wr.qrcilqffiW futlru rffr
wr.qrcilqffiW futlru rffr
a,Bl_ ros3 &) rroqro- s froriro (ro) 140/2012 wr.qrcilqffiW futlru rffr }q-fi, frtqro, qggffi ff6x, qd;il I {Yqr q, wftftrflrqgffiqqrffi, -{r6-vr{Er ftrglr r+fuq, fuf,rqgm^rf,rfudnurNd t qe=il- ftqq :- 1 5, ftqio- .2t..1.95....../ zo14 writ petition (c) No. 309/200g, dEfr;rrgt-{rol dfr +qrq qltfi ofrq, ifuqr G erq d fl-{frq sqI-T qrqrdq Am kqiq,-27.0s.201s oi qrfu errtqr S erSqroffi d r{dq fr t TERTTI, aq{m frwm qm+q vrda qrqrdq, og ffi d eniqr ol urql qfr dd.q ord gg o-E;II t fu qg q5flr fudnur d dq.i fr qmftq rrda qrqfdq fr faqqifr,-a qmr } :oTr-Ayr grr frqlRd ffid EEq Rq-r-ft{siiol or1qrcil{ Uhtrqd 6* 1- qgcii d qk{f,{ i{ diifua Rsn-ft{qr r 2- qgqq qfi frB G qh=qr t ddlfd Rqr-fr{qr 3- qrrqr-f,r d ftfterrr t i{dflfd Rq-r-ft{qr t t qrd oTqRte q-qTefr a nqrq-{'t ddlfa frglr-ftt{r 4- qqqn-dr t ffi qm+q rr-qt"q qrrrTerr, Ti ffi d drrfl qrqriqr ii s-m frq-r-ft{yr r t qtiltra q-d-d{rf or-dMi m-r vds fu-qr rrqr t, fus-o.r ei-jqrf,{ T@cr: qn G rw RiT{rrq fuilrr, i-a gq lT.sf, qftd6-{, qarrftq qrru ffii, qH qil-{f,, qqf-q-{ur gq rq frqFr gq rarrftq qyrrct"r d gm fu-qr ero, dciffii fuqr d qd qTrITc'EI I qrfl t t ergtu B fu Grqi fudr ci-flri-d qg qrdr fuqRUr rklT-f-e o1 fuo q rflfr s-m qrqrtyr Gr-d.rd o-{t-i gq dEffid Rs-r-fr{sil o-r cn-gqrn gfrRqf, t r{Iq fr qn tDffi t oTdrflflra-fr o) o) a-cgnn qfud fu-qr qr {rd 3rgil;rfr-qei-qf, | t er-a.p6 o-{l-qT qr} ilfu qm+q rl-dt"q f 0*- 5gin- ft0.il0 (to) t+oTzotz .....!.Q.P.?..L[b........./qeqr,F{m- ?.t../.?.F/ ../2014 sfrftTfr :- qrfr ftrdT qqrffi, fusrq-vrs-oTrrr&T, fudr qg qrar fuqrq drlrS-E o'I s ift-d o-{i gq Grgtu t fu fuf,r rnr q{ qBd fuar qg q{nT fr-qx"r o-@n-q rrfrfr o1 t-dq ii s-m Rgl-r-ft{yr at qrr{-rfr {{fr dEimi o) crgqm{ gfrRqd o-S qfr qvr o1 qri oTriil-so-gitgituo I ffiA7ug ti Eq w{fi"r r I hffi.,,y fr+qTo, qgqfrqq 03- (5.''- ffi.mtr0RTAmtm !- Ii\ TF{tr SI.]PRITIVItr COT-]RT OF INDIA ffiffiffiffiffifr CIVIL ORIGIhTAL J IJRI SDICTION , WRIT PtrTITIOI\T (C) I{o.30? of i9C3 'rr ,' ffiwrtifiori tm ,.1 ,/ hrs tr"qi,o Gotly \ Tln*X5Gtr: La:rmi l\arain lVlodi &wmfl (, $.t, stant Regf s$.u'rlr' (;lr I Cl,.! Snl;lralu;e fir;uat u,f lrnc{ill Ur':1, \/ersus TJtrion of Inclia and ottr.ers \, .. d. Respond"er,t.s ffi [q H] .I[l] lR slir i:r :l\r ll li irt r,! ,!l M II IU r$l K.S. R.adtrakrishnan, nI. B} 5,{i }ffi 'bli:' {i E'- tlrll '.il4 f,',,rL Ird.i a.:tl{ Kl [1, #r$ F,'iJ 1. We have passed a cletailed order orr 9.7 .2013 e>rpressing ihe rllif 'dP J,il /fli ,+ apprehension as to whether the Commi[tees constituted, following our earlier order d,atecl 23.8.2012, are effectively functioning ancl whether proper steps are being taken for proper implementation of the provisions of the various legislations which have been passed, with regarcl to the transportation of animals, maintaining slaughter hor-rses, effluent ancl solid'waste disposal etc. of '-oV- ( "''"',\)' ,/ ( / ---*.--,.