1989 - The David Hall
1989 - The David Hall
BEAMISH IRISH PORTER & YOU NG'S BEERS AT THE BREWERS ARMS SOUTH PETHERTON SUPPLIED EY YOU NG'S ENTERPR I S ES ASH SOMERSET TE L 0935 822150 JUNE #* 9.l0.ll gflffii"l**ll"t*'*^fi South Petherton Sout6 Pet6erton Insuronce FOF ALI. II{VESTMENTS, PENSIONS. ENDO\A/MEMTS, MOA?GAGE ANO GENEnAI INSUnANCE A. m lid.p.n& ln!.m.di.ry, Mi SrclFnhy ir |bL io ofl.r imp..li.l .dvic. - . p..toul I rrtd.. lt!.11 h t lna lnoo s tb. rrl...Ut l..tlnl rd ro! rttl t!trd tttr, .!. thl.t.ath l..ttr.l, to b. th€.r€. Thmrhout th. re.t.nd' th€E .r. .sy .v.rtr for th. rhol. lully @ilc[RTs, Dll{CEs, ToRXSHOP!|, IITFOMTL 3E33|OXS, C']ILmEX'S EVENTS ed CR^PT ATlnlCtIoNa. & lBt te&! re n.r. the..reue. but rerlt.d .t the Junto. School rloDa rlth ! nulb€r ol oth.. rctlvltles. Th€re 13 Dlenty lor the chtldren to $6 lnd do s urud' &d t. hope that you rill 3Il hlv€. rost solrTrl PEtflEatol e....ur. Ferll[l Colrlttee eould r€lco.. i.Ip to. the luturc & Il yo! Itte t6 b. IDrclv.d tn the runDlnt ol tb. ae.tivllr pl.uc cont.ct 'ould o'e ol ua .t th. Irlo.Dtio. C.ntre ln th. Vlll.ge sqtrDe. re rl.o e.lcore idea ed @.tructtr. c.iticiu. xd6er! ol th. aotth Pethe.ton re.ttv.l corrlt.e 1939 Ch.ir.e - ile fo€ti. T.emure. xeith s'.t slte x.nase.6 - ltan Teelftree r Sona Dtr.cto. - Tony Rose Dmce Dlrector - Dehts P.eston Te..y llrzr€Il secr€tary & ldv.rtisina - Ltr H..t Publicity - Joh. r,llthar C.!ft. - X.E no.e l ch.istine sdkrt chief st.eart - John attse A.cor.odatioD - iendy l4inton childr€r'r Ev.nt. - Ann fiod8€ P.ot.ue r Stler - Anne Aicha.dson Ihe ..Ni(:. i. n/dLbl..l Sdrh P.th.nd Fest iva lBs.tE woolwtcH iqf lr li.Dt6 locctv BARTLETT MOTOR ENGINEERS (046O) WIGBOROUGH SOUTH PETHERTON 40723 5 STAR SERVICING 4 WHEEL DRIVE SPECIALISTS 24 HR. BESCUE. HECOVERY SERVICE U. K. ASSISTANCE ttr ..pulm. - PL.t. a.l.Plb.t SOUTH PET+fERTON 42OOO,/ 4O2O1 4I ST. JAMES SIBEET, SOUTH PETHERTOII. SOTUIERSET TA13 5B'tI RANGE ROVER , WELDING * SPARES MOf REPAIRS DIAGNOSTIC TUNING Mart -1,4€6T Tll6AWl5T5 lor the best part ol tlree decades IORTIN CAITIry bas enjoycd urivalled status mong sola sinsers on ihe British folk scene - vei not once n.s he cbosen io 'e3t on bis laurels - Ior Mari,in' whethe. erperimenting viih his singing stvle o. ealloring a ney instrmenhal tecbnique, is one ol Jolk's sreai iuovato.s. SinglelraDdedty he has created dn origiml lnglish glitar stle' vhicb noY has . host oJ would-be initators. liariir nas lever been ir the rodsv listerilg' category, bui the demnds Ie n6kes on !i3 audience are ricbtv levardeil bv thc saiislaction ol reliving on€ ol the anciont ballad stori€5' or sharing tId subtleti€3 ol 6 traditiolsl nelody Yith hin. His curent repedoire incluiles loth iraditionsl and nod€ln songs, uderlincd 'ith a strong !e!se of comitoent' bofi doo a challelge to anvone sceltical 6bout th€ dusicat 6!d poliiical nGic. relevancy dI tradiiional Haftin is r g!e.t rriend oI the West couiry folk clnbs' but this vill be his firsi visit to South Pethedon Festival. ai l.st yea.rs festival vilt reca1l Lb. Saiurdav night c€ilidh as vtbns ore of th€ lesiival highlighis - nox lcast because of thc irresistibl. of uris self-styled 'r@tant calypso / lesgse / -{rric.n-style xnslisb dance b.!{t't' 60 ve didnri redil a toi ol persuiling io ask thed back again. Since tast year t!€re hav€ been a f€w cha.ges a'd one o. tvo net fdces' but th€ basic for@t re@irs the s@e..EDlttiD II & TIS nnD U01 P0LKAq draY on inltuences lron ihe Ca.ibbear' IitiD &erice, .lJricn, and othe! lDol resutt i3 a uique cross-over bl€nd of nusic usutassed Jor danc€abilitv. Tbev xill be llaying at the ceilidh once agsir, &nd doing a colceit sPot on Sddav' is cedainly no stranger to Vesi Coul,ry audiences' i.cludi.g thosc Iron Th€ Betl 6i Ish, {ho Ey recall Ronrs €ar1y {i6its vith Jnice on ihe l,oose. l(4v5.6!s let.st band.{U!S RON K{vrM serve€ ur sn eanila..ii.s trlend ol trodiiional Irish' .ouiry, k & B, an{r hard-hiitinA originalsr ard is ra}idlv beconing a v.ry hot lbey havc playcd a "crrcs ol "6p6''ri sigs du The proper(y on h. bJnd '.rri!. lell dui.g the lasi yea!, and vc d€ delighied io volcone then to Souih leiha'ton fo! th€ {irst tire uo do Lhe l.iday light t'boogiei in Lhe allke llalt. and CarthY J.