(srare) (zip) - Grand Island Chiropractic
(srare) (zip) - Grand Island Chiropractic
:i,.' ,;. .l i PATIENT HISTO,RY (Please Print) (Please feel froe to add information to thE .i of this rsheet) r I l. Name: Date of Address: (Steet) Mari+4sfffus:_ Birth' _ii-: _.- _ _Sex: M F (ciry) (srare) Weight: lelgnt: (zip) Cell Phone: r appolnunollt rern glders) iiGroup #: Phone: FoWdirt you hear' ebout"bs? Glease explai Are yW'purrenfly working? Yes or No *tf Would your enrifioyer be intergted in cornpli Oeoupatioru&' Ntme o f Employer : A$feuu of Emp,loyer: loyment: by our doctors? ***+ffigg You HtrRT AT Wodfi? YES or NO +***Y6ffi YOU HTJRT IN AN AUI'OMO ILE ACCIDENT? ] YES or NO i i, Dst6ffSg?f,'s$bnting comp{aint(s) in detail t' : PafB your syrnptoms BEG Give'cotdplote description of HOW your iFte Chiropqactor previo 'I&ve X-fays, IrfRI, CT-Sca,n, Bone Wbere: Hatf you been treated ftr or suspec preseot! YES or , or Blood Wo (Please Circle?) When: of having cabcer fln the past or Li$ ALL med'ications, vitamins, minerals, al lergies/reactions you ti6ve: i'b.or had AIIIY:ascideuts or If yes: flave.you had AltlY surgeries or fraotures: fst along with the approximate date: FtsAse Wbo to contad Signotr,ue: uries; YES,qr NO, se doscrlbe lh deti SorNQ I in case of an Erneigenc),: I Dttte: ., I r Phone: GRAND ISLAND CHIROPRACTIC 2283 GRAND ISLAND BLVD GRAND ISLAND, NY T4072 (Town Hall Plaza) (716\773-2222 FAX (866) 907-61s7 NOTARO CHIROPRACTIC I0T58 58 MAGARA FATLS BLVD BL Parient Name: AUTHORIZATION FOR RELEASE OF RECORDS: ., l.o , = . _. _., Iherebyauthorizeyouto diagnosis and records of any treatment or exanr.inatioh ren<jered ,. Dale: r : Signaturer; AUTHOzuZATION FOR 1l I Wirnless._ OF BENEFITSI I aurhorize paymont of any medical benefitsto be pald dirootly to - rlease to CRFND ISL4ND CHIROpRACftC any inioqlrarion inc ludj me drrrirrg rgy period ql'itrearmenr. IslandiQhiropracfip Office for any service rendered ro rne, Signature: NOTICE OF PATIENT PRIVACY By signing the below, I cenifu that I have received antJ r.eviewcd language that I can understand, I also understand rhar rlris olfice authorized penonal have access to this information, Name(Printed)_ h is nolice and all ol'nryIuesrions have been answered ro m.v sarisf'acrio, s electronic records rh{t are secure and passwold prolecled and lhat on Signature: Wirness: I ; S i ignature of Legal Representative tex.Anorney-ln-Facq Guardian, Parenl if a Re nr larion sh ip inor) CONSENT TO TREAT I have received information about my condition and proposed chi bcnefits, the risks and the side sffects ofthe neatrnent and consec rhar, as in allheal0r care, in the practice of chiropractic there are sprains. fractures, dislocations, disc injuries and strokes, I do not e I wish to rely on the doctor to exercise judgmenr during rhe course krrown, is in my best interest. My doctor has responded ro all ot'nr Irave had read to me, the above consenr. I have also had the opp i ic rrearment progrpfn as well as alternarive courses olcare, rhe rces ofnot hgving the froposed |rodtsnenr, I understand and am inforr re risks to trEatmcnt, irppluding but not limited to, muscle strains and pect the doc{or to be afp to anticipate or explain all risks and complica f the trearmqnts whichiihey feelar the rime, based upon rhe facrs rhen requests lor:'infornrari$n abour the proposed rrealtnenl. I havc read. or tiry lo ask question abpur ils contenr. tsy signing below, I consenr ro treatment. Signature; ;i .li I understandthat lmay be financially responsible for any charges i cuned at rhis, office, ind.|uOing co,paymenrs, deducribles, all collecrion ilrrclior legal fees on any unpaid account |el'erred for collecrion, and :harges denied ol norcfvered by my insurance cpmpany. I realize my nray be subject to pre,authorization by lhe irrsulance contpany, and acceptan),responsibil[,ry [br charges, which may not be approved. Tt ilrsulance compsny will revie w any/all docunrentation submilled Cland lsland Chiroplad.tic for review l'or meclical necessity and base rf approval/de.nial upon this documentation, lnsurance pol icy limirari ns are per individual inlburance policy plans, as are co-payments. co. insurance, deductibles, referrals etc. I ruderstand thai this office ar to notiry me if a se{Vice is not covered and will nori} me if rhe insurance company does not approve my care as soon as possible, I a freatmen't plan is approved, this office will make me aware of rhe of office visits allowed, lnitial visits may be denied and rhi may be beyqnd the office's abiliry to notiry the parienr priorro render 'umber acure care, while waiting for the insurance coverage approval. The charges willl be the t's responsibility if denied by the insurance company. This office may seek payment from you forany services ur health lnburance plpn determine to be not medically necessary. I have read and understand my obligations fcrr paymenr lbr care in absence ollinsurance lpo verage. GRAND ISLAI\D CHIROPRACTIC 2283 GRAND ISLAND BLVD GRAND ISLAND, NY 14072 (Town Hall Plaza) NOTARO CHTROPRACTTC 101F8 Niagara Falls Blvd Niagara Falls, NY 14304 (C{mo Airport Plaza) (716) 773-2222 FAX (866) 907-6rs7 rA)[ THOMAS J. ANDREW C. MICFIAEL C. KATHY CONSENT TO (Parent/Guardian ARO, D.C. REEN, D.C. AASE, D.C. D, L.M.T. T A MINOR herebfi authorize to have - Print Name) my son/daughter treatment from Thomas J. Notaro, D.C. Andrew C. Green, Baase, Kathy Good, L.M.T. Signature (716) 2980368 (866) e07-6rs7 receive .C., Micheal C.