Farmers - The West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
Farmers - The West Virginia GeoExplorer Project
Farmers VOL. 47. THE Virginia jfrcc CHARLESTON, JEFFERSON COUNTY, YIRGOtfj THURSDAY MORNJNG, AUGUST 3, 1854. llr. Jehnston, ORKNET SPRIKGS, yoa bad premised to gire these up to please [ POiTBI. me I should have thought that yoa luf-uot ' BALTIMORE LOCK HOSPITAL, OF THE THR !KTV SEENANDOAH COUNTY. TA. HpHE Seymour Hoose^nd Sylvan Rerreat. ('he JL « . n l v Ho!rl» vnhin ihe cor pot a lion } « i l l 3e' "(KrnHi vi!>i o-*, as mail Jalv 1st, I8»t, by A. K.atYiSOUK. Jx>ir Proprietor. MUSIC. ' SO. 2§. ISTERVIBW UMTU . , in La Quayra during tie month of that mi niy independence that Uslougs to a ' And what no: -{.tractive home it ia. What is PCBL.IHBKU wtett.r. IT nuble he'.rted man. I should have thought an air of neatuSs SIK-. cqmfort per fades the Jvly. I was tempted, b; the heat of the low* (Fran 'M Kvitktilxtktr ) that, for the sake of conciliating you would buildings. Evary board is tight, and every lai !. to bathe io the sea ;. I swan oat to "No ei-nt n ihere .? ' Tfce MM of iov* i* bnahs* PEil A N N U M , deceive me. So, no. Souiaer, se«k such en- door swings !rv.« to i-.< place. N? broken soire* rooks, which lay . a quarter of anil* 1 L'poo Ihe h»ppy <fciii*»«» ol be«veu ; 'Pszablr halfrsarU; but Two fi H.I.»RS wil betaIt- |*re tffulgracr Jruu Cod*« f>re«ei.ce »tre»»iog, joyments as Tour own fowl judgment shall windows or dargling gates mar thf general frou the shore,. and there dived to pick op The Ladies' Parlor will be frm-Mied. wi:h a "«i -:i in -iv/ n-;nnn tail, it paid entirely in a.tvznce Sumo ever oa the fio»tt of the forgirca. tell you are right, and fear uoS that I shall appearance of ordiir which prerafH. What some le»atif«l shells. As I got near ;h«» Piano ami Guitar, ai.d the Bali Uocm with £ Cory Vij-n'.ver pirureji i* VlfT-rred bejund the ii ii-n B*Mi. . •• bo-tom, I balanced myself in mi-l water, to "Noni^ht n there !" iar «rant and ptin are nded ; fiud ftuh.' rt... '«r;>ir?ti jn •;! t-. • year icierest will t* charged. ait animated «:no th-j foreground presents ! ob-^rve a most beautiful pheoo?aenon. Sin aud teuipi»!i!» ihey »ball know uo u.«e; A §rand T»nraam»nt snd Parity Ball wi;! be f-y •; liberations loi -it m'.-aths, $1 25, io be Sunnier I)ean tfas a ]>road end happy f . '. ;i;.i'vi:t-i. wnb all tlni God i&Mkd, How otout and sleek are the horses—hew 'paid m r a r U b i y in arvanre. It being noca, and the enn crossing the man. and at that moment he took a »ilent vigorous the men-—h<>* appropriate the. imIK-|-»rte<l as they ielftlie ibortal •bore. u ill run daily Irom ihe Springs ria Mi. j ' ADVERTISING. cq utor, near which etaodn La Guijia,. his pledge, but one deep in hid heart, that he Jack«ou New Matbe't. • "No ni c ht is thenr !" f»-eye M eye eseh •*«!!< Th« -erres of^v-rti«in»are fora <<jcareor1cs<« plements they are usipgl Children, reared A R.SEYMOUR. There 1,0 hu>h juUguBMI, no diitni-t lutruJc ; wouM never do a thing that would make and educated in such K home, irill carry out bvums were reflected with surpaasi&g splen§1, lor ihre- insertion*— larrer one* in the. same Belortr luve't I (jhl *'l it*J«oacc|ii i-jn titv.h, — 2m U. dor on the surface of the water, which .wu Lirzic unhappy. 'prup->f"i »n. Eseh ••« iat in nance -Scent* per *qaare. er as be rkouhl. influences with rliem to make the world a (If' Ml *d»cr ise nrntsnot ordered f«r a «peeifiV Lizzie and iJ?rt!;a ha-1 bef o mnrripd near- better and happier one. And then the provi- agitated into rippling wares by the i»i J iaj "Xo ui»ht a there !" iWnone »ha:i know Irae, villbs'TuBiinued aruilforb'd and ckurg td acly a year. One pK-ns-.nt eveuing Smuaer dent aud thrifty f a r m IT has three rules for br->ze ; the little waves were reflected en thu Of M-|iar>ticii or e»ti»<|pe«ueiit beru; Ft. <&?RICK COUSTY. VA. 1)eaii aud h's wife cjll.d at the dwelling of regulating his L:isitit s.^. which ho observes santtj bed c>f the sea, which reflection showed t". I>T IIM? L >rd'» c-i j-t --ros-'it a :ti- «b*ll lan*aiib, \^ \mile> Jrom SiephenM.n' >'or t. ere h.» giuri*.» pc«; ujveilcd it icvu. Qr>- -V. H. PALMER, the A^rricaa "cRED IN TWO DATS OR XO CHARGE MADE. -Henry Wilder. They catered aud found himself and etiforccs 01 those aror.nd him, like a waving and shifting net of buruisbcd ihe Harj»r.\- Ferry a t d VVinchr-Jer rdii, i« fA? onfif aitftur-scd Afpn'.hr ihis ;>-J|H ,- in the Office, Xo 7 South Frederick Stw-i, 7 Door* from i silver. I .«aw the net, with pleasure. •tFe:ebO Iheu, while here, i" tlrknrss am! in sorrow, B.Ttli;i all alone. n>ad. Prt-^ensers leaving Wd»hingi<iu Cay a;:d Citic* cf Bo«ton,"Xc^r York, and Philadelphia, knd 15 Baltimore Street, Eatt Side, o;i the ««-jw. viz: to do ever\thhig In the right hiuie.con- ed : We wait Vriib trnaihte Coye ibe «um uoui htme ; :is f~r as my eye could reach, save iTe ia ihe m»rnir.s lr«ms, arrive in lime in duly empowered to tak<- advrrtiwratiiH »ud subriptions (£J- He particular in cbwrriu; the Name and Xam- j • W here H H enry .* asked Lizzie as sue A >ay Irnu ,'u uven 'o !'g« ccr palh We'll borrow^ •t thr ratc< a< rrquirn! by us. IIi« receipt* will IK- rc- bci, cr you will mifiakc the ulacc pur mure thsn 70 va'* invalid* have irelaid off her bot.uet. Nor e'er beycud :•> .• JdowcU laflujuce roam. raru.-d «« a*rmcat*. Hii Office* «rr— BOSTON. SeolDR. JOHNSON, to ;h«e wafers. In Gout. Khfamaii-m • H o ha* gora to bis dab.* returned Berf!n'*« ;i«M»i*: XEtV YORK, Tribune fimidins* t Member of the RoraJ College of Snrjeon», London, j iop!.y. Liirtr O'>?a->es ail Krvpiivr vTUY .Hiv4 -^W-iiU^I-^^-.^Sfe1^-.^^^.'J *• G M l K V I i T U G tha in a low tour. •Trrft.lDEt.rinA, If. W. corner TfilnJ rod CbCTt.-re? •raflostB from esc of ,-fic most <m?aent eolle«trt - f the I>i>eaies. &c_. us mrdicinal qaalittrs are nvll cast my cattle, horses, sheep, and swine, and keeps HEART! •trecU." Uuilrd State*, and ihe greater part of whose life ha< known anrl folly e*'ablisfced. Another la:?e bri' k yes upwards, aud, gracious heaven! I beheld, ' Then you remain bore, and I will go and no more than lie can keep well, either in brrti tpent ia the fir»t HL-JI :j!- of Lonilon, Pari«, Phil- i hin dme^[since la.-t season. A fine Band ol 1 n \ ! , i I - I . . K I : AGiiXCY. rig'it above me, one of the most terrible monET MAT. »i!--!n'i a, a:id i-i—-v|n—f. lu< cffectrd *oio<-of liitr IIJOM I bring him home, said Sir. Dean to his wife. : summer or wit.tcr. Mr. Wiu.u:« TH >iS3i.s-, No. G Carroll Hall a-'onf-Iiiiic cures Ihat tverc ever kuottn, many troubled : Music t r;a?---l. Coaches awa.i :he arri'-al ol' he sters in nature, known to the English ia ' Now, that we have come, we must have his OH, why should Memory grieve the heart He always drives on his work, and never riiiL'iiu in the can anil b?ai!, when a-li-«-|>, yr. .it tier- ! cars. Spun". nr.iV open lor the ot vi>iSalri<fore. .\f^rvlani!. is an authorize^ A^eni ii With dreams ol perished, faded figwen? these seas under the appellation of shovelcompany.' tor*. A fine-* Jurdan's Spiiiijjs, Stepheusun DeAs buujuer spokehe left the j i j,:., ^rive him. VIMJIIKT-, U-iue alarrni-d at :;>.:-leii •i/imi-, anil l i a l . i i . l ets work Bill-more. 'oi-er<-ivc Suhvrripiionv .-M! Tin- P.JI can never mere retim — r.o.-cJ shark. poi, Fiede:icif Ci'Onty Va. iii-!", with fn-i|iicnt tilii-liiii-.-. atlriidi-d 'MiiL'TnuL-a -A r.;i apartment tx. V-:., ion he "free Presi.' arvi ? cop* 'J Ii.- u.itvr:! Fj'.ure at II u cur«. His animals arc never cither under-fed <!ei iii'ii-uji'iit •)< mind, were curiil imuitrdialely. F. G &. R. M JORDON & CRO. I cast a few gjances aloft, and observed o( "ine iiaper, ier .ns, ic.,can !>e found on l i ' - a ; in•Ah. Bertha,' said Lizzie, in a half playnor over worked. TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE. *Tis trn«', at timei sal Memory brin^n his g'laring eyes, that looked at ones stupidDr. J. a<l-trp>ses all those who ha\e injured Ihcmful tone. ' I thought you Wi-re goiug to put The -ii.niy dn-.i:ns tllut We h iv- kuOWi), His out-bou-es, vrooi shed, poukry-house. - i ! n - « liy |»niatc a;id iiiijirejtrr ii:il»l»ence>, that >•• { Aiid u'er the i-aiin a>hado» C.nfS, ly dull anJ frightful!}' malignant. Tueir a step to tiiia.' Bei lieiey Springs, Virginia. pig-pen, wagon house, spring-house and corni-rt i and Solitary I I .'> l, « h rli ruin* foot'i Body and i As if i:.. » v.-ci Te:i clurui had 1) v7n ; Dr. fookc savage ken was oirected down upon me; its • Bertha's eyes filled with tears as she crib, are ireely vrliittjwujhed or painted on HE I I - tel ol i lie umlei Mailed i* fo-.v leadv for M -.-I u i . h i i:.-_' i i . 4 - i n I- r either |H,M';> * or s:;ci«-*y. Anil lliough we"»e 1<M ihe tru-ttn* laith, greedy mouth was opening and shotting" as These are ffinie of ihc »ail anil iui-ls'ic!i"lv ellect* pro- ! c->iii|>any. '1 !» pi ice i>l board to e.nch pern ;ihis p-<if--<.Monal M»rvi<vs to the citisaid: • He did promise me. but he deceived the outside, and kept clean and next within. •'! I; •.! lundiy ho|x d i l u t ail «,i- ii tie ; dnced l>y early habiN ofycntl:. v i z : \V-.-ikiiess i.f itie i i.eni h aide' will I.e. u-i h single ri-om IT place in / -n* u( O!iar lr*i»\vfi »'.<' ii- vi«:iriiir. it' in anticipation of swallowing mo. me And just smell the filthy tobacco smoke /.n treasured up iow v.'hijjien'd \ . u * r He has a too! house, and a plac-is for every ~ > f l i : e o n M a i n Slur'., uar dour ea-' -.1 Ortt-iV Hack ami Liii.bk, Piiiia in llie head. Dimness nf si;!it, Uret-i one. u n <l H a t s per wn-lf; Foini'ie> at ihf'J .!..! > j ^.-'.t.l utie dew ; I swam, still under water, to a n o t h e r place; in this rooji, too. I wish 1 had ucver tras tool in it, which tiny be wanted for any farm I. - cl >:»••'•• Powei. Pdlpitulioii of llic Hi-art. Dys- same rate, m i n i t f k d 1" liie extent of chamber room H -i.-l I M a y M. IS54. |M*|Hia. .'ii-rvoui* Irritabilttv. Oi-ran:r<-ni*-itt of the PisesI in I could observe by the shadow of tha Yet that i> iu>t. The fulure still ted him. purpose such as mending implement-), mak: . - , Gi-ueral debility,Syin^itomi uf Cou- oci u;;i--il and the ?.ae and conriiiionol it> menihets. I I i> n a i a briulit j . i i Uiry dieum, f u n s t e r , that he still followed me. UpBowrJ wtthofirlodcing seven di<liars p,-r wet k.— J O H N S . O A I /T, A 11 E R, l• ui ti 'e! ; ' tI n;.r-.. ' Di:L you rrrr trust him r asked L'zzie ••'!. &C. ing axe. hoe nrliM-k bandit a. &c .and also tor { Ami ail ;u:iuu2 j~<y ol youth Tian>ie:it v i - i : e r n t v i o lulUr* per liny, cr at ill' 1 I.,itr. Tliiid An'litnr of lite Tf i usury, .MrVTALLV—The ft-urfiil cff«-<-!s on the mini! are in a low. meaning tone ; ' fully trust to his stowing cart fully awsy such as nill not be wards I dnred not look ; in vain I tried to Sidl br^rs ua un aigiotviu^ stream. t a t e iwi IVL- i «•>•!• k f i r le»s ihan two doJge my tormentor; where I stopped, he ILL.a'i'""'' locldiiii" IM-J'H.V C iiizres" <T th? miirh !o 1«- ilreai!<-d : l.os* of Memory, Confuiioti rf I manly honor and love? 1 GU'I (!o|ie still s:uil<«. a:itl Irad.i u* on wanted fur another season. - . Di-jiri-s^ioii i'fS|nnl*, Kv»I Fiiri-l»i.%lpii'js. A*«*r»io« JOUN STROTHER. I* T I M i t " , H i - l a m i h a i i i f u i t b the •lo' • - Soricly, To roam in I'U-a^ureV .-uiiny Dowen; • Why, what do you mean.Lizzie?' Self Oi>t?'U*t, Kove of S^'it-jili*. Tniiul,l\', He has sheds around his b:.n-yard, to • :.-].pi-d ; at-, 1 go where I would, hia shadow ._-i : M , i- .1. bn» n?»s w i l l enable hi'ii i • > bf (!-• l:il t.i iiC. are M>iue And wlrsprrs iu trrluvv, »wci;l, of the evils pro<liiCi-<l. ."Surli (ifrsi.n.i ' I mean to ask you if you ever trusted protect his cattle from the w ather, and foil upon me. lai'ntn's [bin \-2. A :: . :i Ule of I'lilure hour- ! -u i l i l brfdre coi!li-iu]>ljliu£ Marriage consull Dr. .John What was to be done? my strength end Henry as a loving wife should trust a fond warm, well-ventilate-l stables for his cows »to.i, and lie at once restored. Let net r'aUe llrlicary Thru « l i v slirolii Mriuory prievo the le:rt bri-utii we>e fast going ; to rt-uiuin under *aH A M P S H I R E CO., VA. - J O H N \V. K I: N N H 1) Y, |ircvent, but apjily am! !>ave vonrscif from husband? Did you ever jtive him to know vVnti dreams f perched, laded fljWuia.' and young stock, and uU • a CelUr or shed —A— the ilrcailful aud awful con9c4<(uuiice!> of tliis terrible ter uch longer was imp.;S.iiLle. and turisu Thi- Pa^l cai» nercr iai>r»- relurn — that you hud the fullest confidence iu his A Homey ai Law, to protect his manure heap. 11 Ii uiideisi^neil t a ^ t the pleasure ui anno-ir:'-'I he uii>cen Z'*uiure - . t i l i^ ours T \va< :o muku for the j < w s of perdition. I honor ?' iu^ iu iti j u fri-?-i'i» »". i ihe pn'ilic t h a t iiu-v C n A n T. E S T O \V A* . VIRGINIA. DU. JOHNSTON'S INVIGORATINC. RE.VEDV 1'e 1ms Ie»ve* or other refuse vegetable j sank to the bed of the bay to arm myself KOK O R G A N I C VVEAKNTJSS. I I H V C i r u i r j the MfjL'.\TAJ.\ HOl'SE ai tin' Certainly I have.' returned llertha. l~&' i >in t- 4 (Kwirs eaM ol ibe V^pfey Lank, ('i matter, together with soil fn in his head- i : Ily in - u i . .,i ami anil ini|>0rraul renn-ily, weaknecs well kiinwn wotering-^laci.', wiiicli « i l l beupciiid with pome conch shells; these might brvf "f>r i" li»'ir« Iroin J( to 1 o'clock, ' Then.' said L zzie. • Henry has aUo delands.convenieii; to his barn-yard, tncomposc j of ill'.- onfall* are »| cured anil inl! \ i»or re.-toreil on i|i>- i'(iiii »l June. ^•o lf» iv. r >l —'t bct-n of some use could I have gained ihy ceived me for I always thought hiui a real—Thousand* of l!<e mo>l Nervous and Delnlitaii-il imiiwith his in imti\ heap. throu<ih the winter. No ctf H or ouilay shall be wantinir to rcm'ei viduals who tiaii !• -' all linpe, luve IH.-CU iiuiuetliately Can 'ii in \\-s o.ini'ons, jj^ietics anil many ai surface nf the water unharmed, in which ly kind-hearted man ' tie does not allow the liq ltd manure to | L. (. J. (IIU'LKY, EXPERIMENT. relic-red. All iaipeilinietit to t i a > turns Iu! y t q u a l to any summer restri ia iui' Bat you see how kind he i*.' uttered the escape into ihe nearest stream, a quarter or j c&so I might have hurled them at hisenorMAimiAGE, A T T O R N E Y AT LAW. mi'its head. Bur, no: the shark seemed aPhyiral or Mental Djmualificatiou, Nervoni Irriian'-liafflicted wif-j. ' He promised, before we half a mile frci:i his barn yard. SY AUSTIN' C. DLT.IMCK. in Hie TERMS. ly, Trcnjhlln; ant! \Veakiu-!.«, or Exhaii-lio-i of the ware that I could not long, remain below. were married that he would cut the club aud J i f f - ' -on. His barn, ami sheds, and dwellings are all . W a r r e n anu f / l a i k r in-i't fearful kin<! »i> euri'il by Dr. Ji)lin>t«in. B '-iid per dnv, 50 TO an-1 he determined to cfttch me as I rose. ' Tf ever I marry.'?ai<l Bcrtla Drake— quit .smoking.' ,.— .V. T. f!. t-'rtu-.mL. Co., la. (£j~ AH ii-IUTs must tw ;iorl paid. — Kem-dies «er! liv supplied with good spouting D i p- r \it-tk, Id 00 ; Suddenly a ray of blessed hope shot across mail. [.\jirii iii, liil.— iy. Did Henry make these promises freel}?' L).i fh-r month, S5 OJ .ind Bertha patted her little foot on the floor His fiiices aro always in good order, and H a v i n g kno\vn f"r a nmntxrf nl mv benighted mind. I was beside a rock most eipreesivelj ss she spoke—• If cvir I Children and serVante'naff price. ' lie made them ' materials for rep-airing or rcuiwal, collected V«-sr-. !i>' ur) 'rr-iy l |iii-a>t;!e in > a i 1 A reasunnlile deduction w i l l be made '.o families th-it had a small cleft through its centre, narry. my husbauJ will 2« just as I wish That may be, but they were forced, were and made during the winter. i n j i h a i hi cniru-icii in liis care w:il beat spending tin- reason. 4 him ':> do.' t li^ic" '•' they not " His woo;! shed is supplied T'ith wood, al- which near the head of the bay had a horiHail roa.N fiom Baliimore and Alexandri:i ! 1 . . . t PON, •?o ital passage ; down to this cleft 1 bad of• Perhaps lie \rul.' returned Lizzie Dale, Then, when he fell back after marri.ige cofiheclins v.-iih St ge-< at Winchester. Pi>'nways a year ahciid. U'MI.Ef i. I I I I E N O I U . ' ten gone out of mure boyish desire for adand Fruat lloyal, alf.irj pleasant and spetilv ' ivi'li a tjtiiet .•smile: 'because you would not you were petulant and perhaps accused him ilis wife never scolds, because shs never fl i e a-j.-. s. venture, and to this chasm I swam, and ;.u of course want him to do nu\tLii:g to which of deceiving you ? Let me tell you the exJL damages I v Fire, on Divellir.? Houses, has occasion to. 1 T. L n L A K E M O R E , !if wa< really opj'O-L-d. Sinr<'> T" I arro Fariotiev and oilier l!ui!i!lr."s. on periment I tried before I \vas married—you Her cel'ar an.J pantry arc always supplied an in-t:mt dnrtcd in this horizontal part of it. T. E. P. 1NG11A.M. K u r f i i t i i r e . Goml*. W a i f * nml Mefchamlizt, jr?n(srccceaoB TO *. i. tAi-Micns,) pnorBitiuu or Kre I did this, the hideous fish became, • I il tell you \vh;it.' returned U i r t h a . w i t h know I promised to tr^one.' And L'ZzSp with the needful, raw material, which she J n n r !.">. 13,'ii — if in i»iwu a:iJ coun'.: v, ITI itie rao^t real determination; 'in the first place he shall relates what the reader already knows ' A n d works up into a nalatabl; form to fill up va- too late, aware of my manoeuvre, and from the pressure of the water. I became sensible it-avc r.fF stiiokitifr. O, 1 do so u h n t n i r n t e ever since my inarritigc I have pursued the cuums at meal times. A!M> makes Insurance on the live* of all per-ii s * C:RHER or ROYAL AND CUIESCN siaiETS. enj.ivinp r that he snnkdi-wn towards me; but tint Jove s»i>il h - a l i t i and <il SUOIK! coiibiiniiinn plllS ht-alih-givii.g anil lieautiful Watering 'hat fi tiiy iolacco ! Ho iiiii^t promise this, same course. My hu->ba2d knows I place A I. !•: X A N I) It I A , V A . Heavy brea-.l, cold buckwheat cakes and for ihe \vhule docatioa of lite, or ior a liuiitcii J. I'mce u in bj^undrr the rif i M - t i u l superisiU u i'lu-u there is his club meeting, he goes there entire confidcMice in hiat-.sei:king only to rancid butter arc novelties which her gude of life made me too quick for him. even ia Ma- 4. IK>4 — I v period. ilci ce <;! t:ie '.aileiJ-Ui • i l l i r i n z 'i:e '--orniii^ Sum- I i>t>ce ;i wees, and spends half his time there; make him liuppy ; the i.-olH;i|iience Is. lie anmau and the children have heard teil of by hi* own element. I passed through the hoSlaves-employed in ordinary occupations, w i l l uicr. wlio w i l l u>eevriy i flint in his povrer lo lei;- ! THE UMT£1) STATES I10TE1, iiis • Literary Club.' he calls it—but it's only ticipates me in the worlrapt love and good ?c insured <>u rea«nnaMe iciins. some of the neighbors; but have never seen. ri/;intal passage, and in an instant was buoyv'.er ii ihe uw*t aiiiaciiye niul aureer.hle ivaed up. through FORMERLY THE L ' A ' / O . V , lie sometimes dnfys into the club Tlie C»inp-inv u-ill aKci tak-; marine ri''-s fnnn i c i i n g placf.- in Vnginiii. It is >iniaird IMI H!i ; for tin: purpose of smoking tobacco snd tell- will _ the vertical cavity of therock, Ilis crops are always equal to,, and often and to the anil in a n v ui ihe Noiihrrn or Souihtin Poit^ ai elevai.oii oi spur o! t h e maj-jsiic Bite lUdgeMoiin- j •iiig stories, that he goes there Corner jj/ni/i <i/;J 19/A Slf<.ds, lie must room, but Ife never remains lato. This even- better than any in the nei"tiberhood, and are *U"ace of the water, all but •utUvuratile raits. lain, in t h e ci-unty <•! J' Ifnson. five miles soulh of I focnted. to inhale the blessed air. put a stop to that to.». Iu short he will go ing he asked me if I hail any other et.{r:ige kejit clear of weeds. R!CHMQ\D. VA.. Ti'>nrJ af Directors. Ctiiiile.-ioiv.'i, the ciiumv seat. Still the persevering sea-devil followed : il nieiir for him. I told him I tbo't of visiting Hal txen rrfillrJ atd nrirli>Jitini>/it<l, and is now where I go.1 He watches '!j{C markets, and sells his Pa->t.ri.s«M8 It-avius Baliimoiecr Wasliin^ton I,-,! o JOHN UOIil.V \icDA.MEL Pr.-«!Jen!._ 1 : ; r> *— -. • • **~J_^ •Miu-.J...* ."""Vf" *" ~*f t "* •»"«--\><w4. •--.. f'\^ nor.- TT crrtrrK'Ts: vice Kr^ifem. " ' I am in earnest. Lizzie.' continued IJor- his club. Aud he would not think oi »nHe makes a rule always to spend a little K e i i x ill I- M.. from Ilieure in the Wi:n heslcr & i small easily to admit his enormous ln>ad. I SAMPSON D I U G U I D , Chief Engiiiecr.' P.iiuii!.iiR a i h o a J cai>, en m i l c > i d C h d i l t s t u w n . i tlia. 'Mid let me advise you to try some ex- club a moment, when I had an engagement less than he makes. J K N O W I! IS. Propricior. know not — certain I am, that the shark did ulieie a twelve pa-»f:iser Cuach will leceive anil ! Director*. perimciit You. I suppose, will be married for him like this. Ah, Bertiia, you know H imself and wife are both industrious, the - Stifcriittt.nd<:iU .f oi'Si-ss Hall. r.iiivev iheni into CharlestowD. a n j i! lesired u> ; not pass the cltft for some minutes after f a m e s ^T C'i!i!i«, De.\ter Oiev, A p r i l 37 lK'.1~lv ;is soon as myself. N u w Mr. Saintier D--SIII nut what a jerel you may be crushing in the children are bro'ight up in the same way. ihe Siiiics-i t.i (iiiuier, over a gjoJ toad and ; George W. Yancey. S.imne! Garland. me. suioki-s and goes to the club too; and if I in hoart of your husband Trust him B.-rdia. and are not allowed to shoot the birds, smoke i h r i i i i ^ h a l u V e l v countiy. Williaili T.Anderson, N.i han I! Thirinan, By this time I stood upright on the top The Analysis made by the late Dr. De Bu:is not mistaken he will want to po to theatre Make him ted that you honor find respect segars, or chew, tobacco. John O. Tayl-ir. I J me- M Boyu. of tho rock which was ont of the water, alfrom 100 grains nf ihe water tiom the m:iin r.iiinonce In a while without you. You'd beiter hiui. H a r k ' — h e r e thev come For Henry's He buys and soils on the cash principle, M A R T I X HOI.HNS. TiraMinr. l a i i i , ati'i-tiied (13 sjrs ot Sulphateqf Lime, IOJ u i s 1 though it an" >rdod but bad footing, it being c%my, /?. c. put v U' f"H down before you are married ' sake, for your own sake, try my fx/Kriwtls. and thus he saviis himself from losse» and CltEiiD T. WILLIS, Secretary. C a t h o t i w t e of Lmie. S'.^J ^is ol Sniphale ot Maffavii.s P-'VOI v p;iH-lM>ni r i ^ H E nndei a-i .sharp as the blade of a boat-oar. On this At that moment 'the two husb:iuds entered bad debts iiei-ia. (Ep-i'in salt.-,) 1 ar. <•! Miniate nl M«!;i,f- A;td a ain HerliaV foot c-ime down to give ) . IeJlcal, ,, .1 Hie leasr «M itie almve n a i r c d H i > i e ' , i^ pte- Dr. P. II Gilmrr, I. however, got, as the monster emerged from, * Examiner. sia. 1 yt M MI Sate o' So.!a.3-I0 srs. Sjlphate i.i the apartment. Henry Wilder looked at his Or. Wn O way Cwcn J stn'iijith to her mer.nii g. He has a nice fruit orchard, well supplied P.IHM! to HQCOOklDudstC pennant-lit or ira»M>'iil lum. and 7 - I O ^ i s C a i b n;ite ol Iron. Ajent lor J' ff r-on couuu , K For some moments L:zzie Diile remained wife and found, her iu tear*. A bitter curl with cve.-y variety of fruit, to ripeu iu sue the passage, still pursuing me : it made a<1'-i<i. |i IK t-eiiliaalii" simali-il. In in» l>oi\\<*en From i h f a l H i v r a u a l v > : > ih<- waters i-f Shnr.nnnl>i G F MA>ON rush towards where I stood, but I was out SJ «n' 4ih "-Ireri. alx'i-i-l fi-.v iniii'i!».« w a l k l i n i u t O c M e i t i e a ! CxjuiittuT. She was a loving youi>g girl, with n half curled about his lips, but the presence cession. ifalf mav VIMV pn-peily be cla^seil amt.t'? Hie Sa- silt-nt Charie-i"wn. A;nil27. isr>l Iv of its elements; it raised its bnge head, Capiul Transient U u H i d ' - i - 5 I 50 • or .isv. of his friends aroused bun to a sense of prolie studies tic theory, well as the practice l i n e C!i.i!ybfatt>—a c»iubinaiion of the m i-i VE!H- soft countenance, li^ht Virown hair, and large S. HEFIiEBOWEO, a« if to ascertain where I was. and in an inule dt^cripiii-n in the whole lange of Miner.-:! priety, and he asked: -Are you not well, lu-trous blue eyes She did not look as of farming, has cleared off the last mortgage The Valley of Virginia Fire A P'-i! 20. ! '•r. I — 1 V «-atei.«. It may tlieiffore be p.isitiyplv assr-ried. thnujrli she could have t'aced a very heavy liertha'*' fair wife returned her hus- and is seriously -alking of making a bid for stant I hurled one of the conch shells, which ANT «-iih"iil ejcaaeration or It-ar nf t-.'iitra'liciioo that I held in tuy hands, at his head, with each Jl c- 1 V no mini rsil water u i i M n llie linot.- 11 il.e Ui>iti'<l difficulty, but gradually there stole over her band s look, and placing her arms around his neighbor Sloveu's farm which is up at effect stun ( l i e f i - h . >J-AJsl «\ "v ; i his neck, she imprinted a trembling kis.s upsuiiuv countenance a sort of determined exSheriffs sale. ll'ill isiur /'i).')<-if» on aU kind* rf 'Properly, Mtrciutn- Si n<-s. pii- -?>-es ihe Minie constituent paits. or :> It HOT; lay motionless for some seconds, a ni'iie salr.iaiy snil e!!n:ieni p.'ltrative ihan the- pres-'.on. and vrith t; meaning look, she said : on his lips. Henry Wilder was puzzled, He goes to clnrcli on the Sabbath,TJi'nds -f i . ' - - . . ' , [ ' . at fair and tquitultte rates. while I, to prevent the sharp edges of tha xvatersi'f Sit.innnnilale Sprins". This water aclbut it was the happiest puzzle that uver fell his religious duties and brii gs up his chil' jierthii. I shall try the experiiuent.' /;.-!/. 77.1/o/ir. Capital slo»S,()%).). w i t h pn.ver to iucicase the a-j;enl!y r=s the mi (test apeiient. w i t h o u t civiio; rocks from cutting my feet, was oMiped to from his thoughts. The evening passed on, . ; . . ! , l» S2Ot»,O()O. 'Good.' exc'aittiird B-rtha. clapping her dren to do the §:i:nc, lives respected, and T E R M S — 81 . 5O PER DAY. ri»f io ihi'M* liripleasatjt >i-nsatii us ol pain m il dckneel, and partly to support myself with my r l E a t t f - n i i o n ol the V i r g i n i a t* es- bili v s;i nl'irn occasioi.ed bv o n i i n a r y caibaitics, hards. ' oh. hvw we will te?ch them.' and IJerthu grew bright and sparkling in her dies regretted, ai a useful mau and good i! C, 1-554- Gill. hunds . . .:. peeiallv invited to tins Company a* .1 Heine pieparcd bv ihe wn*t >killl<il jili\>iei;!iis. IJut little more was said by the cirls.— wit, while her hu.-band seemed bending be- Christian I n s t i t u t i o n , baseii upon am pie capita), a m i «uarHtiI now perceived the fish Bpla«Mng tha J.JI2UUYVILL.E HOTEL. *l'h»' lu-e ti-e ol mi* waier. ai-l> almost immrd!- Berthti Drake rattled away in her usual hap- neath the weight of her new found j«y. WHAT~AHIi te'-'i In- the beM »f referenre> ; ami i-on'iui-tctl on llie n t e l v upon ihr skin and kidney-; remove* worm-, water* npon the rocks till they were in a ' I ^ l I K >u' M.Tibfr haviLC it-astd Ute almve Months rolled on. and Bertha was a haprelievevihe convale'i-i n1 liom l>i!lu>ns ror oiht-r t--- py styln ; but Lizzi; was thoughtful,ai;dere i- k n o w n ll-.iiel, iu Cerryvillt?. C l a i k e c The Toledo (O'i;f.) Blade, of July 13, ia*>4, pro- foam; ibe was high tido when HOME OFFlCE-'-n'lM'HESTEi:. I'.I. py wife ; she found in Henry a truly noble ver< I!