&P. @ fr MOTORS 24 HOUR ACCIDENT & RECOVERY SERVICE TYRES SERVICING REPAIFS BODY.WORK SOUTH PETHERTON (0460) 40553 Anydne vbo yas iON y'.Avll({ has becone sobethi.g of n lcgetdcrv figure aroud tL. London Ii&B 6ccre in sltEljt c!t,l,Lri t_-"* L".a i" T1ur,oD. thet iook their nse fron a varieiy of cide! a!!le ad continue the a!!lc theme in the dri f,reen drcsses aad led ti€,hts .f their costwe. TheY were founded in 1977 and Pelform cl.s doces f!.n the lorth est of &ll-led ind soft shoe duces frrm all Drlt€ of the lritish fsle6. They also disllay a *ide valiety of traditlonal clog stela. tF;EJ DANCEnS are rhe demonsLrarlon reao ol Lhe BaLh Branch of the Royal Scotttsh Country Dance Society. They nave danced ar naoy Folk testiva!s 1n this country and on rhe continent. includinA Ehe Inreriartoral Folklore Fescival ar Sldoouth, and have Deen reaular vlsirors to rhe Sou.h Pethe.roo Festival. The BATU SCoTTISH Thei! ride repercoire of counrry dances includes sIo!, eleganr straLhsp?rs ard quick inLlicate reels and jtSs as velL .s equiv.lenL nod€.n dances. ln reccnr tears the cean ha!c.ddcd hlghl.nd and slcp da..ina Lo rhcir prograore, lnci!ding various vorslo.s ol rhe rr.diLional suord dance uhLch tn raiy oays srrbolises Sco.Lish dancing rhe worLd over. lhe leao usician at Sourh Petherton !111 be the well_knoeo scoLllsh acco.dionlsr, Irugh Ferguson, rhose lively colL€ctton oi luoes adds nlch to the sririr of !he displays. ln addi.ion thc T.ao arc forr!na.e enouEh ro lra!. a tradilional puirt-a-beuI (mouLh qusic) slnger, l,ar!ln Norgare, eho o.nag€s Lo conbine his duries as a dancc irh beina one of Lhe feq !eopte ln rIe sou!h oa England Lo pteserve rhis ancienL and tnleresLlng fo.n of ousic, is a dance displar tean based in tinchester, HadrBhire.lhey aiD to slare their enjoybent of some of the country and court danc€s rhiclr peoDle har€ iaken part in fron nediaevaMnes to the Dresent day, 1be dances !a.y frof, traditional .egional dances to Dodern ceitidh srrle ddces and are p.oof th:t the British social dance heritsge is extrabely rich. Even thougl they nay be both €Dergetic and cohDtex and can be ve.v denandj.ng, re hope they pill Dake pcoplo rant to dance rhensetres. FooIFIDLEY tha Banic coju .hytlEs of th. !AL!t!rl A loAl0IS dre also vell kDoh in these paris, bui or.o ngain ttris rill b. thci! firai lptcilnnce at S.uth P.iherion. Tbe Allisdtors. brud ot rod.ine caju / R & B hat s!i!.d th€n o tsbid g!oss-!o.ts foltovitrg, .nd ivo.lb|c on the Sp€cial Delivery l6bel, wbich !av. ir iua receiv€d cliiical scclair llon all qudltelr. The Alligato!. hove J€v I'leteatiodE to Jine3se nut probatly get closer i;o thc 6!1.it of C6jM.nd Zydeco nusic thdn any otber Briiish b6nd. Geraini Vatkift is in the forelront ol ihe actionr bi5 hoorsa, bnisirS voc!13 anil d€roDi. accoldioa-llayilg stloigbt frod ihe layou. 4|L!!sgol! tr rell Lnom th.ouahout th€ di6trict ror her rGical actirlti€!, rs r€il G b€int !.ultl iEt.re.tlliat !h€ pllied hu.ered dulcir.r sitb f,nslish lusLr.d. rrfle. r r.cent d!n.e !t the tocrl .ctool re r€lcoF blct tie Tells blsed lEtrET !!!q rith lircn xnirht, mTtOJ'l cart.r.&d tllcr scott 'ho !.e 199!!qL1!!4!B! rili delisht rudiences rjr.h thei. r4ic, ju8tlint, .ire, leritrtion, story-ielling, to.!s, escrpologt, rjnd readihg, aong.! old tire.usi. h.ll tnd caba.et. Both afe rid€l! experieDced in drlra, fro. Pahrori.€ ro sbapesped.€ lnd singjn! fro! lolk to ope.s. Lucy clorninS, DlpDetrl! the Clorn {P ra Broo\es) h.s b€€. in consttnl der&d for countl€s €vents orer tb. lat fer y€*s rDge ol pllceE. She h!. studied d!nc. ud drur in ..nr lo..a &d thi6 v!.iety of t..inin3 ed lpprcah hG let to r yerErtil. rnd livelt perfor.er eho incorporrtes into h.r to.l the slillr ol acti.{, ddc€, .ir€, juaAling, rusic &d .r.tteri.gs of ragic qd .c.ob,tic€. RYIEETA Desliie Drophesies ol dooD, th€ dolesti. ldlr !c€!c continues to Produce irlressive youg lerlome.s, an.t the grapevile lad bee! leralding noCEIt lfiISoN Io! sooe tlne befole a btrch vasted .