•rColnmfeta, *c. R8 Bal» of Columbia, hB Syrup, r«r Lir«, • . BMTiToaioUlsUtM, ' 7 for Hick HeedMbe, .Inlmtnl for Filet, itltre Minlr, lpple 8aU«, B'* Carminall»», minall " u«tic Oil, era) Hair Povdera, . .. • t*r> ElfcrTCicint; Magneila AperUnt, May'* Compound,' «lt'a Water Proof Part*, !»Ur'» Tfwifti Powder"*, ft (3 and for sate at YOUNG'S' STORE. ;. . EMU, Inter Cabbage Betfl. ftlecond supply of fresh Winter Cab**d. »in i Drumhead, Flat Dutch, and green , . laMortmont ot (iatdcn and Flower • HUI verr food. Person* ullhlbf to lit seed of an, kind U hit way, can atrtfictorllj aupplled %ow a« at any rttofor.. JAMKS BROWN. F-- - - "T^. ^"^ '^ ^^ *? "•" ••w* COMMISSION JllRRCirAlSts, «ar-f Wharf, Baltimore, JW. '.' i principally engaged In tb* aale of" duce,lia,vin*j several firo-proufware' ._.f «i» »n»»f tfc'a KaHilHed, and are •mea prepared to make liberal ad«aa IcomignmeDU. : Er»Hn« fc fJeb^bergBr,.!^.-,-!—^. llopklnafc Brother*, J"-''' Lauck k Stephen, Martinsbars;. , to Messrs. Wager If O'Byrn*, llarirrj, who will furward to cutitlgo- .5,183S—fiin. .>Yt» fVoorls. ' aubcribers are now receiving and uring; an additlonaK supply of SPRfNG AND SUMMER p00009, ~r • i they imrit«r«H> attention of their cu»f and th6 public ((enerally. lay jipt lojd. lav^wb^^^^ Bftow*eti. ttSONS ha»logNKG!tOK8 for salt, e requested to give the aubtcrlber » i he will give as hlxh pricea'aa any Ipurchajer In ttita market, for mil sexti. >»geiof8to25. ' . ; ; . - . UM. l|. QRIGG8. •Jeltown, April 30, 1835-.—if. riMOltU AM) OHIO HAIL, ItOAD. N, JEPPfeRSON COUNTY, PRINTED> AND 'ptlBHSIIED WKKKl,Y BY GALIAIIEttyNOnTII & THURSDAY ivo. io. In the midst of and that they should draw comparison*, simplicity, a JiaMiiAc fervor, an than- and ittddonly puTKrKIndon hisTa *' .—' humbling,to me,-bctwcen-|heir idolized donment. of self, -> lifting up of the 11 thought I had discovered the . - * : .->•; ^ ".' :' -jJI'UCIjaVllM'jtl mi. ijje i |',i mi ii IB in ii •, 1^1 ii ,i '-"gsigs^CTi'mi tin i ^ Heaven itp m valentfbrtbe jrMe- of Kdmiration " af MIS> M. r. cncui. mixrle •Sric'*; spirituttl charm,- pervading hi* i^-ftharr-WflpjIS-^ ' JVty uncle-and" Uclinil just left his.closet, wh'cre'ne than the ijHcsie* that wrre still tin-;-1 and str.»ini of flattery to which I hod -. On • plain ru*h htrhHit a »ilk wtm» tayi visit.'not long after "toy rupture with nor, that was acknowledged by the lowai-ds We Wor, thinking it s ' <-» ray aontV COM' been acctiitumed. 1 even tried, in some lutd* been to neck tho<divino manna for \Vhfn a proud YOIIIIC princ«» came th«t W«T, ling in Bar earn.. - Crea . ~" w . [ . a. •** > i • 1 i -1 ,.1 omy served servoii to io rcn ren- breathless attention of a crowded au-jleave him a short time to his own r«: meaauir. to conform -to.hi* habili .and The IniiKhly clilld-ofa, human Umj MM WH i grateful tribwfe to [ho_pilgrim» it wan his task to guufu aunt Hobby, whichi only h!»nny^--M*—uncle jdicncc._-composed' of tho wealth and«flcctioris, wiared that, love must bo vicThrew a nldrlong jlance *t tbe humble thing. lore—Ibr WH it not occa-asnttf tastes, and to cultivate the good will through the . wilderness of ,lile. Vie Tlgf rne mure unhappy, That took with a silent altitude •h of my altered ap- fashion of the mctroiiolii.- And t was!'"''"""' ovef-^ont-cicnr-' Ur m«flftJL_ "f the plebeians and rustics whoconsti- looked from one to the other, in grief complained so much tran-K-endtncy orer her less gifted'i Srom the mulberry leaf her »imple food— i luted 'a great portion of his parish.— and amazement. Aunt IVIiUy hod pcaranec, my faded bloom arid languid here, the proudent, the happiestof^^the motirjn as if to detain me, as I p»*Md; Andshrunk, halfaeora, a«4 haffdi » fr&smejroi(iL.IIa£tfare»bobilBirt tbe .mind, unsupported by princi- treated herself on hie .entrance, ftiid be- spirits, I iaw that it gave exquisite pain hrong. That gifted being wai jny j then again pressed hi« hand ow iu Away from her a'uter child ft That silent motion—never, at Illl I heart. while my cousins, now husban'd. I was ' indcmnin>.(l for «m Declarinc she never jet eould see bi-rb, simple in themselves j pie, U incapably of any steady exertion. gan to rock herself backward and'for- to Mr. L ver c a 'Are you retolved >ast mortifications, and looked forward [ ;, . j| in their day of power, amused themward, and to sigh and groan—-saying it destinr—fbrtanr.Tca.aQtt Mine gradually wearied of the effort of ' iFiTiiajii.iaiiii ; -™»—--....-•;-... .,.*.r ,no wai a hard tiling to be .called iuuu.haul selves crmtimmlly with the old fa»hion o brigllt yearn of fnlir.ily, nut in the onncthis?' a»kcd a low, very hoars* As calmly to stand by a "crawling« •arrow:, path we .bad heretofo.rc,iravcl- '? °f voice. ' 'Yes'; if you persist in e d walls o f lit*i lioilir-*,'-ithc ' ' legitimate .claim, ^The 7eIVor oi ISsM' yuur>fcfuSal.^ •^n*r'f"1h«niit ed,- but,8,-widor,. more, brillianl anger,, and I fast aMt laW, who ing which had given a bluer lint to the my checks glowing .with With mute fSHiearanoe the «lk w«ta took' ; ! "Writ'1 fot<r the- next room; . ll beard .- "- {.drum mode of tv istencc. Had 1 poi- \{y imagination placed him 'at sty and a fairer hue to the flower, in- my heart violently '—1-!'-':-j- -with . lim walk a few moments, u if agitaAlike a stranger to *einiui4%rMe, wbofc ck and my beait sensibly laded. "I began to perceive the sudden effort'afsetficontrol. IJejaessed one apark of heavenly fire,* I icad of that ridmu"'ui(? congregation; atcd and irn-sol ute—iSwgj, swUitnly She'd no rli~j«iet fr mil I saw the lowry'flock he Iwd been should have resented all thin as an indefect* in e*ery object, and toT wonder _,.,—,-..^_.....took my hand, and , J And HvrJ of meekness , 1 top, I then Heard a low, suppressed and «fcU I Bat I mud KAtit^ at the Mindnea* which formerly, over- said, ' M y dear Mary I 'There "was af- sult to him whom I had solemnhr'vowed iitely fccduig,-. wreping, tmiiiliuil, be- cough, but to thhr h« • wo* always ««h- . • Which tboc debar from the'banutn, brea<<t!Jlaa<>x*»l>f3rdattim»tobT.a-A? looked them.. .1 "till loved my bus fection in Tiis tone", t>ut there" was' tip'- In love a-nd'honor. These old fa-ihion .wre.u llmiKirc.h.iiiiil the flh« e«ly wished, forO» hanfc alman, 1 cct v.hen ctciled, 'and il caused no sacred in my /Before we bade farewell to my To find «ome Way to become of me my pen, o« t'Ft'un* with agamy mdic- baad ; ;bUt trW-tmtgeri Urea-witbr him, lirrtiiling, also j .and dmwinir nwny my • e<| wnlU shim 1 ' To the lia-iilily daughter of lordly man. tbe more bis character.soared above the hand, I wept In billemcsi of a-pirit-T- eyes. They were UvTce liallowcu ^ none, let •*»« puae tin I can . And thus did *he lay a noble plan, reach of mine. I could not compre- As soon as I could summon up sufli- hallowed by tl»^ rcrbllcctioiis of de- ny vision would soon be realized. — br some time, I began to be alarmed at To leach her wisdom and make il plain e church was then without a pas- he perfect jtillness. A itranee feeling • 1 hend; bow one could lie endowed with cicnt steadiness of voice, I told him the ported excellence and the presence ol That the fmmtilc worm was not made s* rain J .Our cjoiiui»r. broke down—it .or. No candidate had iu yet nppcar- of horror came over me; I romcmliving holines*. fiyory. leaf .of the such brilliant talents and, cause of my rcscnUricnC »nd declared, ( i A plan >o Rcnf-roiK, deep and hieU, 'like ottr-j and not wish for the admiration of 'the tliat I would never again enter a place, magnificent elm* thatt overshadowed cd in whom their opinions.or.atrcctions icred the deadly palcnesa of - his coufiThat to carry It out ahe must erratic 1 to oar as-l-worU," 1 was vexed with him for his where I was exposed to ridicule and thein, should have been held sacred, for were united, They were pnthusias- .cnahcerand tht- cold dew gathered . "Nomorf,",aid»lrt,"wiUldriiikorcai: •utanor- traveller, ~, and thick on -my. brow. • I rccolproOered i meekness and humility, and would censure, and from those, too, so im- the breath of morning and evening lic in the admiration of Mr. L—•-ast He I'll spin and weare me • winding ihaiay. . ccted, too, that he'had told me of once and' protested against the .obscurity of prayer had been daily. .wafted .over ~ and ac-'j irfadlji have mingled.,--if -I could, the measurably my inferiors inbirth and (CVd"JT ^^WWQJetCC'BJB MM v**mi*mp.mmf»9 «•»*•— j |w • ' ^ « . ™ » » ...... ^.~ --,, -— — , f . To wrap me up from the «un% clear li^ht, Itaving bled at the lungs, and of being And bide my form from hrr woundnd aigjnt. companied u« to the ion, which fccto- i base alloy of earthly ambition with his education. 'Dearest-Maryt' exclaim- thorn,- up to the mcrcy-scat of heaven. Iiis location. ' With such-hopes gilding admonished to thun every predisposing In aeeret llien tiU nvy end draws* nSsV I ijeturncd with my undo to the mc- the future, I letl the metropolis with a natHjr %•» not firdt«t)nt.(or any oneteiholy aspirations after heaven. I was ed he, pale from agitutioiif 'you cause to.iuch a malady. Strange, that •I'll toil for her; >od when I die. . »ja« MvcreaT injured, and walked «ith1Wen jeajfoa£-^t almost tremble'while I canndFinean' whaC'IySuHly.. LctlibT'tWipolis. ~ifr"Hr-true, he pralected that 1 I'll leave behind, a* a farewell Ixxm, — "thotteh supported by the wriie it—of the Uo3 he worshipped.- nuch tritlcfc a* these,"mar the peace of he would not-, could not leave mo be whicli my TiXisbamfTiailed^ us a sureU ifU-r Kudi'-'an entire-rillltion of c-"rer*f"hut self, these rt'llecliona 'should • • - * " -•• n• -• ----- •"--TghUbatlheld this I grieve that ybur~fccl- L hindjrrdihd -that change of scene was for long years of domestic felicity. - I aHH'aiid HiViHrts-.* -1 «rfuM*>I-cotiId . 'To be reeled and wore to a shining law. a< mve pressed upon tiny with such powwould* gladly linger,, Jlwrfe, awhila.,,,. vcT>ctn wouTnaE(r; hWSWBratcly-neeewsty'to thfe-rwtor»tion nd. pt»c« in his attections— -Uiougli ^ And hunt; In avcil o'er her acornful facel define, .the . , .feffiriv, . , - oat „:• ..from the rao-- •* teco gave fear to go on. You have- followe er, alt! HfitiBmont. 15dSffii!<r«udden« orious wMt matter* it'what the world say» of of my.blopm,. and_ Mr. ~ ""*••"' our^^^TSutw^ajrdTjSpTrarelrifronr^ioulsHw Jiin as.ient -with npparnrit.-clieerfuhics'. me so; far with a kind. ..of compLiisaitt ly gifted with second sight, and feared • to-ny>ve,y)est-l biiunld soe the vision of But 1^-knew?^! fcl clbih'ed" with thoiie robes' 'of -'hblincssy tthdcomposurc. When ahe Coda, at lenpth, my cbtisi-ieijce embodied'.- -At lenatb,—; (nm those I .had hetai acctutooced to1 couch of thd dying, the dwelling of the which mala; us lovely in our MuUer's thaTjjjs he^rt bled at my wiHingnesif, creatorey whose . aunt" Rcbby 'opeperf. "IHia door, nnd fsr As to wcdr the ahroud of a rnwlinR worm, aqocnle mitb; and tbetre was spme- poor and ignorant, I in vain sought to eyes? Let us go to the temple of Him, my wish tob'e absent from him, so soon been- enhanced by cducatioa/jtiid who May the bear in mind, that .she walks will thia^in the bearenlj coenpoMne of his 60 up the widening vacuum let),; by whose last legacy was /irnce.'— after .our marriage, lie told me. to has unfortunately been placed in a thn first time, rejoicing iti her sight, I pride' * • • . - . 'b«oniH«g. intereaied-in the duties of Though..tho-bell-WOM ; ringing its hist consult rny own - h'appiness, in : the sphere she is '.incapabk* of adpruing.~ cntreatciTher to go into the library, with aii CMuestitenatKaf appalled her. ,' - - ^Ilrthe^rM5n£^i^**«r«* . -5°«ld ' They notes, arid • though I saw him so painf l(;n*th-of -myvlsit, and that, he . woiilc The •atmosphere is ^!«' '1 ii 115. i—an 11 he r fust sharp icream .-. . , _ ' -ende became firtiT day mo adnurttioo aad love of dupbr. • I ne•* : — . . .. ' • £ . • _ •' fli*. '"J' ^ •.-.Fl * * '" - L - • • ~- . . VBI,I.A«JK PAWTOHft WIF Yerbeud.any eaShlv"lofind'w cw^jctrThe discontent f vas chcrhhing, be- peal; and - repeated--my rash assevera- thinking of mine. '6h!' said one. q ley of sin to tiro.'mounrof'holiiiesir, ~ .dTSTw-tifro to her «devV There, reclined hia voice- InniiWr cotttmunjoo'came more and more, visible, till the ti.oiiv' The bell had pealed its latest my cousins, with 'a loud laugh, 'you liri-at!n: 'with difficiilty the celestial-air^ upon the sofa, inotinnlciH, lifeluss—big . Tlie following -patliclic -sketch is csoeodjiie- wilhan<?-UooaMalo»ep-reTi>chttjn«»!niiWand anxioroeye of ^ my husband summons, and was DO longer heard.— ran never feel solitary, when aunt Deb and pant for -more 'congenial regions. face white as a .snow-drift, lay my husly Interesting, and will arnptj repay tlie reader Must I proceed,'- Vo'itf compassion band;_l»s neck-cloth, satura^ At fint,, 1 left a (vainly looked forthe joyous smile that 'Mary, must' i go aldne?'"TjHwtond by-is,-!-—— •-- ' . ' . ' • ' ' : " / . Behold me oncn more 'mid the will tm.i to detestation: yet I carincf ted \vith Ihubloo'd thai still flowed from was on the liuch—there-was a burning ^ - •_.-*>.-.-_ rL_- i _i_-_t 1. had .' .1 U is cojiicd from the W«tcrn is true,'' there were many .things 1 flush on his cheek', such I as' had never scenes congenial; ' to my sbul-ia ga; withdraw from the task I have impos- his lip v Yes, .he' lay there—lilr|esi, fcrwhich valuihlc periodical, publUbed i ras obliged to-tolerate, \vhith must in- seen, before. My. pride would have (lower, sportin j over the vavcs of fash ed on myself..; It is an expiatory one- dead,.dcad! The wild ah'riek of agony admired. Without > and remorse pierce^ not hi.s uncon-, ie-ritably be disfasteful'to one, educated vieided—my Conscience convicted me j ion,"tlioughliess of the caverns of dcatl and oh, may it he received as such! IX was scarcely more than a"; week s.i-ious qar. He vvas"dciid, and I was ^ "wnn Bat 1 never reflected _ "hot aunt WWW,. turc, to be that acroini.lwucd lady, lira, Caa^jcealeA.JIfc-niiaJtbff thrW^ris we were led with DS; and, be as opposed to my husband's tastes whom l;thou"ht born to be my evil spi- listening to the. siren, I forgot those and sunshine; so re sol veil" was 1 to hi : From, violent agitation of mind, a blood ~~— In fbllj, the as my own, and that Christian principle rit, risen with a long-drawn sigli, arid mild admonishing accents, which were all thatrwos -lovely-and u'uii.i'ile. her " Lamorali," her ' Vessel hid been broken, and instant always breathing ol' heaven—or if I rer were called i alone led hirn to tho endurance of them. taken his arm, preparatory to accompaeven .listened with . appari'iit patience BIT . jollier production* .of a ji^htcr ca>>t, lias gain" tbe.nM«rnin:j.qf oor!Insteodof apprpciating-hi»ongelic-pa- njring hintir""'No,' said I, 'you will not membcred theta at all, they came to my to aunt Dcbby's hitermiiiablo ,1'iymns death had ensued.:; Weeks of frenzy, JOn : —cda r^puljtinnof wliit-li our rountrT3as wc*U -*• -'!' "-—^--r«ri-ii^^ ""^-farbcarancev-rblamed-hirn l>e-«lone.—You.nccd^not..\v;aiLfprjne,. memory like the grave rebuke of Mil- anil heard soine bf'lie.r limjr itoi-k's-tla months of despair, succeeded—of Mack i . . " despair. Nothing but on almighty arm uhenolf,-may justly be proud. • hts gratitude for hit fciadnen, and hi*]foroof iavishTrig more sympathy on" me Tn aiiiit~nclJby"'s companyj-you cannot "": " ' 1 Yes, I did •"remember; them when 1 \vas manifest syniptoru '<it-~ vexattonv—- thn nvn ;iroun'd liiyiiakod.soul, held mo regret mine."' alone; and- there arc' hours wlien was abqut-'sunset. -'We. sat togctho back• from tho bntik 6T »uici(le7~Co«Id~r " » compose myself tp-the .act .of .writing-, i^uMy,^njjy«ajtill!*->>wUa 1 have believed in annihilali.)ii—and. I the-strength, of association. steeled, like Pharaoh's, for some divine fear onr palb* divrrge too .and begin the record of feelings and >ed"''' tnuiA.30 aflorar that hope. ' Mine i* i ' The fotmer minister "of: the. village purpose, or I never could*havc -resisted t thought qf_him in his neglected hoftie; him, from whoml was gradua'ly-alielance; as he shadow over the chancier which too Tosi partial undmiqudring affection onw Hert."." :I tlb^feirtbefirittiine, to Ms congregation. My husband had closed " of the gooiJ ited taunt. What hours of .\vrctchcd- and accusing conscience avenged his ~3SaS3inEGuSS>S^^ '^^.-•>.W;-:;.^i 'j... - - j. - •? • ""f- . _ *•. . --,_-. ft ft', qtleath- iic'u.T passed .iii "ttlb '•solitud.e-^pf-my- rights. XJhl.-hoxy-iiiJserablc, how popr ' white. His-benign glance and appro- eave the poTspnage, ' T> - . 'J^ _ *-. , ' • ! _ 1 I nftrr-Sunday morning n«t», tlie i iii«i»i>t iln' rum-Mini; Train of Cxr«Tor HICK «.i.| IIAUl'Klt'S FKIlltV will I lit iiYlock etcry moriiluir. 11, ISM. ,-- . * - Howfte ft* Kent, fjm, engage' to Vgood tenant, (ho l in .which I now lire. The lime bt t pouession may be arranged to luit tlm JOHN 8. OALLAHER. - ow B-per«ona'-.who know t tated to the late tirm of l.ane Ic , and Tnwner & Harris, are reminded ceU"nbte*p*et ttiBirnoter to-bod,bjn»ejnueh loiigen. »i I «ni talitfied I one concerned will agree- that from . ough the medium of a newspaper, > off aa the firat, I pledge lb«m my "afew weeka'will find their"o'oljfi'mil" J.l, persons, whether s> debtors or r red ifiiiifs, whoTfaVc oecolihti-nithrtie-eslatB i late Dr. John Briseoe. are hereby reMi to present their elaluis, or closn arcounla as Ihe case may be, aa speedily isiblc. 1 will spend every Saturday -in hcrdttown, for one or two months, for UC&tenee of all eoncerned.. f JOHN QUKJI.KV, .Wm . cfDr.J.Il. Irch 5,1835-tf. Albnuy UST received and .for aale, a supny o f •lia Celebrated Worth Hirer Cream Al«, nB's FltUIT STORE. rpcra-l-errj, April93,1835. . Ca*h in Jtlarktt. IISII to purehawa number.of I'kcly Jegroea; for which I will pay the liigh•atkut price, In cash. "uae ha>ing Negroe* to diipou of, will •'to' give:in» *-.«ajyi::: l.ettcn, ai)dre»ed isonthla nibjeet, will b« prompily «.»-|d til. • '•-..::. -. WM. vCHOW, jr. Brloilowc, A-»»"»n'«•»•»*»-• Spring Goods. |R sttbicribers h»Vo jii.i receded • •nihd Biiurlmtnl of fashionable Spring . w h i c h lln-y-Invite their customer* riciiils to call and examine. b*y have on hand • large atinrtraent of bmen'i fine Ooota—price (1 TS. Other Ira Will be told in ihe laine proportion. H. fc. J. JOHNSON. up Hill, May 14,1635. the requctt ofsome oflhnlrfriends tlho undesigned ba»e procured from Htha KaMtrii citiei. and now offer for [sojue of tba.purett and.bcil liquors tbo "•r can afford—among them aic - - - — jrj old Wo Sherry, •tn'ii.usiiiliiir barrels, 1-eiglh casks, Is, and quarter cmks, .o, Fourth Proof Cognlao Drandv, (Hand «in,—L. r. TeneriOe Wine, all liich will be suld on accooatodaUaf. U Ai;i'lt & O'BVBNB. 7, *I»lr S8,'1835; f*r Mittrvevt. on band a good aupply of flrti- ~ aeasoned timtwr for repairinic and. new UUAIN CBAIM.KS, whjch can ie at Ihe ahorteal notice. I 'cao bo a) my ibop on Cat Tail Kun. ; JOHN Wi OtT. II, 1633.—3t. PKH .iAJWM. b«ble half yearly | hut Two Dui.Ltas U rec«i«i:d as paymeut in full, if paid ftljr in advance. Whenertr payment'!» T*d beyund the eipiraliou of the je«r, st will be charged, r- Kubacriplions for six mwll^|t ai, to 1 luf arlably in »dtt»<i. ADVKHT1SINO. Htrm»of«j.tni,lni(,arepr*»-|«i»r« In >, |1, for three Inscrllonk—larfer «•** i Name propoiukm. Back cvotiouaac* lAII ad.crtiMOJer.ts swt ordered fc**> i time, will b. .onUaucd until forf>W JUL.Y 8, 1835. __. —._...t,J.f,•;..,.. l : J v&sas&gatm^&ffljr**™*^ that wave by my window, occaiJon2ly :»nd naronunotdy- interesting younfjof his adoption, siml Aiai, wfllT'eqi r interceting the sun's ray« thatnow fijljmmn ibould be nothing more thani aa an |• tenrkroeis tenderaciis and solemnity, to to the. me, care Mr. L-r-* of. not preparing me for IhtV, with our , sister. She become trials of my new situation. Yet, even ble to bare them to the all-seeing eye face, or the glow of the* heart suflusing were(so fcarfMl-te|-wrtnes», the at 'first cher-it was too j of his venerable _ —* • A*. • . a> I f -. ' m * r . i. .. . t »»__ l i: :.» _*!