\M crsia. <iro|sic»l »«-Hi;jifa- l ca cnU>us ; [- lung they separated l)et:s leave lo inlunu the iiaveliins piii'lic, liial he JOS S. C A R S O N /'.(.« p'londs mis questio-i and answers it learnedly, t- we both came up, and as the water was fast Ir-, tiiin*. hemoirhoids. sctofiila. itntisesiion. ilienIt was but a few evenings later, that Snm- mid kind husband. The lunger she lived >v i6ar readv to ircei»e ffncsts He is al>o pn'pared C. S. K U N K . Secrdiiru. ma'i-m. b^-i-f appetite. c.Thaiis:i..n di-bil- ner l)e:ni cilled to see Lizzie. lie had come the more reason she h:id to bless the time lab ir.iteiy anJ edit, ingly. We I ave not room for receediup. it could not get off for want of in ac.c'JiiiuvKiak- Ei-jru-.-;*, tiilur by iheUay, u-cck, O. F. BRCSliE. Actuary. i v g i a v r l l v com-relioiK. Mticnires nni! a v a r i e ' V HumiU or vt-ar. when she fii'at tried Lizzie Dale's • EXFERI- uure ihan thebegkaiog its di:qaisiiiun, which is depth. Some minutes had elapsed ere I i.f other ilisrasi-s to vrhii-h man i< su!j. c'. ai'd ii i» to orraiige for their marriage. IVS TABLE ViU always b« ftirnl-hrd «i;!i all perceived his predicament, for my attention DICECTOBS. as1follows; ., ' Stop.' said Lizzie, after some of the pre- MEXT.' nei-ly acltnpwledaed i>v all xvhohnve uei-n sfflict--1 ihf vdiiclies wtiioh liis »ea»<»n aivl i n a i k e t w i l l at! was directed towards the shore, to which \\'-n. L. Clarir, Jo^. 5. Carbon The first f-ympriras of cholera is a m?r? rnmhw i t h anv n* he above diseases, liiat the free n>i••! f o l d - hiii Bar with the choicest Liijuor-. aiid his liiniiiarie> had leeu arranged. She looked CUNTlilBUTZOV. 11. James P. Uieley, place I called for succor, using every exclalin» in Hie bowel-, -oijietitnes so slight as hardly to Sli.niioi.dale wa'.eis have iff-eied peruiantiii sober and stern—a most strange look for SuMe w i t h ihe !«•>! hav, grain, aiul toiler. Logan, N. W. Ivicluulxjii. b;>errep;ih!e If a man is lemperaieanti regular cures * mation of distress, thai I recollected ; at A-- he niteii S to ta.iXe ihi^ lii» ptrrui.'suer.t resiMr. tjforgj Peab nly, lia< contributed 31 000 to sn his habits, it nnv pass oS harmlessly, but a j that I John lve:r. S u l p h u r Mineral hot and cold Bathcsfurnishtil her. * Stop, there are somethings denre. he w i l l spare im pain>- in endeawoiing to 1 length the fish became completely high and the Washington M o n u m e n t luml. The c i r t u m U. W. H E R B E R T , have never spoken to you about. very lirle imprtidnce will btin? c>n ihe next stage ! l>v »pp'ie«:i<-n a! the Bar. render ihiiM.- wlm sii-e him ih^ir I-UMOIM hi'ili ctstndry, and I perceived tho danger of niy l&!o. Asreut for Jefferson diarrhau, free Irsun paiu ' s ancea under which this generous eoutribuiiyn —diarr/tesa—a siirple The Hotel k -arae and c^mrnoJiQUf—the cotla' Ah.' uttered Sutuuer. with an expression foilliMe anJ haj>|'y. llf rt'i'irr* himse'.i". lr:>m hi* August • 1S33—!y. and not ^ecessa.r^!y attended with rice water ope- mort&l foe. bat felt no generous pity for l.ini. :; "*>• nnmeri'iis and eom'oiiabif. , of si-rprise Inns arq'iainianc-c 1 with hii-!ne>« ;ind ihc aiarners w^s inaile are detailed in Mr. Peabody's letter.: rations." The t a b l e u i l l 1-e Mipp'itd wilh the best Ivf 1 I now fearlessly changed my uneasy pcair>t the wnrlit. llim he ran please thenio«l la^thllous. LONDON. Jsjly 4. 185 J. Yes,' returned L!zzie. with a slight tremm n n n t a i n J>-nd v a l l t v ni'iilon. l"?-i!ier with all ij-c Hi»oharsi-» w i l l !*• R* inmleraie. s>- in • expenses ol Among the nun ?-roas and ingenious devices of tU-n, and stood uprighr on the rock. I was ; My DBAII Sin : I have j u t returned from a biil\VisciitsTE3, May 27, 15i3. ; lu.t'iiie* afT<"dji1 in Hie tVri-le Vallev of Virsini.-i. or, you kuaw I dislike the suull of 'to4nv SIMMI public h->u^e in Ihis «ecli<"i of connlrv liant celebration ol the jflorious Ainiversary of the newspaper prr s to create a disturbance in the ton much exhausted by mj late adventurs; We. ihe and^rsisne.i. hems so ii-itt a ti givr our The ie>i Wines, P . i a i i ! i - and other Liquufs lace-.).1 w i l l j«»'itV. H". iliTelon-, i&.iies all to extend to our Independence at the btar ai.d Garter Uniel. nu.uan s-iutnach, n:.& promote bfwei complaint a- to essay swimming ashore, and BOW with joy opiniiiii ato the character •. nJ >tani>in!; oi ihe Incau a i w a ^ s be had at the tabU or at the bar. hjui * ^hare o! their cu'-'om. • I was not aware of it, Lizzie ; you Lave Richitrjinl, « hi h was mat'e ilnuhlv ititrrestini; l>y mon» '.he massei.'.voe think the idea of the Toledo surance C uiipany of 'he Vallev of Vu«ini.-i. h a v e G w SAPPINGTON. a canoe cpproaching me — American Uuum. W'M. N. THOMPSON. the Quc-m sending finm theThiooe Rosim in the nevf r mentioned it.' no hesitation in sayin? tliat we have ihe nun'-i «( S^prii'S'oli'Ho'" 1. ; Bcrrvvillr A n r i l 5. 1K.V3. Blade is entitled ti> high distinction. It has dis- ; A VESY ~«:o~M~ME!« f»ATOK Y NOTICE OP Palace lull-Ien^ib pmt-'aits of herself anu Prince ' B.-cause It was not my place ; but 39 we Albert to place by ihe side ol that ot Washin^titn •. covered tbe fact tftet a •• raabiing in 'he bowel*,'' confidence in 'he ability and integrriiy of ihe i.Jeffer>on coun'y : Va; AMUSIAHCY. OAIMS A5AINSI TH£ F t C E R A l GOVERNMENT." Pre^iJein and Directors c l t h a t Companv. are 'o he married the case is altered. You a complime&i wakh 1 cannot too highly appreci- a '• mere rumalir.,7," a '• rom >lir.g someiicies so The !*••! thai vre have insured our o\vu propel iy JOHN S GALLAI1ER, promise nie that you will leave off ate. The Washington corr*spond»nt o! the New York in the Company, js Der>.ap*the sironsest evidence slight as hardly vl/be .percfp i >>," is a premoniGENERAL AGENCY,, Third Auditor oJ the United Starts Treasury, and we can give as to our opinion of iis merits. While seated beneath 'he calm and dignified feaEnquirer. ;a hi* letter ot itie I8ih. ejpres*e» biratiry symptom of cholera. Tliis is important — liOBERT H GALLAI1EK, Now Lizzie Dale was what the world tures uf our helu'/rd Wd-hingon. anil listening What is more, i: >s aiarn>ing ! We l<.ncy we fte — il in Ihe lollowine metaphorical i» rnvabo'i' ti* I. U SH--.HSARI> Ca<h Farmer's Bank of Va. Washington, D. €• to the beautiful eulogium ot Sir J a m e s liui-rsi-ii Pre-idei.t and the Premier. There :• originality, if Han. J M. M.isov. U. S Senator. F<*rmtr!y of I'irginia, would call rich, while young Dean bad only Tenneni, (wh" i< a i i i » t i l \ influential member i t :» this b'iei tiibate: * J»COB SKNSKXKV. E-q . Mirer- a n t Winchester, •pHE subscriber offer;- hi* servicesto'he public io an open profession ; with a bare compe- the Govern inent.) it recalled io my mind the mas- the whole world of nt-wspaper readers ihrouriag riuttrii'b. W^IOXTINUE to £ive tbcir «-nal prompt atten••A f«'tt S>>e I leader m* a few day« *inc« aside the papersah! listening wiih the mos.t sol. nin T. A T.r>B«u. Pre<t of Bauk of V^IIev t>l Va. L the pro-ei-uiion ot Claim'<ef,>re Congress, nr \_y lion to the pros»enm>n nf every des. tipiiuD ot iiificent Monunftent now \\ems .ereeied in yuur city FlEliCEaod MARCY were f&iinp ftc m a auv of'.he Dep.irtrfient-ot'iheG 'Vernment. Sor;;e tency. Perhaps the young iriau thought of to the Father ol his CaU'itry— the bisheat in the attention for ihat --varnin^ voice from tbe citadtl_ ihat claim* a^^in^t the Federal Government rotten iitiU wiih "im— i bait, in kuxoaot wate.-, -ar this Uartford Fire lusuraijce Compauy vars experience as disbursing aaent of the Indian; | 1 Tao^f hitrinj claim* rrq-iir'Ms attentinn ei'h» r Happy the man .vho ht-ars ii noi; who can lay ooodlt-> and Kiart-fish " world, butbeatin? noeompjri«on toihe proportion What else i? there?' he at length asked. <>l I) pa imecit. with a several knowledge of the nu«' e I HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. 'belnre C»XCR»;SS <»r anv nt ih- DKP>RTMF.XTS w i i ! his exalted character. That i may have a hand hi- hand upon hi. -ieart. or ju«i below it. anJ' say nf t a'i-^'.-ii<-g bu<ines- in the vaiious ofiioes ol the i ' You belong to oue of the city clubs.1 rio well utatMr. »« UK. as we undertake she mayA sale oi bluuc: hur«es A-a» had io Sew Y1- r!c a : in its construction, as 1 have Ions iuienriert I i>ea '•All is right hefe." B.>t winery, cuasternatiun Q— Charter pcrpewl — C'p»'«/S150, Ujv-rnraent, en.ible> hi«n to prninisesatislaotioii ::o I igi'inent of c»scs upon reasonable to contribute tiiv inite an'! herehy atiiho-iz- vou and Wv*j to thi iK'iple's wretcfc whose ears catch -lay or »wo. — am >og them Viof tte eelebrate4 < Yes • 000 : TC.i\ poieer ,<f increasing it to iCjO 000. all vvhn in.i, entrust t>u>iness uf ibis character u to char^i* when un$Licce**ful ia gutters Mac. Tacony, Fran'< Fore»ter,acd Barnaok ' t» place my name oa the subscription list fur une ' And you smote there and tell stories.' f hi-rare. c!aiiot>. A<W e»«. fie first f.M«:ail ;vf ,hj appnactiing toe ! Nui rne fif»i name'! <r»- puichase<J by Mr. Maim, of ihuu&and tiuliars. ' Sometimes ' He will also ?ive special attention to the collf c"pUBLlC B ii!din?s, .Manufactories, Mills. MaJ.NO S 4 R O . H. _ tetrtfi^ wai i.'.e dUtaci. suleoio boumiDg tialiii&ore. tot 31 100 a- was al«o Fr^r.'-c ? or^»:;r, Very respecifully and truly yoar«. inure -IT cbmery Dweiling HosisesJ Stores, Merchan- tioo ol claims a?ainsi panie- residins in ihe D.-iU'athittfton. T>. C. ' Then you mast promise me yoa will go Taconv brough' S3.700 parwhich bioke upor. ibe siaTiled i rvellers oa the eve :*>r th r sam :>i yi 330 j Office on Penn«vlvania avccuc. uuiih >ide, in dise, H' us'-'.o!.', Furniture Vessels on the stocks trict of Ci''niTibia or its viciniiy, nesoliatinj loans, to the club no more after we are married ; abased by J. G D ven^. Yolk. Barman Win. W. Corcrran, Esq . Wa^hinaton. of Waterloo, and ;cas. fullowed by th» cry of !em r, ;/as sold at private saie forf New ]>»vail & BrotherV Building, a few COL-IS from or while in port, &c., ie^ will be iasured at rates a-; well as the parchase or saie of Stocks, Real Es- and you must promise me, too, not to go ia S- SoO.- Two taarff, : ' The French ! lijey cone! tht:y coine!" Of ihe '.•a-ra^ien to ir : a mile to 3.40*iag)>j, and 1in 2 45 tate. L=»m! Warrants. &<.'.. &c., or furnish informaas low as i.\: risk will admit. RAILROAD! 3»~ KtMir-'ad-a hail stref. Appiicaiioas lur Insurance may he made to tion to correspondents resi'iiug at a distance in ie- the theatre without I go, too ' N. B. ii;»pniont aial patentees who need an atwretched victim, "*araeC by tin's rambling noise, •u ge:her, w»re bousbt by Mr Getsoo; for S - , !-^. B. W. HERBERT, card to anr !-u-iness which may ioterest tteta at iwrner in Washington, can h*«re their interests •>•' Are you in earnest now. Lizzie V The Senate bill authorizing the extension of the ii may be said, if ihe language t>2 thu prophet, tha The River and UarU^r bill having pawed 'he :>>relnr Patrnt Olfii-e sati:facu«rilv attended 10 ly In the absence of the Agent from CharTestown, of the seat <>l Government. ' Certainly I am.' said Lizzie. WaehiDumiDd Alewndriaroad bas pa-sed the . „ :| js in , T eafs ,, Houaeot Repre^eiuaiives, ihe National intcLljenHis Office is over the Banking Honseof S,;li>n, :idlre>«inK ss abore, as JOBV S G>).LARRB, jr., JOBS P. Baowx, Esq., who will attend to then House of Represetitauves. This road, is to cross ! Before we ve;t- enlishieneil .. . ' Lizzie, I fear you do not rightly underby the Blade, we • e-r remaiks. ' W i t h a Democratic ^niajori'.y of promptly. Persons ai a distance address through WilherstCo. ;av< -p^< i:i! a^f nt.on lo that branch of bu&ioess. ihe Potomac at or above ihe Georgetown apuedoct, stand me I have sought you for my wife and mor« 'ban srzexty ia ihe House, it '.jiy rew ba JAMES J. MILLER the tu.iii. thence extend throusjh Waseington. to the sta- had supposed tha. a ram >lin ? ia the b-.-weU was an c.-n-i'^r* J ihar the pu~«r t>f the Nat inal Gt'.-eni* N. B. On all Church Bnildinzs and Ciersvmen's ^ __ • because I believed you to be a pure-minded. tion of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company. ancient and cons-.-iiutional privilege of ihe human Jnlv2I. 1853. tient to ajniropriaie m-mev |.>r wort-' o! in'enal RA\U(>M*n & LATIUKR l loV r S virtdollS tl 1 OVC ou with personal property, the Agent will present his com~ j} „ . ,i . <sj| ^. fte., uttMi$QiU4 |i-.t.Mi«Ilin«^F ' & - ' J "^ An amenment was maiie to ihe bill, at the in-iance system. We had. n-ver recogn ized il as a premon- i nrwovnoiWi i- ronceded to be not iacomf-itibls .ii, j whole' 'SQUI! missions in reducing_., the amount ufr —..,— premiums on ^C1? 00t an 0 and L can ^ve J0a a whole geng of Mr M*v. Ukrwiw aa'h-riziug the Bal'imure ii«ry symptom ti any tljlag boi a 'atedinner. We t-i.h Demoriaiic onbortoxy." Cimtral Comioission Merchauts, the gve you a woe _ risks thus arising. and Ohio Railroad Companv to cons rue: a hrarvh «8 SCUTU S-'.. KOtrLYS erous heart, an honest name, and an untaracknowledge oar obligation* tc llie Ouio Biade.29. 1853—Iy. fn~. Isrsasjii. MACIUNS McaBea.— The Cincinto the Potomac-, at a poini opposite or n^ar Ali-xat,Call Soon and «•>* Bargain*. BALTIMORE, MD., If *.» youu foecoi become wifo J it nni'.e with the scaihern lines of r;iiiri>aiK We h >pe ail marine will jooli cut for thosf ruDtb nati C"tn'i:erc-5i is informed thai a te'egraphit: deamUE undersized has just opened in .he Sh-.-p. j «";»« honor "™>^ *\ ?e i:niy' ^" TTEND parsicnlarly to the sale of o i t c h wa- received in that city by Dr. Baker on Th- bill speci'fical'v provuies ihat Penn-vvania iine-ii/t Vesuvius. Le: them at r-ace d-'ub'eibem T O?D!• MilTis tw" dLrs EaM of .he V .-v | will be my highest am, to ma« you happy; \ WHEAT. CORS and all kic-J* o( COU>Tavenge >ha!l not he invaded'Aiih rii!rr..iil tia'-t*. selves u? so as to tirins ihrir Vsrf* i s i"ae vicinity Fp'iav (••.•ening lo ibe f 'l!owir!grflt;ij»: Bank, a oOOT AsoSHOt: ESTABLISHMEX 1' bet if light wluius are to be set down a-, uiatTLLemnn G-Jin SheUac, Pinrida Water. Tin TKY PRODUCE, and are prepared TO furnish '••Or. Bi'^^r—I am iaa, nreadfcj »titft of nsinrt, I and thai those branch loa-Js >l;all V >iitj-pt :.i -tTch Fni'. Pint Ssin-ers. NIHO.IK A-.-i<I. Cnl!o:!i n. ?t'which he prorcs-- io faruUh to the ciiizi&s c! tfcrs of grave mouieut, and if pUd^es of fa.ia--» to iafraer< wishing to coosign lo :':ta!. ; [Sisned] W. W r j n ' n ' rnie^ and rfsol s ti- "" a* l!l° ranniripa! authorities of :he p.aceofc*a.n=er. end try if '!:<•/ cau'i bear can *xp>a n all. r Iodide Pot.i^h. Ini^ne. Cau-tic PnU>h. l.«{li;i % sriB a l t i i o - re. No*. 35. and ibe b™^*£fc£! :?^ ; tar,conduct are to be given, for in no way .,inetWng. F^t Mien, ^vho»e boik prectades :he Wiiti •• W WilJOi" is seero« to be 2 favster,-, aid of this cisv at.d the Pre-i ient n-qy pre^or ibe. s everv k i m ' a n a < e!-cripti;>n ol T/^fc . . «-. , J ^...ji iu. every kind and description of wv.jfc u«n, Oit-.> Ri sr. Whitr V.'ax. C'>riiinea!, Carh Amea^y peiforrsajice of inn operation, loi'bt ob aic 'hi- dfspa;;:h is ?'!ppo*e-J-iobe icteu^ed to c iraei pertaining ui hi- basine-s made "f ihc h>>t ma;i-r^a; cat) yon foor.T iiijure a husband thin todis ror.aia. Snp Cart). &»)a. B!»«'k Pepper Train Oil AcciDKvr ox T.T-: CFSTR»L ''.\ii.t-itD — Hi iru-t him. All rtusaiubl- tliin»s I will do OPrNcct.AS ihs services of s iriet'l. who cco.J pat hisearsj-j at'eniiou i n n rhe rrn"cn'prjr. Etheriai do Pear! Sia'ch Fie B'O;-, A!m.:n-' «m! and sold on the Knst accim!HKKla:;Bg u-nns i"Tii*~aav ?n->rninT, asiii- li^h-rin°- u a i n w.i.« has jn-t retsiinr-l from the East, uiih a rboi'-c *sP^lm S.iap. C^'nrn. Scu'lcap, Bur-jsjntiy Pi'cii M»asTAG-:i-r A NiKCS nr Ma*. A**->x B^«-— to i:iake you nap-pv. 1 a* t caunot prouji-e E a-iti ir.troJuc^ THIS DAY. p«*sina the 5-ig »nii-n at AilenV 'Jrei-ft. a fttfUeat the :hreaicn<-d ivgaii. .inJ r^poii progr^. ExPiasters, .osetn-r with a lot cl prime Segars, jnii pf BOOTS, LaJie' ~ March 3, oar S»yle of HAT*' vou one thing you hive just required. D<-> «-»Jfell frnra the tcajf. strac'< the l i m i ' i _ a ceedi:)?Iy s-a'itivf px-rs-.-a* miahiSTipU>y a st^iho A l«-:e: trnm ^.rdeaai, France, tfau-dJane -J3ca. rtceived and for sale hv <ays.; — ''We bad a visit yefrlerjay f«^» *• Citi for ihe Sprine» to which we invite the atnot think me obstinate, but I should !•»•« whefl. and w.« ihrown wi'h *och lorce as to kM sc^oe which w..:u;d give the slishte>:inutteriogsof H51 JOHN LE \ D B E A T E R . ur.'Jow of Aaron Buir. Hsr baiines* nere i* tM the leatioQ oi our i't iends and the public gen-j ;hfltem^n. who wa< <tanrl:r>? a> the door of bi< s'gU of my own just pride w*re I to take b«n-r! The name of me d«»e<»ass.l was Fsnen- &ASZ?T. On she- wh>le, we re»ard.the articie ot msrrUse cfaniefe ipa »eBil*«B»ti •">' »»• piac*, 4tbmo4 Stahler's i>l,t stand Fa;rr»xst. He crallr. W« triii also open a lot of the Frenrt lion ot v.-rrk. ar.d Repairinar <5^ne at ihs thoii."> the pledges you have just nam^d. 1 the Blade a>an e-tcenea adjnnf to *ha other apcr a.m-d Ptrry. Shegiv-es3iOOOOOi!«» mamag* barg, he !eave>a -•rileand »hr,>« or.toju-rlnHr»n. Hats. J. L McPHAIL&BR«>., QftO FASHIONABL£.MARSAILES »est« nonce. A vail from ihep:.&iegenerally is res;n:c Sumner espectcd to have seen a darkli 4. No. 1^1-3 B«!tiu)ore-sti, ; OvU single. "'»utiltf and iril*!e hrea^l^'rt. l.oai faltv invited, as i.j- be*t«xeru"ons will be g i v t : t betwcc'fi North aud CaUcrU loo ;5ng frown upon Lizzie's face but he was 57 ceoi* to S-CO a piece. G-c-nne erass!ia«-n Mamh 9. 1854, | «ur prised to sec in the stead thereof a bright, JOHNSON. whole w.-i;ht (Rattca h i'-es included) on ,nn'right to discredit, tbatihere are already i'boot ; ^t^sTve?y,'*O'i »'«"">: r tbe '*"!* fr>1<n biinS to° at the b»ll* ia F«i» 1«C ounces, at 35 00 a piece. 800 bes: 3 p!y »iancjov-Mis. beaming, half-roguish smi'a • April 20. 1S54— tf For .... ! ihiee bnadredand fifty or niz»iion of lod-t* of ; .fajckly popo*'-"^ -It-rAm*** ntft'eh. Collirs lit cin s a piece at . wioier. • I tried my erperimeut,' she cried as she K'iow NoshiB?* in Virginia?S It i« snrpri~ins lift npHQSE persons harin? Xesfow for sale.c;'.n ISAAC R05E3 JL fel it* i.»he«t price bv calling on the stttecti. —'Ibe B-tiurit iPa.) catrr TO laid her hand upon her lover's shoulder. an institution »bon!d be springing nparoaad atd btr M CbarleMovn. Application to persoa or 'iy ac >wim ^t h ill and rain from Dli HE wndersisned iavioe rrmeJ the M«: o, • and I am happy *>f mysaecess. I knew you n* a* impalpabls, bat yet as nbiqaitoa* M evtain? thro i-h Snake Spriog Vaiiey. tetter wii it* promptly attenud lo.. -t" jiv.» » I room aojoininii the Free Press Office »:«> 1 la-rod your social club meeting*, for I have aM CASH FOK WOOL. C. «. RUAGGi gambliur d«n si Jeaa, B* ia town he eaa b« frond at w?id f,f. 1 fTKHE h she»i market pi.c<i p^id lor VV>.ol at the ween in hUabsence Claim* can be Icftai »e Fw Pi*^« oft- u beard jora speak of ibe intellectual irresistible K the «orm• JL Cij»r!e*town Depot. Office Ail claiowr coafided to me shall rtcti-.-3 treats yoa thtre receivod, and whatever may UST rewi«rt «t tic Cbarlwtwrn Depot 59 be the reul ebara swr of smoking. I knew that lor .-ale i ffi NGLES.—a«h) Oii B*i «*•*," 4, Co.«abt i ' ik WM • *ifadu Ubit witk y«a, Jf 186 Jwel*. R- Two Dollars and Fifty Cents "VTTHERE mar be obiained the mostspeedv n?mTT edy for all private Cmnpjaicts. Gleeis. Strittares, Sw-miail V»~cukn<—>, Puma, in Ibe LoioJ, Affection* of lire Kidney, I>i*casrs of tue Head. Throat, Note and Skia, and all tbo<e dreadful affcctiouf aru.i ; from a -rcrct l.jb.t of youlb, which (iroduetri 'Jousti .1tiaaal IMiililv, ri-vi.-rs Marriage iuipauiUe, aud .11 the end destroy* boib b- dv aud mind. V O C SG ME N F>pee:'ally, wJiO have tH-ccme Ihc victims of Solitary Vice, dial dreadful and destructivehabit, which aunually «i7i-«-|.« to an uulifii<-iy erjve, tbuu«3od« of \ < i : , : z turn at the moot cx-illod tali-ul* and brilliaul iutrlir< l, who might olbrnrJK? have entrauceO liMi-nmz Si-nail-, wilh the lliutider* r.' I; - rjoqui-uo-, or waked to eeslacj thr livia: lyre, may call wnli full CGI,fid-. c«. Jtlarritd I'trmnt, or lh<*,e rcntrin|>latiii; marria?r, beioj aware of pl))«ical w«akac**,fboold luiratdnifly consult Dr. J. aud be restored to perfect health, flight 2hU ftMx'BV TttKtttb O d ii re syss iSBsiSysar* "*"" I°TJH: r'- " - vrft T O W LIFE, FIIII: & i in vi: Lynchbarg Hose and Fir Tin: n r v HOTIIL, fl Marine Insurance Company, Fresh Drugs, &c. O Spring Style Hats for 1S54 W To Hie Public. T J STz-Eorrom—I hope yoB , la the Siuate, on We7r.«£day. «v^ra! private ' :lis we.-e pa^j. Ttlt Ci^», /nd Diplomatic apC3BH»a« of your ratt-mbJc" paper, to Iceethat tbe Senate agreeing with n=-ofoute, there are now woe civil superiuiea^ents in F*» m*Vn cf porin- event* ia oor icWa. "Tfc*heallja (iropr»atio« Li?i Kas faitfarrfbwi^eieil, anil nnmt-rt C- S Anaories. of oar town b u:,u-j.aliy e/ood at tha ttM i-f the year, This is right, and I corgramla:e the fabricators aad bB»h>r« of all k;*d« ««„„ ,o j^ v r arms upcTi their victory. [ *inc«tly eouThe niTftrrioa* order oi .." ha* ereati Hivf of R?pre e native , Mr. L-«efcer 'ate t.-.em. 1 doobl ot't that iteir tff-r» trd coc*ldcnli!c exeitenesl i. •"•^pension «•! tbr roles tu ctiatle bim to V j:m-.~ lac this change weie funded naon prin1 0 10 1 ear 1i 'I ; * " a bill to ike act passed on the= 20-u ciples and sel^respeet; and iber- ior,-- hope they oM foeV. and *ire-pa;Jen of thr oM o« Jofce.ernniinsr land* to Mineso-a, to »W ~ '"will ta«i-t ihat the appointments t i be oiiie, shall nipt mfe and D.m ixratie partie*. an j In eots*eqif,' ce -jf *ictrness in Ibe r'tmily of-tbe j be trotn their emi L ny. snd of nic-n t ,-jiii.cL t lot cVren hoiidrrd in ilr« econtr se*an. t5 - - .-..~«~~. —- Trrru-ry: but iiave stnidt mj'i,,n a-as ci^agreed to-j-e-s 100, nays CO ; a of arms, at .i»i>f •S<''-TI ^t ti?« been, called iron iis . 1'Tror to tor hearts of roaar d-t ,,.,, beingjoecessary rbr that purpose. rnaiim —ar.J equally accordant po»:. whka will accooat for any ia*k of raUurul j ' ' thr tailor of i ,„ oded and VT pobiic ictereft «i.d pn>;eFfcict>al dignity — '-c*.itru* WeeE. in /stf 4.--.Yxr;.-.,cr^rw..'i£Jno?-''».-Licb beiaS trans- l.3.e went off half-eoekrf; but f ,r,B^!jr ^ oae bas j R« Tb? 5?n|t» biil to re«s!aie tbe pay and increase «nrt. fezeept the iponky e-Iilor who h»« ! c i_x Udency cf ihe army of tbe Cniied States and in acd ran!Bjf*""TheR> is sound s-«cse. nay wisthe Inn of s namSwr of <Bb«R Bat, Mr. ! loroib-r purpo-es. wa* iafceo o? under a sn«pt?ndom in this maxim; and it is eq'ialiv doe to the Elitor. no on*, can blame him for hi« Celifornit ma1tr.»ia% an nefjl^re-eaiaence In jntbiic interest, acd to yon a- a i-~-.'.y having a protioB—for I J st»n of ihe rales. Mr. Faulkner addres-*d ibe irite booe ' Hoa<e jo explM3!i...G of i'» provi-ions, and Mr criaie. Acecrdicg to the Saa Francisco Caroci- per »-;lj-respect. or. as the French w^u'd say, - cs~ n-re,-hire kanWn a ..^ag to -ire Dpn withool erowlms." c-ir e-«itd v e expf ct f. . „ ,& trrow in- opposition to stmtf ot ibem. "WiiWnt e> tie rijlentdes-h^ in that cJiy average one per pris dn. carps." ih it. itt ihe appointment ofsuperia: j to a conclusion on the sut feet, the liouse day. Wt:bin foor year* there have been tteelw teuJerMs, ibis naiim should be t-1—-rv J. J j.'g. < cftSe.^w,; to quietlv brrathe oat hi* ; ~ lifiral hfe coming acjoorns-ri. w ithout a monaar or tra.p »t rtraw^ 1, prr,!i>:,;r it. are lateen from lawyers, i r from the bar; and fri-m JmtdretL. Howoiiny of them have been murder*. yoor own ranks and cccnpatttm. in jurtice to Ia tbs Senate. OT Th'ir«dav. the civil and diploIf tbp Kinir N-iih.n-« are tn ba mripmf ^t of existf»cot known—prt-bablyoDe-^onrth—perhaps nai$ I! yoa. and your dig-ni'v. as a roost imponaot c'a<«iee in this Coaatjr br the renme of Ibr Rpt, r. let it be matic appropriation !,j|> «-as ttinht-r ronsiderfd oaeeigt:—one hundred and fifty pe-*on«—mvrtffr- o.' -.ur citizens—who forge the arojt that dcf-nd us and n-i-n=-:-.-.Q amendment!! deha'ed At seven done- at once, for we are tired ofiti eoatiau.-c: fl^lies in oclx:k ihe bill S<c*~ oa**-d-vea»d3 navs 15. fi. O-jfi one wii>: lot 9ee» ejtn.r*ded and executed I —*houM be ta»en the men who are io be at your th» pan. 1 e l Rp i brad. BY a N. GALLAHER & co ^9" A quesUoa receatly arUinc:, in connection with the government iiropialy at Harpers-Ferry., the Attot^ BCT General -jf Taited States hasdecided that cf£cers of tht goremnient or other persons on land ceded by any of the States to the Suites, are not subject to be taxed by tbe authorities of tbe States, aad are not in general amenable to tbe State labors or raanictpai regulations. Tbe followb the decision in fuli: fcO*T.] - rrir.orv da oat t icrvby acquire any efcetiire ta :'ifu»biUn , is situated." [Opinion a. c. •etts. i. .M--tc. 0(1.] C.lTHAMSS H VTDEN. The*.- nuti>, -i::.-s are <xpross and muplctc as lo P.inlw u;n _ . > the ewr-.-nJ do -trine nnd ta to iu spplitabiliiy to the jT« GJLK«n United Stitc^ \naorr at :>prinsrfiefd. C dau A«S?^! w * Sktero'W «The Armpi-j at tiarpcra-Ferry exists under the saizieri-iiiii'iiii i. I am not SI-A-I re-, on 'he o.'ie: hand, of any Ie?al an tbority which coatndirte thox- herein cit«T, to th. pcaot, cf t!w ci-tnplete eat Tritorialitv of plaeca belihe rcti.!rnce p by tbe Unites Stati-s fur Military uses, vith aaacnt uf tho State in vhich the? Ur. It r?eiu» t - > jne tu be e o r t o T R r * AIr>an4P*r J . Cuasti- j Ciiy. in tbe 53th yew of'«• t-c. "* »1Smttcatioa Died: _ OSU.NMS-CE Ornoc, > TT.<SHncGTOX, July 20, 1554. J " Mfljor XVM H. BSLL, Uarpcrs-tVrry Armory. In my opinion, tbercfji-e, the persons in the- em- ! . '" SIE: C-jloaMlUa^Mrbavmg-iuijiuittcdtoUusOffice, : of t! c United Stat «, actually residing in in Novcuiber last, tn'o biilslbr Taxes, levied ca hiia ployment ; the L^_ in.U of «Tie Arnv>rv at Jlarpers-Forrv, ci~u«it u-uiltf stationed at Harpers-Ferry, and one on nu en~.^.. it . • . »-.. t « • » . * .« lI-»».-i^T *•-'.«. **. » » r — * *-• wv * _ listed man tfeera. (W." C. Browii) with his remon- ptwscgs (L»! civ 1 anil pcliiical rujl.U, ni«-"»re they . tizcns of subject to ihe t;x and otl.i• ol ii^iti<ju.-=, of citiz 8. an f strance a j:unil the rigut of tbe Sheriff so to levy, ami At Wali-rfo-il. on Tvmlftv, iht- 25ih claiming the inicrfomice of the Government, I re- the'Slal* of Vii g-inia. The |>ririlej-f of not paying taxrs in such a case, G I X I . % C .' ..U daoxater of fttjth f. wd Mtrjtrct ci fcrral thj mxttei- to the S.-crcwry of War, aud be to _ i» a pe:YU.U! i>r.c, of Ac {«ny claiming it, and not, M vf r«, asnl 4 > c»r». th.; AMjrucy General. k Tbe Attorusy GencraKs opinion, which appears to j «. * "'•; "iiu.i.Uun of tbe property uf the Unitol On Ihe 2lth nf July, at H»rp«r'» ferrw. A X X \ f >r ic conclusive a-ainst the nstt. has now bevn scut-! ^K* 7 -l t»>a"ou.a rnrLt of the Guvcrnnu nt as AMELIA CUZA,yomrt-*! dw^ktrroi Mr. t ccr»« br the Sei-retarv tt> this Office A r «ur files, but it is ! * ' .