€cording debut aloui a year ago. Foger is a lighly s.coEtlished guitor and fiddl€ playe!' vith a bload rel)eltolle oI botb lriiish 6!d !!€ric6n @terial. CodpdisoDs viih Nic .ton.s lbve already }€ea mileRoger is bigb !r6i.€ indeed - brt althougi thcr€ @y be doEantary sidilditl.s' eery @ch hiE oo @n. H.BOLLAND at South Peih€rton is el*toen-y€ar old Nolih@briatr liper PIUL HICCS vho co@s f.oo tbat voll-knon hoE€ oI pilirg - Xent. laul has been playlng for sone yedlE now' €ncoueged atd Iftli!€d by Ala.tair And€Bon, 6Dd despiie his youih, i3 noe vell-knoE ir pipilg circl€8 I! ihe b.yond Norlh last ud the 3oi.ter.. Paul plays *ith a s.Gitiviiy .!d eiuiiy his yeors, sd I d convinc€d he is going to eke biG.lf a vhole net clovd ol ris year's lestivar. .deire.s lticr Yet aDothe! llrsx-tiner f,The luore, South P.therton. ve 6re d€Ilghtcd to vclcone liack old friends RoSIE UPIoN & PlTl ll^ConEcoa to the festiv6l. nosie will once asain be appes.i.g i! tbe suest ca!.city oI ,+la.joricr! Guesttr - in neEory oI J€stihl {oud.. Morjorie Arll6er, ond spotrsor.d ty llo.joriers hubanil Job!. DTLLINGTON COLLEGE FOR ADULT EDUCATION llm'Bre r Soher*r tt 19 9DyrebDhon6 llmrd.r (0134) 621276337s Pau I H iggs krEIFElJw tt@@tus the @AcN-rrotEE Ad I.IIE BUTLIN ARf cAUERY srlurday 24 Jue 1939 - d'n.iE ln the coach-nou Lasr slm.ri! d.nc€ 'as a 8r..t In ailditi.! to os invited gue.ir vG shoufn also Ecntion tbe cro{d of locol pelfoEar! dd tllends ol ihc le€tival vtro giwe th€ir ve.kend to hclt.u sessions' coope!. evetrts, M.c. atd gencr.lly kac! cvc.ythiDg goilg. {ithoui theU h€lp i! rould be trpossible tlo !u the {estit.l. Also ve th.nk viiliing silgere vLo oller their service3 to the lestivlI. In p.rticular' tbanls io JOml tAl,tl !t' I N IIIiDIAIT IIOB ljG'OnD' CHltrY !0CC, CEOI'F r$nnls ..,.. .nd @nv The BoYtt hlve rd(e; ot ,rrsh fesr,,,ls 0'm9Dl scfimt t;--in ra'ry B.itiEh Isles ed oh th. Conriheni, TneJ corpere .egula.lr in corp.ritjohs dd nlve aDre.red on t€levjsjon. lqrqlgllllgl or d&ce only th. .t].res thc Cotsrold villares of Leafietd (Field ToHn), St&ron, fl.rcourt ed Btrclncll blt Lril f.o. n€lr Borlrin ed cah be reer drhcina msr thu.sd!! evenings go.erhere in Xid-cornual l. . a.e^r lto..is teu ybo delighr ih ctoSSing ths long {rif round fror clrlsite to squa.e. You'll hear the! snd ron't b€ abl. to .es!8r 6eeina ther roo. then sst.d thy tiel doh't !.ile rlFn d&.ingi rhc repry i3 to the €ffe.t rbst tbey ger Eo oDt of breath, €riling tends to uke th€n fall ov€.! They lre r..y porula. ed h,r€ lttehded r&y btg erenrs, 60 do. t riss the oDportnniry to se€ the. BAoID|CrnloftTHfEsT are PaulW.Grinter AutoEngineering CROWN LANE SERVICE r{. o. T. BREAI{DOIIN S. PETHERTON *** **t,r** REPAIRS lvoar RECOVEBY PANEL BEATING SPRAYING WELD TEL: ING UETALWORf, SOUTH PET'{ERTO 41692 QrlAL|r']. wNLs j, CurIrorr Jlrfl Ron11. ('r.rr,(rrnf,.\nllldrJcl. l;\ t.S SI{lt, ENTERTAI NMENT FOR CHILDREN lall eill b" th€ cenr.e of I tull p.os.u.. o, rtrritres Dtetred ro teep risiiors happy.nd bus, throJghoL! rhe rcctend, rerYrna prr€nrG.o.. free ri.e The D.vid younder js a Th€atre sbor on F.idar e'€nird, . ril. shor on Srturdal elenjng md I gior 3rrer br lhp childr.n thersprrps oh sundat .ftcrnooD, dc.onsrr.rr;s rhe sirlt€ rh;! There (see p.og.err for full orPr tbe i€€l'hd detsjls,I ii l: t0.l o0) 7-ll 9 ] I rl. \:.1G l:)rr ( li'l' K. CHI.JRCHILL Ni f\wi-lrtw'-l i %.., ffirchie @ryden rill 8l.eadr have hea.d of the passing of Archie B.yden on 29th of He rill be greatly Janua.y this ye*. .idsed here at the teatiral rhicb ores it 3 oriSiD in plrt to Archie rho, *ith ! fer othe. optiristic f.iends, d€cided to put oD . reekend of Fol* Singing and Dancint, blcl iD 19?7. F.or that .od€st anr or you hhppy betinnina the Fe3tiv.l has g.orn into the Fopul!. event re tnos but todai. r.chie 'orked tt.ele$ly each y€ar kith s ene.gy that olten put the younge. rerbers of the Corittee to 3hue, A.ciie ra bo.n in Cllaor in 190? to . tusical foily. ..fter lchool he tEined e r teacher ed .oved .outh to Sufloll