--" o--y't I rl I i 2. Vide our order datecl g.7.2013, we had d.irectecl a-11 the S[al'r\l! Governments/union Terril-ories to file their action taken "po't.l I' taketrl ac.[ion the lilecl have States the of irrithin one month. Few :l reports detailing the functionirrg of the Committees constituted' a.lso directecl the MotrF Wtnn\,' to fina-lize the gr-riclelines for the effectiue a,.a .!i 11, proper functioning of the State Comrnittees for overseeing the functioning of t-he slaughter hor-rses. In obeclience to our direction, the MoEF, om 27".8.2013, broad framework fi1ecl a compiiance report enc:losing lire to be followed by the state committees lor effective sr,rpervision of the slar-rghter houses anql a-iso wi[r regarcl to the transportation of a-nirrrals, loacling ancl ur-lloading, efflue'rt disposal, solicl waste clisposal anil aiso with regarcl to the perioclical inspection of slaughter houses lry the respective State Welfare Boarcl 3. Animai s. V/e reiterate the irnportance of proper implementa[ion of the ns of the llf OVl Sl Oi r'': L,r L.Lr Pl evention of en-relty to Animals (trstablishrrrent and Registration of Sccieties for Prevention of Cr-urelty to Anirrr^ls) Rules, 2000, the Environment Probection Act, 1986, the Soiid _o 5- Ites (i\ianagement anrcl Hanclling) Rules, 2OOO a-nd the Prevention ),rue1ty ve to Animals (Slaugh[er House) Rules, 2000" Over ald , it is a-lso of extreme importance that all the State /ernments, the State Animal Welfare Boarcls, trollution Control u-cl eic. shouid. scrupulously follow the guidelines issued by the EF, in obed.ience to the clirection given by this courrt on .LO.2OI2. in. guid.elines are e>rtractecl hereinbelow for easy 'erence : l' J"Gr-lIDtrLIr\Es FoR sLAiJ GLIT.ER I{O rJ TRAI\5PoRTATIQI{ OF AI\IMALS AI\D Str,S RE,SPONSIBILITIES OF ,' U/ ANI Any livestock which are procurecl frohr the market are to be by a Veterinary Sr-irgeon for issr-ring a fitness ".itifi"d certificate i.r, tt-r" forrn speiifiect by the Central Government for ti-:.e purpose of transPortation' The loacling ancl unioacling of the aniqrals in the market nla.ce and ]:efore transporLation shalI be supervised by the to collcerned officia-ls of the Anirnal Husbandry Department unnecessary ensLlre that the animals are not subjected to pain or suffering. to In ad.cli{-ion to the above health certifica.te a certificate has beissuedaSpertlreRuleg6oftheTr-ansportofAnimals g*""J*."q Rui*s, 2001 by the Olficer of the Animal Hr,rsbandry Depar'tment not below the rank of Assistant D irector / Depu ty Director / Chief Veterinary O fficer' .