Tbe Human Body: An Orientation
Tbe Human Body: An Orientation
Tbe Human Body: An Orientation havc a ner.rral curiosit,v about our bodics, and a studv of anxtomy an.l physiolos,- elabontes ()n this interest. -i\natomists hxve clevebpe.l x univer sally acccptable set of reference terns fiat allos's body stfl(rtures b be located an.l identrfied with a high clegree of cladty. Ioitially. st dents might have difficulties w'ith thc language usecL to clescdbe xnatorny and ph]'siology, but $ithout such a speci ll vocebulary, confLrsi()n is bouncl to occur. NI()st of LN The topics in this chapter enlble stlrdents to tesl their masterv of tcnDinololl' commonly uscd to dcscribc the body xn,:l its verious pa.is, and conccpts conceming funcrions !iae1 for life ancl homeostxsls. Body organizrtlon fiom sitnple to coorple-\ lcvels and an introdlrctior to the ()rgan systcnN lorming thc Lrodr' as a rvhole are also covcred. AN OVERVIEW OF ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY l. \lntch the rerms in Column B to the appropri;rle clesoiplions provi.tecl in Colunm A. [nrer dre corrccl ]etter or irs coffespon.ling te.m in the :Lnswer blxnks. Colurnn A 1. Column B 'Ihe bmnch of biological science ihet studies ancl .lescribes how bocly parts B. H()neostasis The study of the shape enll snxcrlrre of bod)- p:rfs C. Metabolism D. Phvslology 3 Thc tcndency of the boch's svstems to InJln Jrn.r rcl.li\.) .ur.Ldnl orl.Ln., J internal environmcn! The term that indicares d//chernical .eactrons occunirg in &e body 2 Claprer 1 The Hum,rn Rody: An Orienttrtlon the tems ()r phases thxt conectly relate t() the srudy of p'lsiologl Use a hi[ihlighter lo i.lentilJ those tems or phrxses that pertain to the stucly 2. Circle a1l weight H I B. Can be studicd in dead specimens Dynemic sllbiects J K D. ChemistN principles E. Measuring the acid content of the stomach L Expeimeolation A. MeasurlnEi an organ's size, shape, aod C. Often studied in living M F. PrinciPles of Physics Dissection obsen'ation Directional terms sretic G. Obsefl-ing a hearl in action LEVELS OF STRUCTURAL ORGANIZATION more 3, The sttuctures of the body are o4ranized into successivcly larger an'l for terms complex structlrres. Fill in the answer blanks with the correct these increasingly larger stlalclures. Chenicals + ..+ 4, Circle the term that does not belong in each of Lhe Organislll following groupings O+ian Alive Tissue Eplthelium St()mach Heaft Liver 3. Epitheiium He3rt l{uscle tissue Neivous tissue Connectlve tissue Amoeba Pine tree .1. Humxn Digestive system Horse Atom 2. grein 1. Cell 5, Using the key choices, identily the or€aan systenN to Fhich the follolving orlaans or functi()ns bel()ng lnsert thc correct letter or term in the ans\\-er blaoks. IG! Cboices integumentaly Digestire C. Endocdne P Nluscular B. Nen'ous J Skeletal E. Lymphatic/Immune H. Reproductive K Urinary A. CarcliovascLrlxr D. G. I Respiraiory Ch.rprcf l. I The HLrnrxrl Bod) .