ih 6earch of ro.t. Th..e he rct olli€ at Enalish colntry D&ciDg clsse6. theJ ra..ied dd roved to Sot€se-t in 1949 rhe. l..hi€ re.t to t.acb !t l|uish. For ove. fifty reus Archie od IoIIie rere involved in the Folk scene together. Playfo.d, loDgsro.d ud o.ri6, ddcing befo.e the [ing ad Qtree. .t l{erbley, teaching, o.3anisina bards,!r6icids diys, di€p1ays, the Iist. is endless. or hig .eti.erent in 1967 ,l.chie md liotlie took ro giring lectlres on . ,ide range of snbj€.ts including FolI lusic !.ound the British lsles! rith lrchie on piano dd pioo lcco.dion sd rolrie 6n pe.cussion, bored Faltery bd sutoharp, b.ina Foll rtrBic to ftry Der iI ii it' I /Adrket ::!":n:0"* i wh"okfoods t' rry r teytabks i, hombrews jr^tr"I ytroccries i ww|otys iL----r-------_J frtt, walconc $lheat ^waLtl yo! shea (o t ho. South Clrb, lor sta.ti.g the Yeolil C.a.Gr Scbool Blue D.4on l4o.ris T€e; for the tess€r ito.ris alo.g ,ith Bob Sharpe sd othe.s 'ho hd preliouslv been.erbers of Nhit€ Horsei for the Siire. Srods BoJs D$ce rd sro.d Tee md ro. Childrer's.usic festivals at c.eenfvlde School, lllinster, lle also t'ught conntry dahcing in the l6.al scbools until eithteen lonths a8o, played rirh SPAi (South Petherto.'€ folk dance band) and o.Saised !.nr Sr, ,{ndrel's Night Ceilidhs dd othe. lund-raisin! Petherdon Darce rider sc€ne,lrchie ras o Hono.a.y lep.es€ntative for the South Region ol tbe lbglish Foll Dmce and Song Society. fl€ also served on the Dist.ict Conitiee dd rB the president for eele.al yea.s, He Has p.ese.ted sith th€ Sidlouth Ara.d f6.geFices to Folk Xusic in 1973. On a test€.n although archie is no lonaer rith us in body, ne is certainly here in Epirit dd re can be su.€ that be is )Eppt in the krorledte that the IesttlaI is continuing. South Peth€{on, Somem€t. QUALITY MEATS KEPT IN REFRIGERATED DISPIIIY CABINEIS r"-*-r f 1. 'f \hfir' Telcphone 405 EOMBI.EHOI,MES SiIORES lhrdwore fuoDery 6ifts loys Stotainery Chinit & Closs Pink Ponff in Color Cos ' UMINS ..ibays dd locil histo.y, to ne€ but.fer. fle is rlso especiallt reterbe.ed locally as a co-founder of th€ 32 Si. James Street, .9,,oo A.chie ras.l3o involred Nith the Chu.ch s a Lay P.e!.ber ed relief o.gmist sd ,ith the Youth lello,shir. lis oth€r inter.sls iD.luded eateu. d.{atics' t GH{I,ISS FAMILY BIII\CHER r:'itl' Bor snocks ovdiloblc ,CARTERS & SUTTONS SEEDS & FERTILISBS Lrundry |nd Clxd. les. w.rch .nd clo.l A.r.lr. l.owet Sho. md Scl.to. Sl|.4-lhe ChlD g Cutlry r.. Xlrr r.bhd!. sos$ P..l:|ar ao{&l IqsrruALfoov fruwF CRAFTS MARKET the CRla! llRliET i. bci.g treld in the larqu€. t! the Junio' s'hool tii3 ycar.nd rill h? oDen fror tO.oO & until 6.00 p. on Situtdtt sd r'or 10.00 u uDtil 5.30 Dr on sund.t velr rhe CRAfI I{^RXE] ha b'en G\pandrhs Thrs vear tha ner venuc rill ;.otidc ruch.orc Bpa'P.n.blrns D6 ro rncrud' Btall3 or ' cfe'ter v!.i.iy oa crarts f.o. iradition!l cross' jeierie.v, iood{o'lt t'ttil'3i b' t There rill ce.ri;s' cloth€5, print6, pluts &d rot Dre 'I3o st.ll .ellin!.ecordb bv r&v of rhe Festiltl artist' s rell " ' ride raDge ol aoll ed Root6 tusic on s.tu.day re a.e tding the craft. a rpecial le.tnre of the Feitivll' Thefe rill be abour 10 p€opl€ ro.ling or deroh6l.ltint their cr'ftE in.ludlnS cnair c&int, ldr r€lvi.gi dlss eDd.lviht' a b1'cl6'ith nd a rell' co.e Ed fird oul fot bods€. (;h,t is a aod8er?, vou.sr' Eacb teovil To'n Band r.il .lso b- Dl.vrnS as e ddriional Itrr(!ion sd .ef.estrents rill be !v,il.ble, so don't riss thlg opppo'ruhitv to 8p€nd IILX rill be.old on th. crp.ite elch rorninS. AIso fror th. ^v.ilrble tro a.@eE, sd f.ot th€ t.r.g€ !t Lopen Herd rhich ia open .ll d.J reail.ble f.on tlaf{lNs BAXER), open unlil 1.00 p! on Saturdal, B. ra.oed, th.r'tend to sell oul quit€ e.rly, Also fro! tl'e C0-0P od LAXE S AREAD si[ET sHoP, !ll diy o. srrlrday; llao opeN u.til 3,00pr oo Fridry €vening. .