*''!'< h J t ' .ould be tii> duty of tbe GvVcrBCtent Kome.-, atrd 9 oic«th» and 17 <Uy9. E-'nt in the way that papers are s«-nl wbvn noftirUier I '"i?^"?"1', .. ' - .... , ilv-^B O i F.-i.l»v mirn'-if |j<t, JOfiJI LOCH, icfju? «r* af action is exp-cted fruiu uie. 1 ttiuk it proper how- i Va£{'**d aaUawjtiei lOsould undertake by force tax OE; ru ort Mr. John D. aad Mary Catharine Liii , oi* .'«.» u »B. ever, tJ enclose her .-with a full CODT ol thai ooiuiou ^^ *= P" P y> within the limits of tlie Ar0 1 for your information, aad for the Office fik-s of the L" "' 'k-I^St piwsibly be pn.per for the United TR1BTTE OF RESPECT. -• ' • ' states to ilcfcnc their juruK'ictiona^aiust what wuuld, P e-ewtiv,s adopted the report j Harpers-Fcrrr AniK-rv. . JuraQtiitoeeitn ef crime, and b«, more because he 1all^J? " * ° rt^ath. a« Shiiksp'afe »S-"', i* I h"pe, as a bo<)y of men con e cif<t* of ymr own >ne O«m:nuiee nt Con-'err-nr-f on ilietttsafrefin? I I cua, sir, respt.-cifulf v. your obedieni servant, iu my o;;in.ioti, b.- a i.imuf si art of trespass. At • r»ll^l imrrt ni in Ike Ita'l *t Sh^pS. ri'-; .tra c« »ai a I iendiet* creetare, trho had not tbe power '°~iJir. and o! yo ir value acd iir.p rt.ince lo the «i>- ia apiirrbrannn. and if I am tn IK- killitl. s- > .<• «i''i it vitfson thi* am-nrimenis toih- Indian appiopria- ! I oannttbuc -iiirk, howeyor, that the Wai authori- ihe It.!; o l J u l v . cf ihc S. I. H G O. T. S. I . tiicfol. H. K. CRAIG, ; ties will," on mature rcflrcsion, sec- the inrxpotfifncT lowins; |>rramhlr and mmlnltc ta wrrc aJoptrd .10 eicife <ympathy, cor money to boy counsel or j c e^y of wh ch yoo a e mtmbersjou will spurn t i e Acr«i o«>»cnrriJ vhrn he wa» Hrfeirtmr the Si-riao city ti<io hill. M r BjrkMla'e made an ineff-«-i-jal elCoioael of Ordnance. of any wjchicwrrae, and desist fromaclaiKi W H E B K A S . il ha* ji!ea«.-J liie A m i r i i t v llulrr nf the furt to intruiu-M a hi'l fip^h a l i - w t n ii* rt-lVrjan. Tbe caase ol ibis Ittghtfol lajti;y, says the j idea that any jiciui szzcr. piilgiili whi'-h'b^ant hi« nan-e. al t!"* time trhi-n it n"i- h^s ,»j»tt3 by the Ci.nslituiiun. r*n;T>-r.<< tn takr <v-t of tni» worU wr beloved b-ijlbrr [COPV.] I by ST Pitilip S'rt-ter, let it ba <• hrn rr.v Sar'lt '< tnrn«j I am, \iery re-pcctfully, your obrdicnt *(-r\-nnt, T. V. S. KICSARP, in I .chrrrt* il i« awet uu\ proper A-rroa.<EV UESEBAL"* Omcs. > inanuiacture ot arujs, j and I krone nothing aSot-t it The "Ka-> »->'ith : n;»" at ;he dispo;;al cf ihe P fsidcnl tm mil i«in»of C(!P (S;g^c<i) C. CUSUIXGthai nu iirmi. j iri.-.,.i« >hiwl<) j a> a b»' nd Tt-ibute of Juuc24, 1S61. 5 !ars t • le n«ei! b>- himilurins ihe rerei-s. i: necfs*aThe Hiu JEI rcasox DAVIS, II<-«i» ct to il.-p.irtrd worth, by in exprc*«-'Qa cf ibcir SIB: Tour communication of ihe lOtb A" of rM u.-b • .-/••• appoictmect of Sop?rioien- are accustomed tp such direct a-«i.\'»-i Irom , - •!' ccli- ry. fiiher in nt-sntiaiinsTanrtiviileasains-ttbr^terSecretary of AVar. eoirmnn sympathv—be il thciei.ur lors. They doc'c know enough to frame law*, den!* ior the Armories, m^n sboold be app'uuted t •>« anH p--t house polilieianf. Rat the intlurners that e Hrjury ,„ lhe *SSf£ United States (from : SSS^SSSS^S^^K^ Rfsa'ced. Thai we drplorr Ibe loos c/ ihii lodce tbM •-•-«-• Armory iit - Harpers-Ferry, -OBDNAXCE OFFICE, July 20, IS54. it lij- vi>iaiai-d in me untinirly drnth of our ilrrwui sod their attention i* engrossed ty mercenary and : for their professional skill. The appointments '•Know-Nothingifm" rxerts npon politic*! 'iff H as apaiu.} or in such prcpaiatiun a< in his judgment • iu charg«ot- the presents Brother. Truf Copy : U. K. CRAIG, f-hoald be made to honor profVsgii'nal - k i l l , and to gentle a« Ihe evening bre«^- and as p-iwcrfil as as tbe may bi rrq-j irej to enMir* tbe observance c-f our the queatiun, whether OfRcers ot the Army or other selfish projects to thv neglect cf their duties.— jj fjster Colonel uf Ordnance. just ri'ht*. The remaiujerol the day was spent •Rrro'rnl. TTiat we »inerrcly rrnpataira witk lhe professional circulation ; and. as judges I'nrra. Oar van i rsoiw, resitiins-on l:nu:# of tliat cstablislJmcut, bchill* and in the oorisid. ration oi ii:; bill to resnlate the pay, fr!«-i < : - o f i ur lirpai ini hriMh'-r. i n ' h n rrevt Ian, and 'he Chronicle argnes th* nece*sii/ of re- j are takra f-c-m th« bar, pop*>s anl b;«bops Irom agiiigto tbe Government, are liable to taxation by t b.-» that ibey rxct-iit ibis e^nvntioa ol"< a* - t;t*?. ir riraL of the Steamer Alps. and increase the ffficieneydf ihe a'rmv."" j th,e_f H« e '» y1^"*- . . , ,,, t , fcrm in iLe fs'edion and saf-port of candidates > priesjs. meJica! proffer* from phwettM, pon/iV« 'rn/. Thai u< a ma*k \ l hitl> rt- ;aid for oar oVof thonsarids c-T American : In tbe Senate on Fridjv the bill from the House ! . f'" question uwliolly m.lepcmlcntof tl.adecuied TI,. rr»mU« j ' i captams and c jmraodores from >ailois. so shca'd for important public stations. Tbe pre . ^ .^.^ ^^ -t ,ha,,hosp m f n al lhe head ,)f me. c ;izcn* ire at work in the cause and arc en<l?arorin; to j to establish Leiiain posi-mads was nai-sed. p.irlrt! brother, we wear tbe twual ba- ^e of n. uraiaf tnucasc of tbe United States vs. \\ eisi. winch was BAYS LATICK PKOM EUROPE. Ihiriv dav« _•• ... j of the legaH^ of a State taxirnposed on the property corral,. e»r^ir.!y ca«oi hrnad enough lo jn.Ufy the , c hanira | cl»»^» *b.>:tW t«? from their own body, or, , ,. . , — . Pearce, , calling accomplish tht- tamtrnd: onr lirirts ar.J our n-st feel- i A^solutipn.submit'e^by.Mr. j Of ,he raitol Stat^ ut CarEsk-Barracks. Raricni. That ihe f«reetii»5 Prr«miile »nd R«*oladeduction. in P'a'n English, n;ecbanics. for ioformauuii re»(|ectifa5 ths occureoees at GreyB->STOM. July 3!st,—The propeller Alps, which t;nn> Ii.- | uhli-h. .1 ia ihr Sbepbeidtiovn Reirii>trr iw| i IT< are r n - i - i n l in it The dictates of mtir J reaton | III that case the Circuit Court very properly decidtown, was a li | ted. "?'"«?'. -,« , *,nar> Unless yoa insist upon ihis yoa B-i5! oc':r^mcledse sailed liLin Liverpool jn toe uiort.i..g ot Uie Kr.-.- Prn*. ami aenpv tlirivc" t.-uimi.lnl k.T li»«^nb« PEATU OF MISS FILLJIORC. | iHjeritHi,y_f.jr VOB ^ other branches tak-e .heir p-<--!i:pt us to support, maintain, and rhrri»ii it If it a j The River and Hartor bill wis under consid- ed that the property of die United Slates was not sub- I'.' h, arrived ihi» morning, uiakiu^ tne trip in to ihe | ani,u uf ibe deceased. ject to b;- eixei! by tbe autborities of tbe State, [xi n ble inctiiution o.tablitlied ;n lhe cau<c cf rcjiabl'raa| eratiun lur the rest <>J the dav. A. P. S. UU\SICKEH, p. Peims. L. Journal p. Si; s. c. National Inielligxncer, twelve iluys, lv.-iug an uujiiccedeuteti short lua lor The NCT York Mirror remarks in connexion heads from their cwn order—and you will dispar- i<m. »na for ihe di».*ruiiialion of thr Men-tin..'. achii'Tcd j LLOYD LICELIOER. S. Th- H->U-e of Representative* pass«>t} a bill es- Jiuy 2!Jtli, IJ.VI.J This decision is in ooonVruuty a propeller. *•'::*. this tnrlancholy event that it vas only a few age and dishonour vurselves. What U the .^irTtfrence to vou between a petti- bv ihe v rihv hcroe* of the revolution. L.-I iliee.litor | tjibiishiug certain post rontes.and a bill to increase with tbe -loctriue of the Supreme Conn in the case of Tbe Canada and Union arrived out on the li'.h. mon:bs ago Ex-PresiJent Fillnorc just retired from fi"g;er. a piligarlic. or n politician ami a gallant cf lhe S.'irif continue to WieM wieM Jh Jhr ;or>st qni'I in opposi- tbe pay the rank and 'lie of the armv, and to en- McCullouvrli vs. tbo Sutc of Maryland. [iv-WlieatTlie Aips brings nu wails ur passengers. on, p. 3 16] ami in that of Westou vs. the city of ih«= toil* of pnLlic life, was called to part -with the officer o! our army 1 Njibin?! lion In ihe success of our noble order. Let Kirn emj.lov courage enlistment. On ibr m .n.'.'i: ul ihe i J;ii. at io'clwk. I'll i Charleston, C:iarltttwu. [ii [ii Peters, Peter*p. -M9.] p. -M9.] con pinion of his bosom—a beloved and amiable The superintendents you waiit a - e tnen of your hi« lime ami ta!enl« ia rev.lms aad denjunchs its f ,-;B. Ormsheed, pa^seu the tbe ateauirr Atlantic A respiuiiofl was pn<..ce.i. on motion of Mr. Ch.inThc prt;S(:Ut quest ion is not of the property of tbe It rr»|w elfnlly anil eararitly rrquettcd of the iriiii, and c"ea:!i has now stricken suddenly and in o^nbody, whr> sympathize with yoij. and who, ciples. and he «rill find that they" need not Iii-friend hip filer, callmz on ihe President of tte United Jslates | United States, but of the persons an.i pn.perty of an in. rn -mbcrs of the r-x-»l)yienan '-^m-i-^i'iuii if Cbarletwh?n honoured, ri-fleet their honour on you, bePROGRESS or T:; : w .R lown. an I clher* iutere<t«l hi the pivserv ition of the flower ol her years, his lovelr aud accomplished caii*'' they art of you.. a id want not hi« sympathv to crown iheir ..(TOMS v- ith Officer, or employe of tbe United Stales, ri-si'linjr un laud of which thr property and jurisdiction buvc The news in ni (heseal n u a r isa coct'nucd rc- Grave Yji.i brlonsine to the «l<-nou:iU2tion. lo m.-et at «uccc-»s.' lie mi»hl as well nmlerlike to fi daoffhu-r. Tbe blow is one that can ociy be lully c a mkhtv Mr. Eli .t, ui Aia^sarhi>eiis. mox-eda suspension The superintendent* of the arrnoties cf the U lh«- l.retur. -Room i,f ibc X«-w (*huirb, uu Friday nrxf, been ceiled to the Uniteti States. Co'ii ol K I - M I . delca.'- art! 'l'uiki>ti vit u.i ,e-. gian- with acub\veba< to endeavor to a r rrit Ue rpjiij of the rules lo enatle hin to introduce a j,i : l to rerealiz d by him who is thus robbed of the fait vine S. sh mid be the fi'st armorers in td<; U S , and nu Tbe s t • of Harpers-Ferry was thily purchase*! by nut Omar pasha was at (jiurge.'a on ttie 7 n ins*, ih • -till i::- ia i', al half alter u oVIcrlc, p M., to cua•Ti.les of the American party-fur i« f» .lesiiueil l.ili-r anil prcv.tle lor tbe ^rottcli' n . i n . - rrrini«F». p-al the aci kmm-n as the fugitive slave law, of the United States, in virtue of a legislative act of tbe wiai 17,(jOO M urki-h Utops. 'J he allies weie iu whc«e clustering lave coa'd best soothe and corn- the ionl< and pensionaries ol tradii--z niliii''i*i*. Au THE TRlSTESS. Stat<- of Virginia o:' the i ith of November, 1794. Th Sepieinb^r. irtoO; but tbe m.itiun was di-agreed Su»t 3. 1551. Yourfriend,_ OBSERVER. ouward in the accomplishment of its mission—v.-Kich lull match t'. r ihe Danube on the 8th—ite E iaii-h ton bis sorrowing heart. Great, indeed, is hisaf. validity oftiiu act, ami the consequent juriiuicUom to—veas45. nays 150 the preservation of the noble iVtitntion* established ; were midway beiwrrn &>i.umla ai;d i:u:--t i.u. i». THE HO>IL;->TIiAI) BILL. OHEXRVS1NVIGORA PING rORDML:-Tk« fliction, bii! if there be any consolation in the The H'Hi^e before iis adjournment, considered the United SUi^-.s, have since been fully recog-nUe< Washinfton, Jefibrson, and tlieir compel bv the Suit.- of Vinriiiia. [Soc Rcv'd Code of Io43— and ihe Frtiit h had a r t i v u t ai HutMhuck. '1 lie in. - i i i - ol ibis purely vcsrUbli- extrict loi 'he n-rno* ai am! pas-el tifiv-f.-ur private hills. StnixrleJce, he may be assured thai the tendersyma lied ami Turkish aiuiy i.n- roM-eirra tug lo i.p- and curt- of |>hi steal prostration. c > - i : l i l rirbilily, nerti't. I,cb. 2, pagv-li.] The Enquirer swallow* Mr. flnniei'a Homestead they are safely moored v.-iihin lhe sacn-ii walU of the In the S-nate. Sfturtlev. >evera! private bill were r<* !r-- of millions will unite wiih l.i:n in a a- Bill. It does so, we are told in iis is>-ue ofye*'er- constitution And in conc'usion. letjm- say in ihe ediUpim tb -so iu-tj ot the State of Virg-inia, the lan<! eratf against fiir.r GoriM hdkotl aiu. unt io lit) tUO. \nsi- .itr,-rt rn-. &c. , Sic., are lully .Je>crib«il iaaitether Tnc Kiverand Uirborbill wa- then con- in question became subject to tlie fuilu"wiug- clause of The I;U-M;IH- at FranteiiUaha, unoei Pruu-eUoii Cu!<ii:ni of ths> jiuper. to whiob the rraJ.T It rcfrrretl.— tnent for the earlv and beautiful dt-ad. MissFil 1 - day raO'ning, as choice of evils, but the same time tor of lhe Spirit, lead on the Korr.aia, forriSntr*, r,nd sip-ssed. e^t-j a-rl il^biie.l nntil ihe ai'j.iurnm-nt. the Constitution, namely : sebakctf J^re TO.OtiO s'runs: ai d ure being co. lii-ti- S'2 per boiilr. 3 bellies for *••». c'x t'ottl.-j fcr $3; morf "va* twcniy-tvro years old, and was tbe onlt- speaks of the Hunter subititute in such eulo»i.-iic oUfogie*. but jlivuyTne Hnu^ of Repr-^entatives ci-nvjii-red and yoarcaleulhtion* for " Congress -shall l.ave power to exercise exclusive ally reiuli.rced. A piii-tu-il I at le Ix-twtt-ii lhe>e.W > $16 p«-r di^i-n.— Oh»ervf ifcr !'iarkr oi Ihr «t»viSB, IVt-p^rrii only b» S. E. COHE.V , No 3 K.-a-.klm Row, d8U;-liter and on'y child, save Ihe son u-ho acted letnis that its readers may w t l i consider it a favor- upon Hie rtiitrx* of the election when j ou -.tas defeated pis-e ! Ihe I i;; m-'kinsaiproprialinn-i f nhe lran»- ' legislation, in all cased whatsoever, Sic., overall in-.!u--tije and \vtll disciplined aiuaieii was daily c\lor lliecu^Uioiit-d »eat at Richmond. ' Vim- Mrcrt. Wlinv Kightii. fhila rlphia. Pa , TO t'oiiati .n ol me Unit-d spates mail mv ocean steam- • places purcbu-s^-il by- the consent of the State in as ^!r. Fillmore's Secretary while Executive of i:e mL-asurc ol ihe Dem cralic pnny f - r geiiing n'J \VUO.M ALL011DERS .ML'ST BK AUOKESSKD.— ers, and .iii,,.,xvist. during the fi-cal year ending ' which the same shall b..-, for the erection of Forts, From O r s r - a i t is slated that Mehemet Pa«-ha Fnr Sjle bv a!) r.-i»;»-cuol<.- Druggi^u anil .Mercha_U l H o I .\ I * June30 the Utiitci! Stales.—Baltimore Amtriccn. ' Mik^izim-s, ArdenuU, Dock-Yards,-and other need KV> of the public lands. '"Is Mr. liumer'i sabstflu'e t-'Utli Ins itefea'eii ite Iltissians a: Cremovaila, in the thmi^li ui the rvm'itrv. iHiiluinirs." [An. i,Scc. S, Xo. 1C.] In ihe Sen:r.e. oa M.wJay, Mr. Ru*k reported ' Ail less obnoxious than the original Homestead B i l l ? C.lPr. i.Ol.MS*' IXSTIJUCT1OSS. February 2. ISJ!— ]y. Exclusive iegtslatiuu sig-uities rxclusive /nnVa.'c- Drobuilscha, on the 8.h iust , alter bve t.uurs fightback from itu- Commitiee on the Post Office and tion; and this lollo\vs, even although the Leuisintiire ing, and took ;M>ssession i f ihe piace. The Tuibs COLD ST.IEASI, llamp'-liire Coun'v ) This is the issue—ihat iheir alternative," savs the Post Roads. Mnii-e hill rn.idi'vin? lhe rales ol pos- of tbe Suite, iii its act assenting- to the purchase, have hax'e crusrtd tlie Danube . u larv,e iorccs at Capt. Ilollin? is said to have faithfully carrifd E'lquircr. We are to nnder-tanc then, tha: we July iOli, IS51 ] ttiie with s;v-;ra am.-ud a,-:.U w-.i.-h weie agreed m>t exuroAsiy i-odeil such jurisaietiuii. It vests iu the p. ints. Fair.vD GAI.I.AIISH :-Ir a formere.mi latni ation eat Lin inftrnciions, and no more, in the destiuc- were bound to L a v s a Homestead Bill in i-ume 1 Uniteti States by virtu-j of the C'oiictitutk.n. [Scryou 1 ui.ide iu-.,ii,',-! oi ih- IOH \t .iiui.iiii On the 9 h snd I0:h ih; Turks attack-.-d BrigaHE ir>M<iii «i on I4';i S p .-inli^r. for partion ol Greyina-n. The AVashiogton correspon- ebape or other, and after all ibe dt»unciation tttat t- The consideration of ihe River and Haibor bill g'cant's Const. L-, p. 330.J uj.,rii ot the IS h a-a- a lovrlv ,,n e A; tnn- w Til? diers Paulolf Hnil fiSoiinoin ff with I'ther RiL-sun ticulars ftt q'lire 'l of the Tiio ' * "*• constitutional eouditions, bi PHKSIDENT. is resumed. wiiiVn was opposed liy M,-. Tuombs, dent of the New York Tribune slates the following the Enquirer has heaped upon an)' such mcasnre. sttcat s-h.-wc-r the ilay p evicts having la d the eit observed, arc | d_-iachm^.ils at Fratochi, A 'i. o>i 3.— :*t» two, purchase bv the UniU-d StotVB;ind~con^ut"of i ™™am>:n" al "««-«-•«'. ">.""«• of GungeVJ, on t b f g r u u m i of its nncon-iitfiiiona ity. lh llu Iiiiins nS «•;; e wl n :et as th'? purpott ol his instructions: it is reduced to the disagreeable n-ccs-itr i..f takino- j "I"".1 ^'"''^S^J»as>ed and r- pl s-H.|. pri)l ! U <.-i-. R ' " 7.' . i' ^>' routed. was received in.m ihe President irans- the Lejrwhture Lf t!,cStaU-. By that cons'tt t! c I ^Bv -adviivs fiom HeiciaoMadiol lhe |(j[n ^e U : - L ..:_j, . - i qmiea im*tle. which upon n qiii.-y I :.UIM,| io be m iAt t imessage lie was "r.'.erej first lo demand an apology from — ; ate voluntarily and knowingly parts will, its jtirUone ;in which itconf-^es tberi" are -features which i . s t h e paptrs in the aff.tir ol the Cyane i-ml S me r^Milt ot the 2'tittii wrnuib^ I . M . I , i!;..i Piiace Gjrtsctak aF was at Fraieschi, diction. It is u..t lust in the nacre fact of ilii-ir ivav tu the CJreytown. ihr I..M N . and the payment uf S-'l 000 indemnifiby the United Sl.iu.-s. EMAI.MNG in ihe Po-t O;5ce, i»t Charlesw i i h 70.000 men. cation i. r the tiesUUi linn, in I8j3. uf a --In.-.! at ii cannot approve. Hir.v is ibis, thai w;:h an orer. Ii;e M u u u i a i n . At V o clock, A Al.. f>r. an 1 I The S^-na'e by a mo<l d-cisiv; vote refused io ju coun y, oit the 3lsi djy of Il was rumbled that Aurep had cucimit- J u , . town J Puctii Ar«ria>, uoiuneiiig to tbe Transit Company whelming party majority in ihe S^aa'e and in ibe started tor the scp,netroru Cap'.ii B,i.'«rir, s. une !> grant le;,ve I.; iniioduue a bill lor the repeal ol the Id5I: ' suicide. — a *»ui fixed l>y While II these demand? were Huu^eof Represeniaiives, and w itli a Dein':ciaiic miles distant We soon a n i i e l at Npjrtn-jltiver -H Local .Heaiorandt. T WasSto^ton College, Va. List of Letters Fugitive Slave, am. A— John C A»lacb. L''uisi Aiiam-*, Georg? W I-hi l':i>ha hnd defcatdl General Pros<aff"s divicomplird wish, he was next to require the surren- i're>ident, our nei<rhb-jr is piaced in Midi an an- Mi Is, and frum ilience we took a foot pitlh ibrecTh<> River anil Harbor bill was considered u n t i l -beiifi-ti' r John Adpin- Sntilv A •• santfer B— sion HI Nicepoli on the Oitt der tf the panii-s who insulicd Buriand. in older pleasant dilemma on a question of di--if«.>5ii)g ol the q iHiier* ot a mile tn the mountain.. Ere w>- lia-J after eleven o'clock I: was amended, but no acThere is in the- acts of the State of Virg-iuia, a re-ur Bc-ah- J r H-.vd Wi:li. ra Bali .^.-r. Th.imas walked far our ears caught the >oun<l ol- " -iii^ic lii'ts was ba.l on ii. A'otiiiug new from the Black Sea, the Baltic, cr i.v.i they mil tit be paniihed fjr that ofservation, as fi.-lluwd : B;i.k Mr- K ' z i B - w m - n . A. AI. C-Mr» Asia. fu'ilic lands?There m:«M be a grreat waniofharby the baiul," and tli<" tramp nt buries, in a -.Uort fc-nct'. O ' l t i f t h e auihoiin'cs and peop'e uf San In the H.mse of Reprpseniati>°s. Mr. Ridille. ,i«li O- k. W A Cam jib?: 1 P '.» C-'jrilaa, .Mrs xve were upnu l\n grouaa whii.ii th^y -iccu- fiMin AJanv aJdiiiurial ruintrs oi neir rrg >tiaiions Juitn shon'd absolutely n fjs** . ii.--..- s;iiistai-ii:>iis m.'ay in the parly when such sacrifices have to be time ihe-e'e.-t c . n naiee Jiernf r appoin ed o;i i F Ca.pnter J.-hu \V Chain' • tlin, John wpre afloa'. Aiiespitch Iroin Vienna. oaieiJ the to Bnrlaml and the Tian^it Company, iben Mr. made. It is pretty well und'r>io k .d that ihe Pre*'- pied. ol £iiano. tejiuile'l s bni "- t -o u . d ,j n <r , R . A C - i ' t f i i -B D Chen'.w-Mi ftaiic Ci"»i. Ci"»i. Imagine to yourself a level fi-M of MIM» S^or a Ibe.suhji-ct slates 'li.T the Austrian u . i i m a i u i n either Hi-l.'ins wa^ 'o o;en liis batteries and lay tlie place den! intended to go the whole figure, aud approve acie^. a p m i i u n o i w h i - h is lined u i h <aii-.ases pan the tn.V beta-een the Ui:iied Stales and the mrv <-" Pavi». K— JVJi.-» . b?en sent or w;iuid be sent on thai Usy to St. Pe- II— f j m t s .-iiev. limr in ruins. Previous to tin*, however, h* was lo republic nf IVrn. Lin-y Ji'li> such process, and ciUch.ivsucli K— William Fcai..hi>o. Mr. f. ley. er Ii-jral fnnc- tersburg, demanding ihe tvacnaii^n oi 'he Oaniitake rvi-rv prrcaoii-in ID avoid hlooJ.-h-'d bv ihe the o;igiiial tfuuie^tpa-1 Bill, wiih all its "udiuus fi'leu iviin b,-anitlul you \z laili-s. the i!i2ri->s uf ! An in-flvctual mot,V>n was made to suspend the I I — \Ji-s C ' tiniis \vit!;in tbu sal ic, as may not bj inconiputiljle t.ian Pi incipalifes w i i h i i a c--rtaiii liin.-. Tnc -—;iliina Hocg«-. "\Va»hins; i'n Hartbombardment Tbe t-iiinins xvas noi expliciily features,"and our vety slrirl cjiisiructiuniVN may each Vftii;-le IK-IMS saA'v sujrd d by VHIIIIK 2t?nls. rules w i t h :J V j-i r Of t a k i n g n,, ih . 3 .ni,(e t > i|j prt,. ' with the true iiit;u: and meaning- of said acts." lei m-i men t ioned was ondt-rMood to be one-month. m -n J — K n .Fuhnson ..l?mt •< J-ichton. K— or1 ercd. but |.. ft in hj« diM-rciion. io be done il'ne- c ' n ^ i a t u l a t e tlieuyelvrs upon ihe pa->a-e of t i e In .if this !.,M .:i ul Jiir.iv yuii'li peu-fii ? 'ht? I ir ihe <atNfaclion ul ihe claims embraced [Ubi sujjra.] 'j'iie A u s t r i a n correspon«lctn say> \l;at as ten i; X.-.Me. J U Kiii^. J<i'.-ob A Keli-r. Ht i.-rv Krout. B i n d , an.I m nftbein po>is pret- in I •••£ them iwu iwn upii^lu uppi > a 'f .\' s2 . . i . . . . ' .t _'?/* ces»ary to ibe desiru>-ti<m ot the place. he a :t o' S ptnn'vjr. 1-i50 A siniilar reservation is common in the corrcspon- ,|,,, present phase of ihe Oi ietilal qu" riion and ihe Hunter subMuute as the less biiter duse ol tiie 'wo. tily festooned. sluniietl. haviiK h a v i i a »iii.iirrm<r I.— AIi>s Ainu- Lmdlev. Fiirs-m LaihoniJolin W MII : i l ring sjspenilfl he~ • P.vsideni of ih- U i ' f 'd d SII'PS c»m niinici- dent acts of other S'-ittv, and apmetiiues in more ab-- i i.„.,.„• L n l r t k i r . D.ioseioVld Lloy.l. HI — Th.-nfore 0?- Alexander R. Botelcr. E.sqn of tliis coanty. That is all tne comlort ihey have, and po->r cum- between 'hem, at w ch a 'in • h a l l iluz-n y t i i l e - tedTh.? brought by Prince GtrtathakOff, ihe -\n:ii r > nf siluto lan a message, enclosing il'^>iin--Tils rela:ive to ihe Virginia. uugv t!i--:;i Uiat cu.ploycd by tbe State of Prussia a - d ' A i i . s t t i a are iinperlecilv saiisfi^.-, M ~s. \ — U'il!i?m Norns. "«»— Ift-z k.-»h Oreniiirif i.r have a pariiru ar ri'cpni desira -ti-.m nf G*cyo>vn. has ai-ccjitcd an invitation, extended to l:5ni by the furt it i<. The diffjiance between lhe original biil in -n on fi -rv But, it il'uff Janie- U ! B.innoh. Mi«» t-' O;t. i*-J — a~ at the But, it ii w.-Il settled thnt tiie sole object and only but there ares.i :ie m i t e r i a l s which inignl possilny Gn!"ihev win!,! TurvusIVashington County Agricultural and Mechanical aud the ^ u b > ! r u e amounts to simply i;.:--. hi- furTh^ S'"ai»-'ainen-tiin-iits io the Gent-ral app'o- legal II i- land Piico. K — Mrs El '.* Russeh. E :ii!y rfftct uf such rcsei-v:iiii,ii by the Sunns is to proserve as ;hi- ba-is lor pe2i:e neffotiaiion-. Thcspii.iiinn bill W.-H-, in pan. acir-d upon. Auociatitm, to dc.iver an Address at its next an- uier made a free grant uf ICO .-c-re- ol land to il.c Jt-ctor. L ibiirn RHilev. vent these phicis Iruiii bi-cimin«ra saiictuaiy for fii- a r e It ft In the Ji-crctiuu >•'. «he Wesiein Powers — — W i l l i a m .-P Stohl, The House have agreed lo meet, for the remain- •ritivcs from justice for acts tluiit: within thcacknowj- Upon tbe rn-rij>t or their answer A a s i i i a . anir.g i'.rm-i alieiv. William Si-rsrcnt !;•; ,;.«i.iin Su-el. cual Fair, to be held on the Cth, 7th and 9th of fc'ep- setiler, the latter pretends io provide for tlie payder of the sessi.m. at sen o'clock, a. m. ctieo'l juriAJiotion of tfn: State. [L'nitecl Suites vs. upon a corJi.:! um.'eisiandiiig « i ' h 'he \V«-.-trin « - U I. .M \Vvnn. M.K«'-i J V/illivns, men' ot twelve and-a-half or twenty-five c nts per Uaiber next, r.oar Ilajrcrstown. Corucil, ii Mnsoi. GO— United States vs. Davis, v H - i j n n i n Wasliinzion. Charbs William Rtx>t, P..weis. \ v i i i LI!.; all mt-a^iires requisiie ior.he reA Slasoii, p. 3o6.] aore after the expiration ol fivegrears, provided h-' \o'i i.ave a-> ( nrreft ai acC"fiit ol the TmrnaWd ker Jt C-> , Fully Washi. ninn. esiablishimnt .'I ihe b.i!ani'e of p.-ucr, and f r ihe _Ft«*.—A acw liousCj just erected nt Pam Xo. G, I n al! u t t : n fcSP.-. JLJAa}>g?«nnV ou't^of a-co'ma»!iiJ8ift, ro:ei!,e mi-iit a- I am C' mp'^'fy,'' i n t e g r i t y of TJ; iey, and tof a general pe^cj on a JOHN P. BROWN, MCSSTP. EDITORS: lend.*""" ". — ~"^ ~"^ff destroyed by fire on \Vcdnt-sday hist. Mr. Samuel Aiigiisi 3 IS">I culty, by f u i n g a nominal price upon the public N >nh ( t i v f r pc-r a pa?<3^'> c.i-i-s-ru.-te'l of sl;,f > i > in c;im;m;id at LJ irpei's Feny Armory I mm I*oRCSSI.l. Ric«, tbe carpenter wlio built it, lost all Lis tools.— lands. the mountain, und at 2 oV-lin k 1'uiiniii'nl rifri'sh- vernijer. IS-ll, to Octob.-r 1.S51 si seriously com^ ^^^ _, ...^ wu^..kuiu'ii,-IU aiHl hu?mr persons h;ive been arres ed at S;. Some su.M'icicn c\ifls tlmt it was the work of an in,n^«. r mtu | )ti j r) g prr-parrd. ibev walhVi! u:- and he-Jped promised bv iMe Repoil of the Select Cimimitiee ol Serjr-—i Kvat's Coin., j). -1-9—Ka-v Ic uii the Cocst., PUBLIC SALE We append the following scathing critic'sm cf j Ihem-elves. Tnis ovr, ihe Band played—*c-me Peieisbiiig charged wiih an inteni'id i-utbreak. p. 23'.] .— cendiary, though it may Ime been ?et oa fire by the bill Iroin our D^mocraiic coiemp >rary of the wl.ich lhe Hon. II. II. ST^CVTOM is c tairman. as O f R eal Esiale The p.|ii.-e to^l ihem thai tbrir political opinions This exterritoriality lias been recognized by judii danct-ii— som- paraded, and n h f i s n-'iil a suvial sparks fro:a ibe locomotive as the house was near Examiner. It shows it up in iis t i u e co'or>: weie sLieli a?, tu rccileriht-ir itntrisotniei.t a malic; '• chat all app'-ar^n? to enj-iv ih.-insflv*-.'. fii.ely. At to compel me to ask ibronjfli your column? io cor- ci;i!(!ci' .us in the States. YING in B / i k v l i y comity, . ii ia.. Bv vir' • W e i l o n o t at all I'mcv. tne ^railuaiion clause, I 4 i>'.-|;ick ice cream a-'i! cak- wero p,is-«-i .nioti-;.i-f; j rect som^ errors of fact into «h:ch the cuniinnit-e ul"" necessary. the railroad. ti.c ol ine i d e nc,-- cCire i e e iri.Jrir-.' t^nd«ird in lite-cMeaf G but we confe>s tne whole lii>iue»:t-ad ie<uiife cf Hits j a' 5 n prettv vuiiff Mi^s was cro\x iit-d :Q'ieen. Snd has bfen le.l by an implicit reliance on the e.cpar/e E-vfinsr. 11 te t w : b 4: Co, and i rf. H ;IM -t R B. iin-.l fiirnd has fnini'hed us wi-.b an ac- j u i ' i i ; look» very much like a doJjji-; and th a' Ii (he r o m p i u v h-jjan to di"p--rt-.- to liirir rr-p-r- j testimony given before ihem. T.nn! J >hr. ilusseil has si; en notice ihat sh? Gov- K > n» la i and others, do i b« t'ny 1 1 May. IS54, c c u u t ( > f i h e Dcdi'-aiion of lhe Presbvten'an Church 1 ot all liie Dein.>c.-a:ic Senators navri g v.«t -il fortact H, • i/e place- nf abode, nans'il having in-c^ned; t.i ern nent wili a.