\ compassionate neighbors deserted my I15v% for memory, "I roust not Sre in jn>«fla^S»™^HI" mjf' Bm^r*^ pillow, jtiwHfyiirg-vt&tnn»eivBy''by""tb«''' usually pale—features' more radiantly Vain—and that, perchance, when I, \ cooqaej-t faded a-xay. " We can never j perpetual and Increasing torment The that 1 merited- all that,I enurge my lighted up than at that moment. A conviction too, lie beneath the willow that haagi j be any tbia^ to each other,' thought 1-! first month of our marriage, she was dured. ! •-' as — •—--• tH toxard* him, and absent, visiting some of her 1 seventh lirtt time, any other'than! words of kihd- I tell willing to exchange the plea- letter \va.s' brought to him. 1 leaned over ftis grave, unconscious of it* roe-; •*' Vet I Mv uncle and aunt came when they<^m«ye fuedra mejcxKBins in a neighboring town. I do ness had passed between- us, and it sures of thei metropoli a for the seclu- over hi-; shoulder while he opened it. first heard the awful tiding*, but unalancholy waving, a deep-moral May be-j***";*'** Ifiiinilrin'-fl.^j^ ^•AjM^aJ aytifctt -sinil-«iiBi|4^J ITlin-w'fi^B •|m^^»FMi.^_iji.-jip«.i«jM«jfc<fcjj» f - deep an-tietr. j_y i| naL :^sh^ to_ -exculpate "• myself from seemed to me, that a barrier was be sion of the hermitage, his arms and his From the first line 1'understood its ble to suppwtjnjr raying distress, left a> they may be. "Theii be it so. It i^ft3t»<o>irnc6aa that I night be »fl.toef|)lime;bQtr itcver •ere was a thi6firRi4fflnHinefto'risc,"that wotild-goparaterus heart werc.onoii .tojrcceiye iner"At import'.\;\\."'vTaimiii^ i rcali7.ation of*my me—after providing -evcry'^ihing for humiliating to dwell on put eriors bat I *ronM to hiy. He was watching the buman flesh, I believe I. had found it forever. 'When we awin met, I tried length I receiveoraletter wfiich'foiiclied hopes.! The~~oltcr- vfa:'Fthef'e--inadt'— HFffa*!T'l^-*fy*^r- v^lcff-ev? *i^ immiUy- 'ifS^t^._$£^Jb** fimaiiyt^Tf^*;***^!^ lattd the in Ihis in(|«"nitivc, gratuitously allvising to retain the same cold manner and a- those chords that yet-vibrated", to the more splcntlid, inoro liberal than I had my comfort--with" Utejiijunction that Ss.. ...He.scitoiu-.s of nature and .... dared to anticipate. 1 did not speak: as soon as I should ba able to be rcmov-' tion, if it can be aii)' «xpiaiion ^my]*"!Jio«;«f eitiud tisjtyihatsufiuscij my woman. Tl, ~ " ~ " ' ' dom spoke of himself— but" in ihif," he but with cheeks burning and .hands e^l, ID In- i anieil ID their household.*— _blindneis,iny:foay—no! such M-ynr-*-!«"beek w** vappaacA to have its origin roses, without thinking of briers, f Tntnfione4*havi»g-b*eh-very-illr;thougl»- .trembling.-with.<-,igernes!< and joy, joy, I Ami whose 'kind, unwearied hand• trcmhlini; with e.i^erm-hu - sions am too weak—I should say, my |-fiv»a> a purer tourer- . I «at detenmn-' was; doomed to feel this thorn, daily, • • ihf g -•then cqnvalpscent. 'Your presence, —-'«--" •••>• *-t'—r..«-«'—.'J-:» u-.': a of roy eonwaited till he frail, perused :iU fie still smoothed my loiwly pillow, and hold : lance and prulc yielded to tlm. reign .of hburty.goadlhg me; anil was coiiNtrainmadness, my sin, my my Mary,' said he, 'would bring heal*Vben mjj unclewarraly nrged ed to conceal as much as possible the better feelings. * I had ovon the grace continued silent. A Inii > : t • indignant my aching brow ? Who when wounded guilt. umed her. empire,alied the" • It is unnecessary to dwell'cat mj bin toaecxMnpinV us bame, andaojoara. irritation she caused, because my hus- to make concessions, Which were rc- ing on Us wings;-: Hear, greatly fear, .1 at his colmncHH, I ejuculatcd-hia name tho oil of tenderjuvenile yean. Though dependent oo with us a ftw days. I backed tbe invi band treated her with as much respect <%ivcd1 with such gratitude and reeling, have, doomed you to unhdppincsx, by in mi impalicat tone; when he raised j led roe to the feet of the ilivlna • the bounty of an uncle, who lAd a Uliuoj »ith al! thje eloquence nijcoun- as if the were ah empress." I thought I-was melted into goodness,., transient, rashly yielding to the influence of y<•our. hi* eyes from the paper and liked with me and over was wrong in this. Owing but sincere. Had aunt Uebby remaio- bca'ity and 'winning. manner*r. taxiing them on m<'- I read there ihe deathlarge family of bis own to support, eve- iynfays» vas capable of e-^pces^irt^j— *Mr. L' or Ul i he w mec in n advantage of your simplicity and inox-' Ijlovv of frftilx^jis..7Slt 'Jniglitypt have been ,y hopes. Thpy emitted no «"••," *"** '. , ? j P K ti> the deep placidity of hi* own dispo•rj- wish which -ranity <ould «a«re«t. I" tne-«iro*i,--m—lowlmea* ofnpiat. Jj^hirtrfefter-having viitited awbile- pe.rienrc, without rollectin^ how unlit nd^i.Mt taa«atir+t»«-fiKritafaun si ti> 11 j, he could bbl realize what a-t rial •was indulged as soon as t _ with the seal of the children of Cod in among 'th-j'tMirish/ nil* returned -and lattbenajr* of a companion woa to a Jncrcurial, never knew a kinder, more •>f' iuituli/jeil, Keif-willed being- a* 'myself. heruriMi-nce choked the blossom* of my. unralculatin^ being, thafl my tn •fn; Xature hasj gifted mei'with ah cxqu'i.sile j-[OO(l resolutions."' "I'lhrtUfi'ht »ft« ««ver Hf hi* unspannjj generosity had not ex- tbeakjiuclLet. Iff die* hi* the ear. for music,'and a discord always forgave the olTcndrrtg epithet I .had gi pcrieaced a counteractiu^infuenc^ in tbe tmahim of Hviai; «-Jqiy, /1 1 ~i^taTraf«5*ith. wake.vthtMW- r vc- wlu«ri: ago ny. i s born.'' vcn her in the moment of passion. -It tlie vigilant economy of my aunl, be .mil I'liile, the uiU'oni|.iimiiiing du- * is fur from my. intention, in delineating would long «incdhave beea atuaktupt lender of gQiHiues* and truth; ahe who linn of like |ier», to throw that ab , fortinsing.-anij-.-nhe wouW'Kit a>ul -iiri(i She was never unkijid to mo; for I beiii-vlny -day -°f -l)ro*t|ie--ity ua* tli« not shown nTnucIenT'•ympfBytcbursib?" I cannot. ^Oviato "from' .L it lieve ihe was consrJeutious, and *be so great «ra« the JnitsmT he acqoired! for -bonrt together, old-fiuhioncd bal- opprobrium, on that class of females; Ir _ _have ' A l _ - *^*.l ._! *• . _ —L?-|T I . — n»1 » cloud, in tho night of sorrow wn my for tho trials and vexations to which, j who from their isolated and often unCaniiotT^ repeated I : , ' say, rather,jover me.wbile: / was only seeking Io ladi and hymns of surprising length— had love.d my inWher tenderly-,. 1 light andeontolalion. .The rough bark th-.t orphin legscy'pf that tduthek,* and run theasotbiic«Kj one*ti»aJfectaoo*. j .icarcely pausing to take breath. I have protected situation, are peculiarly sus- for me, you have been expo md. I have y o u - w i l l not. I Could not articulUa w a s penetrated and the finer wood be_ consequently a sacred trust I wxrfed that IfetowtStotfto gSte op the lusttry heard *-'-d people sing the song* of Ct?plible .'io the s'hafts 'of uukindncss asked to receive• too inurh. I have more. The poj-iibility of u rvfAisal neuth gave forth its fragrance. Oh! andsaiduaa that niimwaded me. for thej Xion, when there was. most'touching or ridiealei I have known those, given bock .Too,** little, 'Beturn (theh; ori his niirt" hadjiuver occurred to me. 'uinl clothed like my wealthier tis-I have heard her, seat-he describ-1 melody in their tones; ami noine.of the whose, influence,, seemed,, on diflusive my Mary; .you were-creatcd for nobler I' was thunderstruck,.'-' He, '*aw my et-ducalcd at the oaror schools j _ * : " •' i • - - ' • - .-JB. , ...t ..»•. f » , . . , . » . . .« ed by my beddide, explaining in a purposes than-the beings who surround .as. the .sunshine iuid genth: ;is tin: dew; muiiiin—iiml, losing all hi* composure, •• \ -«r»rmeat fcelrrrgw of<|evotion I«ver «xinto the samcfashibnable society ; where s<ilK-iied by Uimluess, the mykleapproaeli - -the - ringleU • of * rose and ~eru»lM>U - tli<i,lultw-.iu JiU lii'-ed, w.ere awakened by tljcsc'cd-' 1 learned that ,4«J,if holineas, und":-wpeatinsr thetake each-otheri the kWlMtt H I'-ihraW'«c*ept cidered the only unpardonable offene*', duties that voold devolve upopj me, the !emn,' trembling notej: Hut aunt l)cb se* of inei-i-.y, have I uuudt-icd, this,' he cried; -anil, \VCMI my,own of my near situ-i by'» voice'was-full of inili-scrihahle ra and that almost any thing might .ho wishes to be alone consulted, 1 would that 1, -who hni- turned a deaf ear to of the turatenM of i nuficatkPO.<i, i-ai-b u leparate discord—a It is taid and done, provided it was nui-,were-l free to act. Hut it is nut the same truths, when urged upon me ' VtW&OKff : anil done gracefully, from TO. I of our first introduclion into what iV-*ctf coulj ea*ei.'btwe *oa aJheart'JUJ-ji-i (uial temper of the owner. One Sunleillll promise, winch cnnot l b r * Called tbe world, I gradually io«terunu>d hk. lieu* the «uabeam playing oo; day morning, 'after she 'had > been* which.l had herutut'ore tjrned- in dis- . iu the affection* of my aunt, for I tin- :'i«- »l*ii»«-, aa-J tbwo^ht' that aii was! »cre«rching one of Dr. Watt.s's hymns, of life, as tho Vestal virgins the Hume, store me*' r will soon be with you, ken. Here, in this very house, it w'aj. -,'ust. Yi't, at linii'N, thure M-emed a fortunately eclijiied tny elder coutatuiturbraealb. I didlote him; hiin; _.but my!of about a hundred veraw, sh« left me of the altar. Round such bcingi as when -I trust we will nut. again be mode, by the dying betl of the rightc dignity in her tone*; her harsh feature* ous, who bequeathed the people be in those outer gifU of nature and Uio*-1 lot t 'va* a pa*aoct. • not a pnnriple. I. to prepare 'for church. WJien wcmet, Ihcic, tho beatitudes cluster; and yet j parted.' "\""'t light up with an expression of My heart wn«' not of rock. U was loved to my, charge—y/u-, the oriihuu would ' 'iaii!u;i; uur separate toilclUs*!, the' han nl' unfeeling" levity i»"p au)uiri'd ^r^cjuiuf mauu<»,.]iLuJi,.buw^l!H'** ^^^*~^"^^ echlauy, und I marvelled ai the ' r v tipi.n III*' ur.iiil.-n sisterhood, lint 1 innvi'.l— im-IU-il. 1 ..sbiiuld havi; hecu In- had l>roierted ami reined. "Never',, ever, valueless, when unacromtiaaied of hit sn-««^'b^i"w3**" ' t --"» :.t_.l il 1 _wonder--from luy-patli. Iti* UQt hut less than h u m a n , :(o huvu heen un- leave thetn, my •6ii,'l'*r said 'the i-.xpirihg' i \^^ by im.lrd. worth, hive always evercu- co-'aytbeodi'i; the morce wbeacei'die$i.aj bein> tix> gay. /or a inay I marvel ! 1. would "V not now n not cd a prevailing, an irre^liblcii^ueace ltu>*r»?acM weiedetired: ~r ti~"~~7~ """"^ wife. I denied the, charge. ; for though history 1-am writini;, so 'much a* my touched* by a I'-it'-i like this. All mv saint—-'-'never leave! tlie lamb* of tny .- ll'.e •*••*. -, ' •«"-»*•»» «f »•» ««•«• ««••-"•» in MH-iety. I never exactly kuew why. 1 . Mr onde would i^adlj have "leen < maJe in the redundance of fashion, it own; whicli, however detii-ient in iii- romantic l'ov'c( buHm n-cpiilly1 chilled, Hock to be .caltercd on UHI mounbut 1 was the favorite of my uncle.who i nte gtrtahStbed ia *a »ty le (sore coaj{e-jwa* of unwlorned white. 'But what,' cident, is nut without it* moral •power. returned; and I thDiigltt ol" his image tains." I rplwlged my word, Mituuud. 'J^T^ TS-Tf",*! 'T . i^.. -.!._ .1 ..*. -.- •-. _r .1' , . Pt fohiun—the»u hullowvd hullowed khadea fh Bcemt-dto love me better tLucv jiuU taiaypwi-aiiii^UiU>^t she, disfiguring tlie- muslin folds I i-\ l>crienred one'source of mortifi- as D|' un ougc'l'ii. Kvcr impul- cd by the Mile.mnilies of ileulh: .V-ii,',| 1( , rE>ca wealth—"r the * ^ daughters, and h« ivjuiced at tLt ' coavrc) as be said, «0 the- scow- of huj with, her awkward nngers, • what is the cation, which 1 have uot yet mention- sive, over actuated by the pasVion of even white :hi* *oul wo* taking it* up-,, once despised und hated admiration I excited, though ufteu ' * My aunt was. f»i»i use of -all these fiuidonj^es of lace f— ed: it may evr./i acorn too iimiguifi- the moment, I .made the most fervent ward flight. It i* len'idnl, anil'-can- - ! illy, fur t hi: ciiiiiiiaiiionshii) of «*afritchiiMid at their I-VIM-JIV«-. Pcrhk|u ih(-;drntlT tnote than t ' ' - . I ' • f lo have meJTbey ore nothing bat Satan's devices cii«it to be noticed, anil.yet it was terri- resolutions of amendment, and panted nut be recalled.' but oecret was this. The were.' of * cold: nunird, wftilr BBT coaunt. nitied pne, to lead astray silly women, whose minds bly grating to my aristitcrAtic fcding*. for the" hour when wu .should «t art for, Did I feel the lacrednes* of the obli- Where once ro**« tfiiipel.iii.ient; luiiie. was .ai'di-nt, luad jfi lore with *. cmsnby por- anf. running after finery-.'. Alt this 1 Some of our good* parishioner* were in together, tllil iniiin> goal t Alas (JB gatioii he reveoJcd? l)id 1 venerate ;_, _„ ,„„ o f tlie h*« lo»t •whatever 1 love'd, I loved without j t - J.................might have born* with silent contempt, the haVit of lavishing attentions, *a re- huw wavering were my purpose*— bow the sanctity of his motivea, and admit tliougii VtTl'uriii iitTvi-raw •erve, uuil <-xpn-cwjL.iuy..l»fl<!rtiij>ii iueflective my hqly i;e«<>lutions. •# it came from aunt Debby; but w h e n pugnant tn me, that I did not heuilale tneir auiuoniyr loiaiiy unptv-; their authority? no No! Totally uuptu- |, |iewt |^» burial huriled iin the tomb IVV were teamed- I ewi (•„, charac-teri»tic warmth and • . • . • » •• • • I ' s h e .brought the authority of a Mrs. to refuse them; which 1 afterwards bun la tbe bctuufal tiQage pared fpr »uch a bitter disappiuntment, the suiilight now imliuniily g I loved my indulgent uacie NY-(Dfocun and a Mr*. Duel an of tlie. pn- learned gave • great' mortification and There WM a numorou'i^ongrcgiition when 1 seemed touching « tlm ounimit of my .... hope* ..,-,— are __ li.\ _ucd ou thofcc the fervor of w liich »,uth a nature, aide i ,er ^^ | whcn 1 ri'h *>> prove that she wa* not the i»nly diipleanurc. I would willingly accept nn ihe Sablutli n\oni, not in all my f-Uhe*. wi»he«, I1 WMtnMden«d««-reck-'f win-nee tbof ray* deuwt , ( a , was m»dden««U-reck-: f hi-ncc thwe rwil, w rw? vain and »t-lfi>h by i-d one who four.d fault with the fashion a basket of fragrant strawberries, or . abadedby o»*tlie simpla village church, but Ihe Ion. 1 upbraidud him for having more he only lived U> (w^ve im-—Jo kuo , ble. Often, tsfter retuniini; frum rfa»c beheld these kwr whit*1 of my attire, tbe indignant spirit broke any of the elegant bounties of nature; vaulted walls of a city dome. 'A regard to a dead guardian, who could my peuitoiu'e und awmyi-bul ih« « vvning party, my heart tlirobUiughtgh fetfcnoed *itb redolent vine*; lt» bound*; deference for age was for- but, when they ofl'ertd such |>)cbeiau stranger aiceiided the pulpit. Every no longer be aflected by bit-decision, •„,( j» th»t 4\vt foil on hU « with the delight of gratified' vw»ily, m*h**4Hk*rv**, wbkb ww'theit gotten in tlie excitement of the tno- 'gift* »s a ahouliler of pork or mutton, a eye was turned ou. lain unit I'louo wan- than for a living wife, r threatened tu f, wof om ,,,y lip,, were thaw of n^ ;<,"! •when he u-ould draw me toward* bm the ««r*ic of mm- fife; ' and tho concentrated irritation »ar.k of grain or potatoes, / invariably ilen-d. - Ue.wa» pallid, a* fruin ...recent r Lt j .1 , i ». •» - ri l . . . . - . . - leave him to the ohseuritv in which he au( j rehellii.n—ih« JU»t «l»uc«j , und tell me-—with rncwi > > a—• be** mil loveliest of week* burst forth, t called her an •retnrned my cold thanks and derlined indinpoaition; but there was a Hilling Wat born, and rutuni to the IrU-nd* whi> CB,t ou"him.,ii,a« jbc~. at HravettV,l proud »„*! ..J^TJi?. fonoj-*«», itu wa»»tboa-j ' impertinent, moruse old maid, ami dr-ba«rbkstl the honor. It it strange, that I should] glow ,on. his cheek. th» herald oi cum- luMjdiue *o much bettor UI«D bjmaulf. ; Tueakftch U fiiiiakcd fy «fOd time, eUied tiaMottewr the other of uifchouhl become to them, an object of ff\-eriiuw,1 Tog insftimtlon. Tl.cfe wzw a divine Sefciug him turn deadly pale ut this,, vorpoweri we. C. L.H, - H «V • «f > - ,«.. inrr-r fer. • • • • ; •. • i-!.°. ' , FREE PRESS. riro DOLL*** 'MTD nrrr CKMTS _ rm« unnm._ ^__ .COL. JOHNSON. Wr copy the following from the Enquirer: .' , . of . •Republican • » Str:-— A4 convention drlfgates from pattf'"of thcr Union, for the purpose 6f s*leetSnfr utable candidates for the office* of lable tendency to use this power to direct the politici of the country, have satisfied me that no such .institution should be tolerated, under any circumstance*. The facility and success with which the public business has reccntly been done through the State Banlur-haye, in my opinion proved U)»t a NatloriBlIhMitdtion is as nnn*. ocisary as • it' U, I™ unsafe'amHineonttitu.r-r-i* • • '• . tiohal. 1n relation to the Tariff my views -.- "• .»..lMiMfafl •0r*fc«$W«*t**1 -, "TUB OLD OtWl-EMAN IN RPECB." Our readers will recollect that "» «Uangf r hi Baltimore" pie an amming neeotnri of > •pe*eh dcllfwred hi the humbug contention, by »n "Ol.l G«ntleman In Spen," wppoatd (o tw Mr. famrtleroy of Virginia. Mr. F.promptly Informed "the great Glob* Itwlf " that he wan Mtlb* '.'Old OfflUoman in 8p>«;" knd "V* U. R." in .pnimptly hinrd.lili run), ilrobrinR that 1m wo« not Mr. Tnnnllrroy. Por-aonut tltiMi tlirro wa» a great wonderment—equal ...-, - A I.UCID KXP09ITION. OUR FRENCH AFFAIRS. Mr. Van Bum ha»ing (ntimliW Kit willlnKThe New York American of Wedwtslo jite hit'ntithnenta, onmijr <ubj«et,to nesday afternoon stale* that the packet thoiw who m ignorant of bis political creed, which- was to have sailed for Havre on we may np*cl to we, for acme time to come, that day, WM detained for. despatches expected' from Washington, in reply to the paper* IrrtAlna; with the view* of the Ma. those forwarded by Mr. I4vingtton. t,\nr\n, net forth liy himw-lf, with chftractef i*- ' the N. York Journal of Commerce, tie j«r«pl<-ijltj. A» a tolrratiln •pechMn of I evening MliliiuVof Wednesday, s»y»— the liUllnrinv? with whif h h,« may be eip«*t-'' • Mr. Ijviiifpton was., this diiy .ywited ed prnrrTillj- to'declare hb opinion*, w» (ftre In the Governor's' room,-in -trw-City Uw following extract from an a. lkl«, purport. •Mall, by the city,authorities and sevefag t&l* u !.ttfr fmrt Ym Bured,Wd publMi- rnl bmulfrd'xi't^n*.. He appeared; to be in cxc.etleM: liealth, and Pnjrrjrf ed tij the lion. Bob Klicrt, F.i<i,: ' I have been charged with" ailvora- his mental and. bodily faculties'in a ing a National Hank. Nothing can be Viuch higher state of perfection than /alliLtCtA)ieJpt_Qf_mcn «rtr"'nr; such mine i/ntiiic. I have been e h a r d ficacrtlly. 9 •-;. ,..._•: __ i _^ He, «»_ is-now t, . on the iscretions" are .hot looktd upon with From M* A'ntion*! Intelligencer. so much horror by the great ftiA pure THE VETO. "'Democratic family," and ytu arc We Imve lately had occasion to 'td. iliding gently into his support. You will bi'ar zealous m tho mo<t ardent vert to the frci uie by .the; Expciithe. i short timo, and you will threaten 'of- the Veto power, in cases not calling •or it. Since doing «o,> we have filrhe .Whip, ..M J9U_ .nncc threatened her *vidpnr<yin the following faetf of the, war, 'our opponents, to familiarity with which hcJind'urioMd Cannibal like, into Africa." 