&te of .uperr.rler gmds. Enor.ous qneue! by 1i.00. on Satu.dll @-oP oDens Uaull in the Squ..e. open 09,00-l.00Dr Dd 2,00-5,00p!, Stocks t.uit, ves., ro.e a.ocerr iters Iite f.uit jui.e, baled b€es, rtd€ roge ol thdlefood. od snrclE, GRE€NCROCER llCtIC SQIJI E - 9.00-1.00 ud 2.00 5,00pr Sirt.drj; 12,00-2.00p. Sund.t. autcber otuncHILLs oDen s't!fd.y .o.ring, r.!. rill .!n. crre in the Lor€. chu.ch.oors or satu.day.nd 9unday urii 6.000r. they rill b€ senint teis, coffe.si 6ofr drinl., redriches, lilled bll., hore-!d. c.l.s ed biscuit6 et. Flsli lllD CIIP SHoP rill opcn fridlr erenin3. slrn.day Iuncnrirc unlil 1.30p., satu.dly evenins f.o.5,00 to 10.00pr. as rell ae rh. usurl 'Brittsh' trle-lNAy reru, thc.e i6 n ertensivr chinese tal.-arat renu, E.J.G.GODOARD Tl{[ oLD Blxolotlst ,ill LOPEN HEAD !.ILLING SIHTION &(;ARDL,N CENTRE OPEN 7.00.,.. - ?.00 D.r. rcnDrI It) slflraDlY s.00 i,r. - ?.00 D.., sUNDAls & &IK ope. .peci!]ty to do f€sliral bre*ltsts. Tbr.. ril! b€. choi.. or eAse, b&on, sauslaer, torrLoes, eill rlgo b€.dditions to thc usurl lunch-ti.e..hr rhich rill inclde D.Gtiea, aru.rtes, fish, hor.-rlde ste..l And lidn.y Died, etc., !lt rirh t..8b regetibles or chips md pec. Sundly lurch rill rlso be available, sttu.day: 9.00 u - 2.00 p. (coffee tro. 10.00 u) Su.day :10.00 u - 2.00 p. " Dinner : ?.15 pr - 9,30 pr (.u6t b€ book.d) A&E EnS AAXS dd tHE rllEltsHtrF both do a :ood ruge of ba. 6.'cls 3dd choic€s il tou rDt ln.h tjth rusic. Lt TIRI muc olt in Palrer Str€et sd BRool Othe. licenBed gOUSf ib Silrer Streer. BRm( HoUSf, offe.6 ! rsge of Cood food du.jn8 .orrll Iic.nsina hou.s tog€lhe ith e '6ll da}' b.ea(llst se.ric.. n!.erous couhlry plbs in rh. ll tou sisb to go fu.tber.li.)d th€re 'r€ tr! Y.oril ehich hs lhdru .rea chict serv€ erc.llent .erl6i or rou.o!ld sd ChiDe6e..Et!urdts, vlrious tile-lrlys Dd r lu.ber or sundry ope.ir( Tll[ XOLIoIIS POT PLANTS, CUT FLOITERS, FRUIT & VEGETABLES BEDDING PLANTS, FUCHSIAS, GERANIUMS, HANCING BASIGTS. ESSO PETROL, DIESEL & MOTOR OILS CALOR AUTOGAS & CYLINDERS FOR CAR SALES CONTACT BOB GREENAVAY SOUTH PETIIERTON 40440 THE BREWERSARMS VAL A DAVE HARVEY FNEEHOTISE S! James Street,South Petherton,Somerset Tcl Sourh Pcrhcrton (0460) 41887 BAR SNACKS: CHILDRENS ROOM:SKITTLE ALLEY CASK CONDITIONED EEERS: FUNCTION ROOM TGYMNASIUM: GINIRAL INFORMATION W*nroN l1lE FESTIYI' Il{FoDri{tIoN Cf,NTnE b in the Eqte. rhii ta ste fie EdeE Ibtnt tor pm4@tued. PIMe .heck with the ottice tor .dditioh.l eeehrf ed aht p"o.rgDde cheges. OtEnine tiaes are 4loDovg:- FDday Saturdtt Sutdat Midday - gph 9M - gpD 9@ - 6pD CXETS: ,lekend @a fMilt ttckets Ddy be obtained in aalvance ftud LIZ SAAT, ? ,Ieat Stret, South Pethetton SonerEel .feL South peth.rton 4ji16 or tt the FeEtiwal Inlorbation Cen+e du.inA the t8tiraL fickets tot ib.rjvidual Fl eyentE \ eill be availdble tt tlre d@f. PRI.FS: we ar. epe^una rJ.e fhitt -R(ehd E.Lcr - , bar;aih ar iJS,OO fof up tr 2 sdult sd 2 cbildtun. T/,e einele weekend ticket *iU @.t t15.OO ehis tat. ChUdren ad aenior cltians halt price s udualL Ihe '.ekebd ticket aiveE you t all etent ud iDctud$ @ptng ob the tes,vrl ^dDia'ion Eite lq the vekehd, It tou tu dblt Dake it lor prt ot the feBrjwdt theb bDt a s4turd't ticket tt t7.50. Prices fq in.lii.lual everts are ltsted ib Lhe pro'ranne qd @ p!.rabte at the d@r if yot prete!, )-,1 CRAft l'lARKET:The tu1, Craft |4a.iet wtll be held iu the ttatque tna! vit) 6Pe, on Saturda! 10.04 - 1A,O0 ad Sunday 10.@ - 17.30. rhi. ta*e e hopine to in.lude Daht nore lo.al cralt exhibitorE ed the€ vi| be opptrtunttt to vaLch tba aL work, Adntasio' ls Lat S;o doD't Die6 this opportunttt. li If 2. Juior &bol a L.q!e€ 6. Cal. L-ri^l CIIILDREN: rbpre e'e nuDerou' events tor Lhe ch d.en thDu(hour the s@kehd. For @re detail' 6ee 'ENTEETNNMEN| FOR TEE CEILDREN' fDrther ou in thiE ptuattune And v.tcb thz b@rdE at the Info.Mtio, centre tor tine' of petownee Ch.P€l c.AMP a.roi & ry@alP&v&& a&ryG8 &&&g io t6^9_ol' .9ert4 lJhilst every effort has been oade to verify details of the progranune which are believed to be correct at the tine of going to press, The CoEmittee reserve the right to make any alteratj-ons that eay be necesary, due to circunstances beyond our conbrol. Ii vas tn ihis tear that Xins Jobn conlim€'i a veekly @!kct amml lair eacn Midsmer day, ihe I'estisal of