Newspaper Subscription
Newspaper Subscription
SI] I]S tiNo\\' At.l, NruN llY'l'lllisli CRIPTION AGITIIIIMITNT I'RnsnNTs 'i'iris Agreemeni, mitcle ancl entereri inio by ancl Lretween the OVIIRSEAS \VOlfKltlls WIt,F^{l]ll AllNllNIS'|RATION (OWWA), a. govemment ageucy rtnder tlic l)cplltnrerrt of' I..itbor ancl llurployrnertt, with ol1lce iitlclress at OWWA C'enier BLrilding, F.11. fIiu'rison Stleci comer 7'i' Street, Pasay City, r'epresented heLein lry ifs ( li'tice L-in-Llhiirge, "(}w\vA". .f OSllFlN() I. 'l'ORlllls, anrl hereinafler relerrecl to as the -and- J.l.l NIIWSFAPllllS .9r lVtAGAZll\ES, a plivate newspapetlmagazine carrien, oillce is iocated at N'le zzaniue Floor 3J l-ieiglrts Building, 35 Visayas Avennd, Vasla, (]rrezr.rn City, herein representecl try its Proprietcll, JORGII P. lll()['lA]\'11]0, "llt.,liereinalter ret"erreclto as "flON'I'll.AC'IOR". u'hr'rsc -WITNESSII'IH. \\/lIllItIlAS, OWWA requires llie services of a dependable local newspaper citrt'ier', rvliich sir;tll pLrrvide tire crrrrent eveuts rnatelials that have a diiect impact or implicatittus on llie coucerns olthe agency; wHBtruAs, .IJ,t nnivsp.lpnns & N,IAGAztNES is An aurhorizecl siibsclilttiou agetrl ol'ali local anrl intenraiional nervspapers in the lihilippines; lvllnRnAS, J,I.I NIIWSPAIiEIIS & h{A(;AZINIIS is aut}rorized to accept rlewspapef subscriptions firr Abnnfe, Abante Tonite, Balita, BLrlgar, People's Joulnal, People's 'l'onight, filipinir Stlr f'lgayou, Tcn4ro, Malaya, Ivlanila Bulleiir-r, lvlanila Standaril/T'Lrr.lay, ['[6,,11', 'limes, Philippine Daily lnquirer, Philippine Star and Philippine Daily'[\'iburre; WllflRfl.Ali, J.L] N0WSPAPllll & IV{AG;|Z|NES shall bitltlie agency for any price inclease ril ihe ttbove-mentioneil nervsparpels wilh the sulrrnission ol ploof of iritrrense and its et1'ective claies; NO\V. Tll[lfElr(-)llll, the parties he'elo as T[tA't' in any event tltat the iocaI staler,l ot follows: /,\ \ Z\ A-)-- I newspapt:r are not clelivered ttl the irlacc lrtl"in'"/ will be accoLdingly r-nacle or mentiotigd, con'esponding replacerlent srrbsr:r'iptions Lre T'tfA'I extendecl ecprivalent to the uiriJeliver.ecl portion; the plocessing per:iot'l of the local newsirapers are as lbllows: Abiinte, Abante ToniIe, ]lalita, Birlgar, people's Jorirnal, People's 'loniglrt, ''"1 Pitipino Star Ngayotr, 'lenrpo, Vlalaya, Ivlanila Bulletin, lvfanila SlanclarcllTorlay, l"ftinila 1-ines, ilhil. Daily incprirer, Phil. Star, Phil. Daily 'lritiune stiall be rielivered on a claily basis firr eleven (l 1) uronihs; 'l'fIAT tlie nrttrtbet' of copies ol'nervspaper to be delivered of which is hereto specity in Annex "A" as lralt of the contraci trncl paynent ol'whicl-r shall be macle on a ruorrth[y basis i 5 days upon receipt of'sirttement ol accormt; 'f IIA'f, OWWA shall pay the CIOI{TRACT'{llt the sur.n of l'u,o Ilundrerl Forty Six Thousitntl lliglrt lluntlrerl ltorty'I'hrce lnrl 50/100 (Php ?45,8C3.50) lol tlie clelii'ery ol the above-meulioned |-rcal newspilpers fiom 0l Febnrary 20lzt to 3t re TllA'I, OWWA shall pay ariy price increase that may be incurrecl during the year' lalive to the nervspapers upou presentation of proof'and etlbctivity; THAT, iri case of lailnre ol tlie CONTILACTOII to perfbrm any part of the Agreetle nt, OIVWA sliali have exercise its right to lescind this agreement ancl to demancl a c;tsh retntil eqriivalent to flie payment macle tbr tl-re undelivered porlion of the local newspapefs; Tll-'\T, this Subscription Agreernent shalltake etfect for a period of eleven (11) nroutlis to coutntence on 01 Febrnary 2014 and shall remain in frtll force and effect until I I [)cccrrrbcr' ]U t{. IN WITNISS WIIIIITEOF. the {l,is (),, pppr"f6{0{{.lpor-i oi parties have carrsed these plesents *,-7 OVtrITSEAS WORKERS \\/ E LFAllIl AI)I\'IIN ISTR ATIQN (OWWA) Ilv: t,-r lle signcd fhilippines .I.I NEWSPAPERS & NTAGASINIIS By: ,lrJ O I. TORRES -WITNESSES. fffr, €leFtiflstf F unds Available: Pt]it4 ilp ri 0fl v rI llRN.IfF.IIGII,DT} D. N,IENDOZA t tl(-, .{r:t'rirrrrring Divisi.rrr .;-,:1r((,:1\t I ;1f 1i - lrrC- ''Avrf ACI{NOWLIDGEMNNT Itepublic of the PhiliPPines) e l-ru s rtl iF j,iiii s ,n l"J[ZfiN a NotaLy Public in the City o'f] ,2014, appealecl ihe fbllorvirrg to wit: Betbre ne, Passport No.i JOSEF',INO ,10nc1l ll) CIW Ftrhu$ flI}tbr Date & Place of lssue I. T(]ltltEs P. DIOIVIAIVIPO K1ow1 to me Jlt. known to he the satrre persons whcl execuled tire of ibnr' (4) pages including this page ol which the consisting ar-rd to r"ne fbLegoing Agreement AcmnrvliOgement is wlitten, acknowleilged to tne that tlie same is thoir own free act and volrrrrtlrly dceti. fiIthfl ruB?6 WITNESS h,'fY HAND AND SEAL, 1111s Oay ol ftt."lti/"il1',1 (:11'Y , 2014 al Phiiippines. N 23? Doc:No. "-Tf- page No. g,r."rt Selies tt,r.--fZ palffit{d{q[!t C0t'rll'4lSSl0N NCHUPO, GRN' ibp llo. rjt st tlct t lr: I !l' ol20i4. fi 'r'iN tto. z'l'l-t)ssrol 1
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