'You lie-avail himself of jthaf extreme And will copy nil the articles from the Globe to extraordinary pb«[et. ,^ ;. nd oilier flHnll of . AmwiB tfie docniri«n|bt ren>ntly hiil A j tenuatin'g the nominrd's foibles; and before the Legislature of Ohio, by thn t last, you will urge upon your "li<-(Governor of Xfaat »Ut/v is a. letter ./ro;n • brcArrn the oft RiqMat* r*T*eVnt«trv». in 'keeping, cool," and of not suffering a Ifj^Tvytfe, .livision. I-'.very one ndmit-iyour anx- Congress,'dated, from this t-ity, March I 1th, in which, speaking of the bound- . cty to "f-flfmiate nothing from the ser- ary between Ohio and-Mirhivices "b"c tias'TCtltloTPd to the country gan.question (or the United States,) the writer io respect Hie blood M,- has freely »h'ed TIIR \\ car.. TTM1 «<•<», called bjr the I Boh," a* "Old *h«t •arh the close of the last war, the general I of "Juni'n," or that wlikh attended the appasentiment seemed to prevail among our | rjtion of Dledrieh Knickerbocker, at UM dinMr. I.jtloaf emirirnt statesmen. especially those nr.r ttven to Waohington Irving by UM GoconTlnce. Vi tn*6~"lrilVUfUllkeikt " , bowmf, t»a twn Jhv in that conflict, tbat it wo* the .true pcllc.1, n th« followhig will abow: with opposing, it—equally unfounded an', advanced age. ., but in appearance eve of hi* doubUeia be" 0pvnrnmeji»l_so to subject up-1 ? f »^j*st!ifc?^^ • l.ww. »r. »..~ ww...*.. V V V MKtJ JnVWVUIV ...j ., Mrir'R» w VMr* j usam afefi.«) • ei\. »,*j *>M . •«» « is n<i jn malice. • No tine suspected you of and vivacity, and retains all in performing this duty, and rcspect- the establishment of man upon t lie (iiitijrct, and say>.: correct report of any tjf the .speeches in been disguised; and I beg leave once /ully soliciVan answer at such time as within our borders.. In Ihii .opinion, the Baltimore Convention. I find my more, "and for tlfe thousandth time, to IP elasticity of muscle that might be any. design to disparage the "Colonel. ."The President, has determined to ehineter," he I expected from a man twenty, years On the contrary r we now see your so- make this a prominent point in hii next may tuit your Convenience to give many of the' Statesmen from the South observations very unjustly dealt by in t» reiterate them, terference in I 'icitudo to be permitted to lend him a HMHIM: i.,ili^i:»«ir . ' • • . . '• • • i • ' * • •'• younger. Commodore EllHHrwas also united with those of the Middle and letter to the Baltimore "Patriot, by "A one message; and in answer to<)Ur appreami what of t Far." In less than 0 liberal most With senUmejUr of high esteem, \ ff>«t»rn. States Without, bcingjiU;. Stranger 'I in Baltimore," whi hensions a* to tin'' prcbnble admission But I shall be "asked, is. a National in the room and received the hearty »ge Roait BiW dl| iwclvc months voon will go as far m of Michigan into th«'t[njon, by a coal i"and respect, we have the honour to be, tinguishcd as a peculiar advocate of the ntuilds of the Opposition prints. ITariir constitutional! 1 aumm, vtith greetings of the , isitcrs. . ' ' . ' lurtilftn: Tvho gorr The following In from the New York Telnet, fiii support "M the course of Legislation which grow your obedient servants, • • tipn (the resuh'of a commStTjcaloUsy)" An Old Gentleman in Spectacles," all the ran dor becoming so grave nnd a Jackiran Jackron paper, paper, of'VVedneidny :— You will excuse even the "Wood he That will do. up nniler these 'circumrtaiiceh, I gnvc A. STEVENSON, between the 1 porthern and southern a question, that the great con\heNaljon Intelligencer, baa done Mr. Livin will* proceed to has freely fheil" ill the business of states . JA8., „ it. my support in pursuance of public in servative principle*, which it is the against Ohio, without .a settlcme more jus .Washington. to»i frow, and where; we amalgamation ;j nnd if you could be TOWARD CONDlT, Indrteed, hjr the opinion. As soon, however, as I per- il wish m; this question; he declared his nonprof the' Amcricsn rva(ions4o Fjicak for UPTON S. HKATII, doubt not Ms.]' sriifc will be equally ronvmcnd hin."- Mgho»t political ambj ment'of ceived the dangers which wcirc likely to deiert jmir -. . fixed determination In apply m v v r.-ro,. ple to Jiave cstabUnlicd as fundamental, : •ftWiferevfcry ---^-6v^-..- -U5t. - • themicjvev.f . . . . . welcome. his report is made, lion will be more than satisfied^'*- by te any bill whtch shoultMnakc it a sta'tn LIU giow'''0flt 'Oiutta-'-Bpcciei' oT'W^gfiw- remits, or"t; should riot now be- doing • hereny, t?"" pwcticabjc.,. jfl..thp. ».tri.ct(!«pt govcirement ..the the office to which he has been nomilipn pushed to excess, I became' an myself and Virginia justice, in her and most iigid import of the term, «.< proper lor it to take. Hut a few nated, and not disappoint Mr. Rives before the settlement of the boundary advocate** the- reduction of the Tariff, course on1-the Vice Presidency. ''Yad a» of an term*, arranging and ad- course contideetiiMat} day* .will elapse before we, know- atl again, you would at once be air loud in difficulty,". .,„,. - ^.w-.rufw,».<»<*,^»-<.-<r To R. M. JOHNSON, Esq., of Ken- and voted for every proposition havwill itcc the ground J take, and find that justing, under equitable distribution, that the journals'have Been his praises a* .you arc in. behalf of Mr. »re a tucky. ing that end in view, flown to and in- I have defended, successfully, Virginia the reciprocal, or rather correlative, Jaekton's view* j WHEELING, JIJNE 17,, and wo must wait patiently for Van Burcn. cluding the compromise, which was against leljuhot w/fonn/feeling*. : rights .ah J obligations of • those occupy- tell •TbhtwUI the information. ' We know' enough" . come, jroed sir,' throwjojr all mad«r at 'th> minimi uf lOftl % - -That ing and «ui,lainHig4owar(]» ea*h other, iroweveF I nnd yoVflotlcWTiEngV Ul Ul YGentlemen:.:I have bad the honor to compromise ought to be considered by ot -ilie most Hplendiilnli'ain-lioals.oviT great and all important relation of —that France' will in "vain- expect from receive your letter informing me that all good citizens as putting an end to napolis paper, of selfishness in Virginia, the and governed, be, and ever us any' thing inconsistent with our na- Goj. Johnson eventually, and' you built in our country arrived' here on The Olobe I have been nominated by the recent the question. . No prudent and patrio- in regard to. her owpj sons, in the paper governors be, under all the polar'star tional honor and dignity. .Meanwhile might just us well dp so at once,— Saturday afternoon last front Piltsburg. 'Smooth ovrr" Republican Convention at .Baltimore, tic man will, l a m sure, ever attempt I of the 12th. I believe the charge is by which each,exigencies, She is calledthe ',' Qeorgc Collier," Don't be so shame-faced. Your: party's and all, should and *tuf/, Yes I as a candidate-for the office of Vice rone wal of that specie! of -legislation reiterated on many occasions. though the-French Minister has declari* what might I have neatly all receded already; from respect for, a 'gentleman of that W* told them, ./'* Give:u< : tlip piinci- if they would perpetuate the blessings ed . the diplomatic intercourse between blushes President. rily of Blair For. myself, I'can sincerely sayj that' I ples, and we give you the choice'.of the of liberty, and secure to themselves the-, two countries to-be closed, Mr. and your's are getting rather blue— name in St. .Louis, -where, the boat is For this expression of .confidence should consider any .attempt of that innUnre, that j 1 the permanency of their nr.i'f BI.ICAN' Barton,- our Charge, remains . in Pan 'tis no tliie Uybe coy any longer. The owned, .and is intended for the'trade C.'R. FONTAINE. Man. from Uie Republican party of the U- sort as. savouring, .of.. enmity to the .gointerests of the great "Republican: parbetween tbat place" and-Nrw-Orleans. with u™ INSTITL'TIONS IH all their jirimilircliftntP. S.—The reason why- 1 am so par* functionary- of- equal rank with ty"' (!~t!) demands your acqnie^icetkce. Her length on deck-is 1UO feet) extreme ' nion, I have not language' to express vernment, inasmuch as it is unnecesing, of ly • \\i\A simplicity, direct .with an 'un- —a ticular in noticing the applause ore laptheirs at Washington—and will re-main my gratitude. For the exalted talents sary M a measure of policy, and would You have only one^flbrt.— width 51 feet 7 inches, and depth of to, the Balti there U a winking eye and untrembling -hand,. there -until recalled .by our government, Tin; .sense of shame will soon be ex hold 19 feet; burthern 700tons. She pure- character and sound principle! certainly -revivera.. controversy:..mdre I ping in the galle.ry, is, that r [perfect misre^resentaticih fa that point of the gentleman, whose name was dangerous to our nnion than any other of White; that j instructed brought in competition with mine, no which ha-, arisen since the adoption of ilrmarH-i fin .• . .... • • • by •., Mr. iL.« to.1return .. in aid by extracts "in support of the Na- Elizabcthtown, a few miles, above at all (lines, andunto tbeWaihit 1 on a < man can have a higher'Tespect-Hran the Federal Cohstifuli6n'/" The nrc'sc'i1: Pittsburg, the joiner Work done by Mr. iktififl " ^.°J5S5i|}i! ?SL|.M.jtJ?.Q. N't6l?j£x ^UVS^_ 'Tl.T-.i.*- '"'. °. . •-, ••jZztt-^i-* ^^n^^faj^-- myself; and had-he been preferred by vation of the Union, and the harmo- cntl rrflccttonim ttie.roitnc *f the Virginia strictions, and .with, [those only, as es- without'' Applcgate, o) (the Colonel and all,) and a direct, open thrni lobe, why the Convention, it would have afforded ny of its members, arc incomparably m the nth/eel if if* I'icr Pmi- sential and indispensable, considered • The Washington-tilolm of tliw-nioriiinp and liianly advocacy of the tr//oA? con- engine^-which has six large boilers Bnnouncing Uie arriral of Mr. • LlvinRiton ttnicy ' -state, apprott me the highest pleasure to give him] more • important than any system of built by Messrs Stack house and Torn-' r?rn will be easier now than hereafter. • greal In a moral and political'point of view, says;— "bat none th I my.coidM:,suppori.jt..Xp. my greater legislation .which regards only tho peto.the,.,regular jBiid uuifoiin movement . ','We undorslaiid that his latest com Then urifurlyoUr baHHeT"atTSrir:B;;—Do JinsouT^also of Pitt»burgr-.-H"eTcaTiin*" ! age and longer public service, and not cuniary interests .of a portion of the of the complex machinery of^our Co-, niuniciitio"n:i have been received at tin editonally' arc slyly doing .in. present a splendid perspective .of-1IV; ,Bj£ baTchrardof j .'^^^i"J!" "»~-.*''-*».--^.-/ —ii'.:*.»«M^it^. to sifperiorqualilicationa. can 1 attribute «*.rt«Vn TWimerrtj-a^tire Hwhfi --^s'-io thtr-ihipr •StMc-Dcfttrtiiienl. We havo reason to a,^econd<.hjtnd|l'waj--i.go.jbrr ther " Na~J feeK «u]perHy Tiunjg; -and "carpeted'',"anJ " intention to nave none so. Hut, sir, i .™ the preference of the Convention;1and have^ been he same remarks are applicable, in is my- duty to arise and defend, as far Apply.these.principle! gentlemen to a .believe .they have given entire ..satis- tionai "Democratic captird alcs'.'" ' .Vou"' d>c" Han W ; if any-injury shouldjaccrue to the' Re iotifl state roojns, all apario'is and well, arc now in (tie at lit tide of undid nr.iid, jitrn Ihft figwe^tdj[he_jiubject of I.nNational Hunk, and you have faction to> the Executive,;a8;thcy will ^bltit Jhg. jfeujrge jf^myjself on ""p'ubTicon causVTrom "tof "preference. ternal .Improvements.-^^ rt1plonrfe' . who hardftortniined in her own mind entilatetl. > The whole cost- of-'the 1 opinion^ \vith-the-reasons upo H, Mali .'. no man will deplore-it-^nore than my- them, it may also-be observed, that the. this occasion. I. cannot remain'. iiilchi It ill founiled. f Jo pvi5"u'p1fcT'Vtr'gnfiTyTTrat~ir .hpjitei: -:i"~: : ..;.;--; made public. . Mr. Livingstones hourly _ •elf. -As, however, the Convention success of the several States, in iheii andlhear the-Virginia. delegation taunt- ' But there M another 'subject of vital expected in thip city. 'He will be re- ting a little about the precise time anil The Piftsbuii;—Miwittfa«tmTrrf-m' r ballot", AM ed on this subject. The Virginia dele. were 'undoubtedly better ..qualified to prosecution,'and' the great local inte interest to. the people of the'United , ceived every where with' the demon' manner of surrendering the citadel. ;£ speaking of this boat,-. *aya she is, 'in judge on (hat point, than one or a-few rests vested in them, together, with the gallon have pursued, on this .occasion Slates, upon whrch • my views musf strations'of cordial aficctioh and respect her finish, unrivaled on'the western the course, pointed . out by 'a conscienWefeeldli individuals poasibly can be, I have but consideration that .'the States manage CO],* JOHNSON. . . 5 ' - ' waters,....and.jhat_«h.e_has_adopted a not be conceajed: a : subject upon that distinguished his reception at Nc v f tious conviction of their own duly ; and cle, and ex The Bangor (Muinc) Republican, sajs:. • • to accept the proffered' nomination, and their concerns 'with more care and A*safety guard " invented by.Cadwalla•which there 'can be no torn promise— York.". plii-try; but J . resign myself to the will of the people, c conomy than the General Govern incut, such is that conyictioh.that again they no .concession. It "may be supposed "Col. Richard M,-Johnson,—Thisex- dcr Evans, of that city, which will .would do as -they ' 'have done on tin 1 Globe, like I give certain warnings ..of the circumy as -it-may-be expressed at-the polls.—• .are-persuasive arguments against Fed emplory Christian, distinguished statcsU. 8. SENATOR * j that I approach it with some, uneasiness ml •_ £> 'if.-.! * IT.-I _* *,-_ •!..:*--occasion. _. J_! - _ J _l_:l-'_«t-.—_:-i _A._ stances that cause the bursting of'boilnol"po»MM, I jWOSSjras jjAJfc^Rfc^SJjg^CSSSKfcs m"' T-a~-*~:r ."SMitMaMiH^r are univcriiffy course—none other than pnnciplel°i" a regret,, arising not from the preference [ of battle ami in-the r of. another by a portion of the Con- conceded to be of a National charac- Ihr purest, and I hope, the* greatest o: North, he inevitably-loses the confi- governor of Mississippi a senator, of the Halls of Congress, is how brought for. dence of llic South ; and-r'cr tvr*«.— ter: ' U. S. from that state, J^in place of Mr. principles. Virginia, sir, censured hei vention, but from the, error under In fine, I consider the, vie. ws of- Presi- illustrious, and almost unequalled, Ma- •Wot to, gciitlcme.ii: I am a stranger .JJoimlcxtcr, whose term of service ex- ward with great unanimity by -the de- • '' '.. -,. .RICHMOND, JUNE 92. .• of the liar which, they appear to huvc labored in dent Jackson, on the TarllF and Internto feelings' anil interests; when acting March 4th, 1835.)' We are rc- mocratic party of the United. States, as THE FJRE ON SATURDAY MOU.NJNG.' 'will b.-held i -• relation to my political" principles. I al Improvement*, ' as founded in-true dison, for his signature to the United under, the-solpmn- oblizat>qn>..of duty; pired their candidate for. the Vice Presidency. initided that accprdin<r to the decision We stated; in-"i postscript,.the pro'place, on the j . JpJBot-ltnpw- -injFwl/r if-my pnnciples wisdom ; and,, as' far as ,1 in ay hereaf- States Hank bill (V')—she drove from •and, therefore I proceed to unfold my I of the U. S. Senate in JfcJS," the" ap- "Arfd~who~r»-RichBfd-Mi-Johrison ?—a gressfor"a'T5re~which atanCtinie'thrcut" wneii'an iaSri : ; do not accord with those of. Thomas ter be enabled, it will be m/ earne: I her confidence, the talented .Henry 'senthnents-urjou' this :;exciting';inbjeFi,: pbintnnentbf -Mr.- Walker ji illegal -or .planter..-<rf.Kentuc^yjr;a_.civilian,7 and .eiied destruction .to ..i large..portion "f'. Jefferson, the Patriarch 'of-Rupublica- endeavor to give them eflicacy in the play now of the west, the son of liei recklesslot consequences. a soldier. What ha* he done? .. In unconstitutional. The "precedent to our city. It wai"first discovered .about soil, for his. ultra latitudinarian views of niann «nd hia tli'i)ein|^« mho conHljtutg^ ndministrntion of- the Govcmmen laws of """ " " ' ' tllB hnscmpnt >tnry nf Tri" .int&n jyhicb-w«.ref»t,-i«..thc of tho.Hnit the CiirtitituUoTiy'Uii'the sutiject-of uievt v the the, late Convention. During almost ...:^i Tf •naturevwfncTi,"th uie"warm and genial On these leading subjects, I felt it 'usually occupied Stales, and pf^iart'tec'pcrquisition»rco-operating| James' Lanman," who was appointed'by" regions of the earth, vindicate liml ac- nity "Church,. ,.ii._.-_i,._ Malone tt the whole.period comprised in the ad- my duty to touch, because it seems to Tariff, Hank of tin; United"Stiles with the geocentric congruity ofphrcn- Gov. Wolcott of Connecticut a senator Sunday school room, and for prayer Internal Improvement ("A,)—she censurwith.4 !:—i-.i. •_ .1.^ :^-^^7* .« " .havg j.bccr>. erroneoml ' ' ' ;eU|Apt,...4i.^vUlf.i!j;.Atie!!i»i^,wi? rlonroc, I vfnrTm^eiTdjeTrW'" 171 101 al^^ be disposed ^ T: by some,,jhat^jf 3ucc Hombgcrieous^ abstractions"' aincf of Cpiincctlcuftiaving'aniierf previ ecticut Hvine af "flicif pi^inus'n ". ?!" ."*". lee'GIelTinff'rnignTcablly have neenpu't" trine giving Jo^Congnyw. Ae power of nnd gave them my cordial sup ofliciul eta- appropriating money 'on Internal Im patronymic, superfluities. ThdseV by session failed to> elect a .the in fi.ueiice of h \V b« n inevitable destiny of the colored pojiir out, if 'afitipplyof water-had.:ieen-at-isrrrelv~~-ams-?.-r:-•*-> : »~rS latioh, sooner or later to triumph, in full ' ' "•' iti mediate rommand;—•but the bell at"" ' B — . , —IT; t"! •*• •j-vnipUTjarirfaaii' : ^ ed on the principles asserted by Va. policy which experience1 has exploded. 'Sy ctm(eTm1f^nc^?g*^e"ficcl{iuJ thetical abMractiono, and culinary dis- ls-i"), Mr. l.nnnian ^claimed his scat, time elapsed before the alarm was gein 1736, and never withheld my sup- It is mortifying to me, that such an imis, who i ruptions,' which, through the iustiu- which U'.M.v<bj$.cU>d-to.liy..Mr..X)iz«>vcU' lives of-such~mch os-Clay J»nd_Psinde5L-^ neral, .and before the hose and en • porr"rjn any -ocr^roir.-fitmvetHier-of pTfeTs"ibii""a'fe6uld'Thavi8~r>btainedwho, nor m.einto|i|^qfjaccjdj^tal.labrj^ on n ^i!li\!° ^ the' distinguished men, who in suc- credence whatever, aince the steady, "a«iBiT(lgtimately end in a direct effect upon L^A^Il%?JiH2*9.ffT^^%, subject was reTemSTto^'seleci cession became the representatives of though not boisterous support, which I ie other side of the I louse (V)—in sub- the rete mucosum, and a discoloration The b*.ilci>ar»» guide ffir8tt»h"1hV committee, who reported on the 7th stance, that. Virginia' is selfish in her these.principles at the head of the Go- have given to the President in his ing. that ''Gpdmade pit one! the grata. U of .-the epidermis: -hence, a nigger. — of (lie adjacent IIOUM'S, and tp Mr. March, as to circumstance and precevernment, save only in the struggle of persevering arid successful warfare 'oh- views— and sectional in her feelings-—• But the self same .percolations, opera- dent*, when, after discussion, and Mr. nations of the earth," lie Toot ^Creole Smith's carpi-uter's shop, containing a aabtcrtbet*! that she will support none but one of 1814,'15, and '16, for the establish- those systems. So far .'from entertain- her sons/ojMa< nigh office..-.,,„ for a wife. He is now a widower, hav- quantity of dressed work, plank, tut, ting by the inverse ratio of abrupt dejour paper Lanman hod been heard in a speech Of ; mcnt of a National Hank. President ing any such design' or desire, 1 look lived in honest wedlock with the The church was insured for only ore* it" Sir, we deny—we reject—we'VTash' spondency -upon.