*o6* V,? The l\nimaL Hr-rsbanchy ar-rtJrority sha-ll ensLrre that a-1. animals are providecl with shacle, shelter, food and rn'ater as lrecessary a:rcl they are teLhered securely in a way which does not can-rse u"nnecessary discomfort to anirna1s. The Animal I-Iusbandry Department shall ensure that thr sick, 1ame, injured and pregnant animals are not trzursportec for Slatrghter They shoulcl also enslrre tlrat the animals are never liltecl oclragged by heacl, horns, ears, feet, tail or any other part.o the Body which might caLlse Ltnnecessary suffering. DO C U MtrI{TATION EY DIIr[trRtrNT AlJ']tLtOIilTitrS [l should be ensured that each consignment sha]1 bezu' a labe showing in bold red letters the name, address ancl telephour number (if any) of ttie consignor ancl consignee, the riumbe and types of cattle being transported arld qr,rantity of ration and food provicled. The consignor shal1 be informecl about the ti:a.i:r or vehicle ir which the consignment of cal-tle is being sent and its arriva time in advallce. - The consignment of cattle shall be booked by the ne>rt train o vehicle ancl shall not be detained after the consignment i accepted for booking. GUIDELINtrS TO BE FOLLOV/trD BY THE AUTI-IORITIES FOI ATTLE, SHtrE IP.ANSPORTATION OF DI AND GOATi PIG) THROUGH RAIL OR RAOD. J - The average space provided per cattle in Railway lvagon vehicle shall r-rot be less than two square metres. c -- o7* fl\ ri'l li,l cattle shoulcl be r-rsed for loacling platforms ancl rope Sr-ritab'e lrorn vehicles' iii ll i . wagon lnay clrop1:ed cloor,grll: the wagon railway of rn case uliloaclirig is done to the ,sed u"* tt'o'i-''1' *1'''"'toaai'""[Xr 'e piatfciir given they are properly fecl and alter loaclecl be shall Cattie waLei. shall be nlacle a:rcl surlficien[ ing a).Tangements on ro u[e for en-].e rgency ' quantities of water shal1 be carriecl W a:r-:i be aclequat'e reserve sharl with foclder ancl Sulficient feed .*ri"a to last during the journeY' shall be ensuretl' Acleciuate ventilation Emergency / tirst-aicl ecluipment is carriecl' Velricleshouldhavesr-ritabierampsanclplatformsforloading u"rrd" .,r-,lo''ding' Thereshoulclbesufficientbeciclingontl.refl.oorofthevehicle. - be properly placed' r/ehic.le breast bars shoulcl - parn or Lo cause injury' not as so Vehicles are maintained' suflering' as ax animal carrler" iclentitied cr"early is vehicle o 8'* / 'rro(' ) l--_!-/ 'lhele is a pe'n]-ranent aninr aJ lvehicle 1oad. 'lhe lates I in clical,ion of the nrzudmr-lrn arrtenclecl space allowarf ce for transpor tirg the oi- vehicle is given in th e Table I Bo II given below: cattle 1ly rajl attle rn,eiglring r-r1:to 200 1(g" Cattle weigh in g 200-300 l{g. e attle weighing 300-4 00 1(g" Catl-le weighirg above it00 1(g. e 'Il-AffiLn_4 * [[ 'Space recluirqment lor Cat[le w]rile being transportecl in comnronly sizecl roacl vehicles Vehicle Size Lengtlr Wiclth Square Meter 6.9 x 2"4 5.6 1{ 2 "3 I\umber of lr1oor Ca[tle e a ttle Ar-ea of weighing weighirg Vehicle t-t p Lo 200 200-300 irr l.g (1 Sq I(g (1 '20 Square mtr.Space S.l. ln tr lVIeter per catlle) space per jQs.mtr")_ cattle 16,56 tb 12, BB 1.16 >r 1.9 __r g0I 2.9 x I "89 5.48 l t2 C) o i--- -- Cat_tle Cattle weighirg ttle weighir.g Ca 300-400 above 4r'00 (1.40 I(g (2.C Scl mtr. rntr. Space Space per per cat11e) cattle Kg Sq. . L2 B 6 4 e