Long Cliff Mine, Castleton, Derbyshire
Long Cliff Mine, Castleton, Derbyshire
1. c,rsltoll, !.sc., Ph.D., t.c.s. m 1l5V0R D. Foe!, DRBYS'{IIE. hs .c o at. crid 8ef. svurr825, alproxi!4lery m r,o@ ft. cortdr. 6lnoh:lbi1€ ft-s nor,e rs rh. resu1! or €r?IoErlm! carrj.d tut ir 19rJ-4 sd not !reY1oo!1r lublirh€ii. IFe.ntrece ras u.oeerod i! r94J by the Eit€- r@ovlns a fen Do w nl oa de d fro m w w w .p dm elon€s eil httina ttrbe.s on Lop of rhe lr.rshost prorirot, o lds cluf, r@l,h of th6 Speedrert U!r€! Castleron. tltelqud DoUd js 4! the Juotto of tro e"iJ6 - the Loog Clitf vsr, € rcuSn\y :..N.v.-r.s.i. atoD8 r.he .oor.or at ;b.,1 1,050 ir. :.Wt o.D. ;d t;e lhack HoIe scri, rhtcn orecnes ro rhe d.s,h, D i.h surf6ce ,ofkuss Ming up lhc hiLl, stiftns behind rh- Shjrlns _or oa une sodrh side of Eh€ sd rhich appears to JoM rh" Horse srd€s ( recer or toleslde) "rljndlsi Lle ft@ Royter HoIe. 0n tie tirst dsft the sineile coula t€ seo e*tendtus domNds 3m3 r5 feet Fj Lr lhe shaft lhen bsr.Jine out. s-ones droPped don udtdted-a c.n8lelabte ilelth, so fto h-rp-!3 ea IoO fe.i of ftpe ladd€r ed a oae re.s c€rchea eo r descddea. I $M rouo bysiff h a sido 3hdft nebi tha 6iretrs. ft sas abdt 15 feet nlde ed the lddiler bue clos€ to the easr ra1} fo! r.st of !.h6 rsJ. I reached r.be bottd of tn€ hdder at 1OO feer ed looked q@it eil th@stt I od1a sd tb€ bottd i! the lhadotrs belo{. I d.batea *sthor to jup but iteclded aga1tut it. Thls ras Just a! relt for on rh. n*t ,t6it {ith !o!e 1gade!, I fosd I should haee lMled lO fest ! 0h tnis sd on6 fu!f,he! yioft !. s. Fore6 ea othe4 ceri€d dt d here. Lhe lesrto or nntcb ue oesoribed 'in dotair +aeq, *prodrced tha thFre rAve bee! o€soenrs by peroons !e!or& of fulthe! dtscore.ies have reacheil !e, at6o pdt or ;!€ (o!hs si!e!€ at.t\c lop has cotlalseo pu"bed) ;. har tho oli8rEl 4 ft. Fide shaft rs nov a r@el".-12 fe"t &106r Md to f.et aeep, Noh ot the eouit hevirg Bone dom tbe ho1. ! fi€ orlsuel shafr ,as ctlcular, ldsblj 2 ree . tn.aee in dl&et€r, Ltneo r'lh dly !!one sinsus sl) lourt !o E6d.pth or Ebdt 6 foet me.€ l,ho oorlh raIl nas the stde o. lhe veb d*pt $M.d by kilhle role o! choir.. At 1, reet tbls @ udercut ,herc it opa.d out in o the tr&in shrft Lo Lre sorlh, {hikt b tn ,€sr tn. sirAr;R,a! suppoded on dry srde &cl'i!s (nd eidlbre fr@ the surfao€). sim6 1l1is ptrL of *s orsf. Fas L\roLsn ths ooua !b:e roof ea ar cdjg usr h6ve b€s very cLose ro lhe originat sroDa suda.e dd it rs poe;itl€ (here nas ono. a nerdrat olain8, txousi rh*€ rdno drecr e;idqoe for thi6, eruEr tr th6 uire or ln doceqts. 