- the- outer cuticle, pro- one hour.vindicating his right to a seat, ing Madison then, and. manyr-ofTny^Re^ upon myself 'as woman of bis choice, ami raiai-d and"' ' selected ~ duce antagonist i-fTects; and hence a lost is question was '"taken M a motion of counter publican associates in Congress^ who vcntion, for the purpose of 'aiding to from us the limit—so inconsistent to wfiilf man. Therefore, the -conjoint the a family of children, the heirs whole amount of property! destroyed is Edward* (of Connecticut) that Mr. educated bare • loaf < concurred with me in principle, fell make permanent' the1 principles and the feelings of the Virginia Delegation, proportions harmoniously • uniting ' in JJr. of his csfaie,' in tell igeu t u'ml 'respectable, supposed to be not less than $.'111,110(1; L. be admitted to a Scat in the uenute, themselves constrained to yield up policy in the administration of our Go- and the characteristic magnanimity of the physical energies of -both, produce and decided in the negative—ayes IB, but slightly tinged with their African moat of it insured, with tliu cxcvptiou .IMtwrf-" tlieir objections to what they consider- vernment, 'whichliave'.. recently been origin. So much for his domestic re- mentioned. affinities or repulsions according to/o/i- noes 23. .. • Let gentlemen give .us the principles <•<! the highest law—public necessity.. sanctioned by such decided marks of lations." tude. -_ . ' L_ ;_ _ Among the noes were Gen. Jackson, .The wind during tho night.had been I continued to believe the remedy worse public approbation, and to which I am and we will them' tlie man—let him Here you perceive the gioiindi of (then in the senate,) Messrs. Von Buvery high, but it moderated, and blew nlrjrkno'wji] than the disease. I hid voted against pledged alike by inclination and duty. come from the North, South, East or rcconciliatiort }>etwecn the North and ren, Bcnton, Dickeraon, of N. J. Eaton, From the Ohio Slate Journal, June 90. gently from the southwest at the time West—we care not where! The prethe re-charter of the old Bank of the lower part ( On other subjects, a. public life of the South, upon this deeply. interesting of Tenn., arid M aeon, of N. Carolina, General *'lssrmMy.—M\ the import of the greatest danger. Had it been as United States, in 1611, fitnn a convic- thirty years'-, uninterrupted activity, servation of the principles of Virginia subject.;, and I trust that they will be whose opinions we presume .will not bo ' fliiuni-e of fd fresh a* it was a few hour* previous, tion of its dangerous tendencies as has, I truhl, been sufficient to enable it our object,- uiiu our only object! No immediately occupied , by* both par- disputed- by the Jackson and "Van Bu- aut business of the; present Extra Ses- therv. would have been no such thing selfish, no sectional feelings have for a sion was brought to a close on. last even'..rwU.Mrito unconstitutionality. --Vnon my- counlryn to understand my moment entered our - bokoms! (Ap- tics. ' well ai the i " ' ren papers .of the present day. ing : and both branches of the-'Leg a* calculating Uie extent of the damage. the same grounds I felt constrained to principles and motives of action, plause.) Sir, what in the kind, 'magniIt- would have l>een-truljr a--»eeae-(8" luture will adjoin n to-day at un early against the MR. LIVINGSTONES AIWIVAL. charge, me \vith ficent arid omnipotent government of I believe no i . ' — hour.! .The leading measures enacted devolution and ruin. dereliction -of duty -towwdi my coun- the universe,' hinder* the cbnret nm•3-- From tJtc Kic/iutoud' Compiler* •-'''• !-• --..'., .f • ."':' !*•' '.-•'.• -.ifV '-• • relative to the Northern -Boundary may eountrji ' r, or my^countrymen,, Jn_jjevotion ning mad in its course, and corruscatPREDICTED. -KBW be summed upas follows viz: An act i . An old negip'wpm'an^lbnff a'-^rvani igamit' the v my country, no one will say that I ing—nay, Destroying world* before us? ii n«ter I in Air. Pearman'a family, was seen in The Battery— Jjrrival af Vie. I'anThe Enquirer~n "otltge'a tp. Mr. accepting, ce'rtain proposition*, made by bill to re-charter thi.i Bank in IH.'W.— have been wanting; and I . trust, 'that of i Sir, it is 'princijilt—Astern, irrevocable. ttitution—flectjition uf Mr. Living*- Stevenson "for the followjjig interest- the Commissioner* appointed by the the" early part of the fire taking a bunIn 1834, I voted for Mr. Polk'* reso- mine has not been "a faith without principle.(f) Thi; nme I ^-.-...j.:^. '. . . /on—Yesterday* was <]uite an exciting ing correspondence." w^Le'ttprs.".of the dle -from the kitchen. It u supposed , _ . . . i i . lution, declaring, that the Bank of the; works."' 'M"y conBtituenti;have' never "What, Mr, causes *A wi-IWirt the sun, the stars, (he returned' to liiake further L-irorl>, | Haltimore Committee nnd Coir-Johnscene at the Battery. The day wiu tive~to /.thc-iStpiihrrn. "-Boundary .7 An United States ought not to be re-chart- charged me with neglect of their in- and other heavenly bodies, lo roll on in other can.1 was suffocated by the smoke.—' son's reply.) Greatly .indebted, doubtbeautiful and warm— a mild balmy air ' ' act makiug'an appropriation of erod,' and • I defended the President's terests, collectively or individually; their orbits, and no collinion ensue? It She wan. found about two o'clock on tag I less. "Col-"Johnson's _reply was rethrew into a gentle' ripple the blue wa(MM) to carry 'the laws relative to the measure in regard to the removal of and, to an American citizen, complain<"T. the Public Deposites, at every point at ing of wrong, and asking the aid'of a is stern ami irrevocable principle—\\ti-tc ters of our upacious bay . Croupes of ceived SmiJay 'last" (a'good day 'for Hiiundary -into elli-et— to be disbursed Saturday, crouched in a corner near planted by an omnipotent hand., (t?)— ••If »ou < which it was assailed, with a- view to friend, wherever residing, or however Sir, Virginia .has t«ice saved this citizens were drolling .along, the . ave- such a glorious and important event—) by the Governor, ;i i id :m account ten- the ruins of the kitchen chimney, nue*—lingering under the ..shade of "and w«' hasten-to lay it before . pur dered to the next General Assembly ; burned to death;—a crisped and black•' • f^iurd, let ] (over the connection between the Go- poor,- unknown .and humble, I have Confederacy, and that by' lur adlienon the green willo willows and elms— while readers." (Trnmciuloii'i ha»t«—receiv- on act to ercci the new. county of |,u-: ened mass.' The distress of the farpijounwlf. vernment and the Bank, and to make never turned a deaf ear, or refused to to Mire of a final deliverance from the In- labourfor-htmrM-f»'-» brother, -To principle-—sUrn, and I hope, irrero- stretched on the long rank grass were ed on Sunday, andi.laid before the- rea- cos; an act to prevent the forcible ab- ly at suchi a calamity-may well be ima< but I cubic principlt-^uul may it be her glo- seen lounging* children and idler* of all der in ffreat haale on Tueaday.) " Hu. duction of. citizens of Ohio— iullii-ting | ined; this poo.r olc Woman wai an obbtitution. ..Indeed,! hare,ne;Y!:r.v,a. thii faitUfulucu -«ad-thcsa ''•"l^f—.VST.-J*-nir^.tt±--rr.-i-, i' _ --~ -t';-;--.^. ~ r riouH destiny twbavo it agsiin—for.tbcrc nn de«cript.i<Hiirwhit».«nd-bla«kr-aeinft«f^ .liow. ubjurj,-s.all,Natioual H.ijnkn.uiidiir. ftf , - - • - - • , .^ l^ytng >JUfH vercd in my opinion, against its consti- to be useful, more than to any 'extraortutionality, and have never seen the dinary Qualifications in me, do I at- is no destiny so gloriotu .a* that which which would haVe formed excellent every, modification," &c'.-. (Just as we priaontneitt in the Penitentiary for a the nurse 'of Mni. Peatman wnVn an" con . fulfil, except the prtsentlion studies for a Murillo' or Tenicr*—-all said it would be. -We knew the Col* term not loss than three', nor more than infant, and the nurse of her < liil«ln n. moment when 1 would have given m tribute the honor whicji the (\mveiiT she • - ... .. .f. J**T • - : *^ Thona who-hay«-with«»»e<l th« ilrony awaiting the arrival uf tlie frigate andjontl underatoed-bi* business' too • well sovun years; miJ a Jo'mt Raaolut vote for 'any similar institution.—I can- tiori have done, me; and should the She caimot'go'in the " road to rum" of , the Fusilccrs—incidents forming to omit coming out Anti " Mounter.") relative to the irhpiinonmeiit of Jona- attachment naturally jrrowiug up benot conceive how the opinion got a- people respond favorably to the recom- —she cannot, the will not go in the quite a circumstance in the passing " For one, we. are most anxiouH to do than E, Fletcher, in the Michigan Tor tween an .old and faiihful domestic, and' broad that I was in favor of the Hank mendation of that body, ray' highest and dismal "road to ruin.'' (i) ~ local eventa of this more elegant "quar- Col. Johnson full justice," N.C. N» ritnry. the' members ' of a family whom sh* —, orof any inch unconstitutional monop- political ambition will-be more than dark When tlie angry and black "cloud of ter- of the city—though unknown, doubt of it—but is i.t possible that afhas attended through .the> of inoly, unless it be from the circumstance, satisfied. It will be a confirmation, confusion, anarchy and-ruin, flouts the doubtles*) to the mas* of population in ter twenty fure years of brilliant pubfancy up to mature age, win know how. that I did not, with the ardor of young- by the voice of my whole country, of car pf Despotism SWAIM, OF PANACEA MEMORY. this happy land, the upper part of the town. "'Old lic service — amongst .which "was the to appreciate the poignant feeling* of er politicians, pledge myself against the repeated proofs of approbation, freighted with theover It '.s said that withiu^fifteen or i\M-H- Mr. P.'* household at a calamity so awv the people, Ironsides" came up in gallant style, killing of Tecumsch, and signing •very ' poss ble substitute for the present given "fay th*1 people--of mr own -State,1 reo^dy to' be'tfoWrfliberty'pf ; ty yi-arri, Mr. Kwiiim wavu jourui-ymun into'Uftwn*™for the and anchored about half a mile in"the Sunday 'MailKcporf , " you wfl re so i gHank.—General Juckson, in one of 'hit ' to the well-meant labors of a life 'devo- want of principle, what good, then, will stream from Castle Garden. "Soon the nordnt uf the creed of a great public bookbinder, of very moderate mejus. We learn that an jppcal will be annual messages, suggested the out- ted .to the service (if the nation, . tho pnnciplet (rather no principle*) of gathering increased to several thou- man, nominated by the 'uJeQbrsonian He has lately purchased an entire and made immediately in behalf of tho • line of a cubstitute . without StockholBut,'whatever.; may be the fate of sand*, and .the bargemen \vcrc seen in Democracy" of the Nation,—HIS to-be valuable block in the heart of the city church, for the purpose "f building a ders or power to make loans, u I -un- the recommendation which Miuve re- IVcumeeh (Ic) dou«? Philadelphia' and only the other new one; and we hope while the smrit derstood it; • and in his veto message, ceived from the kind partiality of the (•) Thp people of Virginia hare never been active motion with their ikifTs, ikim- unable to do . "full justice" -to him ':• of day he bid off the Masonic Hall, in th«t of lympathy is 'awake, relief will be ming over the turf ace of the bay—Was tho t 'uluiicl so ambiguoux, or you be declared that he could have furnish- Convention, coming from almost every reconciled to Uie signature of Mr. Madison to while the frigate's boats, manned.with so dull, that his creed has 'been a rid- city, at 5(Hi,.Vi». While employed extended to such of the luflerers as are ed 'a plan which would not be liable State in the Union, as the representv uialblll. ana bookbinder, Mi. Swainv was atto constitutional objections. Many of tives of the Democratic Party, with (t) It WM atated by suine of the apeaken, gallant tan tugging. with measured dle for a quarter of a century ? Why tacked by a .scrofulous di-eisi-, which not well aiili- to bear the los*. An mlMr. Li» mite from each contributor will his friends believed that it would be which it 'has been my pride to act, that tlwy iliil not knot/ wba|-lbe principle! of stroke at the well ulyed oar, hastened not come put candidly, and say. what i'« a.ll the ordinary efEwU pf me Virginia were. to approach the wharf. Mr. Livings- the trite reason- of y.our holding back acroinpliih the 'object. . \ .• absolutely necessary to have some sub- throughout my public publi career, I shall (e)'Ct*ppin( in tlie gallery. ton wail greeted in tho (no«t enthusias- so long? You certainly could. not dii inc. After lingering with the com 'I'lii-ie are various o|iinioa* as to the stitute, amf suggested a variety of ever cherish wit ith the most afiecionate (d) Pointing toward* Mr. I.)tie wul others. tic manner—••hook hand* with his have been ignorant of the Colonel's plaint until hu had exhausted all liis 01 i .'in of Uie' fur—.-.nine belie v ing that . schemes. To all these I listened, recollections, a deep sense of' the ob- (t) Cooitderalile cUppuif In th* gullenr. means. of support, he was'taketi to the it w)U accidental, and oilier* that it ww (/J Here lucre wu terj great cbiiuuig in countrymen, and after a *hor> speech creed. You were fearful that tlie puttwithout giving any, and ligation they have conferred' ; Pennsylvania hospital. While confin- the work of some Dead, lie the cauie • was conducted by them on foot to hi* lie virtue — small as the remnant now M the gallery.-' never for a moment did I harbour a You will please, gentlemen, to aced at that place, he invented hi* c«Ir what it may, the result warn*. u* tit bo (/t) As»ln peat clapping in the gallecr. lodging* in Greenwich •tree!, in the is— » mill! be shocked at the moral de» thought of proposing or supporting any cept the atsunuic«s of my high respect (*) Ureat clarrlng in Uie nulU-ry. bruted Panacea and cured hunteli will one, except in the event of a failure and consideration, while I remain most (i) After Uie abore unteiir« wa» delivered, iminediutit neighborhood. It is plea- fortuity of the nominee's character, it. The. fame of this medicine soon til w ay s on the. .alert.—[ Courier. jo see these republican assem- and it took you some time to know in the experiment to UM the State respectfully, your friend and Fellow and Uial fullowlng commenced. (Uie clapping sant spread over the Union, and even inUi was to (rest In lha nllwi, a« partially to blage* of the people—this co'rdiul, 1111- whether you could decently brave the Banks; and then only such a scheme Citizen, The goveimui ill of that ceremoniou* meetitig of long' absent storm* .Besides, Mr. Hive* and his Benjamin Franklin Butler, K»q. drown tlie speaker^ »oke, wbeu Uie Fruidcut «« should be entirely jfree from constiR. M. JOHNSON. oWrttd, IhatU would be well la clear the friends—this ever heartfelt welcome to friends hod ><-l their hearts upon the country *olicitcd iiie lucky inventiarto •Attoriiey General of the Doited States, tutional objections, arid have the ap- To MMsrs. AWDUW ttanfuuaji, gallery, but Mr. F, wai unwilling lo Incom- pur gallant chip* and their.crewn—all Vice I'lf.i'uleucy— and it was .necessa- vi^il London, where he administered it is saiil, hu accented the appointFtNNKft, 1'robation of the Administration and mode Uie galbry, or take up the time of the claaM!* intoniiin^liog unpfUntatiouily ry first to soothe and conciliate his hi* panacea to some meiuber* of the ment of Professor of Law in the Uni«"; Republican parfy. lluuje at that van late hour,) and having cumUnowri. HUTU, with the sovereign |>fople, of wh,icli wounded pride, before you launched royal family. The immense profits of versity of New York, 'and will enter recent development* of the pltuly attained bin object IM UxJf kis te«L each form* • component Uuk in our out in support of Johnson. You find the proprietor'.art, evidenced by the upon the duties thereof in March (t) Mr. LjU. aw! ««Ut4 Cul Juloww T»doinR n>lach(«f posaeMed b J.».Nk» happy confederacy CUOMcfa. '• . >. next. now, that the Colon*!'*, youthful in imrrfat** stated above. bledm Baltimore on the 20th instant, and agreed to present to their couritry, your name for t hat ' of Vice President oTThe United Stole*., We hav« been requested to communicate to you fc t - |v - : -__^: fill : i > r J » « . sutd UM "' " "' •"-«-i-*^Vitw«'l«i:l*l^.'V>t'J •• --• * «*• .AttiofM/ InttUigtnetr. THE VETO, (have lately bad bccanion to adI the frco uie by the Executive} veto power, in cases not calling Since doing so,* we have furidcncc, in the following'fact, of iliarity with which hejtsdlipcweil ' I hiiTis'clf of i,hat extreme and (lilmry power. Jhft.ttiedocument* rarVi\tly 'J n id '• I the Legislature of Ohio, by tho ••" -if.ibat atato, i* a letter from , _i,"E»q. Into rejmrtf ntative jn *, dated,-from.'thii city, March > which, speaking of the boundMion between Ohio nntl Mirhir the United State*,) the writer |amcr had thai morning with tho ent upon the subject, and nays: • '•n President.linn determined to hi* a prominent point m his next o j and in answer to our nppren* a* to tlu- probable admission bhigan jnto the Union, by a coali"h'e result of a common jealousy) tn, the northern and southern I.against Ohio, without a settleI ol thi ? question; he1 declared hw fctcruiinatiun t» apply HIS' VETO, /bill which «bmild.makc it ii state i the settlement of the boundary WHEELING, J U N E 17, 1835... [in our country arrived here on day afternoon last from Pitttburg. * called the "George Collier,"' respect for a gentleman of that i in St. Louii, \vhori! the boat ii ', and ia intended, for the trade m that place. andlNew-Qrlcan*. length on dock is HKI feet, extreme Ii 01 feet 7 Inche*, and depth of *19 fcer; burthcrn TOOtonn.^ " ethtowu, a few mile*, above borg, the joiner work done by jyir. egate,of the latter place, and the" •ie, which has six large boilers by Messrs. Slackhouse and Tpm" o of TOfflTurgr^eycffiinir Splendid perspective of 11$ v .. on each side by~coinino, all ipaciciua and well HateA. The whole cost r of tti* " ' ' Stt^ Pittsburg Nfaniiraciurer, in' king of. thia boat, says ihe is, in pniah, unrivaled on the* western . and that she has adopted a fety guard" invented by CadwallaJEvans, .of that .city, which wilt. | certain warnings of the circttmc* that cause the 'bttratine.of boll-. 'RICHMOND, JUNE 23. , FtltC ON SATURDAY MORNING; (e_ »tatcd, in a -postscript, the pn*t of o fire\vhich at b'he tirnelhreaf-7 I dcslrucfion lo"1i'''largc'"p6rUoK"'j5f~ "lity. It was first discovered about lock in the basement gtisry ufTti*~ Church, usually occupied as a ay school room, and for prayer IP, and might easily have beeiTput "if a supply of water^ hud'been i elapsed-before the alarm' was geI, and before the hose and engines 1 be brought-to the scone of danW^WWWE»*.rM.THTffn „, , d, and the fire extended tose\ . lie adjacent houses, and to Mr. _h's carpenter'* shop, 'containing a hti.ty of dreaned work, plank, etc. Ve church wan insured for only Ios» is $7,000. "~Th« ! amount of property destroyed ia •ed to be not less than $:i(»,000; of it intured, with the exception kmcd. _ ' 8 wind during the night had been hieh, but it moderated, and blew Dy from the southwest at the time jte greatest danger. Had it been at I as it wa* a few hour* previous, i would have been no sucli thing dculatingthe extent of Uie damage, .voultt have'-been truly-a scene Hution and ruin. '; ' - ':?