Article - American Mud Racing Association
Article - American Mud Racing Association
I I 'l I l a I ilililJnxililillllililuil t I 5!n was shining. the bkds were singing, and th ! mLrcky obsese on that bod€6 on nsaniry Now at nea 40, V it was a great day in my world as I founded the nsanity nt runs through rne ike. geneal ond tra I iolowng the next cuwe through rhe fertile farmla nd of the b ood ne of a fam y s forefatheE. Th€ b oodline o trjy he northern Louisiana- The fieldr were wh ite with the next cash crop for th€ season as l barreled down the highwaywith my destination in mind. My joufney was tak' inq me to the site of one ot my favorite motorspo(s evenrsr a mud ra.e. Mv dad gor me hooked on an lre e.rvilre lwat6ve.6od I EY RO NIE RENO PHOTOCRAPHY til extreme spoft ol r97J when w,r5 m J! .. r! .l nrio..:edI] ,4x4fathers,, :hey cil th.n a bottorn es, p t of the m ry muck Even past close call, ancJcrdshel haven't rirns deeper qLrmbo mud dmnshedmydes€toqof!-throftredolundstrerchofLousana qLr.fbo mLrd Edck ntheddysol myyo!fi, mld racjfq nvoved trefd! !e1 !e, rorips Lf roulh rhe swamp. Thete larh€r nq5 r rece y compet t or 4x;rs, frcnd!, ramr y, ,rf.r | !.is ,, on,r relatleryshoft.o!E-, OUR FffiL}ruDIruG 4X4FATHERS I 'O!R1E5Y OF 5KY]ACKER 5!5rIiI5 OI.]5 & TI]T AMRA r) tL =-,-..--\"I ' {:l'* 36 - JI-J ro j rlr.tioi p, tnr! ot lh! [L1rhe nlJ Jnd derp !il.r;4.yi touqhl to ]o d tlr r.!r b.rl s! ere I or rF r99y you fe Ddl, rl,! e ii\ rdur y r alo 0tr! ilr.kba.ktlr.rc ra2!!r0 rrro lhee drtr*rlflp,hrrdh ul FordBrorot$,ptr{rt,otLl., Eh r e! lpebrpthmolrjhbrudihoLrd a .!i ir! drar orth4l16to F p Pwr tP in,onq mL d rliollJh tltr I qhi odds -!!rJ r)l iJ!! 37 ilrulf RAElll U {i It|Eil Al$t 1{0W that zigzagg€d though the swamp and ooped thrcugh the creek lke the back wate6 of the bayou They were tirned events of aboLrteightto ten lapsthrough the sarne arca ofsudqe. Each vehlcle leJt ai 5 m nute intervas to try lo keep ihe con geston down A Jew deep wdter ho es or . bid boq woud quckly dsruptthe theory ,rnd bottlen€ck the pioceed ngs. There !!ere 1wo man tedms n each veh.e llre dfler and the svr'arnper " politon vras dctLraly a very physcirllob. You hive to remenrber the era Broncos, Jeeps, ScoLrtt, homebu r The drver -eary bugges, no powersteernq, and mrnla transm ss a master pose was Lrp the on5 Th€ swamper needed to be ol manysk s, blt hir maf pLrF lo pll thewinch cabe based on the ine and hook Many a race w:s won or lon drverl ab ty and the sw,rmper! Lo not lkilsto qel getnuck lrvhere therc! mud and walei lherc! usually norc mud and water some boys even tullilled their dei rcs ior mud bydammins the rcek l0 make lhe wat€r ise becse itwould makea biggersplesh whe. the Gce6 do$€d. ll war rll ii rui unli rhe nexl vehi.le 10 hil lhe ho e was dmwned out bv rhe uiexDe.ted overflow oi water and