, mti? • is}\ mm .¾ »%t' v v i ^~«i i ' \ {i ,\ V. r/ u *^4 r - J / i **t^.ptjat IJM P||MliAj<|i| /\v • ^' ^ p^Nt^TJ (: - ';iVrjj ^ " M i i r , ji ^ j A ./ «1 iS^i4 ^ W ^ L'GI '•' ^'V * i»l' n* / !! * \ , r' -M^Vl 4M>\' »^ -. , - ^ .,¾ -^^¾ '^1 :iJg§.Y, a 9[i?i- >. •=! 6 ^ '/> l . V, , r t teffi^m&i^^ m &wm^M^^&..^^,:,^m^ Y ' , iI !Kf 1 1 i| -_ j ^ MM , \* ^) *^S t% * Ji N i• « ,>» ^':V,S»- - - i, ",t 'f ^ W Jv i* * x i~* jiiSi y K I f *J ^^/.< ( i «*- A' ~*? 0 ^ t 4>; . *t'~ 3/ ; fCtV'W \ ' - 4 ^ Q»r» W V l # 4 , , , . . . ^ . - ^ . . . . , ^ . 1, t l . • . • J , . , iV% . . • * » . * • « . » ,% f ^ / , Vj >^v» '/r-yS?! «f % i\<- ^ ijaldio Lamps. ^n;e of'fehle largest hits o f o\ir openingV, - iii • & a«/1 wU4 af * «101 , , ^^ . ' g « e n and" "blaek and tiW^ £oU A0¾¾ at ."... . "»,'. . , ¾ .* , '» > , . . »' . . , .$1.0p t wK U f 4 . g j n - - - ' - ^ ^ — - - ^ - ----11 >^ } 'i -0.J ^ a s h , W^ >l ''cfwicks. . . ,M .5 v , , , - , :: ,1,-¾ t^i Junkets? fancy, pjaids/al^bldife ,:.^ -, v ^ u? •• • r, w - f i } ] ' V ( t 1r " P a r ; ^ o ^ ^ / 4 # - 1 . / . . ^ , 1 1 $2.^8 tp ^ ) •jK.? ^ i ( t / AH, P i H W ^ . V ^ i t I . ^. Hu ^ - ^ * • $8.50/aiduE) i ! V/1 , . M - 1 slnd anc sha;de c o ^ f c ^ a£ X- .'V^.-K i . l ^ 1 . $ ^ and* made' F^ipeii/|e|fJ$l.oO; ferneryjfti special opening LWiY ^ ' . J ^ ^ f f l . W r s ^ to in cMi, HittWsr i n d «11 baRdiM 8, Tu^sddy and W , ^ , OAalaa Balldinf, by appointmunt. int. t , l y t t «\.-x/r V - l .-..-2. inaterlsl jA^w A Uber 1080 T A r •> Continued on Page 8 > k(A' f v»< -^i 1J $ \ M ;*L-X « f.- :• ;T:M*3fe^P P -• - - ^ * "" *'^a##Jl ' ' ^tw^fn^r^.„r „. ,, .., d ra Special. B r i c l g ^ l a i ^ s a^d Fre^en Gprchier larfipi. f l ' fc , • J " M i l l i e A v U g S , XQJjLOO^ i t i i a u i LtJU CU*Ul^J ? iH< T . . } . ^ ^ . y % . . J . 1.,.4^ OVK J'u»l w V s ;» H i "^ Coup" 25. By cash, Detroit I f ,^ S^TK&l^-j r dtt. ) - 43¾ *. U i 1 Bala ace — T i — , . > i , 8 4 6 . 4 2 t. lH. By ^811,0. 1 j . Hon- - • g^rford 2,61t35 t. l b . B|r cash, G.\J. Hutf- p j girford ' _ , _ 2,735.10 . By cash, City Trea«. < a|final appropriation 12 00000 t. 21. By cash. G. J. JJunM g<'rford , ,._. 988.75 \ m 4 l i 'I sand, K f i kf ^ •ted Marquisette.totlaImmaterial.(36¾.¾½e<sn£ i s frf^whiteatl^^W^^rX?' \ - ; ^ ^ '-- - " ' *„ 4'J -v r/>* -, M ' IP(1mstri - Rayon Drapery ^m3(¾¾¾ edat l ^ ^ 1,^N •+ 1 ^ -\ % \ f •spfel^sfc^hW^a s4tt%#?' >wii!ijt[sp^i^jswmctffewi batttfdayi4 ? /, r \ T 6 I & 6 ^ ¾ i^Epi; : U ? ^ ^ . - tli ^ 5 ^ 1 t i ^ ^ l ^ ^ ^ L o ^ o'f 'perfui^n ilk^MXi . ,e; '^Swefe; Pw* od^'alM^eilr^ecIai price o^I..'. ^¾ ^ t ^C «j Joe Erola ^ * ^ r — > ^ - — — AWrfeb 4 * .FjonBtrf^ - = .5, x. Bag£ei ^llect^e"*!©. - ^ Tran«S»;Ro4»boBgl>4 — ; ? % "Eiia toad : . - 4 : - , f fc,---Bene ' OeorgeMilR«^a n e n n u -4"-—•£*• —-—-¾. '', * v?# ,A.< L d e ^ J ^ X ^ M i h ^ f a k itsii%ndi(W^ hejpei',^ J Dsrroilrer1 Finec i $ 7 5 | as Drunk rivsr ,j f I\I rj r j•fy-Y7*( i-- V ,\ -' 1 W r r M s \ M ' / r ( v •ji.Vm ijjj.TT "'1 ^ vJJ^', •& «\- A t ? " aJE 1 \ * »* :; 1 ^ / ¾ ¾ s\ ~ V^b'Vlfl r. » K ' 2 rtfu3'-tMr* t l r -W|,t'Ht0ti'-v,l|ji(>- $Uvh cj ' ' I't^ltiKiC vSUH'ttliH< PrtH-v(ieBltiuim: t> . ^.-^-f ? (orfvjl'fjo'ui 4 released, hi of l * l»U«t<!rl»liagl nu*>ertpp-Jjf 4 t l . i ^ i i v « l 2 l s 4 ^ m ^ r f # T%elcjl, i ' W & H.^mW — JL.I-- .-»J|*» , ' VVw R v W w d w ~-Vi- 3,410, < ntj\ itt^iWiL f itie?KHl N ^ *rf| > * , T«>ra Foster, .^—„,—_£.-!->—- 3.00 fiijgsj..«w. V * J f << a.A^ ' ^Kii/ateth S«d/h : ^ - - - ^ - r '3.00 " ^ihMo k!«^w.^-J5<an^1« • j c o j ^ i i ton- t , - Marr Kutjuttkowski' ^ - - , „5.00 ti<i?i!(^. # ^ M r f ^ ' WT'Mi'* •fcvla. J t<hl<<b&i» - 44- ,-1^—- '5 0U. "^ (•j^wrfXA^eiMfi-'iltii'loril Af uui^Bwm •'"""^-•'v.fcd wrs*%r^^yirT ; ,- <jj«r»*ft i*« " w 3 due! HSjfaTluf. ^ rW-JoMftDfifc 1%, M"*"? ( : * johif I'lHlilerHMi fiftifi* wLr / - 1 - ^ 5fcl.Je$<a.- i n ^ C . s^ i I»0S5OA 1 ½ ^ > « e «n« *rf H ' AY !t«tinnng fiuaii^ Barnard i— .*>.«) ; % t u t O J % f s r a ^ ?. , , ^W U0; ats^isstlinate ?wi. 4 and limit ' "l4-ilu Sfestitn Meston .•—-,— 3,00 ••^l^^" H^ttP^oiir^. .'—,-3^HI o\VtC^o «.-l^ftx<"0iirt. (, * tliedtaVfiiK of Oak Street -from . - ,(1ara B, ftb'k* ^-- 3.W S S m l e r l y ~ lioiion ~*2 jirv Hoeufh Street to Fort Street iii *l. jK Beiufi - • - -*• 3:«i -^li^ou. lJ>»»rvinj: timei , ' ' l»r otlFraufe-E. l.oselle, «• A. 1» 110, tor i he suni of ^3.520,1 T. „ ' ,/ilJlton "rrai.^ijUt'f a-.——j-x-:/*.<»» ^ V^tlatUm of' parking or W i p c e - ^ ijm aljiowIUK the final es'tlnjate w ™TTaroW L.", ^mtjtH',,—"— 4 - - v " * ^ nrasG^rW«'n«ed. « ^^-stniport—1 ariost, p*') M- - " 'l|unre*o|u»niend tb^t $300.00 b( 1'ap-y.Y, Blajc<? 4 ^ + *K—- ^ # 1 ¾ f »r fntnTO liaynieirt to cover^tfoie ,t^hild t tieqder&ntl - i - K S W * ' ^ J t t i l f v a n d lMttery— arrest. v e«tar^git«'(1. »j>rv!nK tlm^. iiil|/ld the Way M cleaning up, et«. * ?<SnnnuNoty e<luqitirtn-j3Skirs very truly. , ^ ^ . ^ . - ^ - X U ^ r f e f t relwisprt 11 D. C. CONWAY, { -Marjfje MK'oy r . . ^ — — - ^ 5 - ^ 3 , 0 0 , Held (for Invoutigafion\ 4 \Clty Engineer. MlUIrgd M W k t e . - e — ^ ^ ^ 5 ^-^ " S o romptiilnt mad*—% W^ahdot e, Mich.. Nov. Rf, 102». , Celia J'nwhffjfe, ^ - ¾ . ^ . ^ . ¾ ¾ ^ 3.«) Vnpitif*1*' tum«d avvW^td JlHt. Ma'ytf «nd Council, l ' i u 'i.(HI partriienN^I. f ' Etsa Drotilttar^V^'-A—"—#s- -- """' ' % Vm «t jvyandotte. i^ .-, (Ml s Frank JHmmon* ^ . . . - t _ V — — TotaJ arc »-!f<«. ,133: POII^I Ofitkmclii: , I s -|-<Kl ri,U*n'-«\| 33: forfeited • Jftwj>phinip(W<ortoikVfV-|—*.— t J m icgard to the [petition of variou4 .-, (Ml > .k«*i>h S€hsftl^Bi'Ar-A.--»i*--i.tlint*. 1/): pi'iidinit. 12; bon $ § B e i s asking for a street ^'liglH at ."»'•() circuit conrt. 1: linos. $1.1 ,Krank MW;$P:^U^J-W— ( j«|tiine and LtinHb^rgh Av«*iue.,«eK to r, no Idlers^ sdKit]H»tM lk^e eSi^jrfned ban* and , , tirelt-hen Yaj^f, ' ^ X L - t - ^ — - ^ Coinplnintv ra-red ftir.VaK h .".•in -•ii>»'ti«.eA coll«<<tetl; $24 r doK Ilprftv^JHaiHfi^^-^P-'---*.—i-111(1. illlv ^^Biuiiuead tha% the peMtiou/be grant*• «M> -itouiHliiie f e W $ 1 2 . ' "•Fram-w A d . i ^ ^ - , ^ e«wtilsoii would like to revonunebd a( i • ' " Anna >la«»tt'frtrk,^_—.— - — , - - 5 ««4 *• tiin^ tln'it tm CaddHloual light be ^ J'earl/it'fitft-n —*—>. --i- ."• (Ml R E P ^ B T IF $% OCTOBER pllcec at Antolne 'find 8th Street, 'fhe 5.<KI **VKdhh Johns-on' 1 — r ~— 1— rtS'so|i fur thH U i\\»X \\ is.tjie end M VISION 5(K» ^ » a t » Sharlo^ * . y » — _ , — . ' — — t l f ifkis-ihK l pa\eme9f mid in mj r»(Mi JraiMVs SchHll 4«j.\«--—r—r;t|en is <juite netessj)ry a J; tlia^ 3 («i f a V - ' <^tttjriwed froi^r p ' ^ ^ t h e f Young'—aa-p.--.u' r iiA J f n v _ ' " U , ' , ' <• \'\ ' ' Mtb >4 i r — 3(K| J" «7liarle«. .MahaUikr r ^ — .J, ' — »ouiH Very truly, • ' 3.0(1 XeW t".l!«t»S e". _ „ . _ , 1 ,* fctta, Fnrnklln —J. ^ ' f% C. CONWAY, kfcHJFrent « a s e » , -Satalt- Alafldock .—' , 1 . ("ity [ Jviiginer. Total nuiiiljjpr* oihCs vuit'ki' S <H t'latjt Uieiot'k . , - . . w ' ^ LI , Wyj ndotteAMjcb. bm<% ,15^0.tf^rirnde WeafhWjwre' __w^4-— 3«i.<'<i-es fU»sejr(wltUin dep.ut E B f . Rijan.' Clty.riej'k', t ' r Yiota Srioler--.—1—I rA-f T'"' -a <«r C u e - iloM'i ii.\ yeSernng Ui^tiug-: p. * * t'a-e* <i<ise<l by couit acju 1 fln^ Moijh-v - ^ - ^ - - - ^ . — . ^ I beg to siibiiiit^ny^^ejiprt n^ Tre.i- ^lofirth^l>owt>hia'— ^fJ-,-1 A5««I Continued until Nownitiex . r for, the Jnovtb ending Ortoliei 3J; o -v( 1 1 r '^ ^m.t»-T$ei.Ktmu^ - ( - > — , ^ ^ ^<;ai(ti H I c.i>-t»*) — H*»li<if d^tiai'tiueut ^ni^n - f-j&HTfife-fe|dio — i — - J i Z d — -r.ua PPe»W«J s z , ' , 1 . 1. y^zel-A-d«ir>-^-. — i ( > ,3.<«»r Me«i 4 tiv^ - — i 0 » . '1. Ky;iialan«e '^-$12S|011&I ^^'ath-eiin^fThaieH J.-.J.? w | ^ t e i a U n . ^ o|f»(er OHb. 11 4. l i y , «ish."fCii-yr< 4 > ^-Vgencie-s ivlthin city -?.-. r^ww DitVio . — v - ^ w - — - / - • " 3JJl> rem«„ sewer «ndiPii\. tS^gens^ . | L : .Jolrn K K . | t . k f . ^ ^ - - t - y . 3<«' g coll. • k J U „ fc^SlOJSO «.^eiH'n»^' outside eit> r ^ ^fjicih" Kr*JW*r- . . ^ ^ - , . - , - ^ 3,W r * .. if. o j I1mcash, en, itB d / of v 'ijus^ue ( >uit _ * _. 5. % 1 ,j?l>f,B»> IW'eV ^ - - - ^3Oh J] 'fc^ilncation corporiss —... (lavdf^c-u^hH (4l'cases> _'->— ,0(M).(Ml T ^IgtfTel' Miller . . . . , ;MW . 5. % cash, W4<luie 'A!i««-elliiji^in.s L|.J— ^ 7».0u jtoept.,"' Prolileifl^ims .u. ^'-^ieriiMfn Jnt'b-.irtz —r—*3 on, | y Ki. "By tnsh, 4inn. . , lK»uiesjic j^latM'tis ^ , _ * . - . 1 : - Ct 1,90000 ^PP l*W^»U^ '. ^~**> --- . City :,22. B.v cash. "rtrobleni' riijfis sfsex delinf « l . - - ^ 1 ^ v 1 n Treus., paving c o l : . — . J^.210.70 S^jiiple f i l s ^ v — — • Pre\iot|*<|i* Atknoivtwlgerf ,,23. By easlt, H. ,S?lien^ J^h-i-t l e # [flel, J. pf p / coU ; for ''Mi?. Mary BacOfl , —T ^000 fAvsuiiUvfyrtl^jatterj Sep 1 . „ — _ i - - - -1,286.30 ( 1ar. andyAlrs^A. \± P»nli» i - J . 5Wl ^fTplOHltioi»''ipiXtases»— ,,20. By cash, Wa>ns* ' ' ^3olin « . j F. ^ ¢ 0 ^ 3 5 . - 4 - 300 ^Keforri'd \jxr ureatinenit SO. r T fens. L ^ - - - . . C I., 68.00 "Milton^R. B a c o n , . - . — 4 -t- *&* Adjusted |26 By bisli, ttiickson- , , ^ ,Wyandotte Savings bank - . - . - - - -*0Q Crtntun^ec" Ipo. Treas, 1 K 1340 ', Detroit Edi&0» Co, — — — 2ott : +_c Coviif , L ^ ^ J j — l3lJ By leash, S. Bax' * * V 1'eppl^'s Staf^ Bank — — - — - r ISO >idh-mrfl ^ —-|er, col|. — - - - . ^ . - , 48,30173 "Five oiie-halfUlays spenti iiurt. , t i [ ^ b b n C Ca^alarf^ * — 100 Individuals taken into cu;; I coin . /By cash, Ilept. " - ¾ . Loeffler & Co. ^ ^--,-^-^ »00 j|^enHesr- ___i_!—4--*-* *274^0 !n|. ahd Bldg. «oll. Roehrlg -Brosj >i—,—— ^ - TO By eafch,' E. C. 4'3l Jager-Aamus Hardware Co. 1 ri an t colL for Ocr.:^ ^,436.01 Four; -complaints filed in juveilile \H court. ' " ' m $^29419.39 One eotoplirlnt filed in v , A- C.'Milne^ ^ V ' 2 nor epj^rt. * *~ ivafrants paid ^- 124^,138.45 , ; ^ . J. tilgler * J » 30 H o m e ' f l s i s . _ |. Nov. ^, 102U . -_ 381,080.94 _ - » N Perry (C 25 Sehvool f i s l l s j — . i ^ ^ V y a n d o t t e Finance Co." *,—, 2» Office inter r » w s #829,219.39 H^Chas*. Kohter — J '-f. 2» i$$j/ilai|ice in the'follow tng funds Nov! Contact T rlln other ageftc f l ^ A. B. unkiM — £ —I- 25 « 2 9 : ,r, > , ^i Wyandotte Mrtnnfa<ftorlng Co. — 26 (ttitin*( « n t - . a_,-, bver«Vfa w n 10.239.7S T^tnl — . T -1 iffld John T. MeWhifter v 426 Ages; 72.700.83 -4 '*-tt—TilB. W. Smith -*-—*'-t 25 "Unde/t<6 12.230.99 l i / E«»KJir gndtli •>-- « 1 ; Tea tdsixteen,--,—-- 46,943,78 P! - • ; — v J J r ^ . K i 47.584.58 ; ! l . 4 P . Njetcher . - ^ - ^ 25¾ ' Sixteen,i:o^tF«ntjr-one j . I B M —*:*.—— i . v - ^ 40,403,-3^ £ ^Hllda, A. Fletcher -*~4—». •»' *» —Over' twi nty^one __>'.—4 IJBylnfi and * Curbing \ over- ^ I «r r < p o ^ O T H Y B. I M > o m i n c 4 k « i t r . V i « o i v \ t — i 25 SJ r f w •^n —J, 1, 38,911.20 ^ ^ «ford Wt Olnzel Co". U — — — » — 1 25 % S?5 [State b a n i - — J — — — iBui|ding . 