SpoRT oF sl{trtrp AIVD GOATS BY RAIL AEfIAAD IlwoLvlNG .LQTRNEYS oF MoI?tr ITIAN SIX FIOTJRS sheep a:rd goats shall be transported separatery; but if rots small special partition shall be proviclea io u"p*ate them. i! il'.r u,.e !A $ 7._ Ilams arlcl male yoLlng st.ock sherll nrlt J:e rni:red with female sLock in lhe same compafllnent'. Surlficient [ooc1 ancl foclcler shal] bc cal l iecl to last :orrr*"v anci \ /atering facitity sl-l a-11 ire provicled d urring the at regutlar inten-als. Maler-.al for padcling, sLlch as stravv, strail be placecl oll th e Jloor to il, ,lc1 in3r-iry if al animal lies c1 own, ancl this shall be trot less than 5 cm thick. {trCAU'IIONS TO Btr TAKEll W11IL&'I'EI\I\LSFaRIIN-G ,3FIlltrP {D GCATS The :rnimals shall not be fetterecl urnless there is a rish of their juLml:ing ou1- ancl tlreir legs sha11 not be tied clown' Arlecluate ventilation shall be proviclecl ir-r every wagon. upper fi:recl cloor of one sicle of wagon sha{i be tr<e pt open a,d pr:operiy ciosely gauge ancl the Llpper door ol the wagon slLirll lLave wlre from Lhe weli]eci mes;h arrangements to prevellt but-iring cinders eng.nesenteringth"*^gonanclieaclingt-ofilebreako]-tt. fot'a t:rs that T'he space requirecl for a gozrL shajl lle tlie safile fbr a-sheep wooliecl sheep ancl the approxitna[e space requrired the Rules' irr :L goods vehicle or a railway wagon is prescribed in of 5 c)r tl'/, tons;, wkiich rrre gellerallY llf oI e than I'ortY LIs;d for Lransporting animals, sl-iaiJl ca.rry not sheep or g,oats- cor_,ds vehicles of capacity shall Partitions In the case of lar ge goods vehicles a nd. wagorls, across fhe widlh to be, provicleci at evetry two or [ltr ec meters pr anal goat$ svent the crowcling and t*appirrg of sheeP Inthecaseofewes,goatsorlambsor-kiclsundersi:cweeksof age, separate palels sha-li be proviclecl' L f o- w Note: the latest space allowalce recluirecl for [rzursportaLjon sheep ancl goats is given below: l\pproxilna Le vrreight o f' anilnals irt l![qelam NoI mote than 2,A Slrace reqt-tired Meter in oi Sclnarc; \Ato_g1e11 Shorn o.77 0 16 0. 1B IVIore than 2,O br-rf no t rn ore tlran 2,:; re tkran 25 1: rr t not llrore tIran :l t) More than 30 burt noL rnore tJrern 40 0. 19 l\4o o "2,3 o27 0.22 0 25 IVIore ther-n 4 0 o.32 o.,29 GUIDELI]\ES FOR TRAI\SPORT' OF PIGS BY RAIL OR ROA.D "PIGS'] II\CLUDES PIGLtrTS, I_IOGS. FIQqLtrTS AND ANIMALS Otr PIGS FAMILY INVOLVING JOURl\ItrY Mol?tr THAN SIX HOURS IVIAN D A']]O RY REQUI REM FJNT S - A valic-l healtlr - [n addition to the above heaith cerLificate a certificate has to be issued a.s per the RuLie 96 o1 the Transpor-t of Animals (Amenclrnent) Iturles, 2001 by the oificer of the Animal I{usbandry Departmenl rrot. belour the rank of Assistzui.t Director/Deputy Dir:ector; Chiet Veterinary Officer. certillcale by rr veterinary doctor Lo the effect- that the pigs are in a fit condi[iorr to travel by rail ot roac[ and are noL suffering from inlecLiolrs or contagious or parasitic disease sha,ll accompany each consignment in the transport of pigs by rail or- r'oad" In the absence of a certificate ilndet sub-rr-rle (1), the carrier shall refuse to accept the consignment for transport. '['he certificate under sub rurle (1) shall be Schedule-K. I I I I l, tla_.