11755-pcs Newspaper - Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
11755-pcs Newspaper - Overseas Workers Welfare Administration
Records Managerlenr D ivisiorr (RlvlD) (EffTtHED TRUE CoPY f otty (,lrtrol llr, -..:03 SI.'BSCRIPTION AGREEMENT I(NOW ALt. MEN BY THESE PRESENTS Tliis Agreement macle and entered into by and between the OVER$EAS WORKERS WEI-FARE ADMINISTRATION (OWWA), a government agency under the Department of Labor and Enrployment, with office address at OWWA Center Builcling, F.B. Harrison Street corner 7il' Street, Pasay City, represented lrerein by its Administrator, REBECCA .1. CALZADO, and hereinafler referred to as the'OWWA". -and- JAII TWICE PRINT MEDIA DEALER, a private newspapers/magazines carrier, whose office is located at #6162 Einthoven St., Palanan, Makati City, herein called as the SEGOND PARTY, and representecl by its Proprietor, ABNER TRINIDAD, hereinafter referred to as the ..CONTRACTOR'. .WITNESSETH- WI-IEREAS, OWWA requires the services of a clependable local newspaper carrier, wlticli shall provide the current events materials that have a direct impact or implications on the concerns of the agency; Wl-IEREAS, JAD TWICE PRINT MEDIA DEALER is an authorized subscription agent of all local and international newspapers in the Philippines; WHEREAS, JAD TWIGE PRINT MEDIA DEALER is authorized to accept newspaper slrbscriptions for Abante, Abante Tonite, Balita, Bulgar, People's Journal, Pe'ople's Tonight, Pilipino Ngayon, Tempo, Malaya, Manila Br-rlletin, Manila Starrdard Today, Manila Times, Philippine Daily lnquirer, Philippine Star and Daily Tribune; Wl-IEREAS, JAD TWICE PRINT MEDIA DEALER shall bill the agency for any price increase of the above-mentioned newspapers with the submission of proof of price increase and tts effective dates; NOW, THEREFORE, the parties hereto agree as follows: THAT in any event tlrat tlre local newspaper are not delivered to the place herein stated mentioned, corresponding replacement will be accordirrgly made or subscriptions be extencled equivalent to tlre undelivered portion; or THAT the processing period of the local newspapers are as follows: Abante, Abante Tonite, Balita, Bulgar, People's Journal, People's Tonight, Pilipino Ngayon, Tenrpo, Malaya, Manila Btrlletin, Manila Standard Today, Manila Times, Philippine Daily lnquirer, Philippine Star and Daily TribLrne strall be delivered on a daily basis for eight (B) nronths; THAT tlre number of copies of newspaper to be delivered of which is hereto specify in Annex "A" as part of the contract and payment of which shall be made on a monthly basis 15 days upon receipt of statement of account; THAT, OWWA shall pay the CONTRACTOR the sum of One Hunclrerl Seventy-Three Thousand Four Hunclrerl Thirty-Five Pesos only (P1rp173,435.00) for the delivery of the above-mentioned local newspapers from 01 May 20'15 to 31 December 2015, Tl-lAT, OWWA shall pay any price increase that may be incurred during the year relative to the newspapers upon presentatiorr of proof and effectivity; \ Tl-lAT, in case of failure of the CONTRACTOR to perform any part of the Agreement, 0WWA shall have exercise its right to rescind tlris agreement and to demand a cash refund ecluivalent to the payment made for the undelivered portion of the local newspapers; TI{AT, this Sttbscription Agreement shall take effect for a period of eight (B) months to commence on 01 May 2015 to 31 December 31 , 2015, lN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused these presents to be signed on this clay of 2015 at Philippines OVERSEAS WORKERS WELFARE AI]MINISl"RATION JAD TWICE PRINT MEDIA DEALER Ry: By: CC4I J. CALZADo ABNER TRINIDAD Contraclor Aclministrator -WITNESSES. Certified Frrnrls Available: MENDOZA, OlC, Accounting N ft eCOf clS lVlcllld!etrrer ] t i-r i', ;,,9i 'J"MA i q, r,,,,)) CERTIFIED TRUE COPY I Division h j ,,r, {$.r ( l"ro, [1q., cfu / :nrr I'A r. t1 ,n,,r/ ACI(NOWI-EDGEMEI{T Republic of tlre Philippines CITY OI futANItr City of }S.S. ilITY OT MANITA 3 u trirr 201$ for in the City of this _ day of 20 l5 personally appearecl, Arlministrator REBECCA J. CALZADO represetrtit'tg OVERSEAS WORt(ERS WELFARE ADMINSTRATION wittr Resiclence BEFORE ME, Certi[icate ancl Mr. ABNER a Notary PLrblic No. tRttttolrt, issued on representing at JAnmEm Resiclence Certificate No" issrrecl on at linown to me to be the same persons who executecl ----__--..-this foregoing instrument and that they acknowleclgecl to me tlrat the same is ilreir own free act and voluntary deed as well as the free act purposes therein set forth. Tl'ris instn"lment, consisting of three (3) pages inch-rding the page on which this acknowledgement is written, refers to an Agreenrent signecl by the parties and their instrumental witness at page (3) and on the left margin of each and every page t'hereof. (-I rII "- IN WITNESS WHEREOF' I have hereunto set nry hancl and affixed my notarial seal {.llY of LlAtJL.A , phrlrgrpirres, lrrs dav oJ ATlt- l,, tlil.[,fifl$ ilorARf/uBltfi, irou No. s451s lf ti-it.ri PrR 342765{ tintir Uanita HP Llf E No. 0fi25, Comniission il0.201,1 .022 Unril t13.l{! 0llice.Add: lilparial Eaykor( Towtr, l6{l A. il;liini, lr{anih !ct.i , .)t.rt : lq Doc. No. Page No. Book No. , Series of 2015 -fr- Recorcls Managenrent Division (RMD) C[I}TIFI[D TRUE COPY Byi D aG : 6//l[-t i,n" JII{M f olry ( irrl,ol f'lc,:---.-,-10 j----- ilo, t\/.001il29 lsSIlED oil ApR 1E,2Iul at -;; "4 I l./-'r DESCRIFTIOf'l UM Qry l l\ews paper nr.g\lgron r t ae Philippine ng-lf!ryg{gl (1e7 davs) :_?€ii_pgg 15 pcs / MondaY-Erd / Saturdav (39 daVS) = 117 PCS 1 17 pcs 3 pcs / Sunda (39i da 4i4C Fhilippine Star g7 !gYS) = 1 ,'l 82 pcs o /fVtondav-FridaY ( t : / SaturdaY (39 daYsl:-l-l1 PgE 3 pcs / SundaY (sl-!eygE-112 825 Manila tsulletin = 591 3 pcs lMondaY-f@q (1s7 d = lll / SaturdaY (39 d 117 3 pcs / SundaY (39"da 550 Manila Standard Toda = 550 /Daily (275 d 2 550 Manila Times" 2 pcs /DailY (?75 43 )=550 550 Malava 275 = 550 550 DailY Tribute iDaily (275 q s) = 550 2 275 Abante * Ll \) 1 pc /Dailv Q75 d 275 Abante Tonite 275 1 pc /Daily (27\le 275 Bulqar _LIJ - aatr 275 da 1 pc /Dai 275 Balita 275 d rl 825 Tem = 825 3 pCS iDav e75 d 825 Peo le's Tonight 825 s iDaY (275 da le's Journal 825 P 825 pcs lDav G75 d ino Star N 550 = 550 cs /Dav (275 da , ^4.
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