1,018.29 U ^ § ) M ! F.Stewart . * 28 'extension, , — 1 8,04^39 f ^ w l g h t 1^ Strong 1 — — ,25 -j—c* ^-.-, 14,432.32 1 . ^jS. I>. Haven ^ - , r -^-«i— *0 |ter works extension.!.*.^ 4^,400,00 ; -» -WN , » ; 181" J \ 3 e e l m Bros > J5 district X.fceidinnja 4/.134.50 4^ ' - - ^ n t h o n y Dana —J- , J«J (ki&i; „ . 1 — ^ 4,083.31 ? ^^lev.-Warren^E Jla,ll - - - - - ^ — ™ trie light savings d<.-', I j ^ & e n t r a l Florft|%oppe «1» ti —4. - , . u — lflS,t)32.51 'jTheodorc Meilhot of Det 'ow was av ter| main fconstrucfion— 3,584.07 rested on a drunken drH |a|ti charge, ti^rll health -.—_j,__—,j 7,053.08 ' kvltev; Wnl F ^ t « U n - i - ^ - i » 1J> Sunday afternoon, after j ! n | car he tn«!er _ r - J ..w 177,39,01 ^ w drivjni: collided with j w ftriven f.68I!.47 ! / ^ F r h e n ^ B t » » « ? - - s ? ? : - ' ^ ' i k - - t r * - r t >,.!: bjrf Jos-eph Anderson of] »[28 Lind nercial! /llglitiiig _ — „ . 79.27r.39 10 bfr|?h aven l e : also ran intj BrEmeryV ^ . Rer: ?R. Tt KKpatrlel? — - - - ^ Mer1 works i . . t i 51.249-.14 / \ 'The ta^dW S h o p ' ^ - - ^ ^ - - 1 V\ efr and an ather drfVen byjflffitoEngleuiali of, M Iford, at Alkai ^ l e e t and 1 v - George, . ' F l e e t h a i a g i i — W r * * " °$581,08fc94 Wlse F ^ r n H w e ^ 5 - 4 4 / - r > i J°/ Mndljjergh ft venue. Before M s ice Roy JAS. ; C. HEADMAIf, Cooiper. Meilhot drew th»TOj]»tion ot ; Wm. Y o q U X - ^ - r ^ f t i - i ! " paying *« ?|75 fine or fservpf|$0 days , ' Treasurer. -¾ ~A!nrj>hy,*Bid8? ^ V — ^ # — J * % paid. n ando«e, Mich., Nov. 0, 1929. Junlotte General Hospital, " 101 re} A I M : 10 g tor submit my^ Report as Trias^^6^3^^---^-^21--, ' 5 tvr th|e month endlug October 31, • f $ i 1 •f ^t^ff^'^Ptflai^ 1 H\ 1 & 1 '5 h li H ! 1» y f^v»a 1^ r*^ moutl ly .r^ijort of Ch I1 of tPot>at t4;gbaj»«»an si ll ? police iffsgfenuade l>y Coomer v .._ji**ij^t£».' ' D o r o t h y >licCube „ . . . — 7 — — 4 ¾ £ 3 , 0 0 diwlng. Oct^ ^^Atttoinobile iieediuK ^ME.-. frank Xeiy,* - ^ - - 1 ^ — 3 # Vaife AeO^W ft 11,^2^- The I h fines ,tait4 w »»r^v«4iM, re< W^jfe, ' . fV h i e re~ -Fjru'nk Stieier J _ j U 2 . * . . l * ? W %£«>««. ^9Si>ytM' Uu» nittted to $l,7feo , - ¾ . ^ Allen A ^ - - . ^ - , ^ . « 0 fliort-'?0no{w * ^ HJ ^iiirrti-Minlfrly—3§f jji-. /e*•«' ^ ^ ^ 4 ^ - - ^ - - ^ {j0*5 a23 ^ir^iwk ftrre>ts. ^tHi^hrtl^s./ U reltrasvd, i P \ » > K f\1L ^i? i [.iniKVinifMon^ ' Kboon F d g e l ^ . J s ^ — & : • — - - - -** 001 2 ^-vluit Ui;itv/bju«?s ^l(Kt. i v s frfeited. . L^.$53** ' ' ' ?s?^ Ax- 1 y t J o T 'Stek/^^iey ^ * •«*«»» x ^ wi.jr.nWii-K:,*J.I— >«.I3.oo H j ^ t e - ^ » s t s , 21 '«• rJftions! against a' s^Mt ^tUs'nupe at,tK MU!<i* r l - * a , J . ' Httngerfordf5 « ^ - A f - - ^ - ,- 3.00 13 ^ # « 4 , . ^ ^ f « i t « d . f K -'4~L 4 |>iiding, Stfet gav^.^^^^ ' , T Mrs M, y ^ ^ t / - ^ - - - ? i - ^ 5 . 0 0 -finHfl^O.-^'MfelX nnesf <._„.. .-^^^^,^,. s f a 1 ;»«$ .tjir^rr^ to Cit.f a u s j a e ^ ' i J<nnc> Ojstrum _ J _ ( . — — - ^ - - ^ .3-00 j/ l v k » u y i r^ < C f e i # P t f « ^ i 1 lancef ,"5W^l7 Ca(«§Us j5 ^oi^'IWrtfw^ I eleabed, . J^-Al-moi* K , J h j t v e r — — — - F«^tjt. J5 frS^xfofafa titoojK\, , /-^: 1 , - : ^ -• tiu K4 . Ue-lcto^V, W e l l >-~ \ pertdin^JteA/^tHi). pe^din^jteA/^LrtHii. <-M fM 1 | u . f liny Pttdlira-ttd «*tlP^^^ ... & 4 r^i-ert ^j«»»i>-^ > , 3 Si'^w ffeml c r- ^ ^ ^ ^ i*r#«w, Moijno, 1 J1 i \ i s W K SrKSar I£ 4 :h^0J ' i; -. ^^WiW^SI'* ^ 3 or '^ m n a Tuyloj?; ; * - " *. I M l M I I I I I I I H h H ^ ^ M ^ nifi^t.iiMlfj i|^|i^i|fii|i^iLii..|.<fi»i|ii H i t ' n ' t i r < ^ » M N H f n i i HH<: M m #j W^fpOMI?. AS CSUAL, ^T'V ^ \ -- *XCEED$JTS QIOTV b-} '"'. , ' K * >'vft- - I' I .¾ ^ \> t , ^ Jff* t» * * # ^.Jf SStrsSfew ; mm W f ^ ' K i w S W ^ * i Wf^ffl P 1&K. \$m *4 4 ] ¾ ' ' i H ^ ^ * *v^rm^^pffww, 1¾ - If rp 1 ^ j ' , > I si B ^ i M ZE* V - - *#rrr iVM^'V IJ jv- -¾ A .\rj Ar^lcany.bafnSd^ e\emplines| hu- MORTGAGE F0RECLOSLRE (S4L*I mad n^plration lii*l)r<j hope of being ' IjtefatiltKAa V*bi? ^>een. niad^'" ito/ t'ie IT nrotnbted to the fl^lel of "revolution cobdition*. of'ir-fertaiu/'ujoi'igage ma'!.' Through the P^turies isf." I •> by Zita Uefaitb to Jolijri A^ SIcUlear; "Th" gln^Uo h.is^ urt unci ge. surpassiiig tliaf o,f anv other L ll tifsjory dated the Ijlth day pfJuiuurry^A.')> NV* s KI found tii fhe^wiimlfi 1)U«»}% i litK "tlie fw< t M y«-'nrs, i* lllusrrut • rocks, Iff th^ltn)pt«nirig^sons| suddenly) end* i'.ca, ajwl receded in t'W office aH JnIt li^is coHlvf down to f st.nistics ghen 'by the, >>>«<* . !n hie IfVullntoiii Jf iih IJegisti^r'tkf^iDeeds^for the. Canity' rf] ire-jent, r s c i e n t i s t s siiv, for perlmns fjrji'^er /eitungt - ntiglKh wa> i-pnk I i.o more sharp r a / o r atih t h e i e |« ere Wayne and t late of "djchigaii on ttie'i [i million blades inl the vears so 'n-tin eh.it^^eil tli. ess timni 20,0)HMHMnpersofi- in j package. ' f ' Air Virtus Underwear 17th day' of Jtumary, 'A. It. I^i4, in lij is diinP^ i •ult, it not 'indeed iui|H'^tlie statistics showed, *hih> at Libei-aOTB ol Mortgage* on page'i^f' 'j tn 'tlnd i\ v ;**> •[• Tills Writer, who tries toiget arounif I n v essi'Dtl ij dUH'tytii e f t an les« than lOO.tMM>,ni*0 p^o which niortgige was duly asslgn'ed .iy; 1 een .the I's^m ' A N«Ht' Yvr|; opena h a s an n|larm said John A, ilcL'leary to John ' 1. as much as poslfhle, was Inuied by fossil Seat ImiiteNMnlls til i | «i 'e.il> it natively, while, an atltil (1.((% in «t|fe o f its 4 enethe bead'of a large/bank to cruise >e«) iti ' l i e in i>l m»l) in 1 -, o i#it h u r T i n will Uouboli and Lillian li. 'UouhoLt, lu(!()()*HM«!(I tindersland it put d «nal t n i k V . t h e audjent'e t u | n over fof an ilown the sound »n his yacht ret.-ntlj. Itld the if MV-'funirt'the l l | ljlll-s U'O vvife, by„ Atsignment!. of Moi'tgu:*; ct^H^iili'i It thelft ovin -native $ tiee ! 'oihepinsip. A t t h e M l i W M i t t f ! O f tilt* b a n k e \ " e ( l i \ dated the 3u day oftl rebiuaiy. ,-V.' i» J f the 1 lie newspaper $,i\s tlie rate T\f<! fund j iSrrnip of llt"2S, 4»ii»l vc th(> th<> bout^was bo«t\wi}i •Shfpi.K'tl .sTifpped In in the the mid-mid--' , »" '""» i' H?""!' " ""' fik^o w a s V ri r*«<1 re i-e Iw's »fcir nnthtiip'pe'l «11 tfvc re'Onied \the 9'h day .»t "ilelv (llSO ,.t t l l C M W I l i I t h d a l l h q o d l t o o k * , « W - . l / n w TllUlJ..!'!!! .lll'l M a i f h ; A. I)| llfetS., tit Libej l«il> yyl 111( 1¾ «11 " ' .* ' * .. ' ' 1 TIte sound, l|i the" falkie nietodjama ....." l irilnstndl - i l i K t i x l ire Ithe, lit. rrefi.nl i . f i . t . U I I ' tee n>i Us | iiie_uages and that there i " > 'n^ • IT* bf "ilortgiiges i>n ;i.(ge .'j' A^sigiuueitt.> in In MTJ cold water. This par 11 1)4-.1. n..t-(* ler«f flu' win Id v^heie Kngiisli if nor is all J'i'giit, aii soot) ( s you U;,iit i ' t o in tlie office; of the -I"(raister of IH t d N1I»»W h u i i i j f i s tio'^ ' " i " ' ' ! ! , , t c .11 ir fliui^c'pl gl.jjlt Is UjilIMlaDy rt ii ken OerUian vvas >.poki n'bv <ltvfilfgul»fi be^ivcen, fjlirt heroine'* sigh t\>r W;iyiie ,ty^i)iy,, Micliiguji, on UlCi.st'- V$t\.'l>;! % MU-'le «.|n*' 1 ^ 8 0 , ¾ MM,n„' nnd healthy, :t/id h e . e x p l a i n e d aulhUie ijiwiin^j.' ti <>i in-r . ../ 'vv hieh moi t']i)jg<i rthere lis claimed' )o n bilobn, s o ' d *ferj'M fltun peLsons 7 a etinirj n j o and th.it h e ' n e v W wore* n>n undershirt , V due at t h e il.j ie of tin not(i e for {»i i.i irt'e tleif it tiirnfs " a gioii I). ',v^iWS(Hltl()IMK) )tnd '.ll)<MM) 4» "'••"• -1J w i n t e r or^ slimmer. And th.it he li.i.il iff seems to he hid if il opmij.n thrit, < ip.i! and 'm eiesjl ainjl ra\es and)' *i A'j.inlylue, fentitle ol tin Itie lIIS .us. the Matisrics'shdweil T h e not had a cohl tor y e a r s . H i s theory .ill other ihiniis Wlni; eij'i il, (•one par- Mij-niie t h e sum of Two thou* in L i'lfVlfnion'fd Ff-af Jo M / e tin iMitdi l a n g u a g e s Hncreait'd Is the m o i c air t h e body s e t s the bet 4 -eft has as i^n.'K>ai^ljt over a tin d as -I'VPII hjimdli d sev^nt •-tnri'e doll.il i'ln largn buobe'd l e . n e "NIIIHII; to 1.",(KMl,0i 10; Swedifch' ti r 1..r one's Hejilth. Readers of* this, «< . j " i tl.e/)tIier.j(Arsp^t:1 ' ,1 and in i p t o ? i< y 'fee o||f s',-m lotjg' htanches.! re< iilb ni"^t Ll'M'IIMI to T.'ilKI.OlMI Jllld fi.ini-»h gules Show GroWth of English Language amazing growth of Hie English r^e 'mimtmmwm^mmmmm&mmmmmmmm'mlm Ginkgo Tree Unchan ,'t { LIGHTS °'S?x*SS ot NEW YORK i>&\ si.;. V i column, L»w-'ever, are'hot urgi-d t o nc « p t llils- re)vOt>inii-t(datlou wiLhtfui the fiplMVu.il of a d.itii.r." ' It i s onlj ji.i--«il al»n£ Xb .1 'side lUlit on hij; e\w'\inves. W i s particular one a No e \ e i e i s e s every morning tr» k« e|> film s e l M n lir-.f c l a s s trim, b e c a u s e Jus Job Is a s much ti p h \ - k u l strain a s being a t a i k f e on a football t e a m ' a n d he h a s to play six d a y s a wee"k, except for one month s vacation. ' >', *• i^f * •*• H e a d in t h e Cloud* Capr. Frank Hawk*, coast-to-coast flyer, tells t h i s one, the moral of which Is that a \ l n t l o n | e n t h u s i a s t s should k e e p their minds! on the p o u n d e v e n w h e n they are iiiVorting Iti the, clouds. A booster for t h e Hying gaiijie—and s u c h persons a i e t.ir more persimsive than a Toi-of sribdlvisfon ?nle.snien— persuaded i w o ' b u s i n e s s nten that the air i> lite on'y re.i| m e a n s of tinvel. 1 hfwe hijkuie^s, fueii wanted to s o to ("levei,ii|«|- ri urn ' N e w York, nml the airplane .PHHMIJ'ist m r i r l n i e d then' that th»*i «vV('r«Ul s.^ve much tune am lni,on\eirff«nrf by' flying 'there. Sn they i bartered a pf.nie and pilot ami set foitli. When fhe'j were tiver the Pennsylvania 'mountains tlie clouds c l o s e d ftf, amf. t h e plane seemed lost ' t o t h e vv'tsrld. ^ l- T h i s - Is w i t , " thought Hie husf ' | i c B * j n e h . "J,usf lain risjht through" In a n y kinil o £ weather, and heat the trains to a Standstill.;* Presently the pilot throttled down, the motor andj turned toUils passeiT gers% ^ \ ' 'i> J , '- "Say.'4 he said.; "diuis either of you know wh£re, we-AYe?" Naturally/, nettKef did, ana there wasn't a map to he found in the plane A forced landing was made without * ^, accident, nnd the business men set out ^ ; , f ° r Cleveland by train, swearing that, •\ v they had taken t)»eir last time-saving t '-, J ^ t r j * I •• if * ; ^1 Short'But Good r UnngoyercoTiverstttfon eavesdropped In a Greenwich village restaurant the a other morning: ; "How did j ou find' yourself after s Bill's partv ?" "Oh, I Just looked' under the tiible,s and there I Was." t. * i* • j Underground Life *f ' ' X r ^ Vol! is a ' t o w n of rabbit rnn«t|' * In fl •> ntof'"+o;,xestcd dl-trlct aiotnid fl.e «.i mil « ei i' il tei'ininal and m.mj other pirt«s OL' l i e < it v. t"he r e d New Y o r k e i , v i m Is I.I,nili,ir with tlie^iM^ der«roiiiMl|p.is-,'i:«- , can ^o great iHs', " ^ t i i n ^ s without pMiiiiK wet during^u f/ h e a v y Talfl. 