-k i h e c o u n ' r v for an u a r i-y tin Ci cm Com ..f Berki p o r . p. ."-J.J C«»niiiy,:I am diOn page sixteen of the report, under head of in Btrryville, oa ihe 27;h ol July, which was re- only gives tlie tiaii>aciii n a more ii£l> and hucuus m a r th-ir happiness or t<» i!i«;ur.. ihe i-alni s;re;ti Ii is though) thai lue ^ : ; .-i inn •.vi>i iiiase Su, a thi .-saiac Ststc, it has been aiijudg-cd t!iat a c<- dn. i . in « - - .!- o: the l^nri.- n-jw in "ibe posst?appeariioce. T h e t i i c k o striking-out the WiirJs. •'abuses u:ii! -r His miliiary system/' il is «.atrd ihht IV ff Hi it iinparailelfd ol \ainr,'. j l trans joriiny suuic from th ceived !IK) late Jor this weeks itjtif. It sball apa party qtu-siii.n. and if p..s>ib:ed-f at U.e Mir. 1 0 >a:*i Ii B. K.wnslir •' w.i! ib.ff IMC pro"a-n act ti) pro"ide a Homestead fo r actual seiil--r>." Thr Ii'e Mi'initain is siin.itfd iip.m ih-- enst'iahli Ihe exppin!iiures for repairs, imnrov. rot nts, and i-iry aiui c-iase them to r.sign. Tbe discussion CreJ losrll. it fi. rn t.t ibe C. u i = lims* du.-r in pear nt-xt wct-b from ike ti'ie, was utterly beneaih and unworthy of of in-JVi.-ith liiver. Iis obliqneili.-iance from fr\t new machinery amounted to neatly as iuurh in the comes on Wednesday the 10 h. • » -W-JU.'fl» It |y We are indebted to the Hon. J < M K S M. MA- lhe1 Senate. ba-e tn lhe pealc \* 8ii fee.! It is ci'Vcreu wth SP.XIN We dn not li«e ibis new f..rrn of the Homestead Ionic on .bly sm.-l-^ioiie. m;w< and a varieiv :-»f twelve years of miliiary »upeiint. n fence as in ihe t»Vf >fr Advices H-ererrci i.-eii n. faison tne l. c ih in^:*n! BOX, of ;hc Senate, liir a copy of "Maps and Views and p!att?d bv bill any belter tnan the oriyiiial lorn ; nor >o Weil. simll trfe< ; in* storie car. easily bejvrnbved b-> fotiy-nine o/' civil tule. VVh.-ii it 's uuderstood from M i . i i i which s ate ti ht Ihe town and saru:y-- ; vt Bfk-ley. lo accompany Message and Documents, fur I?53— We see no difference in i rincinle i.eluern an abso. case of o the e Commonommonins so |.»ose ami sni.ill. I a-ked Mr G • irjc D •-:- thai tin; repiirs iii these iw. Ive yeais, consisted in oi Barcelotia hid pronujnced aguis.stiht- G^T. Tfce tiart to fc*r;>-o'i c<-n;ain- Wj» AiTfs aid So vs. Ciary, :bc SupiMue Cuurt of Masssaclm- snii 51." lute liannliun ot the puDlic laiuls an.I a pietendfd Vt-rs. ll-.i" present propriftoi til the in > n : . . a i n . if«I a:i entire rebuilding of both ihe nriskei a-.i! iiile swcultli eirinent ett-ssa: n s ii iE»oa Mi C.rtk and i> a j,-jod quali.y uf The reviilnilnn was 1-elitve.l lo he spreading la i•:. Ta^ «s.~>c- TCIB ni- are a 'a e-- anil ci'UMio§y A number oi peij>ons have died in Harrir- saletiir a nominal price, not worth, or capable of Ci'iild fi'ul a u v i'-e. and he fui-nediatelv wnikrtl works at Harpe:V Keury, and a thorough lenovaection occurred to the minds of some inrmdefraying the expenses of collection, and 011 a cied- wiih in- to one of the in my ht >'•?.« un.le hv th'««v thrnagboni Spain, notwiihstanding the siienuons ! d i O O s B ' c - . O-rr :iJi J i l l l all ncC--«S'V o It-buildcnburg u iihiu :he pa.-t twa months. A great many it which jtnjaiit!) t • payment ai the D iv ol JuJs^-cff.Ttio put it Jown. in? otii the stone, and at'er r m >vin? ih" a.'cnnj'r- iio;i ol m ichineiy. assan< tinned and dneciird alier • ii«g» Ai~-> »£<*:.<-i ci mi« nai-r DveHinc aadooe of them wr.'e children, whjse disease was either ment ami thie- dav'sjrace. The prn cipleof»a'e lateil It-avcs and rubbish, sho'ted n>p lin-ip- of Ice a visit of infection in 1815 l>y tlie then Sei-reiaiv TIIK M 4 R K K T S . ' ..I i h r K - : .\!.:tsea'> in the V«li;"\. Tl,e wafer at a pr-f.t to the Treasury, and tor a nrenu' to th-; or scailtt fever. a nirce ol' which he broke o(T an.l I eat IT* ih-r. of War. now at i''e bead oi ttie Siaie D p.n;ii|. i.i, Lirw-tl Ju!r I9ih.- B: -aiNtiifT — Richardson is ; . . : , - . . ; . : , M nr-vt i-failin?. 1' : a . b< en tl.sed Siaie.- is surrendeied ; ami long Iteiore me tive vears icok me i'i hi* ice pe.- . (s-niiii-4 or ;"> Ic-j^ in 0,^1^111 it w.ll n ol by evi.l. lice Ol Wdi.t ol fuimrepoitsbrearlMuflTs us dull, n'h-ai was iiresn'ar. j for a ! . ; : • • : - . • ot ytars as a paper C-iill, for -*hich a POSTAGK. is gone, ihe piaance ol price will be Miin-ndered b-ins laid upon the <jroiiiiil, a.-d th^ ire and snmv j iny in adiuinisir.uiuii in nave coinpletelv lebuilt and all q ia!i:ii.'s larjriv diclincd Flour— Wn- i htfivr location caniHif be fiiuuiit. Ais-j a auJciemy too What great party couM ^tic!<le lor the sum c«ivert-il with striw.) and ?ave me pleiiiv ol Ire i llic-esiauliiiim-ni in a proper. su:.>,;,iniial manner, Ohio Sl-.ilG-. Coru is tluil at i OJ Tunhei of joo-l q'lalilv. The Sit'.arJay E;-ening Post handles prettj rough- of 25 Cf n t s ? Plain thinking people wonlJ laujh and Simw ! S-i I hid a smxv-lnll ihe i S i h o l ' . f n l v ! :' sm'iabie fora.Government woik, ai a cost under 31-(>J for '.vline anil yi-Hinr. i'3-t A ris rfud ;>j pules of the ilovs tract are ly one o! the Pi nnsylvatiian delegates to GiingrWs it otF ihe Hustings. The present II >iiie<'ead bill Fri-m the snow an'l ice we n-paire.i in ih<> Mill- - '. iluit previou.-lv expeiidtd even in foriv nine yeais I h--iil in 'ee s i i i i j - . , - . fir hi» efT'rt tj increase po<ta»e on nevvspapcrs. — only d^es by indirection what ihe original hill pro- hnu>e. c m»i"icteil ot l»{;<atid rhinked w n h si> nf. .' lur repairs and imjirovrm -nts. The abuses of ai, The In I mi-.- o: ihe Iran i«- a K-^c,*ii na T right, Wci-.-f, ^.jv- that pajwr, that Sir. Fu?ey Olds isa; po-eJ lo do by direction ; and because the one was As soon A* Mr D-a-ers- op«n--i{ the door I expcii- i; poiiiting an ;u-:i:i^ master armorer and . •-- n i'i-;it. ' i stilj'd t i l t h d.'wei e^'a'e ot Alt? Ki:jc-ilietfi K wnit again in C,ia?re>s. proposins :he repeal of that K-raishl forward and d"vnri^ht. w^ should have »-ni-ecl .1 chiilv draught <>f air. so inu<-h so. 1 coiichi- | lins |i>rriii'-n ul Uie shops for i,. S p, clurs I s .n oi w huti tLe j uict.a.-er will pet j i .-MS-SU ;. at : srctioi! in the law of August. ls.V{. which makes a preteired it to the Hjuiis'.eaJ provisions 1 1 she oth- ded in sat i-f>" my cmio-i'y bv f-tiitg. <;f i i.-iiange.- in-itle I)V .. • ,-,, •' "rnr'" : " to the services rinufrcil bv the CommonweaUboj 0 i, Ju'y 1(5—Miss Fillmore, danshter of h r deaih. f iv ..U'liorily i.llheSecie.ary , I War. . lh, in i m bitanU offc s.ven.l towns. deduction ol fify per cent, oa the postage of ne»s- er." Kt.iHitf i''er«-iii. A fit/ pat in ilj.-Te siirfiivps I.lit afier Lti- cou Mue.aaon ol tne rtasors foi the ^^^^^^^ Toe i»nn< nf snlt> at pre c'ihe-d. ?y saM decrre "It will be noticed that, in this decision, we make E.x-Piesid^-nt Fiilmore, Ici'i it-ielast nichi lor Auchange. napjrs aud pctijdicals when prepaid Of cour»e "Admit that the q-iesii<'n was a perp'ejinj or.e, a sh -rt iim j . <elil-»n (if e-'ei") -?en on a i—-mr-'hi'il it. c-i-h, the lesidue in on; Mid iwn rora, where she w s aitacki.vl \vith cholera and j ' a distinction b-.-tweeu pvi-snns wb«i jicttuilly dwell Ui.der the Kead of tve have no iJea that even a rcsfctaUe minoritv of snd that Western D-inncrats would not stand fi-in; this i i . - i n i a i i i and ..notare a fl.- wis !•> besrpri i h n u ) / Conduct." lhe 1C- I ' within the territiry ->«'i c<l by the CnittdStulrs,and d i t - d a l l ! o'cloc'ic 'hi« morning, a^-d iwn'v-iwo y ar*, with ii.ten-st limn day pi .'c»!e. and a <*eed the members will vote in Javnr ot any such pnipo- that i> no rea^on why we. of the South, shualu back I wa- ihcre. i' b-jins hi' far siri rold a clinnte t«r o. T .»t o'i the jueiiiises lo seture ;£e d^.ernd pay' the laborers ami artilic.-'iw employed therein who •itinn. But we shsll take no little interest in rend- cut. Siskins oui is the poor'-si way of all 10 £ct iis i j n n v tex'irc. From lhe dairv we wee t in ih? ' have their dwellings elsonhcrc " [viii Mass. Rcpts. vrars An cjpiess reached lu-re ih s moining in- inei.t. ing the ;•-.:•;.•* if ifcosc that Oo, lor it wiil be a list uut of a difficulty. Ifevery Dem'.ciat in the Sen- spring, and if I ever slaked mv ihiist wiih a l u t n f .minp Mr. Fi:|m,ire of her sickness, and he. wiih nt thai ihe laree I p. 77. J JACOB VAN DORE.V. JY, cfail that i«m'an< st ard siupiJest in the present ate, or in tne ro iftd world voted ior __ new M.)ine- h'er of (he pii'est 5-e-water. I dune it from i h i « : .* f ?r--on, in j f All the incidental views of the G>urt, in this case, ins s«»n an;', a D-ict'ir, immediately started for AuSheriff ut Bcikelry County. s'.ead. that U nt<e ot Rf 1presentaiive*. d. that won.'.l not malfe iwei.ty-fiiv ceais per .a-hich issiiuatrtl H a i pt r s Fei rf' a p'l«ce of near- arc-in effect adopted and re-affirmed by the Supreme i ' g ' ' - S -pring ng frmn a itiininifiiii ol We belief.. ihat Mr. O.'ds is in no dansjer of en- acie.. payable In five y--a's. f <un loiei^n and na- Mr D -avers harl ( rt'iiitt-n Court ot iVIassachttSettsIn tbe case ilf Mitcliell vs. roia, bot they ai rived only a half hour before her the i f i n p - r a i i i f " of " :|ji> -.y five ihn isand i.ihHbiiaiiis. raduaidg ,he arm, npon antxher teitn oi Ci-rgrrss, I'.T which tive 'quaiteis on the public domain. proJuce a te- spring, but said, ri^oii. aa.! -he v as then insensible. It is a sad s , that t a of the daiiy was 2 Or. wherem «,,„« ih-ee hun.lied m^ha fiet fi'd Tibbv-ttsi. ly t h a n k t h e peopleof hisdi-trict. lit is one maneratire food for the common benefit of all thte ctlder. The same opinion, as tn the disabilities and the ex- b reavemi ut. r.,,i,i. could ,„„>• | UIl!i b .s t . v -en,v-one n? iemptions of persons residing in such places, ia exoi those who were "born a century too late"— and States. It is a sham -a'<:. it is no - 1 .- ai a ' l — ECENT evenis have caused '.-]>• S nior partTin- ;Ve PX!»*nii* s»m? f>0 n«ds aions tiie base aail prcrecd iii tlie Ciisc abuvi* i-itcti from Pcuusylvauia, of !; he hid been b >in a hundred year* ago, this say- i It is practici"? the shallow p.iltcv. ' luz'-ctin l.iera 4 or 5 in height, fn niing ihe shape uf a half moon ner i.i ihi> fi m io d r s u e lo r-:!ire fuel public Baltimore Market. the Commonwealth vs. Young-. ingsiill would have tieen true t;f him. la lact, I tetrcl in t'irtioc" It giire< up ihe k rue!, and ine in ihe m o u n t a i n . A-> you w a l k o v e r any pofiion business. 'I he PltuPEKTV. ihti. lore, o; me nnSubst--qii'--iitly to the decision in the Stntc of Mnssahis beins born at all, was probibly :.i,- great mis- I t:-\; thins will b- the lakiu? away f>oin n- tven of ihi- icv reaiun von can di«rern .hecolddersiiced, connecit-tl w i i h Ibeir ir4i-_spoii;iiioa nuslt.-indolph take of h^s iness on the C. * f>T al ii i IK i^«; fur sale, and [ of the "he.1 Wjjen i h ' d t - m i n l is made tijioa u^ O-SN in your teet. anil by placinu your h a n d in a n v lor a l t a < e o l t-ie consik'ation price, who will of me crevices yon wmilil s u i m i - e t f c e m^iwher wan OP I-WCM i.v TII. BM.T.MOBK MARKET iheir \V A!:K IiUL SES lor ui. ; . the untTpiied 1 i 4«»sM —It cppear* the dire spirit of incen- make lurre tor .he consii:ntiorial principle—lirenhad eipeil<Vd term oi Itiri: lease. A fioeOppOJIUnSly I- .t.U.-I'prli ion on tbe following qwslious, namely : r»r tne wee'i tnding At.;usl 2, 1851. diarism is still .>:::»:. .r in our miJtt, and i is advi- tyfete cents per acre, pa Ic i n Jice yean 7 To ibe in th-* f n z n rreions ol — showing ilia: a.Hl dollars. Thi« , a great mistake, as is sh iwn ioi anv one wn > wi-:hes «itha sma ' : i;;i.,iJ 10 ' ai" 1. .A re persons residing-on hinds purchased by, s the snow and rni i have riin?ralvd and r e m n i n emRepotted expressly | the Free Press or tij'r that T.: -.".-.' i: - -.~ -!i! J keep a sharp look-out eyes of some people, a Jour-penceia.peflqy looks beslrd amons il;i- iuinifnse - > a i u i i v !••• <m ,t i ::.,'• u i -i'l-s-: tu avail i n - . - : -i-ivt 5 of ifaeir ..; lhe account ol the ^pen.iimrcs „„ quar.ers a - ' or added to, tin: United Suites, for Navy Yards, ArAPFLKS.-Supply li.-ht and no d-mand " We i'lT-r. This firm, in ac'dition to ihtt; laicu canyto prerent further as^ressions tip>m their lives and as big as a dollai ; but ihe Southern people'canrmt -c« ' s-mils, Dock Vaids. Potts, and-Armories', in this P j m f t o . t h e reprtrt, m which the first i-em paid than • Commonwealth, cntitlxl to the benefits of ibe State q'Ji.te nominally at S'J to S4 rer bbl. praperty. A tew weeks Mnce tbe la'hias^on the in- t* made to believe the platform nfiweity fiv-e :rnis ''Aerator. ins bu-im-ss, lor oiner pariiea, liiiV' an Ag'OCV (o fcjars d a . e J u l y S I , l8W- one monih after the'e ' Onmum Schools, fur their children, in the towns j Btrrrisft-r-Tbe re..eiptsair IhjMe'nhanlast weric f P'"i-base i"-c «ra!U ot'Or. Fuller's nudni^hed house, on the peracie a platf'.irm of principle, mat anv great pint-base Wheat f«r lhe P:«u>e<i IVI'.iis in A'exaoco,n.l appropnalio , tec.nne available ailable. ' where such lands an located ? A small framed hni'ilins, 20 fret 'yj4. i* errc'a.cW"?e m pn.:e«. We q:, , Glides ^ , | a.ia, whi' i. h ii..u'.:l-—> in. y cau lrau5-''-r tofinjirsuc0e in ke a N o r h i i r n border o.''tas town, wasfi-ed, bJtiortu- panv can rally So ana stand on. It is hut the. sha- ed—wiich in a-lditi-.n to the sinill enclosure ir. The rep-jit "intshersisies no >nl*rqiicnt ap '•2...1Dues such residence rsrinpt such persons from 51 to I I cts. WeMprn , to U , , prfinria'iun was made for the ^i iiatelv the pl-n^tirj; jibov? it was datrp, which dow, the ghosi, or a" principle—and if the Iji'l pass- front, :,s. Roll at 10 to i t u i ««-»« »>..... i.—.1i— — — "* Any ufie wno wdot» iu eintark ifi a large r.'iiimandaniV quar- • being i(Bacsscd fort!ieir polls or estate, m lhe towns Cis. Common rt to 10 ets. both having >eat.« — afTiids ample room for * i business checKed UN progress. O.i Fii lay night last, on 11. es both Houses, we uiny as w e i i - g l v e up itu- ghost the ac'-titn iness ;already rsi.ibiishetl, will UcijHrell M call on ' in which places are lorafc.-d? . Another it i;-tah'e. ;-a'e. A subs; qunii es nnate nn iijdatioa and mancBJvres of a lar E. Seev^r^MTarnirig-iouisc'ffice, about II o'clock, and bid fare»'-|| tn ihr public la'ids " ibe 6- niiT partner iu Charleston^,' where all incrowd. "3. .\ViIl such residence, for the requisite length was made and appropriated lor to cover ihe t-xc xcess ' of h*f.>30.ia lisrhied can lie p'aceJ in a smail closet founatioQ in it--n:.'. to ifin..- wi.'l t:! tm i.-he«' — tlini-, givesucli rH-rSons or their children a lentil ofiexrvndiiure over Ins Original estimate,, anil Mr D.-avers inf i'med me that ihe mounta anil to Bicoji-Noactivfiy and prices remain a< quoted in in aider th^*t*fr-«af surr^un. «M 6» p.»pcr». cviJcnic o i n l e t e th th: qu.ttlers of commandant and pay- ' ii:'iab:t.uji y in sticli towns or in tbe Commonwenlth? Sales of ShooJders at Ofto Gj tis. s,des i'i ,,,7' Thr putilic aie infoi nu d ibai ihe al; >ve n tier will a-iiifiion tasnm- 15(1 a^res of l-vt land, .'eirlf land coinplete iy to place:J fiir Jgnitiya. Mr S 's vffice is in tbe "4.. A re persons »» rcafrfing' entitled to the elective not in'eitrrr in tne lea>i wnh I: e (• --rat ic alienin,-Kirr. T(t^ -rri-orus IB ihe Oi.liimmT Office and • franchise upon i;:e we t hank nl ih* North River he tbi>ng!:i in such tou-ns~' IJams plain D to !0 tens. Kanrv 10 to l-^l cts naUJinjr a jjinin<r J. N. Bull's stcre house, on (ion ol the UiiJersiijiieJ w i ^ h iheir lm»ji,es^. Whea Wnn the exception rf the Virginia Woolen Fac- could h? piin-h tse.1 Io-- S-0 pt- r acr^. a: Harpers Frrrv .irinoiy will show thpse Sacis. CotXTBV Sot p.—In good The Supreme Court of Miusndr.isetts, aware tLat C.-L-XTSV So, p.-i,l?ood deina/d with sales at at a sale is maue j u! I .-. notice will bt;icat ic such Main Street, co'iuectirrp wi:h. the ccimpact and tory, which was bunied down about t w e l v e months On /eading House Documents No 7G, contain- these questions, thuuirb ycn^rni iu scope, vet bad in 5 lo G ets. I veii'y Iwiiece i.' some entt-rpii-ing car-iifl ! i'ts c!on-lT-b:nU ^q•lareex^e^(!^Dg from Water to Pic- ago. we had last night, the larger ore thai has oca way as not to interfere w''n lhe huJ.:'nef-~.. 1 inir the evidencf taken before ihese'ect committee, tbeir intention special application tu ili<! jJavy Van! vr-jnlj pjrchise a n l ron'Tuet snitabit S'-cnimno50 offered a a-Jilia Sire^t*. U11 n jt ih< timeiy disc >very been curred in this city 'or several years Monday R S. BLACKBlJIUf 4 CO. nt Charlcatown antl tho Armory at Sprinpfiew, conI lorwarded to a ineniber of tha^ commiiiee a Maieweie .-olddaiion". this Ice M ninl.n"n would in a -fi.i - lime taaje. thrre is no ca'ru!.iting the extent »f liamage AngnstS, IP54 — 3t <W on Z' The large Tobacco Fac;ory. belon»in« tu in-. std«-red the subject rarefnlly, cutt-red into exposition mt'nt retmingihe s'ai ders and eiplainiiiff-he mvsb-«:i>m« a notfil place of resort. The pjrosiiv ol thatwcoM hsveensnfd — WiteAttfrr r/Vmiaii. ta.e ot the late Poiteaux Subinslo E> i ul ± tiS-ranons romainfi) in that evidence- Why the of uie force and effect of tlie provision of the Constituon Gary meet. b,luw ihe G« works, a,,d h"W its i i > n n i : i m. the ruo'ncssof the atii»o»pheri? in ihe coinimittt-e did not :hink proper Ut receive i , <-r to tion of the United States in the sense herein before Sit-s cr PBOPSSTV.—At tbe. Coort-Hoose. on George W. Giliiam, E-q , was e u;i e*/ warm si d?v t*ie healthlu nt'ss oTiis"spark:';ng ic? expressed by me, qui'teo" and adopted ihe rases of the Tdondar acrrsof slate lanj. CAM. lasi ni»hi. Toe fire w^s di>cuveiea all, spring, the total ansence of all rermia'and iti-eeis. »v,!i'l. iheir»se'ves of ii to cofrect errors into wl;t»:h Common wealth va. Clary tnd of Miu-holr-vs. Tibiftfjv might have been led, I am not at liberty to </town, beJoaeinsrio the t-rtste of Robert Bra-con. pasi 8 o'clock, and though the b.-tt-i. and stated tucir general opinion in the followc-imbine to reader ihis a.«?fe and pleasurable te- '•. dec'd, wTrre seW !•» Lf vi GHm I'c-r 3~i9 05 per ae e. . ireat from th? run's b?amin» rav«, lor invalids : inqjuire. That statement will, however, be pnb- ing* words: lislied, and ihr pahlic will see liai the evidence of » * " We aj" of opinion that when tic <rencHara-iime. the Lot belonging to Aliiridgre'* heirs, and tht«e desirous ••( Iving calmly sc qu> • • e od ihe '-prae'ical men"of "rn-at respectabniiv." "en- ' raj od stand on Main Srreet. wbow.ll^a'c t con-cnt of the CJinmonwealth is given to the • n Water Street, vra* solif 10 Charles Uirdy Jor fr -m ihe f>erplexity of hanit the turmoils of litJcd to ;ue highest credit." i« pniirelr- r*fn?«». o ihe concern. All iho*e indebted to^e r w i t t ' purchase of Territory by the United States for Forts fit 4SO J. R Tucker. Commissioner ; George this bustling life. Yours Tintv. ' and Dock Varr'*, a:.-1 when rhere is no other condi: JOSN SYMrXGTO.V, Kreaer, Auctioneer.— ir-.ntJusier Tirfifian. 4 — A'e in demand nnd Jell at I6a20c HAMPSHIRE. tion or reservation in tbcat-t "ranting-such consent, : Jtfsj"rofOrdioaace. .— »«ei;,ts are light ar.u transaeiitms lioi-' ' but that of concurrent jurisdiction t.i the State for KBKRirpit-T\-.—Tne Coanty Cotm atl^ session WiTERVtEtT A R S E N M t . 22, 1854 News irom England n ? ,ntelli S ence ota de! line • the sen-ice of ci»-il pnn-cs?, and criminal process r>n M >odav list,fized (heannoityehar^abteon the ' azainat pers n»clrar«red with crimpf couimJ.ttedout AXOTHEB WlLMUSCTOJI P.rtVTJEH RbTiffat S^OO L«s: y?ar it « as 5100. Tie suit VTe deeply regret to learn ihat a sad and $er ions Shortly after 7 o'clrck ' of such territ-jries—tbe Government of the United casualty occoncd at -'Yorkshire" Piiacc Wil- Phi'tuMfkia, Joly 30 in; ins Cour: o{ Appeals ia regard u> ib* coasiitu- the short interval that • States have the eole and cxclnsive inriadiction over at $1,35 to 151,374. liam Coanty, Vs., on Thursday, the -JO.h insianL list evening two severe shorts as of a distant e*- ' suet terriiory, for all purpo#*s ofl>jrislation and t ooaJitvot tuch charge is yet tinJecHled.— " Rrd F 50 plosjion, ur an eanrq take, werp beard in the lower terVl A pany ot men. consisting 1,1 Frank iXI e M .< n n . •jurisprudence, with the single cxception^xpressc'l, JSg^v^^&'S**" pan of the ciiy. anil also at Westcbrster. Much s u M i r i e r a^ -srent wi*hes >o ba/ aov We hare seldom witnessed stich An.!rew Thomas, James Munaaah. acd Cba.-!-? • and, consequently, that no persons are amenable to 12ioI5. Mu*krat6io8. Rabtit j'to3* -a. qaaMiiv no. —We ttedcr<tand that Col. John P sns-ety wa« felt for ibe arrival of tbe cir. from ' the laws of the C..lunx>nun,Hli for rr?mr« «~l ^r Mu ho lanti, all residents ul >hi» coonir. weie enw committed n n th, T for crimes and ofas Hamtrarock: ho ha, been presiding as Mayor of | ** *l»"le inner parti n ui ii s . Z*-l d in dizains a well lor Wil/ner >U L-ar -.MJ GJSSESC.^NO rfemaad. ileli nominally at 40 ail limes \V ilTiing-on. ih> sreiwra! imprr^-i. a being that it ' fences committed w i t h i n -««1 territory, and that tO 43 CIS. "» oomed io a cin- and wasanoin^r powder <xp'«sion, which pruved lo he . fir a number of Tea;s, tender*,! d«r. and andholn bothend endwawall, ft.n lc Io,tne yed a i a « / » f th-'D-pui, on iae U.Q the day in qnestioc a Mast was made ar-d "» " gronnd. fci«rssi«tnaiion a few d«v» since. Col.~H HOGS -^reipu are light an.f demaud active. Potumac U.iiiroaJ; a Tk( comrc'. It appears that one df fJarrefch«-'« n w ' **j^~cing building, owyeJ ny Mr. S. Atkir- I*, .re ibe MU >'.'(• haJ erapuraitrd oar of ihe party der Sa't-i? ai Jo /a to j*5 00. ded with pvat credit, always tryin-tn of B^. s at nulls, af ,.ni * mi,e and a halt from Wi!min« to c.»q , narrowly e>capet). It was only saved I M M a n n ) cescended, bat .'i-uiirg come difficulty * corafprt an J welfare pfth-eiti: " tbron b the eieriunsof 'the fi emen, who widely i i nrrsir j, ine be aiteturned to mahr bis »» v out and ««•. ««Pl*»«l «7.,'cl, fc kmimr ,h. uat,hm"r • » situated." BD Saesin blls al 8| to D cu e 10to WithiD Whlcil SBch territo n^- ~ " - ^ «* ^ •-•- ** tiucu, WHO W l t e ' v Cbarleu Jam-s Lynch, and se-rerely injnrinDennfsCanw en Bear ihr K p iie Ml to<he bottom, tailing unit mroed tbeir attention to the acjuinin; property, ail Proreedin- f some ra*rs ;„ -vliich the State in Therc erethree ^.MCSTABDSEB&—In good demaad, with *alesat 5 efforts to save the factory baring proved mierlr brui>i:i4 bioiselt q»iie •evrrelv. Andrew jViur- S'to&Li *"* "p'cessions t-, th, Uni««l Stat«-8, had ma'" wax » chicken hatched on t "-£ whjch CXSKHI qcire a*rommption in ,he ciir pramm* taagh i<oai«diaieljr descended to h» bat urarailinj. particuJar roservatwns not necrsnary hen: to be dlsnear Farravjif*. Va.. a lew days »g0, vhich 0,T*.-Good demand, and «le» at 55 to 60 cte ne too w.»-= ovrrpawered bv tbe gas and ri-i; : a 1< was undoubtedly the work of an inreodiiry. third la'" 2^he P™**"-* abont ^emills was to^' »3t«aet?ad. bat in erery other re«pect will |ay 914.W oei en for my ^^ *"* Ulcir ^clusioS aslT Rye.—RiKid <lenand one wbo weal duva shared the same late. A-; ao1 We qaou: Md atand priei-s mctolre well «,iThere was no'firein the buildia* daring the d»r bucket was then filled with Mraw q-ianiiiy of ru nes, delivered at ;fie.atone wai«the appeararc* of t*o cfct.-ken*. Tht»re two and , fired, snd let "I We are of opinion t-mt persons rcsidin-on no p jssibi ity of iu being fired aare by ibe down, iHctrect oodt*s-; t-7o wior».f«ar e. rimaied immediately OB the Chesapeake Jb A ynp KBUD ar A C nt..alter which Mr. Mutiioliaod descended -We learn from lands purchBscd brr or ceded i, the United Stltc^ ' hand of seme treacherous rilhaa. Ohiu Canal, please address. •• • jwruoBi of die chicken doable. ! hVMixetdeJXa Ja*tenia> them <« aTOO->./ -l>n.Sdon Virginiiu, that a little danphter of t?n? % Yards-FortB and Ars?nals, where there Th- Mock and fix.are* were Saaw** i>«ke Bar*-. CHARLES T..GE-:FFLV. ich «ne«a, Uiey were dratra « p, ftjr. Audr;» ford Pire Insurance office, for fiwe from*** dol- a»-i-'»ii«h (ited oa Thcrsaay Di«i»t; bat we g-ie T*LLOW.—Sales at 10 to I2j cents Pi^.t of Cr Street. lars, and in ibe JEta* «»d FwueeUon, tor »oire- «»td , to Washington City. Aago»t3. 18M— ifc* TIMOTHT SEED —Sales at *j tc ^'50 to feare that the oitaerc are rapkUv ! thin?over twelre thoMafd dollar*; ar dnii and ci•occasJoae.J br «Jh*deaih of HOT. J. S. iBJ' ,VV«-« * tber. Mrs. Bar'ter had stct the little girl _ icg — — f'airfor Fairfax _Xews. w«» the ' » i-ashe.l IgjntiO; wa»h€l at 2jf«" 30 n :ioa that such residencedoesczfor vrater. Tbe child stared i-ager than Moipnt *T Lons^MCr—A terrible «r, »ry, the mother weat fa search " WHMT—^Thert-eeipu of new t?hcatbav«large&.»'TW.— oTbJaoJ andmanler ocrarred at LouisTiiJe Ei MILijr itcieased and pr:'ees s;i"w a dceli.nog tendenty. sbe found trans-of on Satardar oi»kt1a>t n-nlrirr JB ' ber and raise or a young man prelernd. To Inferior to good t*d $1.40 ifi gl.43 Cum.nua ood c«in:ir. _ , — e » « * c rToby taetennsof thi« eaa come well recuouMwIea. librral wagfa will kt . s wr hite steps ^^uejtajft that tbe lena "legal inhabitancr" i* -*-'- Sl.StoJIi.SO, ff.^1 prims Jifiaa«i ; 6i— pUce where the of UM, _ r.GiitifliB. a* vaoa were «at ^eiee» r Plnmiai ft) a §| 70. 7 0 17 Ike boiWmc wa* luily ins&rea knives H Qtd ParaaayrAaga^ S, aT.a* .Sr™^^ ^ * .^111 "*W«i«n»faM.* fcr • tte parpo*2 of receirinar •opport under the law of be taaeMe to *o«. panics, for «8 the Couimonwealth fcr tbe Ve&f off tfce *poor, w» '•«• • larteror atore costly cofieera e ••. aid W«M «a to -d ia :fce back M tte totataCMtei J»»tl-ntad« aum F^SMtMMiva •!.«• _.L. - * ._ eo to v ' HHD3. extra Cider Vjne»ar..T«»eri-. Wkia» MoMa-da^d. Clowe., kike. \ 1 L R SX^*T&* At Private Sale, -PRSffi: Dissolution. T Wheat! Wheat! Wheat! Bones Wanted, "'•"•o ts. - ta*Sh <temand - S+S* MdseMs ^L^gftr ySSSS^fSSS^m • VSSSSiSsigjg&sS&lg JiSxrM, « **"*> '"-•" *i-rf — - —*' Miller Wanted, «*V '• "•"' 2 , Ac. I Aaf ,S J i Sij^gfe a -ii %,..- - VIRGINIA FREE PRESS AND FARMERS' REPOSITORY. H. riETcr.EB ZOLUCCOFTCI. Orfrseen tf tht IHtr. •iTIEUS ft ZnLLHhUFILK, T At aai o»l meeting r-f tbe E-i«r4 of Oner. 1 w* r* oi JfKef*-* *! o.iuri*v. on Jhfoiulsjr ihv 5 li rtav rtf Jua«. i!?j54 ihe Board iwtwteiSrel to lay ths PaiiJi Lrvv li* tbe ptf m vesr, a» f. iKiw»: Arcnentin District Ru. 1. To lUIaaB O.L-jum per accent, gj 75 A fimMw-d Mr* Crna a:.d Mr* Prier. JS ft? " Johi. G. S»h.rl«-y »n-. ut. t lor -t-.-t, ir. lurr.nbrd tar th. e»r of th* Poor in tbe Poor-bctur. 13$ J,-. f. I Tjht-tn Strain* account levied u tb< taadc . f .Irhn G S8TJ •« •• • •< •• < h.ii--. t" Camerca peraeesmsl, J i h n G . Shirt y do - 1. Mm'! iu.i do fcr ccfEni S A i)al<* wxoent, J H CuB|>btll <lo. levied in te* I>r. BUM, District JV/> 3. •• Brown 4c n*a»fciB£iai |tart uftceoant District No. 4. •• F -»iici« T«tfn |«rr aceouat •• Gears'W. Sadler do lorecffiM •• 11 '.. F.'-v i Son do •' K-te* & Kcar»lrv do IJtitrirt Ao 5. " tVilliaro H Oowl JHT account - D w r.i.u.T-,4. " D.n-id B.lloif er •• J^rxjbLioe 13 IU 1000 12 37 i D< KEFEBENCES. I«r»e!Cri« b.E-q By r». J David Johom, E«q , JHTmoa Cccoljr, Va. A. li. Hr»r, Har|>rr> F«-ri» . Va. J«ar« D. UihMM. CbaH**town. Ta Chatia W. Boitan, H*rncr»-Kcrry , Ta. Ja.v ^7 It04 €00 Flour and General COMM SSI N MERCHANT, 12 nc 6 6: 600 GiflORGETOWX, I). C. Jalv i!7 Jrf5l —tkii* By the Governor of Virginia. 