si.Joh! the B:!tist,, dlihougL it is Fdbable th3t tbese €vcats bad be€! h€ld frou Saxod days, ald Mids@€r day celehratiom date fr@ pre-4hristian ttues. ln 1252 the lair vas €rteDd€d to itulude the reve and norrowr and by 1294 trs valueit at bs ad. lhc fairrg 6lue cortinued Ld grov and i! 14!A it y6s exiended egai!' thig tiDe io six days. By 1650 its yatue had begu to it€cliD., reaching 6s 3d asain by 1701. vl€n tbe Gregorian calelde. Es adod€d in 1752 (sobe !.ople iDgined that th€y had been d€priyed ol cleve! days of t[eir rife) the fair, like Bny oth.!s, k.pt to and coDiinued on this itay util tbe ol{i Miits@r Day - July 1910s, vhen su.h ES tle irter.si, or rather l6ck ol it' tbat 'th toll3 v€le l.vi.d b.rely Io! the Tle otd @rket house Bs d€nolish€d ir 144, and tbo lellac€n nt buildilg can nov te seen as paii df th. front 3ectio! of th€ Bt:ke lt ll wbich w6s bullt in 1911. Today v€ bave reyiyed the c€lebntiom of olil ty gatbetibA togeih€r ruicials, dancers ud craftsne! lor 6 F€stival ol tradrtroBl arts i! and.roud Sourb Pcrbertoa and an ?xe6n//'lM€ 0f 6v€NTs FRIDAY 2,00-5.30 PRICES fe8riral cotbining r,he C.aft lt!.ket and f,xhtbitioh - ore. 30 shlrs ed 15 ro.ling ..afts _ rith lire rusic a.d pertorrdces throDghour thp afre.noon t-o! 'h festivar danc. te&s, Special guest perforrcrs? XU5{UERANDI'A and Yf,OVIL ?.00 9,00 for all rh€ fsily - bnr be ,arhed- a ..gular p.rr of the sho* is to TOSSPOT Tr{EA?RE SHol Da!id Harl L5O/0.75 DINCE DISPLAYS 2.34 2.34 - "The Clove is Up . The testivrl pill be opened by Ceo.Ee Hor!.d, Esq. folldred b! oris Dscint. f,YVEETA (Paula Srookes) rill be in The Square th.oughout tie 3.00 5,00 TOSSPOT best .e, 3.30 TllE LATE NICHT BAND bands on the 8cene. FoLX CLUB - One of the Jrhid. School 3.00/1.50 - tDlorul "core-all-ye' - r chmc€ & Hospital 1.30-5.30 - Docing md Aues led by ru"ic l.ot thc relber" THEATRL, vrrh vELvET EoTToH 0,50 B,TND' 'oIN _ Pitrar' Btrmortht CHII,DREIi'S CEILIDH of the - Hali 3,00/1.50 nosie Upton & Pete XacS.eaor ittrodlce Paul Higgs, Rocer |rilson, cliff Rescue & the Heltcopterss sd tla.iin Carthy. oPEI|ING cERlxo$Y CEILIDH David FESTIVAL FAtR ,{ brand ner featu.e to the Darid Uatl o.75 laID. Tll! AiTIsTs - xusic aession eith The tate Niaht Bard fiEET xethodist tlall 5.00 ao. oyon€ to sing or play, plus spots fro! tID{ - for .hildr.n of .11 ages Disner's 3,30 IES'IVAL CELTIC BOO4IE - .Ii8 RON MVANA Alias &e cutently ihe besr band on the lo,don ci.cuit ed huge f&vourites locallll BlaLe Hrll 3.50/1.75 8,00 ti ll CEILIDH Calle. - rjth ED!{ARD 11 Dave Aobe.ts r TllE RID HoT PoLX]{S Ia.quee .t Junio. School Dlrs guest spots. Retu.n vtsit lro! the sensatiohal band rho r€re sta.s of last yea. 3 festival. SATURDAY IO.00-6.00 CRAFT - Visiting lees. roRl$HoP 11,30-12,30 11,30 - D.nssyr Ta,eri! llDs appea.ances f.or festivdl xetbodist Hall r.e€ Hall 0.50 ToR8SHOP Tri33 Xorris Iethodist fiall aree 0.50 David tllil C101{NINC *ith RYVEETA iGET THt AiTISTS - Ro3e. uilson sd P'ul Higgs Breflers CJ-r L50/Ai5 THEITRT Irirl Drvid SoNC A D John A !lNT - tan Findlay' Ceotf larris, & C. but .ainly you.sel!€J |llitho 1.15-2.!5 xilslclArls flORXSHop led by JAN iUSSoN fo. chitdren of all abtlities - b.in8 ro!. inst.urenk ed voice8 (dd totr. sandiichesi) fiali Suests. unnrDoN INSURANCE &INVESTMENTS 2,High Stleei, Stok€ sub I]amdon,Aome$et,TA14 6PU Telephore (os35) 822528 grerersYdrd Collection Drrid theaLsheal Calol and Chris Eockey F.L.LA.Liceuod Bmkea The squa.e 11,30 12,30-2,00 oFpo.tnjties fo. al] si.3e.s and rusicids ltu.lerendda 10,30-t1.30 loR(sHoP & PUTTEIT) ,rLh lossPo1 11,30 m! N0,2 Blate HalI follo,ed by lilson, The Halthu intrcduces Aoger 'ESTIy,AL qarlin carihy Lar. Nrght Band, Paul H'ggs ed lolloNed rt 10.00 p. by lHE BALHTI ALLICATORS. STAR CONCERT 1,00/2.00 John F.or app.ox, 1.00pl a.rdrd tbis till also lo.. th€.e.t.epiace ol tbe FESTIVaL taIR. over 30 c.rftstalls rnd 15 ro.k;D3 crafi5, 10.00-12.30 DISPLAY 10.15 8.00 12,00 EIHIBITION AIiD IARKE1 0.t0 16, St.James Strc€t, South Pethorton,Somolset. TA13 5Bq/ lblephone (o4oo) 4oooo HALITAX FIMB 1.50 SUNDAY 10,00 5.30 10.30 10. 