rhen Msed bv anolhn r€am. lhenr un- nlct q!ckerthan the olher quys. The spect.tors werc Lrp co5e and peF sona wth the racers TheywoLr d mony congpqate around the hqer llrater obsta ce5 and muddy sews, and these racefdns !'rere neary as keytobe..ughr!p nthe mud !paiter as the r..e6 Th s closeness €cn! was Parl ot the dr.wof mird the spectdtors got the sense tirat they were pdft of the race snce they too were €ndurThe year 1974 saw. new era in mld lacnq.s these 4x4fathe6 ol mine poneered a new tom of rac ng n the SoLrth sde by, sde nrld rd.nq Th€ sporrs fanbase ind nlmber of prrtc pants had been ncreasnq ne.d new y over the years, and now tr/r' st on the spoft, ill wth this popLrlari9 grew orq nal mud-rarinq lrack lay n ! fied n Goodw . Lo! lana w€re used to rnark the bolnddres of The soybean po es the trar:k. Th€ po €5 w€nt downf eld abolt 300 feet, rndde,r 5harp efthaid turn to .reate a cutue,,rnd then formed a straght away ba.k to thel nsh basca y, a U shaped tri.k The proiferation of ine Gcetracks and the ernerqence of a nrcng sanctoning body spread the spod nto It 0fr RoA0 MAY,00l rc lbarls tonnie M.Curry sr iw n h lhe eary'70t 5idc by ido mud nq qot t 3brr in to!isiana, Mississipp,Arkan$t Alabama,andea5lIexar You(anloItomtheoowdinthebi(kg,oundtha(hisenreme spo(olmud Fdrq G ar enlhurianl spon, drawinq loya 6.e lanr aid ih€ rtum les Dewayne Ri(hddson wairs palienllyal rl"avM700r,,i . Dor.r, Brono named d,ove n honor ol h s 4x4lrther i1 led in belore rhqLobbr lhc ra.o ln "-"drJnohl e Rirhrd R.hardson! vehi. Noli(c tho pa$enqer{rwampoi He hrs hn on lhe shifta Io alowlhe drivd to of hind (enhte on $e t..k, oneofrhe swJhpst duties n this open tra& ra(e was io sh This raq!ned that borh the d verJid sdrmpd hrd lo ant.pale sa.h orher'r nexl hovo to rcna n ft Atli6tghn.e napperuth3t Ifn i i purebred Bron(o ll s adualyan trbred bean buii by Roy Sirkl and lor 1h. 70i €,a olside by sdecdnq When Roypr c( nlorhr ted ininlhe 70! he.ared m!.h (onlusion lor das lkd dn rherig his linoln Continenlil lrame and nrering, &on(o lrcnt dip rtrekhcd lo .ovo 1-': ' ' '''e- VBJndtanny,a nixture of orher a i i Chrw if.hrearefd drd a part5 His son lay 5r adand Ford 9 s now behitrd the wh€elin zo0l -[.:E 39 ,;' lvlisissippi, Arkansas, Alabama, and morc for ye.6 until the eaf y '80s. l'm no1 quitesufe what ed to ilJdemise, blt ldo Thls sq/le of mud racing flourshed nearly 15 remernber go ng to one of the ast laces wth some buddies of mine when was n The'90swere a bq vod for mud rac- blt ing, 2000 beqan a few rcvva that conlinues nronq today Sevef years.go, d new generaton of rac,"rs who begdn to hit the r early 30s asked the quen on, What' r Kinq cohE I pulL away wirh rhe l€ad in rfio iniide lane wirh Purc hianitypurhiis had on lhe oul5ide Ihe Iisht ro lhe otre k rhe ftst of many hatrles on $n muddy