9X4 do ds do 29 33* •5 Barshear & G doabi<_*»«O)t!e sbov;! Plough, Gtariae f .tt six buries ; A PJIOCLAMATIOX. 1 Wheat Drill; t Roller; I Wheat Pan; • 1 Sct-een .-*»' ^ **% Boi;' 1 Corn C.-whw; Barsbeav, doable aad stogie thoveJ Piavs; 2Stoves; |:Gtia*»ione"; I Wtteeibarrov; 1 Harrow; S pair Wood Ladders; 1 log chain, fifth chain acd stretchers; Wagon and Plough Gears; 2 pair al Shelving?; j .23 stan !s rf Be«; Har br th- Ton; 3 ton* ot Timothy Har. cat before harvest; 300 ur 4CO bu^bi-ls of Wheat; About 101) paun-'s of Wool; rAbont 70 zeres Corn ia tbe gionnd, by the acre. A Im cf Bacon and Lard, and many ctbtr ertici-< too tedious to mectioa. Household aid fiitcheo Furnitore. Ttrmsof Sate.—On all *om* of S5 and nptrard? A lot of Pine P>!snk and Scant fag, I a credit of n i n e ouinths will br ei-.-ea bi>nd aoc j apptoved n*coritv bsifg rrqtjiie-!; oncer ibai and many other artfcles of utility and use en * well I amount th- cash will be rrqoircd. >"o property i<> coHvncird farm, to' nece>s»ry to mention. r>* renQov'^L until tbe ifTtn* i.f «^le an* CO-HP i-.; T-:asis—The ubeat »i!l rw sold fur cash. Oa thet-her p uperty acreditof six mtinth^ wii: begriv»ifa GEORGE W. GORRELL. Jnlv 27.18T«4. en ta a I sum* over five dollars, ihe porchi^k-givt2&" I will alsohir^ on the day of KMC, 2 n«rro ios iKJtiil acd approved security, under tbat^nni :h* M-n anrl I B >f till Cbristffias. G. W. G. < a-h *tli he itqaiied. N» property to be retaore-3 Jnir27 if&t— 3i ^ ua'i ihe teim- uf sale are complied with. tT^"A'. ihf same lime a negro man, a bo.-, a girl, arc:* wumao will b? hired out nutH Caristmas. BRILLIANT SCHEMES, T5ie s.ile wili commeMCe 11 '0 o'ciorlr. FOR ATTGUST, 1854. JOHN P. KEARFOTT. Adm'r July 20, '5t—3t til Jjhc Burns, Sr.,dec'd. GEEGOBY *t MAURT, MANACEES. TNFOJIMATION. him s octf'i r^'-itrpd by thi. I Ewuive. ihat S A M U E L MA THEWS, wh'> " Jarnr* Shrplirrd 2 do 3t SO bad been cmnrDiiir-d lu th- ; .;'• t-t'ilie CKUOIV -. j'J •:• " Tli'iii a- Il"[.km« do U 00 ln*ua. under a ch^rpe i.f grai.d larrer.y, tsiape'l " J»«t-» LTu*'ui-r «fo 103 41 (hrrrlKD on ihe ni?tit i ! ihr -1 :; instant, ar>( IM District Xa. 7. now euiiigai Urge: ThtreJure. i do heieby offVr a " TViliian McCoy JIT account 22 12, revard ol one bundred du!l?r<> to any"prr«on or $40,OOO ! I 67 i •• Join B t:o 3 12; persons who -hiii arreM ih- - nJ Samael Maibew«, Lottery for the benefit of the State af Dttewtre and deliver him into thf J^i' «»f Jeff-r>oa cuuoty ; •• L !'•.«• iido hricd in the handi Cia-s 173 fur 1851, to be drawn at WiimingtuD and I do moreov-r r«>q»iire all officers oftbii. Cc-moi K W Duke 25 02 ; Del.. Saturday, August 5. 1854. •• A 11 llcrr do fcr fioor 9 62} mon *ealth civil and luiliiarv. ano request ihe peo78 Number Lottery—13 Drawn Ballots. ple genera'lv to ase their h-st exertiun- to procure •• £ i Eich.-lU-rrcr part ot bit. account for boan1.BRILLIANT SCHF.MK. in • I'.,•;.,- C.: .1. w . j i i . - di-abird 20 09 ihe arrrot ••! th- -a -i Mathews, tbat be ::i.iy bu r • ' .' . . Cu ..... T wxouiit fur buurdmg J McLariu bmashtto jc*iice. ': 1 prize of 840.000; 20.000; 10.000; 9.000: (i « of tt a >!<*:«}} ___ 2000 Given under my hand as Governor, and nn.ler 7 000 ; 5.300 ; 50 of 1.000 i' 50 of 500 ; ,. . . ihr Lfi»fT Se-l «i the C imm i n n — a l i i : , at 50 of 400 ; 130 of 200. &c.. <fcc. *• CJitrtf* Jr.Jimon per account 71 C3 i •" Kicboiuod, t b i s l l i h d a v rtl J u l v . in ilie Tickets 510—Halves. S5—auartprs. 52,50. •• .M;rti:> t I-'K ,-!HT.'--r do for flcar 3 60 year 185-i JOSEPK JOHNSON. • • Jol a il > »n f.>r c !.':-«, l«ricd ia Ihe of By ib«- Gorernor: GKOSGK W. MC.\FORD, Secrc- Certificates ot Pk'ges of 26 whole tickets, SHOP Cr.arln Johamo. 24 60 2S half " 70 00 'crv of tlie Ctimmimucalih. «• T i l Himatjui prr account 2 37j 86 qnar. " 35 UO Miiihr-w s i« a verr likely youth. a!-nnt 19 renrs •• A f l Cruller da (u-r of C Johnson.) 5 M of ae» daik hair an'! ev«. and about 5 feet, 7 ;n•• JtJiu C- Cocirell prr account 4 25 ches> high ra:hsr a»lf wartl in hi- m'urernents. hair £5<M35.' 1 , IVallrr r - l . i ; ! -i , hii • j!-n i a< Suprrintcnilrnt cut chise ju»t ah<.ve hi1! innb'-ai!. HeC'tn* tn m Lottery lor tbe benefit of the Stale of Dtla.-xa.rt of . ' I t - P.Kir m Ihe I' • .1 II ,j-c- fur tile yearuudCincinna'i. pml has ptobably teiurried lo Ohio. C ass im lor 1834, to be drawn at Wilmington, in D'.-ermb'-r Sl»t. It&t, 275 00 " S^n. ."-I hiui'«-. Inn ularr •_- r i n k , makint • ui Jnlv27 Del, Saturday, August 12. 1654. pror-«-d !•£• for Court. l'i , , . l . - ; i & 2tl .'..I.I.I, r 50 0 I 75 Number Lottery—12 Drawn Ballots. District JVa. G. «• IV I ' lYuribmsKMi. atiiniK-} for the Ujard, IU UO " II ."• Callfchrr i: Cu. l - i ]>nutiug, 10 i 0 '• J »\ Urllrr. for tlo 10 00 *'l)r Jt-»&t-Stucltvr, hit tala^y a* Physici:n in P Di-it-ci No 1. f..r lli.- }-«-ai t-mlius ifii, day. 3U 03 incl >" 2 mid I'uor H ••.*•_• lor »aiut- lime, 43 •' Dr \V O M (Muxlilry, lii> salary aa |>lu meinii In Di'. .V. "2, aud I' • i l. i i - i - al -jim- Hint-. 40 •' Dr C F M.n .! . l.i. s j|jr> a- |>Ii\ 1.0*11 :. D.sIrict Xu 3. lur tlic *3uir liuir. 33 " Dr W A I) i . . - i u . Ii -...!..:> at |i!iy» cian iu I) - i t r J J - i 4, lor In. im:nlll» 23 '• Dr J e h u QintrU'V. hif talary at |.liy>iciati in | i . - t . I . - L >><) 5 fi«- on- year, 30 •• Dr Joliii li. i.. I L ! - . i,.. >jilarr a« i>liy« eian in Di-inc: N o 5 lei llic- «»u»r nmi-, 3'j " IV .!•.!.ii I! J..In,MHI. I , . - ulary a |.!i} -;c,a:i in Pi» No 7 lit Ihe rarue Ini.e. 30 00 03 03 W Ol 00 OTJ ' 1500 DixT'C' 1\~> S •• Mr. G KMmry and-T-iul.-liilil S » > M-«TaVI •• 33, M - < II.Vl'C' a.-tl 4 rlnMrm SO, >!n W i s f n l jn s .1 .'I ,-'.;; Ireii 3 >. M:s D^i!- ami " child i .1 2 >. liu'i-n II .liu's (t c.-i|i|> ••) 4<1. «>!,! Mr, p | , , r 4 ' l . >\>f lVai,r.ii ..„ I ( I . Id 3'. Mo» lie-in M. J > « » h M . i i l i f n v . sr . 23. AUtiirt* K..I. n.a» 2-">. M , >». Keelicl (ml) 15. K'irn'leih ({• tuoliUSO. .Mr-'IVm:«rii'-rf D . l l . u- 23, M i > H.'-xv.-ll »ii*l 2 23. Mr, G Oti'li i : . . l i l l . U l ?J. M i - ('la-Ill- :. il •1 rhittlr. n 2.'>. Sa,»n P |i.-r 20. Mm O'ltrii-n . : • - . . - 1 .! in ill.- l . . . ; . i - iii • : ' : ! , . .Ii Ims in, f 3 3 03 "' I " . ' . a: : <J-li.<irn Itii 4 t!*i> si'rvir--* »- me ol the (vnrn t i t e M vit-w t'ur i. li'-r ihe P.ior, 4 01 •' .lact.ti Line 3 «l-jv, ,rrv rrs nu sanif r m n i 2 03 •• F.-«.iri« Vulfs ft.r 3 .lav «nviev on ,ann-. 301 •' Win II (It-s;, f i r 3 tla 4 . , sirvin- on ,»ini3 03 •• PraiH-i, Yaltii. \Vm Met: >r. t'harles J..!m *-m, Ja-r li Lu.f, Dr S A Hattf ami \\ m II ' ; • - . - . S-l «" •''! ''• r 4 da> - atlfi.i!ancc at 'in!«,»rd, 21 00 " H.laum O<bcurn and Jaror* L Townt-r, §3 «-»fli fit 3 tlayt 3tlein<jii,-f at thi- H.ia-il. C 0-1 •• Am «iiir levii-<l in the hanjt . I Franc:* Yatr«, Trt'a*JiM-r of thi« B-iint. to jHirolia^e M:jip i«'« for ihr r<>or-h-:ii-<-a.-il c.-wiUnst-nt i K[iC:i-c-. 333 03 " \VilliaiuC Wcithiiisifn, E-q . Inr wruini coutrad. fm aud ri']>ort to tbe Cobrt, 10 0.1 53 Crdrrftt. That Jlic C.-ninty Ccnrt o' J.-rTfrsoii bo rirc; i. H .1 to !• vy ilw «lKiv»- sum ol §3,903 ^3, for the o«oi llic OTI-I-SC»T> "I 'lir H.XW. Tlw lolliiwins Phvsicisn* bc.-n appoinlrd by Ih^ B»rd to»n«-Kd ihf Pm>r I In- |»r\'«*nt year, al li.t ft. ll< wine Mlirics, to bt- levie.1 for jlirn- in Jnnr, 1 ->5o Diflrict Vo. 1. Dr. J,-v«o Stix'krr $30: Di-lr'tt Xo 2. a ..t the Po-r lln«»e. l>i-s. $.. A Hj'f* «'id WMIiait: O Marn»iEh!r»-. g40 «-arh: .'$«. 3. Dr. G. F. M»MM C3('; No. t. br. H P. C.K-k.' §3-1; N-v 5. John U.-yi...lil« §30 : No. 6. Dr. John «iu':l.-v <!30: No 7. Dr U'. \V. M K i w i e a n S30: No. S. Dr* George li.Ste aihi Jobu B. Joim^O!! §3J each. ]}\- order ol' the H«an . SAMUEL STONE, Clerk. t 3. 1S54. A Negro JfFan for sale, EsiS-*c H..T n < s f , r s a H a likelr M A N . SO _|_ \vats of aj:*— pns»^s!ng smi'l qiia'iti^s S"O<I hHbi'*. and ffo<hi disposition. As he is sold fur nt lault tralfsor «rtecuia:ors .tre pruhibiief 1 . August it. IS3I —3t J. W. ROWAN. L IVinciiv'sirr tiigh ,>chool aud Collegiate Institute S62.4S7 ! S do; Ptor dii La Elabcaa. do ; preni»rera. dn^ Al«o « fall »op^'j uf Tobacco, rranin* (mm 371 1 1 per >nM<1. L. M. SMITH, OR THE SICK — F if, St<i' /: "J C<t'i<ls nt Cost. T t^"9nlers for Tickets and Shares artrl Ceriificaies of Packages in the above Sfl'-in'i i Lutteries, will receive the mu>t protnpt atleiition. atnl an ao•:<":LI of each d r a w i n g w i l l be sent immedialelv after i 1 is over to al! whoonl-r l-om me Address, P. J. Bt T <"KliV. Agent. J u l v 27. | - f > » : i Good Bargni;i ia Peruvian Guano. «u !••«•! inr s n a v r u.. u- in >i .if and aflna , a 1 stip^iy of this arn-.-lf wiiii-li ihev uticr lo th-T i ustiim, r> ai ill.- (.'te-t' mark"'-! i.T.fs. P.ncnasris p r r l f i i n u it> i-.n-ivc iheir supplies tHiictly fri.m ftiH'pc can tiow bi- r.i c 'iinirvlaicit. KO'A'Lli & CO. Alexandria. J u l y 00 ISVI 2.n Notice, T HOSE havirffi-l.-ii ,i*.,g.i m>.t tbeestnt^ oi' Mrs. J i i i - t A . f-i k d •• '.i . w i l l pVa-e pri-sent iliem, pr iji'Tiv auui ntit.Mtd ft.r s, t ;<-m Tn"-^ i n ile'i'fil will IK? exp-'cii-d it, m If t>:iym a nl w ; f i o u t delay, as I ilfsiiccl • i--s i ' e --If.irsv'. 1 'h.- »-»t;de. FKANC1S H M A N N I N G , J u l y 13. 18.~>4-3t A iiiiiiiisiriiiiix. Shancoadale Springs. r"fAHE Hii p i-r'Uir ul <» at^ n i j i i,ice ha': just _L ie«eive<l » Mipplv of ««•«• ;ijhl hhls in \vliic : h' i'an in"? l-irnish tu iny.aliJs a : o'.iters XVJUT fresh Irom ihopiing. G. H* S A P P I N G T O N . Ohailcstown. Va.. J n ' v 1'! !-">! u ties? u list:. HAVEj.isirrcrive.! u I. r^f a .-.I well 'eloctrd -itB-koi tlarliv-ir-. p-iii -.t ..rhich a - i- a-f d!ows: hoe^ i f li.e very best :j ;;i i!' , II irs?-Slr>9 N^iiN. I l i i R ' s o r v t - i t k m i i Uuur.LtK-lt* r.| every uVsciipii'iii. » i: • iiiineial k:u>p» tunn :<?J .'ents to §l» HHV an i M inurf F.irks B'-Jsces and Or ce Hi s. U;itchets Binn.l ni.d Ch.ipp.rg Ax«-s San-g of a i l kitiits Tah i- C M I I . - I V . I'.-n 1C. ivrs i» spit the purolia^t-r, \Vitr- an^l S'fi-l Il.n Tr;ips, iMt'al Siii- r-i A l l o l i he M'-..V •. .intl a yrrat many oiher artk-Us, will be lound by cn'H>i<r at T H O M A S RAWL1NS'. July 27 Ifir.l I : DIC A I, I. UST received a verv ht:r ani -le of Medical Liquors, pan <>t wlii.-h are us 1' p orlf and M^deria Wine. Old S-y.irac B t : n y. Wt is bey ofsnpt r.or q t i a l i t v . L:un dt-r >n«i Raspiv-rtv Brandy, supeiiur I'able O ^r. t Win- which is hatd iu beat t>oib iu price anil q m i i i v F.»r >ale l-v J TU.'MAS U A A LINS. ___ July 37. 1R'>4 ft ll far -Cure <| Ham*, TA P R I M E TA -)U hv s U G A K - C l T H E D H AMS, f.-«salli.L. EBY i SOX. fl^HE under i^ned woufJ call tH; attt-nti. n ol m. the Lidi^s !•• il «• ch-a[H-st st.'t k ul Dr«-s XJoinisin i h e m a i k e t ILu in^ .1. tetir.inni lorlove them out he wilt ?-e!l tbt-ui «Mn'»i vrcarri i^'-ds-i. j,,t v V7. .IdllN O LINE. B OMHAZ A't* —atip-tior Frrm-ti aud all kiad> u; black ?m-ils. tor sale bv han' a SIKK! *nwk t.f ft'-nnet* of evedescription, from l-'| r-enl^ in SI To ctf>se IthemryUAV^ui oni, I wili take mn*-t, Irs* than cost fw them. »I or you will !oo»e a AVING receivt-d a pu-uvffooi! stock of Mar*ai!es Q. lilis beins tj>T«f. mea^urins 10-4 by H 114, *e«e sot«rl« -an Pft§jnght almost without a l ^ lC i>. ' OULD COASDS—We h«vp a l«-t ol Mould Bo«id* <>n hand *bie:i «•«• wil «^ll iow Joly 87 l»*54 H L EBY & SON. M IttSXCU VTOXKRn COLL < «5 i"*' nceive-.l hv KEVia i KSARSLEYJlu *y S7. Ja y «7. KEYE-S * of >tr Re». F R. A»«parh. Ain *-*>> ol k»* valuihlr wt »-fll pl . JOHN D. UKTR. !•?»« Moeircf and Bleached O*ttr«i wW«*wji| low. JOHN D. Pe'. wit: B:ink nf ihe Yalhy in Virginia, Plaintiff AGAINST D w k h L I X G AND OUT BUILDINGS, .mac Jed lo'ib • pr«iprrty. I deem ii unnecessary to jjii'e {my l i i t t h e r d^criptiuri of the pp inises, as .tnv jjiie vvi>hiu? tu bjy or rent w i . t tiist viexv i l i t m - PusscbMiui given at nny lime. I will sell •: retU on accurnuiujauug terms. I ^ L E V l HEN'SHAW. - Ju:!e S. 185-1. George G Gt'ov, Gn'n'ffc \V. Sapping ton. Jr., (ruilec, Wyrlh &f JF-trris, t/i<- HUMCS of tin: several partners unknown. Jultn''gi Gcar;rc Echart fy Co, the: nnmcs of t/icseceral jMrtacrs unknown, J~. II. Morseton. Elm ff Sesfrs,t/ic names ofthescv- ''• cm I partners unknown, J. 31 Kilo", \ Atlihurst <5" Remington, the n'imcs <>t th* \ S'VKraf. pmt.ners unknown, HatTey Tayfor '• &• Frisby^ the names of the everal'jnrttters ; unknown, Xmilk. Murphy tj- Co, th? titintes of tli& seceral par ners untknotcn, an<l Williamson, Burrougri. !f Cu j ilu • wj77.;j; of th: scccral partners u/tA-iiriicit, Defendant:! IN" CHANCERY. (Extract Innn U. rree ) 1 ND the Court fur siiifi':ient rca-ons to it ap-TJL p'.-aritig, direct^ one of iis coii)inN.-ione[S to ; aMjt-tiain ami rnpurt U' b;s are du? anil un- ; paid ur IIOA' tuiK-h reui^ias unpaid of'hose sectttt-il : I v ihe D^eJ ol triir-t in th^ Bill «nil pr>iceeiliu%--< meotioned, ami it necessary, to settle the account '. ot the trustee in the same; a'so to >tate ihe a- • mount anil vain-- ol th^ rt-al estate i-l »ai.l Grovo c tnvrye_ by said iked, anJ of any UIBT ol hi* teal ' esta'e. il such there be, anJ the a n n u a l value lliereu'j .itl'.l to ascertain whether, after paying the drhrs s'.ili due t>» !he deed of nust. the tents and i>iotii>o! tin-real propeit)'te^siiiiiip would be sutlicifiit in fr.-e veais to pay tJje jnusififnts uf ths plaintilF. and any other juilgmci:t Icins bitlu:?g upon it. which inay beauiliied a-> hereinalti-r p.oviiieu .''.'r. ; Aa.i >aid Coinui-issionei i'direcied toau ! t ihf judgment or the Petitioner G. W Ginn which i» now ! hearii upon same, regulaily taken lor confessed a- ' t:aiti!-tall the defendants, and anv oth^r jii'lsmems i ; j i i r - » t said Grove, which are liens up. n hi~ real estate, any other I'-ins bindinjj thereon, gtviitir due t o tci by publication to such claiinant> to appe-u . ; ' • ' • ' him. AI d the C-'intuissioner isuirtdeJ to i make report ut.der this decree to its n-s-xt irrrn. ar.d i ul ail such ~i c i.:I matters as either paiiy may re- ;: uuire, or he may rieem pertinent. A Tine C»py—Teste. ROBERT T. BROWN, Clerk. JulyST, 1851. For Rent, LEXANDER FURSliiT having resigneti :he ext'culorship ul George Little, tiec'd . and i liavfngqualified as adoiini:-lr:ii<;r with the will :;iuie*eU. do ofll-r. for rent fiom the firct <fav of ;\ i.ext, that iarsi- iwosiory S T O N E BUILD'•NG. gouil -table and oiher nticessary out-liuilds!i^--. w i ' h 4 Acres »f Land. This piopertv has l-fcn occupied fur m a n y yitrf as a note — being in ;: "(ml location Ho Suu.h Bulivar, Jefferson cutini.'. Virginia. ,- I aisu ..fler tor r-nt. from same date,*thrpe small l)\lj-:r,L/.\(i HOUSES s u i t a h l e l o r uttall lam:lies. aiij.iinina said j>rnperty. Letirts aildrcsst-d t > me at Charleslowa, Va . *ill !f<-eive prompt at : r ; ii ( n. JOHN A V I S J.. Adm'r Mrrch If.. 1854. wi.h the Will annexed. A Western Virgiuia Land Agency* ?|THE Sudsi-.ibers are Agents for the sale of ;L liirge quantiiies of LAND in that part of Western Virginia, through which the Central l!;tilroail is in process ofcoastruciion. This land, ci.m-'idered in reference lo soil, climaie, mineral I't-sources, accrssibilUy, and the character of tbe population now '-settling" in that part ol the Slate, M t.l s;ener-'ll.v commend itself on examination, as v-ry desirable for investment ami resilience, at the 1. w prices and easy terms at which it is ofiered fur sal-?. Full and paiticular i;,!. nnation will be fif-nished to persons desiring to purchase, by f'ftbpr. IH:NRY L. BROOKE, Riehmcnd city, ) S S. THOMASON, Le'.visbur-.Grccnbrier, co.,>v 1' P. DANDRIDGE, Lee-Town, Jefferson CO., > October i7, lt*53. W Cedar Lawn for Sale. ILL be sold at private sale, the Farm known by the name of Cedar Lawn, formerly the resilience yf.John T. A. Washington, dec'd., lying in J.-'ffersun county, Va.. about three miles S. W. of Cjtarlcstown, on the road leading from Berrvville to Le^town. and about one mile Sonth of the Harpt--rs-Ferry and Smithfield turnpike, adjoining the COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE. t.iTtn« of John R. Flas?. George Isler, Mrs. U. L Charlestuarn, July S57. 1854 Afe-x-inder. Thus. B Wa-hingiun. Dr. Sc«llav and Thi 1 paries to the above >uii and all oi'.iei* coniainiris about 215 ACKKS,abooUt^tif lnviiis le ins ujnin ;he real r>:a'e in the Biii ami w-.icii are in fine iimber.' The!iri«-redir.s« meniioned. are hetehy notified ihat on si-t oi'a handsome three story BBICK DWKLLING, ior\Vri:ne>ii;iy. the 30:h day ol A u g u s t my o!- tvjei'i -qnare, with a t w o M m y W i f g 4 0 I'eet by20 tice 'U -Mown. I u-ill pnic«-rd to ex^-ii.-e the (•• : at!»t-h"'l;a Bun.Co'n hous?. Milk house;rfnd 'Iccrft-imlfis cause, t>n M'hifh day, at l O t V c h c k . N-gro Cabins. A!*o. a Idrseurchaid ofchoice Ar1 M they are req-iiretl TO anen'l u-i h their pl--s anil a vonns Peach Ort-harr: recently pUnlcd. i-onriisrs. LAWSON BOTTS. Cur»Di. T?e L iwn and pre--ni^s senerallv are highly imJulr 27. jnitveil hv Shinhhery ?n<l a U.-ye variety ul hand-* s..;ne Ornamental and Frnit Trees. There i* a C:s-crn convpmVnt.jind a n?vpr failing weilot puie, I,-n^'one Water alHiot 100 yards aKiant 'I hf T H A VE lor sa le. ou i it*ral terms a ft m in shape i* ne»r!v square. The land is in a 1 P A I K OF B A Y M A T C H . H r e s:;ite "I cultivation, and the soil of rnpeiicr MOUSES, perfectly br«ik«-. vouns * rj';ifity. It ha« every convenience to maiket. bei od s-. nile. asai«i a BROOD MAR tii.? in in** immet'iale vi iniiv nt tSe WinehfMer •;itb a COLT hy her side, a mo^^omisms C«li. fen-l Harpers F^rqr<f xritbic 7 O r8 : y.-ars old ; as a fine Hiding POXY for mtles.i'fthe Baltimore and Ohio Rail-road. The Jjalies. |Vsce is well known, and altnjnher is pnc of (he I have also for sale. A TWO HORSE BUGGY. in- st rlesirnhle tracts of its size in ihe ValTey. nearly new,.v:ih UARN&SS cutnplrt-* aud <>t the Pi-wons who comtemplate purchasing, ran bein•-•ery tirst quality . Apply early, as I a>a d»»i':r- furjiie-J as to the terms of sa e bv consulting me ic inir.edto^Jl. J.P.GORMAN. r»"!i:on. orhv letter addressed tome afchariestown, CLa.-leftown. Jo!y 20. 1834 Jeftrson county, Va. GOAL, COAL,, COAL. Rt.SPEC I'FULLY »dvi»e those arho rieal in BITUMINOUS of ANTHRACITE IJOAL, for dtH»es»Jt: or- pnWic pnrpo>p<, to give •ne t!K-ir wd-r» as earlv as possible, to preveo t deiay i>r di-app«iniraent in tbeir supplies. This course isesj-ential. because «if the immer>ce!v incr-a-ed demand, which tax* sail »fce tarflities ( :"th.' Rat!!jiore s > h i i tliiiroad ic irs traiiapurtation. j!i!drp-s. JAMES A. BECKHAM. J Jo '.7 30. a<— If B^liim-.rt-. Me*. TownOrdina ~rr!ZESS of the town are rrqaired lo have all wrefe'«. tiffal. and f !>• ot every tlescnp'i»a re;n->Tt:d fniin ii*»r pr»mis*« in as »hon i<oe M posdble. and they are also required to ate lime ic cellars- and damp a'.stew. J«lr«7 Mr Bragg wiiiSveS ««««! exaoinaiiaa the (Tvsiol next week. «?yi >r«! fcairs AJttLY FLOCK, frr «••!«• bv ioeo rtpire it.ele«iie<i«!l««f ^^ BSOWN 4 WASHINGTC>5r. *bc*i premier* m*j reqpre ic 3y order of Ae »oardLg^ . S4'M.t7SL SUXEROIsV, Pieudemt. . AU 165*. **-= - I Horses, Carriages, &c.. for Sale, A. W. CRAMEI Jnne 15. ' • Springfield iUiil for Sale. WILL sell or rent 'he aliove MILL for a term ul! yeais. Trie Mill is on Mils Creek, in Uerkiley county, one mile west ol Builct-r H i l l ; lias «\vo run i f iurrs, and is capable ol grinding I mm = 15 Oi>0 It 18.000 Bt.'skrh -of Wktal a year, ami if one of the best neighborhoods lur wheat iu -hi' ciiii'ity. Theic art- a comfortable I'vo-simy In ilip Circuit Caart ol Jv-'S^rson County, October Term I8V1. I;L^S C. C A M E R O N . L-'town. Ju'y "20. lr-51. i Wilmington C ' »7*iid*. Far «ie !••' : .Tn;>e9. is:.i-nt An iipp.'i nni'V I* ni-tv ofT-red lo any 3'oung BOOKS EATHER Sacking aad &iU'-» tale of Virginia ; French Revo'utior— 3 volumes^; Stat irs. ol" the Iiish t y ; Cliatn:>e;>" Life ol B n i>—l" vol* ; '* Misc^llanv — 10 do.^ -** S-lect Wrilirf- —4 do ; M»^i!a'nf*'Sh»lcsp^are—6 do.; Rollins Hisiory Librar;,-. E.1— 4 vo'«- ; Alcu ii limber supply of Uucl* Sum s Fartr Fence ; Life of J.Kenhenc. arid a !ar*e supply of Miscel lati--. us an i 8iar.» B^oks. F>>r bv ' 3 L. XI S KGARS AND TOBACCO —Jastirceirwl nuf :'.-r salt Iowa iuriher supply til the tiiu-l.raicd b i a r r s ot seears : Colniad. Plantatum ; Flo' S villana Rrpalia; La Miuerva, do; l b f l l N G in cto^f tin my h>i-in»sas soon as IIOSMII'*-. I « i I M-ll -i-v e n t i r e Tho«e in want ui bj.gjtus u t.l Ijuj it to their inleif-t tu ca 1 MMIII. I havt" al-o Inr ^a'e ab'iit' .10 Conls of seasoned WOOD ; :< l.i-h iniifti C O W S anil a nt-u- onelinisf W A G ' ' N «i!l "I tthrjli w i l l be sold on ac- " Jart.b I.M.r. rt-nl fur Mrs 1'. ' w . i n U $12. fimh S.iuili • •.' M i , Ha.!c. r 12. .Mi> A n d i - » « 12, .!jc. I. S . t i l T 12. M n y Ciuw 12, Wa- e ret V riilm iin.-r |J, Kv ,• K <-l'T 15, ^Vill.ain Taylor 12. Marv Itnirr 12. Ellt-ii li -ntz 1 2 . I3j 03 •• Kl zil>.-ili l>,l.'v -i,, I 2 ciiiMrvn, levied in tl.e " Mr« !:.: -i. : : L'-J c. It-vied iii the hantli ol John Mul>r, 2303 Lottery for the b«"i t-lu ul' ttie S'a/.' nf Delnimre C!ii>s 190 lur 1854. lobe d r a w n at ^ ilmiugion. Del., on Sat-jrday. A u g u s t 19. 1851 1*J Dinwti Number mtl «/^75. "• 1 prize of S37.500 ; 20 000 ; 12 500 ; C.COO; 4 0 0 0 : 3.f)95; 50 of 1,000; 50 of 500; 114 of -r'00, &c. Tickets 310—Halves 85- Quarters 52 50 Cfriificate ol packages of C."> Wholes, SUO 00 " " 25 Halves, 70 U'.l 2ja-jan e rs, 3500 W District 3*o. 5. «' Mr. Da ii {bl.iirl> S'30. Mrs!.in 2". Mr«. C:nt>aii« i . n . - i 3 • ! , • < : • • ! 30 M i - S U , , ,.-r u-.,l 4 rlr.lilrt u 2;'.. M i « R ••.! I ii. M - » li.rd 2J .Mm t,...,i. (r. I; 25 !Vir- Il.-rri<ii 2"-, Ml* Mar!at utitl 2fi't l.lreii 2J -lei'ii-d in tho iiau-l* of »\ m MoC'it. 215 03 50 0'» 2500 B Y virtue c>f a d-cree t f ihe Circuit Court ol ; Jefferson, rendered on the 26th day of May last,, 1854 in case ot Frauklin Osborne, trustee, w. iSj!c«tnun H'fS.'liower aiiii other?, the undersigned its C-jimntssioner therein appointed, will proceed lo s«Ul. at pub'ic auction, to the highest bidder, on SATURDAY, the 19th day ol nex'. month, (AugUit-:, 1854,) on the ptrmises, ihe large a n d ; valuable BRICK DV/ELLI^Gi^ UOsJSE PROPERTY, at Kabietown. iii* H I ;-:!•!.' lot of ground therelu attached,M b"ir!; the same recentl}' erected by said Solomon II fltr-bower, and now occupied bv A. Wilson — PoeAgssibn to be given on the 23ih day of said monlh, (August, 1851) when the period of the prc-ifiit n-niing will t-xpire. A{; persons wishing to purchase will examine the pr •:>:•;•.;,• a funher description i-> deemed uuuecessarv: Tirms nf &ik.—Orte-tonrth of the purchase money in hand, and ihe residue in three rqual I p»vi-.fnts. at six. twelve and eislitfcn months, w i t h ! i:iieii«t on ihe i!t-t't-rred pairnenls from the day of i >ale.. The del'er.'id paxuieriis t" de seviireil bv the j I o .«!:; o! in • p ircha< -r, a n i a ileeu ol trust nri ihe ! [irtn:i>es. prnvidi:ig for ihe ei.fuiCcinetit of the pay- j ineitf ul all ihe d-ferred purchise munt-y, il each instaltn-nt lit- not p u n r t u a l l v paid. Sar;eto :ake place ah-mi 12 o'clock, \T. = F R A N K L I N OSBORNE, Jii:v 20. 1851 Sr»er-i=»l Coinrnissiorer, "NOTICE, Distill An 4 Dt^fi-t. .Vo 7 i^ duarters, 25 Eighths, S37-5CO.' W •• \\ m K m.-* for Ic••«•(,! •-. N I> ilisun11- chi!,). 13 00 - .!»!«.-» Alli.,on .*2". Mr* H.bboiis 20. lUi.nah I.-.ii 20. Mm Hr,-ul 30— It-vied 111 Ihe liaud., of Krauc.a Vales, .-93 00 I.'' s.i • :n \\ inli-run er 23, lined :n tlie luinN ..: J.UIL-. L I'owiH-i, 130 03 " Commissioner's Sale OF KA BLETO WA'PR OPERTY. HE suiiscriber W..LI.I sell bi* F A R M in [ W a i f f n county, lyin? on ilie Mana--aV Gap ILL re-opi n i>n A 1 O . N D A V . August 23 h — j Lottery for the benefit ol the S!atr r>' neJaican, F^r circular- st.tnnz ifnna, ife.r . apply to Class I, for 1851. drawn at Wilmington, Del., : Ila:!-oa..1, at the inoiiih ol Ottlar Creek, containing 1J. \V. 'I HOiU'E. A. M". Saturday. August 2G, i854. Pi i u r i p il. 78 No. L-Kierv—12 Drawn Ballots. •d into eiatii li-iJs. well w a t-re-l and a fine Mr. T. i« permi.'tfil to retVr t.i ;he uudcniipnMlOKIFICKNT S J I I R M R il lo!".y Oak. liickivy and \ V a l u u t i i i n h e r — :int)t-tl gentlnij'.-n u h ' i h a v e l i a l litt-ir sjns und-.T 1 splendid Capital of S62.-137 ; 20 pplcnditl in^s y iod— co.iveiiieinly Kitoated and in an ent neishborhorxL, and surrounded liy Mi K. Prizes nf §10.000; 40 of 1.5CO; 159 of l l " i . . . I f M. MAS.I:.-, Jus. [!. 9tiKt!n \ R H . Jr^sq.. Chur •hes. Shops. &c. The s«id LAND'will he (lowest 3 Ne Prizes) 1.000, &c. &c. WII.I.UM \V.iiin K-q., D i v m \V. IJ.iRrj.v, Erq Rulii ..•rv l.iw as the subscriber has im n>e lur it. TitkilsS-JO— Halv-'S S'0-O.uarlcrBS5— J u l v ill, ISM-3; ati.l f refers selling to k?f ping it in the hands o! Adi!rt5«. Certificates of P'ks oi -JC Whole lickets, 5-2PO 00 teuar is. JAMES MITCH ELL. Do do 2li Hall •• 1-Jti 0;i White Post. Do do 2uquHr(pr " 70 .(lu Selling (iff si Cost. Claike county, Va. Do do 2li eishlhs " 05,110 " M rli.i- ! S!u-«- 23. Tlioni..s H.-fd 2">. llrt«c)W a t h n i - 33. M i s V.jiin; |fl. V.rsin a U.iojit-r 3C, li-v t-d iu thf liainl, i f \\ m II G:irr2«, 125 03 Sim... i ::5. litix-ihi-ih iMillfi-2">. MruFntrrSJ, " r A Willisra O MaCbUiihtry rtrnl f-ir Mr« Mi-rccr, !2 Of) •• Dr ban,uel Scull, y rt'in for .Mi* V'nrmii 13 CO •• Man* UutcJlinran StJ. Prszy IV -liy 10, fllr. Limln-y lrJ..VI .M,. \Vil-.iu23. SI,-, Vori«i»»i,.l flii'lilr.-n 3>, Mjrii M u n i ck 2t), .Mr* l.:ti.r«--rr i.), M r > Z . i u I D C.>. .M i • .M<-ic -i-2o. Mrs U l u l l nv 3.1, .Mr, Tr.^'» 23. Mr» Ciun 33— !••« it'll in Ihe daiitia of Dr ^ A l.'-ti--, 217 n-1 " Mary .Muurc n-m fur I M (Vim. 15 fly Di.<lric! X« fi. 1 prize of §50,135; 2 of-20.000; 2 of 12.000; 2 of 7.000; 13 of 4.000 ; 100 of 1.000; ; 100 (lowest 3 Xo. Prizes) of 500, &,e. Tickets §15—Halves 5" 511—duaitcrs S-1.75— : Eighths 1.8'J. : Certificate of packages of '20 Wholes, $2000;) " 25 Halves, 10(1 Ot) SPLKKDIO 41 " .'am- « I. Tcwn.-r, r.m f or ;\li« \.-r.-. , • : a>ul M i , k ] l i i - c t SI2. Elizabeth Winti-rn.)or 12. M.rv M'li'iltnnv.-r 12. 3(i 03 •• M i . Nt-a-'ii-iii .x'25, .Mis< Piui-y 2o. Jar- b Wanted to Purchase* NEGRO G I l t L fi.usi Hi i.i 20 vrars of as.c. ^fnr ilif ailvcitJMris own i^»-.) nt ;;..o,l cliarivcter. lur whi>:h a lair ptice \viil bi- -iivt-n. Enquire ofiiie ' PlUNriiil. J u l v 27 lR.'il L'is'rtcf X'>. 2. •• K.,th S.iiiili and 4 .'liililrt-n §2 !. Vr< tU.!-,-r a.1.1 4 r l i i M i f n 4il. Sin- An<tr»-« « un.l 2 i-lul.lf.-n 25. J»c li SntiiiT. >r , 4(i. K.I. n Iti-niz 23, M j i v C - i - n - a i . i l 3 childrt n 4''. Liicimli li.irp „ 2.">. W . ! | j i i , i I . a i i m.d u-iii- Jo. Mrs J|t-iir\ Mi;m 3'1. M . , M a ' ^ a i . ' i U'i'iil.ri'iiiit r 2.1. .M.iiy HIUI-O I.V M r - Stii |'!'.'|-t— levied in the tuniS c! Jac b Lnir, SIS 00 SPLRNOIO SCriKMK. ANTED f.i tht purp.