~^ n~Q]dne&6'wom&n;ipng&'i&iviu&* Hr. Peannan's family, waa Been in early part of the fire taking a bunroiu.the kitchen. It is. supposed elurned to mate further eflbrU, I was siiflbcated 'by the Bmoke.— (was found about two o'clock oh day, crouched in a corner near lins o f - t h o - kitchen chimney, 1 to death—« crisped and blacki hiass.' The distrets of the famiUucli a calamity may well beima' . woman was an oburse of Mr*. Pearman wh"en an nt, and the nune of her children.. ho Imve witnessed the strong bhment naturally growing up betn an old and faithful domestic, and1 | members of a family whom ah* Attended through t lie" perils of in*' up to mature age, will know how predate the noignaut feelingi of '.'» household at a calamity so awfe Irani that an appeal will be .;.immediately in bi-half of tho tin,- for the purpose of building a one, ami we hope while tbe apirii irmpathy ii' awake, relief will be tided to such of th" siill'm-rn as arc l, able to bpar the loss. An adual mitu from each contributor will aplioh the object. dere are various opinions at to the i of tho fire—-some believing that i accidental, and otherf that it wa* rork of somr liend. Be the caua« : it may, the result warn* us to be ys on the- alert.—[ Courier. rnjamin Frnnkliri Butler, Esq. »iu-v (irncral of the United Statcn, [aaia, hat accepted the appointI of Profcstor of Law in the UniBvof New York, and will enter k the duties- thereof in March " MASONIC PROCF-BSION. Wednesday the 04th nit, the Anniversary of RL John the Bsptlst, im •Vmored at Harpers-Furry by the Mssonlc rralernlly. Al an early hour,' strangers 'began to pour. Into the village Jfrom every tjuarler—«ome of them coming by th* old-fashioned method of horsethe Hon. n. T. Lytle, situs "My ion back, stages, gigs, hacks, barouches, fcc. j and others by Ihe more novel instrUmrnU of con*. ..TT.T-* " .-W7-: , . — -1- ,-,7 -,14 Robett T., "in be found.ot»>An preceding vcyanre, the canal boats and rail road ears. . page.| ;"Rmnpsey Drimjwiy'1—(by' the"way( Abouj the middle of Die day',TcSpt.' llamwhat fallows the Democrat* are. for giving trntnckV "Potomac! Riflemen," having come ins-.- sn the yaelart beat, nr '•??*•' ^^W^|J7iWssf^'"WlOrs*,»' as1 pHNWHVasWlb 1Iall; Where they tmtted . Mr, iijtle afterward* failed him, pulls Bart to with the Masons. Here, -the procession comconvince Virginia that he know* how to drag menced...It moved Up 'to Camp HUI; thence down tniho rrrt); and, sfttr puilng through of Democracy: . The IHOoerats t E FREE PRESS To the Public. tf-nr. NOYF.S, RUROF.ON DRNTIST, win not be able to visit Shephcrastown until next week.' - 4 tA.t *f tetter, EM At NINO_ m the (M Ottea, Canriee- A » CfmrleHoten, Jrfferton County, VirgMm. «1«oP Allen * laTtMsWl cUmUnCV TEMPRttANCK—4fH OF JULY. 9 t Umssa Uidfey Willliam Brawn ^JjeteUav Charles Burton The charlfslnwn Temperance Society will iMrUy Jarubine Baker hold a meeting In. JibeTresbyfartan Church, on Wiisbetfc Brown Saturday next, the 4th day of July. The PreHobert W. faylor sident of tlie Society, A. llBwrfca, toq. has fKiiwvary last,aellntMafeat fora Jetat J'aasea Berry s stork eomp«ny, I opentd a John Brooks been appointed to deliver an address' on that' llei* irady (aolotasl I Thoa L Marshall llonwr a:Vf, H 'Raff pastt o'clotk, wltWl .ppOtitnom } Willlan Milltr the Vallej allej JloUl, nearly In Ike centra ef Ihe TlwasaaNBeaU he has accepted. . •', '' |.lsen McC oy town"" "jiforesaM; mtt htrihg been patron ""jifor cnwFMeW Me rMeWillUiM •In communicating this notice specially to lied far btrm* m» eaiieelsUeiH, I Iskr aI k UIB public, owlTU<iu«tinc the «vtl*nilwwt of nil ikla rlimKy lo,t*tat» *j krateAil e*d sincere acknowledgment* to a jtsmefor whom It may be convenient and practicaK Conrad • Mill HOB IHC rous public, and al ihsvMme lime assure tra- Robert »MrMatonsT Peter B Cockerell ble to attend, the Committee of Arrangements vellers ana others, that I shall not relax Edward Colgate appointed for thenof sslon, are only .perform? to make jueabyju -B ing the duty commuted to them! To those who vor me With a call, comfortable. Tho b»sl I Jacob r ilR *ub*erlh*ri Having entered Into FrWsy, J«ly M. Tk* eiawtaatlji • copartnership la the above business, iikolirs will commtnc* att ; reweelfolly M*m tfM eithwil. «l e n u . until half p-« *"***.*£. ,rs-r>rry awd », that **^m the toclfh will b. *n«l>** r the school, .nd the p«Wlo rin»»^andTntcn* carr^'e* tb* above . -M^ bu«mr.« in all ItstarkHisbraiieaee, and nope II, will eotameaee a new wrm the I by sltlnl attention, and by Ihelr long eipe ritr. hi bmlen*, to reeewe * afcara W . NoUcr. A LI, p«r«W iMlebM U Ike sahj b»™ hereby'botillid, HHrt"*v»'' ""<•«' ^ I1F. psrtnrroh.p heretofore "Isllni im- jTIs, are he , ' ' ni'iKl 'iKl b e paid 0a a t ,befor«fM' •' der the .nd Arm of Ilile fc Will- to'lh'em as the subset!*" r t August . •hli*. la- Ih* Smllhvn'g business, was lilts' day iSiliiH-j h} »as*ttl-«*»s*nl; and «s H is Mrrsvsry ih»i thW »uslnrn. of ttie concern b ll » "'"'^ should be eVosrd, all persons indebted are re* lo Ihe Weest, p*omp*i.paymen.t » ••b» * quested to romvforwsrd and settle their ac- necc4ssryy. We feel under many •JJp nd friends and patrons for thetr r " • couats by note or otherwitfl, With James (o our kind TavorT'TnV ti.ilMM wtll'itHIHHe, one of Ihe Uie firm, —.„-.....--^.-.-,. ...-,' .'•.;.-.-, S W W w f f ' -r*?? ! 7-T ! i .' f v AS •* 'KsblsloWn, -tinder Ibe'Arw of Msrmadakf -• •JAMES IHTE. Injhference to Internal Improvements, not Episcopal Church, where a targe crowd was "*J pcrance Reform, we deem It unnecessary to I "uni>rr*ally conceded to be «f a National 'watting, The Rev. 3. E. JACXSOM delivered fllL/iaMA Frcdcriri Ii rant BuaanMoore ' T Jejne H, 193S. ' ." JOHN Jl. THOMl I N . r—The Ratitking bnslasss w»ll be «ha|jcjter/' he speaks «»g»lnit fcteeiillve In- a sermon from-this text: "Let your light so offer any indttfemenis to secure their atten- keen a supply of hay and oats. The msitst MaryEngfe* N O in my Una, Is al ibis lime, for all su[ pplies J I carried on by Jacaes Ilite as u«usl..who has June 4,1838.—1f._ Funk Dr E Noyes » c e In them lurtffltr-" W.ell, Colonel; shine before men, that lifey may see your good dance. We hope they are too sensible of the known lo be very high . r-Shsll; however, Margarel Julia Ann Opie Or II Ul this lime a number of Darshark Ploughs, Wward FiUgerald what of tb« Lexington • and Majsvlllc. works, ami glorify your. Father which b)' In importance of the subject to permit any oppor- for Ihe present, snake no change in my usual Jaasea JVcw *ttd Cheap Good*. I. Opie ;- • ' Trendy for delivery, made by Mr. George TaW Finlry illF. subscribers Ds.e Juil received *•<» i .JBI1B Ohl we beg pardon. That was llravr.n"; and C. 3. FACt-amta, F.sq. pro- tunity of tesllrylng their approbation of It, to low charges. Rkbard O'Bannoa veaner, .well known as a cel*br»led Plough John t l-'arrow At the commencement, It was my Inten- EliUbelb Flood supply of BFMtfti GOODS, •«•* asaker. * ilm* "i- I83S ,/,«,• -you are to b« orthodox nounced an.oration. Tlie-exercises at'the paM unimproved. Their'e^Mrfaw^we confl. Jnaktsj|[icIr_Mprk »iry Urge snd eowptalf, Furt s\ Snydci Thill jrlll do^ We-will not dare to insinuate church were commenced and concluded with deiMy-expccI but for considerations not necessary now lo Frances M Uriggs embracing stmo«t«»«ty article usually Mf» James Fulncy f 2 - J,and for Sale. fn country 'stores, and In demand. • Ai '»•> But, to suc^ of our filln\v-rlt_izcns as exhibit mention, t have kept and shall continue to John (jroluuik . th at'y 6u ean be bribed; but, have you not been prayer by Mr. Jackson, and they v.-cni InterSamwl C feck : . • OFFER for sale th* inelof LAND on. ara keep the best lia'iors Ihe country affords.— Henry Gray !.. to reduce »Ur «s»l«««J«Price ibject.^1 •Indimd, by the offer of the Vice Presidency, spersed with several anthems, sung in superior a .practical the Optipion, now in la* possession .of Nevertheless, I hereby pledge myself to Ihe Jacob Gtfyerf; \" slock, gresl bsrgalns may/be expeeted.* J - <• H'Powrn William Wagely. II contains between 7& to iiljsert your principle*) and, forsaking nil style, by an exoeUent choir.-. After the extr- neoted will blln that thereahalf-'ba no intemptmnce Tr—.... Uanahan invite our friends sad customers lo esll t - i jdcntofihcSchixil " •hd an.bundnd *cr<* of tine Opequon bot- sunnll |hem»elve». We,enure them the* a bouse over wlni-h I have control I ricNsy, to promise that you will do better ciae* were concluded, the procession returned mend the aMjile.notJeei We-ask, specially, tom, besidt* from ISO to300 MTe* nf up- .liallnot be dlssppolhteBi itf.-we lure heretofore don* business for ready moJohn HoioWboai "kintfltrJ" No matter, however, by what to the Hall, where the Masons and the Military llicir attendance. - 'We earnestly .desire the coland, under good fencing and cultivation — will nil Gnods very cheap. ney only, and b Humphrey* Th* whose tract will jeonlaln from 400 to WtoatrlsafeBju**.- Tou separated. • operation* of their Influence and example.— pro'city of InVeri -i-r '/. r. ft H Eliza Heidwbole Fnnrea M Ramon 450 atrea as the 'purchaser may cHoosf, us I I good Democrat; for you lay that Gen. The Bhepherdstown and Harpers-Ferry A- We wbj Ilieni'to lenni officially the true, na- myself. I keep no book at my bar at this W m llensoo Oearg* Ridenour Hsrprrs-Ferry, Anrll 30.1B3S. own also the adjoining land. Terms will be nor shall I ever keep oaf. Of course Jacob C High Benj Rpdrirk ii's views' "are founded In wisdom."— maleur Band* Were both In attendance, giving ture and object of our association,. confident time, accomniodstiDg and easy. no credit 'vlll be expected; certainly none ssV«4H^V Triint Sale. James Hill •••!• .'-i ^ - ' i CaptJLRabson »'••!'• * ••* •••sii»"te that their.proprUly.wifl rhallnnge.approbation. will be flvrn. Undrr all lha.circunulancri doubllcss)'^ salisfactory loall Ihe additional zest to tbfri . 11.. Rr. 0. TUCKER. virtue .of a il.fd of trust, exeroted1 to_ CritteWllin«liT--""-Jt«tly-|hnttllorlleBrr Wc^bury, June I9,;i833.-::i'm.' p.r. batorftstalsj. t:art «Bn inllrit AMBl^BaaaB. ftss etBMssssall toejiub-serlbflr on ihelSlli sUjf «t.S«r «onu«oUon.-with W8eatfH<HJt« Fwry, of public patronage. «• and the latter having performed in.the proees- partisan purposed By our assoelatlon we acISAAC N, CARTER. Office of tbe County Court ol Jefferson, la I>ert BUncbcoHib Globe attempts, in various ways, to aioD.. Col. HENKV Waao was Marshal of Ihe knowledge, no political party—we know no francis L llamiltnn iJharlcslown, July 2 1835. secure a certain debt therein mentioned, oriMUabcth Holme* Dankl Snyder "smooth over" the conduct of Rueker. • This religious sect. We seek no pecuniary emoluHAitPF.Rs-rr.itnv itr.M. I-.STATR. ginally due from L. Wernwag to Joseph L. Bartl;ul-.mcw Smith Ann Manner V virtue of a itrp.1 of trust, exrcuted on Russell, but by subscqutnt assignment and :to What might have been expected. Tbe auda- The sermon of Mr. Jackson was remarkable ment or private advantage. We ult.-rly repuTUB FAVIXIOW. I'cti-r Shank Dr Hunter • . . IIbe U"th day of lleermber, IH-J4. b) agreement between the partis*, now do*Ktewl city Of Blair knows no limit. • He Says, for Jas Shepherd 4 Co Carter Harris for the lively xeal With which it advocated the diate any attempts to propagate our principles Lewh Werawag, ID'• Kdward Wager, now from Jo»*ph I.. Smith to J. Hopkins fc BroHoley HudncU Joshua banb i instance, that the people of Tennessee concur by threats or coercion, .-We address ourselves deceased, and Armslead Bcckhsm. as trus- Ihi-isof ll ; .Ilium'u. I shall proceed to sell, lo cause of Masonry; and Mr. Faulkner's oraIS> esUblHnm*ot, / with no other David llowcll P.t»r Smith . w i t h the for the- benefit of James Mubhlrlir.M, the biRl.eM btjdtr. for cash, M Fri4*yllu3d to the reason of men, and acknowledge a* our chanB« loaa Iliet of -location. »ill b* Ja»N W-lfcrweH . ,, Wsa-Rpott* . . , tees tion wa», in every respect, nn exceedingly emthe sukicriber, ss the surviving frustcu, and HIM <>/• .Aifu nrxt,' all Ibe UUTTRBST ing, of course, (hat they are.willing to submit only means to accomplish our -purpose, the kept by the undersigned -the present seeson Walter Hunter or Mr Samuel tjhaiirman under, the authority vested in blm-ts such by held by ssid Wernwag at said.d»ie,>. Ihe to the Baltimore Convention-,—that Mr. Bell dllablB production—creditable alike for tbe diir-sion of correct information amuiig the peo-' in Ihe house, well known. as Mrs. AlwrueRobert Slemmoos Bog said deed, which i» duly .recorded in the Valuable Island I'mi-ertj, nea'r llarptrs-FarIsaac lleidwhole . John Shartlet ' ' .(-was not deputed ttt assist iii bring)n^ pul Judge literary taste exhibited, and for tho earnestness Clerk's oniee of ihe .county court i-f Jeftcr- ry,pmbrselrig the S.I tl'Mlll., I)IIT././.I.VR Oeoroi W Smith rhHihh.disclnrtic.rtho dutlw *S«siwa SOO, will scll.,»t.f ublir *ip iiui), to Ibr bkl.-r ,,,,,^.-. Mu^oiiipr-jinproiementvtiluated '."., White; that Mr. Ruckcr's vote is a fair ousel this building,"from its improved cnndilioti FcliirSkully We have appointed the Anniversary of Ahim. Tlie conclusion we consider very hnppy. bidder, for cash, on Monday Ikr t3lk ef lher«'ou,or so much thereof as may be neto the Washington caucus, fce. &c. Now, if Thomas hinder, Jr - • r«l Cyrus Illbbms July «u«i',~before' Iti* door of. Filtshnmutt*'* Ssle 10 t>ke place on I'he preotlses It is as folUiprj: (servant HmelJU*rpeis>:ftrry. \octaa (set . • BeUv Soctoo Iho' people of Tennessee arc as niair represents My JBnlitriH o/ Clkerilji smJlirnlea laigit: '"'" jlng- We believe It to comport with the spirit furnish quarters as comfortable and conve- Thomas llitc vihai part of Ilie valii. at a oVfock^ P. M. _, Cooke ni.nt as V y in Biltt. '^'. Mrs" H llanm-cke or uf.M riSarahC' able island of Virginius'Which wiVitfigiiTilly them to be, why are meetings held, nil over Ihe To too .am I Indebted for Ihe honor of ad- of patriotism, to employ the usual leisure mo> JOfWrlTZSlMMOTs'S, The chambers are supplied wilh hair matC O Stewart Aleiander Sinclair sold by James Klubbleneld and wiffr to Lewj' - r . -Trwttr*'. ,' IWIS. afy F ' . " •' f - . ' state, approving of Judge'White's nomination, dressing this enlightened and respectable audi- m«nt* of that day, iu the diffusion of a know- Iressrs, made under the proprietor's own in- DSarv r Hammond •lamiu.nR* or vr : - ~ Warnwag, and is now in Ihe posseMiun of l»t_!L J . '*• "I_J _L1I_ a — -.,„ 1* !,.,_ l.._n & .- * .• " KKhard Wiliums i Rev S Tuslon speclmt) best Bsrnitabje double sheeting, " bxrt none in favor of Van Btiren? WeraMeast, cnce'thi *, And__ while to m e t ___ John W.rnwag sod Joseph !>, Smith, conledge of our principles;—Tliey-aro-conscc,ra- and ail the other appliances of a well furH source 'of deep regret, that causes.have existed taining oo il one of the mutt valuable S»J H' . ,_ have heard of none. ay* the 4 l l i - u f Angutt-neiil, I v _w lo prevent the disc harpr of that duty moresali.- ted. iu the <lccb nit ions of our Fore fathers, and qlshed bed-room. And care will .be lsk«K Jacob FlUgcs that one artfcle, essential to the perfertiog 1 1 amilton Jrflcrson WmVaHmg' ' faetoriljj I -am slire I cannot. At thb lio>c,.btL-. byJheJr authority we.are warranted to. declare, , . . . . . . . _ . . Ji i-'d. all. Itw, Pcrsuoal *'.\VOIiSKtttanei have been nominated, even If Rueker had not tcr it pay Uie obligation, than bir expressing, that in their practice they exert a cohgervative of this item 'tf persurill comfu'rli SuaH iiol SHOPS.and other improveAenls. Said pro- Prtipcrly of ssld dce'd. consisting^ of HirharJ Williams jrrren the 15 votrs; fur "New Jersey, North' on behalf of my ' uinsonio friends generally, Influence In the ptrpctujtlon -of our pi^itral h« oniilled—namely—cleanliness. . fstrtf will be told-la satisfy the-sum of seven The plher depsrlmenis of bis bouse, -M Jesse Brow* high approbation of the ical.with wbieh thousand lent. 4uw4«d »i.(1 l»*i.lj dulUts, "'(CarbirnaVMaine", "ifld ~60i'er states,"'"woiild their Thomas vj'cbitcr you have at all ilmessuslamed thelnteresiiatiid and religious prlrilcgcs. The meeting bus will be found; hare also received tbeir due ' with iiittrcsi from ihe 1st dsyi of'December, !'l.tltl1!ni,i£.there .had been a second •teifistennVthaL.ain.itnt. and noble order, In been appolntcd-for-tt late^-hoyr to' Drevent any share of attention. IVmEIVatkin Henry Kramer •• 1834, the balance, of tbe original purcliase r CATTLE, has . Jrreuiiali Kirk „,„$, ballot" Ah! Mr.-Globe! and how do 'you no portion of this extended commonwealth ihterfcre-nce with the usual exercises of the 1 ni'one'y remaffirmf'-dmr-io- -C'nleman t:.llw;ItLueinda M make the accommodations of his house in Sbcllon Kindell nave the, honors.of the craft been better supr ham, as ihe auigaee of said James Stubbleknow? aulF TUV&W^ --- "T iOMvDutch Letter L Where, indeed, could -Masonry erect day,and thus to obvUte any objection as to thu all things such as .will be suiled-tolha wants field. . ' We feel dhposmHo examine the Globe arti- ported'. ind Ultes of a gentleman : and il will be ;«r John.Xannoo A Dumber of FAItMJSG UTENSILS, her altars, if nof amidst thu awful and sublime Bitch title only as is vested in the subscrithose whose caterer he has, become, to de11. KEYES, P. Mcle, an J cxjiosc, at length, Its 'Outrageous' so- scenery of this wonderful and attractive spot? ber will be^made to Ihe purehsser, wbieh, Jlnd a variety of Houtehold tf KilcArn We ask Ihe attendance of all. ter mine the extent to which be shall be reJuly 2,1835, phistry; but we shtll decline the task: for the If U be true tipt the mind receives tlie impress however, is belie ted to be indisputable. FUUNITURB. Respectfully, munerated. .. . • its character from Iho objects' around It; if - Bah) to take place at 19 oVIock, M. ' Globe, like the most of its echoing prints, does of 'JOHN 8TROTHER. . A credit of I-J mtnilis will be given OR all It was«midst lofty and Inaccessible mountains, • C. G. STEWART, Chemistry. ARMSTtAD BF.CKIIAM, Bath, July 3,1835. - .. of five dollar* and upwards, Ibe purnot possess, intrinsically,' any quality entitling that the first .founders' of 'our Institution dis__,,_ 'T. A. MOORG, 6>S. Surrhinx Truttit, tfc. sums I of ibis town proposes to D. The drawing' room, with, chaser giving bond and approtcd security. " ~ some ' ' ,« and place, caveinS of Judea, that the illustriD. POLK, | try, durtiiR ihe.neit fall and winter. iano—t:hcss Boards—Books, fte.' C^We are requested to state that a meeting ous patron of our order caught the inspiration "- ,..'"• Commilltr of .tirangtmtnll. tbe subscriber by Jacob Myrrs, bearing said'Chrisllsn Alletnong Uitd selted, lying I ficient encoar*g4ment be offered to justifv- m9 on" the 25lh day of July, 1834, and now tbe county of JtOerson, about -.a mile from of the : Harpers-Ferry Temperance~8ocloty of those masonic virtue* " more fragrant than Ihe expense of procuring the "ttittum Af- data Trtittt Kale of Good M'urnlArabian Cassia, more precious than the gold of record in the County Court -of Jefferson, the head of Uuiskwriiu, and about half a The Great S/np.—Vfo copy, the folpmniui mmi malrru/i, the Lecture* (ball be will be held in the Methodist Church at that of Ophlr," why may not the eternal rocks and will be.oBcrcd, at public auction, to the liigh- mile from ibe Winchester and Pototaaa rail titre. . lowin parliculani in relation .to the illustrated by Ihe performance of all; ;,plsceicm-the:4th_of July, at 9 o'clock, A.