-., - - - in a form specified in ( P.{]1$ l,:ij,:F,.;,1) -l/- a----\,,'' t35k1) \// \.-_*_-r' iLr[Dtri.iNtrS COhISII\trE Each consignment sha-rl bear a rabel in bold recl letters the narne, adclress. ancr teiepho'eshowing number (if any) of *re co,sig,or and consignee, the nuLmrrer_ arcl type of pigs being tra-nsportecl ard qua,tity of rations a,cl foocl irovicrecl to them. Tire corrsignee shall be infornrecl jn aclvalce about the train otvei -.c1e in vrrhich Lhe consign nrent o I pigs is lleing sent and it_s an-.r/aI tirne. '['ht colrsigrrmen{: or pigs s5a1r r:e bcro]reir l-,y the ne>rt_ Lrain 0r veh-cle and shail not rre cl et*ilrecr a1,{ er l-lte coltsrgnr:rent js rrcc:ptecl for- l:ooking" lrrrs t-aic1 eq.-liplrr ent sha[ acconlp*ir]/ the pigs Surjlable rLr.rrrlls shall be pr-ovidecl for- loaclin,g *,c1 pigr:. ,,1oacli,g the In tne case of a rarlway wagon, whelt thc loailing or unloacting is ci one on the platform the clr"oprpecl c] oor of [he wagon sha]1 be List'i1 as a r^amll. trCE,S.JARY PlqtrealjTlolvs To Etr_fle_LLev/trfr wl-i,re l-ra,spor ri,g group of prgs by rail 0r rceicl, n ]a1e yollr]g s tork shall not J:e nrixed #itt fenra]c stocir irr the sarne -, coru llarl_rnent^ yf^]t transporting p,igs by rail or road, sufficient food anci lodrier sha-lI be carried to rast clurring jor-irney the and wateri,g facility shall be providecl at regr_ilar inter-vals" i0i;i!' r;i ii.n :}!Uf gfEj}FdI+,lrI&,ni#i{ * ' ) l{L'l/ \/ \ \-/ \ 1/ / \-__---___/,' /4,- _-/ while transporting pigs by rail or road, materia,ls for paclciir{q, such as straw, shall be placecl on the flooi to avoid ir1'ury if an animal lies down, ancl this sha1l be not less [han s crn thick. while transporting pigs by rail or road, the alimals shali not be fettered unless there is a risk of their jumping out ancl their legs sltall not be tied clown SPACE REQUIREIVIEI\T DU[?.ING aFgqsEYR IL l f{\tl llRAVtrL - IN TRANSPOFIT ,,r li, i, il, ll - ll tl'.'' , l\o r-ailw'ay \^'Iitgolt shall accornrrrlclate more theur the rrr-rmber pigs as specified in the Table below: itl -l i\,, rfr li, il,, - ' -=*...__ Broad gaLrge ;_:__. .- vteter I gaLige wagon wagorr | \ffagorL I Wagorr I l.csstiran IzL.tSlclr-il-Ire ILess[han Irzs 2L.L Scluare I Uelr e arrici Metre I erbove 35 | rigs sc) ..___]1il ga, ,q. I 725 liclurare ISq.,are I tvieLr-c I rvre trc ancl a bove Numllerof Inrrnilrer o[ It\utrrlrcr-ol' |'"'\'v\ Pigs I Nar,r* | nigs ,zs | rurrrrber of Pigs 30 Not allowed Adeqr-rate venlilation shall be proviclecl in every wagon and Lhe upper door of one side o[ wagon shall be kept open ancl properly.fLred and the upper cloc:- of the wagon shaLl have wire gauge closely weldecl .r..ih arrangements to prevent burnirig cinders from the engines entering the wagon ancl leacling to fire l:real<or-rt. - ,r,- 0"'h^",h l3* 1,L srac' aItl!