^e • I w a i t i n g on an azed Irm-iltr. a .NrJi^O W< »MAN T . wi'.hotn fhildrt-n nr liii-h.*nd. F^ir t-tif of'^txid ch.-t?.rtt-r and lialij s, a libcr:il p i i •>• u-jii li^ paiil Application inav b - in.rJc at ti t- /Vie P/wi Gjjice. J u l v -J7. If."i-l 00 cuti lu Di-lrirl No tt for ilu- r-anit.- limr, ' 30 03 •• Di G.:-rtc A I'iunli. it. ;,.i.»alj:y a< |.l >iici_iu in i l , . - --I.;'- dolrict (ur s x luv/utlik, (iuc of CIi*i!<'< Jt/lnikuu) 15 03 J'or I'jujtcrx in D'tstrirt I. To Mrs Tiin.lii. S'-2 '• Mm Larui- §'20. S smpon'g wilo (<••'•) S-tl. olil Siikfj- (col) U hluru $2J, IcTittl in the 1.... is oi O.liauiu. J0g (jo I « . ' - . I > > . : . • • ! K.mll, NOTICE. ERSONS vrhu purchased properly at mv sr.le at "Shanion llili " arr iier^-hy mtifieii that th-ii noies.wiil be line i^n ihe lfi:h Angu-t i;eit. 1854. I will h»> in Cli-irl---lc.xvn un that o..y aad r<"s -ectluiiy a>k and >ln < ll^n pmmni pay:nent lob-? ro^d^ GKORGE \V. PEl'tR. J u l y >>7 IS51—Spirii--.'! Notice, LL perrons indebted to the estate of John Burns, sen'r, dec'ii., vrill please come forward JDU :pay u? at an early day, and !hos« h sving :!air:is agaiast the said estate will please present '.lieu! procerly autheniirated lor settlement. JOHN P- KEARFOTT. Adm'r ofJk/tm Ban;?, sen'r, dec'd. Jt-'lv SO. I8S* -3t -._ ± ._ A ^O-IFOTOIUC T GEORGE .WASHINGTON. For himself 'nf. in behalf ol the other devisees. ^i—-Jf. For Bent or r,ffi>»».in the rr>«-i!ain»dia!<>lT ^ fippr*!!<»tr»eConM-H«Hiw. in' Charlesiown — O iiiofthem'i*fittedup with conntrrand shelrcn _ B!. I hr.<hofihew»are « iit?h!e-from their Ir-'Biiiw. Hze of rooms, ft'c.l for eiiher r or j.h^li* as may be desired. ~?<m~"itTi^:yv* di/-»|y. ANDREW HUKtlER. .vriJ 6. 1854._ . ; TOVB Resiieice for Sale, nf'JHE residence and -r.ja»d»,tlie prnpenrr$fMr« Jj E. S. Davenport n»wr oeiapieri &T n|r. p,vrer< «trn*»ed in » durable pat nf ' :l-n Va . « now offered for ««le. P.w CRA MER. 16 ISSJ—»f WANT£I>. «ab*criber wfohf« ta hire a MAIC to Ju • harreof» tna of honra. Liber*] *am -— to » coter aad *--•- - - hwl^ewB, JaJy », IflM. LOEuoiLi rovm ANDKF.W E. KENNEDY W all hi^PEaSOXAL PKOPfiRTY, pan a- fullows: 5 be*f« of rood work rTors*« and 3 Colts; 3 Mifch Cows ana 12 su»:k Csute; 50 tsead ot* Hog*; S foar-hixrw Wagons. 1 Wfgua Bed; Ka. 1^8 yoiik li»iKird Street, 4 53 JUauftisirtltr's Sale. A rnnt^KY *T HE snb-cribrr wiit *e«- at puWic .«»!<. M she ITBEEUSG, 1 : ) a ie f!*-itieoceof J«iii B-tros. S* d»eM. a<» at ti .»il-sMrt»h oi A{»>'iri^ar;. <n» TUESDAYr*e ILL a t e nu in busine-*" ennosieJ to hispro: 8 i sfc r 'f A » nu*. 'S3*: lftfe^»II»wiBS PERSONAL ir»si,,nai charge ia ihe F<Mrra; aod State i I'ilfJPEB.TY, to wi* .Coon* at Wheel ir«2. the Federal Ocrt at Kana« whs C. U.. and is the Appeal Can its a: Fairmont 'l» heaJ of U.Tfsn-; 2 Male* ; and Pariiersr-iirp. •22 bead of Milch O^w* "<* Joan? Cinle; OITIOS— 173 rVcrth Street. :iS head ot Hojs; 2 ">rm W HS<MS ; Jalv I3.I9H— gai 3 Caen-; 1 ?*»«•<•' HwieRabe; CorJrj.y. Va, f •*« TuOif*9. ife lS'4 i Comiaissica Merchants, District Ka 2. «• Jotn F. Swi'h «eer»nf for tent aid Mndrie* °* prattle "|1HSiMr««eriVriri[rnd«>isinrrlir.q<ih.b fartnir; X vritl irffer ai pc b.ti ^:lct to the hi *he>t M Wr t a: hi* rRidenee: near Waifltry'- Snt.p J- fii^jol Cotunis*ia»er in Cb*»r.f>ry.of 14* Circxit enit Costly Coart af Jftrso* County. FFICE in tbe Coort-Hoa.-e, (np*sairs ) in the O room for many years occupied ai in office by the la'e Rohert Wonhiagioo, E-q. Entrance (escept Court davs> at the east door. Jaiy 13. lff.4— t^ M BEXTON'S WORK. R. U H . L I A M W. H. GAI.LAHER » «.';••• an:hortzti to receir- .« j&scrirwiuns to Bentoo'f Wjrk in the counties Jefferson, Berkeiey anil Clarke, YT'RTn'V. JOHN S. HOLLrNGSHEAD. ^Washington Citv. M»T 'S, IR=M. A<(rnt. REMOVAL. itlorney at Law* COittXISSlOXER UfCBAXCERTAXD GENERAL AC EXT. FFICE in his House, formerly the property of ike late Mr? Fanny WHHs. one door north of the office el Win. C. Woithingtaa, Esq. Entrance from same street. Jaly 6, 1854. _ O EXITED STATES HOTEL, AT TUG KAIL, ROAD DEPUT, HARPERS FERRY, VIRGINIA. rpHE subscriber respecifully begs Ira ve to intorm J. the travelling public that this lintel is now renovated and improved fora better a i.d enlarged accommodation fur traveller* during surnmer.Wiih the late improvements and a determined perseverance, no effort ur outlay shall be wanting to render this Hotel in every respect, to the invalid or to those travelling on business or pleasure, in its coin torts and accommo-iaiions. equal to any Hotel in the Vatlcy. The table shall bi furnished with the best irotu ihf-. and Baltimore markets. Dinner always re.-uiy on the artival of the Baltimore daily cars, and ample time given for passengers to dine here, before theca:» leave for Winrhesier or Baltimore. Passengers stopping here to view our bold'romantic mountain scenery may rest assured they will be well cared tor during their stay. A call is most respectfully solicited, to enable the travelling public to judge for themse!ve.«. M. CARRELL. Harpers-Firry. June 6. 1854. _ LAETFI* STATE* HOTEL, Al 1 T I I K R A H . ROAD UKPOT, HARPERS-PERU Y, 71RG1XIA. ^ AGRICULTURAL MSTITUTE AND i* not a inacuaf labor scjioo ; bat if is calfei. »a AjjrrctiJ».ar4l Ia>titu:«, because THIS instmcisun isgiren! branches tJ 5SS3KtS55SBB!*3SS?-. Rcmtiits waicM can JJrinff ntti »su,'erf to a Y extsos-ive pracitce in Philadelphia ;He paw ihirtT vcars has ria<> rap * r qtuir- >-5"viiii »*1 Rm»»*fd5»ea»»»*a'* b^in?* er-ariaate I'rtrsn lt« U»:*»r»iiy of PeDOijivsoi^in ls20, tindeslh« c^HJanet •f Ooctois Pfayiitt. Cbapaatr, ^.ox, Gil son v'.i-. Haw, I atn eaabletl. trom •!! tb«sa ad ,-rn!jgr>, lo t\$tt ;h« Mblic tb« KMilisot* that piatike ia uie fotii; i>t my Family Mediciorr M eatt Scteu?* usetua t j the farmer au-J uia«!«l busii.e-Ja. 'i'be s;cden!» are not taught A* i at teiiil (o me ineorf only;; »at tfci-y are ittsiructed in tne myself, they are (band. lejii-y. :'«t practical applteviHm vl tr*it undies to |h< ererjf su^rlor t« ih« aaoy U:"tnrdJd»> afttirs oJ I HI.-. Tr.ey »re made acquainted whh ciaes. J. 8. BOSE, 35. the paenouKna t'i nature—taught il»r p!«t>et:ie» of X?r. /, iS. Rests*! tt and •he »oil— ihe rt^ aiieraeats of plants— th* composition "t rucks— i;ie prop«iiis» of the attnivphcre, Thr» jiwjwriitloD starts vrijboa: its Mpnl. - tpr: ths 4^. The aJvsaccr; >tudei«u» receive practical instruction ia suivrVHii faiai->— lereiiing wster relief and cure of Heart Disease, ell Jiarx tK>cs. FJAtaleuce, flcatt Burr.. ResUrssor: iayrng ou. rojid«— tiak'ngiaBpa— anaiy- aeas. ^mnjgia. raisiag tbe spirits, and g'n to :he whoie sv.ilem. It is almost i ill A z r i c u l ' u t a l c;u-S3istry is tiiorousS y effects. Price*50 cects a cr-oitie. iilusirau-d by tbousandN u? in ere>:itig ezpeiioieB» in ifae Ircturc roon) — io ihe Ijboratviy and oa 'he Dr. J. 5. ROK'S Cexg.k Syrvp er tarn. The pare thc-mit a!s are pn-par«d at the eslabinl-BBMii. The «oi.(-»hop is furo;.»hed wiih. a Thb Sjrap. baT?»f rtocd tbe teat of many jtst's »• furnace. ?urniM..taibe, si -J a grvat variety tit tools peiirnce as a rem-'-iy toi initation or u& .mtr. ifior- of Ii r wc.'kins iWii IH! a i d tneial. Ht-nre the stu- U»« Lttags. Throat er Bronchia, is acknn«r|<>C:f«! Ky dents have ae ;'prx r i u a i t y «<t wrnr^irtg it\\ the alltobea n>m«iiy ciuinentlr superior to a t jnihrr i-raiiche» of mecaauisin liotn ihe trlljrir of timber known compfBHis Bird far the relief s-><2 radi::!; con to the polisniug and fiuishu.g of handsurce and of Cocjhs. Ccic*». A.v(una. Co«»tKm>tic« and r-i.j L ;ng , costly apparatus, v very oartui which Is tamiliaiiy Unease*. Price £0 ctj. anU $1. Or. e.-'-explainrd. Thrir at:etitioa is Rot rot fitted lotie ••• J. S.»Rose's •*• -» Wtoopin? • - .CoeghSjTup ---.j---j jf•: ,in>* i r but they trs-uker-into tht; inboraton-, n»di«le relief, ac3 frequently cares IB one v<,>k.— * .i._ field, A u andi thef .L" I Price We. the workshop, iliejranJon amij the J. S Ros«> Croup SytnpnoreT fail*, hi -iarinj are nude tu understand hundreds cf operations theOr. Ctoup, tnat ilan^eto-js comtiaia; among:l:. cbil•which everybody sees bat lew ctti explain. The dwn. Piic« S6c. design ot the If.atiiciioti is to prepare y urg- men fur business; and iu ac catpli-.1! ttits di'jirablepurpose neitner paJns nor expanse is spared fa obtaining everything necessary fcr lull and i:i:rnpl«te illustration. The coarse of instrn;tion is varied to suit the farmer, the meichant ao<1 the ensi n«:r. Tbe establishment is delichtially located ard has all ihe i>i partly oi Watvir, *alubrity of atmosphere and bt?aj:y o->ce'nery. Tbe re'autar sessions •""ommence on the first of October acd erd on tbe fir-t of August. Yi>ucc men wishing to entr-r .'is students >huulc°, ii P-JSSIb.e, make application before tlie closing of the previnos session. Terms !or the session ot" ten rnrnths 3200; one hall nayable in a'ivur.C'-sDd the remainder on the 1st o| March. This includes tuition, board, ing, washing, tnei an>i lighis. The undents in the classical department charged S'AI per *e»!>ian, extra; t o b e p a i t l in advance. Sous of preachers and editors are rhnrceil on!y S'50 per session. Books Turn ishe.1 when reqpired at Store price"!. Farmers can have their soila anaiyZ'M, and teachets and students can ohtaiti pure chemical reagents prepared nt 'he establishment. A<JiTrt>ss. BENJ. HYD2 BEXTOX, Principal. Al.lie P. p.. Loudonn Coucsy, Va. May 25, Ifi54.— l y ' CRJiSTAt* World's Fttir, J\ttc York Utiitfd Stiles of America — Asst>ria(to* /of the E.rkibitwn <>f the I/nl ust >-y of all Nulious. DA /. S. Ross's Extract *f Buch^ This is one of the best remedies ever used '. • .! i»easeaof the Kidneys, Bladder, sod al! Goaty ;'.J"txti»a». Pr.ce 50 cis. Dr. /. S. Rose's GWAn Pi&, ; For filling of ihe Warnb. K, mUe weakness, I fSUi!y and reJaiaiion. Thta dHease, li?Wurarr \rratrtj bj TjarflssK.-. grosses, and external supports, vcbich van only f r. t J r-allatires, yields completely to the u>e of ti»*< i-nte, strengthening CuUrn Pills. They have a ;.? :-,liar afBtiity tor the dcbiliiaied rau-cles of ;tie fema j r and t ia no instance have they f,iiM. in radienlly cininf I those distressing complaints It males ate so oft'«r< >obl I j«c« to J 'hey brace the whole sys em. giving s^rufcg'.Ji »ud vivacity to the irame a: large. Price .->tfc. : Dr. J. S. Rose's Axh-ffiluns cr Rail RJH* PiKs. These Pills are not warranted :o cnrc every nahdy or disease incit.'ent to man. but they ar» a grai--4 ?-aiedy lor Bilioii9Stute of the system, and f r i n t i -> . fe> vers. Without griming, they are an active pttrjRiite, cleansing arttl r-urilyins: the Liver. Stomach au1 l-nwels, and leaving the sysiera free ftcsn costiTrntSBi' They are adapted to the Snuihcru sections >u he United States pai'.icuUrly, being ot'leu a prei>:Ltire of severe bilious attacks, and when u-oil wi>^. Dr. Hose's Tonic Mixture, will cure the most su ! > ^ru cases of Bilious Fever or Fever aud Ague. Dr. J. S. Ross's Pain Curer. Do you Sutler with any Pi'n ? If you dn, yo'j'will ftnj itninetliate rclici" hy u^ing Dr. Iio>e's Pain Qirer It is the only preparation which tiire*.almost ir.-.wntjy. Cholera" Mt.rb'.is, t' ypra:us. Biutses. Vi»i« Throat, Rheumatism 1 trotu Col-'s. Pains in the 1-; !e, Back or Limbs; Fact , or Bowels Si" ? o't Back; Stiff Neck. 1) rinses. Corns anil Chilblaf;,s— \\ betever you have j ai i. use tlie Pa:u-Cursr. S.-<.-!t.- U> all ages, Price 12i and JOc All whose ConAillitions are impaired by Di»e5><r Ot weak by nature siioulil teatl Dr. J. S Huso's M.'-lieal Adviser ( which contains a description of Ihe Di- -; --es or our climate and the motlt! ot" uciluient, ) K: eau be had without.chnnrp nf L. M. SMITH. GhnrL-stown. Va., • T. D. H AM.MOXD. Harpprs-Ferry. ^-4. L. P. H A R T M A N . Wincliester.'VaR. G. HARPt:*. Sh-vr-enl'iown. W. H A Z I ' . S . T I X K , Mtuiinsbnis. Vn'i G W. W K A V K R . White Post. Va. » C H R I S T I A N BOWSER. It^rrvville,J7s., And of Dealers generally throughout the State, ' AugustS-j. ISJ3—ly. fTJHE Mib>criber rfsp'citully .sh.iwelh that this A tiuiel is open f«r the rrcepnim i>f trave'leis on the a r r i v a l i f the cars, at all hoars; day and EXCSLSIOR, nisbt arid a p i l - t e aud uMiging barkreper, with HE associaiit't. t».r i|if Exhibition of the Ina iru-iy <ind aitive porter, t i see that pas>endustry of all Nui.ins a wards' to EusH* S. geis are well cartd lor and basgase properlv atSNVDKK, of Charli S'ott-n, Jtfl ison Coniny, Va., tended 10. M. CARRELL. July 6. l8Vt. _ the higbest premium IJ-onztf Medal, wiih special approbation, for u •• c,.idoiuaiion he has ftilcted, autl the practical <tp|>hfation he has given the Dissolution, f i >T1E C')-Pdrtiit-r>hip heiHuii'it* existing under 'same, in lii* Labor Savina Machine li>r '1 dreshing, A ihe lir-ii nt Sl-JAULL & SHIRLEY, lor ihe Separating, Cleaiii'ig :ind Baagu }: Gtain. — H jn. purpose ol ctintiuc'it.g "lie Milling business, was Theodore Se(lg«icli.~^rfsii!i-iit ol' the A^saciation, di-sulved bv mttiital consent tin the I s t d a v ol June, Uou. Heuiy Wjigtr, Wtstern New Y.-tl:, Chair1S51. 'I'm: B. inks- are at thi* .nil! and will be settled man, Wat-un Neulxi d. E>q, Co.uuib^is. N. J., hy either ol the late fiim. The business will in Ool. John W. Proci-ir, Dativt is. Mass., Rlaj Philtii"* t i i i u r ' he coml uried under the tiiin ot SHIR. ip R. Freas, Geimaniown, Petin. ; Hi.u." Henry S. L E Y & HETTERLY, whn hope largely to in- Babbit, Brooklyn. L I acting ^ecietaty iu Class crra-e the I usiness by unrcmiuingelioH to accom- •9, J u i y C . My Patent Premium Threshing, Separaiiug, CARTESSS? ANISH MIXTURE moaaie ihe public. WALTER SHIRLEY, Cleaning HIU! U;i^i' i.s; Gram Maci:iiie, is for sale, Jtilv'J. IS54_ JO.NH F SHAULL. which rt-reived iht- ;irt.t premium nt the Crystal Palace,! New York, over all Thre.-hing. SeparaThe Frederick Female Seminary, ting. C eaning and Bagging Grain Macl.inrs on eshibitiuii— thus rrt-ving cuiidu-ively that simolicity in consiructiun ciieapn^s* in prit.e, a«J duiability in my mnohine is ii.-ii.i; fully appreciated, and the old ai d n<"v aiMly iriferiur complicated separatingp M. chinrs, must yield theiY plai es lo a superior L itx r 5 t y i n g Macnine. The ce ebtated Machine lor '1 im •>< ing, St-paraiinjr. Cleaning twice. Screening an. I Bagging Grain t>y one .-imple operation. The g.eaic.-t labor savins Machine in the world lor separating all pure an.! impuriS located in Fiedni- K Uiiy, MJ., as healthy ties. This Mafliim' throw- the slra'v to itself. Ihe and pleasant a town as any iu ihe Smuliern cliali in ilsell, the wheat in the bag. the screenings States. lo itsell, and the sm-it and cheni t <( itseir. Everyfi(5" -The SckiilastK dttti'.s vntl be resumed on thing hasa place, and everyu iog is in its pla'ce 10 suit the conveni- nci's of the laimer. Foi simpliciMonday, tk* 4/A day nf September next durability, cheapness and capacity, it has no This has an abl- and eiiii-ieijt Board ty, in the woi'U. As lor tvhat h.>* b^en stated The Great Purifier of the Blood ; of Hrulessurs an.) T. achers, a {ro;>d Library, ex- equal the different papers conceming Mr. Zimmercellent Mn-ical l!iNirnin?n!<=. an exieus'v? Ciietni- in 2V«i a Particle of Mercury In It. tnan's Machine reci iving ih- fust premium ai;ihe cal ana Philo-uphical Aripsratii<, anil it is tuiifi- Crystal An lufaliiUt Remtdyfor Scrrfula. Kin fit Evil, Palace, New Yoik. ilalse. and not true, i dfiitly believed iha' it olfcfis as many lin-iliiies f.>r It is also stated thai Mr. Zimmerman received a maiiim, Oltstinatr O.'fonfot'.t £.iuptimis, I'ITPV! or itn parting- a iboropxb, «x!ensiveiand rcfjaed edu- number Of premiuti.sat - itnl other laiis. That ftutuUi on tkr Fife. IUvtfhcK. Bai!*, Cl.ratnf trt catif>n a-iiny Si-ininary i'i the land. £yn, Jlinif Vfarm or Tttttr, Scafd Htof.M^nt I know n.:t!iing ahi u — jteih.ips he diii ; !>ut ii is The School is NUT SKCTARIAN. on the contrary vety ment and fain of lift Sarn.3 end Joint*, Sltivtiiru !'le;isy to win tli-- iate, as ihe lioy saitl when !ie Ctrs, Sypliiliiic Disorders, /MmUigo, Spinc.1 (<>;>the young i a i i f s are MI icily required lo attend ran by himself. But inv honorable Irieitds. -this plaints, and all 2>iicattJ arising ffom an jaji.'c'i.-.'n-* such Church as parents designate, accompanied al- was not the case at the World's Fair, NtfW York. use of Mercury, Imprudence in L-fe, or /»»pt;i-»,'j- cf ways by a teacher. Mr. Zimmerman ha'. I a number of>oi her boys. jo the Blood. Scholars wili be received at any time during the run besiil -s Irm-elf, wdich made ihe race HIS valuable Medicine, which has beccrns year, am! will I e charged proportionably from the morewith, difficult for him — «o nui'.-h so, that he, Mr. date dl ihf ir entrance to the close of the Scholastic Zimmerman, celebraterl for the number. o^ extraordinary was ni'i her first nor second — so you cnrei eflected through its agency, hutinducitl ths fi>-<>year in July. may ^ucige where he *-as. prieton, at tbe urguat roiuit-st of tlivir li u nJ-, to orT«r S5P for board and Tuition, including ftirni>hed These are facts cannot bp denied. The nn- it to the pnbTic, which they do ttith ihf utmost i . .. i Rmiiii*, Li»h's, Fuel. Washing-, etc., S-00 per dersigned would iniiirn ihe public that im f.irmers' deuce in its rirtuci and wonilerAil curative propcrl it-«. Scholastic year; payable hahf yearly in advance. labor saving Machii.s for Threshing. Sepatattng, The following ceriiHcates, selected fiom a larse numFor Circulars anJ other particulars address, Cleaning. Sereeiiiiiir and Bigging all kinds of ber, are, hi.we.ver, -iruniriT Icstimoiiy thaa the IIHTO H. WINCHESTER, Pre*t. Grain, is for sa e. Parnieis' wishing to 1 tiv the word of 'the proprietor: atil arc ill from "fiillrinen will July 27, 1854. hcst MarhfiiP-in use, *ill a,idiess JOSKFII Gt.tZK, known in their localities, autl . I tbe hi«l:v«t rr.-:i .•> • bilily, many of them uow rasUiug in the city ol RichFrecferick Citv. Md , who is t n a n u J a c i u i i n g them" mond, Viremia. JVotice in the brst and most »u'.>siai>i!al manner and can F. BOYDES, ESQ., of t!ic Exchanjc Hotel, RichT is desired ihnt pe^ons having claims azainst furnish any orders nt a lew ilav* notice." Thme mond, known every where, • 11 - lie In,- .-• <-!i llie Mi tlithe estatt? of ihe Ute II. \Vnrlhingtun, E.-q.. will wi^hil)g to pn-chase the Patent Hight to ma-nutaccalle4CAnTFa'_o SPANISH MIXTL-KE iHimhiUv-n-J pa-sent them In me bef .re the fust day of October tnre the Mact ines will adilress mealCharl^siown. cinrr in over a hundred ca«cs, in nearly all the ili?eas<:» t i iie.xt, so ihat a scitlf meiit ol th-m can be arranged. Jrfterson Cr.ii.ity. Va. which it ii recommended, with llie most adtuimliingSy EL13HAS.S.N YDEll. Any persons having papers which were lelt in so. id result*. He says it is the mo^t extraohliaary June 22. 1851— ty* the p-.i»ses?io'i of Mr. VVoiihington. as Commis- f medicine he has erer fcen. sioner nl either ol the Conns of the County of AGU* ANU FEVER-GREAT CURE.-J herptjSCHOOl7NbTICE7~ Jefferson, are hereby notified that the same wifl be ISS MARGARET Mc.MUKRAN respectful- certify, that for three years 1 had Ague and Fev«r C-f ready for any disposition which may be desired by ly informs her -Viends and patrons that her the moat violent desc.-iplicn. I had several Phvsiciaii*, the 15!h day of July next, and at my office in School is now organired and open for the reception too!»lar»e quantities ol Quinine. Mercury, and I t>- !:•-.; tbe Tonics advertised, but all without any | • ^ Char'estown. W. C. WORTHINGTON. ol additional scholars Hercou^e o! tuition will all nent relief. At last I tried CAHTER'S SrASisn MisJune -J2, 1854. Spirit. Administrator. embrace the ordinary as also the higher branches Ti RE, tiro bottles of which etFLT.ti:aliy nired me, am! I of a complete Engii-h education, including Or- am happy to say I have had neither Chills or KL-K'M thograpl.y, Reading, Writing, Grammar (Ehg'ish since. 1 consider it the test Tniic in the wcrltl, a'-1^ and French,) Arithmetic, Alg'bra, Geography, as the only mcdiddc that ever reached my ca*e. r also Chemistry, N a t u r a l Philosophy, Moral PhiAND DSALSIIS GENERALLYBeaver Dam. near Richroind, Va. losophy, Physiology, X-c. C. B. LUCK, E«j., now in the city of Richo/oi^d, TAVENNER & CO., No. 320 Baltimore The modern ianguases will he tau°bt if desired, and for many yt-ar- in the Post Or':.-.-. !i» such coic£. Street, between H .\ and Liberty, Balti- as al>o Vocal and In-4rumental Mnsic. <lfiie« in tbe astonishing efficacy of CABTES'S Si .> NI.'.H Uioie, M a n i i l n c ' n i e i > of Sattdlery ami Trunts. Miss M, promises in a"ddition to her own, earthat he bax ocught u|»vard« of 5<) !' n.. • . IN OUR SADDLE DEPARTMENT we keep nest effort to advanf-e her scholars, to proct>r« able MIXTURE, which h" baa given away: to the arllictetl. Air I.i- '< on baud and make to uruer. Summerset, Shatter, assistance, should the-ntirnhfr ol pupils r e a u i r e it. sayj be has never kootrn .t to fail ivbcn taken ; , ^j. : English pad, fall quiltfd, Spani>h and Common TERMS inr to djrcc*ioc3. gadilles; Ladies' Saddles, i lain and fancy. For the Elementary branches, SG per session of 5 Dr. MrsoE, a pracfjtins Phyjician, and formerly.- 'jf OUR HARNESS DEPARTMENT embraces the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says iii/r**4 witnessoil in a number of instanies the efiect ..I iolf'l double and single Carriage and Boggy Harness, For «he higher branches, 57,50. Spanith Mixture which were roost truly sutpriiii.- -io gotten up of the very best materials, and in a style Music, 312 for 26 Jes.-oEfs. in a case of Cout.nmption. dependent en .the Litfir, School Rooms ai residence of Mrs. Dr. pays not surpassed in this or any other city — Stage, Omth-' good effects were \vonderfcl indeed. Crisis in Cbariestowii. nibus, Wagon, Cart, and Dray Harness. SAMUEL M. Dr. I N K E H , of tlie firm of Drinker Ji Mor Mayl«. 1851.—tf~ OUR BRIDLE DEPARTMENT furnishes evia, Richmond, wa* cared cf Lirer com|ilaiiit of H '.-c iery variety of fair and black Leather acd Webb »t»ndin;, by the me oi two battles cf Carter'.* S.i .1^ Mixture. Bridles and Mattirigales. GBEAT Crae or Scaorrt.*.— The Edifon nf -rrte OUR TRUNK DEPARTMENT contain cenAVING retired from the'mercantile bosi Repnblican had a servant emplovnl m tb.-;r tre spring and irun frain? (warranted Sole Leather) I haveauihorizej and appointed Joim Walsh Richmond prris room, cured of violent Scrofula, eooibineJ ni<h brass and iron huund Trunks, nf eveiy varieiy ; to settle all ai-coucl? cannectrd with my late basi- Rheumatism, entirely tfiwblej hmj frrm woik. — Ladies' dre^s Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, «o!e snd pat- ness, and collect and ivceipt tor all moneys doe me Two bottle* ofwhich Carter'* >>paai»h .Mixture made a <.i -I- -;i en! I .-a1 her and common Valises, Carpet Ba>?«, t.Vc. on book account, nattV, rents, or in <tny tnznner cure of him, acd the EJiion, in a |iobiic iiolit-f, c>y Wr also Icpep ofl hand BMIng, Diiving, Wagon whatever. they '•cheeriuliy rftompieml it to all who are afC jtti :> and D.-JIV Wh'p*, Saddle Pockets, F!y Nets, Linen I trust all persons who are isdVbted lo me will with. an} dir»ia.e of thel>!octi. Horse Covers.. &c. STILL ANCTEE.I CUKE OF S-CHOFCLA — I had a -nery call upon him and settle ineir aiconnu* at tTie earLJaving evrry l a i - i l i t v , and beirg well posted in liVsi possible dav, as J have engaged in other busi- j "hi«ble boy cnrcd if Scrod.U bv Cartels S..siU5>, w ihemaikei. we buy our materials at the lo-Aest nes«. which rfqu'ires al ihe m- an» I can command, t «tu.^i_ f.*"!."1^."_»_«"i!? '"«"»>>le nwdicme. JAMES M. TAYLOR. Conductor eu the fi. f. J: rate*, almavi exclq^ivel. for cash. Our work i« all t feel it prr>|>er in taking.ihis farewell of in' old made by experienced and Mip»rior w.,rbmen. We friends and cu>!omers. l u r t u i i n them my gratelul P. B. R. Co., Richmond, Va. SALT IJKEU.M OF 20 Y BAB'S STANDING then-lore *ay to.C-'antry Merchant", and all others acknovcledgements fur ihtir generous [iniroiiae? qURED. wanting GrxiH« in our line, that they wil^do well ai\d support, ami solicit aHlte liberal suppbn for Mr. JOHS THOMPSON, rtsijing in the r:ty of uir':to call nt No 3CO BaSlirn'.rr »trp»i heiwe^Q 'Inw- mr successors at tlie ..._ old_ »tantf., Walsh & . 3ro., mond. was ctirerf fey three b^ttfe* of;C«rter'« S;^o. h ard and rliheri*. R. TAVENNER & CO. ' who will continue the riusia<"S in a'i its depart- i Mixture, cl Salt Abenio, rahicli he had n^ajly 2i)yu*»i, June 23. 1854— lv. m'lts wjth' fVr.-h energies and a generousa rubi- and which" all the physicians cf the city eot id ool'-ir*. " _ v. tion to" ptease the oui fiicnfU ar.i) ciii».>m«»r« or' the "--Thompson i» avs-oll knosro merchnt riu-!t.e of Riehm-iE':. Ta., aad nUci-re ic zuctt rr m.-.rkjtli-. " Coal! Coal!; house. MICHAEL DORA.V TV M. A..MATTHEWS, of Riihoood, .Va.. Lkil i ft Harpers-Ferry, Aprfl G, I8MV^OTSSUMERS of Coal win do well lo leave rant cured ef3\;.h."i;«, i.i Ithe w^rer fcrm, b/*Carter'* V/ih«-ir ordets with mednrjngtbis month a s f a m P. S. As there are iTAny-^prrwm* irsdVhted tame i Spaaish ilix'ure. He . :.T . he ebeer&Uy a!>out to contract for ?evera? humlrrd tons, aad it is who have noi yet called "r.rxin mv agent above j it, ar-1 eonii-iert it aa idvalaaMr .nfriicfne. best to be in time, so a*. to avoi. I disappointment. namtd to settle or put ib?ir account*, anil ss I ] R2CBA3D C. V.'EVV. of H.'inT-.r.d, TS« airrj y | will b- enabled to fornish setecied LnmpCoal.kt want money badly, I h^rebv c«tifv alt snch per- j Scrofula, ta-A what Phyrieitir:* ca'lfrt esnr-ra Ocnthe lowest rates, also Blacksmith's Coal. -' son'* il they do n:it par or inaKe «<>ms arrangement ierrnifioo, by three bonlts of Carter'*.Spaaith BCBTCS,'Ccmra-ssioorr 'f the Be r E. M. Aisaurre. for lunbertirae before ibe 1st of S'pitnnber nt-n. I heEiswis teen ihe gcml-efcet* of Carter1* S;s Charleston, June 15;i85t. •ball irar.s'fr iheir acct-aui* I-JT eoiiec'.ion, wJtbooi torebas in a acmbcr of Sypbjjit c cages, . .tjys it if a regard to persons; Janice to my self and a proper perfect core for that horrible '.! s'-ise. teo-ard lorroy ovrnengsgomem.;. renderi1 thivconrte WM. G.'HAawOfrti. of SJchir.nnd, Va , I MICHAEL "DOR A'.?, -\TO. 1. PERUVIAN GUANO, atfifty-are dol- •nMTmdalbte. 5«rc» aoJ Ck«r*, which d»ablet! him frr» i\ la; s per ion, fur *al« bv Julv 13. !8:v4. _ ..;... ^ Took a fe=- !»tJ!e« oi Carter'* Spanish Mature, waret'sbrcr] to t7z!k wiih'ont a cru ei, is & shcrt *J < e HnPFMAN REAT BARGAINS J.\ J2XADV3TADE pensaiient jr cnr?d. . Harpers-Ferry, lore 53. 1H34— 3t CLOTH ING !-^ro Linen, Gingham and Prneipal-Depots si 51. WARD, CLOSE 4 Co.. ?"a. Sheer-snc^ei; Coau. frorn?d;rits to $1.00 a! so a 63 Maiden Lan». ??PTT YorV. Oxen, for Sale. .T- W. DTO1T k SGiv'G, 132, E are aathoriwrt »o seR a rwir of tarjs*, connd, vety large n*w s«pe»:«-rCa»hni?re!t,r!li> h T'feid Strr— . Alpaca acd Ltnen D*< k Coals; a^.xi Pants Ves:*, voatif and: tfeH hn>t^n OXE^f. Credit un- •Shirt', BENNETT & BEEES, No.. 123, 3IaJn and evernhinf' etoe, at gr*aflv jvrlnced til 1st November nei^oq bond wiiiTiM-nriiy. rrices. C»'l«ooa ISAAC ROSE. Aadforialeby X~ M. SMITH. Cli«r|r»*™ni, S. RIDPTNODft ~ Jn«elr5 l«»4 T. I>, HA.MMOJTD. J.J.H.STRAJTHJ tor the M CAMbRIC »i.d Ani? hy dealer* in "»wi:?!citn? cvervwhere ID,' 1853.