-M.; awful eminences around stimulated Ihe mind Y,vMue.of;a . porianl iog cx|«ri(nenli, and they esl.bidder, for cash, on Saturday iluL I K* Jay road. Said Farm conlains about fkf now on- the; when an address will be delivered, by Anmcw hare into Ihaldwp ami holy channel of thought Kdward Hughes to Ihe subscriber, fof shall be extended, without regard to lime, (Sj*J*Tfrl*'*'»*"tne''ht>nsepf-Mr»- Mary-*U , 3Q.O ACRES. stocks .at (he Philadelphia N avy Yard, he purpose sa-awtplBlousto-the-tnte peroeptloBflf-4h«-su. of1 indonmifjing N.Marmion •- until a comprehensive end (it i*-hnpcd) in- Myers,, ir> JciTu/soo, and near Mr. Ilitc Wil- Tbn land is of good ipiality, ha HUNTUR, Esq. blime mysteries of our order? DbtinguUned, from the Irtquircr of that city :Ji lis's, all ihe interest of the Hid" Jacob. Myers ;ainst certain suretyships entered into by structive course shall havebeen delivered. suluoiant nus»tily iif Timber, and.4 seat of mechanical skill and enters ' * him for »aid Hughes, end for' oth other purposes. Hwprteenpf 'a ticket gf^admissioa- vrill-ber in auLto a-c«ili -week,- Mums. liciitarlj rte»crihcd hi said tru«t ,. and 9tippn<.- i. noir-iir* good sUta^^ «hicb deed, was dated on 'the lllh day. of in, regulated by the number _ Pride, of Alabama, left this place ion convened* from remote-regions of the 938 acres; Ibe interest of.. the Hon. ~Tbe improvements are a to- _ December, 1834, and is duly 'recorded in tbe but it will nofbe above edloeontain -190 " length of keel, for- tonna lerbly comfortable Dwelling House, said Jacob. Myers- being sn undivided sixth wilh a drove of fifty-two slaves, which had earth, all looking ta their honest toils for ihe lerk's OOicfl of iho CountvCourt of Jcfl '¥eeW-fioUKft'«pm'ilrte;;ur»'oTttWw'wWloi:' monuments of operative masonry, bearing uphouuses ; two good wtils ol excellent Saturday tht lUVtUa.ef Hii monifc (J«l«) tbtir namre wilh Mr. N. G North, or Mr. interests in the /ia«c» of two olhcr undivided on lh>ir bosom the *ich eommeroe of OUP-WOS''' several good "do" '"outside of before FilzsiniiiionV Hotel, at tlarpers-Fer- II. N. Oallaher. who can give any informa- iiUB~partsbf the said traet, 16 vfltf Mie'iln-" ____^ Bo • Many of our subscribers greaiiy coin- erous VaHoy; where ought Masonry to llourdivided sialh part* of Catharine Pyles, (forj |aipan the whole, the ntunllon h quit* a wales; ry, a quantity 'of excellent I"0&nXtion about the matter. . . ' •','-. snial .to its growth? roerly Catharine Myers.) andI his. brolher itrable on*-, and the value of the farm will art of the follow«9aatiM9^1^ -'' ' "--*lm'^d)lfl(i*U«*.b^e%att;s,,^ iib4(lbe,ereejl! 'vtM*L-i*-*~*'*ftrr*7*w 'aa . -rmESSB mean*, who do riot takVlhe Jree PreasVbutl^f1^', Jeremiah, were conveyed to ilic ta •330(»-28-9&tonnage; guns 140; l.lhe same. A MenVil CLOCK, who, nevertheless, would as soon think of ab. verted the angry floods into one of the ele- 18,341 yards duck, one set of sails; T>nn <JATT» "'i' ' • .'|M)'rrs and I>U brother Henry Myrrs; Ihe The terms of Uie sate will be as follows i A pair of. Mahogany Dining Tables, X-Vtt OAttti.. _. ; ,. j, b and Henry being entitled to the jo co from" breakfast every morning, as to' ments of thy prosperity, did -not reveal one 14,621 " do Four thoussnd dollars of Ihe purcbase money A Cooking Stove,'with Pipe complete; hammocks, N pursuance of a decree of the Circuit half of each >oid sixth part; but subjecl, ne- to remain in Ibe hands at llie purchaser dur" natural life of Ihe widow of ssid de._ for Berkeley Cooaty, eu into thy bosom I <3o on I Prosper! our to Miscellsneous Boulis, In~e~ ciuie T(ber«S pcrrthig-betv IMS. in. ' , "hen thy cup of enjoyment is full-when 11 inches shroud*;. . subscribers to hear the request: "Let me have . Glass and Queensware— wilh a variety of Jacob Myers administrator with tbe will.ani i ^-,, all around thee shall be strewed tbe evidences sold to secure lo Mury M. Myi-r". the pay- death Ihe whole is to be paid in three equal 19 do. mainstay; other Household and Kitohen Furniture, not nejied, of James Foreman, dec'J, your paper a minute. I only want tinoolr ,,i.n,.,, M a successful fflf I-^I.K. on .uccesaful enternrise. enterprise, tc'J, pplaintiff. ment of the sums (peclued in Ihe trim, and annul Instalments to ih« eaeeutor: said opulence and necessary lo parliculerise. 978 feet mainmast—M yards over It" Suppose this should be met wilh a remember, that amongst those who gavejhe n, defee ndants the sale will lake place at Ibe place heretotbe heirs of James Forema to be secured by a deed of trust on the ~ Ttrmi ttf.Sfk.— All sums under |5, cash; and the undem^ as commissioner appointed, fore' mentioned, ;lbe residence of said Mary sum counter request, something like this: "Let me most efficient impulse lo thy advancement, premises, for the regular payover that amount, a credit. of three mouth* .110 were many who worshipped at the nlirino, uud mainyard ; by the Court, and as administrator with Ihe M. Myers, being on the premises to be soldi --• . have a loaf of bread a minute. I only want incut of Ihe Interest to the widow: the resiWill be given, by the purchaser giving bond will of James Foreman, will otter lor sale to honored Ibe principles of Fate MASONRY ! 82 topsail yard ; JOHN A. THOMPSON, dua uf the pun.l.ii-i' money to be paid cue ' wilb. good Mourlly, 8»>ejo commence at the highlit bidder, upon the premises, en to eat It", Wltcre U Ihc difference between May 91, IS35 l«62 tpp pillaut yard ; third in hand, one third at Uie expiration of 12 o'clock, U. . the two? ITisJBX**** lac3titk J-j tf.lugvtt nut, thai From ike Baltimore Ameri'an. one year.;and the remaining ihiirit al. Ibe exWILLIAM MeGRAW. ~3fl royal yard ; KKSII I.I'.MONS and CHANGES,. Valuable aid well known farm at tbe mouth ftp, p i M t i n n uf twii M-ir» fi<iui lh« day of ssle. JulyS, 1835. TmsKr. of the Opequon on the Potomac River, (being Our city is becoming' more and 10,000 lb*. sheet anchor; I'ine Apples and Figs* fur »ulo by Hut il Is undorslyud', llml shuuld life decease • Jl ilneutor /«!—U Is, perhaps, not gene- more closely united with Virginia by .- Those who may wish to purchase tbe pi- Ihe Isle residence or said Jam» Foreman, UM. S. LOCK k CO. • 25 inches do; of the widow happen ttlthln twujesrs from" ano, (which will not be removed from dcc'd,) containing about 3B1 acres o(, rally known thai the Matlapony River, in the mean* of the™Ghib-Rail road. The 1,531 yds. Main topsail. : May 28,1835. the duy of sale, tho payment of Ih* InstalCharlestown,) can do so at private sale, 'by lower part of this state, la-formed by the eon. facilities for travel and transportation ments of the fuur thousand dollsrs will not. applying to Andrew Hunter, Esq., Charles- FIRST-HATE I/AN», flucnce of four .branches, called the Afa», the afforded by this cheap and; rapid mode be'required Id cuiniiienre until the eipiratown; or to W. McGraworN. Marmion, ai a ejMUr portion I hereof being river and Storkholders* of Ibe Smtthfield, lion uf three, full years from the day of sale. T«, Iho To, and Iho Ay. Thus the names, as of intercommunication have reduced • -On Tuesday lost, BM.LV, infant daughter -o IUrpers:Fcrry. Opequoo botiom. Attached (o this propert:barle<town, and I IsrperoFerry Turnty, is a ferry across tne Polbflsac, and a new pike Company, ere requested-- to meet at The payments falling due al-lhe- end of Ihe vrcjl as Ihe waters, of 'these four small streams the distance between Baltimore and Mr. David Uowell, of this place. TO THE Otf 8TOBUBB toll bridge acrossl tbe Oprquon, a good Carter's .Hotel, ' lluflrtto.wn, on the'' 18lb finl and second years after the, unite ia mulling Ihe Msl-ta-po-oyV. - , IIW« //iiw, tarrf ffocj /Vf/- Jul>, for the |iurp»sf of electing a President will atso be. secured bj. a desd at. trust on Of »!•« < liarl, 9luivu several days ,tKvf^Wa;lew^O!iu8. and Ike premises Prrsoos wishing lo view the Haf llauui, lifi grti Dam, Stm- and Ihrce : f.,r l ;eur. Al<o llin .—AdUtlngulshcd writcroftliis the beneficial effects of the road are B H I . T I M O R E . Jl.'NE 27. MM, »nd two bearing orchard* pnseiil (loard are rcqu*sled to raff I on the farm, will apply lo Mr. joints P. llml rs, or . \|r. Jul.n P,,->vhon«idc in the inune•-*•• • cwuntry says that *ma«e)u>awledged gentleman daily more' M^^Wrty;-' felt^ and TAKE this moiljod of Umderingyoumy ^^jf^B^fthMire Fruil TW.properly Salurdaj ('late sHtigliborhoud' -' Kale- So cumnicnce at • is never bound to notice the scurrilous' abuse miSre highly appreciated, at both ends - grjUeTuI acknbwk-dgnienls for the liberal o^en more "dvanl^es'lhan any blVr inlhe " 10 b'elbtkV ' AWcndancaigiven %y ' of moment from stores liare'come In bur pslroiiige I have heretofore received; also iy rfB«rk«lej,b.inSon Ihe *.re»i Ch«saJunel8,IB35. of notorious and proverbial blackguards.'— of the line. The last Martinsburg Re-, lions . K H I N AI.LKMONO, Ft'r knowledge Oils' week. Holders are firm a lo correct Ibe Impression, that I had sold tooB .«k aMa Ohio renal, where boating *od publican ha* the following paragraph in •/ l/niiliiin .HlmioMjT, rftMssisi JThe., samo idea, is.expresscd In ..the old saying; g(i.75 per bbl. The wujoh price is uniform a the Charlestown Mill.. ) thought I bad sold, ir.djn,;, miy b« earned ,,n lo any e»l»i.l— Tlae Uicbiuond Courier reference to the facilities to Which Vu rredertck co-.; June >rrl83&M.lit* ' •— " " • "A well-bred ' man will not insult me, ah* no 58.50- ~ but Itwasa^lstake. The mill Mi "ow tal-jdj,jM<j!^..HMto*,b»i.i,M11 be di.idsNt GRAIN—m««l A lot of good Mary compute ordei- for Ihe recepiioo of grain of) |-W" tbraa ii»n«. vat IhTboatbiK ' ™— ' •other can.' It is implied, also, In the follow have allusion : • ' , Editors of thr Cos^ritaa, In senland-red was sold In the early part of the all kinds; and the highest prices Ihe markets' Despatch.—A, gentleman of tills r 1 the day of the Ma'soiilc pru< ession la Ing'passage^ which, we came across the other _ forming in •» lul lhe» It. lies* la be lh V" '' week at |1.45 per bushel. A parcel of abou below will afford, will be paid, at all time*. „ .„._ _ place left here] about one o'clock on Smiihfiul'd, on Saturd>y Ih* 6th insL, • lie Utlr, !>»«.• d, •ilhnlll i li»nE'"K ibe day, in turning over the leaves of 'l.acon:'— laid) bushels good red Western, was sold u shop, good sla- genrnl>h»rMlir of tlr ir IU|>T. in glti- it u soine grutlehian, lurounb tiiUtake, took Mr. Thursday morning last for Baltimore, 148. A sale of a parcel of Husquehanna ret fur wheat For thoso who prefer rrindmc, ho tlOn house, eooper - "If you cannot'avoid a quarrel with a blackHour, if they wish it, shall be delivered IWhM[i m ,, e |,ou.ri fcc. rTh, b^lsm'e of in* •/>rinJU*7 of t»til1™—Tlir* tliio* IhtTf " surli M; H. llunsieki-r 1 . saddle in place of his and after being detained several hour* wa* made to-day at IMQ. The wheat har their In Baltimore on as goitd terms as U c.n be I . . ^ t^^ j ^m, orrbard i-lkinj M mrfaing lite mdrr with pnUttsSlI |wid hMiB 1B guard, let your lawyer, manage it, rather than. on the way arrived in the city at 1 o'- vest has been commenced in the regian biirdurown—from my stable. As Mr. llursicker i^l • |ii|»-r enlireh oevuld Df-politirs, U if not satisfied wilh llie »»cl»snge, I waul4 yourself. No man sweeps his own chimney, clock , P. M. He transacted hia busi- ing on the Rappahannoclc, and supplies from dune from any of tbe neighbor ing M''»-*l |«. at each end Uirraof, ao that this proper- nutler,yet Theotr.ll will b« rec'd for Ibe.Barrel, if re?| t, ctnbe*old entli. w ia parts, as ihe pur- like a <b«b will.cut stMsiiniittft i.r, ifs bus lio^ii be «.b!ii" d, if the prrsan who has the tad. but employs a clilmncy-swecper.'who has no iteas durinR the »amc evening/and the that quarter will begin to appear in about ten quested. I expect lo make srr«ngemenls to rhl,tr •pll> will, "a pudding » v-'uLi-j" il li«s rlloo,e. The terms will be. one dlej would, leave It either at. Mr, riUskn. dajtc, ^beautiful: tpcclnien -ofr-.Rappahan- iiriiittrPlatter, and mott likely-togrnd;J it. fourth of Hie |^r<Bai*nson«y inkansl.ili* uo Aduuufar pi.:ii'K-.»l.;> tikr. f\ lU-elUfd s.i in- murm's Hotels tlarpers-Ferry i 0. * Irrrtl ii) public anVlis SS the people of \ ir;(it..» nock white. |n the ear was'sltbwn to us jfas- - , • - - - . tiln-phenUti.wu •, ..i at Ci •""'• !••»• ••.•lip. il jsilLJfeS-SfiM-Sl I ml* TIM.— • -- — |T—TT T I fm r vary ~*ff ••ij •'lii-ffd into aaay . . . moderate prices for oash, and cash paly. In J . u; the deferred payasenU to b* aeeurtown, and five n.e iiifi/r »tioii," wfiei" 6H' Is looked IP as ihr crntrr ef thf i»'and .repairing of an axle-tree, arrivi rom —Tlie sales throughout '-the week »hotl, no psios shsll be spared to ac«omw' wm na lien oo lha land. Own can he rclurqcd lo lint»l sjsii-mi Iha boinl » l , c r c , si li-art durM'J in Martirisbunt before -7 o'clock on have been at 95a!)7c. per busbel -for white, "ate, and nu Farmer can loose by bringing J \ i ( ) D MVF.US. the s>ci>Uli>e ultiwgi, llir runr. ulrott-d !"•«" laksn away has padded skirls, covered wild and at Die. for jellow-«W< fiood beer, it b said, can be made by adher- 'Friday evening, having pcrfonnc.l u . this Pll iki mOt caff ikin; l»r>tLi.f«ss,4!l»itA tk«*. r-'-— tope for a eonlinusnce of pssl favors. is t-s|iecir>l latw SMtk'iril «vtrv«cjr} with broad illncr slides on the 'tirrup ing to tbe following recipe: ' . - -' . • journey -of upwards of two .hundred day. Juae S5, I8J5.-U. llye—Wequotoaf99a97eti. A partM lh» Conunonwealllj. \ ~ • WM. F. LOCK. lhersT*T|d^a^hlye__ clulh—Mr. llunt'ck . • . rut two quarts of molasses Inio a keg with miles, Bixtcen roilet of .which—going pub.—A parcel «f Busqitebanna was sold We sliaU, Ikervforv, lake a ileeldcd, Ibougl. Jut; «, IBIS. thinks his name is writlt'n'H hare the maksr'a? • ten gallons of cool water. Boll two ounces of to Harper' a- Ferry —was on horseback, on Wednesday at SSc, and yesterdsy two par'decorous p»rl la tbe politics uf the dny,iiiMUr is gsnsrsHy put, Sasr. N. B —All persons having oflall due them paper fur the country, wtileli we tirrS4-nl umtrr alspice, two ounces of ginger, two ounces of in lest than twenty-five houn. For- cels of Susquehanna and one of Maryland will please to lake It away, or It may URSUANT to a deed of trust, made by KAMUBL STONE. Ibr title uT •> V'to- MirAi|Mii/l CtUiiir anil Semiwere sold at 53 cts. We uuoto Virginia 47a Pol'Bmllhfield. June 19. I oil W. F. I, Samuel M'PherMNi and Mary bis wile, H'rrlly Ctm/Hlfr." ' \VV shi.ll. »s »,- b»>e*lrvi>hops, and half a pint of Indian or com meal merly the aame journey could not' be 4Bc. to the subscriber, d*tf d Ibe 18th of Keplctt- itj sided, kkllli' for tin- principles <4° V i i » i i i i » in two or three quarts of water about an hour. made in leu than five dayt. i i, J l i M E 97,' or Stolen ber, 1833. ia order lo secure William II. and a CvnsliluUuiiSl t'niu... Wr b . l i ' - « v lint K. NOYKS, ri.ofu. yesterday- <he eurrent prlce-of Strain it Into the keg while hot) add one pint the subscriber, at llsins's i»ov iittprtillcdi M*d. uitdcr il.-'t t»Tul .—The testi- Flour from wagon) was iG.50 els. We hino DBNTAI.BURGEON, Mouth and Williim sui»nici>,. tlie former b<4ltanfinal of Captain Bullskin Itun, ieffvrton eounly, of yeast; shake U well-together, stop the keg as security for lh« ui<l basauel M'Fhenon, wr slull raise a wiiriiiug solve su lone as wr bait' mony in thii case before the Naval heard ef iio sales from -stores, excepting small fro« M. Cl, l4etlsv4-S(. HMrntn, MI a certain *um ofuiDnev.tbercui.lneuliontd, any hope tb.t our cuiiuiniu.» on Ce *»kfiunl on Mundty nijhl the' 8lh instant, (J Wnrly airtight, and let it stand twenty-four Court Martial now vitting in thin city, lots at rotalli at over |6.T5. Several parcels r.lNfi'ou a visit lo Jelferton county, with wbirb deed of trust i> oc recnrd ia Ihe from Ib* f»ul security Iu uliith they iujw »,-riu HOIIUF.L IIOIISK, H jean old. Us a i • houn, whan U will be fit for use. The whale ha* been brought to a close, and*- its itort have been priced at (6.75. U- rrpotiiig his forahead, and a small wliila ring i a view to extend the benefits of 'hi-, pro- Clerk'* nflice of l.o.j'i-'U'i ecualy. will be lo W i t h ibis brief n|H,.iilw. uf our «ir»» and expense oi making this quantity will not ex- day next i» ajtigned for the hearing of estion, wilt, for the pn-senf, bo fuuud at Hie se-M, al piiblir sal*, 1.11 ll>« -J6lh of the ?tb Mtrwian, weiu<«4a tU »u|,uu.i of a grtwruus nil neck, occasions*? by a yoke. Any nation respecting th« li.-rtt will be thsi ralley Hotel in ChariuUoilrn. lie. respectful- uiuulh, fJuly,) on Uie premises, the ssul OOQB8, ceed, three shillings. IH.UU. the defence. J. P. Kennedy, EMI. is ly reeclurd ; and any pcison who will I y lenders i\ Is services to 111 who may need sueh Ta* l»«ily<'\-,. , iu time for Ear vent. the Counsel of Captain R. and J. Moffaiui boot*, shall be lil«» rewarded • aid in the several liraucke* which l.iv' profi •sera, awl (>.«•"«• Ibe' rourw nbuli U B have r*eelv*d an'additional supply Mr, Livingston has arrived at Washington. fit, Esq. nets aa Judge Advocate. DurJ.VMttt 0. Ooeaadabalf mite, north of YVaUrford, unuVr its |»rc*ri«l cuirilui tors. . of new and sassonable goods, io ion embraces, and <-oi.lidci.tly trusts thai hi* with June 18, 1835, a. large and •-convenient Dwelling 'I'll,- priw of lltr Couiirr snd BVinl-Weekly ing the seisiim of • th«- Coyt t the room- which we r**peetfully-ihvito the attootion .xpericnce and skill will be futind in»t inferior V aimuini l-ui f*t l t!»tn|rHr'. .O** ihe most popular t>«niuts ia the' Unilol J»wr l»«Jri».— A eorrtipondenl ufUie'Ar- haa been crowded with apectatora, and of oureustomir* and Ibe public generally. Iu will a* reeriswl as iwyiuwrt in full fur Hate*. Persons, jrhj., wish to preserve their The Mill U a large brick Uiildiog, w.llh •diaixc WM. 8. LOOK It CO. *.«• gas mentions the following Incident, which oc- much anxiety U felt in the community three pair of »lone%— :wo of which are far ,,l», af.d avoid Uie conseuacMe* which tk»ir rAW07 avTOML JOHN H. IiAt.l.AIH.Il. > July 8. 1835. loss must occasion, cannot be .too strongly iiu- merchant work, oue five and Ike other six curred while a party were going, on a canal for the result.— [JJofl.Psrf. Jtiit* 2T. JAMKs C. WAUtKU. 'I brgs leave to lafotas sssssssl feel ourrs. The wheaU are 17 or 18 feel prcMud with Iho iiapurt»i«'.e of paying an early !, Aswil sV, »M». boat, from bhepherdituwn to llarpert-Ferry: I friends and ihe putilin generally, that CINCINNATI.— Our young aiiter of over ahoota, on a good slrcaas, and ia a (oed iUeutibit to them, espeeUlly aa every un.FKKSII supply of Umons, good Or- healthy condition of tbe In la and f nau, in- sl«i4 lor butiaata. ICT cUibtcripliaw* received al this ottcs ha* opsned * Cnnfn tioniry, Fruil, aa4 r*sv' — A throng of the sons of the Emerald the West, 'Cincinnati, it appear* by the Pin« Apples. For volvvs IntaresU of great if not of life-time imey In Ihe rooms fureaerly MMaiai|i Tbe terms will be made known oo Ibe day Isle, laborer* on the unfinished part of Courier, ii prospering greatly. Many sale byanges, and belter WM. 8. LOCK It CO. n a dwelling, and ima»di*Uli alMMf portance. The preservation of the Hilt ougbt of sale, awl »u< I. Ii0»s»ad« to to* purchaser, HoHHCaml Latin UaHrar. him the aqueduct, bad collected on the building* are erecting, real estate ha* July 9. 1835. THE lli.u« »nd Ut lii in Ibe I . K | I I " ( and Apullwcary stura-, wixre ka to be an object of aaxioly and solicitude to eve- as UM >uWiibcr it empowered to snake, by river side of the Canal, to see perhaps risen much in value, the mechanic and uileudt aceplttga Itrgn and general ocevpaucy of Mr. Daniel T. Malhias, i* In individttal, nut only for the'maslicaliun uf said dead of mat. farm tor ilent, ry in w hat plighht we were. On approach- laboring man have found relief from sale. II U a convenient and plcssaul r.