_,S_EL - aAD-]AAV@ EaAD ci:ods ve'icles of capacity of 5 or 4.5 tors, which an-e generary used for transportation of rri*^ls, srrall 'carry not rnore than tri:nty pigs. - Ir the case - In the lys" goods vcrricrcs ancr coLrLeLiners, partitiorj al o,. three metres across the widtir "*rvalcltwotrappi"g tc :rr-even1. the crowding "f frig""' 9i slra-ll be proviclecl cq-se of pigs under six weehs of age, separate sha_ll be provide6l. N ote: The latest upclate on transported thrro.-lgrr rail is given rn-rnrber Jre10w. VPIJ having Floor ar ea O.l 55 i\urnber of pigs lO4 r]trr___ (2) The leutes L Lrpcl ate (0.6 on nt;ffr :t o paners I lrigs which can Sc1 uare lMe Ler [,4eter pe r S c1 ura_re lrer of pigs rvhic]_r car] lransporlecl through vehicle is girren t:c lo-w; M;**"-il;#;f l'lo. Type Anirna_l of Vehicle having size 5. Orrr x 2.35rn ;-l;;, be rt.;t fr;-R;; .i Veiricles \/ ehic1e Vehicle Velricle having having h avirrg size s ize 5. 1 5 l size 3.03rn 2"9rn x 2.0 1r1 x 2,"18 I >r Z"LE m m Fis m Wealn er 43 YoLlng J/ 31 2T 2,6 Aclult l_re a r-/ 1B .),) /--t -4-t 15 10 19 13 9 F' IV* dkt'' / I \"./ \ \*--P'o ..,r' t l\ot.e.- For- the ,ul,ose of Figs of arl breecrs, a,cr se:i --i ' ages following Space allowalces Jra1l apply: - piglet- which hi-rs jrrst rree, Y.*ler Ibr LIre purpos.e of increpeJcre,t weigtiI rarrge oL' t2lrg _ i5 kg. ttrc: separate frorn the rnoflrer and commonry in flre rezu-ingJ Young - M': or femare pig rretween 0"3 to 0.6 ,ronths cf age and commonly ip the weighl range oI 15 I(g _ 50 Kg. - Adr-rlt - A maie or femaie pig a1:ove 06 months of age ancl havi,g weigh more than 50 Kg. :UllL AlvI@@LTe- jjlAlr G rrr E R ING AllD l'lLL T'lre recelrtiorr area of sraughLc:r house shalr have proper ra,mps Ior clirect unloacring of a,irlar* u"ni"i.. # I"it*.y wag:ons ar-icl the sarcl i-r, surfficient_ receptio, area shail have adequate facility frrr feecling ancl water ing of anima-ls. l'he unloadirg of animais shorrrcr be *'/ rJu'[rur supervisecr VTD'LL by L the animal hursbanchry authorities. sepeirate isolation pens shalr be provicrecl i' slaughter hcilrse with watering ancr ieecling *..u.rg.-ents for animals suspecteci Lo be sul-flerirrg fro.nr coriiagioi,*'^,-r.t infectior_rs ciiseases, ancl lractiolrs animals, i' or.der tlo r"g..gute them from t,e Ante-mortenl ancl pen Etrea on slaughl-er house shrall be remaining anilxals" perirecl Adequate holcling area shail be proviclecr i, slaughter houLse accordi:rg to ilre crass of animats to b. ,h";L;ered a,cr the said holding area sira-, nuu. *ui., ancl feecilrrg-L.iuri"". The res1.ir1g ground: l,..srauLgl-:rer house sherll have overheacl pr,l-ecLive srreltelswiilr i,peiio.r* *^t".iri']"* as concr.ete hre{rqonqlriwmGoEnlmd 13 no;r-s1ippery h.errir-rgrbor-re Lype