1 liere .i e all s o t t s of , '-tunnels c o n n e i t i n c InnM nu's anil hub i • ^ "wavjf through which a r 'iiestrlan can, \ travel If h o y k n o w s h.s New YorkJ \ I i o w e v e c If he i s it j.trnii'*ei he would " h a v e t o Migni^ a n:etiOi«"!tan .guide. ,111((^:11,11 fuptiis ; 'I he l(> -ht.ri spin ilke ,s>nn •, m e more gently lobeil/ w I) Ij bfijt)< lies n i e ^Jti-pif|ioi|'rfim*»U leave*"etitfrel\ w On i Itise e^tiitiitiation a le.iW's •nre_ce\temled 'Itl.e a but w e r e dtMlcately-copstu MiMIIJII tO "i.«HM» fHM) Tl}< giovVO' I.,n In hinfiiauei on the other ,is i n less rapid. v\l-(li Italian in the lead. SpoK.-ji t>v 21 n l e n t u i y ago t(iat l.ingu-i." spoken 'by 4."i.<i(w>.(««•;- vvtuli wMrJi vvas« -second in Irlcieli«e u|<fd hv il'i LtWiHH) a ceiituiW ago 1 nl * is used h.V'iitt.fKHi.im() f lrebeh It ugn.i!;e of ^diplomacy, has. in Male Hornbil] True -"Mate in Co. use :1 juilv from 32.400.<XH» to 4.* ).(MH! rim It Ti-understood by an ad ioni|il ".".(XIO.OfK) forelgnets. hement rlilnocT h e nesting' habits of peculiar eros hornbfll, a large at bird of t h e Maia> penins 1^ Horneo Very exa n d ' Sumatra, are said to traordlniiry. After palrjn jt,lie hornbills .select a hollow t r e e iSvlikiylie female e n t e r s Then, wit i f J|lie assist t a m e of t h e male, which rf Ifijiins outside. Hie female vv.ilN up ' tSB.Vt ti.lnce with mud and otln,>r m itHHtiN il'iti I only a small slil Is left opffl|lthioii '! which -she can r-lmjst her I i njt tow bill During rfic e'ntire | » € >t| of lay ing nnd inciiliiiin^ the e J | i.ui'l the irtaiwth of.I he voting to lh.« ^I'lK , u c tlje fenyije rettmius; linpii'* ^1 in the rrlink T h e tn^le, f l e e on t\ outside to do a s lie pleased, l e m n itp veithele.-s" f,it(h{ill -to, his tn itt retui nina frequently with food', v\M,<. Ii. d e p i . s Its in her bill ( through tin lot in the tree, and Otherwise a s ^ l y i at tcnjlh to her needs. lies pf "Boom'/ Days on Death1 Valley Trail i pipe .well is a h o l e ' i n the Si\nd e.ist safe^of P e a t h valley at tjhe 4f Meutii. valley butfes wnte« l e e In ^the SniDi'd-iy Evening \\ hen freighters were making n i p s across the valley duriil:! iiiiiL boom. men. and stock got Tlie populatiloii of 111e T'u'ted ^1t HesIs growing 4lt }\w pfflc oj 1 tUM.I I'M) a ^. ar. In the hunnn i . t . e w e lon't fisdi'for a leeoji'nt. > The New 1V| T i t k savs thm silk y IVpIc hut neeiUjSh.no'N^.deMidh'r. heenHp » .He It int not w\)Sp it •mils up for h»if>|f Is p'roperly salf upon 1 Haltiinor<j's{*iew >rt Will rc'iuire so muchi ^crenge th for a tine it will interest ( the re Iters ahnn>t as much as t,he aviatoi|fc < "" i - >n <% J^i^ „7 ---1 */ :<o v ,f w- \ £ I >J Ill ^OTimiFW^ I An anthorf'v'sa^sia sirl must lress so /is to c/inceat tl|e d"fe(tst oj| her tuure.^ ^But vvjio^evifi Isavv a girl \vho wasn't .nltogplhojr pi|'i ect! 1 — After 'he great" ora|tdr has duo It and idely col edeil ( \pjinded oft .sointi f.ft f»r a m-itter ol "0 itnnutW. he s l j s it goes withotttl aviti-;. at Stovepipe well. •—nV well was haul to had until A patent has iierln a wa uled |>n a >ne ilnu-t a shoit pie v of stove • w Ope of fiiillin ponn ( Il ulf i t s li.e'ilito the sand to mailjliv Vei.v icnl merit wni" «••» be dilerniint'il un JrMj' men got water atJthe well til ft fs,s.cen how tlKf sh t.'ike'tl it. f meplpe well Is a point of Interest If th<» latest fad ftjot |i I'aiis li'(| tie toiinsts. They tal>e[ ph-tures |<e. Sometimes they laMe the water -popiJItir, lllat of a sijed i.il porfiijiu? for l cr^iss the road from the well 1« the every co<s|tinip,'itftill.'dd only s\ scent to the high coJ5f, of jje dugout. Two-thirds ot the dug ng faSliionable. ii underground. In hot weather Japan has. os*.abHsh i?d» a radjo sta.vt lley is cooler below, the surface. tion for commiuiicatiioi with Europe. ^Itottle dugout is a euriosity. It B a g p i p e * in- H^.t«| \\Ve hope thox will be thoughtful !a saloon In the days of the freightEfjsinate in - That bagpipes did not 1 enough, loot t o nroadpst In Japanese. Scqtland is revealed in a W-ticle i u i i \ p'he freighters crossing the vailey -rr \hi old Bullfrog trail"stopped at Time, the Newsmagazine. •(The bag-'P'Ol And noij^ comes nljins another dress veplpe well and helped to empty ijs." suvs! pipe has a place In Gcij b< ttles that went into Hie wails of expert who maintalrp the'splfiily'cosTime. "In Egypt, it was c d fhe as- j turned, man should htive 24 pairs of Battle dugout , ' • f ilully. In it and was piped cereuli shoeiV ^fluhll "n'hoiWtjrks-that tnuch Rome It was called tibia triculajria tltfese day^? / ii" Instrue Colleges were farmed for Land Transference tlon; Nero piped. Invndi j Ulomaim A- stuffed crocodile, i ea^e of ij'hale 't-olnri 3000 B. C." down to the Chrlstook it to Britain. Eal «Britons ,era the form-of documents trans- fihs, a pump lamdle [<uid a bngJ.ofant named It the chorus. Itin jrMht pipers Tibs land remained practicaily the | eggSf were, disposed ' ojf »t a «London carried it farther into t|i< [highlands le. First came a description o f the auction, "Phis ;nVactlb uy cleaned out and Iceland- The weird A ||»tk- musk L Its size and exact lorn tlon; then ' the medicine fnninet appealed toX'ertic and (Jafji fmagina. mimes-of the seller and the buyer , Accord< tions and stuck with then! |d a statement that the land in ques- >• TtU> NatioTiiJl AssrielWm of Broading to Time both Marie ' ittjtoinette n I ad been sold. Usually .the price oastefs has about, de<| ided that cornand Henry, VIII piped. \v*h 'Schubert is paid at once, buti there are cases i icf.'lal progtaihs s| pikld close a six it.. Kinq and Handel wrote pieces &cord% where th^ purchase was , p m. i We he<ir no pl-otest froral the isle of his flehrge, greatly eniov<« the rty on "credit—this' credit being a great American familiyl 'toria. royal piper, as did Queen tiilpe to pay \vritten'in th<j contract j While It is vexati i l s to put tooth tirade before* witnesses. At the end \thi contract was a nottf to the ef- ipriste o» the shaving w(•usli by mistake, ] ' R e d Hair in D i s f l v •t ] I hat the participants have cor- it ]s.^downrlg it repjrf hensible t<> Ite)l hair WiS^^io novellH Ji( ancient )ojj-ii«ed tlie purchase'by dath (sim- verse Die mffH t\\\pt hi limiting shifting' Egypt and eTidently no d<!| :l»t either I r 't » our oatlis befor^ notaries for crejup M the- toothhr rsb,t Some of the female miuaii ?% ^lismv :al, papers); then followed the pigered in the M l e delta atjfl c^ilti'd in ' deqiandlng an? lUfis and the names of witnesses. smartly made black w i - l f VVIIMII til Ever^, largd| city snuuly ov'ei their own n.itillal aubiirr. airport, 1A eo/nparall ely. small mat-j 1 tresses. ^ ler like At new.if.tiTw^ hall or a new i Modern Miracle* -, park m> longer rertrfej'nts the highest The • i'aji skirt w a s niuch nd I'Ud irt allusion to the usTe of a sudden a$pirai.foji o f civic,pride. | dalles of anti<ihity Use .misltirf |e | i temperatrie merhaniealiy eallOf w liife; lead fp ( w liiten[|^ Iteir ftnes itheiflre station by Releasing A jind '.haMds.^Alsin. they us | j Soj»c of our leir<l] lit conductors of.' i"i«-€ ; i rinj: lljat sjets'tl^ bell ringing, nien- jas% says a weekly, have l>f the fragrant, riesWy pl^i| nid lemon tj vyriter O f *| itiftc r In a case lefore the King's a tl-ndency l o rotuntUtjr Then w» cxas a bleach.—('IIfion 111! [ia.evy, ir tut! division, has astonished the . pect it would he' peiniissible to cjill it the IS'trW -York Wm Id irld But tliere a "e 'mor«» wobderful • "t,l}e miijic W| tlie.-1 pllieres." rajrles than this duo*t0 ^ipplled scl-j hrBotrv'«Th;rty.4 vor For Instance some of the fog ' In 'Slum' tt»e king nnd queen| dls, Accrirdiim t^> .It/nji afi rn's on buoys at sen are blown by I tributed S:!00.(K)f> w li- h of silk stock'ine, tvvc sf\teen-year old tw Ins, art' riina/ing device. Human hair Is Ings among ij;s wof|nejn to- encourage | I U qtiesi ln>iw iibii^t thimselves hu it cans employed. A. hundred hu I the wearing of sholrt skirts. In this Jj'hei nitJ* noioniuis.' ItecciHh thrj [tn hairs fi\od side by side, like the ' country, tiic order id rbv crsed. crniincA thev would have ji \\\\\4A |irij of a violin IMJW, stretch In fog- I h.t ot it' ' It started wlien a hew 1 at lh( Hir and thus open a valve which , rernge ftash of Tlie cost Store where they vvorl lenses' a''g.is This/gas works t h e 1 iigliLning tat thean pVei-ailing kilowatt tlllK aSTu>d: g-eri,|-^London Mail. "> * * liour rate would he iibont $2, says an " 'Hiovv old a t e bpfh of ,\ Jti.K?" electrical en ifieer *u there would be tli^u corrifcily l e i ' i i e d : |jfel'.|lli o f 11$ 7t c c n t £ m o r e for a toqw fuse. 1 i .\if>nTGAGi:. s'bki-i I^J.M'IU: litjt.iuU,- li.iv.ntr uc4ii tna <'olidiiion> of a *ei n *in.>ii,jrji'4<| nude I and e x w ti ted by Juli H* (.l.ll.t ,«fld S o 1 phia (ji.il.i, Jris- wit. rfif ^ \ . \ a idotle. Michigan t n ' V i m + n t Wli<ble)v*»I a|id JiUlW lg,t 'Wl AllJlfvV *lyi l\i- wife". M \#yf aft'latle, M u l i j i a a , dlired^the m i l , of !J2;i.1 IjlliA July, A . i). l's^i * *jVcouled ill till' ^tlf'gisief of; 1/cMs 'for 0^p;i» of; rim; Way u ^ i'titi m y . Miei V^nn. oh 'Me itii, day <Sf August. 1»2 J.ilii?:' lkl2,of Mo«»ise*< Page i i ^ und on vvhvh, mortgage 'lay is eli|i)nHl to li)? .at 'he !;il\' u f i i ( J - i i i ' d l u ^ C si Di . t i | ; , ' ( " i j i ; t ' t pi'n«'i|iyl nnd mte ( ie^|( i inrt »r^S:it*s panjl liy »ujd rtioi !g.i,rei'» ttjlfjer Wie terurk of *;\iil idOilga. r e iipf i|ie iii/rt-igsiK<«l piopetty jind !»i i e RtuPtliulfdayf default l . i i n n ^ been ;i|4id| • li rBe pay- ment of- the l>nin pal siun (rf said mot r.i.iue,, wifli inr( .e<| and m tlie jiavinent 01 ;)n'«-mii] i axe v\ith IrUe inere~r thc(-'v;'i' ^whiih taxj's became due on I>iwv.mT>ev f, l!)2f anil W w lilf'h llif'lTj ,m«n ,moi rrur.tg(' bei ifi>" due .1^Pr 7-Jhjrtt J«tj|l!i.'7,-.li;d r > -Htr (¾ pn . e»1lu'g? it law oi u> e.|ility hav 1^*1 en n - | it ii fed 1 'o re met* in.^t* the the trmner itione ^ed ired by said \ i d e d l>y M'aj ( r e »1111 l,'i '.nd piruff.ui Hiid n o Mij'f '' pro. ei'fjijii: ar ,l}vv h >r to lecover j l h - " Hrx been- in i t l l t c l tt>.one.V)s >e<}iij|ed by v s;jid m o r t g a g e ^1 m o r t a l .re or .niy ;jflt UK |'Of ] a n y parti.tfii'i'-'of,' ' , . N o w the'eforf, liv l-vilt tie of t i j e pow* Notice is hereby given that bv vir* i" er of s i l e fouig^iwd In -jaid nidrtgage •f The I'3vv< r of $*.ile contiiOiW ii md of t h e Maflite il Ml h.ense made said mortgags and |he! statute In ^n 4 Mud ^irov(i1eil notli^ i> liorehy' g}vi>fi case ifiade a id provided.'' on MondiiL that on Tjio-dHy". rh 1 it i day <if Jntittn4 2*?nl day of DpcCiilber. A. T>: 10"^ USU'J.