-.i- ihrui of fr**ti Fruit, ('''t.f'4-iiuAaties, WILLIAM B. STERB. fowl, and, the health of the general system, but ITU ITUATKU near Charlestown. coolstn dnuce, aud will b* sold tin advaiilagcoiis mil. lc> cwibeclril wilh ll.« buslniss. ing them thee band struck up "Paddy their difficulties, and busine** of eveJvo*9J, —ts. lag about 900 acres cleared land. II is fur a correct enunciation uf Ungnage. Mr. N. laraw- For further particulars, refer* me wbo buy lo s*ll will And U lo --grateful for tin* tribute of ry kind appear* br i«k.— Halt. Cat. Well watered, and has a eoniforlable d wellmj is prepared to give the. most satisfactory lestiAny person • wki&ftu purtbaM. kad •ay be k»d to Mr.Msthiss, on the preaiises, ISR* to rail, tr>4 raatniue ihe M*a*s *T!j -- wpect in playing a favorite air of their House, fossenioa will be (Iveo on Ihe Is wouials, and Ibe most rt*i*ct»t>Uj refsreacea, betur call and <i*w ike i^ope , aa I »» or to Ut* subscriber in Cbarlrstowa. quality uf the articl** «sT«r*4. , as tu bis character, and ability and M0(» his anstocs it should be sold, to satis own native land, they cheered u* with satisfy istui) laaakoi Ibeaboie JOHN >. ADAM VOilUfc Jr. The Hon. John Forayth, secretary of August. Apply to profession. IIUUrilHEV KEVE8. 4-PUtUSONiajja bordering oo madneti. Ap,il9,J8». of State, ha* arrived ia Wa*uington. CJiarleslowB, Jiaa M, IBMCbsrltstows, T a f r Trtat Halt B »i^»^»d^^st.^^ PUBZ.XC S<M.H. B '— ••"—.^•I.J.I.II'.l-ilnnrl.l.^,! |< B ••^Ji»«MMB«Ma»« F f P I B W A S 'H Mm, SHAWttOHTJAJJJ SPHIWQ3. THE DVRrF.PTlC. O* »»/ I'/l nmr «<nli*n Wm." OBO! 111 •erer touch •bit, • . Twaa wily owl* to hurt, Vly Upa arc now forbM to taMe The «nee betared 4«*crt< \Vith tarU on UrU -they worry me, y*PP«tttetowb tlrn ptiddlng »*e»*1o»mHc on mr, But, ah I f carit forget. But wen it t*n-limei lighter slitt, It would not do for me! Ti* true, ih.v oft as I (lurry The daintle* round me *ct, . My heart with inward longing yarns, •-•^^^i^iJ^!G^^w3^3jSS^'StJjr'" They ' ff ' Cherlettovn, Jeffrrttm Camly, Virginia. r TAKF. lb» llbatty toannoont* to »h» pub. lie, that I ihall, on Monday neil, (acting Ag«Bt for a JohDf ftttK-k fiompitiy,) open-a loii^r of Kn«rrlainmnif n Charlettown, Jeffenon County, Virginia, Iho old aland, nearly In the centra of the WB, which ha> (nr many ye»r« bwn oec&plpenoni,' and ow called tha Valley Hole). My TABLE ihall be oopnlied with the beat and* th*. narkat afford*—a careful."OST I'.ll alwaya In attendance-oderate. '' keep iliink, of- which alcohol it a eompo« nl pirl; but under all circumtlanccs I hive included for thr present, lo keep Liquora of le belt quality for Iratelleh »nd stranger*. Thcjr hint Tu love nilelli me, But 1 heed 'not what they say.* Like me, perhaps, the love-lorn wight, . Mny sigh, and groan, and fret, Dirt If he feel* v.hat 1 hare felt, He never ran fc.rctl. beautiful ctlab'lohnunt, illumed inJtfter.on County, Virginia, about 10 mHr» •oulh-wett of tlarfmnFarry, and flve miles from lh« county test, (Charlettown,) U IHfii apeo' tot the reception of . The TttiitbW qnalltkt of tha water are nnUcrtilly. . knnwn and.«pkpowle<l|teil j and the faclllllei now afforded /or reaching . ih' it. pleasant rttrent. by the Hall (load and Sin***, will render it a Jaunt of pleaiura and healthful recreation. T|m hrthh fif tbo neighborhood h** betn •fit *)iu>tllem for many ••«(*.' Twn linci of Slag**, run (tally from Marperi-Ferry ihmugh Charleitown, and acconimodalionxarriagei to the Spring* canbe had at any lime, The tubscrlbert' will endeavor to requite, In the most talitfaelory. manner, all thoie WilWwrtae»««WfeSSffisa»Bffiwi«»^ THOMAS JOHN 0. COCXHELL. Juno 4, 1835.— if. • . ; A " Rroir.-'.hop" shall ntttr lie kept liildr l r Jl Cute "Yankee J\ "o/;'on.—Il is pro"posed in the New IInvcn Herald, that as l\\e fiieknry, from its toughness and hardnejis, ilocmod characteristic 0f()en. Jni-lp-nn^.waA hftttorcd by the Qiitltbtl as his emblem, that of Marl in Van Huron should be—the tlifpery elm., ^. d hopeful yci<tti.—"\\i\^," taiil a. ''"'- L'"JoJ»itJutiWfefeiLii»itaiflne.{" le roofiif a home otcr which I hue con* "I '•.'•• .To wit trouble. I Rite notice al the ontet, tat no credit need be atked, a* none will bi: ran. .1 most, respectfully tolicil u than of ublie nalronage. ' ISAAC' N. CARTER. rharlrMtwn, Jan. IS. 1835. . ' rnsjcoQiuiB •ma r»i of Till fygcian I'egetatle Uniccrtal Mctlicinet Of the Drill* College of Health, London. •llll-Hhe«»obtained4h» approbation whi» h»ve bee» cured !• 6etieina»MeS)Si Cbe right to strike back?" "Certainly, he era Morbnt, In0ammatibn>, hiternallT or ex•riiall\; Dyspepsia,'.Fevers, Ague, fndigeshas,'* replied the lather, '"the law ol on, Biliwuor Nerrout Anecllont; and all dii'•elf-defonco sanctions it." "Well, iset of Ihe Liver, Vi-l low Fefer, Gout, Ithciithen, I'll tell you what it is," said the matitm, Lumbaso. Tie Dotoreux, t ' hoy, "the nest time you box my con, ilufaDance, F.pile|i»y, Apopleny, alsey.Ureen Sirknes»,and allobMructiontlb I'll hit you a.devil of a blow under the Which Ihe'Femaleform ia »o diMrrningly li; -fiflh rib." ble, and which tends so many of Ihe fairest ortion of the creation, to their untimely Rtlort Ctrltnu.—Tbe Boston Po«l hat the rives; Small Pox, Measles, Whooping following':— rough, Scarlet Fever, Asthma,' Jaundice, " Throw Mm orer."-^thc Eaitor of • rate). Stone, and all Urinary.Obstructions, the U. S. Gazette says—"Thc.Boston- 'istala. Piles,. Strictures; Itupliirrt, and 83in all It* atagei; Conttipated flpwal*, ians have not one elegant public build- ihili* Vprmt, Scurvy, llr.hin^H of the skin, King's ing." . What is -the .State Housi !nl, and all Colaneou* Disorder*; in short, Mass. Hospital—Suffolk Dank—Ma- very complaint to which the human, frame f.onicTcniple—Trpiiinnt House,$ic: Sec.? i* iu direfully subject under alL their tarieil The Philadclnniaiis liavc not one clc- bfmt and names; at the llygeian conviction sani private building—the best pr'ivaleMan tVnijrcf lo on house, there is not superior to some o: OXtTB EUBAXs ~ .bur stables. '. TU»T It, .*•' ~;A boy abodl 12 years of age, soit.of : Andrew Beam; -of . Somerset, l*erry county. Ohio, died'recently in leVsthan an hour, iTrora ird parsnips u __,JXJeld by mistake. H r'oiu whence •pf ing» every cotoplainl that can Mwsihly atsaii hitcomplicated frame,ind thai t it the perpetual tlrugjjle of this vital, puic tri-ain of liw,7(the^ViTo'i~AfmigEty powerT] n •li«ciicumber itself of its visconi, -ocriil iimopi, ttilh whieli it liaihceaniccoiiiihixcd Jjirough Ihe negligence of parents, or tbe vicious, or gormandizing propensities of us RKWOVAI,. all. , WM. tt. This Valuable medicine, being composed AS removed lo Warehouse, corner Prat only of vegetable mailer, or medicinal hero*, .And South Street*, and.. ba» Attncinlrd and warranted oh oath, arcbntainiug not one !fak:S&fel**a*ej»,. »!s£r3y>V aA'Hffja-icsaucSSBiiati txKmfrisuaa Buimeii ilhder the firm uf" WM. 11. CEATTV fc CO. June 25, 1835—31 . Thr Impurity otthr Blood, do. .. Pine Apples,: dor—^-r Orange*, • • ~ * do. Citron, —----Lemons, Oranges. . Pules. Ralslnt, Prune's, Oli»es and Caprni, srf! -. : And fresh Salad Oil, ' - :FOT sale by ...... ' • -• . - - . . . - - . . . : •...-. E. M. & C. W. AISQUITH June *»i A RE now receiving a frr«h supply o COOPS suitable to, and as various a tbe present uaton the nature of man, and therefore destructive of ihn human frame) b found lo lic-frrfcrtl] larotless to Ihe most tender age, or weaket rame, under every atage of hunian tuQcring Ihe most ple»>ant anil lluni,;n in its uncraliun and, al.llio tame liifle, the most certain iu bjfagJttJUieep^MitLaLi , wasiver offered to the world. This won ferfureDectTtooTS'''proaiieejTby the least roublo to the patients, by merely twaJlo' '•h r-i-Hr ' "»pn»»tjuii of pain, exhau*tion Ol itrenglhl and without t h e . fear .ol caicbiug mid, of attention la dress or diet, in any way ;different from thuir accinlomed ha .__ -JOHN T. <:t II LP.VKRINTi. f WM. LONG, Mariiubtrg. HKNKY P. WAHU, .HinrA«/<r. W cut notice. He will tin make Mill Picki. Mr. Martin will.nlto atlrml In the Hlinnng of tior*i'«, ami rV«nt Itl* knu»lrdni- and I'l^rnmce uf thr. binlm'tk, H a pnetiaal « orkrtiati, 1 it* MM **»'•• tale to tty, tbtt very *** Smith* 1aiTite tt *tn1 perfetllon in till* braneht ««'l f" ' ronfidntt If will render general ttUtfuetioa tolhotr «hn tnnv favor me with .I'lraw tall and judge (•*• younrltrt. I haw I«AI; t»en rnminu il thai ilitre it no section of coontry »lK«r n«» i»r» - i S I jmrpoie (if lif A winter ii the iulorlm, eagtge .U HouMin which I noi giving pysteikion may tenant. • JOT April 9,183S. Old Kichmor/d, I will, i good tenant, Ih lire. -The lime o arranged to suit Ih 8. GALtAIIEII. tfcbts. ^jWo^ii; .-.'•; ... al *V atatvC fcefiits' >k'« . knWenc*. taaSt fjefc ia> tflu r.ronm in all ca«t. to h» will b« t» (M any tfc»t my dapp«n. The _ tmmmfnn ihn 3GU> of Maruh, atrfeini en tt»MtJ»of July. Any gentle- a>ljudjt% ordnr, romniin-.ii«irr Ceetstriwteeajrt *a! count Ot tjrhsS. at April I«, 1B3.V—tf '"''""""'"'".'"' NO* 1'anh in .Jlarkrt. !• ^W IT *Tl*l I hflT«* to purchase a number of likely Negroes ; for which I will pay the high: at* stsafcataa gn»fr •**' *a>>lt that pay on - P O I G A able tir sell as Cheap as any can contmodioui, and in point uf his section of country. His assortment i* terlala, and ksurpassed perhaps by few. general, and consists, in part, of the following convenience Also—Another Lot, 30 feet.front bjr 1-0; jrlicles, jiz .• on which there is a. Brick SU«v House, 21 , hroivn ( adclaydc, ^.4-£ fe«i.coluPlc(clj! fiwh*H-'43.Wl now o UJiicil— . ..— —Do Also—Another Lot, frontipg 33 feet, and Do. do. do. do. do. Catiinelts, running back 120 feet; on which there is a Velvd, Silk, Valencia, Toilnptt and Martwo slory~Brick Building, with 'a one alary seilles VeMings, back Building recently erected; another Lot, Silk, Worsted, Merino/Cotton, Lamb-'s 30 feet front and running baek ISO sect, with Woot-Hote, a comfortable Haute thereon; alto, *' Lot, And half Hose df every description, fronting lOTt:, and running back' 130; a targe Figured and plain'French and English Mo- Frame .Building, SO by 40 feet, and two tiuprevery colors—do. liigh, suitable for u tavern—all on IVaatSuper uewnyle Calicoes of every color riet inglon Street. and price, Also, a Frame Holite, 20 by 30, one story -Plain, figured and ccots-btrred Muslins House and Lot, 40 fi »t by 130 or ] :m. BobinetH, thread and Boblnelt Lacet and Stone Also—Another Lot, C6 feet front and runEdging^,., . . ' . . - . . . ' ning bark IC5, with a comfortable Franc lni«rtlngi and Fontlni;*, r -^bolh on JrlTertpn Merino, lung uud tqitaro Sh,awls, a good 1 asturlment, . ^L.T;V*?'v^ town of Bulivar, haud>utui-lj tittiated for Embruidered-and ThibtJdj.tSS'-''***1' -• llali-jn l.ii>lriin;«. l.rn»J» 'Swi-t, Oros dc building. A further, deseriptinn Is deemed uiinerrs; Naples,-fi;;uit it and pUiinlrfill rolorx, as piTft'tn?, di",iroM« !•» pur. lia^r «ie J 1'j.rHhir!!•< and OjIftilt^H, new st>1e goud* #ary. iird tu eu!l ai,d examine the (ircinibt'* — fur drc-hc», < -'~JS Torino, "in; third-rath, hi lance in <J, I'J ? aiid UUa UW> " U * UW< t.'.IB»»USi»ifl| A good aasortntent qf | hry article usually Togoiher with a|t ' he ivouid M'kept in u Kulall Store, -tIMMttlull) tnlicit hll ftiij jl. and Ihe nubile gnnerally to cull, and ex« line, ami-judge for 'ibeiuwlve*. at he doet,.t| 'inake any 6hargo for tbowlng'liit Good*. i:. \V1I.SDN. llarpert-Ferry; April itaiiii or C'Ui .i)i:ii»;i> h aim r r o l u i n b i i l , fllHOSB paraont 'who know themst-lve l l j i;i'lan Syrup, I indebted IP the I luto firm of Lane S*ir ol Life, Towacr/Md Towuer fc Harris, are reminde HpwIand'sTpule Mi Ibat' Ibey need note; ipect their notes tp b Heiiu ily for Sick He retained by me much I igerj at I am latitfied • l.lay's Liniment for " ffii each one concerned kill cgrce that from Digettive»ir, five (o tea yean' I""1' Kcncu it enough: an Conklln't Nipple Sa for fear they n*sy thu k Ihi* toy second uo Jayne't Ca^minaliv -.-' - . . • p. HCNDKItKON b SON. lice, ihrough the" me unl' of t lie Wrpape . Aeoutlio Oil, '.. Frcdtricksburg, NOT. 3, 1834, >' willpuiolT aitho Ii it, I pledge them m Mineral Hair Tow, . word, a few week*'« ill find their notes ou N. U. Penoni wishing lo obtain the pgei Butler'* Kflerve«emJ|M«6nckia Aperient pf my Inndt 9. T. TOWNEIt. cyfur the sale of the above Medicine fu Darklay'* Comp'iu BbepherdiUtwn, Fel 19, IB3S. any town or county in tbe State, will t>l<"' • Jewell't Water I'riAf Pat'te, addrett (pott paid) to D. Ueud«r*on k'.Son Amblcr't Tooth Pufder't, FredcViektbu/i;. D . I I.-UK. Kereiviil and toji.iM al - YOUNG'S Authorited Agents are . . i , whet eratdebloriorcred DIII i; siinii'.. tii-urgi: lluniplm-y*, Clarlalnen. tor*, who have »< counts with Ibe ettate Uarpera-Fcrry, A||Sl S3, 1B3S. Rllth* 8hi-p|, Hitlinumd. of Ihe late Ur. Job* Bitteoe, e, are hereby re J. V. S.-ii, J'rtrrtburg. quctted tu prcuut elaiui*, or clot Wfulci* Cabbage Meed. »:., A•r/nav.. . •, Ibcir account* at the c «e may be, at specdi WlUitrotk Victor. ~ OrnilR tubtcribcii'hat jutt received at the M possible. I will sp i id every Saturday In (;to. |«. KIK.I.T, A» ii tlhvrlciluwn/ Apulheeary. and Uonk 6B*pbtrdtlown, for 01 1 or two monlht, fo lines •< Kellv. t'Auifc Slore, i tecond .upply of fretb Winter Cabtha couveuicnee of all i nneerDod. , Xlatinlw. Joh^B. IV«klurMge, btgtttcsd. »lst if t Hrury P. Wwd. "fJOHN i Large DrumhtMd, Plat Dutch, and grcan Jnha T. Cuuku*, "Wm.lauftManiiuhuif, curled Savoy CabhugeSefd. |ft35-lf. U. LvtrrtUKi ttu-fcrt-t\rr His attorlineql of Uaidea 'and Flower II. Ii Saoiidrn, Lcitlurr. Scad, U ttill v/rr good, itwon. wiijiluj lo A,lbjii K Air. Wixtt tt LJlllrtWt,t, MuU u pur«ha*e tee4sof any kind iu hi| way, can fc Uiion, Jtilnt. I, for aale, a suppy o b« M sajMfifloriljr lupnlied uow s* si s.ny JM. W. , H'umHttn. ebraUd llmahcr.lof,,... JAMKI BaOWNt. ' • JMH.M. fa. A ». *•«*«' » anal• •ffjrinAacij mini, a* f,U» lh> 4*ap, at t/ftV to tonon>. M b« p«i4 atv bf w lib foal *..- innnas. it ell thi»i.> ca*n In wliich dtherremediet hav failed.' Being u vegetable coiupo'iliun, the arc perfectly inncttnt, which I* tajing Bfe»t deal iii thtt guilty ago; and'behtgirver happy combination,-they ran injure no co( tliluliou when uted according lothe print* directions. , • KDITOK." «tubwriben having been appoinl ed'aole agenu for vending Ibe celebrate (.'uicrnul .VtJiciiici, iii the Stale p Virginia, beg leave to notify tlie public, tba i|ie genuine MeJicinet can only be procure directly from then, or tub-agent* duly au tborited by Ihero, and that at a further tecu rity againtt counttrfeitt, tttk patlul of Ih (•rauinc medicine* it ttgned D* llenderspn fc 800, Btate agents, for Virginia, and alto, b the tub-agent for the retpeclhe town o county where it taay be oflered for tale. STAR, **•»* «• •Maine t*a«m at the .takerer WtaL. C. How, Elk Woo», « 8. CQNRADT informt Ihe Udift of 'tfTatat llarpan.Ferry and itt t icinil j, that tha carries on the Millinery and Mantua Malting b*«fo«*t,Jn ltnliv»r, nail door In Dr. Hayd*n'*t More, *> her* the tt prepared to es'ctite, at the tnorteit nailer, all kind* «f fathlnna? ' HieTnlTfineiry e~fi9 mlfitill Billing, »jirijlBip~; n«t. of all WoHt, t'»p« and T«rl>ain, Ladles) Hiding Habit* an'd Drettea, •fler lha latest •city mM-rta" *he al«o m»niif»etnr«» and k**p» on hthiJ, F-latliisBtHlle Frtmr Stnr.,, of the Ittest pallrrnf, ami Af every quality, which will be told by the tingle-slock, orio mr,rcb»nis.lij ibe'reasontbl« terms. not RO » l i b i'«v to hlmtelf or i lihu-, unlett !«• i• wrll »lnnl. llorapa' fctt m»y 1>* prrtrrvnd t>ironing, and Ihe font eonterteit into any *U*]K*, but the nnturnl way l»'»1«at* il(;hl. N. II.—Mr. Jiivph fruit hat rtrtnrned, and it now vitgaKed in Cakllltg Hi ll» of cvi-n ditert)*llont' Anil-Iron*, Stirrup*. Gun Mouutin^, m»l every nihrr article In the liiw, which may tic hail •t lire- thonetl notice. rpr-E sub«eriber oflVrwibr tale a beautifu ..-:'. *Jlnrisou's Fills, I r.1Kttl.1CE and ry.'jn.VAVsS, (nearly ' new) belonging to the c .jiile of J. J. Frame AND THE HYGEIAN SYSTEM. deeM.: Alto, a neat vKv.fc'l'. If not duv po»cd "f al pfitala >alf v': bi-foie July cuurl fnmlhf Millennial nartitiger, l'«l., 5, 'jVe- • riliti-il t/i/ the Hev. AtLxixni.ii CA'IHII.I.L. they .will .then br exmni-d to public tali thi* age o(-theory and experiment i before thr •Caurl-houikj'door in._Charlos- all••In departments of society—in politic*, me town. chanic*. agriculture", law, physic; and iheoloirv .**rm^ ^-••^JSV ;y, liuthing. teems destined to stand, that can Persons Indebted' to t » rut ate-of Jphn J je sliaUen. In Ihe theory and practice o 1. ure - rai i btly. .req-ietted ,. ^ medicine, at in etery thing else, all. thing call and make payment''*,! an earl) day are afloat. One tchool cure* every thing b; im. caln'miil and Ihe lancet—another, by steam in: 'iti,. ~: . J. , <lic\ and sweating—a third, by purging in a Ion 3uBe;18,1835. ; lint of rallnrtii's—a foui Ih, in 'imitation o Doctor Nature, .aomeliiues bleed, sometime *cal, inmetimcs pui ge, u» tho patient may teem' to1 require—*" ••' '--•••-- -<>— •... •.->---.r -i. ' JJiuii iKutiuiuiutcr voi laiitaltwup'iniTC lite*. F - •ubjcriber reipec (fully informt 11 Ttvi-trd Silk-Shuwhi alWlltindkerehkr*— liientoTllarpemFerry'andittVKInTl Km, at our maxim i«s been,' Urii'K ati'thlng "that l)fi _ hat received a and general inp- to the le*l, and. hold fatl that which it good , Silk and ManLcuiuilai, du.' t:r l''j °f M UP1O11U. we ha.vo irii-d iu our own liotnehold an darlans, —• which, adJed lo hit f6r ijer Slock, ihakfk 111 diuonptt our friends' anil".'hc'tj(Eo<rrii,*~WU j Veils oiid'l'i-Do-.-all-prieet-Blond •itorlment complete . f f atturet hit friend great pleasure and succets, the llygeian ays lareatit, ' i n _j;ubjle ien* , that the article ..Super new.ttyle. Gingli ' <ed • Morisoniana,'or'th bare been pufehasrtw i feere, and are war Mori-on Pills.' Such hate "lici'ii our «sxPL y',and UcnlleA~nood laKWrtment-pf-C ranted genuine,' lie 'ould alio rtipies rlenee "a'n'd observation -of the innocence men'tKiil, llmvur, and 5 i Ulovesy' , those who may be In runt of fruin. t:.u mildnet*, and eflieac.y of IhU .composition Fashionable Sprllif? BiJ fcctionariea, Faney A cles, ((0.,'loca that doiii the most ditinlerealcd .principles n : Uala,. lloota and Shoet; fj»ry cheap, i|n»*tiiit, hit Fruit .Store,' imm Hlely above hi* Dru benevolence wetriu.l recoinnienu Ihero to IK A B.IUJ axortmeul Store, where is to .to iind all *rt|e|ct coi atHicled'who have tried many ihin'gt in vuh U hitu nnd britwii and! :y Drillings, Siijiimrr tlluth", nil nj • liectcd with tndlclou ;tp aConfurliunur many, obdurate diMatra-eMhe -tlom»e Etl«blWi«ent. . C hiiu. tilas*. , .... Kwajwi""..... . .. and howt-U anil of Hie whole »)«t«niha» aitortinent of'lf rd ware and CuU. All AM YOUNG, Jr. beei. relieved, ar~perfretly cured by then Keitt. thru, OULD mo«l respectfully inform hit rnMonrri tml the tJtlirtii nf*n >nd neighborhood n-Mnlty. ihrt he r-».iiiini-ttn e.rrv nn, at hli MimifMiturini r.xnWi-limcnt, I I I . A r K H M I T I I I N I i in kit M. twit*. liVani'hrni unit In addition, he h«t rnfimrd Mr. Thomtt Martin. prurlleal partner ti. Tin" f.itg? Tool MaiiulWlwry.of . JiilniMM IVIee k tin, H»., who will be rentv , »i »ll gentown , IA Steel Old -A«et with eott-atecl, muilnR them n«rly .. gnoit.