30-12. cRAFT EXI{tBI Oti A D TLARXET see satu.day for details. of 0uce teus through titl4e PnOCISSIoN f.o. cup .it. to th€ Square. 30 clll LDBIN'S loRlisl{oPs rith llSSpOl tlaATRE D.vid ltall 0.50 per gessio. (se. notic. bor.d fo. d.tails of rhlt t6 b.ina) DANCI DISPLIY 11.00 BROAD|OOD 11.30 IORXSHoF 11.30-12.30 XIET lit - Dece teos N.I, CLOC IORrcHOP - BoyI€-O'Dod! School ol l.ish ATTIST 12.30-2.00 soilG lrD a PINT 1.a5-3.15 tuslc CHILDREI'S - ,' nrril 2.00-5,30 FTSTML F^tR c.aft [xhibition - led by JAN XUSS0N lt.rker rith li\e lusic ed perfor.lnces throu8hout the .fte.noon fro! festivll teus lod other pe.lo.!ers. 2,30-3.30 IESTIVTL SEiVICt 2.30-5.00 FINAT @NCERT 3,30 Fr€e H6ll Br.r€ra Ya.d hrid tlal t It&qre€ at 1.50 Bld(e CAITHT YoAf,SrcP sau..€ Bre{er. Cl. It.thodi.t 8!ll The F.ee Free 0.50 Fr.e & 6ts€ 10 findldy lnt.odu.es the Llle rir8l't BanI, llul liggs, ia.ttn c&thy,,,and , fihal Bersion fror EDIAID 11 e THI RtD ll0T t{Lli4s PRIVIIf - FESTIVAL 1'99 Festiv.l guests ol ibe future shov !s ehtt they ct. do todly - rith help aron TOSSMT TIEATRE & Dufing rhich the o v) Iters l.o. th. F.siilal Bllte {!ll 3.00/1.50 9.) 2r D.!id !!ll 1,00/0.50 Th. Sqlrre F.ee 'Th€ t.30 Q><z Collection f ct ct -l vr _c z .4 \ti :Z P Y ^* \o 11 RYVETTA Rtffle Drir rill tlk€ place- -q N "i 5.30 CLOSJNC CERETONry Dancint fo. everyone Fcstfivan Guests SAFEWAY SERVICES (V.GUNN M.B.E. PROPRIETRESS) Lsbblshed Omrnbus Op€rator SOUTII I'I.;TIILNTON, GEWKHRI!T & YEOVIL All CL|sliis ot Pr'vat€ pany Work Underlsken ALIAg RON NAVAIIAIBAIIIII.I ALLIGATORST AATH 3@TTISII*SOB AIFOBD1EOYLE O'DOTDA* BNOADT@D TORT| TEST'EUTTENFITGEBS* cttALIcE lloRRI grcHlrEcll lllcErctl FF REscuE & TH! HELICOPTERS*IIN SIIDLAY8DAIINST{YR TAWER T N* DORSET IO{OBS T f,IIOCITRS'EDHABD 11 & THE RED HOT POiXASTGERRY XOC'C*GEOFF HARRIS* JAN USSONIJOHII WALTH.AIIT}iARTIN CARTHY' TII.I}I}IERANDADAIPAUL I{IGCSIRAIITINC SLEAZOST ROSIE UPTON & PETE IIACGBECOR'BOCER IiILSON* RWEETATS*EET COPPIN'TOSSPOT TIIEATRE* @ @ @ 45 ofu 53 Seoter Cooches for Hire t(eekly Tours NORTI I sTR I r__ rore. ll ,l iry tli il a I 'rYt lL'll FT IrFr-l:t: DAVY SPLLANE BAND * MARTIN CARTHY CHRISTINE COLLISTER & CLIVE GREGSON JUNE TABOR & HUW WARREN * TI JAZ VUJICSICS with MARTA SEBESTYEN BLOWZABELLA * PYEWACKETT Andres Cronshaw elth JIm Sutherland, Ian Blake & Bernard O'Nelll, Red Shfft, Roy Balley, Gas Marl 5, Leon Rosselcon, Les Barker and the Mrr Ackroyd Band, Slleas, Zumzeaux, Sprlng Chlckens, Clann Na Gael, The Buttcrmountatn Boys, and many, rnany rnoie Details from The Festlval Offlce, The Knowle, Sidmouth, D€von EX10 8HL Telephone (0395) 515134 (;AItAcE, Doily Excursions SOtr"Tl I ICTI IERTON, SODI IR-5L-T Tclephone SouLh Pcthorton 40309 TRIGC ITOBRIS*VELVET BOTTO BAND'IIOODFIDLEYT and rsny Elr & t928 60 Yeors of Public Servke RAFFLE to buy tj.ckets for the FESTIVAL RAFFLE. Dont forget, There are sone super prizes incl-uding HoLel Vouchers. Midi Hi-Fl, Case of dine, Tickets for gome qreat ?ourist AtLractions , Elec trical goods and nany more.. Tickets are obtainable from Commi-ttee Members prior to the Festival , then-at the Information Office in the village Square. The DRAW will t,ake place in The Square during the final Dance DispLay on sunday ILth 'JUne. ,/s t- tg88 ^ da{{$$ss ".- ffi $"fiti'l'iik$;t$l'}I"i C noN, PA I'' & I.1]CHAE L wE LCOr.aE YOU TO Cbe JBoulett "$xopsn9nng lgesD REAL ALE DINING ROOI'/ HOT & COLD BAR MEALS TEL:S.PETHERTON 41715 BEALE D.I.Y. DISCOUNT CENTRE CRCAA/N LANE llanager . S.PETHERTON PETER S/,IIS!U'RY invites (0460 ) 405r 9 you oul^ extended Ehowroom. to visit See our Xlectrical Section witb our ZANUSSI ranae Fridges ,ltaBhing Machines aDd Tufible Diyers. of Our sel-eciiorl: Autojugs, Xettles, Toasters. Irons . Plugs, Socketsj and 6Eoke Detectors etc. FOCA], PO]NT COAI, EFF''CT GAS I'IRES Plunbing & lieating fittings. Atl 6ize6 of tinber. large Eelection of household & toilet cleaneis, also 6election of paints, ir.onnongery & 6u!d?ies. we now stock CARTERS 6eeds & other garden accesEories. FOR A BEITER DEAI, SHOP AT BXAIJ'S fs-lt-tltDltAtRll-tl S.