-A j D l!»:ift. r |w^h e ai'cU'i 1. fit twelve o'rloek; iioon. Eastern Sta'n noon. Eastern' Sfani rd ime, tl|e ^ahl da id time., the undersiisrned will nfthe m o r ' g a g e c s will, at the southerly or southerly or Congress Street entran Congress Street enlrhjhet* t<t the wayne of the Wayne Owntv Bii'lding'ln tlv Coifntv Ruiidlng. tn! jDeroif. "Mi|chlgan .rity of Detroit. Wayne County. Mich J <" fli.*i,t being t h e phijeji> wiheretlje Cfrisran (that iVi'ng tlie ^lar-e where th Miit Ponrt for t h e (|"o«rTy of Wayne fircuit Corfrt for the'County of W a y •' Is helif) seii at pullHie ajuctioh ito the is held) sell a t public a u c t i o n to the highe-f bidder "the i'i nfses deferihell highest bidder t h e , p r o m i s e s descri!? "1 in said mortgage o Sl> m;n*h. ^hereof In said m o r t i a g e o r *o'mvich th©r»6f a-, rmucjie necessarvj nftoittit o PT.T1 t^ie ,.j«...»». a1*1 jnfiy b e iieees«a-ry' to pny! r}n due [f afore*ah •• 1 1 •r r1 wif||i 0 r inferftst and -\ a m o u n t *•<* a« aforesaid d u e ort' sni all co^ts and charge provided in said inortcr'jge vvlth 7% intere*t and Tntl mortplee and allowet) hv]Iaw incliwlln gnl coWs tosnther wirb' "aid t^torfi v an Attorney fee of «^Q00. Mie^ sa'd fee to-vvit 111 that: p i e c e of land ' i I>remlse« beingu^lt'i? c<i In the C?ty<of ti)fe in t h e Citv of Iliver^ JSOIIJ WvlTld/itte Wiiyne s |< 'omjty. Michigan [ W a y n e Conn y. Mieh'ga'r! described i- de«'iilied a- follow^, to-Mt;.-Vtl »I<at j follows-- J3H numlwwM ihfty-ejglif part of Lot f o i ' v < l<\) ol1 t h e S|ihdfvl(-.Tv-) of BrrwT!lep'« Isnlidivtisfon \t --ion of -P, v P 2 fo'i t-'li* heirs of 4J>-J juwf of p . (1 ,r,23. a e e o n l i n g t o p^ roiiie^Lah i[i e. d e c e i r-eil n<-cordjlng fo recorded in 1 alter 10 f»C P l a t s on j.'i the pla* fh"reof ieveo ded] in tlie Offi*-e l#.'Wnyn«?*Ooi!nry R^forrls ffnrnif 'if the Reg.-rev of D e j ' l - (for th»,Coiinrv T o w n j d p , of E c o r s e ) U -¾ ttl \ * ' -jr IIN* i., H<fn"nnr/r .LILT.IAX B. ROt'BOLT-Lssigneeg m Mortgagee Dated Sep . 27. A.TU1923 CHARLES II. MiARft, Attorney fo^r Assig^riees'^f Mortgagee lyTniidrttte Mar. Bank 'Bldg.. \Vyandottit, I lich. • ! 89*11 h\ ,,,1 DWIGHT L STRONG, Attorney /., -STAtH OF MICHIGAN j,In. ffe Ofn'Ult Cour^ ior the County Of |Wayhe, li Cha»>cerjr.l ,, L^ldaSmRi, '-) Plalitiff >s. , Cliarles,William Smiths' No. 175223 I Defendant. "' ,+ \ At a= sessii»n^*of safyl Court, .held 1 1 the Court4Hnh£e In the City of > Do trolt on the-'^th "day of/October, „i ' * tf>20. ' ' / 1 f Present, H th. Joseph A Moynthati, Clrcnir JUdge V It appear! ig'frjim Ifhe affidavit on file that the sffld deffodnnr;,Cliarle* William Sljlilfh Ij*. a Resident .of th' State'and fjhit process for his appear wee wa« issued out of this Court o^i the 13th Yin* of Sepfen ber. A / D . 1020 and that sajae coujd n i t he served^hp rtn said dejf< adapt hy reason of, <iU absence frrlm or concealment wrrltSj his ft!;>te I >n motion or Dwtglit' I H rong. plainfiff's attorney. It u« ordcv et! tlla^^said defenrtant cause bi« np pearanee to' be ent,eiVl in this caii-e o|i or before threp/mfihths from \ N 'te hf this| order and Mini} plaintiff litfte/'Miis or der to be pnJiTI«nH In tf.c Wyandotte T'ernhf. said publication ,t« he- fjontintierl O«CA eacp weejc for fix w*»eic« Jn sm cession^ ^Ind Mint a- cop? nr>nirt Virdijr he «ept by' recKtered, mail trj%nid defeidant fit1 hi** Ja^t knovvi nf Wavre -Deeemhei l8"r». Llbtr l oh j page 3". desciHiel a« foliowj*;. Jie arinning ^at the, «or'hw<«t corjier ofsaid Lot -JO, thence ea«t« rly/iriohg the > .north line of «aid ijit 4f> 111. feet; thence southerly "on|» h undred^ (100) feet pnralle] wlMi th * westerly line of •said Lot 40- thence .westerly parallel with the northerly li lie, fljf «ald pat 4t). I l l feet to a point' on the wjeftteriy line of said Lot 4 0 : thence northerly nlohg the westerly lljie ojf said potilO, ^00 feet fo the place of beginnl-kg. , Dated at Wyaridottl •. Michigani Oc^ i 'Ivor 1S./A. D. 1^29, VTN'CENT WndBLEWjSKI JADWkGA I f R ^ E W S K T * Mortgagees. d.^II. Marr, Attorney for Mortf Uvea's, 5 Business Address: 30f$. Biddje Ave- i > nue. 4Wyandotte.. Micjilga^i. 42w4» i*,/ Vt 1\J cb m ir 'ill ^A t ** $1 I ;ts» vJl a I At %4 *"> •4 ) "^i . \s< v A', * ilv -sj+v i CHARLES H. MARH. Attorney Wyandotte Saving I Sank Bldg. / STATE* OF JIIC IIC.AN] Jn Mie Circuit Court fir the Counrv «f-Wayne. In ninitcerj,. Catherine « . LilliehfUal ^ ^ , Plaintiff ! Han^d c / v a n l l o n j mil Mr-. Harold >C. Viiinorii. his Ivvife; oiiye>"-n. W^-tftll Hid Mrs. Oli'vfjgyR. Westftill JlN' wife: f -teW' •r.iwr 1 . v r M VHf»1Ir'»nvj '.I Sibeit; E r a s e s H. f i1l l Id.ing and his ttifkiwwn wilje i,fj any; siiiibOjol Conapr aw • i i n - il 7«rti knoif n iwife.if. a^ny: T i'iinji ui K", Hutfer and his uiiknii>vvn] W iff;', If any; B. B.xMooH[< ^'llCIS^ filr,st tjnme i<$ . nn1(io.w|i' "f"' l>]abif|ff. defendant*, jfliwl the unknown heirsTdev|* CP«. tees, repres-enta fives n,tiij1'1£.V ^1-^ ' i " ( E signs n,nd the'tijikno'vn wives.1 ^ ii|ldres*. ; " . *~ v * * • if anv', of 'ibove nitfriil /U« ',] ^.Tdaf.PH A.^JOYVTITW: ( ' f \ The-Squetcli I ^ ; ' *~^, J, Circuit'Judge. ^ fondants^ I t j l i a p p e n e d in «. w h i l e I'le. n-sfiiul <\> , Defendant\." }X »' I V true cobv \ JK , ".' raftt-tKij;ot'her day. , \ tt.Mtn»ss s e t n „• Spirit pending in^lhi^ftrftMilr Cofjir' /v Fiuth n TLIRRIS: ' "• s-'li s s of witter hefore n di'-'inlied young for the Coiinty ,of HVayni». In] Oh'a i Depu v ,f'l<*rk. J ^ * Hi:jivand started a cijiiver-airoiij eery. '.It DeJToif. in: vitd Cofti ry. 'mi 'Dw'isrht T. Ptfong -* l'VwW$ hot todjiy. In o t h e r " i the Tw ehly-fli?y 'day of OctAber • A, f T> 1 A t tornef' f jr>PJa int i ff "Yes," said lite j o i m g man. T\ ' 43wi. «020. » Wyandotte; Michigan "*•» 2-j«;;\nii whai'll y o u have, brother?" Jn/this en use ijr finpearina^fr w the •ir 1 1 l i e ordered. - „ NO¥ICE]OF A KESOLUTIOX, affidavit''of plaJhfiffr lied1 in tbl«j cait--« ' "Heu* von are, brother," - h e V a i d a s fhot it c/ilirtot ,die nt'"erf iTii'^d fill wba' Wyandotte, Mich., Nov. 5, 1929. ' s h e tfnmuiit the*" soup. Resolution by Councilman JOs, A*'srnt'e or country tlie def indents. Eras ^us IL Raiding, aiid ijlis-', niknmvn/ \ V,\ this time t h e ilFsjnillcd >ouhg ^nitli. n ail w a s nnno^jd. He> ueikoncd l«>, Resolved iJy tlie^City Council of tjjie wife, if anyj -fthubai'l CfmnM f nd \}U the \\.titles'^ • J" ^ ",; , V City of Wya idotte that the fcity Clerk ilnknown wife, if any : Tjiirna*n !C. l^i'ir . areThnty-fv\o;" j rFirct i r c f aSnhoorritrh. aa n nd o Sy&tem jyaiom *j hereby a lthorized and dircted 'to ler "md his unknown wife? t? anv * "Midtt 1 lt!»v& annther gljt s of w a roin t,ne "Thiriy'tvvof" t h e in "»i|»'"ern s'lorthandl dates. tr< with a small bundle of cause ootice to be published, once In •ind,B P.. Moore, w >o*e fir-t^ijame N'J The citizen .ter, grand mother?'^ he a^kod.^ clflinte.:, "wiry JJOJII don't 1« v-s lor e^ich vv]bek f(r two successive we^ks in unknown to pUiintifi. reside, 'o- wha* i tp|tif granted on July JO, 1." s r good bonds i r reliable stock certifl"she *erv«d t h e l i i l a n c o . o f pin? meat J S 11 yu.ll vvcie nioic than s i \ l i I»H fi'iinothy l".r gi)t, Ht, cates In s'afefi- dep<|si| is in a position one of- the^ riewupapers of said', city, \\\if last or present residence's nr.bi'-r Ijtwii years to , - - i n ^espitJ'tfiiA^^Hem'e.' ' *'• v or presonf post of ice adi!(fe< *e< 'nf St Bartl oColitlfereitce between that Sp,«clat A^senment Roll No] 11^, -aid defendants or irfy of fhen njfv ($i bv t h « I * t » S M i i l h ' f i t i . t ' l t c ) • * to iinderstui.i] the |',ll|l ki<li nt plnsielt^n at fj)r the grading, curbing and paving licensed him « -. -• . ' . ' cennlne valuos an |1 Imnrket fluctua- Of TvVent,ietl Street fr'otti Eureka avc he. therefore bwfs. hospital, which ' - ,i I n v e n t e d M o n k e y - \ ^ | Ach / te.uhe imtirynte nijd publishe, or tions.. f -<, •• >r ', * 7Tt> j . njue to PJfte'Street In said'city, r antt ' l f f ^ supposed J h a t | , Hi- word On Motion of' Charles,.Jl^Iarr, i\\- ' llse "to( be t lughte, lihprynted, and X Special Assessment Roll No. 119, fortnrney for Plaintiff. '< r > f ^Odorless. Skfittks Lat'est ' ~. "ilionkey'" In ihe^ikev w i e 11^ J ' s a cor blfched. in or by character not be! English movie (jensorship has the, construe Ion and, extension* of the of the proper n: m "^'.Moncke. re this i ime conmionlye knowne and, banned' scenes, depifting "the practice ejxisting sev;er in Bohdile street in.1 It Is ordered, tha t s.1 Id deft ndahts , _•- TWtracle; IowaJBas Them Truption l t e i e / i s a tradition t h i i Mi-reiKhes enter their appenraiice in sajlf can so "IVs JioinJ" Tlie , newest thing with m o v i n g j a w s III1JUM| tps by a led by any other oure subjects."j> of the third degree In the United ^j»4d cijy, wssterly from the westerly on or before three"months fr>m IJ.e , 1,1 iw a Ims to offer the world In tlje way screw first" w e r e made t\m 1? 'l.omlofi 1 |tn the srfme year Bfight, published States." Wbjl ivould It not bel slm- lend ofT'sald existing sewer, to provide date of" this order., awl that; 'wirld, i iescription of the s'ystem In his hook pier meJ-ely td fjorbll English police to sewer W i l l i e s ' for tots 161 to 152, twenty days the pltiqtlff- c^rt*e -this ?«>f miracle's ^is a quintet" o t . odorless blaclvsdilth n a m e d t'hiir,« | Moncke, fharacterie. An, arte of shorte, swlfte iattend movies contjflnjnai sucb scenes? both inclusive of Rlrerbank Manor order to be published jnl :h'e Wyihdotfi'5 •.s.kunks. . ~jC ,! ' and that the 'implement s | jinglnally ^nbdiyision in said city, and Special Herald, a newspaper piihltshed,. {printed Although parents stHl|areJTelucfaut' were ''ailed Jiloncke w r e n i | «. Owing jid seciete writing by' character."— Assessment ]t 0 u No. 196,'for'the grnd and [mdon Aaswers. ' !'' circulating In mm connt^ spi T i'' In ullowlng tl'ieir'cnii-Jicfi to go near to popufar-ignorance a s i f t i W origin in^v paving and carping.of Twentya= publication to conttine opce m eiicli ' ' i ' N h e ciige, five skiinks of' tlie new va- of t h e word, I t , w a s c o u p l e d Into second Street .