2. B€1@ the 4t!&c6 ..crion the ahaft tu!€iltaiely ,iit63 to berrccn eil 20 f€et ed Dat.tojls th1! rfth ltttle vdisrion dd sligtt rstotjle all th. say to th6 bortoD at llo f€et. Th€ ladde, hdss clear but olo3e to rhe .ast so that on6 c@ occasionel]y st;p oft 'a11 Anot 40 re.t dom it ts possible in set reather ro look dcross the shart to ses @te! lNrjns ou! of m oreiins in Shack Hole Scrin olloslte, lles&srly dtaljdse @i4 elonc ihe sore ol rh€ 5lrfece ,o.r.iJes d Lh8 scnn. FolMars-y rhe lado€. he€s crery of rosl of rhls ,rteflbo aost roiabl..thln6 about thls shaft id th4t it a!!ed! to b6 -tasely natural frlih tlut.il mre.-non 3iiie6. & ,uoh ii;e !.olally s aveq develop6a by lhreerio 6olutto& phich cm6 les to bcjrG u,ooi€d olbs.quentrJ if 1nd6sd it rae not partly uloofeit, xfthoush ;? it nao a opo lolho)e it rs djfflcu_! ro see FhJ thc olner! bultt a rtud over 1r rrb a!.h:n8 sd s s .eeil shafl. of tlus hots 6host c€rlMlt ldtlsted fe ntue sh6(k Hot€ sollr, ed iLd orjeilar ne€ my hav€ b€s th. shad Hors, (A shack dore in liojjc letu;obgr js My mtural ops oayi-y, Md t.le oomprad v€ftlon sliake do_€ i; ar6o 10 feer dom it ms po*_bre Lo step off ilro a 6 fr. hiEo . Lers.l , Ald! passase bdt afre! s rse y:.G tr becee .t",.o" fl,,- tr,. rrio, r. of lhis xa6 suppon-d d1V on rorlMs st@ple! and ii nas nor fudncr prolably -ed into Lte .oofl ot uhe rom, norki"g3 des.ribeil larer sd possrbty comedacd pltn thc chrbing 6haft s@€ ro rE.! eas! of the aure.€The rloor of the lEin MAf! srs s tevet q.dv.lly,ca t5 feet br l0 Firh ths.fa.llus @te! so* ,s af,ar d;ns qesa srd€,sooo not Lo be ::i:q'r". 0.ias folroned to- abour q_o f m i"e r p1r a 25 fe-t !itch Mro e oblrqr€1y .rosd)rs r-ir. Be_o,.;L cor.d be rofroFd 6-fer Jad3 back uder th- !*sse Jrsr r.ave*eo, &d ruobIe de8ds d srerp e3 Ern a oltjb:rr (MLnj"artns F.osit\y dn rne ate.at sr'rc.y:. rle tot "a " "r,uri. r"heaa, a _Frct FIlh -'e xe BEnery cmti.uad -01 ^ lhe rar' f6 /u@ betls "loor;" 'ith rt rae era Fss t.e appa.qtU oo 6rdptcs. "r;ead. ea"r .h&be. rirh 39ve41 opdtuss leadins ofr. rn the cdr.€".".1 of ths loof {as a ;i;!Ld MEfr! ao! .sroreo. rmedfa!"ry lerr elrry ,4 I shorl :Pluc bsd opa'DA 1n th. vein, Bjyond ed ro th€ tsfiorathe frisry LLLte !a63ag€ l€il ulnalas hto a lnall !itx, ]lnead eother !a6;€e *itb a cal.iled floor led u! into &o$€! -odrr obeber. -t Llljs slase Lne tJre" !