{n Odcnrrlion 3 llicis dre Lroclt of nilroElen contalning s,ast!'s 2. Is .rffectecL bv the removal of rhc rhyroicl glend 3. Prcr'idcs support xnd ievers on rhich the mrFculiu svstem can xct 'i. Incllr.les the he:Ift 5. Protects unclclhinfi ogans fr()n dning out and mechxmcxl danugc 6. Protects the boclyi cLeshlJvs bacteria ancl tumor cells 7. Breaks dor-n fbodstriffs inb small pa(k1es that can be xhso$ed lJ. Removes ciubon dioxicle tio'n thc bloocl 9. l)eli|crs ox)gen and nutrients to the bo.Ly lissues 10. Nloves rhe lirlbs; rllorvs ticial cxpressron 11 Consenes b()d1'$xter or ellminxtes e\cesses ll fto\iJ, l. , r,-Ir,,r;rrl .lri. -,.rrrng i3. Contrds the boclv with cilelrrirals cxlled ho.nrones 1.1. Is damaged when lqr cut your fingef or llct i scvere sunburn 6. Llsing ke) ch()ices fmm Exercise 5. ch(x)se rhe orgxn s)-sren r() $Jrich each of thc following sets of orgxlrs belongs. Enter rhe corrccr 1e(er or term in the answer blxnks. 1 Blord vessels. heart 2. Pancreas. pltuitarv. xclrenai glxnds 3. Ki.he\s. blecldcr. urcters .1 Testis. \.xs .lefc.ens, Lrret]lli 5. ls(4rhagrjs. l.ugc jntcstine. rectrror 6. Breesdnne. r'_crtcbral column. sl<ull 7. Bfxin, neffes. scnsory receptors 7. F'igures I 1 to 1 6, on pages 1 6, represenr tire vlrious LDCI| orsxn s].stcms. First idcntifl and nxne each orgrn svsten by filling in the blank directlv unclcr the rllustrrtion. Thcn select a diffefenr color for edch orcxn :Lnd usc it to color dle coding circlcs .ncl coresponding stnrcNrcs ln rhe ilhrst|iltions. , ,.ip "r tl F H | ,n B J\ \n O, r|r.,'io Q Blood lessels Q Nasal cavity Q H.n" !, runE{s Q trachea ffi risure t-l [! rieure r-z Clupler 1 The rluman Body: An Orienladon 5 Q e'"irt Q ria,'t.y" Q u..t"." Q orraa., Q t.*". fll rie're r-r ffi rieure r-+ Lhpre_ | th- d' m"r Bo.l) \n Oriel_rlror Q Stomach L_J rs'rln.rgLrs O htestines [! ris,rre r-s Q ovartes Q ut"tu" [! risure t-e Chaprer 1 lhc IIL|lnxn lloclr: An Orlent.riion 7 MAINTAINING LIFE 8. Mat.'h the terms pcrtaining to fiLnctional characteristics of orgenisms in Colunn B wiih the approprlate descriptions in Cdumn A. Fill in the answcr blanks vlith the aorrroorirte letter or lerm. Column A Column 1. Keeps the body s internal environment distinct from the external environmenL A. Digesdon B B. Lxcretion 2. Provldes nc$- cells fbr $ov'.th ancl repair C. G{owth 3. Occurs when constructive activitics occur xt x faster rrte than cleslnrctive activities D. Maintenance of boundaries 4. The luna sandwich you hare just eaten is broken down to irs chcmical blrilding bl()cks E. I{erabolism 5. Elimination of carbon dioxide by the lungs xnd climination of nitrogenous $-astes by lhe kicloe)'s 6. Abilit)'to rcact to stimulii a mejor role Ine nefvoLLs system 7 of Il Nlovenent G. Responsi\.eness H. Reproduction \ValkinEi, throwing a bal1. riding e bicycle 8. All chemical reactions occnring in the body 9. -r\t dre cellulal level, membrancs; for the s'hoie organisn, the skin 9. Using the key choices. correcd_v idenrify rhe suffivrl needs that corresponLl to the follov'ing descriptions. Inset the correct letter or term in rhe ansl\'er blrnks Kq) Cboices A. Appropriate body tenperrture B. Atmosphcric plessure C. Nurdenrs E, \X/ater D. Oxl'llcn 1 Includes carbohidrates, proteios, lits, and mineflls 2. Essential for normal operation ot' dte respiratory s1-stem and breething 3. Single substance accolrntlnli fbr over 60% of body weighr 'i. Required fi)r the releasc of ene.gy from foodstuffs 5. Providcs the basis for br y fluids ol all rypes 6. \Xrhcn too hi[ih or loo lo$, phvsiologicel activiries cease. pdmlrily because molecllles are destroycd or become flonfLrnctionxl. chip er I Tne H r-'r".1 BoJy: \n Ofrnrar:u4 HOMEOSTASIS control systems Complete 10. The follo$/ing statements refer to homeoslatic st"t.