^roni^Ford Avenft$ to ;-' I V O O D R I F F &%(WMJitUFP, t Atj^ys Euyeka Ayei me in 'said city; and! Spe- week for six successive week's/. ' v riefy are in the possession of the state monkey. , A n c i e n t P i c t U h TI o w e r JOSEPH A, MOYNIHAJSL [ game ahd fteh department here. The cial Asse^nent Boll No. 1117 for the •ii TTow the' early imm - CI rcult lodge. Little rentgins to Identify grading, pavihg apd curbing V TwennninuiUjCnit'oe hapdlcd without fear CHARLES'H?M ABU, , &'" ce of people that occupied t i e Britty-flijsr StMM £ in said "city from Eureof having-to bury ileeklng clothes-and Wheat Not Wild nt [l isles prior toJ|he coming o t the Attorney fpr TIainflBr. ' i ka' Avenue t> Plne'Sljreet, the amount becoming a temporary ' outcast from Wheat,grows wild fui\i ire in the ^rmanic" tribes a^l the beginning of -avlng been alppointjed by the.Probata of «ald Special XssesRnrent Roll-No. Business Address; 3(09 ]Jlddle"MenUe. T society; ' world. Botanists have mil found a Ings historical- .Some Widerice8>i Coatt ftrf'tliefcottnil^ if Wayne, State i(J7 being hereby fixed and determlneil Wyandotte >jilchigaj. * ~,f .' , cyooboooooooooooooooooooooo wild wheat that can' he aided as eir ciyillz^tfon.'afeifotintj, however, t of Michigan1, Cpfiamissloner to receive, a t the ,sum of $7,527^17 -dollars, b a w The Bili bfCoiripJalnl in the titw* f)ie .direct progenitor of common d, among ||iem tfils J^j:it8|. t'(Jwer? 6i examine, and AdjUsiifti: c,ialms and de- been filed j l t h ' t h e f City Clerk, and entitled ca ^e° Is mk f«ir-th^ purpose wheat, plant. This grajn, been unConvict. Devises, stle, dn the' mail islabd of Moiisa mands ijf all bersotis igainst said de- that {hte O uncll jwl^l nlee^L Tuesday, of qtile'tlmt|thjr'"ti't'» i f p nIftfhT;aga^r «1 litlr. 'A. p . ' J929. at elebt said defendants i n l a n d lp fh«j«*Pownder cultivation «o long t its wild the Shetland ^roup.i'jlt 1^ about If) ceased, ,do hereby ^tve notice that 1 November ' Burglar Proof Lock o'clock , 9 S:, >ast«*rp Standard ttn%1 .ship of Brownstov:ni' Counijr^afjWiivpe^ s progenitor Is unknown. I Cultivation wlirmeet a j the offlct of Woodruff & ;t high and 15¾ feet, in clrcumferthe ,601111 i;ij Chambers in the City and State of ^Ili'hlgan. tl^sG^wedvas Kingston, Out.—Red- ltvan, tc antedates 1 liistory and evi| pee found ice at thq base. • Woodruff, 2886 Bifid e Ave., Wyrfn- at , ' ' / Hall th snid City trf''review sai^ .ass1 notorious, bandit, before his Indotte, Michigan,/ti said county, oil L by.arcluHilogNts'slu -..s tin \ was cnl. t, / i | "" .' the Northerly., Six \y aVres t>p the' we-t carceration in-Kingston prison,, Tuesday^ th^ 31st day of December, A. essment /oil half o'tthe nwn'iTOMuafMr'of «eiii tivuted",n!r^ndy fn tlie Sto| Jige.-^EiTfife a w .COUNCIL/ "<• > has developed unexpected tal D/,lfl2i>,' and.,0¾ Friday, the 28t!i day Hon "23. Towtt 4 Sijuth qf ^ a n g e j r t . change- > . I t MS. BRTA^V, Ii Britivb Roy*! Houtehold , of February, A, JD, 1^30, at ten o*clbckj ent& While a prisoner" he t - ^ East-, Jn1 Buckingham palace, London, there A. M. ot each of said days for the ?"s I rau •_ , f. f>4 ^ A k y . ^ .... turned his mental powder tov^ard^ Cltjr «Clerk,H. M^BRi ^w2 m >re than 200 rooms,* including 40 purpose of ebcamtalm; and allowing s ^.ncclinnicni Invention and, ironl Earth'a Loneliest r ^Attolrtifey for- Pialritlff jlnioms (30 f< r servants), 10,private said claims, and that four months EDW;. R. hABBlH. eally, has perfected a burglar f". Ci< Moore, traveler ., Si lecturer. ailments for the king and » for the from the S i d day, of October, A. D,1 , .HEBTI^flS proof lock"' ftfr mall bags. ' He says'nutt when hv touchiftK(tt the Is- ecn, 30 state apartments and ,20 box 192$, were allowed by said Court for WYANtKVttt CHAPfrlfllt. N0. « t \ also * a s becjome Interested In land of Tristan, da Cunlia *J»*B«-K (Pebrnarj, (d luggage rooms. The servant stftff creditors to present their claims • to Order of the l|a«$efn Star. Beaolitr the art of nursing and Is an In ltt*29. tliere. were Jfld inhab . J«a. This meetlnit o i the seeoiid Friday ; A | rabers aljont 250 man and maid ser'v- me 'for examination/and allowance. taluitnle aid to the prison hos lijrand has bee,n'designate l| •'%e ;loneeach furitb. and itpeeiai, meetl«*t Daled QctoW S t 1 «9, r its| There are about 60 housemaids, 1 T>ittii stair. - /lleat populated spot on n l ' ie earth's' housekeeper and 4 asaistaat bouse' on the fourth Friday of the month ARI^BBGOLE. surface" and a s I he "fartl k flong of epers. puiunuuioner. 48wS oooo<kK>oooooooooooo6ooooo^ til Great Britain^ ou i k A* V -J M i / ' r ' I m 4» *1trt ( I t1 - v^.' '?-* J^s r i h > / \" -¾ u '4'*^ ^'^Atphi-ki K* 1 ' H i *A n 1.1 ">r. ht •i.V,l If -jkiH i - x i i 4 ? y&m A i. k,i I V y H ««qftw: Wf****c$rJs--iXw»"rM hm»,[Littmm^m T. v»**ew*r*. ; ^ i ^ ^ w ^ * - * * ! ^ * ^ -mmteamtto&ijgm 'J* i If-^c^ J*-* 3§F^S*Pr'53r^5 *vr* * B!«! '4-rV m lyv+tw' ^ i J ' i 1 , . 'i li'A'flPW ^^sis-^a..) : |«sp»w« ^^AgA^mmmf. ; U, V* "> si' HUNTS HIS SQUAW AND OTHER MAN % Little iles! Rapid City, S. 'D.—''Indian woman ' she elope Just like 'paleface' woman," complains Long .Wolf, full blooded Sioux, who is searching the Indian reservations of South Dakota and the territory adjacent for Ids erring wife* who eloped'with another warriors- of the tribe—John'1'oulr Thunder.' If be- comes up' with the elopers Long wolf promises to send tlie wife stealer I yf to the "IMPPJ hunting ground" o f ' t h e Sioux via the knife or six shook r loiite. The deserted husband was In l u p l d <"itv rcfj-ntly • striving to gtt soinv trace of the elopers., • Untjl alxrtit four mouths ago J<o»8 *Wolf and hi* wife had lived h.ip*pHy on the I'liur Itidge reservation, s-outhenst of It.iptd C*It\. At'fh'tt time Long ,Wolf Joined tlu« .iili*A\|ld « w il'0-.v. but'wife aeionipni^ing 111111 on their MXRGUERltR CHli&CHILL *****************#4( ***#•** Dii jute of Titfe Holds Up .ease to Millionaire. I < oa««.t J^Inlqiileres, like the Jersey isI tlifm^eIves, form a part of the Althonfih juc|iy if N'ormandy. iWland^ are within a few m\h* FlH'IK li f'tiit'st and are Frenclf .dltion and language the .Torsevj ins btflonged to tl'« Kng1i>-h foi A customer came into the nd found h!lit chuckling hen tjiough no one \vus In slain. What s the JoU-?1' he n<h Ho. ho'"' 1 Just got even at her," and lie Mapped his get her. 7 "How's thin?" . "He came In lor u lout ot b Utote ' named over everything In jielure I'd set'Jl for hnn" ra( n. lei. Flor)ida-Like, Climate, y SINCE FRIENDS ARE HARDTOFIND . Be (returning home fro in I ing Journey)—Ahd pray, how d d jrou feel -during m y abseuceT Yep Will 'have missed me very tpuch. / She-^-Oh, no|! EVefy Alglilt I. took' f y DOUGLAS MALLOCH some of your old clothesf'nnd scattered them ,nbouf thfr tpor then 1 burnt a few Ichearj' cigiirs In, your s INCE! friends good/ fjrlends, 'are sttidy, trampled mud out jif tlie street )t|ird to tin 1, all over .the stairs; and then <It felt Why should I bit,to frletjds unkind? Just as it my kweet, darJJng husband I guard my gold with so much care, were at heme."—Reynolds Jl ustrated And put it here, and io<k it there. News, London. Yet thoughtless dp. or. thoughtless , nay, . ' ' ,Dpn't Be Silljr And Use a frienl along J fe's way, n)t iwelL L J i ''Did you knbw your I usband Although a frierdsblp J fhould hold before you/ married h1mf< asked the? Surely as rlclr f , thibg as gold. caller! < ,, :> '/•Too don't" suppose I Iwould have Since, plenda,' good friends, are-good been crazy eitongh to hiVej married' i;o know, him5 If 1 liiid, do you?' snapped Mrs. I wonder I neglect them so. 4 Grouch. > I wa^li my gulden t o r each weed, Yet, ft-lends, not roses, are my need. BETTY'S HALLUC NATION Ho{iIvtev er beautlltil the' fluw'r Meb b *|ng ime inj my] sflnal , hour To lay upon my breattt or] brow, My J^ed iff tti •nds and friendship \ low. .V ' /•I i 1^ Pi S h.—Alfio»t»;h both the Quai tf&i Paris and the foreign office^ In |makt very effort to pretend iivv motl ing about it, there Is a Aiepu :e as to p)e ownership of liny If lands lying between th" Islam ft and ^t. Malo, on the GETTING EVEN '\C THJE. SUBSTITUTE BRpIN, FRANCE ROW OVE LITTLE ISLlES Q^lFei Sioux Brave Says S h e Eloped Like " P a l e f a c e . " **m , |hed by the fJulf stream, the 1<» :,/:f $k l ^ l 8 ft\ <f ?i v'f' have , climate like .riorlda. io pe cont rust to^tlu.' French .main |\v b^-re the vinters are rigorous' Attronomical Phenome ris millionaire, Henri Ler,ouy hhow r o u t e . ~ ineilt in a 11011^-11 plunger ( on tl»' Since Wends, $o|pd friend*,-are much He (fheamii;) —Would 11(½ were It was white t(ie Mn'>w w..s In n a* star- in von, heavens. dei I led tp bujld a castle on 0 me, city in the r «ut!"m %em»n of <«uth • if the ^inifiii:e'r"ps. I womler that I do not see She (ksl.\)—I'd ruilier iouj; I'akota that _,h's-wift* met l'oor Thun- do met. evlng that the Island 'was* That other meh need f^rlendshlpDuring the season "1927 and 1928 • , f why * der, who appeal** lp he the I.othailo !]",WhjV h. he lpplied to the French nu* of the Sioux tribe. His loveinakingSt. I.o and obtained wrlt- Marguerite Churchill, ijow a leading ,]( pitsa the" lope y stranger - by— \ j."Then you'd come rouud o with the wife of Utpg Wolf must have eierj fifty .U'tirs." ^ gtitliorlsatioii to build on the ls- lady in movietones, was~ tl e youngedt Why I, wno grif hatfe! also known, . been "fast jtnrt furious, for It was only juid a j-ental lease of ft) years on leading lady vbn the New York'stage. Ever jet sorrow grieve lalone— She Is still ln her teens and was born Why tj» all men li am not k^lnd— 8 few dajs after the two had first, fliole if-land. When They Change on Christmas • day, In' Kqnsas City. Since friends,' gijod friends, are hard fniet until they •turned up missing. offlci ils at S t Heller, in Jer"Women iii\va)s**sa> tiiey a $ roung_J£;,-^Long Wolf at once resigned til? ,er than they are." 0 find. Iheard I of the huildmg and or- Miss Churchill is five feet six inches ^ p l n c e w-ith the show and started" on i' "Not always. I promised mj_ ,t(c). 1929 Dfcuglks Mall«ch ) ,workl stopped' in *the name of tall, weighs*-124-pounds), h i s beautiful ^the trail of the elopers/. He traced' a necklace with a peat* for eijfe -U-OI Gourde of England/ The pre- long* auburn hair, dart brown eyes, 5 them "to various places on the Pine of her life and she s<jld she \i that the Islands form part of and a gracious aristocratic poise. Her You sa7 the newly mdrrled couple f r i d g e reservation, hut in each instance years j>lder' than she was." |ucti.\; of Normandy, and that to only hobby is dramatic art. aren't very well together?" *; •Q when he reached the place where they Buen Hulnor V, tile Sovereignty of the British "Unfortunately it's tru«." were reported to be they Had npnln W kinjon jack Is unfurled, sym- «HJHCH>««|OipHCHW^ "Let's sise^It was a case of tove Jat fled. The trail is said'fMtiAe finally |llyj one day each (year] over the "Ah, «hat woau t h ^ Worid be t o us, first sight with Bejtty, wasn't v No Doubt About It ' led to itapid City,, but here ,the If' t i e children w e r e no m o r e ? 