suitable to sLancl weal- a,d tean by hooves, or brick, and pii"n.e to suitabre clrainage fac,ities a:rcl tire curbs of said implrvior-is materia_l 150 to 300 mm high shal1 be providecr aro',-rncl the ,borclers of livestock pen eu-ea., :;;:iJr"t the entrances ancl such perr shal-t''prefera'iy be :ry a,imal after iI- h as i:een s ui b.je c Le cl t_o ve ilection shalr J:e passed on to i1 lairage for re s t-ingLerln arv lor- 2i hc rr s Irr' ir; ;., before slaugh{-er" The lairage of the slaughter^ ho L_rse suiificient {or the numbei oj' a,i,rals sh t 1 all J;e er.declLlaLe be lairecl" irr siee The space proviclecl in the pens of sttch lair"arge shal1 lce noI less; than 2,B sq. mt. per large aninral aLr rcl I O scl. nrt. pe,srnall anirnal. . Tl-re Lip c a,imals shalr be kept in such lairage,separately rr th eir Upe ancl class and s,ch larrage irepending sh all }:e .:*strurctecl as to protect lhe arrimais from so he &L, colcl ancl rain. The lairage shafl have ac]ecr.latt: facilities for watering mt1 postTrrcrtenr inspection. a,d waLering arrangements in the Ar,imar Fioliii,g ar:ea should be macle available. Feedir-rg \.Vhether ante a: rcl post morLem exarnirration Ve terinar-ian is being carrie cl or:t. by a c1 uralifiecl Anirnals not to be slaughterecl excep t- in r-ecogpizecl or licensed hc llse s. @ *16_ (-*,>u,' lvo lrer"solr stra-ll slar-rghter ar]y anjnral rvit'in a nlLrlliciperl except in a slaurghter horse at-ea recognized or licensed i_rlr colf cer,ecl a Lt i-hority einpoure'ecl tire -r L.]rf cler t.he law for I:.eing Lr-I lorce fo .to ,so. the Lirne No anilnal ivlricl three ,,o,,tr.* olX, ,1,"l1;'ffHj,d: nol been certifiecl bJ, n, ,r"t..ir.iyl;J cloctor: that conclition to be slaugirter"a, .i.*ite slar_ightered. #i.:J:T:f 'lhe size .,l".,:,,tH ii is i' a fit slar_rghter ho use sliail have a l-eception ar-ea s urfl ici en t firr" Iivestor:k subject to of acleq veteri,arlz inspection. L1a te 'l'h e veterirrar y cloc tor- sha11 1'2 ar-iirnals in .11-] hclir arlcl e_ri-arnine n r;1. nlore l.horor_rghly not rnore l]rrur tlran 96 animals jn a clay. {vrrI_{otl oF SL/\LrcllTEE Oli ANIMAL AND PITOCEDU,Rtr [Xf]:]L:il,, be star_rghterect in a slaughter house ir-r sigiit of l\o ani,rar srra, rre arcrr,i,istereci a,.y crremical, #m::'l:l"JJJi:"*Jil;;;;;;;'-g r"; i,. i*"i*.,, clrug or for :urv 'lhe slar-rghter halrs a-slauglrter house sl-ra, provide ]n sepa:-ate sectio,s of ndecluate i,dividual zurir'a-ls todimen"sions sufficient ior slar-rghter of ,rat trre slaughtererl is not "";,;;u'ithi, ,n. ,rrrgh, of other a,imals to *.r**i*. ,:e I(nocki,g section ir,r slauglrter rrouse rnay be so p,an,ecl a.c to a,imal anri parti8"drr'ure.ritr-ra1 srar,rgrrier, if a,y a,d such ic,oc.ing section .iry tLairrg ..". ,SroJiu,.a with shall be so bu,L that esca;'t; "".r it this sectio, be easrly ""r, ;il':::r#,1J.,?J.",,erator #i,l-,..n allowing u-," ,r,i-ur to pass st-tit the -4'! */T- 6se RO,AiD trR .4iNHElWOSil"K { } tV m H} m.