&R.COAD B@liel@lElFl N T E R s rOLK OIJR EXTENSIVE SHOI,IROOMS Barringtorr Court, Barrirgton, Ilninster, Sonerset IA19 oNQ Tel.ephone: (0460) 40149 B. REYTAND WHOLESALE FRUIT & POTATO MERCHANTS Sittte 3[ctc& SOMERCROFT F,ARM, SEAVINGTON, ILMINSTER. Tel. South Petherton (0460),10443 rnd 41665 .............. . Lrv! MUSiC ,.... It you. interest ts in tolk decing there are a nwbe. of clubs ir the a!ea. Furlhe! infotoation is available as fouows: 'Ieovrl 27?6L Ensl.tsh Folk Jance and sons Socieiy.. ... .... .GIen Taylo! leovi] ?7761 Tsllor Ye;v,l !oI( Dance c]ub.......................61en ...;lsie HoIe Creskerne 7??rl( C.ew(elne FolR Dece .i-ub........,..,.... Flayford Dance Club (vinter oonibs).,.......,Jod oliFshau leovi1 7477, 'teo\il 796a2 Uyv6.n Mo..is i'ien........ ... ......... .... ... .!ete CIe&o BolUday teovil 24927 Queehs Jetisht lohehs Morris.................sheila 0105 812918 ilessex l4orris Men,.. ..... ..... ..... . . ... ... , .JereEv Uilton Dr.1u.be.vi1re3....., ...Ch.is Edquds atukene ?3C52 leovil 2ll2r Treacle taters Cloe. . . . . . . . , . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Anne Fles a6g LA))5 . . .Ann Hodae south Feiherion. . .. . . ...Pe Cdoon letdiDst,er8?8oo Ierdinsi,er trish..,.. a963 254462 Knobs & xnockers Stave . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . , . . Jclrn tlaltl!@ ..,...,..Jee lrvine sherborne 8122C5 Scotlish...,.. toLX ! CLUBS iolk in ihe Bath Fc oeets on Subday nights at The Baih A.ns.Cbedla.. Enquiries to iete & Aniia l4cNab- oheddar (a93i.)?t*2320. CLASTCNBUaI The club 6eets at The Mitr€ Inn.Benedict 5!.,Glaslonbury on alternare Fridays. conlict Richard Frapwellstreer (0t58 )rrl29I for deiails. mLllNGToN The BoDbadil FoIk Cfub Deels on the lst.aDd l.d.i'londays o! oonLi sL tha ship lnn,Ma' rle .i!eer.4e11ing!on. !a the lull reae of iolk .)onracr rlarie Slanbury (O9A4l 23526. BiIDPORT The Rallway noo@,The Bu11 Hot,€I,Bridport. lolk Club on Lsi.Tuesday each eonth. Phone Siron Beadles - BridPo.t 275\2 - tor further infomaiion. lorihcoEirei 4ih JuIy - liicky Hen. lst aug--st'eve Turne!. 5ih sept. - lipper FdityDcRcHESTEk No regular oeeitngs ai plesent bui for info. on rhai's oD in ihe a.ea phone Is Findlay -a3a 584 427. SilERludNE IeLLles dusic club oee|-3 sooe lioe du.ih8 the l+ih reek of eacn !on!h.Phone Pete Shurle. - sherborne 8Ie66?. venue - tesi End flall, lenlhay, Sherborne. The aetl Inn,ash, near leovil. Regular Sunday nisht trsH R & ! balds ritb occaeional Jazz nights md soDe d!dreek siAs. Tel: (0915)A22?27. Jube lrd. - Dana GiUespie June llih - Balhe alieators, AT BATRINGIBN COI]RT. Shomooms SONC CHEDDAR TEE SPECIALIST DESIGNERS ANI) MAXERS OF FURNITT]RE & JOINMY IN TEE 17TH. CENII]RY SIYLE. VISIT rQ(^t reuN $c6!ion€ S.Peth€.ton 4OO34 DANCE C!UB5. , RLSWRY ffinneh T Residential Folk Centre Crowcorrbei Somerset fhank ku r. rrs), lo.\r.hd oLr lhanl" ro rh follor,ng All the local people of South P€the.ror &d.urrounding rillades sho have suDported us through the Jear in ou. fund.aisinA; !ll th. dr€rrisers in th€ Drog.ann€s; rll tholc rio hrv€ oflered ac.orodation io Fesliaal arti8tes: the R.cto. nhd lcEbc.s 6f the P.ri8h Churcb Couhcil lor us€ of the Chu.ch od .oo.s: tbe Junio. School: the PMish Council sd Xethodist Cburch fo. raking thoir p.e!ise6 arailablet Xess.s. T I C.J, rilley fo. crpirg ed ca. pa.l f!.ilitier; To Shore.j.gs, soutb SoDerset Diar.i.r council, sole.set countt councilr south rest Arr€, yDungs B.ererr, the Brelers lr.6 dd Slack Horse,lg.nci€s for fin.hcial 3uppo.t; Dlrid Burns of Slre.set lrt dd D?sjtn ror ! Der loto sd, of cour6e, to th. Deifor.e.s th..s.rves - the dece.s, tne sinaer6 sd the.lFicios rho all h€lD to.ale Soulh Peth..ton the frj€ndliest ol P.o3.u.e Ediror ad design - | :1y.. t:*:* Anne Richa.dson ONALLNEW | *s' Tnr Conrtpltre, Buttotns' MrRcHlut T.V. VTDEO & MI6ROMVES B E T T E R B Y s E RV CE . AUDrO .slrAvERs . r€tEvlStoN ATiSWERIN& fu1ACHINEs EALERS RENTAL FAC|U E5 ALlfuLn&L€ AND USUAL I used to be a lvlorris llancer but the carts in for service. e'49 FI.R.HODGE !"q!{IJl" Btltf ,E$.T*9*N (0460 ) 40 gone