1 !, Yes, and now isbe's lieginttlng |to wronged, husband was, unable tt> find - Ifittl4 CJirl—Oh, 1 expect We w< uld dread t h e desert, behind u s May Appeal to League. think she] ought to h a ' e her eyes come for the ren( andtnotlieif Won ie than th i darH: before,*' any trace Of them. «•00000/ tradition of the duchy'Is that tested." " gotten Ho leave Iti It it thought they, may have douBt, if he wants to gain the ear Landlord—How do you' kn< «r LEONARD A. Bi GOO a FOOD bled back and gone tA a remote part We're Lucky, Filler.I fte Jsoverelgn ruler, must go to Little Girl—Motlfer told n § efore / o f the Pine R(dge reservation. oVthey feller and cry three times: "Haro, If'worn m were not dumb she went out in case you ball may nave, made their way through Man's chances would be slim fR?] this different lemon pie, for a haro. Help roe, godd prince, for A FLYING H the Black Hills to eastern ,W>t»ming.Of'ever finding one the ordinary one: |>hg bus been done.'" * A chtlnge from * Who'< love and many him. While hi ,Rnpld City, Long Wolf Chiffon Pi*, jit trjdition dates back to good ! - stated he would.keep"on their trail, if fOT many years ag one and >ne-fourth cupfuls ot It lras thought Mix tollo, and> the crying must be Mu»t Have Money necessary, the^remiiliHler of the fail Incredible that auiim tblles shoui^ sugar with'' one half cupful of flour, Jin a public place. Theoretically. Blinks--What makes roa so sflre ,and all winter. Asmie was determined one-half teaspoo lful of salt, /one and t,ever supplant the hqrlse und wagon, |ood l rince hears It, bm\" actually they are ver* .rich? to punish the Indian "scalawag" who one-fourth cupfuls qf boiling water, add today Ave ,sssuin4 th|e same attl sleepy administrative official ' robbed him of his 'wife.* tude toward the alrpllan'e. Is Many per-1 stirrin; until we 1 mixed and cook fif- > Jinks-Well, his wife kjeepfe up with dovin a report, : Add the well, beaten l i n e best, they have two cars and *A s.ons conflilently apirtu p a t planes teen nlnutes. rous has In mind a much more ^} 'I--' ih •-'••'--• ahd Juice nicely ftrnlshed home, yet he never | e so utlon;' he plans to appeal will never take tlie I idacje of auto- yolks of three (eggs, rind sWk8 to Hold Wife to 1 mobiles.Is it/not within reason to of a ijinon, the Juice and, rind of an '"looks wdrr^ed. | e Ouid d'Orsay and if jthat doe$ 1 * , ** believe tbat, If traveling In the air orange and add to the mixture, stii1prouufce action, to the League of Secure Loan to Hubb.7 cab be made qk eomfo table and safe Good Soldier rln^ until well nixed, ahd Cook lightUs, - Rio de 5arieiro.-*Seraphim < rrvulno 1 , : as land' travel, the airplane w^ll be- ly.' Make a meringue "of the ^ egg do Cadet' Leader—WljOjt do came over ^roin, Portugal, hut in time come a A'£py common n eth )d of trans, whjtes and a ha f cupful of powdered 'when the message goes'rouijd found out -dint fortunes are-not imole mirier Finds jHe Saves , portatlon? Granted tint this comfort sugar, whip one fourth offlt into the qnteers . forward V'\ <n In tliis country with proverbial /api'ft and safety can be mixture, the rest use as & cover,for Cadet-^-I move to' onesidW%nd .letVol Lives Instead of One ity-uud grew to mi-ss his worthy tona'ssi red t|ie out- {be top. Brovvi in a moderate oven! the volunteers pass.—tfuetli JHUIWHV e, Wnsli.—illn* lug; saved^wo livesj sort. Alhertina. whom he had lett hack stat din: ,'a d v a n ' Madrid. |e he thought he w'tis rescuihg onlw , In the old, country/ "V >'gi' of |t|ie Mr? !H, SI. La BarteX 'agent; for'thrf He had not foupd the legeii' | .iry\lree i Mint Sa ice for Lamb. > v t>i.iiie, 0 ver tHe i\n{ Bade Seat Driver* where the "ij'utiicus" <irruw In \ tme, Portland & Seattle railroad Cho]> one-four h cupfui^of thlnt, add 't?phitobit > would be wife »drl e , from (he tending Ids train W d bast/"Does your bunches;'iici'ordii a to what" they told t .1 is ojie.'tt blesiiQonf il of pandered sugar spe' «d. "not put back s e a t r him back- in the home village. The ITe^~XIa7te is a red hot nll'nl rs as usii:j\ijnd does and ope-fourth pupful'' each of orange ,j A ^wlcent effort No," answered Mr. Cliugginffc "Sh^.^ stock In this busfne^s1 of being "piitncu" Is aii <>ld Portuguese coin She—-Well, Bbe's nobody's to ntt: in a new juice ind lemon Juice, , Let stand in only gets excited and mikes tt ujMtep-'1 of low vnkue. i'o}- thi«, reason t'arval>r half* an hour, tlieii f°J j record of speed a war in pliice f 1 /tain what she will persuade the'driv-ho had not uHiifuvcd his anticipated A n Idealism ' i serve. t Sanmy .Tames, ten, and Frances f ' was n ade by a er to do next."—Wrashiiigton Star.1 phenomenal suetjys*. He appealed to, Some "day WP 11 Ket t h e m a p fourteen, ijire awfully glad, be in tier. ntis ;sei< friend Manoel I'nihelro for a loan to W i t h n c t t l y lOrsivvn 0c4l|^ ajoiig when he (JidJ He claims Peach Ice Cream,' mai iy pay his wite's imssijj.'e across from So cle.ir t h a t none will p t a r Bertew iH'iird screams-for help To chftiif,e t h e ' b o u n d a r y This I s .a deli rlous Ice cream.i if the; thak the airplane Europe. I he and bis family were pichlcLhe Is making will peaches are rlpr and rubbed (through' , "Willingly," said Senor Pitiheiro, 'Education n the bank" of'the Columbia rivtr, from Berlin p a sieve. .Take a pint of' peach pulp, fly counting oter th^ necessary money. Visitor—I hear you'w lost her*. Kunnlng t« the spot whete Neijv Y|iork in six one cupful of Migar and a ijuart of £ !few days ago the ship frohf Vor-, rot t l u t used" to swea i so te lonnl eanfe froiu, he,saWa slenhoi rs, In order to thlii cream, or'&^ipt eachs'of cream tugal docked and Seraphim wijs, dutl , Host—Yes, died of jshock. rm disappearing beneath the td|jace f>mp ish' t i n t and milk.- Add a'pinch of "salt, lemon fully at the pler.j awaiting bis spouse. Barrett. Visitor—Keally, how'did itj Cui'rent, of the river, ' '* s"peed I t Is nects- Juice, la half t>aspoonful or almond So was Muuoel 1'inbelro. Host—He ewnpedj from hlsj immlng powerfully'toward It, J e sary to attain an altii tide of not le;s extract and fre >ze as usual."Well," said Piiiheiro to. Saraphlm, wandered on to the golf IInl ied the ai'm and started pulling than forty thou«a,tid feet which I ie as Madam Car-alho desceiidod - the * t [re. ' As he dragged it on to tl e claims his ship can riuch In one a i d gangplank, "I'm Very sorry, hut I'll Gin(er Creams. Candid 1, L i Bertow found lie had hold One-half hmirs, by t n vel(|i UP war la ihave tir take «;h. rge of yoijr Wife aa Take one cu [iful of sjugar, ^threeWaggish Diner (with ranees and thin she in turn had at an angle of forty-lve„ degrees l b Becurlty, ft>r t i n t cash I "ieitt you. fourths cupful of molasses and oneChicken croquettes, «fh? I |ro giip on little Sa'ipinjv' stead of'soaring'' In circular fashion. There's.n«> hurryl about paying." 1 cupful of corn sirup, one cupttfcitf what part of a chicken Is e h\iy had bfen frightened iri de«p At this altitude the, iresiure of the v "What?", J v quette? /' X, '*I'rance» said, jind when s l e atmosphere has no effect, no that wi h ful 011 sour mil!;, two teaspoonfuis of/ "Yo'o bei\rd a*?. ' Come iiloug, AIt6 rescue him, Jje clutched nt hermetically sealed engines, jit is pos- 'soda, lone teasioonful of ginger, two Walter—The part that's -ber'tiua." i | ' . J - I r,lid dragged the frail girl under. sible to-attain a speed 0 ' from fo ir teaspoonfuis of cinnamon, one" cupful The police were forced to intervene, from the, day before, tir. \> f hlmdred to d i e hundret miles rn Of shortening, t co eggs and three cupand the (natter [ V a s settled at the ^hour. As no charts are available t>r fuls of flour. Kid two cupfulgf of flour Orijlx O n e Returned: Simple Explanation police court In (^arvalbo's favor. The 1 H>iftler Lonesome D o g graveling at stich a lielglt, the pilot and qse the re it to roll 'out, and cut' i .A filic—Why dO' ^liese men t dlaappolnted creditor retired grunt* directs,his course a c o r d l i g to dlric- into large cQojt es. Separate tile egg "When she has charge pf it does . p o t . Miss.—Virginia! /Havens, arette on Oieirjother• hand, -Ming.-, ' yolks and whites and-mis as iusual. yottr wife try td preser e jronr^. car?*. (I, ai d her/ little pet 'dog were se jr- tlons receded from ,tne earth by rjabefore they u | h ^ l t ? / dip. The'siiip resembfis 1 large flslh. When baked drip on .a teaspoonful of ••I've neirer . - 1 .known her » . - _ to t r y - ^ ^ , bd ft r the first lime in a long sumHe—Just want to iHrove m ,It h$ twenty-tvvo feet hjng and weights Icing , made !v lth powdered sugar serve the car,- but #he Vatican Stamp |s«tie •|bf vi icatlon play da.v», They -Went ften makes silly thluigs as w e l l - a 8 , w o m i about one-half ton- S i t h<urs of trav- mixed' with colt coffee to make 0¾ the traffic Jams." | e j sfore together, but only one of el would not be costly as it has be^n, right consistency to spreads Fast Being Sold Out •JL cane back. ' l estimated ,tbat'the Wip l !rom Berlin Vatican City.—The recent Issue of '4i* * Temperance: it - ^ Hole who,came back was the lltDOES THE THINK to New Toift would riot consume more Vatican postage stamps, comprising 15 MJ The climajte's ups and. (town* we]Me' , ( J ^alines, f \ Stazzs dog, who will never know tlinn ten,*dolIars wortL hi fuel. different- values, has had one of t h e With feallJiga far fxpn gentle, Bol one pour d Qf brovyU^sugar with ThU» his carefree IJfe cost Ids playold 1 hermom ' halj, j roved tq be ' While ft may be possible for air greatest successes with the general Too wildly temperamental! traTel to supplant a,titoiuobiling for just <npugh water to dissolve It until and stamp-collecting public o f any ey u-ere skipping home from the the tourist who may ei joy the novelty it foams a fln< thread 'when ponred modern philatelic Issue. The total ./* ^ , neftlborliobd store, and Virginia was and1 the speed 6f the for ner, it I s a from (he end 0 a spoon. ..Stir 'in one ^ Pr&tllie; value .of the Issue was*for the sum pound;of -pecan meats and Vhen eveneliiphingl k spool of thread sue4 had serious^ Iquestion If the airplane can "How, 1 larvelbns It 111 that nature of 56,000,000 lire g*nd It Is estimated n mak; mntr > sUch mloh greht trrvht ' monntalns.'V mtmnt-atna n> J u ^ b o u f l t for her motherj ever accommodate" a rerj large per- ly miked drop I « Q buttered, gem pans' can that after less ttrngt a fortnight some to crtipl and ma :e a lafge thick patty. centage of those who ravel'-or translie mi road tracks looked• alluring 35.000,000 jllre worth have been ^ put", said theCpoett e chi il's pet. Tlie fuzxy,dog rtti. port heavy freight in Inrg«' quantities. •'I coult make 'em hirself If. I had^ chase'd. U is expected that the entire horf!e a d s First, the Y wagon—'folie trajeks unmindful of ^ moving epough dirt I" said h * companion Issue will be sold out by the end of lowed by the clnbte coi; now the elecj a' I lock away.. BcornfuUy the year, If not ,enrllcr.f> v -" 1 '1, r, _ j»t Viglnia nl'nded. She rushed In, otflc trolley, followed l»y he automo<©, 192». W^A era Newspaper Dnldiu) '?'