— ly - • Pdn«*t» srii« «ri*.warrfl pasa Coats, ISAAC ROSE'S • season at ' STORE.1— lOOftyarJ* neat *Mle Calicoe*. LASGEstoek of HATS, c o i G r c e a 5 8 » J*?* • lSfl»di>»iieh Chffi'r, la. ,«v- fer sale by CEST* A PiRCX!-?i\m Leaf Fans. 3 et» J.L.HOQFF. lest «tf l<«. !« Of ol» do, 1500 An, Frf •- h IIM! 8<riw L*WIM. • in" T«TI« wide, I2| ffnif drx beto'ffol a piee>>! Black Silk Mamt >a«. richly bla«ic and cSMn&'&lla, from iO'ffrnt mt»tJV) §200. Caaii de Laine, worth 75 cent*, ait 37« ^e>t* a rard; SiZk B;«n'*. ready iri nnvrd «|1 rolon T«H cmt ba rz* ins. ISAJbC.ROSCt AS* BOW and" ia* v< ry hues; ^ y !<:*, a* -ow »« W * ooons. ISAAC ROSE't, JoaelS. 1864. IREIGHT »ee««i» »«t« be paU •II article* will b* teld o»til ,tnc frefgta T I T I M R H - i Notiee, G W f 3 A til: ' r ; 3 - £ VIRGINIA FREE PRESS AND FARMERS' REPOSITORY. I> ihe Ciicaii C'U;t of J -Person eoawr, C">rg« Price. Jrfpk T Uf**, «*•£»«•/ •» 1 T. .sVeMte W* *<««* «*** r* rtud tta *rt u WM>»din«trdb)r swiff. I* »!« to SB&T for lu» p*»us. Ad MB cold ibd to inlid paee, W be» Eve was g'urs tor a n»u. Uatil be saw » - tz u.'» '•£•-, Adsai was ia • bappy CsU. 1. la ail ihe female f«en af F»»-". 2. Hrpoeruy. Axtxil sad frAr; t. Traib d»rh .j of s b- srt unoarr, 4. Ne'et kuc* a in wociso lo re.we1. Wfcst toojw i* sble to BafoUS, «. Tbe falich««l that ia woman •» J. Tfce worth » wotnsn we bcbold. 4- l» abnost 1. C«i»ed be Ihe t dM ma» J *ar. Who change, from hi. •«.*!« ne*«. Who w:ll TK* yi U HOT of perlrct VAKIETY." yoo mean to settle this bill *.'. all, jo« wade it »' Mid t be crediwr, in • paeaionate manner. 'Hompb /ke^peool, mygwa fnend; tm» tb* debtor, puffii'g a eig« *itii U*e iBOst adBirable uog frcii. 'You want a settlement;' 'To bef rare I do. §ir.' •WtH my dear sir, I as§nr« yon I meant to letlle, and when I MEANT to settle, tbfit Wai clearly a tETTLE-atE.\T.' py I wan in company the other night, a number of Indies leing preet-nt, »ton a T«ung man propo;eda c-juundrtun, which lie •aid he Lid read in the papers. It "w«8 thi:-: 'Wben i» a ladj not a lady/1 There was a »au»e— 'Give it up' said all cround, when, to toe infiuite horror of the whol-i .party tlie qaeristexclauicd.-When she's a little l>J?zy' if oboJy langbtd— eomc were dctuure. home iodigaaat, anJ siau no doubt inclined to acratcu— the querist's face a liule. He was b*i»appo:uted.* Fumbling in bis pocket he palled out a paper which, :.^fiilting for a Boment. he «>jacuiat*d,£n .: i beg y«mr par•itiion, ladied, I m*&Kmistake. The an- j iircr ii, 'when shfTfa little ««% !' 1 knew it waa •owe sort of a earring*:' jv^A Freuch preacher was cuce dcscantjn| from the pulpit with great eloquence on the beautSea cf creation ; • whatever.' fcaith be • co«e« from the Lauds of nature. \* complete. She forms every tiling perfect' One of bis congregation very much deformed, aud baring a very Urge bump, went up to him at the close of Li* discourse, aud asked, 'What think je of me, Holy Father, am I perfect?1 To which the preacher replied very coolly. 'Yes, for & hump back man, quite perfect' yy-Annette. my dear, w'lat country ia vppostte to u* on tho globe 1' 'Don't kuow, iir' 'Well, now,1 continued tho perplexed teacher, 'If I were to bore a hole through tbe earth, and you were to go in at this end. where would you come o u t V •Oat »f the hale, sir,' n-plied the pupil. with an air of triumph at having solved the great question. Ir^Swedenborg says that 'through the Tirgins he saw in heaven were beautiful, the wive* were incomparably more beautiful, And went on increasing iu beauty evermore. 1 That if certainly an iucnuragetueiit for the girls to get married. What girl would w i l lingly resaaio single in thin world at the expense of her beauty in the next. |Cj"Let as lay no temptation in the path' of the young,' as the frog said when he pop ped hit head under water on seeing a boy pick up a stone. tCJ^-Ls.fcoT is honorab'.-j'. says the Boston Poat. 'It may b« honorable.' re plies the Albany Atlas, 'but it is mighty inconvenient when the thermometer is about 90 degrees ia tbe ehade.' ——Sheridan wrote, 'we men govern us. let us try to render them perfect. The more ibej are enlightened, no mucb tbe more we shall be O.> tbe cultivation of the minds of women depends tbe wisdom of men'— Naptleon said—,the future destiny of the child is always the work of the mother ' Et3*An affectionate and endearing mother ia this town is feeding her -daughter on pickles, to prevent her being e:.teu up by the y«uug men, who call lier 'too sweet to lire/ KfA Considerate Frfker.—'My dear.' •aid anlrish gentleman to his wife, 'I would rather the ebildreu was kept in the iium-ry when I am at home, although I should not •bjeet to their noise if they'd only be quiet.' (HP v m*m+fm~~" L-- MCVEIGH & CHAMBEJILAIN, •Prince Ktreet What r, Virginia, unrit: J — -^ t^f i^ •»• B3>'I say, Tom, isn't it lueky that that fellow's eyes are cocked?' 'Why so V 'Because if tbey were a match, bis red BMe would surely set theiu on fire.1 |r3»When starving people, wanting food, create a tumuit. it U called a BU SAD RIOT.'— Wheu gentlemen, who have indulged in vinous excess, wrench off ktiockei-s.nnd break tamps, it it called an ill-cKCD EIOT I H3" Well, John,' said a man to his son OD tbe iaj he was one and twenty, -you bavo got a fool for a master now.' 'Yes,' said John, 'and have h.- * for these twraty years.' fry»-M»dani.' said a erats-tempgred phyticiaa to a patient, Mf women were admitted to paradise, their tongues would tutki- it a purgatory.' 'And some physicians if allowed to practice their,9 replied tlie :ady, 'would soon Bake it a desert1 B3*Dad, you alwajs act so strange — 'Why Billy T 1 Beca««e wltenevnr mam gits sick, yon always have to fetch a taby here to squall round and wake etch a noiae. fryWhen a man has a great t.eal of fault to i«d with a newspaper which ho i: etvr fails to read, it is a sure sign tbut he Iu» not paid for it. People seldom fiat! bolt with their •wsi property. B3*Wb*o you see a fenco dowa, put it «p; if it rcuiaia* until to morrow, tbt cattle may got ever. What onfht to be dono to-day, do Tl, for to luorrow it any rain. |rf»Mr Query wonders if when nightfalls •be doosut hurt berself. The oosire of Mr. * Query for 'useful knowledge' uul taiafs, is «uJy equalled by his huuiaaiiy. _.Tha foUowiug U a good paruf, descriptive of M oMrgetia eliaraett r—-Cromw«U did not wait to strike until tba iroa VM bea, but nade U hot by striking' ) way cat a beguwtn*ee%ii» iika a kad< pJk» old prawbMjs that«ingcr rat* —/* tte taM of food." If tti. is traa vfet a fTwiwM be «T fodc mj be found ia •fetrtk* with bit fritnd, [•v«ela»o««ljt«. l bM«*joj*d tb« frnllMM cf tyaaAfMn&Kedtoitalutqoiitor who M«d« •• J • •o^wtftu, JIM ieci»» a a a J** M XcR*d,et Ju-k A AGAIXST I,- ." *ri"» I., a*4tJct S. uer* r* tradfvtu'er tkt no. e of Wcli> <f- At&rtitt, c»ti Jai9 W ''Mirrjcdy, Anartm K n*tt* m*4 Mitteresd SSnkor, Dcfeadaats, = LS CHANCERY. 'TIHIS cac*e came on to be bean! ihitSSch day X ef<k*tober. 1^53 upon the bi;l (taU n fur coniV.-'-ii a»a;r,-t the c!' f i.L«r,i Markrll.) the ar*wei* of W L Webb and Andrew and John W. Kenn dy and uTSdillcr and Mayht-w, exhibits, and d- popodtions «ad wat argued by coon-rl : On eooaaiaiioo vrt-ertoi it beinK apparent to ihe rnort that a reference to a Commissioner to settle 'I: account* rw-tweea the panie* ino«t br_ made at »ri i» stage uf :;.c- cac»e. it i» therefore ai'^ed and ^.-dered that ;ni- cause be referred to oae of the Commi*Moners i;i thi< c»art. vbu !• dir-*cted to mrnm >n the parti s b-fure him ar.d sta'e a r.d *ettle the account* r. th» rcmp' Pi ice and the defencantt •Webb i Mark-H, «taiine all sa^patter* «pecia!Iv a« cither partv mav r< quire Vfc« to ttated, or be rr av d«em matetial. a d make rrpm in order io further decree; anrt--caid O*mmmi«uoaer will require either party to answer any pertinent inte. ri'g-itoriec and produreany book* T papers, upon oath— and i-n the mo 1 ion of the dc&ndact James 8. Maikdl, bv his cocnsel. leave i» iriveq him to €le hi* ar.«wer in vacation, viihin sixty days after the ri-ing of ibis ccurt. And it in further ordered, thm raid commi^ioner dn by pronrr zriveni.i-oient in a paper printed in Charlefttoan. f.. r tour verb". pireno'ic^ w the erect tors of thr late fi, rr. of Webb & Ma k.-ll to procure and provr thtir claims, and iil ciaiiBi. A copr_Te<ie. RO T. BROWN, Clerk. Orricr.. Ci:ai!^t..ivn J t i i v -2! h. 1854. The partipi 10 ik* ab.ivc unit, as well us the cre«1itr>rn i-f th- lute fi'm nf Webb i Marie!!, »'iil plea>e mkf notice, that I >-hall at ray r:li'-e, nn Frirlav tbe IS:h ot Aiisust proceed to r-xei.tile the decree ol court in thin rause, no which day at 10 o'clock. A. M., they are rrqiiestrd ti> »n ; end. SAMUEL STCNE, Comm. JulvSO IFW. • Virginiato wit: I.i the Circuit Court of JerTersoii Oonnlv. 'John Ilamphfyf, A-lminist.rafot, irith the will annexed of:David-lIu.mphrtyi. drdd. and in his own right. Plaintiff AGAINST G-orgc Huaphreys, Dav>A I'ttraphreys, EHO$ B Ctirdeil, the cfiildrrn of Sa^ik Ann Coril'-U. deed, their iiimrs r.ot kitnicn. Jukri It. L.Lwrllyn an/1 .SV;«» his wit?, and Fontaine Bfckham, ii!e Shenff of Jefferson. (Jaunty. Mmmtfte/: t> Iniinistratar ot Tfimnas K llxmy/ireys. d:v'it.t and of said Sanik Ami Co/dell, tSer <l, IN CHANCERY. Defendants. O N motion ol Ba»il B U o f i k i i - ,-r\-.\ Robert 11 u : I . paunci» u n d t r h.- iiarue uf Hupkins SL tiull. L a v e is given them to file ib'tir oelitioa which is filed accordingly. AnJ the c?.u>e comitiz on a;ain to IK-- heard this 23th day ol Octohf-r. lf-53. upun the [ia,.er" lurrnally lead, and ibf rep irt nt the uid*ifi c<>:iiiniv>iuurr returned May £0. 135'2 and the ezi.ei ;iun thereic was asreed hy coun-el : Upun coasi ieratinn" whereol. it appearing that said n-porl i> ti.-o imperfect ana lucumplete tu enable th*- I-HU-I to reniler a proper dicree settling the resr.eciive i^lits ol the parties, the ex eptiun (hereto -:au-e is !-us-_ laio-il An 1 it is aoiudg d oiderei! a-id tecree't,' that the cau>e b" reciuntnitiid to thp same commissioner to .-ta'.e mure l u l l y arul coinr/S-'te. the acc.iuni« prayed fur in the hi'.l wi h thi- I'Mlowingr it;srtrudions. lo wit: tie IR lo n g H t d t;;e lenaiur. David Humphrey*, as having died intome. a.j ti> that part of his es-tate bequeathed tii his Wife Catharine Humphreys, ihe court bei.ig of oph.-ion that the same became lapsed IFSKCV bv i h e d s a . h ol lhe. c atd Caihririne in the life time uf the •es-tai.,r. ^o advancem'-n s are ID be SmKigh' into ih-r a m o u n t as against the legacie> hi quean ed lathe several children, but advan--emen> wijhont res pet I to date ate to be brought icto the aci-ou:ii a» to 'he share in re*p°c! to which the lest^tor died in't^tte s» above deciee;!—ard ihe .-aid commissioner i-. r>q'iired to state specially any matter* he may deem pertinent or ihat he may be r< quired so tu stat.;. And it i* oidered, that notice of tha time ard place of taking: said acruunt mav be puiilishet! once a week fur f mr successive weeks, in on>- of the newspapers printed in Charlestuwn, Mich publication to be iqiiiv-ilenl to pemonal sftvice of such Dntice upon all the parties to this caast:—and said ronimissionpr is directed to r<] a Ice report to the next term uf thi« court in order to a final dscree. A Copy—Teste. R. T. BROWN, Clerk. July 20, 1834. RE now receiving. p»* •choon-n'a .v-ite*taaa and Wbirtwtad; irom New Yctk as their Spring Mock of which with a^iiiuoulMMpUes d.Uy expected by oth. " *'***'*: wi!J mike tl.rtr atMitacci uuv uaJiy large and cempiete, rmbracinf ia p»it » ft-l!i,'»j.: 105 tbis Sew Ofleus sod P*no Rkc L^nrirs SO Mzeft faeu Loaf 105 bbls Crutbed. Pulverised ami Cofec • llOhhdi Cuba ard Mu.-c«TaiioMulMi~ts 120 bl>j» Kev Oilexu •• 75 » *ia;.ir Mo««e Sytup 415 b«j;i Crtea Rio Coffee 90S - Old Java and White do SlOfaaif cbesu Go powder. lmper;*i ¥. Hy*on • Back Teas, of mediant and very pt;3ic grades. al price* and qutiue* Hi*: wiU ; • • « £enenU Faiisfaction. 450 iwxes Tallow C <ndlea ISO - 'Sp*rm and" Adamantine do '. J.'iO '• l)jjk and feiluv Ro.-ic See 3 Jft"» •' Variegated Bat. Cobka, \Vtudsoicixt Castile Soaw -225 bags t-hoi 125 i-g» S|»nia( Powder !.COO Ibs Bar Leal 32S teams Ealed Cap aad Leu** Pablr r?5 •• S'mclcaMtOoabki Wnpiu^da 143 beatkCavcBdifcb Tobaccu, pnin- Duality •25 « «. ». mediuili •« *io « Ptaj .. 5V sac 3*8 -1 'SjOOS PUu.t >tion and Harai a 6e isr* li'.i 000 Half Spanish and Chcuwts •• 60 bozek Garreu'k Sotd" 45 jar» Ra)>pe« ** • 5 bbl» 81*dd<-r •< : 50 boxes Smoking Tobacco 125 •• Pearl Starch n.i " Grouud Pepper and Ginger 100 «• Pipes 125 Coils Jute Hop* (for leading '3ius* and bed 75 boi's Bunch 100 drums Fre»b 10 bales Sail Shell Almonds 25 " Filberts nnd Pecan Nuts 12.) bezei. Stram R, liued Candies •' 1UO keu* Pure Lfiul 20 ca>ks l>unj. Gopuens, and 'E. 6alt« KM <!bzrn Paintt-d P .ii* 175 boxes Winilo* Glass. S by 10, and ;0 by 12 75 •• Sup. Caibo. Soda 7-i •' Iniligo -75 dozen Coin Brooms 100 boxes Maccarnui. Cocoa arrl Cliccpiate 75 bags Grain Pepper and Pimento 150 bags Roll Brimstone. Saltpette an4 Alom "85-bal*s Wrapping Twine i Cloves. Nutmegs Mace, 'Cassia, Blaiiin? InV. Yeast Powders, Mustards. 1, 2. 3, 4 ami o gallun Demijohns, HiiiKhum Boxes, &-c.,4c. We respectfully invite nierchanu, generally, visi. tins nut ciiy. in :in cramiii itiou of our >tcvk before making lbcirpirchas» ; ass-uring tbrm !,-. i we will dn fully an well by them as can be done in i. is market or 'Baltimore._ [March 3q. !Si4. Removal of Bunt & Evans' Tin and Sheet Iron Facioi-y. T HIS Eblalilii-huitut so long crleUta'trU lor the manufacture uf it.< - n p - i i o r q-i. .;.;•..- jl Ttuu-are and the manner t.f pu.iiug up Spoujfng and Uoomn^. baa teiuoved trum their old >hiiiii. on Main street, to the laige and cmntnnt-iuuV WaieRoom formerly occupied by H.-L. litjy; & Son. nearSappington'.- Hotel, where'they-nowiave on bant! a iarge slock uf all kinds of :• T/.V-IIVfitJ?, ; ; j amon? which will br found the celebratej Pati-ct C> See Pol, w h i c h has Die ' "vii:at" n ol »dving at U-a-t one-luurth ttie q'lunnty : ,-: coSVe used by ihe ordinary pots — ail ol u h i c h ^ w i l l be wholesa e or retail at the lowest marKtt ptice tor c *h or trade. KOOF1.\G AND SPOUTING — Sped.a! attentention paid to this U a n t h ol the bnsinesl by one of the partners, and their patrons may re?y en all work being executed in the best po>Mhl.- manner, at the lowest rates and with punctuality • t.d despatch. Orders !rom the adjoining coai.tics solicited. LIGHTNING RODS, with silver plate;] points, brass connectets, glass in^ulaters anit maliible lesteninss. put up in a durable mance; and at low rates '; DA 7V//-VC TUBS A\D SHOWER fJA THS. A Ursea-wiTtment of Bo.-ton B.iwl>. Utiili.n? TUDS, Shower Baihs Uip Baths. Foot Tub*, A-c., «&c., finished in the neatest manner will al .t ay .- ' e iound on hand at il-is eMabli;<hment. JOB WORK, of every description, connected with the Tin and Sheet Iron Business, will' be c'one with neatness and promptitude — in short this shall he the place lor »-ork to be done and well ii"ne, and great bargains will be given to all its natrons HUNT & EVANS. Charleitown. April 20. 1854 |^- Cotton Hags, Wool. Sides, Sinrep Skins, Old Cupper, Brass, Pewter, Lead. Iron, Dried Frjit, Beans, Corn, Hay, Oats, Wood B.VJOD and . taken in exrhange for ware or woik. COMMISSION-PR'S OFFITB, > July -20. IB51. • J The parties to the akive suit rare:h?rrby noiifi^d to appear lirliire in-, at my offi e i?t Hhai leslnwn, J-fT rson rnuntr. Virginia <m 'he §> h day of An gu-t, 1^54. at 10 o'cl ck. A. M . w? h their vouchers and t vidence, to enable me lo;»-xecnte the aIxive decree. E E COQKE, Cuinm. J u l v 20 IS54. Virginia to wit? In the Circuit Court of JeflltsoSn CcnMy. ! J. J. MiUcr, , Plaintiff AGAINST ; Willium Hoofs Administralot o-ni DeTuudapts IX CHANCERY. HECommis-ioner. Rob-.rt Worihingt/in. who T was nine-led bv an order hercjiolore made in mis cauae, io take an ac'-i<unl ..f the v a l u e ol the Maves iel«-rred lo in ihe Plainti^ bill, an.l owned bv Win Hoi;tr. dec'd . not having niade-hi* repoy, it i> aitjudsed aud ordered that this .cause be ref-rteit to Samuel Sumt , a Commi^ioner of ibis C. un, who is in-trueted to asfertain the'number ana value uT said Slaves, and m a k - trpor: thoieot to the next tenn of this court; anil in taking the account under this decree, the C--<iaini.-sioner i» directed lo publish notice of ihe linte and place tor four successive weeks in some convenient newspap-r. and ihat such publication >ha, I !>e equivalent to personal service of sucn notice p» the parties or any ol them. A c/>pv — Teste ROBERT T. BROWN, Clerk. July G, 1SS1. ER'i C'Fricr. ) Charlesiown J u l y 3, 1854. } The f»"rties interested in the above order aie hereby notified that I shall attend aw zm* oflK-e aforesaid on Saturdav, ihe 5th day ol Ai.'cu--! iif .xt. tt 10 o'clock. A. M., lor tbe purpose of ta' tb<- a m o u n t ibeuia directed to be tak>n. S A M U E L STOIfE, Comm. Jnlvfi1RS4._ • _ Virginia to wit : In tje Circuit C.itm of Jefferson Conntr. William O Sprigf, Plaiotiff AGAINST W. D F Crnwfard. Willing G. Furlong. Fftin&li* R'y.-xtlds, If Jatu't IV. ReynoUs, Ptf-.adauts IN CHANCERY. Extract from Deerte o( Maj -.' ;ti !3o4. ND it is l u n b - r decieed a:,. -irde:eii tbat a commi«sioaer in Chancery .. i thi> court do a«cenain and report to ibeOmn l hai p.-operty, real or p- i»i>nsl. funds or rdectK. the .'etrnd.iiit, Franklin H?y:n>lrs. may kave wiih in the j iri-dictii;a of the cooit ieiiline any acci uin« vhi-.-b may be necessary to enable him to accrr'ain ih^eoodi!ion ol the partnership between F. & J. IV. Rey Doliiit, and whether there are land-- of the said F. Reynold* in the hands of J. W. Reynold* making anv special statements deemed peK<e*r.t hjr him•eli. or rrqaired by the patties. And the xteieodani I. W. Reynolds i* required to p-r>!oc» the hooks and paper* ol the firm uf F. & J. W. Reynolds before the commissioner, to enable him to laake *neh statement. '1 he eommi*stoiier n dt^fed to give notice ot the titae and place of takin? said acconni, by publication once a week fnr foar sacee*sire week* in some eonventeDt ne»*pap*r. and such pubiieaiioi shaK be ejpiralrii! ><> [*irfoeal •er»ice of »a)ch notice on the panie> and every of them. A Copr—-Te«e. A ROBERT T. BSOWN, Cleric. Ornee, I JuneiM, 1854. J THE parties to the above suit are hereby notiaVd to appear at air office in CharUatown. Jelfirrsea CiMintT. Virginia, on the 2):t, d;;v ol Joly •ext. at 10 o'clock, A. M . with ihe traits, papers aad «xa*r evidence required, ia order tbat I stay cxecoie ike above d^eree EDWARD E COO«IE; C< Jn»««9. 1P54. From tlit CkarlAstowo, Tin- T I *«/.•*, Si ore, Ronfinff, Spouting, Lipfitninfr Rod Shower-Bulk and Bulliitig-Ttib ESTABLISHMENT!! fTIHE Machinery ot this Establishment i * in Tull JL operation, and the above mentioned Wares are now rolling out wiih a rn«h. Tin- Ware. The assortment ol Tin-Ware now on hand ts.extensive, and all order*lrom \ierchantswiiirecrive prompt attention and Wares be delivered at their places ol'business without extra cbaige. Movrs. The Metropolitan Elevated Oven Ci'C-'i Steve, tor burning wood, is a strong aud iiuiai>l^ Stove, and will he sold-with all tixiun-s complete, deiivered. set up and WHrraTiitd to .operate wel-1 lor S30, $35 and $40 for Nos. 3, 4 and 5. All pe^ons in want of a eouii Stove, will please fonvai ! their orders a"nd they shall have Ihe plea>ttre ol .seeii g^ne of the best stoves now in u>e. in operation iu their kitchens, and if the Stove does not opera'.e satist'artorily, it will be taken away after six dav* : rial and no grutnblin?. A good selection of other patterns at Stoves kept constantly on hand. wh:ch will be ««ola ch^ap. Roofing and **pouisj!,;:, Will be done iu a thorough manner, at >bort notice, aud at prices that defy com pel it ton. Ugh fnirig Rods. Iron Rods with j i l ver-plated Points. BMM Conntcters. Glass Insulaters and malahle favtenings, will be put tip in a durable manner at !,-.<• pri-:es. Shower Baths and Bathing Tubs* Daring the Summer months may tx- Imnid at this Esiabli»hment a good assortment 61' S!,., r.. r Bnihs, Bathiog Tubs. Boston-Boats, Hip Bailie, FnotTubs, &c , Ac., which will be finished i<i the neatest possible style and sold at Baltimore prices. Job Work. Job Work of everydescription, connected with the Tin and Sheet Iron bUMness, will be i l - i n p with neatness and promptitude— in >hort ihi" E^tablishment shall be the Emporium lor the alxjjre mentioned wares and Great Bars aim will be triren to all i » patrons. THOS." D. PARKER. Charlewown. May 1-2 1853 lyCotton Rags. Wool, Hide*. Shrep Skins, Old Copper. Brai-s, Pewter Lead. Iron, D-ird Fruit. Bee»wax. Beans. Corn, Hay, Oats, W xn1 and Baeoi taken ai the highest current prre?, in exchanre for ware or worir. 7'. -D. P. fresh Supply of Spring end ^unmer ( oads T HE MibM-ribn- moM ?e»,neeitully forUTm« his friends and castomersthat he ha>. jc'-j received and M now 4>prni.:R a een-ral assortment of fjRY GOODS AXD GROCERIES, embracing every variety usually Ibncd in country rtoref wbicii for asvte. qualify ^nd price are nnsarpissed in the Valley. Hw stork wa< pnrchaeed at rhe iowest figure foi•cash which will enable him to sel at B/eatlv rrrtc^d prieas He invites an era rr,,natioool hisOond,, tettinj a^ared that' U>v will eotire satWactioo. Order* tha-ikfiiHv reffi»e ceived and Dromptlr filled. A. V/1LSQ v Kab'etown. April 87. 1854. THE MODEL. PLOW W HICH took the Premium at the Pioughing. Match on Jacob SeBscB«y'« farm. May :<*!. I8M, can BOW be seen by catling at ihs wiks of Me<4rs. Snapp& Harmaker, Wjnchct: r -The point i* steel or wrought iron. tr.ti ea-j be turned f.icr different ways. TheCntt^-r-tjnd Share can be rura*' twice; tbe latter w mat!- of e-;her east or wrought iron, t is darable, chft p ani; IaboT-savii'*. beicc an neatly arranged ami coast- octed aa to do tint horse*' vork with fau— ? matter of vast importance to the farmer. The furrow roraoencea torniocat the caiter, therebv avoiding tbe heavy friction and breaking of farrow unavoidable is all other Piow*. h tuns a furrow :G indies wide and 6| i«chea deep. Enquiries eoneemieir it. or ord^r«= for Rigbas, wiU » prompflv attended to i-r s^dre^ ROWLAND* THOMAS. PIKB APPLES. JB»t received a k>: af PINS APPLES. Call. Ccnemfctt tat dw me »t CoUee* ' *r*«« » « lor 9 eear* and ft ; LIVER COMPLAINT, , Otonc oa KEKVOCS DESIUTV, DISEASE ToHE Farmers, Dairymen & Others. Subscribers, baring obtained Lttteis Pa- T tent lor taeir improved Hrdr--Thermal Cuurn. are prepared to dispose i-f righis for States, Henry's lavigoraUng GOT JEFFERSON MidllSt: SWP ISi Irtis and Inss T HIS iavaTombte Cutaial. i* rxtmted HE >absrrit'rs respertfa!!r call the »uem:oa Herbs and Roots, which ha?? orco tocnd at'counties, and toara?, atul individual privileges,on ot ;.'.e l--f rm.a* ceDtODiiaitv totlwir ntry large ter years of experience, by the rn^a *'- : Hml P»fmot re«s>:?aable :»• •«».«.. . at of F.i K M l > G IMPLEMENTS, turn- ! siciati«, 10 be pi'v««s^eii nlqwrtilH^ -no.- jearncial It woulJ be >upe:il ioa« to present, in the form ia Uie diseases for whkb tt i v it* • ntii -.-.er1, iiiid o! t. lira vacant newspaper j»»jw, tbe nanv advaner tu i.i ;!itf.e ii;l cheifcii hisopeiatioiis, inclaheace whitsi it s ptesen rd u> I'ue t. ^H. a* no tftage* ocr Chttrn has. , ver ail i thers. We will ncjicii'us ismt^y. it i>also k:,t>v I tu i e o! that siuipiv stale itot with our improvements tatter dins uiit celcsntieil car. be ppxioced from pore en am in i«vm I to 4 r rf niiuiii Tbrr^Ucr, ] chancier on which rrl ante R:av t-? p^tced »»• .O its sa. civ. laca es of H. miaates. and from Irish un>k mcie-.l oiiik in I'rttsi IINT nutd Bassrrv a or SapI |tes, Disor-Jerrd Sterility, »l<M>»t< S to 10 nunutes, ihs m:iit beiag fit Icr able use Whi 1. i .-cci. c-i be First Pmniuni at t :i; Crystal prr»h« ul the Men>us.' Plcur A" t-a» ::t "Whiles. thereafter. or tur Bv the peculiar form of constrnction of the dasher, ihe bntier >srea ily accu-uaUtevi and sjithrred IWU --tw-itij.. in -J>'iu c t l ).•!! With Hie c r . f U U i t t d DEBILITY in raa-s, mj-.i ria» oo aJditiocal labor other than Sepuieu^x'1 • ihe iltty; p<urioit c.a<cius.iv«ly, tbat sruiRgfrom any tauaes, such » < - ;rei'.!-t.fs» from srmp icily io cti:Slrucui»a, «:!>eiipne»» ill p°tice. and the nvr usual season in« i>r Calling. >irtnrs>, u terr tie |w,iiei t haslS tit • <>nfi«ed 1C Our Churn Apparatus is al»i aumirablv adapt- duiaiult'.v io -sis- ! i:.e, is U-ing tuily iipprcciated, bed fur fiiine tim?. for Ft ina'r.s al:e; ',. • fii tiut ht, B5 KFFSCTi.-il.LT CCBEO BT ed firthe pio-Uicina of cr>aui ices, the frothing ol and !he old cu';L:|t!icaiiM KI-IH- strata: i « rau>l Abor.iun IT M i>rari iatf e. ibis C idia: ••»M» t l-t t-css. 4c.. aoil in 'his respect is most valuable to \ ielt! their p' ;re u< a superior machine. This Ma- exc«l!ed in it» salutary • fret-; or h> los^. ol Musj chine, tor thiesi.iug. srpmtiiibg. clraninr twice, cular Enersy. liniahility, l l ny»t-«5 FroMrarioo. Cofitcciionerc ai.d Families. scre»;mug aou i* ^.ling ('>y one simple oj vration.) SemiMl Wraknt&>. Palptiaiicu o ihe:Utait. InTheChotn is simple cheap and durable in conPREPAKKI* BV struction, and can be operated by athild eight or all k^,..s of Ura-n—(he i.r>itt>si iabcr-Mirinx ina- d>«e»iion. Siiissi^hnrNS. Decay rt »he Erocteaiive ten year* of ase. In a word the inrenuoa needs ch!n''ii'.int fur snuplu-i'V. liuratiitiur.'eheapness Funciion.-. Nrivou>ntsa. A c , whcte: a Tonic Cm M» on!? to be tried tu prove iu gre&iand general and ^pacstf, u h<<» uo t l v u l in tbe WITH. It i» Mtdirine is tequired, it wi! ;« . itu' etjaal, if A~». 130 Arc* Street, capa/.e - I l. r;u !•; <mL ieai!y tor the ra: I! or for not superior to »I>T Co>np«>iiTif? evfr Q> ;.. Their power over the above di**a*e» in not n- uti'i'v. •eedrfrotn 30Q io 9001in»htU of Wheat wrdav. Circular* will be furnished in a few day showTO FEMALES 7celled, if eoualled by any other ptrparation in the wiih'« or 8 hor»?«. ard 8 bai.d—vr frwpf SCO to 900 nenry's lar^.-ratmit Con; 1 1 1, i.- 1 n* rf the moat Uni-ed State*, a- the cure* attest, in uutny cacesaf- ins dia» ings and giving description of the ehurn. bu»h< :> with l. licrsi* and a> m.uiy haadx,doii;g E rso? * desiring further information, Churns, ter kkillful pby»kia>i» had tailed. tbe vork cleaner, Jindbie;iking lessgr*m, ihan any invaluable Nfcdiciie* in ihe n u r - Cor (-.laitis to Thete Bi u-rsare wottty the attention el inrahds. Ot ItehU. Will ad.Ires*. p,<stas€p<iid. macl^iue now in u-e. Tlii» machine received the which Females are surjert I: .^sn-u- uaiaie to HARRISON* Jt GALLAHER. PoMeskio; great virtue* in tbe rectification of ilisfirst -r.-uiiuins t-t the Maryland Slate F:i:r, B 'It., biace tbe wbaie syMein. ibrri.- rv «*«?. and creCare of John S. Gallaher, jr., ea*es of the Liver and lesser glands, exerc sing the 'C>>. Md.. ates rebe«ed hranh and happinr -. l-ss*nilerWashington. D. C. in l:?5i and I&'i3; the Washinsioc r mo»t marching powers iu weakness and affections KrfiiV-illev A-;t ii-uliural F<ii , ol Va . in l-STiOand ins. disease «nd unhappiness : rrc La ics TcaPd l.lfio-1—"Rep. copy. of the digestive organs, tney ate, withal, sate, cer!.