-"itt by insefting your answers in the aos$/et bianks' "".h 1. 2. 3. 5. 6. conThere are three essenlial componen6 of all homeostetic The effector and |rol mechanisms: control center, rcceptor, rl) iense\ (hanqe' in lhe enviJotunenr and re-f'ondt b) .end;ng i,rlom-rtion rirpurr lo rhe ':L;long rnc -!]lhe "ppfu^,'h*;, The 14) dnaL\ze\ the inpul, ocrermine\ hlorld b\ i.i,. ll.o, '"..- ^ r ,c!i\ are, fie --:L 'cnJjngcauses the iion atong the -@- pathway when the rcsponse is lnitiai st;ulus to decline, the homeostatic mechanism referred to as a (7) feedback mechanism \\'hen the i' re5oonse enhrnces lhe iniliJl -rimulu- lhe flichani'm k ncch"nleetlbrr leedba'k mech,inism --]:l, eti..t .l lll isms are much more cornmon in the body' 7. 9. THE LANGUAGE OF ANATOMY answer blanks 11. Complete the follos,/ing statements by filling in the with the conect te.m. 1. 2. 3. of The abclominopelvic and lhotacic cavities are subdivisions parts are body catifyi the cranial and spinal cavities the -!!of the -14 body cavity The -13I- body cavity is r(rally sur rounded by bone and provides very good protection to the structures it contains. circle the term or phmse that does not belong in each of the following groupings. 1. Transverse 2. Lumbar 3. Sulat L Epigrsrric Distal ThoIacic Brachial Hypogasmc Frontal Antecubital Femoral Right iliac Sagittal Abdominxl PopliEal LeIl upper quadranl Chaprer 1 The Human Body: An Orientaiion 13, Select different colors for the clo\al and uentralbody cavities. Color Lhe ., dirg cir,lis bcl, ,w Jnd rhe conespond:rg .rr ities in pan A of fisure l_7 omplere lhe ligure hy l.heling rJrore budy , rr iry .uhdjvisions rhaihar e a :retoef Inr..Complelc par B b) lrhcling erch of lhc Jhdo.ninJl regron\ indr. cated by a leader line. C Dorsal body caviry C Venrral body caviry A B Figure l-7 l O Chaptef I The Human Body: An Orientatlo'r body pafts or ,rrees the key choices that idenrjfy the follos'ing ' term in the answer blanks Enter the apPrcpdate letter or corresponding 1.4, Select Ke! Cboices I Inguinel M- Pubic Abdominai E. Buccal Lumbar N Scapulaf B. Antecubital F Cervical J G Femoral K occipital o Sural C. Axillary H Gluteal L Popliteel P Umbilical I) Brachial A. 1. Arlnpit 2. Thigh region 3. Bunock arex 4. Neck reglon 5. "Belly button' afea 6. Genital area 7. Anterior asPect of elbow 8. Posterior asPect of head 9. Area where trunk meels thigh 10. Beck arca ftom ribs |o hiPs 11. Penaining to lhe cheek conectly lxbel all body areas indicxted 15. Using the key renrls from Exercise 14' with leader lines on Figure l-tj B in lhe iiglrre In aclcLition. identiry the sectbns lxbeled A and Section Al Section B: Chaprer )l I i]- r Ir The Human Body: An Orienretion I l/' \ 1 .J I vA Figure t-8 -\ 1 ---> fI B 12 Chaptef 1 The Hr.rm3n Bodyr An Oflenttrio' 16. From rhe key choices, ser:cr ---..,1'rpc rle.,b:1l:;.iil?,n:f ,f lfJlxj:j'.t;::1,-" $e cofi€ rr -"rmeot rhecarin sul'riiri'ion ifrprropfi't- worLld oc.ur' Insen "t:;::.'