-r '—pr ^ ' "— of tjie train. (J The i)og leaped bile','geared to run,at,iigh:y-flye miles YVithln the I aw '•• The C t t C t m e ' B a c k in Mont of the locomotive and an hour, now .'^, filing; flsli^Berlln to •*•" Doctgr-I-Do yon jasilmilate youf , Elmo, Wash.-^A'' pet c a | own^d by red a|s Virginia stumbled—and New York in six^hjmjF*—^'hnt n,ext? f food, Aunt Liza?; . j / ^ '((£). 1 9 i $ . W<.*teraT*ew*i>a* >r U n l p n . ) Mr and Mrs. George Ijirdeye lias comilrain passed on, over1 her body. Annt Liza—No, Ah dcesnt, saii,i Ah pleted an'80-mlje trip 6n foot. The — • J— buys It' open an' honetjt, sah.—Pntib?, Blrtleyes went' tb Qtllfornia for a va, finder. fenti st to Explore *>• cation trip and ,th&v decided to leave A>MMWW br [ "l^flnd you every Job^yi re bad their cat with friends' in Auburn; *The BXlUSAkA BQURJAILY Mystery Meteor Hole :: , . A n d Th«re Yon Aral ctrt did not' likej the arrnngomeut and and now your out of Svork ( tin." itaslojr, Arlz.-^\Yith ,a triysterious <>+4 -0-»£ ' Blinks—I gel tired K<f the crowds •"Now, that's on Idea, de tl Why in- a few days (covered the SO miles, ferground river cemented'ifff, mi'n and the hurry off the-ciiy. ' ^ couldn't you open up an ei Soyment from Auburn, toj Klma v | h a v e deepehed a, slmtt by widen f] Jinks—So do,!,' but the lonesomeagency?" I ', | 1 . Barralger,' Pittsburgh steel enhess aqid the monotonj of the coun>0000000<>0<i<X>0<>0<>C<M>0<K>000 ter and an amatenr scienttlst, hopes try, Wodld; drive me nntly. 1' Reguiatllag *ae Sky* Ixplorj Meteor Crater, a, hole One , * *'eC-j 1^ ^ : Refuies to Give Up Th« aviator I h u r r y l n g b . widi and 800, feet deep,; In the ' I s Warned I t o Go o r 8 t ; ' Better Ont« Ida istone' plains twenty miles south 4 Cent* to Bandit And e v e r y clfciyd in ypnd. bere. Lily—Weren't ^ou^ invited', ko PutJ "WiU need a_ Traffic CO ** T^ Newa.rk,, If. J . - ^ e p h Rein, y' B coming oujt party] ' v track flrivef,j refused to surren< > Thinkinf U p Somethi Fartheit North Birth der the 4 cents tie had In "his > • Bose^-No, attdl was »'t sorry after 5e—Well, if you won't |tawd. J-Addelkettla, rt baby Eskimo pocket,' when a hold-up man y, me, 1 slaw the sort th)tt Wei e going Iri • r shall go and— r recently arrived In this world at' Jumped onto the. running board; , i , ^ . -^ ^ 'I More Recent E^i perience, T - : She-rGo and what 7 |Baeh<| penlnsuln, has the dlstineI - o f his truck and,pressed a. glib / u Iftaotn—I know that jirl well. She iaven't tof having been born "farther north, tering knife against his ribs.J In> 1 . Pe—Don't'rush a fellow, *eat on my lap when sle was little. decided j e t ' -; ' stehdiieln'pushed the 7111111 otr any other human being of whom :©it»y^lKfCi«f* New»K« pers rtidicaw. ft °ft ShrdW-1 kuow^her better. vghe sat the ttHJck. drovei to Ui# nearest | e Is a * record. Addelkettla"s fa-' 1: ; •:00 on my my lap 4ao last lost night. nirfif 1 . \• i The Foundation Attractive |P»«elain 1 Is Ah ifeeod, an Esklme hunter and -store, borrowed- another penny : HOW FA k 18 THE'*8KYi ( j ' ^ a s young, Jones any ||e at the RoyaL Canadian Mounted , Belleek porcelain'Is ai qptrevmlr nntl called police f^om a pay l •i' t Spots, painting?'' fee post at BachjK and on the baby's hin*ware,tlecoruted tn lth t pearly lus» stSome sixty nlles in daytime, ' telephdhe.-/ Detectives arrested ,J I Yes, a sailor friend gn him a "Doctor, I see, spofi'before my |Val b< at once'had Corporal Aner laid over the g!a^<v sucgesting the A million nlles at njght— " a negro, later Identified;, a« the eyes. r lot of old canvas."- I'athtlm » Alaga 1 sky u.i it . i 1. ^ ¢ 0 1 ( 0 ^ | d 6t t ie B. C. &L pk a n out a birth mterlpr of dhella. ft; ileriv ;d its name The unsuccessfol bandit ' ^ "Uin. What is your ^cbme?" rine. Ificute J , .Qf varlouk "kinds of 1 light; , from *Belh»ek,~ Ireland, wtere It was Fclr Meditation 'K* i V r 5 wr I *tiL %JULU What Does Your Child Want to Know I5 * ooooo<»ooooo<x>o^ooooo<>oooofir originally'made. f , K \ ^'sh, *' 'V. <L ^-- ti ,'i' [I 1 wi •A ( ' . ' l >t t i i r * 2JL, They are '-* - r - j . ? . . / . '*. A y -k . "Modest 1A t<:«py^icli«)) A V 'J • * - is.v , r* / / Wi 1 •* .1 r \ u, -.t 4" JO,, •lat&Oft^.^fiti'kdiA.] lot ten-upQtg.ie. i ,'- *l m Ks i i *A -b •f : i i-\iy * .,»i - 1 •'s 5 *,' W, To WHITUUU paid Bal.ime Nov. l, R»20, i < i '» • . : - "if. . $20,:fe».K7 IU:AI»MAX. V Treasurer. Wyandotte. Mii-li., Nov. 12.' 1021» '" Wo, youx. committee on Hit' rentiil j of the Municipal Building tit Goddmtl nest Road and Riddle Avenue, liog leave to report tliat we tlnd thai, tin; City Entl Join gineer occupies two offices <<n the Mtoittf floor, which is ample for the \i\ of tli. t-% lenumeil rh.it it is lift i pun****'. i beieli> w >pul>lii; he.ilth and The, Tuesday Study club desire the l> f«»l u?e of the former Council ('blunder tM'wetfcl«tl to' tlTe City 6f Iiie iiim •and office' for the use, (if tht* tliijs thit a sew ct be coii'itniiMc. jandottt Club' and the Welfare' Worker We sweet 4 u »iii1 i it\ fiom J!< ih, Niulji, \- . ie* sneet recommend that a rental of $20.00 JHT to the" noi Itierly end »t month to include heating <>f tike- rooms MrW-t and -theifi/e i-oiitlii Wd Niml. ,M_.f jbe charged, also that complying with w.tl-.».\- in the public all* lUIIIHIIJ .,vC /he suggestion of- the City Unglneer (,ist*\.irdl> fioin Xlnth M i e these rooms be given one .jeout of side ln'he slnd siiid -ewci \t> UMCI I end .it Itlvei-slde l»riw. \ ;< • ^ M I»aint. -^ i hcifliv UesitUed furlher v tint it C<ONRAI» P. KUKC.lJR, dete'imlned -lh»t' -slUl publl Improve JOHN CLKMHXTS, o •1 'ity Kn nient be m.iile iUlil Unit til -i.5 \V. F. KXOFEIIK, , i;lneer N bereby duected t liakc esCommittee. d publu timates «>f the "expense of Head and referred. ; ' is. dm from, the Commission of Municipal iiwpro\ement and plats, JI Hi spec! Service, a r"eport of the transaction of ^ntm-. !>o far «s pi act leal, ^kM fyent and ne.ithui*! of the sjild' impro the electrical department for the and de of the locality to be improv " J }'i il month of-October. 1025». posit tile same with the Lit : Cleik » 1 f? lteud and •plated on file. for public examination A IhWA Resolved flirth*A- that tli !>) tiiuated ' Ron Call. public f » l !^ : 'i p«-i nut of- usefulness of Tresent—r<'o*«&Hi'rien Clements, Kug to ho fehr, C. I*: Kreger, Lereyi, Mollno, iiiipro\eiueiit i-« i determiu twenty ">ears. \ Smth—6." \ , -1 J y 1 »nipert\ ICesolved Jfurtbcr that tl MJI Absent—None. "* i'-iiessuieni in the beieiiiafUT ib'sctilwil Itesoln^idns'-. ' > • ' , , , < ' 's J r ' ' V ^by said d i s t r i c t i s s | i e c i u l l > beneii't r -^1 To the Hon. Mayor and-Cnuhcilmen. 1 (ie whole Gentlemen: The follow lug ' claims public liliprmenieut and tba f have lfe»»n examihed," audited and of thc'costs and expenses t i))eof (ex <«>pt the' costs and eXpefi' i .thereof found to be cor recti .V jild not* - I therefore recommend that they he in front of public i?iound ley Inter taxahlti an^ la street and approved and payment made. ; / ieti.il as section*) be defrayed Respectfully suhutttrd, \ Of lots sestnetit on all tbe lot 1« EDW. C. BRYAN* and parceN of land fn: \\'i and ' City Clerk. /' Jager-Asriius Hardware Co.,$ - 1.08 abut ting; upon said portloi M Ninth 1 |)orranc*ti& Gmri-on __, 11.30 Street ami upon said por ill of said \_ iMi Street Gregory, Mayer & Thorn l't.08 public alley running from %y\ that to 'RlversmV Drive In «ni Langel Hardware Co. ,», 0.58• \ : Ever Ready Coat and Towel 2.30 sm-li s|i«s-lal a.wesMneut K: I be pro Iliblic building pay roll 160.00 rath accordiiiK t o the liene .Fcsiilting id upon 430.40 to each lot or parcel of Park', pay! roll __,_L_. 2.326.07 mild public liiiiirovement. nil that said " Street pay roll _J* ,__ ' < ' i ' Eng/ and; Bbjg. pay rolf J..— 124.41 lots, prtrts of lots and par* 4 of land Paving and curbing, fond —- r - 137.no IK and they fare hereby di t|iated as for the 60.75 a Hiwlal assessment (list 'Sewer Distrlctifund ----County drain — 227.00 purpose of such aHHessmei and that (trlct lie .Win. H. Flumerfelt : , 6.00 said Spe*4al At^ensimeiit Mancipal Service Commission .83. niimbered ^l.-r.~. Federal Motor T m c t a ^ b . "170.18 [Resolved firrtlier that tl costs and Mollno Hardware Co, L „ v. 91.77 ejpenses of said public I irovetnent taxable Gartner Hardware <3o| .62 in front of public grounds Jager-Asmiw 'Ila'rdwaip Co.-30.73 at id In front of street and j^y interi Lynch & ^nlUvan 1 10.00 sections be paid , from t i> general sewer fund of this eity. Dorrance A; Garrison 4.00 Eberts Bros. Co. .60 I move the adoption of fyb. foregoHerbert Jucharta 14.82 in)! resolution. OulrpbVicy- "To contitme to furnish the best possible telephone service I'tnents. C. B. Kireger 1 37.48 \ CouncJIninn John n J Gartner Hardware Co. 28.22 Supiwrted by Councilmij Engfehr '——" casti6onsistent with financial, "* '-' safety** --'-- J * mt **•" thelouest Ijts, EngA. W. Pardo 7.52 Yeas— <'oiincllinen Clem ' Wnrphy Sporting Goods , 1.35 fflhr. O P . . Kreger, Lere | Mollno,. t . Wm Hopan — .^ 13.10 sjnlth—6. .1 > Richard Thomas, - 11.00 Nays—None. {1 1929. Wyandotte. Mlcfi.. Xovf 3. IX Havea : >_ 13.00 Resolution by ConnciQ ftft - John SVnyco Oil Co, , .- • »7.03 •W< \:< A. McIIntrle 56.00 <' ements. Wyandotte Rephicemei\t Parts 8.01 r Resolved l».v the City -Co | I<ll of the (i 1 Auto Equipment Co. _ _ . , i 67.84 C ^y of Wyandotte, tin ^Roberts' v 'Wm. Hogan. Sr. (tales of Order Revised be |(opt«'d a« •', ' ~ ' 8,00 ,K Council H. A. French v 02,89 tt li e rules of order of the i Economy Blue Print Co. _.",— 13.19 ol the City* of Wyandotte. foregoi move the adoption of Ooodfeltow & Hicklln•'*._---..: 10.95 Penna.Shlt. Mfg. Co. ]._ »1.00 i i g lesolufion. linents. Councilman John C E- Pearson * , 8.30 P. Kr*'Suported by Councllniiii a i | Wyandotte General .Machine 5.40 gfr. Shop -; ° 2.KH , Eng •f Eberts Bros., Co. _„—,.—, Yeas—Couiicihuen Clei: 17.00 Lijbadie Bros. Co. t lir. C. I". Kieger. I.ci \ Mollno ',A -2.4!» Shiitb- 45Jager-Asmus Hardware ._ 02." I Mich. I&iid Maintenance _ — » Xotje. jw m -jr-rjjjr**™--* Municipal Service Commission Wjandoft*' Mich. Xo\H 12. 1929. «<*-y». r > » . | f - f K H I B | 23.52 Reswltiflou l»i Coiinci Ihn .lolm M. Blrnlmum , '— 1 1 lements.. r Rochrig Bros. lO.fiO ,> 1S70 lti-s«>lved* by the ti'lty C<i jt.il of tinStandard Motor Truck -. GAS STATION ATTENDANT I3f.no ity of Wyandotti 'th.il^ 'City I In Harn'tt Co. ',. |M*'soU«'dcby (he City Council of tin 'i(he City Engineer relative to a meet "RIO B^^A'* IS COMING 1$ SOBBED OF m lus-i be rtisttucied to in, iil siir\'e.\ 281>^ ViuiTilm Oil Co 1,.