<>.» the k.ipp.itaiiiincl; Asiicutiiitai S.H-irty, ai e i i > > . were tbrr j!rter*lly io 4Ci>;. the use ol this by those obtain and pleasant Pull; I'i'val, Vx ; the fi.-i premium at the ll'inuM Cordial. Ladie* who are de!-;Ho;(d ; RtAD AKD BE t:OSf-VI*CRD.. Siat< j-V; :r 1K"<3, ul Sf.rin;;lield. and a Silvei Medal strucriocs which femnle.^ at- !i.- '. • t». and restored by the ttie of a butleor iwo, •_, bloom and u> The " Philadelphia SatnrJay Gazette," says of NEW AND CHEAP. at 'I • l.i'li.ina S:a!e Fair at Indianopi'is. 1S53. HE umttisigiicU jusi i c i U i i.cii ii>im the Tf i? tinchins is s o s i m p ' e i n consii jc ion. that vigur. DR. HOOF LAND'S GERMAN BITTERS. : TOUXG M E N E<is;ern markeu wiiti the largest and most the <&ie sn<i -aoe c<iippletr1y clear,* and bags " It is seldom thai we recommend what are termTha' solitary practice, SKI ; « u l :i> the exi.Mer M the J^aif, dNpensins wii i ill) ihe cnrnplkai' d maed Patent Medicines, tu the confidence and patron- complete chio':rv (andxt^rseq-ient liishilitv «f dtrangiinrnt) of m a n . a n i l it i* she vcinns u'lir r - • in .it apt to STOCK OF GOODS age of oor leaders; and therelore when we recombi-come Its vi<- \m». from an !2n5 a:iceof the u.»amend Dr. Hoofland's German Bit eis, we wish it he ha* ever offered at ibis pla-e, all of which ha« in ats.rJBer s-;p»rd:ors, thu*making it morede»ira- ger to wbirh.irw «nhjci-t 'h<-u^ -. «.rnii>ra to be distinctly understood thai we are nor speak- been purchased on the vvry best po-sibieteiuts. and NERVOUS DKiai.ITY, Sti T PuiC-s ^r Z;?JMKRJIAS & Co's TnRKunsR. w i l l be sc!d as lo»' aanv goods al the same qualing of the nostrums uf the day, that are noised a- j l bout for a brief period and then forgotten alter they ity can be in "he Valiey of Virginia, coo^istiug in CLX^NKR. BAt;Ok'i moPu'-K'-* — Thre-her. C'eaner, Weakness v nt'ine svstem. an; l n naipre Dec? r. and VUs-^er ci>nipl«ne. 68-i-t 3 iioist-s SI7& —Power \lany «'fyi u mav now bes; <?r.i; o mis.'eti a» ii> have dene their guilty race of mischief, tut ol a partot ihe following articles viz: fur s-nie, SIO'I, -.Hiking SiT5 l«r'he whole i-din- the cause or Slimes' «i?' d'..**.1—;. C i ttiinie. ih*'n, Ciotns. Ca.-simere* and TweeJ*; medicine long established, universally : rizrd, and pletei Thr«»-;i. r and R^f-T. 36 inch vt ho hv excess have hr> i«s5i! in tt^iH'«eK t e» PremE'incv CaNsint-u. at wry .nw prices; which has met the hearty approval ot the faculty C)li^l-r §2?'0; P«»*erU»r sane, 3 •'-"», l«-r 8 10 ature Impr teucv Involuntary Si ininal lvrnis>i i:i«, Siik Sa.'in and Mar-ai!l«-s Vesiiigs; itself" anil ;» hur-r;«. This macbii.e i» complete uiib Weakness ami Shrive-line ci ifie '. ;,-ni';ii Or«;ai<. lialian Cloili ai.d Summer do. ; ''Scorr's WEKKI.Y." safd. Ans 25 Nervon« Affection, or any i-''---- •: ( n«rquenc« s r-f A good a.-.-ortiucut of Coiion Gooiis for Sum"Dr. Hoodand's German Bitiers. maiiiifacitired IHJRKFEIfcEXCES-Siininel Sands. K<f| . Eilitor of mer wt-ar; bv Dr. Jackson, eie nuw recommended by some of g the aeceisity of •. rt--Pu-iffg the lelicAn assortment cf Bleached and E r o * n Cot- tlie "jAmvrican Pinner;" Co!. Edward Llnyrl. E sion. the must piominent members of the faculty as an Md. ;-;C:i|'l. D. Cox, Niirlh.iinb«-rlaail. Co.. Va : l l d l iliesuf article of mucti efficacy in cases ot female weakton.*; Cail«.J. K<j.. (•ictut ottd ; Rirhanl \VilliM. E-q., RiehMARRIAGE; Da do Osnaburg Co'tons; ness. Persons ol droiiitated constitutions will find mni»; C-il CitnrlVs C»rn II, nr»r EllieouV Mills. Mil : t<x«rninz both menial anii bm:: i «Mpari r. HOM' ! these Bitters advantageous to their health, as we Black, p'ain, striped and tigered Silks ; F. N l«"n.'E>«j:. ;I,ch«i>Mid ; <„'• I B Da»fn|M>rt. J.-fTerII .-nrv's Invisoratin™ C'irdi,-'! j> i, .'n-rr^-ilni i^ Tailtons. (iliisiuus and Saicain-ii- ; know from experience ihe s a l u t a r y effect they have ynn «"r . Va. ; ;>•-. l l . i n l i i:>. N-»lhuiul».Tlai.d Co , Va. : purely Veireiahle\ wi;| aid iit'U-rii: i,, restine'lu»e Swiss. Caiubiic and jaconet .\iu-lin-, npoa weak system*." Hiiili NrUon. 'J*(;.. CUr'ne Cu.. Va ; Charlrii Ma-nn. important lunciinn* to a I . - . ! ! . - . av, .11 •! v ii! M O R E EVIDENCE Plain and figured Ciincm dn ; K.-(\ ,-K"'S G«'i)iif d> . Vi ; i«. \V. Tlmnias. Esq., A !ar«e assortment of I'alicoes ard Ging- I'laik'- Cn., Vi. . Dr T. J. Marlow. Kri-d.-rirk cily. prove of srrvii-e ti> viii Itpii-*»s^e- rire v i i t r e s _ J. G. Moore, Esq., ol the Daily News, said, OcMd :,D-viil Bin--I. E.-q,. Frederick, city. Mr!.; E«ra i> a "t-neral retnov r o! di*eas\. a-ni sireogiheiicr tobei 31st:— ham- ; Ber j;e» and Beiase de Liines, very cbrep ; Ilimv!*. Kri-d- r -I. r i v , >M : Ssiriuel Mult, Middli towu of ihe sv-'em " DB. HOOFUVO'S G K R M » S BITTKRS — We are Valli-l, !*ld.; ,'oiui Cfajott. ll^gcrstawti. Mi!. Lawns, Muslins Ao ; trying ibis renowned inrdicine lur a siubUnn disAS A TOXIC 3I?:DK:iXE, |^*The a-'-i ve iii.< in,,! - ,.i.- uDtnuiartnml in ease of the bowels, and can with t r u t h testily to its lii-h Lintn and Linen Tablecloths; il is un urpis^ed. We d«i nt»f pHai-tf ib:« Cordial Cnat'ff-t-iwn. J. ff-r-on T!o.. Va. All or.'ers adefficacy. We ! ave laken the contents of two bi.tLinen. Silk, and Cambric Handkeichiefs ; 1 on a fiH-iin? with rj'iacfc nv 1ii'i;>e« »'il, a- is Crape. Silk, autl Cashmere SbawU, uf every dres-i d to ns Vi I he attem'ei ti» wi'h pri'inpiness. rn-ioinatv. append « Ions I'-t «>f i*ee uiin-n.-lalles, and we have deiived more benefit from iheesand K'. ihreshe's scnl P"I warranted io cnme up t,i peiiineni than w; derived previously fiom years ol variety'7—- — -. 'ii us C.r'iS'.-Htrs. (to.. b»-s'iit-ir?? with H,-ar ihe«#indanL ZIMMEU.MAN * CO. wo.'keil Collars and Cuffs; allopathic treatment at the handsel our first physi•• the Preacher >av« " ami. Mii-h liti; it i» nut MiJich 1C lfr>4. Dress Trimuiiiis>, &c ; cians." Silk am! Snaw Uonnets. verv cheap; Hon C. D Hineline, Mayorof the Cily of Camoi Iv needs to pr ive thai it wi-l . ix- ,:ph •!> all we Artificial Fimtvr- &c , and almost t very thing den N. J , savs: Stih«rrihiTs hitv.: a v. ry >upi=ri.>r Sen ol in Hie ia cv way ; ' tloot'LAND's G K P M A N BITTKRS—We have seen M i l l • as!ins* eiiiirelv ne^v. together w i t h THlu G K X U f V K " T I K V l S Y ' S TXVIfJmany Haiti i ing notices ut t h i - meiii«-ine. and the J.Jtdie-', Mi>ses»nd Children's SHors; Uagu h--i-l and Saw Gate. Saw am! Fen• O U A T r X G COUOt\L." llais ami Cap<. of even- q - i n l i i v »"d f.rice. sunn e Iri.ttl which ti ev came induced us io m ; < k r der l'«»is. including eveiy thing connected wi:h i« put up in fi i.z Pai liel BI-I-VN H tJ in easilv <Pi n r , u i i y respecting its merits From inqiiry we Aisii. a larg- Mo»-k ol GRCL'KK1E3 of Uie best the n4»! improved Mill, which ths'V w i l l si-ll a wi re persuaded to use it, and musisav we louml ii qualitv <-iiiisisring in pail i-f— private sale, rn veiy low and acrommiv'a'ins ol eacil l l . i t i i e . 1,10 . . n,, ; - i l vi i i i - h il specific in i:s action upon di.-eases uf the liver and Coff< e. Su»ars. Cliocol^te. Teas ; terms Pt-rsons u a n t i n g to build a Mill wuulddo l:ihr| f rs rv ) i digestive orjan, and ihe powerful influences it exMolasses, Syrup*. Bacon. Salt. &c. \v»-ll :o -^iv.- ns a ' a l l . l^T. S-'IJ for 52 per B.nt!e , Biljfor §3; 3'U ytt Also, a good as-oriment of Hardware ; ens upon nervous prostration, is really surprising. JaMiiiry 2fi. iisjt. ZIMMERMAN &.CO. il> ,• u. It calms and strengthens ihe nerves, bringing ihetn Ctitlf ly Carnerilers' Ti-n's &c Pr'-pireH on'v bv ^ K C'^^i T "X. X° ^ Fi'^ n lcWaiters. Lo>iicin»'G!as>es, am! Tinware. into a state of n p"*-e, making sleep refreshing. 'in Row hfluw K'"h' Philaifrtph'*. ll ihis medicine was niori-generally used, iveare A large sl> ck ol Ct'n enswaie. &c. Pa.. T«"> W H O M ALL <>f:ftE'RS MUST UK A'l of-.vhii-h win be so'd on h" verv best tenn« saii.-fied there would be le-s sickness, as from the A: CO., APDRKSSKD For Sal- h»r ...'I rp*penaUe stomach liver and nervou--system the gieat major- Thu-e whi» dfsire ti>s-l gmxi and eh-'ap barsiiins WASHINGTON. 1). C. l>iuasi«'» ft M rch»nt»ih?on?6^r>t i h ^ r m i n i r v . ity of real and imaginary diseasesnnanate. Have are respect: n I v inviied to rail before, purchasing tespeetiiiliy ant>ounee tha iyPEEL *- S l ' K V b N ^ , Al xandria, Va.-, them in a healthy c o n d i t i o n and you can bid titfi- tlsewhere, and jui'ge for thi-m<-1 ve«. -M. «ie¥ have formed a co-partnership to nan.snt:. \Vhitle-ale Asf-m.« for Virginia. ance to epidemics generally. This extraordinary J O H N G. WILSON. a seifral Banking and Exchange Imsiness in thi> Fel>ritarv 2. Flarpers Fi»rn . April -20. l>54. medicine we would advise ourfiiends who are al c i t y , ' n i ' . e r : h e l i r m of SELDBN, WITHERS & all indisposed, to give a trial—it will recommend iio ! fnr Pit > C6.,iiTul arc prepared to deal in itself. It should, in fact, he in ever\ family. No LATE A11 R I V A L ()>' b'lirci-jn -iiid flmwflic K.6£ew*[es. Time-flHls. l'n>other ir.e-luii.e can picduee such evideaces ol /T>HE undersigned, having en mii'-orif \;>tcs Certificates "i llcpotile. LetUrs of merit" iff and Stiniiner « Ir-Jhing. JL eannle Su»iness. are now opening^, at DoFor sale wholesale and retail, at loii's iiio stand, n-'ar ihe Anni>rv*Gate. n very exJO153 «T5i THE G E R M A N M E D I C I N E STORE, Vf<i aodcrtake n> make ciilleciions and promptly ten>ive stock ol Dry Gouds. ila.'dware, GuK-t-nes, AS ju^l rcceivi-d at hi* No. 120 Arch street, one dour below Sixth Philadel- Boots, Shnes, Hats, C.tps, Bunnets. &c . to ar. ei- io reioU the pn ceeds to any designed pciut within Kmporiitm. al Harp»-is-Ft i ; phia, and bv respectable dealers generally ;hroogh- aininatioa ul which they respec'.lullv invite the al- or wijhout the Union. out the country. Mr; V/ILI.IA.M SKLOKS, a member of thi? firm, and one ol the largest and best selec vi :e;iti'in ot the pu'i'ie. Tneir in.illo is nul large For sale hy prcfi;.-. I"" laijie >a!ts. They aie determined io for ulany yeat> past, t'ie Tfensnrer of Ik* United Sti«-ks of L. M SMITH. conduct th'-'ir business on the liberal pihci- Slate., tt-illgivi: hiscaret'ui personal aite i lion lo all i l i e b.d.-ielu iMuiKe's cuiiK: . - i l . - . . pfts. and io use every tfibrt tu merit ihe pnhlie financial business which we may he employed >o wliicr,. together w i t h his loriiier sii^.i T.D. HAM MO:. D. confidence and patronage. Whatever thty i-ell transact with any ofihe Departuietus of the Governcomprises one of the ruos! c n m p l f t t1 and splt"-.ri:d ment. August 13, 1853.— ly Harpers- Ferry, V,J. ^hi!ll be of the character represented, sud invaria Th* business which our employer* m ly require assoiiments ol Clothing evt-t pusm ,.! in tni*c-oi;iblv reduced to Mich prices thai mine m a v hop.- in underM?!!. They have estatilished snch extensive us it>:'ir±ursaci, will be conducted with tidelity and m n n i t v . Every artitle nen'««;iry '»• cc>in;>ltte ilie adornment ot 'he • Outward MJ-II." -.vill bt- fourd -n arranjeiiients as will enaiiie them to Mip ilv il^e promjUiiude, aad upon the most reasonable terms. W I L L I A M SF.LDEN. No. 16 SOVTR FREDERICK ST. i n a s k e t w i t h every arnV.e Ihev deal in at the very Vesis. Ac., "f every stylf, c'l.miy si .1 PI ici*. Lnif Treasurer of the U. S. AID. lowest prices. They feel confident an examination Aivarelhat newspaper putN ar.; 11=1: sent tall .• r - JOHN \V1THKRS, ol'the variety, qoalitv, and |>rices of their «ood> jarilett, h? will noi .-ay moi ruio •>';ifiiil an in i; O! Mexaiu'ria, Va. EstMiffted in order to afford the afflicted sound and sci- w i l l i-onvini-e the- public that raouey may b s ^ a v i d laiinn lo iho.»e in need of si -li aitio-es, whic*. |;e U. AV. L A T H A M , entific medical aid, anil for Hit tuppressioit of Quack- by pjirchasing at I h ^ i ^ IIOHM:. plei!™e« hiiu-ell !•• sell che:i. ;r than ih«.v have i*Vi.'r ery. Of I't'.'.s.'iin^ti'n D. C. They will pi/e D i i i i r u l a r attention to ihe G r odeen i.ffVrreil in thi- Murkei. L. P. BAYXE. lt.J.B. SMITH has for man v years devoted cerv and Frnvi-inn Bn^ine**. for » h i e ; ihey have I Iwve also reveivcvl a !»' ." :r-«ni m f n t of [?a?s, (Jf B<iVimure. Ml. his whole attention lo ihetreatmi nl of Private made ample room, by an enliii^-ineni "I the premCrfps. UfHii.-. Sh"e>. Shin.- -i . : Or.i.i rr.-.. Al>o % W::shinslon, Due. C. ••Kit).—if Complaints, in all their varied ami complicated forms. ities, anil f u n n i e s inny relv wi h confi.l-nee nnon superior loi ol Silk, ('uiion ,111.! Gir-.>hiim Piwkrlt His jrea1. succes; in Ihnse long stanilii £ an<l liirfnult ') 'ii):; supplie I bv them w i t h articles in this line, (if and Neck Bandbeiebiebi, Cr!i?ai-< Oli>ve» Si-rks, cases, such :is were forinrily coiis'ulereil inciuable. i> ires.i and still-?'i'ir q'laiiiv. Thev piiichiised th-ir S AWDJERdOK, Miinci'Mit oc"fnwiid him tn tlie public as woilh.y of Groceries. mi»i'y in large quantities and a'iw«ys Sui-peiidets. Unihrella*. Knives, ''la •.»•». P>« ketthe exleusivepaironnge. he has rpceivpil \V-tbin ihe CUTTER, Books. Collars, Truiik< V.i'i.---. C^r;-fi Bags, &<•. ' last eight years Or S. hns treated morp ihan ^O.-iOO lor CH>!I. I will also inform rny cn-l .r.n-r* .-M.! th» public City, Md, Thr-v keep a very hsavv stock on hand and can, cases of Private Complaints, in their ilitTerpnt fiirnis ETURNS hi- ihauksto ihe citfcens of JefTer- srenerally. that I c-i mnienr'T ti> .kit.:,- gin J- »j» io and stages ; a praclice which no doubl exceeds .1 at of anil n;ill,'.sell them at pit es n n i i > u a l .n this mar - son and adjoining counties l«r iht liberal pa- order, aiu! pmuip' at'= nl.o» wi:| he -riven. Brjjife* all the other pbysichins now advertising in Balliruore, iiet. The following enii'neratton will give a gentronage exiemied ;o hini in his lineot business; re- Irs lar^e .-ii-fk ol Rr«tty.M;n!p •">, nrl*. be al-o and noi a single case is known whereliisdircctionswere eral outline of t h e i r extensive ^tneir.: slriclly followed, and meilicines taken ut a reasonable spectl'Jily gives iVJiice that ; he is now prepared to kerps '-ii hand a large ^toc-Ic -I Clo'-i> Ca?simere4 Plain, Changeable ami Pisuied Ores-; Silks; an<i Ve-' i*s*. time, w thout pflirvtin" :i radical and permaiientcttre; execute all M.ids of work i "bis line—such as Plain and Fisiired Mouslin de Laines; £5f JO H A N D S \rar,ied 'o mak.; f%>a's, Pant 1 * therefore persons aSlicted wiih 'diseases r.f Ihe above •Chtillevs, Lav. ut, GtDghains, Alpaccas, Canton aiiil Vc^ts. Aone t»ut g!«>J Scai;i--:r2s>^fs nteJ •nature."" no matter how driliciill or long slaiiilinu the ClotV; app'v. case may be." wouM Uo u-ell in call on Dr. SMITH , T?> mb.ziiie-. French and F.n:;!Uh Calicoe-?; t al his office, Vo 16 S. KllKDE ;ICK ST. and if not [^"Purchasers will look (.n-, for^iuv nnrac ^ Rrown and Biearhed Mrtslins; at the --hrirtes) notice, and upon the must rea^onaeflecliially felieveil no remuneration wil! be required JOHN ST6AUSS. Tickina. Baifsin". Cherk». P:;i«ds. Linen Sheet- ble terms; and bis'wbrtrshall compare with anv for his services. His nu-J.cinesnre free from Mercury AVar CarrrU'* Haiti,. -fy, l-~ir~inia. inz*. I'able Linen>a and OilClnth":: oiher iii the country. All Stones delivered at my and all mineral ;«> .-ons : piK up in a neat and coni|i:icl A p r i l -1~ lK"i-l Tow'inzs \Vmie R d ami Yellow F ann»ls ; lorin. and may !><• taken in a public or a priraie hciiM*, own risk and cxnense. or while Unveiling Without eipoMire or himlniR-e liT-h Linens. Silk, Crape, Cas-'iniere anJ M.>usAll orders tbankl'ttlly received atd promptly atfrom business, and except in cuses of violent inflamlin Shaw-s; tended io. Address mation. no change o' d'n't is recessary. H«i-. ry. Kid, Thread, Cutton, Silk and Silk WM. S. ANDE :SON, ^5TRICTURKS.— Dr Smith has di>covereil a new N>u Gloves; Frederi.-k Citv. Md., method hy which lie can cure the worst form of stricCitnbrii-. Jat-on«»;s, Laces and E'srinsjs; J. W. MuGINMS. Ast»t. ture. and H a l wilhou |iajn or inconvenience lo the Plain Barred and Figured SMM-«. Q.oixU; Charle-inwn. Va., patient. Irritation of tbe proslrate gl;inds. Needle-v/nlceit Gncd-. Tiirna»>n'gs, Bi-rin'et'R.ft)nr JOHN G. R I D E N O U R . A-eni, or neck of the bladder, i< sometimes mistakeu for him<. Parasols and Umrirelia- ; Jan.20, IR'j?. Harpers F^ny. Va. Mriclure by general priotiiinner* or cliuiljljns. Cutting Liiifffs Jeans and Tweeds j lOl'Nt; A1KN Ca^simrre. eCabinet*. Linen D r i l l s ; s end others afflicted with Seminal Debility, whether NOTICE. HE undersigned havin? anlarc :•! ihrir Siore •originating 'from a Certuiii Devtriiclive Habit, or (mm Cravats. Su peniier«. BOOK <iint Sln:e ; ' f everv FII'. nnd-.Tsisjned i r ^ t e i u l in the P:irMf: for Room, have now on b.tnv .:• l i"ir Ct'ilhi-ai; r any other cause, with llie train of bodily and mental desorip'toii for Men, L idie>, Boy-, Missesaud ilieir pa»l virry liberal paironase. hopes by R-Hpnriuiii. ihe most superior Slue if ,.f READ Yevils which follow, when neglected, shoulil make an Childrenstrict a=ten!ii>n to Lmsire'ss to merit a continuance MAItK CLOTUI.\(1 ever otTere.l in Haipersearly application, thereby avoiding iniu-h irouble and Silk. Fur, Straw. Chip, Kossuth ard Slouch of ihe same. He takes great pleasure iu announ- F e r i v . l n r the pre.-eni Sfi ii ^ ; ar,ri nnmer surl'eriii^. as well a* expense. By his improved methHats of every variety. i-irij th;» lie '.* now in receipt ot hi< where ptircnu'-ers can lie ;• • - . H I M ' - l r ; t W i t h ibe od of treatment, Dr. S can safely guarantee a speedy A lar^e slock ol' Hardware. in--luJing Cutlery lollowing as-ortmmt of and perfect cure in all cases of this complaint SP11IN G STOCK OF GOODS, and Hmise lornishii s raiterials; TOFKAIALES. Keady-Madc r i! Rnd ilesiiablpiiess MIIpasses anv which in f Rifle and Blasting Powder; All diseases peculiar tu Females, (such as SuppresUiitwer*. Coa's, Paul.-.. Vests. Shirl". a l i - n a l i i i , .iid will -nrnpaip f.ivnr<flilv. in all Qneensware, an-i Woodware; Window Glass, pre'eciiinsr sions. Irregularities, fc .) «peedil_v sfrrd ertVctually reBoots. H<ils. three qualil'e*; {tonsil Ritliilar >Iur!;s Usil-tllv !•• [>' in lh:s Oil a n n P i n t s ; • re-speu* t moved. The efficacy of his remedied, for ihe cure of pr<-.nrf'1 t • take all Ui-« s i.f ("o'nn- Hms Cap-, a ve-v laigeMipp" ; ali »l wnlTb «iil A lut ol line ri«bire-> iml Se?ai«; the above affections, have been well tested in un exjila'-". II bt- old on reasi:nah!c fern.- ai;.\ prior- thai • aunot tensive practice for the last twelve years. B.icon, Salt. Fi^h," Lird, Pjtaioes, Flour aaJ irv P iiMi'e exi tiHiije fir G-HI.IS. at fair fail in plea-e Also, a «uper>«^ Un <>: Siik. (,'«i'inn, PERSONS AT A Ul STANCE may consnlt Dr. SCorn Meal rates Hee t- it> t-ihn'ned t(i aiiop' ihe une rrrehi- fs, by letter, post j«id, describing ca>i-. ind have mediTher have a choice mt of fine L'qii s. \vnere«i'h system a> nei^r as his liieml- will allow liirn, a = h e and Ginzh«<m Pocket and N > i k UmbrelUs, cine securely put up and foiwafde.l :o any part of ihe lh»v will snpplv f:-nilemrn a- '-h-ap as the j-ain-* liope- io«eil.'-a yiml msnv G > < > ) > t>y order. Pi»r- Cravats. Gl<iv«s. So.-i.-s. SMs;:eni ft<United Slales. ilwavs accompanied with lull am] ex- brands can be bought in the ci'i-«. Caiie*. Pen lvnive« Ka»>r Slrt p« ( i c i i a r at etil on p;iiu ;.'?.!! mri-rv. plicii ilireciions for use. Communications eonsidere,| TRUXKS VAUCKS* <:\\RP!'.'F-BAGS JOHN O SNYDER. WALSH & BRO. itrittly co iiiilentiaL OIBce arranged with vparate a\jf 1 hi- bein» ihe larj-i st >;ti--k ol /?««/jr-.W«'ts Htrpprs-Fernr. April20 IR51-IK B-?rr\.-viI!e. A p r i l 20 I85t— tf— S-t parnneiits. so that rinti. nts never see any one but the I h;iv'- on ha id and for -jale 3000 poo.nrl* ?oo«i Ct'/A/'/iif ever oflered in Harper-Pet rv, ihev a.-i- a doctor tiiui-eSf. Ailendance daily, from 6 iu the cali from all pu i chaser-ile-ir.-us i>! being *erted BACON. JOS morning till 9 at nielit. on reasonable lerm*. eiihei uhi.|e«ale or retail. N. B. P»rson* afflicted with any of the a,bove comN. B. Persons that cannm f>e plaint* will do well to amid ihe various NOSTRUMS Potent Platform and Counter Hot tire. with our pre>eoi slock o) C'miiins are informed anil SPECIFICS, advertised by Apothecaries and HE Bnr.fe* & D f l . s d u e H A R R I S 5: RmENOCR that we are prepared to have C'nihiii? made to ~.>rDn>gg>ts. as a certain cure for any and every disease. are in S RIDK.V.'CII'S hands Inr seuieiinnt. AH der at short notice and a guaranjed FlTatthe^ They aie pet up to >ej| but not to cure, and frequently persons whoUnow theuix-lves tube indebted to ihe do much more i;arm titan ;ood, therefore avoid then. low price*. A word to the «i?c is sufficient Address j^jT RIILRO.ID, HAT and Con. above Firm will pieas.; call early and arrange their •«• We retnrn our sincere <hjin!f» :o the deb-s DR. J. B. SMITH, No. 16. S. Frederick St.. SCALES, set in any part of tbe country at short of Uarpe~s-Ferrv and vicinity. : lbr ih? very libe-al We I'atre rt lar?- number of srmll a^c .nnt« and patrunase we have received, sn:i resprcifully solicit January 5 Ifs54— ly Baltimore, Md. not !••!•. WAREHOUSE.—A> '41 Prail SL. B»Uimare. notes w h i ' - h -re wi.l hire to pui in'otite hands of a continuance"/ the *ame. a-* *rf plet!?c onrselt.ea an ofiiaer i!' riot se'.tki! a«^in>.i ihe l*i. cf June. G. D. EWJNG.A^rnt. there shall b^ nothinz waii'in^i'n «nr par u.renc-:e? JKK E H A R R I S April 27 IR5f—Tv "eneral sali»laction, both i'» fitw'f »»•) Print. HE n-*der<isned Sole Ajeni» for the sale of SAMUEL RIDEXOUR R W.ALTER ft BRO MEXICAN GUANO, in this City, have April 27, 1*5 » _ __ Harners-Ferrv, April 27 now on band » good supply of ibis permanent fertilizer. .-.-•» They would call atttention to the iV.lio-.rin? analSOUTH SIDE PE.NNSVLVAM.V AVENUE. To ike CM*'** of J'fffftoii. B'rtelfy,Fre& H A V E an e«teo»itreas.sortment of PARLOR ysis made by Drs.Stewatt, cf Baltimore, and R. TUBRF. DOORJ WEST QP TENTH »THEtT, e>ickaiui Clutke Cc-un-iet. OFFICE. HALL an.l COOK STOVES H. Stabler, oJ this Citv. FUfl.NACES. COAL GRATES. 4c. wnichwill WASHINGTON, X>. U. Prnyimale Anelffit. AGAItf appear lefore ro;i a«a PCMP M««;q Orstnfc natter containing some azotizrd HERE n.av befoond ail the nev.evt Musical be sold delivemibaW set up oo tbe and as I hope yuo iiave n : -n->i ffot.en me in that compounds capable of forming Ammopublication!-. iMu-iual Works. Musical Incapacity, yon will, ine and all <-all on me sbnntd All dor*on» in want o< any apparatn nia 0547 struments, a^L Mancal merchandise »f every Water 25 32 'description 1^ ate a!i=o agents for the sale ol House's, orlorConkirg, are r**pe«-tlalljr mlicited you need anv iking in that » a v . Please ra'l o» C90! Boston. New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore to cali at rfitf CharleKiown Tin-»are and Su-ve me mt Cbarle«iosrn. or me *->i; Tao»4» J. Bi*c«, living near Mr. George B BenH's on ihe Charles* Piano Forte'; Pumpltts and Rodewald's Cnurch Houw-. b»lori» pnrchseinjr »l«ewhe'«. as great in100,00 ar.ii Parlor Organs; Mania's celebrated Guitar.-; Jneeroer.w will there be olfcred, both in »ariety town and Shepberd*to«rn Ro^id. A< I ha** era? ployed him to do the wirlr, I pM$i myself thai all low price*. Bondoir Pianos. Badzer'x Bschu and Diatonic of «vle, and extreme,'* orders will be promptly attended. _. 'JOSAIAS D. PARKER. f liie abate Ask. Flutes the Keyed Violin: and the "Musical <y Febrnarr 24. IP-WC. G BRAGG. Oct. 37. 1^53 *' _ Phosphoric Acid 32.52 World aed Times." Alnsieal instrameoU toned Lime » 36 35 repaired. Sand 0030 andOrder* by mail for Music, Musical ii and Soda with a trace of Potash 03 01 or T u n i n g promptly attendi J to. EO.NI &3 ro 30 Acre* ot Pxime Land, to eo in JIM de»ironsto pnrci;a^e.i large number of Ikieditesiaaean wlieat ihi» fall. The around Strings for all instruments. NEGROES for the Sonttern markets, meir, to be ploughed as soon after b.arvew a* possible — February 23. 1554-ly women. boy«. girl» and families. l«-r Also, tront i.1' acr* of <X>rn Land eo be seeded in which I will«i»e the MtflwM cash pliers. Asa or mineral portion is very pore bone MediKrran#aD wheat Ii i* de*irahle lhataav one Persons baring slave- lo sell will Ash ia a«ute ol minute division, containing a to rent mmuJd do«o imroediatelj, as I ex- plea«e inform me personally, ij- by ielier oir?er ProD(>rtion °I Phosphoric Acid, than Bone .OF ut Winchester whieh willr^refveproifipf Pn<«phaie of Lime, «ay sixtj-nine per eent. ati-ntion ; or B. M. ft Vff L. Campb-.!! ., FOWLE&CO-, >*o 243, West Prat! «rree! Ra'-imnre jAiejandria, May 4, 1854— 6m Agents «iZLIJ/lil Mi OOWELL, of peace apJ q:«Kinert c FlliR B M 4> \Y.L. C*mfttU. PC8CH1SEP DIRECT Of THE MAXCJ-*CTrBE8« IS SEW »in PHUT the arena. a»d am now nr-pared ;i al; kiad< of COAL * H««* '«•"• »*>aB KKCOND. petifor; AH person* *»biny ibe article Merbanir.1 Leecbe,, W. .f. Jf.f Kt*ER * CO., Prince Strefl \Vkatf A'rxafaria. fa.. ^ -" «*.«* ^^t'^cKHAM, AVB B.»«T received their SPKING STOCK . Maryland. raiuE subscriber is auuoo' to porrkaa? a >ar$e uf i he above turned Good J. comprising deciJL nomber of Negroes. r>f but« .sezes.souad a»4 ******* *»"*• Medical dedly the best as«ort!nent ol likelT, PervH»snaTin< Nrerre? lo di^po«eof, •wfll . find it to theirinteres'toffiveri m a calJOHN LEADBBATEK. " " Jaly jj. 1H53. - Fairtox street. ever offered in thU nsarttet. to ivfiieh t6e.v the •ttratk'n of ifce Merch«nft, pledging tn-m. , __JttbeBerVelej C«.7t»l».nJM*it&»' *elve» to Ml! ** loVa« may tit the Northern-Cine-. bnrg,oc the2d Mo*dar,an>i at Bemrr: leoo ih»4lfc Mondar i a Mcfc •oolk.aitd oatally uh^ntiieuu B ATE j«*t' icedtM ike ^SHCM wnt efceapenf Thev particnlariy invite » exatninatioo « tbcir City, <st.i ijet u*i_kf.1f£f" Hypuuay ixCharlentavu. 'it fie*» ill in searck of bargauia. Fiar3i«S*Offic^ ,•»?'• " anieie atjQotdes. Syrup that ha« ever bWn Stn« M*re* 23 W9I. •- iaed- Diftmat »ir*«. viil i Jll rfetten iilil rmffi to ite »ni re p; < to UM >oin. If y«« do BM Mievr it ym OF THE KIDNEYS AM> ^U* DISEASES FROM A DISORDERED UVER OB fTOMAC'tpB. inw«r* Piie.. Fca,^« cf Blcod to the Head. Jitr of fw Sloia»cn. Naaaca, Heart ior'F<»d. F»aac«« or weight in the "•'B, D Emelatioo*, SiutolT. or Ftanen..s at 8to««*.. «V K» Cf tke Stociaet. STi«»minjt of lh« Head, hurnrd acd Oifiealt BrealBin:, n«terr«f al ihe HiM«, C**iaf or Suftxatu.? S«««'O»« fkf». ^J '?'"« P»«»f. D.mac^ of VWOB, Dot* or W cb. bcfor.. *r »'tt"t. Fever »d duU Pii» «• «h«stln He*1' D'lfic>el1'? i2a P«»i»«Uoi. Y«Uown»» «f '"« 5"*WS K a the Side Back Cue*. Lr»b». &* . Soddrn F h!»t»-« of Heat. Be ruing u tbr Firth.' Ct»*mnt laajnaip of eril, aad Great Dcprrtfico of Spiriu- T Celebrated German Bitters, T NOTICE. T o h e Pubic H MEDICAL HOUSED D R Houumcuis, Tcnvbslabs, Head and Foot Stones, &c. Spring and Summ T T FAIRBANKS' SCALES. T T Mexican Guano. HILBUS & IHTZ, Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! ! T I W ~^ "~~~ For Rent. F "' Ci^lffsr Xejjroeg. I AND CARTOONS Boots, Shoes, flats &Straw THE MEDICAL FACCLTT. CASH FOBjGtOES, Eje H Patent Churns* I A. W.CEA