banleiierd. to the rnud races we Lrsed ds?' These nostalgl,: fewdeclded io bLr d d racetrack and hod a 'run'whatcha'brung ever happened to go to as k mud lace. and these humb e begnn nqs have -ad to a rcsurrection of th s exlieme Athough the evo ut of ofthe sport hds ns n the pan invo ved many qrcw ng pd seven years, the strongest sdncton ng body today s the American N,4ud Rdcirg Assocaton (AMRA) lvlembers of th s board oflrustees have proven the rnltmentro the qpo( Many ofthese dedcated foks arc second generaton race6 ano race who reve tans mLrd lne sdme ones ed n the mud racng of ther ofthe AMRA hds been to unfy the sport of rnud rac.9 The nran object ve among the race teams, track owne6, eponsors, End racefans. n essence,lhe AMRA estabBhes the ru e5 of pay for lace teams in each cass, d€lelops reatonsh ps w th track owne6 to prov de racers dnd fans fuendly fac lties, ensures the spon5o6 qpithe r money3 worth, and makes slre the fans are enteftained. Therc are cu ently four dfferent veh ce classifications: stock, Slper Stock, Modf ied, .nd Super Modfied. Aitholqh hdve common etety requrrements, sedt hdrnesses, f and so forrh, a c dsses casses lke d re extingu shels, dle dist nquished by cena n reslrictons:eng ne sze, c.rb!rctor size, heads, camehaft eze, suspension design, and tte sire. Over the yea6, the /o orr.RoaD r$Ai rooT ! 3eryl Rnhad$n in hk big'blod{ r0rd Bion.o hammeu p6t the lro [roney Cheq/ in the 5uper Nlodilied fhese vehnhs arc Iullthrcnle wi$ a nilrcus boost pushing 1,500 hp. ' I you aint a litlle sared, your clast stufi ainl fa( eiough," nols Ridardson. :-F MUII BAEIilB ITIEN ANII ]IIOW A[4RA has modif ed ts rlresto hep keep fed the play ng posslble; however, safety is Wth 2007. i compet|ve yet as f;ir as stl first. qht races on the track c rcu t for e tl-re AL/lRA qu.raftees ircph,"s and $6 500 n prze money lor sdnctoned ra.e elent to be dvded.mofg the top {i!e I n5her5 ol e..h cd5s Besde5 the payoff per e!e.l, tre A[r]8A anr!a po,ntr drampoiship af/ards banqLret w payo!t neary $15,000 n mon es, rophl]!, ifd prize5 to the po nt5 drampon5 and 5e(oid thrcLrlth F ith Pd.e If +re|s n e:rcfr.l.ns fg 4x4fathers kfewthey wolldn l qeL r.r lrom mud ra.rnq They vrere lln fappy ro pr.rcp;rle The lound drdhopef!ywn F€i' ril..-:'e'{l'iffi ".' i 1 r,:, Clo* bui legalwas $e oifical(a lon thisrag-leam makh t! notdoor handl€ lo door handle butit! drn doie. The lrue vetebns kiow ih.t ruhbing L b. nq, aid som€l mes thd nud aclua ly prcleds lhe paint... not rea ly bul the ba.k and forth ol rhe banh raqdd umil$e *63WarWaqon tru.k made rhe prs 3tirk and took Someol these.,lr;f.the ! are n racing, rr. one orrnem yor mdy o-a tam ar!vlr: Lonne l/l.Clrry 5r. tEO and presdeit oi 5kyr,r.kers!spoi5ons n 2001, L-on. e teamed up alla n wtlr oie of h s o.!ltme ifends, R.h.rd rev st the r rrcnq E