., :l' "1.:; Ke! Cboices A. Abdominal C B. Cranial E. Dorsel Spinal G venffal F. Thoncic D. Pelvlc 1. Removal of the uterus' or womb coronary b]?ass surgery (heait srrgeryt 2. 3. Removai of a serio[s bram tultor .1. Removal of a "hof' aPPendi'< 5. A stomach ulcer oPeration ' ::ffi::i1",';,'::T:i;:i:,ffff [lJ5::ffi T il::ffi:itifif::-'n" Ke! Choi.'es B. Dislal C. Frontal D. Inferior G E. Lateral H. Proximal l. F. Nlectial 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. L 9. 10. l1 Posterlor J. Superior K, Transverse Sagittal face aod palns are on the In the anxtomical Position, the '-irl_ r'r"a".".fr.". the buftocks and shoulder blades are on lhe lop uf rhe lreJJ L' lhe no'l ,r.'.lr- ,j, to,'t 'url.r. e, ino boJy rheeartrrc lLro Ll_r -hoLrlder5 -n of ifl- no,". -n" n"rn i. ru|u rh p'nL rnd .o m. ,:-,1_! rrr- ro dre lures fhe elbo$ i' :)L ro Lh- lingerc brrl Ji5' ,c, ," t;'".tt._.'.j- ln ltuman' l\c dor'rl 'Lrflace 'Jn however, in for.rr legged animals' G ."U",f ,n. Ool surface: (11) surkLce the dorsal surface is thc Chxprcf 12. , ,rr, i< t". 1 The HLunan Bo.iy An ]f an incisi()n cuts thc h€aft inio right end ieft parrs, ..riin_.., tl2, .d,:on.L,rrr jr _nL l.,.rrr ..,1ri-,.Jthe Jrt( ro. r lp^\r(ri..fD.n. F. lr. rhe.F...n i.n i,r, .r,tr.,1. t' . . r, .oi,r ro , ,rr ,.r, -.. m-l ., orA tqo lr.ln, . .,, In .. tr.r ,L.er"h,e;r I,orh.c,1ion. P,i fcll \rlrr\-.1 lli.rr\o sectons thrt lnect this rcqlrircmenr are rhc (1.i) and lt5) rhe bocty ceviries wherc the foflo\l.inE ::1il-*t,.lj,t:"".,idenrfy are locared. Enter the rppropriatc lettcr ot rerm in tltc bocl].oryar,j ansr,_er blanks. Ke! Cboices A. Abduninopelvic U. Cmnial C. Spinal l) l horxcr. 1. Stomach 2. Smxll intestine -J. Largc intcsrine 1. Spleen 5. livcr' 6. Spinal cord Bhdder S. LJChr-l 9 Lungs t1). Pituitmy gl:rnd 11. Recturn 12. Or'_eries 19. Refe. ft) the organs listecl in Elercise 18. In the spaces providccl, rccorcl the nLrmbers of rhe org:Los rhar \\,.ould be founcl in eech ofihe eb.Ll,"rr.i ..Si.". oamcd hcre. S()ne orElxns ntay be foun.i in more tlran one "Lr.l"_i""I 1. H)'p()gashic region 2. i{ighr llrnbar region 3. Llnbilicxl regiorl ,1. Epigastric reEli()n i. Oficnrlton | 3 Lefi iliac reg()n .";;; t4 ' \Jf.r In' H r-nrr B LI) M Ori<n J ion sprainecl his anl<le what svstems have 20. A jogEler has stepped in a pothole and sufGred clemafie? milk 21. A newboro bab-v is unable to hold do\\'n any .Examinatti ::Yls'.l* iiils to conncct to tne stomesophagr'rs the which in a"...toont.,-t,"t clisolcler ,.fr. wi"t."*it^t needs are mos! imnediately threatened? 'Ihe 'lhe Chan famity was traveling jn thet vxn ancl had x minor accideot 22. --' still sustained .r.iia.""rn ,rt" ir"ck scat n_ere wearing lap belm but they injuries why is internel o€an bruises aro nd the abdomen ano uacliome others? than this atea more \'allnerable to danuge 2J. Jul,-. hi' He hr' 'r l-e'ni'r in , l"ricnr aL lJrP' I iq Hu'pir"l ' in l''rgh'h-pe inJected kidney in his lumbar reflion' ancl severe rngurnel tegr,rn, prm from ln in his pubic region Explain where each of these region' t "r-rj'"*'"tiir-rg is 1ocerc.l. ii.""