@be.s o- i,he !ar!y,e.e.acn r de of of tJra tra reoposihle o, tr".r".., ed ;l.1 chebe!, rhey sor th. 1xpres3i6 L;a[ (a) rhe 'he.o Do w nl oa de d fro m w w w .p dm hs .c om 15 om dm IUEE! LONG C IIFf CASTL€TON w w w .p LlLr\t- hs .c PI.AN OF lJ fro m I'JHtr ,/ 4{g,!$g!e.*r)t! nl oa d ed '//.? Do w - -__-_:::> ".----195r-9:3----:r .\$ q\\* g\F \[e '..L3fc-cgE +Ei! -, a\ J. fbo! nad Eubsidea lsyelatr nLches, ed (r) ih4t 1t ra3 idaety stdlles oysr e lrnoom .aYity bdesth I TneJ, b€ai su9lo.ted m *" 3:', no! hor !3 v€ars sso.. r r$or hs beo back sinoc, rhar soes on b€1os, TEo othe! poinrs rere lotlced that de ,orrh !4tioling he!s, one,js !ha! Lhe ilritl oer6 ir rhe boltob laslqes re& rorar& rh. bdn a(ce6! busr naee be€, by sms orher roure a;7i;3!, lalrbry by rha cltnbina 6haf! jn lns €a3r ch@be!. 10€ 6e.ma;oidr r3. ar ft€ deep sarjn8 by the kibbre chein ar $e duece *s!""* t"d _ao trr& cdtir i.ook !.t6ce oe hs .c o m -r 6(cou!.d for Dy l,he_;€rovg1 .p dm of Eaterial.rroo t$s rhorr tosl, of passa8.s sffi. the use of s chain as rhe Fisnr of l0 IeeL ot lt routd ptacs 6 rre stoe &d th. Ds Fird.rns, b.f:re aoojns a ::ffi!"::ll" t,*.ore : rope Eoutd be oo.. ar6o rt i3 od: m.e no! so ams€d rhar ::1-::.9:{y. rne ondn or rope hua free or rhe sides. rs eiruateo on rhs Jucrlm of sha.f, fio1e s!ri, .rd8ct!!ff '4ir.3d" zoo cce, ed. Lm6 iff v€ln $e tta_r,4y HGoe in s!..d'elr Miae, ea eat.d ofe rirh b.(ftri (rlere dd loinLeit our !o 'dbgs d.r!r€ a3 Lhe "cich /€in.). A shors t"rslh Lnom or a:9e.ss,.bre th€ p"st eo o1c snsrrs rnos bishrr d"nselddJ \dr€ oso -r9 @!cnbed- barf-a{tre' or ?orkin$ sd s.orios up here,t." h" d6o d.h, 1f tru, rcutd hav" Lal.h nr ctos€"l"ir;i ro t$€ rr@r d ae vjmais beloq sblnlns ror (s€. c6ves & cavlns Lgtg). sj,ce th€.alrqce or roba cLiff M:ne is ar about ,.oro r., o.rl ti! inin fro m w w w the rhe lanasr€r'3 necorits ve s _ E4*cr:pt rolr h.s apparatLr oa _.. Ey de d sh€rt6 deprh,is Le€d lhM harf t"aL ro r,r. spi.i*.rr, thousn rner€ oay !out- in r8Lh. cmdry ltnins 0"y". r,,.7 r- no"l,a l:l-":::l 1. rh'*8h i,tucn Veini' i, SDftdp.ri is a 'et nearntr risins a! the $ s til e Eore [fom4liob ( lhoush cMtuged sndct, ,to1€ ri tn sbc; qor; Do w nl slreJ. D4e tr cte6! nhic! rs roet). \1rt tluch 24- r{ickea me lalr ot !oos€66ion! sradlrs in the f@ae, dee! .aued shack Ho16 on the ,m6 cltff siite. a!I. 2, tck.d a lecond rire. A!1. 