{._ .{s hTVx lR o} rs IW m xs :rl__tl p ffi. o T xt c r I o ry[ &qT j_986 AMD m{{rLms H*&&nuffiH) TH ISJI{XSU}II ]ffi [tR ; ffi Effnuent Disposal: The alfluent disposal s{-anclarcls notiliecl un,cler tire Environment (Pr:ol-ec{-ion) Ru1es, 1986 ar-e: e a, -egory Parant e ters e oncerf tra Lion in lr o I 1-o exceecl, JTil-I A. Slaughter lltr *;uase TL \MI( BOD (3 clays aL 27"e) I clay -/(-; TLWI( beicw ld"ay and Suspendecl Soljcis Oil alncl Grease BOD (3 clays aL'2'l 100 100 t0 ''Cl) 500 EOD (3 days at 2,7"'C)) S usllenciecl Solicl Oiland Grease Note, (i) TLWK - Tonnes of Live weight Kiliecl: (ii) I* case of clisposal into municipal sewer where sewage is treatecl, the industries sha-ll install screen ancl oil 86 [r".u. separation uni[s: (iii) The industries having slaughter t"r*. urorg with meat processing units will be considered in meat processing category as far as standards are concerned. The Pollution control Boarcl may specify more stringent stancla.rds from the above elepenrling Llpon the q.rnlrty requiirement of recipient system. Solid waste disposal; As per the Mr-rnicipal solid waste (lMalagemenl- and Hzurdling) Itules, 2000, the wastes frr:m slar:ghter hou.se, rneat anct fish r! r!6 ;ll.rBX.tf,&[0nktfidr{rf,l * /8* l\t-',,' , ../ [' lrla_l-kets, I biodegraclable t;r-t eh wa,stes ,rrcl tri ts ft- rln vege'[a " welf.are Boarcl rr]es rnarkets, which a_r-e to r-natr<e Llse o. rtatuFe,, shall be lfralr-aged "r i _ (1) ,Ihe Animals #3,r# _flffii: i_ ar_rthorizecr by Animat ffi1*:iT,:1ir,}Vj.i"f.;:li,S1 welfare Boarct'"r r"Ji" 51..i1"fi",, may at least ,;#r.X.Jf.H JrJ months periocl, inspect a,y slaugrrter ho,se *ithout notice to ils owner or the person in-charge of it at any time cluring ffi#::*;H: T,;i"*' lr'"i"Li'"' p*;;-;;;'lf ,h"u. .,r.! the *." (2) The person or the A'ir'ar under sub rule (r) shalr urt.,welfare organizarion auth orizec| i,specti# ,.ra its report [o '.{ni,ral werfare Boarcr r"al" as welr as to the municipal local auth.ritv for or. "i ,a1ri:r";;i;; action inclurcring iniriatioi:r of i"""tr*';;;";' ;;''1,,o,.,,o,. or any i19"1'.iJffTi1,ls:,i,s'y; 1. We Cornrnil all clir-ect [_ees I-l Le [i Ia te G c-rvernments / trJTs ELnci {-he constiLr-rterl Lo eliectiveiy folrow the above-mentioi-Lecr gt-ridelines' Iror giving lurrther clirectiorrs, initialiy we to ciirect the States of ,larrril zu-e i,cli,eci Naclur, Karnataka, Kerala, Delhi, IVlaharilshtrue 1-he Ar::t rner: ljl-tal f'racles]r to inrplenfent the pr.visions i,rrrcl lionec{ ea-rlier- ar$ well as trre g*icleli*es issr-tecl lUofF, and I.i le Errr -{+;?;._ after rr IF months actic)l l along f alcen wiLh ]ry of rhe rclrort within three rnonths. Fcst thre Action Tatrren ltepol.ts. ,- )omrn-iinica :rer.t te the order to the e hie Qri'll /7* f' fiecret-ar"ies of t.]re al:ove- troi rr:c[ S La te s. (1( S fr1\Di-rAilr?{Sr-trhrA}\) ,":.1.,, (PrhTAKl Delht, Augu:;r 27 , 2,(l l 3 I\Tew )r..cooo eI-rAl\DltA 'J .',",aJ. G F{() SE