to mld R.hdrdsondrore,rnd nper Lonnie war s!!,r h 9h chard50n, on for p,r5s y.ompett n nre e l,'lod f ed c as5 n ther €d dnd whte Ford Brorco f.lohLri.hef ir99, the They proved .',: themteves in th 5 neh' er. ol m!d racnq by be.ominq tlre 20rll AN,IRA po fis ch;rmpoi5 o;the r the r c,r5s:5 pad 5lylacler [4otor Sports ie.m Aso, 5hefie R.hardsof r, hers ver Che,,ry n the Cass Two of R chirrd5ont 50 r5 aso r.rers Dewayne Rchardson ra.c! ThL L the kind olenqine rream nq, mud Ilnqinq.onperir on rhat would make evon a prcfesionrtnunr Mud isa l.ue ban e oiwrr enduran.e nrabqy ho6epowerand, some peoph woutd say, diverlin.h. u(k. But iwasmorethanlurkthatkeptrheneigerlru(kk&ndlrcmTboninqrai&rrrios(/enJ. sLrpe. Sta.k are ihe lilod fed C irrs n ti-. K fq aobra (h s ddd! elLrrbshed N'lonrn.hen. rnd 8ery dsoi .ompetes C;ts in tre Slper [1od I i I s back Ford Broi.o ed AK47 tonn e ind R.hard have re.oqnzed the nvenment t takes to k€ep a passon aoe Doub e eliminalion doesn't allow mu.h t he ro gel into a Aythm, 3d you have lo be ready to qel rhelunp al tho ftrt or wheel G spun to delemlne ane doi.e, the vehi.les are staqed ii lo(ked, the rev I mileu are Both ol the5e qentcmen have nvened lme and money into the spod of ihe r youlh whch s nowthe spod that kpeps them young dt hedir And, i the rLrmors 4P 0ff ^.qi Mc, ,00r Ar 3don ai rhe offdalh ts rhe buiton, the liqht qoes 9'een and MUO BAEINS r . t rir, rry iou iit I r. .trcrl- | tl iLr i-!e i', tre:r..tr1!1. r!,.,1 '' -, i$.. J -------=-;: :r.5e r/ri.:L i:i : !Ll | -'i:,ri il, ! .::.j t: ,rt r !'l e;!r i. . : r i_: .,!f lr!:, i: r t:i ir.i . ., i ri ri .,i ri. r;r.5 rL t|i ,.:. r.,ia :r.L'' ,.,:rl. r.] I I ri 4 t i .n :, rir.!i .r' :, , rl -,! ri I : :i L. .]j ]1]i; rr'1.. Ll'l ii r. Ij,Il .t tf!...: r' .-.':;.:i'r:! :!l!1 n , i, '--F{ ri _. i!,i -i*$;ir.,-. | 'l. r', rrt ri. ,, !'ilLi i rr ,lrri. 1., ..-L rr i,i.,':rr,,L,i r. : I 50n!iokrlr[orrdti].'rllift! d!red!tnoiiirtfoii I rtlrd R d! dro r ! bph ni ttr. o i!. rn] lkcl try t ir ltr! $r npe] n nr. trr ro d Bronq M.urtl. rh: l. r it trlrhs! r;r nE Oodititr cl.i i 200r,inr r00t r rly rool,i r iL r fo ltr.2005 06 !.|?r, bLlt thq tL F h b. hi.( !r rlr rn tr|dat.d Ldnn e !{sion lB ri{k d, vei nn o!nt ltr r olMrhe ir 200r to rnmop ihe tt..rifqrhee Lnr dn rhe urooD em itl rui. !fth d fatr. ill.'orhite ot lr llr.r! rf.r. ire ooir.l! ol r{. fir 0hi ir th. tri.k to.! 4Lrnp 1Ei trro.l ! r\ rid thr r.onprl ro j defpds ind ir mDrrr sF nor proudl! ilr llrii,r]u,ys b rq!i oL]d AIlERICAN MUD RAC NGASsOCIATION 5hetcRi.r lon rrtssayor ts dr !ooeolitiefirt iit6!tmr.l'i.Dq s m sf,{i. . ii! fo ro'nef lEy il rui lrrrd! !n i.r9 lrith tlr b I hoys l|rse SKYJAC(ERSUSPENSTONS u thenfkr ofno.k nlo th! lrilrb y .onrpaiiru r dJ oi bLr rolt&only idrtu.n9 |Iorqtj jtr.rtu rp nlllr 5ro 5h!hrjdeslhe 7ti] rpotrhijstvei necd