9. Nick€d a thild tue1?5J De^. tO. Ntcked ? pdr6 of stom 6! snac{ Heaa, tons c Lirf siite, at ichol* cook sulr _ rhe o;er noa klom_ cod m" lhs Eine.s @ea in rhe rurd., or ard sa llrcholas 'a6 .r of1758. crso tn lne rlears coct j! .d raLer bv rdlu8 orer a pft-ipioe Dear rnpta(e or ouderJ 1754 Je, 24. DiepogBesBed tbe stors ar Ah6ok do'ie for r&t of {olhdshlp ud Btam to Nichob3 Cock. l+. ,oc. tl. U7l hs .c o m ttloloil 5 !dr6 of rtors si s13c! dok n.tmglrg to J&. naIL 6t Tho.. !e6t r6gue8i. (thid coirlil a!!ry .itnc! to shEclr Hole or StaoL Ho1e, !1*! Io1. i6 i! tx6 l!@ !cs1y a dr. S.1i. of lds ctiff, but 13 rti11 tr rhc 6rup ol v.i!! irvoltud in the linhs dea ri Es holeit eu1a t€ rolkoa fM s!eJn!€U, for ifilch fhos. Behet 6! as@!. Sleck HoIe (C:td Ref. g{,/rJ6I6) i! a iteep bolro' abdr a fttrn or s bile lorth of halard ttllrc sa to tn€ 60!fn of the CrjJf carem t! s!e€drs1l-) 3.€!bar & Pht. 6t 6ng Cl$l Eest Dra sqr€ !. on d*h of o.a bJ' &o. Nal1 to ffte s fouder !.e! 1! the lds cl-iff 01d velj o! Ptpa 6 rh. ldB cttf? dm (It i. uc.ftah th1. bsr 6r.r r€4er! ro, hut rhe rfe.sc. ro A t€ Fldet'natin yte of Fr!t!e__rs corrs,6, sil tne po6sibL ctoFcdroe b.tf,es ldbs cffr ed sleed.rau rhe!. a; rrso otne! leferen cd Lo Lon6 c-iff Rrit 'Ii!oveb, etc., mid ao Dor a!!s Sha.l !016 Sollr ts dleo ohom e odlam!! !1$ of SpeeiIftLL dat6a ]7n dd a il6tth of 72 fathobr is Dot.it 6s tlar et xhich Ahaok fio1o Ao.i! sho!1d ie foud. fhl! 13 allldi4tstry oo!rect but the oorir h.s detertoct€it rt d.!th to a fd laich.s ot oalclt6, wually pohted @! t. tddEt! ad il.61sa S!qn. oakitors !1s 6hoft Frislirs xorktns! ir L@g Cl1ff Veir nut nde h Sh&k HoL Solln. ?h6!€ de the fdcts of I,@g CUft Xtn6 e I bor tna &iI I teev. it 1,0 sdedc to fouo' 1t up no'. Ir ous! be noteit tnqr aly d!.odt iilr bo desehue (r bav€ reooueo os or a lese.oci( rbjEtiils lsrr ry heed sil gola8 throuCn th6 ladolr os1@ E. t) Pdr of !h. SirSrls bd cot]3ls€a; flr6 i63t ed the afthi.g ley go at eiy tj.D€ - r.earbs a &!go ops pot et the sufee I Ttle floor of flte €ast oh@be! rs wrtable 16 y$!s ego - it dy bar. gotro sltoserner lor I No not6, !e!e tek4 e the itctalls of the iier.l vetn! - riilth o! o6t4t.r . w nl oa de d fro m w w w .p plpe my Do fte 6uUro! requ€sl3 th6t 1f a4oo. do.s itcEodd, '!u let hI! ho* i[.i! ftdlu!. - tillto!. rb€y !1e6.6 M INE Do w nl oa de d fro m w w w .p dm hs .c om LONG CLIFF _ a a?9?.- ,4.? FLei d de nl oa w Do fro m hs dm w .p w w .c om