*:«<•». ll> willal»5Ti>iA«anrlI ' - . itT.Wn.Xt~m m. authoriwd to receive ] Thot« hat trig Negroe't lo ili.poi* of,' w ill Letters, addrciitd the emiuty ca* Jc«lVrta>\ tai-flbc | Illii' S«ate>. •eat smait la* M) svuny due for Star's to ma on thl* tubjeet, will be promptly attor (be fnJS'tlan ' «i"" Cto tended to, WM. CltOW.jr. come ia before liin anil aawnt Vhrar Chtrlettpwr.. April M,J835—ly COATEATS af»(*r tt M. an* jntf «M ttti* "pruig, a fine black. *isf Mmnnniluh wnltr, according lo Mr ann'yjb that lie <ta taane like <ribanc<knr at excellent action, form, ifUfUli Hr.nE BUTTS, <_ |fViMfe««. tt.dScLl Reltnile, nr, Sulphate qf Lime, F.RBQNS hatlag >F(;IIOF.S fop »l«, JOHN G. HARNESS. Carbonate of I .imp, May U, IMS. ;, . ' . are rrqnnted to glre the subscriber a Iratort, «rorc« anal Jlrwjlk •au_a. or to-K IHSSttt 2&V ISKW-• - i Sulphate of Magne*laV(Ey«om Salt,) call, M ha' will give .at 'hHth price* at any with tbe e«ta4c rf tiiraw iiUtaHiuae ; atui atot ton VALUABLE LAND Muriate of Migna.ia, . PEDIGREE. other ptircbater in. llii«. market, for all »exe§, du al«o take *a »muin« tt Slat atniHttl n Muriate of Soda, * »nfl jirofitt at (be oat awusie' aa* vMrib Sea* wa» (n« BJ the-r«Iiibrate.d race hone from the ages of B lu ','.'•. ' Sulphate of Iron, . . WM. H. «i«ipnian^e»rtainly among Sir Archie'• faWISH to ditpote of three hundred acre* ««id A4aa, E»<Si»llionjw t*it «sjnHL oVtfi Carbonate of-Irony——— rinrle.tnnn,. April 30, I835.~tf,. tag ibenrireoi .at aatat% a* be rja too: fn wn*;, lie. din» JMritrix by Mtpngis ; of my Je&eriori Land) it being part "f Bulplmrrlted Hydrogen Gat, • »!• annual value vf ttw «n8«r"» aatauta", • boa Cfara«m b} the imparted Bone larger tract lying pn and nrar the TIVFI; ,SJJ *a«rTnrnaTfTTii^ntyiti'lH"iTt-fca' "f>: Carbonic Acid'«». ' ' SHOES. &•1C- f- *»•» aWt»rr» by Wilkia.'* Centi•Tcmjiftiiurt,—ab'6'ul' fifty-five degree* of nandoah, three m.le» dittant from Chariot 4e t, ft m It* *u*f- he mnttMi.mi Barl;a>eJ6 atao» WanSL by Glodioiu; Sallv Town, .and not more than, .even" of right i* time -for ahrcnheil. |i ' llarpert-Ferry. About one third a tUtr liy t\x |<ai4jr«4a- llwir «minm<a aailaSa* lann«TrUjtfta-;*«DMSt«-*rabian. Sdr's dam. Prufxillti—actively pnrgttive;, o r ' gently front PAIIt nf linnirniailr.Coar»e Sllon. be make wjiort «rf tit* An w*»«ns *e* nVsoaut mare aa tlie ecletill* tract U heavily clothed with fine, thrifty Blair™, in ptvpc-rlmB lo III* quantity .taken, ami a complete atsortment of I'imb'efi'Hie" bataireir cleared; tretl-fenced." ' fit •oalf ^S>e kBMS aa'nt'et-S Dit-phurrlii). . ___ '.,•_ WM. R. LOCK fc CO. ttmiHmi t» ale tate>s«att' foasr1(Otracres'thi""reoT")Jeini5. Charlettow'n.'June'il, 1833.•• .^.;, v SB* lout ton, of tfta ».dgliah Celipae ; his R. the Iniprovementt are - two Dmllini; lllcn'H JfHiprotftl M'Hlcnl ter; f . gr «on* by Cot. SyueaV noted hone Wildllotne*, two Kilchent, a good new Darn, « Kb Supply. raJI'iw, »ampi«r, fce. Sfar'a .1 t^I Biffi MAOHINE. ilabling and other out domes in abundance: NHcaik freth Zante Currants, 'tn* dam at the celebrated race TOMB tubteriber* hating purchased 4ha it ii well watered, (Etit'» Bun.) a fine bold One catk TAMARINDS, ' and Sno« Storm, that wjra I.' full and exclusive right of making, u«- llreain, patting through it, bo«ide* having 19 boiet Minratrl Raisin*, • — _ • •% asamaMoI runnenr end toll! for Four i(5 and vending, in the Counties of Frederick, toveral never falling springs of l'mr»tone 200 lb» fresh FIGS, water on it, one near each dwelling polite; irumlrtil Dollar!; hi* dam, •fferton, and Dcikeley, v : ',' '.. . 2 barrel* soft shelled Almonds, • ' qUr,Mldfor OB* Thoupoiieision may be had at anytime, terau Samuel S. .Mini's -fhrething Machine, accotninodaling, and price low. of WM. at JOHNSON. ' Oranges and Lemons, . .Court re now ready, to furnish them to those who Soda, Sugar, Butler It Water Crackers, -^ MATTHEW JUVSOV.. which -dayn, alt the <iff« att»ii amll,, nttny aoc It*Sanaa; he wat 3 jeart old, he won the may apply. . A few eannlsten of Pickled Oystcn, Charlettown, JefleriHin County, Va. ? ' This. Machine hat gained the enlire approraquettcd to attmi watti «Ue nmnaay «8jAt>warranted tery fine, „, March, 10, 1835—If f : »rrt«para*Wt n-tr the Laanneetille ation of all whn havc qseit it,'or witnessed" taetda,cvaflejsttBjtww WBEIDBBH ._fc—j.. 10,000 superior Spim'ob'Ci-ar*, «<Hne of ',:"a»illi l)i in. with great ease at two at. «'dBaTUISmn»C"JBiai: Crae. U operation. U can bo'propelled cither by Valualilc JefftrHon Land manufacture, ju«t received and for ** tfcitll «S«rr w«r» 1 aubacribera, at Caduc'a no or two hone*; and the hone 'power i» April*, 1SBS. ' .,_ . : _ , _ Alt AM VOUNG'S aV-Waa«y, Macjin'* sale at I OR SALE. o completely portable, tbal.the whole,'ready .;:.-.••. -• : ..'". -.. .'C "•- ''•-..' •FruiHUin* ii,«t«llirrecunett<r, theEulTststerof GoliaH. NTENDINd "tcTreoi'oVe to ll.e Wyt. 1 ofor use, may bo easily tukeu from .place to Harpert-Ferry, nav Cotuor*.' Trimy Mr. West'* filly' by Ales.ilace, in a oomman light, wagon with one fer for sale, ,the Farm upnn 'whicli I live. from the eotate .irfittitmtia&x^imyfr, tmi two- otJWri in quick timr. Same ioM«. .In a Iriol, made »oine lime nl Ijinj near tlie Hhcnaiiunah Iliver, in Jcdrr- it Tilcuded .no «i«iinda]f B* *o» tfi« eoif* race al Tree Hill, he (arm of John P. Diilanr _., K»q. ,.of-.t h is lon < .nunly, Va., about thrae miles from ENTLEMEN'S Brush Hals, nf a supe-:Wating three other* very easily. ounty, the abqya MaeliteBJ-wlth-Bningte Charlestonn, nnd tcte • riur ijuaIily, btai-k mid • w hitr, for sa lo iccfc h«>ent tu Norfolk in- the lorte, threshed out 1 Si buiheltr wheat in ,30 Hcubtalns 106 ICYCI^oi" first rate•• not. •ubiiutxa ttiort *j» rt* .' ' . . • • • • k . ' f c A JOHNSON.'-•--. nais, t?»» lh«r» onfy one if Jj betore by minute*; and on another occasion,.V the1 wi Camp-Hill, Say 14,1853. • ; ' I,fane Stone •rm of Mr. Joseph Gibton, «fc>v miles abate purl uf 11« btnmiMiiunnr «r»ltl ttr cttuwtl anil 'in* fainiv axidt started for the »w««psratei. Hear*, wneuhe »ar» beaten h; Fully Uopilid.dleburg, I h e ' k a n i f Machine,' with "two •nn fourth of which It in Timber, and the saTtavOtstTl U\ UaiHiainnl _ . „ . about J.feet. Ihe fall afler he wjis 3 l(ir$ej|.thre»hed otitl/irt lni«hrls «f wlicnljn ft cleared land in : a high state of euttivniioii—S how receiving a large, 'and gentril-**J«*r» t«J^, waos n> KorCjlll '• and run for loiin. Th'n was done iv ilh liUte or D.O fatigue Il'ir watered by *a never-failing »lr«»iu, (il.e «ottuieiit ol GOODS, Ulllable in fhe -caaWIIW OrtaaJfcsMt. MtW MM M h»J it*w W fc 5*1 ft HI ,HV W OftV 6 the h'arict. ' Those trials were made hi ' i l c k l o w n run,) and hut upon it'several ' ••-' Hj inillj'llodtinav bearjn'g Star about-Sfeet ^prJiua. one of;tthich is near the Dwelhe-prataqce-af hundredt-of- pertont (tntny. Hng; lS««ir -etaiiirE^ TS& wi* * of them e'xperiunreil farmers) who do not IJR. T,heiinprovemenlt area comfortable eeice dajnw on m* 1 liii •fnrxt anuuav (TJm- \VOOIj. ranv- aaut runn io_*»m»rUable lesitate lo lejtify to the great superiority, of HICK DWELLING, .with three roomy be- tj.) *» Nr quantity .awl quality, of « Ihe nr»t w«fc he went to NeW niirkhit, over all other MaehtneJ whose.opera- low, and two above, alto, a Kitchen, tjtnotc- M lo craditim lia«ih\£ «il«jnik. iiiinWif!/ WOOL will be 'taken in ex«tt init won .tint proprietor^ pttne, $300, 2 Ions bare ever been exhibited' in this coun- boute, corn Crib, and Stable. R. WaOTUtMnVKV,- Js». CnmV. *vi\f Itrtit-^ beattng' several distinguished: ra- change for Good*. There it..». fine Merchant Mill sxnd Saw JuoeS£, l-SJS. • •CEO. \V. HAMMOND. c«m as"all scaly wih great ease. The next Thete Machines are simple in .Ihelr'con- Mill, within two hundred yard* qf the Farm. May 14.1835. . ' V 1 1: ( ;l M .% , ... ---- _ vacsfc f anl» 3; *ear> old-) he run. at Tree Hill v . truclion, diiralile and cheap.. We will fur- its persons oesirout of purchasini; will doubtt»e «iub pur«, JI.OOO, 4 mile hesti, nish them for ^l HI, land lest if the cost will leititieHr Ihe premise!,,lh«' ternitaud fur- in tbe Cir'ourt *Hncriir'CtiiB« ,«ff law andl litetpvwc tic &cintil«)elu tutf oagt Katt K»arWort! „ ther particulars will be mode known on aj>- Ciiaucicry Sur Jh^num Ctyp r OOI., in any quantity, and of-any an<* A*mt, mating » matt beautiful race ' " "•• - fcfefefflft *»err offereJ fo(- hI(B tftat i c March 36, 1835.—If tmtf iiftl II. B. Powell, nnd Jiihn P. Dulaney, E*q May 28, 1635. ««^»li:.ouglihH»X'» beaten. The spring •VartrnJiauj*, of Loudoun, who huVo vvilnesf cd their Itipq- _ M'ropcrfy i«-wa.t t yuartolil be wnn the proprietor* •-*rior utility inThrething; but Immediately af-' B r.MON SVKIJP, Pine Applet, Sweet OrU ati«ilb"iy(i«4flt"'•"•"•V — BUJ«. h«at»vat5ewmark»t, beating er harvest, a, Muchine will be tent to uueli OFFERED AT PRIVATE SAJ.E. lti% aianlUn» nodi CorporalTrim; Polly-had WA 'a'nget. Lemons, Figs, Prune* and I'aif tltribove named counties. . cx)iice.riicdu:illhivc'.nn.op|igrluni:y pf »e,ejpg. ..iJi..Sc.^-^...^_=^r^==.-:-..-...-. bert*,-aie.•'•tte-.'-jtist;received-atid- for »aW^ »t *»a«-a«tnn» ear that po»l atake, tale. The loTfrontt i!) feet spd judging for themtelvet. ,' the Charlettown Apothecary and Book Store. stiKaBr JTr.rn.y, Ttrgetrand i uni tick 378 feetr-drvfded-tmi«T ;-•'—•HittAH McVEftntlin* anill tiuu other*, wn«n he waa' beaten by tlm yard.on which the house stands in 99 liy MiiWIchurR, Loudoun .County,.} June 11, 1835. ey, m ikin;an exeellunt and most 171 feet, and the garden 201 by D3, in e'xri-fJune 4,1835.—tf. $ The nest week he run aj lent order; and the lot contain! al! kind* of VeleeifiuitT"VneD>ry-so-^'r,at^au-l*^^^ aTuraT rtoannke Teaf bat (no: race aXtcr 4 bard, heata, .winning "TnT |1IK lindenigned ii now .opening'a. tery together with shrub*, tie." be. The jurd desrryiLion, xgumA Ube Uaoe Jinn ntf'CHrsii- •tiir chjiml! and! Uiiins tbe fourth at the atari. •Jt mgTOBACCO."for»ale bt , handtoma and oxlentivo assorliiiont of and garden are tastefully "laid out, a grape land Jf. C.o., Audklrtl H*fnre • HUMPHREY KF.VES. Ilie Ctlll n« w»» 4 juari old he won the pro130 or 140 feel longr»ith different of-ihis Cuuii. The., Spring an* FCCMJCV floods, arbor, purse at 'Piorfolk, 2 mile heats, Charlettown, AprH 93; 1835.' ou tnniitni «f;ttie gibuuul&i ty Ajrar kinds ol vines, which produce the very licit At the house rtccnlly ocrupicd hy Mr.'John aritni tptitav nee beating four others. The. order and afljudgr,ll»iia " ne»t we«t hir won the proprietor'* purse at 17*14 nouxe t To thr VIRCIMA. TO *m« In <bc CaNM Ostxit* fjttvsul ChantOf far TttOMJI* liiunlhs, ivilh iiilrM:*! ' ' '• .': ":''-:: - Jrrtre Tr -ttiTDES: Bolivar, March 19,1835. VALUAfiLE . * VmiiSPVSSfSfiiS^3^3t»ey eiuilJDnmratlWwmarket, 5?00fc4 mile heats, price. «r ery 4e*crqAim{, ag«in»t ad Semi, ami May 14, 1835. htaatintjIWQ*; Hop tin» and Maclin'* gray Sir of thr noiouiiltd' lbc»M«1tii«>r«iIi«fltnf soil firm, a-*i5i*d»oll* guajuufi* ay in* iflecil <*•* Kail wtffti omr. The nnt week he won Spring - U. KEYES. Goods. -aWatlaMaQattlE «iS»!?fi8er« Jiavc jiiit .received » iey r who hail inUl the week splendid attorlmenlof fa*hio|iablenpring be «uty Afvm jmrtinunH, aar an lat BB» UK tav dollart. In Uiia race bb Goods, whicli they Invite thr ir cuitomrrt tttMfirtibenntsaquired ;o <>'tate iw stw u ." «d, and mate Kiport IB fl»»CBIB*, in amour IUM-IV ttacudv and hu run- the la«t mile of the and friends to call and examine 1 tood BeaK •» three leg», and was taken "' The} have on hand a large assortment of > iaal iloca-iMi. " -A tags—-Tctde. in* die turf: : • . " . . . . • • . Crntleineii'-fine llmit»—priee Jl 75. Otliir I Cainnd! aail mo my horse ST.1K for the article* will be told in the tame proportion. . MwmnMv which, aro all he. «ver started U- & J. JOHNSON. for. aoat which, are correctly aUled. Camp Hill, May 11,1835 . .WM, H. JOHNSON. the . Very old Pale Sherry, Port Whys in half barrels, 1-eigtli casks, barrels, end-quarter casks, iHlmlaitU'Ulff - ff Vturrt .' Alto, Fourth Proof Cognlao Brandy. ^lOifefc-infe ; Holland Jiin.—tj. P. Tenerlfle Wine, all MA anil .ttitrivt of which will IMS sold oil term-. . : ., WAliKII rvtnbil Jj.iir irJuini. and tbe *•* idi- tunrlVr nnnrti*:n<r. Jin- !4ui.n' jioiM'O iDtvi 'oa'WaB **a 'iu'n^i^'MMi ;%' -IT... j« :*. ) <iiu wlbutfa •hating <• hunni. nwt **1 «n!U»»h»i<am aiW Cimir Te-jitoTl 'ca" iMje ,. C«mmuHMniitar cd Una itio ubUuixHi fr<uji Etc " wun. ; -it. |Pf' The valuable tiniverially kno* the faellltiw now , plnatant retreat, by] will render It a Jatr ful reerealioB. Th hood hat been mott { •^, .Twollhej of f pert-Ferry thr raodatmn car' al any tin*. The lubtetlbels | In tbe mott June 4, 1835.—ti Or. PJ] Belenite, or, S Carbonate of I SulphtteoM Muriate of Ma MutisteofSW Sulphate of In _ Catbonatt of J * Sulphuretted I Carbonic Acid ( ' T«mjii'r<lur«,- FahrenheTi. ' : Prof'rtirl—t liittlte, In propod into the stomach, 4 —Tonic—J)iurttii •re-no*r remdjr 1 *nar»pplyi'hit Machine I bttionbf all who! lu operation. H f ono or two hot so completely I Cor ute, may ' • place,, in t wm county, the ab 'horse, threshod i minute"!; and PI farm of Mr. Joien ^Hadleburgi ;ib»I liones,lhre*htd'< hour*. to the the proience . of them c«p«r " this, OUT all . lion* have ever I "«ry. The«i Mschli . at ruction, dtl nith them fu . purchase tu J and II. B. l'o« of Loudoun, wb rior utility in trr harta*t,'a> of the abote concerned will) and judging forj MiiMleburg, June 4, ] Spring At the house 1 FlUtimmoas Street, which I ablelu nell general, mi J c •rlielat, «»> Blu«,bltek,l Olive and Mi: Do. do. >"v.i«tir Wool Mote. And.) ylUrr-if laiil Garrtt ' ' vTS»-'»*»:; K CHANCERY. . UiT . Adrian XVynkoop, \Vil- O'lMyrne III: prepared to rei-tim and will f.<twanl, with promptitude, eilhiT lo tlm liMtriri by tbe Canal, or to Baltimore by Ibe Rail-tto»d, A lii.ui. ,\Vvnk.»,p, John -\V\nkiHi|i, HurrAt IIAT fine FAltM, now in.the poatetaiun Vi'thuu ffruili'wka and t.-i ivt \V . of J. ti. S. Crane,-ailuaU'd ii^touLtwu nut lUting entomrf U«tr appeariMice, wile* norli-wett of -Charlealown, JifTcrxm >Ullll IpnMtllt KTUItrUv—*.'*>4llill.; |o |J|U Mt III lux. I I I COTS* . c i i H i i l y . Va., and w i t h i n a tHnrt. dl-lalirr (if r n t i t 4 Itiiiu. iKi.alir n««.n uiiiiiiji IM uiiili Mie.fil^' >.f ritU Hiiurt; ami It appearing a auuWMiniH)i eviilvnte thai; Ihry WIT nut inhabithe \\iiu-hesirr and lUrpn«-I'rrj> rail-road, cm » Inc. 111! k» U,i- iii ./-.I1 l!n , i'in nit 17 : It Ft itril. n-'l, 'I'l.iit ciinlalniiii; Four Hundred uud Si» ur I uiCi£.'liuuBuiij.jii>Linpcnr.herB PH..tin- lirM Acr>H"uT'tli'«-f*T»'~ljm«a1<)ne "l:ft*(JJ-^ti rotmtrs' rro«lncc t.:rm^»*«r the hill !1U of which i» itijtoul t imbi r. mid llm iu |htm<t;l't. iii..l tliul itoipv u(-llii» unl.-r lu.l'.n'ili- cim.igned to lh«lu for «lther pl»r«, and will, IJIICL- in a liiglii (iute nf i-uliivufiiin, i-n r\ "i in.-,, rt,-,l iu-annul nrwapajier publiahc'd-in when detirtd, make tale of'the tame. acr«_eti which, llml i* not in grain, i« « i i l . C'.l*-l»*i la'itiit,, gu, ti ,sn, I i , ahil -The GOODS of Merchant* and olhert coinml In cluvrr, Thi* farm ii to tjlualt'd, with II a« dmfVuiinSuiii uf live aouivltouur in ilic ing from either uiark.el ttill lecfive 'lie great* regard lo water anil timber, (hutHU: npi.n ii IIWIU , ttt allen'ion 'two well* lif lietw-fittnm u»tcr. aiitl ytlnr ^~^ve t1Ta|l balfe rontVfntty oit^liand a tar - i.iu.::i:i T. • pi ing thai n alert nearly on* cntird ndi- <.f •upply of SALT ami I'M v,» :i t i ; . thi' farm,) a* to be conveniriilly divided into ' Jan. U, 1R3J tf. two 1'arq.n of equal'tize. • The ami ul Ih,. farm I* that of the very belt Valley himl, and li.iklrn III It..- I 'l.-rk '. «!!!..• of Ihe < 'it Corn, rtf/f and tiny r untr ^'i.;,,!!-!.!!- Cttur* uf t-.» aiul riii.i'i-i 1 1 I., r hat always pruitiiced equtl to any land m tl.c J'-rt' f « . i i «'.:.. in, i_, , Uvc fi, .t M ,i,,u« iu M.n Wnii(r«1. Valley." Thv^Miproveiurol* are a gpnd AJII VIS: I. will i;i'e-rath (or 100, btirelt oT' pie Orchard, • comfortable Dwellin( Mouw>t Cafgf K. mtall, >> L. i « n i r, CORN, Mtti bu*b«.lt of'KYB, enUe gqpd Barn, StabEing, and other necessary ' few Ion* of Tuiii'thy'll \ V out-houses. For terms, whirh are_liberal, iithrr <m>u |-i>A/ unilatrwi*VA« k O'BVIlNK. apply to fit AM:. "i»ia ff Broil iL-c'J, . June 4,-IBIS. April 30, 1835.-tf:-^—• . '" Figu tinoofetaryaj Super iiaw ( •ed pric«. PlaiD, tea - lohiB»lU,1 Inte'rVtpg*' — Merino, l« anortmaat, " " : .ISsnles, I PtrUhlsl for dr Twitted Sill HI* Dp. Uonti > riant. Do. t i l l Itrtaos1, ., Super newl A good (, W jWh*V .MUMfe tt, Outfit, Mum H.< fug, .i r uud tlMjHir'* F«mi» aniiO f utttiiiiiUc *iHtm,l,,i.JH htr if iff, Mm ft- Ura'l, T/it'm. For ***!*» COMMISSION M l . l t l II \NTs. for tl.i- jnrM'ul *-jitiiii^ jmtt akuiutMir. aiufi wtlli am IU t-aJ. Htbf.t Uurit uiut Jl,'i'i 1.. PftW prim r a«4 Marring.. tt* »•»*, uiul Hfifa Titular, I I I i , ii/ui IIM .1: i f iiu 1 'i iiiu_« .mil. llir DHlOi. »iif. Spear's Wharf, BaHi»prf, .\U. " , •<» cocoinun acTCMl barrel. •«.(' ' ,»f I'm J 'ri (Ii HI Ik utitf Stwyur% r««»» ----I* *;>IA>iKU«V ...I , ...... KB principally nngagud in the *a4e of lil» of Stoua Ci*I. ' nr AUan» and produce, uavingieveraJ fn e-pioolti-ure-'WAftF.U k O'BVIINF. , . hi. »(l»- M*iiW^ 0 Dium. 'I !..,». Awl aW hpu*et on the line of tbe Kail-Koad, anJ'urc lltrp«r«-F«rry, April 30, '1635. •-._.," K Bu^I!1, Jii.t It Jiirrt B«irk.i-. in,it I I. In, at all time, prepared to make liberal adv.u nut ttmint; «ni«mi ilwir «|II*.HIK.-, »ud At «uufiim b»«« In* iimmJaunptJ en vet an.contiguineutti__. ......... tu lh<; M.I ul >»> i;Uilf rraniKt*. wumi, .T,^ the juiid, m,d at, thi* uuilrt ; and it apptii^ihK hi TXVO oox4uiju avrirnr or*. Ii "iu I'«.d 11 ii i a a> that thry i»r« m Mour*. F.rtkine k Klchnlberger, ,,.,.: I'KH .1A.VVM ing tnJB ItotB tVlatti ul thi» axMttn : tf taunknul, I I , ..l " llopkint k Brothers. cur tkern nn lh« tii u il«y ' t '; fc* a ipiiatilcr fcrti—f „ . P«y<ible half yearly; . biirT»« Doi.uat •' • I.auck k Stephen, Martlukburg. Ul.: H.-1I t.-mi 4inl»>»*«;r ll*< l"ll "f tb« |iUii.liff. will !••• r i - i i - i > i i l u. p a j l u r l i t -in full, if I' J I ' r«*n »«4la«: Alto, to Mittrt. Wager i,- O'Hyrua, lUr- iramt;ni6~**.*HMVi*lrm nun* ut' I estaityMs.*. nillrvly in ndvanre. Whrne'ter tt»iy«n«*t '» pert'Ferry, who will .forward to couniju- »u tlahiiMuiw at tar ^ ntimt* Miwci'mviiy, a«4 (M*«t»-i ftl tU«- •Icferred lirtund the eipinrtioii of ilia }' •'. liienl. . , ' itiuw af Ulc«uuit-hi)U^- in the a*U tu'O of illicit »t Will be rluii'i ,1 aVMI 4MUQI tJUtlL l>j>U> Feb.S, Irt35-Cm. A t^onv— 't'.-^i.-. ; f >Subtcriptio»s for tii moua», ,1 -'•>', to •UtW. T. UIWW S, CT«r. ."%\tc Uootl*. be pa^l iutuiiibly itta4>M«' ' % i IIK tubrribrr* are tww nxx-Jviuj sod - AI)VF.MTISIN<J. ••k atflwaaar opriillig an kddiUuual Mipply-taT Tlie term* of adterti.ini;. are «r a ujuar* '" .__WOi _, .„ AND SUMItf* etattMl M*. we will cite the iathetame ptoportiM. Eaeh conluiuaaco itt cent* par «|uar«. ~ rjt^y^WaWaWipB lie., off,) tu which, tbOT unite the »«ei(tiou uf Ux-ir cu^ ' tjja. All adtwilMSaMl* w>« ordered for a, toner* end tbe public nmssslly. 'tpeclB* U*M. will be «»liuu«d w»tU (ofbid ^^wSatl' «ttTa»jfc*Ja*Jt|si««SMlllill II WM. H. LOCK e, CO. A A T » ^ItAaaaaaaallt ittlV I taUEIUI ' ! A fend. ; TMe «'"'^jg»n^»jj*"' '•g.fcg; tile 1 Choice H'iiir, «»-«7f*«/•/, afr. .. T the request of tome of their fr'icmN, Jit mil** h.ildun in the Clr rk'* Offiee of the tbe undertignsd have procured from tTlCUUtt !5II or Court of Law and Chan«««« I'ue JvirRnou Counly,-ihe- first Mon- one of the Eaitern cities, nnd now offer for tale, tome of the purest and be«t liquor* Ibe decree -of the Count—lugma mtUtdti ••• ' la Jaflerton ^aataaaaaL' Cieu'.Kld.l FltblMH list*; i . A goud nt White aa Bummer i China, I A good I Uf Togelherl keptia al' J •peetruUi i Maerally la] them wl vet, J let thaw Inn Harp*r».l r"**.^ ' '"'"' " A I.LH . /!L i«",' ' «f Ih* hu* ! ^"latatt.t UMtrato