-1 1 TO STATE THEATER Ity of Wy.uidotte, that the Comiuihi- iiiK iA the Council i n d representativp the u.ltVn* and liKlitni inula 1((11- |,tu of Municipal Servke be abt^iot'- (>t the railroads: Coaucllmen En|g^\meib'.in Steam Pump Co. i»vi>y - ^ , < • 1 The gas station- 6 ri Fort street be IOuielva t>Avenue i\( the Init when Pt'lUU.OH Co. ,„h. 11 13 tnl- and directed til Install st •vet febx, ^ej-exy and ,Sniitt f Xearly -dx times around the world-*ie p.i\euiVul of l'auck.i •nutwtd C!i i»ru"" Mitcoski 10.". jthts ,tt the intersection of I\ivt< une Adjournment. 1 I ' to-fllm "Llojttta," thi? Ziegfeld.muslc tween Vine wood avenue and Oils is to Uie \ i.iduc i west 1 |ld s u m Michigan Alkali Co. 121 23 lid Lindbergh Avenues, a No. at \n-. ; gloved by Cminc:iinin Lerew, sup- 5(lshow;VrhliGh Is coming to, the talking ' street was .field Up al out 9. o'clock S u n | 1ue Jioin I7,lh Slici t ea (y to tbe line and Sth Street,'then- lottii. t i l s day night and Orfllle Vander> tluj Si .ml.nd Hir i'l^-..- 1-JN(I1 ported by Counellnif»n Smith that the screen' of the .State theater.' adii)L-t and U) »iak*' a ie i I emliodj W\ indolte Coal A. P.blis. SnpUlna been iuvestigaled <iud i-epoij"A'(I Council adjourn. , That Is the passengei, piileage roljed ;; "ills twonimi udatiiuis the 111- (vora'bly upo|i i*y the ( ity En 17 0»! k n p'v Co. ^ . - 1 - - up by the transpdrtdtton departijieut • Vens—Councllmen < Elements, ^§ (Hil'er.' visetl s.iie|.\ and liKlitiu. ' said io ....v......- tpok $20 rj^tt Me'lin & Mucin -" _,-_*I_ ItHt IS i l ,1111«!', the adoption of tile 1 ol'*"}!o- .feUr, C. P, Kregler, I^erew, Moling of R K 6 , studio* studio^ in In cjxtTyine carrying iplayers ipiayers illty »4 51 1 ' "pie robUers droveiUp lu a new Fovit i ii*;iier ll.mlvare Co. ^-^ jj resolution. and staff' to and' from location during ^mfth—<i . 1 iiidM- the adoption of lit.! t(» 1 ilied \|jotur Sales —'_ 'sedan. <• 1 - 1 - ^ the 1 making nls., Conncilmtin John Cleiiu ng of, Radio , Pictures'l-tfU* X-ays—Xotfe.)', (to (III 1 H'solu'lioll. •\ \ i't \S \ i i n l i i t t c talking, lhusieiU ejetra'faganza. / '• \/' [Supported by Councilman Smith.' K r t ^ J C ^ B R Y A X . usiciil'egctra'V'aganza. Charles F, DiJlbrldge and | 1 !ll» SMiiM-iiui S e a l •S: ifmiup <'o._ ( oiiiicilliuiu John The avi -rjise dally population ^n t,tie 1eas--CoiuHilmen Cleiliients, Ki« OJlty Clerk. XV. I^o Caliauin, Attoniei's, I 10 1<» Supported li} Coiiin 1 ho .Vmm-ii an I'm lainlpment Co. "Klo B i t r location'was 400. riifo 2?32 lluhl Bldg,, ^4-: gli»r. c -r Kreger, 'Leirow, jSjlollno, 1 Detroit. xMlcli, 00 M* Yeas—>('otiiu-iliiien Clei (•'.lin's l'l;ne <J*--•»meant tru nsporti'ng 40KJ1 persons, a total TsOTICE OF il KESQLyTION lllitb-^i, I 133511 '' i » I 4 7!» lir. C T. Kieger. Ui l i i T . S, I, H.,M. . of apprp] Imately 144,080* miles during Wyandotte. Mlclil v ]iof. 12. i«29. Ijk'ays-T-Xoiie, ' X STATE p F MICHIGAN—County o i 25 4S Sjniilli0 * CoiitiiicuMl Uubber _\_7 ,. "...J, . ' " ":h" J\Vayne»-ss. At a s ^ssl m of t h e PrOj-1 F (20. R(«soltttli|n, by Co inifll/han John Cle-, j ,Wy.iudottc. Mich., Nov. 12, 1)0: 15.00 Higler's «;arage ^--Xuys -None. ' J^hu merits. *. k ; ' ,' * \ ' studio, [Resolution by Councilman Wyandotte, Midi. 1 3<» Cab.tlau Onig 4 1!»2!>. v This *Heag&doeBo,jaot take lntoNac- bate Court' for said Coi nty Of Waynel Resolved bv,Uie Uti' Council of tbe leinetitH. held a t the Probate Court 'room, In tli^ i ' 00,00 Record lt*ws Resolution by Counttin John count the| va$J; amouiilt of haulage nee* Cit,y of WyanditttNi, Michigan, that the I Resolved by the City Council of ItUc City pftoetrolt, On {he 01ghl;}i day. of * > , 3.43 Mutilcl|N)l Service Commission lements. Uy of Wyandotte, that the report of City Clerk i s authorised and directed essary'lta'take'fn ma,terittis^ hulld the November In the yejjir. one thousand 4 »20(V (tiitewa)* Chronicle. _. Resolved by the City C | | IdJ of tin i*» co.nmlttee ti> whom wajs' reftftjred to give notice hjr nrlllcatlon once in seta, pro ride dressing rooms, l|oaptfal 13.25 Gateway;, Chronicle -_ Ity of Wyandotte, that itnate X<> [J - " nine-hundred and I wenty<-nlne; Pro*to application of the Tuesday Stitdy eachs tiriceto forrtw >- s nccesslve weeks qnarters"-and'Commissary. 20.00 City of Wyandotte . for the puvlug of 21st .ri-ct from [tnl- .for the use of rooms a t th6 mi- in <>ne of Uie hewipapers of ; the city Bebe ; l a b e l s and John BoleslJ,co- ent, ErVin Jt. Pnlnier, [Judge of Pro]-./ bate> In the matter of t h e ^ t a t e of Jnger-Asmns & .72 liureka Avenue to I'ine I't.'Ct in faelprtl Rnlldlrig a t tlitijeorner of Ood- thtt^ the plans, pliijsr, diagrams, estt* featured in. the RCA photophone!/ver- CAROLINE 8CHU5: AKER (KAMIN)» , WUlianiKon Lumber Co. — •._.. 9.s9 vor of Frank E, Loselle 11 the niim Iird ibd Diddle l>e accepted'and !the mares,,and,specific!ithns for the'con- sion of- :Jhe Zlegfe.ld musical sucWssi Resolution by C^uncllnuin John uf $6.513 21. estimate X'. \i for tbe llital be ffxed at ¢20.00 per month Htnucflfon fit a »««v»r on Ninth Street', as well i.slNOth'ej" principals In the big deceased. John F, Jtfclnerney, execu> tor under t i p last u-iUjand testament laving of 22nd Street : 11 IH Eureka Clements. - ' > d J latjthe City Clerk be instn«|t«l from Bdndie Street t o Riverside Drive, cast-rRo tetit* iWoolsey,, Bert Wheeler, of said, deceased, having' rendered to Avenue to Ford Avenue [favor of "sucli. sewer to rtm frcm Bondle Streel Georges Rfeneyant, Dorothy Lee,'Don • Rcsolfed'. 'That (h«i City- C^rlc ln> send a ^opy of the> report to taid ' "and Is hereby authorized, and directed Crauk K. Loselle for nic|j ijn of $4,. Suesday Study Club, and that the City M the northerly ^sml Of s«W<Nintli, Alvaradt, (Helen Kaiser, MisaRlalta this court his first and filial •account, (30,00. estimate No. 4 fo ? lie paving Inglneer^ cause the two rooms to be Strift and tbelice oasterly In the puh- and othcrs^-each had dressing rooms and filed therewith 1 Is petition praying to draw his Warrant on: the proper, *f Oak Street from' I4tlf that the' residue ,of said estate he alHti reet to lie aney.riihnijag fton^N^Bth Street to approyln atlng those of the studio in funds 1» payment of jthf Hst of apiM ^tinted at once. " signed in iccordatt* e with t^e provllk E . tA>' J proved iccoimts as submitted at this Kort Street in favor of I move-the adoption, of theforspo- Riverside Drive Iflf sfal d city have been cprnfoHimfdcojivenlence. 1 \ >, .idle hi the Hum of $3.: 7"as re- |tK resolnilon. filed w l l b ^ i e ' City Cl'rfe and that tlie session. • '~ One 0 d-tlme twnpepf declared h that iohs, o f th^ sjj^d Ipfc wUI. I t is orderetj, ' I jorted and re*'0utineu(|f'd thatHhe tenth day >f December, next, ' i Council win iheM ( p Tuesday evening, tyl, the City Siyip* rted by Counclhnan Lerew. / . In fifteei years* worJt on various moCouncilman John Clements. t' . ( November'^6tn, A, I|, 1020, at etefit tlon p i e n r e locations he never,had at ten o'clock In ths forenoon n't saift Yea*--Conncilmeti' tflements, Ens- 1 Engineer be allowed and \ | h e i'ity ' Supported by Conncllman I^erew. j Cferk l»e aiithori»e»rfo <tl-i (j emit room be appointed for" examittr 1 o'clock p. m., ISasfwi; gfandard time warrant fehr. e l P. Kreger, Ijerewv' tfoUno. seW; gteiter effortT on the part fit a Yeus-^ConncIlmen Clementf. Emr-' <h the City Treasurer*; f i lie above v Ing and, allowing said account • and Smith—^J. t»hr."} C. "P. Kregcr, Xierew,. Mollno,, at the Council Chini^ersf in «1«? City studio *• T»TOvide- cJc(mfort and ideal 1 iUouiits ' < ! r / hearing said j«filtWn. | And It la' tnt- ~ V Hall, hi said city, to consider any d V Xays^None. working conditions for players. v Jmltli—C ; *" ' . Jectlohs to salif ptlrth ImprovementJ I liiove the ajldjition 0 J)e. forego Wyandotte Mfch« Xov. 12. J929/ j ^-JU— , the* ordered,, that aj copy of thi* order t Xats-r-Xone. , v ' ' 1 3 ^ v j Rflisolntlon by .Cbqnellman Jfohn I tig t'i>solutloilt J o e Ostolhsh of 5ft6 CroyiB street, be publtsheil three;successive ,weeks ^ The Clty,Coiincll Of the City of W * becial Order. ' ; \ " . Councilman .toluf Elements. Clements. ' 1 fT was loci e<l u p o n atffririk i?hafce last previous, to said time 1 of Hearing, Ui > , -The Mayor named I the follovj-lnu: nndotte. Hup|K)rf<sl by Ouncl! Resolved by thd City Conneil of the |lbercw. * Sunday night, following an I'accident the,Wydndotte Herald^ a newspaper \f JSitXfi C. B R t A N , ,! emljers of ^hp Conhell a s a!cjommltYea—Councllmen Oh Cltv of Wyandotte. Mlentatt. that th» Sits, Eng on "*"J *" ' "' *"•*""^"~ **'"-^-**City Cferk.| 0 to prepare a suitable projrt-Jim for 4CW2 J 4f5 ()lty a « r k 1« anthorfned ami dlreeteit llehr.s C. P. Kregef. L< k Mollno,; lie flrst'idlHplajP of bontevard1 Mihb» 1 > •»» ) .c and Smlllt-41. . ^ to give'notice by pnbllcatlon nhee 6» \i Riddle Avenue nnd Vlnewood .Ave-,' The * Prerent-t'eftf hn k" association of wa» Nays—None.' V „ , each m&k for two successive «?eeks 11( ^jCot-inellmen Smith, terew, £ . P. the washinjrton eUmeatary sehool will Lhurepc^ Wyandotte MtcTi, KoM 12. 1929. one of the newspapers of the city that'l Her. Engfehr.i ' , ' hoid a earii party aiid *andy sale |ln paid - " the plans, plats,- diagram?, estimates Resolution by At7otinq f inn John Uso the fdtloiivlnir named Cottncll- the west sld^^po'tallies on Monday and ttpedflcatfons for the construction I (Elements " as ,a eonunittee to confer With evenhigr, Novonlber 26 Affreight train puf$ quietly on the siding—Waiting—the outlines of the cars showing.dimly through the darkless. A minute passestwo—three. Then over the night airfloats> a muffled wjlis^feV^ar down $he track a lig btapf ears. The rails b eg in to hum, thelght grows^ bright, and a passenger Drain roars past, y»mdo*vys gleaming; Then*' •, „ the freight cpmes tp hfei iind the long, shadowy outline moves away.' ^ Four millipn persons in Michigan are served by this steam transport jystem-^fbur million persons rely upoH it, and upon its worthy, r partner, the electric milway lines. Michigan desires the prosperity^ of these efficient and progressive railways, for o^ly as they prosper can they serve. r^ r -f ^xy 'h - r-M ) M >4< I Over hill, across valey—-paralleling thel r ails or following the highways—gd the telephone wires, freighted with the spoken commands of industry, agriculture,finariceand (business. 1 Railways and wirewa^ys traverse the land as partners in progress. Upon the one you depend for the transportation of yourself, your family and your, goo is To the other you $rv<> your voice to be flashed immediately, oiie mile or thousands, from your home or great rail transportation systems and the universal service telephone are vital factors in this country's development rity. I Hr &+ MICHIGAN BELL TEliffHOI* m , I' !.' =1 i fc- •::x; k - - • ' 1 . ; x L* * "1* , t 1 v, v * ; 'v&J ,¾¾ iitffeiiiiW-it 1 •tf s, J -¾ w •** '4J iJ. ji^f 1/ ~\ (X^ M •«? %?, A} I/y ^ ' t !i ' fi -t '4' • .,.fc"i, \t/f A \ ( i
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